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Publication Date:
July 10, 1945
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4.11111 1?4404&444 4:141 Cil
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Utalritsr; v.:. GONPER,Ntaltbrr
a 'Leung Mkrgatt
ilavikteriat toutriw4* 110%V.:141
Itsturuere Ike t
OATS z 3\114 1945
* Ira 4) Ifellealit *.td is editor au the SI Repettint BOd
litt Ram treat 19 *least 194* to 19 May 1941. The Reportial.aoalk
Moo gas 04404 elder Ow Ovalle* 111 **stied and it* vierk Sttetio4
tree tbe arbittexteessI otreateperlaelle We,* The *On ?Allots**
tieigionietii, le wawa OW C10140101411 et Mr *row eebelsittv-persor44,
lvatesiatlat la ttehe ow U.Neelliks, et both hake trout wadi
listint *moil IA ttesional reatirCagt vet 00 a rietty tool thinet#01
??,4""totrl'.: ? ?",
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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2 July 1946
va* Gmaaral Donovan
nrade We H. Showitoon
SUDJICTI Attaohed risid Report from hirci, HoOkina
Mr.. HAWVkeo roporl Wan* up, la am seat* torn
*goo 4f the loIeloonta of tho work of Italia* SI Ita1y of
whiAk leo home boon goer* for soma time.
TPA iik-Watiwit so Uwe., eiletee l'he pity of it is
tbik work of lthaion la would hove boon much Vetter ir
utela moth 44 Mrs. Hamittai, had beim isortoad ot
bo4st; hooraeopped or rojomiteg?
askot 4ZP, aim 1614, Nawklaa a* soca a* I *lead this
roport4 but sh*Wui ;ono on leave. I have soko4 to be sotto
ttwil? *4' ooemr ohe Wourns4 thw* I out dillouAS 'AO *WU
itiitZliW lath ral AIL
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Crnst.e.litilt I:MI=4111M
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
V, *Wow fltaptaitera
iltiaa Mate
thirrt We. larriet
20 :rune 1945
Mats vs. Suietise tilt mat sow **? to cotter= ete
?traVtgliallt gas set to *rite 11, **viten zatoruku
it CCUItto Isiiteivat= *a th* Upon* *Aim is ottairaueds
*WAY* iirtV4 WV if Weilet kW stemma tkat the
lavert-44 eecittes id/ Imo usdi to latisIatalvact. *MAW& &IA atta not
vsalu eigik private* otki proeteart utliimor soperto ottiemes43,
(dvoldzstdkat lamottiorsp Mixt wowed itat ties* = poolanzet
me overt-wet ere
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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? 1., ? ?
144g -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
wAsHiscrrotit 1).
Director, 088
Chiefs SI
Report om Field Condition*
Reports Section, Italian Division, 8/.
This r,rt 'covers my experience with the Reports Section,
Spostev tram 1 August 1944 to 19 liar 19450 1 held the following
position* during that periods A) Motor of Politic and loonomio
latellilomee. 2) Assietent to the Chief lditors in charge of the
gamiNg of report*, 3) Chief /Altos, and Assistant Adainlntrator?
lest two poeltions included supervision of typtsts and transla?
iPtfl00Zforseding, occasional translating and editing., and ?hooking
* 'see Franklin as sole
eesetattro ot the Re 1101014, it the nominal function or
otnd onon * SOltolhorf )1111* Proinklin
hi. rytht t t the UMW* DiTtilont SI la Rams
t if oftt.414 t ooese? ROPOItteld f4,14,*ts tor
Ca t Nmr imisoOrt .40 repofla, with the roquest from
t tvher shm114 mt the fors ill
*oft thwoteilkiCktatteakaid the prelatic' that
iikViel mad, beglit it the return of Mr.
et Mita*, Division* II,MVOs who wee thin
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
dna Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R00
4 ??,,Wifq".IN ? -- laykyrb'E.,*?-r???mr ypyi?-;;;?,41votie,?.,t-..111:5 ,
evet, ,
Around the *nd of November, a meeting was held in Canerta at
which it ems decided that the RePorts Section, Rome, would come
wAv. the complete jurtsdiction of the Italian Division, SI. Mr.
Franklin returned to the States on temporary leave, and I was
*Warted into the Italian Division, SI.
?or another month there was no reports function As such. The
Divialon continued to process their reports as they bad
fraverly d(are, and I continued to have little or nothing to 4o. I
made * trio to Caserta in wIlich I appealed for help to Mr. Theodore
!Van, Reports Officer, WIDT0i and was informed that the Reports
Section, Rome. bad been taken entirely out of his 4urisdiction.
At the and of December, Mrs. llisabeth Smith, Miss Grade
Avitmbile, and Mrs. Mary Watson arrived from the Repvting Board,
1nitAn, and the Reports Section, Rome, vas formally established.
It lionsisked of Ceptain Joseph J. Caput* as Reports Officer end
Chief Uttar, with myself as his assistant in charge of the processing
of rets, the three new recruits from Washington and Miss Laura
ardeft ipartotimt searetarl to Mr. Scamporino) as editors, with some
transteting work as sell, Lt. -Y. fihine Assolina as military
*liftoff Mt. Peter Sarcoli as tralalator, and several enlisted mon
es typists. The functim was ostensibly that of the eporting
Seardt and the SAM* pattern of procedure was followed, with the
notable difference that the who4le vas a function of the Italian
Division. Sit a4d iirectly 12011*, the control of Mr. Scamporinos
At the beginning of Mir, Mt. Weamporino and Captain Caputo, went
norttf4 and the Reports Section was turned over to Mr. Lawrence
Sattliting. Other personnel ohatrnes in the courso of the period
toeluded 'the appointment of 10, :moon D'Assato as Administrator,
*ad hi, ,202000ment i hat position by Mr. ?raniclin after his
return from the States.
*0 buomila
Iho oersomel
ftataith and liars*
Slelltam oriel**
sit oomineeted wttth
theatet gte *Oesmoo,
on4t otooktliat eviti
Division SI, ;wept for Vt.
of Italou'Amerlosost :Wray of
ationed *boys was an Italian and
were lawn thringhout 'quo
Ism sorgartizek.4 wide Mr.
which was them let ala
os Um* Igo or todispendent
Amu ato Sliweivoldrie; 414 toot WOO* Unlit, ,ateition. No laid
4Avon maws, strsi two, stset was alleiro4 the pstlidlog. of Itiostionins
OA* eorietvlitoxii*:
I. poroi4ts4 aono to tionstor out of his brsricht
ito0 thei* Iwo istiodolo efeJOHP trder his doutinaktion#
3 ,I,C4:4,..,14,44.1.4040/44,0444,431441%11444/41,300,14.'4?':4'.:4,410204#0.4tAAW,45404r~VMOIMit ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 riL '2"-Th
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1, 7
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
,,,?-???614 WM. tv?itoArtti roall-imer*A4**11,!tizt airfi-t*Pr--,1-4--4,e,rthw*trogloommwisito.
tscept for Mr* Scamporino himself, and Captain Caput who
Iwo both hard sad intelligent workers, there was no work s, done by
the other aembers f the Italian Division in ouz office* They all
held rominally important positions, and wore rarely in the office,
oft whin they *ere, 'pent their time in yelling at each other and
talaying vexes'
The att1tude a thee, people toward* the four women sent out
by the PevortizIg Board in Washington was consistently insulting*
They apparently relsented the fact that they had been forced to
accept Imtsiders? in the first place, and in the secot4 place held the
belle thet no woman was capable of any activity outside the home*
They tratid us with n studied politeness which in itowlf via* en
InsvIt, gad at the same time contrive0 to make us feel that we were
Interior tad incapable of doing responsible work* Captain Caput*,
unter is. Wrect jurisdiction we worked, held the gzittral
assomlYtion thht we knew nothing about the work we were '0() do, and
in spit* or the fact that we were all professionally qutlified
peAtanuel 4244444 in Washington, with oansiderable background, and
ths.t tat leg,st vas a orofessional editor before )oining 085, he
lmastotook to train us as though ve were schoolgirls, and with a
ocloirsioly tosulting attitude*
b. Maas
?he tectftieal weaknesses of the Reports fiecZion in Rome are
wer7 olose1y tied in with the personnel problem* They sprang from
tAw ispaletle, capricious and arbitrary temperament or the Roprts
Ofttmter* ter succilet. after a report bed been translated and edited
soultSing to hits alleettlivitImel he would often rewrite it conpletdy,
them atm it btok telt the editor to edit, and on its being returned
tot Ott, +kettle to rewrite It from a different angle. Thus each
?owl ism* worked over until it achieved what he considered
Wteatile* 'Ws vainstaking method although commendable for its
tfttelloctuol alertness end energy, inevitably resulted in **matte
eagnfosiesn in Om office, where the editor involved bad no way a
kneels*, what woe *spoofed cif her. It also resulted in the final
roman. *Mtn Wing cirnitidsreb17 different from the original which
maid cos*. tn*
ailop gliraseraoa of the rilmorte was a result of the same fetceors
Cal*aln Olkout& is 4 lawyert and addicted to formal ond logml
Okaatoolope Ito ossferred the mse * four-4105101, word to *
44*wo4liosao *41124 outievor peesible, ant Stilted phrasing which was
anon (tUrtoolt t6 anior*Usem sr weramapted to o.. sa tbila to
morsel reedebte *Wish* we were knestt4001 thwkwe were not*Oling
tee' * amimpagerl and tito orUtok% Armitoology wes micta4stnotict
At **sloe 41 planet isma oao*14otalgo, Optobt Cm -pt *got
tto rovorit* ghomit4 lookimU on the loge 010 in* 4141 on
isoi1V4**et/Ittto** so se thota vepot wot ottould ham. too*
.q??*.s?-e.? ? f ????sf...1".;,-",1444.1.0.4116,4,4440?1044-? ?4,,C40..4.1?1????ifit foef?Pitii.*Jt.?1-1-fsnia01.1? .g7f.:".? ....is??.461?0401004yhaUlitagyggiftga,
' 4'4.; -,?1,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
4, ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
t.:??r;.i.);N 's04131,
?." re'l '''":14.71 r's,FA`Prz71 Pi6e. Nr?fil?V,A?A?t4....r." TM???'..-?,t, ? .0,3? fes,, slo?
squeezed onto one "aili was necessarily spread Over two or three. With
the use of the Ditto machine, tis naturally snowbulled into a
treaendous consumption of paper on even tho shortest reports.
Both Mr. Scamporino and Captain Caputa vere 30 afraid of revealing
their sot:tees >I* information, that for a long time they could not be
persuaded to give their reports any distribution to speak of outside
of Inthington. AS the Reports Office in Caserta vent to the opposite
extreme, and believed in distributing everything to everybody, the
Roue office finally reached a compromise whereby they sent their
relorts to a limited distribution list in the theater. However,
distribution was never intelligently handled until the last month or
so of the period under consideration. Valuable medical intelligence
vas buried, or sent to people who could not possibly have bad the
tatersat in it that medical agencies and per would have had* In
tnis connection, the loalousy that existed betveen B1 and RAA prevented
SI reports being given Mk for the circulation whth might have been
atzl u,natura1ly1 the topics covered vere often tho same. Akti
reDorts that came in tr.): ms for monthp *ere read only by myself; later
ty the other women it by the Wishington Reporting Board. They
wee. never lot to use,
Too /moral crittcisms of 0837 Use' have nothing to do with the
Iftblamt the Relorting Board in that ?Moe. If a sweepiag criticism
oeft14 be wad* it it be that in geiteral 088 personnel in Rome, and
bellow' in hifi.i morally$ t*411 to measure *maces* in terms
mf at for in terms of aut000bile trips4,- It is true
mot csny of IOut of Other orpnisatiocr, that somewhere between
bow tt *blow 1.$ making it* snoriflee, and the front lines which
e* their groattAr on. %hers As ti o rear echelon which reaps the
Ownolit Watt lie had the food, the cigarettes, thq Army privilikims,
ottwrIrts itat Oputart and the general conception that on the
enolds ear is e pl Ott,' 400d thinils
Volt ' fry bow
*mutt awiter
*404114 IMF
** ta
4 -
tt itis raced wig** ploblait which to the
Lost tiobia4
1epowte4 anywhere els** and 'Mich I
b*4 It /Hog 140401.14, tbootetore, to *Act
ee Untidy 04,01140111 persermaitile* rather
tl?VOLUOirtit ate cookatiosilly recomoisruledi
cam of toreip inanition to thair WO/ma
reetotioeste4 tot glitietttl OA* neute of the
55 7iJ
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, -
?? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
A..,-Atareereee bewesncamesnamiesviottaintitleltektii
attitude of the poopi* in that country to their own nationals in
America. F6r example, tha North Italian and the Roman despise the
40lath Italian and the Sicilian; yet the Italok.Aaerican personnel sent
to Italy by OSS were &least entirely of South Italian or Sicilian
extraction. This created a very bad impression in Rome, ead OSS
had a bad name there? largely because of Italian SI. They were both
zospiled and laughed at, and much of the information given than vas dons
with tongue-in-cheek preolsely because of their origin. It seemed
incredible to all those eh* understood Italy that such a mistake could
have been made, and the cause of OSS so basically jeopardised.
b. If women are to be molt into the field on a professionsl basis
(which - naturallyt - I believe they should be) this should be made as
clog, as possible to the persons for whom they are to work overseas.
The prevalent assumption in OSS in Aurope that women are sent either
their sox appeal or stenographic ability (or both) makes it very
bard for the voious *weer* worker, who is trained and qualified to
do ,rofeseional work. Ahem* she may be flattered as a woman kor her
rael 1m imaginary charges, her ability in other respects is belittled.
The rwoults are serious. Aot only does it gravely dosage her mora 'e and
her self-respect as a capeble person, but it al** induces after seal*
% feeling of desperation, whereby she has to fight for her position
evert Inah of the way mith the =accustomed fervor of an o144ashioned
sutrragette. This should eertainly not be necessary. It is no
loom quasar? in America, end it should not be oversees.
41. The Reporting Board, If it is to function es such, should do
so independentty of the Dixie:to* of SI lathy/Meth it is associated. This
Is t t believe, amply illustrated in this report.
ta no onion to mwe the eortribution or the ralal value
of tion in Bone. PrIm what I maw of it, I should say
14 lis viitua/ly Nothing, or done it so badly se to ask*
oomilaeatively viola**, The materiel we Mailed "al UM9PiallY
lantAtrobviting* amd Mere *ere siceiemt4 when we emelt forget TAO unplaosento
mem* of limp elteatien la eaWhieless over the materiel itself. but the
ontimmotesse ewe obayt.mtive4 Oen we saw abet happened to the matcrial
V, Ito Use It left oar Otte*,
rtitret Ameitral
**porting Itoicr4 It.
tsotorettn. sibtmt th,to
tworlionith 10044 1104
I 41
5 4$
4 allei ?fl pidessit esseeietion with the
Ii fore 2 von @vette**, 2 tan toy nothing
Um- IA Mese. It a** net a chwful
Mama to slay that it was geed to any *aro
Vieepeittully aribuittedo
- I
lharr$44 Net%irat
' licgt40;
npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP 13X00001 R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Scopo of Rioart
alstory of &ports Sectionl Rome
*f Protamms of law Reports Notion,
Italian Divisioa, $1
denotral etitioisms
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
J, ??
frit-, '47
eptroff'" ? ^
g Virtrator
Sactetariat Roperts (Ma*
fallacy: Noircnbso Reveals IL"
1. t ;
DAU 104111794
4. .;
Coat* %Twang* was aliftaredbLI tho deraans Sopte0or
*MI* eft suittaik, rcor 1111 InWateattlert MOP leaxgalwarge ?
roport g?itearilimeit :tat aireatimvat and lat as a aavitau
pArisatowt *mull Id" litittraticsa toy tho Adagotteano la Mart* 1945
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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8-1-0001-17001-0001-0000X?1,c1C11-V10 S/60/ eSeeiei Jod panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
a a
7 3.
**wet( peveekt* et Mob yam eq, tee am lirt
POlniPot 11044 eve time,' grit law, mot oryit 0/04, 4PIV
?IlletIJ loS.$10111teST ,z? at' "ewe";IT trenne011944. VeAts&re
Inv 1044e teurfeirct *ape foosektead ii,acdea rpootatirie
iontiveinet strtlitteae, g 01X,
MEW *APO illakdOM *awl** ginillatr*
40111114101rad bit V bit
immimmi? moo
8- 1, 000 1,1700 1, 0001 1-0000X?1,c1C11-V10 S/60/ eSeeiej Jod panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
uecIassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25. CIA-RDP
? -.4;:.ter..
41.,??? ,srAY11 44, rt?f,- 1%?..
?Ms laper sloe boa qu1 innoeporated in it To the but o4 mr immory it me* lot
agentItt, Nut slimly 48.4*.I.* in the hooding. I was interrogated OA this, In
bat.. tzis mos troogbit up at every interrogation* I told themI knew Major pappert
viury WAANtlytt that Z did not knot east ortganistatim ha belouged to, and that I bald
pmst xecat, oxt to valezetorr on trip while my' oar vas be ropsirwi in Luxembourg;
that the ream= all of tat mar. eapiured mat that the situation nap vas wrong; that
rar ** ft** War vappart ws* la the &may Corps and 7: thought 11501' undoubtedly
sena* t340401 amp** Infantry*, tat I eould not be sure of this bateau*** being in
lbs *Mc 1E *SS 00t familiar with the our nommtlaturiov
* tioast it Irmo Colonal aiblin? taid zdU,bait / Ussi hnowo, bins in New Tork,
Isawlas taats in %bat larmstesat basizosi witealt, they sabs4 ae / kiwi what MIA at
rfr atkesp* raossa. parts* sad I sada I alit not. Timor sake% as At X law ifibers
Utlists *Mee las in parts ard X tsal4 41.4 *at amsot sontast with Um was
soistal? TA* *kW tab* tbey kept refarriat bask to sea the fast test P*P3;04at 11401
tede IstertaLastio4 vapor em his* .stiizis they %hottest 4atjzj.WuiiideatifitA hisa in
eaelik foommi issellimpag. work* To the best it sg sessry tjoy ?iiti not swain MI?
Womiretmo tior sou twasa um ilk a vent asaiieroos busisess? Ifissair 1mieh toict
4.11t ala4200rnigret 116d ?,31. Ift0041 mai a*ii Mont *swot sivilian inow
ukatiPtiotto Sad that bath Iwo. Lagowtro aad I Imre is s vory b. arts /
tftusa vitt NV slaty that T vas a NieVal obsorwari tbat s ultesiation *Vat
iman, aesieNtts that 2 bows siotktag or his wort; mad that Z ha4 *1404 vet
that sarlaki.it avamthtsurc. Itito Agee salmi as it I Wsow Walter Itooker404.
wI-41 Wait I itias, tOtt the% oss latie a peitelt soda ~Set old I loom *WAN" OW)
kttik 00.0, UMW *Sark he 1140 iltiatiebrit 110 Wel cir imps aaint linicoon wet** lipereqs.
Iftwol ta.04-ms 0004 tot etrii istcrreittkoms Okthingot *low Aosithltia
or 146 sort Itaasiliell rola tscroort vows 41olaig isZwiesiboitt othor thin wrulte4 ft*,
%as mow 010 found oe: %nowt. trikey told to thoy voro both sell kzawk gad iongi:Olus
4411****01411s.m 111054 reft, beasistew sat tlooks* motiactift $4 lb* iiitatitiOrottag is ittitoh
. VW* *Old !to that thiet low mot Image ex,Opetion 40 'OW $t tbiou Os
sAutetevot r soaltwast with tit, solwei tbart / sows. oboitritv 404, icnnit
estrttne get OA* quraii* oat**
ler* too- ooirfos. *lye *so lt*/**41*** I we* Whitt fitqa2 nolitioto 4.344401
114, liter tiASS Witt laSigit 141* OM* tit CIO Of tik.40 ftri oftileatt etia
404n)wit vs., Mon, oar kw* rikimm4 *OA Viote ismarrootitk*o mpri00.r.
Satiartesti tit's& etitilsoryA givams Mit Itros* bow! WA. lowt ir *Vs ram
tosisaysiKtstIon, ti& toiltgkr 4testiselsos* 41606410
*O ?T$ illtka wigsi 044,P
An* I irlort gromostio Obi* matt et ttlo Otto IWO* *106 TIONUO ?
4**411* ilketawilt oat trot Ilve aintioft Omit, amti lioattio ofes& VOce 24141040::
*OM et 110 trittittiti tiftitt A* Wistit tor by Ot.0P04004
"0* I2*-140 ft* 104,441t
UM* ertivoti 1104 Ott. of 111644.4 04110.11
ft** 11110~ *
tillOrl*, *Is pasta& iaim 40.4 140,
sem* too
IM qww4100 vittiw
gowt otiort ***** I
/Mt 41004 tti
? .44341aloW4MaillOst Oteatell g.
4" 1,7 tip CI,
Declassified andA roved F_or Release 2013/09/25 : CiA_RnDioN,^^?
p7:1==or Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDI013X00001R000100410001-8
*** rot isurreusted aul tore after ootober Is and on ooto4sr 22 X wee Work to
tbe toevi*AtI at Nwhonark, whist' is is oonjunotion with the intorrogation (tenter
Obsrumnel. cberursel le where all Allied sir personnel ere evsz intorroga.
Can? and was run by. the Luftwaffe* / was again put in solitary oprfinewent in
this hovpAtel* but hod a 'wry oo tiib3. sU rooatelth runni4g waters I was
her first en ootoWer 23 and 24 by a (lemon lia,*1 Wiser of e oomper-
albs lesitut of 2ftelo to 91ar savys I ao sot know his Ames /row oet-)or 24 to
wloaabgr *t rcwhinod is solitary oonfiaiment and was .ullowed to telk to no One
4.16: *441 oat Intorrofeated? Thie is more or lima the *anal irustom of Wing to
f.vdtst oac 4w** ox Noweinbec S at 5 eollusk they took me to airmail 471 looked ue
sA 4 wal Onto. 1904441 *ells are Ivry bed affairs -. the haat is eonttaled frost
otit424*. yutl ars only gives one blankets the window is halved and painted, end
per,,, of the lift it*Mest 1* to1rIt14 awl other tines there is no hest at ells It.
043;4 Eptaidita. WoIlt tellika WA ORM* kir briliktilat, potato soul at *OM Slal
tzflI b O. *lilting.
illstovialiatJ mai Inthrroget*I1 hy a tieuteaant tlattistr of the WINO Vivre No
tzalost irthooy Nora awortnolit X Was a apt ask th* way way X *odd disprovi it woe
14 *OW than ol raptors et* oar isatii4abowaria* wartara twoomwv** X must his thoroughly
tam nwt wit4ibU if I let* ? Merl 0110.1rVer / ratused to wit* any &oh
rots*** la litticsoo 0.":1 istiforo with. btu. etid *Wok to my itax* story of king a
Xtvaki otoarew? OW *bout two hour* of this Ito **at at boo*o itortanoirk end
Gm* 'oat bo 404 NO Val to Nlag tufts X wee *gait. put Wok Into solitary
likriro*NtrX Iwo opctvaitrro i* ettvilian ikotioss we on* movhd 3absitlit and the other
Meow, Issest qi * Wain tel. mar Voittittort it wee a vary attraollvo
14*01,1 torisor14 mow* Viy *polo ttMs smitanottil* amit*tottookro 'WS io the pleeo tb,*y
$4 via* d%Iwy P0000ldior 6447 isiotienti, vaiwt sod 404 thook 404 %root thou*
otat ? 404 try to lot tutorookttoti Vitt* *as XMed * soot ittooir thor* sad hadt
reAaadlimitt tooksitag AO them tifo peopio* stik*,.toria 01, intitteroptioa her* wee
044S-Vils? ifloY stitOty **it $011 tf yo* tiro* 4miiit 1hro411% a souse cf
ititglaot oatti ler Outs istorottiogii trot raitt* They were ivory *eh ititerotterd
viatisit 1016044. low** it* 4trosolq *Au* the we *Mt in poirtioularq vemit **PO l*t
ari#114 ha,if 1144wori,
.ae*PsiroftheLrtY. &Mail! ilitititS404 he
0,0*, 4tfat tatty' imositiOSIg #1110443. IWO * INWS Sif*Itojuii4t 1144 WHO e *loom
* jeeistrr My* Wi00141111 ti4 Oft* Mori* *4 460 041446 Stet*** Z 10$k*Avit
40000 noo0 **** n*agatailloN with toom ftrA Wm :010.70 40444411 WA he
i406 141.4. to %Mote feit tilto yeersit awl*. tbo. ootolipetioak woko n tho
VW *co* Awmiwttlid *Ith MI" Olrousio emu U.?My. elolitet tio Q011,1,114n
Visfroottmosi. otpouted Ofoorottiott, %yr" ,Nr* :go *tor ottlaoriers with. u* at this
$E4te 46, 54,04014, 1. I Mt* tiaok 1* Saltaistrit put iato a4tiory?-
f?of 100011/061, U.1444044911 eat** 400 14.4 on. Wish Mott the ilitorittott0A
WOW 4$100,, *40,4 of MU. $114115$14 itss erf en4
iloor our to, afteproft* mkt Wig 10 4044 ouitt beilw
#0ileol 4 1,4100 400 itt 0001 Mitting Imo. felt ,Wati
4114* Ulf O*1.7 ow to av414 boine **IA *e. the
%VIP 1+ teel rouge ot *ettoesiortrim
-AU vita 1 41co. - afati to b*. that X 00114 write e41 mu*
Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/25 :
1../Classified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
".4tItt v ,1
retoril said that as ear ati 1001?.* ooaceraed be 001214 40td MO to the Costepo cod the
ac(10.1A". -Us hettter. Atter two mom Wars ot this sort of titiv be sit, *I will
Cosa Oa book Q11 yqlt eat oast rot% oat to *dee Witt* I said it wait hard for as
tatieve Was lie I bat Wart ill so May times. as-sed r would be locked up
Om I VA rack to labiotair*? SO assured se I would aot he and I found when iSot
haat to tb* htpttt I mks tree to leave 111 tom end liolaile with ths other prisonsrs.
