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Approved For Release 2000/08/2 CIA-RDP58-00453 R00(100010015-8 W ednes a,, Jul 15, 1953 Daily Digest HIGHLIGHTS Senate cleared for President excess-profits-tax extension _and appropriations for Small Defense Plants Administration, ratified three NATOforces trea- ties, and passed numerous miscellaneous measures. House passed supplemental appropriation bill and debated factory- inspection bill. Senate committees approved numerous bills and nominations. House committee approved President's reorganization plans on foreign-aid functions and foreign information. Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages 9085-9086, 9094-9098 Bills Introduced: Five bills were introduced, as follows: S. 2395 to S. 2399? Page 9097 Bills Reported: Reports were made as follows: H. J. Res. 294, continuing the availability of appro- priations for the Small Defense Plants Administration for the month of July 1953 (S. Rept. 582); S. 2383, granting consent of Congress to a compact between New York and New Jersey, known as the Waterfront Commission Compact (S. Rept. 583) ; S. 711, to grant easements for rights-of-way through parkway land along the C. & O. Canal, with an amend- ment (S. Rept. 584) ; S. 2320, to change the date for the beginning of annual assessment work on mining claims in U. S. and Alaska (S.. Rept. 585); H. R. 127 and H. R. 947, private bills (S. Repts. 586 and 587) ; H. R. 1308, to amend the Color of Title Act relating to public land patents (S. Rept. 588); H. R. 1571, to permit appointment of Federal or Terri- torial employees to the Alaska Game Commission if no others are available (S. Rept. 589); H. R. 2828, providing for termination of Federal super. vision over the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, with amendments (S. Rept. 590); H. R. 3581, to facilitate public participation of sites, buildings, and objects of national significance and in- terest (S. Rept. 591); H. R. 5705, providing for automatic renewal of term policies of U. S. Government and national service life insurance (S. Rept. 592). Pages 9094, 9097 Bills Referred: Two House-passed bills were referred to appropriate' committees. Page 9097 Senator Sworn In: Senator Alton A. Lennon, of North Carolina, was sworn in to fill vacancy caused by death of Senator Smith. Page 9005 Committee Appointment: Senator Lennon was ap- pointed to Committee on the District of Columbia and Committee on Government Operations. Page 9086 Stl~u gJ Forces Treaty (NATO): By 72 yeas to 15 nays, Senate adoptecfresolul on of rat1Fc`at on with aii amended' reservatpi ,a pi yes aye o executive agreement 'between parties pf NATO reding status oE-tJieir rFcs, i e atLonpdon on une~l 51 (Exec. T,: S2c.J Cong., 24 Aess.)._ By on voice (1) vote, executiSenateve then agreadopteement d on resolutions status of of ratifi- 1 0, cation NAT national representatives and international staff, signed at Ottawa on September 20,; 1951, together with signed extract from summary record of meeting of NATO deputies (Exec. U, 82d Conga, 2d sess.) ; and (2) protocol on status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to NATO treaty, signed at Paris on August 28, 1952 (Exec. B, 83d Cong.,%ist sess.). Pages 9086-9093 Appropriations-SDPA: Senate- passed without amendment and cleared for President H. J. Res. 294, continuing the availability of appropriations for the Small Defense Plants Administration for the month of July [953. Page 9094 D. C. Police and Firemen s Pay: Senate took from table and passed without amendment S. 2394, to. amend the D. C. Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1953- Pages9093-9094 Excess-Profits Tax,; Senate passed without amendment and cleared for President I . R. 5898, to extend until December 31, 1953, the period with respect to which the D708 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP58-00453R000100010015-8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -DAILY DIGEST July 15 excess-profits tax shall be effective, after rejecting, by 34 yeas to-52 nays, Williams amendment increasing excess- profits-tax exemption on corporate income from $25,000 to $100,000. Pages9093-9094,9098-9100,9102-9128 D. C. Business Properties: Senate passed H. R. 3087, to permit certain improvements to two business prop- erties in the D. C., after adopting Case amendment pro- viding that National Capital Planning Commission shall approve plans for such building changes. Land Transfers: The following two land transfer