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Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00391R000100180013-7 C MASSACHUSETTS 1112111TOTE OF TECH:NC/MY C 0 0 P P Y r October 9, 2958 Mr. Prolarick MerrU EastsWest Contacts Office Deportment of State Wasbington? D. C. Deer Mr. Marr111: The Metallurgical Socie4 of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Is planning an Internatiomal Symposium on the Pbysicat Chemistw of Process Metallurgy to be held in Pitt.hurgh April 27th to 30th, 2959. A substantiel. number or scientist* and engineers from Western Europe and from Japan trill perticipaUe. The planning committee has felt that it would be highly desirable to have the participation of appracimmtaly five Soviet repreeentativea. Since I will be President of the Society at the time of tbe Symposium, it devolves upon as to work out arrahgemeets for this 'roomed participation. Accordingly I am writing to solicit your permission and cooperation. If you see no obstacle to extending such invitations? I should plan to write letters directly to the individuals to be invited and to write Mr. Bardin at the Academy informing him of the invitations. Steps have been taken to secure funds for defraying the expenses of our Soviet visitors 'while in this country. Such viaitora will certainty wish to see sonething of American metallurgical plants and research laboratories. I should expect to work Out a proposal along this line for your approval at a later date. Very truly yours, /s/ John Chipman State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00391R000100180013-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00391R000100180013-7 THE maTALLuRoxcAL sonar or Aim 29 West 39th Street ? New York 18, N. Y. AIME SCHEDULES IRIERMATIONAL SEMPOSIUM ON THE PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CY PROCESS 14E1'ALIBRGY FOR Anal. 1955 An International Symposium on the Physical Chemistry of Process Metallurgy has been announced by Dr. John Chipman, Pmsident-Elect of the Metallurglcal Society of AIME and Professor of Metallurgy, Massa- chusetta institute of Technology. This Symposium will be held April 27-30, 1959, in Pittsburgh. It is being sponsored by the Metallurgi- cal Society of AIME in ,:ooperatton with the Physical Chemistry of Steel- making Committee of thd Iron and Steel Division, the Physical CheLlietry of Extractive Metallurgy Committee of the Extractive Metallurgy Ddvision, and the Melting and Casting Committee of the Institute of Metals Division. The general topics for the four-day Symposium are: I. A. Theory and Behavior of Metal Solutions and of Oxide Phases. B. Electrochemistry Behavior of Fused Salts and Electrochemical Reactions, C. Pyrochemistry Reactions between Slag, Meta, Gaseous, and Solid Oxide Phases. /I. Transuort Itenomena A. Principles of Nineties; Reaction Rates, Mass and Energy Transport. B. Electrochemical Phenomenal Electrode Reactions and Electrolysis. C. iPyrochemical Reaction Mechanisms. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00391R000100180013-7 ApProved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00391R000100180013-7 III. Via....icationor.sicalaniIPrinciestoMetallurcal Prooesses Kinetia, Name sat A. Communition. B. Leaching, Solutiom,and Phase Separation C. Roasting and Agglomeration. D. Reduction and Smelting. S. Gaseous, Liquid, oat Solid Phase Refining. F. Casting and Solidification. IV. Anplleation of 02eratioe Research and Statistical Methods Applied to Procese Control. Technical experts in all areas of Process Metallurgy are invited for presentation at this Symposium. In addition to having reports on the results of new basic research, it is planned to emphasize in the program the use of fundamental facts for obtaining better understanding and better control of the net and the traditional methods for produc- ing the various metale. The deadline for sUbmission of papers is January 1, 1959. Any. one planning to participate in the Symosiums should write to Professor John P. Elliott, Room 8.109 Maseachueetts Institute of Technology, Catbridge 39, Massachusetts, Who is serving as Program Chairman. Also please notify him by September, 1958, of the general topic(s) of the contribution(s) being planned,, Professor 4L Lax/McCabe of Carnegie Institute of Technology, is Conference Chairman. A Proceedings of the Symposium will be issued. Papers for the Pro- ceedings will be passed-on by a publication Committee. Acceptance stand- ards will be commensurate with the current AIMS publications policy. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00391R000100180013-7