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Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R0001004 NIS COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 251 3 SEPTEMBER 1957 1. The following were present: Mr. D. J. Clinton State Mr. J. A. Minogue Army 25X1A9a LCdr. H. W. Hol.schuh Navy Lt, Col. H. K. Avery Air Force CIA CIA CIA (Chairman) CIA (Vice Chairman CIA (Secretary) * In attendance for review of Chapter I. -~~ C- ---:I>/ Gc The chairman announced the appointment of Lt. Col. Hamilton K. Avery as the Senior Representative for the Department of the Air Force on the NIS Committee effective 21 Atguet 1957, vice Col. Sam A. Carnes, and the appointment of Mr. Charles P. Berney as the Alternate Representative for the Department of the Air Force on the NIS Committee effective 21 August 1957, vice Lt. Col. Hamilton K. Avery. 2. Review of Chapter I on Belgium The Committee reviewed the Chapter I on NIS 5 (Belgium) and approved the draft with minor changes. The Chapter I Task Group was requested to review the detailed comments submitted by the member agencies. The Committee decided to control this Chapter I in view of the contributor controls placed on "Comments on Principal Sources" of Section 12, Sections 17 and 18 in their entirety, and Section 19 NOFORN 25X1X7 All the members commented on the excellence of this Chapter I and to the fact that only minor changes were required in the Committee review. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490017-0''' Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490017-0 3. Chapter I Treatment of Hon Kong and Macao The State member requested that the Committee determine the treatment to be accorded Hong Kong and Macao in the Chapter I on Nationalist China (refer to Item 10 NCM 243). State proposed that these two areas be treated separately from Nationalist China but bound with it in the same Chapter I for user convenience and because they are part of NIS Area 39B. The Committee approved this proposal and the members were requested to inform their contributors accordingly. 4. Treatment of Chapter IX (M) on USSR The Committee discussed at length the proposals for treatment of Chapter IX (M) on the USSR presented at the last meeting (refer to Item 4 NCM 250). All members favored the OBI proposal to produce the Chapter IX on the USSR in three parts, except the Army member who stated that Army would accept the proposal reluctantly with respect to the development of the third part on Asiatic USSR because of the small scale maps required. He added that Army did not have sufficient new information on Russian topographic map series to justify maintenance at this time. The chairman noted that the Chapter IX Committee had recommended maintenance for Chapter IX on the USSR for Fiscal Years 1959-60, so presumably there was sufficient new information on other Russian map and chart categories to warrant revision. However, he recommended that all members investigate this matter with their Chapter IX Committee representatives and, if necessary, re-open the maintenance question on that committee. As to the scale of NIS maps for Asiatic USSR, the chairman observed that the present Chapter IX had been done on the USSR as a whole using even smaller ,:ale maps than presently proposed. The Committee approved the OBI proposal to produce Chapter IX (M) on the USSR in three parts; namely, the USSR as a whole, European USSR, and Asiatic USSR (refer to specific proposal in Item 4 NCM 250). The Committee recommended that: Part I (USSR as a whole) be produced and published concurrently with or before the other two Parts; the Chapter IX Committee. confirm its maintenance proposals for producing this Chapter during FY 1959-60; and production scheduling of the three Parts conform to the capabili- ties of the contributing agencies. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 ; CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490017-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490017-0 25X1X7 6. Reschedulin of Section 56 The Committee approved the request of the Section 56 coordinator, contained in his memorandum of 31 July 1957, for the substitution of Section 56 on NIS 16 (Austria) for Section 56 on NIS 70 (Mexico) with the date April 1958. The reason for the substi- tution is because of numerous recent changes affecting Mexican intelligence and security which make it infeasible to produce the section by the due date. 25X1A4a Approved or Release Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490017-0 25X1A4a 8. Suspense Items Section 40X on the Ryukyu and Bonin Islands in suspense since 31 July 1957 is to be rescheduled for 30 September 1957 in order to obtain Army field comments. Section 57 on Yugoslavia in suspense since 24 July 1957 will be reviewed in a meeting on 4 September 1957. Section 57 on South Africa in suspense since 23 July is to be rescheduled for 30 September 1957 because of delay in Embassy comments. ao The Army member submitted two memoranda dated 30 August 1957 proposing changes in the FY 1958 production schedule for Section 81, and in the FY 1959-60-61 production forecast for Sections 80 and 81. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA`- "DP60-00346R000100490017-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490017-0 MW w b. The Army member noted with regret the cancellation from the current production schedule of sections on whose contribu- tions the Technical Services had put in a substantial amount of work, and cited the most recent instance of Section 64 on Sweden. He observed that on rescheduling this section an additional amount of work would be needed to bring these contributions up to date which would be difficult after Army manpower cuts go into effect. The State member said he recognized the problem and regretted the additional load it placed on subcontributors, but State's slotting problem was severe and they were doing everything possible to overcome these difficulties. c. The vice chairman reviewed the current NIS production situation and, by means of a graphic production chart, impressed the members with the need to overcome serious production deficiencies that have already developed in the new production year, and in particular State which has met only 19% of scheduled commitments to date. 10. The next meeting of the NIS Committee will be held at 1000 hours on Tuesday, 24 September 19 Distribution: 8 - NIS Committee 1 - Secy. , JIG 1 - SA/PC/DCI I - DD /I I - DD/C 1 - DD/P 2 - AD/SI 1 - AD/RR 1 - Ch/E/RR 1 - St/PB/RR 4 Ch/G/RR 8 - D/E/BI 3. - D/R/BI 1 - D/P/BI 5 - OBI 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/OR[22 _Qo,RQPGQ=ft0346R000100490017-0