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? ? 1,...,4%4 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ?A-rtEr .1?111.747A,704--"*.7.7.7172-i.4a-em, - a r:41707 kttil? :VON .z''7.--.014114164irkht.n 4,r.24a. ? .;n1hrt1111,:tlattiegi 5t:-g aw4 C4'14 47.:,,;.4.7.:41:;;174?....*...1'. , V; ? 64 . 41'? ,? ? t . .? ? ? ? 6 ? ? V- ? ? ? ? - .1. ? ? ? .! 1' ? ?.'" ? 101. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I 411111.111? 411IIMIK Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ? 4. - MEM:1.7.. k4c6r. ' - ? &Wt. g? 'rektr' '0-Pf-16 Wic/ifltWAIMV.glattXtotilfaViriF.mon-lf?-diNVIEMPEArinnacigtANMERREVrangir s?.s. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 - -Le-) ' '1'1041,0 4. wto-Ki0R01., ?;;;qriVite_70.01Y10'41;,WItilli 1 " ' rO.M.P ? ? :top toy,. .41 lolt*Vitir ?? ? . , -? 03%2.'0 i'.43 ?? . . , ? . ? , ? . ? ' - ? ??? . ?iysl ? k , . ? ?A? nti ? . $' r -? ? ' ? *t. '?L , ;4 ? "4 , : ? . ? , - ? "' ? ? ?? :; ? " " ?? , ? ? ? . . r ? 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OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICIE.S, HONOLULU I T. H. 011Mmirrikiles^~11?11?120010041111?11?Momill. sicraIROPIFICK MEMO 1W. SW* taw MU. ja ismorm 1111, Illasstar 41114 16 kola %okra suaRcr: Mimi& admessee ? DATE: ri atip 3345 e j ? .? =11 Ws soli. will eine WI _waft,* oa B. W. 40100.14 Wei km 'b vow Its*" iffiloir =Mt mil ea awe tilik Irsapooft, air saimia temetaii ..4104,tath: *tag Ailsawate emilicommat by kr* et Ma et ilatem* 44! r '- 911 ?;' 'it,' I ? 13?C- 4'1 tiossitiiis sow "la oNe:rjIto - k ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Aim 1.45 MI airerlisa Ota gislicr Arm AOSV, AP* 14 At asmo7 at Uttar raosiveld 'by Gen. 7ismorirars 4,04Sit. ifourigat *romp* IlUest litooliesaisalt lilt** toii lambor of tho areszokiit So 400404eerx Omit initlia papers to, row ihrottAt aeopersttron pith U4, t* toe Ihteentihre Dales hes Informed ease Nieevilli be *Motive 1 Aar* Itt 1011141 bgopreeeibeted it /Ism ()Mee Ito Seeretariet latmlikood et the aotion aiatisoap? Per Ws Mae. actratarlatit 7 ( a 9 ??? - r _ 4 ; ??'?;"' , ? ; ? 1:17:;????L': Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 - " (trittifinal,, in. Commendation rut, lill~"."1"1".61"..."""`''' e?IIINVAP .....ftsk.ftg I' . , -41$410.31441*4.4t, *4. d'a I ? ft ?? 41... - to"? r 0 v.* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 .1....ismerimmagn ? romowars Walt ki1.4 410.A. 111-4-1' r, L?0-4"4"1.0.4 (Ni L 4 kr- *N-A- 4/'1 u tivelk cit tAt A 111? h? /1,tuaLve Orncelk t- M14.10 writiefAsoweerioGiskiioggodem 04PNE440.410?411.10k44~..104~111?0?001W.WWIIMIlgeelOrdomisa+ms????42 - 0, ,214.41:4r: e .4..arrae40111*-4?1,44*.etiii,".tp 411....4.4440, (.41, 4...ac+4,...m. ?-.,.- ? - VIW";,00044+ .-4-71:44K40%,-ir,acuryveizair..-.= Arril ' t r ft - ? - -,,i' - ' -?::, -- *4- - ,.. .. ? 'i.,..;.?' 4.; ? -7, 74. ` - ? . ' F,' : - :...:' . ' ?,.. '."-1. ' ? :,1 t, .1 ,..'.. -' ..' r. ?..... 4 -_ 0 `.. . ' L': .,-: ..;...,.. T. ? :,.e? ,,,,f. " ' " 1"., ; Z.' ' "??? - '-'''':.i ''''-',4 -'--.?.- - , : .- sr47' :'-7., , ? 