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. r 0. 16,01ERtdElliIMI4iT 1411,1?-'414111141iiinnitrOMMINNETHEMEMERES " I?. Declassified and Approved For1.1;,7,17.,.eip.itot1i/i9,1g6pii Clii8.k4RD.,P13,X40104,0..0.,,11RO.,OLO,;10. 0440008-8 11,7w r ? 'a -1;1* e, 1' r';2 - ? - . 4,1 221; _ ? ? , '!? i."-:.?.:,- ,.,. . r . .4.4.? tr-1, '' L. - ' 4-1:4'.. S;:i e -... . '.. -- '...'' --'i. - - '? ' l:T.-- ' -.. :'77?.. t! ..-i: ...,.. --.- -.+ ! ' ' 1-': ..e...,.4- ., .cr? : 111-?1111'.,1;1;';.- -7; -: -'5 ,, 14. i 1: ; 1 'k ' \ : .-::-.*:. 11'...' 11 . .....3 " _. i.. ? . .4.....; ;:t.,.: : i:If; .1.1 :4 - : 5.,1.- *: ? ?,:, , -, . ? ., .:?1:31:1 4%::!--. ? .111?-? . ' 4 4 . ..; --%, 4- ..i5.g .i.,., -- .,,, ...-.,,,,,, , , , ....- , ? ri ' i4,....... A', `ox ?;"" ' . ^- ;It..,-1. :. . 4 ' ti ,, ~45,N, i,_?? L. ....-,.:4 . -..11:. 214E- " - -,-1 r -i r'''' ? - ? ii.. ,-f-: - , 1 il" - .1..z..;.....? j A44!. , I. ; ?i.. ' :=J.:,...! -..,?:?.,,,3 , I. . . ., , wil, 1,....-. ? 15-- -... '; i'--ri ? ? - ' ... it %,,k- . ....; .-:. -.'i','Z-1. :E; 7-. ., ?,..,-,:e.,E4 -..s.4- - - or$....ii I' !-; l..i, -?..: ..' if-1 . '7,W,I.:...t, .1.? ii.?J ? I .1r: t.. .4, ?49 , ..,2 : '. : ? ? -- i? s- - , , -..4 : ,,,.? ; . ?b-ft , ,? -.- - ? -.-;" ? .1-,i ,,, . ? , . - 1 -:,,t4, , e?-,,,. , .. , ei ??,,,. - .,, .. .,, ?,? - F- , '424 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 0 ei p6x1aIoi tf North Airica inaportant ta our waref'-il? araoco and. "tuiiisin. In Algeria ;where the French have been J...n- ?.1.1,,,c1 c it8c:. 'aver one hdi'licliA years, the 14osiems have ither been re arming ,rf,r1,1 ,iorocco a di.vtAcri ,-!:,(1-0..s between th(.. French, and Spanish .Zon, c tter now IncLufiinii-, thP formi.r Intsrnational Zone of TanFleiv n th Fr=ch landing. AmeTi.rn.nF. c th- Ac ns a Ahol, were delighted,ur.1 and th,: we)rti be Vreeq ,t dt:i ve;ntg hlApd nAntain our reputation. One o' the Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 7777 ; : 4 ? (2) PE Rine e Gpd it is men like these who have landed on our shoresi Thi, 4 en thinit o instruct their men how t behave toward Moslems! They r.:1,37 4;0 indeed fine people!" Again, a Syrian Moslem U.S. soldier named Siblini was seen pryir, In a mosque, in U.S. Army uniform. He was led before the Sultan, wii delighted, andwhora 83,e then served as liaison and interpreter. In general, the Americans give the Arabs whom they see candy, chewing-gum, chewing-gum, and clothing. They are kind to children; the' down their vehicles rather than run over sheep. They are good humor,,i and generous and treat the Arabs like human beings. They do not, llAtt many of the French, always shout at them, but they speak to them in a moderate tone of voice. The Arabs appreciate this and wish to assocliqL. with our soldiers. In many Army messes one finds Arabs working in t!le kitchen, some In G-I uniforms. In petrol dumps he same is true. LDSt outfits have adopted Arab mascots in one capacity or other, and many these have learned English since November 8th. Of course but a small proportion of the Moslems have sun or dit with Americans.----onlAhose living in cities or along he roi.0.3, ttnc near the bivouac areas t where they congregati. to sell oranges and But all of them know out us, and despite the malicious propavandn against us, spread by megoy agents and, in some cases, almost certty, by French a well, we are still popular among the kkrarage illiterate Atftbs. 0 the Arilo intelligens a, including the survivors of thc; Untionalist party, ftttli let down now that tliey realize t!1;$4 goWg to chaago their status and that they will riNtiair Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP1 - -; . , ' t ' ? ; ' =pass, The V ouch, wh,, insist on taking charge o?he distributionm 7r, 4 ro of the French government Diatters oust be deferred unti ' - - t -;?4:6 - 1 , dois vs no good to tU them thht fter we have won the war) if wn air afaIrs at 4110 Furthermore the failure of our goods---cottfn; ougaro shoesp etc,----to be distributed quickay or equably h=is cod our strongest asset in establishing good relations to a small have kept most of the olothohesselves---in Fez they handed out ell:recl. to the Arabs---and while French children get all the American milk fix!.7 can drInk, tem Arab babies get littici or none, At Khemisset the Cot. -. Civil &Andthe Kaid worked a mutual racket. They kept the tea t;Iv.:n them byhe Americans to distribute amon0he natives, and ooll it on tkl- black market, At Brkane a month ago Allirican shoes were :old In a sho:, with tills in tae wlnuow: "Vent e :Libre des souliers Americans, Interait au Is.441!zulitn. Iepe Jt1ws were forbidden to buy, it is easy to ituacirf! how qunr pair ol f;hoosl,the Arubs got, An We from caJual and normal personal contacts, the relittiono betvri Moslems and AavricialL patiL aLmozt entirelythrough the French, who whtch ;44 11! - W3 ,lealusly and liey to prewont QS from doaiing with nattve5 dtroctly, 1}r especially with trtbal 1ehaer3 nud other politically important individm In Fez the Fronch 14u=ap ob!iervers posted to fled whnt ntAtivo6en i te,1- 8r,d V lcomblo (our 086 representAtive) house; tney vicw 1414 ,?LLarm ?Criontiahip with el Han Abd el Kadhor el Elj, a litti,CaKthe7 I:taw/tit oil everal, C 51, Ions, Jr:tiled* Nat gir Api,m1 I mada a trip La a Joon to the N rthern Gzenilayn whom Ittrianz *lei, HIM;I roUnd the tmach posts in a bexi ntate for Motnlmor-7-0-iood was tort tho boldiers had no (A,garottqs ; ? 11; S 14, 1' , ... . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 S eriver gut at the disposal of these outposts. The commanding officer ofthe region, located at Taza, refused General Clarkls offerp on the -?1 . grounds that I had a bad record as a native agitator and had engineered this deal so that I could have a truck to ride in, to get back to the Gzennaya and stir up revolt among the natives. So the soldiers contin- ued to go without cigarettes. We have neither the personnel nor the local knowledge to police Morocco. We must, whatever our policy, leave this business largely to the Frencn. Among the French official*, a number of the younger officers of the aurelu des Affaires Indigenes are onoour side politically, and are kindly disposed to their native charges as well, (The situationis parallel to that of the contrast between the youngerfmd older men in our Indian service). If the French political madhouse in Morocco cn be cleaned out, and If these younger officers can be given a free hand with native affairs, our relations with the Moslems away from the towns and roads will increase in volumeand improve, andthe lot of the natives under the Fench must inevitably Improve as well. If the older men, who are anti-merican and unsympathetic tanatives are left in power, no progrest3 will be made in this direction. gigAtim.gog: In the Spanish Zone the majority of the natives favor las and ardently wish that we would step in and oust the Spanish whom " they aeteat. This is true despite the intensive German propagand. 711 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 111111...MM1111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 44-. '',-- ?- vp?