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Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 S E C R E T NOV 9 1950 MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Director for Assistant Director for Assistant Director for Assistant Director for Assistant Director for Assistant Director for Budget Officer Personnel Director Chief, Chief, Advisory Council General Counsel, Chief, Chief, Chief, Chief, Chief, Reports and Estimates Collection and Dissemination Scientific Intelligence Operations Policy Coordination Special Operations Draft of CIA Services Regulation ~ 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Administrative Instruction Regulations, v++~ v in Services Regulation has been prepared for inclusion in the CIA 2. It is requested that you forward your concurrence and/or comments to this office at your earliest convenience. Management Officer Attachment Draft of CIA-Services Regulation. Document No. '~K NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED ~~~ Class. C1AGLD TO: TS S DDA DA eMmo, 4 Apr 77 C ~}VNF U,_ 1H "IML Auth: D v3. 77/176 Da't a :O_: j. M,1 1W7R By: Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION 1. GENERAL SERVICES SECRET 25X1 NUMBER_- ~ 1 November 1950 An Space Acquisition and Assignment for the assignment Of-Government-owned or Government-leased space. 2. Requests t h e 1.cqu on pf space should be forwarded space required, the desired location, the quantity in square feet, and the general purpose for which it is required, together with appropriate justification. 3. Space assignments to CIA activities in the Washin'ton area wily otherwise specified in appropriate CIA regulations. B. Space Release and Exchan 1" The Gk4off , Services ~i ~2wi11 be notified in writing of assigned space which may be released by a CIA activity. 2. Requests for the exchange of space between two or more activities of CIA will be made to the Vii', Services Division. Maintenance of and Alterations to Buildings Assigned to or Leased. by CIA 1. All requests for renovations and installations required in buildings assigned to or leased by CIA will be made to the Services Division, on Form No. 36-7, "Requisition for Supplies, Equipment or Service", or as otherwise appropriate. 2. Requests for maintenance services may be submitted in writing or by telephone to the s B anch. 44 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 3ECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 SECRET DRAFT 25X1 NUMBERI CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION 1 November 1950 D. Moves Requests for moving of offices or other activities will be made in writing to the , Services Division, indi- cating the building and rooms from and to which the moves are desired. Normally, a minimum period of three days will be required to arrange for moving services. E. Parking Spaces Allotments of parking spaces will be made in blocks by the QWomfr) Services Division, to CIA activities for reassign- ment to their employees. Assistant Direc taff Chiefs will report to the (Services Division, the assignment of parking spaces to individuals, including the space number, name and telephone number of individual to which it is assigned, and the year, make, model and license number of his vehicle. The Bar; Services Division, is responsible for the inspection of parking areas. F. Telephone and Teletype Service 1. Requests for telephone service will be made to the Chief, describing the type of service required, the building and rooms in which service is to be located, and the individual in writing who will provide detailed information. The Chief, 2. Requests to utility companies for telephone and tele- type services within the Washington area will be made only by the Services Division. for adequate service. A minimum period of three days for change or initial installation of telephone service is required. will prescribe the type of installation best su e G. Cafeterias 25X1 The Chief, is responsible for liaison with Government Services, Inc. in connection with cafeterias operated by that organization in CIA buildings. SECRET ? 2 - Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DP.AET SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION NUMBER 1 November 1950 Suggestions or complaints in connection with the operation of such cafeterias will be made to the Chief, Gerl?Ser- vices Brneh,i pW a- 3 _ SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 SECRET DRAFT 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION 1 Nove*owr i i5 A. Authorization to Request Reproduction Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs will designate individ- uals, grade GS-9 or above, under their jurisdiction who are authorized to request reproduction services, and inform the -ref, Services D, in writing, of such designations. B. Process o Copies The heavy demand upon CIA reproduction facilities makes it essential that, individuals authorized to request reproduction services thoroughly familiarize themselves with each type of process available, the time required for reproduction, and the cost of each. The number of copies requested must be kept to a minimum. SECRET - 4 - Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION NUMBER D1LC1J. 1 SECRET 1 November? A. Contracting and Procurement Authority The Director will delegate authority