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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 - :????? . a 1,-17000ZZOO1-0001-0000X?1,c1C1-V10 I-Z/0 IA LO 3Se3IeI JOd p8A0Jaav pue ' ? _ :Vkjet :Tr AFiC17g, ? ? c7 - .;? ? - rr; - + - ,,Y!t,-.411F54141.1.a.1-,;01:44,,,,24? n le 2 I 1'. *1,811r 404:, f - PetAti4110V 44 p09404L idIfrs ,uvin10044vow400 04 *Ottougl 404 vtit,titit404* 4001110m-40 mOu7Ino4 J,M444 OPAJOR iluoiringsrOvitl 4440 A1411011 twiltill $1104OPt- munI00 il oil PAM *4 Pt1044*. *Wirt VOW*** gem* Anon to*qo 1J*0400 tmoiltp *4 *umintoo oz uT Jogirm MIT^ vemisollaco vos 014040m oft ...eybrimeawal 001001111MAMMOMMVsgialealaa~pb21.41,0194 i0000/01111161~M N-4014401Por.414141 g- ( 4-4rwil in t514)01,411,1 heti 4441, - `7"vil 16 yrinol3 CI, l'ilVev Iwn "44 sv rn) ?vet tur"3 %lave rvos.?1111 to' 1011?01010810.00111^0111~11111 WidliON?11?40??????rtmaelaalilliihosal. 4.0 VS p1 .j 01120 ON uoist000y Inn CUCOn aNv DKIZAOU -i7000z zoo i-ooni imooxc dCW-V10 sr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Me Presidio**. C$8 Soord et ?fritters DATE 23 hay 1P45 iitovit lit. Col, Proaten ILAwn. iliiry Roproartitatives R ? aranoh SiutjtCr: Promotion cot Lt. .b 11. Coombs and Charles J. /Molt Wise Any Imglistioae it will mot be possible to promote the ubove- anned ettiesrs at tide ttme. se wither his had time in grade suffiolgent for the !sepses, ?heir dates of rank and of administrative eligibility for pro. maties te the gm.* it Certain are as fellewet Moos* fiat Rase ts of lank Datt.21.1111010AV lit Lt lot Lts Phill & Coombe Charles 41, Melt It is the Widen it this Drawl' that the performanoe of noithor of thew ettieere his haeat 4* euteteading as be 'warrant their promotion above the eeserel ether Wiser, im the *sash having eemparable rank and reepoasi- h43441 Wen the reguletiem time ta grade has bees :seabeds 11 ? -1?=. anri Anoroved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 egoesomiumuskvei alicktIQUARTIAS. ARMS AIR MO= wasulN9rott 141 ? MAY-L44$45-4? Cain Major Geearea. 111ilia", J. Donovan Direeber, 011ie* et Stratezto 3erviees Itaettimeteito D. Co Deer Geearia tteettvant Ia steepens* t. tear reqsast that we write to kr. Visoom? Dirsistor? gar litAbilleatIon said Reconversion, on Opp soblott sif the *T ii et It. Charles Hitch, a lettiorp eon! ef, Alt* is iittaebek:, hss been dispatched. It *valid be great4 appreciated if Lt, Hitch's reiiksala via be deltoid a* indicated* Sincerely youre, Cop, os Lts# to rine** ;4,1444404104,%tAusym61 JOHN A. Brigadier General, USA Director, Joint Target Group Otfice or Aust. Ohba of Air Staff, Intellissno. ",. Ic 4, ? ? j 4 -1-. .,?"...t.C" 1TML, 1100.91f0treft latili1111110041401!1,41000101,,J-C4II*313444,11,401,,,...3bo,!7,,4,....1., I" .0?,-1W1!;,-;!. 4, I, 4 7: .. 4713, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 emenninemac 5 :e0R1.4, ## livtimitte derider.* JiJ Itihr 6 1945 1,44 4- ?.:41?-? 111,11 r 4 - ??,:k ? . ituiss*;47 $11111311a , A4 t411101. ttc, 4111 1 , t. *iir40410 g 1 4% filt ASA* fit Air 5 0?r^..04-2000: - ? :771' 4.; IsMairato 4it%' g I. 'elf .t4 ..I. ,;?-::". , . , .......?, , -A r ?,, V. -4" ? r-? .i.t v L,..,? ? , t ' 4 4'.,5= i; ' F ' COW IDS In " ' ?.11?' fie ::rer?-?-': Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 oiliEs,r1J , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1111111111. APIA am *red iith? Irlikoos atIlos ot %be 31611001W 111141kosidot so* l000loueolos irweimoso.p. So JITlkt? Maw may 6 1945 illoseoel MU* 41. Dasolorits areeter, ()moo of Stink,- *Os kW volpiobtil *A lie wit* to ritIg ft:ma mt. gigabit - ' it WI. fropaoltiltir it Xoki 1?46 Cheidoo IMMO* lib? III Iailllobao astiber 0 ow orgiudtatioe ifitii lie .400111641 Jit - Itiwit wopmeotbaitir Arsi impel tbot oir 1101 prosba trot* 4ION Moo io abowiloill at present gat is tillmeil istibot ti , *isnot latimmotites no tilt omissiii *I Is ow 10111111*Jqsi. WO maid :oast levy a** Stellsoi le low Ito iklibele 4, tido On* lik to omealitepet MOW prebabilo Moot 11111P peek lost AM bo pew* ~Vie bbo eosomr est int would op& 11001610 14 woo* V Oda es* aid be. I Wowed ter too or itayho soillio? vogrshe t:nr- sopplilog ilhomool Deo Wen 30* 411POT be wog be familiar ???? ? , Woore#41, ipsetrao AO, ? 0111110 MilMber 411406,4# Aitati %mot amp featiot of =Ur retoo ; A ?? A A, ' :u4r4qttw. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 A' ? - Release 2013/10/21: ROOO1700041IIU MEM 0,01.801111.001IMIBIA.I.ImiVt.....1.11.3, ott. , 4t 11 Vey 1945 Ars hut Rama MI,* at ler ibbilivitioa Auld vemttan 11 Drs 041 Deer ars Yisioa; I heft your mutat 14414r request,. lag tits servides of LU Char:Las We we sa44, trailille to the 7eizt at the tome eertain spools Act 4gte preeetilly itativo in, *wadi= with the war o4lit asked. Glezer.1) a tie toLutrgt I. , 4 S. it . ? it v., / Ct. ? .347' s11, owittit _-? ? ? 1.0.1. 4rf 1,410 / ? t ? , c y 14 4S, ey,dt. Adf. - ?.! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 111111.1.1111111111111MIP4.mm cie Oeseia A* Santora Zirestat Ad* !cep Dattlauds Rom "sbizietaxii D? diar taelsowil Sueord: 11 lbw 3jAtit5 Is We bow is to sa, to the very lizit isiOilit2' funtiehilag persozma tar linget Croup, I an atreid. that that limit 11411Ei 2111sese4 blame we hos Alrotteo given. N pm sim that val tan 1I *wet and we have uade emeskt61 tige ifottiwit at tiag wilek in the Par tut moot se *mot go beyond the fa- t!' &Log with you.; Rolm ava.*.ble rt Reonitergion to to14 Ida the (politica .n ? r ? - 4:Pe' st ' ? , ? s, se. s d ' :'?;? 7.(7P.Igg ??,.';?? .." ??4-?;-, gut ? ,-,, . : , 7.-. ,:.?,...y.,,,...`4.,4?-,.,, .: .,., -?,-.:6.-4._'? "., e 1.',.:=,.. ? ,--,..4-,?:! ? . ?e.: 4.41. -. '''' --4- ' . i :,-....., . t?''',V;z4, , ,., ' ?IP . vt4 ,. ' - i.1; g , .3% .'''`.? . 7 .,.. - -L.,?zit..0. -..4310.1.'4'44. ":. 4..:?6a_ : ' , '.1 ' .! ., ? 441111111100,ILD " s ).1.? ?LI.; Diractor , - tadz?g?, LT 4 ; ? q10; 1.f.Z = ??? F=".2 For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1111111111 INOMPlik .NOMEMMIMPIIMPOIMMEINIPMEMINN Sleftellita.V101111110,41%, PION Mernt9randUni ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT O'Gara = ateautive Office DATE 9 1,18,i 1945 =vim )116:0 Li r.3literd Martin of Rkk? atension 763 wanted to be called When the attached letter arrived. I shall odl hi* to let him, kwit that the General re- ferred the letter to you. 2. Ile recently received a letter from General Seaford, head a ite joint target Group (to which Lt. latott is presently assigaed) stating what a good job I .