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. ; ' < < , Q-` , td4 11PZECR Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Tfilt71-4VM17,"n" DeVitt Poole reports tha t. morning of thm Interdep4rttental Division of the Department of State reported- i on the Department's attitude toward the curr -citation in favor or a Jewish Army. He remarked that the United 'States Govex not heretofore taken an explicit stand thlt:se- As a result, the situation seems to have gone by, to the Zionists and to the proponents or a Jh The State Department is preparing actiaa in order rect this condition0 weight to the importance to us in thepres effort of the great Moslem blot which extends Africa across the Middle East to Welltern.Th 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 TC4i7? lt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 e t This statement as: now onvilattedl tOttt Atlantic Charter, It wolad AsSeVt that 1'h enunciated therein will be adhered to in The numerical preponderance ot Ar*bfli? sible American support of an all-vOut Se As now proposed, the vtattiment this negative intimation. It would tssert, that the post-war settlement cannot be ,rejtdie4W ments at the present time in respect of an armw f which would be exclusively Jewish. In making this informal communication, Mr=., titerriaM -= acknowledged the value of the memorandua an a which was recently circulated from thit:Branch., yon know, it is this Brand, indeedt 111714ch scanning the Hebrew and Yiddish press in and has followed actively the development In "TieW of the foregoing, ie shall, ere Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 RIT PIX141,-,44;` " !4-4 ET** MinitMelliM ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ,t1,7,7-717.,r7 I ' ':.0.,,ciiiLortol lilt 1U? r.....osas sr us 6+44 riairt9ia-soxygiLKILskiir,gia:timan:;.--ni:40, .5tr" 4.004461iNni11124640 last etine or deIurtmental CooltlAeo Nationality Problomt. ?"4"; a- a'an-'41.ar, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Thig Mottruff vft Wednesdail, April 20 OFF -tar. Cmnbtort Mr. Eugene Katz COI - M... Poole Lieutenant Oolonel. Gool4liitto,w , PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON FAIR ENPLOYMESTPCZ r. Crnmer STATE - Mr. Hoskins NEXT 1,:EETING . MAY 13 1942 The next meting is scheOuled for 1I0 Lay 130 in Mr. Bone's office in the State DepaetmerM* olonel GooOrellaw advised th*titi ope:oitt* L ? , meeting of the CoomJttee a roort cn. VOit, , recruits for the COI special units. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 r' ? ' C.! r KIM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ), tj ,7 tt ; 1). i I AmericanJL?L- 4r.Cranston, who had f3ttotdod tho OW& reported on tho matter. Ho rt gnd turi VOCie dOhdirt, I , the Slav Congress had not fallen into t t 4 444 of tho Ciao 7 ,t? i; ? d; *pa munists and that their discussions and rasolutionseb this fact. ND. Hoskins commeflted on tho odvisabillty In futt.txt instt.mces of clearin,r wuch raottcrs in advance in thlis Committ 51. 'c to prevent the situnt:Ien thot hDd in this insttnos 60ourred where the St,9te Departr;.