-.) c, ,., , ,. , ? ,: ,i,'; ? ' , i..; ' , 7" '- ,,- ? . r, -*tmpw4,Ariv,laguintit us and, aospito the isIttivitioa Ot t . , . , 4 - ii-j?f 16 t :b inch of th0 NationaIist piArty undor tho trnitor? Abdol Khaleit 1 ,ToTToo0 The Germans, whose looal propicalda ?hied 1$ Umnonholy 41ro , oproadln tho rumors that Amorloauff aro always drunk und habitually ,4 rupq Moslom Imam and oven r4pu donkeys* Nativos who profemo to bo oye witnesson Of tiheud thtngo walk from village to villoe,0 tqn,t)adiiii; this Mtil :gad tho Arab prolop Ovrmun controlled, is v.olontly ant1-11, A wonth icgo tho Gormorto askilod tho WationaliJto to op1'o4Ad tho rumor that th,ly wuro going Lo otAbotug our trannport itnu (;0.mmunic41 tionJ in Frvnch Morooco and thnn onIor in Voroo by nir and Mt) GOral4mh havq1 upproachoti H numbor of natty() Xfltcki tr) !wcopt, :1r4:11,1 shipmetit3 4An4 to fight aguinat. ua. In Melilla, Alca:vAr, Totiwn thov aro on.WIting rikAtivo:1 to :Ittond thoir onbotagu ,cn?olst Lo blow up rull$ Arlo bridgen In tho Fronoh 4onu and in Aie :la, :A) Car L11(4 MVO boon (1Qmplotoly unluool-sratil, rii wo hnVO h n nbl, Lo pcinut,r,;Au thouo ochoolA with doublo ,tgonto Thin nativon In tho Spimitih eono still 14,, An LtIrgOy on our micio aoftpito Wu; propmgctIlda whi(Jh thoy t 40 boun 3uhjoctod whioh provon .huL wItit themi. t oottiwhovo thm orrootiV0 propoprda t14t ot dmodm mud work m, n)t worda? =Awl Iv Tunlyau the Otrmaos hnd a 4ront iovAhtagta aVOP :le wort* idOnti4104 With tbv Frtno4 whow tqh Arb t (1.14trwit,od aud , , Uallk*C. ThA3 Gormna wad we hud +Imre to support thq Vpv-!noh ond whteh 0140 no unti'n Lhope. of Tunlolan noLtow)Jtom Aitionl NI to itri* Itto Germ4114 govo thom oil, ,;41ton Vr914 thorn -. ,. . k.,,,,,,?,.. t 1414 41; eclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 . D muirmiwp Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Uer ou h the PrO40, oloth. The Germans let them loot L , f ) 1 y P I 1th Corps Area we tried -to combat this by distributing cloth, teal and sugar through our BD posts (an 088-80E project) zInd, by establislang new weelay markets with American and British goods to replace the m4rkets, such as Mateur, in German hands Psycholo- gical Warfare project). We tried t) prevent the French in our area from abustng the natives und removed from the combat ar(Lt Frenchmk.3n who mistreated Arabs. In the 2nd Corps area we did not get started in tiu,; to do mucl good. American soldiers were already shooting Arabi al,C1 Ari) wort?, guiding German patrols against us, when the a) got started in that area at the tiovi of the Kasaerino Pass MtreaL. I Lc) r/.0alit-c; rr):1 Tunisia at that time ui as far uS I Kuolio no ono attfimptHd to str,11. out American-Arab reiations in that 4re,1 aftrwird. It vPis prob,,hly too late in any case - thQ damage hnd been done. Now that the Gormants aro out of Tunisia anu tho Arabl will 110it: chance to Americi4n troops cul 4 non-combitt, ba!Dis, wt 1-1,11/0 to hope that a iitatirt imilar to that in Morocco IN 11 L ,Lr ,L (.1/41 our re ation with Arabs will improvo On the vtholes I thintt tiv4 t the American Army hz).:; t?t 13.n ox,:cf,1 ?i? digainz With Mosiwas which may well afruct the whole v,or Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and '5- Approved For Release 2013/09/26: , ..."' ii.:?%."41; J i , .,,iffiti??4' 4'';'i 1 i' I e 4 .4'1,,, i.3 ? ' 4 0 :.,.,i).,:',J"' ,,,?,r-4 I '-? , . I.,' ? %- l' ' ''' , 7? 1 W7 '. ? . RNltilftgfgtlflb.. CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 ' ,,,,..1?...(:y I ir,I. :.? L, ,J. 1 oc,,,,.' ire,..4 tee :E,. iiir :::7z,..!,.,,L.:1; Ili' .ir.'11TIrL'5'' .1-1 '. ?, ''''-1-1;.j'...,:1,,e.".'11'...,-.".r,,:lii;liyi s? i ''', ;.',..",.% ....? J.. ? , , , ...ill, 41.4'2,,-1 i- .?:',..ti;1,1". ? I ?.1, *-"'0,1-'8'1,,!Wl'i..'Y',.. ? 11? 2 ;sL.- ? ? '1'1"' , 7 ? 4, ? r I ? 2 ?"? ; 1 ?': ' . ?i? '1 41 jp,f- 74, :atineraliiiirizz4,ez.? Would you make such notes frog this as you wish and then have copy of it made and sent to $I. After you have finished with this paper please return to me. WJD irelAoi. ..,?;',.'?1;^: , " : e i?'?`t , ? '0 afftee _ , ! t, , - ? ' I ; ORINEV4.-41g Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 'fr Tftg?IIVFVPAi4 ilr- - 144,!! ' It ir kJ UNITER AT OF AMERICA AMERICAN LEGA r N TATi(111:`,1 CO) ())1 cm Potiervtil't C.11::V.X1 fi ,ty m1101E10 Co I owl 1)1,t?eivtitt, irolvo f- 11 it (II 11 W1 f',!'t 41? II Lttit (",t). %NO' 011 14(1 'tt, t, L.f") , 1\1.1 1:1?tv?,/ ' 'tit t111? I 1 11:1 If rtiVr"11) 00 re4 rii4 ol 1 rt tlorri?: 11)(1 1.,? 1 Ft Ay 'I f 1 I tit 11,c, s1el, 1)1 the) 11,7 1 ti,s 1 Nt 1110)11:sr.1 V t1 1?11'.1s, I I 1.1 .Ir..n1,1,1 ? 0 1 t t, I, Pitt t L"Ij1 (IV I I I,. r:f;' 01,4,(I t.) 4-1;1, 0'41 '11 1 ? f,1 t. L t v I I( II) I* 1;11141f'. Li rg(H1* 1,h(*)4, 1t"i i':1*Ettil, 1.11'1 tu'r ' I lc% c". tilt) ' ? '11:11:11n,, r 1t t, et 1, t, ,s.t. I .Vt., t,RE7- t tt ,. I 4 ' !' f.; ' 140. ft .140 , - I 1 ? t It 441 er It'll : #1 # 4 "` j'i441 "WI . f I .;s1 1 fl 'itty,r:14 .4 I i .i itel 11 i pr./ E-1$11W1 6/1 ' 1,1'. I f 0 tic.' "I 1 , " I VI/ i rt tt 1, t ( , ti . tt, t i I ! ' r a :1,0 'A' (--41, 1.r1..11(-0 1,01 I' .,. I (, tw ; I, ,f,, 1,--? 1. t I fee, Al.,:tt,.:.c,t ? ,41 4'r 1,.,1,111,11',1,' 1 ;it hit i 0 1.....4- 1 yr i o 1, 'I 4111 ''o4-4/., A.,:,11,c,..? , ,tel LI t's f 'in ' i 1 ? '11 ? 4, ? ? ,t,.. Fri,4. rt,It'vt. 4 1.1 Act 4 )1.!1 11 1 1 o .. Ef'itty itt ' 1,rti, 1..1 t.itt., 11 4 t,i -II 'ss?t"1.t)11.- '1) A:VIVO) HO:- I,44. I I, 1:(1 '1(1 its., 1, ts,Niii, s ,)?'' 1 1, r. 1.1 E 1 Ali t :1 E/1 e-frtrs ' el , 4 1: . ' 1 I . I , , ( . l'r 01.1(10 1, I VI) 1 4,!" I Ei tti -1,1 1 L/t11?1?1 04 ..1,1111.41 a 14 ? ! '' I ti ri!' ' I 11 ii!il* t.lf 1 1 el r. '1"eitle- efi i 4" t't ili/ sij, I ,44.4,:,4, t (i,,I), , ?, 4..,'1,r4.; 6 i ' t4,11. rf, 0 t 1 it, trill 1 ti ) L 1 0 i ' ? it-) l'i.0 tN 1, ; ...', I t. I 1. i 1 10 Efi P.; ''t 1 V t s-- 1. il f"ct (*1 ttLk t 1 oft ,,i'm . I I', r) tit, 1 1 : &Ill'? ,...tt 11.1' 1,11/0111 y tl I' th t, 1,4' t" rt . 4. slelIiii ti ' EllstrtOt ti Ilytlitlri I, -I VII 0 i s't-,t l'etit if Ls? -I,Mt Or+ ,,,iriei Ito r.r wfm 'I tij 41 t.tt, 1),4/ 1. r ) ytot3t, 1-: f 1060, tit)ti,j,pirielti .r1 or uti -01 t4 "411_11 i i;i I (4:I 1'r(H11 1 i ? fl, If 4,1 eti 10?1,01t !:.ftil,.. t# i I kei ) 0 ,t t ttly 4+1 4 iit,,:o 1 t, t4 i 7! f;(11..e1 on, Mri 1-401% (j-Tal tfti, 4,7 *ti,t) te t i !,i P 4.? 1, : tA'r,i1,-, 11,10,41,010-401 ',ett aittir I. 0 4,0*j_ tt 1 f k,0' lit;v4 1.0 ' :iirt 1. '-' fhorto 't ' botrdli, .:!,1'4-il' ?fliV.:, r,(, 't, 1 ri f' i ?4, i i'n POI*004 r)iti.tt I ti -0491- ,llifr-;', 0:r.113: ,? ? ,...?, , 11 ,, ? ? ..? P li i::1, 4,,, ir -- ;.t. ''-. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RI5P13X00001R660100440008-8 ? 0W; rr, ttirtgi 1 I ' 141 1 I I "I IN ? ? t I 4 1 ?e I 1 f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 31g4-- okii* 010. 