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Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 - T Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 a.. THE JOINT MEM Or STAPP WAti1,11NOION 101,D, fl � t.. 1.1 ticybonalor 1,04ri MAMOUNDIIM WON DIRMOTOU 01 OTRATN010 aNtiViONO fit111.111109:i Di oho rats o 1 t !Mt Olinri nu M. Y. bb,ob NN OL ( Ltator 141.001 0011�li to Am I n to oIi choor or tmil. (1-), IflYM , dm toa S1 Augoot I VO, ono i uo 1 og roquorit ror 01 e ohtiro toldmortindom rrom 6100,H, t() Atitit Iamb Ohl or of nt,mtr, aritod 6 000 ombor 40, (omorh000m from (1-1, WDOO to Di roo t or , . .3 0 m . dr4 to(' 1 o ri I, cim I. lotto tiiiiolMittrob tire, rotairt1011 hirg-Arl th Itiv1 LI lir, titticiii I1 im to onolunoro (o) nhovo. J � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100300005-6 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 t- -77-77-717.4� i��� � - t�;r � t 1 01. � rat lotion raw ow. 404 OirAtitiNi tab, I*4.44.1la/N4400dabil WAR DEPARTMENT fro- WAR DgrAliTIVIgNT filigNIMAL @TAFF' 4*ft..01 PlfilifiONNR, 011;1010N 0,1 WAPHINOTON MAW 201 Kobbo, Oharloo M. 10 Ooptombor 1945 MNMOBANDUM FOR DIRMOTOR, �DION OV OTDATIOGIO Immune' (TOM Doorotary, U. 641 Joint Mao of Otaff) OUBJUTI Dinohargo of lot Oorgoant Oharloo M. Kolbe, 32900405 1. In awordanoo wh your riwont, Tno Adjutant Oonoral ham boon dirootod to dlooharao lot Oorgoant Ohavloo M. Kobbo undor the provioiono of paraaraph f5b, AR ovi-ma. 2. It lo rocsootod that tho �Moo of Otratogio Sorvi000 notify Boraoant Xobbolo loofa oolootivo norvioo board ohould ho fail to anoopti or leave tho anoianmont of national interoot now oontomplatod for him. TID1 ASSISTAM ONIM OF MAYV, 0-1: Inolo Memo foa ANS, 0-1 fr Soo, Joint 0/0 0 Oopt 45 Momo:to' A0/0, 0-1 rr 0 Strutogto Sorvioou 31 Aug 40 Momo for AO/S, 0-1 fr 0 Strntoglo Borvi000 31 Aug 46 Declassified and Approved For Rel 2014/ e. A A07/1V" 4e/ ra(e4ite K. MoCLUHE Lt. Oa., 080, Aohlottmt Exodaive, Pulluy Group, 0-1. . IA- xoonn Rnnn .; , *ralloWa* kle a THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON 25, P. C. = MEMORANDUM FOR ASSISTANT OHM OF STAFF, G-1, WAGS Discharge of let Sgt. Charles M. Kebbe Letter from 0.5.5. to Assistant Chief of Staff, 0-1, WAGS, dated 31 August 1945, enclosing request for discharge The enclosure is forwarded for consideration and appropriate action. 1. , , �111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � � 44,4. I -44 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 , � 1. , �Fr= or STRAMIC SE,RVICg8 WAgiliNOTONI P. C. '';,-,704'td. � 31 Angumt 1046 rr P01 Wahlio, (11nritio M, (Nn1) ftJlJi'UYV; OimohaPga urtdar Provimionm of Pomo 313 AP 618b (1044) Wooantial to Naklonal 10,0110mM THHOUOH, :iaoratnr4y0 U0 3, joint; 0h1,arm or MLnfr 910t AmnimLanL thior of 81;arr0 0.10 W008 10 1L tn vaquamLod Lhat ).i I; $j I., Obarlam M. ha1.bo0 JJ 3.i00(34060 ha diaohargod undo). Lho provtoinno of Para. 31) AR 616.336 (1044) in ordav Lo m000pL a mpootal ovovmoam aa mont of national intavamt with Lhim air,onny0 no at roilmi halow0 2uhtloot onlimLad man 10 ammiolad Lo Lha ()Moe of Stratogto .Upvtoloo and ooauplam a pomtLinn with Lho 14orala Oporationo nvanoh or thin nvi;aniviation0 Upon hajw dtmohAPv,ad ha will ha ammivpad ovarmaan tn Womtovn Nuropo. Him duLlom will innludai Lho oollootion and analyoLn of anLl.Amoploon pPopailmnda; Lao atudy or and mohmtmmton or poPtodta vaporLm on Lha enonowto� poittinal, nod .11111.npy ootittillotto I it Lhat, non; 1,hri I thu 1.1. 1 ovA t, tutu r tur-ti tt ti tint-inly pp' iptii,n)1.11.0 anti t.f tnPa it ()moo tin I )11 ti t/t111111.0 14 litueln111sclei 'Po Coo 1 1. vti 1 y 1St, tro 1.1irs tt I 4 11P-1 iltt1 n 1 I 1;i hit; ti Of 1 Li 1.1in 1. 1 el 1 i4-.1r,t4 � "t-'111/0 ftivru 1 110 11 hiluti r 1.0 1 4. I i Lind !Jut 1, lir) 11111111 on i1 it ellttlom no n p,ioldriot or Ihn pmi.ItottItto fit whioh hd I ri 11 hm ;11011)Hr-silo Thto ,r wi,t 01'r-101.1W-3^ ur upt/1411.1un Orin u111::I si nohiovrld hy NIatum A.11 I Ito rti III* 1.11t, u th flPtv,n t.t ou t , tr,oe. 1. t oh; iNfr) Win I 1110,1111 i ti 1 II I 1 t lt1 ' I ti 1111 1.111r1 :II it It 4 ti ill( .1 1to If 1 t t) I (3:1(id I i 1 ti I el celti 1 1'1 0111 I test t�j I ere f.:11 hill I rtaktri I � l�ri Vre � ..19 In I ;11,1�',1.� .1 tti M ;111M/ell 1 ti1i rt 141141 I 141/1111.111; 1 1 y tow I I .'y ft Ii ro I. 1,10 1st .wits, I �*1ii IHIctli I,. Ill, "C/1111ti t I 1. el ri p itt vi ii 1 irnui i Itt)1411 oik I I'll:: 011 Hurl Ho 1m it r'PotIttntri or hornyotio � 4.1i p tit us; I t /till tt U I t vopti t itnittri'1-s t..1 In ti f,rtvi it 1.0;,: t ,....� 1 ;I r to ,' 1. it I I 'tit II I ti Wed t-.0 lit/ 1'1 Ili h'ci rt.!. I I lit tt :t I ;;:i 1 I Mit I 1.0 I'd I it I t .t ss rii.)c)i. I tt I I :3I I yel 11111::3../t1 1 1 CI 1 11 I 1..11: I if. Hit/ 111.0d:: 4)1. 31111 1.111.tt I 11111 Hi:�1411(1 I ts I t�tt 1 1,11111 ! 1 , ,1 ri 1', ! tS'�c�ci 1..1) V.:11101i 11(1 w1 11 hei 11:in 1 I inS! kr) k 'I c 14,H I lei I i�I I 4, ti !III I S, ilt HIM I !If):1.; 1 1tt:i 111 1:11; Mid # .4,1 5�CI�t.4.qtr I.1�tt Vt I ii I It 1.1 in t owl!!! 1.:; mid 1.144%i I III i v.,1, VI I !i ti ,�;-) 1(1 '.4114lf 1 tiril 11 V.:tr. 10 Ill stri,1 I I ! 1 e� 164111 I, Vitt tri. rt.) ti I ) I ICI f. (.� t, (-1 � � � I � k� 0 , � ri .1 riill 1 94.. HO i'V 1 11;'; t �,-(1i Intl till it .1. ,1 i I �,11 I , ,i1 v, I 1 t it/ 1 i, 11 1111m111collOti tvtni,m pltimh 1 t r I t� r - s viontho� :; I I 1. V+ I I I. (1: I ) � I ICI .3e.e..,1 re3 t� I ') I ����I � .1 . npclassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 � CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 1 it 41, � �41 eir .06 e. t. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � . n � � �� - - `,1 � ' p ! '1 Ateillang a,MrillEISTA4a2Mi.talAVAIM t h :cnowlmelgo of propai. ani it mo t1ioi1 ruld .t; o chni, quo ri ti. Por tho SI� oona (tort:0;101ln ftt v or it o ono 1 (lora. 1..,i,011 �) LI the roquo t t ooiiL ni,nod 1. ii ptiragraph 1 s roc ommondod Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 31 August 1945 201 Kebbe, Charles RI. (En]..) SUBJECT: Discharge under Provisions of Para. 313 AR 615-365 (1944) (Essential to National Interes) THROUGH: Joint U.S. Chiefs of Steff TO: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1, ViDGS 1. It is requestea that the uniersigned be discharged under the provisions of Para. 3B AR 615-365 (1944) in order to accept a special overseas assignment of national interest with the Office of Strater;ic Services, as set forth in inclosed memorandum from the Director, OSS. � � 4 .� 410. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 Mr Xarch Karah Import Company 73 South Main Street Gloversville, New Urk Dear Mr, Xarchl General Donovan has asked mat to reply to your letter of 7 September polatims out that 083 is In a most favorable position to import tin, rubber and other acarco oommodities. This *money has been in the process of 11 uida tion tor several weeks and will have terminate all operation* by 1 Oetober, Therefore, If tor no other reason, OSS in not in a position to undertake sucih activities as thou you havo suagocted, Sinoeroly yourn, d For Release 2014/09/16 � CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � , Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 �4". "1,4 11. AGPRPOORNI 440.114141IMP43(4. $5447V4N5404.4.aNy KARGNIMPCO, PW VONit CII OFFicg. (IAM 57REET yPF444 7 r4 cowl...44044 714544 4,-- dO Al: (4, uNt4;cgi tY4) x1\10t.1 IC:t17� e1.71; r�rigtIril9TV11% TRH IMPHQVgg 5TO gP. IMPROVg0 ,r ' TANNKR'g CAIJNCIP� 1041VgRP/111. TRAPg rch Import Company RAW MATERIALS Col. William J. Donovan OSS Washington, D.C. . Dear Sir:- P14044.0005 75 BONIN MAIN 51Figf T GI-OVFR5V11,1�E, N.Y. September 7th, 1946, read with keen interest the series of newspaper releases on the secret war work of the MS and 1 gather that your organization wishes to continue along varied lines during the post war and peace eras. How about starting an import company for tin, rubber and other scarce articles now neede& quickly to furnish jobs in important industries, such as autos? Become a competitor of mine! Normally another g,vernmer t a6ency, U.S. Commereial Co., would handle these, but at present I cannot even get a radio message thrJugh to my Chinese friends at Bangkok and Hong Looks like it might take 6 months or more for the usual commercial processes to arrange acceptable currency for payment and to outain ships to bring goods here. I thinks yours is th.o only at,ency thae can out across ail the obstaeles in south Asia, fast. Mot 01 the di Me ulties are military 717.TUre and you work with both. the Army Etha Navy. USCC could not bet�ln to operate unt.4.1 import business is operatin6 snoothly; a lone-, time off. Besides, you could make a big profit wile they set out, under BEW guidance, to deliberately "lose" millions for alleged political expediency. I think le6a1ly the OSS war job 10 not completed until industries have enough materials to operate 100A and can offer jobs to all veterans. After that, private Importers rz!lould take ovel U irinis peace, but young men of yo ir training sho'ild be hired by importers for foreign jobs, so tiley can , report along various lines. Yours very tru4*7( / Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 - - 444 4117:s 7,74, � - � � �011; 641'. a � *-4, *,* � .6 if- Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ,..-~amomommmonnagMommyymara � astr�," A9ctflf414611 OARGrtifrifAPci. At-ovatiuseiw,gmv PEW 'ORA Karch Import Company AW MAT1RIIU4S 14HANPti CIF Pi" 141 Wit4iAM NIAW YPfin N Y PeiHn.f. (174i. ASP, 7 0044 Colo Willis* J. Donovan 01111 WAshinston, D,04 Dear Warts* I A. con g� AP Me: A t:1 Tti an IMRHAVED A 1tigt) 1:4F.NTI-g`eb 11N' IROV ORIPPITAI- A14:1Tan IMPREP/P) TANNIi� COWNCII, WM111VgFiA.M. TRAP H1414.0444 14 4411711 MAIN rit--(WgR5VIL-i-IN V. September fth, 19401 read with keen interest the series of newspaper rolesess OA the writ Wer weft of the OBS s,n I ather thAt your organixation wishes 4o oontinus *Long varied line* daring the poet war And peace eras', HoW about starting an import oompany for tin, rubber And other 04Aree artiolos now neeted quiokly to !tante)). 4obs in important induetrtes, suoh as autos? Biome a competitor of Mine: Normally another government gooney, Uais Oomme*olal Co., woula handle those, but at preeent I oannot oven get a radio meomage thruugh t3 my Chinese friends at Bangkok and Hong /tong, Looks like it might take 0 months or more for the usual oommercial proems** to arrange acoeptable ourrenoy for payment and to obtain ships to bring goods here. thinks yours is the only agency that oan out morose all the obstacle* in South. Asia, Aut. Moot of the ditTioulties ars la military JAViiVe and you work with both the Army and Nay. USN could not begin to operate until /moor% business is operating ssoothlyi a long time offs Besides, you �Quid make a big profit while they set cut, under BMW rano*, to deliberately *lose" millions for allege polities' expedienoy. think legally the OSS war job is not oompleted unti; industries have enough materials to operate 100A and oan offer 4obs to ail veterans* After that, private importers should take over daring poses, but young men of your training should be hirea by importers for foreign ilobst co they can rtport along varioun lines, Yours very truly, Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 a � 6 f. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ) 29 Auguot 1945 0* .o33 Major Major General, USA Gommanding General, New York Port of Xmbarkation, New York, New York FROM: Major General William 3. Donovan SUIVEGT: Letter of Appreoiation 1. This means is taken to convey the appreoiation of the Office of Strategio aervioes to your Vommand for the effioient and prompt 000peration extended to our personnel while OA temporary duty at your installation. Lt. Col* A. Y. Riohards, of your Marine Repair Shop, desorves particular mention for him efforts in our behalf. 2* Your peroonnel extended privileges whioh enabled the OSS to fulfil the desires of the Zoint Chiefs of Staff end Headquartera Army Air rorces. 