(nt wne ?lc:posed to giving Any support to this Congress and the OFF, on the other hAndo, had 'oeed supporting the project. Rusrt on thq 2ecomilendations on.thc Em4oymunt of Allen_ tefense Industries. Mr. Crmer pne Mr. Hudson sum rid t4le proposala special committez that had becn working on 'the problemor' reducing the discriminations against the cmploytent of in defense industries. It was hoped that by the aext me on the program and on thetr progress ment of the Army pnd the Navy to the submitted to the President. f2fSIED_LanEllage Press Mr. Hudson In getting the agree- _ recommendations to ;I !; ing of this Committee they could rcport in greater det41 11 11 , advised that a 4?ress reIeaSe, had. been lamed:, ' on April 28 by the Department of Justice, *141 included t#6,3 , , .. text of the ';telegrPm signed by the A4.4,4,111.,noi:p-Gener :1Wft al, i,Ch,.','YI 1, 0 :- i ...,,..,:, - , - ? ?, :..,? , ::. ' ,,, ' read-es-follows: --, I' ' ' ' :: i' ' . ' - ''r '' - t tt ' ? -',''' ' - '. -. :i t; q !I i ,'-' t, ? '..,..,, ,,'" .. . ,, t, ?,1 (4{ I CongressmanSaul4elp,- Pittsburghr Penns 4 ? - 0- II ,I El ? - ? , 21-te. kti is I n1 d'' to - v, '11 " ? L; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ttkiel 1 tok64 r oh they Aro thitzd 3tatt5g Govcrnmont#0 Archdykes Otto and FeliA idr.mrfrApAopealiwylow*:dres.a=.8,....,1? ber0a Mr. Hoskins reported on a prtp-01J Otto and Felix to Mexico, Central AM0fitm 4 t6 also reported on an incuiry from k' O1 At, ability of his making broadcastg in G4rM44 tO: Attateigt South America. Aftcr some dieoussion ae both, mttttrti the general opinion of those prestnt thAt th0 did tot Itar either of the prop:mitIons outlined above. StatementEEEL113.1.1.15_NOEP Dean Russell r.resente for the benefit, of the mamherg the Committe a brief statement of the aotivitise Of nIS organization. He outlined the work that 114A been doria im the prepration of simplified boAlets with nuaorous illIM? trations that could be used in citizenship work. with p illiterate or poorly educated aliens. He also the work work of his Committee had been set, up 0,4 , zation basis in 1/4.00peration with stat6. eauqiNticalalt in 35 states of the Union. . ? .1,40- 'Dean Russell said that a sUbstaAtiA1J4mount groundwork had been accomplished 10;q14 that work along, these lines wou)'AcOn specific a t1.S of his bey'ond invW 0l942- and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ?. - ' ? ! ;H"- "'"c'.Yrit'l!? -- ' , ,h ',1,:, -;?..,,i,,,, Mr. :Berle; ,I transmi t 'foit' your cpniti4e. recommendatiovs witi respeCt Pisderal enc es engaged, in a, tin" ity before thc lot for Rogro citit004 tion in the Pvesidentls Oil-out en40* Vi gives me pleanure- to make eftplimeWta sympathetic ihterest, vision ,and bAlskieL Ar. Lawrence Cramer, X. Jont,tbsit V Hoskinst each of whom is doing a fine 50 field. ; It is my considered opinion that pit W acoomplished by these agencies the re,tultS WOU1, detit effective and s in satisfactory if a clearg bout* Orii affairs were etablished and the activitlea 01 .. t0 .,, 4-: At present there is considerable overlap:WK.,' each agency is seeXing to amellor*te conditions ttaciloot Its own particular point of view and does not triau*W- picture as a whole. In my opinion; an agency should function det4 red to assume fuller res-oonsibillty for 1; _ -ottan cittAtt, , inter-racia re a ,o ; one clothed with authority bit* President to act promptly whenever it was deems *dila 4- ,2 ? , ? ,::i .'-''-,? "Sins of omission" have been responsible for some or tile ., ).;. charges of discriminatory practices. In some instano0i,; these "sins of omission" were committed because no was given to including the Negro in the egaation, OlindV occasions the exclusion was intentional and dellberolle,t,, should be the duty of some agency to Minilize this 'it*: eiscrimination?whether '.i.t is consciously or uncolts-40411 , committed. A bill has been passed by the House of Bepreffettii to enlist 150,000 "sailorettess to relieve ment,tor-0 service. 