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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 r _ ? f. tkitr$ ? ?'? ? ? ? - 1:014:Aff. I' ? 4 ? ...Trt-r: i ? ??4; ? ? ? ? ? , I 10 p1 ? "" ? r . ' - at, ? .1.. 1 4 r 4 ? 7?, ? tt _ ? ! ; -0) . 4.,1--,..4... il;IZ'i.-- .1491P Bri "????./i. ..ret...4,..........i......... ,r, .. - - ?a. h.:?..aitai7.4 -MA ..T . ''''''.1- '1":-''''-'-`1-5 k ...11tz. - - --,c-, qi ?, ?, 4k,.....u,N,?, +.........,....., ...---- ....... rzr at=2.1r. k ?14- tmatio....?-????????4?4+soaiumi.tommolaminommera..4?4???????604,44????????*????????????*???????0-41?44.,....cli,.............? tit - '1. --r ,11- ; ?=7 ? 2 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 15f!4; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Colonel William J. ZonovItot 6/4-ftr $44ibt,k2or Edward S. Mason Th, meeting in devote to oonviderati the attach0d memorandum) whioh I submitted Cm, eitlaf14-,, our 3ritish coilengtaws had nothIng trevy say on the subject. It untS ?x&d thnt V16 o to prppare a combined paper on Niumslan rescco=do 3trongth in the Winter or 1943? be gorapped, and it waw decided to prepare a new combined paper on ?Illasolan 7,trenE711 1r the iunner of 1943." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Thore appqr-0 to bv a rathot t3titilitfet6tatY4Ja. aritish intelligonc?t j'ildgroltEtitg of i*,110 tretfP4.71'..s,C thvnir fort of Gcro.t.w.:-T and Ruvola on tilt ro.sp4Ati-Aftl #froor,0010tbd- .4.040'4aig.4101ree-01, , r?W''"". of these countrien. The Gerremn ecotocv is thou- t bAip's* strained that any considerabl# incroAnso 14 Gen= military effort would lead to rapid ietoliA01, ide U10, agar, Or *0 potential and, could With respect to Russi duction is admittedl 7 4Z1 output dovoUd to war use 15,154-t":04.0f14411.4;fre104,rmaL'Ag.44,-1,,,,,,34:4 thfl Oltql0r. WitKrAC ?114:11;t1It - tt ' and, *los*, -thO, rrcloxi*V. tctroa, is grtior thib a"..^Irs! +(eh ? 2.1.", _ doubts concerrtin, e COMMIE; prospects aro raisodo, thnt if the. real:on:int;a1ii , tkpa C.m,tmn sittlAtift.g2. ferred to the Russian the judpyqt must ttRtisgatk 11"11 ?consuminc- her cavii? at an eaarming mtt exathat scale of lilitary efr9rt tut htl aharay redlxced t tI10 Converve.Ly, if the roP.aonius ap?Ite, transferpF-f, :ryirrim.n,y, it is, S'1.75.:rested timti ithq t?-at the Cierman economy la in prt?tty vod ehaptIlt - A few figures on th which -tl-e Itussian and German econom4es aro thotA. existins supplirfs oi iLdust.rial mteriA1a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 V'WP Thr tOtimfAn br kulew coAbgt 010 is 2,000 a month; GerIlltati prOdAittriori Ofeittl: r ? . ? 101U1 pro,lnotion i hought to be 2,000 (1001MMit, ;, 1)5004 Tiussian rttUi7 produation 13 de $0100a 4kt/ill' tat** pre-war." 3ince thc, P1J,gian artillery' povitioll Uldn.14 foeC6K zood 'termny it rilv 1.;erhapg vom-ofpd that Atioekain, 'auction 1veat as Gtrrnan. ammunitim pvoduotiow;' ro6ah1y ont141raotory.4 It 1ttro nesull,v;d? thtit sian production I definitoly' _test tilan tht 0Dmtu, is describ4Di inadocoate and although 01,?'!,n'aq ts al!lo W140:' be wk in motor tramport? we mcv asallm th41 "gua011111 jefinit,?Ly less. Takin4 armament product:ton da; a Ichato tOcol ilritish papers convny the impression that Rusrlan produgt10), ir not equal to (_;,-rman, Is not fr behind. ThfuT livroftlion forced .E); sh %/twos of t4, Russian, battiv ordm-4., 4tdp:itiCati, of divisions, analysie of bAttle acUonl ot.c. Jathol-,Igh cla-mazvat,REAntion, is. thought f, proximatP1:: e Ima to the German this r.Toiaottpn Imlared t,Tenirt, ifferent -..unntities of ir4utrij. a-terialtt. The. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 10; 000 WO- 90t0091 58 y0001 For raoat of tiva abceve rgatkt,10.114 tird- others, rteit, hork included, Axis F-uropc, has a distinot, o= ticularly noticeable strtd. importtuat ror covk:,..1-, gra stteili wittleit hic to Arect cnci indirect irdlitary product:LEM*, ti ,:e3peat to this dImpeurity trov vostko.*. Triai7 6-01.toa4, , all of tlo etsAi1nir.)16 ? k A , Lflflt7,r-ry'ucAon in ..",ussi4 is devoted to partei. ?111.;t,L of mi art rtd111V?rt prIfInti flt , .lermAny roduces no mazf, armetment tIloPLIWtalgik Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 .1L7tn A r.r- 4 r.? r t4 f41611 tyritfititl 711-1' CIAO tta, OtilItnifilp173,0T' 111 4P:411r) Ci?]manj ts f4 'Ly lftlA , r41,11At and,#qpiwgi T:r10 srir1rc qrcWr r, rvly witih 01V;;Ftn stg4410Ari or IATulq cotoido 0V t. !II. to I.) Cckr r,g tho ;10.17 Ei 0 a M Wit War Fin4 t4,t;1,.*, t1r4- t.ftrgvr lwrovntago at 'apr t r,mtput is np:7,0tkr t6P t 011:71 S ? hr r 4.1c1,7 c';' cLvLLtn s Z4uldttirti xvi Ar'1, en, MO:4w: .76).1,1 r.,rubab4 sorlotto 1.10-nsoque-ncoS tor labcir' t.tr, rit ILI VI fltjtt aust s-orionol4r- t It 9t be recoe?nizedl hat Rua $14 ta EOno to tilt, t 61 re.atannt ,te add it40...''r ?,; irerola.K1 -?-trr wor,;:prs. fth hos botr..,:apv 1 itdLj th6 Ulm% ol c n %yd ti .)orittOttion, 170'is e war effort , , , Ion,: of raftn: that4A. haz Maximized the 1, 11: ? ofrort at tJh Iravitablp t.xrx,4ttns,lit rfax4revre) it rt bor.-LUitX7 eAtIv 44! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Colonel William 3. Edward S. Mon C,14.0. Sub-Committee MtietIng# 14t4t The mentine, with tho Brittah Titan malA dlWottvd, to a dear43, ' con:Adoration Of the Combinod Intel.11gfmco attb-Comittee draft Axis Intent:Lowy for 1%2. Tiveee rraljor differvituf4e4o, oplziOtt diS-v The British diattgreerl. with the Uhited Statqs, ? pe,go 1 conclorning the 'Likelihood el: A diroct eittztok Isla They bAl LE?vn t nztt thi re SermtLOrtiLvinnocorMAY*?1_ woskons the evaluation. Eatitevnr) it is hittg'Icept ';oto lraft ffith Lho addiLion a the. ,roIlowiAe,vident$114* mTho British view is Lnat there lo ao evidttoo. Of' impollsa* attack on the nritish isles% ?it The most serious ilMrenze of opinion i!li wpm:mod-4th -10og estimatty of the set-de of tho CAI Mail 1XttAZk ? Slab ettilltiallr It comes doffn to this: the British view 1$ thast tot. mOrtt than'. ' -, - , :7:,?1-, !,. infantry and 10 armored divisions are immediatey AV'tdiat, r, '.4 ,.. for offensive action 1.n Russia. The ilanorteaaltin* it t114 ., , _ of the rwrnan divisions in Russia were not 0.-1.1tttielY' e ijt tr ' ;" -,:' the winter and that as many as 1001 intetaxtaiw 40.-40i s174.pc,.. :iire inulediAtely nv.ftlinble. It was ufpOed to, 04 tho dLon. o parti.;:rli 2 on rige 4 with S. SUMlitarY ate.ttc00*- ar th` The Briti3h Ire of the opinion that a Iear ot4100c0, c_ .-jifferenee 5etwoen the Ameriemu %nd orittea ou LfliOflr ObY ?,,,,' necessity of the pareflol statezeAta on p4kerlt 2, and ,,,1* the American committee favored the cOnt.5.14=3c40 et,. - .,., , is *tx ? of presentation. .-, *,.:;,- There is a difference between the- 0,4r the severity of the German oil shorr, Lu that stocks in Germany aro suffie In 1942, during which tbe rate of-,,,O*44, rate or productico. The British,* ' 1...` ,,,, . ,. i'-.1... sufficient. The hoaxing of, this 4,41f1m:, ,,tfirlil . .. . of German Th objectives. e EritiSh:- , '-''' ',.: need for oil strewed as mn ip,de the:' of German strategy. It was de ment of the British and_Amerie440 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Co.. Donovun ?.. 1101-11 aprn q row other minor etianApp6 most 1- Off *Mai 14614. i-J.),3 Inc:111010n of a point 6 on pago 2y addlng 49/114/Ati64 ,offirlAtionn againe, Chtnan 4ka Salmtem# Objeotlit 'outt thio tIll tion on prmu 6 or f-Jir3 re rr_arrinctrlt.PitadAga..emiqr, 'rho ;,?-. fir,' crt:n ;-;311-1?i,rnirni? t ton C 4/1 "A Po 3131b1.9 A.xts A tAnci( it. wil.1 go Fi the 'T op Gorrard,t tc.1.7). tho PA.47P41# PinovV_I on Jyrin nnd Iraq" oliNwat diang#* -- v.: a e7.omhined p. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 -.II 7 .3-;Firippos,,ty,ig, I ' ??5 11 ? i 444;- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 I If - ? THE JOINT BOARD 't1014t Intelligence Committee ashington 16 April 19112 L:31, 4 ? I crnCE MfORANDLT NO. Subjet;t: BrItIsh J. T . C . in Washington. 1. The British J.I.C. in Wa Its roster is gival below: Chairnan Vice Chairman Roial Navy ArmY Royal Vr or Itobapsv 0 - LdVt., - Mum. hington has completed its organization. Ur. Noel Hall Mr. U. Y. Watson Captain E.G.. Hastings Comrnnder "1. S. Thomas Colonel E. Cook Msjor Archer cust Groui Captain C.G.H. du Boulay Flight Lieutenant W.R.B. Brash Mr. r. R. Boyer rillar $ly Anthony Rumbold Vr. Noel Hall Mr. M. Y. watson Ur. ''':. 3. Stephenson Ur D. P. Rouverie Rt The 0,44 rpprtsentation of the six component services is de- poxidA, no3:410-ty i:11 the aprointment of sub-committees to vr5,-th theU.i.4.0441t 'Tntelligence Sub-Commi ttee in the Combined -3:1-rtAllizowe 5NA.0.4,1)ofroittl-t.. io anticipated that normally the relpkr?eowitlotiv- service will attend such meetings) as r#Q4rod,4 Tb# no PP6bor4 v6.11 aOt only as indicated in the 10.*Korandum V.,4e uoroba C1E.,Hr tedhurst, paragraphs 6-8 (J.I. 0344fl14 VA4101-4110-t1 ;.? LUDWELL L. MONTAGUE, Lleutanant Colonel, G.S,C. SecreToarY, J.I.C. mitt " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 tCritir BRITISH, MOST SECRET ath Mo 4 COMBINED IIT.r,TLWENC11 TAPP' Minutes of Mooti held in Podm,_100.4i The Combined 0 on Mondal PVESEV1 Captain Charlcs B. McVay, USN Captain T. C, T. WyMne, RN in the Chair Col. C. C. 3lakenoy, GSC Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of State Mr. Max Ways, B.E.W. Mr. Richard Hartshorne, 0.5.5. Lt. Col. E. G. Peeke, GSC Comdr. Y. L. Abbott, USNR Comdr. H. de B. Claiborne, USN Lt. Col. Melvin Hall, GSC, (A.C.) Major James K. Smith, (A.C.) Mr. Emil Des-ores, O.S.S. Lieut. ( jg) Roy B. Snapp Croup Capt. G. G. C. DuBou Lt. Col. E. B. Cock SECRETARIAT Major J. A. Da soz , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? Snlin 405T SICik 10 COLONEL COOK disoussed th, rtfootit it on the Russo-German Front, i'vTOA MANIC 41** developments botVoeft the UsgrZ4R0 atd th0 001* COMMANDER ABBOTT d18ouslod tho ioxr AgaitiSt Atlantic. GROUP CAPTAIN DUBOW( MuiridritOdct air over Axis Europe 1 ? Te?,' , ;'? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 11, Arfa Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 , ? , ? ' er. , ? ? ? .?? ?"1 fri: :01 L 11 " I Meet .2, r, , ? , ', ? hsr: , ? ,r; , , - ? COMUNED Minutes 67 or Mee Vig707570d t? " ' ....!\ - , I'k ft ?- l'i ',..., , ? _-, ,.... , _ .. .1.:?' .,,olonjol E41i.Nti A4. .. Grop Capt6111 (1*Cfai;,46. 1151:1: ''"i.714tly..7-, ? Lt C6Iontl 11.--.1H, cooit REESM Colonel T.D. Milling, GSC (A.C.) in the Chair Lt. Col. Ludwell L. Montague, OSC Comdr. H.L. Abbott, USNR Mr. S.K. Hornbeck, Dept. of State Mr. John Tibby, O.E.W. Richard Hartshorne, OSS 1.1 cmftt 4 tharp .; Major James K. Smith, GSC SECRETAPIAT Lieut. (jg) Roy B. Snapp Major 3.A. Davison ??'