S. J. RES. 96

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Publication Date: 
July 27, 1953
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pprove or 7e ease II I I :-II ? A OGC Has Reviewed Z? July 1953 Mom Araad for: The Director of Central latelligence Subject. b. J. Res. 96 I. ,ist 3 July Senator *Obey wrote the Director request- leg CIA cmaients on S. J. Res. 96. a Joint Resolution to strengthen the foreign relstioas of the United States by establishiag & Commission on Internatonal Telecommunications. This Res CAI was reported Out of C;oinnitttee by oiRMItar Iiickenlooper ?In 18 July. (Copy attached at Tale A). The Resolution eetablIshes a Commtssi )n, which is to be col-sip -ned of 5 members appoiated by the Preallent. 2 members by the President of the Senate. and 2 members by the Speaker 4 the Nouse. The Commission is directed t study the subject 4 iaternatynal telecommurricatns and recommend measures which lain sac-Air/Age the effective use of this medium in foster ng cop.rstun and mutual understanding *moss the free nations It the world. Senate Report 602. 14 eh accompanies the Resolution, is attached at Tab Z. %bile the geaeral field of telecommunication* Al to be covered by the Commission, particular emphasis is to be laid on televioron. The report points out that the USSR has already *stab- hiked uniform telecasting standards among the countries of the 6,m:et bloc and is reported to be plenums the installatioa of trans- mitters capable of delivering television sigma* to many free nations. 3. When S. J. Res. 96 was debated on the ilJor, objec- tion was raised by Senator Johimon (D.. Colo.) on the basis that many of the matters which the Comm,1111-7)11 was to study OSUMI within the jurisdiction of the Senate Interstate and Com- merce Commitee which is charged with jurisdict.on over CUMMUA cations matters. He therefore offered a series of amendments which would limit the Resolution to those matters which CCSMS withia the jurisdiction 4 the Foreign Relations Committee. As a result. Sect ion 9 of S. J. Rem. 96 has been revised to read as follows: Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000200020036-1 pprove or 7e ease II I : II ? AII III II ConintAssi a is directed *4 examine, study, and report on the objectives. operations, sad effec- tiveness of our Information programs with respect I, the prompt development of techniqvies, methods. and programs for greatly expanded and far more effective operations in this vital area of foreign policy through the use of (*retire telecommunicatioas. 4. The title et the CosaailliliSk0111 has bee* watered down to re Commissioa on Governmental Use of International Tele- co unications' . 5. I* *is limited form the Resoluttoa passed the Senate on 23 July. It is of interest to nate that experts sad consultants employed by the Commission may be paid st a rate not to exceed $73 00 per diem, plus travel, sabsistence and other necessary expenses incurred. I believe this is the highest per diem rate that has yet bee* allowed. 6. The proposal for tins Coma salon grows out of recom- msa4stons contained in Senate Report 446 on ,::,verseaa Information Programs of the United States. There are also some recommends- noes coacerning the use of this media in tke report of the Jackson Committee. This Resolution has been considered by several offices ia CIA, and a proposed reply for the DCI'. signature (attacked at Tab C) was prepared by AD/CSI and was concurred an by 0.0/Contizio and Chief/PP. This proposed reply cites a report of March 1951 by the President's Conimitaicstions Policy Board, and entities sad progress beats made at the present time in this field under the direction of the NSC. The proposed reply then points out that the creation of another contain's*** to deal with a specific portion of the total telecommunications probient would impinge upon the roe- possibilities of Cfirtaill Government agencies sad might retard, rather than accelerate. the exploitation of new techniques of inter- national telecommunicetione. 7 . 11 ii felt that this iproposied reply should not be sent to Senator Wil.y, in view of the fact that it refers to certain highly classified reports and studies of the )xecutive branch, of which the Committee may not be presently aware and which should sot be brought to their attention by CIA. Furthermore, in view of the fact that the Resolution has now passed the Senate, a more generalised Approved For Release 2002/0TV.: CIA-RDP58-00597A000200020036-1 pprove or 7e ease II I : II ? AII III II reply should mended that Director. tor Wiley. It is therefore recant- letter at Tab D be dispatched by the 8. In view of the fact that 0.111407 CIA offic isis feel that the Commission proposed La 5.3. Rea. 94) will tend to confuse the issue rather than aid present activities, it is reconuminded that the Director or his designees make these vitro* known to General Cutler and Ms. C. D. Jackson, of the White newts staff, and that the Legislative Counsel be authorised to briag has. views informally to the attention of Mr. 'arra. Harlow, who handles matters pertaming to the House as General Persons' staff at the White /11011.0. In this manses the Whit. House can be apprised I our views and may also take the necessary steps to sidetrack this Resolution in the House without reference to CIA opposit.on. OGC:WLP/blc Orig. - Add. 1 Inspector General 1 - DD/I 1 Chief, PP I - AD/SI 1 - AD/Co mmo Z Stayback 3 - Walter L. Pforsheimer Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000200020036-1