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19,55 Ition of Calendar No. 48, whic ? i S. 1550. , There being no objection, the S nate proceeded to consider Pie bill (S. 550) authorizing the State 'highway co hm mis- sion of the State of ae to const uct, maintain, and oper1 te a free hig way bridge across the St Croix River bet een Calais, Maine, an St. Stephen, ew Brunswick, Dominjon of Canada, wh h had been reported from the Committ on Public Works vith amendments. Mr. MORSE. fr. President, while I was absent from lithe floor in connecti with business of Ithe Committee on tTie District of Colul4bia, I understand Cal- endar 546, a House bill, was passed. I wish to move tat the Senate recon- sider the vote y which the bill, was passed, in order Ithat I may submit an amendment to tile bill. Mr. JOHNSOI of Texas. Mr. Presi- dent, I wonder hether the Senator from Oregon will ake his motion at the conclusion of ti-i; calendar? Approxf- mately 15 Membe s are waiting for the consideration of e other bills which have previously be listed for consider- ation today. We e ect that the consid- eration of those bill will take only a few minutes. After the are considered, it will be appropriate I r the Senator from Oregon to submit hi motion to recon- sider, Mr. MORSE. Very ell; I shall wait. Mr. JOHNSON of T xas. Mr. Presi- dent, is Senate bill 15 I, Calendar No. 548, now before the Sen te. The PRESIDINC+ 0 CER. It is, and, unless there is jection the committee amendments to the bill will be stated. The amendments of the Co mittee on Public Works were, on page 1, line 4, after the word "a", to insert " ee high- way"; in line 9, after the name 'Bruns- wick", to strike out "Dominion o "? and Approve . ? -v' asa 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100590007-4 39 NGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE on page 2, line 5, after the word `as thor- Ales", to strike out "in the Domini.. of Canada" and insert "of the Governm, ? t of Canada", so as to make the hill rea Be it enacted etc., That the State Highway Commission of the State of 'Maine is author- ized to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge and approaches thereto across the St. Croix River, so far as the United States has jurisdiction over the waters of such river at a point suitable to the inter- ests of navigation, between Calais. Maine, and St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, in accordance with the provisions of the act entitled "An act to regulate the construc- tion of bridges over navigable waters," ap- proved March 23, 1906, subject to the condi- tions and limitations contained in this act, and subject to the approval of the proper authorities of the Oovernment of Canada, SEC. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved. ? Mr. CHAVEZ. Mr. President, the bill will merely permit the State of Maine and the Province of New Brunswick, Canada, to construct a ,bridge. It will not cost the American people 1 penny. Mr. JOHNSON of Te3ca,,s. Mr. Presi- dent, I ask unanimous consent that the amendments be considered en bloc. The PRESIRINGr OFFICER. ,Withont objection, the amendments will be con- sidered en bloc. The question is on agreeing to the com- mittee amendments. The amendments were agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The title was amended so as to read: "A bill authorizing the State highway commission of the State of Maine to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the St. Croix River between Calais, Maine, and St. Stephen, Ne Brunswick, Canada." STRENGTHENING AND IMPROVING THE ORGANIZATION OF THE DE- PARTMENT OF STATE Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- dent, I ask unanimous consent for the Present consideration of Calendar No. 550, Senate bill 2237. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill will be read by title, for the informa- tion of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE? CLERIC. A hill (S. 2237) to amend the act of May 26, 1949, to strengthen and improve the organiza- tion of the Department of State, and for other purposes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the request of the Senator from Texas for the present consideration of the bill? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, the purpose of the bill is twofold. First, it will increase the number of top-level statutory positions in the Department of State by three officers at the level of Deputy Under Secretary of State. Sec- ond, it will authorize an increase in the salaries of the top-level officers, exclusive of the Secretary of State, namely, the Under Secretary of State, 3 Deputy Under Secretaries of State, 10 Assistant Secretaries of State, the Counselor, and the Legal Adviser. The number of Assistant Secretaries of State will continue to be the same; and the pay level will be comparable to that in the Department of Justice. The PRESIDING OierICER. If there no amendment to be proposed, the is on _ engrossment and third ques reading o The bill ? 223 was ordered to be engrossed fo d reading, read the third time, and passed, as 'follows: Be it enacted, etc., That section 1 of the act of May 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 111; 5 b. S. C. 151 (a)>, is hereby amended to read as follows: "'There shall be in ttae Department of State in addition to the k;ecretau of State an Under Secretary of State, 1 Deputy Under Secretaries of State, And 10 Assistant Sec- retaries of State." SEc. 2. Section 2 of said, act Is hereby amended to read as fellows: "The Secretary of State and the officers referred to in sec- tion 1 of this act, as amended, shall be ap- pointed by the President, by and with the advice and. consent of the Senate. The Counselor of the De2artment of State and the Legal Aclyiser, who are required to be appointed by the President, hy and abith the adVice and consent or the Senate, shhlr rank equally with the Assistant Secretaries of State. Any such officer holding office at the time the provisions of this act, as amended, become effective shall not be required to be reappointed by reason of the enactment of this act, as amended. The rates of basic compensation Or the Mader cretary of State shall be $21,000 per annum, .10, Deity Under Secretaries of State $20,500 ier ann .rn, the Assistant Secretaries of State. the Co in- selor, and the Legal Adviser / 20,000 per annum." Sze. 3. The President may int laity fl 1 2 of the Deputy Under Secretar; posit: ins established in section 1 of this act by ip- pointing, without further advict and c )n- sent of the Senate, the 2 Deputy Jrider ec- retaries of State who, on the date of the enactment of this act, held that ..1esignai on pursuant to authority contained 3 n sea ,on 2 of the act of May 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 1 1). REPEAL OF PEE-STAMP r EQUTI E- MENT IN TtIE FORE/GN TWIG': Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. /Ir Pr ,si- dent, I ask unanimous consent for .he present consideration of Cal .ndar 555, House bill 5841. The PRESIDING OFFICER The fll will be read by title, for the in i'ormai ion of the Senate. _ The LEGISLA7IVE CLERIC. A )111 (II R 5841) to repeal the fee-stam ) reeve ce- ment in the Foreign Service aid am nd section 1728 of the Revised Satutes as amended. The PRESIDING OFFICER Is il Ire objection to the request of t1 e Sere tor from Texas for the present corsiderai .on of the bill? There being no objection, i ne Ser ete proceeded to consider the bill Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. vii. Pr dent, before action on the bi.I is ce in- pleted, let me ask whether the ill she_ lid be referred to the Committee oa R les and Administration? Mr. MANSFIEI4D. No. The PRESIDING OFFICER If 11 me be no amendment to be pro )o, ed, the question is on the third read lig of ?the bill. The bill (H. R. 5841) was oi &red o a third reading, read the third lime. ,nd passed. REPEAL OF Sa...tiVICE CH IP GE IN MAKING AND AUTHEN' 'IC= NC RECORDS IN DEPARTi ENT OF STATE Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. NTT.. Pr dent, I ask unanimous conse it for the present consideration of Calendar No 556, House bill 5842. The PRESIDING OFFRet4? The biE will be stated by title for the inform ia- ton of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERIC. A: bill (T3 12, 5842) to repeal a service charge oi le cents per sheet of 100 words, Jor mal ini out and authenticating copies of rect reit in the Department of State. The PRESIDING OFFICER Is 11 ere objection to the request of the Sen tom from Texas for the present :ionsirt) ra- tion of the bill? There being no objection, he Senate proceeded to consider the bill Mr. JOHNSON' of Texas. 'Mr. Pi -Isl.