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Sanitized - Approved For Release ? - DP56SO0492A000100040002-6 mcw= Security Information FOIAb3 1 THIS DOCUMENT MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE RESTRICTED AREA This document contains classified Special Intelligence information within the provisions of Public Law 513 - 81st Congress. Information contained herein referring directly or in- directly to any Special Intelligence activities, regard- less of the classification of the information, may be communicated only to persons officially indoctrinated for Special Intelligence. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56SO0492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved ForR&,IAA-RDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Security Information FOIAb3a 65/52/TOPSEC/CIA, D/Z SC No. 04863 Copy No. To: SOVIET UNION MILITARY-ECONOMIC REPORT Translated from'the German Report 8/8 Dated: 26 August 1943 /THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 793 AND 794. SEE ALSO PUBLIC LAW 513, 81ST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHOR- IZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW./ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports Strategic Division Sanitized - Approved For RTe9agg"~-4-RDP56SO0492AO00100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For F b a n,RARDP56SO0492A000100040002-6 Security Information External; FOIAb3a Copy Nos. 1 - 38 for Dissemination Internal: Distribution L(4). TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : IA-RDP56SO0492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100040002-6 TOP SECRET Security Information During the Second World War the German Signal Intelligence Control Center of the Staff of the Chief of Army Signal Service (HNW, LNA) issued a series of reports to show the USSR military-economic situa- tion as reflected in Russian internal plain language traffic. These reports appeared at short, irregular intervals, usually six per month, for the period October 1942-March F l?Ab3Rhghty-three of these reports have been translated and issued by It is planned to issue a complete set of translations of the reports be- ginning with the most Fold working backward, but omitting those already translated by The numbering of the items was added by the FiQhr since the Germans did this only in the last eighteen reports, inclusive. Since the original mater- ial was in Russian, an effort has been made when translating the Ger- man-to determine the original Russian term wherever possible. This is facilitated by the Russian fondness for abbreviations. In these trans- lations into English the probable meaning of the abbreviation will be given in parenthesis the first time it occurs in each report. Sanitized - Approved For R1a 'ftTRDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For Ffbe? CRA-RDP56SO0492A000100040002-6 Security Information 26 August 1943 The Soviet Union Military-Economic Report 8/8 (Based on domestic radio traffic) Individual Messages i) Food Situation (1) In Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar Oblasti, according to a message of 21 August, a large number of macaroni plants of the NK for the Food Industry were again placed into operation. The daily production of the plants amounts to: Armavir 5 tons Krasnodar g Rostov/Don 15 Maikop 10 " (2) The Meat Combine in Nai chile is to set aside in August 270 tons of im- ported tinned meat as a reserve fund. (3) Agricultural enterprises of the NK for the River Fleet in Novosibirsk have not yet begun the ;rain harvest and are in a- rears with the hay harvest. (4) It is reported from Aktyubinsk Oblast' that the millet harvest has turned out poorly. The plan has not been fulfilled and the situation is con- sidered serious. (5) It is evident from a private conversation between Moscow and Leningrad that a lack of groats and bakery products prevails. (6) The NKRF enterprises in Molotov caught 405 double centners