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� � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 L C � -0 �1:2�;1:: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Ap roved For A A A A A Release 2013/08/051 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001 1 rot' General t011eVAN DOI)", Beat: You askld AV cOmmOnte on the attached. agree with the writer's stitgiOnts whisk, however? are 'touched in very generalleris, iowever? : do not think prate grapil is a partioulailY Pod desor,i0tion of the essential oharaelleristies that an agent 0 QQ4, - crs, ppipase 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100430001-6 � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � 12 September 1945 Nlajor General W. 3, Donovan, Director, �Moe of Strategic Services, Washington, De C. Sirs I am transmitting herewith a memorandum on Rs-construction in the Far East, which I hope you will find of interest, I shall be grateful for an early opportunity of discussing this And related matters with you as soon ea you can find the time for an interview. 1 Respectfu13y �00!, iee� Es Al Long � 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � cQItIIri rI For Rel Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 1. the U. .141..2......4/11Pertilni...... MEMORANDUM ON RECONSTRUOTiON IN THE FAR EAST In the Far Emit generally, and in China particularly, 8. conceivably will be confronted with many postwar problos of the first magnitude. She has emerged from the war as the greatest and strongest of the victorioue Powell!, mili- tariln politically, and economically, as well AO the etaunchost and mot formidable champion of human righte and welfare. Thus the nations of the Orient will look to her for leadership in chartirig and promoting their developments along the democratic path 0 material and moral progress, especially during the diffictilt transitional period, wherein exigent ineuen which have arisen or occurred during the protracted warfare must be faced and adlueted. � 2. iin China thee� innuon include, among others, the many I probletcn which will arise from the surrender of extraterritori- s Laity :And its manifold emanations and privileges, such as foreign adminibtered "settlements" nnd "conoeeiions", judicial jurism dictioste, property ownership, investments, franchisee, As well as foreign control and/or partleipation in greater or lesser degree in such matters AN the Customs and Postal eervices, con- maven?), work, pilotage, ato. 3. ' There is a tremendous amount of unfinished business consequent upon the retirement in 1937 of the Chinese Government SEC81' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � - 2 - SEC6' from 14nking to remote Chungking and on the abrupt break after Pearl harbor in Allied intercourse with occupied China (which includiut all the most important cities in that country). 4, To ensure an orderly, evolutionary transition from the old toi,the 'new as well as to build our relations with the China of theifuture on secure and abiding foundations, wise counsel from kmerican specialists on the complex and many faceted Chines 4 problems must be available and utilized. 5. Politically and economically, the new China probably will b0 seized, at the outset at any rate, with a perfervid nationalism, but it will be the duty of the United States to guide this upsurge of sentiment along the channels of healthy empiriism combined with practical caution as well as along course4 which experience has shown to be safe and prudent. 64 of her as her This duty devolves on the United States both because present and potential hegemony in the Orient, as well obligation to protect the vast material outlay from her citizens and government which seems in prospect. Wise and sympatpetic, albeit firm, handling of China and Chinese will be essentital. 7. 'Hence the U. S. must have qualified agents (a) to keep unobstrualve watch and ward over developments and the kmerican economic stake in the Far East and report thereon and (b) to guide, instruct, and advise, always in an unostentatious and self-effacing manner. SECHE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 - 3 - SECiPi 8. As condition dine qua non these agents must be (1) persona who have had wide, varied, and original experienoe in the country or their respective asignment, inoluding knowledge or its language, and (ii) the ability to ingratiate and "ayn- theaize" themselves with the natives. 4. A. Long SECh'f$ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 CHINESE COVERNMENT 01110A MILITARY GOVERNMENT F j�-� 7Pf "27. 2,0r, kgrs (' AT& - fi7I j';#2414. ?7 61.16� � - ) �11 -7142A1, - , 4. 0 � 4 p ' , � � 7', UI?! � 7 r: r , P../ ,77 ��� � � _'.�.-., 'i.. r I . 1# - � � .., - �����1�1�7 7 � � al -I .7.1 I LT Air , 7.�1 I f "rxrfir � re+ .w Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001_R Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 MILITARY NATIONAL MILITARY COUNCIL CHAIRMAN CHIANG K'AI-SlIK COUNCILLORS: TIM HSI-bHAN LI TSUNG-J1N CH'ENG CH'IEN CII' Th SHAD-KUAN LI CHI-SHIN FING TU-HSIANG AN FU-LIN HSIUNG SHIH-HUI WEI LI-HUANG LI LIkh-CHUN CHIEF OF STAFF HO TING-CH'IN ASSISTANT PAI CH'UNG-HSI CH'ING CH'IIN MA N (FFICF 111hFCTOR )10 1.0)- !;AAG ASSISTANT YAO C1:113: MILITARY ADV1SrRY LI Cdl-SHEN 11 vr,H-elLr, ,YA11(: FANG CHIEF CF BOARD OF MILITARY OPERATIONS On v",X-rHANC ASSISTANTS TO CHIEF OF BOARD... .L1U FEI ANL HS1UNG F1,1 CHIEF OF BOARD G.:. CIITARY 1RAI1:WI 1A. . Aie.-'3! CHIEF OF BOARD 0 PCLITIL.A, IRA'N1%1 . . � CD 'r.F )F WARP OF M:LITARY . � .1VP CHIEF A :hr. PCAR'. CH:11 kA THE ;.VAL PJAHr. CHIEF OF THF FORFIC.% APFA IPS rIRECTOP-GENFRAL OF ,::F VAP' ft' CHIEF GY TILE TRAN3:11.7 Ah: CHIEF JF NAT AER(NANT, As "(NU 71,, JIPECTOR " 'NAR AREA PART AND POLI1ICAL AFFAI1T Pc., :4- _ � A BUREAU jr INVESIIGATIOls & STATISTV" CHAIRMAN DEPUTY T.: nUREAU OF CEACORSHIP CHAIRMAN _rti GOVERNME , -EL. -c: vteVil r..� 41.4 �,. . . 4:.-LAJ 7::ZA Ammommormw VICE 4ao:4 41mummi�mmommENTImogAmmia� .1:.�_ AIN...-ZU TICE *ma& I. . - - . 1.,..ek, . - _....t.,... .. .ii..i� M:i.AN:, II: �.. --..,:.- n:,71:11-v:-: ..L.: :. . . . ....� __ ._--SI.N. .--) .1 MINISTER... ..... ).L r: r1OL.VICE PEI-CdANG AMU!. WI 1.1: . .C.JJ (ACTING) LI TANG 1.3...3CNG NTS..A1AMG 1JL..ji.E MN .. nay MIN..�hEN:1 Ai. MINISTRY3:7 M_N:STS1 ML!1..TE CJ FEI-?G POL.-VICE hJA-HbliN ALMINolItr YI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 KINISTER LIT 04.11CI MIN CEEN Aruni.mx III.. ESU NT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 a'alkt EATIOEAL Lt.) trzis's C rtINCIL C pritt chy 11141111.41ittleC TIt cATRAL CONul. ammo VICE ate, FIV6 ruAN , NATIMAL MILITAkt ;Aim/ I L 116411r IL' oLqtaTAZOClitilol Cm; .3hunt!PARY-OLWAL YUAN PAAT/ 44114t4VENT walk's ot MUMMY c "JA"" TIO: 4.4%1K/1'1-1' PARTY LEADER CHIANG MAI SHEE IAJIY AND t'OLITIt,AL gUICK I P.I...L.,UTAT I 11'1 LUIt ..11111.1t. 11'g 11' Sit W14 11111g; - i.1 i .... 1.41 Y Ah F A I 11 Oil -11aftl'; ;NOM sECIMARNOILItiggrk (14�.1;rt,-}ill I NAI-KJANG oy Ti[E ziAT1 VAI TXI F itabh�s ...... ...I ( n bINILA INNIMPOI rtliaMNI OF CIVIL 11=1111111W (GO mmurat(;) COMITROLLEk-OENEhAL'w orFIcit PARTY �ENTRAL:kAALVTIFE cInu tiTa1001128161 tAZANO IVAI-511ME /f0 TUZYI/ .1111 TA. I4940 YINO 111-115IANO TIMICWU-TWANO e4/1 KUNO-CUAN TS1P IA 00:t1NO-C'IM M.R. KUNO WAN 13.4)./U Tfat 01-7101 T CKIA-TIM T.t. 50000 01'000-10311 CEO C1L400 LI-511100 � � �, LFC11.-- oil � � II lIa6 � wilft LJA �MI 'IIi I. it WMIII(i)LLER-CEN..CH'EN LH'I-TS'AI WAN.; ..r'.C..Ir.:1. LatAlit, t111..ttUkj 1. i. IMP TRAININU )11MITTEF. iAgTY AT/AIR:, JAMMU IMMIIMMIOMP t .0)CIAL Al"A;K. ) 471. Y 12511$2 ...... T. V. WONG ID: ..... CHIANG K'AI-.IL( NI ..... R. IL KUNO SIC. ON ....... WU TING-CHANG AV! ....... ..TI TIN DIRICtil Or A)LITICAL Anik I Ito DITAIIBUIN. . Hal TAO-UN 411111111111111MmINNIIIIIII. c .L11 CLOG-IAN IJI.IU 11..11LIA03 PO-IU �)1m. PRFFIDli41 Cr Pnr . 11-.1 , sr., � ro; 'NC �C.H.WN �IN .1711 I lliG-014,14G rtrANC4 MA IIN-ChIr M LARY AFFAIR::...H0 ItI �1. ; 1 4.1 e.I...SIDFD1 �CO CHFAJ VFF P1W....Cd14 t4E,C .C114 'Aro 'Ind �141414E CA11.111.�MA CHIN 4:%1N.00111 CMAN" Chid IN,. 0tAl AIM ...TAI ILI-1" FA, MUMS 0:1 V1114(291100 alAtt.AU Oi Wiz/TWA. Aw Ak. blATIaIw s:KAIHMAA....AU ..... MINIM1Y OF AORICUL11/111 WAN Ilt,IDOCTION BOARD AINIARY OF INFORMATION MINI.TY iT JRCANILATIJN ZIJIJYWY J7 JTLIZZA., o11t110 bHIU-To'AI NE.VICh MIN tENG ADMIN�VICK MIN LH'IEN T'IEN-HO AAN 0.44C WEN-HAO 10,0:-11:1 ,FCRFTANI ga MINISTEN..WANO VW' IN..101 IILIAO-YEN VIO IS..HOLLINGTON E.TONG 16.1..16 AIME\ ../Mmilmonsommor F F.N. AFFAIR: CAW 1021-i1A0 111-1,1 LIEN CHAIRMAN LO LIANG-CHIEN VICE CHAIRMAN CHAO P'I-LIEN iw ,,,Nmi..:i,,,,,,i4 UVRII:./q1:, CH IIIF, F Al'hIlli:. t'tel.44 L liF (RAHMAN. 11114 14,411.:11.1' t 1114-11,A I 411N...1/15 LI-Wu '� I F LIN .K MINISTER HAI VAX POLAICEMIN LIU HAMO-SHEN AUMIN.VICE MIN.P'ANO SUNG-CHOU 00,k141n1014 100003.0 1"05.80 ,,...0610.10110 MINNITY Uf V0111.,Go AFFAIR:4 MINI:1ER I V ..00NO FOL.vII t MIN.... ...... Il.C.W11 MIN. ICF' MIN VIklad HU OUNCILLOR HA; ii.1 iIhNlovi-:: uAN4hAL AMIN: LI MI.14uJ KNIT MIA AFFAIR' 41.0T ASIA AFFAIkr, !iitIliel ruhoPFAN AFFAIW AMERICAN AfFAM 1.1 Mil; i,dill. blIANO LItUW-F0 1 It�,T & I .),4, , I il.......11 VALID AS OF: APRIL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 , r S 2 .� � � ,Offico of the Sircristarlit. 1.11.914.fra � �4`? ,fv" 4,1 tvirl ����., ote.s. v. � .r.fr. � � 4P Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 < 1 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej -101 panaiddv Pue Pe!PsseloeCI 'jt tif� 41-4 4i4 rep - 4 Aokt @wpm pimmtiVi4wt penut orok* Jai AX010,10iti 4t1q. 1@tirg% '11100:4T-104 ell 440M paltAAW iliErtaMpliffi6 400011 itimpacofyliikluw.t( ftutium.fiqm 13 gri popwrotokt AtT4THI1 ttOttottiOlz 0C I. 041ATMO Aflod irtq ju omPIR q.u4e4atT Out Mite,: rsooq tql, to:1 joTaq$JTuil i4.114 Ott !Iwo voottliqUo otoptimiqury vit@ woo foti utqq, iqb0HT aoj 4410 ol moo puo AtItTpaoq p00404X 4q ofjp. tthtfio-004quilf O'&44 14 al:441V V-I4 ta tbuotoo Uotiff. "et (*Ntpavp4t4puo.I14 Holloaollcioo wotetmoo wf0Ort 0 f.,!.3 (1013114aiA *MN colt $tlitottitioff ct( J I 01411,41-4kil opt), tcriNt Apstilift4c.oplopt, pi4t0f# Alm/ *AN ilowporodou4u oqq, Jo 1HowoJaAo0 pm0140 pql poTqlq googo6o4Hoo pop itejtd L.titi itiotoiothq 0,02,foton pi tor tioti tottioq fq 0001 oft vtody::ot utopritiowit, Eopt Jo Vitt 4141,t- otim tow 000,1 tit tlafAi vitylOct. gilt* 041.Ain q 1,0 pixtpotw. L)ti Mil Jt,i 111, L. 11 oto 04'4).1 rfltit '.11110.4 0010.111 11$0.0 0411 11,414() taok 10111 poi lit' if tom Joroot 41,1-4o4441 4qt cqqvic 410 1 Ftt rtOttoll t I-s*1 slot i polf t t t111) 0111 1011 Imo poloroa oq puti lowlow qv( 0) ott ook omit/V.)4ft Jo 041 4qt holWtLtt coo I :mil I ett t to 1 1/ 010 tiotticiiikrPtt 01,41:ittiwO tl,Ottg 04# V, AL 4tL IVI ri Pi 1 I1kt j :41 t Ott 4,19tA tt,tittp, 4 1;1 joi itt1tv�140, et of 004ditidurtUT IWOleaLA lilq 4400w0g 010 Jo 00111A,olif qqi uom lotto a0110 111.4q1' 40,1 trl 9ttpti Jti lot,10 NI 109 oti tio cm 4.4 citt 4iitt 411 -1T lktotto.it %Ott 004M 0q, $010 410w4to pc141141,40 oq 1 titIc4 ocil qv *toe-J*0A oto tjtL 10 t AM' 44g#A t 04141 I Ji I 0,1111 Pm IolirAt tY) til-Tcsjp 11004100u aortm 'tom mo.n i#1witA.A1 t4M V430�1111; V4W111"it 101jOlow 41)1401A gtAl6fir t MUT tftectWulit itot1t400,1 t L1 Jo) omollocq. vow HT olvoplHoo ..41AdJ4 qtq 40 000 tpI oapilowt tirvi f_t.ot log ptiv outgo UT Igu oql du wilquttOnq 4,ftrwpif 0%0 1100 40Ittlijov govolitttom ViotlfloT do �mull 1�41 PiT4q V"qqAvl lto&00"04 4E444 44fAoft(4101 00 11 L LT ri 111.111ti:trp cot e,16)11041 t4 IAte) -2cni 61,0 M '041ttott gotitt 'ttf*Ititigill Oi 4j1c1PItVotdwoj'N Ji311�T 041 401qm 14 1tqA004/14! jOrtIN.P0/ 4/114111 #411 utoomlaq itotiopoJJ otttp Acia o fllotloom o paqpiloop poq olotolow oTqt 404t.4.4400) 140Vd041.) �41'0'411.14 NMI mroj 010040m tl tio4100.1)144 totallit puouclo #100041 0q11p�it eia-ojoe) roir (owl mt)i)t pt oq '411 tiA01 ort ptottut. btotioodoqiity woo otim Ago I 111 J4p Moill ii IIIptp pot ttlo ott4 Itt0tAit 14,11) 'twill' to 41101110ifitu, 41(1 otto tit ift.ovI Lagooj at.tr 411 ptiii Totwtoo polti voti coup 1.110 boutio 001,,tti v1114,01,11111' J.ill#004(0t1 1st 101241�1 WIllkl�0M1 c441 151t6c 'if 14"00N 41" NNetriw cotl 't 0A0 001/ - 0'0'40 4 A )fi ;t1 4.46. *Lt;) wit #Joloqqa, pultof folioujo ric301AA0 opalvoll 13o0d4ff stt PA04001 tqu'lt�'0 1 01 liNkt.tof 1,4,to�ttf) p for t0Or,t 4,,,rool II$ I toot ttfl ljtatud =Tr= Tgit .41t u i .