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Publication Date:
April 30, 1957
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r-, 140
I. The following were present:
Mr. R. S. Kain
Lt. Col. D. H.. Smith
Maj. J. W, Jacobson
Capt. R, E. Styles
LCdr., H. W,. Hol Schuh
25X1 A9,t ,Col ., H.. K. Avery
Air Force
CIA (Chairman)
CIA (Vice Chairman)
CIA (Secretary)
Use of the NIS Standard instructions
The chairman said there had come to his attention indications
that analysts were not following the provisions set forth in the Standard
Editorial Instructions, In many instances it appears that analysts have
not even read the Instructions. The chairman requested the members
to correct this situation by the time the revised NIS Standard Instructions
are issued later this year.. He estimated the page proofs of the revised
Standard Instructions will be receiverd before the end of this fiscal yeti.r.
at which time copies will be made available to the members, The new
Standard Instructions will be maintained regularly on a current basis
(refer to Item 4 NCM 231)...
The chairman reported on the purpose and scope of the pro-
posed NIS Reference Guide (refer to Item 5 NCM 242 and Item 7 NCM 241).
It is intended primarily for the wide range of users throughout the govern-
ment below the strategic planning and policy levels? It should be based
on the NIS Standard Instructions but would present only those aspects of
the Program necessary to the understanding and effective use of the NIS.
To do this the NIS Reference Guide should;
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Nome "%W
au Acquaint the reader with the fundamentals of the
NIS Program.
b. Explain certain practical aspects of the NIS Program
(e. g.. why an NIS on one country is not completely produced
before another NIS is undertaken; why NIS usefulness and
validity is not dependent upon up-to-the -minute intelligence;
and why the Maintenance program is conducted as it is)
c. Offer suggestions for the filing and rise of the MS.
d. Acquaint the reader in some detail with the content
of a complete NIS and with the planned coverage of the NMS
e.. Indicate what NIS are available.
In view of these considerations, the contents of the NIS
Reference Guide should be about as follows:
Nature, Purpose. and Scope. of the NIS Program
NIS Areas
NIS Outlines
NIS Correlation Guide
Current NIS Quarterly Production Report
(to be kept in back cover pocket)
The Committee approved the immediate development of the
NIS Reference Guide along the general lines outlined by the chairman,
with the understanding that the project will be kept under continuing
review by the Committee.
4. NIS Control and Coordination Directives
The Air Force member submitted a copy.of AFOIN-2 Office
Memorandum No. 2OO 19. dated 11 April 1957, which establishes
policies and general procedures for the control and coordination of
Air Force participation in the NIS Program (refer to Item 11b.NCM Z36).
He stated that dissemination of this document to the other members
would be made as soon as an accompanying chart had been completed.
The State member reported work was progressing on
State?s NIS control and coordination directive (refer to Item 8g. NCM 238).
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The chairman commented on the excellence of the Army
directive submitted at the last meeting (refer to Item 12 NCM 242).,
He considered these directives will do much to establish continuing
lines of control and coordination and.. in large part, overcome the
uncertainties resulting from turnover of key personnel. connected
with the NIS Program.,
,21 -2t Supplement II "Coasts and Landing Beaches"
The chairman informed the Committee that he had issued
to all NIS recipients Change Sheet Nt., 15? dated 30 April 1957,
uthoriring change in designation of Supplement :1I from "Air Facilities?
"Coasts and Landing Beaches.," and indicating disposition of the
existing supplements 11 (refer to Item 3 NCM 241)
He requested the Committee to approve new contributor
statements for the revised Section 22 and the new Supplement 13:.
With respect to Section 22 the Committee approved the following
contributor statement to supersede those appearing in the March 1956
issue of "NIS Contributor StatA!..ment
This Section was prepared for the NIS under the
general supervision of the Director of Naval Intelligence
with contributions on landing beaches from the Office of
the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, and on
coastal oceanographic conditions from the Navy Hydro-
graphic Office.
With respect to the new Supplement U the Army member
suggested that the contributor statement be worked out by representa=
tives of the. Army and the Navy and a report made to the Committee at
the! next meeting. The chairman approved this procedure with concur-
rence of the Navy member. Further discussion revealed that there
were a number of changes required in other contributor statements.
The Committee decided to have all. contributor statements reviewed
and changes reported by the members at the next meeting.
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6. Release of NIS
The Committee approved the release of Section 64
(Manufacturing and Construction) on NIS 39B (Nationalist China) to
the Department of Commerce for use by the Bureau of Foreign
Commerce, as requested by letter of justification dated 11 April 1957
(refer to Item 11 NCM Z42)-
7. Rescheduling of Section 56 on Iran
The Committee approved the request of the Section 56
coordinator contained in memorandum of 19 April 1957, for the
rescheduling of Section 56 (Intelligence and Security) on NIS 33 (Iran)
from November 1956 to December 1957. In approving this request
the Committee noted that twelve Sections 56 remain as a production
requirement on the current schedula,.
8. NIS Production Schedule and Forecast
The Committee approved the following plan of the vice
' hairman for developing the NIS Production Schedule for FY. 1958
and the NIS Production Forecast for FY's 1959-60-61:
Members are to submit their agencies' proposed schedules
for. FY 1958 by 1 June 1957. The OBI staff will analyze them with
respect to initial and maintenance production and submit an advisory
report to the Committee at the 11 Jane meeting. The schedule should
be, ready for final Committee approval at the 25 June meeting. The
deadline for agencies' drafts of the Production Forecast for FY's
1959=60.61 is 15 July 1957, with a target date of I September 1957
set for final Committee approval.
9. Suspense Items
The State member reported that they are still awaiting
comments from the field for Section 65 on NIS 93 (Bolivia) which has
been in suspense since 21 March. It was agreed to reschedule this
section for 15 May.
The Army member reported that changes in the draft of
Section 24M on NIS 26-1I1 (Urals and West Siberian Plain), which has
been in suspense since 19 March, will be delivered by 7 Maye
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10. Chapter I Plans
The Committee agreed to review Chapter I on NIS 12
(Finland) at its next meeting on 14 May 1957.
The State member reported that DRF would have serious
difficulty in preparing contributions on Hong Kong and Macao for
Chapter I on NIS 39B (Nationalist China) as required by the noti=:.
of the Chapter I planning conference not for 6 July 1957, The
principal difficulty is the lack of recent research on these areas.
Other members questioned the advisability of including these
dissimilar areas in the Brief on Nationalist China. The Committee
decided to await the outcome of the planning conference before
arriving at any decision.
11. The next meeting of the NIS Committee will be held at
1000 hours on Tuesday, 14 May 1957.
8 - NIS Committee
1 w Secy., JIG
1 - DD/P
Z - AD /SI
1 - AD/RR
1 - Ch/E/RR
1 St/PB/RR
4 m Ch/G/RR
8 - D/E/BI
1 D/R /B1
1 - D/P/BI.
5 .-.
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