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' ki 1.'41 )fi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001 : wqe - ? 44410.4":,;71::, ?TIP 'NW :7411 ' A R000100270008-7 4,1r:A;'32 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? 4 ?, ? - ?No;11.6;;71,1, t!, ' 4 4' ft! 4y, L414;* ? ?-? K'Zitir"riMirg."'""`j;L%-.1 7"Y:"" T11124M7:41figtalSilli A'141L1 ? 'AM ?WT-r 400154 3' 41 l'Ut. 7.'991,31 line7/14, '41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 A e r ?V , 4 ' A wolo'lik, ttriorttkoiom Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 8 b' lLs s Ross Cemsay not Alto &um SECR 14..- .tr.t 3) August 1945 lir dear Has I WI* the attached memorandum with recard to sag* obaiervations x3ersen Isbor sulcdtted b7 one of otm analysts win be or interest to the President. nu 'Wms see' that- it :machos his cleat" No* you. S'?.SPc , 5- ,r .? ? t-44,?? 4 ;to ? ;:!!,,cillt , i ? ^. ? . - f. ? Simiterel7 allism Y.? iktneren ECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4344 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? ' ." - - - ? -s ? - - ? PagarJEZIT: sfALRET Atl.uat 1515 o stete d in acme obsemtions on clermen labors by one or x. best rosident analrats itni on wrrownt ars olet it ia teported that lacal i3 ofricials hcole do= wIdoIrstanaAg dud intelligent job" of enemmag nil. union ornstiam4 Uov that pormisolom t6' turn trade unions on a Krois love1 mar b* grouted 14**11y. sme offiliale aro bringinc uniou quickly to liroto Ili olawr ocalitiess Mositionop roluotance have delayed of Mid spa*ThoNral trade union situation *Lill remaix otty". 3. taro is GA slootit'inatitioUive trend tomer! a single i trade Litt= mcmelAnt Instead of seireml moves:ants* !A tbe rormstion eunionst there ozlets a differmaoe -MNP 43142 444 othsr monesik rits American, theory Itas been 4itstioa sho44 stsrt from belomrulth slootioa of shop stevards smitsblisbnal of the urthia,* ?hm Ruanians work in 3t9 ot 1.?sakZ , 0-- i0?04.!=. " ? .144-, ? ious r r wher maim. i$ 03 abli3110(1 ou tope, aistut oton t acktifFunAll '411a1e1 contoot and render ma Stit..(10,1r - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 g;0 ?.4 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 441, 2 vo SECRET 5. Moths? difforenee in approaoh is the Russian requiremnt that the head of VI* railroads trOd0 attiOn and the Roiehabahndirektor mastJ4xenrolls all important railway nossures? The workers are obviously interested in a oontinuaaoo o: this practise* ;ihothor the weitiee Ilens expanded to other indastrims in the "Alssian zone is not klowm? Iiiiaft J4, Donoven Dino or ?4. -- .- ?., ?--:??,,ts ,,,_ : ....?.,,4?... ,, - , - -....4,:,..,..: -- - =?,/.;.?,.:_i*: , .:1?.?,,.,-)4i.r? ..,.: .,..? .-it'I.L?.'t-,.:-._;-;..:,,, ,,,, , ,? .s, 1 5 .,. ,,, ' 2; j:all.V.AM31 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 SECRET L-800OLZ001-00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 ioio eseeIej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 4.? inat mM2Tut 414 dogs Jo uonoirr. Ina twig out/ Aaosq; uzr opueaeJJ1p * slop:*Sq; ; ?equestwe Je Pm* &Ours * paumo; pgsa; umnamou *willote uoTun ?pea!) Tezeue au *010;11 MOW* p*Ait 'to uoilIsotido isel;Tintoy 40q4o ui *eat ,2upuTaq eau ErmoUlo *out fAltimat popmasq scT vuoTun epta;mzo; oquorealleaed wuoppet44v1mD1mn Supuamoue Jo .cipf queSTIlepT pa* 'xitpluvlsitepurt ulk, mop savv eTeroTIN ON IvooT 1/1044 Polacda4 eT 'notirt ati4 te mv4uolimAcia uoTan epea; U. OT eq; Jo slitAlics queplosa qseq J1110 ;0 MO A 12112nyG Jo em zeplat po4;111qms famm uumaor uo ouoTquanclo mos uT pelteaetal or, tem fox VW Jo Slag OitraZI L-800OLZ001-00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 ioio eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI r?-? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 3oLKET EtAistaso work in roma orb d ne shop elections until the union is *stab:lashed on top* Thera say bit little aatual dieforonce awe potaatial trodamunion leaders and shopietiewaxds maintain unofficial eastut *ma rend*? mutual Anatol? diftftence approstah is the Russian requirement tbs* of the railroads trade union and the Reiehshahndirektor mostg,;tiprovrar all imovtanI railway *mum* The unrkere *r* emit, interested in a contamance of this practice* dhother the prookleo has expandied to othor ird113t1*ie tt the Russian zone it Um* _ 4.7 , "Pt-- -Cria ;-? 44 a noeroly Tinian 1* Donovan Direator 747,11.. - !,43, ? j rr', ? at' 41, C4 r9r ? r ILI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 e 4C- ." I. T ? 2,53 Form 10$0 I WS?1??????WITIOrmw. ow.D.ITVINOIWW1.**Ww?misow.anie.raW.remomm*W.wwwwww. DATE Au.-????,-. ??., ? ',.?,;. ,..`..... tvm' t z?- r - Y1';'.W?'4" i'41:1149kkalie-44i,Ck "."-? ' -??? i? ? ? 3," ? ' - , ? ? ? ? 2 - - . t I . . 3,2 ? ?1,9 ?? '? 1..7"" t? = 7? = ?..? :4= IF! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Thank you tor letter at 2 Aveust 1145 *Ali mosseresalhaa on, Serial lumber Analysis which accOrapanied it. a maim that..t* have an opplety to aback accurately to of a theoretical *640,Iniqtas of eeononde vas have in this iniatoriaa, ant tha:results Ira* atiittrilnir - La you know terestact in anapurigging boa, itiona output Troy t this information field or in son with the Mrs Rustics and O no* given the opportunity, vies the neOessiu9 04.:0104 'that or On*.ofwhiat as is 4 it ever ? to prp&r. a se Is i1. ion*, _ ? recall that PSA serial number work* %ardor the wsalt, or this wo-ArIta..4L - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? el., 04( ? 44 120 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 .,:.?...,. ..4.: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 THE FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Tzilaimiet ) es t IP oct..x+ cC. X , Ic6.A. E.O.U.1 AMERICAN EMBASSY visit tr 40, BERKELEY SQUARE, LONDON, W. I . TELEPHONE GROSVENOR 49t. t Major-General William J. Donovan, Office of Strategic Services, MAARINGTON, Dear General Donovan: August 2 1945 I ma taking the liberty of forwarding a copy or a report on the accuracy of serial number studies an German production prepared in this office by four members of R. & A., OBS - Capt. Fred Peels lit. Henry body (U.S.S.R.), Mr. Richard Ruggles and Capt. IMIliam Parker, The first three of these men, who did most of the work in preparing the original studies from 1943 through 19445 and who have prepared the enclosed study, have returned to R. & A., Washington. Capt., Parker remains attached to the OBS Mission to Germany Speaking as an PISA man who ha& worked closely with 00M, I think that the mua higher accuracy shown in the studies prepared by this group than in the studies prepared by other agencies using the same techniques Alyea OSS real cause to feel proud of a fine contribution made La aid not only of the Air Forces but of people soisaged In predicting the probable or4er of battle 104rength of ground forces before Ind after the invasion. s seems to me to be particularly true When I recall OW Obstructions and difficulties placed in the way of ass* of We 'malt by representatives of some very boadmmarters not the least of which was G-2, ahlsigton? . 1 mm sending the report to you directly because I am amp. you vill sant to exaXine it and keep the results in gdmill in conneetion with your interest in the application of *Ullar techniques in :span. $ino?r.l ou 4k4Axa Xz4Tn t Pincus Neport ial twtb*r Analysis as an Intelligence Teahniquelp dated 111, July 1945? .1 ,,,,,,7=.44Z.B,4474',jaFjotg ,41 g 71".74' room wAiiii4 anri Annroved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? .., "' ;?7, ."1 WV- ..? _?" ? NOV/Moorioan EmbLtzsiy, Plat 52. )44 Dorkelv Square. London* W. 1. Ms is to acknowledge roftipt at oozy. Oak Silting* ? YAM ANA4a313. Ala eAk ? ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 ? ? ? ? ? * ? 9 ? ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? ***** *elk ???? ? ??????????? Nase.? ***** ? ? ? ? . ??????40.441441101104. Rank,???????????*????,r0???? 40486?11 011118Ardlikt i One?? $ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IP * $4**fle ****** a ??????????? aa *0044044 ? - 4-Z? p? :AW,4 ? e ohfe, rin-a? 40,1 ? ifrt ???????11, . of ("4-- fr ii ' - ?;-} ' .? ? . .; 2* - ' - ? ,,,,,L,3?; ' - - F : a:4 -.: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? A. ? 4 R - loonomio Warfare Division ANERICXX EMBASSY 40 Berkeley Square, London AN INTEL IG SECRET A report on tbe aeouraay of ostimates at production of Gorman adlitarr equipment, prepared by tb* Iconomio Warfare Division, Alieriean Xabassi from serial nurdbere and ether markings. 2 7 _ , ;,'??? -.,.. 'f, ,A7,- ,,:,..;?V:,:', ,':,,,,'',.-,, -,.,.? - . ? '- '..i. - ^ :, --.-:. ,A ?,.' '',.- ',`;.. - '''''' ''' ' 1,,.- ,., , .?,.,.',",",4::-.....,`''.?? , , ,... - ???.' ' fr!. ? ;*?;.' , ; Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Its'!,;_ .;?-3-'iti..-E2?`,:'?'; '1'.:::':';'?'.: : % 1 [1".! ......,:, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4fig' , TAM IC GUNS ON TANK CHASSIS Tanks it To till Pr oduc t ion Assault Guns on Tank Mass's, ProductioA by Plant Tank Output Intimates *sed c Markings Conclusions M1. +I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? The purpose of this paper is to assess as far as possible the accuracy of the production estimates of enemy military equipment based on the direct evidence of serial numbers and other markings on the equipment. Front the summer of 1943 to March, 1945 the Economic Warfare Division of the American Embassy issued intelligence reports based on the analysis of markings. In general these reports contained three types of analysis. 1. Aggregate output data by time period for specific types of military equipment. 2. Pipeline analysis, that is, length of time between manufacture and use at the front, of specUic types of military equipment. 'Production by individual manufacturers of specific types of military equipment. The direction of the investigations Was guided partly by the availability of the data, and partly by the needs of the intelligence consuming agencies. Often markings were procurable which could have ielded considerable information, but for which the need id not warrant the expenditure of effort. Again, some subjects were of considerable interest but the effort which would have been required in the :told to obtain the noceseAry markings was beyond what this organization could muster. Some work was done on all of the following Items: 1 Tanks 2, AsvAult O1A3 3* Malrftiracks 4* Guns , 5* Motor YehloIes 6* Tires 7# tlyint lombe 8. RoCkote 90 Ammunition t of the individual plant figures used to check the serial nulhor estimates were obtained by a field at out for the purpose. Some plant output preg wore furnished bi- the United States Strategic eibiaSurvey4 be checks against ovor-all production Ve nishod by the production statistics captured ip OM Os Spoor Ministry', #10 f--A*vidual German factories Mut ti ; , ,e1,,rf4 used by BO .6Clate4otony Ooduotion was in fectOorreot# divrogne nuabtroll both components and finished _ r ? . Wri ? 9 444'?? -r ""?47. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270006- equipment serially, They used the serial numbers as contras of the individual units as they were being produced and as records for the purpose of repairs, spars parts, and defecttve pieces of equipment. They neither skipped numbers nor used numbers more than once. There is no indication that the Germans suspected that serial numbers were a source of information to us, It Is interesting to note in this connection that the Germans themselves estimated the production of Russian tanks by using serial numbers. This report examinee the accuracy of the estimates of tanks, assault guns, half-tracks, motor vehicles, tirstoo guns, flying bombs, and rockets. No check is possible on the studies on enemy arammition, which contained no estimates of output but simply reported the pipeline of ammunition of various calibers which was captured in Italy and Prance. A general presentation of all the estimates for vihich mparable actual data exists is given in Chart I, Hero each estimate and the corresponding actual data are plotted on a scatter diagram. Those estimates which are correct lie on the 450 line. Only those estimates which aro individual and lated to each ether have been plotted. Thus the yearly estimates by type or model have boon used rather than the aggregate figures. In this way the data is shown in its most critical light since in cumulative figures the serial number estimats errors tend to balance out and any one large error is easily absorbed, It is interesting to note that all large errors ef serial nuMber estimation wore errors of under- eictimation? Por over 90% of all the estimates, however, the errors aro not of sufficient magnitude to impair the validity of the analysis. 'be reaord of the serial number estimates, as *hewn in Chart I and in tha subsequent studios of 'ash, type of equipment enhanced, proves that the mothod of analysis employed Is a valid and valuable source of oconeftic intelligence* Within the range of its eapabilities the technique of utilizing markings talon directly from enemy equipment is tratiottely superior to the nore abstract methlde of esttmktild productIon, mach at reconciling tho often etilely divergent prisoner of war re-ports, basing estimate* on pre-war capabili/los,, or prclsoting trestle in protuotion on estimates of the gtmers1 3.0t*1 et adomemlo utilisation of resources Ln an soustry. All at these methods wore used at ei meet times by slliod intelligence OVV041.01 reeultie that do not teor coopurison with those timid trot, the analyst) or settle. numboro, ,444..pot g ; " - crs, ppipase 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 11.1.11.Jarrymoti, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 tes 3 / ,:e0?41 4.....reormwsestenstratt..... 4 I e?' 4 f. s t, rot ..1?04.... ??,.???,***,. r-t?-"... ? Oti 1-4 ke 7 z "tttabr?brttarikt,W01,,,1411.44Artertre ? ? tt, ? " ? e Lt't- =7. ".* , r-t7'? "21 -?".t , ?C 4'1'3 0".T..4??????: _e E Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 11.1.11.Jarrymoti, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 tes 3 / ,:e0?41 4.....reormwsestenstratt..... 4 I e?' 4 f. s t, rot ..1?04.... ??,.???,***,. r-t?-"... ? Oti 1-4 ke 7 z "tttabr?brttarikt,W01,,,1411.44Artertre ? ? tt, ? " ? e Lt't- =7. ".* , r-t7'? "21 -?".t , ?C 4'1'3 0".T..4??????: _e E Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TANKS AND GUNS ON TANK CHASSIS The first preliminary study of German tank production based on an analysis of serial numbers was issued in July, 1943. This origintl investigation was extended and revised in a series of subsequent reports issued through March, 1945, which covered produotion of tanks and assault guns by types and makers and calculations of the pipeline from apsembly to front line use. Tanks, Total Production Table I, below, summartzes the tank output estimates by year and by typo and comparesthem with production figures obtained from the Speer Ministry. Total annual tank production is presented in graphic form Is Mart II. Estimates are from the 1 January, 1944 study, tbo 27 3eptember, 1044 study, and extensions amil corrections made in later papers. The biggest error In estimating annual tank production vias for 1040, 'hers output was overestimated 39%. All the other yearly over-all tank production estimates are less Own 16% in error. Q.C5 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 N(1?14.1 i 2.p+41AIL. 'r 10c. 1",'S'KU _ 4 6-APOdii 7e4V) r .? ,ri 'WAS' ?,ird.? L gtr-- *011 Oka,' r ? ? dL AtrAik;',.wA JLL TAIIK FRODUCTICII, EST-M.2M L?C1U41 19401944 co 0_ a CN 0 Cr) 0 CN a) a) T.) Et a) 0 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TABLE A Comparison of Tank Production letimates from Serial Numbers with Speer Ministry Etatisties, by Year and by Type, 1940-1944, with the Peroentage Error .,, by Year Estimate of Mark I & II Mark III Mark IV 3$ (t) 300 870 400 380 '741 300 900 450 380 1,950 34%t 9 895 2CC 275 2,030 1,459 Corrections Speer Ministr-j- of statistics. R2.2221112.11:. Mark IIX Mirk III Mark IV 36 ( t) **teiI Mark III Mark IV Mirk VI 311 TOTAL PACO 240 1 930 460 100 Matimato of ujI Corrections Speer Ministry of Statistics 27 Nov:1944. 021, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnninno7two Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 1944 TABLE (Cont) Estimates Speer Ministry Statistics. ? Mirk rit 2 March045-3,300 Nhrk V 27 Jan, 45 -3p200 *ark V/ (1) (1st 6 mths) 27 Sept,44 - 475 IM TOTAL -67375 ERROR 1344; - Table II and Chart iir classify the tank produc- tion estimates by type and compares them with the 3peer Ministry statistics. In all cases the latect output estimate for a given year has been used. The total error In ostimating each tank type has been expressed As a percentage of the correct figure. The estimatets covered in Table /I are only those for which Spier AllnistrT figures are available for comparison. Limitations, on the data available made it necessary to express estimates in the 1 January, 1944 study in terns of *Probable* nnd "Maximum" az a this classification has been carried over in Table II. The estimates roprasentod in Chart III are the "Probable" estimates. 3,366 3,964 553 17;P TABLE It A Comparison of Tank Production Estimates from Sarial Numbers with Speer Ministry Untistics, by Type, 1940-19440 with Percentage Error by Date of Most ? Estimate Speer Recent letimate*Probable Maximum Ministry .qtatistiqs AlMimii..??????????? MgtX la 1940 1 Jan. 1944. 1041 1042 0 INMElp 194 0-42 Mgt SW 1040 1 Jon. 1944. 1041 1040 tOtia., 1940-42 MOIR III 11040 1 An. 1944. 1041 0 1040. 1943 27 3lopt.1444. 101101., 1040444 WO 1 1044 * *I? 11.119.10Af. 2 Mar. ZIPies * 4E 44 300 295 240 835 53%. 380 480 480 773;re 15%. 870 1,530 14930 4 1%m 400 4$0 '060 1470* 500 9 480 233 420 306 1,400 548 155% 4, 940 2,100 2,700 400 romra feg 480 280 650 480 960 964 2,700 3,073 300 366 4 275 698 195 7740,n- 895 1,845 2,555 349 rftmz- tit/Yelr Itargre 1% nprdacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TABLE II (Cont) ,201 Year Date of meat Estimate Speer recent eatImate. Probable Maximum Ministry Statistte:-. 41.0.11?11.11.46~010111411.1131~1111011101011.111.1104104111101191111MINIS Mark V 1943 27 Nov. 1944 1944 27 :an. 1945 TOTAL, 1243-44 IRROR Mirk li/(11, 1942 27 Sept. 1944. 1943 27 Sept. 1944. Zan-JUn.44" " TOTAL, 1942-June, 1944 WOR 2,050 200 10% - 100 650 475 `17117rm- 4% - 1,650 .547=3 964 ?? 1 vs 78 647 553 7727c.7? The only attempt made to estimate tank output more closely than by year was with the Mark V. In the 27 Januery, 1945 study, Murk V production in 1944 was broken down by quarters. Table III compares these quarterly estimates with quarterly output figures from the Speer Minifitry, PALM A Comparison of Quarterly Mark V Tank Production aLitit_tiaten Al..jaLtt.La or jtatistios 1944 lett/tate Speer Percentage Ministry Error 27 Jan titatieties 1q44. Aprellosio Alr?liopt? Ostsi?Dets. 000 720 030 1, 05 8$1 29% 10070 334 1,102 16% 941 12% - The perenta. of error for the first half year ts large a while the trend In productIon Wee estimated correctly for the first three quartern, the oottninteo fatted to not* thc drop in output in tho last quartor, 4110?3L.mAIMJAZ"PlAteall.A.4121,06.1 1j...."1-(1.11,91122 Teltio IV below, compare* tho toUl annual assault r atiorseschhts estimates wIth tbe figwiee from thu Ministry' The estimate of 1043 oturingescatz tn the 21 3ept. 1964 study wad not an ovorall * rOr Iisseu14, oun production and included only two !no* for Which emaperatle tieuves Are avuilablo, tho Sgotts.142 on SMu TIT ctessii and the Hornet. A01410/411400 the 1043 Mures from the Spoor Ministry is sivon Par only those typeet and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TABLE IV A Comparison of Stur eschhtz Production Estimateo From er a 'umbers w er-IMW"firriVETTET67,-- 0,81110CINIMPWIMINM.e.POIMMININ Year Date of Moat Estillte peer Yerotalta2 InimEntati- Ministr 'Irirriavr =A ? S & 3 03 18% - 18% - 71% - 62% - NO estimate of assault gun production in 1944 was made except for the Jagd-Panther. Jagd-Panther production In 1944 was estimated in the a7 Jan, 1945 study to be 100. Actual production was 215. 1940 1 Jan. 1944 150 184 1941 1 Jan. 1944 450 550 1942 1 Jan. 1944 600 2,076 1943 27 3ept.1944 1,400 3,708 ? r ? S ...E.'24129.1141221224mt At the time of the 1 Jan. 1944 study there waa not sufficitimt data to allow a division of tank and 3turm- geschi4tz production between plant:?. However, eight tank essembly plants were listed with the models they had produced through 19.2. Six elf these factories have been visited and their production records did include tho =dela Identified with them in the 1 Jan, 1944 study. In the report of 27 Sept. 1944 seven assembly firms were listed with the 1943 production which had been linked with them. However, these figures were not presented as the total output of these plants because in tho case of every model except the Tiger there was a residue of production on which the data was not sufficiently complete to allow assignment to a firm. Th this study one error was made -- the assignment of Niark V production under tho code "cse to Henschel. In the 27 Jan. 1945 report on Mark V/3 this was ehanged end this code NeW wan correctly identified as MNH, Mannover. All Tiger production was correctly assigned to gonschel? Kassel,. Mark V production in 1944 was divided among three Witemblers in tho 27 Jan. 1946 report. This distribu- tion in poreentass terms, compared with the actual Vercentele of total production of tho same three firms, Vowed on their own production figures, is as follows: , Ti , 4 r Of Tt, rallallta Correct 14A.N. 40% 35% Duiraor Dom 20 31% ccx, 284% 31% UnPnown 3% 3% Tin a mmormnMm issuod 16 October, 1943 it wam that al tho direct evidence available pointed Vohe ontine proftcers it that time for Mark I, ZU VT tarlas---Soltacit, Priedrichnhafen 40A Ocolin. rnyeatil stion of Gorman tank 1 t ha* abowilthat his Statement was correct. ? I e?ta, r1 Aig 12:$ - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 " ft _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Tank out Alt Estimattis Besed_ Wheek..slaulaine In the sumer of 194:4 the demand for estimates of tank output at a time when little recent chassis number data was available led to the use or a complex technique for deriving a roll& approximation of tank production from the mold numbers on tank bogio wheel tires. By taktng th4 bogto wheel tire markings from a all number of tnks, estimating the nuMbor of molds for each tire to (the sizo varied with the tank type), applying British experience to arrive at the monthly capacity of cachmold, and ostimating the rate of wastage of the tires an estimato of the magnitude of tank chassis assembly of a given type which could occur *bout two months after the date of tire production was arrived uts Thia method of analysis resulted in a fteuro for the capacity for production in a given month, not for actual production. While this technique cculd not be expected to produce estimate* a* accurate us those obtained from an adequate sample of ehassis zearbox, engine, and gun serial numbers from the tank$i tha results were surprisingly sood4 rntimated monthly rates of tank production twasQd on thia method and the comparable- figures from the Speer Ministry are given In Table V. TOLL...y Coa ion IthrkIN. anA VI. Mort1111. Ta X Production oirro7rnibiqa ee 7 r r. ZDIM24. 1t to t mntod 1.etUal orar_Tr? MEM' iMpTion T7701735 ion i heat onTEr IT;172uo ,ion :ErViro= Mark XV Aug. 1042 100 00 (average for 1942) ? Mark TV Fob, 19f3 4100 252 388 Nark V PO. 194:4 270 276 299 Mark V/ Nob. 1004Z 20 32 32 Mark VI Ally 1W,t, 60 65 85 A11 the estimat4s aro quite ?lose exeept the Nark IV estimAto for robe MM.. Production in this month was far bnInw tho peak f." '*..v that had already boon ottftifti-1 IN *4` 1- * llogio wheel mothod was 'Tory exollratiq 11A r:n9lt it co, u- -,4,4-4morstAd productive eapanit7 for each typo of tank, has te3113 Investig,4tion, of tho Irar*ering systems used by assoMblors and onglno and gearbox makors has etralrmed tho theZ7 of tank serial nuAboring upon tha talak and onurragelacAtz estimates wore based, imietGt th6 imrt*tionn whtlh occurrod between the tank 00%Saittos and th-1 truu pro4uetion figures aro not a tolleatIon on tho adequacy of the toqhniquos of agodysiAs omplopid bir4 rAtIlor refilct the limitations tbn 641ft n/Ail bl,a for interpTetation. -ed? 4.54, 7.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 - - , ravf Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 The 1942 estimate of sturmgescAtz output was badly in error because the data received from the field did not cover a multitude of assault gun models which were being produced on a small scale. Since adequate coverage for these models Was impossible, it was felt that estimates made for later yoars should not attempt to present any over-all figure for tank and assault gun production. Tho record of the tank serial number estimates is extremely good in comparison with other estimates made by Allied intelligence agencies. Table VI below, is a comparison of estimated averege monthly production rates for 19400-42 from serial estimates and from Munitions Record No. 24, 10 Aug. 1942, with the corresponding figures from the Speer Ministry. The estimates from Munitions Record No. 24 were furnished to G-2 by 0.S,S. and represented the opinion of noo agencies at that time, both in Washington and in t Ministry of Economic Warfare, London. TABLE V; nieIt?1Aknce ources, all IetimAted Monthly Production Monthly Production 54m111 Ntuier INEITIFET- Roo', M1nitxy Istimato Aoltord 27 Sitpt, 441 10 Aug. 2 Atm* 1940 169 1,000 'Was, 1941 244 1,550 Aft., 1942 327 1,500 att"! ULIaL= A rnr Rele'ase 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 122 271 342 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Production of Gorman half..tracka was estimated by type end by aasmibler for the year:: from about 1938 through 1942 and the motor vehicle production report, April, 1944, Theme estimates wore extended, with minor oorrections iA the 1941 and 1942 figures, in "German flalf-Track Production, 1941-1944", issued 9 March, 1945. Table VII,. below, gives a comparison of the total halt-track estimates from 1941 through 1944 with Spoor Ministry stutistics for trio same rars. Total yearly estimates vary in accuracy from .2% to 155. TABLE VI; . arisen or Total Annual Half-Track Production Estimates era ors rgIreeThrtra'F--"TreTaFF=TrIT:777,;. tstimiktos of 9 March 45 2941 7,850 2042 9,S00 1943 17,000 1944 1%4,0.01941-44 40,900 Table VittobeXow compares the estimates with Spoini fisures by typo and y yoar wherevor comparable figures are available& .2112112 ality1442122 Percent 3 a 0 rror 104 1041 1,42 1944 190 Tamil 1241 1142 44 comparable 45 48 45 ApV1I (Mo 0 March 9 arch 9 Marh April 0 Woh 9 Marah I *roil 4 March 660 gwou nva 00 7,060 00 300 300 300 N110 0 3,090 ilablo) 4,200 5,024 10?11,101 1,076 ilablo) 2,762 0,51)3 0 100 340 300 564 003 '720 -71 norinQQifiad and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 t.. n.s.Pre 11 " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TABLE VIII (cont; ZAE2. Year DtIte of Estimate Estimate aw.414.21a Percent- 8 -ton 1941 9 March -15 1942 9 March 45 1943 9 Mhrch =15 1944 9 March -s5 Total t 1940 April 44 1941 9 March 45 1942 9 March f5 1943 9 March 45 1944 9 March 45 Total 18-ton 1941 9 March 45 1942 9 March .;5 1943 9 Mareh 1944 9 March 45 Total 1?,1.50 1,650 3,300 -444? volluv 550 800 850 400 400 7.7666--". 250 300 650 750 a 8 C8 042 trrer 1,320 1,392 3,231 3298 9,261 516 828 840 507 ? 602 240 384 643 '834 7(;t; 9%. 7e, While a complete rocord of half-track production by plants is not avsilablo, dcta has been 4:o11ected which covors, at 1**st partially, tho production record of eight firms. These *tatistlea were collected princi;pally at tho plants themselves. 7tb2Ie a contaln* a conparison o! thoso figures with the estimates by plant ft.= surtal mirbor dr4ta. TABLE IA ft't3On ci alf-Truck Prodwtion Eltimates for Nine Firms UA u TgUr65 1.T44. 0111 .1= Year Date of EstimE.to Estimated rti*Aue Percentam -11112-- lout 277O7' '500 832 1,000 933 800 844 900 983 1,400 10695 (no lascs) 0 250 165 500 554 1,250 1,361 10600 2i.133 3-,t0rs z-,71m 2,400 2,210 3 200 4 063 MI I, ton 1939 A 44 1940 April 4:4 1941 9 Mhrch 45 1942 V March45 1043 ) March 46 1944 9 Mnrch45 Total n 1941 0 March 45 1942 0 March 45 190 0 March 45 1944 9 MArch 45 Total 3wton 1943 9 March 45 194A'. 9 March 45 TotAl ton 1944 9 March 45 SIPA* mtion 1944 I March 45 1044 9 March 45 tort 1945 0 March 46 10/ .:44&ch TI01213 1,400 1,173 300 468 (no casco) 0 300 370 (no oamos) 0 .._ PAW 41. 06110 . oia9 Lpril 44 200 167 1940 April 44 300 202 1041 0 4arch, 45 300 329 042 0 hiarch 46 300 343 1043 q Aaraft 45 (Ao ovidonco or 204 Production) "444 o atroh 55 ft 22 Tets1 --rarozr- Ar7,r7 le% ,k kk1 OW 134 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 T2r-k1k0.p- Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Zia 27,21 TABLE LX (oont) PaimietimmatjaptikEta Estimated True Porcenta o :7011170.4mixt rror Banomag3-iton 1940 April 44 ,1941 9 March 45 1942 4 Stroh 45 1943 9 March 45 1944 9 Unroh 45 Total &sues. Maffei 8-ton 1944 9 March 45 *moor 1304ton 1944 9 March 415 Wilms 18-ton 1041 9 March 45 1942 9March 45 1943 9 March 45 1944 9 March 45 Total ? 900 600 '800 1i700 7 0 15151 907. 1,136 1,577 1'720 ttzr" 4%.' 1,100 1,177 '70 1,000 1,005 .5% 50 10 60 106 150 179 (no cases) 25 Sio 22% Nalt-track chassis numbers wore in simple consecutive series for each firm and each typo. Production in succoeding years foIlowod tn tho same serial number bands. Correct analysis was, therefore, merely a matter of establishing the location of each yearts output in the number band. MI* bitable somewhat mere difficult for 1943 and 1944 whet the Otrmana ceased putting the year of production on the chassis nameplates Thereafter the chassis had to be dated by dates appearing on other components. Such errors as occurred were due to n falluro to get enough numbers to locate definitely the terminals of each year's production, This is vest apparent In the case of the 6-ton halt-track, Where the upward trend in production could not bo detected because the whole analysis for 19400.1944 was bnsed on only 11 cases. In this asset it ws felt, however, that it was bettor to give an approximation of the magnitude of output, even If it were not accurate* Li order to present a *complete picture of halfwtrock production in all sizes. 4A';i?o?-4%: '4, I AgiiMOONOMMMINW Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001 Rnnni nn97n (1(1527 _ ? Nw a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 trer ART ILL-MY Two reports on gun output wore issued on the basis of serial numbers* :Production of the 7.5 cm. Pak 40 wns estimated for 1942 and the first quarter of 1943 in a study issued 15 March, 1944;* Production of the 5 cm. Pak 36 VA3 estimated for 190-1942 on 20 May, 1944. In addition to these two reports, output of the 7*5 cm. Mok 40 11/48 was estimated for 1944 as an aid in arriving at the production of Mark IV tanks in the Mark IV report of 2 Maroh, 1945 and output of the 7.5 cm* Kwk 42 L/70 for the Mark V tank wai estimatod for 1943 and January-August, 1044 and for 1943 and 1944 in the Mark V reports of 27 November, 1944 and 27 January, 1945, Ultimates for the three 7,5 cm* guns listed above cun be checked, in part, against Spoor Ministry Staiistics* The comparison ill as follows: 2121 Year MALUINA.,t014 Actual p229,1214a2 WITATIZITIiin Production rror 7,5 cm. Pak 40 1942 2,200 2,112 4% 7*5 cm. Kirk 40 1044 3000 30360 2% - 7.5 cm. Zwk 42 Jan-Aug#44 2.0200 7.5 or. Xwk 42 1944 3,340 4,210 205 - Intimates of gun production wore not carried out on 4 'aria scale because it was felt that they were not of sutficient interest. The above figures, however, arc sufficient to show that the serial number teohnique is applicable to this trim) of equipment, 41.1% 1I-71 14P4A..*!, naf.inccifia.ri and Anoroved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 jelf r- _ . ? - st ?+.14, -7- v?t) .4- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 11?ffiNgr-NE Me first report on German motor Vehicle production based on aerial numb,tr analysis was issued 16 October, 1943 and contained preliminary figures for nine manufacturers. A comprehensive study of motor vehicle production W*3 put out in April, 19426. This included estimates of output by type and by maker for Germany and Occupied Surope In order to present a picture of tho ontire industry, rough estimates of production by the French plants and by the smaller German firms were Included and were based on ground intelligence where adequate serial numbIrdata was not available. The April, 1444 study oovercd production from 1940 through 19,42.? This waa the last motor vehicle study issued. An esttmoto of Volkswagen production through May, 194?4 WAs mod* in a set of Intelligence Notes issued 5 August, 1044. oc It has not boon possible to find statistics on German motor 'reticle production of all types for comparison with the serial number estimates. There aro, however, Spoor NimiStry figures covering German truck production in 19,12 sod they compare with the truck production estimates fro.0 'Atrial numbers as follows: Mt tileitt ?ruck Medium Trmek tilractit INstal ri&bg S'eer Ministr as paitillal rror 14,436 15(1 ? 