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Approved For Release 2000/05/03 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000200010025-5
Approved For Release 2000/05/03 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000200010025-5
ccowlishmegts gga Obiectivee
For the purposes of this paper, the accomplishments of the fiscal year ending") June 1953 are divided int)
two phases, Professional and Administrative.
(A) PrpfesqlonalAccomplishmentg:
(1) During the fiscal year just past, the Assessment Branch performed a total of 407 assessments.
(83 additional cases were scheduled but were cancelled or failed to report.) An assessment Involves two
full days for the individual assessed, plus the necessary time for the assessment paydbologiet to evalu-
ate the test results and to prepare the final report. Experience indicates that each assessment represents
1 1/2 to 2 1/2 daysg effort for the assessment mythologist. On the average, four assessment psychologists
each conducted two assessments per week.
The very nature of the professional problems involved contributes most to the nuMber of man-hours
required for each assessment. Tine is also needed for experimental derivation of some of the processes,
Approved For Release 2000/05/03 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000200010025-5
Approved For Release 2000/05/008.c/1AV brtal1fi6A
and for the training of even generally competent people to bring them to theligh Agency standard. The
. special difficulties in assessing deeply covert cases also tend to reduce the number that each mycholo-
gist can assess. An intensive assessment program will always be tims consuming, but the value of the
? tine spent is reflected in better selection:for sensitive and critical assignments.
(2) During the past year, steps were taken to provide a systematic else& on the value of the ,assese.
ment process. This is reflected best bt the appointment of a research-liaison committee by the MVP
to work with A & E staff personnel in implementing follow-up studies of the effectiveness of assessment.
It has not yet been possible to Implement this new Agency policy by undertaking a specific study.
(3) Considerable progress was made in working out a basic program of assessment with resultant
Improvement both in the quality of the assessment and its reporting.
(4) Considerable work was accomplished on specific phases of the assessment process. A very prumising
Work Attitudes Survey was revieed twice and is in usein three different .programs A Practical Situations
Test was revised and is being tried out for further modification. A test for measuring ability teeenelyee
aad interpret complex data was improved for our purposes. A4 tests in use have been systematically re-
,fiewed and the norms kept current for our population. Two new Situation tests or "live problems were
(5). Over 1,000 training evaluations were processed through the Training 2Valuation Brannh, and,
wherever appropriate, reports on unsatisfactory progress were spec:W:1,y prepared after inter7lerwa and !
seling sessions.
(6) A major accomplishment during the year was the develo nt and initial tryout of a ndr p:o-
cedwe for evaluating students in training:, The evaluation form evolved for this procedure is no :t.n use
!,1-1 the basic instruction series of courses and plans are being cornplete frex-Lells7bn to a:13 Off:
Traf,ning oourses. Many problems are yet to be solved for this eystem,
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Security Information
(7) The library of objective test items was reviewed and the items reclassified, (This library is used
in preparing tests to .measure whitt is being learned in the various courses.)
(8) Lectures and consultation concerning training evaluation problems were given.
(9) Testing of all students entering training was a major program begun during the past year. This pro-
gram was devised to produce information which could be used for the following purposes:
(a) to produce more meaningful training evaluations (see the functions of the
Training Evaluation Branch)
(b) to select and assign students in training
(c) to enable instructors to adapt their teaching to the capabilities of the staff
(d) to evaluate individual problems which might develop during training.
During the last six months of the fiscal year, 368 persons were tested as they actually entered
a training program at the basic stages. During the last quarter of the fiscal year, 158 additional persons
were tested as they entered on duty in the Agency, ia anticipation of their entrance into the basic courses.
(10) Participation in the :selection of candidates for the Junior Officer Training program (JOT) was
another major activity during the fiscal year. A new battery of tests was developed and a total of 263 po-
tential candidates were given a days testing. The results and interpretations of these tests were transm?tted
to the Chief of the JOT program to aid him in irsaking final selections. Psychologists from the A & E Staff
administered these tests in Washington, Chicago, Boston, Denver, Los Angeles; San Francisco, and Seattle.
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Approved For Release 2000/05/03 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000200010025-5
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(15) From time to time the Staff was called upon to furnish professional advice to. various components of -
the Agency, These requests have included review of proposals, research studies, and techniques in such areas
as and FI operation; as well as evaluations of proposals from outside sources, Some 25X1 A
assistance nas on renelred the Testing Division of the Personnel Office in the area of research and vali-
dation. Various conferences wre held with Flacement Officers and Procurement Officers of the Personnel Office
on psychological problems and techniques,
(16) The language aptitude testing battery has been administered to 101 individuals and results reported
to those concerned,
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(B) Admieistrative Accongolisheents:
(1) A major change occuring during the period was the removal of the Staff from under the DD/TR(S),
placing it directly under the D/TR. The scope of the services was thus expended to general Agency needs.
At this time, the A & E Staff provides assistance to both the TR(8) and TR(G) activities. The professional
staff, however, has not yet been expanded to absorb all the new functions.