1 dare say that if the 1.4 beCOmaw ?perk, one Negro woman will be brought into the piotur6 Wit Negro ore S8 and public register a loud 01.1,:tt0_*yi. , color line has been drawn. .,L ,'',." ,'n;'-' ?-? A ,q ..? , The "Jim-crowing" of colored 5O14e: cersl on railroads and buses, alaa the . and relatives to and from armY'J.60mps4 '-', and bitter discussion among members,' those mistreated are txl$YAIne 1:1;I1C at,orther time0-they are 'a.?Itni fr'I Railroad of lOials t. ,etali,,, ,- At- 1.(62M,....4.- -- -,1:14;ois, should ' ,.! ,: -itititio -11110ons70-t! 011 ? . i''10 ::,,n 11 , - exoegt, . .;; ..; , ,-- W;p Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 WI! Vteeklies of large oiroul IlAsed on rumor and grosolt 'ago two white police offiolt involve n an argument in t the white officers attompta the M. P. In hie hes linen tht Negro press as/ a race riat at Tu turixtion among Negroes. At Waith powered to point out in a taetfig sniii to such irresponsible reporting eboUld, eta e th of morale. recommend that a body, to b knot/a ss, Commission" or ninterraoial Committee or *Bum, Affairs", be formed by the President and giiron authorlty to coordinate activitio* relating to matters; also to initiate, to give guidanee and 6 mondations. Some of the body's duties would be: .1. To bring about a betterment of pub14* r. Art.i giving greater emphasis in Negro press and. onThe1'5=414* (particularly in motion picture houses largely p by negroes) definite gains being made by the race army, the various branches of government and iniridu This is a picture age and the Negro is stimUlatpdHa racial groups when stories are told in pictures irla and on the screen regarding racial participatiO0 services and in war production work. 2. The body should take the initiative in,144,0 about the selection of capable, responsible (101.61-40 no_ paper men to accompany colored troops abroad ithQ0.41i;_re-00,. would be released by the body or Some otter to-004,' morale, both on the battlefield, and at home -1,10 winner. 3. To awaken interest among the womerti race in raising funds to purchase ottAV : 4r. ored troops. 4. To correlate the worthwhile*, 4.74 various agencies thereby enabling the *n at hc.nd valuable information on adygrft Negro through the Federal Goverpmen into the war. 5. To make contacts wittt.,-;t4e (Interracial Deportment); Oblo fraternal sAd other organizattons .0114 pPograro,calloUlated to Impr&v 'Or? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ' 41 -4 I, , , w pt in A -by them doit, ort,x ere You, may:beiniterested to At Newark SiOday ?waling lott On: that the meeting was it big 2000 ' Ute mo after I, .had opoXet, We're ))retches of the National AS006110 4o1ored People?one from Brookim. New Jersey. My suspiclon i* t t making the ,kind of at address President of tha National A1lia0 the Eighth Distriotv who lives_i: friendly in tone, although he bear militant. Sincerely yoqrs* ' New. 6 - , - di 7?,,, ? ,4, 41 1 -.';'??.-- ! ' 4 Si,il' 4, , . ? , ,,,,,p ,. -,... ..r..;4 ? '' , ) 1( ? ? Sr. :'; : .?4. ,U., 1; `;?;''''' ; -;;'-`?".a4, -,10,1-"-^.4. . i 4. tr" le ,,, ::' ,-i, , il I., .p,... ? Ar.rtv , C. ...?!. ., .i. 4,1,20^ c,.. ,..1,,...,?.,, I- yt' 8....P,1? , ),f , 6''.?,,,' ? ',.ii:,,. 