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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 FIELD REr VOL 16 320-16 1092 Tel .. L. ? ' 44 .4 ,,11141,49 Pitl.'"?tt.!-- ''';' 17i ,': 10'4 ),. t i.-...-- ? ,,,.,-,....- ,,,,,.,,,, , . - t. 0 -.it , r.--.5 - -,, -, .1,, ,,,f 3;1 1,., I, . , .. +.1....*. i ,.. f 1, :;1......,--,',A....4;,:,Y, '.."0.4,,.1.-. 1"4.? , ..4-4,;.' -141 - . 1 % -' .11" ' " -i '4441..N.14,41. t...." = ..; . . 3`:`? . - gee*, . . *I f 7. 1,11V 4?1t. - ,,:. ..4 1 .2-4....*., .'-i'v 4.74 ecei. ? _, ,...... ......-42,...m.a.", ? ? '' ' . .4? r* " r 1.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 : .11 ,..? ft.. t+/AF, :?F ? r, ? ? - ; ? 4 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 :1\1-fc 1. tvt4,1;?`? LFyrf,57, : ykv:, -- ?-Etts- s- 1 ???,. 4 ? ..f,,fT; h Declassified and Approved For Release : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ? :4.0! - ,A7.1-2.(!triPT. ? -.07. 7.* ? ? - ?, ? ? ?,,7, ??? , ?4 ritt4,,fr A' j'A'V ; . .411"''''S.-.. ? ;4: . A ...IA ? *? .? . ?? -174 ; ? ? . * , Declassified and Approve F e ease . ? - 0-Y-- ? . *t ? - , ? . , --',= -4:1-?"--*,-2t.:., -??? ' ' i , ???-??-?,* ..., -,? ,,v,V- . -?-?:--.... 7.7-,---t: ? - -1,- - ? . ' 4 ..---. ? ' ., rar-i--..:-.:4-?------. . . , , ????? ?., ?...., , ,,.... . ?._4_, ? , - -ripik,Ale.Vetir = : ? 1 - . 7 ,'-'-fc ? .., , ? 21" A'70. ' *4 * - ? ? 4;41 - kaa.` . ? ? p.?? !-Lt? ; ? ...AI ? 1. _ ' ? -se- itt*.`-t ??????? 7 111.4-.17,f1?71-Z.. 74'Ll ? ;Jo ';? .; -"'-`7:).4.4???4-41, ? 1?????? 71-.2.1*DY-L2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ? 7.54e a PO I ? ? ?? ??,, 11111,10101.141010111 WA. ail 10 PROW besrtit Chiett NA& 1564. Sepstiarelitt Ilisissours grittalTIM,..j.10,10+1,,M 45' r ? - .191,1 ..4:.?4464640 tailt/0441111111144.144A NITED STATES GOVERNMENT ,r 4(2401,4, x Oeibber 1144 7... A 14s 44.4444K4.441 ' . c:Er,FTARIAT DAT*: 1-,;3 r 52 S ? " p 01166014 lilirss-1011014* at a report isiosoi Orbelmor 4 1944, by See &WS las reassitli rstsrue4 fres Istsabisl *ors balms tho lady aragrossilllisatiso asters ping lo Itstualmst lir? lass alLt4 or 143 is elgre* t, C44*, Dilroster awlsoot istilAvo 041~ 4 rspert is * espy osi" Mr. Masi mart 461041 at* tt 1 ;r,9- 4 ragout to the 11144.0 sad *soar 10446 *. i-02. ? e4 Cott-AZ. 04 Is,- vfie WET , I ' I . ? , .1: , i . .. of :: ':1::-.. ...i? 1 4 f .4 144 PArAtill WS:4' 4',"? It ? 44't is ? `1. 1-4 " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 I i? ? ? ...;...0,41.-`" ? SECRET 4 Ooteber 1944 To: David Williamson chlefs Eu, and Med* Seotion, MO Front 3an Ames 4ubjezts auI44t to Personal Activities dated 15 towbar 1044, 4 , ? 1' N ,c ? - I.* , ?Cr *Owl 4?w re? r ie t rabult tho following supplement to my report af lb pter addresied to The Direotor from Cairo. A numbor of personal obsesimatiana end resew- mezdutions hair* boon ineluded in the htve that they soy move lhatile in reviewing past events and aid ta future pLannizg, ? -4_ 1,ft - 0140 ? - 1011011WSIsteriell,116 IRV Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 5 ; 1 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 - SECRET gifiete2 AS Ali LISA,4124-: Cairo, orlicinalli wet up aa th* ii01-112 opslistiAg totals to iiriteic stgairait targets in the Baltalks an4 twIth ativaince bawl's or repr?seactativ** at :'..taxibult Siortialo avaantirla and Bail,* basso in sty opinlana lars03.7 oomplated that islastani. laton the aver-mai Moditerrsraan. command shifted 1.:60 Alg,tcrti, mob or Cairo's& tsrritori instj :loglealli 82111134d ia04tito Todall, Cairo's principal us* is as s. basil agaixvst $rsacill 10-3.012 wi1l b* yen mush loosen,* wham it is poasibls to so into Crew$. pr(lopor,.. ppm novo, nosh of the production sod dissarafizetion ism. dal. hi Dori 001111074 Va$40400e0.411441% from rhish likur s-lismoo try the Yowtograus fro% ri_skiro will auto- setteati Itry* up an asssiOst TOthdreiefat The statiosk ()V *40 Ss wirt *tom% *nough to rasiah further Us* norther% orris.* 11. ?. * r4. r A ...-1.,:i.#1,;?..,,, ,, , . 7 , .1 , , , 1 `11- '.1;ii '..?::,',..... -,:?.. , ?. '' : :" J:'..1 ? ?-''''. ' -. ' ''-',.7+: r- -- .1 . :, L... ''.14.,,..0-;., , ,,,,......... ''' ..e=, . " ' ',::' 'IL ;ii.k.:!1-:::::gir':?,', 'A". ',.';' . 'LL',',3%.):. ?s- , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 0001-6 , el _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010034 iCRET ISWINUM AS AN NO LiASE: Istanhultis once unique position, which would have made Aa ideal center fur 1:0 (*orations, very largely disappeared With tbe brJakling of rolations with Germany,* Added to this Ls the fact thsAt material and agents from Turkey would have to pass throu,sli Rascian-contrealee territory to reach army' tar et cross, It was once hoped Istanbul would be valuable as a base frAn *dab advance bases in the Balkans might be serviced, but the amplite leak or any underetandtng isithblosoos an subversive aotivities against the enemy frau this area rules this out* r de a planned withdr?uval from Turkey, having doubtless tak4n this oontingener into their oaloulations tar emverml rear* and left * *trout network behind for carrying um subversive activitieseeplonage? 0.14? black prepagandab rusters and the whole line. There are many entrenched Geratkneow-protestiorsp eta* Who have f4he Turkish Aecrot Pollee olitmorte, remoinw-but rar thelmme4imte future 'wet of these =Mir*kLrii have been turne4 over to the Hungarisins* A very LINVgeo ISPOesweiNitios of the TUrk populatitm too, is promllorastn few saktp-Ally* and irtal 101 Ofirrotio sine* Among thew* te 00411000 NM :wow pad agent*. *Softly before the break. agorms** 44,7041 * Lur$0 000not of gad to Torkoy, Indoubtm. oar to tholOsoe those activities* eooditIone mot eutiNrewo dittleult for Mo operstiOOS tm 1E4060% 44 Ube omeent* I think is the future *ion the IN iptmostar 14410,01140winsed 407 at ess thre 11 44310?., gEom - - 4tes,..rty ' A ? 1-4. ? .gi II . ? ? t? " ? . "1: . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 SFORET iztternsticsma eaen7 there* serious eonsideration should be van to firwili estab1ishin4 3110 there. Lt. pritsant? NO should have a goad representative attaolhed stbsitever misslora OM keeps in Turkey, it onlsv to carry on correspomdeme and implement projeets gruit b other ?XC) office'. Then I len Turkey I appointsd, with the eonourronoe of the Chief of the mission, rtObert? a. liner (MA) ? 