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81ST CONGRESS I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JDocumerrr 9d Session I No. 415 LETTER FROM THE CLERIC OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRANSMITTING A LIST OF REPORTS WHICH IT IS THE DUTY OF ANY OFFICER OR DEPARTMENT TO MAKE TO CONGRESS JANUARY 3, 1950.-- Referred to the Committee on House Administration and ordered to be printed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CLERK'S OFFICE, Washington, 13. C., January 3, 1D50. The honorable the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SIR: In compliance with the requirements of rule III, clause 2, of the Rules of the House of Representatives, I have the honor to sub- mit herewith a list of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress. RALPH R. ROBERTS, Clerk of the House of Representatives. .List of reports which it is the ditty of any officer or department to make to Congress [Prepared in obedience to rule Ill, clause 2, of the Rules of the House of Representatives] By TILE HEAD OF EACH DEPARTMENT Except when a different time Is expressly prescribed by law, the various annual reports required to he submittal to Congress by the heads of departments shall ho made at the commencement of each regular lemon and shall on. brace the transactions of the preceding year. - NOTE, The approprimtians made for printing and bind. Ing shall not be used for any annual report or the accom- pmlying documents unless the nnnrlseript and proof therefor is furnished to the Public Printer in the following meaner: Manuscript of the documents accompanying such annual reports on or before the 1st day of .November of each Year; manuscript of the annual reports on or before the 15th ,day of November of open your; complete revised proof, of the accompanying documents on the 1st day of December of each year and of the annual reports on the 10th day of December of each ;veer; and all of said nnuual reports and accompanying documents shall he printed, made public, and available for distribution not later that, within the first 5 days after the assanbling of each regular session -of Congress. The provlsimis Of tins section shall notapply to the annual reports of the Smithson4m Institution, the Cohe Speonerof Patents, the Cmnptroller of ti a Currency. .or the Sec retary of the Treasury. When expect d to be made 2 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS Approved For Release 200115]25: CI ROP58AO597P-002000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress--Continued When expected to he made By TEE HEAR Or EACH DEEAnfMENt'-C.'mtinued Estimates for lump-sum appropriations contained In the 42 Stat. L.ln-------- Budget or trahsmltted under sec. 203 shall be accompanied by statements showing in such detail and form as may be necessary to inforru Congress the manner of expenditure of such appropriations and of the corresponding appropria- tions for the fiscal year in progress and the fart completed fiscal year. Such statements shall be in lieu of statements of like character now required by law. Civilian officers and employees of the departments and Public Law 424,77th establishments, while traveling on official business and Cong. away from their designated posts of duty, shall be allowed I. lieu of their actual expenses for subsistence and all foes or tips to Portiere and stewards, a per diem allowance to be prescribed by the heads of the departments and establish- ments concerned at a rate not to exceed $6 within the limits of the continental United States, and not to exceed an average of $7 beyond the limits of the contin mtal United Slates. The fixing and payment under see. 823 of this title of per diem 5. U.S.C. 827 allowance, or eortions thereof, shall be in accordance with regulations w~Mch shall be promulgated by the heads of departments and establishments and whit shall be standardized as far as practicable and shall nob be effective until approved by the President of the United States. In the estimates for the fiscal year 1Oi6 and suhsaquent fiscal 38 Stat. L.i08-____._ years there shall be submitted in detail estimates for such necessary appropriations as arc Intended to be used for purchase, maintenance, repair, or operation of all motor- propellerl or horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, speci- fying the some required, the public purpose forwhich said vehicles are intended, and the officials and employers by whom the same are to be used. Every executive department and independent extabliishment 5 U. S. C. 1068 ------ of tine Government shall, upon request of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments of the Horse of Representatives, or of any 7 mamba -s thereof, or upon request of the Committee on Expenditures to the Executive Departments of the Senate, or any 5 members thereof, furnish any information requested of it relating to any matter within the jurisdiction of said committee. Transfers of jurisdictions over public properties within the 47 Stat. L. 161--- District of Columbia between Federal and District au- Iborities. The heads or departments and agencies in the executive 5 U.S.C.947(b)_.__- branch, whose employees are affected by the provisions of Public Law 49, 78th Colors., shall present to the, Director of the Bureau of the Budget and to the Congress such information as the Director shall from time to time, but not less frequently than the, first day of each quarter, re- quire for the purpose of determm,ng the number of employs Ices required for the proper and eillefent exercise of the functions of their respective departments and agencies. The head of each Fedora) agency shall anntally make a re- 28 U. S. C. 45178_____. port to the Congress of all claims paid by inch Federal agency under the Federal Tort Claims Act. Such report shall include the n amp, of each claiman t. a statement of the amount claimed and the amount awarded, and a brief de. .seription of the claim. Each department and agency shall report to the Congress 41 U. S. C. 106 note-. quarterly the name of each claimant to whom relief has been goon teal under this act (Public haw 657), together with the amount of such relief and a brief statement of the facts sud the administrative decision. Full report of all mmoeys received by the United States as 10 U. S. C. 12e4___- pmeoeds of any sale or lease under to U. D. ( 1268; relat. ing to preoeed5 of sale or lease of real properly acquired for storage pumnsee for use, f the Army. In the annwil report to Congress of each exceptive depart- 5 U. S. S. 104a_._, rent. or Independent cal ablishmeut there shalt ha Included it statement of rneeiPls durin,t the Geni si aovrrtod by such report, from tees or casters p,ri I to atioh department ar establishment under all acts of Congress. From time to time; but not less fre- auently than The rst day of well quarter. ,List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make Congress-tJontinued BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES To transmit the Budget ------------------------- _.---...--- Laws of the Territorial Legislature of Alaskn_ _- ---------- 37 Stat. L. 518___--- Annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Public Law 549, 80th Aeronautics. Cong, Annual report of the officers, agents, or agencies placed In 38 Stat. L. 307-----_ charge of the work of construction of railroads in Alaska. Annual report of the Civil Service Commission..___._-.- _ 22 Stat, L. 404__---- Annual report of the Juvenile Court of the District of Co. 34 Strt. L. 73__---- lumbia. 34 Stat. L 5 Annual report of the Governor of the Panama Canal -----_-- . _------_ 37 Stat. L. 564 ------- Annual report of the Governor of Puerto Rico_.___--- 39 Stat. L. 955_-.--. Report of expenditures and activities under the United Public Law 84 80th States foreign relief program. , Cong. Report on assistance to Greece and Turkey .----------------- Public Law 75, 80th Cong. Report on the Foreign Aid Act of 1947----------------------- Public Law 389, Both Cong. All grants of franchises, rights, and privileges made by the 39 Stat. L. 964__----_ Public Service Commission of Puerto Rico. Annual report of the Panama R. R. Cc 34 Stat. L. 5 ------- .....- (:17 Stat. L. 564 _ _ Annual report of the Commission on the Erection of Memo- --_ - 24 U. S. C. 201 ----- rials and Entombment of Bodies in the Arlington Memo- rialAmphitheater. Battlefields in the United States, study and Investigation of _ 16 U. S. C. 455a, 4550 To promote the defense of the United States, end for othrr Public Law 11, 77th purposes (loud-lease report). Cong. Annual report, National Capital Housing Authority -.--.-.-_ 5 D. C. C. 107._---_ Annual report of the Railroad Retirement Board .-_.__-.-_-. 45 U. S. C. 2281 (b) 4_ Report by the Secretary of State showing all receipts and 22 U. S. C. 21 (a)--- disbursements on account of refunds allowances, and annuities In connection with the Foreign Service retire- ment and disability system. Report on United States participation in operations of Public Law 264 79th United Nations. , Cong. Economic report -----_.-_----_-----._--__-___----.-_ Public Law ON, 79th Cong. Report on the Foreign Assistance, Act of 1948-------------- Publi,Law472, 80th Cong. Report of the Of ct,ofAlien Property, Department of Justice. 40 Star. 411---------_ Report of the Philippine Allen Property Custodian- - __.- 40 Stan. 411- - -_--_- Annual report of the Commodity Credit ('nrporatimr- ----- PublieLaw80Qe0tlr Cong. Report on the Motnal Defense Assistance Act of 11119__.- Public Law 320.81st Cong. BY THE BUaEAU or TILE BurGx' A report showing determinations by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget of the numb,:rs of full-time civilian employees and roan-months of part-time employment which I. his opinion are required for the proper and cl? cfout performance. of the authorized functions of the respec- tive departments, establislunents and agencies to the continental United States, the Territories, Use posseesloes, and in foreign countries. Each such report includes a statement showing for each department. Independent es- tablishment, and agou0y the net iucroaseur decrease in such employees and employment as compared with it.,, sorre- Spending data In the preceding report, together with any suggestions the Director may have for legislation which would bring abort economy and efiielency in the use of Government Personnel. 'The report details employrnenf. that is exempt from the ceiling procedure mod the limita- tions established under son. 14 of Public Law 390, 79th Cong. Public Law1D6, 79th Cong., as anrend- ed by Public Law 390, 79th Cong. At the corpmenee. moat of each regu- lar session. As early as possible. Annually. Do. Do. Do. Annually. Do. Do. Quarterly. Do. From time to time, but not less than once every calen- dar quarter. No time specified. Do. Do. Do. Do. From time to time, but not. teas fre- quently than oato every 90 days. Beginning of each regular sesslou. Annually. Do. Once each year. Beginning of each regular session. Not less frequces Gy than once every calendar quarter through Juno 30, 1952. Annually. Do. Do. Free time to time, but not les, fie- brandy than once every 6 months. Annually. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make io Congress-Continued By THE BUREAU OF TAE BUDGET-Coutlnued A report showing the results of the program for the system- atic review by each agency of the operations of its activities, functions, or organization units, and making appropriate recommendations. By THE DEPARTMENT OF STAT3. Public Law 429 (title X), 81st Cong. (Reports originating in the Derailment of State transmitted by List of those retired owners of the United States for whom the Department of State is holding decorations, orders, medals, or presents tendered them by foreign govemmenes. Report of expenditures and activities including use of funds by the recipient governments, Greece and Turkey. Report on lend-leasr. operations-- _ - - - _ _ ---- - Report of operations under sec. 32 (b) (2) of the SurPlus Prop arty Act of 1944. Such report shall include the Fort of any agreements which have been entered into hereunder during the preceding calendar year, and shall specify the names and addresses of American citizens who are attending, schools or institutions of higher learning in foreign coun- tries pursuant to such agreements, the names and locations of such schools and institutions, and the ammmts of the. currencies or credits for currencies expended for any of the purposes under said paragraph in each such foreign coun- try during the preceding calendar year. Statement of expenditures from the contingent fund includ- ing all contingent expenses of foreign intercourse and of all the missions abroad except such expenditures as are settled upon the certificate of the President. Report of all transactions regarding the sale or buildings and grounds acquired for the Use of diplomatic and consular establishments in foreign countries. Report of all allowances and allotment of funds to any post to defray the unusual expenses incident to the operation and maintenance, of an official residence ruitnble for the chief representative of the United States at that post. Report of Operations of Foreign Buildings ------ _----- -_ -- Detailed report of the receipts and expenditures incident to do maintenance and operation of commissary and mess services. Comparative report of the Foreign Service retirement amt disability system, showing all recx?ipts and disbursements on account of refunds, allowances, and annuities, together with the total number of persons reeefvinc annuities and the amounts paid them, and annual estimates of appro- priations necessary to continue this section In full fir". Report on United States participation in activities of United Nation,. Report of expenditures and activities on Mutual Defense Assistance Program, excerpt such inforin atibn the disclosure of which the President deems incompatible with the seen- ray of the United States. 22 U. S. C. 1407. ---- 22 U. S. C. 414 (b)_. 59 IT. S C. App. 1641 (hi (2). 22 U. S. C. 287 (b) _ Public Law 329, Slat Cong. Every odd-num- bered Congress. Quarterly. Do. Annlratlyon calendar year basis. Do. Annually on fiscal year basis. Annually. Once each year. Semiannually. PART n (Reports submitted directly from the Secretary of State) Foreign Liquidation Cmnmissioner's quarterly report to the President and Congress concerning the administra- Iion of title tI of the Phili pine Rehabilitation Act- Persounel report submitted to the .lofnt Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. Semiannual reports of oxpenditnres made and activities of United States Informa~tinn and Educational Exchange Act of 1918, inclusive of appraisals and inoasl uemen ts, where feasible, as to the activities of the several programs I. each country where conducted. id,porl. of operations on control of exports- --------------- Report on disposal of foreign excess property ------ ----------- 59 U. ?. C. APP. 1772. 5 If. S. C. 947 (h)- .. 2211. S. C. 1439---- Public Law 11, gist Cone. Public law 152, Slit Cong. Monthly, quarterly, and annually. Semiannually. Quarterly. In January (f each year or at such other tines as deemed desirable. Approved For Release 2881N]25: C11 -RDP58AO597aessz000100182 .5 Approved For Release 2001N]25: CIAROP5aLa5WP-0a200a10a1e2 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS Li8t of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued BY FOR DEPARTMENT OF STATE- Continued PART n--COntinued Report on Federal participation in the International Exposi- tion for the Bicentennial of the Founding of Port-au-Prince, Republic of ftaiti, 1949. Report on the disposal of Government-owned facilities used for International broadcasting. BY TILE SECRETARY OF TOE TRRAsURY Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the finances. Combined statement of receipts and expenditlucs_--_____ Annual report of Commissioner of Narcotics_________________ Statement ofall moneys arising from proceeds of public prop- erty of any kind or from any soured which wore not paid into the General Treasury of the United States. Pershing Bell memorial fund ._ __ Report of the annual audit of the stabilization fund - ___ Report of the operations and expenditures of the Coast Guard during the preceding fiscal year. Report of payments under iTusterlng-Out Payment Act of 1944, approved Feb. 3, 1944. Regulations as to lifesaving appliances on ocean, lake, and sound steamers and foreign vessels. Report by rank and age group of the number of efforts above the Peak of lieutenant commander assigned to duty on air activities, with the average monthly flight pay authorized by law to he paid to such officer during the 6-month period preceding the date of the report. Report setting forth the name of each contractor, the amount of the contract, and a description of the work in the can of each contract negotiated without advertising for experi- mental, developmental, or research work. Report setting forth the name of each Contractor, the amount of the contract, and a description of the work in the case of each contract negotiated without advertising because of a determination that it is in the interest of natlonal defense. COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY (Through the Secretary of the Treasury) Annual report of the Comptrolhx of the Currency- - -------- BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FOR FEDERAL OL P-AGE AND SURY[- VOHS INSURANCE TRUST FUND (Through the Secretary of the Treasury) Report on the operation and status of the trust fund during the preceding fiscal year and on Its expected operation and status during the next ensuing 5 fiscal years. Report whenever the Board of Trustees is of the opinion that flaring the ensuing 5 fiscal years the trust fund will exceed three times the highest annual expenditures anticipated during that 5-fiscal-year period, and whenever the Board of Trustees is of the opinion that the amount of the trust fund is unduly small. BY THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Report covering expenditures, work, and accomplishments of the Department of Defense, aoeonrpanfed by (1) such recommendations as the Secretary shall deem appropriate, (2) separate reports from the military departments cover- ing their expenditures, work, and accomplishments, and (3) itemized statements showing the savings of public funds and the elhnination of unnecessary duplications and over- tappings that have been accomplished pursuant to the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended. Public Law 251, 81st Cong. Public Law 161, 81st Cong. {I5 U. S. C. 262, 263, `31 U. S. C. 757c (1)-_ 5 U. S. 0. 