1, !4'. :i.V-ifl Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 4.14: ? ??? 0/4101.344 ?? Ir.I.R9!:a"ified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: , ? ' " '4i 1-, ? ? ? - ? ? ? 1. awl' ? ? ; ? orrxrAiirtgatatileg,009145,tpirfratorprraccrrAttrirrooti.144,t.......,,,11.4...r..44......4+00.4,0rore c ,? r , ? r , - _ (11,6-Ceivt.a ? :. , - ??? o.. , 00-4* ' Irii)N.#64 VW = "1,1. ? ? _ (ft covt(401,- itu% 44.4 "uLie:1/441 torf-t-". - 1, :? ? .1- r.."4, , .';.-- 40.4, '--;';!..,. ? r - ;:... ,?.,4 ' ''''-';' ": -:,}, -:, .. ' ,XIS 's .?;;;?-.');.3...,' .,,. ' ..rF.;.,,,w..,., ,, .,.,- - - -.1?4"''.'"??,A,',34;?,'"F ,.. .-4,e-4,..?,,,---,?,?:, "4 -.',X1f-',, i I , -;;;;;?',.;? - , ' ??? ' . !,,,.;ii-tc:?2., ,?,- o.,,,... , , '2, " - - '..;",-, /..47, ti "?:???' .'''''? ":'-'? 4;.,...-..,,,, :. 0',,?44..,.. - - .- t,-? " '.. '''.. -,,,?"4 Art- ".1 ?????+ "tr:itt9' ; 4`?,p. re, ' ? t ? . 74' ? ttif " ?114"i3 FROM E111015+:14., " tvtrc r ????? '''',..WAY:,,,?:-. ,....0 ..0;1'64:=7;? .1... ? pt.3 . 0. .1...j V ' ` V"' ' ?." ? i",:l.'0,ilit t'S/7.5.11.a.'j raw= 0. , ? ,,,,,,,,,.%.:vf,). ? 1,127.: ..0',.. r W A ':',L; . ' . 4 , .. l?-", IP. ? '. ''' .1: ,7?4::....,-x- :jt-,C,i,' Z2'" - ', , ??? --tt: h' ! -v. '';q4.,."'Jt., --'' tt., :', 1:1-.4? c P? ' tt?l' r. .," ',-;.? , : .. ?.?? , , , "; ''' ' 't ..,. ' . ' .. ---- ?.-?' r ?i4 ''.' ? l''.:... :: 1 ' 1 ..'-Lt.4.-;'',Ef t , . . iiii;"- '-j-' ? .4;: :;...-7,. -1:- , ., ? :- ? i ' ? 1 ? 1 1 I 1 "1 I ' ' ?' . ? . . : ii, 1* . ? 1 - it -FR- r.......7... A t.,:$; t? ,,.':' ;- 1 ? ? I. -T, . t, ,_ , ? -;.- . ? ?i ..,-?, ? , .--. '.,f - ' i t ' i .'" - , .'4 ' ' b? : ri? . . . 1 I , ,ir .1 ., -- --, . , - ? , 3 viz,' I, T. - ? , ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release -2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 1INUTES OF 65V1NTH 1S11'rt1 ? held 1fl :',5-g-tvift :.t7ittk47: , lit '70 p.m. mledneoetryi MArch i, 1o40 pregArit ret4 - d - L. Berle - Mr* Athorton Mr* Reber Mr. Hoskins , Eugene -gtz Poole Ool. Goodfellow 4t, Mr. L. M. tr. Ennis Next_!ieet1nA1.1 1..1^10 : - ,-. , , : 1 , IC In view of the fact that renorts on e1r1, natterwli _ woulcl not be rea0.y by !larch 25, the next meptihR:is- 1 Wodnesan A:6ri'4i. I n 1' v 'It? ' ' , "?? , Mr. *Serlets office in the State Deparmcjitts Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 1. ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ? I t ? 1 ? . ... ? .. I.! ? ! .;: \ ! . k.I ? .1. .. . , , ? ...I - ) , t? ? - I 5 411 '1- - .1 ? - United Nation miiitarY Ut#t plibts be done by th Watt Iltipaiftt 14 VI t recommene.ations stgainst dqt", As regrcla anti-Aids; alleitt 11.11;t4 ATericp, Colonel LAPhen adVis64.th*t up:der-tat* . I lations there was no w4ffar th. Ute4 St for their travel to this country* If., h vtif resiclents of the Unit4d States they maY Un1te0 States citizenship. Shia arrangomem , to rill except Aliens of Asiatic dotkacnt*- r t]'at Mr. Hokin t317.0 up with t3,140 mirl 1100.;(t/fAlrfvf, anti-Azio vol too loc411.i irhcri:vor they may hn.nrcn to be in louth Amorlaam co fra , :.? rather thpn have them attempt to corn tei tfti .--' , , ,. country. It vas felt that such individuals; ou7lid: t...J-. Unjtinct USC in assisting). the oauso of tho trnIticli, tit ..1 The question of recruiting Korean or ahinasa. ucd for special military purposes, Colonel. too, Is bcIn RJ..ven con$Ideration b th 1 r . ? .?? , at- ? -1" ??? ??? spi"Vm"N'ts, 1:too.?01111P! /PIP I? ?.104?kr.4.