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Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Calendar No. 2296 84lli CONGRESS SESSION 2n H. R. 113,56 [Report No. 2273] IN tL1Ui 1 'Sh]NATE O V TJ tE' UNITED STATI+]S JUN E 11, 1956 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations JUNE 19, 1956 Reported by Mr. GEonoE, with an amendment Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic] AN ACT To amend fu ?ther the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tines of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 T4mt this Aet n he eited fts the "Al~tttt Security Aet of 4 "". 5 S 2 Title i elfff pte ' 4-; of the Mkittiftl Seeitiity Aet 6 of 4954, ft s ame e4 whieff fates to ni44ftff a;ssistanee, 7 flyer ftrtel ed as follows! 8 Ift seetiof} 4-N:4 -{ q; w14e 1 feffttes t f #4 N Lena; 9 add the followitig new- -rwf wgfa fl i- 10 T-tt aa44+H+)*3 44iei!e s 1-ie y aN4the}t`ftLd to b3e Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 2 1 tq+pfopriate4 to the Pws4dent to eat out the doses of 2 this elater jot. to eaeee4 $Ij , of w e e 1e 3 t o $4 000-00 lira he +kse4 to provide assistaa}ee to Speiij 4 and not more than $4027,000;000 Hray he used to pfe-vide 5 affiistenee to other FiffepiBeffi eoatries-, and ieh shiJ4 fe- 6 main Wa4lable until e > 7 -(-b')- JH seetien 4 ; strike oats eetions -(e?)- and 44).-. 8 SB(3: & e 4; ester of the Mutual Seeurit $et 9 of 4-4-, a s ameHe4; which relates to defense support; is 10 farther amended by s 4, g a semicolon for the period 11 after L"et" in subseetien -{e} of seetion 4-34 a 4 ifi~r 12 tlwreftftj~-r the follewi ffigz 13 ?4Hd for the fiscal year 1957 not to exeee4- - 14 ".(). 08;8A9 for Europe -(-e~Eel}tding Qreeee 15 ai=i4 T 16 _` 0,000;000 for the r asst g 17 Greece ft H4 T-ttr -e } and lea-,? 184 $882,000,30Q for Asia; and 19 i44) X000;000 for IAtiii Ame e, 20 -gads maw a ab4e der pffagfaph J4}. ffiay be 21 used to f m-ish a-ssistanee 4esigie4 to sus is and it ease 22 militftr-y or internal d f eii- e efforts an d ffiaTy be used witheot 23fegrd tthe requrireHreHts of seetieHS 441 and 4-44 in the 24 ease of an nation w is a party to the deter- eriean 25 Preaty of Reeiproeal s- and w4ieh has a to Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 3 the resolution of 1954 entitled .4)eehtratiee of Sofia f the pr ati of the Political Integer of the m can states against the Intervention of Interlatione1 Corn 4 w"Uhism'. Py S 4 Title -, ehapter 4 of the Matti&I Seeaiity 4et of 4 54, as amend-e4 , which contains general saes g to n+utu defense ass; ee, armed by adding at, the end thereef the following Hew seetiee: " . 4-4-3: ]PRORIBIET N OF I' ~~ To YiJO E) LV EA-yT A . T r.