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Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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I. Approved For Release 2000/0 ,jt13 : CIA-RDP55-00001A00010015000 a. Administrative slots are all filled -- no increases are contemplated. I'POFESSIOPAL ADYINISTRATIVE OFFICER PROGRAM aq AAA*, 1. Office of Research and Reports a. F,nds insufficient need existing to warrant participation in such a program. 2. Office of Intelligence Coordination a. This Office does not feel that it can comment in the absence of information which demonstrates the need for the proposed professional administrative officer program. 3. Office of Operations Suggests that a refresher course or an elementary course would be worthwhile. Suggests course should include treat- ment of Personnel, Travel, Fiscal and Budget, Procurement, Property and Supply, and other Administrative Services. 1. Contact Divisions O (a) Administrative slots are filled. No increase contemplated. (b) No administrative training is required at present. 2. Foreign Documents Division, 0/0 (a) Section B, 1, 2, 3, and 4 of problem not applicable at this time. (b) This Division feels that a training program is necessary to insure standard administrative procedures, etc. in administrative practices. Training program should anticipate regular refresher courses for administra- tive officers presently on duty. l-7 (a) This Division is interested in the proposal to estab- lish courses for professional level administrative personnel and suggests a curriculum for new adminis- trative personnel. C4 joj ied For Release 2000/ 5=00001AP0P1150006-I 4W 0 Approved For Release 2000/0943 : CIA-RDP55-00001AO00100150006-4 (b) Suggests training geared to advanced problems of administration and manaaerr,ent. (gives examples) (c) Suggests supplementar?v training for top administra- tive perso*mel by participation in outside courses at various universities and institutes. ~~. Office-of-Scientific Intelligence a. O/SI believes that items 1 through 4 represent management, wage and classification, personnel, budget, and personnel procure- ment problems. b. 0/SI feels that they would benefit from the implementation of an Agency program to increase the efficiency of administrative personnel now on duty and to train new administrative officers. 5. Office oP Collection and Dissemination a. 0/CD has a diversity of opinion regarding the need and practicality of a training program for administrative officers. One opinion is that it should have a very low priority. Others feel there is a definite need for it. b. 0/CD has no need. for additional trained administrative officers now, c. 0/CD made some suggestions for a training prograrri, but they do not necessarily represent the official position of 0/CD. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP55-00001AO00100150006-4