53,439 17;IJ T 11,962 55% 4. ID.0041?40,11.11?01 /9,827 22% 44, 16,500 62,300 lah400 97,300 "_- sons-atent tendoney to overestimate which is shown OP* does not appear in a comparison of estimates with soteal tivarioa for indtvidual plants. Xt le posaible SW t 3peer fieuros cover only truck production for *tlftsryuss and do not include output for the civilian oessomy. This suspicion 13 strengthencel by the teat that the some $peer Ministry figures for 1944 production are semeistelmtl, slow the figures given in a German motor uotten plan for 1944 (dated 27 September, Apr a., Speer figures for the medium truck in 1? SVO 24 below those even ti n the above-mentioned plan. lant uction statistics frm Opel, Daimler,tBonz ilie p V. end Volkswn are available for comparisou *vial numb*? oettmetse# Those are presented 42401 X42Y below, IW ? cd, 4 St ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 , - ??? 'dr Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TABLE X it of Dalzaler-Benz Motor Vehicle i? 1941 Light Truck Medium Truck Heavy Truck ?Manger Car Total Total Error : 10% - 1942 Total* 18,000 Total Savor - Ds tiller -bons produo t tort was not estimated by type r840 1941 1942 ToUrl Total I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TABLE XII/ son of Volkswa en Production of Type $2 Joo with LJ OI or 0M0 Year Batlisate A7 i9 1940 1,000 1,41 5,000 1142 9,000 1943 1IJ5P0 Total Tr-F-tat Total Irror: ?3 ..., TABLE XIV of Volkawa on Production of Am rent% MO 0 ICstimato r-l" aidiuraja 1944. 1942 1943 TOts1 Total arrort t getawastin 000 Actual Pi6TUFETon 853 4,634 8,776 Atila.402 32 6 ?2 hibioue Joe a With Actual FaraTon 698 7.806 ? notor vehicle aortal number extimatos were alasessM1 in giving an Approximation of the) magnitude of Slerson truck production, This 31100048 is striking in 'IOW of the previously-held opinion of intelligenoe steseles that German truck production WA3 in the awidlibourhood of 200,000 velUclese On the individual p2as4 1.101,1 the estimates, insofar es they can bo chocked, were reftely accurate in assessing the relative e of the firms And in listing the types they Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X0-0001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TIRES ? The rirst report employing the serial number method to estimate j.roduOtion was 'IAxis Europe's Tire Industry," issued in Oct 'era 1043. This report included pneumatic tire output data on German factories, a general study of types, StiZeSs and rubber composition of tiros, and estimates the pipeline between goro tire manufacture and use in theatres of operation?all based on direct evidonce from tire markings. In *Tire Production in Germany and Occupied luropo*? Julys 104,, the tire production estimates were expamded to include every plant in Germany and every country in Occupied Swope through the end of 1942 or the first quarter of 1943. Output was also ostimated by size on the basis of the tire mold markings. A separate paper, eltimating the yearly rate of rubber consumption in enemy torritory was put out 12 ally, 1944. An analysis of trend; in the proportions of natural and synthetic ',libber used in tires in 1942 and early 1943 was Issued 15 September, 1944. Istel ttztaslan The Jialys 1944 study estimated monthly production of truck, passenger ear, and aero tires in Germany in the first quarter of 1943. The following is a comparison of these cstimates with Spoor Ministry statistics for average monthly production In all of 1943: Truck and rammer Cu' Aire Total timated Avera e 147,000 .121E22 titt4ra...6.1vrwLia o Percentm2 on on ro uction riTriar- 159,700 .21.1.22 Iffd.100 The estimated yearly rate of rubbor consumption for Oormam7 nd Occupied 'Europe was arrived at by taking the serial nuMber estimates of tire production, breaking the tire estput into size groups on the basis of the nunber of nolds in use far eaah size, and multiplying the output by thG wai404 of rubber In a representative size for each size group. Altar Wang an allowance for rubber used to retread tires, the ratio of rubber use in pneumatic tires to rubber for ether wise in Oteet Britain was applied to Oermany, giving a figura of 1360000 tons for total annual enemy rubber aonsumetion? Ithis figure of 135,000 tons wan based on late 1,42 and corll 104Z tire output estimates. Actual enemy POUT consumption, from the files of /.04 Farben, was 136,000 tons in 1942 and 141,600 tons in 1943. The estimated consumption on the basis of serial number data, than, VGA *flow the 1942 figure and 0 below the 1943 figures .VAILWAIUMAXALMI The. 4m1y :irm for wh h complete monthly production figure* covortnr, the period of the estimates could be Attained. vas CorOinental. Monthly output of the Hannover plant of Continental from 1959 through Rarch, 1043, csmOored with the monthly eatimates for that period in tno , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 s., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 .14,1y, 194.: report, nro containeld In Chart IV. While the -a3timatod flguve.,1 fLalow actual production trends closely in Chart V:, thy monthly estimates, in general, tended to fluctuate ranrc sharply than did output. Tho year17 *stimates for tho Hannover plant for the same period compare with actutll production as follows: 1939 1040 1941 1942 Jan-Mar.43 Total Estimated Actual Percent...2m TWITEETan 1t ion WiriTir" 2,124,000 913,500 873,000 862,400 2X1500 # 2,029,000 55 4. 821,000 19% 4. W26,000 b20,000 5: 4. 170 000 14% ? 4, 1775,000 C f. T) o Continental tirc pro0uotion at Korbsch was mIstakonly attributte to tho Continental-owned Peters ftion plant at Franki!urt in both tire studios, The estimated monthly tire output in this serial numbers series for 1040* 1941, and January-atneb 1043 and the setual production for the sams period aro shown in Chart V. Complete figuros on output at Korbach In 1942 sr* not available, r;hanisou SA output from month to month war' estimated closoly, but the estimates were consiatently highs, The cemparlaon or yearly figures on Korbach tiro output and tittmatad output are as follows: 1040 1941 ,Tenwahn, Total 332tOU atimatod Agtual Poroontas2 P'eTnlriZaratIon VFW' 163,300 114,000 43 54 000 144,500 13% + 80,000 41% + 41u6.12 32 4. qU15-09001 latimatea or Continental solid artillery and bogie 1 tire output based on mortal numbers wore confined tt, owmonth poriod frws .7141y0 1041 to April, 1942. Use of tt1 nuMbars on o1id tires waa discontinued by Cofttlnont41 tift th followtng month, Averago monthly production duriAg thia 10-month poriod was estimated at 48,500 solid tilres, Actual monthly production was ?5,350, or an error 016 Aatual %ire production riguros for Dunlop, Hanau aro * /101c on1y tor 104S and 1st/1r yoars, and the only oosigorieon poesthle with th4 aortal number estimates in for eirs tire production in 1043. On the basis of serial somber estimates for the tit five months of 194$, total 1943 *aro tire produotton was estimated at l0,00. Aotual produation wee 93,4670,0an orror of 13%, te tho sass of Phoenix, Homburg, also, only 1943 rind l*S. 4St* is no* available, and tho only comparison pontl ita Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13xonnnlpnnni-nrmr?-,,,,, II' " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 - ElliirelliMMEMI=M1=1111 ? -=`,,,!_e:-.??5, ? a-tt, ? " "."."-. ' r??" 4"/' ? :' .toz: k, t 3 ; 42. r?X qpigpailmokoperrommarmtiolowomow.eirommoiNaishitsamammoomaverrerria opoo.anamar.01 ...1????c?????110.1. ???????? 31;1, ?: ; "trf4Y. - ? 1:r ? ,k" Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 t?- ,5. ,' , ? .% Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 11411104k101101 leap 3ZWX)0 t 'to 04004-ri4ce emet0Ouvr top,: or tit IrCart Alva( HO AERO TOM% r.S:rtaitAi en Ae40 ACT tukt., net COUTIMENT,44. KOeta.A.Cff, mo -is-it AND mket4uPtit ? , , - . Ir-:" -?? ?????;?? - " ? ? d ' em-h, .? ? 4- Sif4 -2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 13 with tho estimated Februarys 1943. Tire estimated at 25,200. production of 18,981, Conclusion production for January and output for these two months was Th13 compares with an actual or an error of 335. Total German tire production and rubber oonsumption W? e estimated very closely. The estimates by plant which could be chocked were invariably t03 high. In tho cam> of Continental, Hannover this overestimation was not large, but for Continental, Korbach it amounted to 25%. These overestimaticns wort) probably due to tho inclusion of motorcycIo tires In the same serial number bands as motor vehicles and aero tires. '?-?* _ ? lr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? I. Aptz -r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 PLYING BOMBS 'arca reports on flying bomb, or V-I, production woru prepariod on tho basis of serial number data. A preliminary stud:. was issued 28 July, 194 which estimated output up to the end of June, 1944, On 16 August, 1944, another study was issued, Incorporating practically the same conelusiona as the preliminary paper on production through ft** and extending tho estimatos to cover July. These esttmatem wure based on serial numbers on two components, the air grid *nd thlt fuel control units. Tho third study, 14 3optember, 1i/440 was based on an analysis of fusolago numbegos tn conjunction with the serial numbers on comp*aentv. Thia papur did not change or extend the conclusions of the August study other than in stating that there appeared to be only one in assembler of flying bombs during the period April 20 to June 1. The produeti6r estimates contained in tho 16 August, 1944 report were as follows: Prior to 20 April, 14 Production 20 April to 30 *pril Monthlr rate, May, 1944 " Jane, 19116 " p July, 194i', Dotal production up to August, 1944 4,000 (maximum) 2,000 7,000 7,000 AlAPPP 31,000 nonrIstw glying 4.)om1 output figures, have not as yet boon road* Mr. aeorg Rickhoy, a director of the Mittelwerke titnbvab plant, has given monthly figures relating to prolimetion at Mittelwerke and Volkswagonwerko, but not Lim/Wine ovit2ut At Brunsworke, Stettin. Total 1944 prodmition and total monthly production of V-i's from September* 19? tat larch, 194$ are given in Spoor Ministry document** Da spite of the foot that tho monthly figures freatItickhela includo orily two plants, they are often Urger thnn the total monthl figuros given in tho Spoor Utast'? statistics* MO* niekhey 4tatod from memory that about lna000 V41s he4 tooth prodused when the first V-1 was launehod agnin-!t 14141 and that during this early period Volkswagen at leteleboa hod been the sole producer.. For the came 1'to4 serial number estimation had calculated that 13,000 If# bad boon producodi ca4 that there had boon only ono produotro Documents And interviews have revoaled that the timr boob props* wa$ plioned for 6,0000 but thtt this of output Wit never attmtned duo to lack of shoot fly easemtar* Productiorn was probably more in the 004 00 a month mc Witude As indleeted by both statry an okKy statistIcs* This is only one - 20 Olt sip tici A CI+ ...ss !kw I g sat tx.1 neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 third t no-half as large ns was estimated by serial number analysis. The error in the serial number estimates La probably duo to the faoll that there wan little correlation between the component production and assembly. The ostimate* /Ears based largely on the numbers on air Ida and fuel control units which ran in simple series from zero up. The assembly of fly..ng bombs apparently absorbed only a part of this produrition because of the sheet metal shortage, L':;je:Zr.-'22W IFWire Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4). .t P ?'"" ' 6.6.1 ? r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ROCKETS Five reports estimating rocket production and itientitylng SONO of the makers of rocket components w.rc Issued on the follmving datem: 13 October, 10414, Vi Ocvember! 1044, 15 December, 1 February, 1045, ma 9 Narc,1945. Output esttmates were based on an asomLi: aerial nutSber which woo ate/willed an the peroxide tattk, the venturl, and several othtr componento. Tho series of papers tsswed represented, not corrections of previous estimates, but extensions of the timu covered by the estimates. The output figures in the tudievi were as followst 1/112.9.1.as2=1 Date for Which r Cumulative Dillh" TrargralWrila 0 r 0 tr'-eriZET6Ti or , 13 Oct., 1944 Nev., 1044 15 Dec., 1944 1 Feb., 1945 15 Sopt., 10? 29 Oct,, 1044 24 Nov., 1044 15 Jan., 1045 0 Ker., 1943 15 Feb., 145 ?r640.1( t 670 ( minimum) 1,700 (minimum) 2,400 (minimum) ftbort 3,500 4,0200 Wft These sotimatea were the melt nearly current reports on Gorman produotton et all taw serial number studies. In riVe sturtiols issued the 1ne between the dates for which orOduotion was onteulattgl and the datos of tho ruport3 vartood botwoon nine and twenty-eight days. Thlet was cu., both to th6 ahort pipolino between assenbly and firing ot the rockets and to the raptdity with which thu data Wit:i co11oot4d end analyzod, Realmt production atatiotlos are avatleblo from Lhe peer Xinittry for tho months from Se.Oember, :44 tbnAtO MA1014 1946 cad for total 1944 production* With thoso rigors* it 10 poasiLle to work out fairly cloce approxit. ttota to produotion for the periods covered by thi, atrial siuMbor estimates. The comparison to na foliawn . ..i. 'Ili, h d etio Intimated Aotual ? 4 / f111,9, YI .'1'), Jattala rraarimwarm Pb i '? 4... 4 l'h 1 44 6 m arlint) "i,Wv ..,71,,,,..... , 1944 1,030 900 1., . 20 ov., 1044 100' 600 24 frv1 Jrh, 1945 1,100, 1,.100 o ill ran 3 Feb*, 1146 700 700 3 OM * 4fl7_prooduction of roc/cots for Wu) monthn fri w 2044 to fcstruary, 1046 varied from mcwth 0 to Wp This opmpsros with th6 serial jJ *4t1 S a & 40031 output or 20 to 20. %.4.1 V Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100270008-7 , a:- 1, ,} -AL 7Attril 2,? 466.- ???4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 An eAmmlaation ofUittelwerk near Noral,AusoLl th4 rocket as e,sembly plant, showed that the serial number band used to estimate output was in fact the assembly serial number. A record of the serial numb(rs of the rockets assembled each day from ZO January, 3A-14, to 9 March, 1945 was foune by the assembly line at Mittelwerke. A comparison of the date of assembly and Lao date of incident of 12 rockets made during this peri0J wbose numbers were obtained from fragments in England showed that the average time between assembly and was nine days. This compares with an estimated pi:-A)lin( of one weeks which waa used in the serial number reporL1 In placing the date of assembly of the various 8ori4., numbers. in other words, the rocket reports were onl,: two days off in placing the date of manufacture of rockets, The first report underestimated total production by 1,200, and, as a result, a constant error of about 1,000 was carriod through all tha subsequent rookot studies in the estimates of cumulative production. Probably this error WR$ due to an earlier production aeries for experimental purposes, none of which Inalro ftrad on England and BolgIum, 13, ,:-!7??? npriascifiad and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Str) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? - -? _ s ???17.T.T.t?I%k- ilf:77?41" ????* ' C- 4 t't 41.277 ? ' . - - te- ? ???0????;,- ? ?') 44 ? . ? , - c -? I 1 ? . ; ' 'r 1 t . i 1 .. . .... '.. ? ? "" . ' I . - ?? .. . 4 . i . I'. -. :I - - --? , - sv ' i .?AV.:0'' ,Ter ?? ''''' t? ' - 1" ? ? r : . u.: : . . ! rt_FL: f?-,::,:t,?, .1: 4:: _L.:tie:: :::: 11 .rfr.:i1..?, , ,..? .., ...,. 4,4, ',,: _,-44,, -^,..,_-? .:.1 " .. '' ,?-?' ... - .. ' - __.Z...-. '?F: " .':'. .;7'. . e'' t31:41t:4f 4,' ::-.i. ? - 5 . ' I ! - .r.,...., ;:. : , s 4 . -- -I ? 4 ..:....r, -4I" ' vf- ? ' ""?`7' - ' i . .. ? . ? ? '7'?'' - f;!?'.'tP7.q.,; ' ? ' ,. 5,-. T.: . ???? : s - ?: f-_?'?^ ''' r1:4 ?i. l'i ? ?? ' " - ? t. 4.-4, ..,,,-..1?,?:,-;?,,,:ii, .7 . i.? iir-i, C. I. ? ? : ? .-4 "9?'11;4" -;:*-t-s, ? . 4?F - 7 ? " 4 . . .- . , ? . - I.? ., ? :;?, i.`?J 744;i7,.., ,, - .. ... .?-:". .;.1-.. -; : : '.'. ? .. ,,....-4..% ? .L.';.-4.-t-- -,--, if.'...-1. s . . ? ' ?,... - - 4??7,-, I ? - ? ?? e' '? ,::t. ? ;;411?17,-?1+ . ? - - ., ? ? ? . ? ": .. 1 .? i ...I :C. ? , . , ...: 1. _ ..... ,v. :z.:1..?,?,. . 1;.. v." ,ri,.. , --:14::'.. t'. ,,,,.:4.i..111- . xj? 4,.:7.-.. -.< : :" ? - 1,.. . ? . , .:.?"' " : I.. : ? iT..,1 t," -. : ? . , - 1,..., ?,-if-???????,-riN .. .? . _ . - .; :.....,.....! ... i E. ..:.....?....:: ,sr?._.:..,_ ,.-?:?? rk.? ?ii....,, ,....?.....,?:.754.,:r.-,,? !- ..? . -.., .: - ,1:-..,..1-. .,. .-,-..!?:?.--:::...zt?-;_if...,"?. .., : ? ? ? t?=????:-. _ ? 4,ta:. - ? _ ; - , t. _ f - ? '.-.1:...i ' - 47,4 - ? i ....?1 ,..1- t ? : c ? 