?:27 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 i- 3r,7L - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 U. S% 'SECRET, BRITISH MOST SECRET ORAL PRIZENTATION ' ? *1;., ,.>V;-.' 1 ' 4.?;,:.,-,......,,- ?.L. -', ,:' 1 4 COLONEL COOK atia wnia. COM14ANDER towl- emito r developments on the Russo-Oerman frott,, t - viewed events in Sicily. Trends in antl-subtot rf6, discussed by CAPTAIN WILNNE and COMMANDM ASSOTt. MR. , - ? -77-"'---;? 1 described the activities of the "Free Oernwe' cwittliattte't '16 ' Russia. 4.. AXIS OIL POSITION . ' ,-, H COLONEL BEDB suggested that inasmich as the ComblMd dhief , of Staff had directed the C.I.C. to make a coritinuitPt tItud7,0-, H A the Axis oil position and as representatives Of th,is tn6t7 Oil , 1 Committee had recently returned from a conferanct,, vith iltIrtU H - Committee in London, the time was opportuna ror a revtllort 4tt,-i0 C.I.C. papers on the subject. THE COMMITTEE:- Agreed with the suggestion and directed that repreOebetatiltd, of the M.E.W. and the 0.E.1I/. should prod Yith the pro- aration of e paper on the subject. : ; It tft 117041i, ! r ? ? :??:?'' V 1! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 I Declassified and Approved For Release : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 - : ? s4 ? ? ?L'" " _ r ,t? tr; ; ''-' , ,?.;, t. -2' _,7,,,, -:., ?, ,.- ??? 1 .,.:1,-7 u. Tinto MOZril t.1icc,:t31r r., 14. t ?el 6,1f; LiJ 0, J?_____$?._._? 0.4.Fr filer t .1 al114 G OMB IP(F,D 'MTN:Lt. 41?440 014.444.? .4-114 ? - - , ?*;-' ; 1411.ntitcyso Mc-. -.1:,(1.il n. E4(r)ota U. irk w alma 4.?;41Z;:4;Ne ?-,;: ? 4.4,4 04. 11 "' 4 .0 C ombi. Cl El ari r of it:It,rf rf 011 J:1`21:1 on Mondry, j!.11 "!): ? "7, I,- mow 441....14... .1.4444 .0,4440 Car vn b "r11- 1'1 ' 1.7 r 11.1 v. ? in 4:hi.. J1- Lr C.; Olonea ( A, , flr. . 3 . F. Hi b (" 1 tr" . t.a1-..,-) Mr . Jr:?m. '51 ibb 1::711.:1..1.,-; Do 3?,.r.(.: Li. C R . u. Pr f!--'1::k??, onict r . H . Abbr.) L Covir ? ? . !-;; 1-3 ' ? ? 111 Lt. . IA . C . Mn.1 n et% ? .7 0..1t..7 . ld n. an in , t Mr. I cliz.L.r0 Hart shorne ? k.r c t T PT p 0" ? 4. r, ? t ? P' 011, f e. r- ? k .3" ALSO PRESENT Wing Joincir . Asher Leo (jg) Roy B. Snapp SEC R74.1TARI AT Ei'lf)bb - j it ? ? ?-? Major 0 . r .P., 4 1)0:1.,./a,ZO.L;.1.:,. IV:. '. ....,"_, ''.':::,. ' ',-J...4" :?.;."... i;-;'. ? 'T...' ;-!::?'.?....5: .431i ; .? s.? - 4 , , IL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 I. O1UL 01[1:1114 triji. " ?:;1 MR# CHAPIN rPvicywQ6 Jiecent oItjAt4,:; outllned developmenttJ tho Rugt10-11t4rtiittFt5 ,14. "1 ".." " '? .-".. , ,., ...s. ,`,4,...! '''?..!1., ' I,' s's.'.T.',..1.', ''=-1!?41C ''''' 4.7 .4_ .:. '''''' i ' ? . " ' j' '?'''' ' r! ' r. -?t3 ;.i , Colanel j, MC B0b7 Group Capt. G. :G. 110 Ditiawli Lieut. Col. R. P. Ccidk Comdr. W ThOmasy Mr. C. If gaslatu ALSO PRESENT Brigadier J. M. Kirkman,, D.D*M'a.,(I4 ,i- ?,.r.,. SECRETARIAT-;:44., Is It: ., :'Iti 12,, .s, . '. ,,I..s4 ? , s., :, MiOr f, Sajor A. Sidney Buford III i , 1 . r. .4,11-- '1 , ????*1 ? , ---'Lieuta( i,g) R. B. Snapp - , f ? ? 4T.LN .ss It ' s;???? , r I! 4 ' ? - '" ?-. s ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 :- .....1..1-..........4 1! i,BRITISHMOST4,,, ,1,:,..........r..., _.?, ? 7'..ii: VA1: ?17 '1',1" ' 1.- ' :'' ,... ..: -'' q .;,i '',''.1;2i.'iq'e"'!'-/' ...,j;,7 , , .4: ,', !,;".. -it 0 ,- 4 .`. ' ?7?,0 -, a ? -;- , , - a 'Al?;:ft,-1%,,,, . I;5 , ,, . -,r i -4 , ? , ? [ ?4 .,4 7 ''4 , .,r. , :".1' ,!N , Q1: !. ni) . ,-.` I , ORAL Mr0- 5 VATION ;Tr ? , ' Zr ?.! . :1 , !.1,?,2,' -., ? E Repvasente,tives from the Grei06 of' th6n)( AirStaff, Intelligencel.gavd an, Orta ptetetiU'i merits during the past week in thoNariota,th#' 1141RIOADIER KIRXMAN outlined his,vi,eug tiA t* pol 1 ill on A.'',4e Russo -German front during the summokat 2. GERMAN MANPOWER BEIGAMER situation, poin appraisement or military casual of Anglo-Americ, urged that the tance, its effo this problem. - KIRKMAN informally diacutsedtho 06104-rii Ling out particularly how tAtt'art41 ,41 this matter is An accurate ilgrtia viO! ties. He noted with approv0 tht001J5 ? an divergences in regard to :tittemy,;a&su, Committee continue, as a mtitter rt to reach completely satIst6a,t0 ????W?r.., ? 3. THE EASTERN AXIS OIL POSITION A draft on the subject wao rop,d arid amended slIgb THE COMMITTEE:- Adopted the draft as amended and directed that it be losuol as C.I.C. 1V3. sk1, tt, 5 Si?s'Hi is t?I'Z?r??:: ?? ? t ? ?0, ? ? t ? , ?T.,?;????4 "tr'S.'14 4 th, 1:1,5 ill.. 11\ Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Mitut6s o' Col. Thomas D. Milling: G.S.C. (A.C.) in the Chair Captain Charles B. McVay,. U.S.N. Col. C. C. Blakeney, G.S.C. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of Statc Mr. E. S. Mason, Q.S.S. Mr. C. B. Rayner, B.E.W. Comdr. H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.R. Lt. Col. L. L. Montaguc? G.S.C. Comdr.. H. (.1Q13. C1&1borne, U.S.N. 1T14 Capt Group Capt MA or L. ,V.,'0,c4, Comeir Mr. C W 4 Thmut H. SECRETARIAT Major A. S. Buford, III Lieut. (jg) R. B. Snapp Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 _ - , 4 ltr '111 Sit MOST StOR.ST' , "- ? " 1.-0 I 4.1 t ? r .1; ? ? 1 ORAL PRESENTATION , .1i4;!:' P., s-. ,.z- , 157 fPi*-''''' .,-.. 2l ? . - , ; ?,,,ii ? . '.1?? il , ^ ,?.?:?,. r,,,, ? ,..v.,., k.... 1.. ? . - r. .11 ', 0 ,, ........, : ???.k,, ., r ;;,41?.:,,,,,,,-.2??? 3 ' ra, _ Representatives fr(im ttW, M#T4 presentation of developmcints during theatT,rs of war. 2. GERMAN MANPOWER_ ; " ; ? . COLONEL AMD, inquired aa tk), the pps4,0-4 Manpower paper, rR, MASON stated that pared by a workinG committee should bt-t6dat'- week. 3. GFNAL ? r.??? 1-? , 'A" The war in general was discussQd,, with p to the situatLon in the Mediterranean and, Attotti" ? 4, 7, !$! 1`,0!! ' :11ti4 tiCtV1bkt:' , ? F. , . . , 4 ?..e . '.., .?.,',.. ) .. "I .. ? _? ,..' f.. ,.....q^ ''' ' . ; .1?11114S'TeTe:, ? ? .r...-qiy.^-? , ' ;.,r,f,4 ;:_ I ?? :. k.? 1 ? -?,- -- -- i ? , , , ... i ? ?,-; 2..."..2.",,01,..? 3, : " ? , . , , ?,?,:". ,,,,I.: . 111 - ? -..-. ? '.- ':,. ''',,, ,?? .- . ? --' l'R. _ _ z fr --,,: I :.121,...;,,,,,.-- ?,,:," i,;....' '',1E;t1:::;.; ,I.? ' 11;-2"7,40)LA";-- f!!^ . , uolf, 1,4 t ? INt 7 ' ".* I. ? r. P? :t552..' ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 yr; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 U. S. SECRET BRITIM MOST 3CR1tT C I.S.0 49th Meottne 4 ,.)... 1, 1, core COMB fp; r) ;[ [14.21L1(..1.CPM_,I,'___Itt AM; MJnutos uf Mting. bold corn100-A - T h e Comb tned. Chiefs or ta,C, on MONDAY, MaaL.121_!,34_ekti,k,12. PRESENT Col. Thomas D. Milling, (3.3.C. Colonel B. J. M.Bobb (A.C.) in the Clviir Cnpt. T. C. T WYrtne,R. Col. C. C. BlFikeney, G.3.0 Mr- 3. K. Hornbeck, Do t . DC State 3quadron Leader W R. S. arall Mr. E. S. M,!son, Mr. C. H. C. B'slam.L. Lieut. Col. R. F. 5 :Zook Mr. C. B. Rayner, B Lieut. Col. Melvin Will, G.S.C. (A.C.) Mr. Max Ways, B.E.W. Lieut. (j..) R. B. Snano SECRETARIAT 44 fq:=7 , 1,1 ,. ,,,, -....' .?,,,;'/-,?. ,,i.? . r t ,:i'.,1;?1.-'. , ..,, ., ? i ' 4.4F7 t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 A-7 I ? tf I r I U: S. SECRET BRITISH MOST SECIMT GERMAN MAW P OVER P t 1 , 4:1 ; 11 , , ,,??? .1" 01; 34 "4. 4.-1,:x dtt. . , F.: .?; ? , 41 ,? ? 'I 11 12?4, 11 After a brief discussion of the manpower pdrierx, , 1 THE COMMITTEE:- - Agreed, if possible, to take up the Gorman mappower'prot5l#M at its next meeting. IL , - 2. .15.XIS OIL POSITION MR, RAYNER stated that the Hartley oommittee had invited, U. S. petroleum representatives to confert in London on the Is Gil position and that the U. S. representatives expected to leave ehortly. 3. GENERAL The war situation in general was discussed, reference to German submarines. 1 I p , I ' .1 .....-.' -!.' .;- .! "I' ;?,11 ;", ',,, , .1...7_,- : ...rtg.111,J.N - (=--. ...1.:-.., i - " ! . il - -.A.9 6 ' .--- -,-...41,14., j?, , ,._ r . - ' . .!.. 40' 6 Lte.? 3 t" r ? 1:11 olt r. '421 - 11 11. with particular' I I 1 - , ? !.4 ?41!--ta ' ? and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 U. . SECRET BRITISV MOST SECR4T Meetkaii COMBINE INTELLIORN Minutesf Me tt ilejj TtcY(VW The dombined_Chiefg Stafr PRESEVT, Col. Thomas D. Milling, 0.S.C. (A.C.) in the Chair Col. C. C. Blakeney, G.S.C. Comdr. H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of Stat:: Mr. E. S. Mnson, O.S.S. Comdr. H. dc B. Olaiborne, U.S.N. Lieut. Col. MolvLn Hall, G.S.C. (A.C.) Major A. S. Buford Ensign R. B. Snapp I (,gttpt.- t G itthg- Cpt. T. C. T Group Captv DUrt*ala Major E. P. P. GageY Mr. C. H. C., HA slam M SECRETARIAT ?\\. Major P. O.A.Davis? ?') ;e: I - "i ? -,f*. 11,16411, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 N5%.-:'ql5g4117A ? ? 1. GERMAN CASUALTIES MAJOR BUFORD stPted taint 0 the U.S. J.I.C. popor ready shor 2. GENERAL GROUP CAPTAIN DuBOULAY airsulattd DUI -ga the devastation of the Krupp works at n,Sset,;afta dIS- air situation in Europe.rind North Africa. ' AMOR GA0g ropo on recent developments on the llusstan Propittind Ln Turligte COLO BLAKENEY reported on thel eround ottaation ata cbtaym HALL on the Fur s1tuat1on in the Southwest noinc. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 COMBIM Minut. of MeotisLi. ThellatAqiefZ of BtaV on Col. Thomas D. Milling, uo- (A.(;.), in tlie Ch'ir Blkikony, L. Abbott, U.0 Mr. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of Stute C. F. RfJyrv,r, D.E.W. 21espres, 0.S. de B. Clr:Atorno, COls Be 3c Pibbb Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100376008-69 ? -Hirt " ? . , ';-?:???? U Se SECRET BRITISH MOST mRtT 1 ? 14 DATEMP MEETING Inasmuch as the U. to Friday, THE COMMITTEE:- -v.,.. .1.0. had , p.- 2.:, , -- kHY , , ?, - ,. :?,., _., , ., Agreed to hold future meatinFs .11 Meindals at 1430r Kft0 meeting to be held April 26. 1943. .t. ,C;4,'".?'. 2. GENERAL There bein no further buziness p9ady to come beIMPV, th# Committee, the Civlirman opened the MeetLnt, to a genorna dIsdug84; COLONEL COOK rer.orted .Dn the Snttle Order of the VOitatil, Axis in France, RussiE, and Tunl3ia4 ? t,mtlOtti rtollm# of the rIctions of the BitIsh Eltith Army from Mt111 15 tt-Aval 15, 1943. COLONEL BLAKENEY dL3cussol ';he comparattve Itrep06 of the United N(ItirJns and the Axis in the aria or Ow TunlAtam bridgehead. GROUP CAPTAIN DUBOULAY outlined the comparattvot strencths of the Unit4A Nationo and the AXIs la North, Atrladl,, CAPTAIN HASTINGS described some of the difficulties vivalvoid any attemoted evacuation by the Axis of their forces in Tual11.44. COMMANDER ABBOTT reported (Al the submarine s tu jOt mth Atlantic, t:Lnd D. HORNBECK talscus2.ed the Dollticsl and ec=omIe situation in Japan and Chln,.. r !; 3 ? k '1 ;Ile" ..yE4 Sttt ' , 4 '! I4. :11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 p;?? Ca. X. 424 Mfkotiqlti COMDIITO I1FLL 1Ng Minutes g mootia, ho14 The Combined Chierk or Llb, Pn Fridaa212ril 1 At qtr- PRESE3T Col. Thomas D. Milling, G.S.C. (A.C.), in the Chair Col. C. C. Blakeney, G.S.C. Comdr. H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.R. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of State Mr. Chandler Mcrae, 0.5.5. Comdr. W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Comdr. H. de B. Claiborne, U.S.N. Lieut. Col. Melvin Hall, G.S.C. (A.C.) Emign R. B. Snapp Mir ,44.3.11 1;?1- ? - apt a :mot:11140r Orqup pt* LieutoOci Mr. John Tivaseil SECRETARIAT. Major P r - ? ? ,.;' , A. Davis= ? - , ? ".?;? t ????f;-114..-? r ? v=1 ? ').?7;45',,, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Am the Drittab $1fr to London for oommontx THIS COMM/TTEt:- Agreed to postpOne considei receipt of advices. frOm LOIT GENERAL There being no further bu the Committee, the Miairman opened th?t discussion. COLONEL COOK reported on thty Axis in France, Russial:and.Tunisla. ar. ,-7 COLONEL BLAKENEY discusatd reaant-dvoata th i th particular emphasis on the situation aqingt2 Aztsin that area. GROUP CAPTAIN DUBOULAY gave' a blyief retwult activity in Europe and Tunisia. Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ;I+ 11, :jfvsT 4 r.11 .?1" COMBINED 11T2LLICIP1Ot suPoP Minutes of Meetinff held . The Combined Cti.ztefs o on Frida A ri Col. Thomas D. Milling (A.C.), in the Chail' Col. C. 0,4 Blakeney, G.S.C. Comdr. H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.R. PRESENT GCl ellasy. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. State Mr. M. F. Hamilton, B.E.W. Comdr. W. T. Yenny, U.S.N. Lieut. Col. M (A.C.) Lieut. Comdr. of . Hall, G.S.C. Wm. M. McGovern, Major A. S. Luford, III Ensign R. B. Snapp ` ?c't. Group Capt. Lieut. CO1 .C.Pj Comdr. S. Tho 1k Col. H. Blak6-Tylorsi. Mr. R SECRETARIAT MP, _ Maj 4 ..t? f - r 1'1 Batty V1.11.14., A. DeiViErVa M -r _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 'gt;p1.4.q ' U. S. SECPET BRITISH MOST SECRET 1. AXIS MUNITIONS PRODUCTTO CAP (Reference C.I.C. 17/M) The BrIttigh that they had received advices from London ah. triek that MR, BATTY was prepared to pre$ent the Brit& a working committee of the P.S. 3.I.S,C, Lvi THE EASTERN AXIS OIL P9SITIO (Reference C.I.C. 13/2 (2nd r& ft) MAMP suggested that that the Committee invite Dutch? rep fesOntativ0,51 td Participate in the discussion or the paper. THE COMMITTEE:- Expressed agreement with the suggestion and dir ata the Secretaries to make necessary arrangmentso. 3. GENERAL The war situation in general was discussedt perticulr reference to the German Order of Battle in Russia and Tunisia. ,41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Minutes of _Meeting hid in RoonC.1.QL A The Combined Chits of Staff Builat,),K, on Friday2 March 26, ,194. tr. 14,0 L. Abbott, U.3.11.R. Mr. 3. K. .3 tate Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 It appeared that both British J.I.3C. had prepared a dr Under the circumstances, Directed the Secretaries to, pro -are k00 draft for submission tO the COMMIVVES meeting to be held the ear17 piptitt 4dr Aeott, 14* 2. GENERAL. There being no further business read7k to cop.oly WO' LI.50 the COMMITTEE, the Chairman opened the Meeting tO a gondvar ' discuz!sion. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 i 0 0 4 4 ITIBH MOST c-14.?......L_22112_0?411t111 1410 ? -31 r.12 COMBINED INTELLI:qgtic,..0-u,sc-op.b.7, nr)utes, of 112e;,.t.1piLh The Ccmbinolfhiets of ?n FrIlEtaa..,Mar?Liat?id 4 i tafT 9J3 .- tAla '2.441:44,40tt 14 PRESENT Col. Thomas D. Millingt G.S#C, (A.C.), in the Chair Col. C. C. Blakeney, G.S.C. Comdr. H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.R. Mr. S., E. Hornbeck, Dept. State Comdr. W. T. Lieut. Comdr. U.S.N.R. Kenny, U.S.N. of W. M. McGovern, Major A. S. Buford, III Ensign R. B. Snapp 3.2 , $3?1 ? 11, Ii Group Capt. G Lieut. Co].. E. 3. 06, 6 ?4. Comdr. Thotgzii Col. H. B. Bltlikeiciii51, SECRETARIAT Major C. M. Ber:' ?? :43;03 ? '1 1 11 r '41.-1?4?, " .f?`: 122404. 2.- I A ? k" 4 311 i ? ,... ' TS!rt) 3. Z = 31 irsi1g 41-3 31> $;$1.".?" ri,d3 -1:322$ 4-44":?11 44 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 -T Wi; - 5 1. GERMAN sTRATta?121,1 , -(Reference C.I.C, 16/3/Di - gt6166Uti# A draft of the subject vas read, And ctertaila WO' ments were proposed and accepted. With regdtd tO dttglit ' stendIng points of divergencej the COMMitted aans1d6red these were of such importance that they shOUld '':ti ftto Itail-'di on tho Senior lovel. THE COMMITTEE:- Agreed to submit the paper to the ombiri ligence Committee for final appPova1, 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 JtJli 11,4h4.' - r I TM MOST Oittyla COMBINED Minutgn or Mooting held in To The Combined Chiefs of TLEE11222._IIP r h 12 ?...,1,9Y PRE5.ETIT 0?,44414.1-416441440g ' " ? j,..! j ; Col. TI.omal D. Milling, G.S.C. Group CApt CI 4 G. H. Dt1Baul0 (A,C.), In the Chn tr Lieut. Colt g. P. Col. C. C. BInkency, U.S.C. C.mdr. W. Thomas, Comdr. H. L. t,':)oti, U.S.H.F. Mr. S. E. Horneck, Dep:,. of Col. H. O. Embaway Mr. John Ru sell. Embassy M. E. 3. Mason, 0.3.3. Mr. F. P. Satt:i Mnx 1,'7r:Vc" Com(Ar. '.7 B.E.W. T. Kern', U.S.N. (01. M. sa ? Comdr. Wm. M. McGovern, TI Major A. S. Buford, III Ensign R. B. Snapp SECRETAFIAT Major C. M. Berkeley :1 2:47, 4 ?=, '1"'''. - ' '' 0 1:;,a.? ;".1 ii;-. . 4,-1.:-- V ' ., 1...f'" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 1 i GERMAN MAT1 IN;11WL I I 1 It appeared that a draft Ob distributed, but too late for consider6 I. subcommitele prior to tha meeting. Iltd0* COMMITTESt- Vpqr_ Aired to postpona distlusatbn special meeting to be calleATt ly part next weak. I I: COLONEL COOK stated. that re,cont_evOhtS 1140i borna out the conclusions reached in C.I.C. 16/2 (2d:brat) Ln that the papor, as revised at the COMMITTEE's it Oeotingl. . hold good insofar as basLc facts and conc1u3tons Ifera c_040Orned., Ha therefor? suggested that tho paper so rovised-ba rottlimed t6. the Combined Chiefs of Staff /with a note sating that the Combined Intelligonco Committoa had roconsiderad 16/2 (2d Draft) in the light of th.) r-ovisions proposad tlf U. S. Chiefs of Staff; that th,. COMMITT2E suggoated certaih additional amendments as indicated in the text; and that tht.f), COMMITTEE would shortly issue a new paper, revising and brirt in up to date ita estimate on tha strangth and dispositiolI Axis air and ground forcos. Socrkytarios to take wcassary aation. GENERAL TftaY.a being no further bu2l4ne3s roady ,caorael the COMMITTEE, tho Chairman openad th Mo4ting to a)ganerni COLON3L COOK raported on the Battlo Order-li:1,fthe Eastarn and Wastarn Axis, and COLONEL HALL gave further data of the recant air oparations in tha Bismarck Sea. Thc COMMITTEE than engaged in a ganaral discussimpf ouiq'ent avonts. Elk Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 9-8000L?001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 CZ/60/?1,0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI .'" ddu.a ugTsura Oa '0 aocvlii III 4P-103ne ?,E; ?1$* aocvw TgITUTZT5U .0"r? Voa,I;o1 B.MK TATOr ' IN' 'fl rua9Aop3w ow .114/1 .apt100 -4neT7 ("D'V)'00 rTivH 'V 'X '100 '411aTti im.s.n csuuax .11 .11 .augamo seadsecr aTTma ?aw .m.a.q ?s Lem rew -aw sTen Jo eqde a tyipequacH .31 -aw 'H'N'C'fl (440qqV 'H saPm00 44naTri 494i) r TEWNTTI Walif rx,vair uo Jo RJeT4O.PeurqwQ0 Ega :04 4;q$60 Jo fasulaiN 'Aoue)rcrua .3 ?0 'Too amo 9114 ,0 f2uTruw .(1 smaolu -Too Pea apgapfliamin gumod - !IOUS ,40 ? tr, . _ , ow, 9-8000L?001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 CZ/60/?1,0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 The revisioha considered: Postponed final action, 11m:id:Wig, & 0406: by the apfroprlato Int&titasi smite M tt certain paragrapha IA th6 14 t 66- develoAents. ?f7 2. GENERAL The Comaci. ttee 61 sous s In general wlth pa:7tdular emOhasis Bismavck Sea area and the situation fg, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? 4ostagm , , 36th, melDIriz COME51:10D INT.igAtg MINUTES of M -i oti)....1..W24trL in The Combined Chiefs of lailluraL, oniz1_111Y.L.Teb uar 12.1214; - PRESENT Col. Thomas D. Milling) 0..C. (AC 4), in the Chair Col. C. C. Blakeney? G.S.C. Comdr. E. L. Abbott, U.S.N.. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of State Mr. E. S. Mason, O.S.S. Mr. Max Ways? Comdr. W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Lieut. Col. M. A. Hall, G.S.C. (A.C.) Lieut, Comdr. Wm. M. McGovern, U.S.N.R. C pt. a4. ciL Group Got4,! Liout, Col, Mr John avir9a4 SECREWARIAT Major A. S. Buford, III Major C. M. Bor!oi Ensign R. B. Snapp ? 1.4 ,VaLm Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? Attention-iate: clitiesting C.T.0. comment ofl (2nd Draft) and C.T*0* 16/2- closures "A" and "B" of 0,i 0*. in Enclosure "A" were discus-aid those revisions offered an opport %in the light of recent developntent Agreed to utilize this opportuti appropriate revisions to c.ri,c't Postponed discussion of Sta16 its next meeting. 2. GENERAL There being no furthor business ready to cOMOt4' the Committee, the Chairman opened tha Meating ta gavaral. cussion of tha current world situation. COLONEL HALL reported on the sit,tation tto west Pacific, and COLONEL BLAKENZY prozonted tha. ZodttlUx Japanese G.,ound Forces in New Guinea and Burma. man, DuBOULAY then outlined significant devalopments tho front and COLONEL COOK reviewed tha situation on thaMAr Line. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? Attention-iate: clitiesting C.T.0. comment ofl (2nd Draft) and C.T*0* 16/2- closures "A" and "B" of 0,i 0*. in Enclosure "A" were discus-aid those revisions offered an opport %in the light of recent developntent Agreed to utilize this opportuti appropriate revisions to c.ri,c't Postponed discussion of Sta16 its next meeting. 2. GENERAL There being no furthor business ready to cOMOt4' the Committee, the Chairman opened tha Meating ta gavaral. cussion of tha current world situation. COLONEL HALL reported on the sit,tation tto west Pacific, and COLONEL BLAKENZY prozonted tha. ZodttlUx Japanese G.,ound Forces in New Guinea and Burma. man, DuBOULAY then outlined significant devalopments tho front and COLONEL COOK reviewed tha situation on thaMAr Line. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ' , , 94 BRITISIT m9144k ti! ? 1.?? tit ik4 1. TR8 EMOT OP_ OPERATXONS IN NORTH APPTIA It appeared that a draft Oft tht ttUtj# dintributed but too late for individual =Slat the meeting. Under the circumstanceM? 1 11 1 THE COMMITTEE: 49 , h r Agreed to postnone discussiOn of the v 1 special meeting to be called the oiariy Nutt ot week. , .??!.4?, ? . ? 