(2) The three Branches were brought together in one location, as opposed to the four widely separated
locations of the past, insuring closer cooperation, and making it possible to combine clerical and adminise
trative services into a central pool, This has resulted in increased efficiency through the elimination of
duplication of effort.
(3) The general organization of the three branches was revised, providing for more effective super-
vision of personnel and a more equitable distribution of responsibility.
(4) Within the framework of the Staff, efforts were node to define intra-office personnel policies.
Salary levels were equalized and positions were defined so that each individual has a good understanding of
his duties and responsibilities.
(5) The record system was completely revised and is being centralized wherever possible. Duplication
of records is being eliminated and a central master file system will provide guide references to files on
(6) Systematic reporting systems are being worked out, so that a record of work done in the Staff can
be made a part of Agency Archives for ready reference. In addition, a separate file of assessment reports
formerly maintained by the Personnel Office is being integrated into our files to elle-trete duplication of
effort and to establish professional control of assessment. This task is approximately 50 per cent complete.
(7) The library of psychological literature was augmented and newly catalogued to permit more efficient
use. A psychological test library was completed, catalogued and is now in daily use.
(S) The machine records unit was reorganized to facilitate both operational and research activities.
BMA cards were prepared to cover all assessments, all pre-course and JOT testing, and all training evaluations
conducted during the period. Close cooperation has been effected between the A. & E Staff machine records unit
and the Agency unit, to eliminate duplication of effort.
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(9) The system for scheduling assessments from the clandestine offices was completely revised, and
published procedures were issued. This procedure establishes a priority system, and clearly defines the
scheduling process.
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jeotiv far rasa Ion. 112541 and 1955
(A) LE2f2012Dal Aitellarra
(1)Moil 1216.
ao Augment the professional staff to the point where it can adequately
discharge its expanded duties. A special recruiting trip is planned
to accomplish this,
Aulreese the effectiveness of the assessment process byt
I, Revising the referral form.
29 Further systematizing:what-is reported.
,J Revising the procedure so'thatthe professional skills of
more members of the staff are brought to bear on the final
judgment concerning the individuals assessed.
4c Better organizing the efforts of junior staff members,
5. Systematically collating information concerning procedures used.
o Implement the recently:established policy concerning evaluation of
the assessment process by surveying means of securing estimates of
success on the job.
d. Initiate more active programs to develop professional stnff in those
directions which best Berm Agency- needs.
e. Introduce the newly developed core procedure for training evaluation
in all group training courses.
f. Implement the. training evaluation policy concerning the UBEI of objective
measures by assisting instructors to develop objective testa of the
knowledge they teach in each course.
g, Develop a procedure to identify special problems or special talents
while individuals are in tralri,ig; and develop a method of
reporting these findings.
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h. Revise the ECD testing program to give it greater scope and permit
quicker utilization of teat results.
1.4 Revise the Jter testing program to achieve better differentiation
within this extremely able group.
j. Initiate a study to improve the language aptitude testing program.
This it is planned to do through contract.
k. Coordinate all testing programa including that used for assessment.
purposes, to achieve greater testing efficiency,
1. Initiate a special project of testing Agency personnel, to establish
the standards necessary for full utilization of teat results.
Set up procedures and personnel to maintain routine validity studies
of the training evaluation program,
25X1 C
(a) two weeks by Chief, A and E
00 two =lathe by Acting Chief, Research and VeliOtIm Branch,
A and E
(c) up to six months by an addit?t/tal staff member
2. Carry out a basic study to determine whether test re:Sults can be
interpreted similarly in different cultures. This it is planned to
do through contract,
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Approved For Release 2000/05/03 : CIA-RDP55-00166A000200010025-5
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(2) flPstal 1955
a. Undertake further studies on the assessment process, the nature of which
will be determined by the results obtained during 1954.
b. Initiate further follow-up studies to evaluate the success of the assess-
ment program.
c. Continue the professional development program.
d. Begin a program for developing measures of skil, attitudes, and
personality characteristics for purposes of trAining evaluation, taking
up each course in accordance with priorities set by Director of Training.
e. Begin a program for development of better situational tests for use in
f, Begin follow-up studies for evaluating EOD and JOT testing programs.
g. Continue work (through contract) on language aptitude testing program.
h. Continue testing Agency personnel for purpose of establishing more
meaningful norms.
i. Continue routine validity studies of training evaluation.
j. Continue studies (both in service and contract) aimed at developing a
systematic and widely applicable procedure for screening indigenous
(B) .Administratimpladingt
(1) Eklig 12,54,
a. Completion of the record system revision inaugurated during 195.3.
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b. Improvement in the system of routine internal reportap to permit better
.control and planning of A & ? efforts.
0. Initiation of a study to improve the methods of reporting results of
training evaluation.
d. Development of an 401) to facilitate operations of the Staff.
Elagal 1211
a. Increase general efficiency of operation with particular reference
to the use of machine methods.
b. 'natal the system of routine reports to be developed during 1954,,
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