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25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Com et 9 23 Nene 1956 lolnaktrrel Mists Transportation trivisien, Wise sir logistics =MC? Tleaspertation Ilseuirseent 1. This oseereadue is outuitted as a result at ear eenvoreation at 21 Meek. 2. Tramertatios viii he reqpired ter pommel sat elassitimi aaterlal 25X1 tree to 1717 I Stiorst, NAG, and Morn. This require- swat le emposted to bogie sear 1 April,eoatinue speitediselly until the middle at Way sad bosom asmilameue atter That theme. A period at appreekeetely tvo 25X1 (2) beers is empeeted between arrival at 1717 1Street and return 25X1 is layover is antielastorn 25X1 25X1 25X1 3. AmpramieWhely three sash deliveries and retires per day are astiel- pated ter whisk at least two hours mediae ehoubi be available to yea. You viii be pronged with the appresdesto tless at day these trips way be sett- civets& as amass the lorosmutioa is ovalloble to us. h. Additional highly urgent trips "AU he rolohred as short setts,- These should he relatively intbeleout at Met tortoni prodeally increase. 5. At the elase at our sieeties at 21 NOreh, it vas eor undesseteasithe that yea weld try to supply - relysitomest, amnesia. 1 April and that us will use ippat&onliklahl we deoloisi upon tor Melia treeeportatice respxunewaveseseso 1717 1 Street, N.V., sod 6. Tie are sztranely approcistivo Distribution: Oa - Addresses 3 - ops 4 -LC 5 - Como 6 - Ain your esepunutioa in this isetasee. Assistant Aftleistrotive Wiser Mita Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2010/12/07 : CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 6-77 r/V-Yt-Ci- 7 NPlerin CORT4AIT Contract Mo. F100011 ,viAR 2 7 1.56 reatinghcuse Fletric Cbrporation rechdehip international Airport tilltimore 27, Maryland Contract for, See lehodule Amount, 32.000,455.00 Lail ',mites tos Administrative Datas Psrformance Fericd/Deliverys See ,7ehedule torectien Points Baltimore, Md. This oontract is enter td into, by sod betmeen the 7nitee 71Art,se of knertea, hereimafter called the Ocovernment repreoented 4, the Contractinr C!''1.cer emoczAing this contrasts and the abovoonamed Contractmsvhich is a Corporation, imoorperated in the Stat. of Pertnaylvonia, lwrolnafter called the Contractor. The rarttv:s hereto arro that the Contractor shall, furnish the facilities and deliver all'eupplies sad perform ell the eery:Lens set ecrth in tht sAeched schedule issued 1v:rounder, for the tonelderatton stated herein. The rtfhts, And obliesticni of" the parties t4 tJ..s ecntract shall be set an4 eovermed by the attached seh.dte and Otnoral TA the +mint of my Inoonstetency between the It4edllt owl the now,ral !rovisions the Sch',d1110 *hell control. the partes hereto heve erected this eontrect sa of lrh :Aga/Mures, wastinghcleo Ilre rio Corporation ' 4ormasivomml.00.00.1114?010011.11. OP AUTIIICA 0 Ticar FL-3011 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 PART I PART TT PAP? TT! PANT TV POT V PANT VI PAP? ra Irrn PAR? II PVT I PAir PART ITT ?ART nix PART Tr PIP? VI PART 1111 APPINDIX I OP,PVIS AND II I. caw rreur CM AIM PA/11.01? 0F1,7-Vr4T NONVPME ANT) APTT PI/1U PlIVMPRINATION MUM MOMS 3 111OPFOTTOI 0? sow 13 LID ECP UTTITMS 5 WANT50140 OV MATIALAL, OP IwPnirli A? lit 4 ONVEMINIINT.S 0PrO11. t137- 0? IOVIVIN0111Wvo C7 $ SPrC:LL 6 ?Min MI Of itarrEltrilDr or PAt, VILTIT113 a a 8 Sintamrtvell Olt VS^ orrt. A, MOS Aim Dnzy NOICOMAN 11PLC7AL SMIt.ITT IITNrcertOn torTUR COVVACT sarnsaso BenCTION AND MINT INaptontig kqn Art PAt PIM Er TWINS U L7T' IMPO?T3 0 g 1 8 0 1 oro, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 SCHEDULE PART I - SUPPLIES AND SWIM TO BE FURNISHED A. The Contractor shall provide the supplies and services set forth in the attached Appendix I, such Appendix I being a part of the Schedule under this contract. F.O.B. point to be specified later. B. Notwithstanding the description above of the supplies and services to be furnished under this contract, the Government may, within the general scope of this contract, at its discretion, revise such services, delete services, or require additional collateral or related supplies and services during the period of this contract. In such event, the Contracting Officer will issue a Change Order directing the required changes, in accordance with the clause of this contract entitled, "MANUS." PART II - CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT A. In accordance