7-4. -?g'...1 ? ? I ?4'1,,,- Zii. ? 4 .. , :. - - a-4 -.:.' i I. - . +?-v!itf.- ir..12'- f f ..=,,. 3,;?_. -..---... .. ?.., - . 4, t-.? ? reki ,...,741;y4.t.. , - ,.4. t.......4,..74. ...1444..i... ' - 4- 7.4,444' . '''';': ? ?ti tz-i., 1.-t: ;o!f .2.'...-..,*:.? :iit .,,,-?er:44.,,i1.:-111.,,J4,1?....10.,,;_,,?ii::'''`el* . . - ? ,o 4-1.-. - . .. r,7.67,...,1---!:-,-,,,,,-.., -.?-?.? Te-- - ,""-.4 :.r4.1. ? t. Jrtr-i.:7'4 ? ..,.,. ? .:: . . :: :est.,: ?1.6... ' ...-..., . ; ' t ' : .. ..-? . , . ? ..-r .. 1 "G: ' . ? ' ' ....:,2(..., .! , T. . .. . .' ..-17' e .---.....fr_7?iir'413;?:!:.111'4'H'.5"4 r1.4 ? , . . . ? :4. ? - . ?-. - .... L. 4,..1,.....? :. i k ? - ? :,-? - - .._ ..r....,'',?-,';','-.4.1'.???-"E- ? ,. _ . . ? . - - ..-? ... , - 4?????4?? - ? ,'^,-....,,4t:-;;;;???. - ,,,, , j, 7 .. ' -?-",:. ?.4. -r--=? ..? -.:.+- _ . . ?? . T.:.,-..,.. (..:, . c.1.,, . .4.*, .1 .1.* 1 ? ." .; .. . ; ..'? - - ? : AP . - - . -r. , ':?!' , " ?-?=1-4tP. . .? . *, .,,.;.4 ? ''..;14.:-.....rt. ? -7 ? - Ne, 10-4. cd.0.< 7 0, 04, - `-{,-%."?M ? it?q,F. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 , - 4 aSi$ fal0 06 404 TOP SECRET 411141111111111mailmareme. RIONATURi RECORD SHEET "to he eitiii-fittt kr *at TSCO upon receipt of a TOP SHCREr dot uatent Sc2 t PT tint -ialtitti: Scotts, jokIrldon Office aeVIESStli r" t W?U? aocloutiftl w.*-E. 23 may 45 uecittotoT 40. 17,098 COPY NO. *a. f 3 Artkcpt4u4ls: ACCESSION NO.. ACCESSION DATE:x:3 Jir OFFICE OR riFiAN01:1)0k.). LOGC..10 BY: LIJS ?????????=. JrarlintrAt s. teapot** &bpi* for tte attacned TOP SECRET clo:.kmer' ,n11. is aa:arge at to tisk* -)ft. ?StaaJtk? 0.a reteipt of tbia doe umeut from 410111014, 2111-41.44-* th.la terra, elk *kJ -3k, &coo:rt.:Lag to TOP SSCHEI regula t one, t ,? Whet Sur-tt tt oess*** lir, It* *thole jt. awake* t a are c ?tam nic at ed , t s tio A t itat*, arAlt 1; tips tett r1's-4, sad i *it with tag date and t nie of r1e1te i gt3114.41 it'tipteri t hie awl.* d oh aim t la *tat 1400CUIeito4 ;meat its, a/att tea.* piritottia, f *sioss1.13 11PM tow tmts Stout* or Of iio. 130# Iliaritottar st r aat Jogs. lure #tt tow iter41, doe otos* iteara tee* tea fr as are aay St anowu only to pormonm author req,uAred to know the, informat Lou wnl. targe4 wiith the safekeeping of eeepoestialit g or sad must return ?,; t not #14M4000.4421".0 am0.011.ok oftic)or o ? ,3 RECEiltED thin document L tne document Cot e' ter R,-ct. Lpt Nu, RELEASf'? DAT' _ - I. ? T. 1 . ..... .... ?Or.-.4r.... .... I I ? fr,"; ? %J ? $,A00?...0?.10.4.0404.44.a.??? 41,ii 1mo-4 ellW4: 1'464 tkief (tee wee , &mit* 1:#41-- ***ft * "to* S4 1144 $I4e* i? iutr*4-a IL 414 if- iv I** 11-011;411$.01 t*If Off "* 44 ? gE14.11.! tatkvit.#1144 Aar tes. tr *4 _ 1)100011:.*3- ItochafFomezmi ese,....sevsenoet Ird,r t bor Tne0 M4L41, d.xxa -r J %Ph a V0114 r 4r (f r ? COUVOO,f to next 4.04Rtf I Cr* UNC,tilet ? - " ??? -44 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000-100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 v:4-5 - - ? ? ; _ - ci - ' ,3?7..-,e,,,e_-:,?;* ? 5". -? 44% r - ? ? , 44,? 't ? -- ["! S StirEET" ? .744 .1 41...;t4.11T _ 1:011 T -- ? z.4.4 r'r-, , ?44.-? 17 (9t11..1% Actitts q0,1 NITS 79$ _ ? occre.a3 j-14-16. 45 ? , tti?titeutir1r 1,V011.140 ? - - :??-? - Awl ? 61;11, - ? ra. 11.4 t?;*.g...eilal :AT+ rig it t.Ae t t.ttsp,o.: a ry s t os', _ " , ilxibritig-itfrli Arit ii futt re t; Q 7, ? ? c," , !,:e4 klkW 40411 it, a ti/t ititt ? Avoorcil. form ,to t ? ' . if J444 '1;1.4-.;.:50:gictt or ti.L tl. "le 0, lai tli. 1 1: 4: : 1.) 41.f!4ft.: .1 At ' Ii0,1i 41.i4ii bc- low, alld add --,-1.3,..6,,....,,,,:,....; ,,,. , ,.. j. ;? . Att. ,., ti,....21#,',:::1?'0 ., , 1 ? ,-., . ., -124?.4 *4 ,triy c.e fit'er Cou.a-ler. b.., ,- .;..,s....,_,..!??. ''.7%."-"'-'1.. I. ,-11.`ii,-.4 ":?f" :4' .. ...f . _ ,C.,.;? . - ' -'''h ..,..,-1.47:1:'," ?.%?'..,1 ? -1" .1...,i 1;;C''''..;' 3- II 4310 1?211010..43. REL. t A $ ED 7.. -14., 4 -4.47.711117.-117.7A.RARiRi? t 71 1 47 / : ii'. ' ? - .. r 3 .7,, ,,-1-,..... ? II.< ; 1 1,..u....rp! - _ 1 ? .. r 4..., 'ILI-. ?fi :tifi..i1F./P. .1'.. ? ft,'Ll ' Y:4 .. ' H-.. j'-? ,11,11%1-1.- , ''' - tt4` .4 ! - '.- .5.:23. 4 ?-if -.4z.. , ill.: "';11zi.i ? ... , rf. 4.. - ? :::: :41-41:; 'VI, .? ":: 1.,?:? ...;?,,A ...,, 4. , . ,.. ,.,, ..,,, ' ..,.. ,A.f.... .r.,;.,. .1.,- - ,.. . - - ,-, vrip.1 : ;..,... ,, 1...,.=,....- , , .. .'' ii z:il? . . , . ,..f- , 4, i? ti,o....,. ,,,;,,,,. ,,,,,,,,e.,? ...... e _ ..? 4;.,...t. , , I ' ii -44,' - .., . ' " ? we, Ifeakt..7.1841.1 t,14"-4 ' L ,.?7.4...;,'f Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 - ? TOP NET 't a 3 ? i?e [01......0.*".1Pwasommor A May 1945 / VII jar lerteral fU1t.an 3. ,)i),1,)vgn Director, Off ice of ''Ittio,t0L,I.: "lervi,.e=s t ns t on. !lc ot tit, . ( 1. Fe, ) ??ternan 3eat ton nable London-Be-me 9047 The a t tatohed notes r ve bplof summartes of pos It tons tn the German rntel 11- Fenne Serlace and careers of thP persons narled In the, subjeot rma*sure c*py or notes (TOP (vilT) . ? _ r.:2?43-gy41;r..1...rt,,3t F r ? ? : ; ?,' ' r ?-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ; 7'c Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 TOP 4 C E r TUMLAEttE SS Sturabanattaehror, VSTDRICITts adjutant in 1937 ELVInt. Wi'Melat SZ Sturialmmettahrer. laportant member or Italian and bOod of Creotion section gf At VI HVA. Deals particu- larly with the arganisatim of the !:.ntellIgenee and snbo- tige metworka In rIaly and Croatia. In December 1943 raported to have moved his headquarters to Vienna. SC1; a er Stornbanatueriparo_ J'g4-1,0L. Kort. Early ilember of the sp. Boltagod ts Amt 111/3 from votto1 . yoas sent too ommand faisditotelitte 1i*rin4 in 1V384 Said to have or to the Propagonda MlatItry in :IVO. Great friend or WAN. lbegUltlaolm Oisreturmbanntwohro futseh of :all Milk* 4%fi1mart7 d J*10114 atk Okint at Sl40 * NM 4 On Ci 40m. Took part in in Alletrian Army; fled 'wt. Attached to the Vienna. Was in Propaganda *ts with ROVIIL Altai Dukle* In Switzerland. arWst.mvement in the upper 0404ottin within the ranks *My *hem Aro Auatrian -t4 114014itto Watl /Arty and Ss 1404 004110 000tintfttioA or the war, and *mister 0, $1,tniettittion to West- *** itlailt0417 cdritaotit '011 it2W0airbpt aubsovent Vi tsar halve botti trying to use On ItioatOrri power with 4t ?tE in Olorie touch taoltak 0 POler4 ? 3 a -41 ? 42.;'1, - '?at Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 46 FALTFN7RUNNER, Ernst ?Iftwoomosora...... SS 1/4.tersrupperluehrer and 3enera1 der Po:. ;1110f of the SHA. Appointed Nazi Fcrtyls Loj.al *representn- tive for Atlstria (about 1932). Is said to have taken part 1,1 the Nazi Ntsch of 19.541 which led to the mur- der of DOLLFUSS. When Germany occupied Austria was ap7ointeA :41:.retary of State for Police la Austrian 17S3uFF for Vienna, Niederdonau and Oberdonau. Z?viccessor to FEYDRICIT as chief of Sipo & S. (Direct- ad plqn for liberation of MTWOLINI and Insisted on owicuation of the Jews from Italy (Oct 43). Oct. 44 appcinted fiEhief of RsrA. ? Fl I 61,1 1 : fIf, : z.-.7 , . ' :aA1114410?#14.44 : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 INFORMATION Gerrian Nationa; Ebt ? . ROUTING SHEET Or gina tor acro?ri Date 4- Addressee ' 9 ; DIA te Re C d aviceseem ? ???? ? ? To - Rohm Dikte . No. Rec '.d. Itvid ' d /ni t I (as -' Indicate at? t ion desired or taken Gen. 3iagruder - ! DI:met:we' ........ _ _ 1 III. , .. 0101119111 _ _ . - , . - t -- otfizowt$o apnea - ; ? '0".11,;-., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 111??????????????????....10P6.140?????? 4re., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 PVANIPAATEIM MENU ABNY Office of the' A. C. of S., G-2 A.190 758 US ARMY lge. In. S;1NO Co We- jre Study of the pow Ana& awls fr.! Terrain GomplusieKtions Woriel Resources SWAisiente *wily Strength and Stroiegie Revery** -4 FIDENT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 attirtwat. EraiL91.1114iitial.Atiti4Namillagri til gti this to stligr of the sasmv situation regarding the factors and capa. Walt-tee taveirlid in the Warta, of a mountainous area, 4THI REDonr, to bar final, htatarle* *last awe etand4 which It la reported SatloAal SociAllan will withdrew Its remaining for It im hoiteeedt howeesir. that the deaignated area can morm logically bo leveed the 4.1tRDOWn Center% tanomuch As all of Oernak- la surronnded and in fact senotitatea MOW'? under constant attack at this time. The 41KDOU'r Canter' Ilea generally oust *Ad wept, conttins some of tho 1046e0t irweed of th* TIROL. 14112141: AlASSIPairind Aape, and extend? /morally fres SWITZARLAUD awl the 110011811t to VI1WNA and from the ITALIAN begot to SALZMAN (see *it-ached tL Aq t* *teastrekin report* fres whirl ihssr plane 4r-eventually defending the Mom? e easslea o* n eubstancoi cenelgerid fairly xp *tat i reliable sourcst, The en or are indicated A Ile off:mop In ltaly state* that lute troop* 'would withdraw part is the Aemy Group- being revised IA AUETRIA for the defense of t. r4ere4 that previsions ho provided le the VORAAIABO trainei for mountain warfare have, recently alamler ha* for 100i 44, 1$ i* raperiad that with Aille 4:i4M1amiory tho Nftelt will defend ca*.14(10 to 4* os4 each* , more slIgnifleast Shen th* reporta thesseIveo Is the presont af the **eve* fares*. Cewelderinig the gravity of thm situation aorihvome$ aoraaarir lb. ***Pe* 00:1414144 00204P6,10n 14 ribora tfArt Orie the liALNAN *tea is hard lia justify If Mt Li trillifeeeltiegA. 241ANIAy dltflault to explain to the Nommen t etmatidail talreeet She SI** ZS Peex*r ArmY? in the/ netir ta-the nows &re. hke ImeA evident einem last * 1 t dlet tliors * contlnupel despitm the , eiOndAr4M, nosy line teen beaten 44,44111 glontitam thn battle eigoi eadlet terrt t or)" ? 441Qt?-*-,z5 = ?- 7 7 2'4:4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ?=3, ,71):67.1 1;t2, 704Mtt? 4;11, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 fleitileft17, diterminedTeanlinuation 61-the confliet-Must be expo ae there reaalus a semblance of &n army and terrain to defend. Sion & geogr&phicel standpoint, the present dispositions in proba)e tutentions of the Allied amigo tend to forte the enemy to withdraw into geektbsern Gerntate* and eventually into the Redoubt Center. 1111. SUNEWILQUILLSSUM-XalLEMEXURZWAlglai_al.Ar r gigtUMMALMAM,0%a4. A. latrau, The 'german which comprises the' Redoubt Center presente the most eompact. mommtainona, Inaccessible area available to the enemy, it lies geaerally 11 -W. contains the highest grovad of the TYROL -BAVARIAN, AUSTRIAN am( =ALIAS Alpe. and ,leads generally free the BODENSNS to -VIENNA and from tbe, =ALIAS berder to " It. extreme relief (to 12,000 feet), narrow, at valleys and whiter winding roads make it admirable for a determined defeat, by a sinimun force will &mitt with modern equipment. However, the onemes capabilitr*to withdraw successfully into the 304 t Center* mumt 401 considered with regard to a much broader terrain jOture them that ef the Center itself. It must conelder thoee intermediate pOsitione which protect the final witbirawal into the Redoubt Center. in ttie picture the following mate features must be taken into account (see 4,1446011sed mosp)t ? 1. On the east. *. heWITH CARPATHIAN Mountains commanding the strongly de- fasdedItAZ Airolor line from VISO& to the JABLUNIA Pass. b. The =STU or SUDSTAN NoUntainel running along the NE Wrier of CrICIOLOYAKIA fro* JAALUNKA Palm to vicinity DREWAN . This range 000flos defesso previousV prirpsred by the =CRS. san omma, Rang* (WOODOX? SLB). ?MEOW lowest and Rano (3SLIF . =SRAM. 4* JOIDWASYorest ssi Slangs (SUB . MUNA). inAllaMAX Jr*, * high scarp lying generally in a semi- cliole 0 MOM. 'boss ftsturos ceastliate 'Natural delaying lines on which the t fug*, tamed es MINNA, com Successively fall back. IL Oros vied! 141114C/RWM. V 400116640 44.4geri"?.14,"1456',9'' /04-91;14P44.*.i.,AtAtirpolji-0-44440" ? 4 7..."." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 z Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 e. SFSSaART. d. DOHS R. Pour fairly high ruelzed, wooded mountain areas *lightly embalmed to that east as they extend from LOCH REIBURG . KARLSRDEZ TEAXXIUNT AMA. =WAGE. 4. /207COMIAN graGaTs. Low scarps which are part of the RAIN somplamdz aad lie west of NURNBURO. Ir. SWABIAN Jur; (Alps). Hugged, abrupt. NS-SW range hinged on ZOSMA4M at SW sad reaching a point Et of ULM about 25 miles from the FRANCONIAN Sommalmattam. Sammy movements of moa and materiel into the Redoubt Center Wto plow weer a good road aad rail net which continues to function adequately despite tea bombing attacks. The rood aa4 rail nets ara both geed and run generally N.$, connect- SIMA, 2131MAGE MAININGIN acultarun WURTZBURG NUMBURO with SIOTTGAI .4111 . AMMO . end MINION. the *toes net rue generally WW.SS. Joining IAMBS= VUTTGAHT MU= sod TIMM 'oath the femme Autobahn rftachtLg east to MUNICH and iAtAgUwa awl moth fres MICH through 1500r* are additiwasti route* Imaing directly south from this net thlaSiOeaaset the PO Irell? with the Malt area by way of the Alps. hat 0a4 rail net within the Redoubt Center are limited by extremely nomaislmeas tictruta. VO existing roads aro good though winding. This not ostriralt fellow* the 1011411 'alleys, although en ths northern 4nd southern * resole It. appto%isaleIT atone ilhe stream lints of tributaries to Sanitat4tor *ad the IV liver, 21be main rites* Olowiag It and NX from the Redoubt Center are the MUM WC Mk, Mg. AMIR ea* RXIM.blt110, flowing NE from via ST. AIM (Settsefleed). "moss through LAUD= aMISIMIRUCK and follows a ameo seriterly route through ONIURMIX to ?AMU, hi INN provides vidley ter traffia through lhs Redoubt ?enter. ISINCIAILIMOSSIUNLak. takittrtal potentiols of the Redoubt Center necessarily would Ow* My* boom $ flow moils of stamina items of ordnance t 14114 AIN. la SA* Osestmr. Hlamler Is said to have ear. the' profteSies et GeIvesiorta beet elms and munitione for atop riliputo 4* tk, von. 241Sit 4101410-of WM* 116terici hame rcurted from CU* 'PO 110410 itireoull *Ad wait with 1110106 Arnow-vim 0 on has boon rmpertod it nakOlfoue ear. Os clewed and sealed. 1040/' ITIAL .17,-4' et/Itig1116?-11;c4 hekk kr-.44;(41- ' - , . .????"?,?11 14; neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA:RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 1; 2, Another report mentions a factory within the Redoubt Center capableof producing 4 *complete Kesetrechmidt.* 3. Ouse. ememettion and maintenance ehould be comparatively easy to conserve dump to the fact that the enemy holds extremely adventageoue ground which should matortally reduce normal ettrition. In such terrain his losses of material flOa the reeds and in subterranean dumps should be cut to a min- 4, Other reports indicate that complete machine ordnance ehopn aro be1am: built nadergrouad *any conneuSed by tunnel* %ad run by hydrp-eleotric power Ittlin the is should be able to keep his materiel fairly veil abreaet et battle tiormade for some time. ?So areeemat and munitions works of the Tian . PRAGUE area and the latuotrial facilities of the PO 'alley should be well worth protectinel imesidoriag their proximity to the Aedoubt Center, it is likely that tally at least these stations mill constitute part of the area to be 4 eedet? L 1111111M 14414 prooany mill be a oriticia item on the mores supply list. VOS eters* at meat sad wined foods are reported being cached in caves end eolttormees weritticuees in the MAIM area. The amlunts of food required 11, the forges neoreesary to defeat would be tremendous. The amounts Stored ors la metier of osnjecture, but it west be admitted that the enemy normally eftsgme adequate *apply even uliaes.matsvvroblz combat conditions. It is. theretstel, INgiSsill to assume that hie prsparetions for feeding the Redoubt vane? are pregreesing. This suili017 certainly will be supplemented by the 0 isitsi of doOrdrated foods and h7 'atones cultivation of the small, rich valleys Sits liedoubt Center, It eon ruttier be emposted that the enemy will attempt to hold, I Mdrain to the fullWet She vetftectivity of the PO end DAL= MOCROILWW14 ot the Upper DALLOS as long as pessible? 14 WAIL-1:12X...atsats.a.SAILL, IMAOmmok, es the *Oval tac4tai defense carrot bagin until some fates's, dot* the wow * segith claaot be gauged regiment bp mem, unit* be lste ly speeiric designition. A general estimate, toileat** NW it allows4 to wishitraw on his own time schedule the Sast carmat? 