110 represent& lir is abls and willing to do a very limited mount ot NO EaUvUy zt requests of him should be earefUlli 'explained. The MI.: tbs, stissitto? John Saxon is extreneloy 000peHra-? tilts and ha* an intarest and fair- isuterstanding of NO :requests molt to hfixt should also roast,* intelligent sittentiOn. Its 51, .11 SEOF1ET 4q,..,,C..1.vss,ssstar.,..a? -saaastsiss,---, ? ss'rsis's k4r.frdi .111sts-? , La? ss? s s p?Sssisliss 7 FL! ? .4,1111 e , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340 S 001-6 SECRET /31 St24-031.;Liagjefliallls A nnah closer liaises between the field and Washington and between theaters would be hlahly denirWble* This is valuable not only so that actual plane and oampaigna am be actardtnnted* but also to *et as a stimulant to the formation now ideas* nopeotally is It worthwhile in the ease of *mall outposts who =7 have to do a let of orsativs work on bleir own to auv*ti&tiy reallso there is tt bigger organiaa %los behind thmm who are worittng for and with them* Operators La lho field attar& have setbacks and the feeling thaw are foottiza nowhere.* nany of them have not had the benefit of fractal% 1m tbo U*S* or workiing in Washingto adquarters, andr4p4rs or sorrospeoftmilk froa the outside baliethi effilet. et Iptgp balks smil of roeStstilishi their stinfidenee ti NO ostivity Kenoral, :1* 4Colre I believe we Ott not gat till qt the report* not bettastwaitt *101 110/4, Olt us, Or aIlvers know everrthing Mott feektivtert sa detai Vika aig)it lurve boon bolpful '000 Itigr tilt? kswilisoirry MIA VSO SW* 'Aare true, of Istonbul. where very Ow moat* erf oer,reevendenee throoisho Zo the asee of Zeicatro4 ftlute, vv. dimulbtliime The tomilt of Geboo adosinietrittion, ideb414 tot turmail footeirille Verobtlioe some of the 41fao- ou1 fit remeloitingi matteletat Is (Mire Atom Wee ) caused the IstmilvesA ~Apr* *xi 14" it *i.,*deb imixtelet too hosii4.444 i PluS iir 0400 sm 0 1104 prizo. 'woo* tar Utlik Of Nal 1mA el* No 40 14 OW Os nous Women the , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ro. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ????? SECRET theitters can without 441,1brt be laid to their leek of secretarial help, or tt lomat of trainot administrative personnel* In set- tlog up a theater' ar field Wise of any else, itiould be highly deal:mac to es*Lgn a person particulaay adept and esperionsed in tas 14114 nr 'ark* An ideal situation resulted Ln Cairo, 6 %even for & tj Lt ? Saward Wilsons a former lawyer and advert.* !sing man WAS *tiiLri to MO sod wrote a number or analytical rtports* 1 C-4 4.= ?4' ? i.4,?jr - ? LIP - 4 "2. ?-? ;7 - ??'...S?Vr; ?1,1, ...,1?:?5?4 ? n A A 86, IF Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 SECRET COVERATION WITS VLMULDEW: It Ls a the utmoet importanoo for MO subject* to gain the tantidanoa of, and work olos-sai with other branch** of 034, sash SO, x-24 eta, in the Mold* This also hold* true of otrIr * and Intelligeme chain*, such a* 0-48, 04 ;cant :Intel.* ligence Calsation AgOmalibas etc* laatortunat44 there has sissy* been * strong tovolioncy On tLsi part of Dither bra:lobo* of 053 to withhold information oft operationl* rt la of groat bonen* to NO to know, for I:notion** that SO oantamplatos **Tiding * mtamion tO an area in whitth 1110 would ilk* to operate or mals000ntoota or to latow 040 loestitst sortAirt 51 etkente wad theloseple with whoa thoT era in contasto thia information ?non *TAW". NO tv susgost that an MO an be attO4bod to a mlsvion, or. at Iikast c *Wm* to brief **It...* wean*, Aal and mord Lii 110mattriaIst, or to aquatint son air**41 in Ow woos,* Tho *window, lows4 sooporist3" o' those other operators 041 *ore sisaUr be gained ow exhibit sow kloPe? WO sod sieditiwotormaing, t tbio 0141410ow *ad 'work ot 1314 oolloognooli This. sot oleo boo turtberrofi by hie *toturaly woolang *IA thlis$ iJW'ropePta tUrnaiiiii 0141 latoolotion, direttily to the **snob troiliviolikol INN it 114 ))4i'44 VO rovestsomrtotlio stleotioil to a arsoll in the flak, too:4W tem ? boos imosous. or fliUir or 1$410,mso it is lorigi*,? ,'$w1 41041114 Ntit. x. SO Oita # *It OW 10011.600, Oir 041 $00114t 114011401011/ 11044 TOUliglak e4 1111411 OM to *ONO %MOW tr. Wirt* 604 la Otts.**44 of 12 Xmit, IN* *Os -14Wirailltst WIT it* vii,* 400041.01 ito. Watt th. Oise of tho RET r. 1,16alnkl? r; 'Al"; ! ? 6-??.? 4.1117ter, tSP, ' ."% ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 SECRET slaslome. Iattm tad to wake the o1nt that any /40 visa assigned to $34441 teRma wolad be chosen beeaume they were partioultrly quail...Clad to operate in the aveciflo area %maenad, and that they wouad b.* R3 much wta to SI* X*20 att. as they would be to 1106 '&14,30 tar tram beinga dead weights they would strengthen the UMW =';.,0 the other hand, an MO representative atteohod to such a mle*Ion would get die other remberz to help him. Par suoh a team to woric smoothly* the MO man should have some knowlede ots or train4ng in, the function* of the other branehese, lp , - - ?.- .s , , .? At.1 -40 rlet Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 EORET V. iliaLlt;itikagLO* The neater l'cilootoneler The Stratesle Services Officer, and s 1, tn the field In a position to aid MO will do a lot more ror if no somothin6 about us and what wo accomplish, .mt nottvc cboparation it Is a good idea to *sell* MO, to seio t, c7ttlors know what Ilt) is all ebouta and particularly to etjin*rt11 Ls chievaments? Ws should constantly explain' 4:4 What is it doing?" The Washington attics is in the best position to do a round-up of this information and pass lt miong Ln Some usab1s form to the rubs. In fairo we sent a memorandum to all other OSS Branches explaining the functlons and aims at MO and detaillns the kind at help we would like to have Om them, This mot with prompt mad tavarshle Twopence and peoved to be of sonsiderable ho11,14, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X000011Ronninn gannni a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 EORET V. X0* The neater l'clootonder The Stratesle Services Officer, and sth , tn the field In a position to aid MO will do a lot more ror if t.11411/ know somothin6 about us and what we accomplish, .mt nottve c.00paration it Is a good idea to *sell* MO, to seio t. c7ttlers !mow what 11t) Is all ebouta and particularly to wduertille achievaments? We should constantly explain' 4:4 f4What is it doing?" The Washington attics is in the best position to do a round-up of this information and pass lt miong Ln Some usable form to the rubs. In 'sire we sent a memorandum to all other OSS Branches explaining the functlons and aims at MO and detaillns the kind at heir ire would like to have Om them, This mot with prompt mad tavarchle rwopense and peoved to be of eonsiderable bo11,141 11.? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001Ronninn gannni a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 46iit ???????-.44:nsatoteZ-V.`",-"' SECRET awl:v.1%4,J m fwmalmmuTs WITAaLVILMAIRgt Wheuervor an MO projeot is an fttstAnding success its *tory *tumid tald to 4ther MO office& and operators to serve both am instrtim fult4 inspiration One recent example of thi* is Colarlia Vandata axpwriencen in settind up the IRO black radio station au 1Bostonms evaotically all hands in Cairo and Istanbul had a aand In the 0.aaning and putting Oils projeet into operation? vanda retumed num Pitloistoe more completely mold on KO and the ttiture potitztialltiesat tk.ic ittanch than he had aver been before, Wals neat vatae breadcastin 04111411121 to AXIS troops in Oreeoe arta Ova LsIands got undar way other Oft personnel La the field-- arttiAb Irook And Aweriewn Anor oftiesra wimod exceedingly en*. tiknialastilsiv *snit In CatlialtiliOritary reports and many volunteered to Nag; In thaer any 4itibmr ira operations* A version of Viouisi* report should 64 OirOul**Od* nip!" 4.41. ?? ? 4 r ? 11.1:f? ;!ca? ? ? _ .-. ? ? 1 - ? , ?r7 4 !A AWAtfti.-7, 171P? r lk 7, );,?'%,1:51,'Thi.;;A: _ -1. ,',.. ',,-1.t- ,? ;' .11#!,:i,..i-i, ',',2-.7:441',.::1;11 ;(4.. ?-? '''" : ( O's, " ; ,1;' t ' Z.. " Y." ,,?,?..,,....1??? :.::_,?TokLig.r., ' ' ' -.' - ,aio : , An SEORE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 71! 4-4 -AIP, ? 1.1 .40 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 SECRET Yll COORDINATINO Thum Itore 000rdinstion between %boaters in attacking the acme turges would be dealrablo. A few deA main or oentrallsod themes or prgjAel;* Wilat *an be constantly hammered sway at, can be oon- eentrsted on4 ars oetter than m-6117 diversified and smallor ono** An attempt was made at this in Cairo La oonjunatior with proposed triat each week at the joint mooting 'which was held wriorlty targets be selected and then ell hands should 404 domentrats slang these lines. Sueoossflal examples of this typo or ailor4inat:tcr. 'we the "Das Neu' Deutsehland4p*White List aencrals LalotpowlgrooN hoax, and othc-* pro400ts ats.1)......jAtegialkApilrpozeliettly s Osman underground papor orialnitted by )40411i, imms sent to otberlboatersAlo th0 it ctould leglesaly balm been ?waggled* out of ?Romany to neutral *mottles sal there os avert, publierity in OAP, rorelen press. ttdJvs* dons yle rortmgelp loan lUrkwy, llyeLliVasjilLejasittt or Wailed br )10?4IK wee torwarded en* be irments4 ty7 ItO in lither theaters as well as by the British. Poroottodil those were lists being emptied in enemy and oelemple4 asun*rles bir A121,6 e?epok a4anto sad vnderground groups ot thes. isbost setosaar kielps4 the 1414,44,4 *Ouse. fte (limit opposite of *Otest Lists, Whoa* tusk: 06.00 00,4000P00/41427 mod. the Uat stro * $ *11 sort* of pratoronStal troatimmit Awn Os Alatios esoupled isekotils Today there ISO * beltef In Alms that a AP? - 4;1;z 7, ^ . .;??-? ?-; 4. *us& List* Eftirrt401404111110# Mir aria iridirustion. urmotaset te ~trio Om 1 00460o, stOlioined a referee** to thlks moil4;t4t 1.104fr toot sot 11) ! ';? SiEORET ?;-? :?1 ; - t-; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00010034nnnl-R Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ? e- 1 4, 71: SECRET pao, ,.2.1X,Ar...72.1slinkmit was a campaign orizinated by 110-0 intiandad to convince German troops that their commanders believed %be game WW1 up and that the ?minim soldier shnuld be savod to robulld a new (iorman4 e73eral Ercips, Garman cemmander In Crete. waa kidnapped 11 the 3rit eh Imr atory was Vlat he gave himself up in protest esolomst? what be ?conatdere40 the tafIess elaughter or his troops, ir be Collowed aerltn's ordars to mast to the litat suan# Jene4 Irszb was kAlled by Oro,* Andartea near aparta, our ircrsian. WAS t1114t he was klliArd 47 the Oesapo while trying to oacapo to a British submarine. He left a letter to his troops juitl.r3rtng his attempted osoape by pointing out Germany had lest the Nor and What it wits criyairel to sacrifice menta lives further. In titis phoney doeument he stated his was tasking this motion in cattjlatation isith anotberbValaillitarr commander (General Kreipe) Io m** La perfect *$1Mflt. VII4o asrpalgn WWI by the media of rumors, bleak wild *at. rodiet? ploMed Utters and newspaper releases via Cairo, 4014000014144 me, Crete tatehlful? Idodon and *meow. (48 Agents an4 MottashiLeiis Wiser* Imslide Ot fte hkd **pie* of the Xresh ledio *oodow breAdeeet the story, the Turkish vaimpAper IAN from lompod It, d MI And the fereilo press plaited it Up from litestilke (0041 piss 110) -, 4 ;..1, J ?-!.... ? ' ? -1 ..f, ,,,i -,,.' - ;.- i'1,4" k I. .\-1,z46-iiigkei .. ?_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ?;431i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 arm , e -- , SE,C)Rel? *If* r? 7131Zia London* Oct. 1--A spokesntrui for General_Dit? aLtualthiciwer told the imstr._,. in a brtadoaat tonigErviiiii?prapare ro7i-E7;417?aririTrITirrt;r7114,..'rieS." "The tit* has aorta for Austrian. 41LIte Troaltivo sari proor of their willingness to die,* asso4a*to Vaeraselvels from their Om:Ian masters." the Suprotae Cow- morzzlirr said 11.-V1Ortleate,31.'. 4.1:nstru.-ctietts broadcast? *Austrians, in total and count:flip should fon, in all their 104.1 *autzfuntties land** tin* a(mmilttees tor the arrival of the Alli-os? Mem, ootialtteei sbould be ready to provide all povsible help fbr the Alltoxi trt rel5ard to administration of local st.trairs, taw gorge of this Nast*, t preparation' or black and 'Walt* lists and Um primorvattaa ost stooks t-oisetber with IA safmkgusixding or Umnsporttm!..4 asohinein..? irastri4una wore told if these instrustiona wero followed, tsco..1, *human of Ma t.ria'a 'let:ming a devastated theater of war -aqua 44trtirougit lelah It to befAcive--vould be lessoned? Si4ttilar inatructionis to MI? Austrianm were broadorat Nelldta0 rattio taticky?* 41,1'. 5 , , ..1--..?. ?-? - , ,. .,,- L..- V. ,...? ? , w. , _ -,-,.0. ,...i.,i - .,... - . . 6,.c.- 6,, ?6?6617?????6% . ? ::!7!". 6' tt 36 ' ' ?'. ' . , 61 '4.? 46- ? 6? .11r,"?6 ?, ? , - s 6 14 ? .?,- , , 616: :Ft . .f,-'-'!-???,"- - 4-. '-- ; ^. .1.' '. " ? ii , I- , , .# - ".#'4-}',, . ? - en, ' .. 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April IS& 10414. est Us 111.11. ? aid 14.404 at iftwomeek. ileetiosi. April Np preepoded nal liesIssfp errtvieg there April Milk liessiard is lkommiber itiss I re/tweet by air 'be the 111414, ? liseillesdo Amerest Iltisisis. sMsga, LI. Arrived sit 0, 'at Nab iseesber 1046ki? Was rivet boo or *roe erestis VS* wee is 16ssiteso us. is Weer, et lbw trseelstlas bert et lbw leperis biviellese slim I bemi lbw lbraikelobers serbies mai* ase *too Vain etvilfese? 