264---- ... 5 U. S. C. 282__-..__ 49 Stat. L. 426- -__- 31 U. S. C. 822.1 _ __ 14 U. S. C. 651..__- 38 U. S. C. 6918---__ Executive Order 96&i. 46 U. S. C. 481----- _ 37 U. S. C. llsa-1_- Mxecutive Order 9666. 42 U. S. C. 401 (b) (2). 42 U. S. C. 401 (b) (3). p4 Within 6 months after close ofnxposi- tion. Whenever the use of such facilities is no longger necea ary or desirable. Annually beginning I} of each regular session. Do. As soon as possible after close of calen- der year. Annually, beginning of each regular session. Dc. Do. Annually in S.muary nnually. As soon as practica- ble after they are made. I Annually; List of reports which it is the duty/ of any officer or department to make! to Congress--Continued Officer and nature of the report By TUE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE-Continued Report of action taken tender the Nationallndnctrfal Reserve 60 U. S. C.461--.-.. Act of 1048, detailing action taken and containing such other pertinent information on the status of the national industrial reserve as will enable Congress to evaluate its administration and the need for amendments and related legislation. Report of number of positions in the professional and scien- 5 U. S. C. 171r, as tific service established pursuant to act of Aug. 1, 1947, as amended by Pub- amended, during calendar year covered by report, and the lie Law 167, 81st name, rate, of compensation, and description of the quail- Cong. fleations of each incumbent, together with a statement of the funelions performed by each. If Secretary considers a full public report on these items detrimental t? the national seem ity, he is authorized to omit such items from his report and, In lieu thereof, to present such information in execu- tive sessions of such committees of Congress as may be designated. Report of amounts obligated under the contract authoriza- 5 U. S. C. 171a (note). tions provided for in Public Law 547, 80th Cong., includ. Ing a statement of finding by the President that contracts let are necessary in the interests of the national defense and that the contract specifications insure maximum utili. zation of improvements in aircraft and equipment con- sistent with defense needs of the United States. Report of regulations governing length of tours of foreign 5 U. S. C. 1710._... duty for personnel of Army and Air Force, and any changes there In. Report in regard to all pertinent details when it is proposed Public Law 210, 81st to transfer, reassign, abolish or consolidate a function Cong., see. 202 (e) which has been or is hereafter authorized by law to be (5). performed by the Department of Defense. Report, of transfers and adjustments made between appro- Public Law 216, 81st priations of a military department. Cong., see. 403(b). Reports of condition and operation of working capital funds- Public Law 218 81st Cong., see. 405 (c). Reports of property held by Army, Navy and Air Force---- PublicLaw 218,81st Cong., are. 410. Report of activities carried on to assist American small Public Law 434 81st business to participate equitably in the furnishing of con- Cong., see. 63)2 W. modifies and services financed with funds appropriated under the Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1960. Statement of receipts from fees and charges paid to Depart- 5 U. S. C. 104a-----. ment under all acts of Congress. Report of transfer of jurisdiction over public lands in District 40 U. S. C. 122.----- a f Columbia. (Made for Department of Defense, exclud. ing the military departments.) Report of claims paid under Federal Tort Claims Act (title 28 U. S. C. 2673-.--- 28, U. S. C., see. 2672). (Made for Department of Defense, excluding the military departments.) Report of moneys received by the United States as proceeds 10 U. S. C. 1264- 6 of any sale or lease of real property acquired for storage put- for use of the Army. (Made for Department of De- excluding the military departments.) Information furnished upon request of Senate or House Com- 5 U. S. C. 305a-_--.. minces on Expenditures in the Executive Departments. Statement of appropriations of preceding fiscal year for Department of Army showing amount appropriated under each specific head of appropriation, amount expended under each head, and balance remaining unexpended on 30th of June. Reports to be accompanied by estimates of probable demands which may remain on each appppropri- ation and an abstract of returns and repeats of the edlutants general of the States, Territories, and District of Columbia, with such observations thereon as the Secretary deems necessary for the Information of Congress. Report of contracts entered into under act of Aug. 7, 1939, for public-works projects in Alaska and Canal Zone, including names of contractors and copies of contracts concerned, together with amounts thereof. Currently. Annually. Do. As soon as practi- cable after June 80, 350. Annually. No time specified. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Oongrrss-Continued By THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE -Continued When oxpectnl to be made SECRETARY OF THE ARMY -continued Report with regard to status of revolving fund for purchase of agriculture l commodities and raw materials. 5 U. S. C. 234----.-- Annually. Reports of contracts negotiated without advertising under 41 U. S. C. 151__---. Semiannually. sees. 2 (c) (11) and (16) of Armed Services Procurement Act of 1947. Involves 2 re parts, 1 cuveriug seeViees rind supplies, and I covering facilities. Reports are submitted to lumtions Board, where consolidated reports for De- partment of Defense are prepared and submitted to Con- gress. Report of amounts expended for mustering-out payments under Mustering-Out Payments Act of 1944. Report detailing activities with respect to stock piling of strategic and critical materials. Report is submitted to Munitions Board whore a consolidated report for the Department of Defense is prepared and submitted to Congress. Report of amounts expended colder Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946. Officers entitled to flying pay. Certify by rank and age group the number of officers above rank of major, with average monthly flight pay authorized by law to be paid during 6 -month period preceding date of report. Report on leases of real estate and personal property entered into under act of Aug. 5, 1947. Report of exercise of authority granted by act of May 28, 1948. A summarized report of the exercise of the authority granted which report shall include (1) location, nature, and size of the activity for which transportation facilities were provided; (2) type, amount, and original cost ofequip- ment initiated; (1) outline of lease or charter for rented or reciprocally used equipment with total costs for period of use or operation; (4) citation of authority of the Secre- t n of Array under which exercised; and (5) for each so- ty for which transportation facilities were provided, the maximum number of motor vehicles or water carriers used, total miles operated, the total revenue from fares or proceeds from the leasing or charter of equipment, the operating and maintenance expense, depreciation, gross cost, and not cost. Full report of all transfers and sales of surplus Department of Army real property. Report of reservations becoming useless _________--_.---- Roport of Board of Commissioners of U. S. Soldiers' Home. Full statement of all receipts and disbursements of money, of the manner in which the funds are invested, of any changes in the investments and the reasons therefor, of all admissions and discharges, and generally of all facts that may be necessary to a full understanding of the condition and management of the hone. The Secretary of the Army shall have the power to call for and require any omitted facts, which in his judgment should bestated, to be added. Secretary of Army shall curse report to be published in orders to the Army, a copy thereof to be deposited in each garrison and post library. The President of the Board of Commissioners is required by 24 U. S. C. 42 to submit the report, Report of inspection of U. S. Soldiers' Items by Inspector Ueneral of the Army. Report of expenditures made in execution of see. 8 of act ap- proved May 27, 1908. Itemized statements of expenses for (1) water gages air Missis sippl River and its tributaries; (2) maintenance of the chan- nel through the South Pass of Mississippi River; (3) re- moval of snags wrecks, and other obstructions from the Mississippi and other rivers; (4) operation of snag boats on upper Mississippi River; (5) securing uninterrupted exam- inations and surveys of the South Pass of the Mississippi River; and (6) operation, repairs to, and reconstruction of locks, canals, etc., other than Panama Canal. 38 U. S. C. 69lg---.- 50I1. S. C. 98e_._--_ 37 U. S. C. 37. ----.- 37 'IT. S. C. 118a-1.__ - - - 1 01 ) .S1604_ _ __ 24 U. S. C. 42,759---- 24 U. S. C. 60. _.-_. 35 Stat. If, 401--.---. 33 U. S. C. 4, 5, 602, 601, Fos, 606. Annually. Semiannually July 23 and Jan. 23. Annually. Annually on or be- fore Jan. 1. Semiannually Jan. 1 and July 1. Within 00 days after end of fiscal year. Upon consamation of transfers and sales. When reservations become useless. Annually at first ses Sion following re- port. Annually. Annually with re- port of Chief of Engineers. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to- Congress-Continued Officer and nature of the report BY THE SECRETARY OF DEVEH5E-COnthmed SECRETARY OF THE ARMY-continued Reports on preliminary examinations and surveys and reviews of such reports. Report containing plans and ee- timates shall also contain statement as to rato at which work shall be prosecuted. Every report to conf ain, In ad- dition to full Information regarding present and prospec- tive commercial Importance of project involved and benefit to commerce likely to result from any proposed plan of improvement, such data as may be secured In regard to (a) existence and establishment of both private and public terminals and transfer facilities contiguous to the navigable water proposed to be improved, and if water terminals have been constructed, the general location, description, and use made of the some, with an opinion as to their adequacy and efficiency, whether private or public. If no public terminals have been constructed, or if they are inadequate in number, report shall include an opinion in general terms as to necessity, number, and appropriate location of same, and also necessary relations or such pro- posed terminals to the development of commerce; (b) the development and utilization of water power for industrial and emnmereial purposes; (c) such other subjects as may be properly connected with such subject. Every report, covering an examination and survey look- ing to the improvement of the entrance at the mouth crony river or at any '.:nisi, shall eontabr information concerning the configuration of the shorn line and the probable effect thereon that may be expected to remit, from the improve- ment having particular reference to erosion and/or accre- tion for not less than 10 miles on either side of said entrance. Eve y report shall contain a statement of speolal or local benefit which will accrue to localities affected by such improvements and a etah;mont of general or national benefits, with recommendations as to what local coopera- tion ehonid be required, if any, on account of such special or local benefit. I. stallion IF the above, where applicable, reports relat- ing to flood control shall include a comprehensive study of the watershed or watersheds and the report Bureau shall give, in addition to other information, such data as it may be practicable to secure in regard to (a) the 'extent and character of the area to he allotted by the proposed im- provement; (b) the probable effect upon any navigable water or waterway; (c) the possible eeonomie:d develop- ment and utilh:ation of water power; and (d) such other uses as may be properly related to or coordinated with the project. to consideration of all works and projects relating to flood control submitted to rho Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors for consideration, the Board shall, in addition to any other matters upon which it may be required to report, state its opinion as to (a) what Federal interest, if any, Is involved in the proposed improvement; (h) what share of the expense, if any, should bo borne by the United States, and (c) the advisability of adopting the project. Report of Mississippi River Commission. Full and detailed report of proceedings and actions, and of plane with estimates of cost thereof, for the purposes outlined in acts ppmved June 28, 1879. Commission shall report in fullnpon practicability, feasibility, and probable coat of the various plans known as the jetty system, the levee system, and the outlet system, as well as upon inch others as they deem necessary. Report required by River and Harbor Act, approved July 5, 1884. Detailed statements of the work done, contracts made, the expenditures thereunder or otherwisse, and the effect of such work, together with such recommendations as may be deemed proper. Report of deterioration of works of improvement of rivers and harbors. To include statement as to what deteriora- tion, if any, has taken place by destruction decay, ob- structions, or otherwise to works of river and harbor he- prevenient, together with an estimate of cost of rebuilding or renafring such works or removing such obstructions. The Chief of Engineers shall also recmnmered, with reasons therefor, the discontinuance of appropriations for any river and harbor work which he may deem miwortlry of further improvement. When plans have been prepared ant matured or prier thereto. Annually In reporter Chiefs of Engi- neers Approved For Release 2001Nr25: Clq-RDP58AO5WPa002000100182 III Officer and nature of the report BY THE SECRETARY OP DEFENSE-Continued SECRETARY OF THE ARMY-continued Report of Chief of Engineers as superintendent of the Wash- ington Aqueduct. Report of operations for preceding year and a report of the, condition, progress, repairs, casualliea, and expenditures of the Washington Aqueduct and other public works under Chief of Engineers charge. Terminal and transfer facilities on harbors or Caterwrys. Indicate in annual repot the character of the terminal'..iid transfer facilities existing me every harbor or waterway under maintenance or improvement by the United States and whether they are considered adequate for existing commerce. Report of i arovement of the Mississippi River Detailed statement of work done, eapendit,o'es made, and the effect of such work, together with such recommendations as the Secretary of Army may deem proper. Reports on surveys of certain streams under provisions of H. Doe. 3118, lath Cong., is authorized by act approved Jan. 21, 1927. Civilian employees of the Office of Chief of Engineers. Duties, amount paid to each, and number of persons onr- ployed in Olnce of Chief of Engineer, to raury into ofteet the various appropriations for rivers and harbors and flood control, surveys, and preparations for and the consid,ra- tion of river and harbor ante flood-control estimates and bills, to be fluid from such appropriations, Report of the California Debris Commissirm. Deport of its labors and transactions Mill plans for the construction Completion, Card presarvatton of the public wor s otetli ed in eh. 14, title x3, U. S. C., tueether with estimates of Bost tlmrcol, stating what amounis can be profltabls expenled thereon each year. 