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July 29, 2002
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Approved F elease 2002/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00274000100160005-5
P'~tt-M ~L1C hid - pD! P
~g~ DC-1) requireaents for
1. Dared on policy guidance (NBC, rations,
collection of intelligence, requitsdOnts for covert ops
intellisence, anti experience tntat uslly 1n$I bsais~ the he following continuing
operational dents are Prepared
"fore to Action
a. The General Plan lists tentatively the
27 Months aberrd Objectives and requirexnts which
operational capability per~aits;
can be undert&Mn as
b. A preliminary $sti*ate to this plan
21 Months ahead ,azplifies for each country the details of oper-
ating conditions, objectives and ~ fun, krso be
undertaken I and estirtes of necessary .
and other support which will
level paper summarizing
c. A character and
18 Months ahead these country Sstirtes is presented thraugh PAC
to DCI for approval as guidance in prograsisini
Tentative ob
action for the year in question. -
jectives ?x?e thus authorized for deta1~tp`-up.
I rsss?ing' and initial support ceilings
level approval
d. Within the character
are pa~ which out-
6 Months ~~ of DCI, Country Progr and
line specifically the objectives, tar , Ttese Year operational appvratus for the fiscal
t Review
programs are presented to the Prod oved by the DCI.
Cc ittaf and subsequently appr
e. -Trojects are the control unts tarwhich
firMly_PV,W"m*i operational objectives
si ed for p.rforaanc4 and to which funds and
other reoQurce^ are allotted and against which
accour~taollity is Maintained. few and continuing
projects are presented to PAC in aceordaace with
clA Regu ations
Approved For Release 2002/08/22: CIA-RDI"J~((q A400100160005-5
Approved Fgelease 2002/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00241000100160005-5
sL ^
$. used an the approved Country Program,
a Related Manion Directive is constructed and
forwarded to the Chief of Atation and becomes
his directive for the samacution of objectives
established throughout the above documents. The
1 L is istsgrated to cover all Clandestine
Barris" aetivittend provides duid~s lines for
present astisa and future planning. It is not a
substitute for flog of operational comomnications
but is a frsmsworrk to which daily project business
am aeeee-liahnieat am be related to an objective.
2. Camsiderable program wypsia assure during the preparation and
staff review of the h'ellainar: =atiantes, the Character and Level paper,
the Country Per. r and the lelsred Mission Directives. Within each
country the progress on such fumtioms as collection of intelligence,
counter-intalliganee tisasures, props da efforts,
paramilitary activities, preparation for war, etc., is separately assessed
and evaluated for the past year and provides the basis for charting a
future course. Pro Rem analysis actually takes place at each stags of
the planning cycle, and at two styes (the Character and Level paper and
the Country Programs) the Agency Project Review Coeaittee receives a
product upon which they ay dust such additional analysis as they feel
is necessary.
3. The final and eoatiaaing process in the planning cycle is the
reporting system which incorporates contributions from these caegronents:
a. Operational reports prepared by the project case officer in
the field;
b. An annual report by the Chief of each Field Station on pro-
gress aeie against the objectives in his Related Mission Directive;
c. Monthly Project Reports prepared by the Seadquarters case
officer in the Area Division; ant
d. Special evaluation a^d assesesaent reports prepared by Senior
reporting system is designed to produce evaluation in terse of, and
Measured against, specific requirements MA operational ob Jectives
v i.ich have been built into the entire planfting p?roeess. 25X1
25X1 ulotmission of se^d-mssmua1 evalma mtioc nod ass*swunum reports roe
cior Staffs for incinsion in an A.senc+y - y*VOr to the Resident's hoard of
Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Aeti vities
Approved For Release 2002/08/2#2 : CIA-RDP61-00274A000100160005-5
Approved FRelease 2002/08/22 :CIA-RDP61-0024000100160005-5
In the
points Ott Ukiah MAU t+ of .e2,t14 t are ae,al
2? Iiyar affot is
budget an lbw offioa I, 1 l ea
Prow u ice a id ?Daraet
budgets aft than re"Ww" in the lit or eareauly _
Past riaooipt aat
s ty" of oonsi by %he ~/I 10? Vbose ioa
Vorth or iitt receives c f~ ~ralatictbtoolb. . ts~ Yaiua or
/I at .,east three tLes annually. ap
tba e ofr1OW aid the
3? ~Pecific
given acti external Drojeots which
Y a.0 scrutinised evp soft al ari jpt 0 of a
39W and these project. considered is th ae are
_ renewed projects are stidittad" to ~" o 4bo V but
1 oy are the
t JAW edof their aatirati~ the Uwe* Lfoe 9eelfic
with theism- etaaas of
4. As l 100084,027 JuNtilloatiaa?
06.1 rerie eanuallpalof tin eoet
t or 0"11018 that takes scientific Tatar"l and ~ Progrms is a'
the 081 LOpg-Range ini6i1194000, Obj"tiv. . 1117
mats a reriw of mm um plan, xt also
fres: the date of iaitiatiaa ProJaata at sa uaro So "soft "a ,
which has bow made &M %a &V64malte lx**US4Mft PwSre"
efforts and re,is , on oltala, a, *U
UWNK ililp of fftr ber
and r au to p j t; cpiVVR bp, adatleftin
ate two acts d
~ within the
anal3-~tain~d research t
4 the
~s~l on iadiri ~?
bodied in of the csi+abilities to raltili ,w cysts a ac are
is ? i~asaarah 1''a01ramte
5. In the belief t _ for 4
hat there in a
+w-y-sis In tb
re6ulatiaaloi Qa , The
jD he. o vvd is m
Vold brift the FW. all his uwkpu w
Approved For Release 2002/08/22 : CIA-RDP61-00274A000100160005-5