- w ? ?'.??? .t . 41. go. torm.taimplimmirilismdmotem ? /El& rik Woo. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 in the United Staten in regard tdi the ddlel ur!): ng the orgnnization of a separate lewigh Amy, Foreirn.Nationnlities. Unit of COX Mr. Poole reported on the deVelopment of th-e- 16t0 Nationalities unit of COI and the AtSistancle thiS. is now in a position to Five to other. Department6 ftftet , aRenetes represented on this Committee. Mr. Poole and Mr. Hoskins were requostod to =21. for the information of the Committoo a? list of fosttIV and convcntions of foroign?born in this country th t mirtt be covered from the point of view of informAtion remrCinc thcir activities, There was Feneral discussion of the importanoc of . handlirw thc "color" problem in the United Statas, to pro. efforts since Japanese efforts to make trouble in thl It was recognized that tha boat - results would be obtained if responsibility wote 7-M that CFF wa$ the agency best suited to handlin th Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 in trio on thd ottt 11004 li ? the' other. , In Eaat Astt ptrtio4Arl mal:intr virorous efforts. to? divi4t tn, Al the claim thElt Great BritaIn aftetTht t& only working for continued, (-1,0minAitidirt wht, rst14 and the continued subjoction of tha V404t* oludinc the Chinese, the Filipin?ok. tht r4roorirt oltdi - ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100370009-5 ARIONIREME liENZIFfilignimp Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 aitillitillititi56010010aigman - ? ???;??': ? - ???-? . r tu, ? 4.? ? ?1, k ? ????,???? ? "?? t , t t.t , ? ,, r.41K VS" 1.? ? ? 74:.. ??? ?? t-, r !.1,Tri ? ??? - t ' - ? -% ? , ? :, tr?i: ,,???.:? ? ? ' 5' 14 ' rg ? " 3'1' ? ;I: I a? t ? :... ' ii* i , . ? t , I t.4n ' ? ? 4 1 , , ? - t - ?:,; ?:,:t-',V. ''''' i?1'? - ... ..41.' . ...,1,1 '? ' . ? . . . ? , ? - i - : , ' ? , I .. - ' jr. , * 1.1 ?"i ? .? ! I . . .. ' " .', ??? - ? . . --. . - ,rt?!, ' r 4 ,? ? ?'t t - '?rt' ? 1,r1. _ r 4 ? , ??:"?. 4 a "1 ,. ? ,s....,.. 4.?Iy: '' 1 .i.1 1.'s,,.-' ' ., ' ' ?C ;:- %.- -..-..-.:11 ? . ' #.7.---?'$: -of. . : .. . ? itAr* II - ist.,,,*!,..,...." ? J.... /. 4.. e? , . ? 1.15:11.41PM"It.r- . ? 0.. c . ?I? 1. ? . t - t ? . .. ... . . .? " i 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 MINUTES OF Sinft 14111 VOR roarizai tie This meeting was held in Ur 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Mardi Mr* 4i4itoOt Mr. Poole 2..ajor &Inas tor Lt., Col Mr. N. Rookefelle: Mr. Wallaoe K. HarrisaA Dr. Max Asooli The next meeting is scheduled for 11Z4a, atirtte, Fee:nesday, I March 18, in Mr. Berle-is orrieloe: tlf taken of the tiiwo` memorarida: submitted. Itr he State Depart/Meat,' opsrx the. for* ons s epar at e, ,m. 1.< tar )1* J - Yugoslays, the Greeks,, or $any o.therlye0;4: Nations i whether under their' owq . ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13k00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 that they felt the objection Wald ApprVOkt: Mr. Berlele letter of Pobruary 27 to the locrtitArr War drawing the attention of the War DepartMent tteth Pronosed Italian AnIELEELEIAman, ' Colonel Lawhon regretted, that 100a4as of tiut se,Ice of Mr. McCloyy AssistnAt SearAttary of lr charge of sch matters, no final report from ths Wicr _ Denartment on nis suject w et able. It as-reed that I7r. Berle should diteuss this matter' with Ir. .McCIoypromptly on his returnI and it was hop4a, 1:17,5..t final report on this matter would be available next meeting of the Committeq- Dr. Ascoli reported that, based on information. 