'Po be submitted to Chief of Engineers for information of Secretary of Arnny on or before 15th 'lay of November of each year and Seerotnry of Army shall sub- mit same to Congress on To before the meetiu t thereof. Report of reecipta by Dc tsartm,mt of Aony from sale of scrap or salvage material and dishursamtnts tberefrmn for ex- panses of transportation, din, it itarization, autl other prep- aration for sale or salvage of military Supplies, equipment, and material. Report of receipts and expenditures of fonds derived from operation by Panama Ratlmad Company, ,or another agency, of docks, drydoeks, shops, merino railways, dredg- ing or construction facilities, air terminals, pow or systems, and any other necessary facilities and appurtenances, for the purpose of providing fuel, electric power, repairs, quar- ters, and services generally, to agencies and ese slayeess of the U. S. Government, the Panama Railroad Compaoy, and to adher, governments, agencies, per,nns, etc. Report of American National Red Cross Society. Proceed- ings for fiscal year endure rune 30 next preceding, includ- ing a full, complete, and itemized report of receipts and expenditures of whatever kinds. Repeal, to be audited by Department, of Army and copy transmitted to Con- gress. Report of activities tender title IV of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, relating to the disposal of foreign excess property, together with any appropriate rernmmen dstion s. Report of transfer of huisdiction. over public hinds in Dis- trict of Colmnbia. Report of claims paid under t'cderal Tart Claim, Act.- ---- Report of claimants granted relief under Public Law 657, 79th Cong. Report of moneys received by the United States as proceeds of any Sale or lease of real property acquired for storage purposes for use of the Army. Re ort of receipts merged with appropriation for Alaska Comenunleatlon System. 40 if. S. C. 50------- 33 L-, S. C. 55L..--- 22 Slat. L. 208- 44 it it. L, 1015-- Civil Fuuctions Al,, pvopriation Act, I050, Tinder head- ing "Ricers and Barbera and Flood Control." NNI E Military Ap- proprmtion Act, 1950 under head- ing "Ordnance Srrviee and Sup- plies, Army." 37 Stat. L. 564; Pub- Ii'' Law 223, 81st Craig. 40 IT, S. C. 122 ------ 1!8 IT. S. C. 2673.-.-- 41 U. S. C. 106 (acid). eu 1r- S- C. 1264..... 62 Stet. 1019; Pub- lic Law 782, 80th Coup. Annually in time to aeemnponv annual message d Presi- dent to Congress. Annually in report of Chief of Engi- neers. January of each year, or at smin other time or dines as deemed desirable. No time Stale ilhil. Annually. Quarterly. Annually. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress---Continued Ol3eer and nature of the report RY THE ,SECRETARY OF DEFENSE-ContlaNed SECRETARY OF TILE NAVY Amount appropriated under each specific head of appropria- tion, the amount expended under each head, and the balance remaining unexpended as of 90th day of June; reports to be accompanied by estimates of probable demands which may remain on each a propriation. Statement showing arnounis expended during preceding fiscal year for ,.gas of mechanics and laborers employed in building, repairing, or equipping vessels of the Navy, or in receiving and securing stores and materials for those pit,- poses, and for purchase of materials and stores for same purpose. Statement showing cost or estimated value of stores on hand under this appropriation, in the navy yards at the emn- menecment of next preceding fiscal year; the test or eati- meted value of articles received and expended 'luring yelar; and post or estimated value of articles belonging to this a opropriation which may he on hand in navy yards at close of next preceding year. Statement of all acts done by him I. snaking sale of any vessel or materials of the Navy specifying all vessels mid materials sold, parties buying same, amount realized therefrom, together with such other facts as may be necessary to a full understanding of his acts. Accurate, itemized account of cost per ton of the product of any factor owned by the United States on Aug. 29, 1916, for manufacture of senior for vessels of the Navy. Report by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts of direct and indirect charges included in cost of work under naval appro- priations. Proceeds of all sales of old materials, stores, and supplies. Detailedreporaofproceedsnfsaiuvandtheexpensesattend- ing such. sales to be included in annual report. Expenditures for civilian employers. Adorning expended during prior fiscal year from appropriations for pay of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Ordnance, Yards and Docks, Medicine and Surgery, Supplies and Accounts, Ships. and Aeronautics for civilians employed on clerical duty or in any other capacity than sin ordinary mechanics and workingmen. Report of all claims paid undor authority of net approved July 3, 1944. Stock puling of strategic and critical material. Written re- port detailing the activities with respect to stork piling, in- cludingastatelmentofforeign and domestic purchases, and such other pertinent information on the adrourstration of the act as will enable the Congress to evaluate its admfnfs- tratfon anti the need for amendmentand related legislation. Report is made to the Munitions Board whose a consoli- dated report for the National Military Establishment. is prepared and submitted to Congress. Amounts expended under Armed Forces Leave Act of 1J46 to be included in the earned report of the Department. Report of all leases of real estate and personal property en- tered into under act of Aug. 5, 1947. Reports of contracts negotiated without advertising under secs. 2 (c) (11) and (16) of Armed Services Procurement Act of 1947. Involves 2 reports; one covering services and supplies, and another covering facilities giving the name of each contractor with whops a contract has been entered into since date of last report, the amouut of the pmtnact and, with dun consideration given to the national security, a description of the work required to be performed there- under. Reports are made to the Munitions Board where consolidated reports for the National Military Establish- ment are prepared and submitted to Congress. Report of all acquisitions of land under authorty of the act approved May 26, 1944. Report of all purchases and condemnation proceedings and all agreements entered into under authority of the act ap- proved June 4, 1920. Report of all acq uisitimss of land effected under authority of act approved ]?all. 6, 1942, or any subsequent act. 34 U. S. C. -152.-.--. 31 U. S. C. -347--_--- 34 U. S. C. 344------ 5 U. S. C. 437-_---._ 37 U. S. C.37-----_ 34 U. S. C..322a..... 62 Stat. L. it, 22 _ Annually. Jan. 1 and Julyt Semiannually. From time to tiro but not less fre- quently than eve ry 60 days. Annually. From time to time but not less f'e- fluently than once every 6 months. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued BY THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE -Continued SECRETARY OF T11E NAVY-continued Payments under Mustering-Out Payment Act of 1044. Amounts expended for mustering-out payments to be in- cluded in annual report of Department. Officers entitled to fi I pay. Report by rank and age group the number of officers above rank of iteninnant ours- mandor with average monthly flight pay authorized by law to be paid during 6-month period preceding date of report. Employment of civilian professors and instructors at U. S. Naval Postgraduate School. Report each fiscal year the number of professors and instructors employed and the amount of compensation prescribed for each. Report of exercise of authority granted by act of May 28, 1948. A summarized report of the exercise of authority granted which report shall imlude (I) loe!ltlon, nature, and size of the plant for which transportal lmn facilities were provided; (2) type, amount, and original cost of equipment furnished; (3) outline of lease or charter for rented or re- 3811. S. C. 691g_-_-- Annually. 37 U. S. C. 118a-L-_ Annually on or be- fore Jan. 1. 34 U. S. C, 1076b ---- Almually, 62 Stat. L, 277 ------- Within 60 days after end of fiscal year. ciprocally nail equipment, with toted rusts for period of use or operation; (4) citation of authority of the Secretary of Navy under which exercised; and (5) for each activity for which transportation facilities were provided, tine mnxf- mum number of motor vehicles or water carriers used, total miles operated, the total revenue from fares or proceeds from the leasing or charter of equipment, Woe operating and maintenance expense depreciation, gross cost, and net is ist. Vessels stricken from 1 ` lavy Register urea for experimental 34 L. S. C. 493b ----- purposes. To cover all vessels disposed of in this roamer. Report of Bureau of Supplies and Accounts on all supplies. 6 U, S. C. 4A ------- Money value of supplies on hand at the various stations at beginning of fiscal year, the dispositions thereof, and of the purchases, and the expenditures of suppplies for the year, and the balances remaining on hand of the rail thereof. Claims for damages cognizable in adrmrnlty to United States 34 U. S. C. 030b_--- property. Nature of claim, vessel or vessels involv,.d; amount received; basis of determination,rotnpromise, or settlement; and other pertinent facts. Dnrbe; any war, reports may omit any fact or facts, disclosure of which in the opinion of the Secretary would be prejudicial to ow- tional security. Annually. Do. Within 20 days after receipt of a pay- ruen t in net amount exceeding $3,000. Report of payment of all clahns exceedhtg $3,oxi but not 46 U. S. C. 798------ Within 20 Mays of exceeding $1,000,000 due to damage caused by on Val vessels payment or claim. or for towage or salvage services. Nature of claim, vessel or vessels involved, amount Paid, basis of the determina- tion compromise or settlmnent and other pertinent facts. During any war, reports may olnit any fact or facts the dis- closure of which in the opindon of the Secretary would be prejudicial to national security. Report of total production from naval petroleum reserves..- 34 U. S. C. 624 ------ Within 30 days after close of each Val- antler quarter. Report of activities under title IV of the Federal Property Public Law 152, January of souls year, and Administrative Services Act of 1949, relating to the slit Cong? see. or at such other disposal of foreign excess property, together with any ap- 40.1 (d). time or times as propriate recommendations. deemed desirable. Report of transfer of jurisdiction over public lands in Dis- 40 U. S. C. 122 ------ No time specified. trict of Columbia. Report of claims paid under Federal Tort Claims Act_______ 28 U. S. C. 2673.___. Annually, Report of claimants granted relief render Public Law 657, 41 U. S. C. 106 (irate) Quarterly. 79th Cong. Report of moneys received by the United States e, proceeds 10 U. S. C. 1264 ----- Annually. of any sale or lease of real property acquired for storage purposes for use of the Army. SECRETARY OF TUE AIR FORCE Statement of appropriations of preceding fiscal year for Do- 5 U. S. C. 215, 626e Do. partmont of the it Force showing amount appropriated (f); 32 U. S. C. under each specific head of appropriation, amount ex- 14, and transfer Fended under each head, and balance remaining unex- order 25, OSD, Fended on 30th of June. Reports to he accompanied by Oct. 14, 1948. estimates of probable desnands which ntay remain on each appropriation and an abstract of returns and reports of the adjutants general of the States, Territories, and District of Columbia, with such observations tbemon as the Secretary deems necessary for the information of Congress. Approved For Release 200141]25: Cli -RDP58AO5WP-002000100182 12 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress--Contin tied Oren and nature of the report RY THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE- -Continued SECRETARY OF TILE AIR FORCE-Continued Report of contracts entered into under act of Aug. 7, 1939, for ppblie-works projects in Alaska and Card Zone, in. eluding name=_ of contractors and copies of contracts con. camed, together with amounts thereof. Reports of contracts negotiated without adverlishlg urulor sees. 2 (c) (11) and (16) of Armed Fervicrs Procurement Act of 1947. involves 2 reports, I covering services and supplies, and 1 covering facilities. Repo is art submitted to Monitions Board, where consNid aced reports for De- partment of Defuse are Prepared and submitted to Congress. Report of amounts expended for nmetering out payments under Mustering Out Payments Act of 1944. Report detailing activities with respect to stock Filling of strategic and critical materials. Report is submitted to Munitions ]laird where a coo soil,] aced report for the 1 o- partment of Defense is prepared and submitted to Congress. Report of amounts expended under Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946. O1lieers entitled to flying pay. Certify by rook and age group the number of officers above rank of major, with average monthly Right pay authorized by law to be paid during 0-month period Preceding dal e of report. Report on leases of real estate and persona] property entered into under act of Aug. 5, 1-947. Report of excr dsecif authorll y granted by act of May 28,1948. A summ nixed report of the e xoreise of the authority granted which repay stall include (1) location, nature, and sire of the activity for which trmwporation facilities were provided; (2) type, amount, and nritinai cost of erlui pmerlt furnished; (3) outline of lease or charter for rented or re?p roealfy used equipment with total costs for tarried of use or operation; (4 ~,.itation of authority of the, Se, celery ofthe Air Force under which exercised and (5) for each activity for which trap sporletion facilities wore provided, the naxirmile mr of motor vehicles or water friers used, total miles operated, the total venue an ar m fares OI pCO- coeds from rite (rasing or charter er of equipmcnl., the operat- ing and maintenance espouse, depreciation, gross cost, and net cost. Rill report of all transfers and sales of sepias DopN'Linwll. of the Air Force read property. Report of activities under tilde IV of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, relating to the disposal of foreign excess property, together with any ap- propriate recommendations. Report of transfer of jurisdiction over public lands in District of Columbia. Report of Claims paid under Federal 'Port Claims Act, ._____ Report of claimants granted relief under Public Law 657, 79th Long. Report of moneys received by the United States as proceeds of any sale or lease of real property acquired for storage purposes for use of the Army. .5 U. S. C. 226 (d), li26 c (f); aid tmns- for order 18, OSD, .I my 7, 19-:8. 11 U. S. C. 151-__-_ 38 11. H. (T. 691 (g); It U. S- C. 626 e (f); and transfer order 25, OS]), Oct. 14, 1948. 50 U. S. C. 98e, 5 U. 5. C. 6261 (f) and transfer order 6, O5D, .Jun. 9, 19t8. 37 1). H. C.517_____.- 37 U. H. C. l IS;-I; 5 U. S. C. 626e (ff); and transfer order 25. (IS]), Out. 14, 1949. 16 U. S. C. 1276 5 U. S. C. 6260 (f); and transfer order 6, US]), Jum 9, 1948. 5 U. S. C.I09d---- _- 16 U. S. C. 1603; 5 U. S. C. 6260 (f); and traoefer order 14, 08D, May 27, 1948. to U. 5. U. 1604; 5 U. S. C. 626c (f); and transfer order 14, O51), May 27, 1948. Public Law 152, 81st Cmig., sec. 404 (d). 40 U. S. C. 122_-_ 28 U. S. C. 2673___- 41 U. S. C. 106 (not.)_ Annually. Somlalrnually. Annually. Annually, an or be- fore Jan. 1. Upon eonsummat on of transfer. and sales. January of each year, IF at such other time or times as deemed desirab e. No time specified. Annually. Quarterly. Annually. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress- -Continued Officer and nature of the report By THE DEPART nests w Joanne A report or business of the 1 )epartnent of) usticc for the last preceding fiscal year, and of any other matters appertain- ing thereto that the Attorney (!crisis] cony dance proper, including e statement of the several appropriations now or which may hereafter be placed under its control and the amount appropriated. A report of suits under the pet approved Mar, 9, 1920, in which final judgment, has been rendered for or against the United States and any corporation it, which the United States owns the entire stock. A report of all snits under the act of Man. 3, 1(125, in which final judgment shell have been rendered and all claims settled under said act. A report showing the special assistant attorneys employed and the annual rate of compensatlm, or amoout of any fee paid to each, together with a description of their duties, A report fall facts and pertinent pro,nilras of law it the deportation of any alirvn is 5OSPended for more than 6 months, with the reasons for such snspollston, A report of all claims paid by the l lepartmont of Justice under enrich. I of the Federal Tort Claims A et. A report of adjudications during past year of claims ofper sons of Japanese ancestry evacuated under military orders. A report to the Appropriations Committers of House and Senate giving detailed information on all administrative and nonadmimstrative expenses incurred during the next punted ing Oseal year in eoooeetion with the activities of 1.1 a Office of Alien Property. A report of pertinent facts in the assn of each displaced per son who entered the United States prior to Apr. 1, 1948, and applies to the Attorney General for an adjustment of his immigration status. A report of every request made by rSntal act agencies, and any withdrawal thereof, under secec. . 2 2 of of the act to to aid in stabilising prices and the Untied States economy, as extended by Public Law 6, 81st Craig. A report of proposals made by State of Minnesota for the transfer to it of certain land,, buildings, and on forth, of the Federal Correctional Institution at Sandstone, Minn., not required for the use of the Department of Justice, together with its recommendations thereon. Public Law 179, Slat Cong., p. 12. 