* sat doing and asked that his rank be raised to that or asptain. A azua t bit? General Donovan today fill:41 aro Ilertshornet of Ilikk Branch/recommending 4 that the amber of peopl* we make available to the :plat ?i Group be liatted to 7. Lt Hitch was listed et cm* or these 7. 411 ,,??4 134 :4?? - 1; + ?; - Yt) ....?,?.72 11,5'1 :?I 5sq ; ? - ???? : ? ?-?,1 " r- 4.4 ' :??:7 ????;:".? 1-414..5 ? a.,f4,..; ' `4" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 nommumeni e- " IP Kr, URA le4rt roe know about IUD ???? ".4 - '' ".*" '."....."' ''' 1"4 '4."e'..A....41/01gitP.F....???????"4$14tre.i...* PL?14.M. ., 0..." (....k.444.,.??? ? ? . 0 ???? ' , ? .1,t? 1. it ar-v ? ; , ? 1 : 1 ..: 5, ? ..1.;.::',:l'I:r-? . t ' ,- L ,1" s' ''' : . 1. 1 .-' 1,'..,., !;.., ... 5 '?!!', "--.1 . . ., .? i - ' " .. a ). -;;.:, -,, , . ?,;,;:, ',...-......i.?,:;.:: ;) .,.?:', - "-- ,, .... ,,,-;- , ,;-r..,,?,,11,.. :,,? ,.. . -- ,..... _ , ?. ,,, _1_,, ;... ,..,1 , - ? '. - 7...1'. ? '..'" ' ? ? ? ',.. 4. ? ' i :1) 2. " - ir ? 44'7' 1r --?,),:;.':)1 . , 1 ? - ., ... ,: , 1, + , ,,,,--, ? , . s?????;-ff - ??) !? er) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 "1, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Dear anneral Domovan: 111,th tlas tormtnatioa of hostilities in Sump* the task et reeosveroice becomes increasing17 important. The responsibilitlea of this Office im the days ahead will be greater endI am anxicem to have the best possible per - *Gomel to &moist me la disehisrging my duties. Ton have ce your staff ih the Office of Strategic Serviess, Lt. Charles Utah. It background, including the work with the Pleralag Cemaitise of the 1hr Production Board sad oathkixt1i Ahrriman in London qualifies him admirably fee Cho limportmat assignment of advising oa price and wage stabflientima policiee. Tour CCOperitiOA iA releasing Lt. Met se that we might utilise him im civilian status wyuld be von' much appreciated. Pleese be assured that / would at ehlop this renneostvrithout earefully considering the need bar his serviees in this office, Sincerely, J*rasimmeal "SWAN J. 1011160114% Ildreelior MU.t Stratotsidi Servisos 1.4".11.4 tveli..1134,46"144 041- in? WA a ail, ilk 41i - :4:to ; 741 titICE , 1.1 ,-,,,,.141-*11.4s--- II44,404,MP 0.12Prgvittip, ? 4e,--'1'''' o :??? ,-_ .-, , ,..:,, -I! ,-11-1,' -'? - '''' -';' , `g I, g -1 '? ' -; 1 --,?;":1',..;- ''''''4 2?2_ '-', ,, '-'' .-,- ?P ? ,.' ?, ? 2 2 't ,'''., , ,''':- ' '' ' -;- ,". ' q gi'? . ,: ',:7.,-,i''',..i '.? '''.- 1-' ' 'i.: !..i...,',',!-'!.--i - -'? ' '2 , LT1'-',; -Z fit r; -; ';P .1.: A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 01 C.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ????????????? asPliT111) MAY 5 194.5 31333Cift Practice of Officers Major General William J. Donovan Office of Stratitgic Services 25th cud Z Streets, N.W. Washiteton, D. C. L. lit Oetobers 1944, shortly after the Joint Target Group ma Tweeds the Office of Strategic Services detailed Its. Charles J. Rita and Philip H. Coombs to duty with this organization. 