- dent, I ask iiiianlerious conse It to I ave. printed at this point in the Races) brief excerpt from the report ?.n the All There being no objection, Inc exc rp- from the report (No. 551) -cm is oral rec- to be printed in the RECORD, is f011( WS Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP59-00224A00010059007-4 , Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100590007-4 7340 cONOREsSioNAL RECORD ? SENAM TI-IE BILL IS NECESSARY Section 213 of the Revised Statutes (5 V. S. C. 166; derived from an act of Septem- ber 15, 1789) requires that for "making out and authenticating copies of records in the Department of State, a fee of 10 cents for each sheet containing Ito wards shall be paid by the person requesting such copies, except where they are requested by an officer of the United States in a matter relating to his office." H. R. 5842 will eliminate this requirement. The Department of State, which proposed this legislation, contends that the old statute Is "obsolete, and its implementation is un- economical in view of present administra- tive and accounting costs." The PRESIDING O.F.FICER. If there be no amendment to be submitted, the question is on the third reading of the bill. The bill (H. R. 5842), was considered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. CARRYING OF FIREARMS BY CER- TAIN OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- dent, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of Calendar No. 557, House bill 5860. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill will be stated by title, for the informa- tion of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A bill (H. R. 5860) to authorize certain officers and employees of the Department of State and the Foreign Service to carry fire- arms. The PRESIDING OloriCER. Is there objection to the unanimous-consent re- quest of the Senator from Texas? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill. Mr. MANSFIRT,n Mr. President, the Purpose of the bill is to permit certain security officers to carry firearms when accompanying distinguished guests around the country. I ask unaiihnous consent that a marked portion of the report on the bill be printed at this point in the RECORD. There being no objection, the excerpt from the report (No, 552) was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: PURPOSE or THE min This bill authorizes security officers of the Departnient of State and the Foreign Service to carry, firearms for the purpose of protecting (1) heads of foreign states, (2) 'high officials of foreign governments and other distinguished visitors to the United States, (3) the Secretary and Under Secre- tary of State, and, (4) official representatives of foreign governments and of the United States attending international conferences or performing special missions, The Secre- tary of State may prescribe regulations and shall designate security officers who have qualified for the use of firearms for this purpose. The PRESIDING OrrICER. If there be no amendment to be submitted, the question is on the third reading of the bill. The bill (H. R. 5860) was ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. , ;BILL PASSEpOVER . Ir. ii1011,,Sr. rill resiCenf , roy niter- Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- ory IS now refresh e 1. and 7 a,ni satiq-e.d. dent, at this time I wish to have Calen- The PRESIDING OFF!( ER 1 f 'here dar No. 558, Senate bill 1966, amending the Interstate Commerce Act, tempor- rarlIy passed over, as one of our col- leagues who is en route here desires to discuss it. MODLPliATIOT OP AUTHORIZED PROJECT FOR PERRELLS BRIDGE RESERVOIR, TEX. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- dent, I ask unanimous, consent for the present Consideration of Calendar No. 560, Senate Joint Resolution 77. - The PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint resolution will be stated by title, for the information of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A joint reso- lution (S. J. Res. 77) to modify the atithorized project for Ferrells Bridge Reservoir, Tex.. and to provide for the local cash contribution for the water- supply feature of the reservoir. The PRESIDING OPFICER. Is there objection to the unanfmOus-consent re- quest of the Senator from Texas for the present consideration of the joint reso- lution? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the joint resolu- tion. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- dent, this measure has been reported unanimously by the Committee on Pub- lic Works, of which the distinguished senior Senator from New Mexico [Mr. CBAVEZ I is chairman. I ask unanimous consent to have printed at this point in the RECORD an excerpt from the report pn the bill. There being no objection, the excerpt from the report (No. 55) was ordered to be printed. in the RECORD, as follows: PURPOSE. The puraose of this bill is to modify the general plan for flood control on Red River below Denison Dam, Tei. and Okla., to in- clude an increase of approximately 250,000 acre-feet of storage for water-supply pur- poses in Ferrells Bridge Reservoir, and to provide that local interests contribute the appropriate increased costs, either on a per- centage basis as construction of the project prOgresses, or in a lump sum as soon as rea- sonably certain date of completion can be made, but no later than at such time as may be determined by the chief of Engineers that will assure orderly construction to pro- ceed to conpletion without interruption or delay. The PRESIDING 01,10.1.CER. If there be no amendment to be proposed? Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I should like to have an explanation made of the joint resolution. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- dent, this joint resolution involves Fer- rells Bridge Dam and Reservoir, in Tex- as. The dam Was authorized some 10 years ago. It is a part of the Red River Basin Flood-Control project, which serves the States of Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. After the project was authorized, Con- gress passed legislation permitting the communities to purchase water im- pounded by the, dam. , be no amendment to be prctaotedt the ..ern and thud R ns. '(7) a hird rest- pi,sScd vs que: tion is on the et iprossn reading of the join', resoll The joint resoluti n (S , ordered to be engro zed fo. ing, read the third time, follows: Resolved, That the genera control on Red Rivt r authorized by the Flt:oti Con (Public,Law 526, 79ti Cony ified to include in F melts appyoxiniately zso_,op, acre-f stornge for water s ipply? local interests shall *6 mtribu cost, including apprt )l late i of planning, constr. :cVng maintaining such a, cled et mined by the Chief if Eng; further, That this contributi on n percentage basii con project progresses or in a lii; as a reasonably Ceti :in dot' can be given: And rrovide payment of such cora -ibutim the method selected, shall b than at such time is may by the Chief of Eng Deers - orderly construction to prof tion without interru nitm 0. a...snow 7,1 tTOC,C1 -rot Ac,. 1946 is 1 ert 000- 'rid e 1.!-.eser,ecr .et increased PrO,itted, Shot :e t e bicscaacd .iftEr eat ,imrv,v,, opera-01y... .1p0 Tare f; dere'- ?leei O'Ided Eta's? be matte :tru:Air a of toe ,:urr as Sa011 ,of co,.apieriurt rth,-r lb t of ? m tie no be de::aim.ined Oat WI assure aed to rumple- - de :ay, CONSTRUCTION ()F A IT: TILOING FOR A MUSEUM CF III ;TORY AND TECHNOLOGY, SMITI :".SCNIAN IN- STITUTION Mr. JOHNSON of Text) dent, I ask unanielous Ci present considerat on oi 561, House bill 6411. The PRESIDING Clelci( will be read by title for ti of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE .3LERIC. 6410) to authorize he cot building for a Mil own o Technology for th, tution, including the p-ep: ion if plans and specific( tions, me a work incidental thereto. The PRESIDING OFFI( EF. !there objection to the re juest ttt)e -,('nater from Texas for then esent col Lsicieration of the bill? There being no tbjectitta, he Senate proceeded to consid the 1,111. Mr. JOHNSON or Texa t. SIr Prt'st- dent. I ask unanimous co-ise It in le:eke printed at this pc n( in he Ri,c(0-0, brief, marked porton of 'he re .Dort ott the bill. There being no u),iectio i, the f.x from the report (Ik.o. 556. wqs :Irriered to be 'piinted in th RECO D, 1.0110WE : The purpose of this bill it t autlat:rivr, arri direct the Regents ct tile S nit.1:sc?,ia!k Is - stitution to plan anl to hi vs .ton:triatted under the supervislea of t,,e tor of the General 3- rviees ado. i ni-(ratio;;. a building and all nraessarv apr :art( na for use by the Smith: ?man ast:tutam as a national museum of :,iciory :nd recimciog:T. The bill authorize; the a pri art tim if Such SLUM, not to t Netted 36 milTha, may be necessary to 2arry o t I te wont ti planning and construating ti e b tilt appurtenances. The PRESIDING OFFIC ER It' inert be no itmenchnent to be mci)os12d, the Mt Presi- nst nt Q.,,t the Caterviar 'EP.. ' ]Thte bill _e info:,.mation A bil I [1 P. str tot M1 of a likstok ?nd So) Etat I at,t,- Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100590007-4