with the clause of this contract entitled "PAYMENTS," and subject to redetermination of the price in accordance with the part of this schedule entitled "PRICE REDETENNIMATION", the Government shall pay the Contractor upon satisfactory performance of this conLract, as full payment for the services to be supplied by the Contractor hereunder, the amount of $1,080,455.00? which amount is the total of the prices set forth in Appendix I, hereto. B. As of the date of execution of this contract, there has been allotted for tato contract the amount set forth above. This amount is subject to increase or decrease, in accordance with the part of this schedule entitled, "PRICE REDATERNIMATION." In addition, the Govern- ment may increase this amount from time to time solely at its discre- tion, such increased amount to be subject at the proper time to the redetermination provisions of the part of thix schedule entitled, "PRICE REDETERMINATION." If at any time the Contractor has reason to believe that by reason of the performance by it, of this contract, the amount due it will exceed the sum allotted to this contract, it shall notify the Contracting Officer to that effect. Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the Contractor shall not be obligated to furnish any services pursuant to this contract, if in the beat judgement of the Contractor, the cost of such services will exceed the amount allotted to this contract. The Government shall not be obligated to pay the Contractor under this contract any amount in excess of the sum allotted. ;iJP, 0 S r.nnv Anoroved for Release 2010/12/07 : CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 r.A.RT A-17) VCrICIPATCRT A. Delivery schedeles shell be in accordance Vt he delivery schedwIcAl est forth tn Appendix 1, hereto. P. 1,11 costs, which have been incurred 1=7 the Contractor in anticipatirn of this contract prior to its sirninet which if ineirred after almine wo4d have been considered as allowable itee of cost for this prelect, shell be considered as sliceable items of coats herein. ..?"4 TV pRI c7. A. ,licw,se of the nature of thr services called for ?1. this ctetract feed the uneertainty as to th., poet of perfornanco hereunder, the parties to thie contract agree that the contrast prices set forth in Aocendir To hereto, may be increased or decreased, in accordance with the provisions of this cle Promptly after ',Arch 1, 314, or inch other date as may be antrucly agreed npon or the partes hereto, the partife shall negotiate to determine whether the contract prices shall be revised and new pricom established, sneb new contract prices to bc fixed and to represent the total awunt peyable to the contractor for eatiefactore porfertance of the cuntract, inolu4ing all iervines theretofore furnAghtli or therecer to be firelshed, L. As soon as practicable, and in no ease later than sixty (60) days after the date set forth in Psrareh9, last above, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting arricer, a statement in filch fora and detail, as the CesdAvvlang Officer nene prescribe of the met, includine estieetke to oompletion, of furnishing the services balled for ender this contract, togethi;r with 'eel!' information as may be pertinent in .11f neectiations for the revised prices pursuant to this clause. stateekynt of coet 'hall foliar refl:-ct the normal opicretioms of the (entracte-rye cost veil!** takin,7 into swecnnt any deeiaifone frma wvh mama' coat grates as is required byth security restrirtions ple(ed upon the Gentractor by the lovernment in perforhance under this controc. The nontractin4 0 !icor shell have the right at all regoonable tim...e to make, or cause to be maem by loAmnownt employees, Cl' othcr person or oersona agrose upon by the pertile,s1 eleh essoinatiel or audits of the Contractor :1 books, recorAs and accounts, as he may merest. . ',pot the filing of th stetrment and other pertinent informatin requirtd b- Para9:rarh C of . clause, the Contrector and the Contractine Cticsr *ill promptly neecti * ingo,t'4 faith to agrve upon reasonable - 2 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 revived prices for the tlitire contract5 which upon the bests of seeh stateeent and other pertinent information, will constitute fair and just compensation te the CenetrioHkir for the performance of this cone. tract. In detenainlne the extent of arty estimated sllowanes for profit to be taken into account in fixing garh mvised prices, con- sideratlen i4. 