2. These offiers have rendered such outstanding service that I ieel yva should be so informed. They each hold key positions In the Group. Their application to their duties and their high quality of performance is worthy of notice. So that you may better amderstand their responmibilities I * enclosing two statenents imodisatimg their exact duties, 3. beerms147, Iwild suggest that because of the nature of their &tiles amd reepemeibilittee it would be advantageous to all *ft* Wry each to hold the rank. of Cnptain. 44 I ateo would likes at this times to express my appreciation at they** fine ooeperatiou eccorded the Joint Target Group by the Offi** cf Strategic Services. ,Aa?ve,,e9 JOHn SAMFORD 19-gad'ar lenerel. USA D1 op.o . loint Target group OffLce 01 4oat. 'Mei of Air nail, Intelligen00 4). f0.6. atosiiibriefirf 010860.10Pe 411901004 maw AO Mot* Itomonsoortile mia a di Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 1 1,-17000ZZOO 0001 0000X? 1,c1C1I-V10 /O/ eSe3i3i od panaiddv pue Pe!4!sse133C1 ?It+- -"?s' 5 r 4414rniterottll 41rIPS$ Inv ;41 3611f.) ?%tiv eattto 451-140 4?214.4, 4tit44 47a0 ifsn Tommie, pvei ;TM on V d *411,4*ot $11 uswegswidde oreadmo 1101 TIM 04 in 00400 ss oitiotia se tiesebit4 *nit iftlemer WM" I Aram. uoit 41011141. Vial Apo 1110,0milig 11142016141111 *14 1.11001010 reslOIMINgiadim 4111001 aisviet Aws mkt veto 0.4i01. ris amain . *Mgr eir41$ lor _ .410141 AN nog kw*. 16.16.11 411# ell 14110.$4111100"elleo leer ilialnom Mon lerapi we Nortispolia? MN Vitt AAP 011060111 414 tsisti* aft ve snar ii n?1410.41610 del* islizia Wret .114 alsik$ ttVio. *Mt *5 'V gystairions Int 4111.4"1/ IPIW "Or SVIMPagOt - 016411114 Veasele SW 9 Ara sauna 310 esirlismait MOM aututtar 1,-17000LZOO1.00n11.0000XCI.c1C1I-V10 /O/ aseala ..101 panaddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI INN - "430141 .109.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Lisstonant Hitch is the Deputy Chief of the Physical Vulnerability Section. Ai* dutiee are as talon*: a. Gemerel: to assist the chief of the section in planning, sopervistag mad directinig the work of the section, and to act for the Wet la hi a absence. Theof the Physical Vulneril abity Sectlem inelado: amal3rods 4,te veinerability of Japanese targets, eoleetlee of the mast *citable ***pose for attacking each, estimation of voiskt of attack rewired, amd assessment of physical damage and eompoia eiffectivemes. fa:owing attacks* The jaassei of the section asamista of eighteen Arecr and Navy officers (ranks up to and including major and limetement cemmander) and fourteen senor civilians assigned bp Os Mk* of Scientitic Research and Development. b. 4weitille ditties incliedet (1) nasolas at special, studies and projects, assignment to personnel with section, and supervision of work. (2) Writing of important section reports, particularly thee* requiring the collaboration of more than one ealbowatettali? (3) liditing and reviewing of all material prepared in section prier to publication. (4) Unison with. lcomemic Vulnerability Section, to insure that Isonside awl Physical Vulnerability Sections ono ensinsit standiards,, methods, and oriteria; and that asither negiests the contributions 4f the other. (5) Yisproassting the Physisel VnIrerebility Section in seatiltallasithether sections ri the Joint Target Group, ethorlDiwieleme of Ap/A30 IntAlligence, and outside aosiada* with skis& the section maintains