*** ttto last Use MA interrogated *boat tortkise roliatine to the aims*
Awes WO:Jr witiON t *44 411100114r0d* tie ease yes definitely *lased end never rel.
L/04010d* t Mita cm of tkos mosia danerrokae peril* for wisoner is when hi is
Mac set*Aeloa rpm. isaktwer. 141.4 patio* et solitary eonfinement aul
tarroottets Aar usually release. yea is* a lane room with other prisoners or
Ova rim * allgrafalt 4WelYttliti Or' teM011014 to *task vita others6 'Tow sense ot relief
tzli *I woe* you are t04101.1 tc tiak ftwokly to *the other prisoners. The roes twin
cAttwole littcote or their VIM avid,s.fl b plootked Vier** I aotioski this tww,1040Y
so mow, Uses* OVItik litlith U. mars istellieest lariettors?
eta Ilsowtsit*se $ loft obe:rwaree4 at 120* with * draft ot 6114 traveling by trillik?
tit Vet.* 84 WittUr ** 3? ihtsamp is Isom 44 NU* Lia, 40 is * teorOtent
*ONO OW *LI 4014 air parsownel? %ay Orli* hero bolt Oberlarsel alter lateo-
itiodom set 41" sat:fitted with cloUlaie Paraisited byk* 101 Woo. Erto catle' vas in
41.141161d e lotosse (uric; sueritt Hater Allied offigert eat I wansot seyOtlftik
rffik Ullt soft* Asitaitn? essetatilwe ability eat saniteensitt of this saw es administered
estparal Way 411t its) WA* bore eikettla IWO WWI Itiospital 00,1411, hit
tommotteil7 641-4101101 opesmact sal Mar reotived 14e, best of care insofar as it Imp
01101444411$ laassilak to, 4c Vas Vbe li11tto4 *Apply. itt 1110014*1 egaijwbant, tray,
?tot * *MT thanlipsitilialtga destsitt la *Wee. Csiteide the 440474 40044 Vtio rofkii
it* *fa Wow* sticisihatretita *Met *hate woo a eoclett stars certain viiimrs vow.
itio44 patitivial iatorraistiete lisfesio the, moo rolosood t thit toilMat Wt. I
s#44.01 ttoky urt 9*P ir. soliteryg sat low laterregiateti alottoit voliti041 11100 by *Om
Dwitittleaat tag ft Sr. nr1111/014014 * *MUSA' ito to. 041 moat dwiWtOi** tros ts
itoottoptot464, vtoop **** totortoto4 blood*. joint poUtiool Tie** 0611 obit loll thimzeht
,ottioite *ma otitartioui Watt% 4* to NW Owroosio? I t)4Abit kboir 11010,110.110/1
moo low law Woe tilbiAtt *Mg 11110,011010 StAiStor *Ad 101144110 .M04
400. *0? thi40001410041, lib** WOW 0.4.11
liWik St Wilt
WO* pithiest* WO 10040 404
114, 004 OW Set*
? ft** t***410 if "Os IL
W4 m4*. trtar*Wira
geoltsi, farktit * Ott tiW5$04'
act presisataMt 4;411.4 **IA -
144441* 01* atkigio!4 040 43,04* ofttimotip liorslia*:.
Ps mosik tap 00044 WOO 1440to1 11006070 leiroetimott
4,4( Moo tolote 5et-m, **oft all tolool000rto Not, *IA tO
ilk 00 improp4101,0% of Otriosnye
AS io ilito Onorai OW 0
sAJci 044-ttitio01
poroilow$4 soft $
1,44 nwIi t,C? W ilkyo
Piel to OW ? p0r$
Otto imoio *404 foffr 4,
ttat AO *ft *Olt
fkty Itiotolgat to omit a* Ito
00404 40 Oct-Pits astuotttour *gm
boohoo 114$11 fitu
itiewither 2
t$(VOW** fer *
pelt Li I /WW1 itoft
" 4f 144040 f-e-.04 Witig4.49-0-311;Tig* voki40110.001141006101*49.4avtuetitegiocqui.4,1/4,--,, cC.11.0-4,44e41'049. r4i7
1 ?
, 4.4
Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/25 :
ueciassified and-77;77717r Release 2013/09/25. CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
; .4 ? ' " - I.
$ceso ftr oo widow* *bar : was V-rayeA 9..v-id put back into my room, There
was discuesion about * transtuaion and crAtrythinif eeemed to be quit* oonfused
becaue* there had been a rafter severe bombt4 of C4easten an Sunday night* On
lifs*0101. Dweemb*xr the AO Wiz ambito& aibueont? Tize WOO to of 114C? sad
UmentliattNe on ft* tom asd two of os r seven boe'ital buildiwo were oompletely
teat:wet. alut %capitol was kumaked around end the town vas flattoned* Trom then
4u tae ?sonata/ was *caplet* conftsiong as it was Poll at looal nouadied and none
et us retorted attenti.qn. On had ao *Mug beat* light, z to, On SatUrdsy.
Noembtr, Ow 2 TA* iltarniztAalms, ono of' tae a*XITAA stAff at 04-'40 tuft* earm down
and Wined a* up, retuning its to Dalsg (.tsia 1 tam 1'4 the hospital
there until O.K..telaper 2f* arld mme more or
1ex4 a:41'11"W for another month,
'Theo I reagoarai suritelontly to perfameortain Mettles* 001, stark asked no to
047 tia wir a 'vtarteknetus -miaow or kill stet and I sated ea rieentive tor /gaud
Otiimp 10.41trarien, sfte *amp b*d?gee* imply of International Red Woe* tea,
*az coravelty **LI rung and the GoVOWA2m2hority is fairly sympathetie* Lt*
4010 Sockm, wista to utemmori for the Germans* Major Dorsseifor was in sharp of
patItiasa twparrogatian end 1bay were hoth ooperative* X would mir that OA,
MZ Li &Ilse WI we* ***Waved the beet prison camp in Oeriany under the Cou*V2
tatiu **a met theipc too affieffire eeoperated wits (101.; $iderk and helped, rather
them irttedcred a hi* 2111/440riebt.i, ON* Ws* 414*$.6 Luftwaffe authority*
Vali** Lae Iwo Itioated caa bleh pie**ofgrotud about eight-4423th* of a mile
ruse 110aUtor. *Wow* woe /a the tars or a reetanitin flatrou4041 bY
klettlgo. hortoit wriv* fa*** about 15 boot talk. A wareing etre x*oli oroun4 the
ikattrer peotneter goat 30 fleet Amide the battokt viro0 you *aro warned you
an b* *at if yoga arao**4 ;Otto *Ow" TAW. the euepoual *ere five *Truk"
writ* *aUbotbriate coo bir soat hall via Utah*** .0?0 kalf of ow
barraolia 1.40 Oi* ittet Urn,
et~iiii WA tem talaaefle a 4e7 it 0J eM(ow at AP The tiso tor
tort* ',gloat Atootailttg Eon the emator coup OKI vilither its mire Itelrioi two er
Atoe Aleele day* Was atter Isersiogrr.fl to 3/00 the ion 'too* It*, to use
Vist folt$Witait irtikla the tuaratod Artte4 ISI 7* to 2000 they mutt loop oft tM
f000titoofine trovitio ISO oovil4 loomeoa liainoto0 WO* Iwo turikatl ;004-?
$0,tL IV. SW we am/41y toroo4 a mood, of yoUo. do, loose in too( ecu.
fotals? ea* ~mow st law omot a MO toot. *an. by
tiostisto jaw *eh *or* 134.4*. rbiit.ipoPe VW* *Ur raid oheltettio 1*--
UtetatiNg, Ammo *as otoectly t* a "clot stete? %or oer*
.fifftek Votiwt elsoolSolea, ixt litiok ow ion mod" "aro la loos, oastlaYt
woo ameitlly el42my, he *0 My* * low eulititt Titar
Utilkood. int iiiiiiittekte thii. ***10110Dt to *lit the toit
*Why *II
1841tift pookohroa
_ mos *mow** Oil 414
0 *11406 $6,
No lka4 a ogiod inpAy
Ofivissit ousirtiodioa woo 145 loaf at
0000 0 if?ein they furitisited
Oar.* t? so *PM
00 u t. *quo
*ft 14
rjf, 4r.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 :
? Tr,.
Me last saveral veohn. Iletaler VD* Mr* Or 15114 sr otmeatairt bombing 2and.
strettug. tawait 2IS the Oirlialk Atuthoritioa heard; that the kearieen forois
i.artr* troillvarst, *boa 12 kilometers ..at at inialar. Iliad from than on there
**ft 2111%;2$ moors sot* aroma the assop a* to what woad happen to ua. V* be-
lt/014 that vs imuld be mattibelt omit at am amen* azia our *it* were a great
71140104o* lee ewe oleo advised toy socoa at oka? Corset atooges, whom vo had
natusge1 substi,dize lath migaretteth *to** that Cerotain 3ohoe1dt1 in *harp of
the Curt 4101 /111 MA at Tarr stramit fanatimal party teens/soh ins threatening
tqa Wino loath osmotic heture leaving* le spent a very unoomefortahle night and at
five the 100;113lag WS *ere told to yet oe the root, Atter =Oh biok*riNt tf**Ic
lust forth hetemooen 3tark an& Beaker* that Oarovane **id in *cold, heel) three officers
of the poorgassat statf* Stark, monelf wet Isrt Amp* tow dootorit the padre awl
tgle MO ilia youadea, lent *bout 341 of our aongeonelsoioned pernarmont staff.
This Aott ,10, to sore% mot agoi to etay? ?hi* trans?art rearshol ottt at 7130
the aairmt4gtt liWra* mh*
At **auS 401/41; se oomld hear our tetillery cad heavy maohlao pa tiro to the
*met meA tior-th* an& Cterman Krim; to the out owl nontbs Booker had lett a
/plaid t strim ettaomrs owl WS iNtal ? WA &too T.6 'Iowa Into had sorted 4r, thAir
*lea teal, osit1t. mkjott barasitikr meal elearw ot the Oarmane awl Lit% litY oh
rkiwtet attlAiorio ittmt 9 3100 moat of tb* Cilatorea *MN in to air ObAtOLit t4iTok"
1.424 tt **WA be *afar eith teme thou CM their aide. After the, fire pew ware in-
ters** 100141 war* 100411111 to lay doito 'Emir arm* .141 U elelook ?el" Stark ask*, the
Ciretwoo *0114* V* home his son tura in 411 their veeposs? timid
tr4 tt* *Mit Wit trot St** ivs Ito cainia ikup more or leas ilk 0611110bi at the whole
sittrAt-Uove* se posted *Or ittwortg Le the tower* eiral the //1406 Mr* 0p0444 nOtrjr
tWeillikt4 tootta04 ail I aroitud la* avoriat the deo ouvt latibt. *tot% ott nee* lihxth 280
;A. 'ftleatitsix-* 7th, .kreoorovi* toolltly*4 arrives,' 1*, * J**P.
I** 4ntglimoat wait to& to divteloael honitquoixteiresft1 hi* to eiVise them of our
Ikistatuk. SO* team,* otfotA IVO * 144gb1ins eitOtisueit ell arowyl AI through 29th
alitti *144 p4t000ttat's 0040 1v0 firer to US frOft $U; OS OUrroittidiS4 OptatrY,
trorednisibCithe, Ittlit we *me* at to a total et. ronsid:r., 730 pritkorarso
ow* S UN* 0-4 1 ow c4tigairib mit et ti 0% haring oohs f3,00
itgl- Vat ditalgi$0114* tioliiisd esti triOki* VW* 31* relif41147 teNitiowg pi own" 0'0
txPvisill Mau Sobioacta istaw titaistt Owe *aftU ttiroAggailiers. 14.10 wart: IOU
*V9ftititli4.* lot Ow mom or Wok ttrAt over VONNegtoneat at our oalay.
Oh ay 2,41 0, iwitiows **Wm** at *air ititteuitiftee arrived 3m4 moo ct
Ulm 0440 teeming NE SUM IR 'Poem& toe WO it teoteila bo Soh* ti vo Wore they
lora Maittdilatit to ifteeetetio co** so Col* &NM Lag 4444444 to leava- anit report
OsitIttitoa tot 10kjar eablempirei k*kaatto Wo 4011a Ogenea sir at wetslor **141 1014
Apacti I* Ilk' 141001141 *WV 0404 Ortoigai lio**044- ctomas4* $14 goondit1oa
moot 0* oft Oar lootorktomativsty ot?tosaint Ocut tM *lsy irroluse,
)110 Veitirr oho* betiOrestal so4 qkill* WOOS* IP" .01,4" WArtuttioity. 110
AO wait tok *ow ix 400 loottteit a?S* littitiorsi oaso iMitiroomital 1* 4aviagi
IA avow/WU* giatigip aat tindloeftetat 431 pfrotonnal fats Delea are Mat
tiolonvi ftwooig Iowa Jorsowigio* tuft** 61.0banb iifr Aril ft 1 air tt
*WOO tit WI* 41Iira :1 arai tippoiataititt * 444640 *mow
? ?
? !;:'
.itt,1*-S ;:x?Itt??#?),'
Ji-t4W Pik0'16,401
? ?:**2. ?,
2, ? ", ?
?rqatoit-- ,-,...,tgr.a44,4trAtwamysmaimaimii64.4e400,111440
- =
i??;.?? ???
I -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001 Room nnainnnl_g
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
, ? itt5 -71 t:'? ? --."(fait-Arm%p e
Aitlsohnit to ? log I kept ooverlms the last few dors at Nitta tuft* Ali our reoords
at tsuleg Vat ware turood over to or Tease. PWX SHAM These should Insluoto a
scmpleta Ilst of all the rrioonerst possine through the Dam and th* is of the
Stalag to whale* their sars sent /rola thers, with date of %rani amd dsparture from
$s risoner I not two no* wto could hex, been oonnested vith nss or 0,0E*
osier awed Ohavalter tad Col* Slut* bs wma been with SO bransh of 033 'Wore
04441cris snit offsted to be of visslarteass as a Ilagnlitt* Col* Stark roliPitate4 his
star, to ms and he know, mono than saGiogh to hava bean In the orgrtisetAon*Th
totbev umakeas Adanton? letlsh paratroopers Re claimed to have %an Cep-
towed LS Angler uhaw on is **doh* Whom Dept* Anthony Barlite, ovr 1,r1441.4 etals-
ter* Vas adltivad 4 Oa nerinsot, tn lahruary, that ha was to be 0201x Nr, .11 J6.54r
Memo* VW* his a asssaga to, doltvar to a Colonel Wilson with a A; akork six .,...'
r ? ,' ?
.., . ? ....=. ,-, 4, ".7,4,1.:.. ,
-'-=1" ,..?.'`.- ' ' ?Q a 'a - e
' ' ' ' -' ' 4.,11. ..."?.,, '
-, :.77$
It - -,:- A
i -.
...., t: .
-,? .:.,4 'if,:
44 r :V "
a '17 ? '',-. /;.?.. 0..4. ;? =,
--Ye'. ?-+ ;,..; `
i.1.4 .
4.: ? ... ? 4-- CAI viii?101.9 0.1.44,,
, 4: 001511A *0
#0.* 4114.144it* '
tf, ,kt.0,011.i:-,
- -ei? r ltox-1 iii , , 4,
t ASt -ft, tett' gt".
ii-r-At4 **, 000 3, .
40-;,-, ?10kiSfol' ,
'tv "Ard.'
t: V
tr .;:?4
7,;.; ?
ia ?
?IF1' '
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Flet4 Report by Aurelius J. Nrentl
The zathor of the attached Field Report, Lt. (jK.) Aurelius
kartati, Yerehant }tarty* but oarried SA a olviltar on OSS rosters.
is Oven * ratline of *superior" by Lt. Colonel Justin OtT;rien and
1-ther officers wi*h wham he worked. 11* is a quiet, thoughtfUl, cour-
ageous Individual who laltelopod & sliectly frustrated 3omp1ex upon
14.7ntsierii with 044 tn cro, Parenti was by no means alone in his sense
;le inflrk rtty. Taward the end de operations in ETO many were eflieted,
taw to th. raot, &aoorditli,-- to their omr. reasoning, they were not allowed
la perform 1'410 luttee ()or w* they sieve employed or for which they
-Wooed ttemsolles beet tittmd.
Z Voss:fit tbis rtefabOotakotrisation bitoausa or the DWild"01,111
ittjJtefalenti nee placled in this report. Most of the sins and
oletAiteloot gitn st1oh Parenti eApro3see dIssatisfaotion are or minor
nottut44 oo-urring In all crs1 eli armies, corps and divisions down to
s1*Aj Iva VI ?
For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00-001Rnnn1nna1nnrm o
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
V. August 1946
IT 3 alters' William J. Donovan
FROlt AureliJ:, J. Parenti
SZF,J3DTt Fi1daa'ort
1. vaCautrNOT
In 7Yovember 194, 1 WSW eerving as Radioman with the
verohant varine. A request for volunteers for foreign duty of a hasardoue
*tures., orLginated by OW and transmitted, to mF headquarter. in Seattle,
leshiartm, by garehal Diumko then heed of the WSA, was brought to my at*
tentn I inquired as to the qualifications and was informed that radio..
men sith lanfuege qualification* were aaoeptable. Regarding the specific
tsturett tht: asnrerto I we* to10 no, more than that there was a. oartain
amount or danger involved-. On that meager basis, I aooepted the offer and
In tuis *our** arrived, at the office el' the WSA in Now York, there to be in-
treed bv two KenAlemen to ?loth's, one a philologAoal examiner,
who tested and aoproved my frinahr arA the other a man whom / afterwards
idestifted as an Army captain in OS$ Ifeedquartere in London. 3oth men de-
cltmee nat caly to ten me tateNpr whose *lapis's the project was formulated*
but *los to, le*t. their nAmit; for future reforenoo. Although the project
wow Olsouseod in the most neWloue of term** 1 gathered that the underground
"potty-M.4;s in onsmriheld tatritory was in queitioa. I was issued a special
pasevert end ehleked oft in a matorbeat to a **tip lying at anohor in the
seorolois. On 20 Deoomber Ma, we sailed tor illotionds vitt Liverpool,
resohent bwallon sad the MA *Moe met 10 jannar7 1944.
I roe kept sequestered in the Rizseell Square diatriot an&
lorsktel7 fa- .svo--sei$o titttrtiOire it$ 1010040.4 two* by variouo sioakbors of 0111
towtowl Azy orivgitot*p. troationed us. rogioAlts $ir motivation and inquirod as
to tt,- orgatatonor tnI/V14 Attar 10,014-1 1044.kil Ot thiot ourtain was ruvg
glogett ont tb. show by Ili* ilioneari*O33030 that *sok quantity of Fronoh rooruits
Y* elitellebte Met It ems al low* t000siovy to ommidor otployint Amer Io*
en4Aroleet** Ahem 1 wee *4 U. point of rOurniAg to the, SteiteS4 Mr. rted,
rifith4tow. Ade foil4 ** mOch, of the wity Vtrough thi" WOlbook 0400 ma
ehts A*4 eneohle4 me. to methods sod techn,q400$ *S*Iteod go and, another 1.441A
etsertait efot *304It314044 ow to Ow with OS * *lotus 0140tto
4tritirrig*0 trio, -*gat ltrovtAttuisly platotrott? Igo 40**4 minci 144 Ciathollpor ttris
eftgott to hart* 04 traatoforrodt OU fro* Wrap Mr ittAtiti. with WU. ttiOrtoo*
aro/tot 1#1f ttostivw. ft* 41*. Imo robrwory 1044*
.pr ?
1 gib
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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. ? *;:e.it ,.. .3341/1ftionolsoattalmtioluk-MOSVEMS1
a. February . April 1944.
ontinued training in photography and microphoto-
graphy with Field Photo Branch.
Iliorke4 ma translations (French and Italian) for
Raporte Division.
To ease bottleneck in Miorofiln Reports Departs.
rent. worked nightshift for 5 looks developing
and printing, outting, editing and splioing films
for R000rdek rest*.
Did a survey of oommunioations facilities for Lt.
Col. Qiiiiries as w guido for the droving up of
b. werch to October 1944
Asoigned to the then Wor. mow Lt. Colonel Justin
otRries. at the Frew* Desk. Duties as followso
Viorafilming of personnol Mks of Proust and Sus?
SEs vents.
Proasseleg sokt Aling of roporto coining from agents
in flea.
10144 to Area VP AU Lt. Douglas Aldeu as Aasie4i
*an* Artefiag ?Meer* Collaborated it briefing,
itquipplft and diofatohing teams to the fiold and
lm taking Imre of pereonel espeets of agent.'
Lend* IntermIttently, gathered material
Frau** sod SuesioA tome repatriated. Worked with
Altos in oothag Wine' affairs returu of
Inuipmment. outfitting with, olothott relation,
elth OrMitt Wog., oomosa4datioao, smote, ro-
ily's,* le Wrikone or ffirsb. Atrirooki
1;..typsiat to rt of Proust NKr *Olio* affair's it Lost4oit
erne*. Capteiat ireirt Itarie ikt thio time@
0 !It* loft reeomeol 14 bet pew,
S*Ae Woe* Asvmettio* .044 14/40
ollivilioett cif *WOW Ott
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
ry.11. rtIrki "i ler.-t, :VW
at bell* or assistance to the Policy and St, Germain Sohools. Since SI
revirded those sohools as operating under its aegis and did not look fa-
vors:My on the Ittrwion ot Sa.T* the sttuation was difficult. The liver-
attire need ot tha =rent wee or traWng aid* and so with the help of
VIIS end the Aa Depot im Paris* MITTS at Le Vesinet, and SHAM I gathered
end distributed chart*, diagrams* map** photographs* 0/12 reports and other
training aids. I also for%ged In Paris book shops for dlotionaries* it.
CompAnder Caseady called upon me to do an emergenoy tutoring job
o.Name (*in** called Lux* 1) team. It woks planned to drop them on
the illhery of the advsnoing German bulge and to allow them to be over-
run, So, tn the ill concealed hideout cm the Avenue quentin Bauchart* the
team AM t had msrtinc and afternoon sessions for 8 days and we managed to
otrter security, pereotai prot4ctive toohniques* codes and oiphors, report-
LMT and map rstaing* at least to the extont of minimum essential*.
The dro-tping of enemy parachutists in tho environs of Paris
.x.vsptaid the stucsometion that the Paris region was a less oircumepeot choice
es a %misting ere* tkaN, the UK* When it appeared that the schools would
transftrred to the VIG 1 wee reoalled by Captain Shine to Landon. 'While
there / hatit the fnllowiug responsibilities*
Procursowt and diesemihation of training aides
tilm* report*, foreign journal*, charts*
medals* photographs* MI publioatione.
Supervision of area security. Area fiesurity wise
eyetematisod aud Improved within end without.
Workpig out and oonduotind the *PIN Cage Penetra-
tion Ilobeemits Agents rrepering for field drop*
were sett out, to. the enemy camp at Veretonotn*
Urdi Whir. they were received and treated as
tmetv prisoner**
ailluoary ? July 1046
Se eApeoded telt there as f pater need
fat me It Cactiala Aldestot ?Ma and trefeferred
vat to SI lo begi* work with the Mat Proem*
*tag Greta*
!mere afflicted iigivifta mgek help as pessitle to
cleferwelpited **4 ifiderftetted etT1ee4 At the, 401004
op * #10011. ,011.410$ ie lilt of my fet *WO*.
4incidcoltt itt 4 4 Milto
roved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP1nYnnnni D (inn
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
- to and from RVPS,
- an medical and dortal trips.
- in procurement of British papers.
- in procurement of ci7ilian clothing.
2. ?*rsonal ffairs of agents
;? ? .??71;
Supervising all movements, mai1 and communioa-
2. Innoculationsi medical and dental treatment.
S. Relations with X-2.
4. Coordinetint, tho agents' movements with their
desks. with Se Branch, with R&D, and BCH.
5 Atrangements with Foreign Servicess BI, Baki,
Liaison work between desks and DIP.
Squipping and dispatching of agents. In these,
properly the responsibility of the desks, we
000asimally engaged during emergencies.
Incidental work on the Dutch Desk, the respon-
sibiltty of Captain Alden.
is teams were revovered, wdeprocessing" oame into existenoe and
aept&droach of my time. During and after the time agents were being de-
teethedtrutaO3 fend/or roped:listed, liquidation of desk sffairs was called
nort / 4rew up definitive files on Dutch Desk missions and *gents.
Oen VaJor Reau arrived to assume responsibility for liquidation,
lterWed w-th hie on such snags as arrangements with the BI or the 7th Army
A*Ritt, also. Andris, brought to the la te be fitted with an artificial limb
ead to all intep4, and purposes abandoned by the Americans.