400, ism ilbe yew ei WO. 1110 vest bilk et Us me/Asp esti elze IOW eigbateet tot Westiliatesoi goo heatob. bet 1160.6 was etas no toillifislieg tow litemisi 11.4011111i Portwillmoo 4010. ? 'est lireliffieWei4 10 lilts hes* Sisk _it amosid, 1140616 tW boa Or$ kr'lloope moot my. 44 tie "time *0004. tromio* Thsv loisome *Ilk ? it WO '**, 00lisof ? '1110.0?1oomillo4 wow asiopipm dre' 9114.041$41. sit 016 4* his* 4401140., laktOor osmoisiii4 Apr 1,21 K.. ? '"' - .- ".I., ,,,o4,64$4,1T0-!;'4.-.412414`.54411i..);,' If:- , F=" ?'" t ;J?1 .to, e.:.. t;' :;-j' .';.,.;i n!l, .1.: .4.? Ji 1 i-. i . ? ? i4.-:-.43A : ,...., , .i., . , .1 ' ? I ?? neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 , ;41, E ,t134) 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 as tar .V1.1.. lisalbesplosambile Ire (fir a tear acre) prowls. ? Sommar it Mho Taisiligasis laressise tr. Jibs Swam ami ProsagbAymfass, Ibis laak abortly taboo ever by Us ltopsrlis Itaisisso II. IA all it Os MLOGNIMISIdlift et ibis istelligasses 11. Arbor Mks liberagtis* tot ruts I militalosed libel' I yoult gressagi to ?moss abartly. as pert at * *tattles latellivais army los boadits4 byPiro blow Mils* Maio grey ma Is p la likess WIS. et WM& vas le be ass st Os Ultras Deere VW 401101111?lilt lood% issiosai slar plas was Hasellia4. likai ariases1 Stlas altbsreg I spoor pit Is Treass? I roslif_s_Vist bdIs vour410 st sssp is k-lbarr patirio est Um* sia*Mtp- 4. iir I Iburesber 11064, soot it lobs uhesses. as4 *Preast" 1,1041.4poss foss bad boss vapeorarella Int vary it Ori wale aim Usk is beam tor NW MOO Or .4 Os wort It tits lsV Is. ssuitba I um Isarksi ebionyIdd 4ass It Vaasa woo as* Otossilicso i4 di it St varlagsbod barisses? IMEMittix: ' ? /01*Mallilt014000:641r **43'" *"4.9460111"4acebieTerne-- suroaki.s4430,41 --? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ;? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 - rftverrnolvlorksorip rr-J,'? ? *1'42 k4 '''',? ' ?' ;1,2, ,.?.ii ? ,,-':..,,,;p: _,, 1.,.!,...:::'., .,,z.---it: 'i.;,'"?;."1 '4:1 ., , '-,-;,.i4 ,',.".', -,: ' 1?_ .. ' -_,I. sij:,?:4 ? "- ': ;i401-..:'' ' ' 1,,, , F.: , - ?.. ?it,. :11,;,,, .-:.? :0' C?-)? I .., ?...t. . 'i 4 .:` .2. ,[ , ' i . . i ? I : II: 1?4L'i: , , ? .;, ( t .. . ?LL .? .' , ' r;..1 ? ,- ,i?t,...4 ?-.. : : " t -. - .. ,7 'A.,,,.,..- ,7 :. ... ,... :iii!::?-7.' t-41' ??. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ?,. 4 flk? f , ? If. ?-4S t,1! ? IMO WON., .14 44?2 .1?1,4 ?????? ?44,44.2244111124?"..... ?gg?g??????111a.. ?????? 1.3$ SECRETA41A,T ROOT( 31.1P lotria ? Mos t you Mime Cl. NA NE I. ...........,.,,s7 SI INITIALS ????????????? . 11. Atkeli.iseloirs E1---Zitst W- WI* P. ,244??????????? 42. l ? L. Afitti ? If t CI t ? s woo P. iroict .1r C t. itrit g .-011.1.441?0?09.1441.? ??????4016?00.0.4 e , r???F und,4,1410, Or#9},,,,Pt? 1.4.# 4 ? ?-otbrat -? ? ,*v (4.1141- L - - .?"(,kt .? ? P. ,..t r#00/4nalls000di 2?1 ?tr 1 4. ? . .' ? ? e, ? - _ 1.! $'A:1-;:?1;! ? , -,..:?"L; ? " , ? 21, ".?! . . 41^ ; .4, ? ? t.) ? ? - ;??2 ??? ' I 1 - , ; f?;;;,m, ; . ? I] t _ ? ;* ? ,?? - F1 ;:; ; ? ? ? `. ,7 t: 7 1, -? t ,, '' - 1. ' ;_??, ?,4,.,..,,._7i fi:; ,-.? . .? i,_?_. ,- -,:,4.-p? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001003400 4,Mtc. 1-6 ?",% grAmpsw# moos mr. e Affetnerandurn ? UNITED STATES iroGeneral W. J. Donovan VACIAd I. H. Shapardeon suajscit Comment oil Field Report of John L. Calvocoressi DATE: GOVERNMENT .e ? 13 Werth 194$ A:reliant to your request for comment on the above Yield Reportt Mr. Penrose, who was in Cairo during the period covared? has written a memorandum (attached) which 'some to me to give carefUl? candid and fully informative Ammer* to the questions raised by ths report. 0 a. "ler ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 1 .1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ,??? r, f.,?-*:.V.744?td?N ? 1.1,?.?gi,??-, e t. ...r., 41. 6 a , t ...,..e .1:: /''. ...0.- . _ _.-4;---- 4 ? foe ''''.,'.? ir CI* : Co 44: OFFICE Or STRATEGIC* SERVICES WASHINGTON. D. C. 7 i March 2, 1945 t Chief, 31 : Stephen B. L. Penrose Miner t Deport on Field Conditions by John L. Calvocoresel 1. Before proaeeding to detailed eonteent an lir. C--11Posoreselys report, I would like to say that, in gen- eria, it is ono of the most informed and nature reports shish fro have resolved from former field representatives. Neel of its erltleisne are eonpletely valid, although In new inetanwot the conditions Which gave rise then were uameed by StimitilliStalISSJI beyond the control of the field *moo. to he development of the Cairo office, it was neeossary tt is use of what personnel facilities were at bawl without gruSh ezperienee in the type of operation in- voIlowd. A mort.a or *1st:dies were, aide, although a constant Wort woo wbotntobtoo to eorrset then. Many of the weak- :woos* end tat'., point.4 out by Kr. Calvesoressl have alms blown eliminate*, an there is .on ground for amour- AMAMI tbat item the eperation to be repeated now it 'would be ilose nook more efficiently. 2. The aosswittoin pmgrophs A and 11, on pages 1 and tlp are absolutely correct. It nIght be pointed out that the *vs:Owl arrival et Wes Crosby was the result of pro- ??s to swear* a41411alma Grook-npeaking personnel eh. seal.* be capable of preeesslog field reports. The files of the sr Greet Desk WII1 reveal that the need for such perm es0001 woo apparent enely in 1,44. although Illso Crosby did not ovrto? unial Ally or August of that year. So With refireneo to pakragraph 1, the Greek Desk was sot 1t tot it* ?i$401111i1P0 esusialteilem with the Reports Citittecr. 10701m $J. loorlilookt dfts ef the Chdro officoi such emostatmtlems viols asomplotiontli bold, by the Near Nest and ttomks eassio. Xt is trust %hot the velum. of Greek ?hm4 by the fall of 1044, Ur 4o:wee4e4 that of *MOW Lad, oonforyonlay, it is possible that a ,L4.4,14 4.40,01,01.040,13.1, 41*4.104/ .5, At ti*IV. 410.4. .t,- ? e ' 4r.7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340 larger proportion of the time of the *sports Officer was taken up by Greek siatore. The Sear last Section also out the ditto stencils for its reports. 