3* The splendid action and cooperation or the New York Port of Sxbarkation resulted in expeditious a000m- plimument of our mission, which oould not have been at- tained without praiseworthy 000peration no effeotively extended by you and your Oonuaand. oo: Lt. Col. A. F. Riohards .01 WILLIAM 3. DONOVAN Maj. Gen., MIS Direotor Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 A � ?k, � 060' Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � , _ I'll 3.- 1%,� ick.40,4 CqP& 29 August 1945 TO: G. Po Kane, Brigadier General, USA, Commanding General, Headquarters Aaantio Overseas Air Teohnieal Service Command, Port Newark, Newark, 5, New Xersey. FROM: Major General William Z. Donovan SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation 1. This moans is taken to convey the appreciation of the Office of Strategic Services to your Command for the efficient and prompt cooperation extended to our personnel while on temporary duty at your installations 2. Your personnel extended privileges which enabled the OSS to fulfil the desires of the joint Chiefs of Staff and Headquarters Army Air Forces. 3. The splendid action and cooperation of the Head- quarters Atlantic Overseas Air Technical Service Command resulted in expeditious accomplishment of our mission, which could not have been attained without praiseworthy cooperation so effectively extended by you and your Command. Declassified and Approved For Rel 2014/ WILLIAM J. DONOVAN Maj. Gen., AUS Director . IA- xoonn Rnnni ,t. "- � ,���4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 �,.................���������a,�����������Mr.,������ ! t TVI z , " rtfl c{,41,00.01110) 4 )01 , V It( I ,121-1A t , 1 (ce .**0. HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES STRATEGIC AIR FORCES IN EUROPE (REAR) Office of the Director of Intelligence Major General William J. Donovan, Office of Strategic Services, WASHINGTON) D. C. Dear Bill, AAF Sta. 390, APO 413, 0/0 Postmaster, NW., NY. 4 may 1945. Many thanks for your nice letter of April 23. It was good of you to write me considering the many toes on your time and the pressure that you wire therefore under during your last visit. I do look forward to chatting with you when you return to either England or France. I have nOted what you say about Captain Carl Kaysen and asked my Personnel Section to investigate his status. I find that Open is not assigned to OSS but is an Officer of US Strategic Air Forces in Europe assigned to my Directorate, I also find that he is presently engaged in the preparation of certain extensive reports personally ordered by General Spaatz and that he is the only man that we have qualified to do this work. Therefore I regret exceedingly that I cannot let Kaysen go but must keep him at least until his present assignment has been completed. Evidently Chandler Morse was mis-informed as to Captain Weenie status. I asked Lowell Wacker to go into this question with Captain Lester Armour. He tells me that Lester fully understands Ksysenis 4ituations With every warm personal good wish and the best of luck, Sincerely, GEORGE C. .IINALD, Brigadier Oen rail U.S.A. Director of Intelligences Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � -r, s. 40�11.0 � 't t 5 " 4141- 4 f � � 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 - _ MADWARTWAs iNUTS9 STA1 MegtORWAX3 f001113 IN WHOPS (At) GCOse ttis fM4* tXntsliiittnift 1 t 14/13010 CienOrtal Winion t1DottOratai �bac* txf Otratottio Ogrii110111, YvAlittuli Mit Diu, Do 4r goak Dt4, 390# AFO ' Vosifitast04sm,, tY* '4 1041.1.945. VAsv thanka wr, niso :Lati;or or April Ow, It *An pod 'mi to writgom otonoidetring the hinny t4coo oti yatir Who Lind this !mate that 'Az vero thgroforo unOot Awing yoUr last visit. X Oo ihook lorward to ohatetng vith whon :pm &Alain to athor Nhaland or ramone hm,0wYtnd ithat you sirw nbotit Clapti41n Cad KNition Ontl onksd rr ritErvonnel Ooiation to immtigoto his Otatuo. rind that NOM is not minim& to OM 11114 igcn Ortioor of Mi ntta44610,Afr For*os in EtAtopo similood tow 941roo4oraboo gloo 4And that ho 40 prSont1,7 orkimml In tho wepAriAion gorhain odweluiVO eivivt0 pOttlonglly x.elor,A by Ognmral tip#4t* ii th4t ho in 04 0114.1E4A that btroa quilliVAI to do 04,6 work. Thorotovd i.IN-v.1:4ot tpcooetkthalytbt doninot lAit2 ritioon bot Plant loop 1.iab until kin prlerant aohlokineht, ho; boql octitaototi. Widetit4 G11440.11or iibmio woo this.ita'ortaoti WS to Osptoln Niviiionto otatutl. 1 ailke4 IMP*1 Wqi.okor to gp :Into this quootikft yli.th 0 tAin 'Atter ionoavt teillo ino tivq. Iiintd5r runy. lattiorkitancla Korsorttn nituntion� ovary- portion/al tr out wit7th 1. 1,1i at of lunki 411.11o01?ol,,y,p 01 O� t4a014414 oftior ilonordo 14rootor of Intonig01004, � ' ����� and Annroved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � � ���-7-A � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000.1,107Or75-6 -.. .. ....,.� . ,',,173..-.:54-744,1, -,...,,,,,:r.. of ., ,c,,, 1,i, .,cr ,,,.,.., ,sik,..., , . yq,-:r. --.: -7-13- :-'� ''.--'t I.V4, :11:00� Wit 1 , , " '' - ' - ' " ' i..-Aiill -.4 la� ' i , Mr. Zolin F. Italy 7101 Colonial Road Brooklyn, N. Y. Doer Mr. Kelly: General Jonovun is presonay out of the country. Before leaving he usked tit I see you should you come to Viushington. iy telephone number is oeutive GLO, Utension 2061. itobert Thrun itssistEint Imautive Officer Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 �41, : z 4:00 Declassified and ilm.9,1(�24.F.2,-L.1.21as ?9,1Ly09f,1,9,,,C!A-RDp,139909.1 R000100300005-6 1fi� I. ,J 1..�.4,-1 � �.1.4 � ,^ � � �- 1.