In early July I was reoruited by Major OfBt4eo for Par astern
as s Coaduotine Offimer to China. On 19 July 1945, I left London for
rfesftlok. $mottland ohonee / ass flown to the states. On 22 July / arrived
R? Otto
of 1e** *era
?fotakeosi ostrs
*Root* *flietivo
few ht I igthiv
sea event**,
? w-ixit-A0pgatie.0.4041`1f
ramb*r ? eispeoto ?I OU sotlyttios
otu ouittett *trots two, inborosto $em
(40.0 4toeuoiloto brilipmawr* of it. 0$1,
in my 144044ftio 1444 ilto Irittoh. Dutoh, sad
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
PrICR 413:151iITY
It Is s sad fact that the closer one was to the front, the
verso eis.cam.,, the secmrity ut the organitation. The Paris area WA3 perhops
tv verse kn this mipect? Folf-heerted security checks on French civilian
ersorreI. 4 pest:one:4* cirloice of loclktic,n for headquarters, the fact
41,41,t no succosatul 4hide-oul* was ever established, the easy identifioa-
ttov, or c43 tt.e freedom with which stranger* wanderoid unecoorted
40.ound the truildivi. al1 indicitc that security in the Paris region was
Iovislor or-,-Istallited nor implemented. f3etwoen the disordered situation in
terrttory av4 the meticulous security it home base, the oontraet was
'ot late In the game, was a system met up for pooling
A.vd itecure filtnr catinels roe classlried materille.
rh4 nonstint reorganisation, changes of command, shiftinp: of
r4(1401A, sn4 phyttical di*plaoaments were a oouroe of disorder and irri-
tetan, 444-411 wore tiut roescra advanced for ohilting offices and jugrling
4Jeirlttrxestto AtaiTs ifrportint onouf01 to compensate for the resulting strug-
t#41 sit ellootiston to the nowAy imposed, order. In a number of 04008 our
,totLlij tollar44 61:404 lultord ne moment seemed to be loolang, For example,
on self' r1,5qr EA 11 44De1renor one eoula find an extreme divergence of view
r41.,4eNtitio: (0)* edvisahltity or the extent of working with the British; mom*
,Irritwe or off:onto were committed to * polio,/ of almost anglophobiao ob.
enruclkonIsmi other* were deeirou* of *abstaining amicablv relations. In a
sttwittsfi shtst demanded * certain amount of oollaboration with an even
lemeoltency 4pon the 3rittsh? it le unfortunate that personal whims were not
sieDiolieed t*P oolitieel dtrectAves, tioth 111 will woo erected by the care.
t1/4,1k* elowtapisA 6:" enti-Arttish eenttments in the presence of Aritioh geom.
tset * isna !noft LU *till milky him* bred or s...gravoted distrust oy the British,
Aitimurft lob* cot it imigtort of brooh s faoilitated vertical
tivterr.revoh;, qrstIone. 4imtvr4vbr5neh) penetrotton was otter
rtiouti *Tr 3 AAP WI Mit ? en fire tiosrhoyesto* pl,*4 ter "110110,/14 tiA11111?
it6.0014 40 100 hood 141,0-$* *orteuoly hsodsd 0$01, AO, Dirromum* roa
if imu...*voqueittc4mwet, petbIlweef 10A1 unionOern eire th* problems?
r?:., PP, rt. tie
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP1
Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
found it difficult to recognize valid excuses for many
alamplee Of tardinose in ?saes of vital importance. "Relax; this is the
Arre zannot be so effective soporific to conscientious members of an
0::eottqc LrApillaKance organization. which must always devise short?outs
ltt or44r tr ompete with an enemy 13 Intelligent and resourceful is ws
pa for penetration of Germany were made at least
a roar too late to make any grand scale contribution
of s sort oowmensurate with the resources of OSS.
Alvekntage was not taken of the excellent opportunity
iprforded by the oonsori;tion of French labor into
In fact both the French and Conon penetrations come
too late. kmch of the blame for the tardiness of the
mman venter, is laid to the exodus in August Septem-
bar 1944. on the group who "thought the veer was over.
4a accurulation of foreign luggage and clothing col-
leate4 in Washimgton for use in the field was %sat
eniloed *broad uatil it* usefulness had dwindled alarm-
1/107. MD dometstroted lactic of either ingotwIty
aathority in *et elploitirg foreign sour*** until
Dolgtum tad been won book. Uost of the Proust and bus.
sort team' had their 4hoios either of taking a stook
0041, of bread sew luggage so compromising thlt it was
e*Ilod * 40?0 oatio** or Of securing luggage in the
Cts14. Likewise with foreign equipment' a stook item
or tooth* to toomo **a oittok, a completely
twitoro of unknown aspect doubtless on file with the
4, JKAA0 ovdovis took sueW too lent; to out. Wbon soo 041
odor* swro available tho Toro a boa.
tits policy tousedes *gents, ofif iaoiflsted be4wee0
so$41114. timA4 oolfority. Osetyloso rooruilmont was por4-
f*WW,01. !Of **our* tiontst but the look of is*,
it9ooktos* ostorNii ouporviolos oat., ip itorovel, aottrol
01 %Ante oftitr reoftitmailt, trod 'IA. *hero of 1340.
hor * satic,1 fotatavity of, totoonitoliim
it %MO *00 frk.04040 94 *Moe pool ortio homportitg
.om, mw110,4*4 4106.4ner Wit *A 0,01*et hist ordovoi s oar
_ , L--evaptart..1 ? ; r
Declassified and Ap
roved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
' 15?Jr gfrit'ettlfaiS01;50014,-.1:."
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
wassmarom as. Dc.
7 September
Having escrefully read attached report from Major Joseph D. Croll
reoemtly retormed nMAIL IBT where Us served as Chief for the Special
Ponds Divisions South Easit &die CammandAX wish to comment an said report as
is) Major crtii refer* to the eettimg up and placing in operation
of the sew Pirlitbilmo Bram* boekkeeplag wets" which became standardised
Li eli thentese *ad, proved highly imeeeesful,
Wiic espeetalky sails *ttgation to tho ossellent opoperstion
***mate* to Us rinemee brameh tv the British im am.
t ) A$0 ha* been referred to 1,* almost all reports from Finance
Wreogib Chiefa in tom Field, Major Croll 'mints out that the oper-0,
Mamie th.le Smooth were howitiosprod by lack of wham** information,
on taupe epevotione, Ibis, timed *a toomposto by Major Croll oad
006400*, toopooro to heft boon due to either overaighi or seeurity
oroo-?oolloolowom000lhok r000ktif woo thotitmos ones itiffioult for
SNP gilmases Rrfm*As to hove avoileille %Ow megossary foM40 in
livieOrettight coetrosigice *two loompootalliot tostoiroid. it011ow?ri its
Om V*liow Wittio? Itto triowilier Opiti tho7 moo WOO 'Woo of
vat Oltootioo* thot ,nooll000 Sotorsolk wow oloS. s.MOP** omorsomoy
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
(4) Uajor croLt recommends the standardised auditing of the books
in his theater. Mil. seed wee recognised more than one year ago
and was met by the appciztment of special auditors for all theaters
a* soon as queltlied mon -ti Id be secured led sent to the Field.
i*) The value a the Boara Review is referred to in tho report
and rocommmodation mita* that whare such a Board is abolished, some
similar Committee be appointed to let in its place. This recommendation
Li approwed by Wash] ton.
if) Dm regard to Major Croll's reference to the transfer of various
adoeumte from uovouchered tweds to rouohored funds, this transition
wfte ftret r sod as being possible by the apeolal Funds Branch
Chief LA *WO *ad steps were taken a* replay as Ixoesibl* to
erromga fwr Une nocessery tramsfere in all theaters. In many oases
iftimg* require4 much tine and detailed work and the process
osme deoldelly at* p.4 tho look of trained men representing
the tscei, or vouchere4 funds DiviolOft in the itield. Lt. ACodring
$00peested with the them Special Ponds Branch im endeavoring to
~rest- 14Ah1ie persomnel e.
($) Ojor 41%11 eecomboodi that bode *aide available for. And
aossiMpos est* *operate arm/110ms It Us Ifteld, ahiolid be justified
ty essuZto tros emeh istopendent 404140*. Wis, rather than
** NON* oweraIl assomptlaihmosis, of 'As Waiter This is, of
oromposp 4 $onsd teseomasmOmttss *st oftemk442ftill4 tv aocamplash in
odeammee *trot* the tout,* *wow in OM/ opstation is meesSem#117
norinccifiad and Aooroved For Release 2013/09125: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
- -
' tveet,.1.
ascertain until tontine:L*4* However, fcanner operations and their
suoceas or Cailurs, should be used as a basis for authorised expend-
itures for oostesgplatsd isAtv.re 07crations. Probably, a truer picture
obtaLued by wirithin? the (1010.40 schism/sweats of any one theater
ealist the overall cost of the thee:ter*
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
tev, _ . _
. ?PL.. AlIFTWA?NOWND4wP0PREMEgMi=601111-'"
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? ,;21..1"
wASNINOTON 21t. b. C.
28 August 1945
lb. Dtrestor
Catte Finitace 8rameh
64164gCrt Report of Returning ()Maur.
I* compliance with General Order Mambos* 63 issued 16 August 1944,
the fol1Oring report Is skibmitted by Major Joseph D. Croll, MICR (formerly
mao of Special Pumas !MAC) to the Director through the Chief of the
nuance lireach:
R In Offloer arrived in New Delhi 21 Mardi 1944, On
044 t414 oft/ger took over all cash, curreneies, *to. from Co].
altery $oy** who bad take.' over th? taaetions of 8pootal hands along with
dt.t?o Altar dultioci O 1 April 1444 tho 114100inkta 'emir* oltaavoi frost oisglo
ofralf7 boAkooptog to the present dottblio outry bookkoopin riotern. Moro
twory *Lib a leaohoe of othior Amor** that hot to I)* *ado. At that time
tosoly *11 aitoittadvas of these otag that Par TWA wore troaaforrott to tho
Now Zon4 ClitWo witi11.4 tit toot, most of .31totto adirs000s wore for 101 ,or 2044
sidvatiose, lowa fivaltr troasforrod 'Mott pepper thooktoro? Also a
maker 44 iaolliiwitoalt biami r000rtao4 aitivaompik tem. Witohiltttiot to .fistasoo
ttilittli MOWrwa4.V411-11011 offflamioal war* rtakny 610041010d ter to
8#1#01414: Amtit4 Ornmse t. $010, *sad Vim bitlisimm of **oh 'tumidi to him andl
41446/44*** oirtlintito APItir? Wirt W14 41$41 11 Adttieweest say kind 111040, 10.040
510 taw 'Ottltit4 ,Ufri.1-*Kt 14, tho *Olt ei.st* ur Mos, iisiviittoo
ielka ioatika tat Nu
214 t-11
4250,,OgOrti*tiroV,W4314341WMAtttradi**14.tv3.-4.* otwipi4i,"*.v4sKare.4-it:410.?
-r- ?
i , r
C.,-...:: .
1 ?
, .
.. -i-..:.:" ? ,:-::- oot ---,' - ??,
???-s?..offtvoAt.:::*e: ? 'Av....so; , 1.
1:44'41.4, ."k? 'k
. . 2 ??? z?-?- . 4. , f(2.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? "1-
4?1e r
orgemtsottom ewoopt Aloodowtla* rorooi. new rotated to lot OSe
Z. The duties of the Chief, Speoial Panda Official, SAC were the
%alma *6 ear other theater* the finanoing of field operations, paying of
sgente, soeuring proper ovary-mole* for operetta*** *to. Also, this upkeep
end maintenanoe of Stedquerters In Xandy and the various oaaps in Ceylon as
*oil a& this New Delhi Officipt and certsan expenses in Coleutta ftlso were
hy =AC*
S. ?rem a spool/al tunds ?oint or view the Britioth were most
coloporaNive in esrouring roe 053 UAW Jap Occupational Bursts Rupees and Jap
Occogablanel Streit* Dollar** There warn a long delay tn the British
moomrtag tar RAMT3 they had been mode by Do Ls Rue in Inland
trot the original plates hold by pc LA ft.. However, the overprint (serial
nomemr, ast*, signature of treasurer), mbieh had formerly *Inv' been
overprisoko4 is Thalisnid? lose met primieri on those notes. Theeefore? this
everpqma 4* be made tn, Wise Tha British did not have ol4 tau lisht
clogom from *doh to otopy the *vial *Where* dries,? ste. lowers able to
***two orio* *oovitots t toe 3altt noto* mod forwoodod ttais to 0* British.
Vprist_140?1144 itto ***** at thia * htrif lour* **wtf c UM* wee*
woad orestk 3240041, Trait ttot Um. tiowerld SSW rostoty.d VA* *MOW*
of ?49.1iiiito trevi****1.6 Ifa* Drat* We totroostli tows* tO Or* Um* liodtte
*04 looly 0,00r t, the AS* Corp*. Um,* woo mob* of too,00ms for this'
04 Ossolik Coowpoolf1444 mosopi to oritromoly "1444? oit Mot *met Wit Ow (ow
lead too ti# ow Ik~i: tf) 11000 arSitskiourt *Alga IWO the Vrttiok Golvolp?
**** MOO /*two Ito twiletwo* ttb* 110, Norlino**** tor oil Ookimpriotot
10004410MOICIMMMOkti liAlloiost pmriatooNokrifowthof /*dog 0) 1060 *WA
? -.,:
- , ? ? -_ n';',.:, "
- ".' .' , ? . ? '?? ,
?? ?
to 1 .
r`r ,
. ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010041nnni_R .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
telt- partieular1r responsible for P.ht* as they through De La Ruqa had the
weekeispin4, of all 3aht pleoes and ware eating in a fiduciary capaoity.
aiffieulties anoountered in the fields In certain instanoes
the Special Fluaka Ofticer vas not given suffioient time to proourc certain
currencies needed Car operwIloas. This presumably was not due to the
osercestey of the operationt but oarelessness in/notifying in time the
Speci4 Fends Officer to have the said eurreney available. In all oases
the operations were not held up but it was neoessary to have the ourreu.
vAta ipoeVally flown down from Lodls.' The British were most helpful in
r44,-1-1 ec thio.
Cit.tona in the field that might be improved:
a) A meld audit wymtem should be set up. Aa in soy
ul =staid* audit .hold be made wiodioally. The books of SAO
toil ft, #111 .tdtted ap to 1 Jus? 1044. TM.* it oonteaplated however in
I. ovear st??
1 "he Icert9 of Review having gone out of existenoes
aolsewhafzttwUi is aisould be eet lap isk the thcaters to help the
Ittrio1s04,11. mere. tn **ninon to thiss, the Special Funds Offioers
Mi$44 030110,4 to 44AtitUllan *, detsialei **met of ell expenditures that
onta4 Awl* Corwolor,T bereft 'tab:matte* Va the Sowed of Rote, for r000mmosdations
4P The eoLjority of owpwalims La tho IW ?tooter oan 1,41 paid out
of voroloare. fttotto* At present 4 %tory email peroontw to thus paid. There
0* sat' igtiott upootoil Px*R* portonool 0 *Moors soot mon, to, *hi IR Theater
thollp *rope 4 141 'WW1* gerooiaoc, poosibly spot 000sIdorabio
Ni *W'* Omottoolotat4h, %Ave 0.40A mood at asfaitaneth, IA tad,
*evitiviat ooliwimod4 oeo,14 poo*O1 evot* U,40$4 ocoollamto tiolio to vomitorod
.711141,0000.40605f 1.7aitJte. ' '40.111*41.06,1011:41t1r,reNtloal.N664,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
8-1-0001-17001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 S/60/ eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
?..,:t;_11- 1-, :t.lf,- , ? ..;. ..4.,, [ ''',,'
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40004,'?#*44",","....1.4hOYAktn.r1Q 1,t;7.41114ittleKke'- W.' .416* r-
WM 14 *CV
owiesa JoJ podoq ov; Nits poiaudomo
sq wog, 441.4.0.4 ppko Jo oosuodro tog% puli mowt;es oq plvoqv ***road ray;
Jo mooted= 4144 lortpuopTstoo aopun sT 400ro1xd Aug moft *Jstoaliql 4.11N4 Jo
squonortdor000ll TroaoAo oq; Aq ;cmPSIlooroAd 444 JO 4,100ROTTdMO*04 *MI AA
pouTvihr sq vino 400foad le Jo sootoodzo 4n4 poimoo sq mloqs sailversomm:
JevonI 10(041 vx be) oftop4sTro Jo 4no *uo, on moTAADE
Jo palloa mo, 4,R4 aou AtannoTusd 444ITiqPIrodtea '1144 j* ImPaTm04 4PA
Moto *.maTJJO imoTAxes oT541.1u4s on um au tram itit Ion; e4 sowommtps
sq woo am pay toroodrp ayn4 41 Awooli Jo *ma o2Jol X.116A *An samouJo
?CI TA"S DT2.431114S /6411 "PO 04 it umop etym., Tr* 41. (t)
000 Li7OO LoO 6
S/60/? 1-0eggiggJolp-gOirddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
OWL. 6-o7
' 111//raAMAIFIMS
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
1???, "11
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
????= ^ ? tr,
a!? MA. ,tt?I c ??40
TO: %Pas Diroator
t Sooreteriat
(.1 Alum.. sit;
17 Soptoaber 1945
Report* Office
svaact **tura.* Reports
la this report Jitr? Witten dwells on under,-
liimi isoalmossaa vidott Ito attributes mot ?ay to ONO
*1st *lee to Nott Deal sigoartape la sezarol? Tbs lam
tilde flaUra ie delosoto aloe,* %Alt authereitit.
111014141411,14 11011011111040111, t obasy to braiseh out
isle iscrelstoli Matto aud to grow too tiepin' aleez
overfteedsplisaVA loreeamouti, * U&s
I. I* bla movorisig sem ION liberrtrikeou sp*aks
144101/of 110.30 01411.1* swit notoos that lito would be
of SR a moor 141.11100446 sipswiy?
tr;f414, v
14 T. Plossiuttai
. ? .ta '7 ?
11- ?
naringgifiPri 2nd Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Memoratu4vm ?
SelliatZ Attaaset report frau IN ik? UtM
DAM 5 September 144$
Dta Cattailt 100111 Eer Wilson with It branch ?
ffqp 19411 ust31 this altd of 1141, at *Ash time ha .bsoass
Prooszloos Otfloori, atttobod to 3X bat
--sopsoollikat fay lioisso with I?and; A. axporla ths
ossuinatioftamot iresUation of 31 aiiterisLt sabievio4
40t sobetaotiol vat* to all ist Ws Uttar
onatoliqtr issi 1. ossittiof to, aososoisitiao for tilos,
vemate. so* always the opkuisu or toetori Otaerals
sts* sorsiati hawattarli that, ho astaI4 has aulititott
Mit valao ik? bOd takao a for (4L? k1
IOU is MS tot foot swat to Lopioat to bo
filiboordoloofNIIft*Iatilet 004001090 1141,V4 appro.**
both !moo inut Woos So. sat to 'work it 11?40
lukt Inoik treeiostett M 11043410000- (*noir* ltgatit
200010"Pro (1411 044 OM *t i?Vaiv. callises-i*osot rostleesp
last 9.1istroostwili 00* tin *it roottaos? pmwuthso .
imvtiwast iStloos0ort, awl; dkotimi_ JO,
I* Igo Oa r:
'Ago IOW rs
*Mk Not peotsf
? ...
_ _ -.,,,r?,:?...,..v?. ..:.,-,,,,,,,? 4 ?? h
? ,, .-.2;,,,, ,. ,,i-' ,7i. k,-
,,.,' ,,,,-'''" ?-, ,,!. .-%v?-', i-,;,1 , , -:.:?.,-1.?:.,
...--,,,? ''f;.- !;;P:Toi:.
'?? ? q ; , ? L
, , e t
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
'1.444 *La*
;sew 14
Ttels gomeonti la extraneous, and (to we at leant) it sakes
se *ease* Plevertheless at he says next has a lot to
onia-vnd it*
In SoatinotIL i do not agree with points 1 and
24, Iecru,' with paint S?
aectlkan III I agree with points 1 and 2.4,
qesstict wtIther paint 4 in well taken, or 'bathers, instead,
the Illesbaddtn croattation only required a little tore
time ln which, to *Jell*. Results since Callican left
indicate that the 'Latter wa$ the real need. Pint 4 is
sett1e-4 in torsi ot Callisires second altermattvs? Point
$ owes, soand, bet "ItMAII* (or *WW1) doe* Act some,
rio I wit/ omolselou that work
with Oases definitely valtable, that he &memo a
totter of sloomsodation Prior* for bis basktrounds
applidastiomill Aettvatioa and reivalta, Hs is* provocative
fellow bikini rift pod) and: It t. largely Nowise he is Orem
vecatilva till.. I Woe been atirro4 to pet the otetilent
taiatioin so the mes1,44, And isbleh *La 4isktribation.
Mr. CaUiMc tiidi,thott doubt MU 0? 141.0
shoos servitors showld be socgit i mor porwaiint Amerie010-'
lintel le avow
ailtre00,1011 1104,,gr:, 4...
:: - ?
. ? ? .,
+ ? . '' `'. ''sr? C!'-? 1 ' '-"I' * . ' , r
:.t: ? ? '' kii4P1041t44?-f4t.
4,..-_ ..j.....
i?-? - '. t ?
,..-e-,:., ? ,
; r; .f.. ? : 44,? , ? :.-.,.:- :
?-..,..., , , 4.,10
:' : '
r. ? ,-
Vr',.?.';' f.'..;f' '''
. 4 I
?-.; ',.. . ', :I ',J.:0
c... ''I?,?,',..t :i.'. :f i: Irz'''''i".
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-R
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? 4.1 't't
RCI43110 itaM P. WI Li? .4?1
Akt*Ikitialt 140.
1 ? 4 ? ? lc ? 6
' 1141,... .
RoOtt AVIA49 s
iraeLaW.0 WOR*OlaNtila:
??Y'4''' t?
Lietar4o04,..w ?_
`-?'? ,
? Is
h.., .
' 14i
? :
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
111114SHIIINIGTOti, D. C.
28 August 1445
'Meng: gr. S. ? L. Penrose
Mat: tfnr rad ^ Else, Captain, USUCR
tee attached field report, b.,/ Dr. S. A.
5401141 TaB. one of the meatiest arxd most
lticaut nala reports ws have had. emaileseremp
recommend t.itat It be forwarded complete to the
- NI% ivtittr*,
Cap titan, USICR
"ALP Pfrig00-041P.$ 4 WI
I *ir-ZPOttkftt
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
- Lori
Dtiriootiore 04$
tter11141. Osillisos
TOCUORt Chietv, SE u** WI' SOOtOtbrillt
It Overt .P? Cow:Uvulae
11 Joawaty 114$ to 10 April 104-S?
ftspooli tiLitg pl000 for $1 loot-mow sottiritioo ja Gorsiuky? NOM. this
tho, twoomilowooklool olOostives oolootolly so regards politiool lottiors.
Ivo. yothokiii moor* ($oo 1114411?404
it* LO10111101411110% i'? 10 April to SO VW,
%al porto4 vas i sft*1* Wipe tate *11
of Wooer w4flirts NO 10411iterteiik, 14110,414 Ili ?,Z1
ri4efit~ alliglitilig. t*
JOS ? SO, ON ie le 11,440,
Vloorti4 WA..e4 qv 'Oprig
Gorsior soestitt.%pst 4I Calloitts, lir* ormi iiis 100 . . PeolVite4
41. siort 010641, 11166 iposti4i:tor, tit.
rtiaika 4011104410 ) liso 1061414.44, ortr* Sadi 70.0100 ..., , .
4.41 Ito ''' Us ail *OM rtioirdits $.14,401 pr,i0.0*
,'?-.14:4411;a44. .A.tatarat.aw.
4`,. ?
*4 ? ? ?
to?el e r ir ?
alma .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
As, 1 w I k.'17NO Alg' !!t741,7;4107..',
,rneywr - ? AvitAillikoiNC3 Peek
U3 e Olt has brasehed exali late estivitier ~elated to intelligence
Wit* it was uatitted ti attempt sawscisNlly? has spread its efforts
tee widely and hes rotataed toe may incompeteat parsons whe had no
real fumoti.in. rhe out la the budget way well be a blessing in dis-
guise stole. IA will necessitate a eseceabsatioa of effort oa aoro itat
30 ?Ws tends's*/ to grow two rapidly along ovmorly oompliectod
mad Wreausratie line*. Aa intelligesee orgeniSation must be intimate#
*lactic, wall letegrated, personalised sae stable order to 'scars
tbie hest reormItic. O$S has been Remo of these things in Washington
nine* late in 1343 awl hoe seldom been es ill, the field. Oaly la
amitseriend *blob fortmmatel7 lake eempletely isolated for a long per.
iod was the Wool appreeithe4 and here some of the most brillieat re.
*Al to *or* elitaiwir4,
mica/ if mot all the ocaditions in the tioldo which are not of
.(,.,40Li Local olltnifloomise end home* goad be improved by ftehingteno
*a tre.acti te. gm. or mere of the shove fuadameatal weaknesses, The
occeor,11,60ted tty an Is tile wits lieir at than eertainly ex.
. and a groat iscorteckee to the leer effort Nave bele meow*
.tkii**4104 at Mot ileyetion, initiative and ability at sortein in-
ittculttto?;,+ teepice Ytatateicapo plaeod up* theft tito orgaaicatica
Sod rt,
____t at 40(...pintatotia at 'ea* ris_tx"..j2:taIL.-_._a........iofooaomt aware.
I, OR%fiti !it iircuttly imoodemi is Wieebados le a* able eseeviiiire
0,104* to *ne COOAS et the Oerseft ilieslea? The Chief ? so far at least
Wee tot tNsoe toll 0 le, dote)* wok Mao 10 litooloodost ou4 it be to le be
ta tleftitis.t0 .(ckiletTect&L beeve* mere is000li felt. Nis oxomtirive oiteui4
mom obit ite.qms upliiip000., *to busioo lbs 011 oriont solids awl like
flopowe Oommomr? tit* elp4teitt isouirt be moo or thee* tealitleatieact
11, fookawor. mesa itsit it end $I at itiosholoa tool Volt ik
0044 coistbottroito **a tociareho aailiy,ste ea4 dieesswination while lotting
wooirweirsoot of Sr. wolitOoit totollitoomo both wow" *4 *overt to U.
far **op oaf taiwntsfsii'ggi ticationi tI it000moo iscretkinoi diff*iptat tio
oogoincOoL ovois74 iwd 041111411 t tVoliag-4600 00104 Immo
ow" oita16 of tido Ives.% moot* ficallaisraorift# *ft srpo of IP1,1001Pie
4* 10410110411.1404 it!! 0040 litstad#A* 11.1011 tioi *at UAW* of NI ib A ?
minor OM OW scomcite at taiwitAigeete. %rood owli y $I *writ* tilso "sr*,
Thia mailock imiontookarvo 44 iiiiimplositak ta i
provost"- 440 lotto
Loceope* libe buttock clef *al IOW gore of port of lb.
mot 04* opal flopot tittk omov 41440)1104 statir 101off moboro
011104Mated* tAmse rito* irt*OtPtifilieolortY 1006,0 to
*moo* *t.p.* 4.10814vit cf *. 40.1PW lel, Nilo 001,100?1
IWO t **WWII MRS* eitiot
Opp* *awl 04ovit
:7. ? r
*sic Matta)
tI4 be 1trio4 vort4or
thin S* ,1414 041401
it 11Mif oporOtioss
41, r
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/049L21.4;16.....06001R000100410001-8
( .? ,-
? ? :It.