4. The oritleisna made in paragraph C, page 2, are valid, although the reason for then took r4ot In the slow dc- of personnel to the field. Ivory geographic section In Cal,' was undermanned, at least by fully competent personnel. It might also be mentioned that Mr. Young was a poor administrator, In that be kept his office in his heads The situation Improved remarkably when Captain Else became /Executive Officor? but even thee Kr. Young attempted to do too mush by himeelt. This was doubtless a hangover from the days when Mr. Young eels practically alone in the office and was toxoid to ma all adninIstrative functions. Additional personnel. in Cho fora of Services men, briefing officers, conducting officers. eta., would have relieved the sonfusion immensely. Unfortunately, sash mon, partIoularly with a knowledge of Greek as well as Znglisk, were practleelly unobtainable. S. Tha criticisms outlined in peragreph D. page 2, have been frequently repeated and have predneed definite changes in training technique. Unfortunately, these changes cane almost too lots to be reflected in the fiold work. The writer, as chict SI in Cairo, took up with Com- smnloations Draftee on a somber of occasions the question of the neeessity for periphrasis* translavi.one from Greek. No was usable to arras** for a *hang* in practice, chieh caused at lust a 30 Lnarease in the amount of time spent in the prom of embleso WISA*411 as peueh reports from Oreeee were smuggled out of seouplet territory, brought by slew seique to Turkey and totes 'Cr. poushed In a roundabeut fashion from lanir to istenbui. 141 Amker* to Adana to Oalre. it Is not surprising that they sore len/ Solaredo ?be only possible solution to the inherent sould have been the assignment of fast motorboats for wolek is the Aegean. This was never possible for reasons *Soh *re new hIsterie. Wes Cioaby was perhaps the only person Who *ould Mr. Calltoosoesette 1001. Saab people do cast but vol rare, OSS Wimp 414, as coottam, have a war roan but it woe lv up in timer of Its establishowat at 0414 where the need - ?", k 44, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 .? S. Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ow- 3 appeared to be greater. The lick of the war room was felt in Cairo but cumpetent trained imrsonnol were not available to the Cairo offiee.? A war room in 033 has unfortunately been looked open as dispensable luxury. 6. Ir. DmBardeleben 1-4,-4 pointed out that the oriticiam stated In parseraph cv page S, with referenoe to vagueness in totes of employment* has been *arrested. It should be pointed out* however* that Greek agent* were signed off in Athens when the operation *lased with a minimum of difficulty, and, to my knowledge at least, wiUt no ?loins of any major natures It is aotrially astounding that the Greek operation was wound up and eompleted without such claims being made. It speaks well for the devotiou of the Greek agents to that very desk personnel which sae careless lu the definition of its arrangements with the agents. So fortunate a situation has not existed in many other countries* As regards briefing, it is true that briefing had to be done by desk personnel* none of whom had actually been in the field. Under such cireumstanaes, briefing appears to be academie. Rowewer* illiACO no 033 personnel had, at that time, over been in the field* it vas impossible to oorreot this fault. With pew* to the supply situation* it is true that Lm th? early days supplies it missies& were riot properly orga- Alfred* Theetuatiom was vastly improved by the assignment of au 31 Supply Wisher, but be WWI UAW& to do much with tbe Meirpols Desk, which preferred to control all such matters itself. This vas ome of Itro Young's peouliarities but he was eventually persuaded to *baba, his habits. At a late date also, mush Orioles, **stroll of tbs assignment of supplies was instituted Man had boasts Ms ease in the earlier daye? leusseirous eossaeats hove been made on other ooeasions with ar4 to the inotrieleusy of the Maritime servile* in. the Aegean, Mr. Calweeorwasile eritisimms are thoroughly valid. it ts impossible to plate* too mush emphasis upon the mccessity for maIntelsting *lose relationship between base And 11.1* operator* 1m meow eases, It was true that requests tram f11.114 MS **tad not be met or reasons outeide of office control Sold, ois *session they weft interpreted by field son in light us- fureoralne to kho las.* Th* elemmess of transportation was also * traistar is sparest fmllurea I* deliver supplies on sehedule. I#M **orde irookoses in sonsumitations training, *OA ti 4~4 Lis pill spas 01 page I, there is as stew niers but at the silttleli um to visit*. Atit oparater o00 d1dt1 quoliflod fit for !oSirr444, - 44F t t s , o..,3,4,'1,3 5' ?41, r ? nrwrIvPd For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 IL Declassified and Aprill"111.11111"1111111111111111111111111111111.........--roved For Release 2013/09/26 1 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010034-CY001-6 ?ga ?141.14?Ps - 4 - ?, -7 , , , f'.',L-r?,TA _ s ' ? ?'s, ,--..f51; 7'. . ...... .4, .".1.3.,?.^ = jt fiold work if boo could sand and roes 70 lb words a minute. This is incredibly slow but such was the urgency for getting operators into the Mold that a low standard of officiency was, of necessity, aceoptabla. An unusual numbor of the mon trained in Cairo worked out satisfactorily but it is not to bt wondored at that sons of this were) failures. In late spring of 1944, a system of regular reports from tho Communications training school to the SI Breneth WOW in- stttutod* This enabled the geographic desks to follow nor* closely tht progress of its trainees and was satisfaotory when tho reports from the school *hero accurst*. Om at least on. occasion, school assessmenta were Avid* of the mark and man ware used who should mover have boon put into tho field. Adequate charging oquipment was scare? and motor-driven venerator* were too hoavy to wait easy transportation in rough **wary. Wind-trivsn generators could be wood only in certain areas. Thermopile ohargers proviod to be complstely inoffitiont. The lack of a light portable and efficient generator, and/or battory eltargor, was one of the biggest weakness*s in the claws muniostions equipment pisture. S. With roofersnoe to the final commont on pogo 9, it is immeilstely mgro44 that *very offisor on mission sholad hay. some knoolodge ct the local tongue. Prom a prestioal point of *low* this was almost impossiblo for one had to choose between clirsidu-sposlitag nen who would be inefficient field operstivss, and *Molest field opormtivos who did not know Greek. The pos- *noir idooal situation would have boom offieors of thoroughly Amforlosim haekgroubd Who know Greek fluently. Actual field mitesiendi had to bo supplied with poreonmel lho were not aetually impeosibla. The great sajority of Chem war. !sr No ideal. matt 'fr4"0.4-441r.t-Eitteilpowx,grittatiltirA owtoctifiks,41.10204,A.m.cariquit-tvwo,os. rTi 7:! r, r Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ?-? -A ? ? PO "RI 11054b DATE _IAA/ 4 5 1?: General Donovan is referring this roport to you for review and comment. His notes read: Will pau take up the question of Luse criticisms and then let me know whIlth of thosto you find valid und what remedy you have directed should be applied to their correotion4 t, 0?4?....4?04,~44-1010.1, .? 0 '1 0._S. 5SSSSS .to 4,. 010,141 .r; ff,00. ,m004104.10X0101/44404,1,A14 bopiro itme0.0sserioommerarmayo..004 ex.....gamomciosilawawspwo erogiommaiD E T. orsokiomwoc ?4,r r- ? ; ,21! :?? , ? , ,? - ??-$ . r".* , ?'? ) 4 , -- , ? v, v ',;:ji,,,?'?'?,?" ? 1. d' ; t-.1)? " 7:it?LI-11 < , -. - ;.?? 4;4 - ? . -; .- 5.-.i? t--1.?, . i? ....- , .. ..CiF::,., - .., _. ? r31.,,?;-1 '' ' ' ',1;', ' ? ,. 0,....;....?2..ki,,: ,.., ',.), ,.., .;. 5 ..,?,? , .?,,, - _ '? ,--; -I -? , 1-- ,. 4.'F?.?;?',?'4? :,-', ,,,,'.'i4.1.1.".?'''',"'p., , '', ".: J.s. , ' I'. ,., ?:, ?.?,.,, ?,...', !," ,, - i v,, ,.. L" .?" ' '-',.-... ';',;-'"?, ti ft,.??,t?l'ic.;;Es7 ' I. ,..:' ,,..,, :,-,..?.., ,?,..'-', .i 4a,VL ,..,.. .1. ,..,: 1 v?,,, , ,,i . !!...-,-.. ....,1, 4,, .. ' ,L,,. _vv.. ,......, t ? -r . ? .. P4,1, ..... .. .0 0 01. ??? '??? ?.?? , -???? - - ? 4' ,- 4,I - ?*. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 glo el *swell,' Poem NO. 14 Memora 10 0410*.rea Donovan MOM Sacrsuij a %Aria 41, ?4.t. p.. 1;1444* 744. nel4 *port of John Calv resist.' 11444 /44,40,400. 0.4404'q 4 404b tached is report from John L. Calvocoressi, 'Oho evum tae Grikek SI Ott at Cairo and latel moved forward ILL ? UNITED SUTES GOVEi..NMENT DATE: 23 Fatal a y 1945 ' illit0 ilr. 0614 e1140", 43/40.0404AI11 401?001, goileme WaS 64 Tr: DIZ:ln on his experience, lir. Calv000ressi makes the following critioism3 or the Glelttif t*ilure eitga46fi alied administrativopironnel 1 At b4 lack of advance, planning 041) / fc, lac% of established techniques for obtaining tad reporting taCortation d* lacM of personnel fluent in Oreik and Xnglishwith aidttoriai experisnce; and need for at least .-lao person ittn. previous military oxperisnce se poor mail fsoilitlei from Greece ti$, ionAmttarfotory pvocessing, of reports by *Wage Colour *Sr roosts 110, C Wang on conditions to the field and relations toetff*on &trims units, *06 the bas* station, Ar* Calvoeoressi *Os, 00 ticillOgint erltioisimss ov firainitts *as 4 thorou0; comOunientions and foroloviApttotivicpartg bet included in all training 1v,, ket-ipsiookarilar4 Itz++ 44411.6 te, *St AlCve?Qatta4.4 441,44 45r - i ' C4; '??? f?et,r I' , ?',1; , ? , ' vitil8g1 ' 5??? mre,e' : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 '71 qt,"1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 r nellek.441410041,.., - 2 - ' programs b1 screening or prospective agents was inadequate *. more cal** should be taken in preparing lists of supplies ta conjunction with mon aware of conditions in the field do more care should be taken to follow up requests from advance, its for replacement supplies, news from home, etc. *. briefing officer hoad be selected who ere competent and well informed concerning field conditions and methods of carrying on intelligence operations f. officers rusponsible for claique transportation should have marine or transportation experience. On Americ.n petty ciffloor should be assisped to every calque to control thill somewhat Lrragular behavior of Greek captains and crews, g. employment contorts should be more specific (Mr. De- Bardtlecen state$ that instructiono on this subjeot have been sent to the field Attsetkulent ?Y% L,4^2:4. W. B. antiack Capt,, A.C. Reports Officer 10,SWAKOraiakifOrit. !Z Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 loommi ti? 11gettt Sta ?"*."""""'""""""'"""."'""""k"."'""'""h""""'"""'""'"""""e".""""'""""n"""'"'""""""""""' 1%re Is a easor Calveeercral report. 444 ? L,s-,Xtstt s ??, r 0,416,1 104 z , ' 0?:-K-1015/74 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ,,I ...?? , . r' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ? NIA, 7 , 104 j ?? ? ?? ?.. g gaggi(diti irlitte***1.1..,,e400160144???? ? .144.1?0114.41?,66,1?160***,***1., 1110??,,,a. )e/ 1' :?? 40:fc:4??? - ?????,',Irai?0441**Oiliart?f**4*---;- - , , .-.1i7yroN,W0-" ? I ??? ???., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ? 6 -a ' ?1 41, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 monimmimilimmonank %roe sr si 011s? Mist at *I Jitia .o * Witillala itiowett PIS414 Ossalasso /a, ; L,171:co,e4tdi al$4,44-#444,4-044.. 10 isaary 104111 .1( de- x " ",`",??-?;?--)4; ? 11111107011411M. its41,04.121" repot% is ditividlood .1**. ? *so lost* ofiettewboo slaws Ow Wasp ittkled imo selpsysito &vitiator risirsesso WA.. tiros * Minh RPM. stioonot los Weak 01404 Cairow Ipsoimestm rilip01011111 boot* Isitimtli 10440 jearagirite to *mg Impooktisig mg" 6.010114 Wirtileiff#? IN Oa. frit 110001 414irrusto 4 ?Illaslak $it Oiso ? I 114 , ! ;i ?,1 1 4, ? ,?????,,,,,,I....r....44e0?04.- ?y,t'i?t.oet IVA, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 - A;;', ? - ueclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 131.11111! Illisminnummemmi . shaft. 110111011111$ aliskt moot of txtra week to sedgy 410* town * gra** Iwo* tiros lisport* Ottifooims Umiak mere igi00061 UmakfoliO sommitat? 'kr tin Sliparts Ottim *fiat bool argir gwomiltook Id* Ike Greek Imitikes aresope? tattitit sgdLadets,,Lse...NtfeLkAvL_..esmkti tight firsok took la Cairo elittesesii twat look itt propor somposibickliaa sealoiloninitty* tat** isvlisailtiodi tar *is ottrimAlty le* 40114. WOE vary impiospipass porsesitgo It likommiot frti* look ite igostatiag oftiosia pralkimit)indipoiriWAS *AN likflostaimi tor am iptsrposo col mei tor eatiker or Wog itaildi lowitorool *tarp elesitotiosos Wow* *ompts*tive idtosois too korty *PA) itveildmekl* lost aloft atiktita osottomme* fitautki***. 111E4M 3S do wassit *ix* Me Vats, imitokse itlidiselia14 16$* oblis ommiosUitmos0 410014iii emu et *11 ponvasooll ite sestitistip *kink imitts is lkoi to* PO 0 lostsparemenial aelinfo ituTbatftwate 1??MMI ittotillAss Mali aitysoitlitt host Om OALaij 0-0601111ms* arm WU'S tT tat **ow * 91' ? sow 11*** se hist wool* Mosimiussi losiMiess, optImibios tog% is *it mioilowssiowatam sow la, soliftiouliktoso won Set *41 ? 14110110, VI JO 614 ' , r.. 4.4 ? 3.1'4:'1;.' 41! t-P:d ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : - A;;', ? - ueclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 131.11111! Illisminnummemmi . shaft. 