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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8 1 :46 . .. in certain areas of our o coun- try?thee United States of America?the civil rights of many people of minority racial groups are still being denied; and Whereas the lunch counter sit-in demon- strations in certain Southern States have dramatized for us the urgency of granting full equality to citizens of minority racial groups; and Whereas in many communities in the North there are discriminatory practices in housing, against such racial minority groups; and Whereas our Christian gospel presents the challenge of the worth and dignity of each human personality and the full racial equality and full interracial fellowship: Therefore be it Resolved, That we as individuals use our influence to lead the people of our churches to the full practice of interracial fellowship; and be it further Resolved, That we call upon the members of our churches of the Minnesota Confer- ence to give full moral support to the prin- ciple of "open occupancy" in housing, so that residence may be open to all individuals ir- respective of race, religion, or national origin; and be it further Resolved, That we encourage our local _ churches to participate in the interracial va- cation visits of the Minnesota Council of Churches, a program of great potential for creating interracial good will and under- standing. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE May 27 RESOLUTION ON DISARMAMENT AND NUCLEAR TESTING Whereas the division of the world com- munity into two hostile armed camps en- dangers the peace of the world; and Whereas the existence of nuclear weapons poses the threat of mutual destruction, and the continued testing of these weapons may endanger the genetic future of the human race; and Whereas nuclear energy may become either the helpful servant or the monstrous master of mankind, depending upon its use: Therefore be it Resolved, That we declare our Christian convictions concerning the importance of worldwide disarmament, and the limitation of nuclear testing to peaceful purposes and methods which will not endanger human life; and be it further Resolved, That we communicate with our Representatives and Senators, both in Con- gress and our State legislature, urging their full support of effective civil rights legisla- tion; and be it further Resolved, That we declare our support of the position that the United States take the lead in this task as a Christian witness to _ the world, and that the secretary of Chris- tian Social Action, and we as individuals, notify our President and legislators, of this position and assure them of our firm sup- port and earnest prayer for their effort to- ward this end. RESOLUTION ON WORLD PEACE Whereas our Lord has placed upon each Christian the obligation to be a peacemaker, and has called the church to redeem society as well as individuals; and Whereas in these days of tension many Christians feel frustrated by their inability to do specific things to work for peace and the betterment of international relation: Therefore be it Resolved, That we call our people to a seri- ous study of the Bibical meaning of peace, and to fervent prayer that the teachings of the Prince of Peace may become the guiding principles for international relations, be- ginning with us; and be it further Resolved, That we encourage our people to engage in efforts for the mutual exchange of ideas and personnel with nations, whose principles and practices are in conflict with ours, with the hope of greater mutual un- derstanding, and be it further Resolved, That we commend to the Chris- tian Social Action Committee of our churches to study and use in the local church the study book, "Christian Responsibility on a Changing Planet," and the pamphlet of the Minnesota Council of Churches, "This We Can Do for Peace." RESOLUTION ON PREEMPTIVE WARFARE Whereas a subcommittee in Congress as a part of the defense effort is currently advo- cating the adopting of a new policy called preemptive warfare; and Whereas we have committed ourselves as a nation to the use of force only after we have been first attacked; and Whereas preemptive warfare would permit our Government to strike first in a nuclear war when the military was reasonably sure that we were about to be attacked; and Whereas as Christians we have deep revul- sion at any kind of killing, and double re- vulsion against the whole philosophy of pre- emptive warfare: Therefore be it Resolved, That we communicate with our President, the State Dapartment, and the subcommittee of Congress which is sug- gesting this major policy change, stating our moral revulsion and Christian horror at this considered change; and be it further Resolved, That we urge continued study and thorough examination of the morality of retaliation, returning evil for evil, as our national clefnnse policy; and be it further Resolved, That we urge congressional ap- propriations be made for serious disarma- ment study allowing a smooth transition to a peacetime economy. THE GRFAT WHITE FLEET Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I wish to address myself today to the sub- ject of the Great White Fleet, which I proposed in the Senate, along with a number of my colleagues, some months ago, and which was given considerable public attention by Life magazine in a feature article. Mr. President, even a world almost calloused to the sight of