3 ONO AMERICAN LEGATION returned to "angie_. on 251:11 Everything goes weIl here. There is a little conflict between my orders from Colonel Eddy and A.F.H.Q. to withnid fror Pont'et any onr!ritiona? information. mhis conflict occurs becsuce :Teat deal of our Moslem information cores frr- our operational P. group (3trilv.s group) who canno:, rieparate it themsg!lves. I t':%.ke nut the occasiorn;11 operatirnal item and turr thf- inforrion nvm,- Booth. When I M Fiwny, as on tliF last trip, -on:h believes that he should dn ;f)rtincr, that tn out r,.r onder'l ''rnyn he done by Lt. Hoskinson, nprointerl 1,1 -e by rlolonel rl4y. ?bid ./,ephyp in a teapt-)t, T .1e7ir.ve will cPutle no diffir!ulty jr) C; 'or:4-h chooses -1.:e a- it?,sue of it. Out2 1.de o! f hi cZ r"serit rrY rb00perate well and all i'Torr ton Eouvil i ed by our. P:oslems t,urricA ol,rri to him. Timpe L r c lt P1',5 may be note(' Cron hireno:)t-. T hovf: bc;en ill, nut TI'q now jack 71(7,7tir., (;0011 fntv5ue n,"-r.T. experiencem, bl,t; 'i/R6 liipt ftwiv htri rlarl 40-lou10 be al] rirht Infr% (T1. elelosirff nooklet "PlF.,.1 do ?eforme-" :nrortqine::", wilt ch 3hould be or extreme i-v,oliest to those A.:,lericans irtero3ted in rlorocr:Ein rottive nffni-F>, 't I -; he orrieiR) fOntt'orm of the Nr,tiorinlipt Pnrty nrd ?epr6,sent8, R1.ie ior' I anti-ierber pny.phs, the political feelings of mogt c,sle-lo 1.1 71nroce?O, Tte. tind poesession i forbidden fl)( Yrerch I would Rpprectnte it ir you would see thcit, it rePches hhe nands ot those inter'uted in the:: nntive 20-c:11e-1 'foroccl Very sincer,:ly your(, -5`x1irty,3-7;,..n Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 _CIA-RDP13X00001R00010044-ai4torogocov w11.01..q Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 r tatli /4' 16, , , onov! rt4 3: went to Oasablarca at t ret L. o4e of their pSfic,rs a plan ,.;1' th.e- lat to the SpaniSh Zirn The from an XspeditIonary Force to their D:.4.36nt "1)5JLF-. o goo fia. four days primarily in a vain erThrt tc; ile4st4' from jail a Moslem wilo had been of help that eity. With me was Ramdol,ph gohammed, Oususi orf41;:i Fes, employed by the Legation at Tangier a5 actually the invaluable contact mar. of Coon anl ny4itif Ilave been his close friends for mary years in 14,o_roc-.1? R America, rfie following report is the result cr the day stays the inI.frornetion being obtained largel:r froT friends amd acquaintances dua that native city, 47,44;?- time we set up for Mr. Williw.ason at Colonel ]i:d.cisy r an information service iesigaed to give to Vice ?CO1Rt: _4! Reid direct contact with the center of cislem It will also cover Meknes and Casablanca, and L;t-zza r f e to MArrakesch if desired, The 1ioslems )roviding iIs are well known persons of &ubstance, sv:?ving patriotic duty as Licroccan Arabs, e.xcep.; fpr onc: wrio9 job is acting as messenger ana who reLv-Js pa;,, ! IPr ? .1. Everything is goIng well on tme surface in There has been a aoticeable change in the last 'oslemis who were formerly arrail to speak to ri,a Gusus now walk up to us rreely and are Elad to tions between l'osienls and Sp4;.ai:3h are ohanged t ylibillems are not as scared and, the Spaniards not am not sure of the reason, but 1 think that equipment /a the French Zone are the caus(i; - a have got dewn and bactx - soma Span :r' ai;00 matter but perhaps importaat, The (;ermaa effor area, whemerforts had been marie to got Zthro ,ri arms deliveries has broken down. Tan?;i3. fE-w self anU se or), The tnoops 11" d a - 1; at bes In accordance with Colonel Eddy's instructicns - 4IJ of our two Llbsiem SO .)rganizatitms is now doing a of intelligence work in tne Western Span:.sn Zone. 1.11' tile large group headed by Mr. Do The Idiwtity Gf together with operational informatiem is withheld, olAt intelligence lit, tuTne(5. over to Waller !i.oth, Ao has its intellieence work and Lolpmved it by pertinent s,lqwz-,t, The selcand nassels" group has a diffelin't sat up a.c.t eaar,o1 be coed rot intftlligence work* nope that it 141 correct ttat Government is 40.11 alrailettae 1u IcaLled you today about tugOstion of Mr El J0g,, whom I v.,et in Foz, - , (1,1 "t?" -47y stAix,rely yoara: ? ;I 1141on 110 DLowvo 1101.74(7, 04 anri A nnroved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 IMIIMENRISIIIIEta:T kilEilk02,M11,,, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 _it' gp...,7- r, .Lpi?maii,750.1-11-,;;,.! -,,, F";.',1,1-1?3?fft, .h g,t,. - ,, _ t. .4a. . ? ..4,-.?, ,, ;:,,,,,,-...,,...' .-- J ...: ?'? .. . , 7r," ...;2 ' # i, ' !, '.'tti.,? ' .c. .1 : .1.747:-:' '.. 1,?- .1 1.1, ' ' ?._, `,.17:5' -1 -4 -1:i. i.j.1.1.iii.. , -'src ..it ? V-74g1.01...:.re.4.,;? .: ? .41.t._. ,...-.1r,, 4" 01.V. ? , '''.. '' -.' 7.1 , , -?? ' ? t- ik 147,40U?bCtiovit 'Walt Vro boa 00Amingtiamweity oc ChOtatio or .11~ oxptiotoj *140 oaraom Xt was 140011to4 thrtt LI Arahliktbot Moriodas brotiokt utior -;041* WitiAtt Art) OW OA IiYtC%1 Lu titiLetA 4$, ask* AA trtiole on thin mattor ?J1 v.iho 444-411x1 or atis2U w14,0 calm- ttilopo sod* GUI gl-di ToZo Zaftodry 134 Tho Win Momlome bolIviro LilfA. 'II 14 ti *oastfiatly Inoroamino difflokAti botwo,A1 11(.1 ';r11,1:th ut,i 4104',-e100,11* :Et WU thOtVeht Wait 1300.34 ba Ow.ittti.:.v?1..i.10 1)Y Ur4 ,g i*. Imper artiolom and raao DroddOumbm in Arablo, 1r0114 jamittry lie A) Thin 1F01:.f. :4oulamg amoiro tLo ntry or wlp,-1 tut!' oti ii Lao ti? It4iVC (qv, b-4t. fonr thoL molOkvo, Vikt4w uavatIrti infltuinoo a liouov in 0!wobLorton and ;(411wt rorcibly oWor momquone T4oy to ro*r tka tirrortft to no3ocinto thelamolvon with morkt 4 9:1 r tiosolarl:i juilaittr, kiruit,,)o whom litho,' tiro hOt weloomee ?444 tkvo tiA tit at A ) 0 o rnili.;(40 h1yrorltditv. 4144 AMtiwkAR tfti,eVill0 Pit, OW (1011.1" MOdlq(al - with ni .ft1 b 1L0tltF oMimorti Olti y Lc? oat ta- Vr00140 onitotoll mr,m in omnIt omooptod pxoupoe 01.141r14:4tut by provIdine, liotatiocid Moolnm 1.0r000tia aowr4 tinv J) k) t.t,t 1 it(Jih'.1s, ;.. January 110 tiovvnt, 1,0 I ! ()?,i--?ELy pPronnl, pot/plc-1 1.),1V, 141. L43 th viti vttLJ. Vd tl1,t1 rie,AW0s jaltUnry t hnlicivo *cro t1A. 414 0*.ogoat AO clIrmOn proptf.A1140 t,htl.t.10 Qi" 1.11t tkomoft argit thvy nrm no Inploblvo It -Limy tmolot. 1)(1 1411:1I Ittrir 0,16 oet Wo4t jmumary 1), Onrmnit propogunlo. tti 01) r07) tAdalg11144 41.046-Jonitio r,ad rooki ohonnioi L1,1,-!3 tilt, 64 On04 tAklAg ?3ormnn broaaw4ata on t'1 fu ovc,? the' thwt iagOw qatrao bAJir,-4,3 volinkon0 WJVIIMN ? Allittgey t W.101 ti4;cJ a by 1'100. .i1114 Amorloaa 4qoking ot tho .goroomm Ilmoirl by 1?h44 1,1D .ATWAO T0410 troadomta nowMpapot.'F$t .4hEt Of 01-0 MOVOtIOWI rt440 frOM m proALI(valy ypItith, t04;,- ptrott4 lurronell voalLzo4 ..:AloltAboo 1400 11104*:,o tikw pooploo.* ? 1 .*:.:,::: . ... . -:?., 4, ? i .., .: '; "*"''.*,1 *;.!+.. -. -, '1 ? . 7....,-rAilii EL.;;;,:. ?? '''', .1.'"?,:'; ::'' ' ,--; i J,'. ; ., 1 IL . .. - ? ' -r. .-..'11 ' r. .. , - ".... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 _ _ . ,1114101EZINAMISE- z-viatenn,,,?,.nrr,.i: .iir.'