liaison. () Miele& Unison officer with AMC Project AN43 en etrestliweesses et incendiary and mixed incendiary eciplosive attacks, (I) 3pestial stsidemes (in methods of analysis, planning of .ata.) to Weapon Analysis Subsection, rospccisible amolowis of weapon effeet4wanews following attacks. Applisetiss it iriemt4 in ATO (wIrvero Lt. Hitch was an- is, simile work) to liitirelosces problems in air at tack 0.490014, irotm T 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Liostemant Coombs is the Assistant to ths Chief of ths Economic tiesmasktlity Seetion* Nis duties are as follomit (1) Prepare special economic ailitat7 studies to be used by air Awes eommands? Joint Planners, 4111te. in fonsulatl.on of bombing policy snd program in the airmaragainst Japan. (2) Assist in planning and intograUng the research and ammlysis of individual sub-soctlons. Rillid4W work of auks. sectious and in sone instances undertakes partial or sompleto rovision of industry studies, forepart monthly review of analytical conclusions reached end ir-elligence of significance racetred try Joint Targot Group* Alm* periodic review of progress of airway. against Jnpasi. Collaborate with Chief and Deputl Chief of Section in prepszektion of reeonmomdatlson on bombing policy and prioritise to 1Va1uatiom &Potion and Director, Joint Tarot Groups (5) amproceat Joint Target Group in discussions before Air 3taff, training groups, etc* (4) Liaison with outside agessies on matters of economic re. Harsh. Advise, om intelligence procurensnt. Comsat mith esti Peke resommonvistions to Chief and Deputy Chief of Section conserning progress and operations of section. Serve as Acting Deputy Chief on occasion and represent Chief at certain meetings, ete. (3) (4) ('7) KrafiAttefiwp, r,?50 fr$11,11,11`.?,4: ? ? il,"1:44-ot rt,..7. ,??-? ???? ? ? 't . ? ?? e??? ? o ?-? ' _ 1 J Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON. D. C. 5 May 1945 To : Major General William J. Donovan Prom Richard Hartshorne, Aoting Chief, Branch Sabject : Assignment of R&A. Personnel to Joint Target Group IAL _ _ In wiew of the limitations of personnel wIthin the MA Branch and the high priority placed co am works the Branch is unable to assign more Chan seven( men to the Joint Target Oroup. Any in- mpease in the assignment neoessarily would be 4rawn Zrom %be Par nast Division* If such a trans- ter were to be effected, work on JANIS would suffer. Therefore, tha H&A Branch recommends Oat Briedier Goter*1 John A. Usitord of the Joint ?trot Growl*, bo advised that 0S3 will limit its con.. Witt** to the JTO work proems, to seven men* VP* soma mon to tontine on duty with JTG are: rt, lussoll Derr, MR Captsin iward Spingarzt AUS ist Lt* Philip Coombs, 08 let It* Charlis Hitdh, Mod Lterlobert Dans budge Oe*rpte Shaskan, UN} Mr* Edward *pro Ofee444400e Riehard Hartshorn* Adting Ohief Retiour oh and Analygis Branch ' ?P4,'..-",?,:.-1'.,T ',,:,? - . , . - :. i. ;:"r? ,, ,.'".....7 ''';'-'?I''''-,...- ';-? ' . :. ,....., . . ,. 4 t j?'.*".., . , .=, !''',"..t",._-'? :; .; fi?ti 1",;..4.:', .." ? :-... , ...:.- `:',-' , , .,,. . 4.7, ,,,,,..-i.,?,:?. 7 . ..,, "r:.'-'",,,. . it ".. ' ' , ? ? -? "..i?: '''---.4-*:)272'.1-7"' ...:. 