2. GENERAL There being no further business ready to come, Wora the Committee, the Chairman opened the Meeting to a, general dla- oussion of the current world situatiOn. COMMANDER KENNY and COLONEL HALL reported on tho situation in the Southwest Pacific Area, and DR. HORNBECK initiated and led a discussion on events in Chlna, with partcular reference to recent reports of renewed Japanese activitr in that theater. COLONEL COOK, COLONEL BLAKENEY, and OROU? CAPTAIN DuBOULAY then gave a brief outline of significant de-volap ments on the Russian and Mediterranean Fronts - `1?11. A , ??;e4., i? ? 44 ??' 11 , ?f. Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 "11; 1114;i1.- Tho Cot od Chiof L'or/Ittof on'rtf6t.y:A _ , : C?N- , Mcjor A. S. Buford, III Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: C Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 6 ? ,-,J , ? I ? U. S. SECRET BRITISH MOST SECRET 1. CEVERAL ? The war situatiOn in gonorgi '0,111JtV with particular rcforenco to the Ruin tIfMt01% tri& German Ordor of Battle in Russia and Tuti6i 2. RUSSIAE.STENGTH 11111.TIELI MR. MASON ropo:rtod that the stooll-ing tiubcommItto , had outlined the scope of the proposed papor and hAd lAditmtod, specific information which would bo required In the prop6rAtt6.6 of thc ippor. COLONEL COOK stAted that British reprogentatIV6? had cctled London, requesting London's advice on the inforMtildri requJ.rcd and London's opinion on the selected br.sic ativaincrttaat regarding thc situation in the summer of 1943, nrxicly1 (a) Thrlt thc Russians hr.ve runchod a lino which the Gormans hFivc succocdud in stabili7ing,,?71,nd (b) That thc Russivns hfwe over-oxtondod thorn iv, enabling tho GOIIMW1E1 to lunch 21.1.ccessful countcr-offtnst .-111,z0 ? ? wag, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 .k. l? I? -.4,11 'P' -1 If"- '? . - .' ' #... - t- . .. . _.. w i4,7+.24, ? , i . , -. 7 ; .....*: 45 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Combined Intelligence Committee Meeting: Friday, Pebruary 12. ? No business was transactad, -mat the caSeZeittiorr.f, brought out some interesting aspects of Isertal *VII* in the For East. Recently American bombing taotict,direatedl againut enemj shipping have been markealy Chekieldw- level bombing is giving way to low level (atuf aimost, horizontal) attack. In attaew on Japanese merchant shipping t're present practice is to fly at nn altitudt 7 of 50 feet. At a speed of 250 miles an hour tho banib, it released 480 feet from the ship. The bomb Past ham a four second delaying action. Tho ob3oct is to cm40 tha bomb to strike the ship at water line nith a suffleivat delay in the explosion to permit the escape or the plane. The procc!dure in attac against oarrters Is to fly at an altitude or 50 feet and at a speed a ::v1.0 mileJs qr. hour to release a 500 pound bomb 840 feet from the 11.1p. Flying at this speed and altitude causes, a tilD0' bomb to skip oa the water if it falls shal-t of the ship. For attack on a battleship the altitude of' Lrb is 300 feet. A 1,000 pound bomb is released 24004::Deet from the ship at a speed of 310 miles a hour. Ve results are reported from these tactic. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 iu4rowtr-R1-.1;' ' trrr BRITISR MOAT St a fit, cIso 3 rd mtfIliaa COMBINEV INT WOEW mrwQg12tAStLlaIJAIAL The combined Chirs 0f Stet, ' on r_f_apityj, PRESENT Col. Thomas D. Milling, G.S.C. (A 4C in the chair. Col. C. C. Blakeney, G.S.C. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of State Mr. E. S. Mason, 0.8.5. Mr. Max Ways, B.E.W. Lieut. Col. L. L. Monta6ue, G.S.C. Commander H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.R. Commander W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Lieut. Col. M. A. Hall, G.S.C.(A.C. Lieut. (jg) J. P. Davis, U.S.N.R. Major A. S. Buford, III Lieut ts, Comdr. W,S, 'thong' SECRETARIAT Mx, R.F. Batty. Major o tc,Berikele Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 RIM3TA4 4TROOTg MR. MASON read 8 note prestintf: puzzling factors involve.d in the Study O. tential, with particular emphasis on D1&- ponding factors in German economy. 1er6 det designed primarily to focus attontiort OA oert4-16cv had caused him considerable concern, tri th4- which followed, it was suggested that it 146111d, be d consider the question of Russian strength 44 of Alte than during the winter of 1943. ? Appointed a steering subcommittee ch4 preparation of a draft on Russlatt gtrIftgAIACT June, 19430 this subcommittee to be. dompoltied Mr. Mason, Colonel Blakeney, Colonal Colonel Cook and Group Captain! DuBoula'r 2. GENERAL The general world situation was disaussod, in connection with the German Order of Battle along the gt,1$81611,; rU Front and in Tunisia. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 NatinMallittiala Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 1 iN/1140FOICE MIMk The Combined Committee disaussed the draft Or prw4, pared by the Enemy Oil Committee stimmarizitg the "$apatese OIL is- tion61 ." With a few medifications this paper waa amsepted as, ft= paper. The Combined Chiefs of Staff have just requested frowth6;31V an estimate of the European Axie mtd Far Eastern Axis *11 reezdtiott* The present paper, together with the paper on "The European kx.14 OEt PosItion" recently approved by the SIC, areoonsidered to full= the JCS request. The American comments on the British paper on nt,talmm florale" came up for consideration. Since, the diverganfts between, ht. American and British views nas slight, the comments were referred to the secretaries for incorporation In the British paper. This will then be presented to the JIC as a combined paper. Lt. Col. Lovell of the Central European Section or Ms has been borrowed for JIG duty for the next two weeks to work in. partiaa- lar on the papers on "Axis Strategy in North Africa," "Axis Strategar in 1943," and "German Manpower." The incorporation of comments on. these last two BritiJh papers will bring to an issue the divergeactal between the British views and the MIS views regarding German casuaitl and present Germany army strength. On the former question, the British estaate German permanent casualties at 44000,000; MIS estimates casualties at 1,8001000;and OSS estimates German casualtias at sround 2,700,000. A British estimate of German arilw strength as, or 'Tune 19.474 is 6,800,000, and as of December 1942, 6,2004000. MIS continues to adhere to the figure of about 71500,000 as present German militazY strength. These persistent differences ereatly hamper at agreed position on the German manpower situation. The British offered a few criticisms on. our comments on the _ British papers concerning "Russian Strength in 2.943," sni the RusSi= capability of defending the Caucasus., These oriticisms wing. be sidered in various sub-committees. Subsequent diecustion that British Intelligence confirms General Strones 09mment yesterday that the Germans have recently, withdrwIn infan?: one panzer division from France for action on ussian - >s?, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 NatinMallittiala Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 1 iN/1140FOICE MIMk The Combined Committee disaussed the draft Or prw4, pared by the Enemy Oil Committee stimmarizitg the "$apatese OIL is- tion61 ." With a few medifications this paper waa amsepted as, ft= paper. The Combined Chiefs of Staff have just requested frowth6;31V an estimate of the European Axie mtd Far Eastern Axis *11 reezdtiott* The present paper, together with the paper on "The European kx.14 OEt PosItion" recently approved by the SIC, areoonsidered to full= the JCS request. The American comments on the British paper on nt,talmm florale" came up for consideration. Since, the diverganfts between, ht. American and British views nas slight, the comments were referred to the secretaries for incorporation In the British paper. This will then be presented to the JIC as a combined paper. Lt. Col. Lovell of the Central European Section or Ms has been borrowed for JIG duty for the next two weeks to work in. partiaa- lar on the papers on "Axis Strategy in North Africa," "Axis Strategar in 1943," and "German Manpower." The incorporation of comments on. these last two BritiJh papers will bring to an issue the divergeactal between the British views and the MIS views regarding German casuaitl and present Germany army strength. On the former question, the British estaate German permanent casualties at 44000,000; MIS estimates casualties at 1,8001000;and OSS estimates German casualtias at sround 2,700,000. A British estimate of German arilw strength as, or 'Tune 19.474 is 6,800,000, and as of December 1942, 6,2004000. MIS continues to adhere to the figure of about 71500,000 as present German militazY strength. These persistent differences ereatly hamper at agreed position on the German manpower situation. The British offered a few criticisms on. our comments on the _ British papers concerning "Russian Strength in 2.943," sni the RusSi= capability of defending the Caucasus., These oriticisms wing. be sidered in various sub-committees. Subsequent diecustion that British Intelligence confirms General Strones 09mment yesterday that the Germans have recently, withdrwIn infan?: one panzer division from France for action on ussian - >s?, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 144, ? t?Pl. , ? ? V. S. MGM I?trOST MAT GENERAL 7 . :'?'.7.7 The Committee discussed gmii t11,0 dUtrOtt 101r situation, with particular emphasis on th litUatiedi Ma around Guadalcanal and on German order Of battle it, ftWiddercf Russia, and North Africa. PENDITIG PROJECTS The status of pending projects was reviewvdyth satisfactory progress was noted. It was again suggested that the processing of combined papers would be facilitated if 5ftallf combined subcommittees prepared agreed drafts prior to full COMMIT= consideration. THE COMMITTEE:- Directed that combined papers heroafter be proaesaed in accordance with the procedure auggested and that re?resentation on the drafting subcommittee.s be limited to a maxinum of three representatives fram each side. 9 ' '!.:0',::;? 7 , ? r ; .". -;..-i. "11 37' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? ?.. 7 .5 BP:ITT-SR ItOST noim - COMBIIITO INTELLIOVIC COMITta MlnITLSTIIDE.held in Aocm, 100461 The Combined Chiefs of StAttjAng, on TUESDAY Januarv 6 L1 at l'ef5?t PRESENT Capt. E.P. Eldredge, U.S.N., Capt. E.G.Hagtinga), in the chair. Col. Thomas D. Milling G.S.C. Group Capt. G.G Aaal (A.C.) Col. C.C. Blakeney, G.S.C. Lieut. Col. E.F.B. Cook, Mr. S.K. Hornbeck, Dept. of Mr. R.F. Batty,. State. Mr. E.S. Mason, O.S.S. Mr. Max Ways, 8.3.1g. Lieut.Col, L.L. Montague,G.S.C. Comdr. W.T. Kenny, U.S.N. Lieut.Col. M.A. Hall, G.S.C. (A.C.) Mr. John Russell, Itrabassr. SECRETARIAT Major A.S. Buford, III Major 0.1 Berkeley ' Declassified and Approved For Release Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? COMBINED INTVILISIPTC3:, SUBCO 440 MINUTES of Meeting held tri.Roork? 