.Pr:.?'': .f3V-i.!?,-,''''I'ir Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13. (1412;1,97i14.44.onnFtl, ,,. .. ';imr?119r1 144* - -i047. , -W-sugu nd teltilorl tmOle got "boas" tlireet4 *, to. pr ptople get goods by Koing rOlOm efirdS? VA a "bon" to draw goods g-Are44WVIOV4.4,14totle re-mai4an8;9. Mass 'Ica4iti**4-twolblmfacie,:of.cotton goods sinoe 1,,,m0ii:perplitreione Sugar, 700 iTams ' - lontiv; Everyone wants diatribution of gooCtf, 1.xtTA Americans., Huropeans get =Oh more ln 6E,Je :btrIctiOslana and this is reseuted. CJIB 11 47if a 94 Fez, January 139 IL comItry roGion &round Fez ttiur;. recently arinen a complete corruption of system through Jald:3, pulifas, Sheiks aad Gantraleurs working togethore Meople (150 to Cid. or Shilik or Nhalifa, give him money to c,ot foods to soil in the ble,o4. Market* Jatds, etc, give some or c(tsh to contraeurs for proteotion, Cott lecisions are now uluost enti tly bought - previoualF some corrupt:bon but not comi)1010 GU-U.3 10. Fez, J'anuary 13. It is forbidden by Dahil. oluce P.)41 for a !Awl= to buy property from a European, except for ti purposes with permission whiob is rarely gruu6edi aud $rktish semsars not a11ow9d to buy from &IropJans booellfi Ucelems, nor from Moslems because prot6c6s. ';4113 11. Fez, Zanuery 13n pc4EgrENT441., Taxes. Ocuntry near Ywz. A man has two mules arnual tax on tatm is $0k)-1000 franca. In addition, starting a yoar ago, man with two muio2 must de1iv5r to government 700 kilos wheat for which ho 13 :JA amoqnt that is about 1/2 market pricc. ihp (;evornmout 20 paid, lust year 1/2 market price. In 1!:1 tar nrou uvui Governmont tells aheik man must puyi,sheep tax - three sheep man bribes sheik to rbduce to ono sheop, 120 C9171PX4L0 In :liar If er n htti 20 sheep or tont t vitt io h last yoal? p1/1 1/2 three, men, who have twenty shee to governmont Wilich last ymar no c;ave, they must buy one to a or eow 7,o0o francs, governmen has tittalee requir ed to work on two, itroet periods* Mt firm tar ;warty! coa quirt er ot *EU t Lae 011,2 Cp'romih) annual tux Is 1114;bu)'. goEtt4 - 1 out, ur AJJ takon by markot price* in addition, ovury p or (wets orveOrm mwat 8011 a oow paid, 1/2 market pric..?40 If ti,uy iluv ell to Govomment ? ( last yrr jr cl t pai6. 3500). In Riff - man wrio road without pay mil food iymloo Vor ormant, close frlena, said it Luok bo he sold his mien. OMB itsation of tribe of U.zennaya to American coauml- 0000014,117 040 olunk has had clo!xe re utiobs //loth 'or many year, though. only AecroJi contact was do Pc wre Ibb-a-tied at lloarE4uId t 4, Alreart gium tritxt de. ['Loy aro 141444 :it 4b11 AmAoricatlo -7 r ( ???1 -451. =.17;rfi 7 , likt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R600100440008-8 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 --07.11Figru,nrs/ , - !ft 0.1*".5441y le0+ ; ? ''.4 544- '1;.:ie 4g(5,141 1 I ,..1 iil.,T. , i ?8 ,41.....,t_ 1 .I.' !?? " l''' '141i-': :-: '?. ' ' L'..!--,, 44'4,4 ? 4' 2, 444 - ? i'? ? 14' "4, 4.. _ ; 4,4 kift,C 414 :1cP.-1A 4.140_ 4APti ' ? ; .U.V; 4"kis ? 6 r untie ohoter en 6ohsago; dbo quo los marohilis soot approvisio1n6s los rdquieitions de donriSas agriooles owl miioh6S, ole Welles no tont plus lorsquielles no yuos do is population ne sont plus nooessairess oe qui contrasts is paix int6rieurom Intin les lribue du Maroc, oepagnol soront attires du 38t6 frangeis et amtiriaain si ells' voient los populations du Maroc frangais bien ravi tailless et bien vttues. Ii aut done envoyer sans delal los armee et le ravitaillement demandess Du point de vue moral, il est olair que tout oe qui port? stteinto l'autarite et au preatige de la Prance et do sas representants tous les degree de is h16waroh1e risque do oompromottra is paix int6rieure et de nuire au bon moral de l'irm6e. L'Afrique du Nord devient extigmement diffioile gouverner d?que l'on fournit aux intrigues un pretext? 4 se d6velopper. La Franco a xibusei 4 ae faire *imer at respooloer en Afriques la preuve en est quo lee po- pulations lui sont rest6e3 attaohOes 4me apres la d6faite qu'ollo a sale en 1940p Il est don? indispensable de no porter imoana atteitite 4 l'autorito et au prestige de la Franco. La 'Winton onvoy6e par le Gen6ral Givtud snrait dona r000nnaisocnto 4 l'Otfioo ot Strategia Servioes de bien vouloitt , .4, ?,z., ",te ,!,I, T.,.- . .. , ..1,: ....,,,i _ , . "I-- 4 . qr7; ? - .',.,,.:1,',. - I . - "' ? '.;; ,...:. .;;, - ? . ?...?; , ,..,1,--; .. .,.."1 ,,,,i1 ,,,..: -J-41 ? , ; --,. , ,,,-.; 447(:1#-).44,1;44* ?I , a i,i1_4; , s - iIq .1 i' ,,?: 4i ,i.,' , i. ? i It ,:^,1,4.1ii fir , , .!., - ?,,-..-1: ,, ..--...,.-:,,,t.i.F.,,,....,?..:, 4 .1.1','4.?' - ...c-,,S161f';-4.: t -.2'4'; ii &'',1 '.: ,, , T ; ,' 4 fl. 7;:r. i. ._::f"...- '., ' ',.' :; A : ..., .11, , ' ,11. t? '.; ..- ' '... ' i. , . ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 67r,, Ptif ; '44,2 4t4-4 u4i41?4'Ar?;44 4 4.0.1?L-'1 411_ ' ? 11 i , \,1.-. ? .. ...e. pt. - .. ? _. . ...,--., -,-.? . ..,... ?. . i ... . . ?, ?. 11 ? t , t i. 4 . ..t.:4?A 1 ' ' l.' ...; ? ? ' . L ? 1?? ' --..? * ??? li ,:r; fl? ? . . 1 ... t ' ' b-11?? + 011 N' C U' ,...,, , tt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 ? t,tt. ::trtrtg. ? '171-1:'.,t etiQ r 1 ? ; t ? b? I ? C ? ?.* attF 14: tt W4.1: ;? itt t - ? ' I X 't. " -? , 10.) . . i4torv*nire Si poosiblo# goo ikaiktanit4 iikuprbe G6ntraill efillowar pour quo , I t 11 ?11. ? ;! ? ? .' ? ? . . .31i1 l.tt dirnier demand* *It TVicidont Rommoselt Vonvoi immkt : Rre,????:" 4,1.; --et-tta,?;?4 f, ? - _ L titre do contingent S 1nt1r t ***Ookla du matdriol ot du rovitaillomont oivil d60, flomandoSt on raimon de Vim- portano* do cos onvois du point do vuo do la guorro payoho logiques 4?) Pair, onsuito une 46marohe cuullocad auprbe du PrOsidont Roceovelts 3?) Donnor inotruotion 4 elu rupr600nwilto 4 Alger da 41J mo4tre on rapport avoo lo 8o,Jx6tartot dom tions Axtialouxem at par lull nvoo le Elovviom PInformationo 4?) - Btablir tut untuot rap,anoT taviqo la Mitamion du 06niaol Oirfiud 4 Washtnrtun pur l'ontAwnloo ao G00)1!,(14- 'loot, 01=86 dos liatoona do ocit orkirl)t pour quo dzAW ouloiflo tions paiionnt 2tro pr000n460o, dos avio donni4 our loo quooticus oonoornunt l'Arriqua, ot Uno 00116001.10,1.M ;WmPl6W soimvOed. U. Lomolgro-Dubroull it M tnorullot houroax do * olr lo Colonol Dunovon pour r13.Iiiiirit001 avoo lui 4* oo proexamma4 ? tr.) , 9.11:+:14 , ' f:t1,4.4-I ? :At tit -i ? '1, ,412 7, . ?,.7 Irli?L ? Aeu70,11: 4?4111,'?*;,..; tits.tpt I r. i;a4i;73-'014 -q 4i.fw 1 ? Ltir,,It7tiit, ? ?4 , N ? e, It ilt- e :1 tti ? id , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 "Aor 4 ? t ; MUMMOMMUI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 4.4.4. ? 'IP "$7i f !it15-71 5J;i; ? "VW:Is's 4,':; ? r ?45115'. 7 virri ? ?( begiririg of operationo in Africa the ten- thetlitary has vonsistel in deciarin4:, that itiocupi,ed Frentzh Hort.) Africa, that they had elnetmted est Africa. ? '. But, it would have been preferable to recall thu? since Yersations had been held between the American Leiegate Murphy, and a group of Frenchmm envisaging under rwAmerica would bring to the French 511 Africa her materid aid to allow France to reenter the var. Moreover, Oiroe agrOementa, in the form of letters, were con6equentiy -exchngd-between General Giraud and Mr. Murphy inciicating beforo e-ope,4.4tion of the eighth of November whvt would be thp form of the collaboration of the two countries. " appearing to give to their penetration into the French Empire an aspect of victo:ry, the Americans no lonr benefit vis-a-vis the world. - and that is of an extreme impor- taace - from the glory which they could accdlire in flyint, to the Taid of the oppressed peoples who, immediately aftr the armistice, had asked them for aid in again Inking up the ,cArik gle. This attitude has thus distorted the truth and seems con- trary to the initial desires of the Americans. ge-(19121.gr.tar. I4TFhe American to the MurP aug:ft=el iQl1;n 1tncngo=nIgtgt2 being 1 1z- da had the game in its hiindo to tell, through at French Africa had become au American tion the All7S:ELE to. 1 'art poputior, Mobammedon, jewish, ,"&ntn, remained faith:N:1 In didA0shiv, the 7, ; ; ; ?????'555s.i ?: Tr ?5 - 5 -,T,t.4?154 i'???"