418 slit, taretto prodeminsitely DV and Mountain troops, of lisitsmoss 1044004 1004000 mato This 'atom- force, for defense of the moil& 4* tottli*eltippest tined for mountain warft?re and ilhialfthOkkp 1104e04 WO% AO est spirit 1401001110,*, the Webrameht Ohms so signs of quitting and undoubtedly -Sis NM** lost it- 14041,11146 orders, equiment and supplies. Oat 0000, VOilletlee She-following kti6r --,4,50=44*2- ?11[400. pabtlitissl ?n- Fnr Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 roved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 1.1.101104111/WW1 1. TX' withdraw voluntarily and immediately to the Redoubt Center, sertenIng with force* not needed sr inionpable of being eunported at the emater. To delay on successive positions back to the Redoubt Center. 3. 2o continue defense of the National Redoubt (the area present coecapied hy the *new). give ground or counterattack where, necessary, to esintmin the integrity of Its force, and, when process, retire to the Redoubt Clater. iv 40 In eeehtuation with any of the above, to make a fanatical Nlaet Ea, at the Redoubt Center. jOMMINMILMIt. Terrain tooter** in Southern Sermeny will assist materially In the emegottea et ear aes ef the *hey* capabilittee. The eastern flank could be 6140 is strength along tho the YUMA . JABLUXILL Pose . DM= - UBE River. line file MIKA tit 4031141114 Pass, behind the VIII River defenemo to be boU detereinotlir. 1,1Milts the main hinde, and the DAN= Valley to bo pro. tooted hy also** of the Stith $S ?Alkmaar Army reinforced by troope from the ALIZABI Nog 1.2441. Under pressure this line gould hinge on JAMMU Pass ***foal tack on tho demos* of 010 SUMILTAB 40untains and along the ELBA *War, thador further premolar* the line could then hinge on WARNSDORP end rim IV along the JIM BMUS Meng* to H and NW along the THURINGIA to =MA= %der addi onal pressure thr has 31114 .WAND0117 JULUNKA could toliktirtg to the U toe 1t AW1 $UB TUNIC thero making a atailletikot.$4161 on She Seuthon DOMMKIM mountains Just north of the DANUBE *Wit, 1)11* weelit allev a It nisidorstle shortening o4 the Line and the bui tag asp of a omen room.: Z. *ester* flank 004114 hiags on the WARM if2311141R0 sector, which 11$asoidediamt tioiNg fortified to a depth of 30.40 kme, A determined aemad be amdlis to Itaaegt the use LOIRADE MUNRO . /WORM . max. Maui* tatset w holding the high groand mast of the MINN ritt,041401614144,irivie So the north mast so that the tip of thib flank 4 ON illog VDU *RPM won the rtrht flank 'a'.115 back on thee THU 14.04,41 *let at ILIMACIO. lama drive* fres this high left flesh ground, the line ootzad (mu- tts** fie pivot ea MOM= hod follow the /AMMAN Jura range NM from LORRA00 to a Imilitati mar* et aim whale it Ito, *sly Ova% 26 miles troy the YRANOOPIAN Jure, sitioakeeald to %tills** hy the sight flack ma e secondary, delaylng position. lho otalit hefero the Moodivatl Center could lie from LOROAOR olio* she WM* 41m .0 DAPURO Slyer %.T enact this is the last natural Ilse ot 440(41041* WOW 1440 Nediesht Neter itcelf. LI I. tolioirct that tho *sow is prepared to foAtow a plan based gen- ematAp 004**00 flimemrlised fehomo? lout only when foraed. It Is believed that 01001 SWI tk f$0441/4 ee two !Wats egainat superior forces, in comparatively amostry MN** 1,4***1 40emeo itami bo must eventually abandon Northern , +-Go, rr RAlease 2013/10/21 : CIA-R0P13X00001R000100270008-7 14.) 'AW L-8000ZZOO1-00n11-00d0X? dC1I-V10 /O/ eSe3i3i JOd panaiddv pue pewssepea .1111Wftlirrilli4Offt I .e.0 #.g 40 .0 .y "0 *9 '0 'touovo ant se VIITTA /4/0/ ? " L- ***at vinopaN fro ovuT pe*soj 31*%*4 Ammo 011 Ot1 44nTod GOGIJOJ 4wsuo pup perm 114oct jo uomsods/p au "c .*a*pao mot aotto?i(ITMdooturipeciolop Jo lirmudtougg 1*tdood pm/ AM!' autvot Jou 44 '4142041 0% *Agt**A0 041 0,44Vasdat1 tlik 044 04e4 AU11400 t001200 R*TRA iMutomine TRIM 4PU t 1******a Sulam.); *q% &DJ uolOop* 41*- ltom it4Irmwduo at omtviog sy * %ma voljorsnivoo c Attloodlp (113111m4 P4wft04 dito SWAVVIS Ohexr44 Hoismi paoaol AatiltA Ream *R4 Otosq4 %pa 10"1) uommodo tip; p talnomovcto4q * 4uorte1Xd704 t4Ing* *pi vo PInclA %I 'AAannoI4J*4 ****Ii tmea4og v0.4 enonnTvoo umtrom o% ?pm setuTli RVITROT "" MCA ligt *xt*04% Q 4 411lico sig ye, Attimema puodop polo* turv***t.fts loutupp int* melloom* o4 44TITqv *TH .4ItiegiJoJd os put14111 wo ?4oT4ft 104W aovuto o* et witu ?AormA oa *to ip 4wistaxt owq 444 pull 4.14ImptI 4114440mem vim; ? arm oto memos sou 41 0.1,;.44*q4Juj *alp; o% 40T pt 4poa% Atm 444 El. 444u43 44nop4R 444 4wq4 olimma ompt %sty *E 'mg 410 pa tow% L-8000ZZOO LOOOI LOOOOXC d CI 1-,9,10 LO aseele JOd panaiddv pue pewssepea Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 "7'11141111.1111."%:, _ - I t?rtr",i.t. , , le- 2r-41,1nPISU:54 x-rix,nd and ,??? ? %iy???41,??? r ri.1114.13 SO4y1rt:. A; rt t r,r1 ? Wit breri rfurtkr5ra, ^% ay , .1 fl.ertar,?anol Ctv.ariel, Y. 111.11:forv4 WASV-UNGTON JULY 1044 t? 7-g c rt ?;! let.tr111:4, , - -" .14 Du. ht _ f. s4146,40rur riv 51144r lq"ArteP Istgelda C- Sfalat* 4/44121rt* 34 s . Rotet,? a J n 4 s trtkzot ? ?? vrir 4 .so - it) r Ta.4575-;C?. trr ?/11.1 iri,tra."A _ - "??? 1!??...x.1111-?,kaa?,)=. ? - ? t?,,, ;?)",2;, .."'" ,441.4-,e,..?. ? . .41,1 tal 1C. ? Aria. r r: 171,4,44;;111:744. );:t1411.:i44,4,41:4"Lil; ? I. I Apaatfermores/ 41?Nret TaruhrdEntr, mum,. ?cv tiff& Mil -NE* qer rpr, 4 114.4?Chl Bop* Jai 7 A icter Ain* set elm,* Me elf, s.#0. r ???? flevr)o ) Vey, P?ir Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ""-1 LtWiliVib? 'Ft tfai. 411141L111 q14 /Virg ci Declassified and Approved For Release '100' ?tp tbt ' Obb VT.T3f?? rrtr?14 ttirt,tetarr. littgoiitruitcr KtoiramA,. 1 1 b??? "'" ' vhst.t.a.%. ,??117, ? r'V 'rev: it t t Ptah $44/41tettit 4,4 Uvuviseit. 4 1?s, 111adi Cult vC;rAtiarki.u:40 MceltLeydraryar ?.? 'Meta- littrk,,ar 0 Anto Mk*. Wwsto VVE-iitaitt!, -a; - 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 _ ? .P4a Ma) ? iv StOtici-s57--ik ? ti? r. - tt,a 1,046! soLle"...7.7"411:::.,1,4' '4:07:. :1:4;;%i . , r-r, et t 0) .. ,,,....-%. .,... y. e' ???6,. N. * ? Lb.. C.V,ParS ? ? ; ? IP ? 41/P ". Ill? ? Jrkt " 47n w eng letare-4-- &LOAM Steratee ii h 'how apiknb see.. enbun3 el 304., nrn Be Hudemidtkn out.v??????ftilk ? Rods ? asvart. tet hi 4?4 It.-1?4111+040 PM/ ???,...F, # 441'141#1 viik 7; ? i4k li A o . tfie; iti: I #11 t : i ? .r. .40? '61" drig ? 410 ' 4 .. - e ? I. .-17 'oil '--. 4114; i'llik: Ikt: 1: ?:;*1:1 .. id?414 .10:s.; ..1:j . t'.. ." ? Na I. 4 _ , aii.),11-1- ' --iiir. 6. I,. ? 44'.tr #1,0? .? ?A. ? e e 04" 74 ... A , -.4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 p ler 011 F!. 1 ay v471 1 3.1rtiv+.1,00?104r; ii- ,,-..4_44;-?KY 4 .? .4'; " , , 1; r.?.. ,--- -... $ t ..... De. ? rx.-01'n" 1?,4,81 .,,,,,501:"Ait:74.11,1t,317413-401,6,,r)tirl")? ' ........ `.- ? :4:::::16,1:7.. ' olAittisr,,Trivp,i,F.11,-, ? - ?.-' _ ., ------4---- a ? -..40:Akilkfttk iti '4. - ir t??f--t .. , ,,,,, it at.?:"-, ? ..., r .... '' ..-.4??-? .. ... -',... C.,./. J ? ..... ,, ^ .4' n? ..:..p.p., '',9"-' 1?'; .0 10?1%... , ...p,,,,'0*I, -,. - ? -' - '15' :''.-.1' -Nib'. P"?.1174rod, - ? , enberry raster, " "Rhaits - ,Altr rupp) ,hat Wr 'mom * ie , Yrifstrtrow? !fltiffh Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 , . .,,atatet ? ,z-xf-z5 '217 1 V f I ' ? . r [t. rsckt....0.5t In FO#kk tug .-41.-..tt E.T.tAtt s AVAI.Aer4 pity; 'ir4o,pthy ,ictihs1 a 3reittri,on1 Ch_tries t V; N'44-4tPiColl. "tv.JULT '4 ?.) - ?FP ore N:( viT , 04 atipwr,..e it" ir r: 3 TVIrthar:linkl: h.4441 a li ?I 'N."151 4r6:1117 t ? ' .. ' COM VI I .1 9' E141114...: % 4ffe, gyea,;)4144 04:4'N 14 [4 Ta it k ,. 1 .. sowilksr, 15?einda i :: ? SPletzr- . .irm: re. Stta3.' tem, to. g? . vow- 4$4. - 4C-5, 1 - 41? er-4 ? ,?,,etrafq,,444 awN,230 - Thr- 44-4: 1. ? .5 II 144 Stscisb er Aziek10? Vorsrtsy Ir#01,11.1 frpl rArl I tieh 'ALAI t?14,4; Otte Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIAIRDP13X00001R000100270008:7 - ? ' tv, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 .1.. ..".t.o? h Z,V1 , ? t412,1:1, .43* ,1 yAflp.; Ls .? At,rt) A Jowl ALA, by A-1)n .1. rtheromoi aurk* C WASHINGTON JULY 144 I. . litt e VI ? n (,) I itt . Sthartarlie L;14 Akt1 NeliSIT4/0 " Islands Cuzba SIM= ogral-Ver4iito raavzsi Rog ? cr *;-;?1 crzri,'4 ktt41- , 7z, ... . ? - ??? - urs v'flbrzahkri +.* 5,itza ;AP "urna T018 4,1h ,,,?yarmouthRe ,.?.?,? f' 5N771 AR ??,?, ? 11-66 I I .4.ot ke# I 45 enV cot, -r1.741 Itrrastoti ? .= 0-, ?gsbh.- S. 1141 volow 1,, 114 A.A77 4 40? . ? if 7,044 7, ' 4,4, '74 0 - ?P**i "II / ... _at = o milikt I" - , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 wiiimazignawamesstairagmawarei-4-41r, 70,4440 t. . ? 14 r r 1'7 1-,?-? .i ValaC$P-TiOk sl(NRC$;44,44.,* 4404 Dile* , L tte * .. t Iti 4,..yat- co p y A., 044c..1.. ig.. Map NT.fitcti virs: -, - ,?? _ ? ? . siomAraim RECORD SHEET emtva, TSCO vpion ref000:pt of a TOP ssqRst doonment. REOSTsrv ACCE SS ION NO.. DOTS 03 5 AccEssIoN ?ATE: L7 War. OIC E ;IR 614A %Cr! :D. 0. 1.04GfD ay: YOT; 45 , 14,.4 Loti zrt,41roias Oat, for tit 8.ttactmti. TOP SECRET dye .234! WZ11 irIt ' 74.,1 to it Ott or aP6040$14 alt recclipt oR this doottoeut from 11.00thor 1:14 0 44%re, thi& for* wawhi4h;-4ccordin1E to TOP 3.11C4BT rego14ttosft, enolip014,,, ?7- *kip. Sr,q44,tittorAnetout or to, -4.4461oolIA altkialtlidit ar*. 0041%4113.Q4t0a, auto t 3 163 wtzh. - tatto-kv,eitt. hra irvit tal wit h date hod t Jaw 41 re lit, as o ? te4t?i44.4. inaiku*it 4A6, doctuttkut allay be: okhown ut to persoart aitt 110f d *.ot. 10*31111Att ttetwmeatax AAA who are rimexred to kocw the Informattonwhts A,1 640411***s teoh rtraos roroeilky. Ifliargo4 with tho safemeoplog of Ulu; devilment byth, t400ft Otaach 011: Otft*0.1* 1.440/14.6*-04. tot` and Mist rottra the, devilment to tn,, T$40' **Oita,' iOttUer ro4ting.- Viop ,Ott:40tWeit, cletu000t was received from toe .., Coartor Reeetpt Mo. vurs,onr.7"airieg) ..14W.4100.4aNYIPANW.04144.00.01106.1.1.1.e.ft.e.4.3.11.ftgaftilikA0+.6.114e.r....40.410.RM?00.4.1.~1,10.0142abartmaimeheameMeakomin.rameeme.............* ,400kta. r , oitCLIVED RELEASED lagiisMilebrAlaurblideret411410.444.14.01*-4?01005.1e0.042.0.31, sei...lememet ISICes.{40.04300.44 SfG4ATURt a 14 r.br044 1?44W14 4M141..4444111414?41b14 4 44,41:4141p tt.lega...W...4.46aR INITiALs ?ATE TIMz 1?4444. 114-3.44=4,. ym61141144010.441114014.04...4454.4 ?:Poe4 LID MMA*Wee OmmyslOwiremormr FaINITS. 14111?4140,1?4A?944 1.4144-74.414,4 1440?410.1149.emm.m.o6w4 ?91144414104ww,nr N***01r..0kAINniat0040P=41tOrPW4P? kCid*R160.VOL40741,101ANI4Y."4116 14.C1 %414,441?IIISews .44 t,44.-44tIff 000*0110 ,i1A4 *Ot* dadomont, tfts Tsco taunt n!gn ,4,0* '-*4114:ttOt4*-400s4044 444 .#01#1,44 At aft pormaotot ro:3upd . ' '11M. '611; 1:ti:44.0411*1- Ogiteoe Caw .tor t 11, tte: A4 It Tbf vs. '" ? , 0?:;#,,A?tit?ht,- ? op iiit* 44-ya 1$:-It 011. , 4111 ? -1 e.; ? 3 tIV??2. .1 ? ' q-' "??-? "N. ? r I g ?-???-?, ?? ' C (t lk e 'Lit e , :.1-,7- ,_. ? . __ ? , .. ...? ... 'lit : :b iVitt t,.,i'g' t*tf-R?41.' .?icieVEN156e.ge?VAN'I 1:-,....-(.1 1 5-'1- ;`, 1.?';'''. ?ir' %,-..; .., .:_ii-. ..... : t..7,...,.., ,".,..,_ ,..,..?. i:,,J....1.1*,,..i4e. E?:?.?,i.._........?1?,,i,i,?i,,,,igt...,..?14i.,!..ei?, 1.34f-rei1,141. 414 04.5-e%St".?? NAV-!--*-1,?'''''''''''''''''''''''.- ge0110.721,71.QMOE.-4.0 ifitliwtare031 ? .A1CaMiltlenheAkare.? s000tvt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 a, 4.7,-;???? :et* - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4 iQPSECET limiloolloamfalopepow4114.400. WOO tit tit a sow\ ore. at. TO SECIt'si usketat. ???-?.'.4'. e - ?-?4 ' , 4.5 - -47 , ? going46*?? tee. I wto I 75p. e s. I5.7 A, I, t ? ?????....??????????????? ???????.??????????????????? ??=1????????????????? ?????????=??????????? lao?????? C? .1S tOtt so Dt.TrE. 1535 QA?t: Mar 45 ir.1 Et&A C.1?01?- 6 LcliC0E.4 I *4*'' ,? 4.04444 trroa4ke,74r Ted iivto t oe moo r a ry toil) 1,r41.1 ?I- Littil ift. below -1*o .to a %la rg ed w 1 t.. eu I 1 resi. u us 1 , ? i , ^r.r ? 16* r44 * -.1, ls,,,, "111!ts6iiiteil, f roc. iintatuer lw;C.). Ace ttr da n?g lit ..11.,WO, to, r4c...0 2.-Ve 4 roP fsiz.cRlov k . CflUSSOI?Sentr, ess form 4a3Jc. 4-tad prt?art di.t t ac he d to t he to or 0 tuo 1,, ' ;??. ' ?It' * It:44A+. 0-46-4 !!?11E ****21iitlt, ,4411.?hke,e tii Of r Lee 9 t c 13 r? a 1 ( . t. 5, litkiii tiir 4411C SC* 1 ii::t t ilt 424 4 rti.AIIPilit 14 i 1 I s tg a be i OW .tad a ($ 0 t fle * t.ig4aflOtii , 1644: Ofifopreotit INCONI, mo,ly- 11,y Of f 1 e: e r Ctvar.1,ei i' ?,,.. It f-, , .0 ' -." . ' '';'-' ' 1,-; , ' ? ' lc, 1;... g,:,` ...!.'r:' -,"4:1 -e? ? ; - - Ektit,ii-. '..L, ' ';1;1641*}1.40.-16F4iiiiffo ' ' 1414 r--,r3/ ;., ti . i e - 1r5-' 4 -4 7 'gig Ittli C4C .4 s.".S-? ,? ii , - e:-..-. : w* I: ..i 'V ,, ., -4?-,-, ? ? ? ? ? -:?,:-.;1? 7,?:!.? 6 ?.z, r.1,34,4 33.., 424. ? r ? 7 ?a-.0',4. c:1,F;),.."?[0: WINO* . ? , ? ominrogroo ?IC????? i$41,140141.1 s ? ?????????????? V.01?1??????????1 ?????????? IMISION111.1.0s.a. RELLASE0 igIT:ALS DATF T I M *- 1'JI1 Oftimpat 4024444 y F ; A- fII ou.a*- i404:4 irj" I r. **A 1-1 t I r" ? irir ? ? , - 7 4"-?:f.?41' tt i4414"0444 114 T- We'f tit1114.167-' 'II " 1 el. i?Or t??;-?' $1.;F,11..r.':4.1=7.0 i?-? , rt9,_411?P 4t. 1410.414t- -", - I. ;T.?. , '3 , ; , , 4, . L. I IF 3-14 ? c :(3`1341.1 , ss.1 ? ',Iv' ? g`t3 /at ,..sommessobrew.IA414 .4,4.4-4,1 3 --H ebr,44...4.4.4 4,44 1 ?-ard..,R.....????,. ca. .1 *41-1,414 be r4tiAi1. 144 jt,ifl ?rf-"n-' Batra Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 s ? t le; - ? QVVIr -41 ?e?'' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000 - ,7411111111.7,-,' co,..k.,?!'('-4. ''?(, ' ?? oft, '5 ? ???;' ? No '.??? ' ? ". ? ' ....110111.11.0-Va? "1171,5i.,46 a ? tr".?? cd?-?P, ? MAJOR POLITICAL DIVISIONS 0 F GREATER GERMANY DANZIG ? EVSSE ;44 tvg It A N CrENIIIVICtsf 4r-,-trstootitn;Arltarl- la+ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 7 v ?44 ?41,1 I t 944' !;?? N .; 44* le' 910.4 ? OW form ii)415* 'WOO t E?ee " - lt 94.. ,4et, _ DAI?.~1,01... Isp.morrim ..0111011.1.6501111110,111.1110/..04010.4.1.......1114. ilkeil? ? ........???????A111.0.??????? ?????-..?????? meqo err. ??? 'CT ? 18101,}b., .111,111E11.) 110. 3 -kti 71+1:77 Tr. W.? I' 0411 ; raTs f.;:.714.,., NY A.,111--11A 1t tH4L . 4bt imr 0400d ovra. told tw th4t 'it t4.-ok On te al 0 they n1.1. ea Fq-atty bna ty ? 43tfl tVa fitmrui .Intr in the oorl dor, ..tho #1,411t p a to tted to ro Lnt stion,. 41,1 the honnon w ri ithnkitia ond thes ctoort ncl windrjus viero oletterin8" 13Tri. qailkir 0710V10iiU windawm ant! iihon oho Wunted to aim tht, Wildow ano rc (Jowl rengi bin tool!) Ni WI both bonds nnel griefit nilo041-1U1tutou t Out Drendon J.o hurtartir ; but -it WIA not oxiooir in Dreaden. Tboy oftartod 14Jith Youehutzt tnd 0414401ht hn$ bvort bit very badly, 011=1? auw the frit bombe Ntt on4 oftftt the only tho torrltlo mmonyhoe at' the ther beramo #4tsTlitia the! pilaff* Itk Met tifl T1 frtiL.4p tine in 0 oompoo t body 411!,att 44vor I,- Nom t vio LTL4CIJ. T1f ?IiLt1rn clot Ir (tO0 thit 14*W-014 J 14 broke t 12 ? (1JELfft.del thit Lion la x t tN44 v0,5 4100I. i.v tnr in robt nrirrity now theit Limy 4?1.440#100 tatiagn* rhot?il hQw it la with mo, 1T, ilV? rrom Sittl.ir# .4(.00.ii ..otao-Ahrot wore r dogui no t L61.,p nt /WM. a 9Mk- 1011.11V.,_14.40,,t onlY ticme ft() ? lor '44tAct4(s1 ? ; ta..4-timaarshipt ". "liSMIZATio WOW, 1)Itilq4 rt171,011 ()one, n 41# ea *4 a a am 4a a a -010milef??110411VANNoa -wao,:#0q414-1,4 ? 61101***14140. 4frmiteare-,44.? ? !p.a., 5 .4?14 , 44 Phis Itioltrof offs to `Mc f 110 Mott I OHM %MANti4fIt! rtiv quh. i? Ma !ntrothEttIfit) I1Pr.1 A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Lflfl, t4 trAf Pflf r t 1.1 4-11 ? ? ? ' - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 2,114, 411e taw* Inter moat 40,04%* t 41.414.14.-e - ? - - rt Jir . ? . 4 ? ? ? -1 f' I ? . ? . 4 1A34 'b lafiekip aigoasse if MUM, et" awe astrittsobrog *id "al bvpez cad 1144 IssAborist it fr x# bet Z lovitt thitto Mta as ii34400 skti tts.Motto biisloo A ft # oeselot voitil kilos roose kbtsu 1040 Oft, 1120104100? tor 1010144,6 =811 -him 400 poi*i~ lismo flopis% that W. Ake the ? ' ?????' 1-4,:uqiit=-71 ; ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 woomminemoneammuimeminumumn 4L, General: I elan go over the captured uncensored German letters written In Qoptember and October to and from holland. I read thdo br the hundreds last week and I have never been so impressed by anything coming out of Gelmany since tne var. Signs of badffiAla maralot of exactly what they are most afraid of are ample. They a/so express time and time again, that at least what they have still sot is each otner or life* Tba4 and the fear of hussia were the two metstandtag theme** There Is 30 much of it, which we could use and. uss in their own way of expressing it, I would think that ir we say what they say themselves we could break morale a lot faster Met by invacting stuff amt be careful with promises. We can not say clandestinely that vewill se that German eurranoy remains atable, when at the same time we set a 'mellow rate for the Mark, A lot less Oblialty should b* gi?ven to the rules imposed upon hi Oblithiir* coonotrning fraternisation with the Grans. That $.60.