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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/29: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100170006-7 .1959 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE the Philippines in July and August 1959, such tents, cots, blankets, commissary equipment, flags, refrigerators, and other equipment and services as may be necessary or useful to the extent that items are in stock and available and their issue will not jeopardize the na- tional defense program. (b) Such equipment is authorized to be delivered at such time prior to the holding of such jamboree, and to be returned at such time after the close of such jamboree, as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of Defense and the National Council, Boy Scouts of America. No expense shall be incurred by the United States Government for the deliv- ery, return, rehabilitation, or replacement of such equipment. (c) The Secretary of Defense, before deliv- ering such property, shall take from the Na- tional Council, Boy Scouts of America, good and sufficient bond for the safe return of such property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States. ? SEC. 2. (a) The Secretary of Defense is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may prescribe, to provide, without expense to the United States Government, transpor- tation from the United States or military commands overseas, and return, on vessels of the military sea transportation service or aircraft of the military air transportation service for (1) those Boy Scouts, Scouters and officials certified by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, as representing the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, at the jamboree referred to in the first section of this Act, and (2) the equipment and property of such Boy Scouts, Scouters, and officials and the property loaned to the Na- tional Council, Boy Scouts of America, by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to this Act to the extent that such transportation will not interfere with the requirements of military operations. (b) Before furnishing any transportation under this section, the Secretary of Defense shall take from the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, a good and sufficient bond for the reimbursement to the United States by the National Council, Boy Scouts of Amer- ica, of the actual costs of transportation fur- nished under this section. SEC. 3. Amounts paid to the United States to reimburse it for expenses incurred under the first section and for the actual costs of transportation furnished under section 2 shall be credited to the current applicable appropriations or funds to which such ex- penses and costs were charged and shall be available for the same purposes as such ap- propriations or funds. SEC. 1. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of State, no fey shall be collected for the application for a passport by or the issuance of a passport to, .any Boy Scout, Scouter, or official who is certified by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, as representing the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, at the jamboree referred to in the first section of this Act. With the following committee amend- merit: On page 2, line 23, strike "or aircraft of the military air transportation service". The committee amendment was agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, and a motion to recon- sider was laid on the table. ill NATIONAL JAMBOREE, BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA The Clerk called the bill ? (H.R. 7) to authorize the Secretary of Defense to lend certain Army, Navy, and Air Force equipment and provide certain service to the Boy Scouts of America for use at the Fifth National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America, and for other purposes. There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) the Secretary of Defense is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may prescribe, to lend to the Boy Scouts of America, a corpo- ration created under the Act of June 15, 1916, for the use and accommodation of the ap- proximately fifty thousand Scouts and of- ficials who are to attend the Fifth National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America to be held as a part of the celebration of their fiftieth annkversary of service to the youth of the Nation during the period beginning in June 1960, and ending August 1960 at Colorado Springs, Colorado, such tents, cots, blankets, commissary equipment, flags, re- frigerators, vehicles, and other equipment and services as may be necessary or useful to the extent that items are in stock and available and their issue will not jeopardize the national defense program. (b) Such equipment is authorized to be delivered at such time prior to the holding of such jamboree, and to be returned at such time atter the close of such jamboree, as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of Defense and the National Council, Boy Scouts of America. No expense shall be incurred by the United States Government for the delivery, return, rehabilitation, or replace- ment of such equipment. (c) The Secretary of Defense, before de- livering such property, shall take from the Boy Scouts of America a good and sufficient bond for the safe return of such property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States. Sao. 2. The Secretary of Defense is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may provide, to permit, without expense to the United States Government, the Boy Scouts of America to. use such portions of the undeveloped lands of the United States Air Force Academy adjacent to such eneamp- ment as may be necessary, or useful, to the extent that their use will not interfere with the activities of such Academy, and will not jeopardize the national defense program. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted that the vari- ous and several departments of the Federal Government are hereby authorized under such regulations as may be prescribed by their Secretaries to assist the Boy Scouts of America In the carrying out and the fulfill- ment of the plans for the celebration of their fiftieth anniversary and the Fifth National Jamboree. With the following committee amend- ment: ? Page' 2, line 24, strike the last four words and on line 25 strike "lands" and insert "services and portions of the lands and buildings". The committee amendment was agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed,- and a motion to re- consider was laid on the table. AMENDMENT OF LONGSHOREMEN'S AND HARBOR WORKERS' COM- PENSATION ACT The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 451) to amend the Longshoremen's and Har- 4971 bor Workers' Compensation Act, with respect to the payment of compensation in cases where third persons are liable. Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- mous consent that, the bill be passed over without prejudice. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Michigan? There Was no objection. TRAINING OF POSTMASTERS UN- DER GOVERNMENT' EMPLOYEES TRAINING ACT The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 4597) to provide for the training of postmasters under the Government Employees Train- ing Act. There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 4(a) (5) of the Government Employees Train- ing Act (72 Stat. 329; 5 U.S.C. 2303(a) (5) ) is amended by inserting "(other than a postmaster)" immediately following the word "Senate". The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, and a motion to reconsider was laid on the table. ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITIES FOR, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY The Clerk called the bill (HR. 4599) to provide certain admi tr au- thorities for the national agency, and for other purposes. There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sec- tion 202 of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 1082), is amended by changing the period at the end thereof to a semicolon and adding the following new paragraph: "(32) the National Security Agency." SEC. 2. The Director of the National Secu- rity Agency is authorized to establish such positions and to appoint such officers and employees as may be necessary to carry out the functions df such Agency. The rates of basic compensation for such positions shall be fixed by the Director in relation to the rates of basic compensation contained in the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, for positions subject to such Act which have corresponding levels of duties and responsibilities. Except as pro- vided in section 4 of this Act, no officer or employee of the National Security Agency shall be paid basic compensation at a rate in excess of the highest rate of basic com- pensation contained in such General Sched- ule. Not more than fifty such officers and employees shall be paid basic compensation at rates equal to rates of basic compensa- tion contained in grades GS-16, GS-17, and GS-18 of such General Schedule. Sm. 3. Section 1581(a) of title 10, 'Milted States Code, as modified by section 12(a) of the Federal Employees Salary Increase Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 213), is amended by striking out ", and not more than fifty civilian positions in the National Security Agency," and the words "and the National Security Agency, respectively,". ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/29: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100170006-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/29: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100170006-7 4972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April 8 Sze. 4. The Director of the National SeCU- rity Agency may establish not more than fifty civilian positions in such agency in- volving research and development functions, which require the services of specially qualified scientific or professional personnel, and fix the rates of basic compensation for such positions at rates not in excess of the maximum rate of compensation authorized by section 1581(b) of title 10, United States Code, as amended by paragraph (34) (B) of the first section of the Act of September 2, 1958 (72 Stat. 1456; Public Law 85-861). SEC. 5: Officers and employees of the Na- tional Security Agency who are citizens or nationals of the United States may be granted additional compensation, in accord- ance with regulations which shall be pre- scribed by the Secretary of Defense, not in excess of additional compensation author- ized by section 207 of the Independent Of- fices Appropriation Act, 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 118h), for employees whose rates of basic compensation are fixed by statute. SEC. 6. (a) Except as provided in subsec- tion (b) of this section, nothing in this Act or any other law (including, but not limited to, the first section and section 2 of the Act of August 28, 1935 (5 U.S.C. 654) ) shall be construed to require the disclosure of the organization or any function of the National Security Agency, of any information with respect to the activities thereof, or of the names, titles, salaries, or number of the persons employed by such agency. (b) The reporting requirements of section 1582 of title 10, United States Code, shall apply to positions, established in the Na- tional Security Agency in the manner pro- vided by section 4 of this Act. SEC. 7. The total number of positions authorized by section 505(b) of the Classi- fication Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 1105 (b) ), to be placed in grades 16, 17, and 18 of the General Schedule of such Act at any time shall be deemed to have been re- duced by the number of positions in such grades allocated to the National Security Agency immediately prior to the effective date of this Act. SEC. 8. The foregoing provisions of this Act shall take effect on the first day of the first pay period which begins later than the thirtieth day following the date of enact- ment of this Act. - ? With the following committee amend- ments: Page 1, lines 8 to 11, inclusive, strike out "The Director of the National Security Agency is authorized to establish such posi- tions and to appoint such officers and em- ployees as may be necessary to carry out the functions of such Agency." and insert in lieu thereof "The Secretary of Defense (or his designee for the purpose) is authorized to establish such positions, and to appoint thereto such officers and employees, in the National Security Agency, as may be neces- sary to carry out the functions of such agency.". Page 2, line 1, strike out "by the Director" and insert in lieu thereof "by the Secretary of