$i W$IVIHJVNINIC) 011101/00111 OIDLIMILLIP 40 3101440 imutivneavAH � � '5r� Ja�.-1.-.4 9-1-000C17001-00011-0000XCI-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0z eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 'tZi [At' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ����., Colons," Hopper (Zyou Alone) .2. 0 MAY 1945 the Govornmont of tho Ropub1i0 of China an now oonatitutedi The Ambannador then stotedithat. before ho had come to China. tho Preeident bad given him a direetivo whieh wen in full accord with tbe policy am not forth in Score- tory Hullso Plodeo. Thin directive wno very nimplei namely to prevent the collapse (lithe Chinese Government. Thin did not mean, ue tbo Ambaaboder pointed out, oupport of the Control Government if he found it Duro and motivettd Int the Golden Rule nor doen it mean that General Hurley, in exeeution or this directive, aeausnem that the Chinoac Cont im thoroughly honneut and-blame3one. In fact the Ambonoodor mokod for in got the ronig- nation of fdiur cabinot membera thet were nupponod to be corrupt. no Ambeeeedor her* made it very clear that ho recognize:1m tho many fauna of tho Consreliael4ovn regime. 4. 7.ho1ehearte1 dovotion to implomonting thin Oirootive moont that any Amorioalle in China . in rooponeible Dovitiona, who could not rocenoilo themeelven to full eupport of tho Central Government would havo to "env*. Aa roeult; General Stilwell wee ordorod homo and the rociaation of Mr' Gauen wan adoepted. Petwean thirty and forty offloora of tho Arm roadquartorn alno had W!leeve. The Ambancador etatod furthor that for tbo came roncoua, he hod been Iforced to oend 7ohn Service, J'ohn Davion. &Ind George Acheaon boolt to the Matto. 5. n rdor to hi'gh-llght the oxtrome danger of not following thio dirr,ctivo c4impletely, not only in tho octivitioe of tho Embanay but almo in connection ovith the Army lleaduunrtorn. General Hurley gavo OA account or certain difticultiee twilling from thc Btirrott Minnion to Yanan. 740 rooalled ho* he, himplf, hnd gone to Yonon 1.roviounly und both there and in Chunecing mode b good :start toward bringing the two factionc within China together. Ea even ntuted that ho bud had in him pomeoneion u 41000 ac,rooment from Yam), to came of Om termo proponed by the Contrul Government. Then without hie knowlf40. lho Darrott Rinnion wont into the nod aroao in ordor to formulate a plan fe,r "Ale coopelration of Amnricen rorcli with the 8th Route Arm, Thim plan became known to the leadorn in Yenan whereupon they nomumcd that they would be able to obtain. Amerlean hupport without comOying with tbo tom& of the tgrromo-;tt which they wore.) ih the proeeen of making through Ambnomndor Hurley witkt:se Control Government. ln fact the immOlate effect of the dicolonura thia plan in YOTPAU W0t1 to make tho Conmnioto drop Ooneral Hurley and. itb, Central Government like u mhot hrlokTM, rnine their domandt. and turn ho4odully towerdn the Amorican Minnion. Whon Tohn Davion� who had been with tho Mloaion. roturned to Chungking, the Ambevmador ankod him what bed gone Obt wbovoupon Devion told him ho could not toll ibe klbaanador bocaueo it WI A military mecrot. Wboroupon to otle the kmbasendorin wordn. he Hboonme a little mite) in hip lull:liege*. At thin juncture the Ambannedor tent n cable report thrc.tell ?lambing Lon In wbieh ho-olarited the Dal-vitt 141 no ion for havin rfrot of alp., diecuceed thin plan with the Chineoe Oommunirties and accondly, fox, having thutiffoctively broken down tbo nogotiationa which wo.eQ going on betwoon the Communtatn and the Central Covernments After exhamative invoutigetiona in whieh the **tato of the Wieeion were queationed at longth, it wom oetabliehed that the laZtor were aimply acting under the ordera of the Mint of Staff'. Cotner/a MaqLuro � 6. A t- 4111 hits return to t tuton in Deeember. tho Ambaneador received 8: IC T e A ;,;!likAitraNt.�. 0 tF.! 4z, � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 9-1.000�17001-00011.0000X�1.dC11-V10 90/80/�1.0Z eseeiej Jod panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI fif-4093 28.1V` 'Itt" N�C;tvg 'tor � ktrl 4, ff , ric,"41 . f f $ I . , � itt0 P11.) tril pug itiftflittintiO0 foY6,4414;) 40 40E0(1 Ovum 14 4,441 pg.Ttur rou() 4tuo 10$110mY V110 Iluomuat400 Toatu40 0q1 44 Try 04 44 POPMAN Ala@$$11 (j4 utitiq pm( ilOTMAT vivo wrqmplow*T otut vom. pox-temp mopitot),RwAffuq0 Pql 10110 uT ormigo pm Mg 1111TtA plam000qIj I. tfti i/510WttU,I01$41 puogaga Aq pqmAdoptyp otuvA moRnoop oktocil 14,VAT4111414 4040011.4104 eql put) ourommaloa40 iloom$ort ouolvolko,yu jo jrtmaer goo jjollo jo t4Yutoo 41 puy 4144 otiq 44 po$PadJoluT 49* $1 Ito4 puY flawfoa 00 41 '04W *tow goyim 1OU OA Wp(L Lfl iToitin Pitcfpiltfinto ttoBltitA I4101Jps it#04 Vital oTim 1(1411J j.0 ptig.IfirJ 4 P414 0110,1 V1011 lig ptoti irotwroj otti, ototaW: iptelucm awrglOadmXff pu. pitglutaig ur T144'4401 wolagm 4 10,01%164 1091000 p Thifqfarpoo imik& tflOtJJintownocmJt rgeffi,04TIO6 4 P0A1000,T bL(Lj11,1:-.01,TOUN 41010tf 01i40 04.4'farli0 Wirt JO 14/f0iitA4ti VIP 414TUTItilliQO opouTtio tqwwifo jo f1 1-4p oto, Jo opfau 0,14440g yo too, gpwa/n 4foisi ilpfuldo olq tif otioTtim tillownuv tog wiTimooto 411,UO111414 omou J4001 @l1OPti4 41 tplumloWasaao wrow toolugoo room efigimit rijkfohitiff toii poll oigtoTIO foto toall*�plo VT.4)4 OM JO tkm, 110 Of* ,Co119/ 0kI1 4104144,e 10,[1,,A ,fwviciAttlfs It ip 'Off* It1o1 uto4,01 (pm, 14.0 papper tyoronotquy otit loolopieg irm plot otporr kistigatottoo oporomq victowasT qi Tellog 4-c4uooto -V4111/4 .10,,44/04 qq,doij (04 paw( p%1 imiqm vlopT ogl popantica Jmompoquiy $41 au .pol,nciptguoo hi011 Vi IT of tfupiojtorvintlott jci ItionyaA00 41,0 osi pa0Orib 4110,A14 (tow,' UT IN IWIT111100000 froin afstA Tom pauptioto 40 troop �.1oul pvicop ouci tlll Jto Awi,A ufttitittyyrowt 'foto 1404 40T104 wpm 10 uoppluotwovNIT owl uT VOTF444 iqbitivio tr�ttuipp.Tosf uottimok-ol tortiLiOtsiy ipo(1,goiNg 011 11,wm, 01Tt1fii f),T IH t1own)je okfutuktoloo 4fittett�o @tm, fl,tto1ro.:(4 10T(04 quopitio.14 utr4b7on,f(woolp 411 ,f1tIrlittVaXii t$T popyopono pot! 04 uopoputo (IT floo poluTo4 Apiting Ilm44.00 sit footling. pTifit @Awl( og, 4041 f44i,k (mg pivot 01140. Off *)(1`04% 111 0,10'04i 0t1091 40104114 0,4q i1I(9 wit( ouppoiti (woo ..1-04,10(44w(inAr opita.(iftimokyo Qfp:14110 4A44 rf10,441011ITillk JVCL1 UWO: VIFithtifttilg skterVeds kTP1@k14,44),�014.11. esti 1104* plotemfootiffm ffiliApq ()4, pel114.101 pm 01100 � flupoi Jo litopmgAtit OM, 341V (0.1411111d0A,Q0 woo� oto. mow op po,Ittlkooa pf4(1. Avokylinuti-44140 APtE001:ifi 14,TWer 4 IP Rf1,194 V.01411101100 441 uflokI,J p qtitrook(its-fmt I9ifflAf0.4) 0(0 es 1044 Ca41110Vt,T0IT 1111 4ittiotT ohyi ju oaltawn itsEtivetsm 4tti quouomoo olt$ op~1 ogod,R(Nfd pool p41wollpuT wig loql *ITcEINTL#11104,01 of% tovociTilif4=SIM 1,1 tfirctictiftt plef) lom igfoklAci ..tiTtl-qtto AoyA tT (1,R4 frtiu palmf04 oaqi auvwpowtoy ou (01f U000 pyll 404 1041sW4 mou tromp gAiA ptql, liptiq. two ludisiT,cmtTI it pp/ 011 vitt(m impt pa Jo alefugs w 14-1,1 vsktt4 itIoJITAlt firm poonpoinf tom 1,witkod gat( pottgood iiopgeo.witoY luTodqe (110) 4,4$1,ToRN$ ITN Jo oloyq y 40 014141040a oto Nylutwoin 0t11ilt4011041 4014,14rf TO .1-14 clig0k111141t! 001:10.,TOJIIN) off, 4400 tt10J.J ttsli19". ria@TOp 41101h i1 jq NI( P.4 tlfi0s1itth uttig99114,ThUtif) btti to.PROlia0 104 picoN pooq# oq .0114 littipld044 aql pooti100) uo((i dotwv#wqm:ogx "p040140d mon, 011140ov:iv �,&011 14410,,T0.4,011 1441ti com iett tior,00 igsfts oirfti Lftriov 14(0TIM4ltillA) 440470,TOM 10k11 IMP 144,fiTiltif bpi) 001#0ttart0D $nq 4014491 P1 I1' JO 4040a.014Pn tl4ti 01 loti 40M @Tql Ot11 t4 kik4/4 (1140ti 1 (11 if fa4g par i491,1111f 11004404(14f 0 optio wtf-ttolli tog pup 441 titi4 witififtVAUC)f) 4PkitiTi10 MIN $404119P0t411 14140tth itt10044,TEf 004 o$tLtt.PuTjavt wit) Quo qn itoqo olg ow pOits mOolo$ 9 :tar 5r. 1 ' Aim 0 , 1,1 J, mco (01;01Y 40,,t) .11403/414110.11 Toug100 T t I A ,4 9-1.000�17001-00011.0000X�1.dC11-V10 90/80/�1.0Z eseeiej Jod panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � n 1914 4-3@nd twontY 111104 (10.11411g tina bur;0106*" Tho Ambaoador oharantarlgod thim wholo baainopo oo A 10W ond tranoNrant fraud, 9. 00�or,41 /Nom, 0.tAtrA that ia 19h), ha had told Oanaral MMrmball that tho M15,1 and 04 wara no good oad that tha ow woald tho grootoot or all tho organ;I:tationft horn of tho Wore Ito thon urgad atro4ly that tho Ohlaf of Mart talwnonoral Donovan, mica him WA Jo: 00116110, 4110 PtIt 1th 1.11 491411102 Of CO2. Dttrint 1�000t Vi bit "t4 thA 110;0@ 'tth0 W I1fkad by oonciAl m41141011 that hio mmegootion of two yoara proviouolY had boon oorroob that tho 110,41170filktrUbly anod r000rd and that ho Lad boon veovont4 f4Y344 taking, flu do), fa auggo ti on only by a t rope oppomi t :1 on arottra 14m,no Amtapmdor 0$17-144000t-A doop Priorulghip tor 0@nortil Donovnn tinet A otrowe, a4h'ato tchla orgontv.otiou, 10. At lunch juot boforo Oolonol Bird and Vbjor Rooaovoll loft, tho Amboo#440 olkod that okhov or both of tbom alwaym fr,a1 troo to oomo to 404 him witWtt 04 vpointmut and thot ho would bo moat votafml for ony Jtomm of infcormAt*t Wont101 valuo to blm whiQh mlght oomo OUV wAy, IWITTN POnCrVTLT Major, Infontn, Ohiaf, al, Dot. 203 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 B Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ,41m4k�.. I t4 Oit4 - SECRET BOUTIN AND RIMORD EMIT - ar /4 69 Vel0.1444, f (J110J.W0444404k40., C 't,d 4 ) Aoodenion No I Skil. II .11 in II P117 1"4* DOI@ Ret3 Id � OA � � g sloe To 1 1, t= H4om il 0 i Date 077:74...........mliuriii...ii....- Initiala @ 01111101Mi 111111�0111M-311MMIMMIP Ree'd, Pwli'd ,i.a ti iqortLtLo C.1 ki., . I? i (i 1 1,. . ,. 64400 . ) a Xi, 4." 1Aorts , X104t4 'Id. t , Jo. limsellarimmumallimisomorisalemmiewormourr mammy . .. . $ $ � . � 4 10, . : C i . - - - - - - � -- - elicerslisirrammiWallsomb Noah comment 4hould be numbered to oorrempond with number in To polumns A line should to drawn aoroaa sheet under e4oh oomment. Officer Desidhationm nhouml be used in To oolumn. IRO �Meer 4hou)d initial (oheok mark insuffiolent) before further routinfle Action 4ee1re4 or motion teken should be Indicated in Commentv eolumn, Routini sheetinhould always be returned to migigitry. J40111 oftwor Ofitinatione mei sep4p40 shi@ti :e � r 4.4, V*. E C- R E 1 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4e4 f ,t1r �- '0'1 -�� � 1 4.."'� � -�tt 0:4 �r.� d**, SECRET HEADQUARTERS OFFICE OF STRATEGIC) SERVICES CHINA TREATER APO U7 SUBJECTI Transmittal of Chinese Currency Ce (1, tt.t.t.tc - eew�����������������������994welleolottotetwieleedemos. REGISTRY NO. 210-111 e7 12 Miy 1945 The Directors Office of Strategic ilervices, Mashington, D.C. Attentions Kr. Charles Si Chestoni Inclosed are nine (9) Chinese Notes which we have oollectiod in response to your cabled roquest. I do not think any of Owes are types specifically named in your cable, but perhaps: they will be of moms use. ;4 Wit are continuing our efforts to get the required typos acid will pouch thew to you as soon as we get theme na TIlE sntwamc sZRVICMS OFFICFS: Enclosures: Nine (9) Notes Chinese Currency. stribution: as 2 I. Neestry 627 1 w'OhuOgking files - F:tv, RICHARD L. PARR Major, AUS, Executive Officer 022 WA S3 10 Ott olgs.ci Oh? GLOCE i. gORET � , , = t�.*P 'Allfair-AVW.IP=L '446- ti--"M:etl, � f �30.*Lf..; i � neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � "et7' s4s. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 , . _ Cannata . ' !nit a . � .,. r S . . .... 4 .24 .. r ) 11, .... , 1 'L , �A . . . i . , . 1 . , . ; 1 / i , 4.... � -4 ail AIIICOIL. Iii It, . . , , I ti t 'AC;11 . . . . , i . V' i .1^f . , a . ...4.4.AULdhasiAlliiii.iilliall A 0.,./ ..z. � F . , t ! . A . . 41 * " �� , / , - . . . X , , 411MMNOW � . , . � � � - a I � � . I , 1 0 ' I 0 . . . . I J. - q . - . .. . r . ' ,X t . . , , , * t 041,red te, CaPreaponet with number in To column. *00t. skeet 4#fir oeoh comment. Fe column. mirk Anguilla lent ) before further routing. tnettif#41011.11114 b lind lasted, in Comment, ociumn. IM "tat iirnod 4* ietry. C. 'We !II. I4ck; :4) I � N , . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100430001-6 .1 e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 .111119/81/1/111011/046/......� OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WAOHINGTON 25. D. C. 8 May 1945 F TOs Director, 033 FROI4 Far East Division, SI SUBJLCTs Transmittal of Report by Bernhard Knollenberg As you may have heard, I sent in a series of reports durl;so my trip to the Far i4ast. I hrve had a r s from Whitney Sheptirdson suggestinp that I send you my report of 31 !larch 19/,5 from Kunming. This report is attached. 8 Attschment Bernhard Knollenherg Div. Dep., Far East, SI SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 �cat aft a 4 SECRET A � A � Kunming 4 A March 31, 1945 4 4 K � Fr,ms T31 4 Subject? 3f.1k with Retired Chi novo Miri end :ichol a r 1. This morninr Mr. X, the retired Chinese burine!Is mon and echoic/. whom I :had hoped to two in Kunming, gave me a two-hour interview. He wee more flienk than I dmred hope. Ho speaks excleisite English, so that no inter- preter:Amtervtsed. Ho has declim-d to permit, mo to ,Ove his namO7 but top Chinese:, and Americans toll me that him reputation for knowledre, intogrity, CW d acl;men im of the highest. SAO 24 *�.2orie4ur4g. My firmt question wasAto the significance of the recentelevation If Soong, (who, 1 know, had Leen it Vormor buminoms ompociate If X) it. the expense apparently of Kling. X said thmt Seong's appointment must rot 145 construed es eonrerrilg any v-oft1 politicml power ln Soong, tl& is sho4n by the following: (a) The limitotion or his ftpoointment by the, domitmation "Acting", thus permitting General Chiang (ao X celled him - I mholl hereafter refer to him as C.)ito drop S. merely by saying Unit, the easi-v orr of his, Cleo, othor dutiea permittod him to resume his work in the I ctcutivn Yuan, end, even more important (1) Soong' s rerraining from oppointing any of hie friends to politInal office . oppointmonta which he osmuredly would have mode hod he been given any mubetantial meamnre of power. * X has invited me to spend the day in the country with him on my return from Chungking and I hope ot that time to secure him permission to give him name to General Donovan. I elmo expect to question him further then in the light of information I hope to pick up in Chungking. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 � C-1A-RDP13X00001R000IQo4nonni R Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 SECRE1 X said the immediete oircumstnnees luading to the retirement of Kung and he appointlient of Soong were ns follows: C. had for some time been distimbed by the general distrust of Kung in China, arising out of the gene'ral belief that he has been using his office to profiteer, and by repopts that President Roosevelt (whom I shall refer to as Lh( P.) was A exasperhted by Kungen profiteering. Nev'rtheles, Kung might have been permitted to continue in office because of his power in the Kuomintang had not pressure of n different sort come into play. Kung was detested by 410 war-lord governors of Yunnan, Szechwan and Shensi (the part not controlled by the Communist) because he was using hin power in the Central Government to compete with them in Frofiteering within their provinces. Drawiri '.ogether in their common hostility to him, they had entered into negotiations with the Communists in Yenan (whom I shall hereafter mil the Yenallists) to make common cause against C. C. lemming of this got rid of K. to evert a move which would, of course, have had the gravest consequences for linot. Soong was appointed in Kung's place because (a) C. has the impresnion that 2. enjoys the Pts confidence and C. npprhoiates thht his continuance in power may be dependent on the support of the H. S., and (b) Soong has only * small personal following so that C. can at any time remove him with.. out possible serioun repercurnions within the Kuomintang - the possibility of unfavorable reaction abroad being the sole consideretiont to be taken into accoulit. S. UoongIn chadracter. I said to X that Soong was reputed in the U. S. to hey, democratic ideals and asked whether he thought Soong (in spite 1 SEM i r..kgts.;-u4o4..o:e..oa.ot---..m.600uamisiataosr,cmfrvteaRwiaee-A9einte,-EmaxvvA.-aua9oe*..*�.,-w-----�---- nnf-lmccifipr1 and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4 YT7.41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 -3 - SECRET of hie weliX poaition ea juet demcribed) would NI Wile to promote A trend toward. dotiocratic meaouree by the nentral floverhment. He anowered "No". No said th4 Ameriokuts who thought Soong might promote democratic maamurea miounderotokid not only the extent of hio influenoe hut aloo hie "Idealimm." H,, Bald that ist LI rer,alt or hie education in the H. S. and hie conneotionn there, S. hed come to have nuperficial tate for Democracy in momewhnt the same feehioi aa he had come to enjoy Amevloan cooking and the theater In America, hut that he woo without It donee of atrong principle in the matter and might not even bother, muoh le,on make a determined stand, to oecure the Introduction of democratic meftaurea.* 4:49414�,jcswurg_aLarrjat. asked X tr he thought Soong would continle in pfrice long. He meld he would he inolined to gnedm, No, hooeume C. hod he:I a deep -heated hontillty to each other, II bhOh woe extremely hot...tempered end rude end that nom point of power, prooLigo or judgment would hribs ,)(1 which they would clash with ouoh heat am to loud C. to die- mita 8., even when, aa a matter of oetf-interreled window dreening - for the, Po, pertieulerly - it would he advantageotio for C. to retnih 80011g. 5.balUgjamagiur.I amked X who he thought would he noongle ,14J ouccenaor tr :I, were eliminated and whom he would like to have emceed. Ao to the flret point he /laid he could not, attempt. fven a gueem, end that, as to the 060ond point, he we chagrined to Hhy no political figure hod arioen In Chine who had inopired him or other� tat:re:11,0d in eeouring A non.icorrupt And more democratic governmra in China with confidenoe. I oaid that mome of Ay aoguainvInoee in the N. had a notion that $un-Yo might he qualified * Yu will note that hi o (intimate of Soong in leen fevorable than that which Chennault gave me yonterday end which I reported, cc! la A ri SECRET For Rease 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 -411 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � � si�10001�10,..0,���7�����������0,...���� *caza�:,.. ���� -��� 4 SECRET to lotid tho rortieburhonooty bnd dnmovrboy in Minh, Ho -'i III Lliti 1. thibie uufortuntatbly, who flit Lilo (*Obi thht limit I uohoh oucialoolvb poot he htld, priNIA1 itit;It tile in rlalitattillOrO 011it 6)030111 IVO till./ 1.14 WO Hatt I I {A n g lOrig h lid 01 0041 hatitit41,11.hhilb *1 1.11 MineltcX I, thunght: t, U1l 1k'iy that. ovt r la" t. istioestio rill 1 rev icit* I Jr htlmi i I i I tql L(11' Litt, I. he Willi � � ;; (30t-IlLtht.ly an 40hdeth1c prwrion whu hnd mado oomo prugroop catoo ha 41130 lila boo "r hI rbthbr bud uoonuot, lin (nnlihn h I t�no 0 � labbilat 411h 1ho outtrbt!.0 tu ainitO qp ror hi o oonviolionoo t.li I II It-Hying ti) r II moati lly Ult.) Chi noon tho tabgkIty "r ruppoob or 3long. � 11horh1:1 whu hbo 1,411, (louridouvb mpApa.;;Iip. I hokr6 X 11 Mhdhm0 itI1 ohvri,d muish wbight In Chino, WAAL mneli tit: might. r..porrielnlly nppr,bri thbt A osiVt or trhditionml bhid h21t no � vonerhtl.*i ho 1,W 1., hnr ubTop thio who bt trot. 11,11011v! hmong hiI bxclopt Othliuguihhhd rrom Yonbh VAVir14 or Communloto, hbohuoo oho w10 avanvbIly rt-rh,dod ha ft moutnpiouo or Lilo (.ovoruoinut. Xtopp. 1 X I wlohbd I,i, boh him hir viown .1u thn YonbuioLm 'And thtiz rtibt.i.mr. to thb Conirbi ci,vorumnnt bud nucorltd ihir miLhi ho A p!,4,011 1,014i bt ?IAA to Otheuro thtrb mbtlorm. X on td t doulillnoo hoon inrfirmod :QUI I I wimi 10 1110 Yr rt-t iii ii 1. ti !wow HIRAI mtt 1 nth 1 ne-30 tionton I. prIth � in Lhc, h4lie3 or obboriot: i Id rrom hbrb, thb mutt bod (1 lb or thro Yeniarlipto El zsd 1,r()b1 1,1 t)vt-41 am 1 tahdbro Wt Pt i101 III 144Viw i r tho p t,h te ownorollit, or 1,rudt4otIiro propbrty, thin ot4cb und thbt, whlIo thb Gninotio do not lby SI' much 4trn.0 on ludiviOuol ownbrohip of povpbrty, thby hhvb hu intbnme - � ytftrniug:riirtitrnl LyownormhIp bud thht ho, X, hho oboovvbd no olguiriobni trond h fly itrisbm*: fin011.1 nit for hit r$C1.,rntrmt or t vtt t,b ownonalli I", of ProPortY tho 4 - only Lre:10 obing towomm II divilaug up or thp lurgo 1/Andod bothLoo ftmong tht' 4 pehmont* working tha lands SLCREr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1,c1C11-V10 90/80/�1,0Z aseala -10d p8A0Jaav pue � , w ...11ank � 04,4' sg vil 01 111t4tU J0411004 441 Mgt' ptilbM 11104iW0A0V 1144,114A owe 10463044411 dOt10414 glI44 u0 404A04 do UtritignuuTP aott 4444411.1 ou 44T011 0441ka Iho p0vat1415 Ottit 1000 444m itIOA4M04 Notqm tmuoiwpop twollaod a�0IH Ut 4/44�14"d "1 P041tUislcOd c,tjpott1t4A0 04o44 jt uoilaododd ..tr!..navt w 1441 16040 441 t4 XT4t04 4g1i041 1044 441 UI: 411.4.14uW4p 4a1JM 41 poi- 11114* 011.14AbO Et4a11140 441 U441 14h.1.100 4g4[ 41 4ti1WUJ4A0 0404A 441. 4441 41:4440,14 41 401/41 44 (U4U4A Ul U404 lat 0044 01,404 444 44 gagm grAgIA 9g4q1 del) 11ptIltri.0 4/11 '41q044 V 01 lwqM 111141.4 (4) IgmolloJ tuf eleiggwooqu fog 1.1.141114.14nun 1.1;alut4t) 4,11 tk.) Ort4 1041 04401 cirlo 10tititri cni 4 clot' troti 41.ortti 11141 ldti 1444441 V JO PU14;4111(14 44m 11, ;444 411 414404W, U.4 94VM 44 .00440 111 p44Itoui pq pthom pti 44144 441 qultim X Vonqw r .$11Mir .1; 4 441 41TM Th4143410 011 4%110,14duor P tliom 11 I 1.4(1 P" I. .11 10q1 11-).144J 4044 0114 14044114:4g en 404 AP;itlo Oc Tioqci 4401i4Ogil 04p14 41104j ii49 01 pc4144401140 41.04444 * 144 04p4lUtgp Pc31114Wrilit 11q Xt1 1)4111i1007-1.1 '041 111 1c)Jtj 4141,1 44J0M 00114r14t104Us 4.4i 4441 140 x .a4mpd 01 p41,14414J 4tudlo 4141p4mmt 419 ao su gq Rtnit gq otql ilWAtqd 111 wptil j9j poitvag.dopp glgtuquaA gqi ej jo lgthvigip pug vo.11,01 foto twil pug so 401 !NAV UVUAA cI1 4c4Ao To4111100 jo v6100VOW 911100JIJPutIpt4IA 444 4Atmlul 44.140040411 pplom pottinviwoo 00111 1041 twq144 uripmlog acq400,14 " clq Pt"" 44q111 1441 gatOg 4.1�41 144"fli9Qq Wel4A 1191 011/ 'n 1041 pto X "qt" 04ut '4P ad curl "WV J" kuvw P4d4tIolnq P49 U 1141uP14044" 440 moattla,Ano 01 dt.4 w041 1)0,1;1044 V4 1A44 ii 11 14444 144404u44 441 0444A444 p44 tot4 ol q400 c441111 Ofq ip 1444 4o1441Atino J1,4111 ju lno fttatag ilitiolttt41w4 414 put; "0 .1.0j 4.14p4mt Uttsi. owl ftuokig ignA1.0tp pOg p4algtA &roil griq JO 44114441; eillt; 41400t09pt AUllot[JUO0 .1441,44114Vit 144M ltioWL144A00 tVAIU411 owl pUg 114U0A U44M104 40410 444 1441 pt44 i3833S 9-1000C17001000110000X�1c1C11-V10 90/80/�10z eSe3IeI -101 panaiddv pue peWsseloaCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 - 6 - SECRET support. more than offsetting thin, iv the fact that O. lo ueing a f large parti.lf hi a rcoourcen in fighting apen - has indeed eacrificed so large a paitt of hie army, that, without U. S. ?airport, he would ponsihly not now he a match for Xenon - whereas, for more than two years, the Yenanists hove fought the Jap only to the limited extent necesnary to cap- ture Japenuse equipment and munitiona with which to strengthen their army facing C. the Yonanieta have, it is true, ()coupled former Japanese-held territory, 4hile C hta loot territory to Japan, hut this, says X, is be-' cause the Yenaniats have moved, virtually without opposition, into terri- tory whioh vaa strategically unimportant to the Jams and Nip been virtually abendoned bit them in order to concentrate their strength on fighting the britioh, thi, U. S. and the Chinese Central Government. At this point X asked me io recall that what he said about the Yonaninta who sheer, hear- say, since lye had no first-hand vource of information conoerning them. X aAtod, anticipating a quention I was about to oak, that the com- mon allegat!9n thht C had otationed hies good troops on the Yenan front, using only hie :second o- third rate troops aghinot the Japs wag) untrue; that wyerel or the armlets sent by C sgainvt the %raps during the last yeer were coneic4red to be among his beet, and that it had been a frAghtful shook to C. no loan than to ell petriotio Chineoe, that the Japanese had defonted thtm so badly. 