- . tth* 'head hot bet 0,We up. Let then at least ha:pa for the bust trots lasto thay arkt tiat at, inolir.04 to think. ttwaitirreni4 Yorior la a good simxii about a tnpy trial in Romeo stary of uttet American fairness, very moving ? would circulate that *ion aandisatinely in Jemmy rlth tho date and place of puoli- *an it look a* if it had ben picked up by a Uorman tekStAf I Jebal r,pNsent.US sample of the above mentioned letters az* tom& am iPt0totaktoMai; ,400 I, *6 ! " 7.44gOtt '4-11 ErIc:NaL ?-$A41,4-,x4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 r-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Itbik atmospilere th Germany now is very stern and detarninod. I doubt that this year they take out much time and emotion for Christmas. It is true that usuatly this event played a large part in very jermans life. It was {)f a sentimental nature. Out this year they cannot afford it. If in these broadcasts the mood Is too dirferent from the way they feel, it will make thaw fUrious. The purely religious theme seems to me tho most advisable. Sven in cm. spokonNazi 1114M*AX letters religion is creeping tm a* the last hope. Iwould play up the two opposites, war means more loss, more deaths, stopping of war means - life. We must stick t* their own mood, but make it more so. We have no chance to convert the real Nazis, 30 lets try to influence the weak, the bwoless ones the widows? the orphans. 1111/101161010 The big problem in Uermany is "displaned pIrsons". No doubt vo will have to .lp them in that matter. We could launch rumor, that Uhrra is going to help the 4ermans with that roblea (by th.wa am mart that it will be so) and then stiOt attach more hope to this and hope that we will Mt heap tbsa inweltaral or what not krt ? 1"2 ? r ' ,1?1" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 1. Pursuant to your request, we have drawn up far :ror signature a proposed recommendation to the Joint Chie.fa or Staff on the subject of "Black t'ropaganda ofUnc..?Inditionel Surrender Theme." 2 this paper was submitted to Mr. lamer Davis on this date, and he concurs in tha desirability program and the themes to be utilized. Of Tish to comment on the methods to be employod, as he feels he has no competence in this phase of ?t s understood that your office desired to handle Ule coordination Atitn the Department of :State. 1.1.T.Ltzt,..1141:t. K. D. Mann, Col., AUS Chief, MO Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 3LACKFRO PA ....IA:CIA IL- N C '14 41 I' :1 DUI C.C,J JNT IF 0%1 sTAFF D7:SSIO,N 1. Allalysis of Gorman propaganda !'or hpme-front cons=ption discloss that while a literal translatlon ut: the pkwase "unconditional surrender" has rarely been amployed to convince the German people that there is no niterrvAttve but to continuo the war, the concept of surrenl-p hne. become assoclated tn the Uerman mind with tIle 1,ort estastrophies *Itch could be:sil the populatn. The horrible prospects of exile to Siberia, eternal slavery, de-industrialization, break-up of Germany, i.ind even steed!. ation? have been carefully portrayed to the OarmAns by amir Nazi leaders. It is considered that the (lemon spirit of resistance hna been bolstered greatly by roar of the ootstequenoes or uni:onclitional surrender. Black propaganda disseminated by wholly secret d prportthg to originate from within tonemy countries co11114: MI the propaganda value of this theme b7 atcempting to elksociato "unconditional surrender" rrom ?the ftrfliottone Nazi loaders Wm* been predicting'. to their people. I lis....2"lx"11121; *Uneond time' surrender" is demnrirted or **10 Oovernmoit b7 the Allleo* but It *PPlitouf (Inly to the Nazi Oovernment And the Wehrmsch * enunot to ua as individuals Our of A 114d Poroos In Italy, 041gArla and opoupled aroma of Osomft leprovt 16* Nszt lotions-of haft andlOgoos toesultAng from 4Unqundlllmak wurmAtirt4 4 46iimmammftimail nprdacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Ii Wt. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 f .1;2:Laig Convert the theme to n blnek propanda r.eapon of our own by psociatine "unconditional surrenJer witr. desirable rnther than fearsome prospect. Unconditional surrender means "our" d..-ltvery from the Nazi yoke and would re-;,rqsent n beginning for the aerman people wherein "our" biological strength, shrewdness, and scienti- fic prowess would soon lead "us" to a healthy economic and soolal position. Homes, indus- tries, national wealth, and the framework of the German Army would be conservea for the ruture. Th e destructicn of Germany is too high a price to pay for saving the Nazis fop another four or five months, by which time military derevt is inevitable. Suggest that continuation of the war would expose the Gorman people to a fate rorse than that threatenei by Nazi propagandists. Waal Black l*eme The traditional humanitarian tendencies of the democracies may cheive to vindictiveness If the war is allowed to continue. The chaos, disease and privation predicted for 113 in the avant of unconditional surrender will develop 137 prolonging the war. "Our" con- tinued rosioosnce protects Only the Nazi les4ors. puriouS) ide4 of spearic terms ct unconditional *I*A111e4 Tome). alikw *et folla Kt TIA v:,f.t; L.' ? ',1IP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 .r ous d 1 purportedly clandestine newspaper, "Das Neue ;:eutschland," is being printed in Europe by this organization az..i distri- buted by means of agents to the German troops on the .:stern Front and the Italian Fronto in Hungary and in Austria. Future editions of this publication, whose cover is still considered to be secure, can dovelop the themes enumerated in Paragraph 2 above. Rumors currently being carried thrc neutral countries to Germany and initiated among German too-,? by means of agents can portray the inevitability of defoqt end the reasons for unconditLonal surrender now. A false dommemt.setting forth actual terms of unconditional surrender may bt "planted" in such a manner that its content would be appropriately publicized, or the secret Allied intentions attev surrender could be "dimolosed" by rumor alone. 4. It is recognized that in condunting black pvoptt- ondst operationa, the teal source of the propaganda may be suapected, but it dissemination is handled in such a manner atat neither the Allied Military Commanders nor their Governments can be implicated, and all such propaganda msy, if re?3sz7t be ?facially disavoweds That the AtoraIt Operations Branch of this orgnni- zation be aulhorized to undertake a black propaganda campaign, areoted at the German people's fear of the oonsequences of *unconditional surrender." that themos, elmilar to thoae outlined In the esaussion be employed? I *ttio. of nform* puttftam ot St44.1 William 3. Donolain Dtrostor nna-Inecifiari nd Anoroved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 01: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4 014 ; aermany will be entarely occupleA by Allied Although Russirin, Uritish and American troops vill occupy three .eprate secticns of Germany, it is not intended to partition the Gorman Reich. 4.4 1.ttemal order will be maintained by Allied 77orces until e German Government is formed. War criminals will be tried by special inter. natiovsl tribunals. Impartial justice will moted aut. Win* criminals mrs defined as leaders of the National Socialist Party, certain general artioors in aka Webrmacht, police officers of high. rank, mnd any ether persons who hove com- mitted artmlnal aetm Poravai atoused of being war criminals will bo OommItted t?o trial only after the establishment .U7 Moir probable participation in criminal acto TS4 impArtial tntornational body. WZUevontum ly be allowed to ehowle war twat orgavernmant and the Allies will offitt Cho moUlnery for rogistering the G f popular will. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 No member of at :vart,s will Oo allowed to holt any office or poslicn of trtu.r... Jermany will beadmttted to patitIcIpbtion In what- ever association toltions Is formod aftt.r. provin- its good intentions. The establishment of s 2roaperout3 ";.%rmAny as self-sustaining :lumber of Ule family or tlet13n9 is ted by the Allies. To thiz ond ttlo A111e8 will restore the boats of 4,)vtui ,lorman curtioncyl as41stanee in the relitcTstion of ,_;on!,n!) in,i1P3tvy will be, providad vitt: a view to absorbint;Lho unemployed, and Germemy will be allowed access to raw materials and market.:! In order to support its industry. thwmany will be forbidden to manufacture sirplaneu, guns over 20 rm. 1tbt und warships, Allied control will be amroised to insurl) that German trdtt wiLl be di acted only toward the produs- tion or non-milittry goodo. Property aoquirtd by Germans in Any other ()wintry will tte roturned to its ownor or oompenaatifm mmlo. ftopert destroyed or damaged ol Germans In Any 1,COr oountr3 will t>ty robuilt And rectored by 3401470My Tr*.dan of roligian gagran4o0d, tAtuaattm, nuotort und he prase will to) conzrolled t4 %if stent neaeaesey to Inourn thnt, Nationta 111=iiiiamillaWMPrw4W Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Socialism and similar doctrines are polit!cal character will te permitted. ec; 3 ?1 - ? , ;14 ";:reabtil ? ? , F?' a Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF DISCUSSION 1. Analysis of German propaganda for home-front consumption discloses that while m literal translation of the phrase 'unegtaditional wrrendor" h*3 rarely been wmployed to convtnce the German people uht there is no altarnative but to continue the war, the concept of surrender has bacome associated in the German mind wW-1 the worst catastrophies which could befall the population. The horrible prospects or exile to Liberia, otennel slavery, de-industrialisation, break-up or Germany, and even stertlitation? have been carefully portrayed to the 3srmans by timeir Vast Zeadcra. It is considered that the amain spirit of realstanos hes been bolstered graatly by fear of the consoquences of unoondittonal surrender. 2.Black propaganda diseeminated by wholly secret salons and purportin to origins te from wt thin enemy souraries could Dinani ;Ida value or this theme by to 4jjiato "unconditional surrftters rr tho anictions Nazi leaders ralea biaa pratticting to t heir peoplaiQ Voiliiiiatioula *um.4 te demsnded of e Govornmont bp th allos, but It ippU.s okay to Cho Oovernment and obroliOdht, and n to us as individuals. eimpt Of Allia4 rarees In Italy., 401, 10%**/01* mid occupied arenas of , 0 04,001tiono smolditing frail T4% r 4 Weetel surronder , nne-Imccifipri and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 is? - 7;4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 b, 4o1vert the the to a black propaganda wespoD of our ova byIII21W0aa "unconditional aurrendW with desirable rether Chan fearsome prospects. 241LaLsEitt trnoonditional surrender means "our" delivery tot thc Nasi yoke and would represent a new beginning for Uhl> Oerman people wherein our' biologiaal stranth, shrewdnese, and acienti- fio prowess would soon lead NI " to a healthy *concede and social position. Homes, indue- tries* nntional wealth, Ano the framework ot the German Arm would be conaervod for the future. The destruction of Germany te too high a price to pay for saving the Nazi* for another four or five months, by which time Allitar7 44fest Iv Inovitablo. e. set 004:troutictuation or the war would expos* tho GormartOpX. ta n fate worse than that threitt*nedb7 sspromandiata. humenitarien tends:1?1e8 of Cho damomatoa may *Wings to vindictivenece if tho war is aLlowod to continuo. The chaos, disos**0 sal prOlation prediIted fcat us in owint ot unconditional aurrander will ?Simla key pro:1404ft U4. wav. "Our" on tismod roOistonglp protests citty Uho Nazi le*Or* OSIF, *WM* ?Opl?t oleer (but wholly tftsoit ippereirie tome or unacEnditional 0414"141t.64 Um* _ ? .?,) ; , ????,?;1 it* tift timotts oil, Th10 A otc., lE ..-?4144 -knklt",? ???.,, ? ?1' ;.; s ??Tfr.7.. ' ' 4-4.43 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ??? tr. Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 3, t res.= a spur 0113 an pervertedly clandestine newspaper, "Das News Doutaehland," Is being printed in Rump* by this organization and distri- tnted by means of agents to the German troops on the western Front and the Italian Praut$ in Hungary and in Austria. Future editions of ti a publication, whose cover is still considered tc be secure, can develop the themes enumerated in "Paragraph 2 above, Rumors currently being carried through neutral countries to Germany and initiated among German troops by swum of agents can portray the inevitability of defeat and the reasons for unconditional surrender now. A false dcaumantt setting forth actual terms of unconditional surrender may be 'tplanted4 in such a manner that its content would be apprIspriately publicised, or the secret Allied intentiona after surrender could be "disclosed" by rumor alone. 4 It I* r lea ,that 411 conducting black propa- tions, the pea *surto, of the propagende may be guippitt.4, but its diseeminstion I* handled in such a manner that netthor the Allied Watery Oommanders nor their Oeveriumsnte can be implleated, and all such propaganda may it actoessary be officially disavowed* IINNINOWISO 1* That the Norale Operations Bream of this organi- be watboasad to andertake, a blank propaganda campaign, odi *I Wit Garisam peoples fear of the consequenocs of afoul marse Mob *am similar ti: alsousalot, beolopi 946 ien nod in the Dergetionk ? :".4";46-. - _Pi?s*".F '14,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 U. _ ! MoiaSSINg I Chummy will b* *Tmirely ?coupled by Allied Om** Althoudh nunuen$ British and Amerlosn troopa will coaupy three separate sections of Germany# it Is not intendo4 to partition MI Oorman Releh. .10 RUM J.114.811411 order wil3 be neintetined by tined terse* Atkin ()Mall 00YerIvnisntt forzued? t;r4104;iigi War 0 lar will be tried by special inters:* national trillowielse, Impartial justice will be mootimi mit* ure#404041* are delned as leaders of Ole SidOlist Party, certain gonerel ! 401111400* Stt the Wehrmeoht, pollee officers of P0006 411 obher P sone who have oom- 441tokil Ot betas war orinatitle will be el only skittakr tau estsblishment ?pfts1141pation in ortminal acts latonottionalb*Ay. i? ^ ? " ? , - 1* 7Uarnituiolly too a13. wed to_atiatesa Its tioopt, end tft* Allies will nary far regtotering at 1.41241 7: ? ` ?` - . -7. .2-smigaralioWilakia-Mitmtififtita Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ,? 'LOP sW3,14_,t-7?! ? ?1_,T..% 3 A V1-11 1 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 mmmommemommummummmmm '1. tt` US* lit Party will b ? stamped oat, Mabel* of that party will be allowed to hold ? ICI *Mao or positice, of trust? Giveaway 411 baseteittod to participation in whet ?V asavolatiou or KtiOc5 Is formed sftar proving Its goad intOntions, astablishiassat of a prosperous Germany as diolf-sustaining stember of the family of nations cle,sirod by the Alltes? To this and the Allies tllrtatore tits boats of sound German currancys aostatize. in the restoration of German industry will be provided with a view to ebsorbidnz the tation0407.eit and Garmany will be allowed eases* fto ritift toirjal. wad sigarkets in order to support las tivittas Clormany wU bo fog*btiddan to manufacture airploneso OA* ;mop SV so*. otalibre and warship*. Allied cocitro4 voi,X1 bat faxeralsed to insure that Gorman taisli4101 taitita et riot1 1112.41alak , roataid only toward the produo- Illtod Itit Prow 14. ]ensin any other country will 41.. *MVIsiSd owner or compensation made* *** loolWorild dottnago.4 bI Germans in any gr Itiottia 't and rantored by `It 1. elli.4011114rfre itlatigiors ta, asuralantoitilip 8* 4014.11,101110 004100141 old tri* press will be controlled y 1 iimt. 41144.14.4nompositr7 to insure that Ilatiandi ? VII ? t?t-'!-42 - t!' t .ftt.Yttt Att .16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ao, " Socialism and slialar doctrines art not ativocated. Organizations of It non.military find non. political dharaotsr will be permitted, ? a t c. t ?11. rot 1?,r, I ; C? cr. 1:24, p: 1",f? .(4'41.4-? - Pr:4-13.r* 11:4, , _ -.., ? .,,I..t.:tt.t.r.c14p1c 4%; o . ittp7A: h ? .1 % ? n;1;:' qt1 4.5 s -./e1.?Fr ? ? . 44. 4- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? ;;:f7;:t?gi ? re' 444 I. ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 litie Sane tzeostavitft irrX4. 