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N - D DEC L' g A' 'a`ft/ lt4ltk'N 9 ?dKP9PiLE AGREZMENT D} TWE N THE C T ? Off' D TEN E AND THE D EGTO OF CENTINTELLIGENCE .8 M EM OF THE NATIONAL CONNA CE PROGRAM a Haden" R"On"1890aw azam D e f e n s e eball t o t vo lrsut for the N R c 99auco Paso w canduawd I n accordam witb Leo and g. 4 a J y &Xr 4 to by t1w crcta td l4ia a ' tho O? QS coutral s . , A. To * , expewisnao cam ao wit:Iqa t- ut Dafea" a the GwAml l etc, Agency a and most effectir T r?' 6 a t , management an-4 a ? oS the Nmatioua P e o P the Sea Doleae &" the iaotor of Central g - raagroo that the Saes"tam of .13. I To v s m etb o a e Exegutive Aar for the Natlo Roe . S a w r a 'the Bacy"ary GI 7 fox o Will establish as a ca eta opera awRey of Mpartment of f e a N*Uonal Reconnaissance t mart' iC tyand ao of, the bahaU the a,ivi U of e NaOwval Rac and t h e t r a 1 1 .c A o to exawAw and op-Ito r on t v 4 to app op t. ciala of the ice of Vacranry C. Sm tom, o of " v a ve vas al ttev t crour , 'o Defouse tUV ral t Uqe . y . oftwift"M I M4 C the t a e w 0oaioe aloe VIM 1 t all The N / A. A retay ap .from a t ya ar.A a ? : ' t t of l to a by the Sacratary - se V c eofth Dbee"V oft I. , oball devote -, as major pQa U . g. to the bwkess t the NNatlarAl Rao so e -. . no ? A ,p-Vv a from va and T11andle V14 NRO 25X1 Approved For Release 2001 08/26`: CIA-RDP3 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 :jCIA-RDP33-0241000400060045-1 lateMSease with the c eurr ee the ary ci Mien".' The l op ty Divoctor NRO o WA be to the chain of command dir,eedy under Ohs Director NRO and oh&U at all thnea kept fly and currently Warmed as to all a r ti of the Ngatlo el Reconnaissance Program. U r the direction of the Mre4ar N AO he WmIl be ree.e .. a tort 1. Saab g relatI b t n O~a NR? and the Unit" States W-eMgouce b d a its etc e, and 9be 1 geoce a a . GiTledtadon a. S* all N Oka ae by the Director NRO to the Cs tr Ilea a Agency. 3. Fero ? Z such a r wee ae may be ae gned by the ate'. NRC. The Deputy r for 0,911 act for, and a or .eo the powers of the Dire r, NUO, d= Me absence or dicablUty. ? C. owth -rev l of the Army* Nary, ir )'orce, other Co a p e e at the art t of r) e e and the Central teltip ce en as shall aeelg d on a fuf time bae to a pr a to paidflow n the Natioad Res*aeta Cce. D. Th* n of cesamand ohall r treetly from the Secretary of fen as rno c re A e?r to the Mr or, NRO. Guidance to the re or. NRO? shall be f shed by the Secretary of Defense an afire Rest re r a by the U ted Mates l ltua e Board. UL FvacUms and 'Ro n a the N3 . . R onwa ranee W-fte Subje;3 to the '' r# ., ac:tho ty and c t l of the S ry ease, t h e N RecewwAswwa" CO", P - u d e r the o ra e a e 4 and c to r r, 1e ree a stbla for the na g . set of On aspects the N? 30 1a ~.l d to; NRO 25X1 ! 1 a Approved For Release. 2001/08/26 :'CIA-RDP33-02415A000400060045-1 Appro J For Release 2001-'/O8126 ,: -CIA-RDP3 2415A000400060045-1 Y c aeso will be MA119 app P over denied terwit"YO b gaticrna. ' y4mum cea Oj the Depart- r o 01 inteU19-ence. pp "is a eyat a exC4U'I%`* CA mto -? ' basis for the approval of the A. T~-valopant on a c~ar~n aa1co of l ic~nar a the I cter of central r to for c .ection secreta y Of nce p'rograx, of all p , g overflights sin$Xa rtatia l Recon ' ,A se tt IMformaUon thr f I%VrdI&l few" A elnt of a cond of I - of H. eein N" prole a. TALUS appropriato 21 w cea and the I7oD. CIA azd private e+ .tractea9. ,, peripheral %#r b a and rO*o~ chni l 4"A operation cape all ?ollo procaas to e;up t1 port rne$t of D.i e. NSA and C4A pr ojeCtR a ~aedal~- to the G? r-'011041" B. Ros~nz divot the States menta and prlor es aeLahliah d b. ~' r*gUire 13rA l~tleBoard* in the Na'tiar-l C. SchoWSAS all rAssion by eve 4 og agp,pr3&te Clearances where fROM. Rec~annaieace '~ ~n~ appr~rri~t~- A. All NItI' WS PAS over dented rrttelry. the spawent cd Defense capahilitieso fatWs and ree sees Central elligonce Agency. and the tl n 6? proda on, and dellvOTY l~ fiery preceDal ollicd by the tIB. of the Cole d product to the r eere e corre an +sbla F. T.1ec s r~tat on. ccavereia~-. tee to Yield co lectio ctio'a Of the dal clof such collection p rnct i XUOn s proc to the ary r~lloctioa product, and d ~+ive~ for offip~oit fort tioaotho r with a~ a wed by t tha U~~? NSA ,,,ether tiuaer as sLa to comet a *lyels of collect ay provide . m ?a w as to p G. Engineering Tenn syco probleMS that exist on the NRO 25X1 .ev Co b 8y Approved For Release 2001/08/26 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000400060045-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/26 :. CIA-RDP33-24AA000400060045-1 I. Presentation. as