110111011111$ aliskt moot of txtra week to sedgy 410* town * gra** Iwo* tiros lisport* Ottifooims Umiak mere igi00061 UmakfoliO sommitat? 'kr tin Sliparts Ottim *fiat bool argir gwomiltook Id* Ike Greek Imitikes aresope? tattitit sgdLadets,,Lse...NtfeLkAvL_..esmkti tight firsok took la Cairo elittesesii twat look itt propor somposibickliaa sealoiloninitty* tat** isvlisailtiodi tar *is ottrimAlty le* 40114. WOE vary impiospipass porsesitgo It likommiot frti* look ite igostatiag oftiosia pralkimit)indipoiriWAS *AN likflostaimi tor am iptsrposo col mei tor eatiker or Wog itaildi lowitorool *tarp elesitotiosos Wow* *ompts*tive idtosois too korty *PA) itveildmekl* lost aloft atiktita osottomme* fitautki***. 111E4M 3S do wassit *ix* Me Vats, imitokse itlidiselia14 16$* oblis ommiosUitmos0 410014iii emu et *11 ponvasooll ite sestitistip *kink imitts is lkoi to* PO 0 lostsparemenial aelinfo ituTbatftwate 1??MMI ittotillAss Mali aitysoitlitt host Om OALaij 0-0601111ms* arm WU'S tT tat **ow * 91' ? sow 11*** se hist wool* Mosimiussi losiMiess, optImibios tog% is *it mioilowssiowatam sow la, soliftiouliktoso won Set *41 ? 14110110, VI JO 614 ' , r.. 4.4 ? 3.1'4:'1;.' 41! t-P:d ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6111111111.1. adasiont stoat *lout iss% molars 4?30 waitiag %4F reeeiveL Ito Wow /wit part!. la, simairdimum it a O&M ot imaalser sad seatrailitary met* avemoviet; Undo Taawiis ea arrivals prairad lagapablo at 44ssektaiu n.*s* to rotors aperatiaaas *a writer wall set alai. tit lailgetAMO lemmas** aattars wt* Dcriagii aktemplo ars violag look Ma pia* mil 1?14 to (at lattraaa oat* st Waal, ikaa iaaviag ** wtw ia dams at On Watt, la Prittlit aid seat tat *a *a loarreepeallaat Prase Ifiro Woe wait malt sasims, ?2301 aaialaaft). **svigialiaperalwa laI *Sil le mad *sir airriveas Old laterprator ' OW. rwarddliowi Sairsmsa at *a lava* rat oat at 1.114 bats lbe waters * plow et IMMO* baspes4 The artiars milk *ha Own 011111 paresamal awl *Pk aaiariosas aosialpitakaot *a Plato* aionvaiary *al Moo* as aim*11 iiatitges 11144, *1004 hia rho* 1* tis, taillostithe Omeaselto silo) at 1001404. allk 11 avetakor Ito vat tor wao airiwair ulammise by aormaar sir *a Itattalloolt Ora* gaiettaligaVIMPOUligall )1* uI sitveart pod* Wit ati vire **tLst* Ir sowevailer4 ?awl *a petasaas at ihe vessimiiir at Ilho *140.100: mho ot 4n1114011101 IOWMM WiliOt0014. tkaataat woo waiwitat eat *4 (pUna Qaplimita), Jahn Patassa arriviii har Ilare INiar at *a ii4Laaiess alavalem* **lag law vet took14 airioss011igati lbw ft1),400iids IWO* 0011140?11 1314004, 614,1** Tow" OW* IA ltarywthesa trill thastaiiiiit M. 0wINStsalkialeatarriilliatias 4* Swam maitioritiet Pinkimpoilkin itt lowilitet. rodissi Sall*Iliguese (worillergo uimnipm. laritaletin* it ilkwaso asai amaaraltameali ** air 1101160440 100.1110111401 Alkiwoiste1914 Pile6.1044Wiroplai * *kmiIsIt* um 410~4, * ?7.C' etp., 4 It 42,1 pl5,5 .5." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100340001-6 ? ??, - ? ?IV ' I ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ' ' ' ) ? 'tills" ? .< Ilk0000ptilaft ASUIP oatipossi et UseLoa illerse4. low% party *sit ft. lowrisar illir Osottoporomilmalks tilk?gli" 04914$01 100 tomif*ms. okomaii sod falitt, of um eat vios) frimimissima 1. VI, Oat ailosiose la Alkone Argtomwoomadi r4am* ot * MIKA ostios asik soisomporea rersell" formaam4 :..' '''' ' ,' '1.- :?:r.''''1711'.1!''r,'',77?-.1?t;.:4-fi....;: : '?;1,' : '''' Si''''.h1 :: ,i i fii .,,,,,... ,-.: .. i.,,, ....,.?,? ..!".,-, ',,, .. ', - ,,,, i ?..1,,.t.,,, ii S.V ( ?u1I.1?! i ' 4. rt. . , ? r - ? r '1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC 13ERVICES ? WMIHINGTON,D C. P'sbrmr ti11$411 TO, Lt. 14 .4 'outsell* Jr. UMW?, Frame* %its 311010.44 .00.004 ? 100, Mtn refuses* to ih. report of Mrs. tiorreaso my rossilestion of the satire matter and ny seastootios with it is as follows. This will ho a very frank statomant, amid I trust it will g* no turthor, Mrs. Stevens, is mir opinion. should never have becaroormitod by 0118,1 Al though asnolantly or4ostivelsg to impress ono es hew discreet oho was, saa los wry indisstroot said over should have boon seat to the IT% I do mot kasow whether it was posoihlo to onssol her transportation at tba Una Major Sibort statcd that ha cabled Onshingtos not to *sad osymoro MO, porsomms1 to Us UTO, 100 us hod 4060,460 or Porsommel %saw *est wow for MO who arrived too late to do lbs work that they more tsvidsatly riperuitsd 1. XVII* $iK111100 having arrived to London, it was trus that oho was Sold to tostast tins ether beastshos with the possibility of sum otbor Centath Wag *Mc to as* bee asrvistos? This was standard prasoduro with ua Wort, ratans's* parsonnsl to lbs Umito4 $4000o? Sq After 111 determined that %boy could mot us, tbs sorvisos of Mrs. Atavotto? I srderod boe rotors to this Vted Stets& Rs 1 oartainly did act vials hoe omincoisdwitk our organisatios sod simply Waging around Lasses *Wog herself, le I may say so, a groat suisonoo to oll stoasossog, 4 ?ho iatormstios acatcAnad no paragraph 2 as pogo et Mrs6 Stymies **opal was oottal4y molting now to air 4 um, rad it was cam kaowlm .40 tholt, Morava* s possibility at thirsts sort. of nattors going as. assil ostatinomtal oulasissitek bet Noes warted proviously of this sitasofties? ** items dataitoly dator54ss4 that Mr,. Stivons at be woo. Is ON 11111% silo salted ay perelosisa to limpiy for a peolties vital Olt*I ow bow jarsolosios to oasts., 1 osot *here is ay "Was. as solleosa4to loss* et limo is elite% to doiormise seethe. CC wished her serreioeo ay set. sad attar WIN star Parsoasol Ottleor, Iltjet Otrierit00 seortast tit sod *sit thilit oriaelestias shifter' sr set they wished, to me" Whist? litmoso. rosoivitwit ? sossidro reply, Its. firms iris tirearsoli to tio SION* Li, so wire Ow, *Mk Othoesse to *serest is 0t4$iag that her oigyorisseo I.tat woo ?I, 4timogi4atmoolho loot I as sift ois2t4spt 1110 01400140 11414110 01?041 for tifw is et 111110*, ,?1; : ? ??? Declassified and A ?proved For Release 2013/09/26 : ??????,,,,e? ? ? Il Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 , -S. 7, It is true that eertaia people assigned to various Demobs* ar- rived la the STO 1.r u* bad no as Thebes, endeavored to trans- fer to other brambles as soon as possiblo, and it this method vas not sueeessfulsimidndsavored to r*tura *m t. the United States or to some ether theater, $? *at mes. Stevens, knowledge of *inadequate evaluatioa ot 'military intelligens.