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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 27, 1945
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lartiffilliMiliffifill=111111111111111111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310002-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/27: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100310002-8 1115-121 _ , 5 7-- --a. 1 ? 's .45 ? 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Chtfaton* Prom: Allen - attach herewith a copy of n momoranda Ibrding, quoting an extract from a Valrel Army ropo t ettL reference to the OSS Detachment with tbat krigr felt that you might Illsh to add thio te thn roper? of accomplEshments of WS rittactimerit** / En losurer Copy of memorandum, dated July 209 1965 . - ? i?? ' ! ? , ' _ ? - ??;/,tiis: ? ? ?, ? . ???? - ._ ? , .., ? ..., ' ???? ''' --.1:.:4-''''.'il -5. . : .! ,..?, ,:_-,1 - ..,-,,_ -, - : 1.;-.AL7...?-? ...` - :.,,-? - ! - . .1 :: , ???.. r.k--_, ,.' '.J ---.:'-' '. -' ' : l' ? ,,,,,?---- -.1,'-' t--::' ..'.-..'72-..k.........i.iie,r.,-,_ i..? .-.,. .,, ,, ..., 4f? - ' 1,, ,,C ," ,,,,-.;, .. :. 2,',5.-; ""''-', ' ? " ';. 1,. -r,' 71") H ,:,' :?.1. , ' ',-, ' ''. , ' -!4::1',1'.? " ' ir...i t.,,s,.,41?t1_,C.4,--- ''' .1,,, ., ,,--;;) --.- .. ,,,,,,,.?,, ::1?''''', '' :,,,rd ..0i'l&-.4,0, ' -,'-: " ? ,-.- .:.1- ;;;, -, ? 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