9. Sitagammtsjaalu. asked X if he thought there woo any choice, from the Amirioan otandpoint, between Soong and Kung. He :mid, Yes, decidedly in favor of:$oong, because (0) Soongs strength in China, suoh as it is, lies in his:oupposed good relations with tho P., with the result ehtticilliET * The., statements were particularly interesting to me because they so closely confirmed thi- views �oncoming the Yenanists activities against the Japs ex- pressed by Cionnault yesterday and which / had not heard developed in Washington. . .,,� npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : 61A-RDP13X00061R000100430001-6 . �� , , , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � -7.. SECRET must, on a:mttttr of porsonal prostige, not in olomo cooperation with the U. S.,* whoreoa Kling, with s pormonal mecrot mtrviole and e consider- oble band .:Jr political henchmen, )u ti a ;strong, indopendont position which wouP make it ponsiblo for him to break with the P and yot main- thin a pon3tion of inflnonoe horo; (h) Soonglm knowlodgo or foreign affairs in.auporior to Kung's and hia gonorol knowlodgo and intelligence I s at 1440, equal to Kung's; (c) it la important that there ho a man near C. whf, will not henitoto to point out his orrorm or poomiblo errors In judgmont; .9,,ong is such a mon, whim Kung im not. (X rerorrod to hio pr-vious 011410 that (-)ong would probohly not he pormittod to remain in office ineofinitoly, Js, said that. Uti long an ho wan in, him opinions would he brought home to C.); ((I) noting 's umo of orricial information to enrich himzelf ban probably boon within the bounds of Chinone custom, whereat. Kuilg hnn boon outragooun in him ohumo or his orficiml ponition oven accor;iing to Chinono politioal standmrda; and (o) Soong, on taking office hags made move towardo administrative rororm by seonring the din- misnal frola orrice or a horde of holdors or govornmont mineoures whom Kung had porm114ed to reed at tho govornmnnt trough. I ilukhd x it this lamt raot was not somewhat inoonmiatent with his earlioi. ntmttment that Soong did not howl the stamina to ntand up for democraticiideals. X maid he thought not; that him skeptioimm wan not an to Soong' si courage but nm to the ntrength of his democratic idnala; that the dinmisal. usolosm omployocs Win the action of a good huminenn man who, unlii4 Kunm, was not intent on maintmining a political machine, l�issoudjuraiLDLE2149.4aLluabi. ti Rica x for him explana- tion of tongos lack of following in China. He said that Soong had made no 4 � 4 4 4 4 4 SECRET 4)44/ _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � VUUUOOQQ LI I 1,c1C11 VIO � 90/80/�1,0z eSeeIej Jod panaiddv Pue Pe!AsseloeCI � 13831S 41001 X tuotim 04 fito 14WoliW i t 440W U40 0111(011 .A4141 Iv luoqa sup( /ibg ul lotlaoj 04 owl 4010 luu PP) ilt flitm ti4;EPHIJ 1" 4.4m t 1"4 Vnt.11Milmtl4Ait con AI ppl4A4JAV4 Wtt( 141.140MO1 ptiM0044 Wig 1) ipautT4 sto0 JO oamtly ogpor A4Multo4 lftddoluT 01 Wqm 10" fp qtto ul ow4u p4uovit:oll x * ol glom aam quoim 014 tot 0q0440j4(1 ointop44 tiotqm cowl tapultriolp tvollaaadpot otri 14 quoililti40o4 Itunlon 014 44naUgg 41111 0tql1Uu pq0U011tpt glimW 6 l.'"' t' iiM0 VI tri tint, 10,11,J IT paw, i�11 1, 64.1 Vtnos ti1I;1 NO 0 "tmA Joptp qtiPUM 141p1p Aio Jo 14 Oa tLIMUJ 71000U 4040 nt 1101110,4 wi0 01 41"1"1 1��".1 4'11 ." g"Pqn 411M 614111 :"0.11 c3'111"( goptid fttmil.ivIdo 0011 jo 33001:IA1)0 4001 rall op fituirij 'isal'op gimp! fatui ol 4 101p1101X0 am4i.,avi Jo 041twt0 441, 'ultt4tti Otirt voi4Jo.141.003 gtinj-illiim 00 lilq41t1411) u"40411 W"444 * "14 .1 001.1..1 PI� I"' .1" tqqV lc"Jd:w 441� A #111101.iaMv 01 Otiffi tomop4n atom lAmotif,j 014 at owitiO nuo 1401.. .464o citi *4tql M40.400000 Wiltqa 01 10(4.1.410 04000W 01101.144 1100.; vaq 6134q1 tottla X *0 om4v4A v04 D nowmipti itqat.01 oloarittit, coqi =Immo 0111 Rtil"*.41Xcl 110'11 14I3 "00togWV 1q41 V1,13" I 1ti041c; ii0 4.100 elloPt* f14111.1414J 011nooy poa Puoala clam 014110111 4t a4;itioA a).; .13M Poavoiwatx 041 uplitm 8041 clildooa lpo 000001J01 pH 41071.101 Xvina 1,1 itita4I4110 Tglit) Lit *Pqg 411010 n1 mom ouuisionq o 1441 ThiJoitio ug 0441 1110MUJOAli) It:14100:1 ottl 00040(411 lIctIpts1 anom fit A1011.ipop.t.1 opm jp$04 U t 410oM10-4Alit Atli J0 14110t3cautjtMOd Op1M qtrt JO pgq '00..11100 t411o0.104(1 moij Ju $1'411PlIl� "n Wino 14111 101 414"00 4ont8)0tt Jramnik t41:isont.0.3 not pflotaj tW 04 gori0 001014,/ tia I OM 11gM 1U VIM) t toe; 174 .J(1 `111.,61cylul itiot 'out midu kt p44 �atitim nt 0/10,10ritt 0111 ;ct 1,1natino p411 owil com 14 pall Puuut: ottlito lion 014 ontoptitinti 0001440 Avow, Ottlitig pllo oilowt n1 a4ttrn10 001404m ttiOtittOd 00 1( I" 01 1JOJJA 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0z 3Se3I3i Jod panaiddv pue Pe!AssePeCI � ag� Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4. 4.40} � 11114.. � - 9 - SECRET recoptioa 4zbik had received on her own account (not merely as C's wife) in America. said be presuewd thet even an American husbend would have found � � thir situation highly unplestant and thal;% bu.e)and in China (where "face" ^ and the 4ordination of the wife are both vital conceptions) the situation 4 W$1 almost :intolerable. I igsked about C's sons. X said be did not know the younger son; 4 that he kiwi* the elder and considered him a nice enough person, but that he had litee force of charecter, a mediocre mind and a less than mediocre a education or-opt along military lines. 3 12.i atnejaulal. I asked X whether he was hopeful of China's immediate *ure after the war, politically end economically. He said, No, that on the contrary, he thought the outlook was very discouraging. He said � � that friends of China like myself, who had knowitit twenty or thirty years a a ago, when tNe intellectual liberelc were well consolidated, hopeful end vigorous, col) hardly conceive the deterioretion thet had taken place within this; then prsemleing group; that, in addition, there had been a tragic dis- integration in the ethicaI principles of the whole top layer of Chinese aociety; thaf: though. the Chinese farmers, who luckily constitute the mass the populaion, retain the standards of business integrity that once characterised. China ea a whole the financial end political success that had been achieved:, '7 leading men in China during the past ten or fifteen years by chicanery,: breach of promises and corruption had contaminated most per- sons in goverment service and a large proportion of men in business. So, said X, China will start on the road to reconstruction, crippled by impaired ethical standards among those in positions of leadership. _ ......-74444.43444,4,4444113�4444 r � 4.. ���� 4141 2- ei� � , SECREI in a nroved For 13/08/05 CIA RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 _ 1 � -1-UULA.17UU 1-000H1-0000X�1,c1C11-V10 � 90/80/�1,0z aseala JOd panaid � v Pue Pe!PsseloeCI -,���������� k 13833S ta. - Toluugutj toU0Viouaolut: ug iqpotigm41,14 wroAlvou 44pun ldwin gup6 tit woo"' .1Oottut ootoW 01 polittadOd Ott 1011 ptlioto voldto fr1At4d 4441* 01 tuomod tiVroikcil 44t.n auj gig ltIlion 444,11Tiutiortil two.t.totbui eviittood w ?so suotroatirmsalp otiouttm Jo putaco kri. mit) tuj,i # Rtigq0 loon vul7 ou Jo atlItt ou Jo 49 ift4110tA90 pthOM 'I40t1U4AJglut 4,10J vol itAll Jo cIlAut� JogIolla nj. u' ovidulAn PI Witmvp 4,14dvdwql 1 Ivo 1110 'outtlj ut ittgolotgAcip tI1talgflplAI On '1 tiqUILLOA071 104ung gl 010 itimo.111 .1'04 0 1 uo lfloAdqlui, Ao putl voti owootlm golly) oollAugA pug t 41 g goo m4.1 n10u r 1 oU put, tin 1 40 Jo UtutiM oti4 AO ;.101t0,1 qA,10 m uodic 4 I1 t plia duo I, 11 conoici rol popoutmod oft Latino aT40*11 ugot.tomv mil pug aouonljut .140111 PwV411011r40 *4 Ottow 14014 tworIM rfuot q owl I iqm Au on;11/4/n jt ali flOw140,111 1M vtql HOT100A *J41111 Ju ouiA mil uu puttOop lowafloo jo flritiog J qMcsu P1 p144:41 '1;013U4A waglil I UN 4404 atlAaj wit* ncmI pot,* tut 'oduluj uo Attorinu 0good got jo M4tA 4.141rp.,11# polog t errenlittatirrtM4.111: 'Et , sotsoutimAll ooquIrto I1 Jo 44(1Wittl ut 141x0 Og '104410.14A0 � 141J4%:) otil Jo uorirmWoluolu a.lja ,voltiouki ut oaolvitie pottoutmluo tpuJu Ilonalii gaow apt) p4lutod x frq iwpoug HI 4 1,1 atqw gtom luomUJ4Ao1 mouWupi 0111 a4 'Atom Jo etuqm J4A0 1.(4111w0 Utsi3 r:1 rig WHc4110 1%00 tiowl doipApp RIM OlOttimUcq 4o4anoo Jo 84qoutA0,14 cmcloattatm Jpvil ut Xmouolua twildtA .1 4A' Jo upriqd Rem 040t1.0A07S tvomiAoad 1004J coil tiltm 40aoJoj 70100.1(10 oMi tploql tWomlog csj1J10 ki umn crt t t volord totwonpIaloin og gt ugooA pug it:puma-ono!) twalu140 . de/304**,11,mA olutitmoiq PutRjtun omi (441 uocimlog o11noot0 13833S - e o roomoruo01..OPPe.-.^....- O;t 3 � � 9-1-000�17001-0001-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0z aseala JOd panaid � v Pue Pe!PsseloeCI 4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4 . .;:31812Millintsousersnmemegboottemmovii SECRET organizati4 operating under the juridiction or the intervated government. By controlling the flow of investments, whether in the form of direct investmentsior lulu, so ao to favor those regions dominated by honcat and, according tz) Chinese atandards, democreLic governments, theoe governments would in thin court,* of time be stabilized in the region', initially held by them and would probably in time absorb contiguous rogione whose inhabi- tants would.: naturally exert pressure to come within the jurisdiction of a betttr-gov6rned, more prosperous neighboring government. Eventually, economic and sentimntel impulsee would tend to bring these relatively well-governed provinces together into some form of federal relationship. 144 mgasmaic Covernmgd. I asked X what hin conception of a "democratitim government for China would he. He naid he had not formulated his idea myond the general one that there must be a rather wide base of auffrage with machinery designed to secure a fair count and with elections at fixed ietervale. 15; Otettinila. X asked me only one question (other than about a coupe or mutual friends) namely, whether I thought Stettinius had a friendly eoling for China. I told X I had not heard Stettinius mention China for .)ver a year and a half, but that, when I wee his Deputy in Lend- Lease he hrd had a very friendly feeling for China and had done everything in hie papier to secure a maximum of lend-lease aid for China - a truthful statement.: Legs Turiers Don't get the impression from my report of Chennaultle and X's views as to the renanists not fighting Japan that I have become lukewarm iibout getting intelligence by cooperating with Yenan. The Yenanista � s,e4 SECRET � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 . -"��� '444. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 might l** or ovnt1 ths Jniv+115,13ft ir thay APO. SECRET gwir I :(111 hr0 nOL lvr imosmia S LC it I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ,-- - � � � � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � 4 � 4 � ' � � � 4 ($ t. .1.1 7 (\"! (t drolt \I I X THAN$14,417XONST LI 'TE Tp 414NICRAL DONOVAN +moral Donovan Sir: 18th GROUP ARMY Janunry 1948 In vir-w of the dosirubility r.f oontributing to tfm defmnt of tho enemy by undertaking subversive 4ptivitles amonv puppet troops, we make the sugges- t:toil thnt wo borrow trot tho l,S. Army the sum of 4v B. 20 million to be umed 11. mtrongthening mIlbversivo nctivitlem nmon,. , PuPPOt troop thin y9nr (1045). Aft6r thin money mhnll hnve been used, we scluld mnko mtriot n000untinF: to the' U. S. Army. Aftor viutory twninot Japnn in nohloved, this ary (1Rth 4A) will repay the mousy used. Shoull you agree to thin proponn1, gratitude witll know no bounds. Profoundest respeotst s/ Ohu Tsh OommelndinK 4011(tra1 18th Group Army (Seal) _ nr3r4 Annroved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 SI 410. