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Approved For Release 2001/0 CIA;RIYP"555-00001 A000100150009-1 19 November 1951 : G/Tr Request of 17 October 1951 requested in the memorandum under reference. 1. Area training, a) G/Gl policy pravidee that intelligence o I. Following is a survey of G/GI ncm--J/Tr training activities FOR, Deputy Assistant Director, of, Intelligence Staff l teuiff" of /GI Training Activities visit their geographic areas for familiarisation it refresher training. Selection of travelers is ' aed on the responsibilities of the individual, the interval of a apsod time sines his iatst the value rt ich idll accrue to Limited 1' avsilable funds and the p+as~eibXe dierubicu of (Vol production resulting fret abs eea. (GGl ij tice 51-I, 5 ov 51). ''h"? such trips have already beoa b) Two additional intel3 igvnoe officers have attended con- fermcea held in their areas, both for training and for reporting purposes. The was selection titan lards * d limiting factors obtain in this latter type as outlined in para. a) (See Tab g for details) Tab A for details). mainder of the fiscal year 1952, The daraticn of these trips is trne to two months, depending on the gec- grapbioa1 area of ret ortelbility of the traveler. (See intelli r ae officers have attended sir weeks this country in the near future (See Tab C for details). Intelligence ear:thod3 and tech iiques. country. A third is ss ieduled to participate in a conference of p:-*rticular area interest to be held mrtfnatrs hold 3n their areas at universities in this At the time G/Gi was established,, -An orientation and or Release 2001 inAW0 'u01 A000100150009-1 Approved For Release 2Q01 /0 -1qt -00001 AOGG100150009-1 demo- Training Activities 19 Nov 51 ining A ourse, given by Q/Clp.was attended by employees who wera new in the Special Center. line inetructore presented L otures zn 0/Cle is organization., mission and funatians,, and on the specialized researc -1 techniques and souroe exploitation of the Office. Five hour-long lectures were given weekly until each ernployei had heard all lect:aree. (See Tab D for lecture schedU.le)o b) A second more detailed and intensive course in a,=* evaluation and exploitation is now being initiated. It will consist of three one-hour periodea during which time six instructors will deal in greater detail with special- ised reeseearuh and reporting techniques utilized in 0/C5. course wiU be required for all. )/CI intel" ig*noe of'f'icers and will, be repeated until all appropriate /Cl: members have attended. ps for staff faembera are envisaged for this fiscal year their purpose being additional training in the evaluation and exploitation of certain espeeial]y seen-- sitive sources. The tripes will be app clmateeiyy two months in duration and will enwapass a part, thigh not all, of the traveler's geographic area of reap-nsibi It is planned that similar trips will be authorized the future as staff aersorinel reach the appropriate level of responsibility. Language trait 11 g. a) Night CI members are now taking or have recently a* _- pleted n cage eoureses, five basic and three inter- mediate a r Lich were on ally requested by 1/01., rather than being offered by fTr. However, all were arranged for and paid for by the Agency. (Sees Tab for deetai.les:} own is in the planning Stage at presento officers background knowledge of areas Administrative training. None. Specific on-the--job training. a) A series of lectures deai tined to give all in g Approved For Release 2001/04/05 01 A000100150009-1 Approved For Release 20~01/O4/e~: f 5V00001A00M00150009-1 . ksiv IWORMATION Memo-' ra Ining Activities will be given by two or three briefers, a 19 Nov 51 required for all /CI analysts on inally, and for new analysts a they enter on duty. b) D1 Weekly thirty-minute briefings are riaw c each week, designed to keep each analyst abreast of Important revelopssients and situations throughout the world. otiatians are now in progress for the establishment, of exchange programs with the Mater .I)epartaent t s ' oret a Service, and with C/SO, whereby o/Ci analysts can gain additional kawledge of their areas and actual a erisnne in collection to *exist them in their evaluation of *a, The scope, duration and frequency of these ,mss cannot yet be judged. They will be limited by the number of Q/Cj analysts who can be s9ared for rota on without disruption of 00/Cl production, and by the ability of the Foreign Service and 0/SO to absorb such programs. To date old has not engaged in any program for providing trained professional level adminintrativo officer However, it is hoped that such a program can be initiated in the Asa r future. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP55-.!00001A000100150009-1 r ~ cai tea: i~~id .