�� /61, eel 41.141dhf .;k� on 4.4-01F 40, 1 No. 7101 Colonial rido, Brooklyn, N.Y. April 5 190 MAJOR MINERAL WILLIAM J, DONOVAN No. 1647 Thirtieth 6%, Wanhington, P. 0. My Door Genera1: I nm takIng tbe liborty of writing to you, hnvinm been n. member of your Commond the 165th Inn. try, Company no, Oftptain Jnmen Mo Konna, in 1017. I wnn wounded at Moroy Formn the mime day an yournelf nnd nent to the honpital from there. If T am not mtntaken I met YOU pernonolly thru Mr. Art George of Oan Dlogo, ani. oM now employed ot the A00 Publtontion Depot, 10PM DroaAway, Now York Otty whioh in now unAor tho Army Corvine Foroen hoving boon trnnnforrea to thto inntollntlon from tho Now York Port of ZmborknLion. I nm omployoq in tho onpootty or OnporintonAont of the' Warehounee I won nonnooto3 with tho Now York Port of MmborIcrOton for nbout nine yonrn (Civil Onrvi00) nna when tronnforroet to thin Inntnllntion it won unAor tholr ooMmnn/10 but win trnnnforroll in Augunt to tho Army Or vtoe Foroe. My reonr1 with tho Gnyornmont CIvI1 Brinyloo hnn boon oxooliont for thirtoon yonrn. Within thin pont wti1 twon (1,1110 into tho Poroonnol orrloo hnek nAvinnA thnt my ponItIon wnn boing obolInhell nnA thh' T wnn to b givon 30 Anvo to fInA momothinr olno. My roonon foN1 writInit, you 1 0 rink if you will rlont mo nn intorviow nhoull T mnIto n trip to Wnnlitilvtnno nn T hovo nomo informotion thht my ho or intoront to your offloot owl of whloh I onntlot nt to in writInR4 T�untlnw you will noo your why llohr tot"tIfl t, flo thin intorviow. Roopootfully, ) le V � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � a 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 , BilikaldaiiuMIS24g44 entitegatetiMMOMMOSSIMPasaamamata...*aw.......,..awa.a~pswioN4~4;iit OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, O. C. mnioRmaxm Major General Wil1i,744:1. Donovan TO: YIL: Dr. William L. Langer 114 PROMs Charles D. Fahs/W SUBJECT: George Kennedy SECRET A grI D&TE: 12 April 1945 On several occasions in connection with your inquiries regarding our plans for the Far East collection program in Europe, we have mentioned George Kennedy as our candidate to head such collections in Berlin. I should like, therefore, to inform you as to the dis- posal of our recommendations for his employment. You will recall that Dr. Kennedy is Professor of Chinese at Yale University, reads both Chinese and Japanese, and is fluent in Ger- man, having studied in institutions for Oriental studies in Berlin. Our action to send Dr. Kennedy overseas waa pushed only after we had discussed the case fully with the Security Office, and Dr. Kennedy had already been cleared for work with OSS in Washington. Possible difficulties of clearance with other agencies were also thoroughly discussed. Or. Kennedy's shipment was repeatedly delayed, first, by diffi- culties in securing satisfactory arrangements with Yale Univer. sity and second, by delays in securing transportation. When he was finally called to port as of 1 April 1945, his passage had to be cancelled because of the State Departmentle refusal to is- sua a passport. I was informed on 30 March by. Mr. Southgate that no appeal was possible at this time and that while the State De- partment might ohange their minds at a later date, there was no aesurance that they would do so. We were very much embarassed by the lateness of this decision by the State Department. In view or this uncertainty, the impossibility of keeping both Dr. Kennedy and Yale University in suspense indefinitely, and the rapid progress of events in Germany, we have �animated Mr. Kennedy's appointment. upsil � ay. 1 � * . Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � a 4 4���� : Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 _ , 17, etT4-1i-thil.' � 4.4 � , �,1 �),.� ��� 1, .1 NO* iwaskeiranta***11 fit4WK1 FOR114 NO, *4 CONFIDENTIAL cc Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOiiERNME =Ft TO General Donovan MUNA William L. Langer SUBJUCTI DAM 50 Karel% 1945 Referring to your request of yesterday regarding Mr. George Kennedy, Ifind that he is at present on our rolls and that he is slated to leave for ETO about April 1. He is expected to set up the procurement of Far Eastern materials in the European area. An / told you, strenuous efforts had boon made by the State Department to secure Kennedy after we had engagod him. These efforts were made by Dr. Bryn Hovde, the Ohief of the Division of Cultural Cooperation in the Department of State, � 4444 C\ William L. Langer Chief, Research an4 Analyais Branch CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 4iti, � 4. � a 4 4 100 Re. 'k:LOff Ice of Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 Pa* .1 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � � ��������:.������:�� MOS The Ronorvble Dean Acheson Assistant 6eoretar7 Department of State Washington, D. C. Referenoe: FMA My dear Mr. Acheson: Rolotto keMit4t. 4,1 iittts,A.w.�, 20 January 1945 ance General Donovun Is away from V,ashIn6ton, RM writin.:, to unswer your letter to him of 4 January about Lt. KarasiK. We cpproeite the joLnt IntoreLt vhleh the De- partment end OSS bcve in tbe S/Ife vn nveFticatIons, and we are glad t.) detuil Lt. INirt6Itc to wont on this proj- ect in thc Departmont. The t.rmn.u.unt yill bP a tempo- rary one, rind I thinK 1Ne mubt fool free tJ 1.3k for !lis return in cvse some future develotment jr ur proesram here should Meg.� it necesary. 1 am sure that Lt. Kara$ies bssigament will be of benefit both to the Department tnd to us. ancerely yours, Charles b. Oheston AotinG Director JWA:egp Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 � CIA-RDP13X00001R0001001nnnnc A � � w.������������ 4 � ���V , � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 r-; InkocusgatukvakimutodollkostallemiNgraziftitillop- L-, AtMliktkOFFIPIAL: P.O.MgAtIMPATIONI�I TO nig ogotigrAMY OF FTNOW WARMATIIMEher It .e ,y refer to IMJ RipviciroRy HUY Willi 1,44 14,41,0 1 f .140,4;01...A (EV, w DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASH I NGTON annuary 4, 1044 My dear Ooneral Donovan; Am you may know, thin Department, in conjunction with certain or the other iintereoted agenclem, has ror mome time been actively' engagea in a project for the dimcovery and immcbiLi-cation of German aosete Looted outnido of Germany, pridl4pal1y in the neutral colintrion� 'Prom time to time varioun ampecto or thin projoct have been al-motioned with offleern of the ()moo of Strategic Servlcen, and there hu a been oon. nultation betwoon your Office and varloua offloern of thin Dopartment on problem or mutual intoromi re lat:Ing to thone matter. in thio nonnootion, eonverwitiowi hnuo boon lind with DP, ]41I t' ahlor or the h000uro), find Annlyin bp41-1011 or Hui orrico or ritrtaHrto 3etrvJoet3, wIth othor porNonn in Dr. isunKorIn Hranch. It in bollovod 1Ut II.. lAtuichi 1.1-i or null ilia advant ago to II o Dortirt ttiI ?Ind to yonr �Moo, und won id ryontly U91 91 tho Dopurtmonl In Iho ourrylnr. old or It :i runotion9 with relation to Hilo projoot, wort, it to 1,e puts1.11'1o to (tilt 1-1,11 r V011i I I OC C1 o r ;.3 ru or .1 rv 1 cou Lt �Ls'onroo haranik. 