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Sanitized - Approved For Release IA-RDP61-00391 R000100350018J Ch/G Staff Meeting 25 February 1958 ACTION REQUIRED Item No. Action Required of Chief/G Action Required of Divisions 1&2 NONE REQUIRED 3 7b 7e&f 8 11, 12,&13 14 Division Chiefs to insure that Branch Chiefs attend briefings. 25X1 A9 to look Into the desirability of D/GP participation. NONE 'gEffMa to submit memo on area priorities to Chief/G. NONE REQUIRED Chief, D/GG, to follow through as re aired. 25X1 9a MMM to check and report back to Chief G. Chief, D/GG, to consider further. Deputy Chief, D/GC, to check and report back to Chief/G. NONE REQUIRED D/GP advised to watch this more closel in the future. 25X1 Aga to to check and report back ChiefG. Briefing Paper to be routed to all personnel. NONE REQUIRED Divisions to notify Chief/G's office. Sanitized - Approved For RqkSM" CIA-RDP61-00391 R000100350018-3 Sanitized - Approved Ford RDP61-00391 R0001 00350018-3 OLULLI Ch/G Staff Meeting 25 February 1958 ACTION REQUIRED Page 2 *15 *16 Action Required of thief/G Action Required of Divisions NONE REQUIRED Division Chiefs to give this some thought and be prepared for dis- cussion at next Staff Meeting. Sanitized -Approved For. CIA-RDP61-00391 R000100350018-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00391 R0001 00350018-3 MINUTES OF THE GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AREA STAFF MEETING, 25 FEBRUARY 1958 25X1A9a 25X1X7 1. Arrangements for 25X1 lief G re rted on the recent exchange of correspondence between which set.,,, Xal i1?------ - -- -~ _wwv uu.Loaea correspondence. 2. Task Force A? Chief/G reported that Task Force #16 had held two meetings since the last Staff Meeting; in addition, the Task Force visited D/GL and FDD in a group. 3. D/GG Intelligence Briefings Chief/G indicated that, as far as is possible, he would like to have all Branch Chiefs in the Ar t ea a tend the monthly D/GG briefings. Also, Chief/c suggested that in some instances perhaps D/GP could will investigate the desirability of such Joint efforts. 4. Subcommittee on Exchange of Geographers Between the US and the USSR Chief/G reported that during the past month he had chaired a Sub- committee appointed by the IAC Ad Hoc Committee on Exchanges. This Subcommittee was established to examine the net intelligence gains to be derived by the United States from an exchange of geographers between the U.S. and the USSR. The Subcommittee met twice and submitted its study and recommendations to the IAC Ad Hoc Committee on Exchanges for action. A serious complication has Just developed re the membership of the exchange team. The exchange recommendation is presently in the hands of the East- West Contacts Staff, State Department. 5. Procurement of USSR Topographic Maps 2b/\ I AJa reported on several conferences he has held with IAC agency representatives to arrive at an agreement as to priorities (regarding area, scale, military value, etc. to be applied in the procurement of USSR 25X1A9&opographic maps. is presently in the process of reconciling area priorities suggested by the IAC representatives into one over-all priority listing. Sanitized - Approved For ~ CIA-RDP61-00391 R000100350018-3 ArIJOL-T s Sanitized - Approved For Relea e IA-RDP61-003918000100350018-3 6. Urban Area "Business" Chief/G inquired of Deput Chief D GC, regarding progress bei mad on urban area "business". indicated that 25X1A9a-were working on a p of job.25X1A9a 25 7. Discussion of Items Reported Upon in Division and Branch Monthly Reports a. Personnel for Coordination Staff Chief/G indicated that if the two people recruited for GG/C do not report in the near future, it will be necessary to detail personnel from within the Division. Chief, D/GG, agreed that this would be done. 25X1A9a b. Material of Mutual Interest to D GG and D /GL Chief/G questioned e D/GL's holding of material of interest also to D/GG. indicated that in his section, all M such material was passe on within one -- or possibly two -- working days. Chief/G said that this seemed reasonable, but asked that he check with other recipients in the Library on this matter and report back to him. c. Training Program in UW 25X1A9a Chief G questioned Chief, D/GG, on the planned UW Training Program. indicated that nothing had been done on this, and that he would like to give it further consideration before taking any action. d. Number of Maps Edited Chief/G questioned the correctness of the figure of 5 maps reported as edited by D/GC during January. will 25X1 A9a check on this and report back to Chief/G. e. Checking of Base Maps by Office of the Geographer, State Department Chief/G expressed disagreement with a suggestion in one of the D/GC Branch Reports that the Office of the Geographer check certain maps produced by the Cartography Division. f. Drafting Vs. Chart and Graph Work Chief/G stated he was quite concerned over the apparent c e of emphasis from drafting to chart and graph work. Deputy Chief, D GC, stated this was due mostly to the fact that D/GC production is dependent upon what is wanted by the requestor, and the trend at present seems to be toward more charts and graphs. Sanitized - Approved For Release ;,RDP61-00391 R000100350018-3 Sanitized - Approved For Rel -RDP61-00391 R0001 00350018-3 25X1X4 8?GP Top Secret Report on M Chief/G commented on the format of a recently completed TS report produced by D/GP and issued by DD/P, which did not correspond with other D/GP projects in format, cover, binding, etc. stated he 25X1A9a thought D/GP.should establish a method of production control over these projects. 9. Request for Map from AFSC a Chief/G asked that check on a A ` from the Armed Forces St 9 or a map received College, which sent on to the Map Library about a week ago. 10. Budget Briefing Paper Prepared for the DD/I Copies of the Budget Briefing Paper prepared for the DD/I will, soon be disseminated to the divisions. The AD/RR has asked that it be circu- lated for all employees to see. 11. "Flexible" T/0 Concept Chief/G explained the "flexible" T/O concept to the group. Under this system, each Division would be authorized a certain number of posi- tions in each grade, without assignments to definite slots. Personnel could be moved around within the Division as required by changing priority requirements, without the necessity of official "Paper" transfer. In special cases, these moves might be accomplished across Division or even across Office lines within the DD/I Area. 12. Harvard School of international Affairs Chief/G reported that the Agency will name a candidate to the Harvard School of International Affairs. 13. Critical Collection Problems Committee A "Critical Collection Problems Committee" has been proposed by the IAC. This would be a high-level committee formed to study high-priority critical requirements problems. IA. Notification of Deaths or Serious Illness of Close Relatives Chief/G emphasized the necessity for notification of the AD/RR of any deaths or serious illnesses in the immediate family of Agency (mother, father, brother, sister, spouse). Divisions should call inrsuch et notifications to the Office of Chief/G (Martie or Jo) and it will be passed on to the AD's office. Sanitized - Approved For CIA-RDP61-00391 R000100350018-3 ernwzw Sanitized - Approved For ReIA-RDP61-00391 R0001 00350018-3 *15. GRA Personnel Nominated by CSB for Overseas Positions Chief/G announced that two GRA personnel have b een approved by the CSB/RR as the ORR nominees for the Geo rrarher _ 25YI VA ~JAb 25X1 A9a Also, four D/GG personnel have been nominated for three Vpo sitionst in~the 5X1 Aga Far East. These nominations have been passed to the AD/RR for his action. *16. Benefits of Membership in the Career Staff Division Chiefs were asked to come to the next Staff Meeting prepared for a discussion of concrete advantages to be derived from belonging to the Career Service. -4- 09 111" R Sanitized - Approved For : CIA-RDP61-00391 R000100350018-3