~~ an V other {!1 Vvisio of i no as. stance aver this title of any ether title of this -het; OF der any provision of law repealed by section -(a}- of -542 this Ant, shall he shed to 3~ugeslavia after the date of the enactment of . doll, iffiless the Presidefi fih ids 44+ that there has bee-ft no ehenge in the Y ?g- pekieies on the hasis of wl4e assistance r this A4 has been fu wed to Yugoslwvia in the past, and that Yugo is ifidependen of control by the Soviet Union, and 2 that it is in the interest of the na,tio seeawity of the United States to eentiiiue the wig of a ss;stanee to Yugosia- ader this Aet." SE: 6. Title 4 of the Mutual Seeu Ant of 1954, as edl h relates to ire is affiend by str-iking eat sections 24 and 2 a sub- stituting the following f sanction Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 ,1 11 12 13 14 4 8 : 241. 4 E E --{ Ti3 adAition to the lfef=etofote app wiate4 tf=sttafn to the t- e:4isiets of fwetiafts -294- aa4 419 o tl4i4 t as i e&4 prior to the fie of the dal Seeff Aet o4 4 4 funds = f 4 ~ ilftWe for their o inal ff oses ift fbeeord tree With the p r 4isief3s of law of4giia4la a lieable tlfefeto; there is hereby fit e=ii-e4 to ke appropgf}a to the 3fesi e+ t not to eHeee~ 43,09O;O9& to r-effi it ale tffltd J e 38, 4t?t; f o-r ~ys; iee designed to }promote the eeono+ ie developiftent of free Via, the 4441 e Eost; aff4 Mrica, hase4 on self Yelp awl mutual eeo~3ef'atieft of friendl trs ti s; and to fffaiata f eeotiomie and pol l stability in these areas: 4 The Vi-esi1t is authorized to atilis:e the fttf ds hereafter made available for pttfpeses of 4& title to ae- e*oif h iii these o f polic-4es and l iirpeses deelare4 in this A eta and to disburse them on s{telf to }s ail eofdi- tions, i lt}4if ~; tf rsfer of fiffi4s~ ass lie b Smei Pro- 'plfat std as4staeee shall of ly he a fable en tees ?4 reps ient, except -{-4-)- when stieh fir 4s are need to f4mfiee sales of setts a 4ettltifral eoifff. e,ltties ufffler- see - ton 492, of +24 v } granted for the Wiese of ft region project involvin two or more beneficiary i~ hens : z4`l-f t-ws 4-e fif rther, Tfft~ fret more thecft 24 pff eeeiAttHi f4- i; fps hereafter made available for loses of this title shall Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 5 1 e } assiste e to fffty one nation 4iRA C44 ieh as s 2 bilateral assistanee ?uisbed to stteh ftfttioB as 3 iiatiofi's pre-pertionate share of , , istaiiee furflislied for re- 4 gio-fi 'jets it is gibed 5 " To be eligible for bilateral ftssistarree from 41ft& 6 hereafter e aailftble for yeses Of this Vie, a ffatieif 7 shall hie entered into a -w=ritten agreement; sft4sfa0tei 8 to the -resident; to penfii t pftr4e4K+iOft by p e enter- 9 wise in the aeeeiffiplish art of a of the doses of this 10 A,.t in eOftfafilifteee with the previsions of seetion 41-3, hi-eh 11 relates to en.--ow-age, t' of free eoterfwise aRd private 12 partieipatien: 13 s ffiftEle available under this title ff MY he 14 used e peosc ~e# rer than those presided for aft4ef fafte- 15 section 414 -(e* of this A-et+- to assist oaring out 16 tion antler the a rftl Trade Development a *4 assist- 17 ane,e A-et of as ffi*eftd-ed -f 8-- G-- 46$-1- and te 18 fol}owilig) , delegated or assipe to any eg-ffiy or ewer 19 adMinistering tanee " 20 fir. TWO R4 of the 4a4W Security $et of ` 1954, 21 as a whiei relates to dal eeeperati ,, is further amended as fellows -2 -(a)- 1u section 304 {b}-, whi relates to aq atierr; after < g ;1}gArse -, and for the ?rseai year 1WL net to exceed $4404,00-# ,}A-'. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 . 6 414 seetieff 4,00; ._s h" relfiles to ffHIfiWerA aJ +4ef4 eeopefftfiee T-ft sl ee4oif - -, w-h es to e634ribat}9 Fts 4 k he 7-nite,4 Na ief3s &f~4e4 Prograffi of T--eel s-- 5 E;eke~tt f "1 fM1 e a 6 4for the fisesi y-eff .405 for stteh ee fltribtt- 7 8 04 4f} 3ef -(- f rAfttes? 4,& fq)f ens 9 to the teehffiea 4 ee&peratiieff progmffis of the ~44an of 10 Ai*erieft* ,des; slake et f r if g ~-0-542 ftn4 ;fttbsli- 11 lie f 4 $4 8a;000 for the meal y-eftf ION-, for sw4? 12 e~~leffs.-'- 13 14 (ej seeMo 07'; ielf des if=- ff4 ees- M4 eoT-rtr&elS; Strike efrk fig following -Qo re's&9' the "sl s+se c e, ,hereof en4 selfsliilffle ?` eff4 fit .8ffi-Y time k*r W4 16 Mee 4wii three 18 tai to EOWfffg f reel ofl: A J 1T/- L.]71 r~1T,l/"`ITT'T TfY fy AT 1. ~ '(>f'Llfl]1Tj_A o PR, 19 F+fM---44 r l se tse of t 4e QffiTfess l i- there be refde; 20 fef4er the 4reel}ei3 of the "n ff,H f dy s study 21 of the { ethe4s of feeelfaa ri s w y the leohtieai es-- 22 eiferelietf Program ea -n be esl ishe4 on a ],Ong- f die; 23 ie ,Of its base o4jeE es fah pf ses, separated lit 24 pr gf~ ffefjze4 by of j+tf~afft to the Mutlt 25 eeffei#s e ; fK ? ea4el, including the pre ft ra-i -*OR of O tt Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 7 1 s~esa s legis1atiofi to eitabh-sh sueh pntiffm miler- the 2 a4 4 . of a eeW i lepet+eRt agency of r . ,..m, ,,iA 3 eorpe n." 4 , e P, of the M-utaal Seee ty of 40541 as 5 6 as fo4ows: 7 -(4 Amend seetien 404-, wh" relates to speed fan4; 8 as 9 - - In the first senteeee of streseetion #a)-, stye et?t 10 ,088,080 and substitute "W0,000,000" and in the 11 last senteiiee of such subsection stye out ,089- 12 and sabsti-ttite > 13 -(~}- In o=Y 14 and for the fiscal yeff 1.957 net to exceed 15 -(4)- In seetion 4O2- whieh relates to eama g of 16 after "$900,000,000", itrse t and of the fps so 17 attt ork ed for the f seal year a-57 net less than 18 $215O,089,000,'': 19 -e:)- section 403 - ( whieh relates to special assist- areas, after " 20 a nee in joifit, eeetrel 88-; insets 21 and for the' fiscal yeff 4 not to eaeeed $12,2 9;x"0 ,'% 22 -(-)- A-B~ section 405 which relates to migrants 23 r ees, a *d eseapee-s as f Aows--. -(' -' In after insert !-' and 25 &r- the fiscal year 40-57 not to e eee , , ~" Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 8 1 (?} s seeticrrt { }; tdtet= = ;E38,000,!; i-trse t L,3 2 trams fo+ the #ief4 ye'ar' 4f}57 trot 1o e*eee4 3 -(-t section 406 44}-, whie ,1e tc eki1 fE t+'s w4- 4 4 4? of " -; }A; " i*seA -"3 ftft4 fef the 4 yeffl, 5 44) X37 wt 4e e ee4 " 8 N88,888-" 6 -(- -} -re se(44o 487 -f1j- whie t fe1ti:tes to '-A-stitte fef- 7 tees in the 14w,47 sl kecHt ! tle -iy4Nt=440 -'-. 8 (~} Ainerx -.