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Approved For ReleaJ a 2001/03/ DP57-00384R001200030014-3 1 December 1953 STATSPEC I ORANDTJM FOR: Deputy Director (Plans) SUBJECT : Stanley Ross and his Report on Communism in Bolivia 1. The U. S. Government has received many copies of Nr,, Ross' report asserting that Bolivia today is the gateway to Communist penetration into the Western Hemisphere. All of these copies have been accompanied by pressure--to deny U.S. economic support to the present Bolivian Government. In this respect it appears that Stanley Rose has close connections with tin mining interests (Fatino, Hochschild and Aramayo) adversely affected by the national- ization of mines under the present Government, 2.. Since 1 November eight copies of Ross' report have come to the attention of CIA. Some copies have been received directly; others have come from Stater FOA, and Ambassador Lodge. Both State and FOA have indicated that they were being subjected to pressure with regard to the Ross report, and that it had been rather plainly indicated to them that failure on their part to take cognizance of the charges of Communist influence in the present Bolivian Government might lead to public charges that this information had been offered to responsible government agencies, followed by asseverations or charges by innuendo that the respective agencies had failed or refused to consider the proffered information. 3., CurrentAllllllllllllllllll reports and information continuously being received in Contact Division strongly suggest that the circulation of the Rose report in Washington is folly coordinated with the release of statements by Bolivian opposition leaders, from other Latin American countries,, who make the same charges and seem to rest their claims on identical or very similar documentation. 4. Circulation Approved For Release 2001/03/01 eIA-RDP57-90384R001200030014-3 Approved For Relea 2001 /0 A RDP57-00384'R001200030014-3 I. Circulation of the Ross report has generally coincided with the occurrence and aftermath of an abortive revolutionary coup in Cochabamba, ol.ivia, of 9 Llovember 1953, (at which time the U . Senate Banking Committee representatives were present in Bolivia). In the revolt attempt, the Falange Socialists Boliviana party, with the sup; ort of unidentified eau t side inter es a, sought to capture the Bolivian president personally, and to overt xvw the Government by force. 5_. In c iroaologica.. summary, the following copies of the I oss report have been seen: 25X1 A 97 a consultant of CIA, about 3 November-, deNabb"f l of the report for the use 25X1 A of his brother, New Mork City, who in known as a public relations representative of the Patino tin mining interests, As the appraisal was requested for a 25X1 A 'private individual WE Division declined comment and returned the report to ~, b. Copy No. 2 was given to Colonel 7heffield Edwards by .A on or about 17 November. FOA requested a CLA evaluation of the report. We understand that F OA T s attention to the report was solicited or recommended by Msgr. Maguire of National Catholic Welfare Conference. c. Copy No. 3 was transmitted to CIA Contact Division, with the recommendation of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, about 15 November. d. Copy No. 4 was transmitted to C[A Contact Division through a "Y" (confidential) sour ce, at approximately the same date. ?. Copy No. 5 was offered directly to state Department, ARA, by the author,, Stanley Ross, and was transmitted to CIA by State for reproduction,, as a matter of record. This copy was received in F QM/O on 18 November. (We are informed that the author indicated to State Department officers that he conteriplated using the report for a series of magazine articles and was discussing that posaibility with the New York Times and other publishers, He also indicated that the State Department desired the report, he considered it worth fifteen or twenty thousand dollars in view of the time and travel costs invested in the work.) . Copy No. 6 Approved For Release 200'U03/0- ': QI 97-00384R001200030014-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/01: . 57-003848001200030014-3 f, Copy No. 6 was offered by the author to State Depart- ment., OIR, early in November. The existence of this copy was mentioned by OIR to CtA/OCI, and an OCI analyst examined it cursorily, g. We were informed yesterday of your memorandum showing receipt of Copy No, 7, from the White House, where it was delivered by Dr. Milton Eisenhower, who received it from the author. h, Since 9 otclock this morning we have learned that an additional copy., Copy No. 8, has been handed to Ambassador Lodge, who in turn has requested evaluation by the Department of State. 25X1A d. RQM/OIS transmitted the appraisal (coordinated except for omission of Staff C) to WH Division (on 25 November) for transmittal to Colonel Edwards in fulfillment of the original request from FDA, ksave for any additions Staff C now may make, this appraisal still constitutes a coordinated CIA position. _and to Staff C, In addition, DDI has received a copy direct from AD/IC . One copy is enclosed herewith). c. We also asked Staff C (on 19 November) to make an analysis within the time limit to which OCt had agreed. Sta C resigned the assignment, 6, The following action was taken before 25X1 A receipt of your 30 November memorandum asking him to coordinate a CIA reply to Copy No, 7 from the White Houses a, RQ,M/0IS made (on 20 November) a page by page comparison of the several copies then available. Minor discrepancies., omission of some enclosures, etc. were noted., but in general, all copies of the report were the same, (Nor does the White House copy, Copy No. 7, differ materially from the others), b. OCI made a page by page analysis of the report at our request within three working days (20, 23 and 2 November), utilizing the comments WH Division also had prepared, OCIts analysis concluded that the report is biased., sensational and inaccurate. (We have given copies of this analysis to 25X1 A 7. RQM/OIS; 3 Approved For Release 2001/03/01 : CIA=4k R&7-00384R001200030014-3 Approved For Release 2001/3/0 9 57-00384RO01200030014-3 e over-. j t is biaa'ed, , raid with the basic conclueic ns regarding cape of the report which suxeaarized frCjn by the area specialists, who have followed rn} in =z ,ivia h rjn S countries ror r ears a that the Mgr Uove nt o o is a govs ut under foreign supervision or o* which is aiding the international movement of Coommim The d c *nt ydo