Proposed Far East Area Command Message Center

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Publication Date: 
August 22, 1952
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Sanitized - Approved For Rele I!4-RDP60-00538A000100140002-8 STANDARD FORM NO. 64 'r i ty Information Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT : Chief, Organization and Methods Service DATE: AUG 2 2 1952 25X1 A9aFROM : SUBJECT: Proposed Far East Area Command Message Center 1. PROBLEM:--To prepare recommendations regarding the organization, functions and procedures of the proposed Far East Area Command Message Center. 2. FACTS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM:? a. The Far East Area Command will be a relatively self-contained element of CIA, insofar as communication, correspondence and registry functions are concerned. b. The FEAC Message Center will be required to perform complete and centralized registry, document analysis and non-technical communications handling functions in support of administrative and operational activities of FEAC. c. A primary function of the Message Center will be to provide in- formation for the FEAC Secretariat. The Message Center will also serve as a focal point for the transmission of informa- tion to the nucleus of FE Division in CIA headquarters. d. Cable and dispatch facilities will be available to receive and transmit communications at all levels of the FEAC. For short distance transmission, relay facilities should be included in the Message Center. e. The organization, functions and procedures recommended in this staff study were developed after discussions with Records Integration Staff and the Signal Center. 3. DISCUSSION:? a. As a comprehensive overseas organization carrying out a variety of clandestine activities, the Far East Area Command will re- quire coi late intelligence indices of the type compiled by Staff. Because of its location overseas, Records however, the FEAC will not have access to RI indices. Accordingly, the FEAC Message Center must perform this analysis and indexing function. In order to permit CIA headquarters access to these indices, there should be close working relationships between the FEAC Message Center and RI. .. y Infc ma ion Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100140002-8 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDPO0.538A000100140002-8 b. In addition to the analysis and indexing functions, the Message Center must serve as a control center for the flow of cor- respondence and communications within the FEAC. The suc- cessful operation of the Secretariat and Liaison Control Staff and of other staff elements of the FEAC will depend upon the quality and quantity of information which may be obtained from the Message Center. c. Within the MAC: there will be regional elements which will also require registry, document analysis and communications dis- tribution facilities. Physical locations will necessitate the creation in at least one region of a message center similar to the FEAC Message Center. It does not appear to be possible to prevent such duplication, if successful regional operation is to be permitted. d. A revised organization has been recommended for the present Doc- uaent Control Section of BE. Functions and procedures of this Section will depend upon the composition and functions of the FE nucleus. e. The organization, procedures and functions for the FEAC Message Center recommended here are based upon the new area command concept, which differs from present concepts of overseas operation. Actual operating experience will point out the need for further implementation of these recommendations. 4. CONCLUSIONS:? a. b. c. The FEAC Message Center should be initially created as a control center for all communications and correspondence flowing through the FEAC. The FEAC Message Center will, in effect, be a combined RI and central mail room. Formal channels should be established for liaison between the FEAC Message Center and RI. j. RECOi EENDATIONS: -- a. Specific recomTmendations: (1) Organization. (a) Annex is is recommended organization of the FEAC Message Center, and of regional message centers. No such message center will be required for the Far East Area Support Command, since it will be physically located in the same place as the FEAC Message Center. If Sanitized - Approved For Release-: CbPPVP6Q}0..0,3,M000100140002-8 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP6O-O0538AO001 00140002-8 (o) FRU activities are to be continued, it may not be necessary to establish a regional message center for the North