of fish as of 15 August. (7) As of 10 August 4160 tons of salt have been extracted from the Manych River. The following authorizations were identified: Sanitized - Approved For RJ@?sP Ii &DP56S00492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For R~ pasSg CCV- DP56SO0492A000100040002-6 Security Information Consignee Quantity Type (8) Sugar Beet Sovkhoz 129 tons Wheat "Kaganovich" in Mirskaya (unlocated) " 267 Consignor Remarks Sugar Combine in Korenovskaya (unlocated) for the winter sowing; the de- livery is not to be changed to the established grain delivery plan (9) Astrakhan NKRF Fodder grain (10) North Caucasian Front 50 " Potatoes Krasnodar Oblast' (U) 160 " Vegetables " Don-Kuban, Military 1.5" Seed oil Rostov/Don Reconstruction Oblast' Trade Directorate Dept. 2.1" Fish 3.7" Meat 0.4" Butter 0.7" Sugar 0.2" Sugar products . (12) Machine Building 3000 liters Vodka Industry in Rostov/Don for the horses stationed at ship repair points Delivery takes place in August supplementary in 3rd quarter Pyatigorsk in August Liquor Trust 2) Metal Supply (13) In the 3rd quarter the following NKRF offices are to deliver scrap iron according to plan: Blagoveshchensk 40 tons Khabarovsk 60 " Novosibirsk 210 " Ulan-Ude 20 " (14) Frunze requires from the Scrap Collection Point (?) in Voroshilovgrad the immediate delivery of 300 tons of cast iron scrap to the Pishpek lailroad Station, Turksib Railroad Line. As a result of a scrap shortage, the production of munitions is prevented. (15) Rostov-on-Don reports that on 10 August: Procured Shipped Non-ferrous scrap 419 tons 237 tons Scrap iron 25 " 1017 " Sanitized - Approved For RLTQ3s (&TC?RDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For Ry8pg,apDP56SO0492A000100040002-6 Security Information (16) The Central Executive Committee of the Party in Tiflis reports that, as of 15 August, 2000 tons of scrap were shipped. 3500 tons of scrap of all types were pro- cured. The shipment is being delayed because of a lack of railroad cars. (17) According to a message to Novosibirsk, the scrap iron deliveries are to be handled by the eastern river fleet lines. The following authorizations were identified: Consignee antit pe Consignor Remarks (18) Moscow', Plant 2295 tons Cast iron Ufa - NKRF -- "Serp i Molot" (19) Erevan, Machine 2 " Rolled iron Erevan, Metal in the 3rd Plant (20) Sales quarter Astrakhan, "Volga- 50 " Sheet metal Astrakhan, imported sheet tanker" (12 mm.) NKRF metal (21) Gorkij NKRF 50 " (22) Kirov NKRF 8" n n " n n a (23) Kujbyshev NKRF 30 " (24) Molotov NKRF 50 " n n n " " n (25) Moscow'NKRF 30 " n n " " n n (26) Ufa NKRF 12 " (27) Rostov/Don, Oblast' 10 " Nails Saratov NKRF -- Executive Committee (28) Rostov NKRF 1 " Wire tacks Saratov Metal -- " 2 " Rivets Sales -- (29) Gorkij River. fleet 20 " Steel hawsers Astrakhan for floating Supply purposes (30) Omsk NKRF 11 (31) n n Sverdlovsk no additional allot- ment will be made in 3rd quarter Astrakhan, "Volgatanker" 35 " Copper cable Kujbyshev -- (32) Molotov, River Fleet 2000 units Manometers Tomsk, Manometer in August for Supply Plant (7) 3rd quarter Sanitized - Approved For Reese E I-tDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For R,J&sgE&RDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Security Information (33) Sverdlovsk delivered 2 tons of white metal to the Chief Directorate for Flour in Krasnodar. (34) On 12 August 10 tons of'nails were shipped from Moscow for the Military Okrug Construction Office in krmavir. 