00-0A, The Combinep qhipfs of ?taft %TkilLz on FRIDAY) JanYLTY-22t Mr. E. S. Mason, 0.3.3. Mr. C. B. Rayner) B.E.W. Commander W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 rdri, V' f:41, , , r g II ; BRITI8111 03V g1gORET - 1 AXIS OIL POMI000. 4eque. THE COMMITTEE took not ot th With regard to the Western AXiS 01Z agreed that the paper approved at the it metitt would partially meet the C.C.S. request. X't 0A0 Italy was included in that Appreciations 1(1146111)1 by the U.S. J.I.C. on the previous day, With regard to the Far Ea8tern Podi 10 gthil MITTEE hal before them a draft paper prepared by t Oil Committee in consultation with British ex:petits- inlaS. Minor amendments were made in this paper. THE COMMITTEE:- Adopted the paper as amended and (a) Instructed the Secretaries to transmit 13/1 to to the C.C.S. Secretariat in partial t0 pliance with C.C.S. directive ? ;;e:"!,7''2q.1 4 gill.'" .(Pie I; " (b) Instructed the Secretaries similarly to trat the draft paper on the EastarniOil Position-x when approved by the U.S. J.I,C., to complet compliance with the C.C.S. directive. (c) Agreed that no further action was required on- the subject of oil targets in LEST. 2 U.S. J.I.C. COMMENTS ON LONDON J.1.9. PAPERS.. THE COMMITTEE discussed American comments on the following subjects: (a) Russian strength durtw, th nter; (b) Soviet capacity to defend South Caucasia; Italian titc.=1,2,4,, JII .SPANISH EFFORT'.! :papers [?? THE COMMITTEE:- ! 1; (a) Invited members to discuss the,papers,re eva0m, to (a) above informally with a view to? t1aeub mission of an agreed combined draft.- _ , P " (b) Instructed the Secretaries to draftof the London.paper on. #4 (J.I.C. 61/l), amended in 'the; commentss for submission in1.tki4qR British representatives, adknplorlidg? 65/5 and 28/5 (2nd Draft) consistin' SITPATION and THE VALUE OF CHINA_ Th080 _papers wer*eprei6ar d, in response on, the' saMe sUbjeCt*. , THE COMMITTEE. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 s, smiritT ,BR 1"--ria-TMOST, agORET' 41-444- 421,4' Vi ' .4..;,r" 7141 THE EPPECT,OP PoLlughLDMN OPEpATIODS IN NORTH APRICA# (U.S. 3.I.C. 74 (2nd Draf) British representativeg agrOad t* giV to 4 ority to this paper as soon as received, with Yidiert preparation of a combined paper, 4. AXIS STRATEGY IN 1211. THE COMMITTht took note that discussiona 101.TO tff progress between American and British military members th& following subjects, and that draft combined papers Vordd 15# available shortly: (a) German Stratel? in 1943, togetherdth Capabilities and (b) A1:11_?..IllaLq_aly in North Africa. (c) German ManaaniA12211. 5. OTHER PROJECTS PENDING. THE COMMITTEE took note that discussions were pAa ceeding on the following subjects: (a) Germany's Economic Position,. (b) German_mili casualties. i ? i` 1151.te'r .1 11;11pi, kr 01; ..tr? ' ;4 ?"4 r " 1 Y*::fi tZ? 6't Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? "S .:14311112ISEI littOgrr 6.0814.01ommommoorwwwwiriaiii J- Ir 1. rt,,g - ! ,. ? 3121?1- th tit trjat H:131:77"P4P c ?COIN= INTSIgglig mINUTIgs of mest.APL401.4J The Combined OkLeg otAttia on ,FRIDAILDIntlarlj, PRESENT Col. Thomas D. Milling, G.S.C. (A.C.) in he chair. B. S. Mardon, O.S.S. Mr. C. B. Rayner, ILEA% Lt. Col. L. L. Montague,G.S.C. Commander H. L. Abbott, USNR Lt. Comdr. W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Coll Capt ? :0 M. Bi?tiV E. GI tasthi 1 Group Capt Oi Lt. Cole E. 1. / Comdr. W. S, ? T.! re q?," ? - . ? Iohn Russailt 42.tbaaar ALSO PR2SENT Lt. Col. Denis Capel-Dunn, Seel Londam LC SECRETARIAT Major A. S. Buford, III 4?.4es, ,:?1 ? :Pt:ANC, 4At- ,4 , - I )0! ..art ??!!!) 4.7P114k! ! 11!! , 1A474',' 'OP ??!: 1i! +141, ? 1-41,,,.! I f); . ? I!!`? , !, ? , 1, 1! ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 3Brsa ubsTi'srdazir e ? -? 1. LONDWX TAC OOLONtL CAPEL-MIN qa London 3.I.0. and described itift in particular, its close relation 1tlP with The COMMITTEE then asked him vartault qa phases of London J.I.O. work. Afum further THE CaMMITTEE:- Thanked COLONEL CAPEL-DUNN for his remarks and proceeded to consider the' 2. 211112ELIggILATeingriE4 A draft on the subject was reed. , TM COMMITTEE:- Adopted the draft as amended and dir *tea tha be issued as C.1.0. 13/1, 3. Y......?-1411' -211 1.4(.3Y.?Ixalf., H-' British representatives acknowledged, recei,gt X.I.C. 25/6, J.I.C. 25/7 and X.14C. 61/2 (2d Dlattl?,consistJ. of comments on London X.I.C, papers concerning RUS5IAW40,111107* DURING TIE WINTER, SOVIET CAPACITY TO DBMID SCOTII CAUtA,$7, and ITALIAN itORAIS. L. Tir3 COLVIT Agreed to defer discussion oP tite-1)aper* next aeeting. TH:g SPANISH SITUATION. IN NORTH AFRICA. WI.00 43/1 COLONEL MONTAG U.S. Garment on London 3.1. After discussion, .exprepsed .1 G ? v4,:ewif,ii.8, e 4!: THE COMMITTEE 4'f-2 v 4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 1.11rAr-r", ,1'.4rgeltrIA. ski: ? P4V-? 91' 9 yLi 9;10. VII' t' , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 e-- "U. , 5 .! -511C:RET BIIITISIX MOST iSBCFMT C.1 .8 C. 28th MeetinE, l'ir.444", ? 0,4! rth,t. ,,,"A'ra. .11 , t r, 4..,,,,, ..,''''' r-""==.. 3,,-41,,..4x? . , .,:i;;A-.,!:.;',4,,,r..4'e. ".'1'. r-t A. --,e'i% r., ? '' "I' 1 , .,,,-. e-- .r. 1 c? - "?' ',"' d --4 .. ..E - , I '', 1,1 et , 9 ,, '', ,- arft'l' ?,_ ? cotTr ? R. rp.t ,.;I. . , COMBINED INTELLIVACt SUBdb ----,........ itY &Skip MINUTES of Meetin held i oom1QQ,,i - The Combined Chiefs of Staff Bulllla, 2.12.1EIELL_IRP.9.2.E211. 1943/J4 143?' 1 ,5 PRESENT Capt. E. P. Eldredge, U.S.N., in the chair Col. Th)mar D. Millin, G.S.C. (A.C.) Dr. E. S. Mer-n, O.B.S. Mr. M. F. Hamilt;in, B.E.W. Lt. Col. L. L. Montague, G.S.C. Comdr. H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.R. Lt. Comdr. W. M. McGovern, U.S.N.R. Major A. S. Buford, III 0 C. ,te 11 Col. B. J. M. Bebb Lt. Col. B. I". Cock (-0 1 - : Comdr. . W. S. Thomas t R ,s0.. 1_ Major E. F. P'., Gage , Flight Lt. W. R. B. Bra;ift , , , SECRETARIAT 8;1 Major C. M. Berkeley , C, I; ? r,s,, ' di , ".",, r" ,.....,.....' il .. ? 'A . ....._, ,, : ? - . ,..,-, , , ,? . :., ... ..?,1,;i ? 1 e .,,, if- 'LI 1 , ik i'" ' t i "I!" 1 t, e i t il ` Z?:.?"J , , ?"!".: i ,' -. .. I" - -I 1.) -": ' . ' '''' ii- ; ?.1,..,,, e, ? I,'' - ' :; .. r+.' i:. ?', :4...ii,' ,,..?,' ,t ???; r,,??;,,,,; iI 1.;;-? .1.1i:: ''.. rrelt 1.1 4 ei? -1, - 1?1 1. 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? p ? 0 ? F.2). ? - te B? SEC ET plIVESE MOST.. SECHE ? JX.? 4 . r ' eP' pLocKADE Bunny) TVEItig PAR EAST, (0.I.C. 14) The paper van amended slightl ' ? ; ,,/ ?? e THE COMMITTEE:- ;I* ? " 775.1i4.-r".2 re? )4 , ? AIL , Adopted the paper as amended Wid dirdotedthd t submitted ta the Combined Chiefs af Sterf 2. DISCUSSION OF C.I.S4C. MEETINGS., .........._..._....................,,,,.., , ,,t,1 Advisability of continuing the 0.ItS.Ce weidkly modt.1, ings war! discussed. In the course of the disOlotssion?, it gested that a round-the-world presentation af ivtellric:6; U.S. representatives might be helpful in drawing aut ;a- ----,.- British views on various aspects of the world situattaft, THE COMMITTEE: - Agreed that the weekly meeting should be cam inued tt U.S. representatives undertook to present at tht-tAxt meetings an oral summary of weekly intelligence mattomoi. 19 AXIS CAPABILITIES AND INTENTIONS - CAL WOE:* a/ U.S. representatives reported that the preparatiam qf the subject paper was pzoceeding, but was temporarily held . pendin;_; further information from M.I.S. , THE COMMITTEE:- g7.1 Agreed that when the U.S. draft was comp1ete.d.,7, ,ac and Brf.tish representatives should meet in subc.o=atttittl;:, and should provide a finished draft for full colurtit,.tot discussion. 4,'!) t^ o 4 ?1 t ? rt, has. 6 M-4, ? ? ?*, - Z: ui , ^ ? e 4-4'"' e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 5 U 3tOWII ? ....i. ..... ? err... BRITISH 1160:a S:TXX_ET elsomirir,saut ii*O" ....*1.?????????NO.P.4.1 ii CW.BINED INTLLIGTLVC7.7, SUBCO TTIO1 .4?10 10 .0.- + pd. -40. ???? 4.60......}{10 ? 4. Adr. ma, a. 1T-9--444144.14.61.,411 LIIITUT3S of 1:eetina_helfl in Rooril 100-A The Combined ?Mots of ,Citaff Building on FF II) Deconoor 11, 1942, tit 1 () ?Nbr im??? ? Col. V. J. Eoloy, G..G. col. a.s.. Bebb in the chair Col. R. Jacobs, ?. Captain J. H. Fosk tt, 1.?.140A.? 1/4, ? B " ? B. Rayner E. DesDres, Grout) Capt. DuBoulny Lt. Col. Co:adr. j._. ? 44., OP cook ZJ Thoms, 11:j or J ? 11`, -? Liege Joha Russoll, 1mbassy R.T. Mddieton, G Lt. Col. Commander H. L. Abbott, Lt. Comdr. ':. T. r henny, Major A. S. Buford, III Major C. 1.1. BerkeleT _ and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 "Cet Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 #4 i\ . ! . U. S. SZCRET Cr BRITISH MOST SE .13T G1T.RMAIT SM.111-2112. (J.I.C. 69) U.S. representatives repOrted that tfto 1180MtaM yet had an opportunity to consider thoroUghly the gutledt prepared - prepared by the LOUDON J.I.C. The U.S. trunicz Comaiti*eutd0r-r took to examine the paper on Eonday and report Its re1104 to british J.I.C. In WASHINGTON as soon thereafter as p0001e, It was decided tat the proposed paper on ktis capabil4tlet the 1.iediterranean area should be tabled pending cotp10011 orr- the discussions with reard to the subject paper. 2. BLOCKADE I32-70.04,1,7 crlirrt L'irt UD APAL 60) Proposed amondments to J.I.C. 60 were read and minor chanes made. 3. fr:Er, irTri]E: Adopted J.I.C. 60, as amended at the meeting, and directed that it be issued as a (;.I.C. 12aper. OIL TARGETS IN OCCUPID 7UROPE. A draft on the subject was read. COL:MITT:FE:- Adopted the pa?er as read and directed that it be issued. 4. TARALIES3 AIR LOSSES. A suestion to remove this subject from the agenda was discussed. It a)pearing that British and American estimateis, were in accord on Japanese air capabilities, but that !there was some considerable discre2ancy between the estimated- numbers 0 planes available in various theaters, th:e view was e4ressed- that it would be more ')rofitable to produce, when requestedx appreciation of Japanese air capabilities as such, rather t to attempt at this time to reconcile the differences in estimate4 numbers of planes. TIE? C0121ITTEE:- 1 A 1 h Agreeing, directed that the subject be remov the agenda. c.')t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 sx? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 , F ? ??),. I. -C,I.S.O. g6th MeeJ,tip.a !I ? COM13IED INTEICILIMICE 8 MINUTES of tileheld_111 The CorOined Chiefs_Of .;;ItAff t4lAIMK3 on PRIDA1:)&qAmber C'1942 art .1 ijfk PRESENT Col. R. F. Jacobs, G.S.C., in the chair Col. B, tet. Stbb Col. G. E. Huthsteiner, Captain J. H. Foskett, U.S.N. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, Dept. of State Mr. M. F. Hamilton, B.E.W. Mr. F. Despres, O.L.S. Lt. Col. L. L. Montague, G.S.C. Lt. Col. R. T. Middleton, G.S.C. Lt. Comdr. W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Lt. Comdr. W. M. McGovern, U.S.N.R. Group Capt. G. 0. IL Lt, Col, t, V, ...i, Major E. 40 Mr. John RusselL thbAmr. SECRETARIAT 1.4 Major A. S. Buford, III Major C. M. Berkeley - _ ? 4.1, ? "f;744:';''&/f - ? ' r2.1. 'a '; , i ' ' i ....,,t' ;-' .A,;;-..% ?' . X-3 'er';'14 .`?- ?? :-, ?? , 6 I , , ... ? -F*A1--, ,,,, ,....1.1 t."" ..''..A ., 5! :kc'''' ..4ri- IT.- ?,"-i:,, ..4.i; a+ ...... I 11 2,77. J ? t ..?13 iri I. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 , 1,,,, a?,;., 44,..4 .., , , , ..1.0.1:, -.:',' 'i . , ' ? It , ''' 17 ,P.. .12"\i''''' .A.T.1 r: ?, ,, t,. ,, -- . ' a: vq. ,,,. 1-. .+1..c,..:, . ?. It' j I t,t :: '= rit-1 I ? II t " it t, .; ., 1/1.,4S.SE.CRET, 1 BRITISH MOST 'S2dR ' ......, , C! 4 1 1 AXIS CAPO, -LIT. Ig, 4 (4. I . C. 65 ( 2d Draft ) ) a if) I. COLOMM UBB reported that thsIfl WASHINGTON had diacussed the subject pa-ptyratgpm#-Ati while not yet prepared to offer any dontitei,am4Mg' like to present some of the points which it ',thOu further consideration. British retresentatives thd questions concerning various statements Mtldq tn- thei Mkt general discussion followed, largely ,besed,un Sugg4S1d4 ment from the point of view of presentation. ' 2 T 0: , - ' t: ;. TTM: r 4 , , , Directed that a Subcommittee, 8omposed r1134411 and American rtypresentativeS? tionsid.er ttei tattfir- , further, with due regard to thfi?41sCuSsiot *adv and/ prenare a combined draft for. cOnalderatiat '61' the I 11 Conmittoe. H , 1 f,, '' ? U?I , ; ."0 I. BLOCICADF, G.1? -1) SAP I A ...4114.4im14,101.14.0, espirmirmidsmawitsamoloopeftaisliaolW COLONEL BF3B said that he had .certain sugoit6d, 2 A revisions, largely in the nature of later informat1on.;' undertook to present these suggest?ad revlsions to - to be incorporated in a revised draft on the subject, HAMILTON reported that the '11a7er should be readlt fOr discussion Hq by the next meeting. S4.1 ; 7 , 3. PAPERS P3NDING ? , ; f 1 ? , TH-2 Co :ITT considered various ' papers pending, R. RAYUM reported agreement on basic figures in the'paper, on japanese oil targets in N.,.I. and stated that that paper would, be ready for consideration at the next meeting. , -_- ..i It was also reported that the study on Q.errian '' 1"" military casualties would probably be ready by the n4xt meeting , and that progress was being made on oth?,for unfinished'businest ? ,, . 1 ? 1 - ? , ii , 1+. GERMANY'S PROSPZCTIVE OIL St, LDS FROM TE-LVGAUGAWak ? .................................... .................... ................... ? ......... '' ' l' I f ? I, , (C.I.C. 12) , ,-1 , , P- - -- ,a '. , , . , COLONEL MONTAGUE stated that ihe-U.S.?,,at 1,t,.#1 - 43rd Meeting had questioned certain pactual,:polAts ilitt??, 4, ,_:1;[Pt - 40, A 4 I I ' ' AO ' , _ 64&,,,N ? ., u., subject paper. He then read the stjatements'so quo, liS L- TiL7, CUSIITTEE : - t I , Agreed to amend the questioled stataften -dirdcted that the paper, so1ar1etde4- to the Combilied Chiefs of'Staft.4, , , i. , . . - _ !' A ,? , ' , ti ,t110, ,10:,.: i - IAl' JO` ;15 12 4.d ' 0.11, AP( ?4414.? - ? 4. S. ,..- , .1 1 2. ' 1 ' Ot .. . ,5 -!'Y) j ilMit ?. '1i ?1 tv - , %4'49.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 w?ib i ssl !I ? tia.4. 1 ? - '' Z..0 ? f ' ' :j'ii:.. , i Li , ..: ,., ? .1:t _ kW' ' ..,., ? .'-' --..i," -.4 .,,,C?"?'... ' , , . '' ..1'. 16.'-'.:1 1, , ,... 46.47?14.. , ,;,:` 1 '. 'It" '.. i :VII !I f 14- I ?4:j v.. : V. i , ' '-' ' tRITISH MOST SECFMT,':, 0 I e S.0. 27rd 34eotintit . .? ? :1 ?it ? , , ? C,j? ? - ? .1 COMBINED INTELLIGEY0v S ut ? 4 - MINUTES . of, Mept The Combined Chiefs of S'yILEJ on FRID4Y Wovember,fi ' al PRESENT. Col. N. E. .1.5ske, G.S.C., Lt. Col in thi: chair Col. V. J. Neloy Capt. J. H. Foskett, U.S.N. Dr. S. K. Hornbeck, state Dwp-t. Mr. E. Despres, 0.3 3. ?sir Lt C. .LJ Ro.yner . Col. L. u. Montag'ue Lt, Col. L. L. Nontagua , ? ; ' " i?r" ;'? " , - ? , ??,,z ? ? SECRETARIAT Lt Coindr, 0, IS -- A' - Preidlt6170 1 It? ''.'"t' ' II , Col. B. T. kbb Group O'apt? Col. P. B. COok Corticir Thrnriaa-,* Ma op P, Gage Major C. N. BorkeIey V l'Ek'.7 .?? 1:44"3 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 1 .d * , ,c ? 1. t accepted COLONEL eluded a point. retariat (c.i.o. LO) 5 ettWl. .?"; THE CHAIMAN ropo;t6d tfilv . the proposed amendmints dgre6dHbet1(04, COOK as reportod at the last note of the dissenting 5-ti1v.Wi. vi q' The paper would now be transmitted tIO ttlo as an agreed C.I.C. paper. 2. ENEMY SUBMARINES British ings of secret. would be 41.1.Zit.?,Qt:t (Ts:. THE CHAIRMAN said that M.I.S Lred t* obt and American sources certain inrormationl kegartf- enemy submarinos. This information would be. tr AVM COMMANDER THOMAS said that British Naval Intalti glad to flarnish the British part of this intbrmatiaa, 3. BLOCKADE RUNNING BETWEEN GERMANY AND JAR COLONEL BEBB said that British J.I.C. aontidev a Combined paper on this subject would be of value. THE COMMITTEE:- natz. - ?Tr; IkeA-ic 1 Invited British J.I.C. to examine the U.S. pape on:q the subject (U. S. J.I.C. 60)1 compare it with q British paper dated 3rd October, and submit e.,4ir.4 draft of a combined paper. 4. AXIS CAPABILITIES AND INTENTIONS IN.THEACEDDIE P' THE CHAIRMAN said that the London, comments on th-a_ U. were under active examination by the Tr. S. -7 ?.` S. 'caper 5 GERMANY'S PROSPECTIVE OIL SUPPLIES FROM TER CKT ! COLONEL BEBE and MR. RAYNER suMitted the dra_ C.I.C. paper which had been agreed betWeen them. . THE COMMITTEE went throu paragraph, agreed some minor changes re-arrange and complete cevtain fi 14.44;-3g2;.. THE COMMfTTEE:-, A?pte ',8.dgustzti 0,. 18 drat aragra Pero ?, raftpaper: kqw, aim figur? rub Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 4 , ,t ? i; 0 ;A' ? SECRET. TISH,MOST SECRET ? 6. THE COMMITTEE took note that were pending: (a) Germany's Economic Prospee, ' (b) German Military Casualties; (c) Japanese Air Losses. CAPTURED EQUIPMENT .1.1.11??????1 THE COMMITTEE:- Acrood to delete this ite:11 from the Agerideir1,-IaTosti- gation having shown that the presont 1161z:on arrango- mcnts between the British and American agenatea ' concerned wen) satisfactory. GENERAL There was a ceneral discussion :)n the var vituatiah), with particular reference to current opurations in the MIDDLD: EAST and in the CAUCASUS. ?i; ? ??![ ? ? tr4o ro?=4- ILY,'T e-rj .?. ri , ? ? .3 /1 Ct.', ' ???,. r ??r??.": IT, ? E41.- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 - , L ? ? ;!1::',;;;,;-,7; ' V. S. StORET BRITTSH MOST_SEOVAL C.I.S.C. 25th Meetittz - I ? ? COMBINED INTELLIGENCE StiECOMP5f1.- MINUTES of Meqin.g_hold in 1,0t 1004, The Combined Chiefs of Staff uildin5 ao. ? rt.d on FRIDAY November 27. 1942, at 1100 Col. N. E. Fiske, G.S C. in the chatr PREaENT Col. B. J. M. Bobb Group Gapt. G. G. H. DuBoulitlir Captain J. H. Foskett, U.S.N. Lt. Col. E. F, B. Cook Dr. S. K Hornbeck, Dept. of State Major E. F. P. Gage Dr. E. S. Ma n, 0 S.S. Mr. John Ruszell, Em Mr. C. B. Rayner, B.E.W. Mr. M. F. Hamilton, B.E.W. Lt. Col. L. L. Montague; G.S,C. Lt. Comdr. W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Lt. Comdr. W. M. McGovern, U.S N.R. Major A. S. Buford, III SECRETARIAT Major C. M. Berkeley 1 AXIS CAPABILITIES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA. British J.I.C. agreed to consider the subject paper with a to producing a comb Aft.?0,r, eral conclusions reached by the U.S. J.I.C. Upon invitatiothe.,, combined paper on the subject. The CHAIRMAN outlined the paper, including the gr: r 4 2. JAPANESEAIR LOSSES. _ GROUP CAPTAIN DuBOULAY reportedthat GROtM.Cgt, LUARD was in WASHINGTON and was preparing 4-a4r- 31*#3::0, the subject of the strength and disposit#J-of the Japanee' , force be approached from a -planning lootli: --,scaleof attack= which could be IliWntOd, ' '$': ,retherthan from ' the point ofivi# ch particular: .area ?ii3O%ti ,? iffine' ' s: der - GROUP - - -, ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 RIN5:614361 _ - ? 4,:" Meeti,g - COMBINED UTE= MINUTES of Meet .n The Combined Chiefd on FRIDAY, Novembe - ?;!?:;., :P;r1 PRESENT 4 k ? Col. N. E. Fiske, G.S.C., in the chair Col. V. J. Meloy, G.S.C. Capt. 3. H. Poskett, U.S.N. Dr. E. S. Mason, 0.5.3. Mr. C. B. Rayner, B.E.W. Mr. E. Despres, 0.3.3. Lt. Col. L. L. Montague, G.S.C. Lt. Comdr. W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. 4-? $3''' 1 l' .1 0?1 j IP M. Stbb ] Group, Capt. G4 114 dUtd4' Lt. Col. Z. 1?: 06dik Comdr. W. $, Thonfisi Major E. P. P Ga 0 Mr. John RusselL Embagm SECRETARIAT Major A. S. Buford, III Major C. M. Berkeley S); , ,????'? ???,,; ? .1???P ; 4.1 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ojhr : - '60 3; BRITIBRJ4VTALTIET ' 9 , &Le. AXIS 012MILITIES A- TUE CHAIRMAN Ouggegted alb - til such time as conditions in the MeditOt0A sufficiently well to permit of a nelt approaidt TUE COMMITTEP*4-2 Adopted the suggestion and directed th be removed from the agenda. 2. GERMAN'S PROSPECTIVE OIL SWAM, ?PPM COLONEL BEBB reported that agreommt ti ci,11 on certain certain figures at issue. THE COMMITTEE:- Adopted the paper, as amended /17 the correct and directed that it be issued. v.J.; 3. the Middle situation situation Africa, GENERAL. LIEUTENANT COLONEL COOK reported on the situatloa 1.rk East and LIEUTENANT COMMANDER owe reported on the, in the Solomons a/ea. A general disoussian en the vallao followed, with particular emphasis on Prench North ' If r rr '11 r 477 I !i - '`? ? , r , 111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 , ??. H, t 6';,,t.? - --140 " I t li ? , 1! ., :' , .1, ,, ? :2 c tr . Se tSEORVI .1 ,_. ,-..?..!........4.-4........., , ? . J i C i ' , 131II1'1811 MOST 'SECRET' , , S 0 22d Mcctipj ; - ?r,,k,;4; ' ti;:q17,1 ; ; " ; - , '-?11 I; ' ; COMBINED /NTE1A1a0112Eg .? , MINUTES of Mootillaileid Iv Ap i004 The CombinGd Chiofs Dr t;ff ii10.1.6?1?0?????In. on FRIDAY, Octdji2JI.1.2t .,.11X1,2,AL wiro.....*??????? *so PRESENT Col. N. E. Fisko, G.S.C., in the chair Capt. J. H. Foskott, U.S.N. Comdr. V. S. Thamast ft. 11. Mr. S. K. Hornbck, Stato Dcpt Flight Lt. W. R. S. Sva8lt Mr. E. Dospms, O.S.S. Sir A. Rumbold 1 k, Col S. J.ebbl ?