1 December 1944 " t k tit ' $111 paa piAleite se* that copies of thls vloo isiaislaao to SI and koll nnti send the atthched balk to AAA l'ot meeionsionias, in CID. You mieht wish to have Mr, Amply amd Mr. ftsperdson Look at this prior to photomtatimi to see whether they want =plias of tho 'We docusent or only of portions. a Rotvirt Thrum t ?4 .47 -or 4041 ".. ,.01 oNwr ?.07"" /11 Ai 2+ L.06/5/ el"4 (1,9 ; a " - ir r 1v4. 0,0, '4,14 al:4040J ? j ?te ? figv i 4r, 4.. it2T,4 fl! Ikeit ,-, - .4. ? A af.,?. - --gree.a ? .1 , r E 144 tr' . ? -? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 P 4 e, f 104 Ady4 f- ,livitaosiwoof - ? rk 447-a ? 7:ol /.4 ?i? ;3. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 1 December 1944 ;rip Miebibel Potulicti c/o ara.4o . 16th WashAmiltw,U, D, Cf. 10 gear Dr. Potullckis I have received your report. I found It tmtij document. At my request owrexperts looked it over. They have told mo that the mass of material acomaatiod ty you to demonstrate your polvt is extrema:, completes Thus Tour with Sox' my opinion ias to whether it could be made st1/1 more so leaves Little tow& for somment. The report Li very helprUl. Ium gvate- Pal to you for lettlas me hsve it. ? Sincerely 3. Doecittin Direotor .Art `'""1".` acr4r.-4Ar r."2' - ? ==-? P r, ; A -' -- 4141-111011111 ? 474?4610 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 1 711 ' _ ststtilittirt- tet .Z)FFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES .11.1.11,*?11?Milintt ????????.???=1????? - f.7. INTEROFFICE MEMO General ronovan DATE: 20 Novez,Der 1944 FRCM Willian L. Langor SUBJECT -.mo*-,IL:attloora.4%*4430104341 I sae seeding you herewitkk sone oom- nents prepared by the ELL staff on the Polish study of the oretnisation of German thinkimg. If possible, Ise should like to have this study for *occasioning in the Central Information Division. r i / X. riangstri =et, Research td Analysis Branch t - r"-.;?'? ?z. r !AA, ;:e...2;1`t,%.5-"?^2.047. e .4.16 COWDEN I IAL rt - ?t?it? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00010 0 r 44,4 ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13.X00001R000100270008-7 Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT tot Lit* Sohorsko DATE: le No,resaber 1944 zo itROM Salary lellensefea Pt -j816:ik:at ? strnincr: Study. on that organisation of Gorman thinkine t .147ii>11'`; ? The study proposes to attaok pcm..Gerwanica as ono of the allijor touses of past sad possibly future wars* TM author believes that pone.Gommisins has bees perpetuated through a network of soni.Enilitary, pelitimal, *situps',, soleatillo? ocanserttial and prepaganda agencies* ?While igaoresse of thee* institutions and aegligitaes towards their aetivity are held largely responsible for the revival of German militarism* Tho author ocsoludes thet the Asseval of tt-ese sources St spiritual rearessamit 'sill go a Dag 'way toward "Alienating the cause of internatiossa insecurity and confliat* The premise vadsubtedly is sound* Moreover, the pass of material seesramslate4 by the author to prove kis peiat is astounding. However, the reigert settiore greatly tree poor orgaaisatiato laok a analyst s, end feiltsro t stinguish olearly *betimes' iridigeaous Nasi institutions sad lath** misused by the at tor political purposes* ?Or isatanse? the author lists the tenons taissr-Wilht.lskigiesellsohaft twandod in 16114. a researeh inotitcrtar of worid?wide fano, alongside sash speoifia Nati agissies as the Iteielasfore?' 'rat, founded in UV, or the Alakismin dos DautatchattairiaiST see pages 28 and ITO an the Maar 3.;271MirlirWry inac)41m`eu.sa`lil..'"'neo :Rats illilSdasehaft ftir Geo is steeling, and tbe very elaborate organ as o propagskt a eopooially tM rata* sorvions, are treated rather inadequately* The brief eareay of the Nati:sisal Socialist Party is nagel4h too sketchy to be icsielal soft mild easily be spared altogether. irwarestly, the anther did net wish to burden tho report with figimaytigial eseermato itaaeoquestly. Ms ,deseriptive materiel consists by au* Itarg* St tnetattess fro% honk*, inewspepors and *Aquino articles, stria. lonely tagether without any attempt to evaluate the reliability ef tibe seam* seed* Sone af the information is estoga-Aterts, but it is pistmarily the look of orgsmissties under sposific headings end the thadiseirtiliamte of isetley sews,* whit* ossittos 'ad reader* The *Wow eveleitl see for treitasat ever4gilppings with the explanation that it is *nee efftsestlik Ilietixodebt belting* institutions sorting neissititie ea4 thee* eitrrise preptiruda purpealias ill *see of this im4opirtia le 'pito angressing and helpful; ly the oiaspliOr ea Gotuandsot Abroad (see pages 1311 and ff.) * of ditto shoat agateitai and pervonalities which night Inlicireating le n GAP Ipto a h ;?77`ax 04.tre. '-????:.). , '40:5r.t," _ LI; CONFI DEN IAL .4573r:it ?? ? ,? ???????;?YrzIrk*gill. npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 .4 IL ) +et NI ?4.? .41wsrt, ? .; _ _ - ? - 04,4 0 r 44,4 ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13.X00001R000100270008-7 Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT tot Lit* Sohorsko DATE: le No,resaber 1944 zo itROM Salary lellensefea Pt -j816:ik:at ? strnincr: Study. on that organisation of Gorman thinkine t .147ii>11'`; ? The study proposes to attaok pcm..Gerwanica as ono of the allijor touses of past sad possibly future wars* TM author believes that pone.Gommisins has bees perpetuated through a network of soni.Enilitary, pelitimal, *situps',, soleatillo? ocanserttial and prepaganda agencies* ?While igaoresse of thee* institutions and aegligitaes towards their aetivity are held largely responsible for the revival of German militarism* Tho author ocsoludes thet the Asseval of tt-ese sources St spiritual rearessamit 'sill go a Dag 'way toward "Alienating the cause of internatiossa insecurity and confliat* The premise vadsubtedly is sound* Moreover, the pass of material seesramslate4 by the author to prove kis peiat is astounding. However, the reigert settiore greatly tree poor orgaaisatiato laok a analyst s, end feiltsro t stinguish olearly *betimes' iridigeaous Nasi institutions sad lath** misused by the at tor political purposes* ?Or isatanse? the author lists the tenons taissr-Wilht.lskigiesellsohaft twandod in 16114. a researeh inotitcrtar of worid?wide fano, alongside sash speoifia Nati agissies as the Iteielasfore?' 'rat, founded in UV, or the Alakismin dos DautatchattairiaiST see pages 28 and ITO an the Maar 3.;271MirlirWry inac)41m`eu.sa`lil..'"'neo :Rats illilSdasehaft ftir Geo is steeling, and tbe very elaborate organ as o propagskt a eopooially tM rata* sorvions, are treated rather inadequately* The brief eareay of the Nati:sisal Socialist Party is nagel4h too sketchy to be icsielal soft mild easily be spared altogether. irwarestly, the anther did net wish to burden tho report with figimaytigial eseermato itaaeoquestly. Ms ,deseriptive materiel consists by au* Itarg* St tnetattess fro% honk*, inewspepors and *Aquino articles, stria. lonely tagether without any attempt to evaluate the reliability ef tibe seam* seed* Sone af the information is estoga-Aterts, but it is pistmarily the look of orgsmissties under sposific headings end the thadiseirtiliamte of isetley sews,* whit* ossittos 'ad reader* The *Wow eveleitl see for treitasat ever4gilppings with the explanation that it is *nee efftsestlik Ilietixodebt belting* institutions sorting neissititie ea4 thee* eitrrise preptiruda purpealias ill *see of this im4opirtia le 'pito angressing and helpful; ly the oiaspliOr ea Gotuandsot Abroad (see pages 1311 and ff.) * of ditto shoat agateitai and pervonalities which night Inlicireating le n GAP Ipto a h ;?77`ax 04.tre. '-????:.). , '40:5r.t," _ LI; CONFI DEN IAL .4573r:it ?? ? ,? ???????;?YrzIrk*gill. npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 .4 IL ) +et NI ?4.? .41wsrt, ? .; _ _ - ? - 04,4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 November 1st, l44. Personal and Conf1,4,antlal My dear leneral Referring to our talk yesterday at the Zamoyskis, I nave pleasure in sending you copy of a report which (t sublimated to the Departwent or State relative to the various Institutions which have a strong grip on Ger.:111 public opinion in Germany and in German circles abroad, theguldia&,- spirit of which is the German General Staff, I am attaching to my letter a short introduction which at the same time gives the conclusion,s. If an alphabetical list of the names quoted in this report were made, one would automatically obtain the list of the loading Intellectuals who have worked in the last fears In Germany under the direct leadership or with the essistance of military man such as General Ewald von Massow, General Haushofer, General von Epp, SS. General Lorenz, General Booker, General Faupel, Admiral von troth, and many others. The Nazi :Party has undoubtedly absorbed many of the organizations which had oxisted during the Imperial and the Weimar rggiame. Nowt when the N3cDJP. cracks, tilers will vevy prcbably be a tendoncy of decentralizing tbe movement, I.e. o: retaing to the organizations mbrith were im existence before WItler. That is why it is taportant to know them. V. must be added that the attached study does not COVAM? e field of the numerous patriotic, Fehme - and other orsaalzatons which appeared in the Relot ;After the last war (like the Vehrwolf", "3altikum9, "Oberland", siNarxesch" eta.); it deals only with the main scientific and propaganda institutions in Germany. Aa t1il9 report took a long time to be prepared on t46 bests or Germaa material which had to be translated, would be most grftteful to have your kind opinion on the quoatton whelhor It would seem useful to have it made still mere *ompleito. ot-WO," nariaccifiad and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 somommommilmmmimmommommu iatrQduct!Js The ref,Iruwtion af the terimtal mentality kwristY%utAls, doubt- losoly0 a cru.lal problem of the Lresemt world. ,ur centuries 4orliian.sta ties fouezAt s tradition vfhich it has endeavureJ to destroy tor its own gains agalaat every possibility or peaceful 1nterna- 10.0441 *coperstion. acaeiquentiy, "the pan-kiermAnic spirlta is being discussed ti wide circles. lut* up to the present time no uttemilt hat been undo to enalize more closely the saurcer tram imich It enunates. Thus, the queStion runs: what actually are the chaamitis th.rougt which the Gorman Reich hes fostered the Ain- 44orgaa spirit for its external poU.uy whica lu u policy of pens- trationo or expan4iczism and or diaruption at other atates? Apert tram taat, ub1ia opini4.14 is highly interested today La Rvado ,roolea a tb necesaity of re-educating the Uerman people after tills wars La anter Om% thiair psu-Gorman and militaristic MantSlity ouXd be mn44, to dialtpotar, Theoe to problems aro *lomely Inixed# c,t, a ropsoduatition of Geimany cannot even be tt*Viable or, without a prstound iblowledse of that ustions The :rent:, or ifersailles made timid attampt in its ArtillIe 176 tZ) aud ift to oolve this problem: IT6 al. 4 "G*nsclioutly, and tharing Vig) taiod fixed alloys, all m1114sry waviluals* or stmilar nsttt4tions in uormany, a* **Li es la* itiftwront Walter? 04110ols for ?Moore, studesio otrileer* tAspirantwo, aads00 non-oommiasion* 0trlasri or situ4ont ****oomalavion4d ?tricorn (Aspironten), oth*r theca the 101004 041% for, will be abolished*" A4U4stio ni liotAbliAidat) tAmi thaiMer Woes soototies dio4041044114 valdifor EttoOrtrog or Wuring (flubs sad t 604101*117 toenktuk asoosintionto a avery dbmortytion; ? = ?-? b4f. 14,444. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 44:4Aeti;i4.4, '2%1, - 1,, t 4., 4 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIP-RDP13X00001R00010027.00. 08-7 1 * 0, eupy temzelves with any military matters, 4L they will be forbluuou to inbtruct or exercise their members, or to allow them to be instructed or eAereised, in the profestiou or use of &ma. /tame vaaisties, associations, otluentionol esta- blishments and universities must have AO connection mith the lainistries of asr or any ottoir milithry authority.* rant means (a) that it was deal:cod to vapprosL1 all military atademl - or *similar" institutions and (b) that it was foruicaen to educational ftstabliahments end associations of every kind in .lermany to 'ooeupy thelmeives" in general with military problems. 1144 tiae Cr'srmara lofted tbis prohibition* kumediutely aftur Uh. Tteety oemo into foroe they foundod in berlin a wiloereabue. Abercie (1:14j Librury) wnie4 becume 4na center around whion honoe- font gathered t.be military brains, such as Groonerp von Seooktt ison aummerstein-Iquord* Guderian, atuelpnagel and hundreds of 44.6ers. 441 the *.uaLittisahes er41e in iiiunioh, Auri Aiaushoter from 4t* rear Alit4 began to try Mit his thoory or-lf-geo. Apiat tsoit that# betweask ISA and 1,24 Gorman educational otroles devoted Uuttasalv-ss satirely to proving OirmaAy's inuoosnee in son- nestift 140 tte ori me or the War at it. The kutaoh's of Xepp.44044witX * t idadaatlerfr-Hitler fell wed in eusoession. 4twa* of e*AbAU or portiOsilitery orstaizetions appeared. tlundrods A4cta1 aswasalua4lous took ;;1111e44 All these events cosurred U*4*. ellos el tla Males of Terasilles wht set up their 1iU8 pots 0000414144 pl'444614 Og Oa hypothesis thaL Law( wotAld remain vgalOrtit * tame an4 thetp their control wouln prove to be 411**010* 1 s oo questioned waother , ^ ' r .4",ftzmr? ' rzi r 1-mrmk*Kmimm74,1?.mtm m npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : C1h8k-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 instead afp.Cl1Lti.n uch vadue iater4ictions2 it would not Asia besa wiser to be more ex.plicit fi.AQ to act avirtly, i?e. to pitieforn sate sort or a surgical op#raticn UpOD C,ermeny in the spi- rituel rield. la tarts a ,;:ractical course suoule have been taken sesret.14 settlng e list at the moat tationallstie organize. tiotts or ubleh tPeltelmir abould have been deprived and which could him* balsa easily; 3masported to the Allied countries. The Idvantago etained would have been vary great,. The Allied nations woutd bawl succeeded in this way to lay the foundation for a better uzdelastandiag of jermany. Today; ea in the past, it is ignorsoco waioh I* stew) all tile source of "appeasement*. in the gremt vajority of mantas* - with the possible exec tion of irthos the stmal on 41iieroania* is a totally unknown discipline. Through- out the wo:14 the univsrsities and high schools limit themselves tore tasectlaa rmat literat and musio l'e. the best subjeets otitAigia2many sae navortiL As rvgarda German politicsi political Aletorrt geopoiitiaa or Webreisionishaft" (military solunse) a AleciAletinfa icruailit still exists, evon after ?Ave paars fiar, AA suss 0. stresipt4 tbiat it by #4,1m, one encounters hero or tiisra ita Intsvest in tbO*4 011106A solo/woe ov the pseudo-sciences, it is ofteriall 4*rmarts ot crypto-Oirmana WAO nrs ceinG celled as experts. II 'soma to us titst atter this second aorld *art :mob a state of War* Would, slicks,* It is "men hIgh Lime to reflect on this berar*j. 444 of wit= filiww- SA now *-"1aatio4 ripppriti wat hie koffilit slaws Wtribtt 41gisaltso , II to *w the huge network $ 0 the it (seam in istialwitual alas*. flundreds W ? n ri Annmved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ons Wive neon spsnt in order to hcaleve trais dud tuousands fa university ,rofessora end teachers tlAve contributeu towtavd/ it. As a result of /tit all the German rulirtg class Li t.o do wns to viek the frits of :heir efforts fur ztoir uxma :1 2,uropenn or world hec,eranny. In this connettion it is interesting to note the nomee of LEigh-ranizi officers which appear in the registers of institutions etieht a priori would 'teem to have nothing in common with the srmy, fluty constitute a In litany of name, such as: general vc,a .:4Eur4sope, Sanely von Thottas, beckerp Loremt *nd others. Everywhoro W e eezt detect tb?s hand of the General Staffs 1.e. of those who hove oyez 144a true xaulters of iruesie and (Jemmy :or alaost a oeatus7 4it4out all shesit organizations the Reich would never have Deem sal* to dreN vw:111 47ntatio energy from its people either in -00. :it oiarld mar or in tit* asdond. TA/set timiza organizations FAld institutions muat go, Lb* Armistice treaty ot tomorrow tbould, in our opinion, : melee previsions vadat would compel the Reich to: *) to surrender to the Iutrir-Alltad Military hrmistice Commission the watt** ialrentory (inoludints arohlvos) of slOmizetions* list of whiCh Will be handed over to Ma Asiob t) to riummotruet at Ueraan Jaktmot an un4tr Allied stela taw Ill:martial, of otganUationo viblob the deiok 10414 elAtm to be wisvAlleble (0#44 OA accQuat of bmting11)# talUOWAt tc ttidli A411** 415t0114040Ut We period of oOttti- I** tt 0# turias #####, roti tea oopieo or ovary printed ?