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Approved For Release 2001/03/01461-A419p51-00036A0001000 4414MMINNWWWWW6. 22 July 1946 COPY NO. - CENTRAL INTEWOWE GRCF C.I.G.,ADMINISTRATIV:E=M= 25X1A ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS OF T MINTRAL liTELLTGEME GROUP References' a. C.I.G. Dire orgenization ctive 25X1A Tri:Ke ? of the Qentral In j,ence Group", 19 Ally 1946. t. C,I,G, Administratifve11111,111 , "Organiza -25X1A tion and Functiona of-XeCU:?Ve 'rice") 22 July 1946. 1. Attached hereto are obarts showing the toMative organi- zation and functions of the components of 'Plc' Central IPte4i- gence Group down to and includinf the branchilevel? except for the Interdepartmental Coordinating and _Planning Staff for which only general functions are outlined. These charts are intended IS a general guide in building the final detailed organization which will be progressively adopted consistent with the availa- bility of personnel, space end funds, 2. Acting Assistant Directors of the Offices, and the Acting Chief of the Interdecrtmental Coordinating and Planning Sta.fi will submit to the Executive Director detailed recomiendations as follows: (a) changes in proposed organization of thoir, resDective offices and staff to branch vel; (b) detailed organization of divisions, setions, and units within each brancl of their respective organizatiuns. 3. The Office of Specia/ Gerations tind thq- Office of Re- search and-.Evaluation will continue their current operations and will progressively expand existihe organization and functionz along lines prescribed in the attached charts, ameneed whre necessary in accordance with procedures outlined in paragri 2 above. 4. Because of the limited personnel presently avnilnblc, the Office of Collection, Office of Disitminction, and the Inter- departmental Coordinating and Planning Staff activities will - 1 - Document No. 7 ITG:s1;Irs. 0 Class. CHANGED TO: iS S C DDA Mcwo, 4 Apr 77 Atith?oBiAr.motrafoL17----.7,G.' Approved For Release 2001/03/01 : CIA-RDP51--0 C1440008-0 Date: Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 necessarily be restricted largely to planning for future operations. However, operations will begin as early as practicable and will progressively expand along lines indicated by the attached charts, amended where necessary by action out- lined in paragraph 2 above. FOR THE LIRWTOR. OF CENTRAL INTELLIOENCE Co.onel, CAC Executive for Personnel and Administration Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 ?fl TENTATIVE ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 22 July 1946 TAKE OF COhTENTS Organization Central Intelligence Group Office of the Director of Central Intelligence Plate 2 Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff . . . . 3 Omitted Note: For general functions, see Plate I Detailed plan of organization and functions to be prepared by the Chief of the Inter- departmental Coordinating and Planning Staff for approval of the Director. Executive Staff Office of Special Operations Office of Collection Office of Research and Evaluation Office of Dissemination 5 6 7 8 Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 FUNCTIONAL CAM CIG HMSO Iva) Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 NATIONAL isteLtiome AUTNORITY SEC AAAAA Y OF STATE SIC AAAAAA OF WAN SECRETARY OF ?NE NAVY PE AAAAAA REPRESENTATIVE OF TP( PNESISENT DIRECTO* OF C AAAAAA INTELLIGENCE I AAAAA E AAAAA FATAL ceoulivrias AND PLAUII STAFF 1. The I AAAAAA p AAAAAAAA 1 Coordinating and Planning Staff acts for the Director of Central Intelligence in the coordination of all intelligence activities related to the national security, and in the preparation of recommendatioits regarding the eetablish- ment of overall //allele. and plane to AAAAAA the most effective accomplishment of the national intelligence miesion. 2. In discharging these r AAAAAA ibilitiee this ataff will maintain continuo.: supervision of the planning and coordination of the intelligence activities of the Central Intelligence Group. It will focus its activitiee on the coordination of the intelli- gence activities of the State, War, Navy and other governmen- tal departments and individuals concerned, to asmure that: a. The facilitiee of each activity are adequate to discharge it. renponsibilities: b. All appropriate fields of intelligence endeavor Sr. adequately covered: c. The facilities of the Central Intelligence group are oper.ting to provide the best poseible service to the State, War, Navy and other governmental department. and individuals cone AAAAA ; d. Raw information from all sources and activities is received by the Central Intelligence Group and, where appro- priate, promptly distributed to the State, War, Navy end other governmental department. and individuals concerned; e. Th. intellidence requirements of the State, War, Navy and other governsental dep AAAAA nts and Individuals concerned are adequately met. f. Methods, proceSures and controls art adequate within the Central Intelligence Group and the State, War, Navy and other governmental departments for the expeditious collec- tion and integrated research and evaluation of information, and for the prompt dicaemination of strategic and national policy intelligence. Pursuant to exieting law and the direction and control of N.I.A., the Director of Central Intelligence performs the following functions as specified in the President's directive of 22 January 1946 and as A. directed by the N.I.A. . 