-.;?? r, Lt. Col. E. F. B. tOok Mr. M. F. Hamilton, B.E.W. Lt. Col. R. T. Middleton, G.S.C. SECRETARIAT Major A. S. Buford III Me.jor. C. M. Borke:1Q7 = - I i; r, H!! rt ? i A ? i;;;:. ? -Z -z4VIL;.c ' rrk"-c , 4 k ??; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 , ii. Sd ECRET BRITISH MOST SECRET 1. JAPANESE INTENTIONS C.I.C. 10 The CHAIRMAN reported tht. ho ahd, btk COLOVIt were at preoent engaged in discusslorm conotirralw aortaki posed amendments to the basic paper, lt appo6riftg, th44 factory progress Iftri3 being made tomarda an Agreed wtatogittt vas decided that thore was no nece3s1ty rOV eUrthOr co- totT conzideration at this time. , I 2. GERMAN ECONOMIC PO3ITION The COMMITTEE took note of the postpotoment r)f tho study, pending MR. MASON 's return from LONDON vith mote recent information. GERMAN MILITARY CASUALTIES The CHAIRMAN stated that recent figtireg from MO', based upon a sample or casualties thrcmghout representative areas of Germany, indtcated that an upward revision of (lama military ca3ut.Jtie3 mlght be in order. He suggostedl.Awi tha COMMITTEE arced, that the BERN figures should be coAsidered in preparing the subjcct paper. It was decided that the papar should be held in abeyance pending MR. MASON's return vith th latest British estimatos. BLOCKADE RUNNING BETWEEN GERMANY AND JAPAN MR. HAMILTON reportt,d that a draft on the sutjeot would probably be ready Cor discussion at the ne-xt mEt)etines. 5. CAPTURED EQUIPMENT There was brief di.scussion on the subject. THE COMMITTEE:- Decided that report should be made to the Senior U.S. Joint Intelligence Committee that preaent liaison between interested British and American agencies appears to be satisfactory. 6. GENERAL There was a general discussion on the warl* with particular reference to the present action ip4a the SOLOMON ISLANDS ? ;144. 4.11?V r t , ,!) : k1/4, 1 utt: I J' - ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Ittaig 411746IMEMISMA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 OFFICE OF STRATE.GfC, SERAitCel WASHINGTON, ty. Got0.) To: oreJ.711.1 Ian J 7;.onovvi 7 "I e'..,.,:,.,...,:i I;inf;f ;MI.11117f???.. In 1'4...1 tf.0 rICP Z.171h*G 011011 t tee, NO 11PW !:),Aper19 or subjcts of importance viire s meti.4u of the Combined Intelligerce crkin, Coqrat-tUp, Group Cu:Aain u5,-.),11,11 br:ught 4:,.) the ,p,tti...mt?d,...41, rxr ,.:oron;.1.,tee t intelligenco it s27.1 1.!'-.Pa 'had rflot,L rye fror: London, sq docaz-raen'?,, rihlekt h.,he i'ithrece.-ive(i from the :?,,ucol..!.,ns.c e waza 'or- cun bir c?ommanclerliofCiern-.n ;air' 0.'..ce oatIon,..ta. unit.9 in JT,I.:1Q 1'142 Stating ":-Iecaust .01:orta:-.,f,: of pilot., (dive) ,.7.,)omber units wo?zild ; receivP pilot; re 019.0 MC' ti.e (.,f only ten p,--r F.I?e3i:17.7/ader 10 ne 3 ) rmonth. s.?.ort.-.::,11.7, of was attributed La Lhe rnf2riv,-.,.r-1111 to 1%110 c-tage of 1a.nes for trs.inint3 purposes nd che 11117-JJers in r1?..erve training units. Colon(21 Fiske, aologizing ;$01/4the Rritish membt,rs for carldlIctinr.: Joint :1',11b -Committee business in the Com- b5.neJ ,I;oun-Ittee, i;a,..ailton of 3E7 and me to ar.,t as a ,.,-ob-i'.amnittee in preimrinj h pext Tuesday a paper on the Fooci Situation for consideration by the joint Intelaisence Sub-C;onmittee q/14 for submission to the senior, Cormittee next Thurs6fty. ,?. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 I COMBINED .T.N.T.E1141,8140V Aploggx MINUTES of MeetimIsAlUILlicalv104,4, The Combined Chiers Of S]taffjyAliciApty on FRIDAY 0,9 tgbe in the Chair Capt. J. H. Foskett, U.3.N. Mr. 3. K. Hornbeck, 3tate Dept. Mr. C. B. Raynor, B.E.W. Mr. E. Despreu, 0.3.3. Lt. Col. R. T. Maddlcton, Comd. H. L. Abbott, U.3.N.R. Lt. Col. E. P. S. Co011 Maj. B. P. P. dagt S4r. A. Rumbolcly Embasay Mr. Wait' BolL Soolro? Sorvices 1st. Leit. Che-les Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 , ; ' S. SEORtsT a., BRITISH MOST SECRET' 61.1. /11 Z. g 1. JAPAN --'E INTEATION5. LIEUTENANT COLONEL MONTAGVE reparttd thdt t I.C. had suggested certain amendments to the, OUWeet eluding the de-emphasis of DARWIN as aft @n0417HObjedtiNd 6.1% removal of the phrase "no signs of coordinated ttlititogy appeared that LONDON preferred to retaiL DAR:WIN aS 1:45111tI enemy objective, partially because of itt italatieft, It 104V- gested, after some discussion, that the Secretariat dret acceptable statement in this regard, includiag a state:tett ' eating the remoteness of this possibility. MAJOR read a proposed substitute for the original gtatoMeAt German-Japanese coordinated startegy. The SIttStItYttrat' was amended slightly and apprcved a3 amended. Fr THE COMMITTEE: Directed the Secretariat to revise the sti6jeCt p with consideration given to the points raised t discussion. GERMAN CASUALTIES. It was reported that progress subject study. vas being made at the 3. 'JAPANESE AIR STRENGTH. GROUP CAPTAIN DuBOULAY stated that Wing Commander Luard wa3 expected in Washington shortly with the latest LONDOIV estimate on Japanese air strength. It was decided to hold thls matter in 3beyance pending the arrival of Wing Commander Luard 4. CAPTURED ENETLERITPMENT. LIEUTENANT COLONEL COOK stated that he had brought back from LNGLAND late information on this subject which he would foiward to the U. S. junior J.I.C. 5. OTHER UNFINISHED BUSINESS. It was reported that both junior J.I.C.t.s vere forward wIth studies on blockade-running between GERMA.NY and. JAPAN. In *regard to Security of Ciphers(a. LIEUTENANT COLONEL MONTAGUE stated that ths' ommended to the Joint U. S. Chiefs of 15-4 referred to the Joint U. S. Communicatio for the establishment of a Central con:W ' 6. GENERAL. 5 ,a0LONEllr, '1,,,, . .? !,g ..,,., ......,?? ....,ariii, ,1,,....? _ ....?,,.......4 ..,e, 1,1 ..;?-ii. ID, _:?,,..a.., 1 a, .-rd V *1.4, 'r:??;4: ?11 -., it:47,Ar r:7711Mil.= : 'et 4; .4"'tel . . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Sk stPEW BRITISH MOSIY,SE0 ET J6 I s C 20pi, go,.014pa COMBIN INTELLIGE/ja ;t1?-12Igt MINUTES of Meetin held it, The Combined Chiof of Starr .15:401 A' 21111,212429:1 October 1 PRESENT Col. N. E. Fiske, G.S.C., in the Chair Col. V. J. Meloy, G.S.C. Capt. J. H. Feskett, U.S.N. Mr. S. K. Hornbeck, State Dept. Mr. E. Despres, O.S.S. Lt. Col. L. L. Montague, G.S.C. Lt. Col. R. T. Middleton, G.S.C. Comdr. H. L. Abbott, U.S.N.R. Lt. Comdr. W. T. Kenny, U.S.N. Capt. A. S. Buford III situation, asked that SECRETARIAT Mj erP. ge D- DitectOr of Mint Intellig6tot, Vat' London, Col B. J. M..Bebb? Kett, Comdr 1W, Thomas, R tt. Col. Z. Po, B.: Cook Maj. E. F. P. Oage, Plight Lt. V. E. B Brash Sir Anthony Rumboldx Embexvx Mr. R. F. Batty, M. ,W. Mr. Walter F. Bell_ Secur Services Major C. M. Berkeley WAR SITUATION IN GENERAL. 41, GENERAL DAVIDSON discussed various Aspeo with particular reference to he Rsk nis remarks be considered as of the, 'rei0: ,1-11 12111rd Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? iiRITISH4LOST SECRM C.I.S.G. 12nAgeqng COMBINEDI Tg_a AggL. , MINUTEEL21A2L .411K_IAIA. in The Combined Chiefs of Staff u on FRIDAYL October PRESENT Col. N. E. Fiske, G.S.C. in the Chair Col. V. J. Meloy, G.S.C. Capt. J. H. Foskett, U.S.N. Mr. E. Despres, O.S.S. Maj. E.F.P. Gage Mr. M. F. Hamilton, B.;3.W. Sir A. Rumbold, Etbassy Lt. Col. R. T. Middleton, G.S.C. Mr. Rs F. Batty, M.E.N. SECRETARIAT Maj. O. M. Berkeley Col, B. X. M, Babb Group Capt. G.G.,E. Dulouia ComeNr. W. S. Thomas, R.M. Lt. Col. L. L. Montague P r;k5. . . ." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 4.1 s y. S. SEC,TIET BRITISH MOST SECRET. 1. PROCEDUR3 FOR Fr14ALIZINO.C1 ? p-..ja 41, COLONEL FISKE said that there Wat 00056 dftibt . American side as to the body to which C.IfC papOrl Shatalt submitted when the Senior U.S. J.I.C. winhad to ptappooe-tottrid ments to a text already agreed by the Cambined SubrAmmItttotck After discussion, COLONEL BLOB undertook to provid# COIONEIr P18 with a written note in this r5gard. 2. (C.I.S.C. 18th Meeting, Item 7) GROUP CAPTAIN DuBOULAY said that a try gatisTactory. meeting had been held on October 5th. A report was now boing prepared for the C.I.S.C. It was reported that neither American nor BrItisll agencies had succeeded in extractine, data on captured equipment from the Russians. 3. RUSSIAV FOOD SITUATION. MR. BATTY undertook to contribute material for study on the Russian food situation, on which O.S.S. and B. were now engaged. " 1.,""? '01 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? V, S. SEORST ABITIPHAITL2P0Pq C.I.S.C. 18th Moe ttna 4 ? comtanp, INTELLIGE 3 - e ';i111 s MINUTES of Meetin held In 800m_100 The_Combiped phIefa of Staff on FRIDAIL.Optober 2 la t 196 _ Col. V. J. Meloy, G.S.C., In the Chair Col. E. M. Fiske, G.S.C. Capt. J. Foskett, U.S.N. RE E T Kr. 3. K. Hornbeck, State Dept. Mr. C. B. Raynor) B.E.W. Mr. E. DesreEl, 0.3.3. Lt. Col. L. L. Mortague) G.3.0. Lt. Col. R. T. Middleton, G.S.C. Lt. Comdr. W. T. Kenny) U.S.N. Lt. Comdr. W. M. McGovern, U.S.N.R. !3EqETARIAT Capt. A. S. Buford III -ti col, ILB6b Comdr. W4 S. Tham40, Mi. jor q. P. P. Ogio Sir A, liumbold, Emba3sy Flight Lieut. Major C. M, Berkeley rt, 4,4 2ts - 1.'4 ? it ? ?? ri ? r _ " _ -" , ? ; 7J. ' ; ? .+1. 1 T.. .1-1e4 j4.0. ?$;-- - ,?-1 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 ? BRITISH MOST SECRET GENERAL. COLONEL :BBB suggebted thAt thot? interested in COLONEL VISKV5 oXparlendes COLONEL FISKE described briefly tht high tioning particularly the close associatiOn with the British Joint Chiefs of Staff and t the London J.I.C. disposed of its business ' It was then remarked that, a rolind-the'WO- ligence presentation, similar to that of LendoA prove useful to the COMMITTEE. The COMMITTEE IfieVtn- favorably, COLONEL FISKE stated that he Vould gee 1/116i, ments could be made in that regarth The COMMITTEE was reminded PIRIE, recently over from the MIDDLE EA to speak to the COMMITTEE at a special 1130, Monday, 5 October. COMMANDER IAN FLEMING. MEETING. that AI: AM Vibt-MAR5RA ST, had kindly consott meeting to be hold 't N.I. Admiralty, entered the , 2. JAPANESE INTENTIONS, (U.S.J.I C. 49/11 ar. 3-:19) The subject paper was road and discussed and el:. fev verl7a1 amendmunts suggest d. Agrement having boon reached on the main body of the paper, 1,t was suggested that Appendix concornthg order of battle and scal.,? of attack, be omitted in order nnt to delay the paper whtle minor differences In Cho Appendix mero boing reslyed. The C:OMMITTM thereupon approved tho suggostion and dinJetcd thzIt the paper as amended be I3suad4 A supplementary paper concL'rnng Japanese order of battle and scales of attack to 1-,N:.) sont forward when kgreement is reached. 3. JAPAnSE AIR SnENGTH. '71 ,17 ? ' ;I FLIGHT LIEUTENANT BRASH roporte& that he had. ,4. elv,ed from London new figures on Japanese air strenthvhiphIA6 A.7- a considerablo increase ovor previous British estimaten,? , r stated that he would l(ft the U.S.3,I.S.C. have a copy ot, 6 figuros. t,r 4. GERMAN-SPANISH INTENTIONS IN NORTW= AFF.19A. (British draft September 22) The subject paper was read amended and, ap,m)y, amended, subject to British cheok on tank and troop s- mentioned in the paper. 