11 tintinrn I ood t hell Lt. Karanlk ham done 1101110 WOO( in tho ()Moo or sirat6gio :Ifirvico3 which li volntod Puthor nl000ly to tho projoot nnior rervoneo, nnd that h.h! proviouo oxportonoe In tho 0rrio0 or Allen Proporty Cuotodinn nnd hi !he Dornrtmont or .Inntice would partioulttrly 1.1.1 hin ror work tho9t1 MAjor Gonorni d 1 1 ii .1, Donovan, 0!rino (o. Jtvnio;Io 3orv1von, ,11;th und E .1tvoott:1 Nwihliwton, D. i..:. � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 nr, 4t� je.1 � �iii.�"f� r Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ' .------ - � 1 - t � ruor.orActrerratenteSetetttle9ittOLVIVivessirrartir - OM*" 4.04.4 Should you deem it possible, the Department would appreciate the detail or Lt. Karasik to the Department for woric on tIllm project. It in ant'cl- patod that Lt. Karasik would maintain liaison with the Office of Strategic Services on problems within this field which would be of mutual interest to the Departmont and to your Office. Stnocroly yours, Ansistant Secretary Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ; �1�...,..r.4101pror Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 . _ oa. 47747: / 11 ' IA( I ( it ii014 � 1100 0111 0 r Mr. An Lhoily Ittil 11(1.1 1.iit .mti ne.vi 1'10 LI le. ouit,re or mono ho1 p. Mr. i '1. 11 vu 1 iWilli 1, 111,LPInn t. a) I. � ti iii)tilt. 1 II Ua I., 14)1.11 , 1 1 I-41 fl votici: 6, 0. l'otr I it c(ieflini etii I IW"t 1'1)111)0 110111r4 A1 1)1 Tild fill , oh) r 11 ii t U !lei( '110, 1v1:4,1",11 ait.) I do iv)! Ittioto rhotitil n 1-01, ' o I � k � t- 1 I VI+t I I. :Ali 41 .JI t e I .I�-.. I ii.,1 �41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 r � -77 Kr4 rasmoo�*w*rim�tt- 1(t) Clokik N OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES PLANNING GROUP, INTEROFFICE MEMO .1����������������.� 1;1) TO;DATE* 22 November 1944 13rig. Gen. William J. Douovan FROM* Shepard Morgan, Acting Chairman MEM Georg Keppler Pleabe disregzirU what I tolU you ovor the telephone last evening about General Georg Keppler. A memorandum from Paul 6chwarz shows thL4t Ile was talking about a Gener,11 vilheimNepplar. Neither he nor Paul Scheffer had anything substantial about ueorg Our owh bioLr"puicztl Records provet, to nave been the best source. Austin 01 tnat suction ivts trio roliowing about Georg Keppler. He was horn 1.1 1694; �Aqs Gener4L1 LietALenahL 01 PolIce (aid became General Ldeuten,tnt ca the hrnua 0L, ott Jialuary Ju, h yoar t"Ler i.e v,c1: edl .I i ti ip y C l't ,1/4/11IL l',11,116, to t, 01 1ct.!1'. rt t.1.1 it. N11.1 a, Ui)t'I.Ii rill) '0111 iiViirt I. � .1. 1 lItl'y 19.111, 11:,L lii .� 10.i 0; {..� 4 01 tile � r1(...1, ..or,Av1.1 �ni tiUv. 111,41. i):11( 1 V�L S Jill, WI- rLdurt. htl ._to KiI.Led oh utLu..er 1!.,. The du LI rc.,LJ,16 bec,Iwt, uh ucluDer a :,ecret purL fru- oente ;,L,ILvu thi(t. 6thvr,11 rippler t.."3 ootluzed to the AruolLy "Itki h"d cu,IL,ct tilth the .11 ! ..chr�chL. 6estapo he,trd it firL.L. 1,11t. Pt.( 1. � .01.�IA �441, Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ' i4f ����� � Ootolotr 19A4 Boourit. Ortioo je NIA011 Jv. ;!%d Lb. William Vs KA Lliot t tm boing oonoidorod Vor moottrit mpprov41t tho rtwoot of MO I hhvo Imown lots urm4nn ror iwproximotoly N yonro Rua Iloltov4 htm to ho onLtroly trnm4worLohy hnd mr high ohAruntor, Wive, ho 60h1A. viwAtitiovor Olot hio loyalty tor) thtr gove.mmont Jo thq boot tuld mint ho t)41) 4 vw1Ahy 4doition to Olv 0L4r or Lhtm orgliniAtitiott, 1 that ijji ooartty bo niwovbd, V. Jg Puto11.1 Jr. tioutonhnt (j,40), I6NA Aot104ont rxt.t.tut.lvo �Moor Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ) -INFORMATION. - IT IS FORBIDDEN TO COPY OR REPRODUCE THIS CABLE WITHOUT AU rHORIZATION FROM THE SECRETARIAT. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 - I : �i.� = Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ! . ' 0.* � � . � - _ . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 Declassified anE!..../0.02r44,94:11,LLfelease 2014109/16: CIA-RDP13X90001R0001_00300005-6 -1 (AS Iforrn 69 (Rlsed) WalIMPSOMMIPIOS41.444.4�444.....�����44 So 4 ma �44�44444�4�14 1444414101404 510a SEWN& 4146~�������a� ������ ,..,������������444r4444444411114111441. OFFICE-OF STRATEGIC OFFICIAL DISPATCH DATE17 JAN 45 FROM TO SI GEX, KANDY 1945 JAN_20 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES (FOR ACTION) DISTRIBUTION PRIORITY ROUTINE DEFERRED IN 1557 (FOR INFORMATION) O'GARA i. CIOa SECRETARIAT, H11, DET. TION U. I, GOVkittolts1 PHINT1144 OffiCE RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER 4 4 *12847. BERNO TO QUINN, SECRET SECRET PLEASE ADVISE STATUS KARCHER'S PROMOTION AS POSITION ANO WORK HE IS DOING HERE URGENTLY REQUIRES THAT IT BE EXPEDITED. IXPo-p Karcher, Raymond E. let ind (13 Dec 44) WD, AGO, Washing:ton 2b, D. C., 9.0 December 1944. JAG6�Id Tou Director, (Wilco or Strategic SerN,tron, Watt', D. The Secretary or War's Personnel doftrd does K/ fay4ably consider the recommendation for the prowtion or 'aptain Rilymowt Edwari Fare'ler, 061015d, Army or L'ul "nited States, to t.he grade of major, ,Lrmy of tho Uni Led Statos, as tho higher erect() is not considered appropriate for the position in question. dy ordor of tne Secretary or War: TOR 1113 17 JAN 45 SE.CRET /B/ .3. A. arot.anrtith wijutAt II IS I.