11 be given to -he extent to 'which the Contractor has performed the contract with efficiency* economy and ingest/1%7. The rev sed prises shall be evioeneed ey an amendeent to this contrast. However, in the fvent that the negotiations for price revision* in a:condones with this clause* indicate that the ufteertainey as te the cost of complete pea-forearm* Is still eo emit as to prevent a realistic determinstion of the final prices for the evereell completive of this ntracts provision may he lode for such felony negotiations as to revision am may be appropriate to the eircrisatancos at the time. If within thirty 00) days, or otho.r rieriod as mutually a7reed npon by thc parties beret*, after th*:. or" ths fe.ateirott, and other rertinent information reqeired by eareeraah C of thto clime the partite( Ital.,. fail to agree upon the revieed prices, in accordance with tet previsions of this clans*, the tenure te agree shall be deemed tic bea dtettorreersont as to a qnestion of fact which shall be diaposed ef in a-cordanee wIth the clause hereof entitled PDTSP'773.' For any of the pqrpesee of the clause of this contrast providing for termination at the option or convenience of the novernment (incleding without limitation* competstion of 'the total contract prices*, and 'the contract prices of mork net terminated's) the contract prices *ball be the revised coutreet prices agr,ed ,on under Paragraph D of this alma* or determined ender Peragraph E of thAt clause, as the case may be. PArr? (a) Progress payments* which are hereby dafiaed as payments prior to acceptance, on contreet eork in progress for the 4overnment ender this contract, may be nod* upon the following terms and conditions. (b) The Contracting efficer may, from tine to time, authorise progress eoreent to the Contractor upon property acquired or produced and services performed by it for the performance of this contracts Ten7nTe? That outh pr as payment *hall not exceeei the coat to th*. ontnactor of the property and services npon ehic peymeat is made, wit costs shall be determined from evidence eremi'ted by the Oggir treetor and *lice must be meet as is satisrector to thy Centructim eeficer; and Peerrre ereiTeeli, That in no event shall the total of onliglidated prwrag pker4mts (see (e) below) and of unliquidated advance pee-nent3* if any* made under this contract" exceed 90 percent or the totaei smeXrpee price of implies or services still to be dee ltvo,ree. . e , 3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 (o) 'pen tho maim of Roy progress AtyneInts under this contract, title to aa parts, sotcrials, inventories, work in progress, and ne00, 4,!roblar tool thcrotefore accgired or produced ty the Contractor for the performance; of this contract and properly chargeable thereto under seund accounting proactive shall vest in the Governments Mc:XI-DM, That noting hcretn shell derrive the Contractor of any further progress or final PaP? menti duo or to becons duo hereunder; or reliovo tho Contractor or the Government of any of their ros,ec.ive riIta or ohllottohe under this coOtract. (d) Ti-ie Contractor rerrapptiAs and *a which agy nreerees pervant is made berounder, an4 incunbrAnoes of any kind ehstaoove, that the property, upon 11 he cleared of all ns /pt of any progress mew/rat. (e) 7n making payment for Ve anppltce urnehed hQreunder thaws shall be dedncted from the contract price therefor a oronortionsto amount of the programa wuents 1heretoforc mad* to the Co)tractor, under the althoritY horein contained. (f) rt is reeceAsed that property (including, withont limitation, completed ounplis, 'per* parts, ftrwrotngs, infornation, partially completed suplisti, wort in progress, materials, fabricated parte arxi other trims called for herein) title to whirl% is or noy hereafter teem* vested in the Oovernment puronant to this clause vii from time to tine be used by or put in tho care, custody or poostairlon of the Contractor in connect':on with the porformante of this contract.. Th. Contractor, eithor before, or after receipt of Notice of 7...va1uation at the option of the Governmont, oar acarlire or Oieposo of property to whith title i veetod IA the Govern. meet VgleMT thAl clause, open terms clproved by th.: Gontrceting Cfficatri PW:liin!,7? That &nor receiTit of !lotto. of Toreutation, any swh property tmat is a part of termination inventory Okr acquired or diepoeed of only in accer.tancw with the provieion of the tarmination clause of this contract and optlioable lama and regolations. The agreed price (in ease of acquisition by the r,ontrector) or the proccods received by the Con- tractor (in case of other Caposition), Moll, to the extent that erch price and proceeds do not *ROW the usilitrirmatoe balance of Progress payeents hereender, be noid or credited to the Government as th., eon., trotting Cqeer shall direct; and such unliquidated balance shell be ristFictett aceorirely. Current production scrap may be sold by the Com- trimetcr tethout arproval of the Contractlno ri-fficar het the proceeds ,t11 be le-plied as provided in this paras.