3) Oil Supply (35) According to a message of 17 August, it is gathered that the River Fleet lines in Ilijsk and Semipalatinsk are delivering mazut and lubricating oil with great delay to the Waterways Directorate, as a result of which the work on the deepening of the waterways cannot be carried out in good time. The latter offices are to be supplied from August on with mazut and lubricating oil in the same way as the river ships, since an allotment of a special fund for them is not being carried out. (36) According to a government decree of 5 August, the Reconstruction Directorate of the Don/Kuban Oblast' is to be made equal in the delivery of fuel and lubricants with the agricultural enterprises. This order is not being carried out by the Stalingrad Oil Supply so that the fulfillment of the military transport plan is questionable. (37) The Office of the Waterways Directorate in Kujbyshev has not received the allotted 4 tons of petroleum from the local office of the CD for Oil Sales; consequently, the waterways' installations cannot be illuminated. (38) In Gorkij the technical special ships are being insufficiently supplied with fuel. A dredge is not operating. Gorkij is instructed to set aside 20 tons of fuel for the special ships. (39) Of the 4300 tons of mazut received Kamuste is to turn over 1500 tons to the Kama Steamship Agency in Molotov. (40) Khodzheli NKRF received 140 tons of fuel from Aralsk. (41) Tomsk NKRF reports for 26, 29, and 30 July the following turnover of fuel and lubricants: Sanitized - Approved For Reels I '&DP56S00492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For F be?%-RJ RDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Security Information Balance Receipt Delivery Remainder 474 tons -- 60 tons 414 tons (26 Oil 5664 -- -- -- July) Petroleum 1735 -- 6 1729 Gasoline 554 -- -- -- Ligroin 624 -- -- -- Mazut 309 -- 30 279 (27 Oil 5654 -- -- -- July) Petroleum 1696 -- 15 1681 Gasoline 504 -- 8 496 Ligroin 624 -- -- -- 279 198 -- 477 (30 Oil 5664 389 200 5853 July) Petroleum 1681 198 13 1866 Gasoline 496 -- 8 488 Ligroin 624 -- 42 582 II Lubricants Machine oil 1928 -- 40 1888 (26 Motor oil 378 -- 25 347 July) Cylinder oil 469 -- 25 444 Viscosine 992 -- 56 942 Solidol 99 -- 11 88 Vapor 4) 190 -- -- -- 1843 -- 115 1728 (27 Motor " 267 -- 30 237 July) Cylinder 429 - -- -- Viscosine 766 -- 115 652 Solidol 67 -- 53 14 Vapor 190 -- -- -- 4) 1728 368 70 2046 (30 Motor " 237 -- 30 207 July) Cylinder " 429 -- -- -- Viscosine 652 -- 55 597 Solidol 14 -- 4 10 Vapor +) 190 -- -- -- 4) Coal Supply (42) A delivery of 1400 tons of Donbas coal is required for the hospitals~in Moscow for August. 4) Heat-resistant oil (?) Sanitized -Approved For aOPeaseSEC1i1-RDP56SO0492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved For ReIpP56S00492A000100040002-6 Security Information (43) The forge in Stalinsk (Kemerovo Kraj) is to ship 200 tons of coke to the Frunze Plant (Station Kabane, Moscow-Donbas Railroad) for an urgent armaments order. (44) The brewery in Rostov-on-Don has 1000 tons of coal in storage. In the next few days it is to receive from Station Krasnodonets (Rostov Oblast') 500 tons of coal. (45) The NK for Ferrous Metals in Voroshilovgrad informs the Central Executive Committee of the Party in Moscow that the Coal Supply in Voroshilovgrad is not ful- filling the coal shipment plan for the 3rd quarter. In July, according to the plan, 12,200 tons of coal were to be delivered, but actually 4415 were shipped. In August, according to the plan, 16,000 tons of coal are to be delivered, in addition to the 7800 tons not shipped in July, making a total of 23,800 tons of coal. Up to 15 August only 5990 tons of coal were delivered. From 7 to 14 August the NK for Ferrous Metals received no coal. It is requested that the Coal Supply be ordered to ship until the end of August 1000 tons of coal per day to the plants of the NK for Ferrous Metals. (46) Shakhty, Thermoanthracite, informs the NK for Ferrous Metals in Moscow that the Don Basin Coal Supply Office in the period from 10 to 15 August sharply reduced the shipment of anthracite. According to plan there were to be delivered in this period: from Sulinsk 600 tons 231 tons were shipped " Novoshakhtinsk 200 " 96 (47) Rostov-on-Don informs the "State Reserves" in Moscow that as of 12 August 21,778 tons of coal were to be delivered, of which were shipped: Shakhty 11,110 tons coal Krasnodon 10,668 " " (48) The coal region in the area of the Polar Circle ("Polar Coal Basin") is sending coal in increased amounts for Leningrad. 