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TOP SECRET Approved For (ease 2002/4)9/03 : CIA-RDIf 33-02415 00800030003-6 9242-4-73 Copy 6 of 12 11 APR 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, CIA Reconnaissance Programs SUBJECT: Program Progress Report Forwarded herewith are three copies of the IDEALIST Program Progress Report for the period 1 January 1973 - 31 March 1973, Brigadier General, U F Director of Special Activities Attachment 25X1 As stated 6413-73) rc' 25X1 Impossible to Determine pproved For Release 2004 - 3-02415A0008000 DOWNRAD Yl VIOSSIIF CAGT ON ING 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For lease 2002/0 33-02415AW0800030003-6 25X1 II 9242-4-73 25X1 Page 2 2501 25X1 4- DDS&T Reg 5-D/SA 6- SAS/O/OSA 7 - D/O/OSA 8 - IDEA/O/OSA 9 - INTEL/ O/ OSA 10 - D/M/OSA 11 - AMS/OSA 12 - RB/OSA C/SAS/O/OSA Distribution: 1 - D/CRP 2 - D/CRP 3 - D/CRP (9 April 1973) Approved For Release 2002T3 S PT33-02415A0008000 GROUP I EXCLUDED FROM AIITOMATIC DOWNGRADING 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For ease 2002/0 /03 : CIA-RD 33-02415)MbO800030003-6 25X1 6413-73 25X1 IDEALIST OPERATIONAL SUMMARY AND STATUS (1 January 1973 - 31 March 1973) I. I ( OPERATIONAL MISSION SUMMARY A. Ten IDEALIST TACKLE operational missions were alerted durin this period.f- All missions were planned to be flown no closer than 25 nautical miles to the China mainland coast. Following is a summary of these missions: 1. Mission C013C was flown on 4 January 1973 along the central China coast from Shanghai, south to Quemoy. This was an island search mission using the ItB" camera. Due to 95 percent cloud cover, only nine of 99 programmed COMIREX targets were covered. 2. Mission C043C, planned for island coverage along the central China coast, was flown on 31 January 1973. Weather again precluded coverage of all programmed targets; however, 16 programmed and six bonus COMIREX as well as nine non- COMIREX targets were covered. 3. Mission C053C was flown in the Port Arthur area on 24 February 1973. Photo interpretability was fair and 54 targets were covered, 15 of which were bonus. Approved For Release 2002UG 3 t5EAU?4L"3-02415A0008000 TGG11C DOWNGRADING ~CMSSIFICATION 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For lease 2002/9/03 : CIA-RDI33-02415A 60800030003-6 25X1 6413-?3 25X1 Section 1 Page 2 5. Mission C093C was flown in the Taiwan Straits area on 22 March 1973. Photographic coverage was obtained of 42 targets, 38 of which were programmed, . 6. Mission C103C was flown on 27 March 1973 along the central China coast north from Quemoy to Shanghai. Photo- graphic coverage was obtained of 107 targets, 28 of which were COMIREX. B. Two missions were flown to obtain standoff photography of coastal North Vietnam with the "H" camera. These missions were planned to approach no closer than 12 nautical miles from the mainland or offshore islands. Excessive cloud cover and heavy haze conditions combined with some processing anomalies resulted in less than anticipated coverage of this area. cloud cover and haze were encountered after three photo flight lines and the mission was aborted. 2. Mission was aborted for weather after completing four photo flight lines. II GENERAL A. RED DOT - Eight sorties were flown in 'support of contin- uing film tests using various film types and camera configurations. Rpproved For Release 200 GROUP R~~p~~,-y{~II EXCLUDED FROM pI XN{1`9YCCT1SSSIIFICAT ON DOWNGRADING 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved Fort'lease 2002 33-024150800030003-6 25X1 I 6413- 73 25X1 Section 1 Page 3 25X1 E. I "B" Lens - Two qualification flights were flown with the modified "B" configuration. F. W COMPASS TRIP - Seven sorties were flown to complete the multi-sensor coverage of controlled poppy growth in Puerto Rico. Two sorties were flown with black and white film, three with color, and two used the multi-spectral system. McCoy AFB, Florida was used as an operating location. 25X1 PILOT AND AIRCRAFT STATUS (AS OF 31 MARCH 1973) A. Detachment "G" (Edwards AFB - North Base) Pilots Approved For Release 200 CLUDEDFROM 3-02415A0008000XD OWNGRAD NG AND TA4 DEC LASSIFICA1 ION 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000800030003-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000800030003-6 TOP SECRET Approved For'Iease 2002/ 9/03 : CIA-RDP 3-0241500800030003-6 25X1 6413-73 25X1 IDEALIST DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AND PROGRESS Cl January 1973 - 31 March 1973) A. J-75P13B Engine - The installation of improved third stage turbine blades to increase engine life expectancy continued. During .this quarter new blades were installed in nine engines, making a total of 31 completed. Additionally, an improved first stage turbine blade is available through commercial sources. This improved blade has been installed in one engine. Action is in process to procure and install two additional sets to test durability. It is anticipated that this modification will permit the extension of Hot Section Inspection (HSI) an additional 100 hours and Time Between Overhauls (TBO) an addi- tional 200 hours. If this proves true, improved first stage blades will be installed in the remaining engines. B. U-ZR Flight Test and Operational Training Summary 1. IDEALIST Program accomplishments in U-2R. aircraft since introduction include 10, 681. 7 hours on 3, 290 sorties as of 31 March 1973. 2. Flight test and operational data are depicted below: 1 JAN-31 MAR 1 JAN-31 MAR FLIGHTS TIME 1 - 051 50 127.8 2 - 053 52 134.8 3 - 054 62 168.4 4 - 055 44 155.3 586. 