811. S. C. 155 (e) as )mended by Is lie Law 863, SOth Conga 62 Stat. 1206________ 28 U. S. C. 2672, 2673 Public Law 886, With Cong., sec. 4 (cl. 62 Stat. 1282----- _ Public Law 579, Tst Cans., P. 17. Public Law 774, 80th Cong. sea 4 62 Stat. 1011__- -- Public Law 395, 80th Cong. 61 Stat 945_--------- Public Law 6, 81st Cong. 63 Stat. 5. Public Law 253, Slat Cong. When expected to be made At the canmenco- Itself, of each reg- ular session. 1st day of IUIY and January, On the 1st and 15th day of with cden- dar month in which life Coo- pre. Annually.m session. An fat day of each regular session. On or before Nov. 1, "of the current fiscal year." No specific time fixed. BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES COURTS The Director shall submit to Congress copies of the report, data an d recommendations regrdrrd to be submitted to the Judicial Conference, namely, a report of the activities of the Administrative 0Rice and the state of the business of the courts, together with statistical data as to the business of the courts and his recommendations. The Director annually shall lay before Congress statistical tables which will accurately reflect the business transacted by the several bankruptcy courts, a statement of the amounts received and disbursed for the referees' salary fund and referees' expense fund, and all other pertinent data. (Through the Administrative Office of the United States Courts) A detailed statement of the expenditure of the appropria. tions for the U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals shall be submitted to Congress at the beginning of each regular session thereof. Officer and nature of the report BY THE COURT OF CLAIMS when expected to be made 35 Stai. L. 1116------ -', First day of each regular session of Congress. That hereafter the Postmaster General shall each year pre, f 6 U. S. (T.388------- Rwhisarstrao pest, pare and submit in his annual report to Congress estimates of the revenues and expenditures in the postal service for the fiscal year current, and also for the fiscal year next en- suing at the time said report is submitted. together with a statement of the receipts; and expenditures for the preced- ing complete fiscal year. Sec. 214. The Postmaster General Is hereby authorized to 39 U. S. C. 826Amnually- continue the work of ascertaining the revenues derived from and the Cost of carrying and handling the several classes of mall matter and of performing the special serv- ices, and to state the results naturally and pay the cost thereof out of the departmental and field appropriations of the several bureaus of the Department supervising or conducting the studies. Postal savings: The board of trustees (composed of Post- 39 U. S. C. ZELAS the beginning of master General., Secretary of Treasury, and Attorney each regular am- General) shall submit a report to Congress at the beginning stn, of each regular session showing by States and Territories (for the preceding fiscal year) the number and names of post offices receiving deposits, the aggregate amount of deposits made therein, the aggregate amount. of with- drawals therefrom, the number of depositors in each, the total amount standing to the credit ofall depositors at the conclusion of the year, the amount of such deposits at in- terest, the amount of interest received thereon, the amount of interest paid thereon, and the number and amount of unclaimed deposits. Also the amount invested in Govern- ment securities by the trustees, the amount of extra ex- pense of the Post Office Department and the postal serv- ice incident to the operation of the, postal savings deposi- tary system, and all other facts which it may deem perti- nent end proper to present. The Postmaster General is authorized to request all railroad 5 U.. S. C, 381i__In annual report, Companies transporting the mails to furnish, trader seal. such data relating to the operating, receipts, and expendi- tures of such roads as may in his judgment be deemed neces- sary to enable him to ascertain the coat of mail transporta- tion and the proper compensation to be paid for the same; and he shall make such recommendations founded on the information obtained as shall, in his opinion, be just and equitable. The Postmaster General shall report to the Congress and to d9 U. S. Q_32Ij_---- Annually. the Bureau of the Budget within 90 days after the close of each fiscal year the number of envelopes, labels, wrappers, cards, and other articles bearing such penalty sndicfa pro- cured or aeeourrted for through him during such fiscal year by each executive department and agency, by each code- pendent establishment, and by each organization and per- son annual by law to use the penalty privilege. The nnual ijed id is of the tom ppusher of the Bureau Ac- 31 U. B, C. l t4------ In his annual report. counts in the Post Office Depintinent, shall show w the b Office e D ao at the financial satical al of the Poll close e of of each dch fis nu, and d be made a part east of r! the Post- most, r General's e1n4). rc tart to Coupes for that ^soal year (3t U. t o S. 1- G 114). In his armand r a p e d , up haw .l409. t After of the convening . 'Ph, Postmaster General, jointly with the e Federal ablic Administrator (now Administrator of y after g Servvices), , Cup, sec. 109. gr each new ets Gino- shah to the Congers% promptlly r the tan- grass. ading of o[ each each new Corneas, reports showing tg the location andpreapprthoughaccommodations ast such taboo build- ing pthroughout the United the United States, its Territories d ionsttu tuegh to possessions, cordwts they shall find tuto lrye to to be onst re outs accordance with ei ii statutory each ploje Such oast u[ each project when reports shall l indicate e the limit of in excess of $200,000." Shall give assistance and relief to Congress In the Investiga- tion of claims and demands against the Government, and report the facts in the case and the amounts. CLERK OF THE COURT OF CLAMS A full and complete statement of all the judgments rendered by the court during the previens year, stating the anreonts thereof and the parties in whose favor they were rendered, together with a brief synopsis of the nature of the slhgms upon which they were rendered. BY THE POSTMASTER GENERAL List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued Officer and nature of the report BY TIIE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Report of the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission---- Financial statement and report of operations of the Boulder Canyon project under see. 13 of the Boulder Canyon Proj- ect Adjustment Act. Financia statement and a complete report as to the translisis- slon and sale of electric energy generated at the Bonneville project during the preceding governmental fiscal year. Financial statement and a complete report as to the trans- mission and sale of electric energy generated at the Fort Peck project during the preceding governmental fiscal year. Report on any proposed contracts negotiated pursuant to the authority in subset. (a) or (h) (1) of sec. 7 of the Recla- mation Pocket Act of 1939. as amended. Report on all activities undertaken during the preceding fiscal year pursuant to the act, "To authorize appropria- tions for the Bureau of Reclamation for payments to school districts on certain projects during their construction status," together with i ecommendatiore, with respect to problems relating to it. Shall report on a study of sewage coedit ions in the Yorktown area of Colonial National fylstorical Park, Va., including estimates of construction cosl.s. Report jointly with the Ad n; inietrator of the Federal Works Agency, after completion of a survey to'letu'mine a route, estimated costs and ether data, upon the. desirability of constructing a Mississippi River Parkway elei,P, the route o fthe Mississippi River. Reports as to lands within any Indian reservation which have been reserved from location sutra, sale, or allotment because valuable for power, reservoir sites, or irrigation projects. The President is authorized to make withdrawals of public lands in certain cases and the Secretary of the Interior shill report all such withdrawals to Congress at the beginning of its next regular session ai'ter the date of the withdrawals. Report of exchanges of lands, if and when snob exchmigos are consummated, under the Recreational Act of June 14, 1926. COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Statement to the Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives of the fiscal affairs of all Indian tribes for whose benefit expenditures from either public or tribal funds were made. Report showing adjustments of reirnhnrsable charges of the United States against individual Bnlians or tribes of In- dians. Report of transactions under the revolving fund for loans to Indians and Indian -chartered corporations. Shall report the amount of moneys credited to the helium production fund and the amount of disbursements made therefrom during the preceding fiscal year and the u nex- pended and Rare ligated balances on hand in such fund as of the end of such fiscal year. Shall report either in summary or detailed form, the infena- tion obtained under the Coal Mine Inspection Act of May 7, 1941, together wills such findings m,d rornments there- on, and such recommendations for legislative action as may be deemed proper. Shall render a report of all operations under the Synthetic Liquid Fuels Act. Shall report the activities of, expenditures by, and donations to a research laboratory to be established in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania. Shall render a report of the activities of, expenditures by, and donations to a research laboratory in the lignite-eonsmning region of North Dakota. 45 Stat. L. 2231 ------ 54 Stat. L. 774---- .._ 16 U. S. C. 832h (e) _. if, Ir. S. C. 833__._.. 53 Stat. 1187------- ._ Public Law 733, 80th Corp., see. 2. 36 Pleat. L. 858----- _ 36 Stat. L. 847_._____ 44 Stet. L. 741_.._._ 36 Stat. L. 1077___._ 47 Stat. L. 564_ ___.- 48 Stat. L. 986____.. 50 Stat. L. 887_______ 55 Stat. L. 177__ ._. 58. sent. L. 190_.____ When expected to be made Annually on first Monday in De- cember. Do. Annually on or be- fore 3fi lay of January. Annually on first Monday in Do- camber. Do. Annually oa or be- fore 1st day of Jan- uary. At the be inning of each regul. sSession of Congress. Do. 16 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS Approved For Release 2001N]25: CI RDP58L0597PR002000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress--Continued Officer and nature of the report When expected to bo made BY THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR-COntlnned DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Report of the National Park Trust Fund Beard of the - moneys or securities received and held by it and of its operations. PUERTO RICO (Through the Secretary of the Interior) Report of franchises, rights. and privileges granted by the Public Service Commission of Puerto Rico shall not be effective until approved by the Governor and shall be re- ported to Congress, w Moir resort es the power to annul or modify the same. All laws entered by the Legislature of Puerto F Ice shall be reported to the Congress of the Tinted States, Report of the Governor of Puerto Rico__ _ The Coordinator of Federal Activities (when appointed) shall report through the Secretary of the Interior to the President and to Congress concerning the administration of .11 11 civilian functions and activities in Puerto Rico, specifying the recommendations made by him to the Aed- era] agencies and the results of sneh recommendations. (Through the Secretary of the Interior) Report of all laws enacted by the Al unleipal Connell of St. Croix, by the Municipal Council of St. Thomas and St. John, or by the legislative assembly. Shall be reported by the Cavernor to the Secretary of the hnorior, and by him to the Congress, which reserves the power and the author- ity to annul the same. Report of the Governor of the Virgin Islands By Tag SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Report of all moneys received and disbursed by the Depart- ment and description of the work done by the department to fastering, promoting, and developing to, foreign and domestic cemrnerec etc. Report prepared by the Bureau of the Census on the starts- ties of commerce and navigation of the United States with foreign countries. Report on operation of controls under title III of the Second War Powers AT and the Export Control Act. Report to the Committees on Appropriations o2 the House of Representatives and the Senate of obligations incurred to carry out any laws enacted suhsequent to Dee. 1, 1947, to (1) extend and strengthen export controls and (2) author- be alfocatdon and inventory control of scarce commodities or voluntary Agreements relative thereto. Report giving a detailed statement of all money received for patents, for copies or records or drawings, or from any other source whatever; a detailed statement of all expenditures for contingent and miscellaneous expenses; ru list of all patents wrier were granted during the preceding year, designating under proper heads the subjects of such pat- ents; snd alphabetical list of all the patentees, with their places of residence; n hel, of all patents which have been extended during the year; and .such other information of the condition of the patent Office as may he useful to Congress or the public. Report of operations under the act to strengthen national security and the common defense by providing for the maintenance of an adequate domestic rubber-producing industry. 48 V, S, Public Law 1(2, 80th Cond. Public Lew 185, 80th Cong. Public Law 393, 80th Cong. Within I10 days after the end of each session of the heis- lature. Annually. From time to time. Within 30 days after the end of each ers- sfon of the legisla- ture. Quarterly. Monthly. REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS 17 Approved For Release 200141725: CIA RDP58AO597MOO2000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued CIVIL. AERONAUJICS ADMINISTRATION Report of expenditures made for furnishing on a reimbursa- ble basis to employees of the Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration, the Civil Aeronautics Board, and the Weather Bureau in Alaska, emergency medical services by con- tract or otherwise and medical supplies, and for the pur- chase, transportation, and storage of food and other sub- Sistenee supplies for resale to such employers. Report describing operations trader the Federal Airport Act, including detailed statements of the airport develop- ment accomplished, the status of each project undertaken, the allocation of appropriations, and Itemlred statements of expenditures and receipts, and setting forth reeom- mondationa, if any, for legislation amending or supple. menting this at. Amounts found to be due to any claimant, snbulitted by any State highway department for repairs to roads damaged by the Army or Navy, etc., shall be certified to Congress for payment out of appropriations that dray be Blade by Con- gress therefor, together with a brief statemreut of the char. enter of each claims the aulount claimed. and the amount allowed. The Commissioner of Public Roads Is directed to cooperate with the State highway departments in a study of the status of improvement of the national system of interstate highwe~ys, designated in accordance with the provisions of see. 7 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1s4; to invite, the coo Oration and suggestions of the Secretary of Defense and the National Security Resources Board as to their indicated or potential needs for improved highways for the national defense; and to supplement, not. later then Apr. 1, 1049, the report dated Feb. 1, I991, entitled "High- ways for the National Doforse." (Through the Secretary of Commerce) Report of the Foreign Trade Zones Board, containing a summary of the operation and fiscal reaction of each zone and transmit therewith copies of the amoral report of each grantee. (Through the Secretary of Commerce,) Report of proceedings and activities ------------------ ---_- CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD (Through the Secretary of Commerce) Annual report; such report shall contain in addition to a report of the work pefornred, such information and data collected by the Board, end the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics as may be coagidercd of value in the determi. nation of questions connected with the development and regulation of civil aeronautics, together with such recom- mendations as to additional legislation relating thereto as the Hoard may deem necessary. BY Top', UNI'T'ED STATES MARITIME. COMMISSION Tile results of the Commiasimi s investigations, It summary of its transactions, its rep nunendal:kee, for legislatio a, a statement of all mooipts under the Merchant Marine Aet, 193G, and the parposes for which all expenditnos are muds. 61505--50-3 On or before the 3d day of January of each year. In annual mpert at begimdng of each regular session. Approved For Release 2001N]25: Fill RDP58AO597MOO2000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any opicer or d 3p?rtment -e>t?ite to, Cougre: rs---Continued Officer and nature of the report BY THE UNITED STAT98 MARITIME COMMISSGH-C&n. The names of the contractors and subcontractors for scientific equipment used for communication and navigation