01: ' 5. AkIS CAPABILITrE8ANb ItTENTIONST - , rJ- I OPLOMIL BE4B ? b?ea 9 .. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 4 c .,,c1.1.ssions which, as agreed at, the last, meeti ' I i :place be conducted between War 'Trade repres.p0,, 4 C..S.S., working as an inferm41 ce!libinetypi:vi, , '.TFTE OOMMITEEE. r, r, ? '1.14 , ? c.Nz. 'I'll tu50-141" ? . ? " J? ? 1. n! 6.? ,..4rMOST MOJA, 6. SECUIV, OP 00101 Mfl q! r CAPTAIN VOSXETT briefly 6ummatihod tit - 1 Octobor by a Special Committoo nip ad of, 140 CLARKE, U.S.A., COMMANDER E. W. TRAVni RS d COMMANDER R.L. DENSFORD, 'U.S.N. Ho stated t t, Committee had agreod to prepare a plan on tho submitted to the COMMITTEE for tratsmittal tt tho 0 L OF STAFF. It appearing that COMMANtEn TRAVIS Vaa ENGLAND, MAJOR G. G. STEMS was appointed by' thd Attlth tdt ' , his place. , ; 7 CAPTUREILEgEIPMENT. FLIGHT LIEUTENANT BRASH said that Briti h ttstol-c ligonce yore anxious to take advantago of the proaefto British expert on this subject to discuss it With otpart,t,? or tho' War and Navy Departments. Ho asked whether a mealtv a0141d.ba arranged between Group Captain Easton and ?Amoriota ouports ror the following Monday. CAPTAIN FOSKETT agrued to make the moossary arrangm ments for a morning meeting on Monday, October 5. 8. GERMANY'S ECONOMIC PROSPFCTS. COLONEL BEDB said that as a result or the discuasien at the previous mooting, British J.T.C. had telegraphed to Londert to inquire whether thu time had come to examine Germanyi#s Ece.momlo Prospects on the basis not of the defeat of Russia in 1942 as,- in. various earlicr papers, but on tho basis or certain assoumptions which ho understood appoared ruasonable to both thc, U. 8, md British J.I.C.'s. Those wore: (a) That the Germans would be heldon approximat the prescint lino north of STALINGRAD; (b) That STALINGRAD itself would be occupiedl (c) That the Germans would have reached the 1OLGA4 occupied ASTRAKHAN, and established themselves on thO've&t cost of the CASPIAN as far as MAKHACH KALA (d) That they would be held in the CAUCASUS only MAIKOP' and GROZNY would therefore be availabl...*,',,WIlli;"'%:. , He considered that the possible fallef IZNING not affect the economic situation either way and could t be disregarded. h , 1 1. .; LONDON J.I.C. had agreed and'appii0,-- , assumptions and promised to provide additional de"*,11_, ,In the meantime, a beginning could wall be, re/gdeiic:t coin, I r " . . ? .V? .4 41' , 119?: P 11::1 14 At" 4, ?t1/411, . 4 . ? ? e-* ? i,? - ' , . L' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 PT ,A tr. - ? -1! -'131.! BRITISH.MOS SEG:0T ?.. IP I' C.I.S.C. 17th 1471tING: -??,-;??? .""?i.h.?? - :?.???? "!:? .".? MB ID IC1C MINUTES of Meetin he d in Roft IOUA The Combined Chiefs of SbqlS,111 on FRMAY,Set01.211 PRESENT Capt. J. H. Foskett, In tha Chair Col. BaX. Bobb Dr. S. K. Hornbeck, State Dept, Croup Capt. R,A.F Dr. E.S. Mason, 0.3.S. Mr. C.3. Rayner, B.E.1T. Lt. Col. L.L. '.:ontague, Mr. E. Dcspres, Capt. A.S. ? `?' ?? ; ?;? ?Vi! r ? Mord III ? ? ?"0::.,????.';? Jo; ' ? ? .? -41DIt - Lt. Col. :].F.B. Gook Covidr r.s. Thcmas, R. , 11,1jor 2.F.P. Gage Sir A. Rumbold, Mmbassy SECRETARIAT M3jor C.M. BtIrkeley cAke-,,.ft4s/6 , A, 7.11?1, ? 451,-".? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 e "VP I I I I I I1 p. I BRITISH MOST SE011T - .7j A'i,4 i; , 4.77,41 CON`111-1. fatLE.22...."ItCt (a) IREftnese Taltent ?irn Pr, 339). It a5Wang that Jo le ngreemnt with those of the Britia, al eXpr6g subject papers, the hOpe wa8 expreASed t1:14ttP could be prebentod to the Cammitteo at it8 that a combLnad paper could be agreed upon at thlAt' t (b) (man ltion, T Br. Se1borne,mmerandultir7-Ir;mns notei tittt tioddft*._ points of variance between tho British, eStild'at6 as StAte4 ? the U. S. views. It wns reported, haweitorthst stre paper indicatin? the d1v9rgenciJs was in proparatim mkt. that the subject might ready for discussiOn qt tha At Committee Dioetinc. Colonel Babb thon stated. that. tho Aoturv of economic papc!rs was such that they could probably' b(i.tt prepared in draft form lw subcommittees acting an a cambinod Agrod and dinictiA hJreaftor, In considerin economic subjocts, Junior J.I.C. subcommittoost, acting on a combined levt;i, should TzQpare draftS for tho consideration of the Committee. (c) Gerlan-Spanish Int.,ntions in I;orthw(Jst Africa (U.S.X.I.C. 3612,; Br. drft S.3pf77-TZ-. rE-wirmlyed that an early combined Tylok_r w.s desirabio, the subject papur, with U. S. cement, to servu 'Ls n (d) Axis Attack on tho Liiddlo East. (Previous raforrrnco. C.I,C.C. 14th Mooting. Iti 1.) A.1.-3?r7i,nztry U. S. draft WIS ruported as nerly completed and probabl randy for discussion n,..xt week. In order to accelerate considoration of the subject, it was agreed that the draft would b sent to the British J.I.C. in Washington at as uarly a date as scorned feasible. (0) Captured Enemy E.ui.mont (U. 41) U.S.J.I.C. notion on the paper was report/ad to t e Committee. It appearing that existing arrangempnts tori transmittal transmittal of information concerning ,,,aptured!onamy eg4 mont was satisf ri ctory from the U. S. point of Ifiat..4,,b . 'perhaps nol:', entirely so from the British point .ve was agreed that tho subjet papor be sent to 1414.0-' , comment and for an expression, of London's. 7,100,,J,18 functioning of the present arrangement. (f) Xcc c:anese Aug' Losses. (Provibudreferan' C. I. S. C. , 16tAileetin 7--TFEWITI) , Grou ' Z7Wiail7WTOBZU , . , . -7,... atedkthati,:a-n?ex,peCtedmOMOrandum,- a. ? 0 a ed , ,alr' l'. -.,z,ri Vtr4S14-tt- IT mbr subIc 1Bx . r IL ;s113A '', '';'-filt.t. reAentatives,, , .,, :' -.-k1 4,tb 4.. 5=.4" , 0 1r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6? .k4,? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 e "VP I I I I I I1 p. I BRITISH MOST SE011T - .7j A'i,4 i; , 4.77,41 CON`111-1. fatLE.22...."ItCt (a) IREftnese Taltent ?irn Pr, 339). It a5Wang that Jo le ngreemnt with those of the Britia, al eXpr6g subject papers, the hOpe wa8 expreASed t1:14ttP could be prebentod to the Cammitteo at it8 that a combLnad paper could be agreed upon at thlAt' t (b) (man ltion, T Br. Se1borne,mmerandultir7-Ir;mns notei tittt tioddft*._ points of variance between tho British, eStild'at6 as StAte4 ? the U. S. views. It wns reported, haweitorthst stre paper indicatin? the d1v9rgenciJs was in proparatim mkt. that the subject might ready for discussiOn qt tha At Committee Dioetinc. Colonel Babb thon stated. that. tho Aoturv of economic papc!rs was such that they could probably' b(i.tt prepared in draft form lw subcommittees acting an a cambinod Agrod and dinictiA hJreaftor, In considerin economic subjocts, Junior J.I.C. subcommittoost, acting on a combined levt;i, should TzQpare draftS for tho consideration of the Committee. (c) Gerlan-Spanish Int.,ntions in I;orthw(Jst Africa (U.S.X.I.C. 3612,; Br. drft S.3pf77-TZ-. rE-wirmlyed that an early combined Tylok_r w.s desirabio, the subject papur, with U. S. cement, to servu 'Ls n (d) Axis Attack on tho Liiddlo East. (Previous raforrrnco. C.I,C.C. 14th Mooting. Iti 1.) A.1.-3?r7i,nztry U. S. draft WIS ruported as nerly completed and probabl randy for discussion n,..xt week. In order to accelerate considoration of the subject, it was agreed that the draft would b sent to the British J.I.C. in Washington at as uarly a date as scorned feasible. (0) Captured Enemy E.ui.mont (U. 41) U.S.J.I.C. notion on the paper was report/ad to t e Committee. It appearing that existing arrangempnts tori transmittal transmittal of information concerning ,,,aptured!onamy eg4 mont was satisf ri ctory from the U. S. point of Ifiat..4,,b . 'perhaps nol:', entirely so from the British point .ve was agreed that tho subjet papor be sent to 1414.0-' , comment and for an expression, of London's. 7,100,,J,18 functioning of the present arrangement. (f) Xcc c:anese Aug' Losses. (Provibudreferan' C. I. S. C. , 16tAileetin 7--TFEWITI) , Grou ' Z7Wiail7WTOBZU , . , . -7,... atedkthati,:a-n?ex,peCtedmOMOrandum,- a. ? 0 a ed , ,alr' l'. -.,z,ri Vtr4S14-tt- IT mbr subIc 1Bx . r IL ;s113A '', '';'-filt.t. reAentatives,, , .,, :' -.-k1 4,tb 4.. 5=.4" , 0 1r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6? .k4,? , 1 U. S. SEMET ? , :f;? 'e[1.;j Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 iLemmiampumr - ? 3,- t? BRITISH 110,5T SITIV2.1.1 It.o.wititt*** t!!: ; ?E' ? 11 tql0?;:14 ; I I; I, I I , 1 i C 014! IITTEE P it PEP: a . 1 tor.il amottt.... ...AY I I 10,T=7;rt varl madc as to tho atatus: ofooAtOmP : - commiTTEE paper now unctor or fipavationb7 each` Zhlutor - ,, q ? It was noted that Mr. liaynor'.:7; momorandum on drormaneg" -ov-,, , ;1 .....octivo.) Oil 61Ipp1i3 from ;ho Gaucanun (Frevioua roftrelae: 0 C.1.3.0. lh Mcotirz, Item 1) ilad not yot bOcn'ooMploted 'aut, would 'Jo, shortly, t.;na woulrl then he (1011w:1170d to Colon dl $015b. Of other po,pors pondinn, that conorning PotItei attaalcii, ti ,, Middi.,:) East (Prey-1(mo -fi foronco : C .1. . 3 .C. :13i.bh MO e t -1.4gy ,;i Itelit 11," vv..1,3 .1.,eportod as Tricot riocr..A,ly comliic to ana probtb7,47 rt4V1! faX1 connittee Lts aus lion bofot.r. thip 1)pers on Japandi3e:: tatOitiortt and on Spart:Lsh- German 1AI LCD. ti N-114, 1 _n 1r)roo e o . I t , wss al tto ' rported that the subccartmi_t t,:e wovldno: on japans 00,'' air ioos was makinz good nroEres and w,TAid 3hortly roport to the . . Committee. 1 ' ,,, ?,;? it .;:t'Ll. I b '1 2.GIVERATJ, A c,enoval Cc1.3cu3sj..5n tool: with particular omifr,zs ; '.e C121) r titt, t on Ln RiJ.a and. the Par East . Die er,pon, on .).i...-.10rt COTITEt.Jou.rn.d until t s next 2...)o).-121a.2.- .c.reiDI:ly RI( e t 0,1 3? crib e r . r". , ' "La ketz's _ Il li I , bi ,-, ..?;,,,,'"i .,...7- ,), 1; ?,"=."-? i ,11 ... .,.;N i! 1' .' .-..!' I '':;-ii ;,' . 4- !'!:' ,? '; ,. or '4" 1 III _ 1 ? ?;, ?, , ,? ?.4--,:- , N : 1r l': ? i- ..,, ?i>.- 11 , - ?,,,, ,.,r; ?,, _ ? , , , _ . ,? i, --, ,i,.. ,?,,,, ,,.f..... ,.,, '..,,,,,. 1 r1 ' 1 .4;th; 1,,,,y, ? ! Ii!, ,, ii,, ,,!,.,, ,,,,,, .../ I/: ' !! ?,, ;"., .,_ ';. 't; .i.:;,.. I ,';?-tz ,, :L i,03,4 1.,.. k;.';, I! ...'1 0..), 6 ' i,.; ;,... jig'. 1:;,,' 1 41-r:: : ' l'''-r,..'ilt? ...; :r.:, ? ..: ? t .' ik , . , .1 ' I , . ''' ''''' e?k"-"41'*: : : f'" . I , c i - It.. -.,,74.? ' t-4,-;-',4, ;:,,.?::?0:-.6 4, ;1. .,..;; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100370008-6 So SECRET' Ii BRITISH MOST =Mt C. I.S. C 4 jlt 11 COMBINED INTELVIOE MINUMS of Meettna_peld In RoOm 1120.4 Combined Chiefs of Ste:22;14in on FRIDAY Smt eqp or PRESENT ..."..1?1111;410. Col. V. J. Meloy, G.S.C., In the chair Dr. S. K. Hornbeck, State Department Col. B. - Begg, No: Group ClApt. 0.0.11 du Dr. E. E. S. Mason, O.S.S. Cmdr. B. Raynor, Lt. Cmdr. T. T. Kenny, U.S.N. 11 Lt. Cmdz. 1. M. McGovern, U.S.N.R. \,\