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October 24, 2003
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Central 'Intelligence Group
* of the rector
Oeneral Counsel
Legislative Liaison Office
? _y
Under general ad iistrative direction of the motor, - serves
Approved For Release 2003/11 57-003848000400150160-7
lation for the protection of such operations or for clarification of
authorities bet a this and other agencies who are engaged in the col-
lection of is ll_igence. Ares proposed Central intelligence O'
and on such other proposed legislative matters relating to current and
proposed operations which, in order to affect, require legislative action.
dins a continuing review of pending legislation, directing the atten-
tion of the Director to such proposed authorities having a direct effect
current programs, and in connection. therewith drafts alternative l.e -
evaluation, and dissemination functions of the Central Intelligence QroupyZ
Serves as adviser to the D rector og all peeling legislative actiean.
having an effect upon the intelligence collection,, analysis, correlation,
.1 0a 1%,
and federal agencies concerned with intell g
direction of all central intern ence Group relations with the Congress
and the maintenance of liaison between the Central Intelligence Group
Legislative Liaison Officerp with responsibility for the fait
particular attempt to relate current events to inter eneae material p e-
vious2y prepared. Con cts continual stud of press and magazine articles..
in an attempt to asceirtain amount of material relating to the Central
inter age Group and Intelligence generally which finds its w into
the press? both to gee public information and interest and to ascertain
macber of the outcome in each case.
Bapervises special newspaper clipping service for the Director,
legislation in terms of pending legislation, existing law, Central Intel-
lige policies and the President's program, and coordinates such
matters .thin and outside the agency. Maintains liaison with the Bureau
of the B tdgeet and the Congress on all legislative matters approved by the
Director.. Central. Intelligence Group, and is responsible for a on
of reports on legislation requested by the Bureau of the Budget car by the
Responsible for drafting testimo ' for presentation by the Director
before the Congress or Congressional Committees in connection with le is -
lation of interest to the Central Intelligence Group, and makes all noise-
$517 arrangements for the appearance of Central Intelligence Group witnesses
as dented appropriate, Also drafts such other statements or classified
l to res necessary for the Director to make in connection with his ,sties.
pans digest of Congressional hearings on matters affecting intelligence.
Mai ntai:rass lemon with the Congress, its individual members, or its ceaat
mittees in connection with legislation and reports prepared under the direc-
tion of the Legislative Liaison Officer. Handles all Congressional corres-
pondence and interview applicants for employment with the Central Intelli---
rho are referred by members of Congress, informing the interested
have been as breaches of securitir in the ace eaee a or
lated duties as assimaed.
Approved For Release 2003/11~P57-003848000400150160-7
central intelligence Group
Office of the Director
GenszV2 Counsel
Legislative Liaison Office
UW1W the geneera3 supervision of the Legislative bison Of f
as, administrative assistant? with responsibility for .......... a.
ing review Of pending leegislati for the put-pose of selecting, on
of a thorough Itnowledge of the Central Intelligewe pup activities, pro-
posed legislation having an effect upon the collection, coordination, evalu-
ation and di s ination functions of the Central Int Group. Searches
the Co ressional Record for information relative to previous legislative
corning government-'side Intelligence activities and in cons tion
determines portions of which are of immediate and vital :merest
proposed or pence legislation initiated by the Central Intelligence
Group. Attends sessions of Congress and Congressional hearings dealing
with intelligence matters or other legislation of concern to the Agency,
taking notes and reporting on ,such sessions.
contact with operating officials of the Agency for the purpose
sing the; and assembling information relating to operations required
compilation of reports 'as to Central Intelligence Croup activities
requested by the Bureau of the Budget or by Congress. Reviews material col-
lected and correlates portions thereof which have a direct relation to joint
intelligence matters and concerning one or more pro,ts .
Responsible for independently composing correspondence to Cabinet offi
eials,, members of Congress and officials of the Agency concerning current
and proposed legislative action, which requires that theincumbent be thor-
oughly conversant with Agency programs and operations and the exercise of
discretion and tact in Ong: co to is or furnishing information in reply
to requests received from within and outside the Agency.
'erences and meetings between the gisla-
of the Agency and officials of other
meetings be arranged so as to afford a mini-
ion in the scheduling of time and place to meet
officials. Attends such conferences and meetings
+1,Y informed of various Agency activities requiring
tion there with, takes verbatim transcripti+
Officer and active participants.
office and if practicable furnishes a varier
esponse to their requests, or arranges for conferences
slative Liaison Officer. In the absence of the Legislative
f oer, interviews applicants for employment who are referred by
meod*" of Congress,, arranging appointment for applicant in Personnel
Branch. Follow processing of such applications and handles Congressional
inquiries in connection therewith..
R the ie diate supervision of irk- t in maintenance of news-
pap r ?#,2
filing. and
Approved For Release 200 ~~1 ~j RDP57-00384R000400150160-7
Under the immediate supervision of the ac i .strative assistant,,
maintains paper clipping service for the 1 ireeUw of items d l--
ing with intelligence and related matters, and current events of in-
tweet, correlating these with material prepared bar the Agency.
Also writes routine letters, does typing and M IM. inclu
test of card index files on Personnel cases and other fists
and inquiries handled for cabers of Congress. In the absence of
administrative assistant, arranges appointments for Ze .elatire
Liaison officer, and handles telephone inquiries and requ .
Approved For Release 2003SiWRDP57-00384R000400150160-7
Approved For Release 200EDP57-00384R-000400150160-7
central Intelligence Group
Office of the Director
General Counsel
Legislative lialsm Office
of the adniniretrativc aasi tan
ppi service for the Director of items t
lligence and related matters, and current ev=
orrelati these with material prepared by the Agency.
.tion Pram the Legislative Liaison Offfcer. Also writes
letters, does typing and fil.ing,, including card index files
nnel cases and other requests and inquiries handled for m ee -
s of Congress. In the absence of ad nietrative assistant,
appointments for Legislative Liaison Officer,,
one inquiries and reque
Approved For Release 20038 MffDP57-00384R000400150160-7