1. Sits as a no,-votiled Member of the National Intelligence Author- ity. 2. Directs all activitile of the Central /ntelllgence Group. S. Correlstes, ?valustea and diesemin?tes strategic and national policy intelligence within the government. 4. Plans for coordinating of intelligence activities related to national security and recommend. to C.I.A. overall polici?? and ob- jectives to accompli.h malliesel intelligence mieelon. 5. Performs services of common concern a. directed by N.I.A. O. Perform. other fUnottlems and (hitt. related tot national secUrity intelligence as direoted bp the President end the N.I.A. SEC AAAAA taT OMIT DIRECTOR Assists the Director in the discharge of his fOnctions and act, for him in his absence. Performs personal secretarial service. for the Director of Central Intelligence and main- tains for him a temporary office of reoord. EXECIIIIVE OFFICE Functions as a staff for the Director of Cen- tral Intelligence in performing the normal duties of an executive office in planning, controlling, adniniatering aid aecuring the activities of the Central Intelligence Group. SECUTAIT-NATIONAL INTELLIMACE ANTNORITY Purnieheig secreteriat for the National In- 1:11glog.:145ority and the Intelligence etlgWti:tgih the eeeeettee staffelp.it:t Witt OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS Asst. Director for Special Operations' 1. The agency responsible for the per- formance of certain special func- tions Resigned to the Director of Central Intelligence, by the NIA. OFFICE OF COLLECTIOR Asst. Director for Collection 1. Acts for the Director of Central In- telligence in the collection of for- eign intelligence information re- quired for the production of etre-. tgic and national policy intelli- gence aa it affects the national security of the United States. 2. In cloee coordination with the col- lection agencies of other governmen- tal departments, determines the means and methods most appropriate for obtaining foreign intelligence information to enable the Research and Evaluation Office, Central In- telligence group to produce stra- tegic and national policy intelli- gence. OFFICE OF NESEANCII ASO EVALUATION Asst. Director for N aaaaa ch and Evaluation 1 The agency of the Director of Cen- tral Intelligence which establishee requirements for and produces stra- tegic and national policy intelli- gence affecting the national security for use... required by the various departments of the government. E. In clone coordination with appro- priate intelligence division. of par- ticipati g governmental agencies, conducts the necessary review, re- search, evaluation and integration of foreign information and intelli- gence, and evaluates the significance of trends and developments as they affect the national security. ea Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 OFFICE OF DISSEMINATION Asst. Director far Inenenination The agency of the Director of Central Intelligence renponsible for the dis- semination of evaluated strategic and national policy intelllieno? produced by the .Office of Roseerch and !value- Alen, Central Intelligence Group. FUNCTIONAL CURT CIS 211/7/411 (isolative) - -I INTERDEPARTMENTAL 111. COORDINATING AND PLANNING STAFF an INV IN NO IN NII OFFICE OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Subject to existing law and the president's directive of 21/January 1946, and to the direction and control of the National Intelligence Authority, the Director of Central Intelligence: 1. Site as a non-voting member of the National Intelligence Authority. 2. Directs all activities of the Central Intelligence Group. 2. Is advised by an Intelligence Advisory Board consisting of the heads Or their representatives) of the principal military and civilian intelligence agencies of the government having fluwitiona related to the national security, as determined by the Netional Intelligence Authoriti. 4. Acoompliehes the correlation and evaluation of intelligence relating to the national security, and the appropriate dissemination within the Government of the resulting strategic and natiOnal policy intelligence. In so doing he makes eon use of the staff and facilities of the intelligence agencies of the State. War and Navy Departments. I. In performing 4 above, undertakes such research and analysis as May be necessary to determine what functions in the fields of national security intelligence are not being presently performed or are not being adequately performed. Based up- on these determinations he may centralise such research and analysis activitlee as may,' in his opinion and that of the appropriate member or members of the Intelligence Advisory Board, be more efficiently or effectively accomplished centrally. 