-re h (f), provided that any Ouch sers7 vtih is a nart of termination inventory say be sold only tn accordance wtth the provisions of the terminati.on clawse of this contract and avlicable laws end raKulallons. oii liouliation of all prazTress payments hereunder or upon completlem or ,ritliveriso calliRd for by thAl contrect, title to all property- (or the proceeds thereof) which has not been deli. red to and aceoptod by the Government ender this con. tract or 'midi has not been ineorporatod in euoolies delivered to and accrted 4 the Go--orneent un4er this contract and to which title ham been veAed in the Go-ornment Wer this clause shoji vest in the t/ntrS4PM. 4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 (g) Theprottelois or this conteset rsferring to niarlaity for novernment.eurniehed Plvtperty. and any other provisions at this contrect eiceining liability for lovemment.turnishad property shall be inapplieablo to property to wbich the Oevernocat shall have soquired Wolfs solely by virtue of the provisions of this clause. The peona of this clause shall not relieve the Contractor from risk of loss or dostroetion or damage to property to which tla vosto in the Oovernmot under the provaaions hereof. (h) if this sent root (as heretofore or hvroarlor supplemented or amondod) contains oroirsions for adroit* ropeosts, and in itielition if at the tim any proeress polsent is to be mid. to Tim contractor kinder the provivions of this progress payments clause any unliqoidatod balance of advance payaents is outstanding, then notwithotanding any other pro.. visions of the Advaaco Pays sts claim of this contract the not amount, after smropriata 4ml4etion for liquidation of the advance porant, of snob progress payment shall be depesitied in the IneoLsl benk aeoount or amounts saint/load as riiirc y the prolsions of the Advance Payments elms*, and stall thereafter be iii 4v only poromat to ant+ provision*, PIOT VT . PAP' cT,ck cP T $ or txr? V.r7f7?N (a) All survli4s (which tern thro, wt this oleose includes without limitation ram materials, ccespecvnts, interoediato aslionblic, and mei proilnets) shall to au%1st to in. and tent by the ragomutios Ofricer, to the extent praeticabIe at all tilers end places including the porio4 of manufeeture and in any event prior to final acceptance. Tbir Contractor shell provide and minten an inspection systole accept.. able to the Contracting Officer covering the sup lies, fabricating oetneos? as aplocts1 trcalog hf,romdor. The contractims ?Meer Mt impact the plant or plants of the contractor or of WI of its subu contractor* f,agaged in the pa.formame of this contract. If egy inso.ction or test is mods by the Gentractiog ?Moor on the premises of the Cantrastor or a subcontrutori the tiontroctor shell provido and shall require sebeontreotors to provide all reasonable facilities and aesistanoe far the safety and comes/moo of the Contracting Officer in the porformaneo of his dotite. All inwetin and tests ty the Com tracting Officer shall be performed in such a sannor as will mot *Moly delay tt4a 407-k. l*Isopt as otherwise providod in this footrest, finial meoptaneo of any supplies or lots of oupplics shall be mod* as promptly as proeticable after delivery thorsof end stall to deemed to have bom made so later than aisVe (60) days after tit date of gush delivery, if final secoptanco has not been mods carlierwithin soSh period. (b) At any tinr during performance of this contract, but not later train eil (6) months attar rinol accootaom of wale, or lots of alppli-e, s;ha contrectAno 0-ricer my requir* Us Contractor to resod>, by corretton or rerAtecnonts arY volt:a or lots of enplits Oil* at the time of Sanitized Copy Approved for ReleaseP2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2019/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 