?.r."P i ?; ; =1`? 1:;?-? _ .3 " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 MI' .:4 ", itlotiv,,,.;?114.:.,,law; - _'-:.,-x f I . sAr?:;.:1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 ' ,.......,.,K..., ilir. -,4 4 .des. i!,'?'' ,i , ,??? ', " . : A 1. ....?? ? .. CS, .., ?,? , - J1A ??.,--. , - . ; : -.... r.: ~. ..,"*--0:?;", -. - ? _ P " - ? ,t,...1!,,,,? . ,, i ? - v. '. . 1,- ";. ? ' - i ?? ss, s.'" ? i44:4.1. . ,.."1": s IL .1,:iii. , ?"'"" .: . ' 7;4' :- ? LI -",- ,. .. ..., . .,. ....:? f.c.f4 ,,,...1..--..:,... :-.. -,-- ,.-1/-,-, ,,. ,;,_ .:-, - , 7 .*,;;?-t, 7-. ?;'' :-?? ' - ' .- . , C -: ,,i.,?- '''... ,,:l.? 1.....r..'. '-'' ... . s ?-',? 1 4 - - - _ !rxpertence the give, rprA- m at all Oompliotte the st ulLticoo. Ls. Idsi ? ? O 4 esident R000evolt hievin, Won, at the tirnc of bIs& into power, an Atitude which fettered opted in Africa by General Eiaenhower flc Mit. Murp4 *ter have ,Illeitateli that he modify it. It i cortvill that D4rlan had believed thut the Amerit-mw wore bringing tonsible aid to France, ho hdd uractiued ft oboration. Being lagiggat4a in grieb on koveatr4 he could decikre Ame:tn,arin offoctive htt with, mortovert a great uativfactiob, th4t ?, hoceforth count on American cooperfition. Um or- Ar hint public opinion via furion*ly acaina ho co in Frunoe, for haviTtv boon a collaorationit. otrtainly the mum which provokod the uw;Amiq,i1444tion -,11* as6ausin, as many other meu aetuaiLy Yroncl?, h...(1 the reotion that Admiral Darlan botrqed the kmoricanu. Thic tded from hia previous politicul bent. IL is thuu wrong that thio womosin reprosonta antendeng unfavorAle Psalm proveo on the contrary hole avq: cmpromiood ley 1if of colleiboration aro considorod by tho immerwe 0 ?reach people ao tvAto.N to their (Auntry. ' . _ , ' . ' -:.-:-":, '.... '-,. ,i-,:.?.'-'1. "1-? : ?? . ...: i ? - ' `I- ,.,,,,,..,?,- , ).? '4 , ;.!4si "'"" :..? .:?,:si,:4,1?V: ':'"'''' ,i , - 5.. '''' F.': - ? ? ,'"1 t 1 ' r .?"???-:. -,..? , 1.1,4 ' - ' ? ,- ?:,.. .- , .-... ,'? r....,- `, ?;. ...1,{7,,,--- '- .....:i 4 ,.. f 'e ' . t' ''',-- b'it ?"--''''' ;.' - ? i'''' - ' ' ?....';', .t. -: ' '-?.-H' ,'-`'-'. `':". ... ' :. ' ? '1 7 -''.'? " . ...' .2 .3 . ,s, .':, ,?"?? ''''5-:-.i:- '("". '?::'''." sir".--..;',.2..4- '?[,.:".--' .7'' :, ? ?''''s' .1 :. ,1 , s.c. i .?1, "1! f'''' ' ' ? -1:54r0 - - 1, ' - ''' ' t , ,' _ i:';.%; ..:-..;,? :. ' .. ' 't 'T ' s .. 1 1 ,sr ip,?ic ? i...1' tit..: ,; k -c'.611.1,?i'r.:;t, " - j I. I ;17 and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 BRIIMENAMMW ? 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release ? "AP :1P47 NOr 1V-1610k: _ :M?71 r , 44. NOT! POUR WM= OF STRATEGIC SURVIM MR LES QUESTIONS INTERMANT L'APRIQUE 001K01004?44104.1Po falanudgmtniona. ERREURS A EVITER tremiirer erreur 7:411 1* debut des Iporatione en Afrique la tendaarairiiranaTia amoriosine a oensisto a d?olar,r 'IOUs avntont octeup4 Ithfrique du Nord frsnotiee, qu'llo avaiant pont ro an Afrique Occidentals francs/so. Or, il out eta preferable de rappeler quo dos 1949 des conversations evaient ete sngsgiee entre la delegue gim?ral amert- Murpny, et un groups de Francais envisageant souesquollo for.lc l'Amerique apportereit a la Francs, en Afrique son aide matertella et militsire pour pormottre la France do rentrer dana la guerre. Dot' * cords, mous forme de lottres, wit d'ailleurs par la suite 6t6 60hg111- $ ea entre le General Girsud et M. Murphy indigltrAnt avant l'operatton du 8 novembre quells ittait la forme de 1% oollnlioration des deux parl. En *pint llsir de donner a leur penetration germ ltempiro franoain une allure de vistolre, 1es Americuinq no henofi- ciiient plus visla-vis du monde, - et celatont dune importunoe exe trine w de ltsureol.e qu'ila pouvaient aoquerir en volant au scour don privies opprimes qui, tout de suite apres l'armistioe, lour avaient domande, leur,aide pour reprendre la lutte. Cetta nttttade D don9 deform la verit? et amble oontraire aux deairs initiaux dee Ameri- cains. Deux/ ofreur miricains mfant ootuelloment, contral- rement *lux s000rd3 Murphy-liraud, le direction dlp oporations en Afriquo frsnesiee, at la Haut-Commissariat frIncain en Afriqua n'otent pogo snoore reoonnu, ni comma nouvernemant interimtire ni come (louver- nsmerzt provifo4via, le propigande de linxo a beau jou pour racontav, ?per l'intermedisire de Vtohy, qua l'Afrique frinnootpo eat devenuo un Protoctorek amertoain. En outro, lea militairea smertomino, ogistinnt direotaiment ewes de ls population oivile, notamment pour toutas log questions de requisitione, oontribuont a dormer l'impression quo la rrenoa nsexist* plus. Orp'tout e population cfrioaino, musulmano, jut,* om fr*rumist, etoit, malpre la debate do in Franco, mottle tidile a? la miro-patrie. Xi eat a orsindro qu'en dimipunnt le prow - 04* d* 1,A Primo*. les Alseriosine n'en aprouvent aux-memaAles plun raves repercussion* pour pou quo des insuooils militairea oompliquInt Ia a itus tirot, Ina r Ire rlAn roil:dent &oaov sysnt ria, lora 40 la venue 1 Derlonx une at itud, qui a Omit la poaition P? 1* 044\o3'el Elaenhowor et M. Murphy, oeux.00l ont ls modtfie. fl eat aortmin quo tent quo l'Amirml 47). 44. - L.41 4 0 .0 na,-Inccifipri and Anoroved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 _ tt,t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 RIO f '??? 1 011(oru que lei Americains etaient incapables dtapporter e le 004 '''Mk1 s*cours tangible, il avait fait la politique de le collsbe- -110-,trouvant aceidentellement en Afrique le 8 noveinbre ii ft iC?ntstr Itaide einETT7Tameriesine.11 a done pens6, avec d'a1j1?' une grange satisfaction, que la France pouvait desormais Aqmpitir aur la cooperation amaricaine. Malheureusement pour lui, ltopialon publique lui,e4 voulait furieusement, soit en Afrigge, soit endFlitice, pour avoir titti collaborateur. Clest donc eertainement la raison qui a provoque ltassassinat; 1/as3e55ing come beeueoup dkautres homes actuellement en France, avait itimpression que 1,Am1- ral Darlan_trompait les America Ins. Ceei premeneit de se politique suivi.enterieurement. Il est done faux d, dire que cet essassinat represente une tendance debaciir bl a ltAmerique: ii prpuvn au con- traire comblen les homes ukt t la politique de colleboretton sont considires par Ilimmenne majo ite du peuple frenesis come des traitres a leur patria. - te. SRI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 :r :??? "zoculwri mr,-;11E11 ) ' , ? t ta:0) ? 5'4 tt,,,,k , ? ??? , .??? - ? ry.t,4 r.4e, ??-? ..???4 IE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES 11111001110...."1.11?1 : INTEROFFICE memo , - el; :14 ? ? 4,-- rt:1 e 411' kAS?40 f r ? 