6. Plans for the coordination of *sok of the activities of the intelligence agencies of the State. Mar and Navy Departments as relate to the national security, and recommends to the National Intelligence Authority the establishment of such overall policies and objectives ae will assure the most effective accomplishment of the national intelligence mission. 9. Acts for the National Intelligence Authority In coordinating all federal foreign intelligence activities related to the national security to ensure that the overall policies and objectives established by that Authority are properly implemented and executed. B. Perform., for the benefit of the intelligence agencies of the State. War and Navy Departments, such services of common concern as the National Intelligence Authority determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally. 9. Performs mach other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President and the National Intelligence Authority may from time to time direct. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Performs such duties And functioas as directed and acts for the Director of Central Intelligence in his absence. Iserciaes for the Director the direct control of the Operating Offices of the Central Intelligence Group. OFFICE OF COLLECTION OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND EVALUATION 2 SECRETARIAT Performs such personal secretarial duties as prescribed by the Director of Central Intelligence and maintains ? temporary office of record for the Director. 111111111 EXECUTIVE STAFF i ON ON J Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 OFFICE OF DISSEMINATION NMI NEI lin INN EMI FUNCTIONAL MART - CIS 11/T/*$ (tectatIve) Approved For Release 2001/03/01 : CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 EXECUTIVE STAFF, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 1. function. as a staff for the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervielon of the ixecutive Director, Central Intelligence Group in performing the normal duties of an executive office. S. Controls, coordinates and supervises activities of operating offices, CIO, pertaining to operations, liaison, adminietretion and general functionleg. 9. Coordinates plans and policies affecting operations with the Inter- departmental Coordinating and Planning Staff. 4. Provides logistical end administrative supirort for the world-wide activities of CEO. U. Regulates intermit security of CIO. EIECVTIVE OFFICE inventive 01 rector 1. Atte as the executive and staff coordinator for Director. C10. 2. Acts as the principal stiff officer, CIO, to control and coordinate the activities of CIO. 9. Supervises the activities of the operating offices of CIG. 4. Matters requiring the attention of the Director of Central Intelli- gence will normally 0. processed through the Office of the Executive Director. . *set. gnectitive Director Assists the tracutive Director and acts for him in his absence. CONTROL MUM Executive for Control 1. Acts for the Executive Director in matter. involving contacts with participating agencies of the government and accredited rep ttttt Latices of foreign governments in the United States, 2. Establishes and coordinates the procedures relative to CIO liaison with participating agencies of the United States dovernmeet and is responsible for the arrangement. govern- ing 'lemon with CIG by perticipating agencies of the United Stet.. government and accredited representatives of foreign governments in the United States. 3. Coordinates the working liaison arrangeeents and procedures established by the operating offices of CIO with participat- ing agenclee of the United States government and accredited represenratives of foreign governments in the United States. 4. Functions as the authorised agent of the Director of Central .intelligence in natters concernind public relations, press rel aaaaa publicity and legislation. 5. Rep aaaaa te the Direotor of Central Intelligence with accred- ited foreign eminmaries visiting in the United States. FOREIOR LIAISON DIVISION Asst. Mee. for Foreign ULLEVE 1. Handles arrangements for re- ception of foreign emis- saries. 2. Maintains necensaary liaison with accredited represent- atives of foreign govern- ments. DEPARTMENTAL LIAISMI DIVISION Asst. Executive for Departmental U. Zetablishes and coordinates 'procedures, for CIO liaison with participating depart- ments of the United States government. I. rurnishes or arranges for CIO representation on interne- e...Mental committees. boar., greoPs, etc., ceor- dinating closely with the staff and appropriate of- fice. of CIO. 3. Provides liaison with govern- mental agencies not other- wise provided for. Milt RELATIONS AND LEGISLATIVE LIAISON DIVISION Leet. Seen, for Public Relation and Legislative Liaison 1. Coordinates publIc relation. Press rel and public- ity. U. Handles legislative liaison. ? ,SECOETANIAT InATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ANIMOSITY Se,retary NIA 1. Furnishes Secretariat for NIA. 2. furnishes Secretariat for the Intelli- gence Advnarry Board. 