~eetion 488; w felttect to eee&e ?r,& 9 follow 10 Orr s #~ ee( rr ttftef -4a'2 000 A? }tt +he 4bst 1.:1 st'ttt~~ {ee # ct ; irts rt err f~= the e: . etrt U-57 iiot, t~ to e ee 400,10w-, 14 15 , t"m;tr -- *t*;tt ;tit tl== e+ fl=ee 4P A ,;e.,+4e4+ee # to ec i see ", txrtt # the tsetti , a 0,57 Bot cec4 16 fit} : seetiet} 4=1-8; w~jeh }t tes to Ctat 1.7 t.s ; tt4# e-`r ,,H4- "4+4 bet= 4+e g year 4 art to ?e*eee4 tie e lice{ e eese try -t+ 'ffib-seetion &t e out t t 6t ows ',35 - ~24,000 ttff4 i t ?4tftd ?o+ the yea 49-5.7. stet to r'=' ;88; for e eeessttfy t ~1 e epee4es Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 9 1 ei eet to ear ttg otrt the pro;~tsiei~s of is Fe rer 2 tha" ehapter 14 title 1 a Beet 4)-'. " ? as ee#ef {-e}- 49 3 esigaate -,,t (e) ee:. 4 and ii rt after StEbseetieff. the following new sub- 5 ` eetions :- 6 Not to ex-eee4 ",00-,000 of ids e a x le 7 der t4t4e 14 y be tray-tsferred i-a the ftseal year 15 7 8 for iteec~s ar a istrative ewes rtot then wise, l o- 9 iEletl for Ott to Ft~ out fffl+etto~ ffFAff the r 10 et ~rro Trade e elo t tent ffffd Assissta of y Cr~i54; as 11 auleTifled 47- S: (4 4-~4 *ftd the fog-o delegated 12 or assigned to arm agency or offiee ariistefrg iioi- 13 tary assist aeee; and the ,t is so transferred shad 4e een- 14 solidated with fonds made aailab1e p+ff&dftiA to this seems 15 for said seal ear. 16 There are a tb< ed to . be ae=on te to the 17 Pepartment of State sttelt a turfs as wifty he rteeessaly 18 from time to tithe fora +ttistrati e expenses whielt are it- 19 ettrved for iiofm l ft tetioits of t l-&, Depftftmeiit wh-iel+ reiat;e 20 to ft teti{ons der this Aet. 21 -(-j-)- In wort 443 -{b)- 44 after a to eneoffmgwe to i~3=destff virtcxr~ to", insert ", and its 22 facilitate the t of - e~,+ 23 equitable treaters 24 -(k)- Amend Beet en 443 -()- -E4} as foilews11. R. 11356 2 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 10 1 -~ -' ei "e3a ?', ipR, ", thee h the te3'i~a- 2 E Qeopefa A4mni-stratioe." 3 -f' } stAffte "Ji e 40 ff)f 4 he ere the aemieo" 5 at the e thereef e "e re } E4 wain; e eir; 6 of sarreetieH?' 7 -E4)- A*tffi4 o ffftgfftp -(44 t() read as ?ohews 8 L(4 - the President is ae# rhed to issae trae4 9 Grp to a total wee e of ;OQQ0~Q 0 e t -ve of 10 r atio 3 guaranties heretofore f hE ter 1:1 ies pnrsnant to seetien 4.0-14 of the Aet of Jaenary 12 217; 4 48; as a d-e4 +2942 2 S G 4 4 and eeetion 13 4 4 -b..4 of the Eeoeeniie Qea atiee :A-et of 494-8- 14 as am. aided (4 4 F 15 That any htft& al}eeated to a gant anti remaining 16 a?~~er a$ iiabiiity o4 the teed States assn in eee- 1 eeetiee beef ged r+eiease~I; e , Ew 18 etc= i tem+: -tc ; e AH+& reaii a?ter? Jane gt}; 19 4-945-, the sale of eafyeBeies of otheras wts aegtii 4 20 tes t to -(U} shall he a aiiab1e for 21 a49eation to ether gaazairties,- and the foregoing i- 22 tatiee shall he ceased to the extent that sneh his 23 heEeome availab pa a ~e to disc ~e 24 lW)ilities der getranties issued this para:gr"h 25 shed he pai4 eat of fees collected der s thparagraplh Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 11 1 4}- as long as sueh fees a e aaai6b4e ft.ft4 therreafter 2 shftl1 be paid ettt of f~ffl& fealized feet the safe of e- 3 }-e eies of etl ei assets ae.,Vife4 pu+%.H*t to sub- 4 paI agf -(44 a a4 t+etes whi 4 ha- e beefs te4 5 Updef atttherity of pfw aVh 444 -(e+ -E2}- of the wee- 6 fiomie G?opefation A-et of 1948 as f eftdeE t u4 aii- 7 dto-Fized to be ieet e4 ttt4ef this -)f Fag a fh by the Peetef 8 Of. the 1 t ?""' a t ^i, a 1 Gee e+ atiet+ Adffiiitist a i, when 9 ++eeesssry to 4iseltai e liabilities ttn4e ate= sae1+ gftf f -- 10 T Ode That a}i guar-ftn.ies i sstte4 a4ff June -,'-W; 4-954 11 p+trsuattt to tie pftfagmO shall be ee+t er-td fef the 12 ptt}peses of seetiens U 9 +,4 1. 