human suffer- ing by the experiences of warfare for the past 30 years has been shocked and saddened by the great disasters flowing out of the earthquakes in Chile. From one end of the Pacific Ocean to the other, earth tremors and tidal waves have taken a massive toll of lives and caused incalculable suffering. I am proud that our Government has taken steps, through our armed services, to rush prompt assistance in the form of doctors, nurses, and medical supplies, by airlift to the stricken areas. The immediate response of the Inter- national Red Cross, and of major re- ligious welfare agencies, such as Church World Service, Lutheran World Relief, Catholic Relief Services, and the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, has been magnificent. All that has been done so far is a great credit to the American people, and to the people of other nations who are co- operating in the relief effort. But, Mr. President, the dimensions of this disaster are far beyond the capacity of the forces organized to combat it. We are talking now about a quarter of the population of Chile without shelter, of whole cities without water or electric power. Mr. President, our Government should take immediate steps to bring massive assistance to the stricken people of Chile. It is not sufficient to send a few dozen aircraft and a few hundred peo- ple to the scene. That is a good start? but only a good start. I have wired the President today, urg- ing that he take steps to load both ships and aircraft out of our southern Cali- fornia ports with clothing, shelter and food supplies, as well as additional hos- pital and medical supplies and personnel, to reach the Chilean coast in the next few days. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. HUMPHREY. I yield. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I am de- lighted to hear the Senator make this. speech. I know the Senator has been a tremendous advocate of the Great White Fleet, and has properly received an enor- mous amount of approval for his efforts. I should like to invite the attention of the?Senator to the fact that in the morn- ing hour today I brought to the attention of the Senate the massive effort of the U.S. Army, which has been a most extra- ordinary effort. Mr. HUMPHREY. Yes. Mr. JAVITS. I pointed out then what I now wish to call to the attention of my colleague, because I know of his tre- mendous competence in regard to and concern about the foreign policy of the country, that this came contiguously to the day in the Foreign Relations Com- mittee when the hearings were opening up on the free world, its purposes, its ob- jectives, and its intentions. This was an exercise of magnificently humanitarian character, quickly and very efficiently performed by our Armed Forces. I thought this might be a fitting sup- plement to the fine and eloquent state- ment the Senator is making. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, / thank the Senator from New York for his pertinent observation. I completely agree with the Senator that the effort being made by the armed services?and particularly by the U.S. Army?is a striking demonstration of the real humanitarian purpose of the American people and the desire of this Nation to dedicate all of its energies in the paths of peace. I believe that is what this great demonstration by our Armed Forces, for the relief of suffering, truly means. The desire of the American people is to use our energy, our wealth, and our strength to help people, not to destroy them. It is gratifying to me to see this dem- onstration on the part of our Govern- ment. I thank the Senator from New York. Mr. JAVITS. I thank my friend. Mr. HUMPHREY. Br. President as I was saying, we must be thinking in ternDk of thousands of tons of supplies and ?. equipment, of providing ships to restore electric power from their generateWte Chilean ports, of moving in relief Orson... nel by the thousands, as a fellownp to the emergency airlift. I deeply hope that till, Presidgat will use his almost unlimited powers lor this Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20 : CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8 19tv CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE purpo So that there will be no delay in instituting a sealift to Chile. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to have printed in the RECORD at this point a copy of my telegram to the Presi- dent. There being no objection, the telegram was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: THE PRESIDENT, The White House, Washington, D.C.: Americans are proud of the initial reaction of our Government in airlifting medical sup- plies and personnel to Chile. However, a massive followup of both airlift and sealift to the stricken areas providing assistance on a scale commensurate with the size of a disaster that has made a quarter of the Chilean population homeless is respectfully urged. I strongly suggest that southern California ports and naval and Maritime Ad- ministration vessels be utilized immediately to load and carry to Chilean ports great quantities of food, potable water, clothing, shelter, and additional medical supplies and personnel. The power-generating resources of American warships could well be put to use in restoring electricity to many Chilean cities. Finally may I point out how impor- tant it is that we prepare for future disasters of this kind by the organization of a perma- nent mercy fleet of the kind proposed in Senate Concurrent Resolution 66 now before the Committee on Armed Services, so that maximum relief in the shortest possible time can be rushed to disaster areas. HUBERT H. HomplutEy. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, the great Chilean disaster is only one of a series of natural disasters which have struck the world over the past several years. I have in my hand some of the press reports about the disaster in Chile. One is dated May 26 and says, "Chile Battered for the Fifth Day, Toll Is 2,829. Twenty-five Percent of Population Homeless; Quakes, Waves Continue." The story of course tells what the U.S. Air Force has been doing in flying relief to the needy people. This particular story I think tells about as succinctly and yet as movingly as any I have heard what has happened in that particular area of the world. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to have inserted at this point in my remarks an Associated Press dispatch from Santiago, Chile, dated May 26, 1960. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SANTIAGO, CHILE, May 26.?No respite ap- peared in sight today for southern Chile, wrecked by 5 days of continuing earth- quakes, tidal waves, avalanches, and volcanic eruptions. The official death toll so far was 2,829 dead or missing, 2 million?a fourth of the na- tion's population?homeless, and $300 mil- lion property damage. And the count was mounting steadily. The terror-stricken homeless huddled in open fields or in the mountains to which they had fled, or plodded away from the scenes of destruction, fearful of further earth tremor,. that so far showed no sign of stop- ping,. -*tarty rains over much of the vast afte, added to their misery, and high start ;Ant pifilladad the coast, raising fears of Um" tilipt,wavest mierrre? emus storrue RELMF The WM Al106ree'le6ed in flying relief through the nuakelyllibwing from volcanoes. "The whole world seemed to be shaking and quivering," said one survivor flown to Santiago from shattered Valdivia Province. "Everything danced in a terrible rhythm." With countless communities still cut off and the upheavals of nature continuing, of- ficials could not even predict the final toll. Low-lying clouds and rain hampered aerial rescue operations. Smoke and ash from volcanoes hung over much of the southern part of the mountainous land. The Interior Ministry listed the known dead at 1,706 and 1,123 missing and pre- sumed dead. WAVES POUND COAST The face of the country itself was altered by the disturbances which began Saturday. Three new earth tremors were repotted yes- terday. Tidal waves up to 15 feet high still pounded along 750 miles of the southern coast. Many islands along the coast could not be reached for word of their inhabitants. In Cautin Province the earth's surface dropped at much as 1,000 feet over a 25-mile stretch. Two new lakes formed in the Andes near Lake Rinihue. Avalanches filled valleys with stone and earth. The pilot of a U.S. Air Force C-54 on a re- lief mission, Capt. Harlan K. Black, of Wal- nut, Ill., estimated the smoke rose to 30,000 feet over 7,349-foot Puyehue Volcano, one of seven shaken alive by the rumbling earth tremors. The U.S. Air Force summoned planes from bases in New Jersey, Delaware, and South Carolina to airlift two fully equipped, 400- bed field hospitals to Santiago. Thirty-four planes were to transport the 426 medical personnel and 350 tons of equipment. Mr. HUMPHREY. In the last 3 years alone, famine, flood, earthquake, hurri- canes, or fire have ravaged the peoples of many nations. In most cases, Ameri- can generosity was quickly expressed in the form of American airlifts of emer- gency supplies and material, and through the voluntary and religious welfare agencies. Mr. President, at my request, the Library of Congress Legislative Refer- ence Service has prepared a brief sum- mary of the major natural disasters oc- curring throughout the world since the summer of 1957, together with a sum- mary of the aid provided by our Govern- ment. I ask unanimous consent that the summary of major national disasters and American aid be printed at this point in the RECORD. There being no objection, the summary was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: WORLD MAJOR DISASTERS AND U.S. AM, 1957-60 July 1957: 28 inches of rain in 24 hours flooded coastal plain of northwest Kyushu, Japan, caused many landslides. Up to 1,000 deaths; 87,000 homeless. Railways washed out. Over 3,000 lives lost. U.S. Air Force helicopters aided rescue operations. Food and clothing, doctors, nurses, and medical supplies provided. 'U.S. servicemen helped. December 1957: Widespread floods in Cey- lon. Over 225 dead; 300,000 homeless, and many without food. United States quickly supplied medicine, food, and other supplies, helicopters for res- cue work. U.S. admiral placed in charge of relief operations. Emergency supplies flown in, some supplied by British and India; 10,000 tons of flour from Department of Ag- riculture; $3,500,000 of machinery from U.S. mission. September 1958: Flood of Rio Grande, Mexico and southwest Texas. Millions of 10547 dollars damage. NO lives lost. U.S. border patrol planes rescued marooned Mexican and American (both sides of Rio Grande) per- sons and delivered food and supplies. During 1958: Aid was given by American Red Cross to earthquake victims in Burma and Greece, during floods in India and Iran. Fires in Japan