delivery thereof are defective in matarial or vorkmanshp or otherwise not in conformity 'loc.', tile requirement* of thi7 contract* The cost of spy such correction or reolaeesent *boll be inolnded in the dertmominevo, tion of price for the period during-ohich such correction or re: ice'. meat is accomplished* rheld a +correction or replocemont avow sub. seouent to the detevaination of the price for the: loot parted of per. formanco herennOor, soch price will be 'inject to redetermination to incorporate the coots of snob eeorection or roplocemont* If the UmMo tractor fal,ls to procoed with reasonaAe promostneso to correct or re- place Awl) eup liar or lots of suonliAs, the (ontracting Officer may teroioat* this contotot as provided in the close of this contract entitled Irfernination for Convenient,* of the 3ovornmonte (c) :Jorrected soolios or rrplAced vupoli,or &all be altject to the provizionn or this claws* in tho sane manoer and to the game,7 ayte t as orizinally delivored under this contract. (e) Yaz00% as provided in this clans* mad as nay be provided in the Ochedolc, the Contrsetor shall have no eblioation or liability to corro(o or molars ow71itv or lots of ontoi1it:7* ohifil at the time of delivery an detctive in or oorkmanship or othorv?oe not in conformity sitO the regotr000nts of this contract* (e) Locoot as othorwise poovitiod in the Sonedoles the Contractoriv obliratict to correct or reolee novernmentofornished prooerty (*Pitch in property in the possession of or amoired directly by the lovernment and dolivored or Olt rotes mode available to the Contractor) shell be governed 07 Nbe provloons of the clause of this contract entitled 00overnment. Forniehod Property.' r e? WA" AT -fir '7,1cr:"12.xtri The lovernment my at its option, fro tin to time fornieh the .ow,ractor mat& natertals or supplies not pOwcoolc In the open narktt and vOico- are required y the femoral:ter for the porforo* re of this contract* :n rich *vont, an equitable rednetton in the contract price tolall be node prior to the delivero of sock matortals or sonoloce to the contractor, or as soon thereafter as postoblq, brt in no event la tor ttart thirty (30) dors after such deli-orf. T'A:417 YILL 1O,T, o7"' 71,J1 ;:. TOATVO performance of '%hte c(mtrart the contrector is althoriscd to orie on a no.choree-formuse bass indostrIal focilities anOtor erwcia tooling to vo,ich the Oovornoont has or vill obtan title und,r facqttv , Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2010/12/07 : CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 or clp,717 centract, including tottor Contract, -Intered in hotwoon the rentractor and the Initao tatee Air Pores prior to the offp:otito data of this contract. Tito Contrsetor warrants tet tho prIco or pricos for any tronlies to be fornlohiA himunder do hot inclucie the ocst of *mob isoilities or special tooling or anr allokiance or c'rukroo to cover doprecist&on or amortisation of the same. AT T1 7!'-ccAls NOtwithetanding the requAromemts of any of that general Pro-Anions of this oontratt to the contrary., whoneoevar the Contractor, in perform.. once of the wort under this oontract, shaA find that the moot:wombats of acT of the clauses of the Oamers1 Provittona $Y. in conflict with eaturity instreationa isurod to the Contractor by the Oentraoting Cr'icor or by his duly authorised reorwamotative for security matters, the con.. tractor shall call the attention of the Contracttng Officer to such aonflict and the Contracting Officer or his duly authorised repreaonta- tie* for security matters shall (I) modify or rescind own security rods gairesontv or (ii) the Contracting Of ricer shall issue to the Contractor a waiver of ecapliattoo with the sumpAiresents of the gateral Provtaions conflicting wtb auel security requir000nte, Any waiver of compliant' with 'nem/ Provisions of this contract issued by the Contracting ?Moor shall be 1:twitting, eiteept that the approval by the Contracting Cffloor of soy sub000tract Jammed hereunder by tbo Contractor shall be dossed to oonstitnto io-rovitl of waiver of Any clouds* of the gorstral Provisions in conflict with the stiptaatione of soch stemontract. PART / '=477 21,t rrrel7.17 ft"314177(11MS The Contractor shall not reveal (i) the apecifio nature or any detals of tho wort being performed her eider or (ii) soy information wootaotvor with resoct to the deportnent of the goveramout sponsoriog