11: S, 44 m+4 .3732 13 -(44- l1 Sr: U 1-4+ of the Revised Sta es, as amei 4e4 14 as oblige, one on4y to the extent of the } roballe u4i- 15 mate net cost to the :Gfkite States of such g == 16 f+t+ the -freSi4eHHt s~tftl1- i + 4w s"n+tssiett to the Gen- 17 of the fepfrts reip by seetiott 5" of this ket, 18 itielude j at + on the e i.ett of this }ga t 19 , e4 he , That at all tries funds sitfd be alle- 20 eft" to all e+itstftrt-dit+g guaranties iesue prier to duly 21 44 of iitfoymatiet~ai tedia giti tsi ec e 22 i d of the Aet of J-anxafy +t to seetien 1.944 ce 7 stta 23 tierf 4 C 4442 2 S d 2 see ), ftff - +2 -2 2 1948, as ame e 24 rag Aet of i y h 1 f & c y 4- o eenem e t e 444- -M_ + 25 4P48-, as dec , etiaa4 to the sum of the face i'altte Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 12 1 e4 said get the ppese ?4 this pa aph 2 tk- Peete e:? the Interned( ??ee abet} A-- a-- 3 istratie} is to issue notes -(-in addition to 4 the metes reeete?efe issued pu t to pftm 4-44 5 -(e-}-, 0} of the Ewe Q+&per-at e A-iA of 1948, 6 as finiefid e }- in en ai eui+t uet to exeeed x-37;500,-00O 7 end ee the same terms and eei3fli ieiis app 4e to 's 8 issued par-s*e et to said para ;ph 444 +# e)- 9 44)- AfffH+"seefi-on 41i,5-,- w eh e; to twsisftuivee to 10 } AU:~i43 e ei~ a ie as foilo s : 11 -~ /y +~- .(.#'.e CL ` - , `~ ~~ vv.~, l~rvlr'-' }3~' the title to '--Fit~- 12 (2;~ ei-`the nth A41fflitieTi!ea ' i sei t "a the Orgaei 9en for Ewwepeaii -Eeo e L e y pe- etien"".. *) - Repea4 Ses ien 448; Wie n, 4i ,s to President's - the f ieg i see#eee= -hew 474, Sc tit ?ong ess, as a3 ei e4 seetiEar 47 - e die ~& 886 qoty st C-fffl9r,e,Qs, is hefebly their affleode by st iii;g efft the (rgu i e 42,-O00, }O ~' in seetien -29 thereof ain4 iseit-i lieit t teieel the e `* 08 0O8-.' SBE~- & The MMu tnf4 Seed ity met of 47 as emei ; Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 24 13 is ffffthei ftffwnd,-d iflser-ting immediate 1yathe first seetioir thereof and befere title:[ the wing i seetioi- `A , 2 S 1 1 i77I~Z OF A TEMENT 8(~~l PpLi Qeng e s of O the United motes, reeogiii iiig that the pewee of the world and the seenrity of the -cited States are as long as 4tte atiotial eoi ttnism and the nations it eeiitrol s eon- brae by threat of , ttetiort; we of eeer ie pressure; internal ~n or ether ffieff-H to attempt to bring antler their #loiiiiiia ien peoples How free ftftd dent and eoti-- tttrtie to deny the rights of freedom effid peoples and nations oiree free bttt i st -feet to siteh 4omin declares it to be the Poliey of the Unite States to continue as long as snob dater to the peace of the word and to the seeority of the United States persists to ffiftlie, available to free nations and peoples