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Approved Fo( Released 166 a/ Qf 57-0004FAQOOO1i2 023453 Electrical Business Machines Survey for House Appropriations Committee Machine Division Washington, D. C. Identification: ' Operations CIA Units of Equipment - Rented or Owned - June 30, 1953 ent o P Purchase Price erc No. of Utilization 1 Annual Under 3 Over 3 Rental: Years of Age: Years of Age 953 tion: Units: FY Descri Trade Name: p IBM Punch 25 59 10,020. IBM Verifier 13 66 7,020. 4 IBM Collator 9 68 10. 13, IBM Sorter 11 77 7,920. 6 IBM Statistical Mch. 1 54 0. 3,0 6 IBM Tabulator 4 70 V 0. 32,1 8 IBM Reproducer 3 57 +0. 3, IBM Gang Punch 1 31 900. IBM Interpreter 3 50 2,700. ax Card lax Card Electronic Scanner Electronic i 6 12 138,000. ver Rece Total $1,030. 1000. -of imn--Management. Gezatrrl fewexp~ arata.c~n -ges ct v? s' - . , r -wee Operating Data 1953 Fiscal Year Man Years Amount onnel P 151, 9T+5 Analysis of Contract services: ers Soperating orting Personnel u 27.8 103,561 pp Other Personnel 10.2 52,591 Total .? 3081097 Machine rental xxx 73,670 6 Card and paper supplied xxx 45, 85 t services t xxx rac Con 119,355 Total Planned Expansion in FY 1954: Man Years Operating Personnel 11.3 Supporting Personnel 9.2 Other Personnel Total 21.3 Amount 41,161 11-1,,22099 Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00200120023-0 Approved For Release 20001 W25 : CIA- MrAtqO 14 k 9g@A12002`3-O Planned Equipment Expansion in FY 1954: Additional Discontinuances IBM 4 Collators 4,980. 2 Collators 4,740. IBM 1 Sorter 720. 2 Reproducers 2,640. IBM 1 Statistical 1 Gang Punch 900. Machine 6,780. 5,280 IBM 3 Reproducers 3 060. 155, o. Net Increase $7,260. Functions Performed This installation provides indexing support to the Biographic, Industrial, and Graphics Registers of OCD, and the CIA Library. Specifi- cally, its functions are: 1. To index, store, and provide biographic information on foreign, scientific, and technical personalities. 2. To index, store, and supply periodically and on request information on industrial installations throughout the world. 3. To index, store and supply, periodically and upon request, information relative to the spot photography; personality photography and the motion picture film holdings of the Graphics Register. 4. To index, store, and supply information on the intelligence document holdings of the CIA Library. All of the information indexed and stored by this installation is accomplished by punched cards and a portion of the information is supplied through the use of standard IBM equipment; however, a large volume of the information is supplied on intellofax tapes which are prepared on Faxcard Scanners and Faxcard Recorders which employ cathode ray scanning techniques in transferring date from the index cards to the Intellofax tapes. Other functions of the installation include the preparation of listings of index cards arranged in various ways to be used by analytical personnel in their day to day activities, preparation of offset printing plates from which a. large portion of OCD publications are printed. 1i Security Information Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00200120023-0 Approved For Release 20001QW25 : CI P 0120023-0 -0. W 1%W II. Narrative Supplement Machine Division, OCD A. Special Factors This installation was set up with several special factors in mind: (a) Security, by consolidating all OCD punched card functions in one installation it was possible to store all cards containing references to classified material in one secure area. (b) Work Schedules and Peak Period Operations, since it is impossible to ascertain when any division of OCD will be called upon to furnish information on a crash basis, all equipment is arranged in such a manner so as to make it available to all divisions at all times. (c) Uniqueness of Operations, the idea of indexing intelligence material is in itself unique and furthermore the various methods such as printing information in clear text on the punched card, and the transfer of this information to paper tapes by Facsimile Scanners is not carried on by any other machine installation now in existence. (d) Physical Location, since OCD`s information furnishing facilities depend to a great degree on the several punched card indexes, it is imperative that the machine installation be located as close to the other components of OCD as possible, also the source material for the punched cards is prepared by OCD analytical personnel so the problem of transportation of this bulky material is avoided. To summarize, this installation is set up in the best possible way to serve the substantive intelligence needs of the agency and is located in the area where most of the research activity is carried on. B. Management Controls Authority to undertake new jobs or discontinue old ones originates with the Assistant Director for OCD or the several division chiefs. There is little or no standardization of procedures because the variety of source material handled and the different types of end products required. Machine usage is recorded on forms which are placed on each machine, the operating personnel indicates time used by project. The forms are collected daily and the usage is punched and the cards accumulated, and monthly reports are prepared showing usage by project and machine. It is felt that the percentages shown in Exhibit A are from 8 to 15 per cent low because of the failure of operating personnel to record all usage; this statement is based on percentages which have been compiled for the first two months of FY 54 when the operators were more closely checked. With regard to the notes shown on Exhibit A: (1) The percentages shown for punches and verifiers are low because of the difficulty in recruiting personnel and the time involved in procuring equipment. The policy has been to procure the machines and have them available as personnel come on duty. U07PT 'Security informatioq Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00042A000200120023-0 Approved For Release 2000/QA/25 : CIA?-I'pffi'y-(dQQQ00120023-0 :.rte Machine Division, OCD (2) The type 101 Statistical Machine was installed for only two months of FY 53; however, because of the versatility of this machine and increased work loads in information searching, it is felt that we will be able to utilize two of these machines an estimated 75 per cent of the time. As to standby equipment, the only machines that can be considered standby are the punches and verifiers discussed above. A constant check on machine utilization is maintained through the analysis of the use figures contained in the monthly reports. Regarding production standards, the only function where adequate standards can be maintained is in the key punch and verifying operation. These standards are used as a basis for personnel evalua- tion reports, periodic pay increases, and promotions. All equipment discontinued from January 1 to June 30, 1953 was replaced by newer, more modern equipment. C. Agency Evaluation The approach taken in the set up of this installation was based on a need for having a central installation which could deal with substantive intelligence matters exclusively. The plan has worked. to the satisfaction of,a.ll of the divisions and registers of OCD because the machinery is arranged in such a manner so as to afford extreme flexibility of operation and utilization. Security Information'- Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00042A000200120023-0