4 t? 104i.40 - onel yDonovan DATE: March 11,v 1943 :1Mor Doering ralL. Ttatoy, Te Frenqh jorth Afr)c 1* You requested my view r(zarding Mr, Belints memorandum to you of January 13, 1943 (attached file). dp 416.. JI? Pvt." Pugliese has prewirild a memo- randum which is attached, in which I bolieve you will be much interested and with which I conco.r. Jr. ? ." gq.?'? I ? %!. ,r1=' C ztt - , ?-? ? ? ".' - 01, = - " '44 I '..3)A 4 ?"; ) ? 1- _ , .? !,,;7t? ?,; ;,* V,ir44y1,4.1, 1.:;t:?%??? ; ? - ? "?3?;', INV54? :1?' 4.114' " ? _ ? - Pitt. , tia, ? tit , ',.???13 .-t-514?VA, Afin4 and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 %etm-.4$4.0.0,046i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 17.1" Ase ?; DATE FRQMPIrt?! Pugliese SkOWEAM Pro. Vi a ,2_08LegaiJ___?4.,4atafflalgya Regardinl French Lorth tioverhm:e ani ?"A 1. I have read Professor Vignan-x.'s m morandum0 all the available articles in the New York TImes to which 14 rcff_irs, Varian Fry's article in t1 New Be ublic, Pnd various background material in current Miles cf Anshington papers. It is xy opinion thc:t Profe;Eor Vi.:nau.;11z theory appears tc be lot2;a11y correct acor'2inG to th:: Law of February 150 1372. From a practical stand t, however, the wea'Amess in the theory is 1,1a-(1.fold. ?irst0 it apiiears to run counter to the United States policy an enunciated by President Roosevelt inn() oclives that the exprssion of Prcnen soverei,Lnty hao oeenteraporarily suspended by ciermaa oc;upation and rogards t?ie r:rit:re sot-up in Afrlca as i.,1G de.:trmined by military o. ency. Second, it 1. }1,e_ros 'cral Gira.ld and would appear to aatOTTIolely demando LC De :Mille, beeau3 it woqld repIac GlraiAlb oivil admInitrnJ,toa withth t of the nootIsell,B vnf,reaux" of tho various North Africon d,flpartempnta which w(tr, 1% (3:-.1stc.;ne tt tiAe Marshal Petiain in offer:t,tlf-ietLded the Frnch Nr;.tiorlal Assem'Ay in July, 1040. Third, the tiv:ory partially ienores the Lmmediata fri-ErYirr demands of military nocessity for the pmsfInt unifIffd coveramwital scvt-up w,uld be) rt*lucod with doeitralized adnInistration by Wvartemontal CounQi3s r;c1a,.'rc-1 at timu; vdhan proper eMotuation of military ;)ffonsive ilaas quick rtIsponive action. Particularl:/0 in view of the probable strenuous 4vposition by Genfilra :41raud, i doubt vorj much whOiher tho practical benefits which the Profeasor onvislons, harmon and unLty among French politoal 1eadors w1t4 rozardts 1orth Afr-1. an vadatii tr i on, would be Ugom14,4 1r the?tileory ip put into erect. qgc-J,J 3 I '71 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 r rt) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 '40"A it' E4 The 'base of Professor Vignauxts legal theory is the Law of February 15, 1872, which provides that where the National Assembly of France is illegally dissolved or prevented from assembling for any reason, the General Council in each denartement shall "provide without delay for the raintenance of law and order and legal administration" until such time as an Assembly of delegates of Councils General can be constituted. From this Professor Vignaux aruges that any provisional government, such as Giraudts "Imperial Council", which may be set up is without legal foundation since the Act provides for the exercise of only local power, and that therefore the presidents of the Councils General in North Africa have the right to claim for their As the power to govern their respective depaletements. The constitution of such civil power wauld minimize "the political pretensions" of Giraud and De Gaulle and would limit the activities of both Generals solely to military matters regarding the conduct of the war. At the same time, restoration of the "conseils genereaux" on tha basis of the Law of 1872 would "legitimatize" the French Government in North Africa and would be a means of con- tinuing there the French sovereisnty w]lich President Roosevelt recently declared had been suspended in France by German occupation. 3. In considering the practical soundness of Professor Vignauxts theory, the views of other political writers, French political leaders, and the present policy of the United States with regard to French North Africa may be helpful. These are summarized briefly. A. Political Writers (1) ARTHUR KROCK, in the New York Times, January 3, 1943,717UFriWa?Ehat at 16-6717 the frEitTga of Frencn sovereignty must be maintained in North Africa if a "holy" war with Islamic tribes is to be avoided there, He Aeemed to feel that this chain of continuous French sovereignty could be maintained by Giraudts then governmental set-up, i.e., Ivorial Council, etc. In his opinion, any Institution of direct military rule by the Allies wou1d be catastrophic. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 %.4 Remablic, January 110 , - return: Ta"The status --quo ante tAltjOnsi,pn of the National Assembly), -a ah?the 1.34)enAl. Government in Africa was 4eilli144mate government in a le3a1 sense for as 13tiSse4 upon Laval s coup di6tat by which th., pnch ASiebly Ceded its powers tc Petatn. In :6ffeetthis was an attempt to oiish the Republic and that power the Assembly dic not possess. Former presidents, Herriot and Jea_Inz,ney, as well as Professor ViLnaux, are in a.sr=3emeat on t:lis last point. French Political Leaders (I) Ihe three Presidents of the Coun.;ils 3en.ral of Constantine, Alziers, Eorocco (1,1ro of wcn were deputies in the rerublican French Y.etional Assembly )wrote Adrliral 3arlan as-Frtin: that his government had no legal basis. The: .maintalaed that under the French Constituc,ion of 175 only a mcetIng of the uhree Councils Lnvral the necessary legal authority C verbei 24, 1942; see 1!.. Times, 5cezber 31, 1442.;, 2. 7, 2(_1, 6). On Df1.774=1-70 a similar lett.Br was s ent to President Roosevelt urs'Lnz thLJ, sinc the Allies had aome to North Africa as lioertors f FrrIch territory rather than as ar, Aruy of Occupation they had no right to be an apykr nt laiDnin't on the French pecplE a form of t:ovtrnm,:-nt that.. marly mijlt re3:79rd as n,:thiLL, out NI1-1-:,ary (2)ADMIRAL DA2LAN, Aovc:mbr, 1942, in declarin hillisErirri773Ior o: French in aoFth Africa and appointin; 1.m.ud as Ids Oonanfl..?r-irl- Chief?tased his autludrity to Jo :o on that orizLnally received by 'aim Croa Petaia whom h4.1 now consider to be 11-1 ullItches of the ,:frarmans and unable to exercise any fre.:: will. (Uew YorkO ov ? Tiltes ' 19420 p. 4, col. C). y r (4) ,RALA GIRA,11.11), on February 6, 1943, assumed _ the e of Vrervih civil and railitary Commander- in-Chief, 9:bolls:nod the an..1 political?,:harac..- I 1.c.s Of the North African Imperial Couvtc11, aet up mn AdvLsory War Cornittee an' a high ,mic otTur4:11 with natIvo representation, _-01.1?Atton 0! a-)ermaroaLER :tpic-al constiv,1- k 1;740: -Tc,) e CO E-le"Cia ofri 76-77Tion Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 4 two ..1? '44 ?111171:178j-it th-et e::.1;11:-7 h - ?. 11 76, :twin i- but. 0 o : ': , ? 9ri it r ii.c.1 - .i.,;.? the 'Tog or lilebruary 15, 1872 . 'AU a F. ci11- co : -......liR ''''I- b4,4ril RO' OSilki Lit': :. in 0:4's *speech o f Fel) ru.s. ry . ::',1,T[3",;IdFcT7ef,. rs-Fir eh 617j a bv,e'r o i 471V3- r e 5 ts ,:t thel'people. .?-of ' _Frexlc e.'i?: t'i'.