3 I I GROUP I EXCLUDED FROM 25X1 Approved For Release 200 TEICTM-02415AO0080001 7~ RITtTECTASSIOE CAT ON INC TOP SECRET Approved Forl4tlease 2002/ 33-02415W60800030003-6 16413-73 Section 2 Page 2 PAYLOAD A. "H" Configuration - The new lens installed in "H" Serial Number 002 produced unsatisfactory results during flight test for qualification. The configuration was returned to the contractor's facility for engineering evaluation in early December. At the end of the quarter it was still in the plant. B. "B" Configuration - The first B-3 system incorporating the new apochromatic f/8 lens was delivered on 23 March 1973. This lens satisfied the bench specification testing requirements prior to installation in the camera system. The first test flight of the B-3 was 27 March 1973. C. Delta Research Camera - OSA is providing technical and contractual support to OSP and the NRO for the acquisition of a second f/3. 5 apochromatic lens and vG;.riable slit modifications to the scan heads of the Delta camera. A Icontract has been accepted for the lens. OSA involvement is expected to continue until the fourth quarter of FY 1974. Approved For Release 200 -02415A0008000 QrYb z'f ,SSIIF CAT ON ING 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved Forllease 2002/19/03: CIA-RD433-024150800030003-6 6413- 73 ecion2 Page 3 IV. I AERO MEDICAL AND LIFE SUPPOI' T ACTIVITIES Medical Activities 1. COMPASS TRIP - In February C/AMS , served as Detachment Flight Surgeon at McCoy AF' Florida for the final COMPASS TRIP deployment. He was also able to visit the SAC Life Support facilities during this period. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 JGROUP I EXCLUDED FROM 25X1 4pproved For Release 2002 :Q~3-02415A0008000 QW DOWNGRADING Z` ASSOW RA TOP SECRET Approved For 'lease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDPI33-02415WO800030003-6 25X1 6413- 73 25X1 Eton 2 Page 4 25X1 6. I I Personnel Notes a. Ihas been nominated by the USA for a desirable overseas assignment prior to completion of his tour with OSA. Gen. Bevan had indicated his approval providing certain requirements were met. The Air Force nominee for replacement has been interviewed. b. is resigning to enter a "Physician's Assistant" Course at the University of Oklahoma. c. at Detachment "G" graduated from I the first class of a new USAF Senior NCO Staff College at Gunter AFB, Alabama. Life Support Activities 1. u Survival Weapon - The first of 26 new 22-caliber survival weapons was delivered to Headquarters on 1 March. This weapon has been test fired at Ft. Meade, Maryland, and appears to be completely acceptable as a survival aid for packing in the U-ZR seat kit. Approved For Release 200 Agency Medical Technician 3-02415A0008000~ Zrap GROUP IEEXCLUDED FROM WNGRA AF rION DING Q 9WCLASDSIOF C 25X1 6413-73 Section 2 Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved For lease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDI'33-02415 00800030003-6 2. II Automatic Seat Kit - The sensing device feasibility study is presently 40 percent complete. The design engineering section indicates that the concept is sound and the only major constraint to date is in the area of miniatur- ization and packaging. Test flights from a helicopter will begin during the next quarter. 3. S1010 Pilot Protective Assembly (PPA) Prototype Helmet - e first flyable model of the 51010 pressure suit helmet was delivered during March 1973 along with a modified pressure suit to mate with it. This suit was from bonded stock and sized to accommodate at least a portion of the current pilots for short flights. Test flying will begin during the fourth quarter of FY 1973 to determine pilot acceptability. 4. jIRQ-225 Parachute Repack - Headquarters Life Support is considering a personal parachute repack capability for Detachment "H". At the present time five parachutes are kept operationally ready at the detachment and when due repack, which is every 90 days, they are shipped via commercial air to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, California. A Protective Equipment Technician who is a Master Parachutist and has previous experience in parachute repacking, has recently been assigned to Detachment "G" for further assignment to Detachment "H". If his packing technique proves to be acceptable, a considerable savings in transportation costs would be gained. Additionally, the 10 days of-transit and customs delays would be eliminated. Training Activities 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. Water Survival Training - Water training was conducted L at the indoor swimming pool for 25X1 raining was accomplished in the standard ow ig t equipment and the 51010 PPA full pressure suit, survival kit, and one man liferaft. Ipilots also received initial training in drown-proofing. Approved For Release 20020 - ffT3-02415A0008000~ GROUP I. FXCLUOFD FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING 00oa4ASSIFICATION 25X1 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved ForIease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RD'33-024100800030003-6 6413- 73 ecion2 Page 6 2. Physiological Training at Detachment "G11 - Physio- logical training, pressure suit chamber fli hts and explosive g decompressions were accomplished by 25X1 I Isuits required some-.factory rework or proper lit. This has been completed and the suits are now in place at Detachment ?'G". 25X1 25X1 3. Arctic Survival Training - The Headquarters Life Support Officer accompanied the Detachment "G" 25X1 on his initial Arctic survival training exercise conducted in January 1973 in the Sierra Mountains of California. 4pproved For Release 2002T - Ti3-02415A0008000 GROUP 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING OOQI3GesSIFHCATION 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000800030003-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000800030003-6