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 - � - 41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � z � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � /1101a AMIX�414610� 1 � ' � � � SEC= � 1945 PROJALCT AND BUDGET FOR UNDERM/NIWG AND BRINGING OM PUPPET FORCES 0 , � � /0; ti,1444..7 In 1945 the work of winning over 4nd undermining of the puppets shoulcUm strengthened in order to achieve victory over Japan more quick- ly and:erfectively. Lxperionces in the work of undermining the puppet forcos;in the War of Resiotance have proved that this kind of work can ems taeo am a bridge to undermine or win over the Japanese ae well am an effectSve memeure for cutting their collaborator from under ',hem. In China today there are about 900,000 puppet troopo of which 410,00C aro regulare and 490,000 puppet local forcee. From theee figuree it is e1u4r that the expanded puppet army i4L very powerful force aeeiet- ing th4 Jane. The following plan for 1945 has been drawn up with the ram of:INinninw over and undermining part of the puppet forcee. 2! The mefouren in the project conoiet of: timing financial meamuree to buy over puppet, force:3 and through paitima metAsurftri to win over puppet forces. To ume Che puppet force to carry out nabotage work againet the Japanese(' Army. According to btil1 incomplete duLa from all our banal, in 1944 our forcon hive achieved in bringing over by political moaeurep the follow. ing puot forms: STATT3TICS ON ;.ON.OVILR PUPPLTS TN w,:cious LIBBRATED AREAS Number Number of Riflom Li,tht and Knee Field Oea 2.Z.A111 (pde-amm) AAA.APP� *.P.0.3-100.413.OPMA MMA3.3.110 .. e ShUntU4if, 11,987 6,540 Shansi4Hopei- Shaniung-Honan 5,821 :),909 ShaneiTSuiyuan 932 550 ShanaiiChahar-Hopoi 1,024 620 Central Chinn. 14,075 8,314 South China 328 226 i . Tota 34,167 20,159 East: The Shantiung figuree include 667 puppet eailor6 who brought 3,000 ton 1 and , � t.4. r Ar44 f't.P . - 4 122 . 109 26 -a 60 32 i2 3 d 8 10 3 13 11 1 134 121 18 6 5 0 343 288 60 over with them one ehip, gunboat, 1 1/23 gunboat, the Er bheng.li. ; The 34.167 puppete turned over constitutee approximately 3.0% or the topll puppet form) in China. 1 A .3 rfi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 , � F � , ..- r :6.411;1 044N 53 1 Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 /t lp Aottm@blati thett in 1V45 tho ciontiftuod viotorioo of Allitid follo@op 44-uo tho 4AVEMPO polati011 h@uotiting wro oriti@ki tho int@no ftivo milltoly and polAtion1 orfoupiv@ kg@inmt MI@ hpfaii@titind uppots by OUP knli4o hohtud tho orinv linoo, Ott oontributo to tho InoroomanA dig= inulgvA0011 wovoring of tho 1.441411, POPPops Timict @ondttiono will Nee oiiitatoloor wavk 1I$1 (II' Pew tit@ @bovo tIontlitittpo I Iih t3AttottAci thAt t4ho pciptittA won twor by pot:Moo_ 140clAurom (14n ho Lvtopohood 110 tihoti6 "r 4�;(70(1g If Pi 4doltimo to thin; rinonolta holp TPOIP Lilo 111014d t441,bb AJW 14 AV04101)U; bhbilf 114111d NOWI 140 111# OW 01,144@t10; 4111)th14P 04n hA brouht +qv. Thuo in PAP; 1141,11r bah poilLIotti and MAI.01101 pthmurbh, it lo po#oAiiioI wih 61/VP atiO 141y oVall 10% or tht4 poCIPP pUpp013 rop000 about 90dot1 Alto Lhip rit!up@ io rivph an Om hatila rov Lho hudoi, 004. tifttott@ig s Ji aromm Tho titIOgPt 14 OlVid@a IMO 1,1Y9 p4P4AI Othigat rov hUShg ii11411111h.stJi41pupo@Lo (poittloml /30 ritiknolAA diewlurqh)s I)) Aboorvo guncis Lags-11UU tollqUelt I u 0010 a=1141114gAr; Expontaturo ryr opor@t i on0 @nd fidainiretr@tivo works (Norot ootivity 46ong p414-460 luoIuding buying inttqlig@nobi ligti@oh 40 **eking potm ioopl) figymonta 140. OppO, tirrlooPm ah0 w iltoktir fitokfoord 0,00141mA t/V#.341 est. SIVA PliYMOWJA 4PM# nuti oquipmout brought oviof islies44*41�Isssi 3rnsess j months, filatOWAhO@ pootonto Lu PuPPot troopo 414001. owing ow ftioorys Pune; t141408414011$1114111,1141441 Total sissossisssessissssassiess V 700Uitum I w tiMCM) 11,400.000 h 000 000 tes:Amomatiamma 0191 7,OOQ Noi.0 Pyr oopit ktiamhr PO ptiviot diviolob4, (nu woh) Now, on odgind molaritm And dlowAnowl Tho *bop iLwo IOW to4444ined in alttill followmt s Whether wing poliblod or fintinoid 111#4@t1140@, before the mOpp* s oom4 over a fund is n000ssttry to work etmong them; buy information, aditAnietrative optima And IVO for pereonnel doing this *01 The ikoiotint is mot provieionally tor 0)60000 for pooh division, � E. ' F ' , Icciti(1a rove or 2013/08/05 � CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � a 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 libLASARULLISIL Nxmdituro for oomfort and awarding rya to offioaro'and otaff mombero coming ovors (on dho balia of ton diviaiona), mainly tbrough financial myaauroo, aro ootimatod itfollowaA -413)1thIL1W1 I AAAX4.kARANA 12kAl Squad CouttAndor Platoon Pogamander Company Poomandor BAttalion Commander Regimon411 Comandyr Divieion Contandor 3,000 $ 3u$00 $ 90,000 1'000 00.00 80,000 , 300 :('A.00 75'000 100 $00,00 4'000 30 )0(.00400 90,000 10 10000,00 1004000 $1515,(44 SUM TOtgl ........ 0 .. 0$000110�000000000 � ������� Expenditure f4,r contfort And tottording fee to offteera 4 Lilo other ten vioions brought over atinly through po114101 motourno# 011 1) Pt1041hir Of tho 4.1501.F0 UAW) V440,000�N0. d@plkty ofti(loro 4nd titan' thbmbora r(ot:,ivd.toati of .4hether Lhby 4re brought Ovor throueh political moaogreo or Viti4nvialLtiir,urt: Lo be awcirtUd kxccoroingL thoir rgult. In L4cat ihp sflwt C ritteh pormonnol difforo mith itgaoh unit' oxponditure ror Lao lo vroviaionally aot at $670,00U.00. Thto wiionditarc4) ligattoivo or 411. t11000 poilltd1 Loldbr Lliabocind itom, 4ITOm ounto tea e3,645,000.00, 4 142m1hlamilaa, 14pona4Lu4'o VOr ettlyttalitil rt.W aViati and OqUiPRIOnt brat,WWW.e4r thb tot avioliont4 (oomitig, ovbr ila1114 thVgt4h rinA1014 bribingl APO liotod 4# folloviat Ittalas.1,6410;.4. Equi t tglagmuk=galt ftifieo nbt#00 ;?0,00 50p000 Sidy arko 111,000 Mao Metarl r)00 151000 'Ugh 4 Ai$00 4,000 Oar/ ;0; 150 00000 Troll* Mortara 100.0u 1;1000 Mountaih Artillory 40 1,000.00 40,000 Radio Veto 40 WU*00 Now TolephoAe 4to 4U0 ei0.00 alow e., :UlI Tyt�1,41 V*0101111�0�����04011000004�40�11101100000000 09r,h000 Propyr :44itoulAt yr 4wardUi, bo givon proportIonattoly f ,or 4141,0 and equip- ;vont ot,byr th4n th000 contained in thy ahoy@ Ilat. Arlan 4nd oquipmont byoughtl over by tho othor ton divioions tYpough political mottomr@o mainly are to bo offulded on half of the amount not abovos Tho orpondituvo for third itom amounba to $893'000. nr, n1 n � r -40,4kx414,4-4� � ers Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � ��� � � � J� 4 4 qr tele; � 1011.1.- Declassed and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4 _ All.twidajajla. This is to be used as follows: . After the puppets come over and are reorganised they ore to be paid at their original salaries and allowance for Area months' duration. a I Expenditure for ivin them necessary supplementary clothing anci material needed. 4 et To soldiers coming over comfort gifts 1,111 be given. d) Subsidies when necessary for helping out or resettling 444 puppet families. Expenditure for this purpose per division per �ionth is estimated at $80,000.00, irialsinz the total for three months (on the basis of 20 divisions) t4Atoo,000scip. The total for the four items listed above umounts to 414,738,000.00. The figures listul above for payments to men or for equipment brouzht over will be regulated and adjusted in practice to suit the existinr circumstances. Accounts wil be Axon for amounts used. TILIISIXitgm. Reserve Fund. This is to be used for the fol- . lowing purpoces: Since great p9usibi1ities present themselves for sabotage And demolition work through ;Ising puppets for destruction of such things as hangars, ar aircrtft, alitary depots, arsenals, and military factories, mines, railway statiks, bridges, wharves, chips, trirks, tunnels, block-houses and various o#ber military installations, this can be put to use. Such work of cours should be carried out according to the needs of military operations. It, is impossible to draw up a concrete plan and bt�dget at present. Money will be taken out from the reserve fund as required for this purpose on an accounting basis. Expenditure foi* using puppet officers or soldiers to assassinate Japanese officers of als Army, Navy and Air Forces is also to be taken out of the Reserve Fund. In the course ("f the work listed in buying over puppets, there will prob- ably be emergericy or extraordinary expenses which cannot be foreseen and whith will haves to be drawn from the reserve fund. sum4y: Budget for work on Puppet Armies $14,736,000.00 Budget for the Reserve Fund 5,000,000.00 Total l. ........ ******** ********** 019,738,0omo � � � , : a 4 i . i,.),.... .� - _ niniTh/Pri For Release 2 3/08/ . 34 13X00001R000100430001-6 � . � . . - ..� qs' I � 6.4W � :���� .1 � - 1 I jt, ,ro Ar,or - " ,- � �� Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001- t � � � z1.1 - � � � � � � a a � ; r , I ' �11. � 10190 the,movit. of winning over find undensisimit of the puppets kiseAt stirengthiened in order to th1tV. iltory over ppm_ morei-Vie A104 effeesivelyi imporienees in the we)* of umieratnialt the -,)toes in the War of liesistanoe have proVO: VOA this of we tes Swe also as brrelge to undermine or wilt oVor the Amp* lee _se Well SpilltY1 effeetive meesure for Gutting their so13ablo fro frost 'ns? t*!. todiy there Rre About 900,000 poppet .1troop. or itch 4 a. iire''rlgOlers int 400.000 porpet 100,1 foresee* Pros thee. , is:cleer thet the expended rurrit skrfgr tea 'IV 94werful feriSCAssistibg tho Ieroinemes The fo%lowing itan fo, 1945 ham bsn -4111101111-11111 101141114ho sim of winning over fond undermining Isart of the flaPPet terfete as fta ouvitour,@in thot vrojent eonstet *fir 114 6: tilling filliAnCial 1110hAnr0111 to buy over rurrot force* : Anti through volitiota moneurom to win ovor ruppoiti ferose. blpi To use tht, triurrot foroom to amyl", out motbotAitro work i4lAinot the 71/rAnOPO ATMYo � Aciording: to etill inoompletideta frOm ti11 01.411 bee in 1044 Our forces hevii P.alstivred in bringing over by Tsolit1on1 timmettree the followingiyuppot foroeel ; sexhirrzos ON WO160VIIR 1111711108 'XX VATI:OTM LTIMPATUID ATOM � Ares Ike /Atm tflStieneiebNorie� -01 PMi'Orson 1110,ifitop`ottortaro 1; lin China 4 Ynifeher Numbero r mon %I flee 5i,de " amp ;11�91, 1,540 5.811 3.909 AMC i1,04 640 14,015 At 314 �..1111 34,147 4 Liaht And Krolin Yieid tfilovv PrO MortArti 1140t4M 110.150 343 1.)! The abomtung_ ?Ivrea i no ludo 667 vivre t egg 19re who brought over them oho IOOO ten ship, I sunboete Prid I Xo*113 gunboett the N avan.u. Itho Moll, "upsets turned *ter. eonetitutee sprroxitugtely 34I)i * rot fevers in Ohtsf44 �. is sstiotted thok1k, twoCt5 the opcnitymed vietoriss gt Antod , 4-4441w 4 .1MI 41 '. .1104."! booOming more oritkoe2 otn4 Ilits. IttiC�tf.n.ivli eigkinstt the ��Ttpoits 04! Iliose will oentilliosts to Ike or the rriflosCletio **4 Thite . 114,, these 2(tnical�P, , �tniit Is *St.0 it 1 thgt th in 111014.1t. to her r. r .noroseet to about 5%, t o.,*!: al. Ito 0101,k 011.1- Tliott. suchs: , , , - ,..., - - , - , --, -, - � :A-t� -4�a 1 be � (4.-1.%114. , � .5,4014, ecil A � - � Rel v � 1 � a� 1��' - 2013/08/05 � CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � , 4 T F � � - - : ���'� . � k .tio�--T-Itc., � 11 e,��41�Aii � 41.0:�4:4- .--st � 441 '.�� .r�ti Ot:q. :2( ��� . ,A's� Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X000401. R1,0,0401,100,.14,36 L � � 1 �41. :;3\ '`q 'Y ,� 1.� � yrA!,,44to � � .. � -$ L4.� -14 7 � �. 3 � , ���A� .11:(10 � 4-,! YG if � '. , � Knit* 0141,10704 Xhipligittsre LirS" '2*TVRre 11,46ta1n ArtillsrY 1,41 ?.t .�o** 00ts � a. � , � 22 a 300 300 150. 220 40 40 400 , 40i00 ,� moo� two() woo moo 1, 00.00 am" . 2040 eto,000 . woo� woo 24,000 15,000 i12,000 40,000 6,000 0400 TOTAL 5 Proper ..mlnunt of 'word will bs given rreportionmtsly for erme And ecuipraent other then those eont!lnod in thm mbove list. Arme tind eloutpraint.bliought over by the other t'In divimidnv through rolitioml msesurem witnly sr* to be swords& on hAlf of the Amount mat mbpvo. Tho exworditure for third Item smotmtm.tn nki,000 dollPre, The 'fourth *Pim, This ie to bo nosd Po rollowes 1. AfVlir the'Dnrrets comm nrmr nnei mrri reorpenioe0 they mr(4 to be potA ot their oriental mmlmrtmm !inti Allowmnoe for thrms months dule�tion. 2, fmr giting theim nomemmh.ry murrlemontnry clothing mnd:.motoriml nmoded. 3. tosoldiers coming over contort gifte will be given. 4. 