\-:41,t i ts exi-al e s s i on had en:: t.,emiorkrily iillsp ended ,b5il-r?GerajltAn oc cup at 1 on 1'14 ithet ',?-: after a Irrii tei'd Nati oils 1 ,vi a tor.'y , the riali'oh?' p'e'diple would be rd'rpr e' seriltod, by a govortimalt , -it4',,,,,their , own popular ohoio e . In an earlier t a tement to the pre s subsequent the time Admirta Darl an was recoepi z ed by the :Allies at Frenc,h le.ador in 14orth Africa, President ,Booieielt referred. to the whole Darl an se tip as jde tiermined by "military expediency" , ana he did .not- attempt to justify i to from a legal s tandpoint ( 2) , -SECRETARY MU bel.tev e that there i et no , ;single 3evere- gn government of bile French people _ 005, rat ati the United States is informed, that such I.Veingoveramant will lave to await .14:t1toC the French' p e owl at, which Wile they w Ill tO choose their own: loadePS aO indiCated Article I VI of' .11,e A tl an tic Charter. ' -4.-Hr Prot-6 r 'Vtp.naux, f3 1eor-r appeaws 1.) e , = e al 64 oxb :311rwecieF0. For inc the 4J ,0 in0Adatp: ? to' l'ita,11- 611411 P t a in in Jul0, no ubs*quflt y y has bsf:,e,r1 on.voked angil OPOr *ah opar t emon tkfl ?1ran waa Ieti11i,?0,4i4J..:Owered to ma in t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and. i.8koprovV:iF,o,..r1,filiR.e,,lelni7;143,76..,,:.!IA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 - ? ? - . ? le A:1 814 _ ' 1, Xis ?,2 , -,-., . ' 2?,ckq;, ., ,- 2 r:, :.;'4.,.4?,;:- , .. ?: tt 361041110 oritiOal ,:- , ,-I ? . ,. ,. 4, '-,=-4 , .. , :. lAnd -4. r'it-nokloatafy. ,- , ? - i ' 1 ' , '- ? ,,,I6gArd:tq:( )).Proaid4tt Rooaovtlti,:usH:., ,. ?", ? , ,,?, LV oi!,?-.'oto4loicttillti Darlan obt-up ift North At -i ' tft tkitork 00',,,1)-7-i4ilitkry oxp@dlonoy'Lt _Upon :_ ._ ,,.., 01A11110-tion4moi44tionOonora Giraud inam doolgnaLod ao -- .' 4 hWikuoatissor i2n,\'ortiooi 'Iso thAt tho lino of, authori,to't ''ooglimda 14 Us LiY ollitary X oadorm nt tho it?me _ a tho , ? , 2.?Oution pomAinto unbrokon* Thon, toot Propideat noottovolt , - 0 doolurod that thip oxproasion of Trench novor*I4tInty hat, boan tomporarily ounpondod by Gorman 000upation and both ho and Sooratetry Uull havo takoi . tho pcoition that any FrAoh ,volloilsrl govormonl) munt wit libAration tho Pronoh poopl? o* With rognr1 to (2)0 tbe Do Ganlliots would no doubt olApport tho theJory binoo in tho patild thoy havo in tovor,i,41 lntitanooa oallod ratontioq to LW) Law of ? mad thoy havo oontinnally objuotod to Lilo Toltioutoy a tho protiont Pronah a0m1r0.ntration in Nvtil Arrl? eo? Gonoral lirnud would undou0L001 NU1i,.,1411o1101,y kiup4.10 tho th(ga7 booaugo It woul4roplauo hlo c;w11. otv11 AllmlnImbra,- ?tip% with ckai;, oil tito Counuiln gongrA4 Thno tbo dAvloiwi tAtwoon tho 'wo loronoh military 1A6L0.---;L wolild probably acot?ltuatAs VIltithiq,m,or, o 11110aV?oo nr lobo thoory would advvocly afoot our i7rtbrIn6 rrlon6ly rolAtion* wiLil Oortoral Oimuttd. Itc (ulnd rearo;tfAbll ? roenrd our tupport or at at Lhoovy AO n itiooLuro 1,,C vv(;tot-;.!;- nitIon of Do GatIlle) tl,:i blJo lipkdor or tio) VrtAlcli pooplo. Wo oc:uA6 not vu 'y wr,11 4re,a,c, that tho "oorifl Ils 1.-yinAllroli;-,? Ao4Lkallyworfl to ohooun rqtromfmUntivoo of tAlo 17'VOrloh in Uorth Arrtoa t'o' l'AMM(1 olc:otlow.1 hi,J,d 000urpod ovor : twei yoftra a6o, 4nd Lhoro appo4v6 110 lu'ioitli, 1,1411Awl,taon ththt, tho Proltah pruplo 111. prtyror thilm wi W -1u 100&:,vo. An election t',,) dctf;voli,ltu thoti C4ot In ,JUvloutay :mpraoLloo,l? th rfaL-jaPeJ to (:5), VPC,N 1,1, mUttnrd otAndpotot, t itiloourno Otrihudia pr000nt, unIfic.d 6uvramontal q ,?' ? admItilatlitioq Ocgit4tOn Olomntaph eC .1Livo rclwonwita- 4.10(1 would -1,,,,,potIr wore drolEiablo Ublva bo deboontralivm tho 64Alnititration of North Arplon, ,:tIrsmit.it to It prOvitliofto of au) Law of 1072. In a "tIOAt011 ut (dporw,ttone prompt , roaporAalvo aation on tho p6t.o1, oV olvIl autkovitiqa4 la i, too6ntlal tr twoogi arfooLuntion, or YaliAtary ofrowavo pIant lo to b twomfalchod. Iltie$ Imlby of Aotton **Lad ?7 , tp,t tmpodmid, in ProrvAll $orth AfvIA i717 tho 1J?Si. wiltt,RrY .i :-=.,::-:: ,:',:'\' . , --Octittod htuiri tc)Oweliat tho Cwaa4t1 _;oaoro.1 In. oaatt - - , tri._, ApArtwiont 4U4 W*11.44 '11.1:14:$ Vrotwhjuli,Ittqvy wAthorktiollo , i.`i. ir'? - -.!.. ' , OVW VIAO ITIVOrnta,a4M1RIOWiVb 005,0a Wklu 110cided* . , , ?, , ,17 - ' I; - I .ig - Sttt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 "7?', Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 i 4 ' 2-11" ? ? - 1 7?7 -? ? -7. 1 ? ? c?:7 ??t ???,: ? it -.rft , - I 1 tiIf5 4 . V:st 04, 5.2 ? ".1 Ctq ?? 41 , '...r. 1 :'' I:4' ?'' ri??L 4 ? .4 .1, (!)1 L.. 4! ? 4,44-, ''2',:= ??,.-'4V.7".4 '' br-:,- ''?' -.i? - , i :.; ???? I' 1? ? 1- ? A ? ,...,,, r-., -, . ,".4,.., ,- ..! .r. 0.: 4, -,-13,, ...?*.:.0.v,,, -Oa ?gc..` ?Pi ' ''' .t ' ". ;-, 1 a.bio:ir q, 3 much in ? .,' ..- :', - '14 _thaij th&7.4ttieO" r44,,,q ,oia;.,,_3-;,tantzpo n. _, -,0,4, - .,-- ,i,: ? `'0,' - hand,.1 I 0 0' rali(o,iiii .?.Giraud:.'4 thti et.,up, .-.,J 3;:ttf_ ' ,..?,. ,soiereit.14'..0 whic4, 4,t,tbili,..ir -Krki belt,ev'ei so::, ,.. '4-sintia1,o, ,iii presorrecti,:, 'vilaile the' abbire 7 alisoitesed:' ,11tiotkrietic iii to a g.reviitt:' extent lackirtit'i particu).arly a, , .4J.-4 ' '.- :'. - ,..:42.. (I) ' aiid. (3). - With regard to (2) t there , still. remains ..? 1:*:.,subitar114,a1 hope that Giraud and _De Gaulle will - f - ieppriel 1 a 'their differeitees ? L. - _ ? ? r ' r r, PvT44 ,.,. ,? , , ?.. . , ) ',1,-r- I I , - ' . ' , - ... '.1.,,` ' l'. , I.' l', , 1 . : , t ,1 , , ' -1. - 4 ,.. ?.:L.,, .. O. i? t: ;111 4.: '1?; . 4 ;6 , ' , , ? ' Jr. I .,,?... - -" , -, ' ,',,..-- , Itt? ' ,/ . '1' $ ' .?: '. ?$:, _ ?..,. ? ,,,i; 11 ? ../1.1,. ,.., ..: ?, , -1.4 ^ $1;?1?,,, ,...., $,? ,r, J1 "I': '. ''' ?, / - 1 llt ''Q $ " $ .: ? ? 'i 1 a 1 'P iiiikLiil,.4, $4.f11I4'.Cr."? ik$11:.?:;';'_?,:t"41 I.: 44i,pVtAe,-....,,-44.- r,?i ..a,14',$.1.11:,.-.:..t!:,:-...2. ,.... .1:,'..'-iiii9 5' '''i4' '141-' ?-';- ';14-4,,,**,' -,, , ?" : ''. i,, ';il'I . ;' ,..1 % v ',?,,I,, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP1_3X00001R000100440008-6 %. , ?-4IfflSSS I'.1 ? '` r I ; 1 - 7 1 St r?LI -?_ NINUoltdi y$, (7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 'AM? 4*u.. The attached memorandum presents at interesting theory, on a legalistic basis, of a method by which Algeria might be governed according to the Law of February 16, 1872. Mr. Wde, has called our attention to the fact that an article in the NEW REPUBLIC of laat week aal Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 14, 1 It" , ? CONFIDENTIAL tigy*tra 1.g 41 4./7 9f Ni42A.C."-t!Pt4t4i44, PAtti.ORg tfiNiN?gil Vi4t0 4.4 6ii* N.tql-0,4!- i$4,141 tt4itim yik,k3 flviq 4?' @,11m114 lt *14.-1 N 6?:1 ? E. -? 1. and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 : 4., . ? 1111111E r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 L'r.1 F- 411 , I 1,: ? , ' , , I .1 ? ? ? ?4 - ??? 