1-uccived from Mr. Romualdi, a reprosontative oit the, :azzini Society just returned from South Americati. nat perhaos a total of 1500 anti-Fascist Italians mIgtlt be recruited from South America. The inter'ist tan anti-Fascist Italian legion was most intense in Uruguay l and it was suggested that a ?aile be aespatiOh to our Embassy in Montevideo asking for furt'.her: 1r;? formation on the present status of a *Garib4 , that was endeavoring to get recruits in Urttp Argentina. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 1";?.-?;, ? however, again: referred tC1, titit, that he thought would result: trti'm tvork with prisoners of war in Africa and. L`41,44 .St- Spivemini Is opinion that lift tr ,C Morttuf wort; 10,000 tc 120000 men might be: ree, anti?Fascist unit. It 'was aii37reed that ?frere ;7tentton this matter to the heads of tto: Ilattipt about to leave for India. with the request th into this during their visit, CIt WAS, Later "chat there are approximately 1404000 :Ztallazi of war in India, p1123 60,000 It:a1:Let-04.041i , Su p___.E.:22:...?..._?stion of the Divion of-: Far, EaStenv, ? ? y Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 maivolimitk Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 3r"4":", ' g;b1V ;? suggestion was reitrred, t0 C610tiM tox!h4h 1.,.._ further consideration by tho Attiv,' , &I, thEi K.. ?:- Mt1tary SAL ....t tt+' I on ?! _ . lir. Hoskins roported tk,n in :i imuiftor qucsts on the part of antiiIs th_otihita States end in South .Amorica to oraigt tt.114,t1httett. Str.tes Army for e?ctive mtlitetry gervite ttatarle'-;' anylnus to serve were Aatstrteina, ,S,V? hunrArlangt AtmanIafte . d. Lo:ealists.. Here agaln? under trIgtlirligf reEulationst fneso iniividuals cannot servirrith- tJ.tto1 Stptes armed forces.. it was agreed that -raz , subject; s'nould be Elven further cons:Ultra:titan br thi i, on an:i ideRs on t'Pis subject that 'C114 Taxi Zepar to.= Con ..-.1tttee and uIlat Colonel Lawholl 1)e asted to renqrt ' i i rr,i',...:,:vit have. -.[ In t:ii s con nection? Mx. rl.e re)..,)ortta, that thai Attorney Cror.cral recuosted a .vepresentatioro tiorg State Department be ?Finpointed to consider .4zith Dep ? F,; merit of Justice officials the .oroblert, loostathIe:7414 c. classification f enemy aliens, which t hap? the eyistinF Fosidets -r to serve and, to report back t 'Cpfe_41-'1 k -,,?,,,' '1%K. 1 g sults of such disoussions ,., ,,, ' ' ' ' { r i .,'' :. ; '';;;.ii,:s ? 4. ?f. i - !.;-j. 'lr'' ' ? , ? - 211 , r, ;3.'?,, !.. : ' r! ? ;',.'.' " '....1,...-, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ? ? t ????' -fr ' AV, 1 ??? ;to! ? Mr. Berle mentioned a prolAdm, that WM5 ditItild151 11..ere alit!n seamen were desettAnq their sill-fyg tta altaiw emnloyment in defenne industries. horso deyserttaaq 'erc'acing nromoted at least i!1 Pgrt by kgis prdpo4,011 an effort to hnnitcap .111r ehipping4 'tug astttt 'GI-I:It it be lookO Into nnd t:sst this CommItt#0 levi14110, visco. )f the rc3ults at s lator date. "Cn:.pr" Problem Ar tncreasing amount of nropaganda efforts ncgroc in thc United States attompting to stir wh1tes was reoorted. resnonsibility of OFF and OCD* NCte 4ilso wa0 tr!