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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 17, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 13, 1947
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PDF icon CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150167-0.pdf98.58 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00364R000400 0167-0 1947 GRANDUM FOR ADVISOR FOR 1 A 'AG. EI T, ICAPS tz Functions of 4ftic oral Counsee The office of General Counsel is responsible for', the Director and all. branches and officers of the rsl Xntelll.gence (roue on legal matters arising out of the performance of Its official duties: This includes ad- via# in the first ins taance on all ,egal problems of whatsao< ever nature, and reference in appropriate cases where no security is Involved to other Government agencies responsible for Interpretation of the law, but final advice on problems where the security regulations of the agency e e activities prevent reference to outside authorities. The Office of General Counsel in available for direct ion and advice to any office of CIO. In the event uch a direct request for ruling or advice involves branches or offices, the office of General Counsel responsible .tor necessary coordination and for obtaining the requisite concurrences insofar as the, legal aspects are e nc,rnead. 3 In addition to legal questions arising out of the tfoial business of the agency, the Office of the General o se? I& available for advice to individuals whose connsaa" tion with the agent may create a maturity problem that mould prevent conaau tiny a private attorney* thenover there Is doubt about much security aspects the Otfio, of General Counsel should be consulted, either for clearance in con junction with the security Office or for assistance if clear- mot be given, With outside offices is ocoasionall the Office of General Counsel when leer,gea;l head, and that office is the sole liaison with the Bureau or ployees Compensation, and all claims arising out of 1.11neass or injury incurred in' the line of duty should bed forwarded to janeral Counsel for processing and zzeol$$*r'y action. LRH/m11 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150167-0