upon rec test ^ i? ee of such nature and in suelr amens as the United Staffs is able to previde eei rpatible with its own stability, strength, aii4 other obligations; and as may be needed a effeetivel used by stteh free nations and peoples to help them irfaintain their freedo ' 5 : Title 3 ehapter 4-, of the 4tual Seeiirity Aet of 4#54; as amended whieh ref to geziera-l pro is s; iS fther m+tefl4ed as fellows -Ea-}- seetion 5Q1 whieh relates to transferability of Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 14 1 E1 t s; strike eu t4te 6A two sentenees n 4 i tset4 ift 2 t' ' the fe iw4ftgi. L 4tff&, # nsf ei ed endef r s see- 3 4;ieft foi the = urpose of tfiedti~ assists we. nodef seeten 4 .?4 s4a4 be a =ai-jabie o*, f tisldng aseist nee on t-ert3is 5 of f=elt r ent in aeeeFfl tree vAt4 seetien 15053 14 fnre4sh- 6 iffg em'pl-as agg+ieiih tt 4 commodities unfde3 ,,ef44on 44-')-,- of 7 fe} making grants fir regiettai ojeets i t ag two of 8 more ben r + ? " 9 -f b4- 1-ft section ' 7- whiek felfttes to a , i ility of 10 idter "staf en , ,T iiiseft ``a fcl eta pfo-44offs f4 this 11 A ". 12 -(e)- Ift section bQ9 Leh reintes to s gt; on United 13 S1+ . ~r;esse}s., f er "this Ae '-' i t the last se ee th-e 14 i ee t the i4t e } Tra4e 33ei=elepttent and 4-sf+~_ 15 agree -Aet of 444; as a ended -(-7 U: 8-.. 41 4494 and the 16 e_ 4-0 Title e4 a tef of the - ~Alrrtttt4 r lei of .' as fl7meft4e4-, vhiel relates to f r a ri a t ar}f a+tiistratierr is further ftij! as felle-,s: Ift section 534 ; w-jiieh relates to delegation of a e-- ity V be Presidents ftf-ter --sw ee t 4N-L' in s e t irrsee "at+ 4 seems 41 -f # -(4)- -k. Ameti4 sf'ette t .3 wjjjeh r to alleeatie jt a td rf ffifibtifiefnent a g agencies, as foJI&WS Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 15 (} :add the feilewin, at the end of S,_ - }- "~ be rater of Geiie-fa Set vieee ftiithefizd to 3 Arta in a, sere eoiit~o idated aee t, whie shaR be 4 free from fiscal year rm't~ ations" payments reeeived by the 5 General Ser4}.ees n d, strat for administrative sur- 6 eharg es connection with ser9 s performed 7 by the General Sexvie A(Imini stratlen in furtherance of the 8 yeses of this Act: Stieh payments sha4 be in amounts 9 wally fteeeptftble to the General Ser4ees Administration 10 and the ftgeney administering nonmilitary ass tanee; and 11 these am ants shall be a for e dm,. strati o penses 12 wed by the C eneral Se ees Adffiiftistfa in perform- 13 ing saeh pfoetireme nt ser- ees" 14 -f2 )- A4d the iellewng new s se tion "( -- Awfly appropriation iffa& to Barry out the pro- visions of this $et may 4+4%4y be eha ged; tAithift the limits of available funds, to finance expenses for whieh Patt& are available in ether appropriations made under this Aeti P-r-e- ? as of the end of the same hseai year such ex- penses shall be fly eharge4 to appliea-ble appropriations with preper credit to the appropriations iftitia4y utilize for hna-Heiii purposes." 