-en (-)f tl-Le fact chat in India and China also is effts were in many places concentrating oil t4cit/n rackal antamnism to the domination of whites and 1crticu1ar1y of the Anglo.Sazons. This also, 11; was agreed, was a problem requiring . , consideration by this ,pormi_ttee. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 nl , ... ' ,,i? I , - - , : , . . I: .? i; ? ? - I *43 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001.00370009-5 . . .. ., . . ? . - .1 ? I -1? , /, ?r- ? , I ... i -1.: T. ' ...I.-.41 . lz , ? . 11- ? . . I- ''. ? ... El'. r: 31,.. ..1' - '-.*: 1 . 1 q! "..1, i,I.V. ' I f . 6 i f - ? , ,.. .1-.A.. '.?tl- ? ' r Mr eerie' s Interdepartmentia,avisaitt*. te#1,' 6 Nationality Problems met in hi* ?Mee this mOr0 11:30. In addition to Ur Bibris, Kr. floskins stair Dunn or the State Department and mysei f they,* *401410 present also Nelson Rooksfeller, Dro Asooll snct Nto Harrison; Messrs. Cranston and Xatz of OJJ,; xr. sent Colonel Goodfellow at thim meetinel And Golonel, prepared in the European and Near Eastorn Divisions Ot the Department of State (copies attached) and re ort that the question of an Italian military unit was: sti Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 not to classify Austrians as onnmy aliftrit Colonel Lawhon of 0-1 said thati had to be taken at the War Departmeldt 144, to make known unofficially and comfi,dentlia the objections which were being made to' tb40 i6e4k*t, special Italian unit. Apart from the obmilfuradmilitstr tive difficulties, doubt had been raised ro reliability of such a unit, epc?&117 ihoUld, in conflJnt with other Italianvo Stresa, 11104 al** boot% planed upon the unfavorabl effect on millt*ry moraloK of any reverses the unit might surfer; upop tho raig, ,;? ? and the disturbing effect of' the fac.c.,t "hats a unit would if captured by ittilia4 noi treated as traitors and shot* Dr. Ascoli then reported from South America indicating' there toward enrollment in-*;. to be recognized in .4401, Da, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 .9?y Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 I 40, : : I ' 1 ?:c accomps ying MemoriandUm Of * *Otte between Dr. Ascoli J14 UY*.1t. Mr. Be le then aiked me. t0 rpPtttfOttit convovaation withProfessor' Seivertiiii iiakaltirIdito told of Professor Salvaminkos JoXtreite Cme garding the number of probebl red,r4 a'for am-I free legimi. Dr. Ascoli chareateriied .--rofesaort skepticism as undoubtedly totessive.' Som discussion ensued about , eitt allaatt Italian prisoners in Africa and oasOydiero, Dr Ascot suggented the possibility of to small I. cadre in this country and then sendin thee to as "misstmar1es4. Mr. Berle observed that any italtirL unit or units which might be, realized would undolOtedir,, find their service in the Middle Eat. Mr. Berle then passed on to, the seOfm,d * trirt agenda for the meeting. This was the atl.t44lom _ now from several quarters for the r*classiticatiot * certain enemy aliens as "friendly".: It wee b.ix that Serbs, Croats And Slovenes, no TegistersA Italians should be so reclassifieC,,Rabbi Ii$. asked that Germax-ATewish refugefi _ SS; It was a matter for the Attorney,Ge4ei*X0Ysric , F I 4 bilities 'oresented themselves bt fike pA,obiert: 4", I , .? .C? i. t j .1 ? , ? , ? . n's ?? ? 411W1.?' MafrO 6 AmMlommomOWWW??M.01'1,74114.11111*".b ' 4Post ? A Declassified and Approved For Release2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 allied nations werlu leaving their 0447400' , ,,p ouch month and emtoring defense industrias A 140$.