? vara.-ra
imeofar ac-Ater are directed ageinet Geranny.
S. Th* kin of public opinion polls in Geremy has been forbidden by
SUM Yet the 083, Gorman Mission ham been requosted from time to time to
discover whet the opinion of the German people is regarding 'pertain action'
cf the Allied Alltary Governrent. As ? result OBS in Wiesbaden has continued
to ask teoletecil iadividuale their opinions and pass these on. The results
are Yleiatla and seanirgless end will continue to be so unlesm OSS or some
other intelligence agency is permitted to set up and conduct scientifio puN-
lit opinion polls. Such polls properly oonducted mould be the greatest single
suntrbibutton to overt intelligence in the American sone.
. Thome diMoulties confrxInging the OSS mission in Getman)? Which can
be laid 1t5 the three. Inherent weaknesses of OSS as a whole *an be traced
to three other taotors.
1. The lock of a eompetoat German Doak, especially in SI, until late in
the ear.
2. the shift i* priority, necessitated by changing 'vents, from Germany
es the number catft SI target in Aurope.
3. rm# tatter confusion prevailing in SEA'S? and USOCC which made it most
difricult for 08$ Gervesv to make and execute any concrete pleas for gather..
&a intelligence la the American sone.
Wlith tee exceptions the personnel now attached to the SI German Milo-,
*tee rwpretteato en of the beet, most experienoed eimi devoted ergenisations so
Aar bsvught *pother in the field. It is a pleasure to point out that Command-
er Nieter? Lt. Compander Melee and Capt. Lositske Navy been and are doing a
mewitiosnt job undier very trying and diff..sult oirsusetenees. Judgement is
remerved La the natio of Odder Van der arsent simply because SI operations have
14.44-et full,4,0.,ten under way.
Et to MA by the wriier tet if the German Mission can be eut to
rissacsabl4 proporitare? stabilised an4 ts bronehes properly coordivated
sheft14 tegis so prodIce eseellent th*trulte within the next few months.
s - Ms. ?a?fa.s.
prw Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
PIM itterlia4 Ao Wilma
wok isenpieriat
Arainta liapsrit oh MAU Chimutittervi
laimaba 4kassary 2114? 11* II April 11.141s.
Mbirwabiliki1/48, olio*/ tor ill foreiweer astivilitee in ilisressi6 garb* Vito
lb* thadmison esipesially s rsipbrdep4ttI1sitUrat.
Two immerk?
011011011011114 ID MI air*
WWI ism sae
ailt Omar oallt
gs~.,41101110111?. Su
Sr* elk MI 1010
plismodask et 11$4/4 14p, bolo .44
Sari* 111004411 respitalgII
*OW Ampihamimilie
iit1/4100 11.11s0000 *AO rod
asibriglias kg logo
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? ` it
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Lim INN lee VirMitivii IAA 1310* 4 IleaNktalladi; *ix 4,2*, melt
*Sift 111 isimetidleogi ills ~iv:? 4.1004-46464,17, bre epre34 4$e
U. UMW Ng Ikea ireikinai tee vote tesagetivat promo yko
netlk tWortiest* The *eft WWI saw wall Is a tivariatis411,00
agmealt 14 U eseesettate eatoesinethme et envy* 41IP WPM killikPlb
Mei Itemeneweide new talsileeee ? ties most IsSaidaatelo
11* Ike implemerg Ise sine tee tepitty "7 eaornexted
atini** 11741 tatereibek porossalimaik maill *table is eras, Is sows
tiba reestis? 11111 bee lisla moo at them thiiaga IaIiiashimitsta
oho* bees la WO Iasi Imo salliat bipaa al? is that tial4rn 014 is
Sailimmaimmil WWI eavtams$1.117 vas apeutolioNly tus1s.4 tar * km* par*
kw& lea tiro tikes& eipmeekeil eel Mom ease at the wet ifilliceikik I**
11111110 vole abollaaaad?
May tt ass sal aleadillitaa? is VWfie241614011 ere est et
pink Umak *Imatillaame mark Imes mold Is tagraftedi by 114,114404041
Is imam. so, me or a too oboe taalliembat voilialmilOso Tao
1411Witaltiot eseatiplisaied by NO is lib* pane mg at lbw sartaialy tilatot
osillowli Nal at iorem% kapertansat Is liar *MA ? km lose Mews
paisikei& liesitese et Ow ibiceVe ess. awl Me"? sorliellit Saw
davile Mee ***41140.0 pissed was Um by *a ervailasttlia
whi's townremedi wog** *111.0.11,1 tis ma obi* amaintitra *tn.
oat Wait &tat at so oorama 4tio4101. Ws *AO tt*, so ter 44'
Nee es* Wm oft* 1* Opaol* mak ilia Is 111,010a4sa sad itinks ta be
be Osert NW* Ws* Vat% ILO Puisutil. fatould
** OW Ilia low IAA Olt MO*
ibm ?Ss4laimmimatt Is Mot rift Isiiiisannisailiash
epoilier nit
tow taimpital
owl ar
asto a tow moo
4 be *ern
, ? Ois NI Oil 111000111* teal Ili* ik
ligellimetio* Writes
OM waft 044 4101004 10
441Mies War* I weft 10,0
Ihrllemmemeo ilims et Ms* le
4* MINH At ge A OW
llama inell by la totes the irewre
Gib OS *We 04.1016,401**
analki00.0. 40/** 111*
tk task *air ba
0401400114. tast IMO *MOW .4014411s. illiapesition *NW IMO
sikams MOM 401100001110601%*
14 PMI** Is* Imp
00.11041 Um oft at part St 111.
oast 'MSd IM net iiimbeste
10/411. lie
*Iwo v.* sa OW 41amara swig
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
....,.. -*UK willoo, pals ta Isommay,__. las loss 144061.01a try
*,,., _. x '-?z, To* 4.63ma low UP* vegiseemmi tria Um to Us* to
41411.0mic t: uite.,, it iiloo Wow solokallis sillordb4, 4004101a *Was
? - limy' weel fr 4* format 11 1* ims imaillMust
1*. . 1.411111bialt ;IA pia 1402** at* Os vomit"
' Imillace, orkstOuw. Woo sa atelirk 4111111 ibir MOO
ill. .0, al* 11/011 4140066114 sotiiiiltne piito?
Imo* lie illio greation idoslis
lilli, VI. 101001Milk 1111014.?
Miltiloolibis Mho 461-00sli 001101? *Mak Nis'
4110410k1~1 111,
got lim vat Ilk OS, *PM if104. WI los lam&
tenamPes lsW
U. it */*/**004 firtvia Mire ? la Rio
0114111* 10, prieritife, aiegapitiOndk lop '0044141 opipAss Oak forma
411 10011
is Vitis
itta 'or
*a wow intik fat so
lbw *Ow eistasiok 0041141001 la Mit *
4 to eisct
tit asek toot?
?????????????=1,.? 1
? k, 414.,
v., ? 4110?.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? SECE:i
11Ns NI awl Wasehost 0144 $ale asillittise wardalsit to lalmhiallipme
*itkaki* las attlilimik
e*1m. mietostfOrs los weal 1,0 WINS*
4C0 tad Is* 1~60 limo Nov liehese~ p011essi firlio lad am
AmerOlook? Os oat it lb 1141400 war /041 tot a *Wag la Nis
alai* tis, arearottivisk eiiimomikpitei 'MA va
111, Illia loadifasy to Us wei$41, oviorily sislitasisi
oak basissam.4411* !Mow an tailailtsimmo tsssoot Is latiaidis.
ataatagho *AU laanowlaidip sestermatotiodk ami Mabto la wrier Ihk woo
Os law* soloselM4 We km lags ftlis at %ss *SIP la liallialltes
*Um loft Si Mil "IA lam astilima 100001 al SAL who dol. ShiLl
istimestobiO tbilta 111106001004 MO moillowir 100601*4 air a Ws
Is4 es* Oa taut tsprovaiiimt sa? tam sem 0 to metbUkaiit00
*WU Inavo ,641144494.1
*NW St NM ikal tare ormidgiiddiall in liks tisii4 vidloth imr? alit 0
pipoillgr keg isitedinomso ewe is esimilAk los ispiess01 lor Ilisilifttaag.
op I* lima* to imi* eir awe It Ito elm Au "lail voloollimaies, no
AmpeWle insimpilitiodi Ver IOU la liko polio iimir 4 UM owtstelar ow*
mama gait 4* riot N1luIi lisp leo iiir -loot ? bevio bow egigoi.
WOW traimma. - , iit *a . mit Smiktiolikes itiod WWI" ot Cos
011tillitit 41?0110 ft, moialliesos pa** lois Was kr Os _111.4
ittoi 111. osols41
isor to, Moo IOW tio? Ospoiro
luso foft Iwo OW le 'MOM Niail
hielopkila P44, ,111114
* IOW 111104161,
WPM 1110
M Ms amiesital ettl?
Ihip Wet ? se ter a* twit
110?11kala saill kik is tit
UP arsolo amer al% 111A0 essoatitty sbook*
aim ilems ogillootigeW6
ornate.*** *Ng iimAt *
$10 or O. eigrli OW.
Woo 411, 61411114.00000 immeit assoc*ay.
s ? I
" 7.0?Si????1,-S,
Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
11 ? a,
.* ? ?
, T.?.?
, ? -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
a* law imp ittimotall sipilaa4 41somono.
aim 111* *Wow et valkna aptalm rats Ma Mirk torbiebia Iry
01111M TO Oa 00 Omsk Ilkaelaa Iowa vivemodOsill &In lans to lax_ to
r *WI Moo 410aimi follehe roomNISse softala aeMoses
-411idme *IPPqww$101401 ita a ~it lit*aba4ia. bas aiaidiateedl
in am* Soolabill liailkirtemila thata4 ow& pawl 4600 *as 1s swoolin
law *On. *ad am&1131ematione. be be mb maim QM air ammo
44110,_.144141.0** wow ti positebedi I* set it as* esumbe4 amktedins pubs*
it&batUmmoody odmils.011 wait lie lb* riski**4
eiti*Abouldwa be vow* 40114:114.sea ia tio Amottem tosike
Sow 4Lt ** 01111 SR eirailir 'Wok IMINo.
14.1401104 ilia **es tab 'wee* at OM a* aahole ge? ba booed
ta OP. Akar las We*
IL Mkt lie 'of ok asiunburb ession MIN safpfr $a $1. mitt kale Sa
Um IN*
lataft ta priorittiro silmisimalMs4 11, eldikOsis ivierts. *a* *mew
mole* asiabor mow lmilob &a ammipso
SSW etaistilim preeallAsui km IMP sod MN VOLiok aids IA soot
41111111041 ifee 4innerr 4* like awe emisetio wig eanimAs Same ger 401111oa%.
Sallat11.400 ilbe Abesetine awe*
1111114 maillelleas eliMm4 my ai ai
efts spowsoes sift et -as ism* espitamai
litet imou tiptsiP So .111
IMINOOP 10/4 iiiiimmoiler Wow
* %wow "IIV WM.
I dlinkilat
4160 IWO Air
osOs Ad* hleder ilordp
I* So ligo Silia *Mot IMO ilia Omsk Woo aiii
rommomilik Wait atimillUessik op.
.4.1611 .40011.001 smog
. ??#.1,`
"4 r
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001
' ?
? a.
. ?
..-"" ."11141 ^11"EV-4..at'mu"is?
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
x so 4.4.961R-GIAM
17 September 1945
Ito Dtrostor
$ecretariat Reports Otago
SUZIOCT Returnee Report:
Ospt. Solidelp *Wel Funds Oz .*Amer for
AM/01111, em4 later for Company Do reaosats Me activities
La sleazing vp tiao adoataatoa in oosoanting proiodax?ea
La Me Orator awl ovilmatto r000mmeattattoao for taturo
'ostairtz.itclam? is osmosto a tioid audit aye** (WI* hos
aos b?olios aoliatA1loloo44 a legal roprosoatativit for ovary
lolaostoatt. I this ii alai la ottoot), fall it asehiaatiort Of
lioard: 4147 6111111011 11141111210014: 10114117111 etc*. 404 the
oalialillioilimat at I 1104Uastiloa tor lortattag operational
144100,101* 6441414041141t1 rNet 116041- ;1114.4.?
iIkoik PI * wroatais, approve* toy 001. lobs.
444, litlaltookt deo* 10410.11111 ?Nada pob14041 Oa Oa
oat 'Oat ft ta a/to Ot
044101614, I oast diato.
? -..;s ?
????.1 4,4-: 47- ?
,? ?
4 -
???!-' '
. L...4, ? 1' el
? '2- r:*;z:2?,-; ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
' 1R1171.31Algorptu,,,..?
Wilketill*S11004 Ite, D. C.
FIR krel
10 September 194$
The Diretlior
nag it Piassise Sransh
10314aCif Cemosestsu Attaishod Report
Psregrophs t through 17 et attached report tram Copta:A
Stflidw mower is the 'min his serious assignments end dust's end therefor's
thut exceptiam of Formgreph 04 require so emmaati, The Captain is quite
cermet tit *Is atetepact that the Specie Amu Bresch'resords at Caserta
cope sist la m.4 Wimps 'Mhos he lerrived 41 rtely? Thuwas due -be the fest
%hat War* se* se riaR04,0 Offloar sr enlisted sem areilable in the theater
te aitedic Special ?talk ti rimay liblr-bog the esr-ly period of ear operations
litek the MA Avow* *Mt Ural tt, 10,14w we*, triwitowr? is the Field to CU,
matt sgs? Jeeohoen had bilNitt available to- coed es trm Algie:-.% in Peoesieer 3446
*.ip passgIspo Ito (s) threugh (e)s Ceptain 4olidav offer.
*mistral ivOlitgiostilaw* This Offieerp se have others. reeesemente Qv*
01444 Ammo syvtim be estellolisiheiO4 A* noted iu the eassients in Major Crelltc
4%,40044,, MU. 100a.0440 IMP "se ted early in 1144 and net b3 the, mowing
OVA ceettingi oe Witt, tseu omit* tots* tbe milli se Ira* possible? The diffieulty
tof otmilitatat eleite sot otAtrient eon tor We *sok wee reepossible for tome
414, earanist Vok14440 remmosto thet 004 *Woo bo supplied
1346 ?14,044 offromongialtOr* V& afoot was aiot mor0o$4404 in 1044 464
10414#1414 *Moors 441140 to 04 moitilow,loriowtoosmil 04044 60 meosof
narAnccifipri and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
r ? ri41"
"SiLNir,t tvzr42 P
trmAtkole. mill su4sestion 4,...4t the Boardl or Review in tho various theaters
's sup9Iied with all ordors, rats* etc.* is also dounds It would appesr
tnat cos ?aramt soard or Raitiew in ?' Should be responsible for the
'cards to *soh theateT. They abould tnaw best what data is required,
Th reertnce to the shortage of ptrsonnel in (d), is a
Ttpatitioa almost *X1 sports suball.,ted. This shortage of trained personnel
UM the theatort ass 10:i-soiled with ail 705sib3e speed as soon as recognised.
& shortAge of *Iota, diff,,c-41ty in Obtaining the hish class ttp? raison re-
oi.aad, the lengthy perioa or trainirg necescary, and trtniportation facilities
all. aleialcopped the sipdpecv correction or this situation. In some instances
to blame in not notifying `Washington of its future needs
In (Op it is Tee Ado* that some publication with instrua-
k this last ainatio?
the %slice of 5!peciol Pus& be given to operational Ws" sumsbers
t-Au.tts were ettevattad far 11414, sissies** Sines it does not sees actriseable
so Illa puktak tostrustioboe writ1ag shxdfled about in outside theaters for
astiomp ssoaWl rateonst tt would appear proper that a **ireful and thorough
steeal Wtertngo LT worreatly hwedied would telt* ears of this situation
4* a fiZe tital
t per $0600, Capt W
ain idsi vilempiltes .01.8
loath.** WWWart WWILI4Olid44
4V42* h* ',WOW& 440*" La th# ft.141 *at in 100000404 and states iihat
ekriod, sece9t 'mother e1.1100000
ie TO OM.*
;,?t Ce41,0101 #
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and
? Afp.
1111AS4IONIITO4 *11. D. C.
6 Septonber 1946
rUs 'rho Director. Office of Strategic Sortie**
(rbrut Chiefs Vinauoe Breneh)
aiglICTI Report ot acturning Personnel.
I, .1m compLianme with General Order NuAtter 6% issued 18 August
1944, holwo ts submitted report of Captain Donald 111. 341iday. reoently
Special Puna* =tear, Zumpon7 'V', 2677th Regiment OSS (Provisional).
2. Subject ?Moor wee reeruited in the field from the First
Areored Division cm 10 *rah 1944 bx Captain D. C. Crookett. Special
ft*ds *Meer, MSDT00 through the Chief FIMA0411 MUM** AFISI.
aeportlag *Moor sae *Assigned to Special Pawls Ortioe.
gomdquarters? 4677111 Regiment 038 (Provisional). Algiers, for period
*Web 1446., 1044. Our Indoctrination amd instruction, pending rroposed
eiet4mmont elseatlems. InstrAstion resolved fro( Captatn C. Whitlow
tad Lt. Aster Stabled WAS of the highest order sad mem as thorough and
$* e* ths limited i)isto would allow. The Algiers Special Puads
MU* sionstatet teem tin* et Captain D. G. Oroakett. Chief, 6rho
Itra* *boom% Olt bt$01,1t4Iitta 'iurtog Of *Ware vtayi. Oaptskia P. 0.
Lt. iteter 44h, Souto Censilto, Sergeent Goa. Sort4, and Sergeant
Arah0014 ?Ova** 1kt settal duette* were perforieed et this station. 'Lly
erAteet orrtoor*
4* Ntloot Wiser deports!' Algiers on Sarah 26. 1944. to
**owe *sox esi Spool-4 'tali* Offtwirs Oftleeat tretegie Serrieilo
0314NOt :lite* la *Mit heedzIoartore Ceserim"rb.. Captain
Cl* Croeitett ewe sonsittria4 oir arrittel Caortrta end devoted severel
do/ 000 0* ey rortueir instrtseitt4n4 reeponalbility and
eeedronft1.611.0.7 ronsit Otfteert CMUlkliAll to* *Mot co of April
t 1.0104,* The olifte* staff osiestetrotc 00. limn Co Jametteort.: siert-
NooStemsporo *se otrielf?
r. Tho timetttoste- tho 00,04.4111 apeetil hods 01114,44* wore
Otasostitstt tio14 0011 tho priag of lima
:op SW lot* upkoott oat Oftifit4040400 of Soottquoittore el* the mil'
ott000lioomosoolio, to to olidotoint
Or cpVap.VaI
Thosv?d from lir 1.44, to thsly
' 400 ototago,? *doh
Itoso oat, rovirt,
* *Oro t. 4441444
ott 'Ible to
. 'ooltovi
4.01010.00 a?iIrostioto.1 Out
40011,4 1114U* *Stomp
*petal PtIlii*o $401111.04
oth0Oort $01,010- 104444
estioietoo4 2G* Ott
mellow loertso4 *Or*
? " 4.) 7.;
Declassified and A (:?K!q For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13xnnnnlpnrminr,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-R0P13X00001R000100410001-8
rrigt1M.',10f1014:4,9 thi,AWS
rho lirector 6 September 3945 0,03/41ET
tarine ported rerorred to tr this paragraph1 who were completely 000pera-
tire Um practiosily everi. iris-tame,
S. As at April 1, 1944, the Speoial Fund, ()Moe at 088.4AII
taaserta) bed * lenge nustar or old outstanding* poorly and inadequately
descritedil, tedvanoell of both operational and personal type*, many ell:hick
wer* net mutberited properly by competent authorities* Remoras, generally,
had cmt tikeseU art and therein** extremely loose *antra over the
spending or governmemt Mots* Thts situation had been brought about by
the tmetTictent hendlinc ar ilovernmont ftsads by improperly trebled, cud
itaintamete4 pereannel !prior to Cie arrival in the Italian theater e a
rerstAr ipeoiall Amide i:lerl? when the wrongs were rapidly righted* The
loft/Awed isMrts of the Theater Special rands Offieor? the.Commamding
,Wtmer, 2677th Beelsont CaS (Provicionm1)? the Commanding Officer 066-
AAlt? the various 3eetton musts (so, $t. X-2, MO, eta.) and the Speoial
Nod* IfPloors 036,4hil? vat? the assistance of directives from 083 Wash-
tftaten? `traktght about 0 rimy drastic improvement in the rigidity of
grnte,-.1 *f gnivuIhered funds*
The di*solublon of 033-AA,11 000urred on or about July le 1944,
att.( the fall aft Romeo, when p*rt of (1180AA11 established iteele in
ClAy, U. the remaining seetion? the larger majority, moved
Stone, ly to establish a new Needquerters* T/Sgt. 1* C.
**Amos temalast is Romig, along with Coptain A. J. DeOis** reeently
arrtesa trims A1@ler*4 to represent 3peeie1 ?Wade &lotion, and was detaehed
trvis or officep* The Mad* setup nee tom* as Company "0*, 2677th lotiment
4as tOrwriellosell and the Speeiel role. Offiee omitted of two people,
Serg**0v 40* g.orielf, abo mks atteehed tone at this timop. aw clerk-
tamillorevar, a** mroalt* The temmeading *Meer of Ceara*" 'V doting wilif
mmttre Oar et :40,411, "Um we. lit* C01* Wm* a* who's** eompletely
somperettro et all tieen.
he tualies of the tIJ4 personnel at Company "10,
jrtima Yrcfe..) wore raft etslar y tAo Monolog. *t egierationol
tease atieldi orkisitten, net Itelbas tereesselh the finaneimg, and monetary
eioceirsiciaist at all oft' ComiMiretf IV** forward dotaehmients,, the eounseling
Th4oinnostnOLng elate* in ell thi3Ngo ttn*tal 0z the prnporation and
itipopis4it adosito4s4 rtionstal reseed*,
Th* Monolog of operational teem* gotag. itto the field
lamertMillcat Sit* grcooto, parttime
cif tk* WOO MA, by faro the lergeet
ospeodclteires of iltoils* 0411.001 *gs* oimirot svitstividr with Ow luavilins
hp,U timatiop eiputivivisvik obiotjtor hy Oft or *04 Nut wiVif the
omktiOsst enst oistfAtim4 Xtmtinst Plainiecip *140 W. $10. 140400e.
ftiotwoffiet oslifiriot of 4411 maim% gt, Operatifriol . '40
144 iiporWolitt teal.*
Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/25 :
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
7?.*X 'n11.4,11.-?,1:! 4ner Irtiatall4 too,
5 SOtsr.ber 10I5 ".06"iseifirl
*Minim ,
Th. 04$1410. a couplav "D* was peekkliar twofer as
tag-Iv-Way *OA (KAO 40114 0 Itta.3* our uatabliehmeats rambled over a goodly
portion of olowtoita Itia$, orietkus a &rest dogrel, of inoompaoirmaa? and
tbitIt VICIaglileilkt th14 ,I,ib of ttosnotal ooritrol *oh *ore dittiotaia wad
todtrees4. tio 'SO sub-hesactuerters with sooth the hiertosn Firth Aviv sa,
Om arts'ish Sizhth,,each, wri.th several advanoe4 sub-..sub-oietaobeerita,
triktritssf? *col hoilitrat are** at Britdist (which. lster on moved rorth to *
*arsviottant Loemtior4L other eohools aortiree?s betwasU WOO *Ad
Aoltinek0i, /obits the a,ctual covekaria awl **Oral headquarter* vim loostsd
st 31ipsas itaiy, though later *ovima up to tior sk
elsa? Despite tUt
a X sookraritatip or d &moo**, ol ear oonoi se , soourato , awl adequtt ? r *cord s
of *11rizsater.* were sototained at *shah headquarters; or cletaolusemt 1Dy a
atitilosted re4voustol* otaostr, who periodioslly roadered ex omeowokin$
Cur 4-1 !Muds saIs.a*Od tothe Speolsi Fusids Oftteers Gaspe* "I)* for
sworiresi VI thu CPsossatilis,Z, Wiser, Compex/ *10. who htut, be** ilertiittsil
Irs *As S-...:?,0. ltith tat* imseestorri soxthority.
11, 00 or shout J*01*ry 2, 1904 the Company "D* HeleaTtertere,
with 41 phrivtraisl wood Nirther vterth i*to 000lApieli Italy,. timiolly
settt'44 dolma IX Florease,vbere the heatvarUers remained umtil the sod
oft 0* tiro*** low, %Ad the eventual stiseolutio* of (looroy 'D". This
tivoly sort.' bro4144 *bout out almost entire improves:wan in the situatio*
sombiocaeit Sot 10i4i soreceediz.6 varagraph, wince wo were thot looatet at a
_ *ars vottroklUmi svat for '11 local **tient**, following
worste? the
u:r moving of
vreetiaolly All a o rest estaitiltst
tl.i;b0160, Oe rite'. oe Joa4ery, 1904 th infteeuth Osty
Otromq tlossi[s%Vwc prIaatpsIly or the Amerioa* ltifth Army and the Britieh
%SON *se orwatisisti ix, the vtoluttri st Ovens. 04 Ocospolo/ "WI
Verret tbr4twovals 0 (04) via* attaohOi till Vh004 tor intelligence seri*.
"AO row Wet 11%11" tor the et_ . This attaeloymok 'proved to 1D* *
gr.at !motor latt oor 6 tail to do! Vie OVA $00010.t or t rod woric done 'by
00 so Ititili Met% st440* of` Ow litviliet 0410400. OW 1110 'Were 006 Oa
to totter peell our sortie** to Imo le oho itetwit4 MA 'wed tor tholk
mos 4tio Nolieretood *mi efpreeist 03$40
00The, rotertloo () sr Imo sotorauloi to totwoato 0* IAA
WEEt *riots ,t 046 os roisttem4 a it* 6, Cirrtngton errive4
we Coterauf 4q4" es of es t. *wow, sr &souk Wo *solo of
tokostOmo et, daisoeesielet .14 ttirer et demercoly "Ds (14101444
to 1-4osain ow , 0414 Au* to 001, Ogra. ter return home
,efpre votiotellMht Vki-o 4tiststo* ? 10 tfeeause of the **toss et Ow
40 Of *Woe* problosi 04 shossOrs. tit.
weithetiso. 1.401 rogise0o1 eoztrol, though thie
biett Orli 'frit* ? 004 or MA otiwy,
ometo Ms ? t 'twos o a superior Woe
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? 1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Aki4NtirNMett014VV*CAIVNINVilAl...11., 4444.41-40,11 A4.8,44,1,1&100riliA,24~40.faiegTONIMONEW
.6 .