8001.4ies when necessary for helping out or resettling some puppet Taranto** Ihvonditure-.Tor this purpose par division, rer month, in estimsted 60000 dellerie *ng the tot ml for thrnm monthm (on tho *Isis of n divisions) 4000.000 dollars, Tha otel fnr the four items lintod ahoy* smovints to 24,738.000 dellsrsA The:figures limtod sbovefor riPvmonto tm mon or for eqUipmont brought over iwill be rogulstmd r'nd meiliurtod in Txrctioe to cutt the existing Icir*TiotfInces4. Anomunte will he given for nmountn umod. The it ]tet Reserve VUnd, Thto is to he uved for tho following purposes' Sinprt greot Tossibilittom rromont thmmemtvmn Por srbotooe An% demolition %vole through usiNg Vurpetm for destruction of muoh things mi hawing, Pirfifilits, oirtiroft, mi/WrIt Merotm, rshiriri, t.nd fmotorisof 7niP, stotinns, Hinrvor, ohiume truokup tunnels, blookfthouses !Ind veiriolte other militory instrlvitiouop thin scot 'ha 'out to.usis, Ruch worle of course ehould ber oorried out m000rding to the needs Of Mi/itary operrtions. rt i impossible, to drew up m ocnciete buttiot nt present. Monsv will be tsken out from tit* reserve fund Rs ',squired for this purpose on an Aecounting Axmendituiv for using limpet officers or soldiers to aSsesimato jpimnape offi4Arm of the Army, Nom? hnd Air force* ift nloo to he *ken out of the reserve fund, rn the Ours* of the work listed in buving ovor purretc thore vebbSi te,emergeicy or extrsordinerv expenses whicih osnnot bp foresden and whioh will hare to be drawn from the reserve fund* � Sommerys Budeit for wort on Puppet Armies Illudg0 for the Rosary* Auld 7,3*.� , 7-, � let,a � 17 .t.:1 14,7e ;,titt�tr. Total whorktrerorortrummiumostiromposor 14,7380000 dollsrs 5,000000 dolor rrorrapirrdollare �.� ,t,.�" � � �-4�;. r � rolt-rAnztti For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 �V � � � .1 � � intf!. f'%4 Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430601-6 *di tui�ei for overitioncl liis:trative 'work. ,siet14 ty ming � 4Intiluding baying igencoi Moon mnd versonnell Pareetnts foi :puppet p fri acre And .e.taff istImi.bere owning over ..e..,..� it � � � .�.� � .40����14445000 ve.tts foie arms Pne equirnent brought over 893,000 3 months aliowance payments to puppet troop, after _coming over ".4,800,000 Based on original selnriee ftehd allownnoes� IV first items Whetbor using ,political or financial measuree, befo the roppstiCcams over a fund iv necesskry to work among Vlemp buy informstioni SamtObtrstive expenses and funds for personnel dOfng, wort,. The .nourtAs set provisionally for 380,000 for each divisilot Tb. second tteml iftenditure for comfort nnd awarding The to office ad,staff eqmbero coming over, (on the bxele of ten divisions) mainl trone. fincncittl ma:lures, aro estimnted as follows: PAW 6 sa comuyTder sit�oon Commander ny Oomksander tan �Qommilnder costainder DIArisfon Conder 444,710,1r4.1.,^ .4. 4. � alma Total ''Apreor, comfort end alierding fee to officers Of, tO,. Ai brOught Ofir mainly -tbrOugh Politieal 'measures fill 1if the #bove frmilaisurekoon dollars. spt �� SI ' ' � ,'.4: . s /) , y Oft eel* .atilt,.;(gtotff mekelpers ,regardlece of w4,ethe,r:thoy, *re ,,t100.' , Mitten iskeittree or finanidel brilliesklak,to 4r�d 4 vi, 0 a , *heir rtnto In that ,,.he number of itithr-' s �s !Ub seeh uni4, e*ptintliture for this. le provisional - .. .,.-- - In. lye of tal theme vOinte under. ,the '4,40;;,141, . I : 4:.W 'el I t , %Until It TOTAL ,f 90,000 80,000 75000 80;000 90,000 , -t A /001,000 -Wa ------------ 4 'A' 7 � 11 � ' � v *-1:2 � - '4, � 7t fr - - ,* � � 4 - 4' � I r - - � 177 f - **4; ���1 ���� � � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 I� 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI � tOtiftviii lottok4ot f coyote/Poi* or way) solo* )0044( t VW* 44010114:10. "0 10 MIA 101041*** POIF*X� liff*Ptittit %****1444/011 VI � OW Pit�-:- 'MVO ofir***114 WNW � WV 44* IMO 4�1600111000.0k *1**,4104 2 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI elPf '41e. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ..4e-A5sf!..Aliox410- � � ^-1,3rx�nxt4rTV4Mtfrilt5VM. v � -6411001,X16Vii. it� A A Aolt I *41. *MA 40 6t ju B98'7 �$-.01:0 /2.2 /01 tilt 1,12.1 1909 0 ,... 32. /0 /a j .... ' # 032 ., 011 ,4i 1 /02-4- 621, /1 II . ,-**----- IP 10114;07 5. T3/4 , /34. Iii a # lot 321 . - 22.6 , a it 34167 2//59 '344 Of ___ *.tattatillefiP � *0141611140X 41100, 3460 0A 116** GIZArni *74300210140idliii A Si * 20400111 It) *I I AX0 4.0). 34;1471-y latatOlitatiz " 34 1. 16$409451-0�40**4111k IIIYAIINtA)404 1141,114tla *114010431040 1414011144i * 4 � * 11 10:11 04 *so )04:* At ) iota *Obi Cs 04* �, Jul*, !vtitifoll,t104* '104141vaulimOil ittiatoisiott� I I t. 0 40:17,, V ; . '11.4 t t � �+. � � 17.* t t4. ,ttt.44 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ,";412 leelane-"V "w" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 g:1!1E...;w11.711i1-4tvi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 -rftgjl. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 --40N Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 -., . ; � � ,. 1 ;) ...r, 4' 11, .111 1.11, , IF W I 7 1111111111114.1�Mmourpopmmumw i illt. . i0 * ' 30 ., i., Zo qo,000iit, . � 300 , 260 /.#11.5 00014 .74 A 100 A i 80 0 _ ., , 1 Et Ad .".� So , 0' r: 1 � v . ....:4,ii,,,,,, 11107. , 51 �. . , . .4 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 9-1-000�17001-0001-0000X�1,c1CI-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej ..101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI , � t , � .� , � - � % .oc'v Or a. � t . . I , / 0 w 0 . 00z. � , Q 1. ott a ,1 , mei .! , ,o00-rt,-�. . i e OW - - - , . , . .. 01 1('00181 - 4 , 0 ry a . w, woo (gt vi 1 . --,* 77 '8/'?1Y000 ot *0 64, k ,6' . i , .0r, , ; *cow= . , . , , . , 9-1-000�17001-0001-0000X�1,c1CI-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiei ..101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Aotommitpolow � $1. X ova 0 ottatigaAtitte � I 4041 it� /fp Isornilifti smii moteepoot offiraok 4104.01141001011 *Xi Al ' "Oft t! icittatleof 1414144.0 Oki* 00.106)c#0 tiltb #1 *i'j�qsi1. = a,t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI < 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0Z aseala -10d panaiddv Pue Pe!PsseloeCI � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 14) miss' ANN mow FON ONMININO AND MAW OM "WP 1/411c/ ("Lou ow ft }. M 7011080 INA -i444* Lir Zs 194, the work of winning over aid undormining of tho thoUld bo Orongthomod in order to aohlovo vistory over igen more Irani stfolOttrely. Nmporiemo in tho work of Indormining the puppet torsos in 001 War of loototanoe have proved that this kimd of work son serve also !As a bridge to undirmino or win over the 'Woos* as will as an offootivo assure for cutting their sollaborstors from under them, le Chins today them are about 000000 puppet troops of whisk 410,000 arsOrsgmlaro aid 400,0::zrot looal folsooll Yvon thoso figured it is slum that the army is a vory powort4 tom assists, lag the Japam000s eh:1=W plan for 104, has boon drawn up with the aim of dimimg over and undermining port of the puppet torsos. . 2, two measuros in tho projset moist oh *ling fimomoial nosaureo to buy over puppet torsos and grow* politioal swum to win over puppet tomes V to im� the puppet torus to against the Japan,** AMA iAsoording to still inoomplots data Woo hive sohlowod in bringing over by moot tomes dam LIS 61140i, sorry out sabotage work trot all our bases in 1044 politisal NOSOUrei the follow. STATIST:OS ON VONmOVIN 'WPM IN UMW LIINNAT1J0 ANNA$ Swim aLlis U,,,? 31,024 GoatosilL Ohba 14,0,73 3410 Smith gym Total 4100444.444 Ihesber of Minos .LNA�094. 6,140 31,010 310 410 Wolff Light and AmizzAk 1211 60 13 $4 mtrThe Sliastiow riproo tub& 67propots sailors who ai.18 gyve with OM 1110 3 000 UN OAP. I -,sad : NJ stsbes6, tho 2r � The )4467 pvirpotor tiankod over sonetitates oynedataataly 3.1111 of tito WA. pm* how in SAM. - Declassified and Approved For *Release 2013/08/05 � CIA RD 0 � �=-1 - . � r f4i444 44 1,9 strv Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 It Is tetimated that in 1941 the cottoned vieteries it Allied SW..., ALA the Japanesepenition beesaing more eritioal and the IntOmm sive militsay and ;Witless% offensive against the Japanese and poppets by sur Waal bc14n4 the enemy lines, will eentributo to the increasing diem intedrntien end telferini it the POPPot forees4 These sedations will fa- ellitato our werh,along these linos, Pres ttio above ***dittoso it is estimated that the puppets to be von over by poliaeal measures SSA be increased to about 50, or 0,000. If in addition t this, financial help has the United States Army is evaLlable then vith using mew to buy over puppets, another 5% can be bream,* over. The. in 1945, asin4 both politioal and financial measures, it is poseible tewin over and buy over lag of the entire puppet torso, *bent 90,003. An4 this figure is given as the basis for the budget so- tinates. 34 The bedipot is divided into two pastes a) 4udget for buying and winning over puppets (political and Moeda seaJuros). b) IAcarv. Fund. � ULU= liMpendlture for sOrational and adoinistrative: work, (keret aetivity among popOsts inaluding buying Inte1ligeme?5, llama and okia perssino1)il���������������40.� � - � Popments for pupp4 *Moors and stale auchers selliitg Over � � � � � � � � � � � Payneots for arms *ad equipment brought OW �����ii������������������ ) MiRthe aleeanei payments to it tveip� after aiming over stow NOSOM Pond ���40.1i,..40.�����,..#0.1,. Total �iissoalseisisslistk,s1.,�41,411,4wp. Amount in Gold $7,600,000 1,443,000 s9),000 Note Per wit among 20 divisions. P(t000 nen) lased en origins& 4,000,000 selaries and allowanoe" 5.000,000, $1,0314000 Te abov4 it are emplained in detail as fellows' apjamillaws Whether using *Meisel or tinensial measures, Wore the pappoW owe ism a had is noossoary to we* waft them & _boy infogiatian, adainjatreirivo 011101111011 slut bait See persona *IN this irsolig� The swot $?1, sot provioissally for $,100,000 for "soh division. � �a* A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 9 ; A. �-� Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ' ' �1. .14 � � �������� Utillh imerailiture for cenfort and ansivding fee to officers argraasbere owing wish (en the basis if tom ,disisiems), mainly threvgbi anemid seasureisip are estimated as falleme$ Auk balkaiLOCAmia hattiatatia 1 Commiallat Fintees Oemealer Oesneatier Oemender 411=n Ileginsatal Oencander WAAL= "11111114" lo I 30�00 00000 2)0�00 4100�00 ).0004,1X1 10,000.00 141144 *ma a los *op*** e � *tette se � **so �� �� � � It 0 *��� $ 'MOO 100,000 71,000 10,000 90,000 =I 000 015,000 lispinditure fir essfert sad awarding fee to officers of the other tem dip� videos breuglEt ever mainly throughp.litiul measures* will be cne-half of the,above rum. $360.000.00, A:lir" *Awe aied staff members regardlees of *ether they are ever through pintail measures or fininsial bribes, are to be uNied wertias te their rank, Is that the number of such personnel differs with iota unit* expenditure for this is previsiemally set at $00,000.00. This opeaditigeoi imslusive of all these points under the sound item. Now 4141111111 tO $1,4415.000.00. 21"tlla. rop for paymentar for ms and equipment brew" evertir a e " dimIll=tiseming over mainly through financial bribing) are Aisted as felLessii maiuchmidamdas illobis bliiitill111011 24100 $ 30.00 400 $0.00 )00 )0.00 )00 110.00 150 10104011 130 40 4t: 1,0 10040 1.0011.00 NSA 3001. 