( 11:1111)1)I N 1'0 ( t vI'l t II lit.l'Itt )1 q't 1�. ( Alt( \VI lilt )1.. F At FR Rt.p.1 1 11V (I 1 A, 1Z 1 A, t�g� +ft N�` " 4 � FrIt- Release 2014109/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 :0 ���_. r - OL*Felaltetigi MCAT. 0..,..V11!,!eirrerwr,tsisparasi � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 4Igteasisi SECRET /47 � r 10. .t I /?C 04., 17 October 1914 ,S1 a're y SUOJSCT: kiiidasront and Travel Orderat Captain 'Raymond B. X44144hires c6.66o3,50, IC TOI CUef, Military Personnel, OBS (Col, Roberto) 0.0cretariat (Lt. Pugilism) OSS Theater �facer (Col. Richards) FBOU; The Director L. The officer named above, assigned to this office, is being sent to SEAC Headquarters, Kandy, for the purpose of assieting in the evaluation and solution of various problems relating to the coordina� tion of Air Forceu and OSS activities in the Far East, particularly in regard to materiel and technique* for use in designating trout lines and *new targets in jungle warfare. 2. Por the porpoue of thiu mission, it is desirable that Captain archer be included among the personnel being assigned to the mStrate� lower Plan". The necessity of his working with several of the Branches of OGS will preclude essignment to any one of them. 3. In order to expedite this assignments Captain Karcher shall he authorised to viork directly with the various operational headquarters in the field, as well as to communicate directly (through Keedquarters, Kandy) with The Secretariat, Director, and Plowing Group, as sell as Communicatioms, SI, SO, and R&D Drenches of OSS Headwarters in Washington, D.C. SECRET 4.�; � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 � CIA-RDP13X00001R0001oo3flonn ������ � � IGAIP�114 .7 e.ti4+�,!' .4* 41' '1# it- '4 I 1. Request that a Sevember Mr prioritor be obtained for the transportation a thia officers 4th excess baggage allowance for certain ariniloal requirements in special watt/paint necessary in this work. WILLIAM J.DOUOWI Director SECRET �.� � � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100300005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 7"1,,31,77 Ff. ?Tr 11:0V2-- 1M114 fr'# For your Alpo. Com. Urohor lo now OV@PHOA0 hut lo 000llmod to tho Ulmotorla Orrioo; kuths Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 t A. �t� o eVSS. rot4Nt 2201. 4 46 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 . ..... , ".� , ' .. +.� .. � .. i �. , Ott. A 4- 1,0 464:, V iitX4RHArittitalifttittbiamowN44sowietorstatligiSliaat iarT II (A(})% Ra,1 Le.Li 6 tulk i I At, tAral. t.0 1.41 -.4041u SECURITY OFFICE ONFIDES IAL ik Investigation Report Subject: KA,RCira, R. E. (CoTt. U.S.A) To: . Lt. Col. Robert S. Quinn, 1. Investigation directed by: CL. 2. Sources of information: 3. Summary of information: Date: 25 February 1944, Number: 14740 Accordi,flc, to informataon rooelved, Subjeot iu an Amerloan born citizen, 26 years old, the son of Amorioan bora, paronbs. F.;ubjeot Is sftid to have and buyer. (20619) an A.n. dof;ree and to Ilave experimno,. �1,n a salesman Tothtnc, or deroc.atory nntnre wati dirwlouod roGardiuG Lhe S'qbjoetis lonity and Ilertkonal. oharsoter. CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 :OVF:PFv7:4; AO, Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 11 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000209 3099,05-6 ,� I t 11,$ ti [1.mi 1 e 1.01-, 1), t, 01.1_ b d ht� I Ii It. 111R011 01 1'11 r hili111111 I flit II I chr It mitt k Aflt, tonlc' (Iflt) t�t..1 .t. I t)iiti ti tII.' tt t 1(01111., t n u ht�t! I �311,.�11 t 114 ll'or offtf't I nt.9 �i 1111,1111 1 1 I- 11111111 t�0111 W I I ritirt- I 1111tIf-11 r 1, 111111114 1,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 �!"-� , ' 41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ACO11%11441CIA1. COMMUNICATION% TO /Ng SECRCTARY OP STATIC WASHINCTOR. O. C. 25 In reply refer to DP � I .4 nerOZOO111%0010,600.ti�������������*��������..... ........**11410111151,111OM111111~11�11MMOMMINism���������14��������������.������,0981111%1 / .) -2 (3 eb� 3e � 60. AZ' 42 f) eft. Ckkf DEPARTMENT OF' STATE WASH I P4 GTON AUG 4 1944 My dear General Donovan: The Department of State is very desirous of having the services of Professor Raymond Kennedy, who is now employed one day a week as Consultant by the Office of Strategic Services. The loan of Professor Kennedy for one day a week to the Department of State on a non-reimbursable basis, to be effective as soon as possible, will be greatly appreciated. Professor Kennedy would act as Consultant in the Division of Southwestern Pacific Affairs. Because of his background and experience, he appears to be well qualified for the work which the Department desires him to perform. If you approve Professor Kennedy's detail under the conditions set forth above, I shall Appreciate / being informed. I should also like to know the date. / it will be possible for Professor Kennedy to begin L work with this Department. IN VICTORY BUY AVISSII MM)S STAMPSA Sincerely yours, For the Secretary of State: / 6/ � / ./ � G. Howland Shaw Assistant Secretary. Brigadier General William 3. Donovan, Director, Office of Strategic Services, Washington, D. C. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 e 1 I. �, � wove... .4 � 47%4', Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � ,f gg,,,at41,40-1414r49-'�*'"' � �-4."14" 1, ' - non. G. Howland Shaw Aneititant Oeeretary of State Department or tate Wagshington, D. 0. Auguot 1944 My dear Mr. Shaw: Replying to your lett.er of 4 Augubto I am pleaued to advicie you that agrungemonta have boon made whereby thie Office will loan the Department of tate the aervioeu of Profeeaor Raymond Kennedy for on day a week on a non.reimbureablo basis. underatand that: Prefeenor Kennedy plane to spend Tueattays at the oepartmont, or 0tate and that he otarted this sehedule yestarday, A Auguat. � Coplea: Major Rollor Lt. MoVadden .41.4�0144..- � 0insoro1g youra, Jharles 0. OheeLon Acting Direstor � -. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ���� � s "fat s � f7. � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 7- 75-17r7"--7 4 � Ptak 24 Yobruary 1944 MEMORANDUM TO 2nd Lt. Monde). Be Aaliff SUBJEOTt Order* You are hcobi authorized and directed to proceed to tho dostination indioatod in your military orderer where you 'till report to the �hie, O$S for that Lhaator of opurations. You aro, thereafter, to act undor the inatruotiona or tho Chief, OBS for much tho&tor. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � ai����������������������.�����������4��-1����������...-...� _ ET 114 4D.1 2677th hegt., 055, tProv.) APO 612, Postmaster, N.Y., L. � Y. JIt eJ-?Ayt 27 January, 1945. Nr, Charles C. Weston, Assistant Director, Office of 5tratep;ic bervicee, dasilington, V. U. b. A. Dear Charlie, enw tue General on janunry ?til, tae nirht before I left for London an, Parts. Among oti.J.er tninio, we talked about some of tile thInt.,s tt.nt mioit be done tovard lnyinc; tne foun- dations for a pormanent secret intelliv,nce. Tile General ex- prefisea subotantinl intereet in sone oi tue possibilities w4.1011 I put l'orwnra. I tolo iii 1;4at I vou10 1i4e very much to be part of tae Group tan't lifon LaAnc to take a amok at this, an0 t�at 1 wuuld lt4t,c to Ket sarted on It ati soon as tae Germans fol6 U. i3(% incUohte tAtnt vollo Le or this. Ir tne ..reneral passes tu.rouol lAere on nis vsy aanP, I hope to 1_,./(ve an ap:)ortunIty to tt itt. to It furtf,frr about it. tie told me cometlint of tne �dans 1 ii CL ae Laid 3M j(1 be- fore tar. Jo- !made). In ciLil.Pf, /lad /lino iniie' tPd ds conviction L tat-, time to start au n1.1 or tt;ese t.iri r le Thie is or oriuroc, vn i feel o(nft(lont t.-t yrol 1:qtr mn'e n rimPant.141 Lctlu h:y I reel t-I-e ti'L it is ft ft' tbjee 1, 1 rt tj4.LU. yo" I I LfltI t' 1 I; e tl-wt 1,1 Li 1 tt v ! V t� ' 11 �' t. 1 t � n, )1- . t 1 n, � , vel rEtt It 1,1.0 I.! L. 1.1LI 1� (It V IccIt� r b, uur r,ovoronentr. el C tit tot 'On, 'I ; .1 :41_�' tint 1.0r1 /11)1�1),,,1 �� IAN ..t It., t 1). 0 L /7' nr1i:1,11, � I. 14 1011t11.1. . t' . t: 1 I, r , � t founn U;12, LTC P ye y latorvstinc _Lin. va.IP of 1,e 11,1 1,0 int, iNti"6, U. Li., rove O. L.t ch � !.( :.�11 II y t f)tip 4 I I) i,Ctt 04 I.+ tAM1 ?".U t4P. tIPPH tC UP aim in In V 1.1,0111ffiv. � (-,1! .\\ � _t %,4) 4.,31 Irani, � I �Li � 4'16 WY it.��� Ng r., ����������������������������������� ���� � N�41411�0� �����... �101�40. , . Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 6 cj. Trams To: The Chief of Naval Personnel Declassified and Approved For Release 201,4/09/1,6,:CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 . rtel "Hu �3/44.13/4 tr. 1.1 Waft 0 7ul7 1944 The Director, Offiee of Strotegic Services I,7# r-cf.,1 Subjects Lieutenant Commander Milton Utz, D VS) USNR, Maintenanee of temporary promotion in cionnece tion with change of duty, Request for 1. Under date of 5 April 1944, the subjeet officer, having been oamaissioned in the rank of Lieutenant, D4(S), Walk, woe appeinted a Lieutenant Commander in the Novel Reserve, to rank from lY March 1944, for temporary service with the Office of Stratesic Services as Chief, SI, China Theaters such appointment to oontinue while serving in that *segment, 2. On 22 Xune, 1944, subplot officer eompleted a �ours� of inetruction at the Naval Training Station (I), Prin e ton, New Zersey: and returned to this station, 3. Within the past two months, the Offiee of Strategic Services has undertaken to reconstitute ita organisation in the Mediterranean Theater, to conform to the ohanging situation in that theater and, in particular, to carry out more effectively certain urgent secret intelligence projecta in that theater. For this purpose, the Direotor, Office of Strategic Services bee decided to tranefer 'pertain of his ablest and most rxpcz'i. snood offioers from other theaters to key posts in the Mediter- ranean Theater, 4. In this connection, the Director, office of Stra- tegic Services, has selected the subject officer for acsignment to the Wediterranean Theater to aupervices all aeoret intelli- gence activities based in that theater directed toward be penetration of Central Europe. ThLs post will not only involve responsibility for a number of difficult and delicate secret intelligenee projects, but will also require administrative coordination with related activities of tha Office of Strate gie Services based in other theaters and with oomparable ac- tivities eondueted by the lorvices of allied governments and by reaietence groups. 5. The need to fill thia post with an officer of the caliber of the subject offieer has, within the past two months, became even more acute and immediate than the require meats of the post to which the aubject officer had preTiously been assigned. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � e. �nro.nnt � n1, - � $ � Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 , s - 1. 4, �or' 6A_ the suOjett officer ha* trittlett 'widely it Suro and Attlee* Hie preltioult toetient inoluded Ketvie a*hi t4 Ifteetitivi Otfidet of the. Combinei rtOduetion *At Reiouties Zoarai in the *matte of Which he patiteipated in 00114UOtktion, with klAitti Werhkeht0 it the, hitt.** liet41** Whit k rest or tettioe with the Offkee o 000o itettile hi, has ontictimatly deconsttatet outittaaing ability, hOsi talnens, Yetvatility end juattent0 V* Owing to the nature of the, new postf the.tank or th4 �Moore *hoz the Pi-0feet ottiott will dootet406. the relationships which he *III maintaih with hith tiii ettittere of allied gowonaenti, towbelligerents ant tosistele. poups, it Li estentiel that ht eontinue in rank not lower that hi* preedht tank* e,It ii therefore reOreted thet the tetporarr proottion of th* tOjtot offiter to the ink Of tietitonett 00m4 liend02* VONR bt kept ih ertoot hio tektite* as Ohief of eetret intelligence activities bated in the M*diterw- mitett and direoted tOwerd the penttfttioh Ot Centra1 Nrope, William 36 Donovan Brigadier General, AM Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 CIA-RDP13X701R000100300005-6 -P ,t FROM: - � 301183,11111000lativArltntiolivAre*intr..1., , Piebruary,194/1,,, - 3 The Director of Btrategic Oerviced A TO: , The ChietoroNAY41:PqrPorinc1 VIA: The Vice Chief of,Noval Oporatiorm 6UBJECT: Mr. MiltonAintzp, Bequest. for Commioolohing of. oaapiad 'Ti 1. Mr. Milton Katztinii mnde npplicntion for a commisfAcn in the U. 6. Naval 'herierve, at the suggoution of this office, with which he hao been woriang no a civilian since August of 1943. 