6 September 1945
14. About April 15. /Ova. Lt. Santo Condit? was trwuererred to the
Ip?eal Funds Of 21i CorpoAr trnm the Ttiorlter Sreoial Fund* Ottiol.
,aserta, for dtkr to asstst. with th$ eittr inoreasing work. Re remaincd in
the Zomp*my **wt. ***Utast until Juno 1. 1946 at whioh Um* he assume my
*coouttahtltty mod reopoaolbility as Spools), Funds Ofttoer upom my release
iahd reaesigmeoso to Beginostal Headquarter*, Th wit husible opinton, tho
servloes ot Lt. ettzfatito ver. net quite eatiaftotoryl hews* too inollniod to
4takw thort *ate.
15. Tho rum% *tap* of the SpeolaI rund* Ofrioe. Compeny "Dv.
theft hop debrirflat or all rtalimm operational teemo. This was qui*, a
ttoroo4 and Involved procedure, from whioh nosh experionoo and background
vim Wald by' oil oonowned. It was not ? *Maple teak4 but1 rathar1 one
that roquired ? greet dotal of organizing *ad hard work. The preliminary
plitantma for the dobrioting oxeroise* woe done **elusively by compomy "Dv
perevanol. thvo0, prior to the aotuel *tort of the debriefing. aseistosoe
*** voque*tod. NW received. from Rogimestel Headquarter*, Throe complete
debriefing tia03.5, 1141,0h %atilt at trtiS Of three or mote Walls, one of which
was * 4pooloa Punic airflow wore organised end cuii to work at Company vDse
Hantqwarcers tattettately atter the /Alma big push etartad ii Italy, em4
th.** t4ona oonttumod funotioning uttil all Italian operational teams had
fpes gm*. ovor *Ad *atUraotorily eompletad. alpeelal Nnde Scottie* Was
revegonted by Captula Ddo C. Croekett, Ceptan AA J Detioeo, Lt, S.
*mall? eind the importing *Maw' Oarlala Croekett funotiOnod more or less
a*#O advIlisov nod regimental eemtmet, while tho latter throe aetually
t OS *11 *goat conforeneee eM ItiZbAroed tho noo4saary Amite to sottle
th-4,mon*trel. Wimilify4 to swy, Speelal runds reguIstions were complied wIth
two" the (*Air* procedure *ad 0onp7,4e and full reoords were kept on
doalsioas 'Pk *Oloma taken
the tfle calm rotate-id la the MEET'
kpooli4 Numd*, AM*. Coloort*.
Itto rsevertimg ofiloor g reilewod cit dully with Company "Dv
4olltivaat aaa (4V0w1440.140A) a Jun* 1. 1446. ft114 pr000sded to
via Cavity's*.
11. let*rommo Ocin Ord 040bur U,pavhgraPh 4 (0) (Olt
*. A fl$14 wont *yet* W4 tsar octal* should be
.4**1* ma *matfett 04414 tweet eli hivekki not Igoe the* oleo
rActr Ole ter Vie bewail at She, Speetel 140411
* a* mueri a* tor s iqsow Neadforerter'it (Yr books
**1 soontoi Piirtommt ofetsfAe a* $0.0$014 ?nolo Ottioter tii Ow
10000" iegehergaloit WortU em mittitter *e** ow ONO k, mofitis4 em lihee4)
tka holt ttkpow *mid My* wen intersect leg*/ repro?*
miort 14it;014, Thor* tool. melt oeilanione,thel eervieet
* it4eileimi ?
..,a, --.... ..? .
*. . ? et . 14'
Declassified and Ap r '1
oved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP1xnnnninrs
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
The Direator
co If the Board of Review is to be appesolated abroad,
waist dii%ocimat44A of all ordera? rules, regulations, eta. to those
at representing tha Board of Revlon, in the field* 3xperieroe proved
that tbeir De kAowledge of these things almost made the Board of
Review's t ? Acne ridiculous*
. Mere has been a definite shortage of Special Funds
satiated personnel available to field offices* Requested almost constantly
frmm July, 1944 to June. 1945 for -Jhanging of my olerk who was grossly
tnefficients ror another, but no cotton was ever taken nor was any satis-
faction given. Nik* told by Captain Crookett, "Keep him or work alone. *1
the latter was improotical* In felt, moot of the time we oould have
easily tor Dwo Spoolal Nods clerks busy in my office.
e, In a few instances, operational teams composed of
4sooriatn personnel. both SO and 00, have been inclined to be a bit oar40-
1.sos in their hating of, and aoeounting for, operational funds advanced
mad 131011$.0 Could not some publication be issued gtving 111000
met* or less definite instruotions and advies to team members, this to
snvpiement oval instructions given by the looal Speoial Funds Officer*
This would be a real help to conscientious officer* who want to keep the
best possible recorda*
le* In completing this report, my thanks are given to all who
*Med seelstei me, whether in Washington, Caserta, or my awn office*
tt hr4 beim t pleeoure and *vilege to do my assigned duties, and it
?s hoped that my sovvices 'were *atirs4 estiefactory,
19* goquast is tadt for another overseas aesignment in a
stntlir gepeoity Irak :3pecial hada Division at an early date,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
L-9107.1,st. ?
P*- 4!C".44Ni'1631'i.'? 1111t00 11,-14
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
_ < wegx.atttiMe
OFFICK OF irritAlum *Thymus
. C. S X itts'ir)
13 September 1941
101 ?too Director
smarm' Priturlsom *wort* r,_,Lord
Slirre AN. -.mist/Lona=
Socretertat ? Deport* Office
Er ? Laird) a seikiter fire* a Om SI Reporting Beard
eat later or the Seorotariat ist tr0 analyses thou rectors
'data he bellegtoe *erred the tell ettectileneee et 06$
100 ft I? ntreseee pertteigarlyt evergiesseheate ot
terienektilleliteretice oak the etweeeviont 3ea1ousiel, ivbieh
*rove? diribtletes le oleo 411414te4 to the iliposiatiess of
owebeeosimint eria*Isailemal wwwwWWwiture, impoper us,
? evellaliI. resoefile_ 404 $'04% 40,4110.000basis so
0.77 40,4m04X7
D. t.
itesports 00100
, raw, Otitt+1?61"--etig'fattee
-4=1000 5
? o
. ? ,t".`,..,ttr''
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
1111111111111111111.1111111==d and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Director, OW
72Rg Chlett Sezrfttariat
FROM Salter Lord
Report an Rs-turning from Overseas
DAT*: 24 August 1945
10 On 28. .112/4 1944 I reported for duty at 0530 London, and
**a 4ssignod tot the Reports Division of the SI Branch as an As-
sistmt Reports Officers About 20 Upton:bar 1944 I moved forward
Pspis, where 1 *crud as Astistant U. the Chief, SI Reports
Division* On / December 1944 was transferred back to London
and es4igned to the Socroteriats I resainod so assigned first
loports Officer and later *G Obis: until 7 Ju17 19454 when I
returned V, Ilisalliaoon for a For *act assignments
20 The abvelour of duty had a twosifold benefielal effect
she writing ,:xt 1 ribport Inah as thirs First, my position in
the ST. Reports Division gave me. an lyttmate, first-hand vie* of
Mks aotivitios
In the tntelligence 1114,4, whish in the 1aa0
*is I belliove comprised the orgcnissitionts most *portant
tion in the $TOs SeeolutIy, Waft swaths in the Secretcritt
4 an unporelleled opportmity to watch OSSIs operatione
a* a *hale
** the emeluelons reaChed are set forth below They
*aver opal, the period I Deoweber 2944 to 1 :04 104511 mine. it
ises dvistiAs that Um* *lone the% I was able to get a real view
se overall 011$ activities" It shOUld farther be magNasised
tha4 ire every mei* these eoneltutions not only represent purely
peraiwiti opiziioastt but also stall sten be invelidated by ity
serape? of 'dee wmderleing raetor ge, the situation.
4* In thwimeepopeel !sr strongest ietotion. Is a feeling of
setteesoffilenrnt4he efrorts exerted by OS, 1O bore ?omfatter'
04* troAt and eolattritutWaatertally to 'Ube Allied SUeoeles
evitatitetiont Is towered bya belie! that the 00$ eontrio
IWASonsp mag341seive been st11 greeter Market the ortirmisatidiAls
Wert* btrom Issitors4 by at toast tato larportisat tactipts. MO*
toottoewks bietudett too *Weft a dellaiuktion bititeat Breathes la
the etottaellIS elativittes,- trovielck isopoiltift et nocaleeivoips-
tsmetteaskt amponotrooltwo* imotipor use f avallabIe, regosadiees,
Asa ,p4res griolor?ile let peibsonsa privileges-
.1 0 ?
? ."
11, t?,.,--, 1 On gf'.
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471i, .4?'%' 1- ?,, ;,..',. ....,,,,, 7,:',441?????
WO ."?;11f^elieC6?6-.1iA4'. '....V.i?A2,42,???
T - '
ir ? 40
is, 4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001Ronnlnn4l nnnl
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till, need was otten abused and made a convenient vehiole for
getting% away with all sort* of favors. Aloof and apart from the
rest of the orgtnization? X-2 went its own mystttrious way, As
a consequence this other Branches lost not only lu morale but
often saw Weir own efforts hampered by the existence of gaps
whlih a little cooperation from X.2 could have filled. Three
examples of thim eXtuation will illustrate my point. First,
a1thek Z4 froquently received item* of positive intelligence
from its varioum C sources, no satisfaotory arrangement was
ever worked out for uransaitting such information to SI. Sea-
X.4 offered little or no apparent cooperation to R&A in
development of the latter's biographical file on Suropean
tonalities, tftespite X.21 some to an enormous amount of
t graphical data, Third, X.2 failed to cooperate adequately
hen efforts were made in the winter of 1944 to develop jointly
Irt th 3Q * Countir3sbo tag. Unit*
The embericat an of the Medical Services Branch into
CU in- el igen*. field early in 1945 provided another outotand-
tng IllustvatIon or the dangers resulting fro* an overemphasia
4%* WW, 9rimah breaW-down. Due to either unwillingness or in-
*At tit to acertilinets their activities in this respect with
Vt4 110,1 Reports DI-vision0 which was the only office with pro.
fot/414$41"la illcqmirlimee In the hiwiling and proaessing of /Milli
0 the pr*pocr editing* evaittation* and dissocination of the
Motion procured wee great:4 isipLirefli SItm the other
head could two used to great advastago the knowledge, ability,
Mir 0i#uate? and contacts of Kedloal Seviviees' experts on CI?-
*Ilion** the latter independently received. Mi.,
*art of cuoproette. rolttionship was *corked out ehereby
*1 IP?itittVt protlessiag but sll medifial intelligence would
tire verirrre4 in Modloal Sorties* f4r foment And oditing?
'We was * groat Improvement to the sittAtion, but it was not
mode %IOUa pod 1.41 o easteetea NW. waste had alr?s4 been
** frogiwie
sts* ittie
Alto 41044i0tit
Ow ove
eildi at isle*.
oof M4dL .e. organisational
sotor whish T belly**, ham.
STO4f In an ottort to
d. Oh atrueture and thit
reamtistlahips between Bramhes,
*tin* usits Ivor. set up, Out
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
flAkit14 fr 3/ !'FIS +:4?7"triNr/IV**A.3/1440,04,04Wi ;CPA? ,154r404
what was rem y nsede4 was closer, diroct centralized control
rron the Szaouti/e0 and tho erect or those half-hearted euper-
impositions rather thsto making for greator efficiency and into-
irattoa cAs tlftply t lt mother block between the alroady
haras**4 RxecutiTe lavT1 art.." the people deep in the Branches
who vivre doing the eataal.;,rodultion. The following four ex-
saapies sr* tillvivel %a illustrato this situations
) tit!at
tn alf late fall of 1944 in an effort to gear tho
svAir 11 efforts or the oronis*tion tor the attack against Gar-
itself the Flans 4'114 Operations Staff (010110) Wa* created
to soardinato tha aotivittes If 31* X-R, LA, SO, and KO* Xxio
*ellen% perhaps in *onception and theory, so strong was the po-
sitian of the aranshee, howevoro that 0M10 was given no authority
to direst or give orders and ma was unable to make effective any
lf It* deetstonn. Th4 rosult was that it becalms purely a rem-
ltamearting group whose membars had no other functions and who
**titled no authority, but through whom everything had to pass
a* sr by ritual before bein4 earrict ut4 This only served to
slow the vacs vf operations without contributing anything*
Uhder that** stsmametaulla, the branch** quickly resorted to
*w4try eubtertuvo h%,,TWad subvort the btarf In oarryins out
their plans end prole4ts. Arty value that ths &tar: might have
h*41 in * rosomondIng capaelty was lonsecuently soon lost as
ova* Zbe sltuetlon was aggravated by the raot that some of
tikik *toe:, tslante4 lounge)* officers in the organization wore
an Ot* stool' ant% therettyre lost to the operating branches at a
*Law itits4m th*tr saridies were desperately needed,
ta at *Mott o **ordinate The activities and sorv-
4ts wattage OSS P1014 Det*chwants 104 Missions, a
44elent 3eation WOW wits created in the late autumn
ta beadtpso,ter* at Dries The 101410 ions and
la at Xiadhaveno tirusselso Toulousis o and with
44. 3 4ti% its *so 3,40 and Oth Armies wore then
4, wstIvely angi operationally responsible to PIVIC
last**4 aticaking the *orvieiag and handling
or4 if/m*44*k 100.441014 in unp1illwont04 con
**41,00016*. **1C01010. Wean able to go diroetly
tioer fav ordare, *Applies, transport, coos
ational dIreetiveso now everything had to
rum witki reslalting lose of ttae and
ot ithoi*t * cempleasating gain In overall ors
Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/25 : niA-ID"r""
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
-4?1551;-'1:1 Plitr.%lkta*e?,,ssr-Fsf
fatftt.Vdt 0.410,40.41/4,444,e4r le too 4,1.4,1.4.4-.4,twallottP.4.24,04.44,-,4 ..;31MtgettiteleWli
derliness or efficiency. Instead of a valid coordinating body
?I= became lust another channel that the people responsible
for action had to go through to get things done.
(o) Personne: Section,
tit the bo ginning of 1945 a central Personnel Section
fPERSO was crostini. to direct the disposition or the organize.
ticu's personmel in such a way as to inure the best possible
use or the pervonnel available, to formulate common policies
for the admInIstramion af personnel, and to work out a program
for permonnel redeployment and reassignment following the end
mf hostilities. This was a badly needed institution, but from
tts vor7 inception it carried no real aue.lrity in a realm
where the Branch in Ch last analysis was always sovereign.
Playing no real role, ?HMO resorted to a time-bonorld bureau-
*ratios alternative for maintaining existence it del/sated it-
self to a funottma *here everything had to be passed through it,
*wen if only files were kept and tharts made. PR1130 thus be-
ammo lust one wore channel between the Iftesutive and the people
doing the work. In, fulfilling this role it did succeed, however,
in dove:Wiling a lart?, atttt of officers who could have been bet-'
vis*4 tu the *pore-tang os%d of the organization*
In a torither effort to our. some of the administrative
headache* *UtahI belteve resulted in the last analysis from the
eseggsreted oaphosle an todepomdeent braneh structure, a greatly
exlendo4 SecreiArtut ose delcOoped for 03110, London, around the
*id of 00414, Thollecrotiolotre functions and personnel were
eloandot Los:Ludo supoweisiima over the issueince of orders and
411cotts**, saatto-4 over the aochanbes of poueh transmislions,
snd handAing the treraniseiom of interwoffice eorrespondence*
Waal* all tiotts. tholimit in WO had always tee* in the province
the *4j*n tSorvicos and since the new arrangemente did
not *pelt:Inc-ally tiovieve Mose offices of these duties, the re-
to so
rat *Tam elm
von WA *Ire*
ficarlogio, *unfit
viatling *KT of ths
tart*t, Carthelvmove *to,
1* Sbe toitortiaMioilon 144, re,
*et, 14%, An effort So fait
1 Oat appredo matta-
? Nit. ; .11V4
*itito i. om War edministratIve agency
ruotwr** This superinposition created
Ilestles wi thou* notiecably allow
leo it liag intended to sure* The Seorem
freettly bikeypered b these new responsia
1sv411.Iti400 for thi, Om.
%1 that all a largo staff
over-all orsonnal short.
bet 4
P as. a ors
rummies was a third
? aosivitio** At a tiao
oitio spas. MOW et** dos.
sig mit Ow toboorb it
I 70
4 6-6
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? All
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
- , ???, ?????,..... ??,
? ? I
4014mdtd simoat hearttreAking that in the same organ/cation and
within easy reach ti34411 of the things needed wore present but
hopete*sly comette4 to innumerable nonproductive enterprises?
11 ono was -olind to their existence; it waa In fact all the
Aor* exesper*ttng 114 krlow that they were there but were un.
touchable stmply to4,ause they were usually pet Branch preserves
An4 to 40t Chem would necessitate outting across some inviolate
Ana saeroseAdt Bruno,h. limo It wee In short the same old story*
to I11ustrat45 thtu ttuatton of plenty in the midst of poverty
ta A1.1 toe easy. A hair ton examples will sufficet
f4) ___________________
In the niast of the final drive through Germany 30
o projosts to support the Allied advanse, which
o- the 414putoh behind enemy linos on sabotage and
t opers.hlons or scores or agents reoruited from Basques
jpiNnt &old the Pre. 4erstany Committee of the West
CCs* Pro,Pect)6 lifotwevitr valuable a role these projects might
Nitta 011040 under the oireumstances in whish they *el,* oonceived,
the eAr *glided $o Abwwitly that With the shortened budget already
Immtn,4 on Me horimon and with the nocessi0 ot developing post-
activttles an a large scales it seemed A serious waste
401attnue cogegtn* and trainIng this personnel. Nevertheless,
preparattaesa, for leiiiticning WO*, projects continued for many
~Us *gilt*, the end of the war# elthousih it was never clear ex*
*foal evanAt wham they ware to be directed. Despite, however.
what oppekro4 to be a gook delaying action by $0 in dotonso of
%ht. oveserve (thet,i. lest one In Western Rurope) some sort of
00/4044001 vitai oftst em b ditettion of the Comotanding Officer
4.1%-*7 sere finally oetiered disseived early In Itay l94.
00 azLial.gal,
4notatior ommnpte or nonp oductive us* or resources,
'ctmuveywor out% 04# fonnd in the X.k Art Unit. Orl inslly
4 4 4* 04rflf ma twal activtties bj mOJIng use of the *tali-
It* ntemetlancl eft dealers tm4 by forrettA; oat whatover
;Aswan secilan*0 41Ilaittles 44ght he 1 volved In these circles.
me An Oftit ease nowhes,st me*/ ju ttty the effort and oxo
put toto t44 U*4 the 4,440 641400 limitless resources it
skard*Jeftly havik bisen *We to ins1444 tihe Art Vat's work as
to of to* sittility* Was /Nen wits not the sass, and with
so tt St 44 COV7 1,4044 the Wilt Wee gworally rorogniso4
-3 0
tad+ 10* *a* Vo Pt. et AI* 15. *hi
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
n 4
idssitied and Approved For Release 2013/09/25. CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
A.10.4"Za f!..T.4.44, tif ..%1A-*M04,0?41r0111"r*Ift #19.,1c,Ne'Ve fq.-tek-r-141r?P VPP1,0,12404141,9greafanten#
CU'x Urat ranks high. Consistin? tlf a group of experts work.
in at Oxford microfilming pictures of the British Adm1ralty
!Photographic Library, their work b7 1945 apparently consisted
of rephotographin4 scene* that could be taken by any U. 3.
Consul, could be lifted from most National Geographic Magazines,
and frequently could be purchased in any U. S. drug store.
When appeared Garman-occupied Scandanavia would be
liberated sometime before the rest of the enemy in Western Eur-
had capitmlated, 31 developed two missions for dispatch to
Oslo ikrd Copenhagen, called reopectively KITTEN and EANSEL.
Thee. missionA *ere to work into enemy territory from their
newli liberated headquarters in muoh the same way an MELANIE
and 35141NSTTE, h. 053 bases at Eindhoven and Brussels. Later
X.,20 MLA, and Communications personnel wore added to fill out
these KITTEN anA ilAN321 projects, but they continued. to remain
predominantly 51 enterprise*. Both plans were basically well"
cmaistivid, but before an oppov.tunity cams to put either into
orfwet* the war situation, had changed drastically the whole
lermany was oweerun and enemy-occupied Scandanevia did not
WA to the Allies until everything else had been taken. Under
Mese ah*ngcd 4trcumstences the best course would have been to
-311* boch ITTIO and HAMEL and save for other hard-pressed
aottvities la* expense and resouree* that would otherwise go
Latta these project*. The situation now called instead for two
434. three sposialists to be sent into each country with the 11M-*
ttelay who? Lt reopened. But although the basic purpose no
im4er lAtetc. the Branch machinery, like the mills or the
44400 ;:rour4 /00017 but so inexorably that both missions were
Itay4tahld :ksacke417 *A soneeived "hen it was assumed the enemy
*04414 fr,411.=0,* 444 out in Germany itself. It was only in
:104 'ANAt tke sitOstloo west tinclly rectified and sufficient
410Avw4q noon on high obtained for the Commanding Offieor to
4/4or the withdrawal or both miasions.
*Ivotki, made posa411mr use ot ceponsivo, specialised
ipsvacompt *na ;'144111314,0 *airom dO, and 1 believe :or the amount
gag tt eslult4 asnisimi last slater and op.ringi consist'.
Itaig manly 4 Wte aomolus azonto, POW" and CAPRICOAN proj-
4ott* **re not Twatitiodo There Ls, furthermore, as fr, AS I
IOW.* no reel indication that the few black radio and newspaper
proleate *blob were 44Mo:tope4 over had arq notioosbli offset
*NI th. 04soma osopls. 110 gated vt way monoy but monoposs
Itsei **010ac impiert Gesmawlepetking peromnol who were deeper.'
otott, romitdoli whom St was putttog on it* groat Gorman penetration
4ftipek **sly La 1944* It to trio Chat Ita arrtnipmfent was made
, "Nrk, ..011.Plemrlog
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CiA-Pn04---
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
7- 'Thr o t .*,,ICLIVIJ.V4r0"tt-
whersby 740 German-speaking personnel were made available to Si,
but as tar as I know this arrangement was never very effective
4r G11-embracinz sad the 1110, London, operations continued with"
u1 lct-cip. In the emergeney that existed the real solution
woull have been to suspend the Branch,* activities entirely for
& The contribution that this personnel would then have
=Ade if asstgned to the development of secret intelligenoe plans
and projects woull Witte outweighed by far their usefulness in
curt ng up sutpCA radlo programs which few Germans listened
to and caustod no appreciable effect even when heard.
tf) Pield Photo Documentation Pro cot.
As valaable as Field Fhoto's oontributions undeniably
vitro in their IPDP project, their European Coastline projeot,
and thetr tricinAug films, little usefulness oould result from
nbs timer, labor, and expense gut In on their Documentation
Project ef OSSI.V0 itotivities. The ouly arguments oounter-
;Al*nclag the que9tionable vanity of the whole scheme lay in
tNi rt possitle Mstorical And educatimal value. Person-
*el *his stew thee alms bein4 made of day to day situations
*IAN 'which they wore thoroughly acquainted will vouch for the
alsleadlnis tonseptions embodied it them. Any historical or *du-
4ationa1 *vela. was Wore*y negated, and the making of theme plc-
Wrest bacemo verftly a silly waste of time by most *livable pers?
woJianel whose hUit Went. could easily have been used elsewhere.
Ug) Ittoeksa?
tlks tra# ?told Photo doPmmontation Mee, the War
could uave ellon of odmeational and historical use but
he Oterlos 484W detinItity wee not. Instead the project
11,1.4 the overitta*t o: *trout 60 exsellently (041111.4 per"
said vrta tilurtnic the hstdimpreseed winter and spring Of
ere aroutly meeded on lamediste operational projects.
Th. raleskry'o peontial use:alness was nullified by the fact
* wrIteroo howevcr enthusiastic, had tor the moat part
oet 4trivot tittrat.gtrant4 acquaintance with their field. As a result
they Iror* forceit to rely almost entirely on files, and it sose
without ea A4 that not only does the sise of I file not neseiim
ea.4?rtlipt CM* temporlance Of IWO 1***iff, but "*M7 Vibal deciw
oss***$ and basic policies aro neTor put
ThiApn41 1I7t* toriter Vhtng* with the proper
root *i*ha,1s tit to h$V40 It done by $ome
4 VW10 wee done in the
N t * written by tho Dranch
Mary Maiste. was dOne
A /
*suatrise4 it Ih.firanoh. MOO of the
4P iwe ? ens, usually missing fire
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-A
I. ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
s? 1.0.? ???? fr.
an ths real ator y at hand, and having all the weaknessea that
necesaarily follow when an outsider Is looking in - an outsider
in fao:t who usua1L7 hadn't even begun looking in until the party
was all over.
8. A considerable over-amphaals on peraonal privilege pro-
d a. fourth factor limiting the contributions of OSS/tTO.