- defense industries. This was again ilutt*erfir thow Department of Justice., Mr. L. X. Co Satial,VSeliirritia. that he had been endeavoring to inducie induatr7i4tiodo, Tfould no doubt now tilt cordiall if he asked industry to refuso to employ at least on. problem was really to police the wt ar fronts *nd proPftalt,-, 4, touts from lurine the seamen away from their ships with. the promise of high wages in industry. The discussion then passed on to thm pos 11)111101 11P :44 1?. ? . ? . ? PI ? ! ? -it:. ! Declassified and App.roved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00061R006100370009-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 ? Tif 4 ii J 10201iiirMIX , t In general the Etiropearn k, organization of st.leh Unita- 0 the United States Army. The row may be summarized briefly at folly 1. Particularly since the Imst has followed a policy of encOura0 this country to forget their titt ;#0. to make themselves fully a part df the Utitt Such a policy has tremendoug lOrittittO departure from it, even in donneetion, withvt ance of the wai- effort, should, it IM1 ee41 only under the most exceptional cirtilOsttuidrett? 2. Under the procedure noWtoing tbrMIlloit Selective Service System, the War.Departmetti Department, aliens who are nationals countries who have not declared their littelUtut ing American citizens will, under pritscrIted condItIO, be given the opportunity of opting to serve in the fill* of their countries and while so tervin Motive deferr* status under the United States Selective Service, 5itt**4 Furthermore, aliens who have declared their Inten%100* and also American citizens may, if theythoase* terveL,, one of the co-belligerent forces, and receive deferre44 status provided they have unsuccessfully offered thol, forces and provided further that they b*ve iatUcT classified by the Selective Service System, in onpro groups considered as being unavailable 0A,.r se, - services on a volunteer basis to the United St74,7 , the American armed forces, i.e. dkiliedor er4 to the national health, scitety and'interei ?, Nc4. ployed on defense projects who cannotspared peLsxie deferred by reason of dependency ,and others def erre law. ? This Division feels that, the, PrOpoi,ied procAdtmil indicated above gives ample leeway for an alien of this country to serve tn the fords of hisHown if he so desires. , . , ? 30 It is felt that any alien country should feel honored, by the truOjand shown in him by permiting -him to serve footing with an American,pi?tiiAen,1,11 thEyxr*O? the United States-41 1H.,? r. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 IfittArAMEZIft Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370009-5 str - ? ? iuch Rroup ahottld, militdry authoritleA 't of foroim birth v'heo go , loan prmod forool* In:thlg waY dur6.1* woula have full control 'olftr iett2ir thorn to tilo boat rtelwAttilgeo, withoUt pi qovornmonte or rg ?'ri, n thil tduhlry It will bo notod that tho '? ",7_ , militvry units oompoaod ot matiottla olf chtltrv I' countries or of Amorlotuu d011Idlit to dillitr' ' of such countrioss NatiOngs Of php:. d0111. rosiding in tho Uhltod 'Statos, dr* , ' f-(4.1 1.T. catce;ory under tho Solootivoi Trtitil ?i'o;,. 1940, RS amondod) v.nd will) of cowl- 4f.,'rO it p ri. v i 1 ?Fos F;rrsnt :id oo-bollittororitii tts, ollqintd: For thi s ru a s o n i t would s o orri that th&L'it 4tit"Ct eit d