bills were passed without amendment: S. 1400, to release the reversionary rights of the U. S. in a tract of land located in Wake County, N. C.; and S. 2163, to authorize con- veyance of certain lands in the U. S. cottonfield station near Statesville, N. C. Pages 9131-9132 Foreign Electric Power: S. 1442, to amend the Federal Power Act with respect to the jurisdiction of the FPC over persons and facilities engaged in the transmission or sale of electric energy to foreign countries, was passed by Senate with a committee amendment in the nature of a substitute. Page 9132 Exports Labeling: S. Con. Res. 40, expressing the sense of Congress that export containers be marked with the words "United States of America," was passed without amendment. Pages 9133-9134 Contempt Citation: Senate adopted S. Res. 139, citing Timothy J. O'Mara for contempt of Senate. Pages 9134-9135 Highway Toll Charges: S. 2342, collection of tolls for the use of certain highway crossings across the Bay of San Francisco, was passed with a Kuchel amendment of a technical clarifying nature. Equal Rights: Senate made its unfinished business S. J. Res. 49, proposing an amendment to the Constitu- tion relative to equal rights for men and women. Pages 9135-9136 Confirmations: The nominations of Spencer Miller, of, New York, and of Harrison Hobart, of Texas, to be Assistant Secretaries of Labor, along with three other civilian nominations,, were confirmed. Page 9138 Nomination: The nomination of Glenn L. Emmons, of New Mexico, to be Commissioner of Indian Affairs, was received. Page 9138 Program for Thursday: Senate recessed at 6:47 p. m. until noon Thursday, July 16, when it will call calendar from its beginning through order No. 522 (S. 2111, flying of-,flags in Flag House Square, Baltimore, Md.), to be followed by S. J. Res. 49, proposing amendment to Con- stitution relative to equal rights for men and women. ,(Senate was in recess from 1:41 p. m, to 3 p. m.) Approved Committee Meetings (Committees not listed did not meet) FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION, AND NOMINATIONS Committee on Agriculture and Forestry: Committee, in executive session, ordered favorably reported with amendments S. 1505, to reorganize the Farm Credit Administration. Comjnittee al49 approved the nomina- tions of John H. Davis, of Virginia, and Romeo E. Short, of Arkansas,-to~be Assistant Secretaries of Agri- culture, and Carl Raymond Arnold, of Ohio, to be Gov- ernor of the Farm Credit Administration, prior to which, in open hearings, the nominees were heard in behalf of their own nominations. APPROPRIATIONS-MUTUAL SECURITY Committee on Appropriations: Committee continued its executive hearings on the proposed budget estimates for the mutual security prograih, with testimony from Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, Supreme Allied Com- mander, Europe. Hearings continue tomorrow. APPROPRIATIONS-DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee, in execu- tive session, began marking up for reporting to the full committee H. R. 5969, Defense zppropriations for 1954, but did not complete its work and will meet again MILITARY REAL-ESTATE PROJECTS Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Real Estate and Military Constructign, in executive session, considered a classified Air Force overseas construction project, and in open session considered Army disposal project No. 12-A, Louisiana, Missouri, but made no announcements as to either, and recessed subject to call. VETERANS' INSURANCE Committee on Finance: Committee, in executive session, approved for reporting withoueamendinent H. R. 5705, providingfor automatic renewal of term policies of U. S. Government and national service life insurance. It post- poned indefinitely H. R. 5407,4 to extend the bonding period on whisky from 8 to 12 cars. MINING CLAIMS, AND MISELLANEOUS BILLS Committee on Interior and Inslar Alairs: Committee, in executive session, ordered favorably reported: With an amendment in the nature of a substitute-- S. 1397, to clarify the status of Wing claims in area held under all oil and gas prospecting permit or lease, and to encou rage the exploration anJ development of fission- able Source minerals; S. 711, 4o grant easements for rights-of-way through parkway' land along the C. & O. Canal; and H. R. 2828, providing for termination of Federal, supervision over the Me, nominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin; and elease 2000/08/25: CIA-RD_P58-00453R000100010015-8