41 ' ;? Ath4144.31,7114,41 4 , 4 ? t ? ; FT r*Ltlisio,th; '*tts4tt thAtt) on Noy. .44.!44 threo mitieltvrtt (00,14103 '(1sitteraux) or the '.thrtit ap,attratat ;ityl ito,luoirk-riiilit la OnStitlit provisiorucl leit authorittro ,ond. is ievaidealtriy- founded on the law of Feb. 150 187;4 of whi4k1 herewith,. DE N IIALVMEM !,? '410,44041 timtt migkrt 0 th 60 in ut law a oolution t timeey of /Winch power (litked to the quest p, ? ttlieversiimity,imvokod Lsy Artbur KOook ln tho N.Y. a o the irritating qutiln Lou, of the oontimity V.MBS of Jan. 1). ?Jpe4 $*400 i? of immediate interest; as lona ao it romaina unmolved a delp r and 411 oompetttlone, Intriguers and advcritaras, and tho apirit 3,1no-aieong the populations ia thereby woakened. talop present timop that only ligaluel in the powers of General Oi...tut4 : 40plerial POIMOU Wh13011 appointed him Iles In the Itax with tho Marnhalo hood 4410 Tictly $tate, 4hm intedwadiary being the ltto AdmL:tal Darlftn lb* imathess cif this 4,1Siajauz eppears to bt tvefol4t ra. 4n our opiniole thp logitinecy would only bip inaurkd eomoldering blesoLf prisonorp had lance the total hiaself to the atom political milence and papoility Welans, but the Marshal coneidyrs thut he ham emeogh; et least to ditikvow those who claim to be him Lf tho New.:001410 ocotapmtl:)1, oonfirod ao King Loopold of power QT vvernmwit, rim tl o .vebi in on the r hand, for all thoye who have net tho nyoticiam tc, MArsb41 restate and wants the French to fight Oortamly, tho timory of thy Vichy raglot la ahaken. either hrradieal oritieism which ettuoke the volT validity of tho mJ4-144t4 olltrAatid. to the ihrshal by the N4tional Amaimbly Ouch am the) vriticiaill cootainied in flu organic dfoleration of tha do Gaulle; movomont, Nov, 16,f4; Mat diovittUtab leo* debitabls tinumenth,tion ociltalned ttir' os Ittesidento litskrir4 ond Jioannionev under da of .bo phrkent bollov uhet AthrU c.! 44:411 tbaiti the MitgAinta itklitatHA ? 11141 0 40engvcr am-yona uralarUkoo 1111;4tAl fliOurolg of 41'4 Btpub titt4V A Initi 1.1calo .0! Nalo eAA *ay * Atooto tr4m ttpt V .4; 51N i0Y4 ? 41 ' ,- 4: 4 ;,,,,,L '6: ' 1..1'1', c:?11::'' . ':.,:ti 4' .1.'s1- .,1 ? '? - ?=, 3,01., Ste.r '..& 1 ' ? - ... _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 , ,?F. ; .4 ;74, iNIMBOOM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 .1;,? : intr. ?, t1; ?P'' ? , '' 1? 4 ; t ???? I, ?!'?Li?4'???V!'' ?-? -VI ? ? ?? ? `?' 1??_, r , ut fl11004 telds4r.;, a4:11010ha Ass ly can be ca1Ied4 , - 10A,, F.1.71 1 ; 4 1AL . . , 417z provide that; in mutt a ease ant' uttil such time leotes or Coumit4 Ombra can be const!Auted, tbet5 1!i each ialmoratewuncil 0.01 provide without dolay for the mainteukaice and legal adanivtretlion.01 Thbre-is no queotion of heving a 11, Goa:king in the rause of the whole itountry but ortiy pour* howeveir, in not simply )a. facia power but is 411E4 Vp5tn national sovereignty. E r Of tie Councils General in Algeria therefore have a rJght ccleil ,Asaeliblies the right to constitute e. provisionk:. administration of tklt kr. vOftpi the ex4ielly authorities object that the Martial has ususpenfieory.. to the Councils General; the latter, accordinE to the law, Pave the assuab10. te do Gaulle movement it could not but recognize ouch a power, sinceit '1,,A,0Xgani4 de-claret:ton attaCks the Vic- Government for the susperwion Councils 'morel and refers specifically to the law of Feb. 15, 1872. iNovconstitxtUn of ouch civil power would at least minime the political 1_,;.- .:tItisiOAS of the unitary ohiers and the iptrigues around the; all the ziore sa,the prOhlo* of a provisional goy? ent for Frellce would. be postponed until the liberation of the terr:tory when it could be 3o1ved according to tir sEe taw Of 3Z44 lbe miaistration! (ordre lige') would, in principle, be the Eepubli,an Maindistration as it existed prior to the Armist, but ler reason3 of 21;blic and ord./x.4 the existics legislation might not be comp3etely upoe, in am, quastiont would be settled by men elected by, and it contact with, tha 'WM* 11140041rW4v*: of' neva Onivistrstions in Alseri* would I.Atc rootorati-n, of *II orgsitaatioso *high include repreeentation of the nmcive5. Wme,A. this aututias only *pplics to tge Algerian .142,1110:trata, its adopticr, 40* eon U0A400 Upda the rtmainder of Frehoh Africo: no Ima,O.al colgis1;, the. lorovision*1 goverment of Francej tow organinm of tfhi$ T47' to all the ?roach territorist overaotei wolld nec-4a6,4a.:t1)' wale osctaotvoly 4ilitary funet,ionst limited Le) fl.e 0 of the paws exerclgr4 by the awmbero of thl Cow1,1 11100A the imAttetanoel, of los and areal? mnd Joi2. mci-in14,_ be 680110014 10' ortunisl., ova ts the Councilo Gellc.m1 illerevex Allorhates of,ftvoch ciftisen$* (At Ms tAme te EabmtniN: tbo 04ior11 Council* or C*Ionlal eQinicila of other fvhrrito ? 41 ,ap4o, wacla 04aution. votAd t144$7 04!Oraer 44, iNgpl9Orocedea fuvtiiov 44141tilde a tho. Pro614ntL1 of th.e .tf tholftWity kethlo iteplibi)111 1- , ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 yA4-44...44ArgcAr:r. '44 ? I /1.S. .4 T Pr 121 4 1i?.,4,44,11?47- !;?;.? s,? AZ '44" ?ft?r., 4.1'6 '??; t Oitt ? 4 Vit 'el.:- T-.4; '?-?A ?????04 t -la f4'..2:"?,? .4.'4% ?..1?? ::;;:?Ii" ? ' r ? , ??? t ??? -.; "431 ? ??;. CONFIDENTW , wv Alt oventatA dos ConaUlai 0416%ux 0 wooptIonn011011* , 45110414 Wilma/a ou ci11qt qul. lui eucades)nt 0060 ditt;19031: *a toptcheas do so rtluolr, 1n1t 040MbIttitlthmidiatitawntl do Srploi drAtt et sonq aeot, 040t01410 0401k1.4 412, ther,,XiCU do tuuttivo (14parteftnt.--ii -00001wr turtoub, *illouret dans la d4pit,ttommt, it 10 tleo ,,10.,t44000,A6 ImAr mro0 pas offrir de gorntLecN lours ailiberationoopei1 ne tont qa* par la vrcleonco de la majnrit4 de lourv ? ? f4414 oritiiims0a ova. oh lilaavableo dont 11 ser parld t lomrticlo 30 AIL,A*1 0010tutin qutelle vat rigailrement oonstituks 10 oonveil tAnAl Output iva maintier de la tranqui1lit4 publikiuc ot de. le- -1( ) !44,2 votblio 4ompow4 de deux dilkusis ilus pAr cmlw-11 moat* riutli thous 16 Lieu ov moront rondw, It membn,14 du 1,10 1#000nt life 00 ISO didput40 qui wront p oc nomitrtire tp -4414 WitM 14*. 444 4414gaito ntoet wilabLmiant convtituto cta* 14 dts diopiArtomtntot 431 *Dino* sly trove ;411.444cInt4,1. : - ta Allin401144 it prondrat pOul tOut( 14, nmpeo, ourao wteutos cluft ?ilicesoito lAtt maintion de Pordrcp v-t op4cifilc otour *40 do, rtildriil notionalo in pl4nituw- nOt dt Pourcine de n*o droit o. ,ittlxvolt lotrati,on 0a4e4lo du pays* itir441, dolt ow dittboudr, ausattt ow ilAmsombt40 notionoLo LA T:40114mt do lw unjoate do 000 '10111140b i?Ito" un .0Apt 4;.041, alett4 VOCOMptitatifm jACilp 1*4 11.44100Mblee doo 044qat dcqt IL *it. 444,iq polar des elootiorm On41 141 ,oul, , N 4A00,21a keilegib146 mationalo 414., ig.,kWl1,4&,. V4010144 dos 4414041 dolvioa Otx toutitP-r1;0 A . pa 'Amu !tel$ toutttornoire a , pg ti. a0 qUt )i : fOraw Outliot** 1v- mont. GNI: 1,111 r.,Awnt "410 mm04161 - , ? 4.11-4-; 1.- x * .4474" k. :? 4.44 40 ? -0;1 - ...4.qtri-t ' '114 ; 711. -,f EJ." ,r ;', ; t , ;II' -.:, ? :-.r,:, c ;,.4"I'''''Ith' :C.,. ? .. ;?. .1` ? r ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 _ ?:2; - 441 :?.`r, _4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 . ,.. -$ - .r t qzi! t ".? rea 6.1 ifo41 and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 trtS1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100440008-8 2 .t1 PZI:et /La; otemes el? ;Le) PLUALArk -204 441"604ii, tt'41:0Lte'l.--