to those employees who may incur legal obligations by'Ynformal or formal contracts for any type of procurement of supplies, equipment or services. Such delegations will not be contained in this manual. B. Authority to Initiate Requests Requiring Financial Obligations (Supplies, Equipment and Services) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are authorized to initi- ate requests for supplies, equipment and services which require financial obligations, with the power of delegation to such ad- ditional individuals as may be necessary for good administrative control. Names of employees designated will be reported to the Chief, Services Division, in writing (see Regulation 0 for 25X1 budgetary control). C. Building Supply Rooms Commonly used expendable office supplies are available in Rooms 2031 "L" Building and 1152 "Q" Building, which are main- tained by the Supply Branch, Services Division. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs of offices serviced by the supply rooms are responsible for assuring that only minimum quantities of supplies are maintained within their areas for official use, as supplies are available from the supply rooms on a daily basis. Space in safes and other filing equipment will not be used to store such items. Form No. 36-204, "Building Supply Order", containing stock numbers of the items stocked will be completed in single copy by designated responsible officers and will be presented to the storekeeper for issue purposes. D. Property Accountability 1. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs may delegate authority to personnel under their jurisdiction, of grade GS-7 or higher, to requisition supplies, equipment or services from Services Division. Individuals designated will serve as accountable officers for all non-expendable property within their jurisdiction. f1 ru av" c -`vvrrs d vpe Ir /~~.,. c Ti o,?~ S - 5 - G-'CRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT NUMBER 1 Novem er 0 - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION 2. Accountable Officers will designate individuals as Responsi- ble Officers according to the organizational structure or location of the activity. Responsible Officers will'take all necessary precautions for the proper use, protection, and movement of any government property which may come into their custody or control and may be redelegated authority to req- uisition expendable supplies from warehouse stock. 3. Listed below is the prescribed manner in which property records will be maintained by Accountable Officers- a. A property record account will be established for each designated Accountable Officer and an account number will be assigned to each account by the Chief, Services Division. b. Accountable Officers will utilize the face of Form No. 36-1J+, "Stock Control Card", to record debit and credit transactions of non-expendable property and to in- dicate by item, total accountability for property under their control. The reverse side of Form No. 36-14, "Accounts Control", will be used to indicate the total accountability of each Responsible Officer under their jurisdiction. c. Accountable Officers will maintain a numerical file of credit and debit vouchers to support transactions in their property accounts. d. When an Accountable Officer authorizes the issue of small portable items, such as brief cases, pen sets, etc., he will prepare Form No. 36-99, "Employee Property Issue Record", and hale the form initialled by the recipient. When the. property is returned, the Accountable Officer may issue a receipt, if requested, to the employee. In the event an employee is separated or transferred from the activity to which he is assigned, the Accountable Officer will be responsible for determining that all items charged are returned in such condition as received, reasonable wear and tear excepted, before issuing a property clearance for the employee concerned. e. "Reports of Inventory Adjustments", Form No. 36-16, will be prepared in triplicate and forwarded to the Chief, Services Division. The use of such reports will be SECRET - 6 - Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT SECRET 25X1 CE1AL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION NUMBER 1 November 1950 confined to rectifying errors resulting from. incorrect nomenclature, clerical or typographical errors, and assuming accountability for property previously unac- counted for. f. "Survey Report", Form No, 36-18, will be prepared in triplicate and forwarded to the Chief, Services Division, in the event property is lost, destroyed, damages or stolen. Lost or stolen pro erty should be reported immediately to the Services Division, Extension in 25X1 order that a prompt investigation may be carried out. . g. The Chief, Services Division, is hereby delegated authority to approve Certificates of Droppage - Expendable Supplies, to drop from accountability expendable supplies which have become lost or destroyed without fault or neg- lect while on hand in a supply account when the aggregate loss per account, except fuels and lubricants, does not exceed $10.00 per quarter. A maximum tolerance of one per cent will be allowed for gasoline evaporation charged to the Accountable Officer, Transportation Branch, Services Division, whereas other installations responsible for gasoline