5) Transport Situation (49) In a message to Gorki] and Molotov, Moscow NKRF, Chief Directorate, ordered that in the sectors where the required water depth does not exist at present, ship traffic is to be carried out temporarily in only one direction. TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Sanitized - Approved Foreg~,PIA-RDP56SOO492AOOO1OOO4OOO2-6 Security Information (50) The River Fleet Office in Omsk is not permitted to decrease the grain transports established according to plan. On the contrary, it is being instructed with special emphasis that the fulfillment of all the grain transports is of great importance. Moreover, Omsk NKRF must include the timber transports unfulfilled in August in the September transport plan. (51) There is a lack of tug boats at the Upper Volga Steamship Agency. Accord- ing to a message of 20 August, 33 barges loaded. with various cargo cannot be trans- ported. Molotov NKRF received an order to release three steam tugs temporarily to the Upper Volga Steamship Agency. (52) The Fish Sales in Astrakhan received from the Lower Volga Steamship Agency three 1200-ton barges for the dispatch of fish products to Moscow. (53) A tie-up of arriving barges has resulted in Ufa NKRF, since there are no transport orders at the present time. (54) The Upper and Lower Irtysh Steamship Agencies are not fulfilling their plans for the transport of salt. Up to 16 August the Lower Irtysh Steamship Agency transported only 5500 tons of salt from Pavlodar. However, the August plan amounts to 15000 tons. The Upper Irtysh Steamship Agency has taken 3100 tons of salt from Pavlodar. However, the August transport plan amounts to 8700 tons. (55) Yakutsk NKRF was required to ship 1856 tons of freight in July for a con- struction project in Osetrovo, but shipped only 760 tons. 6) Miscellaneous (56) According to a message of 18 August, statistical calculations relative to a narrow-gauge railway are to be made at NKRF enterprises. The general sense of the message was as follows: "In accordance with a decree of the State Executive Committee for Defense, the following statistical calculations relative to a narrow-gauge railway are to be made: 1. Gauge of the narrow-gauge railway in millimeters 2. Length of the temporary lines in meters 3. " inclinable " " " 4. ' pP SECILET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56SOO492AOOO1OOO4OOO2-6 Sanitized - Approved For Rs&IRDP56S00492A000100040002-6 Security Information 5. Length of the main lines in meters 6. Rails, heavy type. For each type of rail must be given: (a) over-all length in meters (b) Length of usable line (c) " " unusable " 7. Number of locomotives of Type 63 8. 9, 10. 11. n n n n n 86 n n n n " 157 n n n n " 159 n n n n n other types 12. " " electric locomotives 13. " " motor locomotives 14. " " 4-axled open freight-cars Type Kolomenskij 15. n dump cars 16. " " other open freight-cars 17, " " 2-axled cars 18. " cars with non-tip flat cars Type Kostromskij 19. " other types 20. " flat cars Type Keller 21. n n n n n Kas -erno (?) 22. " non-tip flat cars Type Kopnel 23. " " mining cars 24. t" " other flat cars. For each group of this rolling stock must be given: (a) the total number (b) an estimate of the daily performance in the last month of flat cars in use (c) the number of flat cars not in opera- tion (d) of the flat cars not in operation the number of those intact and the number of those requiring repair (e) the number of flat cars in repair and the probable time required for repair 25. Number of heating-units Type 63 26. n n n n n 86 27. n n > n n 157 28f n n n n " 189 29. of the other spare locomotives. The exact same estimates are to be made as for flat cars. 30. " " spare-wheel units on hand 31. " spare wheel units on hand of Type 63 32. n n n n n n n n n 86 TOP SECRET Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP56S00492A000100040002-6