Likemoat of the other Ills I believe this one too stemmed from
problem of Pranch dominance. This was so because the oul-
pri s were those aelf-centered members of Branches Who were so
dedicated to the principle that the Branch can do no wrong that,
like toulip XIV, they tended to think wlOotat est mai" and attrib-
ute' to themsellres the independence from executive control and
authority that thy had 30 often seen given the Branch. The
Szeoutive realised the free rein enjoyed by these individuals
but usually wan :Ielpleas to do anything about it, being frus-
trated by the same tundamental concepts whie gave the Branches
their dominant rIlo and backed them and their personnel up
whenever an leaudo of fine authority arose. The resulting ab-
sence of centrel and Impartial supervision often made indivi-
duals* behavior subject only to their discretion and personal
sense or responsibility, events proved that these were ex-
tremely tenuous is in a Theater of War, where money and faolli-
ties were plentiful and the restraining ittfloot of convention and
exemstive control Tsry smell. Illtstretiona of the situation
aro tammerable;a roll, examples of the type or abuser prevalent
will sufftetet
!*) Misuse at oars and the (3S ;lane for private purposes;
tt,) Vft'ustiftod trtavel to Londen and Paris for purely
para=tal peasoni;
f ) risme* DC the orose-ohannel phone for personal pur-
(41 Utause *f ()solo facilities for personal purposes;
441 kbus* ,at the poueh privilege;
cr) diver17 ostioubstXous aIle#14 and living quarters;
(4) ftwolsa hate' atcammodations armanged for ordinary
westounoll by ca,ole and telepbous despite adequate
4.11,04mg catalttine titled by this rest of !PO per.,
? ;4,744
ler!" !"?:,,-,rgrKW-E
npdassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
. ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
k:410.:.11?11P,I5VV.44-1v31440f.PrIPOr-;t?Nner..^,,,Wt.....,??s ? cr. ' ?
7he e, Ile or Those specific abuses (bad enough in thcimuelves)
m&de for more Lzenorel (and even worse) evils which further limited
the effeotivenegs o.r the organization. For one thing, thin sit-
uation encouraged trle continued presence of a number or indivi-
duals wto had rrequenlly high rank but no 3ob and spent their
ttne lounging around 'Noaping the benefits of the personal privi-
' es W4143 allowed thimn. Again, the situation provoked the ire
4rmy officials, who were often quite aware of what was going
and thereby hampered the organisation in its dealings with
wo* Theatar. Furthermore* It was a sltuation which could not
help tut he'll* & b,a4 effect on the morale of the vast majority
of 083 oersonnal, 'exc were plugging along always unselfishly
Alnd sznetimes in considerable danger*
a. In cutlinina the above factors and their bed effects
nIt sant tt ciatoure the splendid achievemente of OS/RTO.
The point in brin6ing them out is simply to emphasise that 0111
more could have boon achieved had it not been for these elements,
all *f whe I thInk basically stemmed from the faulty but fun-
damental organicational concept which *entered around the sanc-
tity of the 3randft struoture, The fact should always be kept
tr% mind* riowaver, that the good fur outweighed the evil. If
3renoh tileulsrit7 was dominants it should also be remembered
2C the Si Raah Section sot a new high in illus-
trating tlow afforent Hranches could work together in the clo-
se:1A Masson'', 4,41C.ac tr needless superstructure was prevalent,
It should he remirsbored that when there was an element of direct
tzsautive control and participation* as in the case of the
aaard of Review, valuable results were achieved, If Branches
tAsused Moir facilities in sloe connections, it should be
rmsembere4 thet on other occ*siOns they did an amasing job; for
*Amstple4 Wietivatch of over, 100 agent team* to Germany between
Nelesiber *ad We Ds v MA's excellent weekly periodical, "The
Suropeen, toltniaal Rapore; Piold ?hots IPDP project of photo-
craohin port*, sic:immunisation lino*, bridges, and other strati,-
its titroughout Western 'rums; the hundreds of ;:ons of
sarpttoe iroppel by SO to Standanevian Resistance; X02's splen-
424 ?aost*reo t enelm7 espionage effort. LA France; the ever
eflystent and (Ftreful handling of finances by Special Pund4; and
s0,00 cmpertli profe4sionel IOW Communications in handling prob.,
lomis maiging fro* routine Xeslatil Center traffic to numerous
1010.11101 agent ilarcuite*
L a. 'lastly, if there were factors *hi h called for correo
tint. tt *414 not the Caul% Or the 1Ximutivt that solutions were
hitmt rtn44 to London Won.' P0r40*, Osotain Ammar, and
ttc gioltanel 3141#4e grtlivid4,4 ~sideway ablis loodership. Wise,
?' '
? tr.. ???-.?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 :
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
tt?p.-4.n 6.1.*fab..hibt. b:t bat----ara raboacbsassas s
aaereti, azd for$,sighted, they all seemed to appreciate the
problicas @t hand, did their best to solve them, but in the long
run were helpless; fox always In the background was the funda-
mental concept of Branch dominance. The apparent accf*tanco
by wasbilaston or this philosophy defeated the best efforts of
this capable executive staff to produce a truly integrated ef-
fort. It was in fact a basic philosophy which no human being
could beat, ambodyins as it did the strangely contradictory
thesis that the parts of an organization are great*r than the
Walter Lord
? It
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
if (0
AbZoseli rfirt. 64 biome
The Dixector 1):1(xnA7Soptembor 1946
l? Copt* Aldan "Ito served as briefing and deem
patching *Moor for Sussox agents and later for the
Dat4h, Germant Belgian and French Maks or SI omphtklma
Via Oolloving weaknesses La operations in WO:
lop tact of adequate airlift.
ks Psalm, to *tills* fully AB Emu/pronto r
goy inadequate mabors of personnel 11,4(t.
training area.
411,1 tnaesquate, facilities for 36T areas.
2 The Orsneb Chief's coverin4 ammo, beyond
descriAng stove (criticisms as saseurate*, sakes no
eamaent or Copt ? Alden's reipossansiations.
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3/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
I. '*,*,,tow altIot's ttelA rdport, thoutb ortiot tor the
two ' ;, %lwo wil4 wort it soversi l* v*ry twourett. go tords
tO kv wooly sodost tr looribtue hit own work,
2. 1 1)*Ileiro tbat ***ryon* who wctWod wAkh Ockt*in Wall
1 Iri41$ '041don *nd Voris voccro,t001 thet h* to 4 very lootous
wr4 .:eel ot;tett*At ertnert g* show*4 ennoptIo(el lnitiotive in
A411,14tg nal? 100311(04 *Oti Oystometi*ttc proo*Aurios. 1 Ocw it
gr, ;70aorg* MOM, 00*4 of tt* Otlitelot of 100110;011o*
#rodut, 01,14 (51P) thoug.ht vey htttay or 0.4:t9341 XldoitOm wor boo
01010,4s itk4 *-4A1.0 44$ 10,- a it **Wel tisks*,
S. 141.toto &Wet t* solleittitod to tiate cove th* woO, a lot.
101. 0'"rt4,4 ',4 9.40.4t0E *no be Wo* Opt041414 WIA *illingrella to do
440 -00; tt, Vb-thp4160 *0 qmdr, twto 000.011414 oV hi* astiooltg WI'
00/47 po,W004 tt,oro 1* not Wiat.* $ 04t think or Ao is better
or vt
6r ':tftt/. Kliter, l* tow et 1**v* *144 0004 voturt to
S A tAgtati (& 4ovtolter IVO, ete, Oftriwn *411 am* Mr. b*TOT0
Ituitift wo.4 liedpf ,t* %o sonm of iitio&pets% wo0; *0 will oojoao
uttovpi,, taw ftpts 'al* to ituobttetco to guld* blIn? throu0, the INI,"
vi41 1, toi
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? ?
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liso.overe t-it, there was no one t lre with the necessary expor-
iAnce to ,r1nsro tes-etch agents, l'.e.mfore I wts sent back to Lot-
ion t,A sez u7 ar A etr` prorram exclusliv?lr Dor lelanie Yiesion. On my
arrivsl in ipondcr. I ta.,overed thAt $1 had decided to put re 'n charge
of the preTAratIon a' all konts At that time being sent from the con-
ttent aa3 not ottierwise assved to 4*.istinr desks (that is to say,
:114 not origira'ly r.orvorn -yaelf with LaborT'-ist or Polish Desk agents,
11t140, 01117 two ?Iesks luMeh 0 that time ,1 an itint program in Lordon),
tlkat tIme Sotn.1t isslon ail?! German desk/ Paris, were sending atonts
t. s UT eor training and despatch* Later on the lortnch DesOaris also
eiA mepdinr a;pattn* Ilth the creation of DIP my elatc,dons became a
-Art of t?.at or arizatiott. 1.t that tire I was called :t.ief Conducting
OtTicor. I was it other words the "Desk* for all or those* miscellaneous
%toots errIvit;z fret the aontineot for traininf and derlatoh in the UK.,
-101ause It fle4iIittes for traixlitig cind despatohing SI agents In CA, UX
P*4 blown ItmotIvated. it was mecessary to blgin from sero iz sett,ing up
an agent proJr,rtt.m., At that p4 nod Schools and Trainin45 had become) a separ.
ate trArt.01', uk pruct:.cally without faoilities and inxtructort. To corr.
711ests situatton further, the Chief of ST was hospitalised it Paris*
rt. elks therefore sore time, in my opirion at least three mortIls, before
an tdokvato 9.Fent pograr was sit up* eithour,h of oourse, superhuman efforts
wore Tok4e by SO to cops with the problem from the very start.
4. Ir late February of this year, the long needed expansion of
'4.TO etmlly took risco. Up to that time as I have said, I had been rube-
ttorits *4 tho (;erman, melgian and French Desks without interfering
im tit* sprat ::rogliamo of the Labor and Polish desks. With the reorginisc-
ttomv oe DIP less designated as Agent Processing Officer to supervise the
PrAttult*4Lon of *It DIP Wont*. Simultaneously with this move, Frenoh,
-44.tan end :strImas leeks -more set up. There never was a oeparate Dutch
4sh4 so I *ontinaed to Traction se the autch Desk, in addition to my other
tatims, Vy ,:,irtmetry duty was than to coordinate the agent programs of all
tb-* iesive. Vlsristore perfeoted the pattern of preparation which I had
alteeldy been ZolLening myself and tnetructed the new desks in to method
prooetiore. 'civaduelly ea the desks moo to know better how or system
earted? they needed loos guidanoe from mo. 2/1, the last menihs of DIP
*se:Witte,* Pinotions boiled down essentially to the followings
4* Ilterea** with therz)ritish for new agent material
dirrittag to tpe lontiment.
hooessin or orrilting *Melts, ie, seenrity checking in
ttlte Revd tiktmela7ps6rietie khool, edioal and personal
*um** And assignoirt to 60- are*.
-t,1,????,h-4.tif?#?14?1?644_,y.?,1-, o
Illison between att 4s4 so
',4;ierttsion ot the 4414* in the preparation of the *tent
rsts trw withish taay wete obligsd to Imp to OhOw
orogreJs, *t tke swiss preparatift.
tt Well La rz, tor Uporture of agents- OS 111011
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13XnnnniDnrm-,
A is is isA
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
at enumeration of duties does not cover oe Pours?, the rumerous
numottons stiohI had prior to tl',e exparsion of DIP. Before that time
lat.t tot only the fumItiors erumerated above, but also the problem of
er stories, equipment, packing, briefing and desp&tohing, in other
words, ewerythine the desks, the DIP Su-ply Offiaer, and the DIP ?per-
ation (:4?ficer subsequently did.
5. Tr rard to sly association in the Sussex Plan, I have
y prala. nor tho amellent marrer in which all this work was done and
Ty collesfuss. I have always felt that the Sussex Plan was adrirably
and ,,.arried out. What ha.Tered is, of course, history and it
vrf113oust to add tanythinz to the existing record.
A3 fin. 3-p, I consider it 3x'remtly unfortunate that it
'torte boar obliced to start from serttch. Aller the experience of
iuseel Plar, it would have been logloml that all of the knowledge
-sired 4.nd all the facilities set up shoull have been *plied to the pro-
rrez- fr e netration of 'ermany. When 1 returned to London on Novem-
ter It, there vas almost nothing left or the elaborate SI facilities
tinttt r had kuovin rormerly. Tere was a iall radio school, Vilwaukee?
3rlitoolly 30/t up 67 the Labor ,Noak and at that time newly attached to
3Yr. The Lator .4)sk likewise tIA,d the excellent 2s.oh section for cover
starlets, a section th.oh efts later detaohed from Labor Desk and made a
se,arst4 Jeck under P Re-D had a, considerable amount of supplies, but
ot -Litogether adequate' Other than tNe Radio 6ohool, there was no train..
liar are* fzIr 31 *fonts, no training prtgram, and no instructors, I shall
mot a teept to sketc.h the dAveiopmont of DIP, but wish to emphasise the
1-4r1U4 !ii:Leultleas under fibich we struecied, Sn Was the first to
treily and kr a portr, or to had an excellent training program going at
&re* 7, newly obteLne4 from O. On the other hand I personally had only
*et' quekittioi seatttamt, &Waugh occasionally other unqualified officers
motre atteohed to my ortice for *hoary* work. For weeks my d'oy ran from
ma to 24c0 Piui1, utioN my one qualified assistant in the hospital, the
task toloss *vial more 1,4eisnsolas. I point out these difficulties not as
oritiOavo but ao ap *toleration for the inadequacies of the agent
'4'01444 PrIrraz fror Loirqh to lost,ruary, I realise that during that time
veary etrart *am bleat; 20.4o by J/P to obtain qualified personnel and that
144 re-uutt or leir liras the subsequent expansion of the division.
Alael4 : vs* bat 101.04e *newt), to administrative matters to know why we did
tcrt mew?* aftequ4te luslitiad nerSornelp I naturally tend to place the
'lam. mitsr raalm*. am sore Irt.at Yr. GeorZe Pratt and Vej07 flans
"loft* are tally, *LI lkitty ocruld, I have %he highest respeot for them and
-h4tr work, Alwle RIO. the exparatan tn ocraohn01, there was a crying
li,lf44 tot Aot, 4s.. ealoauss of ny experismoe tn the Sussex Plant I natur-
*Ili41mght Ls tofts of a tratninr arse, antSa brieting area. A,though
vrT 13.1 *14 ts oautd !o obtaAn * briertrg *rot, there was actually none it
tt,,,,ovortton ontit tato April of tnio year. thil meant that all of our brief 4,11, tat ttg* os.* lost /*adequate* La. shOrt, Dm and SxT would have
U*** In ,Atielti 114ttel ittor t.tney had possesSed in Osoember? let us PAY.
v64 tsolUttee
an pOraotrtuol 410441t trey coma finally to possess in April
404 oe Wie 04t
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/ 1,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
7. In '+?nfe 134.5. I went to Feria once more to coordinate,
recovery of etirents their return to tbe UX for deprocessing and their
anal liquidation on the oontirents I wee engaged in this work until
gry 4e,Aii.rtttre from, :kris on Julzr l, t that time the liquidation was
nearly co-,plete.
? it closing I wish to reiterate some of the major failiKs
1: ts; progreo for the penetra'Aon of oermany, oven though I reelise
th?t these points heve been brought out by others.
1h5 :allure to provide adequate airlifts. In spite
or tile lifficulties which we encountered in proper.
iNr titeme we actually did have team* ready to pp in
4eaember. At that tin, the air forocc would not fly
over their targets
The failure to utilite J&EI equipment or a greater
*cals. It Wlie proved subsequently that the Mr: set
WSW unreliable in a blind drop. If, in the begin
Maw, more teems could have been sent out with only
JOI equipment (tame tero were not .elourh trebled
VT overstors) or If later tha Wit szeems hid been
Oxon 04 ea an smergenoy device* X um convireed
that the *bowing of the OSS In Germany would have
boven different. 1 4ay thila fully rvalising the dtf6.-
oulties whiah Cosarendsr Simpson encountered in expand..
intr, the use of %Mt.
Dtr 4L kl,d0P
pV4in AC
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Wita4RNO1O4 Mk 0. C.
8 September 1945
noream I concur in some measure with Lt. Comdr.
if nes an?alysis of why SI accc. shments in SEAC were limited
by the straA ht-jeaket of Col. Cougblin's orthodoxy, 1 cannot
.ead tilis sole difficulty 14 Lt. l. Booth's report. On the
contrary can only draw from the irrational statoment of
details tad the report as a whole the clear-cut conclusion
that Col. Booth was of questionable suitability to be In charge
of SI utilities In this or kny theater.
It Iremember correct 7, Col. Booth mas misunderstood
methods toiled to elicit appreciation froa his superiors
la utr, In Spatn, an& in London. His job with the Army in
Fras appears to have been somewhat v^re successful but hers
soln the r.pot 6f his Activities disclosed a &tens ive tons,
V4rseitcrot oneiderv4 his tics* generally digressive and un"
c of CoX,, Booth, priauily tram hcareay
ant tmfrosions *amid traps his report* and corresVonlenes,
NOR 1,km 4urfi4uity in Wag *underctoce anA
#41110*.toit*i a oltuac1a4 los most ourpriseio in vim of
rosev4s $ lic,roktof a eta t to duty in A.C.Sg
. .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000lnn4l nnn I_SI
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
litrekttcw. COS
Oerogratl. Wavidifir CUM)
MOW MLitt t
Dant 5 Septfistber 1945'
1%4a Report of LI, Cole Valor !tooth
latactoad horovitik 13 ttait revoke. U. ca.
waiter demi la Apt% MI6
lit* We %Alb searpiod rok itor pookitime
sno? as work 04 not *hislikix* ma
arftlitteit ttnt 11144140* ykrio TIMM mute
%moo ot the *boil toots I ow regaiet44.
Comage, 1110i,ftapitinet Not" Tar Slot Sri 110
00SOW/14 mperkt elee L. eflito *401:101.41t, :Ode
SOU Still0 miti ***Wm P. I iiijr?swith 'the sententiy
of lit* Oen. tom *Mom.
r taidAg stopik
or tittio twirltivk s.t losk
u.Mitibitt MY Wit 11011elt *0101100101k 'LCaMOolocernint
scram., mai tt moo wilik *tick hot it Piikteligilsiat
' 4 ,
i?sss,KssivaSsfssisir4. ;;,' AI; ;V: '1V.kif'*44
-1.' ::..s.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
'1I p. 406
1 Ww.
tw wirk p*w, e ski? At TWO *ova reo*ipt
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
4. 43 alUM
tQtrit44 MET
A /MO fj
*rat Me lifter rocitivee a TOP SEM? detsteat
V.441.11,11.0.401M.1.112, aft...????????? 1~130091.100.01.4110NemewelPed?
?4, .$^$4t.tea 34CPEr e$:ate?ea,t is ateraity tvereetertiwt ihte the testerary custody
/...0 the Tait 4114C111? CONTROL OPPICIM Weilt4ir wk' t arsed with fill reeposei-
tty 40J, tat* iist anti) retleipt ia ?ir aa.40 t'lLoval 'tether TSCO. Acecritas
&its tor wgcligt sztOttliertaN3, take ittret TSCO tet rel?ive 111, TOP IIICRIBT dtoRiteat
I et Ito TOP SIS-CUT ICCISSICIR 31111111rp 033 tors ees,3e, a ad prepere
a ? re41.04% *big hootaog thiect. This resim Nest resits etteehod to the 40runou
deU stows to oeres 66 6 roister* iwr it& naltireatt batwaaa Oftithe et Breath le
la,. &xi 3 41A4. tmal 1'3C0 was. reef/AO-es er toles*** tilt** deesesat w41' -1rA Wow
44 1 et .1 4stt *Led ttoo rt twat to tresexitted tetwee* TSCOe slaty 'ffiaer
itc4elet Ceratt,er Riteetikle urUt iro wan.* ?
*Magna 041.1.11111.111WIM
,kiLLS., ?
atCtiltti CELEASED
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- n d Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
16 MA7 1945.
Mil Ali
i;:abLX7: tns uotions for ThalloLnd Oporations
Commnd1145 ?Moor, Office of Strrtegio Sorvioess
Indir Bul-mo Ttuptor, A.P.O. 432.
1. n. The 40,34110n a 0,8.3, operations in Thailmid in
tap14:1wArolato Unitod 4trtus policy to provide ad to resistanco
Thmilt,nds confastent wi4h other Thcrter commitments,
And tintelAn thc resourevs rvplirblo, will be as follows:
(1) 3404r0 A continuous flow of intolligonoobes
poirUy intorsrtion tbout away linos of
eommuniottion and movements in tnd through
(2) Cry out sublumsivo end arbotrgo ftetivities,
ovtioirlly ouch notivities ns intorferc with
omemv linos of communication rnd movomonto in
th7ough Thailand; but every proctution
will be trkoli to ovoid procipitrting promature
Jwp tO4sur o of Thrliand or seriously jeepard
tLtr uporPtims undor (1).
(3) Orsrniso ord trnin That rtuJilstance forces.
(4) Supply ores, rmaunition ond other supplios
t* thc Thri Army owl other rosistenoo forces
ror purposot inelicrted in (1) And (2) above.
rk. In carrying out thp foregoing mission, the fel-
4 !All 4. obsorvodt
(1) Trio 410t141101 Amorican ch,!rnotor of Potivitios
ThelIAnd will bo protervod tnd no Lomas-
ton wtil be given thrt Aseriern o.n4 /*Mat-
olf%ndsstine orrntte04040 Are intowto4. OD,
oper-lion ond 4juiUon of Amoricen
Orttl 01 ndost* optwtiono swill 00 00Pht
:t ALA
cow A
m44 00010000
qp to itho Uri thfq th000
loloriotn oomniSmont to
taiwnoo bo nd 04 100
Ot 0 elm "st trl Ur
S '14,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
..71111111F":--""K 4T:
Declassified and Approved For Release 2913/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
...ectMelfM" &kW
Close and friendly relations with "Ruth?
end his colleattuesi and with other friend-
lr 'Maio will be maintained.
Those operations will be deeitned to ea-
harms United :Acts* influence in Thsiltnd
tnd to strengthen Ancricen efforts to ea-
Thti independence.
Strtement regarCiing American psWicAl
policy will AgiAl. meal, except lifter clear-
rn*e with theuTbiter Contender.
CitndeOlne cotivities in Wlayp hilich in
pay wvy ber on Thrilrnds including mil-
itrry elld politica it Alicenca rffeot-
Lng cepeoitlly the p6 sasult, will be con.a
tiquait4 but Anoriccn ?a:AI/titles firWlew.
mutt not be tetociftted in nr,
itish ou
with .1r athenet
Ami:% or X:
katev1.5.1 luopli?t :qiuipmr,nt for the !,bovo
aixston win bo r?Jurined throu0 norwl Monter Chcnnole
without interfaK vith oparrtions of grartar importtlloc
la. the Chin ThelJter 'ne tha Southoast Asir Commtnd (SAC).
3hou14. fliy item oe obtrAntblv through nom). Tiv,e:ter
411mAnt11,0 they cy tit requisitionod or purchtted by 0**i.$?
unidzr procodurio r4Areved by tW. Thertor Conder. Air
litt, nv iurni bat undclr rrrrnvmonit welt) with rppro-
ts %,-ncie of $....1446C., throueh nori 1 chq?nnels or rti
oted th:. 11104t,r 00114eAdcx?
34 This Wktkion wtU00 rM)-imtligth C by oosbas pur.
mow 1,-41-414; or by rlool..0 go-Ate Clroeidy ruthoritod
ttt. 4oiwien6r4 Racuste for mlnimva laoroon
4*.11t,1y opmtlowl pr.rtonnol aiv:ft conmi6orvtion,
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nr Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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All 01-n4 n op r-Vlonri b. 01,- it b loro
nt tit= wit 'th.? 14Xr no4t Ofialorr. U.F? ? I.B,Tt ?
;DO411.1 .1.44 AiLAroto_n cl 110,10;tro.
orr tiorts of trti Th, tr:V741TX: op r tr: in ..Peow-Chlno, Apr
y .c.zzektta54 r rid 'tin: ox''ti stioPTnr r Math
ow.t' %ion t
COtliwill0 OF LI 4.UT1;24A1T GnNiteRAL SULTAN;
C o lon,.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved __so,r,,,R47zren20,147/Ig:tl7vmei.IADP,1_3zZ.:00Z00100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? .44.,Pre?-?".4tri,????-s4q,?,0411$'' :VgiMIANntilaV
26 Aviguat 1V15
43oter. SI
Pros ifrer lest Bilr?. SI
&objects latalliosoe Is latieaossa Theater
It Immo epporo0 Nall goon after Colo Ocompais vest to
Usk that 11014 wall develop the sato tosskases wed haws that
ohogrontortatof Itatv ti. that rAttle their toottag latelltosas vaa
good* ousted$ latelli:ioses wooki virtigtlr loaktlige
tilts tee deo tr th* wist,City le mist Rad la* or 'breadtAh
of Ca, aki these tramilletwi4 amid him, Despite tregalet
sod osettaosi grease to the osatiery. thsr slam to their Nola,
Ante' 41miemptiams, onerywhare ooesht to Wm. II to smithies lost
So stet fellation oe $42, tamiLay all "wagtail aver to a 413
thsr osirrloi 'ibla le Oat admit Aire (0 WV trot tia
orders IblobirstAsa awl oat 3.117 sot penes r ersosissi?
Use ea Oil* oit Illosagitstea /4irst truiliptemi & jogressaal to other tasks
totAtest_salkistg oar vow aottfits4; illhaktegtoa. (b) *sr iemigrei thrii orders
it the Ihsator disame' to ? tats11.. first ipuriarl* la fballsato
mit suiwittetei se firet iwtority Woo troialsgifgeorrillsee Oft
asuseso 1 sed
Shias brei disesiwoosil Ilkshiaigtoa fres pimposily. supportiag
butoillawies iorkivitlee to Gals OtorsOfilaos tbsatore
It len seasal to se that
the 4101404ki1 ilindorti4titt.4 ifOW
WOW s- IOW atiott
loom so awl ta, satitiamal
= Opt tollsit to yap
It W. os Masa ism to
ao loll take over allia vat. There
aPlemioatioa soh so OW
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rifdanri Annmved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Atom4ort' 14,41??* OOOOO 11,11.?? 41 ?
Rd sa MO.2.4Z?iTIA ? . ?