accounting will be granted an allowance of of 1% evaporation. It is not the intent of this dele- gation to provide a quarterly allowance which may be accrued or claimed as a matter of right without regard to actual losses but rather to establish a limitation on the value of items that may be dropped from the stock record account by expeditious procedure. h. Transfer of property accountability will be effected after audit of the records and a complete physical inven- tory has been made. A memorandum certificate will be executed by the outgoing and incoming Accountable Officers transferring accountability. I. The will conduct audits and inventories of property accounts. - 7 - SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 SECRET 25X1 DRAFT 1 November 19 0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION E. Property Utilization In order to obtain maximum economical use of non-expendable equipment, there is hereby established a property utilization program. a. Numerical limitations of all common-use items (Class A, B, and C) will be established by agreement between Assistant Directors and. Staff Chiefs and the Chief, Admin- istrative Staff, in accordance with Tables of Organization. Numerical limitations for common-use items may be increased or decreased by mutual agreement between the activity con- cerned and the Chief, Administrative Staff. Issues in excess of numerical limitations as agreed upon will not be made by the Services Division. b. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs will take such action as is necessary to accomplish maximum and proper use of all equipment and to requisition suitable equipment to fill specific needs. c. The Services Division, Staff, will review the use of equipment as a part of periodic audits of accountability records. d. The following policy is established as a general guide for the allocation of office equipment and furnish- ings to the various offices of CIA, subject to reasonable modification in the discretion of the Chief, Administrative Staff: Class "A" Equipment Offices of the Director and Deputy Director Offices of the Executive and Deputy Executive Offices of Assistant Directors and their Deputies Offices of CIA Staff Chiefs and their Deputies Claes-?"B" Equipment Offices of Division Chiefs Offices of Chiefs of organizational units equivalent to a Division Class "C" Equipment All other offices SECRET - 8 - Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT SECRET 25X1 F. Property Disposal 1. Property which is excess to the needs of any using activ- ity will be returned to stock by forwarding to the Chief, Services Division, an original and two copies of Form No. 36-24, "Property Turn-In or Transfer Slip", stating the loca- tion and date the property may be picked up. 2. a. Property Survey Boards composed of members as listed below are hereby constituted to act on all matters per- taining to loss. damage, destruction, theft, or for the disposition of public property for which CIA is responsi- ble. Overt Board Deputy Chief of I&SS Chairman Chief, Inspection Member Division, I&SS Member, Legal Staff Member and Legal Advisor Chief, Services Divi- Member and sion, Administrative Recorder Staff Chief, Member and Services Division, Alternate Administrative Staff Recorder Covert Board Deputy Chief of I&SS Member, Legal Staff Chief. Procurement and Supply Division, Special Support Staff Chief. Acc d Finance Division. Special Support Staff Three members will constitute a quorum. b. The Chief, Services Division, Administrative Staff, will supply such administrative, technical, and clerical assistance as may be required by the Overt Board; and similar assistance will be provided by the Chief, Procure- ment and Supply Division, Special Support Staff, for the Covert Board. 3. The Property Survey Board will: a. Determine the pecuniary liability or relief from ac- countability or responsibility of any individual for loss, damage, destruction or theft or other disposition of public property for which CIA is responsible, where the total mone- tary value involved in $1,000 or less. - 9 - SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 1 November 1950 b. Designate any qualified individual to act for it in appropriate cases in determining relief from account- ability or responsibility for damage to, or shortage of, CIA property where there is no evidence of fault or neg- lect on the part of the individuals concerned and where the estimated damage is not in excess of $100. c. Direct disposition or destruction of unserviceable, obsolete or surplus property in the custody of CIA. The Board may designate any qualified individual to act for it in appropriate cases under this authorization. d. Recommend action to the Executive, who will take final action or recommend action to the Director, in connection with paragraph 3(a) above, where the monetary value involved is in excess of $1,000. e. Require such initial Survey Reports, and presentation of evidence either in person or in writing, as may be con- sidered necessary to arrive at appropriate conclusions and determinations. f. Maintain adequate records of its actions. 1+. The Board and the Executive are charged with the responsi- bility of informing the Director of any unusual circumstances or matters which should be brought to his personal knowledge in connection with this regulation. Board reports under this paragraph will be routed through the Executive. 