4e)- 111 seetion 53 , whiek rues to experts and eon- saltants or organizations thereof, insert before the period Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 16 1 at the end of s see,tioa -(-a-)- the w T 2 Pfftt eels ?o stteit enj4oy t whir sate o a ti ttioes 3 may he ewes a tf"y-. 4 -{43- 1-1+ seetieet 5--,32; whieh C ates to e etti-i)ti~t Of per- 5 st *4 4 ee44ait-t 44o er is , add the f oi1e ait g, at the 6 ear e subseetioii -(O= "Contracts for the ett merit of 7 retired y person el as experts o e~ tt}t;t is ttttf e 8 s+ nett -( - may be retie a-Bh;aEt4Iy ; ret4 ~t ; 9 sib 4-5 of the 4et of August -2 1946 -(-5 $: rl~-. A: }=' 10 -(- Affietid seetien 5; Leh relate to, eee~e ie~ 11 with iuttemfttiontd or i atie as follows 12 -(1-)- Wit "NAT AND" after -` n"? r the 13 tit1e -(2-) Affieii4 subseet;ien 44# - to" read as "- -} Whenever t 4e 44-mesifleii Bete ne?s it to be it - 44+erat}ee of the trjeses; of 44s 4et-, aired S-tfttes Go ere- 3 oat= a~~~et3et{'S~ on ret ~te~t e Yrtic riia iv e ~&331'.~ 3e33 9; are w er-i to ish sh ies; tttateria4 and ser4ees; aid ett of nations; are atititeri to ftrtuisEi ttettna-iiitary sup- p min aterials, a ser=. ees; to s e ai$ a4ons and tua- tietts on an of - le of funds or rein btffse tent basis: ,fit w41a ees, or r'ein' arse tments which are ree4 - under this sttbs" t v4tkottt one hiffidr-e eight fags after the close of # to rseel year i t ,opt sffeh sh ies; moteriais; ant-d! ser 4eeY are 4e1 v-ere4 he eta to the eurt ettt appliea-~ie ap- Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 17 1 ~ +~ e Wn4 el the t eney eertee +ted ? 1 e ftv a,il+ble the hip whieli ftPfW-OP44iOftS f&4 2 3 funds are fitithffi-ze,4 to be 4 ( 4" the *)4o +tg ttew set4oi+ 5 " e. 49 e B&- 6ppreptia-tit-tts fo+ the pi+rpeses of this A-et 4eeept ,l+apter -t el title 1 ft* 4 seetiett . 24), al4eeatieffs to *PTY 7 e 8 :Vf4ed *Rtei 4 r m r e t t+9-(Re -,7 ether 1 1 9 t ft++ +v l+me6etts 4t e+y +elrtted te, the pe poses Of th+s 10 t et, m+4 ++++c s +tts ,+} r+} +le ether 1-ttypesee to a +y 11 t e+-e t +++H} tee + ~++rft +t rzss}st t+ee, s to e*eept tt's 12 t stt~etttlyy be (4heew1se p led by 1ftw; he ttv"tree 13 for- the p++Ppe es speei#4e 11 4B 4 Tile AL, f te} y; of the Ajfft+jg reefwiti, 12 44, e 4454-, ftnrende4 w } ,? s to iepe } ft 4 13 ee!Hfte 4e f w4 e+. ffflieftded a i felfe 14 (a3. ~~f seems X14- #4e e to s to a;fae 15 e? ;_ ~;t feff ~f =a f his ea +b 16 seetiee. 4 e4 t+e of 4,ft- .y. p7 ,41. 18 "etiefts-' the 44 4eg~-- iiieltidiig if he ,s se &pee4fyF 19 ft ~e to efff egftte n of siieh fune-- 20 # fie 21 1-(4 Tr the Est aefitfftee e? ( { ~} ff # 22fa et of 4444; tfsefl -(-3 U 23 4-24 ; titer egefiti; t refeef'; 4 e t 24 - r ftjfl() feeei,, in t e4 per} ei Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100370007-8 Eb i ear a+W teat iii. ct ilfi4e seetiFx~ 5 -(-h-)- of the 2 4atit Seeurit: het of 44)44-, s ffi+ieii 3 ee r c the e e Serge $e+, of 1.446, 4 os rote e4 4414;: 444-8), it,, liefeby Wiled 4-v- 5 ittserrting athe+ `ee+t4i+te+ttt itite4 e - 4te e it tt c t" 6 in 4,44 saltseeetien -44 and subseet it 0+ of thftt *44+oft 7 ',, its ri4er-ies and tessessic ts,' 8 "- f 4 3- S,eeti*o 4444 -{e) of the 4 ++ttl 3 e-,=tee Co&e 9 of !4.54 is hefe a+t+ce++tle