A, ttik )14,tottegeO4
Zr:;? ' ? ',"
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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111111111.111fttampil SI
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
rsztlati Mt
*au *MO MK eirstiati, nta
Ir I
"TR: Al Await 1945
stactiltisoiat 104?141 Sopa* of lit* Owl* Miller Soot&
1. PIrst cit all dais tlio *it Is solo tow tits tripport .,' .
*Litt yothable loo ittosoil tit * Iirtarait 120Itt _ litieway, it varl. Sem
*a * pa, to ow abiale.opiceilitabot Ss tile row% auk Sat Ott
itaganttr sit aft bot oir dkallimilo two*
2.. Ito goomaimlatimi! UAW Ito 04* Strothati rl., ,,,a, _.4141011 OR*
*eft ilo be
dielasisio tor sot ail Vigil. mairilitai, et MIX Otttlatiods bilthutimmieo) ,
, illt lk
at 111, shoo Watt* titiTAkitt*dItatat tolok itlitkr
Ito ,i1oZI ismittioi41,41k *I. 1
lir pilimittui thilitits;:_,Igirietst t*
ssii: 061411istg that tt ,04011r pewill104 - '
3.* : ?
tat slat lo WWI Itsatt..___ _.olottiot AMA* avapilied Sti
limototi If poolktatitilign zumousesiot Sik.110441614 Vara
SZ eisitalowia lit tit" 11.4* st imiatosit akiltitlo ttpliatotag
aro Itototiobsdi fiat PooloWIT 401Padistt to 46 to.
t. for, .140044 ititki attiliNet 41! fit44. lkor" $ htook_lirsta - '
tam* *1614 iig kiftscilltu eliUT, 14* Itiat rolit Is IlitissIiMmi, '',
lattit,T e. it 144tt iki - ? . : 01*-9, 4 44*
liktte, *MOW 1111,14844,40., ' ? . , iRki,,,. tut la
1414 II* 41110 * 104014400 'IN taw ritstsoptw,4/y4, ZON lairte***-
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
21 August 1945
Director, OSS
Mab: Lt. Col. Waller Booth Jr.
3UBJSCTI Report on Field Conditions
It ts my opinion, 4ased an my experience as Chief SI IBT from
C April 1945 to 3 August 131.5? that this position of this SI Branch in
that ?hooter left mugh1..o be desired.
I consider that ono factor in my own lack of success was the Allure
on the part of FESI Washington to understand the SI situation in the IBT
atd the scope that would be accorded the SI Chief. It had been my under-
standing in gaahington Nivfor* going to the Far Mast that as Chief of SI
for the rer I would have authority to oarry out the plane which had been
4loceseed with the Chiefs of the 31 Wrench in Washington and with General
Onnovem. It les my belief that Imago to be responsible solely to Col.
amegh1lm4 This woe not the Immo. Comdr. Taylor's divergent ideas are
brooght, ova in Mem int
Also, the twoceeeitiy for Chief to direst and coordinate the theater-
side astivittes of $I woe obeAted by the deactivation of Det. 'wont 101
mmd tho Art14 Perther the Sr/ Branch wee well down the line in the scale of
impsttints to Deptachmme. 404, mod the five months that I spent in the
Theelier mime cos con/tool, and not too suoneestfUll struggle by SI to put
.he *meet in what we ceneidered ems it. proper perspective.
Ovum ny, return to taw: in lite fitoly atter being absent on r mission
? soverel se4kie (*rattan, I found that the situation," free an intelli-
once potort of view, wee at its lerset ebb. I believe that Major Reeds 's
lostw to *az, show 400 Annexfl, demoribes it accurately and cloner4.
DI aiditiciot Le So$4. Reoittbia Letter I is otteehing five other annemes
ottitoti I howttoee will Oro a oletscre at the objective assigned to -404, SI le
46t41,1* at ocnariilt,. sod the roeulter I rope% that 2 scald nct locate
wawa* *I 24A to 41Nt MO as this mess& isteilloonee amid tWe annexed
tAltls prowided tor, at itlen et thy ton proposed bemos, I Sauffillma Intel
Us tgelmortJi,e.C3Oriftszkr 44krialitrOW. Orti4?1114, a Noporto SOlitiono
? ititiolo 106-11/aoir 1064. *ft, tridaitlig Of/altos at losen. UN& In
mow 1120 Segii male pbssmplaap volherespirosisott in the
bolAof %Mt* A. Wiloomla $an sir* meoeptted, the intiklikkg?no? plan
wood* mo4amatli 4 ioilladiod4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? ..?"7
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
T APO 432
Smpected tu se* you in Calcutta. I have written you a couple of
letters which the front offitle would not let go out as they said you'd
sletog (,n a few days
There nas hem rather a complete change in the picture in Kandy.
3Z no langur has any control whatsoever of its personnel or anything
at all to aay but operations or the intelligence personnel to go on
7.hes6 I was tala not lo mg ago SI was following a policy in Siam which
sea mot the same 44 the Detachment polioy. This was because I mem visit-
selling Intelligence to the leaders of the team. Also the Col.
told theft qcod 41 U, intelligence, then Operations in that order of
rturtv wore the objectives of their trip in. This has changed. The
List teems have been told no intelligence activities. Survey what intel-
ligence possibilitles are in your area but do not develop them. This is
apparently beeauss of Greenlee's advice that Betty and Ruth want to handle
oft intelligeuce plus the dee.:11 on the part of any to avoid being just
an int*Iligence organization. The picture now is - 31 handles the intel-
Ilona* tiondrig flmethe ield may. We see no signals on policy or in-
structaono. Temp are mode up without the advice or recommendation of
anyone from SI. Raj. Scofield* reports directly to Coughlin and Moecrip,
14 da
'set keep in the operational picture at all. We are fres to send
*igmaas to the rield atter *leering Taylor. As a matter of fact a copy
ramie ko Taylor, Mi, send nothing out without going through Taylor, we
44m net iventact veretiona without first going throUgh Taylor. Our per-
sonnel ale tontilad as 4 'mill under control of Xoscrip aria we have nothing
tob. *47 ag to Whirs our people go or what they do. In fact Taylor said it
had )meetn proposed that no more intelligence briefing be given any parties
eatAle Into 31sa.
Thee, *re the lame poop' some in, different jobs but, still close to
Mit asr or peworp eh? apparently hay* a rather sharp knife out for you,
ittY i Ss it *wet but Miro knits is out and being used to your detriment
In the uottial sly 043 underhanded w*y.
Aghlln is t,rying to mak* a worlo sot-up with Taylor aa 0-2. 01 cin
otthout Ntylert* 0*K? and Taylor doesn't move without Cora 's'
fl aott-Fritish fesaIng is qt114 strong, perhaps with moon,
frailiOy atpit, tid up *Ad
waostise too a ogre, **no ttle orionA
dti fie4 tit with tA* OrAntRil iiirtomp
ty to either go home or ask for a
atjon. Coughlin is O.K. but his Maas
nri teri*, pop. wakigtetan a* Branatiso
*110$ Ow* how you, tool hu &We as nflsr saws to be any roam
toe *'):4-444,.. a f04. C. SIN4 * 100# .21 avapossoly in the mointivs
tft 11'10 tnulitiOn00, sato4of whore WOO tit loft the jOttof IIta
polott *441-4440/31g Iatew4 cif 040*
.7Y0 11.71
elift 44.01- 10*,Tveli 411.,4?-7.10
' ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
#441 r
?41.k"'isftty-' tF4!
e '404",tPin4,rtgOei*rertle ..:,.,??
I would like to RIO. T. D. in China to look the place over and see
if there is a place for ma toD fit in. If not I'd like also to see a
enerals I know quite well up there and 306 what cooks with
theu . tf nothing develops Pm willing to go home any time. kir train-
thog has been intelligence in several of its phases but I'm interested
in gettilv this war cirer not divining the post-awar political situation
when the policy is no,: even disclosed.
fialid was it by SI to Camp Y as SI nersonnel officer in
on with the IMEXCM operation.
7,4,safeelkste,et.fo,kUretoe.e0-4 .?
3/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Litlft sum MOIR
MAIM' POWOUVat140 of Thailesei in At4etigote* math Oireettre
se tio fkoster lommeeder to Stretocie Seevi008 Ortimmr. IS?
0 ptpfttocia Vervioda Ortlitet
Is the qeelpinn involved Is to peeetvat* Theilead in the
noes eeiteosivo sow possible het& In* 'Newt t* *wit *pyrethrum
ond Mitaret tuvellissmte nog yet mein itibta it tte
4?,1geeetve litou'd V the Theatre C*61411gelrif dated 141 wy 1941# smd
(41 stappeot %hi, semallentiaft.
to I ho414 ogiimmed usably*** ilapsows Gad ?APR is
$1041 eeemoo bosh, tm sour seeu vitc onsnootess allow Mt tV
Ulte f OA 444 mobiluklit tOlo oporottosal Om in itoolt km4
oel *# 044b to stow II mute *et Witeltibts. itspasoe or oupetWo
Wattlittair tin okieh ers, oolosioet4ma hoo 4mlosed Lm 10414,014
340 40,64rpliewato thee La *4 Wort to *row* o posotirottos to tho
eemeeetimo patois PArtfters the Wee* eliWiteli INFO *et those or soy
3k4A0 popeopip
Sw ,401# loop vittok I solomAtio4 moo drum kr fame% Ditoktays
on* no yeagentsa4Da isfeAiase geft tike ~WO 106411104
rtfo savehowS mug
I. 4E4 ****41?eirt4 Me& nod ishais14 b* *NNW
tomtits Weretve **finite ftelebeell Ore 000014
V** otudwettits*lkno Whom smik Orin* im000laiiition
=44004 **Mow* Vls toile* ? doellAtik wittes illemittsoiestiktit
4.401110 siscesv se 44' MOM* 401NOtikir jAi MO Smell 01144411 .1#
ireosrakoi otatOnvi
1-A0 pow. Wmteb OlOre 441401k MO *ONO WINO mit OPOMMAimP
Awns *MA% $ffito1p4 rmoemio *Met*. 00004,441% the ited46
*Ike Attf *We *sr*, tosmost Chisosposit nap ilitimp in* oduilott Awes Ira at
r 400* 411010 a4,* tekip
For Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
! . ?
4. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified andsu Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
mmii sinumnrimmumi
is TIM 6.0011140141.
arm lova imiry 06411. t OWIls
mot stow I t bit emitt, tett* Impolli ibimilt
to le ow tpartiwis owl *4 mit iwilmtin it* 'mat its
tborimaxtr asi vo? etweill41100 41*# *WI ait IOW *re morok *Rs Usti*
ito opirsida iimr* wit lgollAbittam Via eir AM*
wait vat 414****
***141 momb? moo* ti
WOW rivoitititg titok ioes
stiortiso *0 two fail
UN* virtialitc
trAimmioilhe. 1010*
eilt **a olosig* I* lb*
ObiIS 6 *WI mi.*
at tik mop*
1ivtM* 410mqpise Om sot 044
impoie0 sOk tiotr 1.141o.
astima wit prosipitiskti
Mtll Mir $A Si PiktilOr
tbi 'OW 44400411.144
amopkiiitaid Oak
tliMititt" teriiM$I it
i?i*it idattlow* ICI3k irshiotttsr *WOW*
140110/M*Imat onif*14.4 plimotet t4.1
tom* to woos 410$440
Us* WO ***Ivet b* smoifirs* IOW 9*
404o 4101144r, t11 1* ilitodir
morietimo slip*** 4. Moot 400k
MI Vie
? 11101
Ivo Iti, OWN, IOW 411,100
4 t *
0it Jot 44.4mito
poi *es k rood Ow*
t 141A
? .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Att. ?Ms is sae st the mut serious problem
sontretzta Mir moo tapos Esitiagie ? oaloulatimay
rpaiiittio taw:- is iva 1041 obloo tat dolaimPir sees 11114114101ilit tlf
lingoartsso butt Sy and larto it is air tneaport witia *doh is aro
t. talk latestius iiiThatillb44 dirlbegTO
~AO Oat vo row We Woo tot ?.
Vritittis '4142 stres Vat is wet essipitatilt tibilk /AWN This
tookimors has Use ioatter apporiritly ot soot ioambra to tiro ?WA
A* So Dot madorolload war rolatiosehip with our ALELloos tiho tritisit
lion important lamas irwr tsi1ss4, if *wrist Mktg will oomples
aitst *ad siviragtion our IOWA ottartos Z tool VW it will los valiable
to valiant% to prommots if *et a vaitolio at :Lout s, eseporativvit trsat
to tun ?salsa
7, Psespitslato. it wild "glow tbat isbrias iittlow
tont %rook ItiMik trim CU Moto? Ovoisandort slaost saimigh porsoasol,
itgoirioao st.001 gava oquiroost to p aboat? s tootiroo laaltiug
ars sassottss trio Wadi Ttokilaidik otatviliii Is lb* politlioal MA.
elmositlp *Wows IA. ?Nilo mil 114144 ifillP0M+94 sod th* aorrimixty
40. ttontialti wear ttat tto oitr9ot1osioa1 fortloodurip to
faLloolirt. ittor ormatirasimatioi with 1Poutoo IN, **le bet (s)
futi411**** to smith 41,111. Ms *0460146011 that sir plume *ro is seepiro
datisa st4 soortlitorttss, idtb Ono. ot at te ropmet itto
4rfurre iI itoot elattilid. thee fowt, old ebt 4111
owe es *WM. Mist *a AST* la 4U$I4, to loosia la mho.%
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mei" Pit epenittenel phesse
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de ?bet tlie ft tbo tstaitistext viith Col. %Aka,
*to motorstioado tett wpm*** ow itioass its dispatelkot to Julia to
evamter *tilt Ittlik ostd Ido oesores, sled Lt Ouse eat tImi Mr,*
totiMatiototsta t ammo to as ogrosamita madortrtaadliag so all
emerottialii. Owls* 1311 rogprootiOativo it a tel oolonal *he Us
*Oft ma lot amplosstlicy simian tad 1161), OWL be rfatiaratag*
VS egrothalsta to tloo itritisik* vivoilA rogromityltt MAT reps,-
mate sitecescomr Ida es MA ritica?)
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
$4., isbo await us nels 401 a* 1st
sort pUldisal driperlasatt. To tog **pa wlsav*
N um la id* Ils***** Ise" tai NOMPLIOSIN Itt ?Ovvelaplagg
1.110. of OHM 111 1141,41410 **UN' 1401tar
Imo t11It Ii %Me * arm operst.so imeess- Is
wart et 1Islasa bat me bon seas to*or esipaisastleas
to utto Illr? sal Wm if? IVO% INN eadt 11044 11. 11. all.,
tholk, MulimosISra 4***Sa i ethir. s. PoissiMLF 114.1
oat 104. U Vir ainsit but OW** mall Ws Wit
ail* 1 bullim. olus .1.80,* "ewes 180144g1es
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? 0**1110$1110 it ON Vies Oessits In
wail WiliplersdL Our OXIIIIItheit** sea
lie ruivolip MOM* weer ettlesruiL.
tit our doll** vs* uporalle4 Ur a spearulsor
sall bounlaitolkliv am.
6/* 111* amps it our anills
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itopooluisentit ~Isla lisolitaelltio
la alp howl a NA implaatatas Ilhe
swatimm te. rig loglielit isoil
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lislasel lamillitia emus
taw UM to 1,11to issairlisaft la wit
sod sitalirc West Ws, 1spa witir
VFW 11. eiatirol Se laklo
mid pee 11. give IOU aidillap MOM
ha MO 314, 1411 sais ttli los ask*
TOsseaseilaliaas le Wawa .0041a,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
/9/VM-F AtEr
_ .
Office of Strategic Services SECINEr
Indla Burma, Theater
APO 402
torlth,ly Rlporte
Major Reeia
23 July 1945
1. It appearn tla me tat the best way to avoid dupli-
cg:lon beZween the !II and Opero monthly reports would be to
4,anfins tae SI reports as regards operations to listing the
IntellIgenoe obtainod from operations and the contributions
CSS op*ratioas whloh the Branch has made daring the month.
!Insi normany tmeladit:
a. Personnel tarnished
'4, instructions and briefing suppliel
Di-e*ttons to field agents through Opera
2. A* an 4xample, SI should not list Siren results
tinmv tban AIA Intelligence prod*Ooka as an $1 asi14airesiont but
touIl *tat* vitat motion el hole Wien during the month to ob-
tain better siosultw'froq Siren mad leave it to Ow? to
ro,"0 % cra fliv'en at a watae.
buplieettoft between Of an Reports goOtion re-
ports1ocs not se4st t* so to re4Mire *orrection.
Intelligenoi Offisor
:'01014, loiltata
2r. Roo %sift
* 't*.tetrip
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
111111r 11111111111111111111111011111.11111.1.111111
hi`t.Niti AR TERI
20 July 1945
SUBJW Homthl Reports - Dr, Sootieldsa lomments
rc : Intelligenoe Offioer
we **INNs that the monthly report serves two pur-
poses, (1) mmmarisms our aotivitiett for the Mtrategio
Servloss Qfrioer, and (g) keep', the IttehinOola 51 Branoh
Informal att to the progress being made by 51 Ln urrying
lavs 1,,k4fl'alL etrategio plans as tet forth In the memo
ri fpuli 4eneral Donovan.
goofield's stttsments, *re misleating and seen
to ike Vber unfalr. The Reports toard is ono iteotion or the
SI Venom, both here and in Vas)ington. The meports !Ward,
rt*gi *404 Mr, Lloyd Ornorge to submit a *anthill
report ltrect to them. Therefore, hie report is for the
Aosporta PQAtri, Wellington, through tits Shier of 329 The 51
1ont417 report eammarlzo0 the totivitiee 0 the 10nrd as
Jne of tile tolettions of $1 Branoh, The $1 araapith was given
4!703 ?Ileftiono, (1) to ocllsot military and other intelligenoe,
4114 (21 provoitainc atd evaluating this iatellisonoe.
n1.4* 4.4eslatta were npo1 a3 called rqr.WW031101114*,40
44Y114, Andaman*,Ilt*bars, MallYa, tad Ovottras
orikemph lc vnehloRton 4X
-4 be informed ?tithe progress
Wilt *re makini, It is furUer directed %heti in order that
we olay ne ?ully Intormodo Branch tn4 field reports sum-
Mftri10 lemon month tho progrest of all ootivittele lodertaken
it Implomentatict of this 44oument?.
N'ttnexh In
$41, 4411 ottitrely v#0
mem*kr7 of ftw-soti ti,
Ap0104.en4ly ths, ih Zn Wa
rippelvt bat not n00000-avy 00
wt and othiiiT ibblin01% re r
If the Operatiohe Offios *Moo
erratiooal report so that the
the pilooper number of nopies,
rations Offioe report 40 a
''-171111 out the 32 m1,1110116
oton riiesivss t oopy of our
* of the Operations Office re-
s. lhmritore 1 believe that a
intlitaitry ftt opporationa Is essential. that suarts 0044 in-,
elubte CMV4. tovorfttloons whertl "I personhol tra 40 ively In
gage4 tm oflii*otAn4 inrormation.
VOL 1119444 010
Major 0.61,44,1
grow Ot4i $1/404
,4 mom
- A,nrrwpri For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDF)13X00001R000100410001-8
mom MI
17 July 1945
stnigite ittonthlY ePorts
Lt. Cosir. Vcitsond L. l'aylor
te1 it germs Orris:ter
1. isfter reading the various Ofttaohment and. Theater
e parr ta for :unto I oossteritell to Colonel Coughlin all follows:
4Botit theDlitaatiment and Thnater alporte fro), the
3. Bran Imre couplets dmpli,tiatliotte of the repatts
from the Choerations Offias and the s Rep;?..rts Board, and
aontaaned lie additional Italia. It would sees there
asCAP 11" manors of a pw*J I nittwo to be rerortaci.
epg., alteration* in %to trai-Ding program at Osap 11,
a. OD MR Margin ot Jessorandus Colonel Cloughlin
:Lao peampd* *attention Toy lavistlfratWvand vaeossksad
o.almtotIon. 4
* 1, ',,,,-...,?',.. . , '- 1 l?'
..F.-i.. C
amistol rt.
Strakfiris Ifrl ?Miler
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25 :
6, ? V*/ 4-4"
It?r 4,71,
. ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
1-0. *4 '
- - 4
41o4r. tiaet wubjecre Ir regard to With he should be con-
suZtewt taform04, 41,14 the correct ohunntle to follow:
n. N114 of the, 14ties of the intelligence Officer
t* to attlie tne Strategic Servloea Offioer on Intelligenoe
pol.ta- and zo mate rsoonmendatiOne in regar4 to operational
ar pollo ?toolel*ne trots is point of view of the Into111-
-enae braAtmeg. obviouelY. thin require* that 11he
OfrI3,4r 111 ..1414eIf inforaci al to the view, need* and
.wileme of the branch headn. It will alAaye be assumed by
qtrAt*41c vto ?Moe, that the recommendation, of
the :nteIliptenzge Officer represent the agreed vial,. of WA,
Xntielltronoo branches unleso it iP 60001t104417 indlimatd
tcla: there. sroThnttn opinione or Wit there hes not
t..46(pit nportunity for lieousaion. When there le * alsagr.*-
lonl !:iltlemen the Intetilgenee ()Moor tind one or more Of the
ooado the ltrategic lervi4ae0 Oftioer may vIek In
loma, baneS, to nave iiseenter develop, )ti plat of flew
nort twil/Y* In totutr awe*, he mity not4 2t the Strateg30
3pritchee Offiaer lonealtet lireasaY with * arlexth tkolas hi
eve:Jame !IV:. the ',love express,* by that brettitai head tialt4
Om a IF*1 or tRo. Intelligenee ?Moors wiles* tMt con-.
tr,trr acaoirionIly stateim 464
tat*L.-*Iotemoo Offiver '1,11 be
alitton by tbd brigitat /*ad.
tag* qewe of the 1.4'41.1i4enee
two strattIvic sultaws *Moor
twits* Anfor*D4 of t4e UMW'
a* It affeet0 Uwe.
(41 ST*0140 A*
*oat *le tattallpiumil Orti
WITh rosto#1* 191r,1000
43 Th Q'ai
nowe ct itortou0Sioos* r 4
re41040s4 frma the Otratiog
h. Anattar reepomel
Ief:,:ior tie hlghwleiel litaleo*
Tigti*.it *tat** er Wiled *WNW
-;41a* NuitAst iser? covorowlair to
opito1401 u0siettlai
Ao ItAtotoli lum44 *mum itt,
4Ittiossed, tff1400 till one mmkg* *01;
* Offloor a42t 4*tortine
011.11, hio640 bitor* advlivpiE
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ont tam Zikt ? Ot-
41nOlit they havin
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etei ronmvpri For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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**her own liaison, but branch heatti sboula consult with the
telticence Offlo-tr vier poseible? Wore dilsouseing
lavortant policy matimmOrttkkpiathoritlies outal4s this he1Ld-
41A?rt*rs? *ad in any case shoild report ,4 hia on such
cosivwritektiana %n writing, when the oubject matter is es-
ge4lallyt and tricky.
la the retwasibilit/ of the Intelligence
rites. to guporvise the work of the three intellAgenoe
.artaaea. This supervision is viewed by the Strategic% Ser-
wtces Officer as covering all puss of branch activity,
tnc1.444Ag adO?ftletrative questions* but it Very general in
eaarsater. lap Intelligence Officer has thi power to sake
ro,calsvadatiolas fl natters affecting the geleral efficiency
or tat brarobes - such ILA assigAsents of key personnel .
tftthmr tm the Ttr&Aoglo Services Officer or to the branch
tsfkads directly, Th4 Intelligence Otiser boo Iwo paver l*
forforesh mmtatatio4, on branieu eblefes but it is
aIiiparliy the duty of rtve latteo atthor to aOCipt the res0a.-
Iteatation or to indicals olearlr his disagreelsent so that
tAl *ass van be reortsltd to the Strategist Services Officer.
...IV:vises the Intelllonce Of 4104.4 be informed, *A4
givtninoipmrtunitr to es** r ndattons in regar4 CO
14417 estiaA Insteh elect* tho- eftiolopriv: of s Irraktoh.
.41,4 3 fitiuUU and
tion at *Atilt
7,24s ittraktesto Ser.
vattoolitt of syseti
14?464rolonoto as
tw.* itkoattStes
14 (0)
*ant 44414.1.101* Ot
atterrala*Ws ark
Swat** Offlia0i
lir*nah Wasto
WU", wttle *Web al
? t,
i 4
^ t:/...4.? ?
' r
4 /
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25:
re1atjr stiipn the intelligence branohes and the
sp9.2ta1 Assistanttor Use Planning Officer whenever any spc-
citic problem ls dealt' with.
Obviouslyt it is not intended that a branoh
heal should obtain the approval of the intelligent's Offioer
*very awe be sets foot in the operations ?Moe; nor will
a dotal:10d report be required on *very conversation, If
the principle le perfectly clear that the Intelligence OM-
zer !Ls r64eponalble for oot.krJination and the branch head is
responsible to the Intellioxenoe OffXoer for giving him the
opvortunity to eucrAinate, then oomnon sense will inttioate
'twit matter* the Intelligence Officer ohould be consulved
17 rettlitio4:
the foLlowing, hovevarl, me7 not be sufficient-
CI) Coordinatton is facilitated and
Iptamablef tlato mita' b* saved if the Intelligence Officer le
se:moulted at th, iraft or project elmige, rather than handed
tme tistith,4 produot for *Alivtrow. .? ? 4 ?
In * 4e
Ammitaitumo Aemerer the4*
Laterwd,twlinon rolatiane.
out ant correotiag tAinor,
tAst rtegi teattt-ptar Can
414itttr boo mo s parent tha* a or
ol fia1tOwttiosM ocrt4lue17 oontravened 0$
?*A 0,0 2114 InClruetions which were nCt
n tholliVe
Will elm* a *or is interested
th. trcaepeote of 004.
4114 **Awn inter-branch or
* 14 04131 by 00$41tant4Z Winting
It ;o 4f faiikiVF?etioiNitanliion
tvtd. rurtA4r; it US re-
r goOloy in r*Ipord to t40
Its 14-14
tf -
tat WIT
2400 at 4
U.411, Xtfixe411*4140''
44 4 Chr O'lre4a" vtlI44 ? Mr4i.
440 -eAll AL Vaf
to ot,sogni404 that th* pro**duret and prinr
tig mimr*hdum
sirs gotiral Ara ismve
4v4i1i54f As *ft so AO* Intollig**** Of.