required. of all aspects of the MRP to the Special Group and the Phreeidont'e Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. J. Mainte nce of a uniform system of 'security procedures and control in accordance with security policy established for the MMP by the Director of Central Intelligence. It. Proparati*a of budget r ste for all T progrer?n. and presented and subetantla.lion of such budget requests to the Secretary. of Defense and t e Director of C tral Intelligence, the Bureau of the Budget and' Congresei l Com i e. CIA will tncl de in its bwiget presentation to the Bureau of the budget and coagressional Corn itteoe the f de for those P to m which are aeeignsd to CIA and which are to be fisexced from ream ee. L. Ditectios and ge tint of the application of, end adrrxi a- t tlo of all f ds made a ,ilabie for the National Reco tesamca Program. Ftmds expended or obligated ndor the atathority of the Director of Central Inteltigeace under Public Law 110 will adxrai ietored and accoted for by CIA. M. Rendition-of stet e-of k ads reports and analyses. N. Releaee'of public information cubject to the sea;urity gufidanie of Cam... IV. Auth*rldea The Due ro N td al 1' c iscance Off ce, In cow .ecttca with his assigned res aibilties for the National Pao n iaece Progr , ehsi be ant cared tet A. Or o vMg and sego the Natfo 1 lftec isa ce Office. ge &M couiduct the Natio sec io , o a./ E aft, gwe . pro, C. Assign all projoct tacks such as tochalcael managouaost, coa:- tracting, ate. , to a . p to of o e of the DOD and tle CIA, chang eh acsignertie, and ng any ouch etepe ! may dotasine ac comeary to the efficient nmmaiwaent of the M.P. NRO 25X1 Handle Control %v d For Release 2001/02 9 :C1A-RDP33-02415A000400060045-1 Approved .For Release 2001/08/26: CIA-RDP-9'2415A000400060045-1 I. 1sea priats instructions aud preeceed r.e t Len . t this a~et, V. 1& hi A..- In carrying cs hia responsibilities for the I t imial Red c - "Sis ce Program# the Director, Mtkwd Reco eeai a Office sh&lli 1. Report directly to the Socraftry of ties and c hall beep him and t I4reaftr of Central latelligencee currently informed an the NRO and the MRP. In addition he 0111 beep such o et le of the Department of Dater and the Cent 1 tcrngence Agency as the Secre- tary of Deie s@ and the Director of Central Intelligenee' z ay respectively deet - to f 4er the p visions of paragraph I. C. to ormwniua and monitor the Nat 1 e is a Program em their behalf, personally informed an a regular bawls, or on raV4*et, as the status of projects of the Nati l ca a nco Program. 7i. Establish a prate Mom between the Natiaml Reco issanco Office and the United 9fttes Intelligence Board, the Joint Chiefe of ff, the Defense I teliigeenc. Agency, and the National Security Agency. 3. Wt"re a ropriate make we of q ad pereo el of the Deprtment of Weave and the Central lat igence Agency as 1-time mom re of the National Recommiscance office. 4, Make n-aAmum s ifllaatien.ot appropriate teeechasi+ l and operational capabilities and reeonrcee of the Department of Defense, the National -Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency to aanpr~ all collection and processing programs including, but not limited to, electronic signal and Imagery programo. B. Officials of &U elemae? nts of the Department o!' ?ensee and the C atral Intelligence Agency shall provide support 4t is their respective i-uthoritdee to the Director, l tional Reec lee nce Office, as may be necoecary for the Director to carry out his assigned a reeponeibiltties and functions. re r4 d :management pr ed ee s ll be utilized whershy individual project directors will report directly to the Director, National Mecca iena.nce Offi, co. The Dirac-ter, National Reconnaissance Offie*. shall be given ea rt as reel .rd fee= normal staff elements of tbA NRO 25X1 Itandle rs Control System Approved For Release 2U01a~8J26-;: +t/IA-RDP33-02415A000400060045-1 Apprd For Release 2001/08126 : CIA-RDP3 2415A000400060045-1 Military dm rrt ie tae and ages, ,eiees of the fl tt naestt of Defames and of > Cent l Intelligence Agency c co abd although these staff' elements will not participate is those project matters except . as he specifically sec etas. s Ad these projects will r t bass object to nod D rtmout of Defense or Control Ztaolligesece Agency stag review. VI. Effective Date This aa117ToemO t is effective an aa1Ss t ?e and su >rsedee the DD-CIA NRO Agree eat dated 2, May 1962. (,3 Mich 1963 Roeweli Gilpa.tric . ' eotos of Central Intelligence Dpi ereftry of Engine , Job* A. McCo _evI rat ST61 ? 6 Approved For Release 2001108126 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000400060045-1