this contract and the mork thersundor except as the (entracte'r is directed or remitted to reveal sub information by the contracting Officer or by his duly aithorised rorouteentetive for security *Jotters, and notwithstanding rioy casuse or seotioo of this contrast to the contrary. The Conosrattor shall not interpret soy clause or section of this contract as roquiring or poraitting divulgenco of seek toff:vim.0 tion to any prreon, public or private, or to any sv'fieor or department of the atrerament without the express tommot of the Coabracting Attic .r or his duly authorisod representative for security natters, PART k7RAcT STSUIZI) The is LON roftnitivo Contract eonteX toll by the totter Contruct tattled .47 the govornmmat to tha Contractor ander date of 3 Juno 1955, end impersonal anid totter [ontriect. Work perforawd and portonts awls undo* said Lotter (.ontract shall be deemed to be work porfmmod and payments nada 4ndor thls !iftfinitive contract. The data of the tattor Contract Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07 : CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07 CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 shall be given for the determination of the priority status of this Definitive Contract. In the event of conflict between this Definitive Contract and said Letter Contract, this Definitive Contract ihall prevail. PART XII - IISPECTION AND AUDIT (a) The Contractor agrees that itb books and records and its plants, or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this contract shall at all reasonable times be subject to in- spection and audit by Government personnel or mutually acceptable person or agency, when and to the extent authorised by the Con- tracting Officer. 04ia (b) The Contractor agrees to include in each of his subcontracts hereunder which is on a cost or cost-plus-a-fixed-fee or a price re- determination basis, or on a time-and-material, or labor-hour basis, provision for audit of such subcontract by Government personnel or mutually acceptable person or agency. . 14444 PART XIII - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Inspection and acceptance of the items contracted for under this contract shall be made by the Government at theContractor's plant, Baltimore, Maryland, with respect to any items fabricated and/or assembled and packed as individual or integral units at the Contractor's plant. With respect to items fabricated and/or assembled and packed as individual or integral units at subcontractors' plants, the point of inspection and acceptance shall be at the plant of such bubcontractor. PART XIV - PACKING OF ITEMS DELIVERED The items delivered under this contract shall be packed for domestic shipment in accordance with standard commerLial practices, except as otherwise specified in Appendix I hereto. PART XV - REPORTS Such technical progress reports of the work being performed under this contract and interim financial reports as are mutually agreed to between the contracting parties will be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Contracting Officer. PART XVI - SUBCONTRACTS FOR WOME OR SERVICES (a) No contract shall be made by the Contractor with any other party for furnishing any of the completed or substantially completed articles, spar* parts or work, herein contracted for, without the written Approval of the Contracting Officer as to sources. flgOld0100 nnnv Aooroved for Release 2010/12/07 CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 - 8 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 (b) Tho Contractor stall give cit ic outran.* notification to the Contracting Officer of any proposed sitcootrsct heroundor which (1) is on a cost or cost.plum.e.fivod.fos 40sts, or (2) le on a fixed - 2riet baste emesedino in dollor asount vither 125,000 or five percent (5%) of the total astvot of this oontract. (a) Tho Contractor shall not Jicut thc priorvritten oonoent or cho Contracting (vTieer, place ny su:vortract which (1) is on a coot or r,00t.plaom4mfixod.rto Amiss, or (2) is or 4 fixed.priee basis cemooeino in dollar Amount ether 05,000 or five percent (5%) of the total waomnt of this contract, or (3) provides for the fabrications pir0.sso, motel, inata '*ton or other scertiettico, of any it of industrtal or of eptcsl tooling having a value tn excess of *11000, or (h) is on a timemendimmateriol or lsOor.holr basis. Tb. Com. travttrw Oficor nay, in his discretion, ratify in writing soy