and Thailand. Typhoon in Okinawa. July 1, 1957, to June 1958: American Red Cross provided assistance of $242,000 in for- eign oversea disaster relief by providing funds and supplies in Ceylon, Indonesia, Ja- pan, Korea, and Spain, which suffered floods; in Iran and Peru, which experienced disas- trous earthquakes; Pakistan and Thailand, which were afflicted by major epidemics; and a typhoon in Okinawa. May 1959: Floods in Uruguay, Argentina, and Brazil caused $200 million damage. Caused by prolonged and heavy rains throughout from April 15 to late May. U.S. Array supplied a bridge. Surplus food made available. Many thousands homeless. Much agricultural loss. June 1959: Floods in Uruguay. Worst in Queguay River Valley. United States sup- plied helicopters from U.S.S. Edisto, medi- cines, and food. A Bailey bridge, 660 feet long, was donated by the ICA; U.S. Army assisted in erection. August 1959: Taiwan (Formosa) lost up to 1,000 lives; 169,000 lost homes due to flash floods. ICA and the Council for United States contributed $250,000 for immediate relief. Catholic welfare agencies supplied food. U.S. Navy helicopters and planes as- sisted in rescue work; 1 in every 60 inhabit- ants left homeless. Deaths near 800. Summer and early fall rains in 1959 in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile caused widespread flooding and great damage. In Uruguay 250,000 sheep and 24,000 head of cattle were lost, also half of sunflower crop, most of peanut crop, and one-third of rice and wheat crops. Chile lost 15 percent of its wheat crop. Argentina lost over 25 percent of its cotton crop. Brazil lost 15 percent of its rice crop and up to 2 million sheep. September 17, 1959: Extensive areas in central India and on both coasts flooded. Eighteen deaths and 15,000 homes destroyed in one state. Loss of crops set at $500,000; 6 died in Surat; 10,000 inhabitants marooned. U.S.S. John S. McCain turned over antibiotics and other medicants to Indian authorities. U.S. aid totaled $10,000, large amounts of food from Public Law 480 program, $10,000 from the Red Cross and additional funds from the U.S. Embassy; 5,000 homes were reported de- stroyed, 1,500,000 acres flooded, up to 2 mil- lion people affected and great quantities of crops destroyed. October 31 to November 1, 1959, Mexico: A cyclone, floods, and landslide occurred in the vicinity of Manzanillo, Jalisco, and Calu- ria, Mexico. President Eisenhower offered any assistance needed, in a letter to the President of Mexico; 2,000 dead. February 29, 1960: Morocco earthquake killed 4,000 to 10,000 persons in and around Agadir. The United States allocated $5 mil- lion from the mutual security contingency fund. Used mostly to get supplies from U.S. military stocks. Only a few hours after the quake the U.S. Ambassador released $10,000 from Embassy emergency funds and U.S. mili- tary planes began flying in medical aid and relief supplies. The ICA arranged for grain and milk shipments. U.S. sanitation units remained on the scene to assist in caring for 12,000 refugees. March 1960: United States has made avail- able flood relief to Brazil in the amount of $300,000 from mutual security program funds for emergency flood relief in northeast Brazil on March 31, 1960. The Oros Dam collapsed on March 27, 1960. As a result, 150,000 persons were made home- less in the Jaguaraibe Valley and another 150,000 are in distress elsewhere. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8 10548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATEMt 27 ? Transport facilities for food, medical, and other supplies and rescue work will be sup- plied. Two Air Force transport planes with rubber boats and two helicopters were to be supplied. The U.S.S.Glacier, then at Rio, proceeded to the area to assist, together with its two helicopters. Mr. HUMPHREY. This is a strong reminder, Mr. President, that major natural disasters do not occur infre- quently. They are the normal order of things. For example, in July of 1957, there were floods and earthquakes in Japan. In December there were widespread floods in Ceylon. In September 1958 there was the flood of the Rio Grande in Mexico and south- west Texas. Then again in 1958 there were earth- quake victims in Burma and Greece, floods in India and Iran, and widespread destruction in Okinawa and Thailand caused by typhoons. In July, 1957, to June, 1958, there was vast suffering from natural disasters in Ceylon, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and Spain, along with Iran and Peru, and with additional disasters in Pakistan and Thailand; and again in Okinawa. In May 1959, there were floods in Uru- guay, Argentina, and Brazil. In June 1959, there were floods in Uruguay and other areas of Latin-Amer- ica. In August 1959, there were floods in Taiwan?Formosa?which took over 1,000 lives. Then again in the fall of 1959 there were disasters in Argentina, Brazil, Uru- guay, and Chile. In September 1959, there were exten- sive areas in central India and both coasts were flooded with tremendous losses of life and property. In October of 1959, there was a major disaster in Mexico which claimed 2,000 dead. In February 1960, in Morocco there was an earthquake that killed approximately 10,000 persons. In March of 1960, there were again flood conditions in Brazil. Mr. President, these disasters are docu- mented in detail by the Library of Con- gress report. They remind us again of the great need for a