;to *oop*mitivw**** et branoh As** will
- .tstolt w*d Ui3 eery/ out lbw Arilt"
Wimp 144 Own 102
ton nor srgutontsMittmg
4. 'Art
41" 4P/ff''
2 ft eltr
E1f -?Ianri Annroved For Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
I. ?
? .
Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
26 July 191t)
TC LU Coxiverned
FaCg: Colonel cram G. Coughlin
The following statement of the reasons for OSS
pertiolpe.Jon la to SIREN operatioa and the duties of the
American teams operating in Thailand has been approved tor
aim in tho brieftng of these teams. It is distributed for
the Laf,)rmation (?,f &ad guidance of all personnel having
responaibilities in conneotion with the reoruiting or -rain-
tag of team members.
1. Agyrioan Mission. American sApport of the
Thai Undargrouiff___mont Is motivated by the tact that
Theilaud, the only independent country iu South Emit Asia ?
at the present am*, is actively engaged in organizing an
waderground resistance movemert against the Jape. The SIRE
aparvitign is a uancrete expression of Amarlean f,Aendsbip
sad good will tcomwod the Thal people and is also a concrete
clamonstration tr4 Vie Thal Underground of their desire to work
Ifith And assist our alde against the ;sp. In addition Thai-
witl neetramacliy be one of the principal enemy emoapo
routes, and an mpp..rtunity will be presented to tuella locums
Avon the enemy and to obtaln valuable intelligence durine that
B. plipapatampjli 1 Under wad. A powerfill
amaad Uutt: a a c no e ground move-
:mat. ti real Identity is a closely guarded secret. No action
6f dal MIA may be taken without his approval. This applies
ta supply drops, arming of guerrillas, and any type of military
Organization or the movement in particular areas
TeeL aezora117 there is an area chief in charge of %II'
litorrt114 ultivities and the work of the Amerilan team (lanes
'odor ht4 direetton1 it addittoa, there is a Thai inteiligence
44Nat 4u0 ta responsible for securing 431 intelligclo. la the
Is alrewly ()youth% A network for that purpooeo rt
.44 or zrtato kaportancie that the Ameriean team develop the
It004410t It04,41b10 wiztritliA flaationehlps %Oda both the area (thief
wild the tntell14IsA4* 414611$*
tt Otould be understood 'bat the members of the
4merto* *ex Ommin muter commemod 0 411116 Detachment, ?Mori
moia* Olousd, of th* Commons* OffIcAr through the Operations
*Moo,. itad sto emote la Whilh the las4er is in doubt as '40
Favor 40410* at* to goo rsfer1?e4 immediately to this Meadluart
Amorilss Looter of onah team as 040100 and final aatho
too sisekistrio 4 ht* toms, but theta,* 4hAel of the sue:yr
6-4 slow, hos 4Ktborit7 ovor the guerrilla personnel4
3. tkA2212111.2E.W.Sig9tta* 146014 Amolipsin "14
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has four principal responsibilities:
(a) Guerrillas. The principal job of each tomm
is tbe :,raining or one or, in some cases, two battalions of
guerrillas. The training is primarily in weapond, military
tactics, and military intelligence. This training is carried
on under the direction of the area guerrilla chief. Atter
the training, program is completed, the American team leader
will act as military advisor to the local chief. Memburs
af the American team may undertake command functions with
raspect to military operations only if so requested by the
Llama. chief. It should be understood that the local guerrilla
...thief has no authority to commence military operations of any
tind without approval by Ruth.
4b) Inte4 li'vence. No member of the American
toltm acts as a ?;enraX irte1iteaoe officer for the area.
the That Intelligence agent on the ground has already sat
up an IntelligeLen notworic and he will continue to direct
Tud op4irate this. The American team may advise him or asstst
1lLm in any manner it' ithe agent so desires. Intelligence
Ac.tivity or the American team, unless otherwise agreed with
r.r.te Thal agent, should be principally directed to the support
? guerrilla aWavities under the chief by training Thai per-
sonnel in military tntelltgence objectives and methods, In
Addition, the loader of each team has been requested to furnish
I report, after one month's observation, of the efficiency
? IntelLigenco 1?andling in the area, with reoommendations for
uy ponsibte improvamente. ia the usual case this report will
oo pre.parea in aooperation with the Thai intelligence agent.
Asulr1,3an taut la net, under any circumstances, to set up
i dnteLt intelligence network unless authorized by the
&cella. guerrilla abler and intelligence agent and by Ruth,
(0) Juna. The American team aets as the supply
ahaunel for the amaze, or the guerrilla personnel in his area
oad after tho intiltration of an American team no supplies
0111 be Iropped Late that area unless appraved by the team
towler. Ma clothing cr personal, equipment is to be furnished
t.o. the euArrilia , and no equipment or supplies of any kind
*re to be letilrred to the That army, No mrms are to be die-
trtbuted witrot approval of Huth except for training purposes.
JpoeW %Apply relmiroments of the local guerrilla chief and
latenneo 'went will be handled through the American team
fdl anwla. The American team has, in
va4h C344 its own eommun a ons equipment and arrangements
1tht:tin Headquarters. in addition tho Thai intelligence
%out tan a 9tftlinr 3stup. Meet groups find it preferable to
tufo only *0$1, et thews (*ormolu tor regular communication to
4e/triqupirtors. 3uc1a arrangemmt is satisfactory, but both
u441AVOL4 !)ci wied ouoanlonally in arder to keep them
oacapo 2q.rpoolm or IA 043* of damage to one set
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4111,40400.04... 441-14:,*
?..1 .. ,.. ,
? .. ?
. ; r-7.. 1 - ? ,. ..- ? .t.
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? ;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
0 Au liOut li45,
r fLWt otmlrrs.tIon in the e all houra of
tr at. r moralag .ett me oneouraged to thinit ttat
Vru 14 le441111i *491144 t'llvvrd the mutrao of Intel-
114,no, vaaration tuat L nuvocate. 1 am so eertain
t, I, ri4ht on* that 1 im aolau to attempt
;ca 41)1 pApor sow* of the th(1.44hts that A. have,
r.ou arule?ietely enosigho tin,n trying to
axnrt.as f4e seam days oast..
Merle ars thr.4, Wass espoeiaIly that A.
11-1 th,4t. you will do:
t elott Cor Vivhc,u011.
:) :4mat colOWIAfts os Chat tho Wee or in-
rofftikottias * maxAmum roir ,t 60 mon now, hoIdins the
romoind*c o4t, Acti1 *.).4Jav, is e poor owe* His Osalo
to 0* thnt loaal eesurity will not
*taw -Lore t=;den unat nnombi41? of torei4ners. 1 am ours
tatot 4s, elm bte 104.sauliht. ta rise that 6 or 6 strain-
vrs WIT#V I* fullt se Itch a jeoverty to local as-
eurtvy -* 14 or ifae Un the athwr hadd* the adVenta-
4*0, Qs an,.1 to amp of the immediate introduction
151P 4044p Cali stroodth or. throstfold:
scla arettav *1:4Aysioal *scarity tor the taffies
tWough tmereRsed nro,poosr.
b* A*0*.i4ra1U04 or training ot ail twos,
it sisppiy, fl.-rf4stion et communications,
lo.fiv4& defeelftWeent et intelligens. network*. Upon
ta* kv=1441 4e$1,04* ths *scarily or the balm, in
ataialog 044*07, and the lealtiNum .1.14104111 of operation*
%Me *clam -4 * 40
4* wowoltince whitish our
men will te***IVo?
?? ?
TA tow ?., ?
.te ?
? - 5.11-
to. ,
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; ?
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Tn4 oat.; kAope tnut we on have et boIngttfl
L404 &sal r,may to rundtion Is to have everybody L
t:ulknad and on the spot. 1r ye wait until 0-Days
*143tr tt *11,1 ba 400 lata*
believe tbet wil teams Clould understand
tAar, *ell dovieloped intoWzonee networks are assen-
.141 ie security and operations. Purther, i think
t,h* End trio 10 or eneh team should bo aoquain-
u;th tem, deltaiis or our original plans They
vao-WIA 4o etiv6 at breed and lofty a vision La possi-
b6* lA tIto form ox ? goal to shoot at. intelligence
ociv4ct,Jusan4114 t*OUiZ*14 stroteelos political and ec-
Anyto: ell unie 6ftau14 be ir-aehed to the 10*
axo otIolblon hAs bin raised that t4e above
tay lelf!rd to upset ngents already In the arose,
4144 4 04k1.**0 Lo be * rallaoys I doubt that ts Is
e al-nee Aitiont 4110 would not be delighted to obtain
Niko mseletanaiti Mit an intaltigence bassi rulay starroll,
and a4,44414do sou.a give hi41, The situation must be
a4.44d4=14 lar111414 :314t it is my experience that more
$0)04 slIA eAn bs ore,?ad by * orogram or mutual 4$614*
tans- that ay tanc or diaisses-rmire*
otliwaruiwatulisior 3i*
140;t1- (Allen. or kt himmiar, set up an 31 de-
rtalmmt?*clialw A MOW** is projected for long
ii a*. fh, soturution W44 MAW
knt,ndeig tt, *a to suipplopt what we already hat but to
al4ftwro Ito ito earel oUsin-ing mush or the ?roam my
Ikall10011 oli,m to wit it ollp and the milk too* This
031i be lqmc only Oy **Swabian* lewo gat intelli-
erto* oerecnnel in avorywboro, sad runstionin& inov-
WinV7 &*lefikahtd 411,1 daVOIOP *411,401 g 11 romin or Aritam
40 t* th74; !oat; rate* 4opertmon4.
ef1.1,13 Ot44 what ne-penm at 4104, le no lander
nay i4e 064sir txt saall o4o4Inua to be Intereste4*
144 tato poetess% 4040*** Omit any 830 had*
:"3 WOW tr Lnd the tlime i hops that you *Ili bentor
iff-t NO% 4401, SO On your old tipsy/4W* awn itallw=
wAlor. ypi. *tiro t isolnd to ask har to olve you par-
eitt*51. tO M10!t 4 day,
r4d*04. t* gligis. Ohat do you think or M4A.
1A4 WA ae41 or eli.A41id4t and Puwe him main:Okla personal
a4ataat by cfti or *WW1?
Allt 100otio
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,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,LH';'-'s,4?,,,,,,,,,,,?,....,,,,..?,,_;. ,'..44 ;;I?Ift?16t-Z,' ''''44.11. r" ?
' ' 41.- ,-,' -..--01.1Aso,.; 4???EA.,*; 4 otqz....o,4,4f,-*410-'. h ........,
I, i';':' ' ?
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4' '''''''' ' . 1 ` ' ..i..tt W3,41660. ts???-,,,i,4140,11..,a,A , 1...*Pir Odfili'44"
. .,/, .1 NO 1:44$1,510t40
4 t? ,1/2.W 4.,.4? g'-''' ..,' ' '-'7,;544411.1"H' il'..
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4: ea ? - 4-43;446L4 .
and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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? Ft-r: ?
C '
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
44.= ' It/ yi..trarf., ri:44 of,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
of black und whito propaganda is as follows: Black propaganda
is any ,Topaganda that is supposed to have an its source a
resibtenco group within the enemy territory. White propaganda,
on ii t, )th'c hand, I propaganda dropped at Ulf: enemy thich is
iwown to h( initiatod on our side of the line. The OSS-PWB
bt,un vonting since February very successfully
anu compl te liaison with MB has been kept in mind at all
tiw,s Witt) LP mutual (Lid of both partiea concerned.
Thi:- Un. picture of xorale ovrations in the
Novth African theater of operations which I respectfully sub-
mit. to you.
Charles Peck, Jr.
2nd Lt. T. L.
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V V.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010041uuu
supplies needed from tiv stits and if a r 'cora was set up
by higher ,)rioritylsuch reluisitions cccie hunor(d by Washington
aut' returned to us, a greater maxiwum efficiency coulc be ac-
It is a pleasure for ..1( to state tnat perfect r.lation-
snis exist between the 0 branch anU the higLer officials in
command. Botn Loi. 6ambio, thc operations officer, and Col.
j bin, Ln comwandIng officer, have a high xegard anu respect
for the wori;.ings of the i4 0 section and botn, at all tiles,
ale will:int, to hive t,leir energy atu ,uthority towards the
comdletion of one of our campaigns. This nas proved
,??ectt hsstt to us with both tLese nwn in accord with our
plans Laxium (.fficiency is gained in ex-editing all iceas
frow th(ir initiHtion to their p,rformance.
We uu thit, 11.1v, a clear picture of whit is being tauc.ht
at the school: in the stites. We have been eiving the pro-
grams atAl 1,aes of Lie courses but do not now exactly
What thL progrAm of training entails. I woula suggest tnat a
detaitect re ort be suhmitteo to Mr. Varner, giving exactly the
functions atAi INor4. of the schools in th( training departm.-nt
in regard to training of l'ers)nnci for oversea,;. On the return
of Lnat report .4.r. Warner wouad hL able to voice his opinion
of the necessi:y of tliose courses.
It is our opinion that tlic 0 personnel coming over
fron th?? -t_t s h-ve no conce.ction ot the lac_ o'.2 material we
must or %,itn in the creation of ideas. It sLoulrb :;,ade
r'1 ear Lo tL(...in at school that all we have in thc way f ecui-ment
to wor, ,et the- present time is a man' E. brain int. his two
hands; thdt rtencils are cut by hand, thkt leaflets must be
printed by local printers under adverse conOitions; that
supplies mutt b( plocurc,d from wany channels, someties teuious
and mean. If this was put over to the student in anI 0 school
and at the completion of the coure he was forced, through his
own initiative to create an M 0 camp in through nothing more
than the aforementioned head and hands, he will be prepared to
do a better job himself and count less on the services that will
be available to h.at.
in conclusion I may st,te that in my opinion m 0 in North
Africa rias become a 1;;Iru-hitting teem t)., men .nd uotLen deter-
mintd to do the job. ',11en ono bears in mint th_t on February 12
of this year there was absolvtoLy no M 0 in North Africa an6 then
foul zont.s laLor one sees the results of team worIc of the 1. di-
viduals connected r.ith our branch, one can't hElp WCrealize the
fleic joh that has been done. I may, at tais point, bring out
th 0SS-PV43 agree.ent for the North Afrie...n theater. The agree-
ment is as follows: That OSS M 0 is to handle all blacs.. popa-
c,anda ano PV113 is to handle all white oropaganda. The definition
- Or.
se 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25
woo #44nAtti4fltDI t$4
Office Memorandum ? UNITED SiATES Gi-ZNIR/i1CrEWI"
TO Mr. Williamson DATII; 31 May 1944
nom kt.. Peed.
LJfljBCt M (.) Report
? IV
'47604r *
44irt4 414 I
Tho rollowlng 18 a rt-port slibu,itted by Lt. Charles
Pocit, on tho activitios of the M 0 8ranch in the North African
Theater of Opr-Tations.
To start wAthl the physical sot up of the branch at
this Llme 1:3 rtS r011OWS:
in North Africa one-half of out Nissen Hut Is devoted
exclusively to M 0 opo rations. This hut has a partition which
divides it comp.1,4,ely from the other section, giving complete
security to all M 0 material. In this hut all &I 0 personnel
in Algiers woi.k. There Is also another hut - a large safe,
guarded by a duty officer 24 hours a day, noven days a week,
Oving complott- security to All M 0 documents and material at
all timos.
in Itav at tho present time Villa Maria, M 0 villa,
ber.n turnod ovor to OSS A I I as an officers' club and
all p Tsonnel originally billotted hcre has been moved to
Algiers. All oilulpment to bo used for dissemination in Italy
has been movod to the castle at Caserta and pa in the hands
Lr Olfrord Procior who is the M 0 representative in Italy at
this time. In hari M 0 maintains 4 small apartment and also
a desk in the 88S duilding down town. At the present time the
Hari ?Mee is in a state of flux with M 0 Algiers making an
earnest efrort to starr the point completely as soon as possible.
Thct.o hlu:, boor some talk abodt placing an M 0 officer at
Dastia la t.orslca to htlp In the disseminatiun or M 0 material
Into rrauce. 'he pert,onnel is as follows:
lit 'ad the branch at 411g1ers at tho present time i$
Mr. Oone Warrnor, Chtel of M 0. It is Mr. Warner's job to
lay down tho policie8 or the M 0 staff in the North African
thoator; to hand out az,:3Ignmonts and missions of the M 0
start' and to a0011 work moving towards its firal
Under Mr. Wark,e is Cnpt. kt. 1.41wart, Deputy Chief of
tho branch. Capt. lik?NaTt at this time 1. handling the admints-
trAive Nv.)14 for t.tt Nort4 African theater und also is senior
?Moor Ln charge of Ar.v personnel sttuchod to the branch.
ootpase 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
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FirHt Liolitonmnt jack: Da?.,,ts Is on temporary duty vith
Lho brt.rich from 8orVicos, ponding rinal approval or trnnsrer
by Mr. Wapner. Lt. Ulm:Iola etalins to hay ociltorinl
which, at thu plosont tiolo, is boing examined by the chior or
tho twanell.
Hettd L11.: Art 1.A...)pa1t.mo11 L i b vai,91gnt-,14 LIU L.tI nbo rg
on Lompor.Lry rom ChunejiI . Ennign bt..,rg in charged
With 03ponn.1 1311 ILy creti L In of 111.1 l'ormn of ;11.1- u.'3,Jd
in any or 1ane ii U cimpr.iihnr3. lie Win U irrady tiuccessfully corn-
plotod mslny illustrations which havo been usou aroainst tho
Starr Sgt. Waltur Wolsbackor 1ft Wing used as an editorial
writor , t ttso n3 0 creaLivo 1.6(NA nal in Vnturo campaigns.
Ogiu boittp hula for the YrenVII show bocnuse of his
under:,Lanulug wIth Lho Fronch situation. He roads
anti writos Frunch fluontly and has hmu practical, experience in
m 0 T which has jurl comu town From Naplos.
Cpl. navvy hrt...4.:0o and Upl, J0110 Clemento haVo both hot=
UI' nt tinvinL, tnc Italian sho'A becausc of thoir 4novledge
or ttallnn psychuLugy and roll"ion. Doth spoati., road
anti writti Italian CLuontly anu nro now b. rt hoLpful in the pro-
duction uC twAtlrlal to bu nsoa in Ow furthcomini; L'rench show.
Private harb.tra Lamers (WAG) has orovod U great assot
to Lno organtzntion. Privato Lamer$ Is mullIngual. Lho spoaits,
reads, sold writes twlish, Vronch, Gorman, C:wch, Polish,
orblan, anti Cr.)a.tInn. Miss Lauwcrs groatest contribution to
Ulu braneh was Lu' derinitc, understahning of th.1 Gorman osyehol-
or.), which unablod hor to present for t'ttt.ur un mny idols whioh
vioal0 nover havu b0ol:1 thour.ht of by Amorican-thining .'?rsonnci.
tioundln6 out start' at Atgiors at tht pros nt tit4e
IL Viennese olvilian,whostl na.10 1 not nv, who 1,1 oroving a
kr,,11 H!.1!itit Lo tht br.ineh by .1 .11..toment CroLi Mr. Warnor.
Wil,h Liit nxeoptIon or (.pt. 1wwart PrIvatt, Laue..rs,
U il othor !Iersonncl IILtILL1 tfl0c tV0 huv.- had exporit-nco
In Tidily.
Also in Wt. rtvid
whose namos aro Capt. API
Lee, ano 8t.lt. John Uloot.
stilt in It but. ar.
It was n000ss4ry Cur M . rnt.=
1.1%.13 to loavo rrom on In( tt, to
tc.la ?'.ortt I. t'?'( PAb mon
Arlity, Sgt. t
oil At tilt' prosoat are
lclvc fur Africa !;hortly.
tear theru s:;eoi;.11y fron
At. t, ornn re hn 111,1 k_s i?roc t or 8.8 thy, rt .iretient
.111 . Jr. t1.1.1-1 1. t t "1 r ? tut:. rov? net
in that lro ;inn tsnt,a1),.. t cOtal?-t 1 .11 " " itn Tito in Yu *on 1,,tv
Jot' futti1'0 o.oratIolts lroady ln.to
? ? sir'
nt- Release 2013/09/25 1 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
4 . Ai. ?
8-1-0001-17001-00011-0000X?1-d0-V10 SZ/60/?1-0Z eSe3i3I JOd panaddv Pue Pe!4!sseloeC1
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Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
? .?????4, ?""'
II ?
1.Nittr4 nital,- iwArmr,f**Mil=1"Eritl.gltrigtrittraMtArek--Ita.wilft...-. -
us now the power to cut our own wants without consulting
Netusa headquarter. Th t power is good within our theater
and will now cut th Lime to less than a day for issuing
orders of travel. Ani Dperational supply needed by ja 0
personnel is furnished ')1) requisttion from the operational
supply offecer. Regulauiel supplies are furnished on
requisition from the suppl: officer of the 26th 77 regiment.
Supplies are handled efficienely and a request tatzes no time
at all to be filled. Under i. new operational supply set up
operational supplies within the teeter can be issued within
48 hours. Operational supplies to the U.S. are handled through
the operational supply officer and according to their priority
urgency are issued within thirty days or sooner. Thus hi 0
can be completely maintained within tne theater, except for
certain special equipment which can only be gotten from the U.S.
The next point to bring up is to try and describe how
ii 0 ideas finally end up as M 0 campaigns in enemy territories.
A typical example will be given A group of M 0 hit upon the
idea of starting a campaign called nIVJe Longe Nachtly. This
campaign, in English, means "Flow much longern. Each leaflet
had an idea which tied 1,11) with "How much longer will welklieve
that Germany is impregnable from bombing" or "How much longer
will we believe that the Russians are mad men.? Accompanying
these slogans is an illustration that tied ue with the particular
slogan. So far this work is done by the Art Department and the
Editorial and Planning groue within the 0 branch. Now thet
the idea is formulated it is given over to such people as
Bruzzee and C:.emente, who are familiar with tne Italian picture,
with instructions to find a printing shop, secure the shop, and
have these pieces of propaganda printed in sufficient quantity
for dissemination. When this is done the finished packages are
giren the Deputy Chief, Capt. Dewart for dissemination. Capt.
Dewart then checks with the operations officer and finds out
what proportioeate share of container space will be allotted
to hi 0 on the :uture mission. As an example we will say that
20 percent of the container space in a future operation will
be given to id 0. M 0 picks a package and hands it over to the
operations officer. The operations officer, in turn, places
it in a container along with other materials from other groups
and sees that the container is put upon an aircraft, then goes
over enemy territory and at the pin point previously arranged
drops the container to a resistence group. The resistence group
takes out all the equipment in the container plus the 11 0
propaganda and then disseminates the propaganda from the interior
and an M 0 operation is completed. This policy has been in
effect for tne last few months and has proven very successfu.
inasmuch as the time element is cut to the minimum. However,
we have found one drawback which, at the present time, is being
remedied. We have found that tne resistence groups in the
interior cannot devote a proper amount of time to the dissemination
- _ - A nrirmiPri For Release 2013/09/25 . CIA- DP13
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8
of leaflets, stickers and poiscn pen notes becauoe of the highar
priority or other branches on thc Services. As We had depended
on these agonts to do our work we also had roalivaed these ce'ents
had not\been recruited for M 0 work but fo 2 I or 8 0 worX 4nd,
theroforel could allocate what time was loft to an M 0 miss4on.
An 4 romult or this M 0 in now in tin process of recruitint
campaign tOHM41 to local French civilians to hd dropped in tho
interior attached to those rosistenco groups and responsiblt
polely rmr tho dissemination of M 0 material, In tnis way the
theater will be or gri!aLdr accuracy in the work that is being
done, These will tako the part of the so..callod campaign teams
which aro on papor for the North African theater of operation
but havo never been put in practice. We have had a successful
completion of many missions coming to un In the form of lotters
und wirem received from tht, rosistenco groups that their complete
missions ware attained, moaning that the proportionate share of
M 0 material aiso roachee its destination.
Mr. Manor takes groat pride in tills fact as to this date
M 0 in North Africa la the only branch that has actively produced
M 0 campaigns in this war. Prom this experience and the experi-
ence of thi. Lela of M 0 pnrsonnet in Italy we have, in readincss
at 1;n1H Limo n well..rohnded and versed group which can jump in
and do 01,Jralo Qparations wol.k on a minute's notice. Thia team
at the prcsent tliJe 1H '!eping busy in Algiers preparing for the
In regard to tho future a greater overall picture for M 0
is desired. We hot ,e within the near present time to have at
Dari in Italy) qt haqt1 in Corsloa, and at Rome, Italy, complete
teamm oF mon Cully v(it.d in coverage of M O. From all thee
points and fron the e:op:11.1onhl viewpoint the whole Mediterranean
theater will be well :tivered by our branch. Our greatest needs
at the present Lime ar.1 In pervennol. Stymied by a bad T 0 we
find only two :11101,:i fir onlistod personnel. To successfully
work we need el .entel nomecr of enlisted men. As a remedy
for this we so,,;0:!L u.4ny olvtlians be sent in the theater as
tiOv2IblQ.j i tit d -II tilt, civilians we can net, Yde don't
fedi you snoul,, AunliCientionn of overseas dut7 11,11 a
badly ptaced c lvi Ii ,i r unt.,A ciite problem to LID. Our wants
tt t pros ni t h.t.y Oorman thinking and writing per
I. We ohio ,icoo h(.1.Lcr Ilomi300 wit it 0 Washington im
tho ovocuroltieet .d hi 0 ftupplioti ht a quicker pace. In the past
we hoVe rooh, thA thontlIF. kuly elapse between Lhe requisition and
the Mud :ditoment, ond the eamp8i101 planl vibi(Nh is dependent on
this nhipmol. s complotoly oat of (Litt).
Ile are able at nii amcs, becauno of tAo fine set up in
Aigiors, to k.eop the I,L,)0 or advance ;,-v,Z some campaigns must
bt 3o Limed as to be no more tan &tys after the
original initiation. Depvitdont on these, 20 da.; may be some
kit r:j1J1-.1, te?tzttego?.Wolltr ol'Prtette,*`'
' 4,74A
Ted and Aooroved For Release 2013/09/25 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100410001-8