9. Acts as Assistant to Executive for Oper- ations Branch end sc., for his in his absence. IONS BRANCO MIMIC ANO ADMINISTRATIVE SMAPC Esecntive fpo Pti'.Onael and Administration 1. Prepares the budget. &Amounts for the expenditure of funds, fur- nishes fiscal support to world-wide activities of CIO; controls fiscal matters of the Operating offices, and maintains overall position controls. Prescribes property accountability and procedures. 2. Furnishes communication. required to include specialised re- erarch to insure efficient connunication for operating offices. operates eeeee de center; maintalns ? nail room and central records file, and tarnishes such courier service as may be required. 3, furnishes complete logistical support for world-wide activities of CIO. including suppll,, and med1.1 services: controls and co- ordinates reproductien facilities of CIG. Mratxhes Transla- tion Service for CIO. 4. Provides personnel servile to inciude allocation of poeitione. ? procurement, placement. training and other required sera! ces? Arranges for employ. relation*, indoctrinstion and orienta- tion of personnel. 5. Assumes responsibilits for the internal security of CIG instal- lations and Per...I. Executive for Operations I. Acts for the Executive Director in ? eteff capacity to control, coordinate, and supervise the activities al. the operating offices of CIO. ? 2. Coordinates plans and polio'.s affectleg the internal opera- tions of the CIO. 3. Coordinates the preparation of briefs, summaries. and other data in connection with the sotavit.es of the Director of Central Intelligence involving his participation in and ap aaaaa nce be- fore governmental committees, groups. hoer., etc. OPERATIONS OIVISION AOVISOOY CHINCH. Lost. ineentive for Operations Asst. And. for Advisory Council 1. Coordinates and supervises the internal operations 1. Presto-es brief. and data for the Director. of CIO. U. Coordinates, supervisem and directs approved special projects. 2. Prepare. epeclal the Director. reports for .3. Conducts inspections. FINANCE DIVISION 'COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION SERVICES DIVISION PERSONNEL DIVISION SECIIIITY DIVISION SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION 1. 2. 3. 4. gist. Exec. for Finance CIO on a S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 7. Anat. 'Exec. for Services hest. Mee. for Personnel 1. Asst.'iiic. for Security 1. Asst. Exec. for Seraiel Prepares annual budget. Maintains overall position controls. ...aunts for expenditure of funds. Furnishes nee aaaaaa fiscal support to worldwide eAsIv. Soot. Exec. for Comnunications Provides all communications service for CIG. Operates ? aaaaa ge center. Operates ? nail room. Maintains central record* and files, Provides cable mural.. Providen courier service on a worldwide basis. Conducts nee aaaaaa specialised . to provide cafe, efficient comeunications for operating offices. I. Provides complete logistical support to CIG on a worldwide Oasis to Include supplies. transpornetion end allied services. Con- trots and coordinates reproduction Psciii- ties of CIG. 2. Prescribes property accounting procedures. 3. Maintains a reproduction plant and publish- ins estabilehment ti Include a composition room and cartographic section to serve all . activities of CIG. 4. Maintains e transletion center for the trans- letion of foreign language documents and Other material to meet the reouire.ent. of CIG. ., 1. Allocates positions. 2. Procures personnel. 3. Places and trains personnel. 4. Indoctrinates and orients personnel. 5. Provide* for enployee relations. 8. Provides all the necessary personnel service.. 7. Provides medical service for ell personnel. . Provides for security of CIG installations and sad personnel on a worldwide basis In se- cordance with overall security measure& pre- scribed by Security Branch of Collection Office. reratione , Provide* necessary administrative *orrice to Office of Special Operatioas. Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 25X1A FUNCTIONAL CHART - CIO 22/7/46 (tentative) Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 OFFICE OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS Performs certain special functions prescribed for the Director of Central Intelligence by the National Intelligence Authority. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR DEPUTY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Olt Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 FUNCTIONAL CRARY . CIO 22/7itil (tentative) EIECUTIVE Coordinates and supervises the activities of the Office of Collec- tion. PERSONNEL 011 NSPCC Chief 1. Establishes administrative procedures for the Of- fice of Collection. 2. Supervise, the assignment and use of personnel with- in the Office of Collec- tion. 3. Coordinates appropriate mat- ter. with the Executive for Personnel and Admini- stration in the Office of Executive Director. SPECIAL INTELLISENCE DRANCII Chief? Determines the utilisation of such special means and methods of collecting information as may be placed st the disposal of the Di- rector of Central Intelligence. Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 INFORMATION CONTROL INANCII Ch ? 1. Operates a Me.sage Center for the Office of Collection for the receipt of infor- mation and intelligence and for its dis- tribution to the appropriate offices of the Central Intelligence Droop. 2. As directed, makes the original distribu- tion of raw information obtained from sources under control of the Office of Collection to the appropriate Governmen- tal Departments. 3. Maintains appropriate security measures for safeguarding infornation collected from imaisitive sources. OFFICE OF COLLECTION Acta for the Director of Central Intelligence in the collection of inforstation in various fi?Ide of Biretta intelligence which is required for the production of strategic and notional policy intelligence as it effects the national security. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR IIC TIE OFFICE OF COLLECTION 1. Based on requirements estilblished by She Research and Evaluation Office and the interdepartmental CoordisiatiO and Planning Staff detereines the means and methods best sailed ter the collection of information essential to the development of tbe national intelligence objectives. 2. In close coordination with the celleotion agencies of other governmental departments and the Interdepertnental Coordinating and Planning Staff, takes the necessary steps to insure the timely and adequate receipt of information required for the preenction of strategic and national policy intelligence affecting the national security. 3. In conjunction with the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff and the Office of Special Operatims, conducts constant research into the field of collection of lafermation, and recommends new means, meth- ods end teohniques for iaproving the over-all intelligence coverage by United States governmental collecting agencies. 4. Together with the Interdepartmental Coordinating and planning Staff, acts as ? coordinator of the ...gas, Methods and techniques employed by the participating agencies of the gogogomegt involved in the collection of foreign information and intent...moo, particularly as it affects the national security of the United Staten. I. Establishes administr?tive channels for the rapid distribution of all in- formation to the appropriate individuals and branches within the Central Intelligence Group authorised and required to handle such Information. Also makes the original distribution to appropriate Governmental De- partments of the raw information obtained from sources under control of the Office of Collection. C. Prescribes and regulates for the satire Central Intelligence Group over- all security and counter-intelligence measures, and such controls as may be required to control TOP SICRET material and safeguard that in- formation received from sensitive isources. DEPUTY ASSISTAMT DIRECTOR Performs duties as directed by the Assistant Director and acts for his in his absence. SECURITY SOWN Chief 1. Prescribes such information controls, counter-intelligence measures, and overall Irecurity measures as may be required to secure the operations of the CIS. Establishes procedures for safeguarding the means and methods of collecting information. 2. Maintains liaison with intelligence agencies of the participating depart- ments of the United States government in the interest of coordinating security and counter-intelligence measures to insure uniformity of pur- pose in the field of information col- lection. 3. Conducts investigation. into the sources of Information to determine the g 1 validity, credence and reliability of isiformation furnished CIG. 4. Prescribes security classification procedure., TDP SECRET controls, and methods for safeguarding information received from sensitive source.. REQUIREMENTS BRANCH Chief In close coordination with the Interde- partmental coordinating and Planning Staff and the appropriate branches of the Office of Research and Evaluation: 1. Determines the means and methods best suited for the collection of informa- tion required. 2. Maintains frequent contact with collec- tion agencies of participating gov- ernmental departaients to insure ade- quate receipt of information and in- telligence. 3. As directed, conducts research concern- ing aeons, methods, and techniques in the field of collection of information 4. As directed, coordinates the neans, nethods, and techniques employed by participating governmental departments in the collection of foreign intelli- gence. Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 FOREIGO 11011111:/NINIELLIOEMCE Chief Perform. the functions pre- scribed in this field by the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with directives promulgated by N.I.A. EXECUTIVE 1. Coordinates and supervises the activities of the Office of Remarch and Evaluation, with particular applica- tion to administration, personnel, and service. I. Coordinates appropriate matters with the Executive Staff. INF eeee TION CENTER MSC. Chief I. Operate. a eeeee ge center for the Office of Research and lamination. 