w designated by the Commission and the names of persons -entering into contracts or other arrangements by the terms of which the United States undertakes to pa; for national defense, features, together with the applicable contmets and the amounts thereof. A full report covering each oporeting-differential subsidy granted on cacti ship over 20 years of age, with the reason therefor. A detailed statement of all transactions consummated under the previsions of sees. 610 (a), (b), (e), (d), and (e), which deal with the acquisition by the Commission of obsolete vessels in exchange for credits to be applied to new scraped construction. Report of the arbitration awards or settlements of alasnsaris- ing under the Suits in Admiralty Act which steal l havehocm agreed to since the previous session, and in which the-ibis of appeal shall have expired or have been waived. Report of the action taken Rider see. 217 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended, providing for coordination of the forwarding and servicing of well export and import foreign commerce of the United States. A report of all activities or transactions Ruder the Ship Sales Act, 19-16. lenhlie Law 321, 79t1i Coop., sec. 13. In anneal report at beginning of ear regular Session. July 1, 1946,. and every 3 months there:Ater. BY THE SECRETARY Or LABOR Report giving an account of all moneys received and dis- bursed by him and his Department, and dee'Tibing the work done by the Department. Report of findings of Bureau of Labor Statistics ms studies of productivity and labor costs in various mousse os. Special reports on particular subjects, whenever required to do so by the President or either House of Congress, orwhen he shall tie ink the subject I. his charge require:'. it. Report of labor statistics in llawaii--eapeeially on the high- est, lowest, and average number of employees engaged in the various industries in the Territory, to be classified as to nativity, sex, hours of labor, and conditions of employ- ment. WAGE AND HOOR DIVISION "The Administrator shall submit annually in January a report to the Congress covering his activities for the pro- coding year and including such inasmation, data, and reoonrtnendatlens far further legislation in oounsction with the natter covered by this act as be nay find advisable." BY Toes SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE. Receipts, expendlturca, and work of agricultural experiment stations; withholding approprlations. Activities or, exprnditores by, and donations to the 4regional research laboratories authorteed by the Agricultural Ad. justment Act of 1938. Receipts, axpondituma, and results of cooperative agricul- tural exta spin work; will Scolding appropriations. Operations, expenditures, and obli ltstious under the Soil Conservation and Domes ho Allo tmmot Act. Statement of research work performed ender contracts or cooperative agreements under Research and Marketing Act of 1946. Activities carried on under act providing for cooperation with (l overmnent of Mexico in control and or entrains of ::9 U. S.0. L__--. 29 U. S. C. 2114 (d)___ 43 Stat. L. 972_.__. 38 Stat. L. 3i'4_____ 50 Stat. L. 329._-_- 60 Stat. L. .082____ ... O sis of $ 1, tire which have Jones- Farm Tenant Act in 90 SteE. L. 1066.___ excel eti of have been cg e s acd. gnarfarm hgo housing needs and reports on Public Lau 171, 819t Estimates of national progress of ecessand toward oreleingsuchrceda; and ot eloeett of ie- Cong. the necessary or fl10 fort respect cc oftorn j flo of the Ilousiug Act of 50. 19]0 with respect for for farm nursing, . Annually. Do, Do. Every 30 days afar Feb. 28, 1947. End of each fiscal year. As Investigations are completed and ex- perience deter- Mines. Approved For Release 2001N725: CIAROP5aLa5WP-0a200a10a1e2 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS '19 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued BY THE SECRETARY OF AORICULTORR- -Continued RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION (Through the Secretary of Agriculture) Activities of Rural Electrification Administration______.. FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION (Through the Secretary of Agriculture) A dminfstration of the Agricultural Marketing Act____ --- Operation In administering the Federal Farm loan Act_.._ FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE CORPORATION (Through the Secretary of Agriculture) Report on results of operations as to each commodity insured- BY PER COMPTROLLER GENERAL Or THE UNITED STATES Work of the General Accounting Office, containing recnm- mendatAons concerning the legislation the Comptroller General of the United States may deem necessary to facili- tate the prompt and accurate rendition and settlement of accounts and concerning such other matters relating to the receipt, disbursement, Rol application of public funds as he may think advisable and (or in special reports) recom- mendations looking to greater economy or efficiency in public expenditures, and a statement of receipts during the period covered by such work hnmfees or charges paid to the General Accounting Office under the Economy Act of June 30, 1032. and All other acts of Congress. Ordered by either House, or committees of. having jurisdic- tion wear revenue, appropriations, or expenditures. Expenditures or contracts made by any department or estab- lishment in any year in violation of law. Administrative examination nt accounts And cletms In the respective departments and establishments arid upon the adequacy and effectiveness of departmental Inspection of the offices and accounts of fiscal ofiieema. Meritorious claims or demands against the United States, certain, Including material facts and recommendations thereon. Farm Credit Administration transactions under the agricul- tural marketing revolvlug fund, in violation of law, together with such Ieeormnendations as deemed advisable. Recommendations for such changes in existing law relating to inactive and permanent appropriations and/or funds on the books of the Government and also funds in the official Custody of officers and employees of the United States in which the Government is financially concerned, for which no accounting is rendered to the General Accounting Office, as In the judgment of the Comptroller General, after a sur- vey thereof, may he in the public interest. Any departure by the U. S. Maritime Commission from the provisions of the act of June 29, 1036 (49 Stet. 1985), as amended. Any transaction or condition found to ho in conflict with the powers or duties entrusted to the Tennessee V alloy Author- ity by law. Estimated cost to the Government incident to compliance with restrictions in general appropriations acts limiting the expenditure of specified appropriations therein and such recommendations with respect thereto as the Comp- troller General deems necessary or desirable. Expenditure analysis of each agency in the executive branch of the Government. including Government corporations which, in the opinion of the Comptroller Optional, will en- able Congress to determine whether public funds have been economically and efficiently administered and ex- pended, to he submitted to the Comnittees on Expendi- tures in the Executive Departments, to the Appropriations Committees, and to the legislative eoomittees having jurisdiction over legislation relating to the operations of the respective agencies. of the two Douses. 421 itat. L. 26_______ __do_.________ 45 Stat. L. 413------- 46 Stat. L. 18-__,_._. 48 Stat. L. 1236--____ 149 .Stet. L. 1988 ...... 528 tat. L. 954.------ 48 Stat. L. 63, 64 _. f49 atat. L.1080,1081_ 60 Stat. L. 837__---_ At any time so ordered. At any time. }Annually or oftener, At any time. Do. 20 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS Approved For Release 2001N]25: Clp-RDP58L05WPa002000100102 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Gongrees--Continued Officer and nature of the report BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATE9- Continued Any failure of the executive agencies to comply with the 63 Stet. L. fed 390 __ At any time. principles and standards of accounting for property as pre- scribed by the GAO under are. 205 (h) of the Federal Prop. erty and Administrative Services Act of 1949, or to ade- quately account for property under such systems as are approved by the GAO under said Oct. TERMINATED WAR CONTRACTS Whether settlement methods and procedures employed by 58 Stat. L. ti66------ From time to time. contracting agencies are of a kind and type designed to re- sult in expeditious and fair settlements I. accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Contract Settle- ment AT of 10,14 and the orders and regulations of the Di- rector. Whether such methods and procedures are followed by con- ----- do ...---------- .. Do. trotting agencies with care and efficiency. Whether such methods and procedures adequately protect ----- do-------------- Do. the interests of the Government. Suggestions and recommendations for additional legislation ----- do----- _-------- De. deemed necessary, after investigation of settlements com- pleted by contracting agencies, to carry out the policies of the Contract Settlement Act. CORPORATIONi Audits of financial transactions of all Government Corpora- tions beginning with the fiscal year 1946. Each report to contain audited financial statements and such comments and information as may be deemed necessary to keep Congress Informed of the operations and finmefal con- dition ofthe corporation, together with such re,nmmenda- tlons with respect thereto as the Comptroller General may deem advisable, Includinga report of any impairment of capital noted in the audit and recommendations for the retunr of such flevernment capital or the payment Clinch dividends as, in his judgment, should be accomplished, and to show specifically programs, expenditures, or other financial transactions or undertakings, which, in the opinion of the Comptroller General, have been carried on or made without authority of law. BY THE PUBLIC PRINTER Report of the exact condition and the mnount and cost of the public printing and binding, lithographing, and engraving, the amount and cost of all paper purchased for the same; a detailed statement of proposals made and contracts entered into for the purchase of paper and other materi:ler and for lithographing and engraving; of all Payments made during the preceding year under his direction; at the amount of work ordered and done, with a general ciassiflcetlon there. of for each department, and a detailed statement of each account with the departments or public officers; reclassified detailed statement of the number of hands employed, end the sums paid to each, and such further information touch- ing all matters connected with the Printing Office as may be in his Possession. Detailed estimates of the sums required for the support of the Government Printing Office. Shall submit to the Joint Committee on Printing estimates of the quantity of paper of all descriptions which will he required for the public printing mid binding during the ensuing year. Estimates in detail under the head of printing mid binding for the service of the fiscal Year 1897 and annually thereafter, covering appropriations requisite for all work to be done and services to be rendered under his direction and not previously required of him. BY THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION A report containing such information and data as may be considered of value in the determination of questions con- nected with the regulation of commerce, together with such recommendations as to additional legislation, relating thereto as may to deemed necessary. A statement of the most valuations of common carriers.__._. Annual estimates of appropriations (through the Bureau of the Budget). Approved For Release 2001N]25: Cl4RDP58L0597Pa002000100182 fill Rev. Stat. 3821_.-_ 27 Stat. L. 612_____ 28 Stat. L. 604..__.__ fItev. Stet. 3822____ 28 Stat. L. 001____ 28 Stat. L. 601 ___-. 37 Stet. L. 701. 99 U. S. C. 19 (a)_._ 42 Stat. L. 20______ 31 U. S. C.22.-_.... Annually, not later than Jan. 15 toi- lewing the close of the fiscal year for which such audit is made. } Do. At the beginning of each session. In annual report oil or before the 3d day of January In each year. } Do. }In the Budget. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to mafae to Congress-Continued 4 report for the crowding fiscal year as to the affairs of the Library, including the copyright business, including a de- tailed statement of all receipts and expenditures on account of the Library and copyright business given in the Annual Report of the Librarian. Report of moneys, securities, and operations By THE SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Directed to communicate to Congress the reports, or such portion thereof as he shall see fit, of the American Historical Association concerning its proceedings and the condition of historical study in America. Directed to communicate to Congress the reports, or such portion thereof ae he may deem of national interest and Im- portance, of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Directed to communicate to Congress the report, or such por- tions thereof as he may deem of national interest and irn- parlance, of the National Yeoman F. A report on the progress of the National Museum and its present condition. REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION A report of the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution. Report of the operations of the National Air Museum, in- cluding all public and private moneys received and dis- bursed. DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM A report of the progress of the Museum during the year and its present condition. BY THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE, THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THE SEaSEANT AT ARMS, THE POSTMASTERS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE, AND THE DOORKEEPER OF THE HOUSE A statement showing the names of all the clerks and other persons who have been during the preceding year or any part thereof employed In their respective officers, and those of the messengers of the respective Houses, together with the time that each clerk or other person and each messenger was actually employed and the sums paid to each. This statement must also show whether such clerks or other per- sons or such messengers have bawl usefully employed, whether the services of any if them can be dispensed with without detriromet to the public service, and whether the . removal of any particular persons Rod the, employment of others in their stead is required for the butter dispatch of business. A detailed statement, by items, of the manner in which the eentingemrt fund for each House has been expended during the preceding your. This statement most give the name of every perswr to and any portion of the fund has been paid, and if for anything furnished, the quantity and the pace, and if for any services rendered, the nature of such services and the time employed, and the partimrlar occa- sion of cause, in brief, that rendered suoll sc-rvice necessary, and the amount of all former appropriations in each ease on hand, either in the Treasury or in the hands of any dis- bursing officer or agent. NOTE.-Rath of the statements requiral by the preced- ing sections shall exhibit also the several sums drawn by the Secretary and Clerk, respectively, from life Treasury and the balancs if any, remaining in their hands. The Secretary of-ti e Senate and the f'lerk of the house of Representatives shall catch require of the disbursing ctheera acting under their direetio, or authority the returns of precise and analytical statements and receipts of all the moneys which may have been from Limo to time, dunng the next preceding year, expended by them; red the resnlta of such returns and the sums total shall be communicated to Congress by the Secretary and Clerk, respectively. All expenditures of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be made up to the end of each fiscal year and shall be reported to Congress. 29 Stat. I.. 546__--- 2I1. 6. C. 139__----- 35 Stat. L. 1085------ 17 U. S. C. 51------- 43 Stat. L. 1108--_-_ 2 If. S. C. 163_------ 23 Stat. L. 6440._.-.. 29 Stat. L. 9-_-..--- 49 Stet. L.1506...... Rev. Stet. 5593_----- 60 Stat. L. 997------- At the commence. ment of )aclr ses- sion. At the commence- ment of each regu- lar session. 22 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS Approved For Release 20014725: CI RDP58L0597P-002000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued BY THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE, Etc.