000M040.0o0,4411.00004100,011coOoseiiiiit4i Proper sessat:ef mord sdaaill gives soot ether thew *Hie esaikained la the Weiglot Wtov the **divide*. OM* are to be einidnir sawiA sot Om. third item MO*. W GOMM Istal $4,01000 104000 11,000 120000 40000 0,000 4000 $$%000 014 01104* 4cipemditure far a ' � iclt- � � � " � of, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � .1 4f` 1 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � to. 4 nistimOgingso Thio is to be used as followsli a) 1 After the peppste osee ever sod are ree:11:2:d they are *1e boopikid at tbs.:obi/WI eateries and es for thsepoime0000 illerstiss� ithisrisediture far *des Utak seeessary supplamentery sad material meoded� e) To soldiers soles ever HOOK sifts will be gives. d) Sebsidles whoa meeeedar, for helping est or mottling semi puppet families* edItsrs 1r this purpose per division per meth is estimated at I)N,IS, mettes the tetel for three mouths (an the basis 05 10 divide's) "100,004 The total tor the her items listed above moots to $14 n4000000. the bone listen above for papmeets to mea or for eqtpmest brought over will be reselated tied adjusted ta praetise to stit the oitstMg oiremmetaases� kesemste will be stvee for amesets used. nealialUkai� Swerve Fund� This is to be used for the taw loft pompom* Sims sposkposoibilities present themselves for sabotage sad demelttise work throes% motes pippoto for destrustise of gush thins' as hews" air* MIAs" airerNft" militery devote areemale" aid military fastories", mimes" suitlear IOWA." hopises' iharvos" skips" trod's' tweeds" os and vesiseeM3Lia,y amstanetions" this ea' be put to use' wit of souse* shoold be serried est seeordims to the seeds et ailitary esoustiesso It 14 impossible to duo up a seesrete plot and *Idiot at 1::� iliroLU be tam lot free the reserve fad AO respired ter it:Tospommoissi se asomaties beads. tor IAN met Otis ers or soldiers to assassimate 'vow fit tkas 44ars levy and Air Parsee is els* to be base out, of the losorvo PO* -the volt lilted in bviplas over plIpoets' Wore id3 Pribm or siltreordiestr eisposses shit* *soot be finesse and he Om* timi the referee hods Ai* Iptappf" beim 01147000041X) !giro hot jel $140/00000411 I. :14(i. � " 0111) � . 3 L--If'nkt? ., � k.. 0 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 � CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 - - � , � )1�;�.4., 4% AV- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � � � OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES SOUTH EAST ASIA ATO 432, NYC � : major � ueneral sv � W. Donovan SUBJECT:: Personal Observation : Burma (45.4�0 4.1-4 29 :anuclry 104, S f.4 1.4 �At of the uhinese in Northern 1. Brief HipIarz. It is believed that before any oonolusiqns oan be drawn conoerning the uhinese soldier, the un1t6 and the leaders that it would be beat to go back and ooveri a little of the history of the (hinese Army in India tCA1), and the system under which it is operated. : a. The Chinese Army in India was formed from two uh1nei3e Divisions on the initial evacuation of Burma in 1942. The divisions, 22nd and 38th, were given an exten- ape periO of training at Rangerh for nearly a year. They were first moved into Lido sector in may 1943. The' 38th was the firat aaployed, but its tactics were poor mostly due to over oautlon. The 22nd was then employed on the southern sector to(make a successful wide encircling movement, rrom that toad onward a spirit of oomretition developed between the 38th 6ind 22nd Divisions, which was oulminated only on removal of the 22nd Division to:y4na in December 1944. It is my belJlof that this spirit of oompetition was one of the major faot:prs in the uhinese drive through the 4t,tI1:awns. ; � I � � � � � " . , jt - 41������06,4�����;4�4+44.#4 - � -��411-. � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 4 I. 4:WU= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 oi.etot:MA TR',ArttltvilliVitgrer-,51reFv-.0144;#413t - . -'. .... ,I, ., , t 'k' i - The I 0#14oe- 30thiDividibn wap f0 --40wn,- ..;.., Oflt .,� -vhina to India in the 4413e of 1943-andapent, about Ox i monthn training at Itangarh. They Wella moved into Ananm early , in 1944. nnd finally put into notion in J.Jurma in April. 1 .50th DlYieiOn waa flown direot from uhina to Aga= and put into notion about May 1944. The lent divinion to arrive wao t4e 14th, whioh W60 flOWA direatly into maingkwango mimeo aM ptokti into notion. Theae five Diviniona W@PO all preaent in bura in Auguat gt the olooe of the Momung. and Wtkying omp4100. At thin time two uhineae armlet' were oreated. The lot Arm*, inelUding the 38tho 30tho and 14th Oiviaionoo waa under �rand of ueneral dun, formar MT, Oth voncr41.Liao, formally ot th(1 Undt took oommand of the 6th Army maae up of tho 22n4 and g)th Diviaiono. The only other UtlineW) Infantry embat unit to apper it the lat uhiflono wowilando Ilagimont, which in � tr-N "" - ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � T Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � Drmation, coordination, and supply. 2. Individual uhinese-woldAer. In general, the oom- ' �efficieney of the individual Uhinese soldier of uAI is 41rect151 proportionate to his traininG and eombat experienee. ror thaV reason rambers of the 22n4 and 38th Wcvisions �Quid hardly Le oompared With those of the 14th or yOth Divisions. The 30t4 As nomewhat in between. members of the 22nd ,and 38th aro well trtilned battle veteranu, and I would say that the comat efficieney or these soldiers ie opal to that of an Ame4oan InfantP^y soldier, in un4 ighting probably superior. Their very nature makes them highly adaptable. 2 whey 61,0 ()tanning, oan endure unbelievable hardships, have the abil.ity to aet alone, and have no fear of death. The ; diueipline and sanitation of those troops in excellent. very few oa4s of old uhinese looting ountoms,have resulted from these troopa, and the individual soldier takes ouch good (sere of. himself end his equipment that he appears renAy for dreosiparade at the height of battle. A : When the 30th end 50th divisions appeared in � Mortheth Burma, the individual soldiers or these units were very stMlar to the ordinary Army recruit. whoir training had bo oh fair but had not boon applied in modern eombat. they 1oi4 great tendencies to mill about and to expose them- selves ito onomy Tire. Ahough they 4d no fear of death, � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 they were highly exoltoble AnAiligny of their ooto were 11Totionoli 110W@V@Ps th@9.4MatltiOD of the nukowng, Moouno, And myitkrisno offmpelqnn proved A nhAkedown for thene troopni end from tfiln point onwordn their ocmli ttwde Witiinugh bc-Ater. lin mentionint4 the indlviduol uhihene eoldler, one of the me4 poluto for oonniderAtion to hie Ability to 4ot Alone. neioon go out in the jungle with very little on him permon ondiremoin tor long periode of tiro, ID thin renpeot � he in veryieimIler to th@ dep. In my eetimAtion A well troined, wall equipped, bottle WiP@ Ohinege eoldier hon no eoual In tie 3* ,UnItMe. (A) UAll unit, Am 4 POP111% of the troin= '="4 in,�! the om�11 unite oomponien, ploto(?no, ond A9uado) hAd 0@lif@d ot Rongorh, they entered oombot with m Rood warking Knowledge t the tegtion of emeller unite, Thio WA borne out In th0 intitol flUt?:P4 of the gukAwng volley where the gmoller 11,0te would go Abemd And h000mpLigh thEAr 014@otiv@ denpite tlie foot thot the lerge unit often beoqme dinoronized. The leogoRA of the moiler unite were generolly Dm:liter enlinted rnnneleotied by merit. AP renult the unit n hAd oampetent leodern gAd hod good tom work within the unit. : b. WITT@ unite. In the orly ntetw of tho huknwng ; ompgiol,;both the 22nd And )8th piviolong hod Lendenolem to � _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 bnaomm dinorganizad and to lona oontrol. AR th� oftmraign progrannad thin Wd5 oorraotad, and at tha pronant tim wouldfnay that thair oontrol iR nuparior. Thin Jaok trol pan alno avidanood in adoh of tho nowly arrivad divinionn. in t4a Mooting oampaign. whioh W150 th6 firnt nmploymant of CA 210th javioion, none of tho bdttalionn know what tha bat- taliOnon it flanka wo.la doint and am a raault thty oftan angapd in fira fiehto batwaan 1 Pro&aonad, thay would Ac tha oombat of 0Pdar. ond tha to Tar an tha )0th in that it won At pronant, I would rata tha uhinono DiViRIOAR ftiOthl and )0'0. Tha ragimanto and bottuliond of !the )V.th olvinion hrtl, all Weal tPdifled and wall lad and ot0Lba o'xpaotad to go on Individual minnionm. The ra4mantn ofitho Ath tavidion tlr@ vohohing thio ottigo but otill hmq) NW) trial mid @vrov to plo tlirouqh. who 36th Divinion in prpbably tht poor(Jot of tho lot and hon a long wdy to go. Th0 primary rodbon for thin, 1'bolioNa, in Jtm look of load- ar'phip� 4. votieon, Who tdoto n of tha amallar unitn aro gaborally Rkood, wh otion of the) lwar unitn 0Y6 ally typifiad by tha ohdrootar'of tha oommandorm. ror * foomplo, 4anaral ouno oommOding-uanoral oP th6 38th pivioion Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X000ni Rnnni !VIA ttr_s 4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 (now Pitt Army), initially believed only in frontal attdoks , A@ thiv campaign wore on, kieneral Wtillwall made an effort I to oortyinoe General oun that the bit tootios to employ wore wide 41anking movements with nooemsary holding attaeko. After I a few 6riala at thia, whioh all ended in suceesa, ueneral wun deviseil a flanking and road blook oydtem whioh ha odn near1y � alwaysibe expeeta0 to employ. uis greateat aueeasa dt this wds initho oeton blook who hii slipbed OAC) regiment on@ hun- dred idles In the roar of the imps, dug them in, and lot the � 4apo nor tpemelven out trying to get them out. Avery time thin toinion has the opportunity they employ thia nyatm, 1 whioh 1,50 fa,* hos proved mat matiefaotory. Anothor example A OL the Offielenoy of the well trained diviaion waa when the 38th osOturcid Mogdung. The British fitl@ bat% employing on brigadelet moguang from the oouth when the uhinese arrived I on the iloene from the vorth. After a oonferfinco with the britishimrigadier, it was dooidod to pull the mritiah out . ? and let !the 4)1inaae try their hand. Attar d r000nnaima@noe 4; I A 017 the Otuation, the,whineteAommandar0 to the utter mate* ;1 milt of tile mritish, (Welded, to *Mploy ono battalion. The I: �,..c..., attook b4.gan at dawn and by ten o!olook the town Wdij in his I , ..., , hands anstresulted in ATp0;0**t. ffliken Ohinemo-dead to ,,,1,-i . - .,'F,' f ; ' ,-.7.: .1;,,, . � 9 130 4spe. .-,:,i ' e" '/:' , '';!. �tkis , Z � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430-001-1-6 � a � � . . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 .t4 oit 9; 4 9 r141 � -7- the raro Valley, approximately 150 miles from its base, wherie it was confronted with an equal number of Japs. The tactics employed in this battle cut the 'saps off from any posslble supply and left them open to attack from all sides. AS airesult the entire Taro Valley was secured and cost the 4aps!approximately 500 with very mall losses to the Regiment of tile 22nd. J. believe that the tactics of the 22nd and 38th DivOions are at present very good. The 50th is becoming much i better, although they lack the combat experience of the 22n& and 38th. The 30th have just one system of tactics sim/V.y push and pull. 5. yraining, The training given the uhinese Divisions by the American school at Eangarh has been the keynote to the succ'eSs of the uhinefle combat divisions. AS stated previously, the 4ombat efficiency of these units is directly proportionate to the training they received at Rangarh. Of course, to all this zust be added the combat experience each of them has 4 gain.pd, did not attend any of their training at Raniarh, butorrom what I have seen of the way the uhinese soldier.; A take care of their arms and equipment, their weapons and base training must have been excellent. rrom what I have � seenithus far I believe that any group of uhinese with prop- erlselected officers could be trained and welded into a goostorabat 4- I .7.4 � � .44 'VW Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CFA--RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 �1 400 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � 45 : 6. ventral During tho couroo of'tho hukavinctopaign an odd oituation aro@ ao R rooult of tho 4ap atiqok on lmphals All tio Amorican officoro, including tionorol 6tillwoll, woro trying to got tho uhin000 to prom (mod do6A tho valloy, but for oix wooko tho uhinono otood pat and;did not movo. Many of tho ofricoro In P0A0 hondm quartorti were of the opinlon that uhungking hod loaued Inotruom tlohs to their field oommondern that thay would not movo until tho oltuatIon woo olorlfled, Thoro aro m . exm oxamploo- bo tho di of thlo control from hIrlher oirle. exomples mlght or oponalon of Important al. .o. loowflt, Moo@ novor roach combat (4.