2. bill normally get copies of all tnforeation end intelligence received by CIG. 3. Screens information and intelligence receiv- ed to determine appropriate di...button within Office of Ramarch and Evaluation. Cheeks to detemine that appropriate die- trinution has been made within CIS. 4. Checka the distribution lists on all mes- aides received containing rsw information to determine that appropriate distribution of the mesenge or pertinent extracts there- of has been made to State, Oar, Navy and other governmental departments and indivi- duals concerned and reports corrective ac- tion required to the Assistant Director for Research and Evaluetion. I. Makes prompt delivery of completed studies, estimates, reports. and other material to the Office of Dissemination. 6. In accord with overall security measures prescribed by Security Branch, Office of Collection assures procedures for handling TOP SECRET material and measures for safe- guarding Information and intelligence re- ceived fro. eensitive sources. 1 PERSONNEL All OIIIIIIITIST1HE MANCE alter' 1. Establishes administrative pro- cedures for the Office of Re- search and Evaluation. 2. Supervises the assignment and use of personnel within the Office of Research and Evaluation. 9. Coordinates appropriate matter. Otto the Executive for Pereonnel and Administration. Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 OFFICE OF RESEARCH I EVALUATION 1. Is the adency of the Director, CIG, which in coprdinettee with the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Plannina Staff elitabtishes requirements for and produces strategic and nation.). Mit, intelligence affecting the national Security for use am requited by the various departmente of the government. a In close coordination with appropriate intelligence divisions of participating governmental agencies, conducts the necessary re- view, research and integration of information and intelligence, and evaluatee the significance of trends and developments as they affect the notional security. Amt. Director tor ReMarch and Evelnation 1. Coordinates all appropriate activities with the Interdepartnental CoordinatinS end Planning btaff. 2. In close coordination with participating fovernitental es detemines the intelligence requiremente of the United States goverment and prepares plans for the accomplishment of the letelligence miesion of the CIO. 9. Utah/Laren the requirements for information and Intelligence from State. Oar, Navy and other departments of the goverment in the fields of intelligence of primary concern to these depertaints. Radom, evaluates end Integrates arch material with in- formation obtained throuffh CTO sources, and prepares Om evaluated strategic and nationst policy intelligence product for dis- semination to met the reqUirements of governmental depart 1.s and individuals concerned. 4. eeeeeeee the adequacy of information and intelligence furnished CIO ay State, Oar, Rimy and other governmental agencies. G. Checks the distribution lists on all new information received to detersine that appropriate distribution has been made to Stets. War. Navy and other governmental departments and individual. concerned, and where nom eeeee y arranges for additional distribu- tion required. B. Prepares such high-levek studies, estimates, and digests as may from time to time be nec eeeee y in the interest of national security of the United States and evaluates the significance of treads which my affect the national security. 7. Produces strategic and national policy intelligence for 000 bt.those governmental agencies and individuals requiring it, based upon the eeeee rch and analysis of political, economic, rillitary, ecientlac, biographical, psychological, sociological, indus- trial, geographical information and intelligence from all monrces. S. Prepare. and keeps current the Central Intelligence plan. 2. Provides the Dissemination Office material and personnel to maduct the intelligence conference and such briefing of the heads of governmental departments assay be desired by the Director of Central Intelligence. to. Coordinates closely with the Office of Diseemination in the preparation of intelli dance reports, estimates, and studies for dia- l. COordinates closely with Office of Special Operations and with the Office of Collection in esta,lishing requirements for informa- tion and intelligence. Deputy to tent. Director for Research and Evaluation I. Performs duties ae directed by the Assistant Director sad sots for him in his absence. LI eeeee BRANCO Chief 1. Establishes and maintalm a 11 - 1"1121'c:ffinft.:.;:VcThito:utge'r:.1 2. lnstltut::.:117naVit2f2; working files of information and tete - ligence for ready reference of researchers and analysts. 