-Continued The Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Re resentatives, respectively, shall report to Congress a fuland rompletc statement of all their receipts lod ex- penditures as such officers, showing In detail the items of expense, classifying them under the proper appropriations, and also showing the aggregate thereof, and exhibiting in a clear and concise mannor the exact condition of all public moneys by them received, paid nut, and remaining In their possession as such officers. BY THE GORCAS MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL AND PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE, INC. Annual report In full of the work and operation of the Gorges Memorial Laboratory, including a complete statement of the receipts and expenditures of said laboratory for the fiscal year. BY TUB COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A report of their official doings in detail under the provisions of see. 12 of the act entitled "An act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," ap- proved June 11 1898, as amended: Provided, That autlror- Ity is hereby given the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to discontinue the printing of any Annual or spe- cial reports of tine government of the District or Columbia in order to keep the expenditures within this appropriation. In all cases where the printing of said report' Is discon- tiuued, the original copy thereof shall be kept or file in the offices of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for public inspection. SEC. 2. That the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, levelers, transitmen, rodmon, chairmen, computers, copy- ists, overseers, and inspectors temporarily required in con- nection with sewer, water, street, street cleaning, or road work, or construction and repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special nngineerinc or construction work authorized by appropriations may he employed exclusively to carry into effect said appro priations when specifically and in writing ordered by the Commissioners, and all such necessary expenditures for the proper execution of said work shall be paid from and equitably charged P.gainSt the sums appropriated for said work; and the Commissioners In their budget estimates shall report the number of such ono- ployees performing such services, and their work, and the sums paid to each, and out of what appropriation: Provided, That the expenditnres hereunder shall not exceed $42,000 during the fiscal year 1942: Provided further, That, exclud- ing inspectors in the sewer department, 1 Inspector in the electrical department, and I inspector in the rapair shop, no person shall he employed in pursuance of the authority contained in this paragraph for a longer period than 9 months In the aggregate during the fiscal year. SEC. 3. That all horses, harness, horse-drawn vehicles neces- sary for use in connection with construction and supervi- sion of sewer, street, street lighting, road work, and street- clearing work, including uraintenanen of said horses and harness, and maintenance and repair of said vehicles, and purchase of all necessary nipples and supplies In connec- tion therewith, or on construction and repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or con- struction work authorized by appropriations, nray be pur- chased, hired, Bud maintained, and rnntortmuks may he hired exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations, when specifically and in writing ordered by the Commis- sinners; and all such expenditures necessary for the proper execution of said work exclusive of personal services, shall be paid from and equitably charged against the sums ap- propriated for said war k; and the Cnmmissfonere in the budget estimates shall report the number of horses, vehi- cles, and harness purchased, and horses and veldcles hired, and the sums paid for same, and out of w hat ape Toprlatlon; Had all horses owned or maintained by the District shall, so for as may be practicable, be provided for 1n stables owned or operated by said District: Presided, That such horse, horse-drawn vehicles, and carts as may be tempo- rarily needed for hauling and excavating material in con- nection with works authorized by approprlations may be temporarily employed for such purposes Under the condi- tions named In sec. 2 of this set I. relation to the employ- ment of laborers, skilled laborers, and sell es. On the first day of each regular ses- sion and at the ex? piration of that terms of service. Annually on or IN, fore the first Motn- day of December. Annually. REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS 23 Approved For Release 20014]25: CIA RDP58AO597MOO2000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued BY TILE COMMISSIONERS Or THE DISTRICT Or COLUMmIA- Continued Hereafter streets and avenues In the schedule of proposed 32 Stet. L. 062_--__ improvements and repairs must be arranged In order of their respective Importance as determined by personal examination of said highways by the Commissioners. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to accept advancements for the District of Columbia from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, created by the National Industrial Re- covery Act, and said Administration with that approval of the President is authorized to advance to said Commission- ers the sum of $18 150,000, or any part thereof, in addition to any sums heretofore advanced to the District of Columbia by said Administration out of funds antllorizod by law for said Administration, for the acqquisition, purchase, con- struction, establishment, and developnoont of public works, including among others a building or buildings for the municipal court, the r (order of deeds and the juvenile court, or any of them; said buildings to ho located on such 52 Stat. L. 1203,1204 portions or parts of politic, y Square, or the area bounded by 4th and 5th Sts., D and (I Sts. 7W , or u((Ion such other area or areas or shall be approved by said Commissioners and the National Capital Park and ilmodng Commtssionn, and the making of such adv:inees is hereby included mining the purposes for which finds heretofore uppropriatedorau- thorized for said Administration including funds appro- priated by the Public Works Administration Appropria- tion Act of 1938, may bat used, IF, addition to the other purposes specified in the mspeetive acts appropriating or authorizing said funds. SEC. 4. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall submit with their sped estimates to the Congress a report of their activities and expenditures lender sec. 1 of this act. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia (hercln called the "Commissioners") are hereby sothoriacd to accept advancements for the District of Columbia from the Federal Works Administrator (herein called the "Administrator''), and the Administrator, under and subject to the provisions of the act of Juno 28. 1941 (public, No. 137, 77th Cong.), is aut,torized In advance the sum of $2,500,000, or any part thereof, in addition to any sums heretofore advanced to the District of Columbia, out of 55 Stat. L. 847______ funds authorized by law for the Admi nfsimtor, for the acquisition, purchase, construction, establishment, and development of defense Inrblic works mod equipment, and all sums so advanced shall be deposited in full with the Secretary of the Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia. SEC. 5. The Commissioners shall submit with their annual estimates to the Congress a report of their activities and expenditures under sec. 4 of this act. 8rC. 403. (a) Time Conmisstonors of the District of Columbia are authorized to accept for the District of Columbia, and the Federal Works Administrator is authorized to snake to the District, advancements for the provision of public works and equipment tlbmfor, such advancements to be 56 Stat. L. 212-_.__ deposited with the Seeretaoy of the Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia. (c) The Commissioners shall submit with their animal estimates to the Congress it report of their activities and expenditures under rs this section. The use be beint, made of the scalp ed shall from Public Law 846, of Columbia the utie g de specifically es use, e rould with from 7 97th h Craig. taxation and of any changes in in such use, with roeommenda- tions. Report covering the administration and operation of oh. 313 146 D. C. C. 313_____ title 46,'1). C. C., during the. preceding ealcaidar year, and 4Publie Law eb, 78th containing such recommendations as the Beard wishes to Cong. make. The Administrator shall submit a semiannual report to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for transmittal to the Congress of the United States. Annually; not later than Mar. 1. 24 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS Approved For Release 200lsHo5:CI RDP58L0597P-002000100102 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued When expected to be made BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLU USIA-- Continued COMMISSION ON LICENSI5RE TO PRACTICE TILE HE \LINO ART IN THE PIBPRICT OF COLUMBIA Report its proceedings with reoemmendations for such further legislation as may be necessary to protect the people of the District of Columbiafrmn Ignorance and quackery in the practice of the healing art In said District. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE nrsTRICT OF COLUMBIA PAR. 5. That whenever any public utility or person shall propose. may change in any law relating directly or Indi. rectly to the property or operations along public utility the said proposed change shall also and at the smile time be submitted to the Commission, which may take testimony and give a public hearing thereon, and the Commission shall reeonnnend such bills as will in its Judgment protect the Interests of the public and such public utility and transmit the same to the proper committees of the Senate and House of Re resentatives. PAR. B. That the Commission shall ascertain, as soon and as nearly Al practicable, the anterior of money expended in the construction and equipment of every public utility, including the Amount of money expended to procure any right-of-way; also the amount of money it would require to secure the right-of-way, reconstruct any roadbed track, depots, cars, conduits,subwSys, poles, wires, switchloards, exchanges, offices, works, storage plants, pincer plants, machinery, and any other property or lnstnunent not included in the foregoing enumeration used In or useful to the business of such public utility, and to replace all the physical properties belonging to the public utility. It shall ascertain the outstanding stock, bonds, debentures, and indebtedness, and the amount, respectively, thereof, the date when issued, to whom issued, to whore sold, the price paid in cash, property, or labor therefor, what dis- position was made of the proceeds, by ivhoin the Indebted- ness Is field, so fur as ascertainable the amount purporting to be due thereon, the floating indebtedness of the public utility, the credits due the public Utility, other property on band belonging to It, the judicial or other sr.Ies of said public utility, its property or franchises, and the amounts purporting to hive been paid, and in what manner paid therefor, and the taxes paid thereon. The Commission shall also ascertain in detail the gross and net income of the public utility front all sources, the amounts paid for set. trios to officers and the wages paid to its employees, and the maximum hours of continuous service required of each class. Whenever the information required by this para- graph is obtained it shall be printed in the amual report of the Cornmissiou. In making such investitation the Comneission mey avail itself of Any information in posses- sion of any department of the Government of the United States or of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. PAR. 8. That before final detormiuation of such value the Commission shall after notice of notless than 30 days to the public utility, hold a public hearing as to such valuation in the meaner hereinafter provided for a hearing, which provisions, so far ax applicable, shall apply to such hearing. The Commission shall, within 10 days after such valuation is determined, serve a Statement thereof upon the public utility interested and shall file a like statement with the District Committees in Congress. PAR. 14. That the accounts shall be closed ammo Sly on the 31st day of December and a balance sheet of that date promptly taken thereiron. On ar before the [at day Of February following such balance sheet, together with such other information as the Commissioi shall pressibe, veri- fied by an owner or otbcer of the public utility, shall be filed with the Commission, and a copy thereof traoemitted to Congress. PAR. 20. That the Commission shall publish annual reports showing its proceedings relating to all the public utilities of each kind in the District of Cohnmbia, and such other occasional reports as it may deem advisable. The Com- ohissloes shall also publish in its ammal reports the value mall property actually used and useful for the convenience of the public of every public utility as to whose rates charges, service, or regulations any hearing has been held by the ommission or the value of wlwse property has, been ascertained by it under the provisions of this section. 2 D. C. C. 133..-.-- 37 Stat. L. 97i------ 37 Stat. L.987..___- 37 Stat. L. 971--_ ---- 27 Stet. L. s80...-... Officer and nature of the report BY TEE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA- Continued EVERY STREET RAILROAD CORPORATION IN TICE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A report of the names of all the stockholders therein and the number of stock held by each, together with a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures, et.n. THE BALTIMORE & MARYLAND BY. CO., SUCCESSOR TO THE BALTIMORE & OCEAN CITY BY. CO. OF MARYLAND AS THE SUCCESSOR OF THE BALTIMORE & WASHINGTON TRANSIT CO. A report to Congress, through the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, of the names of all the stockholders therein and the amount of stock held by each, together with a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures from whatever source and on whatever account for the preceding year ending Doe.:11, and such other facts as may e require by any general law of the District of Columbia. Georgetown Barge, Dock, Elevator & Railway Co. A report to Congress, through the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, of every ppuublic utility doing business within the District of Comes la having tracks, conduits, subways, poles, wires, etc. Said report to contain a bal- ance shoot, together with such other information as the Commissioners shall prescribe. Washington Gas Light Co. A report to Congress of any association or corporation en- gaged in the manufacture and sale of gas, for illuminatingg and fuel purposes in the District of Columbia. Said report shall contain a detailed statement of the condition of the business, etc. together with a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures, and a list of the names of the stockholders and the amount of the stock held. Capital Transit Co. A report to Congress of every street railroad corporation in the District of Columbia stating the amount of capital stock, with a list of all the stockholders and the amount of stock hold by each, etc., together with a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures, etc. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. A report to Congress, through the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, of every public utility doing business within the District of Columbia having tracks, conduits, subways, poles, wires, etc. Said report to contain abalones sheet, together with such other information as the Com- missioners shall prescribe. Potomac Electric Power Co. A report. to Congress of any company, association, or cor- poration euaaged in the manufacture and sale of electricity for illuminating or heating or power purposes, or either, in the District of Columbia. Said report shall contain a detailed statement of the condition of the business, etc., together with a detailed statement of receipts and expends. tures, and a list of the names of the stockholders and the amount of the stock held. Authority 29 Stat. L. 320------- ----- do--------------- 43 D. C. C. 302, 313.. 43 D. C. C. 1206._.. 44 D. C. C.315...... 43 D. C. C. 302, 313.- 43 D. C. C. 1109..... When expected to be made List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress--Continued SEC. 332 (g). That the Commission shall put at the disposal of the President of the United States, the Committee on Ways and Moans of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, whenever requested, all information at its command and shall make such in- vestigations and reports as may he requested by the Presi- dent or by either of said committees or by either branch of the Congress, and shall report to Congress on the first Monday of December of each year hereafter a statement of the methods adopted, and all expenses incurred, and a summary of all reports made during the year, etc. Annual report of Tariff Commission.-------.-_---.---. Annual report on the operation of the Trade Agreements Program. Officer and nature of the report BY THE TARIP COMM1sslot Annual report -_------------------- --_-.----_....--...--- Speeial reportswtth recommendations________--_ _- To investigate, from time to time, trade conditions in and with foreign counties where associations, combinations, or practices of me nifactureirs, merchants, traders, or other conditions may affect the foreign trade Alike United States and to report to Congress thereon, with such recommeoda- tfons as deemed advisable. Annual report of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs- An' dial report of tort claims paid --..-.----.--...-_.-..