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Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : Cl
,15A00010038V 0-7
CHAL 0977-60
Copy L of
J L MAY 1960
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director (Plans)
SUBJECT: Proposed Reorganization for Project CHALICE
1. This memorandum contains recommendations for the approval
of the Deputy Director (Plans). Such recommendations are contained
in paragraph 7.
2. Operational Assessment
a. An assessment of the current deployment and utilization of
Project CHALICE assets suggests that a more effective and profit-
able operational employment for accomplishing the primary mission
is possible and desirable.
b. Due to its location, Base "C" has been unable to profitably
contribute to the primary mission of photographic overflight. Only
one overflight of the USSR has been flown directly from Base "C".
Overflight coverage which has been accomplished has required
sta in operations from Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska an~ 25X1B6c
25X1B6c As is true of Base "C", there are no other
suitable permanent bases in the Far East which would permit direct
overflight of the USSR. In addition, the acute political sensitivity to
Base "C" operations renders any operational activity from this
location most uncertain.
c. Conversely, Base "B" continues to possess many opera-
tional advantages in support of the primary mission and with relative
immunity to political pressures. Additionally, its strategic location
near European satellites, Middle East targets, and the southern
periphery of the USSR afford the bonus advantage for photographic
and electronic surveillance of these areas.
d. The CHALICE Stateside base will soon have completed its
R&D.programs. Upon completion of its R&D mission this base will
no longer represent a profitable utilization of project assets within
present operational concepts.
Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CI 100380010-7
Approved For Release 2000/05/22: CIA-RDMIUGM-ft 0380010-7
wry= w
3. Proposed Two Base Operational Concept
a. The foregoing discussion suggests the need for an opera-
tional concept which would more effectively accomplish the CHALICE
mission and more economically utilize CHALICE assets. This can
be accomplished with two permanent operational bases, one overseas
and one within the Zone of Interior, both equipped to support staging
operations using the "fast move" concept when feasible. Base "B"
and the project ZI base best fulfill this requirement.
b. Base "B" would continue to be the primary operational base
in that the greatest CHALICE intelligence requirement lies within its 25X1 B6c
ner or by the use of Base "Bt" mission aircraft with
,personnel and equipment augmentation from the ZI base as required.
c. The ZI base would be the secondary operational base with the
capability for independent staging operations within its assigned opera-
tional area. Stagings could be accomplished from Eielson Air Force
25X1B6c Base, Alaska; The ZI base
would possess the operational capability to accomplish far more over-
flight coverage than is now possible from a permanent Far East base.
d. The attached chart denotes radii of action at 70 thousand foot
altitude from each of the aforementioned bases. This range could be
increased on specific missions which can be planned using a split
altitude profile.
4. Operational Equipment Requirements
a. Operational equipment requirements and proposed allocation
in support of the two base concept are as follows: (Note that except
for the recommended U-2C air refueling modification and for three
J-75 engine installations, no new equipment need be purchased).
Base B ZI Total
Primary Aircraft
U-2C (slippered) 4 3 7
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Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP33-02415A000100380010-7
Special Equipment
B Configuration 3
2 5
A-2 Configuration 4
2 6
Tracker 4
3 7
LINT Equipment
System I
3 7
System III
3 7
System VI
1 3
System VII
0 1
her Equipment
Granger Box
2 4
Ball Sampler
2 4
Filter Hatch
2 4
Weather Package
1 2
pport Aircraft
2 4
0 2
1 1
1 1
b, This equipment requirement represents a substantial
reduction of current hardware inventory. The most significant equip-
ment reduction is the removal of all J-57 equipped aircraft from the
inventor . It is envisioned that these aircraft could be transferred to
the to accomplish the complete coverage
of the China Mainland. This subject will be treated in a subsequent
5. Personnel Requirements
a. The personnel requirements in support of the two base
concept would likewise be considerably less than the manning totals
now maintained. Only a small percentage of the personnel which are
presently assigned to Base "C" would be required to augment the ZI
Base to achieve the required operational capability there. In general
terms, the overall personnel requirement would be that number
Approved For Release 2000/05/22: CIA-RD1000100380010-7
Approved For Release 2000/0/22: CIA-RDP33 X80010-7
required to support two operational bases which in addition possess
a staging capability. equirements would be reduced
from the present 16 to 10.
6. Finance
a. With the closing of Base "C" and thru the reduction of
personnel and equipment commensurate with paragraphs 3. and 4.
above, substantial savings 1l' crue. It is estimated that an
annual savings in excess o ill be reali '~Jamore than
8% of the current CHALICE budget of approximatel
Initially, however, increased expenditures will be incurre as a
result of relocation of equipment and personnel from Base "C",
terminal leave pay for personnel to be released from the Project,
and for facilities improvements of the ZI base, if required.
capability as soon as possible.
7. Recommendations
It is recommended that the following actions be taken as indicated:
a. Organization:
(1) Phase out Base "C" by 1 September 1960.
(2) Establish proposed operational capability at Base "B"
and ZI base by 1 September 1960.
b. Personnel:
(1) Freeze Base "C" personnel actions immediately.
(2) Reduce strength to ten as soon as possible.
c. Equipment and Materiel:
(1) Modify required U-2 aircraft to J-75 configuration.
(2) Modify all CHALICE U-2C aircraft for air refueling
olonel USAF
Acting Chief, DPD-DD/P
App iovedhFor Release 2000/05/22: CIA-RDP33 ?1; 0100
As noted above
Approved For Release 2000/
22 : CIA-R p~15A000100380010-7
approved subject to
25X1A9a provisos and reservations
in memorandum, Chal-0997,
dated 24 May 1960, fm DD/P.
The recommendations contained in
Deputy Director (Plans)
Richard M. Bissell, Jr
DPD/COPS/~ph (23 May 1960)
Orig. - AC/DPD (w/attach)
2 - DD/P (w/o attach)
3 - DPD/COPS (w/o attach)
4 - DPD/RI (w/o attach)
Approved For Release 2000/05/22: 011 100380010-7