Defense (or his designee for the pur- pose) ". Page 2, lines 11 and 12, strike out "grades GS-16, GS-17, and GS-18" and insert in lieu thereof "grades 16, 17, and 18". Page 2, lines 19 and 20, strike out "The Director of the National Security Agency may establish" and insert in lieu thereof "The Secretary of Defense (or his designee for the purpose) is authorized to establish in the National Security Agency". Page 2, lines 20 and 21, strike out "in such agency". Page 4, line 5, strike out "Act" and insert In lieu thereof "section". The committee amendments were agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed. The title was amended so as to read: "A bill to provide certain administrative authorities for the National Security Agency, and for other purposes." A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. AMENDMENT OF BANKRUPTCY ACT-TRANSMISSION OF CER- TAIN PAPERS The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 4345) to repeal clause (9) of subdivision a of section 39 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 67a(9) ) , respecting the transmis- sion of papers by the referee to the clerk of the court. There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That clause (9) of subdivision a of section 39 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 67a (9) ), as amended, is hereby repealed and clause (10) of such subdivision is renumbered (9). The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, and a motion to reconsider was laid on the table. SIMPLIFYING FILLING OF REF- EREE VACANCIES The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 4340) to amend sections 43 and 34 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.0 71, 62) to simplify the filling of referee -vacancies. There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sub- division b of section 43 of the .Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 71b) is hereby amended to read as follows: "b. A vacancy in the office of referee may be filled on the existing basis upon the recommendations of the Director, the dis- trict judge or judges, and the circuit coun- cil that the office be so continued. If a change in the existing salary or arrange- ments is recommended by the Director, the district judge or judges, or the circuit coun- cil, a vacancy shall not be filled until the Conference has acted thereon." SEc. 2. Subdivision a of section 34 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 62a) is hereby amended to make the last sentence thereof read as follows: "Upon the expiration of his term, a referee in bankruptcy shall con- tinue to perform the duties of his office un- til his successor is appointed and qualifies provided the filling of the vacancy has been authorized as provided in subdivision b of section 43 of this Act." ? The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, and a motion to recon- sider was laid on the table. AMENDING BANKRUPTCY .ACT- AUTOMATIC ADJUDICATION AND REFERENCE The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 4692) to amend sections 1, 18, 22, 331, and 631 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 1, 41, 45, 731, 1031) to provide for automatic adjudication and reference in certain cases. There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repersentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) paragraph (2) of section 1 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 1) is amended to read as fol- lows: "(2) 'Adjudication' shall mean a determi- nation, whether by decree or by operation of law, that a person is a bankrupt;". (b) Paragraph (12) of such section is amended to read as follows: "(12) 'Date of adjudication' shall mean the date of the filing of any petition which operates as an adjudication, or the date of entry of a decree of adjudication, or if such decree- is appealed from, then the date when such decree is finally confirmed or the ap- peal is dismissed;". SEc. 2. (a) Subdivision f of section 18 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 41), as amended, is hereby repealed. (b) Subdivision g of such section is here- by relettered subdivision I and amended to read as follows: "I. The filing of a voluntary petition un- der chapters I to VII of this Act, other than a petition filed in behalf of a partnership by less than all of the partners, shall operate as an adjudication with the same force and effect as a decree of adjudication." SEC. 3. Subdivision a of section 22 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 45a) is hereby amended to read as follows: "a. Unless the judge or judges direct other- wise, the clerk shall refer to a referee all cases filed under chapters I to VII, chapter XI, and chapter XIII of this Act." SEC. 4. Section 331 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 731) is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 331. The clerk shall, unless the judge or judges direct otherwise, refer the pro- ceeding to a referee." SEC. 5. Section 631 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 1031) is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEc. 631. The clerk shall, unless the judge or judges direct otherwise, refer the pro- ceeding to a referee."" The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, and a motion to reconsider was laid on the table. AMENDMENT OF BANKRUPTCY - ACT-REFEREES' SALARY AND EXPENSE FUNDS The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 4693) to amend the Bankruptcy Act so as to consolidate the referees' salary and ex- pense funds. There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: . Be it enacted by the Senateand House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) the title of section 40 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 68) is amended to read as follows: "? 40. Compensation of Referees; Referees' Salary and Expense Rund; Retire- ment of Referees". (b) Subdivision c.(1) of such section is amended to read as follows: "c.(1) Except ate otherwise provided in this Act, there shall be deposited with the clerk, at the time the petition is filed in each case, and at the time an ancillary proceeding is instituted, $32 for each estate for the ref- erees' salary and expense fund, as herein below established: Provided, however, That Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/29: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100170006-7