----- Financial statement and a complete report as to the business of the Corporation covering the preceding Government fiscal year. Repo t shall include the total cost of all power generated at all power stations during each year, an train- Red statement of the cost of power at each power station, the average cost of such power per kilowatt-hour, the rotes at which sold, to whom sold, copies of all contracts for the sale of power, total number of employees, and the names, salaries, and duties of those receiving compensation at the rate of more than $t,500 a year. Transmit the reports and recommendations of the Board of Actuaries covering the operations of the civil-service ro- tfrement law. Make reports to the President for transmission to Congress showing its own action, the rules and regulations, and the exceptions thereto in force, the practical effects thereof, and any suggestions it may approve for the more effectual accomplishment of the purposes of the act. Transmit annual report of operations under sec. it of Ad- ministrative Procedure Act; this section provides that hearing examiners be appointed under competitive civil- service system. Report Covering numbers and types of actions taken relating to additional step-incrcases in salary as a reward for su- perior accomplishment. Report on a study of additional compensation for hazardous employments, setting forth findings and recommendations for a future policy and plan. Report on a study of efficiency rating systems in the Federal service, setting forth findings and recommendations. 19 U. S. C. 1132 (a)-- Executive Order 10082 of mt. 5, 1949. 38 Stat. L. 7:R.------ ---- do-------------- 38 Stat. L. 722._-...- 46 Stat. L- 1017- ----- 58 Stat. L. 3u1_-- 62 Stat. L. 983_-- ._----- -- Stat. L. L. 4'.'8 Stat. 1(116_---- Executive Order 6670. 5 U. S. C. 729 ------ Annually. Mar. 20, 1950 (ap- proximate data). Beginning of session. From time to time. Do. %At the close of each Fiscal year. Annually, no spo- cifie. time indi- cated. Approved For Release 200115125: C11.RDP58AO597Pn882000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR Report on activities under war-housing legislation (Public Laws 671, 781, and 849, 76th Cong., rte emended, and Public Laws 9, 73, and 353, 77th Cong.) Including: A full and detailed report of all transactions authorized under Public Law 849, 76th Cong, as emended; and Report on temporary war-housing projects under the jurisdiction of the Housing and I ionic J nuance Admin- itrator not removed by Jan. 1, 1961. Report on slum clearance and communil y development and redevelopment program authorized under title I of the Housing Act of 1949. Report on eethnate.s of national housing needs and the prog- ress being made toward auv%ting such nods, and recom- mendations for executive or legislal ive action necessary or desirable for the furtherance of the national housing ob4cc- five and policy established by the Housing Act of 1949. Report of operations of the Home Loan Bank Board ._..... Report of operations of the Federal Savings and Loan Insur- once Corporation, Report of operations by the Federal Savings and Loan Insur- ance Corporation of insured institutions in default. 54 Stat. L. 1128____-_ 42 U. S. 6.1551_____ f57 Stat. L. 889 42 U. S. C. 1563----- 61 Stet. L. 449- __- 62 Stat. L. 1064..___ 63 Stat. L. 413...__.. 48 Stat. L. 1247_-____ 55 Stat. L. 61 ------- 62 Stat. L. 1283___. 63 Stat. L. 570------- 12 U. S. C. 1706_..__ 62 Stat. L. 1209__ 12 U. S. C. 1721____ 47 Stat. L. 738-_-_-__ 12 U. S. C. 1440._.__ 48 Stat. L. 1257------ 2 U. S. C. 1725 (Q__ 1 48 Stat. L. 1260_____ 12 U. S. C. 1729 (e) __ At the beginning of {l each Session ofCan. gress. Annually after Jan. 1,1950. Annually. JAnnually. } Do. } Do. BY THE RECOxsmllocTroN FINANCE CortroRATlol Report Containing financial statements, for fiscal year, In- cluding a balance sheet, a statement of income and expense, and an analysis of accumulated net income and schedule of loans of $100,000 or iron. A full report of all Its activities to strengthen the common de- fense and to meet industrial needs for tin by providing for the maintenance of a domestic tin-smelting industry. BY THE FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY Report on all claims paid under the Federal Tort Claims Act_. Report of the managing trustees of the old-age and sur- vivors Insurance trust fund on the operation and status of the trust fund during the preceding fiscal year and on its expected operations and status during the next ensuing S fiscal years. This report is to be nnade on the first day of each regular session of Congress. Joint report made by the Railroad Retirement Board and the Federal Security Administrator to the President for submission to Congress on experience in crediting railroad compensation toward awards of title fI benefits. Sec. 1 (b). RFC Act, approved Jan. 22, 5932 (47 Stat. 6), as amended by Pub- lic Law 548, 80th Cong. Sec. 4, joint resolu- tion approved June 28, 5947 (61 scat. 190), as amended by Pub- lic Law 824, 80th Cong and Public Law 148, 80th Cong. Sec. 10 (e), Rubber Act of 1948, (Pub. he Law 489, 80th Cong.). 28 U. S. C. 922_____. 42 U. S. C. 401 (b) (2). Within 6 months after dose of each fiscal year - Dec. 31, 1947, and at the and of each 6 months thereafter. Annually. At the beginning of each regular ses- sion. Approved For Release 200140]25: Cli -RDP58E0551A000200010010-2 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued Officer and nature of the report BY THE FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY-Continlred Re ortembodyingtheresults of Investigations and labors by the Commissioner of Education, together wfth o. statement ofsueh facts and recommendations as will. in his judgment, subserve the purpose for which the Office of Education is established. Annual report an the administration etch. 2. title 20, U. S. C., relating to vocational aducation. PueLto HEALTH SERVICE Report on the transactions of the Public Health lbervlee, in- cluding a detailed statement of receipts and disbursements. CuREAJ OF EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION Report for the preceding fiscal year on the administration of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, including de- tailed statement of receipts of and expenditures from em- ployees' compensation fund and recommendations. Report for the preceding fiscal year on the administration of the Longshoremen's ifarbor Workers' Compensation Act, including detailed statement of receipts of and ex- penditures from funds established thereby and recom- mendations. soureL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Report on the administration of functions formerly charged to the Social Security Board. Report on the administration of title V of the Social Security Act relating to maternal and child welfare. BY THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION The Administrator shall submit a report to the Congress, fn January of each year and at such other times as he may deem it desirable, regarding the admen istration of his fuce- tions under this net, together with such recommendations for amendments to this acl. as he may deem appropriate as the result of the tide in ictratimt of such functions, at which time he shall also cite the laws becoming obsolete by mason of passage or operation of the provisions or this act. As the Administrator may deem necessary for the effectuation of his functions, he is authorized to cooperate with execu- tive agencies in the establishment of reaseraddr. inventory levels for property stocked by then and train time to time report any excessive stocking to the Congress and to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget. Report of purchases and coo tracts by negotiation for experi- mental, developmental or research work or for the manu- facture or furnishing of onpplfes for experimesi tation, de- velopment, research, or test, will be furnished to the Con- gress a'tting forth the name of tech cool tractor with whom a contract bas bean entered into pnr40mnt to thin paragraph (10) since the date of the last such report, the am ount of the contract, end, with due consideration given to the national security, a description of the work required to be performed theremdm. The Administrator is authorised (1) to make surveys of (3 overnment records and records managemmn and dis- pose] practices and obtain reports thereon from Federal agencies; (2) to promote? in cooperation with the execu- tive agencies, improved records management practices and controls in such agencies, Including the central storage or disposition of records riot needed by such agencies for their current use; and (3) to report to the Congress and the Dlree:tor of the Burcoa of tiers Budget from time to Ume the result, of such I,, heftier. Tne Administrator of (Ieneral Services shall submit quar- terly to the Congress a report of his administration of the Act, providing for the advance planning of ten-Federal public works, Including all expenditures and rcpoyments mad, theretmder. Such report, shall, when submitted, be printed as public documents. 20 U. S. C. 23---.--- 42 U. S. C. 2'9---_- 5 U. S. C. 784------- 33 U. S. C. 913-----. 42 U. S. C. 904--.--- 42 U. S. C. 711 (C)-_ At the beginning of each regular se:; sion. January of each year and at such other times as the .Ad- ministrator may deem it desirable. Jan. 1, 1950, and end of each 6 months` period thereafter. Approved For Release 2001Nrrz5: CIA RDP58AO55IAEOO2000100182 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS 29 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress -Continued Officer sod nature of the report Authority When expe:ted to be made By THE GENERAL SERVICES ADIINISx1AxmN Continued The Larham Act (the act of Oct. 14, 1940. as amended), 54 Spat 1128, as At the be, imdug of requires that at the beginning of each session of Congress, amended, sco. 14. each session. there shall bit made to the Congress a full and deluded report covering all of the transactions authorized there under. This provision necessitates a report by the Ad- ministrator on the activities not only of the Lanham Act program but of the vetenuos' educational facilities pro- gram (sec 504 of the Lanham Act, as amended). Report to the Senate by the Administrator of ^ enteral serv- S. Res. 136, Slst Jan. 1, 1050, and ices, with particular regard I'a project: of the Bure:m of Cong. each year there public Roads, to local public works Idannad or In he after on lan. 1. planned with Federal aid, and to other projects of types administered. prior to the ednetiv,' date of the Federal - Property and Administrative Scrvines Act of 1949, by the Bureau of Community Facilities and the Public Build- ings Administration. Reports are required to he made In conjunction with the public Law 105, Promptly 'sifter the Postmaster General to show the location and approxinlate slat Color. ace. convenlnz of each accommodations of Public building projects throughout 109. now Comgu ass. the United states, Its TernIorhes and possessions, as shall be found eligible to be constructed in accordance with all- plisahlc statutory provislam. Such reports.hidl indicate s of each praise( "then in excc, of $200,000. the limit of rose, When the estimated lost of a project does not ecoeed $2110,000 the hunt of cult shall boos detenntned by the Com- missioner of Public Buildings. Report by thr Federal Woks Agency, functions of which Pnhlic Late 266, 81st As directed. were later Iran sferned to lhe General Err vleas .A drain lstra- Cony, see. 109. tion, slowing an administrative break down of the costs of personnel and other ohlip. et ions in Ili, f)istrid. of Colu robin and !.the field in such detail as the Sn hconnnittees en In- dependent Mikes Ap(vcp ri ations of the Committees on Appropn al.ioos of the, blush, and the 1 mesa or Representa tives may direct. Report of transfers and agreements by Fedend and District [47 Stat. I61, sec. l -._ pro. time to tiune. of Columbia authorities administering Properties e within 40 the District wind by the United Stsstesar by the District Progress re ort by th. Dloe for of Contract ettlemeut on (5S Stat. 649, as in Janus y, April, the exercise of his duties and authority, the tutus of can { nFunded, sec. 2. July, Fr el October trust terimn.offers, tent ni nation settluuent , m d inimrim 141 U S. C l02_____ of each y;ae. financing, and other info n onion, The Federal Tort Claims Act: requires that the bend of each 28 U. S. C. 2673 ---- Annually. Federal agency shall make on annuat report to the Congress of all claims paid by snob Federal cogency lmdcr said act, The report must include the name. of each clainran[, the statement of the amount claimed and the amount awarded, and a brief description of IJa dabs. Recommendations of Cmrm aission on National Historical 44 U. s. C. 300e ----- - At any time. Publications. Report as to records authorized for disposal by the Arab!cist44 U. S- C. 372, 377 At the bedmdng of ,,oil rccuhs sus sion. Report as to records disposed of by tbv. A rddv let as is menace 411 r, F. C. 375, 377 Do. or disposed of by authority of the head of any agrney for security or military reasons. Report of the National Archives Trost Fund Board of the 41 U.S. C.300jj----- Annually. moneys, securities, and other Personal property received and held by it and of its operations. Lists or schedules ofrecords that do not or will not have suffi- If U.S. C. 3019------ _ At any tin to. clout valve to warrant their continued preservation by the Government. Repeat as to the National Archives with detailed statement 41 U. S. C, 300!------- At this beglmrrng of of accessions and of nee, ipta and expenditures, each regular ses- sion. Report as to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library with de- 53 Stet. 1065, see. 208 Do. tailed statement of accessions and disposals and of receipts and expenditures. 4' Stn. L. 021; 12 U. S. C. 247. 49 Stat. L. 705:12 U. S. C. 247a. St Stat. L. 56; 12 U. S. C. 355. 48 Stnt. L. 901; 15 U. S. C. 78W. 30 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS RDP58L059745002000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Conpres.e-Continued Officer and nature of the report BY THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Report to Congress covering work of Commission, Including information, data, and recommendations for further legis- lation (If say). 48 Stat. L. 23 (b)_.- 15 U. S. C. 78w-(b)_ 49 Stat. L. 23.-____-_ 15 U. S. C. 79w__.__ 51 Stat. K. 210----- 1 5 U. S. C. 801,-15___ M Stat. L.46 (a)_. When expected to be made BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL REVENUE TAXATION 1.5 U. S. C. 80a-45 (a). 145 Stat L 883 Report ofincome tax, etc.,refundsand creditsofover$75,000_- . . 28 U. 8. C. 3777 (b) . } Do. Results of investigations. with recommendations------------- 144 Stet. L. 1214 }From time to time Report on Special Investigation Bureau of Internal Revenue operation. 26 U. S. C. 5011 (e) Public Law 147, 80th Cong. . San. 1, 1947. BY THE NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD Annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1949-------- NATIONAL RAILROAD ADJUSTMENT BOARD (Through the National Mediation Board) Each division of the Adjustment Board shall submit a report! of its activities to the Mediation Board, and the substance of such report shall be included In the annual report of the Mediation Board. Report Shall state in detail all cases heard, all actions taken, the names, salaries, and duties of all agencies, employees, and officers receiving ?sompensa- tlon, and an account of all moneys appropriated by Con- gress. BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Report of operations ------------------------------------- BY THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BIARI) Detailed statement of cases heard, decisions rendered, names, salaries, and duties of officers and employees, and account of disbursements,. BY THE MARINE CORPS LEAGUE Report of proceedings and activities, including statement of receipts and expenditures. BY THE NATIONAL CAPITAL PARE AND PLANNING COMMISSION Report of the lands acquired during the preceding fiscal year, the method of acquisition, and the cost of each tract. BY THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL MONETARY AND FINANCIAL PROBLEMS Transmit a report with respect to the participation of the United States in the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel. opment. Transmit special reports on the operations and policies of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 48 Stat. L. 1008. _-- 50 Stat. L. 190______ 47 U. S. C. 154 (k)___ National Labor Re- lations Act, as amended June 23, 1947 (Paid 1: Law 101, see. 3. 