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Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Approved For Rse 2001/08/23 :-CIA-RDP57-00384RO,J000020100-0 to detormino whether or riot the; informa- tion revealed is related to the national defense. Approved For Release 2001/08/23 : CIA-RDP57-00384RO01000020100-0 1. The Espionage ;ct is operative only If a" person' bolieves tine ini'orrx? - President or by resolution of Con- during time of war and until the on. of hostilities as proclaimed by the ire sYJ._. aircraft, etc. may be divulged. 4 .thins such as forts, vessels, 1:r,,g to essontially' riilitary'places Information other than that rolat- If information is divulged which 9 no possible harm to the jnitod Mates, there is no viola- ti.on, of the Espionage Act. 1of bo prost:cutod under the i ct: do which ho gives to a now paper his logitimate"news value, hio may 14-0' tothc advaritao.- of any ioruign gaeent or to the injury of the United States is an essential element Intent or roason to believe that the inforination r6v6alod 'ri y be, off' tho 'crime. It is not the function of the jury IN2ECTRIPt: TION LECT~JRE Approved For Release 2001/08/23 : CIA-RDP57-00384R001000020100-0 The mere fact that you have been ':xj.structed not to divulge clussi- :died in:f ormat on w gild` hiave' no a,ra,ng in a prosecution under the l~ct. '~Vtjt'h the national defense". relates tQ the .,r 11+ary or nalial estat1sh= :ts and their immediate sources 8. The phrase "information connected g. There cannot'bo a violation off' the foreign govornment. ti~here an`individual honestly je jeves the inforrhat'ion he is revealing cannot harm the United States or be of advantage to any Corps, of supply such as the Gluartermastcr c-E if class fzed 11110 Motion is Led to a nation such as`"reat Britain or China p since they are friondly nations. 10, Thre can be no violat'i'on of the Zd~""E -010 0 B?3t'~i~ C1 s Approved For Release 2001/08/23: CIA -RDP57-00384R00020100-0