2.; Mr. Katz is thirty.six years of ago nno by the generally accepted procedure, if commitsioned lh thcl Navnl Reserve he would probably bo iintitlad to the run, of Lieutonont (Junior grade). It h(-11evtql, nowevt-r, that Mr. Katz113 r,00ition nnd experience warrnnt,a nlgher rank. 3. Mr. tiatzts background, sinve tilt; prhduat1(,h from Harvard UnivrSlty with an ALI, bnd an 1JLAaovroo in 1931, otampti him ats a man (4 ex(:(..,t1(41;11 abUlty ttjil shows him to be 8 mah of unusual qualifies-al /1,10r practIeingltt privatoly Lor r Lot,o, two :/eart:, nt- nepah long lerlod of government emp)oym6-Pt. v(ive-rri Position, In July 19J31 wn at; Pf:1:ta:J Coci tiel Cper!ial AssitAnnt to the Adv,InitArntor ,f thef. Mr. Donnld hienb(.rg, at a :;a1n!y or p-Nt. left t1hi pobitieJn in 2v.plember to 1)0(!,,,,u. AsiELart t,) the Chairmn of the :rouritlev sirf! Fx0..nrive, Commission, Mr. James M. Ltiricit, 1.1L nw! re,v,Ired until Augu:41, 194. he th(-,!' left te) the 1)epArtment of Jurtiee, si-rq(-d I:tant to the Attorrwy lr. ;hk,rw,r ArrI,J, at the sam(, snlary. In FPritPmE.,,I. Vir�: �011+"(, 1�, linrVnni Un1ver:-.11y to very', ;-$:, " e �," � t:alrlr of 10()1) but, aftcr (I' j' t' 0yf:1"t, given le:Ivp of absr-rw( to rft... r lo V , 1 . to n:.irt It. the ii-(11mn:.:y n(r(.41%'1-r. ;rf,(01,. es la bl inhm,,r,t of tho roml 1: ( (, npriassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 ke � � ma .%! V34.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 WWI Ali) Ar�w�ant-,����,,,- tioardp a combined Anglo-American agency established by the President of the United btates and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, to develop tho combined production program of the two countries in accordance with strategic requirements of the war, as indicated to the Board by the Combined Chiefs of staff. Upon the establishment of the Board, Ir. Katz was appointed its first United States Executive Officer. In this capacity, he served under Messrs. John Lord O'Brian,and-Willimm L. Batt, as a CA1-15, nt a salary of $80000. He remained in this position until he transferred to this office, at our request. A. Since coming La the Office of 8trategic Services Mr. Katz has been serving as Deputy Chief of our Secret Intelligence Branch Cor the Far Fast Theater and, in this capacity, has acquired a highly specialized knowledge of our problems in the Far Fast. It is now my plan to f!end him to Chungking, to be Chief of an ;,ecrt-t Intelliirence activities for this Office in the China Commnnd Area. He will have charge of and exercise command over a num her of officers and men of various services. will be called Upon at all times to plan Secret Intellirence operation!: in that Theater with officers of other Allitd foreov. in the highest echelons. � Mr. Katz came to us with the hIghest lossibie recommendations and since his emt]oyment Levo, he tots fulfilled these recommendation!. in every !ask wt.loh he has been called upon to perform. F,)t. the foregoinv ronsons and because it is doomed vit,al that he have suf- ficient rank to perform his duty for thl, ofrie tn 11:e Far East in nn efficient manner nt 1 tile,, re!,t,ect- fully request that he be commissiont-a a Lic-ltenat,t (enit)r grade), and be given a spot promo It to the rank or Lieutenant Commander. Mitia.11 J. . )novAn - Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � W1 JP � � 1111�10�01 -� Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 , A � rebyluttorized and dir*oted to where) y will report liver tint. W40 tlAropon � ro, tLoroorters to not ntrtitogic ervioes Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 X skial proolAte your autstaitypo oqi*Li /*Wu on the onoloorodesp-Alutton tor an omit ?MA* ac�siiM itoid*** This lalivi4m1 aprosoottog 40114412 4inctr 10. lat4d, to the prooloutiort of the war, eat it is boo &pert sttbo oarlisot poosiblo on **tidied that the itisookoo sit this oda permit, ova* not in ow war pony inowolotott latit the natiesel 1110� Wrist. ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 � - Declassified and Approved For Release 2014/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100300005-6 "�:',��14t, , , �. t �lI SECRET OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, 0. C. MEMORANDUM TO: Colonel G. Edward Buxton FROM: J. M. Scribner SUBJECT: Ekji Kambhu 4-14- 1. � ....w,........,,�,�...�������������r��ey�VW�.4�P�tit4����������*NS��!ie�k�����,00nw�v�rl 29 December 1943 You requested my opinion as to whether subject, now con- nected with SO, should be transferred to SI as requested. Mary and Kunjara requested subject and another Thai doctor for shipment to the Far East as soon as training was completed. About the middle of November SI requested the services of sub- ject. SO suggested that subject be given SI training, so that he would be qualified for SI work in the field. Some difficulty with security was encountered in carrying out this suggestion. On the 11th of December Milton Katz requostevi transfer of subject from SO to SI. Lieutenant Fisher, SO Area Operations Officer for Far East, informed Mr. Katz that he was not in a position to approve of this transfer as the man had been reques- ted by Mary. He did, however, express his willingness to have subject receive SI training before going to the rield. On December 15th, Mr. Katz directed a memorandum, through Mr. Shepardson, to you requesting transfer of subject to SI. AB SO was willing to have subject receive SI training, a course %hid' SI did not put into effect, and as transportation has already been requested for subject, and as sub-jept has been requested by Mary and promised to him, it is reoommeh ed that this transfer be disapproved. �Aut. 44141 geaw ,c.14,44, 1r �a1 te lite a J. M. ribner Deputy irector, SSO )itt