well-defined, well- organized program of relief and of assist- ance which can be put to work at a moment's notice. The record of American governmental assistance, as reported by the Library of Congress, is one in which Americans can take pride. But we should ask ourselves if the scale of our efforts has been sufficient, as I am now asking concerning our efforts to be of help to the people of Chile. Mr. President, Members will recall that 34 Senators joined with me in in- troducing Senate Concurrent Resolution 66 last July 21, urging the President to establish a White Fleet of mercy ships to provide maximum relief in the short- est time in natural disasters. This reso- lution remains before the Committee on Armed Services. I respectfully urge, Mr. President, that hearings be conducted on the resolution at an early date. Let me restate the purpose of the reso- lution, and of the White Fleet it is de- signed to support. We are contemplating in the White Fleet, the utilization of American naval and maritime ships and aircraft, formed in task groups around a demothballed U.S. Navy hospital ship. The idea would be to maintain in a combat-loaded condition a number of ships carrying emergency food, shelter, medical sup- plies, and rescue and relief personnel, available at several points around the world, and ready on instant notice to up anchor and proceed to the site of nat- ural disasters. We have also contemplated that the missions of such White Fleet ships would be coordinated with aircraft which could be staged in both from continen- tal United States and from American naval and airbases throughout the world. In other words, just as naval task groups and task forces laur.ched com- bined air-sea operations throughout World War II and Korea, a similar task organization could be thrown into the assault on pain, disease and suffering as a result of major natural disasters? rather than depending always on hur- ried and makeshift operations. Our estimates of the cost of maintain- ing such a task group?and I believe that there could well be as many as three such groups stationed in various parts of the world?range between $7 and $10 million annually. We contem- plate the use of surplus supplies, sur- plus food, and voluntarily donated med- ical supplies in large quantities. A task group of the White Fleet, sta- tioned perhaps one in the Mediterran- ean, one in Southeast Asia, and one along the coast of Latin America, could throw into the ports of a stricken na- tion, within 3 or 4 days at the most, a thousand-bed hospital with operating fa- cilities arid laboratories, power for en- tire cities, and emergency rations and shelter for hundreds of thousands of people. When not on disaster assignment, the White Fleet groups could undertake a yearlong training and technical assist- ance program in public health and med- ical care, in the ports of scores of underdeveloped nations. In the periods between disasters, then, the White Fleet ships and personnel would serve as dra- matic symbols of American compassion, intelligence and good intentions?as well as effective vehicles for the expan- sion of our technical assistance program in public health. An experiment is presently being con- ducted by a private organization, Proj- ect Hope, to outfit a hospital ship and to utilize this vessel and her personnel for precisely this technical assistance mission in southeast Asia. This is a worthy program, and I hope that Project Hope, as it is called, will receive the generous support of the American people. But again, the scale of the need is far greater than the abilities of private vol- untary organizations to cope with. A White Fleet organized and supported by the U.S. Government could provide a magnificent vehicle for such voluntary efforts. Indeed, U.S. initlativ could provide the means for other nations to join, either bilaterally or through the United Nations and its related agencies, in the effort to cope with the natural disasters which afflict the peoples of the world. Mr. President, I again urge that, as we watch the pitiful spectacle of the people of Chile attempting to rise from a ter- rible disaster, we take thought of how best we can act to insure that in a future tragedy of this kind, the resources of the free world, and particularly of the United States, can be efficiently, massively, and quickly speeded to the rescue. Mr. President, I hope that the Con- gress will take action on this measure. I repeat, the action we are required to take is essentially one of reaffirming the desire of the Congress, in cooperation with the President, for the President to utilize the facilities which are avail- able, and for the Congress to assure the President that funds will be made available?and I have indicated that the funds are very small in terms of the mis- sion to be accomplished?for this worthy endeavor of a fleet of mercy. What a wonderful thing it would be for our neighbors overseas; but also I can vis- ualize that there might be some need for it even along our own coastal cities in case of disaster. Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, will the distinguished Senator from Minnesota yield to me? Mr. HUMPHREY. lam happy to yield to the Senator from New York. Mr. KEATING. I wish to commend the distinguished Senator from Min- nesota for calling our attention again to this project. As he knows, I have been much interested in it. Mr. HUMPHREY. Yes, indeed. Mr. KEATING. I have cosponsored his great humanitariar proposal. The situation in Chile very forcefully brings to our attention how helpful such a proj- ect could be. The Senator from Min- nesota has been a leader in this move- ment. I certainly hope that it will meet with success. Like many others today, I wish to ex- press to the people of Chile the sorrow which we feel over the great tragedy that has befallen their country, which has evidenced so much friendship to- ward our Nation. In the discussion this morning the Army was very properly commended for the prompt action which they have taken in helping to meet the disaster. The RECORD would not be complete were men- tion not made of the great efforts which are being made by many private organ- izations also in this country, to help in this great emergency. We know of the efforts which the Mormon Church has been making. I have discussed it wjth our colleague from Utah [Mr. BEITNEer]. We all know that the Red Cross is try- ing to help, also to meet? the terrible disaster in Chile. However, the project to whit% the Sen- ator from Minnesota has ?referred IS a long-range project. c We all know that as long AS the world masts we are going to have disasters from time to time. America has a responsibility to help al- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8 1960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE leviate the effects of such tragedies when the country involved is overwhelmed. Certainly this project is one which should commend itself to the American people and should commend itself to Congress. I recently received a number of peti- tions from students at my alma mater, the University of Rochester, evincing the great interest among that student body in the Great White Fleet. I have also received a great deal of mail from all over the country from citizens who feel ?this is a unique and tangible means for the United States to express its concern for the less fortunate peoples of the world. In my view, this project can have a particularly significant effect in the un- committed and so-called underdeveloped nations. The Great White Fleet pro- vides an opportunity to combine the traditional American spirit of generosity and enlightened self-interest in a bold and imaginative demonstration of good will. The fleet, launched in the service of humanity, can sail to the four corners of the globe, with food, clothing, medi- cine, and technical assistance for the peoples of Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East. It is my hope that recent events in Chile, tragic as they are, will help prod action on the Great White Fleet idea. Both modest in expenditure and imagi- native in method, the fleet could drama- tize the America of the mid-20th cen- tury as it really is?as it brings American aid and friendship to the people of the world. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I also ask unanimous consent that at the conclusion of my remarks there may be printed another article entitled, "U.S. To Airlift Relief to Chile; Church Groups Send Supplies." The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 1.) Mr. HUMPHREY. The article gives a brief analysis of the work that is be- ing undertaken by the Church World Service, the National Catholic Welfare Conference, the Catholic Relief Services, the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and the United Hiss Service. I am sure my colleagues will find this a very inter- testing and illuminating article. I also ask unanimous consent that Senate Concurrent Resolution 66 be printed at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 2.) Exurarr 1 TimmEn STATES To AIRLIFT RELIEF TO CHILE; CHURCH GROUPS SEND SUPPLIES WASHINGTON, May 25.?The United States announced that it would fly two complete Army field hospitals and 420 persons to the aid of Chile's disaster victims. An airlift of 24 C-124 Globemaster trans- port planes carrying equipment will leave for Chile tomorrow, the Defense Department said. ? The Department said 27 doctors and 62 nurses woUld leave in the first wave of plenee. There will also be 331 enlisted med- ical pe$30nriel4o staff the two field hospitals. Lanes-Whoa ot medicine, including anti- tetanus 4034 antiteniirene serum and blood plasma, have been included in the shipment. The Defense Department also announced that a U.S. nutrition team, which has been in Chile for the last 2 months, will remain there to give what help it can. The team has 11 doctors. A State Department spokesman reported, meanwhile, that two Air Force planes packed With hospital equipment, tents, medical sup- plies and blankets from the Panama Canal Zone already were on their way to Santiago, Chile. The Pan American Health Organization said the Peruvian Government had donated 500,000 smallpox vaccine doses to Chile. The medicine is already on its way to Santiago. CHURCHES HEED PLEA Major religious welfare agencies took steps yesterday to alleviate the suffering caused by the earthquake in Chile. Protestant and Eastern Orthodox churches, through Church World Service, have sent money, food, clothing, blankets, and medi- cine to the areas stricken by quakes and tidal waves. Church World Service, with headquarters at 475 Riverside Drive, has shipped 1,500 blankets into the disaster area, and is pre- paring to send 50,000 pounds of clothes. About 64,000 pounds of clothing from the stocks of Lutheran World Relief have been started on the way to Concepcion and other stricken