5. Individuals against whom pecuniary responsibility is established under the provisions of this regulation, may appeal, in writing, to the Director, within thirty (30) days after receipt of notification of such liability. C. Removal of Government Property from CIA Buildings A properly authenticated "Property Pass ,Form No. BM-68, is required before government property can be removed from CIA buildings. Property Accountable Officers and other : m.ployees designated by the Chief, Services Division, are auut?h,nrized to issue Property Passes. The Chief, Services Di feion viii file '1t-h the Captain of the Huard rorce. throuab the 25X1 issue 71ropert7 Passes. SECRET - 10 - Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION NUMBER 1 November 1950 and/or excess property provided the total acquisition cost of the items disposed of in each quarter of the fiscal year does not exceed $100. C. Request for Approval in Excess of Limitations 1. Supplies, equipment or services in excess of authorized limitations, or services covering rental of space, utilities or other continuing services will, prior to procurement or negotiation, be directed to the Chief, Services Division for approval. D. Property Accounting One signed receiving or issue document covering each transaction will be directed to the Chief, Services Division, Attn: Supply Branch, for property accounting purposes. E. Shipments of Supplies and Equipment 1, Domestic: Shipments, except minor items transmitted by regular mail, will be effected by Supply Branch, Services Division, Administrative Staff. 2. Foreign: Shipments, except minor items transmitted by regular mail or pouch, from Washington will be effected by Supply Branch, Services Division, Administrative Staff. Shipments originating at the field offices will be effected by the field office concerned. - 13 - SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT 1. November 1956 CENTRAL I?TELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION A, The Services Division, w ~~ e r performing the following functions with respect to travel of personnel on official business; move- ment of household goods and dependents when travel is in connec- tion with a change of official station; the shipment of supplies and equipment; and the operation of the motor pool. B. Traunspoi tation of Employees 1 ~ "Upon receipt of approved copy of "Request for Travel Order", Form No- 34-5, the ill contact the traveler to ascertain date of departure, mode of travel to be utilized and length of time required at stop-over points in order that necessary reservations may be made and Transportation Requests prepared A Where travel overseas is involved, arrange- ments are made for procuring passports, physical examinations, immunizations when required; the procuring of Theater Command- er's approval, the issuance of identification card and special travel orders when travel is to an occupied zone. Arrange- ments are made for briefing and security clearance within 48 hours prior to eto ee's de artu.re for overseas 2. The will arrange all reservations and issue `;., a necessary Transportation Requests to cover the travel. In order to provide transportation via the most eco- nomical route and take advantage of minimum-cost accommodations for both rail and ocean travel, requests for space must be placed as far as possible in advance of the travel date. C. Transportation of Fusehold Goods and Personal Effects 1o Existing legislation authorizes the payment of transpor- tation expenses and other expenses incident thereto for the movement of household goods and personal effects in connec- tion with3ange of official duty stations and to first duty station overseas of new appointees, within certain weight limitation, for other than TDY SECRET - 4 - Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION 1 November 1950 and privately owned automobiles to overseas destinations, must be routed through Administrative Officers to the Branch, including the following information: Name Title and Office Present Official Station New Official Station Location of Effects (street address) Person to be Contacted at that Address Estimated Weight of Shipment A Goods to be Picked Up The will make all arrangements to have the nuueenuia prsonal effects picked up from the employee's home, packed, crated and otherwise prepared for export shipment, and upon completion of the packing and crat- ing will arrange for shipment to the overseas destination. D. Transportation of Dependents 1. The must be advised promptly if arrangement s are to be made for the transportation of depend- ents- Complete information should be furnished showing names, relationship, and in the case of minor children, their sex and age. 2. The will perform the same services as are rendered to the employee and assist the dependents in every way possible whether they travel with the employee or depart at a later date. - 15 - SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 e. l 50 2Assignment of passenger-carrying vehicles to indivi- duals and activities will be made only upon the written request of an Assistant Director or Staff Chief and approved by the Executive. It is the policy of the Director to keep such assignmente to an absolute minimum, and to utilize the shuttle and motor-pool service to the maximum possible degree. 