9. Arranges,the qppropriate prone- ceived from sensitive Sources. SI IDOL IRMO Deteminee the needs for worldwide intelli- gence involving the activities of foreign personalities, organisations. societies. political parties, etc. Assists in the preparation of the Central Intelligence Plan and essential elements of information to guide the efforts of all governmental information collecting agen- cies to secs the national intelligence re- v. Maintains a ate of complete case histories on individuals and organisations for ready reference of authorized persons of the Central Intelligence Group and of partici- pating governmental depart.ente. 4. Analyzes and reports the significance of the activities of foreign individuals, oaten, xenon., minorities, etc.. In relation to the national security of the United States. 5. Maintains clone liaison with similar eeeeee ch activities of other :nteiliSence agencies of the government to encourage the free exchange of information. TECNNICAL ASS SCIENTIFIC SAWN EILLU 1. Determines the remit...ants for worldwide in- telligence in the fields of guided missiles, atomic energy. electronic., bacteriology. munition. or mar and explosives, industry, raw materials. sad Other technical end sci- entific d000lop000to as'may effort the national seebrity of the United States. 2. assists in the preparation of the Central jn- telligence PIES and essential elements of information to *Ride the efforts of all governmental intereation collecting agen- cies to met the national intelllgence re- quirementt 3. Conducts the necesaary research, analyais, and evalu?tion of Inibenation relative to the a- bove fields is order that the capabilities and intention. .sf ? foreign power's .indus- trial potential Pp be determined In rela- tion to ite effect on the national security of the United States. 4. Reviews, integrates and evaluates infornation and Intelligente provided by other agencies of the governamt relating to the fields of technology and &elate., end prepares such atrategic and national policy studies, esti. mates, appreclations. summaries, etc., ea say be required by various agencies of the government? 5. Maintains close liaison with government re- search and d000lop000t activities in the fieldn of technology and science as neces- ,,ary to beep *Omit of plans and accoppli eh- Rents which taay assist In the evaluation of ,spabilittea of fotei an effort,. REGIONAL SNANCNES (I) Chief of each Branch 1. Determines the requirements for the produc- tion of integrated strategic and national policy intelligence within a designated area, relating to political. economic, military, geographical, industrial, socio- logical and psychrilogical informtion. 0. Assist? in the preparation of the Central Intelligence Plan and essential elements of infornation to guide the efforts of ?11 governmental inforeation collecting agencies to meet the national intelligence require- ments. 3. Reviews, analyzes and evaluates all informa- tion and intelligence received and prepares such digests, summaries; estimates, appre- ciations and ',lashes as may be required to appraise developments and trends thra Aan- out the world which may affect the national security of the United States. 4. Maintains liaison with similar research activities of ell governmental agencies. Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 7 NEQUIREataTS AIM Cli010t. REPORTS INS CI Chief Ants for the Assistant Director to. 1. Coordinete appropriate activities of the Office with the Interdepart- mental Coordinating and Planning Staff, with the other Offices Of CIG, and with the State, War, Navy and other Governmental Depart- 0. Cont.,: md saps...Mete the liaison and contact. of the appropriete Sranches of the Office with Governmental Departments. 3. Determine the intelligence requirements of the Government and plan for the accomplIshaent of the intelligence mission of CIO. 4. Determine the requirements for information, and prepare sad keep cur- rent the Central intelligence Flan. 5. Coordinate the eeeeeeee nt of the adequacy of information and intelli- gence furnished CIG. M. Control end coordinate the production of strategic and national policy intelligence by. a. Supervising the preparation of Studies, estimates, and reports, and where necessary assigning tasks to the Research Branches. b. Maltina the final review of studies, mtimeten, and reporte to in- sure proper integration and correct over-all evelnation. c. Compiling daily. weekly, and other periodic reports. d. Arranging to provide the Office of Dissemination with personnel and material for the conduct of briefings and the Intelligence Conference. Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0 FUNCTIONAL COAST - CIO 42/7/116 (tentative) EXECUTIVE 1. Coordinates the activities of tho Office of Dissemination 2. Supervises activities relating to adminlstra, Live and personnel matters. 3. Coordinates the requirements for service. with Personnel and Administrative Branch. SURVEYS AND REPORTS MRCS Chief In close coordination with appropriate branches of the Research and Evaluation Office and the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff: 1. Surveys the requirements of participating government agencies for strategic ? and national policy intelligence ne y from the standpoint of the na- tional security of the United States, and plans and recommends the methods, Procedures, and controls relating to the dissemination of central intelli- gence necessary to meet the requirements of participating agencies of the United States government. 