areas. The National Catholic Welfare Conference received word that water purification tab- lets, flashlights, food, bedding, clothing, and shelter supplies were needed. Catholic Relief Services, its distribution agency, sent 1 million tablets, 1,000 flash- lights, and 2,500 blankets. About 100,000 pounds of clothing will follow, along with 300 tons of wallboard for emergency housing construction. The Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 3 East 54th Street, is making a spot sur- vey of needs in Chile, and expects to appro- priate funds for aid within a day or two, a spokesman said. United Hias Service, which aids resettle- ment of Jewish refuges in Chile, contributed $500 toward the relief of victims of all faiths, the agency reported. EIGHT NATIONS RESPOND GENEVA, May 25.?The League of Red Cross Societies announced today that eight coun- tries had responded to its appeal yesterday on behalf of the Chilean earthquake victims. The Red Cross units of the United States, Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, the Nether- lands, Norway, and Peru reported that they had already dispatched relief shipments and funds to Chile, the league said. EXHIBIT 2 Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that? (a) the President at the earliest practica- ble time should take such action as may be required to provide for the establishment of a White Fleet designed and equipped to render prompt emergency aid and assistance to peoples of the coastal regions of other nations upon the occurrence of famine, epi- demic disease, earthquake, flood hurricane, or other disaster; and to further serve as a vehicle for the carrying out of technical as- sistance and training on a continuing basis in the developing nations of the world; (b) such fleet should be established through the restoration to active service and the equipment of suitable vessels of the United States Navy now mothballed in stor- age but could be operated by appropriate nonprofit private philanthropic organiza- tions of the United States devoted to the rendition of emergency aid and assistance to relieve human suffering; (c) the vessels of such fleet should be suitably identified to proclaim to the world 10549 their peaceful and beneflcient purpose, and should be divided into task groups, each of which should include a hospital ship for the rendition of medical aid, a vessel suit- ably equipped to generate electrical energy required to meet emergency needs, and one or more cargo vessels suitable for use in the transportation of clothing, medical supplies, and other necessary supplies and equip- ment; (d) fuel and operational supplies, and port, repair, and navigational facilities, of the United States Navy throughout the world should be made available to such fleet in support of its operational activities; (e) provision should be made for the uti- lization of surplus food commodities of the United States for the relief of hunger, and for the furnishing by the United States of medical and other supplies required for the rendition of other necessary aid and assist- ance, through the use of that fleet; and (f) the cooperation of private charitable organizations of the United States should be utilized for the furnishing of clothing and other relief supplies for donation to meet the emergency needs of inhabitants of re- gions to which task groups of the fleet would be directed to provide assistance. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARIES OF SEN- ATOR HUMPHREY AND SENATOR KENNEDY Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, I wish to extend felicitations to our distin- guished colleague from Minnesota who is today celebrating his natal day. I suppose that is why the flower is in his buttonhole. It would be entirely proper if all of us were given flowers to wear on a day of such importance to us and to the people of this country. The distinguished Senator is one of the most pleasant, amiable, and enjoy- able men with whom we associate in this great body. He and I have quite frequently found ourselves in disagree- ment, even, I may say in violent disagree- ment, on this, that, or the other issue. But he is one with whom it is almost as much pleasure to disagree as to agree. Although his rapier is sharp, his pres- ence is always friendly, and his coun- tenance is usually sunny. When the storm clouds do chance to gather on that countenance, as they may in the course of warm debate, his opponents know that they are in for heavy weather. I want him to know what a pleasure it is to the junior Senator from New York to recognize this milestone day in the Senator's distinguished career. Since we will be in recess until Tues- day, I would be remiss were I not also to mention the fact that the distin- guished Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY] celebrates his natal day on next Sunday. He is not here at the moment. He is apparently absent of necessity, but if he were present I would say that I want him to know also that I extend to him felicitations on his birthday. Although our area of political agree- ment may on certain issues become scarcely discernible, I have always en- joyed the pleasure of his friendship, and I trust that it will be taken in a wholly nonpolitical spirit if I express the wish that we will be enjoying his continued friendship here in the Senate on the oc- casion of his next birthday. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220018-8