30 ao Except as otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the Executive, no employee of CIA stationed in Washington will be permitted to operate CIA motor vehicles without a properly certified CIA driver's liceneeO Authority for issuing CIA licenses is vested C D fl LLIGE1CE AGENCY REGULATION a o The maintains a central motor pool comprised of passenger-carrying vehicles, including busses, and various types of trucks and trailers o Passenger care are operated to meet transportation needs which cannot be secured by the use of scheduled shuttle service. Transporta- tion other than by shuttle service to points served by the shuttle may be requested from the Dispatcher, Extension when necessary. b, The BB u ing passenger motor pool operates on a.24-hour basis daily, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. After 1700 hours on regular workdays and on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, requests for transportation must be routed through the Night Duty Motor Transportation SECRET - i6 - Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION NUMBER 1 November 1950 df1sC'~t t7L in the, Services B4 +eien, after appropriate certification by the Personnel Division, and the eques "or driver?s licenses should be made in writing by the Office or Staff section concerned, to the Services Division, indicating necessity. 4. All assigned and pool c u ears are Chief, Services Division, for administrative purposes, including working hours, overtime and replacement of assigned chauffeurs due to absences or terminations, 5. a. Except as specified in b, below, pool chauffeurs will not wait for passengers longer than 15 minutes, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Dispatcher. b. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs and their deputies, when using motor pool cars, are authorized to have such cars wait for them at destination re- gardless of the time involved, or to return for them at a given time. These officials should inform the Dispatcher whether the car should wait or return in order that chauffeurs may receive proper instructions from their supervisor. 6. Chauffeurs who perform overtime work will report the hours worked, together with the signature of the person for whom the driving was performed as a basis for overtime payments. Prior verbal approval for overtime driving should be obtained, if practicable, from the Chief, services Division, F F__ 7. Chauffeurs are personally responsible in e event of traffic violations. Chauffeurs will not be ordered to violate traffic regulations. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 - 17 - SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 1T UMB E 71- N November 9 56 CENT AT IINT IGrNCE AGENCY R TJLATIO a. Government motor vehicles are to be used by personnel of this Agency for official purposes only. h. Public w 600 requires the suspension or d.i.smissal of any employee who uses or is found responsible for the use of a Government-owned vehicle for other than official Purposes. " ~- n c. The I will ma ke periodic checks of d.ispaicn records, an will discuss with Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs any apparent ~rioia,- ti.ons of this paragraph. When considered necessary he. qtll report apparent violations to the Executive for further acction, including statement of previous dis- cussions with officials concerned. 10. a. In order that the y Min- tain proper records and nsur?e that all Agency vehicles are serviced at regular intervals, a "Monthly Motor Vehicle Operating, Maintenance and Repair Record", Form No. 36-201, will be submitted on all vphInIAA e end of each month to Chief, Ser- vices Division, through e the Office to which the vehicle is assigned. b. Form No. 36-203-A, "Annual Motor Vehicle Operating, T intenence end Repair per-ees?9, provides for the accu- mulation of coats for a specific vehicle for one year. The totals entered on each Form No. 36-203 should be posted at the end of each month to Form No. 4;-2(Y-A. I.E - l8 + Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1 DRAFT (JONFIDES(T-L 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REGULATION Number information furnished each month on Form No. 36-203. 11. Trucks and trailers are operated for the delivery of supplies and equipment to the various Agency offices in the Washington area and for such other local and long-distance hauling as necessary. G. Use of Taxicabs 1. When it has been definitely determined that government transportation will not be available within a reasonable time, the use of taxicabs for official business by Agency employees may be authorized by Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs, their deputies, or Chiefs of Field Stations, under the following circumstances-. ao To meet urgent fixed appointments. b. To transport unusually bulky documents or delicate or cumbersome equipment, provided there is an urgent immediate need. 2. Adequate statements of justification must accompany reimbursement vouchers. 3. The use of taxicabs while in a travel status will be governed by the provisions of Standardized Government Travel Regulations. 19 - CONFIDF,AL Approved For Release 2007/10/02 : CIA-RDP54-00177A000200030133-1