2. Where practicable relieves and facilitates the work of the appropriate branch of the Research and Evaluation office of the responsibility for the compila- tion of long-range surveys, studies and statistical analyses of national intelligence as may be practicable to reproduce and publish from library or working files. 3. As directed conducts the necessary investigations and renders reports periodi- cally on the adequacy of central intelligence dissenination and the extent of utilization by participating departments of the United States government. 4. Maintains an intelligence operations room for the orientation and indoctrina- tic& of authorized intelligence personnel of the United States government. 5. Arranges for such periodic reports, conferences, briefings, lectures, and visual presentations as may be necessary to keep the Director, CIG, and the heads of participating governmental departments currently inforned on mat- ters of foreign intelligence affecting the national security of the United States. OFFICE OF DISSEMINATION 1. The Agency of the Director of Central Intelligence responsible for the dissemination of evaluated strategic and national policy intelligence produced by the Office of Research and Evaluation. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR DISSEMINATION Ass/SUMS Director for Dissemination In close coordination with the Assistant Director of Research and Evaluation and with the staff: 1. Conducts such surveys, renders such reports, performs such services and such intel- ligence controls a. may be required to assist and facilitate the work of the Office of Research and Evaluation in disneminating strategic and national policy intelli- gence to participating *denotes of the United States government. 2. In coordination with the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff, determines the method., procedures and oontrols for the dissemination of central intelligence based upon the requirements of participating department. of the United States gov- ernnent. 3. Where practicable, relieves the Office of Research and Evaluation of the responsibil- ity for the preparation of such long-range survey., studies and statistical analyses U may be compiled and reproduced from intelligence previously analyzed end evalua- ted. 4. In coordination with the Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff investigate. and reports periodically on the adequacy of Central Intelligence dissemination and its utilization by participating departments of the United States government. 5. Keeps Executive Staff informed of priorities and requirements in?connection with re- production and other publication facilities used in the dissenination of central intelligence. 8. Maintains an intelligence operations room and handles arrangements for such periodic conferences, briefings, lectures and visual presentations as may be necessary to keep the Director. CIG, and the heads of participating governmental departments currently informed on matters of foreign intelligence affecting the national security of the United States. 7. In accord with the overall security meaeures prescribed by the Security Branch of the Collection Office, controls the classification and security measures relative to the release of central intelligence and prescribes the procedures for safeguarding its dis.emination and distribution throughout the United States government. INTELLIGENCE CONTROL IRANCII ief In accordance with overall security measures prescribed by the Security Branch of the Col- lection Office: 1. Authentioatos the security classification of all intelligence documents, summaries, and publications disseminated by the Office of Dissenination. 2. Establishes security controls relative to the distribution and dissemination of intelli- gence throughout the government. 3. In cooperation with participating sgencies of the United States government arranges for the standardization of security measures for safeguarding the dissemination of stra- tegic and national policy intelligence vital to the national security of the United States. 4. Assures procedures for handling TOP SECRET material and measures for safeguarding in- telligence from sensitive sources. DISTRIBUTION ISAACS Chief 1. Operates ? message center for the Office of Dissemination. 2. Functions as a distribution center for the Office of Dissemination. 3. Obtains from Executive for Personnel and Adninistration courier service for the dissemination of central intelligence. 4. Obtains from Executive for Personnel and Administration reproduction and publish- ing service to meet the requirements for dissemination of central intelligence. Approved For Release 2001/03/01: CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040008-0