* is, 1 bave no idea booms, I think her ewe stateneat shoes that sbe never real4 same tato possession of say military imp. telllgesee breads:1k she "mold judge whether the evaluation of sulk& Latolligsmos ewe ~rest or sorts Captaia Lester Armour ; 9 4M.15ThliftlItf 414F444%.0.4 a , , ' !ir-.111 " , ? '2.. ? .!? ? 44, - 1" , 4 A -at . ? ? At. ' , - ' 1 ? ." IJ 1I? 4047 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 i - ? J 1 is 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ? ? ? ` vote r,??' ?? 101..! 'sr* 4,112 004%it f4P4iim- - Camel Brualk INAtiptatm.Ammamit..0=---- so??????????????????????.....0*.????????.???????????? Dat 11 I 46114111) ,??? For comments aad return. E. J. Putsell Jr. $frt000 or Itthip 14004tIve Officer 4Pi 4,?,0;????????" ? ? 4.??"??????400?????01?4404,1401/? if ??? ? t? , :f ? 1,00ro 't r - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 f t. .?` ueclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 IMPORV or PRAMS urn Miritli Ormiliiiiielod00000+*00114wIldwoollnimuldportgarlsIMINVOXIMINIMIM SECRET I aloa roorultod b In * fl 1944 for XO work In ?moo. Aire* Mawsittol Se/Ammer tonfirotoit sp ointoent wslay 10* 1944 altar revolving a roquoat fvemi tiot4443 far Ifq **Pvt.*** um* Int-o training on alitIztU 1944* mid sailed on Await =# I In London septawber orikera 'gyro to toport Mr* U. AA be was not oval Lsble1 I eportod to 4114011P Mort irkt PIO40 foilsman Simpake.? irajor Dlbort told oat that duo to tho ltboration 114%er major pert tor Pros*** tr*ni 0toorotlosse 'tore toliminot404 end that kis hail rovolateal **bled tacatinglikn War* tbo dote of ay departure oilabd over atai?t Norio ;41) porsonnel* lio owisoated that I do irILTh tho sut, of: a ditotiolary ND oaptata.4 that try Oman IMO it iwortletemitly protitItiont. lhot to vadertako a job for witteh I woo mot 41141.4134tely **Aimed" I ro lose toad to *go oho C1.44 sat *hotZ hoonld 4tto ~Immo dopartmont* and ?due to had *10 swim. for that X wait go tie Wove* - Ito ;etre% it 40.4.,-.4 Cf*Ortiolio toy*. of Pronoti 1114 told .ilft Zs )30 sPlimi.404 er 4.004,1110. too am/ Mak *it tok,O1 Wad as to 1,- , rah lett for Paris AU )14.0 " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 , ? ??:',?> Jr: -4 ? .9 ??? ,a ..?, ri - 'al itve9' %"41'1:11,3?- - . - ..40441 iteletag;m tAVP-PStatiM4' 40- .,..Toktoqii-ti 4144..1z, -...4.54,41,....a klAsit tilt, 1? , - v.14,4 tfe.vv i. ? .,..,4?, z . -.tio, '4 . . Ili I- -ev.,N,,gpr.tx* wo#44&.: 1 . A.. .., ? r:44itit .4 "WIMP- ``-;m?P'0 g; t, 4 ? ?refk,^r..4: ??V"$?:' , .1tit?gtif 4.1.m .0*P. .5)??W F 74. 04, tia 4.7A r , ; I :?;IV?1`7,74'., 0.-"???7 --4;..51014V:.? OA I , ".11' oF - e ? 4-5 ??-- -? Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Lo with ttahingtonp look of 14 inadvvoto ovolmation of loadditiog nattors thot roma". Oodscr in thousands or lives loot It Xs itomotwit ? 41&??? tt ? ...o) 04'A 41;4' " '414' tteNiVialk*I436- *11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010034onni_R Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 omit' r %on. mop. ? OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERV/CES wiughlit4QTOPiN. D. C. MEMO HANDIT1 TO: Acting Directors OSS f19111: Deputy Directors SSO SUBJECT: Report or ?rouges Watts Stevens k ik.ret.71 2 Februazuy 1946 ? g Attached le colonial &lice' a emsorandust or 31 January era the abovik subjects to which la attached a copy or Ars* Stevens* own report* Too ask whether the s000nd peregreph or elolouel Bruce' aartinarauduus stating that Washington bid beim advised :sot to send ever my sore per- ercrautit. is calmest* balivre that the irtatemeat is eaaplotely corrects tim lg A4gu31ti Loudon eatiOd that ne /WV peraomel ter two WO base shoaled be ablppodiCable 016.0414. On 16 Augusts Leildos ambled (rorlextrIng to Wee previous neseage) tAat translortatimm abiold b* sameallied tor 04 paoge Abt hvrlag %mom AbllIvr, *tea thougik thoW 'or* larsa0 tlorted filiT941Y* Simone was *14011*4. oh 10 Augt?st. Athe sailed op 241 * lioulti that she was pciaittoitt to 2, in 4tretat trioloiSSor? if ifrastritaltiasto from Isoratattoi tki *Vow Wait it Iltoult,4 400 /Kt- 04 that %114.4or 4 atarp Shit **era tamat O( *MP. $4.011013* 10411 approvad #10.11041) thici1/4,0?17 a kolat tbs. olapacd Uatwolka 0104** at11114 fira4 141 M?aidbor Oporiturf on et oul Om* ansorotlig to 4410 Itatassaits -4110 does Act cimmir erjetputinuol*, *Thoi wait :piikattipt '10* 0.4011.4* tn1100644)4* Allatitiv with #iek 61400 4W. .44 ft- -17 . ty?fot.,-? ? r :,r441" ? ? I rInnlacCifiPri And Anoroved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 4. Hai *so 1.1 I ; "1, ? I ropertif 5 ' A .1Vi? tr ;lb r W....Fort...4.. 1 ?. )1.-.;--..' .1 )?ii4-'. '''.n:. '''''.:...c2'...: ..,:,,,., ',"..? z'r'-::-`1 ..? t" ' :..; -,.:.,1,-.4?, , ,71;,t-, ,,irl...54.:,,,, ????1'..1 ,6 ,,,,, 40,-1 ????-4,... 4104..4' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100340001-6 ; yg 4-f", r, t. V1V 14, WPC* OP SIIIIATIMIC SIMINICIES PLANNING GROUP .1!????????????...1???? .00.04.0 ?11011.? )11$4. WOMACIME )MO Colima D. K. f4 Bruce Report of frames Watt* stevens 7 4, 7-2 id le- vAni DATE 31 January 144 I fear that Wks. Stevenst experismoe is similar to that of ant cl-r, more other peoplo recruited for *0 woft In Prance. ts bsportant point seems to not to ascortain whether Zaj*r Dlbertos statement ."not tot-send over any *ore personnol', ts correct. Writ. Stevens was introduosd to me by Wallow, 0 arranipd for some of the SI personnel hor. tiit to see Wy recollestion is that It was felt by el comscrued: 1. That it was towise to send a woman of such etelgtig 0,01e0ranoelo with no seeritarial qualifieationso to Paris, t* en4age in SI work there. It should always remeMberod that this type of SI work in Primo, was ?forbidden (a) by SILIMP'end (b) by our agreement with the ?roma Seoret Setwise. 2. it was felt that the wise of Mrs. Stevens in would 1* Lmadwisable ender am y eirsumstenees, sines, she no trataing in $I work emd *Lose her experience ass lieist saw, will had her Into in4Isereet utterainoes? Sr. Ito mama situatioftto shish she refers **, oxiatIng im Periette one 'Web ohe mentioned to me and vitt, Whiat our orgealsation was familiar but over *Leh 00-hod ft* ocintrol, It woulei Ulm boom, moat unwise fir 09$ to halie ishierfered Lainseh e mattor, All that we *0014 4sp is to keep eur own pereommel from ASsoolation P.? suspected of being eoliaboratIonistsif The . t loarrx404 mSlitary author/tilt* were informed of the e of the sittatioa. 4. I O*8 07104011111141 11 *O. Stevens' feeling inowItione. is 0$$ woo ? WU" dioappAntaent Sewever, *co ibe, eau*4 to to wet As1 rev X0 f? lee?.14?145,14.0.1