-2. Oome of the patrolo nent out to con- t6ct uhlAomo itfuerIllao aro oont out without notifloation to h0A0 hoWuprtoro� it lo cLo kngwn thot thoro aro oovoral radian wiWn �noh of the Ithlolono whloh hove dlpeot oon- toot wIth ;:unknown otationo, hut it lo generally belleved theoe otattono oohtoot uhuhakIne dlreotly� 70 Ltionlolja� The Uhineme.hnve PPOV@TI 17410)1104 VRO . eopeolallyiahmtable to the lormf4r weapono, namely, tanko, krtIllerytiond heavy mortarft. The tank unit of 20110 in tho 4 : .A ; only vhIneOefunit that Jm diroctly AmerJoen led, klowovort, , , A z the ouborCintAtei oommando Pr@ oll uhinono 10. Durina tho ()curb@ of *0 North /Ammo oainipaIgn thim tank unit, totalling , : 75, lont'o19,y1:9-tanko to onomy action. Bight of thomo woro light:4mb bncl-Onci tt modium tonke 1 3 ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1-dCl-V10 90/80/�1,0Z eseeiej .101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Mir ITTO. it%PPTt IATTPIAluT X�q% %wpm ovumou put(' @duo tifq, pug pook4o4 gum uormuftvotfgqq, @t41. ao uo qnq '410% kiuim oNg @a4A @dbli p41 pug 4p14 wig poT 4Tuo -0411 4'44 v4aTj fpf qoav Xawtoq itgtmooAqdCaoTTT1,4u duo offi 51001IN - , 0, mg otom pl,Tuh ,Ccoupou ggpumn gMqgdurgo guT41,T4w pug Vumgknff jo (OW41100 @IN, WT4up wow): icuuw 'ATTAA9 4Totift t it0j. %00afJ04 $PPgi @AM1 gduo gin, pug porc000 wR,H4ilouulA5 y = 'uott 5gT gilict MIT Alagnoplagd oggum ottit 9-1-000�17001-00011-0000X�1,c1C11-V10 90/80/�1,0Z aealai .101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 1;1474..��TkAr4i' /1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 � I . . _....1,000.40000womm . S EC R Ear .� A.,511,9c&\ (.t,t4 L BASIC � 140 to Dow fr Christian dtd 6 Nov 44 w/two reports re Stilwell's ROcallf X )A c &ht._ / ' , . , a � . .� lit w/Ind AWD/wak blotch HEOdquarters, 0.S.S.S.U. Detachment 202, APO 879, 10 November, 1944 TOs Colonil John G. Coughlin, Hq & Hq Det., OSS, C & IB, APO 885 1. 4oference to your cable No. 108 dated 27 October 1944, I con� tacted Mr. ;bristian and asked him to find out for me all he could regard� ing GentraliStilwell's removal from China. 2. The enclosed lottop written to me by Mr. Christian, and the two enclosed reports, are forwarded for your information. ARDLN W. DOW Lt. Col., Inf. 2nd W/ind WOO, CIS, CHINA & INDIA�BURMA THEATERS, APO 885, 16 November 44 TO: Director, OSS, Washington, D. C. ATTN: Colonel John G. Coughlin. loorwarged. Fdy the Commanding Officer: A A A 4 64ttift 4 f�to. 14 CPA p � et n:E.:�acx (.171rsiG'ke-1� F. M. SMALL, Major, AGD� Executive Officer. ft Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 ; � S. 4 405" Tor 9- I- 000�1700 L 00n1 L 0000X�L dC1I-V10. � 90/80/�1-0Z fd - 4.11! 1-1 eSeeIej J01 P3AOJOOV pu � Li � U Il%tht owe% uquopuom@�ado@ fuoitufXly oiroAU Aq 10: nao ium otti ovj uovItam oftmap up ori 1001.10400d aWoy44144 kottoDy omom miltuop com mhail lif6d0J 04101d1444 IYUT4010110 t 1u6014,411TIu� 4.011duJ amoR driol 'Rlidoug tertirrmmn-it,Mts.uwqd ITT* JO pOtibriod gAPtileru 04414gm Im 01111109 Tlhj MIT.ATP 9'00404 0A4 OtiO "IlttPliitt�t 117tCatil ttiat4 Kplipatk/ gAtttl I tititit (AV, :ktp)fiq Mji4erpi. =01-111 Ltt �t4 rIttIt(t) r:Itittitcot1tt1ttaotottki willirt f)fit--40Atd Ut ttglligt 041 D"Orgll Put tiVr4 "A mlq ffw-010 togouttd#14 oql 40ittm mod.1 vmdft4 It0,1004 01 TIWIRal 1J1 omqW "MI) PIN ViliNgt4 Flom ItOmtliff tII1i7/utot, tt/ I Ut Pug *IWO ut 74u1W41 aoj ol(40114Apuo lit4t11 ptg 600.10q1 pow 101.04W00 #litatiff tI? I 1 UgoorJal qw:ort pirmittn ppan pt14 004 0144 ptip tattain PlettlAt, 07/Puool 04111�11; etri 1111M Pilah,J fit11100 004uttro 01 Witte 1(91.1 pita ootodoj 414 sflin owl 01 14rootig u0A15-4 p#4 pu logl RWPM0110U0 101o1q1 aoj ItomIlqg AqmIltti COB1441 .1-440U4p fttlif. '00140111 f1401 ot 000J04 lip lb jpiqb 114 '04pu#wwho @opt oI oullugtrodpuop owl fITW 4(4110 414 tiO 00 hl t10111404 4 Uf owm putt mT# jh rqd 40'0 01411001) Ott .01110 gtrO Ut ti0411347 mous() oATT lou pfp ott op pup oaluijo Jo 04010 Pito 0w4Tfi hi WtIM 140 01-104W0fi 0A0q rpot' om400110.1w000ritt9ut,171quItn ul lopvtio ott tfertith -p4 ;it oPq qoiqm 4nog0 jo 000 ot;) pup t,pdojjuo pVt 0fl1ttO Itgoim opoaoAp4 4ria pouo40 pplAtoiltdo glio0/01A ugoq opti towlotliodott" oto tvtiv3lutw"1-1,4 jel 10p0o1 0'10 0111/1;1011 041 ol 4101111140p pi luolum4PA0p 41() '004 041 Pgm tfpjto1304W t pv 40414 0014wodj twoulo4 Pitt@MTIM trid00'00 I PA-110194 Ralobril 00110-thn 4torl Pt4I04017/4M 440IttIA �tI olugmitoliriddp unilpl,wooupdi lupopti4 dttra 911-0.110(motinOUT V14A# plohm pm papo 11II 1/0:011 go *slotpilligAr, dwar t,1 witig 03 1,16Q tgl Niuit1,400 pi-110m 11 Ittql opt lOgwom Aou qp umnp A'14t0 ofttl Lt' pt ksigikomtiq kutvp4 011,t, 140or 0 Ultit1 ow do) 111.19ph oa04; ,104M tit idaq1P0m 'temilLRTa4to011440 Opvivkt 0713,-.0v 1.tm 411m o4004 40 gioti 0"111 0A140 U1 11lu t1i t 'tI v11#od lbn cir trAiiittitp lt 1tJt1t oq fiti 11 101 40110qjiJom quIttl T *Yutmunq 111 1404 ouoln414 tiottim dpor qtri vt11030p4 pilmit,op14 Itrptio�t4 Jo qwitholimp lvtitip4 gg:gt4tqq04 qv �ItI411 " 81111""e� 1P.Pt0 ggn ltIm / lgul 004t1P44 144d ROM tint Pug 4"41�141474 luolg uollIjm tihN lgt1m t101116 k.loA 014104d4di1 t sftn pup 41.0 troi 30.40titiod ul Puttlisql 01 1"PP OUP O0.1P00:00 011ti100011 .1i1111(11( omot I glif)pq 30t1k triqhoolil tiOORW4 Po ol 4i1t1 OI JOPIJJ0:40U4UIR 44% '14t1 1"[1"0 ti1 04P oo4 tomm NcOltim 091 ipql vutetto14411, 104446@ Qjo uo44 po0 pfts. OPriwoAnt44 fl abilol dutiA* 4(',1 T 1414A1 (00(00,101 0 Pao. 4"j soPIIM.E.411, fA00 *T00 atiOn � g NA @ttA erMYV rmf,ff *NIA, 'Tel) 611 � 4r: 11. V. V. 4 .� 9-1-000�17001-00n11-0000X�1,c1CW-V10 90/80/�1-0z aseala .101 panaiddv pue peWsseloaCI Pis .r �-% � 4 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 SECRET to tho Onito0 dtatoo on th44 oamo pluno with Oonorat gon@WAY 4011011P wt th Wh4b At1iiri4011 hop bo 4A3 ht t. L14iflhth hOti bioo0 too horl OD tho Ohtn@tio, Thto to Ouubhloom dup tw tho to thott 1.1@ oblio3vod v#nom whtlo Lboy wpro trovollln6 togotuori IIthilw aomovol :31'411A/oil vary won and 00htitdoii htm 4 flue polatop ropi Lhilt It 1140 boon 4 ViOttM or polWoal otpoimpLmmingi nor whtOh hn 1m nut, bt, ho bL4m9d but 1 rpi,Joat 1h41, poltlobwly Rad Lo bp Lug wAti, gild hp Wha it, Oggho ls rt. tirip � -4=4,.. � A *A. , 1100eyotat wtsi 1 tuol, 1,' i'1 anoltir, LIOW01,tmo lippy pinooppts, t {' T-1 r 1 " � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 �S� sew, ,4�0, � � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 a 1 � gitrattailf4 '-41R)q0 AT it* 04111VISO4.Movattl.5fir 11 X10641 p. - � - � � -10 � 10. whit tietimor leifii,rms mow zi)104 tutivi tit( pub1i0)146 ilielototA Protz4 itto *0 'ffiliepifiloalt ifi Atisil40.6 I 44 4* t rH I'M tOli0113,1,,,., k,001441% tpiticit .i.�011114: 0i( OA Et 0 'v tlitatigking sir sponttiellit o14 Uol wow 114% *la vtiko 411 -11 ) tiot pa � t Imo o 1,41,y Ad a 43 :trial: elotorial b..,/ sqmil Doportatiat oc.ralorithlp iti Washingtott), ilitoi4oPea 000pit ii� 4/444 ovod du coafRorii3 *Anse iikormikositi.04,041 Ilec)14,,* 10041 NJ.UiI00141414ilaa,ilibdit 4 tia.1 tt We o4 *ow* tho 44,101�404-,. 111411 I& hill 00 010014ti Lhi. 14,ft�w Totva gto.te 0 5.1,Yo ot) Wt., '000 pa*" 410 tts601.4y tibuoa stlikels %i ChM io Oa a ribi' iatio leut AMP 1441141,. II opt Ono 11114 bloof4 wtink, on boss vooto 114�111,00oiti Itocia0volV 0 k ittioital volomomi ,idivollasjozo uoativalk twt J 4 Luny, 601 '00111evaLtootoos ' arms ketmomot to divio indi � lit inalogonil *kg Mau** tiotowel WI etas 4r000 moor ,iiis oMaIi am ;to latit410.141 1111kleisso partistioptiok in the oovittor stroskilve Milt 41$vootit athow. trwi t,ons alliostioll Pt 3 piti ,e0o tom .31013 ttO 04,roo tca ii tflielli la liptto *Wont 00 ths4 oolionsmop ho L14(311114 lot t r Ittvt41. . pi "i'. 60Ipt 4n1y dliarituari toomutionderkl'ileopt 11%14.5741 L. �., Silt �oteitudo tow004 Amorla+motlotion.o booms ***ft sad A,tile�lop o.privgt6 *0otlag o;' tAmmitna imorkitivos of Wt* 11.44 oilogtoog Oho totiomiit t.kiwiti Corol nt 4stitevitive 400:ittee this won M t, wineup ltio trgi oum or 0 wit 0 it441, '4A. clltiji tip 8.14 otkortoons * iaj111-16 140. 6 Mit AStr.i 01041 �ovoratoont al rotors 1. 00011oro6 thot aiiiiivioXt allot Apt that tho oaritirra of hoterioople: -w4 *os to.044,310 Atilt 44 put Ili hiro hoold'N ' A0,0'; ihk iso44.41 St$14 14 aosfeed lit tho AINIKOSII. late Otaptag to iN4 - Shia* it mid% tritrvall WAIL ifktii 044111-4tio oonstoWoottil tif #460Plots di14 low; t 1041. 14c4481.fp0i to 40101 Oitalls wo,,Iti lie bask to 110,14tintig U.IMO 44040 MI $ohd Ca* b0foro glossa .Abertior� n _ titio40.00% *soot t *pow to tho ciouivausititios 4 Zt0 f ,.ra00. 4 0$v$41- . .6 0 V* ilm0 OM le.411, 0414Ket iii%vm As; wed0moy614 AO* dlio i 60 0.660a4or ot thti. VA-. IS - Nd it tiltomil m4It64, ;,,tilivolr 0 thilm 0100004, f the V. 4� Avow fete** La 444.41i. at *Wm, :� � � a '4e , ...44); . � ,,".- .,-;:kl,ii.,-,4- 1 -,..., �,,e11:, ' 14 � ,. s .� , 4 t: .: , , I � ae ; : '�: �� : J .14 , , � .. - t' 11.14 b.: �'4,s'irt.:.' ': ..i. :., ft: .::',1:: '14..' .0., .�- 4. , � r - ., - ' ' .1 � 't ... 7 :I "i , f :.� t t. ...'. 0,t. oar* thAtti the y04.0 14.04 40,001i told* 04V4 411041 *Wit Honakho * moi 00 0 tbootflov N 41 Us :in% �.to Alt *10 Ottiolit 414iti 4. X lit AO. ' . � , $1- � .; im .`,-; � 141- 43: � 1.1 1. ;IA -S� -41t* � .1, II- 11,1.1t, .74..e. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 emomenly ritigarded as the ablest tie:U:1 summands:, in �iordik Via Amend retreat ;with sae. :1 *010 net troti an onesw but &op) wall,. Okiaa it oftreseets VI. politica trivaph st * merle' ratio Mogama thst is lloPe soneerno6 with/ AO* rmassy %bon ill Orivine, ikbelapau4s. tool st Ow& too at Isast spassIvely to supporting 0 s reii iskorossInglif appoint ond distrusted IA China, tat soave& fogies soridoes ofteestrfttion saps tor, St this iltitlas Aloe *wait *Ad restate domoorons tail Weer's!s between the wenerolIsstaa t the lotto: Aeo 1POW mow L. right the gloms. .107 �1041t hoped that be wouldi 04110101 *Wm vmuris it stiostwle to UldWittali tbe 3s as piss � Mas soma 01e1sio toot have lids $t laposelb e tor ti3ws1L a hia Wits0440.04s et stigApplog & traiMa4 the 14eproverg reserves et "41 vtlas00 oft* , gamsositssii. $s ac pOsitive virtua tar *dui 4Wasidsi be ,S44061144 %WI Wm "a :rontiti =taro tte MO Of pal0011,01111$ his sR pontisol poor eye him s passive Mk* 7,Aw its t MW1ad.Sa 404* et fa hi$ oat .1 9UNS�Mi t did kis bull idsiStalf ler44 is oche vs* of aplis* %wit* 'If . . ......... ..401 � pv,�4 0- 7.411.6 k,449 V" 4- 4.� . ' k 1 e t'9 . :i ' : � ' � '.4. n. r i � 4 1 0 �,.. ' Iv .1. ft� .... r,i.,11' - ' 4;�-c-r--t : ' ' � .4477 s= . .. , : � �fi, - ...ill * 1 .111 ,,., 4.! ----,;;� �., .., ..}. � � .. ,..,.6. Testrt.W. r . . -, - 41, 4.1,e'fl -�.� . '''.4-5: firr4 'f'. , if:04' , ' 't 1 44.44�01-1.k_ .^. .. 4'4 fif � `.., P.. . ,,,i A. fitZ6;1 ' i. .t I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100430001-6 1 ' 4f*V -7 2' 'ts f;tp � � 4 / 4 1.c riPtiktri� WA 11 ON villtiti(111 4?. Ilavoibto lo ci tt: 0 . � ii0F� � , - . . . -...1. :.,, ! , :4.4; , o '� - � , / j.- 1 t'' � . i � , � ..- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100430001-6 r tt.4. ' - �JialtalkAtitcoLlTitudpt.r,, Wit usocle ao aiamoro sec arkfirt to streak,* et least � trues VtiVi 01101 for the duration Of *ht. war. Th # (40040410610011.) rulioAtwo b4a4114 414 1.,A0 4411,0W4 aud 10.01w0Pw 111146bo ftiestoral sioe Or. Reny stuak4 Aintotorafromp**, imo or, 014n Vimistor oi WaGmttoos Wks ramairA4 tmudimionwill4 u44,4411 go' 01 ov*ra 144 pAriod loma hos bamisto Writiwevatic, inetfittiont ond aer144%, t2 Poets ;4111 tit utei*ec� eve poo4,14 4..�4 atio-o4A441,i,v 14*.tli0Sito4* In loqice poi,14 -4muittry pooloonto turbo� 44 pot tint mbindroo omits daring 0440Eamsso ioltibilivO, Lurievekv, for Alio) 00344,4aviaaossi with whieh thelie eritiodi !lel:Ledo4 rive during the toonino yea** Volt of DUna'� troubit**, now a =*4 tho reOult or her ha4ving. been IA vine with oven nor will than oeyon yeepcs an4 �tio.silly blocked** tor two it tuolf� Tho sown thAit mth is %Wit the i:aneratieeloo it reectiozier$40 LI. power it Li 1.1.42t ho wilt, rosuibe Withoat tistreit /.. jo oat,' to iiiivist� Vic*, ntiomplos dettirtainvd to 1**intoirthie vet* oi th war is outr, votIti it is poituor1�7 hie war tiseibot tha wArl000 tiOattakaAi(tital tewilttevq41 tad alarmed 1.1;" litho with vrA1 all VI) nhi tim1A414.4 Wirt ht I:ma* 000114 u$ the 4101001.41444 rohJ uboy ir lAcisielta,,Y� 4he ni�ft.s lama baewoe moro end 'a'c i,ngovitirnott40 sae st.tuog th* isielptemet esther Um the 411411100 lit Chines w troub30e. 01444 nesetiatn4 io with hurley boos, the uentrreliseizool elild