-?-?5.5???????-,-...?????41.?????.????.??? gag npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Jo Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 publi4ation) similarly to what Is done in most countries in raga to Us Department of Interior (so-called "exelAplaires oblige- toiree). di in ease or non-4beervance by the :latch, appropriate sanctions ebo4ld WI ody of conclusicn let it be eaid that thir report aDOS not pretend to te complete. Its at is simply to bring up a pmblem, ? serlousaess of whiot is obvious end in wIlich a very large number or United Nettinms 13 simultaneously in1;erestad. This is ;:,-ae morn necessary as is dontt believe in being opti- mistit es to the program of reeducation of the Gras after this war. L.-arc are too rens,Jns for this nttitude: in the first place, in order that it may be possible to rsalizol a provsat of re-education conceived in advance there must be above all WA iden:Gical outloot or liTe =lone, the re-educators. LA other worts it would be necessary that the Groat Powers which will have tbelir salt in this mitter shoul4 tialm viewm on the *Weltansohsuune similar to 'Wise they Would want tc see accepted by the Germany of UMOITOW* YV4(.440A a the press or censorship? Divoyaity of politteml portim* of? OA Us contrklry, a mono-party system? indi- viotualiam or at:riot tState,g-oontrol? The ex? the problems of pirtaary bukortattat ors which th otaiitiv ot today should vs 131 aocord Wass sattentas 1213ou thm raPoceillest4Ioa of the Osman "bad boy" who 0144a0d s0_pia04 1014.44 1039! Tu pose tills question ts uivai*At solvlus 4010tiesc 1D8 pessimistic acmes. x) litt IFA t* *$I$ is rarity IS frinier to ?grails Vito r.;:oa.OLo oolo: tr...., tclr)tv Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nn97nnna 7 tit MIWVMWONA ; ?? ; ??: For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 aessles it would seem that if it takfqs or d years to cruaL the III i4eich by ;lacing at the dieposal oT a defensive war of a11 millet energies in maziower and war materiel - how many more years J.1.1 be aleedsd to reeducate the aermans? Among them 13 million st win and Eitler youth htiv40 joyously entered the war in 199. 4ae;ril shall be; finix them after they have gone undorGrouu.4 following uhe 4s:cat of' ai ler which, ey Shall natter forgive ual t eems ;otalble ;o contri.11 a factory cr even statistics, but ftow much !wro mo4i4 tt oa to co%trol tneJ ttl-)Ilet 13 nationalist ita t olf more or lest; secret societies or the, iposti-TerseilIes period elermtta one to anticiate th(1L the Allics will 044W aeniust a camourlaged orgauizationo more *glen Inc ormIdable then the iast time z;uch powerful means would hareto bgavel, such a long time would be demanded end aoote eil age strong will 4::4 tut part a the United Notions, 14,4*tt otnt all4W4imiblit to be peatamlutiOt a tiot contZM7ft it ie-ceitain theta to /secure peace, there gill In tate Nitwit; to investigitto k)ermaal lltariom rmis 1.44 also Um militaristic etty or tAintango Lot6i uot tberoricre tie re.ieduoation to the conjuncture ivent-0 sed d* first Wage firm*, by ecceptia$ the thosiS taat 14 I* net stuttieleway *fp:lipped to fee* the danger of palut le tI vieUoricus Ao?ionx, ounecicius of tro.ttAttiie 4V1 be their tortorrow, bo prepared to fulfill Lao to* of orsom lag Wip. lonmitigstion of kivemaA !utters on 411 ftal2e4t *WOW. At i* tikt obollisrOt 44amnay w4lobs dcuriA6 sad t*SI *414 bort* to ** 11444044 the opeonomio, finimaimI0 y - 4.40.14p, ?Jr4t, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 social, ml,itary, geop3iiidosit histalloo-politica.1 ,ermu4y, etc, witt ell of its tAinKing az d program of expansion* Before even starting W reeducate - it is necessary to know tho Is to be reeducated* 1?444 Prof. Or, U. Potulicki vecretary General, inter-Aliied Research Committee, London. itasniagton, %iculbsr 16, 1944* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 75=1=1:4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 dminimmmmmmmimmmmmmwmmmm r.zst ?-!.."'"1""' - " ???11OVID?19.11...111???21, *01.gltr?Pat...2,- ? SiSRATUE RECORD SHEET Tie la* 'nosiest ity **eh ISO moan rateipt of a TOP SECRET document, aeltt 444 4e60.440e,,a timit4 to,t .4e" VA4 %swat 41,stiot fReelemessi *iv Jr ?Z MI- ger PIO*, Milo:kite at a I Mtn /KW? rim? DUO elm*. Tees2ess le riPapeskitibl* for tit* attacked TOP aterwr 'loci:moot white It i9 ittratekOh4- t',410 %Si* Oftitis sr Irs.seti. On reseipt al this itoeuritat from another TO be 011.11164rt Mt* :ream ea wU, aec-erctieg to TOP regulations, a acb perno stile *OW& %b. Aselisissot rirte lelkike its (-latest* are ousimaniested, snot iga *el th 41411,0 44.114 tae rittilikeiekkaL its1**IVA thrs date 41.istV ?Asia of release the s2alezsi sy1r#1,4(0 ,1411, Mit*. This daeleatat *ay lte shown oaly to persolts ant hc,r1re4 itte *Mk IGO* MUM?' awl visa kris reiviii011-tt to ha:ow the informs+ ion which i: *act 40:400,-tottstea2y siltarjecl Ititk the Safekeeping of this doresent by the ISCIa lair )*set attlitit o tokilviestikle %Ad se1 ritturn the tlocusent to the tMee Welit*at Ott* ' rit....4,,,pkit , $ COltrier Receipt No. 4t I , Palish Ow offite) Tim laikliisetiee4 Agoesaies Oarammoome..... Registry u)arf tve Aomeasioa *at,: if Office or trance.: cae-lisc:w.44y' Logged by: .44 .11,1?????????? gli,:#1414t* tztOtt T ose RELEASED I)ATE I tHEE 5 ??1 1 INTIL3 ?????1?61FQ ,itto 010,. sip on -,0$2111550h% 1V i) tfk ? tb t Poo , ??? goo4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 - .1: 1- tioa7. KIT 41- fel; --. ?:;* ?4.-3".? ? . e, :?? !?-? ??? ?. ? e, ? , ? .. ? ? . :72Pr 1511.11111111EUMEEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 t sEET first rst rteveii.ea a TtiF SECBLT loc.13.;ac4t ,Nave? ...161?Miszinaitaratteransbv:rawso., weittatt.2.4 Ica t ?rowtrom,?*.oto.,04~0.4.,...0Awftamp. tt.t1; VW' ZAL;liziaa. 40i*. . t." f kr"04411PE ; 1 *mull ??????????????????????????401?????1 4,1?131111,1404ta.Worls.....100.= 4-11"4Zit-lq .?r:'" ;;?? IT tire .! 7119:' !Mtit,WY ctitiertterfa 0 tt Ls hereby translierrti into te toisporary c tie tod - 04' 4! t4 ZAF!' fiat gait etRiVillte Orneitt it* ted 1).14vat ark ttb.alVid vti-th cull rasp -5 a I 47txr Ili* if OA latsect rar,tcaitt ia obtained frort anothor TqC.O. Acoord to i70-1,irRifikliLiEnOW31, t rt1450 o retotive n, TOP SECRIIT doc? ,T115 etist tavista41440t bkink 141F.7,--VlitillT CC RUT* 4.2rart 08G f 1 40$3Cad act **Cm 8%4:4 1644*'- Pcraaunt t4sa1n- att4olte0 to t h e o Arul 10.411 tink106:, 3/411 Ai 41*-' 41, tAvativrt of it* **et bntween ot f.cea or Bre, ur:b4, -Z44 s' 1340 *link r*. *-r* ot to d oe tete t ii1i eo-2 e 1 4it'a 4.n n4 4t *4s traft..itted be tweet TSCOs on17 by. Off 10.^ -Lgtiii* 4w 194 b ...818611.110?811???????;.0 la! as, Nto ACCE, .S10% 4.....tamt,?0110.M.M.11 atfixi_a_44 LO(11511) frtrt I? ;;Efic44't kittitio 0061, kittlt.itglAQC 40....0.4t?trkr Iowa S qt4,101A-E OF fle0 0109A1,10.C.i.414.0611, ileet*Elpiail*OPHItatIN C 11,-;!' j?-? . , ? - {-r 3 ?-t; te -,1t?s c= "t 1141110411.1.61,?411111WillIMINIMIOdratIMI1104.....v.iremese.....s.- g'ELE.At tPafrIALS DV:- ? 41111.t...? ---------atIc.......... ev a to,0 ?????? larasv..04-....9.4,. C...,r,.......,,,,.., I i 1 1 .. 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Donovan &Woleott Setablishing contacts with Catholic units in Germany for the atintestactoe of social order after military defeat or the XasisQ ..* The inevltable crushing defeat of Xitler's armies will be followed by Susi-directed querrilla warfare against Allied forces completing the occu- potion at Gorsany. Mist resistance, too, will be wiped out, and the Nazi gmper.metructlre of totalitarian government will collapse completely. its rennamt,s, probcb4 mow of its arch-felons? will by then Lave crawled into hidivirs? from xhiCh, to direct subversive activities against the occupying forces themselves and to worry an a reign of underground terror against Germene oallaboratiug with the occupation authorities in maintaining civil peace mad order. The administration of Germany by the Allied armies of occupation will it the vary start be seriously impeded, in sone areas completely ob3tructed4 by the water of socia/ unrest accompanying the downfall of Nazi rule. more Use 12 years of absolute regimentation of Qerman life, and of ruthLess per- secution at all opposition even in Germany proper, have repressed so many otoonter.ferces owl accumulated such a volume of hatred, revenge, and the like, that O. loreakieg of the Semi whip, in ignominious defeat, may likely be the rival for an outbreak at bloody retribution and complete social chaos. Segura*** at any other considerations, anarchy in tiermany during Allied cemtrol should be previmted, ar eitigated as much as possible, for the reason that if It become rampant, it will add to our burden of effort and casualties, mill prolong the occupation itself, and will be used by an elements to dis- t** estsbliahmant of European peace and lawful government by democratic ewes. This poses the problem of Identifying and of contacting individual uermans sr units tkat 41*M les absolutely relied upon as nuclei of social otabLlity and 44 supporters of law and order under Allied control. gy principle ani tradition, V* Chrtitican *arches stand forth prOminent in thie regard. rresent concern M4 be de meal with German Catholt4s, 9ho in 1933 represented approximate4 ooto-tard fot tke total pepulatian uf Germany proper, The proportion of Caelics moo even Larger in oertain parts of Gomm; it was approximately 70 percent ZS Revitrin, 54 is Soden, 91 in the Prussian province of nestphalia, and 67 per. npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4Ji 1 I tY? ???-ettr4-405.00-4 war Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 cent in the Rhine erovinte. The 1935 census for the :Aar slowed ev,t. ribout 72 percent of that population wal.s Catholic. the population of former .-.1.189..ria irso. also velly large4 Ca.tholic while the imposition by forte of veal anti- ;;.athalic idecagies an the one hand, and on the other the suppression of re- ligious education and of the Catholic press, the expulsion of bishops, the imprisomment of priests, and the direct and indirect persecution of the faith,. ful bay* undoubtadAy tended to reduce and weaken the relative numbers of uetho. lice in Germagy? nevertheless a large sub-stratAna remains. This 1,cd-rock or Catholicism cast if prudently supplanted, be used to prevent or mialtaize ciril disorder* &Id te ftrther self-administration. 1.- The foremost difficulty involved in the problem is to establish con- tacts with most careem14 selected German Catholic leaders and to work out a procedure for developing and supporting staunch local units in kiermagy many of these leaders, both clerics and laymen, are in hiding or in exile. A8 a first step, lists of names could be developed by consulttug with certain uhurch dignitaries in the United States, and ether countries, if need be, including the Proviacials of religion* orders represented in uiereany. Such a list would have te be supplemented and checked in the Vatican City and Home, and also in eme er more Catholic centers in Switzerland. Cirect contact with some of these Cathelin reugees from Germam as for Instance, the Jesuit Filither auckermann in Some ) Should prat* helpful in developing lists of reliable persons still im Oommegy? for properly identifying them, and for obtaining an acquaiatanne pith their activities. trot among the select vexes, a certain number would he expected to work Lit close collaboration with the representativea of 0 S 6, in order to develop tko nicemsary ears and means for establishing contacts in Germany and to give rirstAand assistance in the preptration of materials for distribution and in properly 1indootrinating4 and equipping thoee who eventut,14 would work in Cermagy. Workshops for thee, activities would presumab4 he located In Switz- er:LW, et lone, and also ill conjunction with Military Inteiliglnce and with Siblk, I/raw:owl Advisory Comalusion. 2 Gelman prisoners of ear, ascertained to be Gatholica and carefully seleoted om tne heals of trustworthiness, might well yield a fund of infor- Mating concerning who's who in their native cities, towns, parishes, std ileigAkewtoods. Such information scald of course be checked and orosa-checked, viltk Allied Military intelligence and with the Gellman collatoratora,? Sample Wermation of Ulm kind could first be gotten in P 0 W tempt in this country. A tamitsravd mars up.to.data fund of Wormation would become available from prtSonars takin in the last stages of breaking down bald resistance. It- Tres* &II the eources indioated there must be developed a register of prorsama# units, and gromps oc.d s %/Allelic intelligence directory" to guide Is* IA 10,10.1Ng tellable contacto within Gmany? This raises the second questbn ; 44-001 _ _ ,? ???????,,,,,,.s.414,4441440.0itio44,,,44 i41,444,441,4.4UP, V,?4"?* tiks, ?t+s, " St *4* ';e4:Vit f.6 . #ae - ? 41 ?-7 ,s? ? ?z-",t p.? s4- tt% 4 .41 s? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 aZ tbe prableal, that of selecting oar representativee :'or the delicate thak ot beennie.g tboae cohtacts in Germany and of further dispersing our influence. &parlance in the field and in the preparatory "workshops" must be relied upon to give the answers. If our own group includes Germen-zpeaking chaplains and Military Intelligence officers and if the refugees to be acquired as co-workers vill also include both priests and laymen, the persons best suited to each par- ti=lAtz task would tot be difficult to selec 4.- The substance of the program of developing support fc,r the Aa.lied occupation authorities on the side of German Catholics, and the plans ror its detailed ft:striation 5. must also he developed in the workshop stage, beginning immodiate4 after the first consultations with German eatholic leaders in exile. that to do and how to proceed oat best be determined on the basis of carettill vtairsis e each rogional or lac*/ situatiou. --",???"'" 5.- The taxes of refervnce itcluded a point about German-speaking personnel, inelwiking siwetarT-typistal, for the American groups Surely, Military intelli- gence ftnd th* Civil Serviee Commission could comb the Liolotrnment Vepartment8 and aguncies for suitable material. Officers and chaplains stationed at 9 0 W camps **mid also be abie to furnlaw names of enlisted men or women viith a speaking err good working knowledge of German. induction centers in certain areas, as in the Riddle Mesta sey be expected to furnish additional material from which to *elect the sere promieing. rer the litmk in E4rope, it mill be advisable to allow for additions even to the clerical staff from seletted foreigners, Their background and their mere intimate knowledge of current Zuropeen affairs and local matters may prove isval.mblei to the American staff, +7 4'41Pi4 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 - ?-?"' Declassified and Approved For Release,2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4 : . " \ ? ? ? I 'e? ? 4.4101441,4"- 1 4'ft". .4. 63- ;2-242 1T=.- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 a Declassified and Approved For ReleasTill.111111.1 ? I...1,4,1 ? ? ,2{* L. ? t - -? 7 " ,b* ' E: ?*- , - -? 7'. '?er ? - a. C7 04" / (17 ate- v. a, ft Pt. '".??? - ? - le ta. ra - ttt. 4,4 1 Sas *". if go ,tg:15 , a, ? '7..4. - '4" 4110111016". 4.....;."44.",,`"!44:44;4.4.0?4114*. ' - ' -0* ????,i1,.??;! 4;5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 4 4ik k;8.-tr,4 I. ? 20, .444 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 0 1 Ire .11.*A 1 /41 ime? 46, rr, r? ? ?-? 4._rf .1. 4.45,161,6.1.? r 'he t-4 /X 4 1,51 r yo el '2 reir. .^.41011ft .14414,0- Vt. 1 444,4.44 44.4,1 - - ? i?- odor' eA e is .. , ' '? ? ! .;,,, ? ? ., ?'...5:;; ' l',/ ? 'r d'? ; ' ''' : _... ?, I t' , . I, , ? t:?...: .'?:'0'..!, ':.i.,:, ,:",.,., ? -_7?44,e 1....:1---, - 4 '.., '...' ...-. :.4:1.1.? ,-.4,',..'itt.'.-... '- ,.. 1.,'; .. 1 ( ' ,' . '!., '''''' . q..11: 4 L-. - - ? r.?.: - ' 4.44444.44.1 4,44 4411111111010 f 419101Ilit Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ..144,7,....?? ? VO" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ek.pri? ????? .1\ - ??',.."*.f,?????????,..?.7.! ...,04,41t4i?.44.1r* ?? . " I 01R ?-? .S-,?????&??? ? - r9 16t4fACOr?s",,,.- ??? ???? ? ? .? ? ? 1 43. 1kt. - ? - ? , ? _.? . ? , - C. ' - irt ?- . ???-? : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270008-7 ;,-?--.-.7. "3- :4;4 ?e:: . : - ,7?':. ,,, - ,,.... -- - , .. ,..............._.,..c..?_?- 7. 4. .,-_ ilirl';'1-:' -.';';'1:17....A.7-1.-4 -? ?,,- ,.-.1t il?-'''' 1;;.!i- , -x.4.:Ii7?''...1:::-,, - - - - ?? ? , -OW !7!::-411/41fitt: ? ?L