gnat subcontract; soch action shell constitnto thu consent of tht c.ontrecting r.!'ficor es required by this ourogreh (c). (d) The Cootractcr agrees thot no srontract placed andor this controct shell provtde for ooyont on o cost.plue-o.pereentsgo.of.cost (e) 7The ntd4ng ef(icer noy, In hi discretion, specifically iltvve in ritn any of tho prov.isions of a en cent:vet. However, such sooroval or the consent of %he tontractog Cfficor obtained as requir d by this vlanso shall net be construod to conetttuto s tervination of the acceptobtlity of the entcontritet price, valoss such arTroval opecifically providos that it *oust-Antes a determination of the acceptability of the muocentruct price. to The Oontrooting ?Moor may approve all or any part of the Contreetor's purehssing taste* and froa tims to tine remand or re. instate such ov?croval? Inch approval shall be doomed to fulfill the requirements for obtaining ths contracting Officer's sonsent to sub. eantracts as proscribed in paragraph (c) ahem,. - 9 ',- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 AT' 'Alyea to bp 1'1 to:heti a Contract No. FirlD11 (outreetor via be paid a Ls: tal price of 1,1?060.1155.00, 3,41,!,et to t he prov4atotia of Part IT of this Schothaist entitled *Price Rodetersinations? for orterrsosco of the sorviass and Punishing the eus-2.1,s sot forth under item 1 thrertgh C. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 17 4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 DISC-1?T701 , TThL PR CF The Contractor tht necessary gealifite personnel, faciliti, and sat/trials (except as other. else provided herein), and *hall design, fabricate, test and deliver a high rf,,colutioti, single channel side loeking radar eqnipment, and related Um*, eon.. strting of Tteaa lumbers 1 thrtAch 6 blow and in accor4. anl:s with Contractorts Propoet1 AAN.40037.C, qsvtaion 1, datet' 21 fecenber 1955, as nooifton by Ceintractersa letttr dated 3 rehrlary 1956, Sei,d proposal togtthr with Apotni. dtves *A", and *C11 thert.of, and letter dated 3 reb. rTarl 1956 are nn file with the Contractor and the 0c0. treettng nfl_cer and are incorporated into this contract brv referneet 1 Three (3) each . nele Channel radar Uapping Systcla in accordance with App,!?ndix "A* of rrorosal AvN.h0037.C? Revision 1, dated 21 Nosaber 1955. Total Prima Delivery/ 1 vnit in Way 1956 I molt in Jens 1956 1 unit in July 1956 2 Ona (1) each Singlt Channel sidiar Mal=rin*7 i.1411"toms, lees kntennaa, similar to Tten 1, above, except the design /Oa 1 aottfitd to provin low eltItode opurationS. Total Price Delivern Noveabeir 1956 3 eTis (1) each . leder 771.-1. 10 above Totel 're '4e1ivor7't kwust 1956 unipm? yattr 4ench Test Set 089,11,7. 7ifilp0b00 Sanitized ColovApprovedforRelease2010/12/07 CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2010/12/07 : CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 SE't Oft (1) each 41. Neer piec h Test 744 for it. 2, shove Total Price 74068. levieber 1956 5 cao (1) sot halite-memos Tools and Teat quipment in accordance eith Appemdix PIP of Proposal W040037.c esion 1, dated 21 Deommber 1255. Total Pries 54.583. Delivery, NO, 1,56 6 One (1) set . Spero Parts in accordance with Ar.-endix ne of Proposal AAN400376PC vision 1, eurtes 21 December 1955. Total Prioe Delivery, Vey 1256 20,371,. rcr T. ? r3T.,:?F If;b00,1a. (lobjvct to the prov7st,,,na of Part TV, Pries Redeterstnatt.B, of this Sosedu3.e0 It is understood and &gr that the Spare Porta List in Appesdix: 'CM hereof is *partial list of the items re- quired for alpport of the eq*,pmantip As the design work progresses, this liot will be supplerwatod by the oem. tractor to inlet:de the remaining items and also spare parts items requirtd for the test equipment, 'loon sub. mission of tbe sultpleiwntal list, a -"operate quotation Ai Naos eV delivery for the a6diti4nal spare parts sill Os 8,4hmi%ted to the ContraWne 0:Ater for comsideratica In nvipotating an 'moodiest to this cemmtrects ;., Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6 an: FT (AT T t he 111111041.11111111111111.11?10. Con t recto r ha rein: who sri4ned tht a contract on if!y""--1-11t SWI ratlfin mood as Oontrastor vas ttron the of said Ce ration; that said contract Ina duly 1,ned for *n in behalf of said Corporation by a Abort ty of i to govern:Ng body, and i thi n th *tope of Its Corporate Were. ratg sal) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP57-00011A001000080174-6