80th Cong., oh. 120, 1st sass.). Do. CAS soon as ractlca- b]e after pan. 1 on each year. At close of each fisra} year. Annually on the first Monday of De. camber. From time to time, but not less fre- quentlythanevery 6 months. Every 2 years. REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGRESS 31 Approved For Release 20014]25: CIA RDP58AO597PR002000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress-Continued When expected to be made BY THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF WASHINGTON Transmit a complete and detailed report of Its operations as of the close of business on June 30 and December 31 of each year. BY THE NATIONAL MUNITIONS CONTROL BOARD Report to contain such information and data collected as may be considered of value in the determination of ques- tions connected with the control of trade In arms, ammu- nition, and implements of war, Including the name of purchaser and the terms of sale made. Also include In such report a list of all persons required to register and full information concerning the licensers Issued, Including the name of the purchaser and the terms of sale. I Annual report shall also Include information regarding the quantities, character, value, terms of sale, and destination of the arms, ammunition, implements of war, or equip- ment which the Secretaries of the Army and of the Navy report they have exported to any of the governments of the other American Republics. Annual report shall include full Information concerning the licenses issued, together with such information and data collected as may be considered of value in the determine. tion of questions related to the exportation of helium gas. BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON REDUCTION Or NONESSENTIAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES Report of a full and complete study and investigation of all expenditures of the Federal Government with a view to recommending the elimination or reduction of all such expenditures seemed by the committee to be nonessential. BY THE FEDERAL. POWER COMMISSION A classified repport showing the permits and licenses issued during the fiscal year and a statement showing the names and compensation of the persons employed by the Com- mission. BY THE FEDERAL ANTHRACITE COAL COMMISSION Report results of investigation -- BY THE ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION Report the activities of the Cehnmission during the Calendar year ending Immediately prior to the beginning of each regular session. BY THE BOARD OF INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH Submit reports of the studies and investigations carried on by it, together with such Flooding and recommendations as It Is prepared to make. Shall also submit an annual re- port, a final re ort, and such other reports as it may deem necessary, of the studies and investigations carried out by it. Sec. 805 of pt. I, title III, Transports. tion Act of 1940. Annually on or be- fore 3d day of Jan- uary. Annually; .,at later than 60 days after beginning of each regular so Arm. BY THE UNITED STATES WAR BALLOT COMMISSION Report to Congress on the administration of the not to facili- Public Law 277, As soon as prac- tate voting, in time of war, by members of the land and 78th Cong. ticable after any naval forces, members of the merchant marine, and others, election. absent from the place of their residence, including the reports received by the Commission iron the secretaries of state of the several States. 1 Any reports required by this section (22 U. 9. C. 452h) may he omitted or dispensed with in the dis- cretion of the Secretary of State during the existence of a state of war. In interpreting this act, the date July 25, 1947, should be deemed to be t1,e date of termination of any state of war theretofore declared by the Congress and of the national emergencies proclaimed by the President on Sept, 8, 1939, and May 27, 1941. 32 REPORTS TO BE MADE TO CONGEESS Approved For Release 20014725: CI RDP58AO597P-002000100182 List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to maine to dongrens--Continued RY THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THIN UNITED STATES Report of Its proceedings for the preceding fiscal year, includ- ing a fall and complete report of its receipts and expendi- tures. BY THE NAVY /'LuB OF THE UNITED STATES op, AMERICA Report of its proceedings and activities for the preceding calendar year, including the full and complete statement of its receipts and expenditures. BY THE DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS Report of its proceedings for the preceding calendar year including a full and complete report of its receipts and expenditures. BY THE BOY SCOUTS Or AMERICA Report of its proceedings, including a full, complete, and itemized report of receipts and expenditures, of whatever kind. Report of its proceedings and activities for the preceding cal- endar year, including the full and complete statement of its receipts and expenditures. Report of its proceedings for the preceding calendar year, including a full and complete report of its nmeipts and expenditures. BY THE BE MEAD WOOD MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION Report of its proceedings and activities for the preceding calendar year, including the full and complete statement of Its receipts and expenditures. BY ToE AMERICAN WAR MOTHERS Report of Its proceedings for the preceding calendar year, Including a full and complete report of its receipts and expenditures. BY THE OFFICE OF WAR MOBILIZATION AND RECONVERSION The Director shall submit reports to the Senate and Rouse of Representatives on the activities undertaken or contem- plated by hhn. Such reports shall summarize and appraise the activities of the venous executive agencies in the Held of demobilization and postwar adjustment, and may in- clude such legislative proposals as be may deers necessary or desirable. BY THE INTERFARLIAMENTARY UNION The American group of the Interparliamentary Union shall submit to the Congress n report for each dead year for which an appropriation is made, including its expendl- tmos under such appropriation. BY TEE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Submit to the Congress a report concerning the activities of the Commission. Shall bmlude In such report, and shall at such other times as it deems desirable submit to the Congress, such recommendations for additional legislation as it deems necessary or desirable. 36 U. S. C. 118- _-.- 36 U. S. C. lloc---- 36 U. S. C. got --- 36 U. S. C. 23------- 49 Stat. L. 3::1_--.- 50 Stat. L. 762_----- 36 U. S. C. 43--_--- 36 U. S. C. 65....-.. 36 U. S. C. 101-----.. public Law F58.78th Cong. List of reports which it is the duty of any officer or department to make to Congress--Continued BY THE BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE MILITARY ACADRMY It shall be the duty of the Board of Visitors to inquire into the actual state of the discipline, instruction, police adminis- tration, fiscal affairs, and other eoncoms of the Academy. The Senators and Representatives designated ae visitors shall report to Congress within 20 days after the meeting of the session next succeeding the time of their appointment, their action as such visitors, with their views and recom- mendations concerning the A cadomy. BY THE COMMI.SS10N ON RENOVATION OF THE EXECUTIVE MANSION Submit to the Congress and the President a report on the progress of the work under its supervision. i) pot the con- clusion of its work, the Commission shall promptly submit a final report. Report shall be made to Congress of action taken on plan for preservation or disposition of material removed from the Executive Mansion during the period of renovation. BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY Members of the joint committee who are Members of the Sonato shall from time to time report u. the Senate, and the members of the joint committee who are Members of the House of Representatives shall from time to time report to the House, by bill or otherwise, their recommendations with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of their re- spective Houses which are (1) referrod to the joint com- mittee or (2) otherwise within the jurisdiction of the joint committee. Within 20 days after the meeting of Con- gress. From time to time, but at leset once annually. On San. 3, 1950, and every 6 months thereafter 'atil the final report, is sub- mitted. Page Administrative Office of the United States Courts_____________________ 13 Administrator of Rent Control, District of Columbia___________________ 23 Administrator of Veterans' Affairs___________________________________ 26 American Chemical Society -------------------------------------- ___- - 32 American Legion -------------------------------------------------- 32 American National Theater and Academy____________________________ 32 American War Mothers____________________________________________ 32 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission_________________________ - 31 Atomic Energy Commission________________________________________ 32 Baltimore & Maryland Railway Co _______________________- 25 Belleau Wood Memorial Association_________________________________ 32 Board of Directors of Federal Prison Industries_______________________ 13 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System____________________ 29 Board of Investigation and Research_________________________________ 31 Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund___________________ 5 Board of Visitors to the Military Academy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33 Boy Scouts of America --------------------------------------------- 32 Budget ----------------------------------------------------------- - 3 Bureau of Employees' Compensation_________________________________ - 28 Bureau of Mines__________________________________________________ 15 Bureau of the Budget _________________________________ 3 Capital Transit Co------------------------------------------------ _25 Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co-------------------------------- 25 Civil Aeronautics Administration____________________________________ 17 Civil Aeronautics Board____________________________________________ 17 Civil Service Commission___________________________________________ 26 Commission on Licensure to Practice the Healing Art in the District of Columbia_______________________________________________________ 24 Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion__________________ 33 Commissioner of Indian Affairs______________________________________ 15 Commissioner of Labor Statistics ------------------------------------ 18 Commissioners of the District of Columbia___________________________ 22 Comptroller of the Currency________________________________________ 5 Comptroller General of the United States_____________________________ 19 Corporations______________________________________________________ 20 Court of Claims and clerk of ---------------------------------------- 14 Court of Customs and Patent Appeals___________________________ 13 ___ Department of Justice-------------------------------------------- 13 Director of the Bureau of Land Dlanagement_________________________ 15 Director of the National Park Service________________________________ 16 Disabled American Veterans__ 32 District Unemployment Compensation Board_________________________ 23 Employees' Compensation, Bureau of-------------------------------28 Export-Import Bank of ashington_________________________________ 31 Farm Credit Administration________________________________________ 19 Federal Anthracite Coal Commission_________________________________ 31 Federal Communications Commission -------------------------------- 30 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation_________________________________ 19 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation_______________________________ 30 Federal Housing Commissioner -------------------------------------- 27 Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund_____________________ 5 Federal Power Commission_________________________________________ 31 Page Federal Security Agency ------------------- ------------------------ 27 Bureau of Employees' Compensation_____________________________ 28 Office of Education____________________________________________ 28 Office of Vocational Rehabilitation_______________________________ 28 Public Health Service------------------------------------------ 28 Social Security Administration__________________________________ 28 Federal Trade Commission ---------------- --------------------------- 26 Foreign Trade Zones Board_________________________________________ 17 General Services Administration ------------------------------------- 28 Georgetown Barge Dock, Elevator & Railway Co--------------------- 25 Gorgas Memorial fnstitute of Tropical and Preventative Medicine, Inc. 22 Hawaii, secretary of the Territory of_________________________________ 16 Read of each department ----------------- _------------------- ------ 1 Home Loan Bank Board ------------------------------------------- 27 Housing and Home Finance Administrator____________________________ 27 Housing and Home Finance Agency ------- _-------------------------- 27 Federal Housing Commissioner ----------------------------------- 27 Home Loan Bank Board________________ 27 Housing and Home Finance Administrator ------------------------- 27 Public Housing Commissioner____________________________________ 27 Interparliamentary Union -------------------------------------------- 32 Interstate Commerce Commission ----------------------------- _------ 20 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy_________________________________ 33 Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation_______________________ 30 Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures___ 31 Justice Department ------------------------------------------------- 13 Librarian of Congress ----------------- ..-------------- ----- _-------- 21 Library of Congress Trust Fund Board -------------------------------- 21 Marine Corps League ---------------------------------------------- 30 Maritime Commission ---------------------------------------------- 17 National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems--------------------------------------------------- 30 National Capital Park and Planning Commission______________________ 30 National Labor Relations Board -------------------------------------- 30 National Mediation Board -------------------------- _------- -------- 30 National Railroad Adjustment Board ----------------------------- 30 National Munitions Control Board__________________________________ 31 National Museum------------------------------------------- 21 National Railroad Adjustment Board________________________________ 30 Navy Club of the United States of America ---------------------------- 32 Office of Education-------- ------- ---------------------- 28 Office of Vocational Rehabilitation___________________________________ 28 Postmaster General ------------------------------------------------ 14 Potomac Electric Power Co----------------------------------------- 25 President of the United States______________________________________ 3 Public Health Service ----------------------------------------------- 28 Public Housing Commissioner ------- _------------------------------- 27 Public Printer ------------------------------------------------------ 20 Public Roads Administration -------- ..------------------------------- 17 Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia________________ 24 Public utilities in the District of Columbia____________________________ 25 Puerto Rico -------------------------------------------------------- 16 Reconstruction Finance Corporation _-------------------------------- 27 Regents of the Smithsonian Institution_______________________________ 21 Rural Electrification Administration- ------------------------------- 19 Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of Representatives the Sergeant at Arms, the postmasters of the Senate and Rouse, the boor- keeper of the House ---------------------------------------------- 21 Secretary of Agriculture------------------------------------------- 18 Secretary of Commerce--------------------------------------------- 16 Secretary of Defense -------------- .-___--____----__. ___ _________ 18 5 Secretary of Labor ------------------------------------------------- Secretary of State_________________________________________________ 4 Secretary of the Air Force__________________________________________ 11 Secretary of the Army--------------------------------------------- 6 Secretary of the Interior____________________________________________ 15 Approved For Release 2001N]25: CIry-ROP58L05WP-0020001001e2 I Page Secretary of the Navy-------------------------------------------- 10 Secretary of the Treasury___________________________________________ 5 Securities and Exchange Commission_________________________________ 30 Smithsonian Institution____________________________________________ 21 Social Security Administration__________________________________--- 28 Street railroad corporations in the District of Columbia________________ 25 Tariff Commission_________________________________________________ 26 Tennessee Valley Authority_________________________________________ 26 Terminated War Contracts----------------------------------------- 20 Territory of Hawaii--------------------------------------------- 16 Textile Foundation------------ ____________________________________ 17 United States War Ballot Commission_______________________ 31 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States______________ 32 Virgin Islands----------------------------------------------------- 16 Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor_______________________ 18 War Ballot Commission_______________________ ------------ 31 War Mobilization and Reconversion_________________________________ 32 Washington Gas Light Co________________________________ 25 Weather Bureau____________ _____________________ 17