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Document Release Date: 
March 6, 2001
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Publication Date: 
October 25, 1950
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Approved For Release 2001/08/23 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000700100038-5 *OGC Has Reviewed* mar AORpOPIT between ITLD STA1S OF 25X1A and Typed 25 October 1950 25X1A /Z made and entered into thie day btrn the UhIT,D nii.Tf OF Atial (hereinafter t"), repre4U1ILIV_ILLIA212IPIctIng ement and et al d to ae the NAseaetateen) WHEREAS u4y in corm rnment au Aeoc1 NOW, MFOLL mt dcairea that the Ameiates prepare a Oovemuent research project; and ZP, g to prepare and eell to the nafter specified; Ehh30 AOI Z A. FOLLOWS, ARTICLE I. erf?nce1 The AssocLatee ehall, with the utmost dispatch* pmpare i tUr2i to the Goverment a complete etudy in connection with a Covizrentproject. The subject and na tare of thir study shall be ou.tlined to the Aeeotiates by a deltic- nated Project :Tficer in a separate lirective which is incorporated herein by reference and is made a part hereof in the same manner as if telly set forth. The Associates Shall report the progress of said etudy from time to tire as req4ceted by the froject Offioer. ARTICLe II. Delivery. /he Associates ehall deliver scald tuaY Government in accordance with the instructions of the leet on or before 1 !arch 1951. The Government stresses the fact is of the estence in this agreesent. ARTIOLL III. P ent. The Government shall make paent to the Associates upon the esion of appropriate vouchers plicd by the Government and approved by the Contracting officer for Laid study in the amount of $15000040. A partial or advance payment may be made to the Associates upon their application for 'Rork performed hereunder in amounts approved by the Contracting Officer or his au- thorized representative. It is underatood and agreed that final pat- ment hereundf-r shall not be made alless and until the Arsociates have - Approved For Release 2001/08/2 - ?57-00384R000700100038-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/23 : CIA-R 84R000740100038-5 delivered a complete tudy to the Government which ie approved and accepted by the Contracting Officer or the Project Officer, It is acknowledged that the Government shall have the right to require that the final study shall be in such form and detail as it shall prescribe, The Associates agree that the eum specified in this para- graph for the purchase of said study includes any and all expenses for profesaional services, travel, supplies or equipment incurred by the Associates. In this connection the Government agrees to make available to the Associates? the filee and reference eaterial, and the clerical and advisory services of such employees as shall be deemed necessary by the Government for the furtherance of said study, at no enee to the Associates. ARTICLE IV, eeel.,selegee2eReeelael All drafts, notes* draw-. Jags, surveys' biblitiktifIELEiind-iitHiF-tichnical data or documents prepared by the Associates- in connection with their undertaking, shall at all time* be the property of the Goverment and, shall be available for inepectioe by, and shall be delivered to, the Govern- merit ehenever requested by the. Project Officer. Access to such data shall be reetricted to duly authorized representatives of the Governe zent and to such of your collaborators as are acceptable to the Govern- ment. ARTICLE V. Securi . All information related to this study, or contained in tiE ective and in this contract, is Secret and shall be deemed to be information pertaining to the national de. tense under the _Espionage Laws dated 25 June 1948, as amended, and other applicable laws and rtgulatimes, The Associates shall not die vulge such information to any person or persona except as authorized by the Project Officer. ARTICLE VI. Torans,tion, The Government reserves the right to terminate or extend rITTERTment if, for unforeseeable reasone such as the sickness or death of any of the Aseociates, or for pressing and conflicting requirements of the Government in other natters, the Associatee are unable to conclude their undeetakine at the time re- quired by the Government. In the event of terminations an eqaitable adjusteent will be made, If appropriate, the Government Lay extend the date of completion* ARTICLE VII. Authoeiz oni of -Associates. By the 25X1A execution of this agreemenf, the ASSOC severe' - Illarr.M1 authorize to receive from the Goveemeent the sum of s . * 'eine the price aereed to be paid the Associates by the Government for said etudy,and to give an effectual receipt and discharge for the eame, ARTICLE VIII. Othc Projects Inasmuch, as time is of the essence in this agreemen the elates will not undertake any other projects without the prior approval of the Project Officer, ARTICTE /X. loyment by Associates. The -e.loyment of persons Approved For Release 2001/08/23 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000700100038-5 0. 2 SEM 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/ 57-00384R000700100038-5 Associates, eeeential to ,..hc perfo be effected in accordance with the Project Officer prior to the date that ARTICLE, X. Proviaion. The Oocrncnt proprietor or th dy to eilfepared and furnished by hereunder. If re4;.,eted todo to by the Contracting OM Project Officer, the A&eociatec shall copyright any such re their own nate at Government cicve:ise; provided, however, tit 4dic Acsociates gill asaign arky such copyright to tlx Govermacat or the public domain upon the wr:tten requcet or the Contractt Officer or Project 41:ficers ARTICLE X14, iputca. In the event Iiputee cone of fact arise unthr this agreelLent and can not be diepoied tual agreement, they shall be referred to the Contractinc ,;ffieer or Las autllarized reA.4,isentatl,e VilA4Y4 decision or that of attior- ized reprsentative aiw-L1 Le coliclusivc and bidina upon t tnarties hereto. 114 37 the parties hereto have executed t,ic ucree- ment the day and year firr,t above writttn int1ing to be bound tnereb7. 1.f:1 VTATI, 414FRICA :hw Dr: Aulhor zcer Girac Approved For Release 2001/08/23 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000700100038-5 SEW