'Ili'r,:, R. -''0,:' , . :L'''''' _ ;":., ... ? 7' .'", - Z ,f ::,, r.,. ? ,:- - 1 ..., -,*,? -- .*:- *,:, 7,-, -, - *:!.--;.... , ,..r.i:L. _ :-r ',?-,,..1 1L ,,...,- ... ? ? .,,?.,',.;;,_ .. , ...:, - . -, -- - ? -24,--.- .....tvirdi,qat?k* - 414ii0 ifi4 F1-14A " = /r4 NFIEk TIAL (FA.= nat-inccifia,r1 and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 - mt.* e,,aefletli., ? _ , ? ?,;;;???,-, Er14144 C'S 01. ? gl' ? w. I - it- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 .e? ,40 t ?? f;,?:, , ri4 ????' A 3ot Itio4o$011 CoIstot Johoossa Ltis Dow loweata has me of the 5 September 1945 8 mi hoe Lbw awl' yam love ern' him grov miesitionsd ;gear Gulp IA this tossoction& I inlet You to blow hot Aeloci I. *a obi 1046 *Ail of tiospoioritit it does wool orsitt to 40,? ?:?1 = ? 0 , r- , f ? a I 1 ? r' ? Tanis* Donovan Director , ? "" lilt 4-; A ? .4,, .0,, A = ' 4??),??,,,,;?? ? ^,4 ^ =ur., - fP4,1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 4046 6404444006600.4 e.vs UrilIFTSO STATES CIOVItlithlhiltNT orrice OF SI RATEG IC SERVICES PACtFIC COAST ARRA VlErLeZT: Decoratioz. talas 1945 SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA TC Maj. Gen. William T. Donovan, Directoi, CSS. 1. 1 should ?ikft to su&est for your consideration that Lt. Col. Stewart a. :ohnsen* Services Officer, be ararded an appro- priate teoeratien for the outatanding manner in which he has per- is duties since he has been stationed on the 'Aest Cost. I shenla like to recommend the Legien of Merit eward. 2. In the thirteen months that he has been stationed here, OSS has green fram a very small activity to one that now operates =teem permanent installations and three tempoeary ones. Much of th* burtau of acquiring* building* equiplAns, and servicing thtse unite h,as been borne by Co]. Tohnson without assistance other than secretarial help. nis duties have involved aleo the coordination o eivilian personnel requirements with vlashingten Headquarters, OSS* and a rariety of allied functions that do not normally come *thin the scope of *Services,' such as hsadlinc transportatioill billottag* arranglice for rations* etc. 3. ais ability to locate and deal with contractors in a market that Ls acutely short of builders and building supplies ham tontributed i;reatly to the expediting of OnSte diversified casstoes# The rapid completion of various projects was due not oaty 'Oa the faregein4t; but tc Col. lohnsonis deteiled and expert kw:04We* of the abort cuts in the handling of priorities. It may Ile eeeurmtely stated that without this knowledge and without his Irive end great capacity to work zapidly and effectively, Or-' seheiduli6Ns veuld be far behind where tisey are todey. In the recent teaverary expansion Aftessary to servicing the. personnel who came to Son rrielcisco for tale Conference, a high meaaure of the nucceaa- fkil prirptcution can lee attributed directly to Col. :ohneon's "know Itot 44 While it Le na.ural end proper to think in terms of over- *IWO siorvize ehen reeommending decorations, I am sure you feel that the more teritorieua local contributions are wertly of re0- 14An *a well. 34 Thit subjeet %no been diacupaed Ildth Col,, button, and 1: X* to, viistrolasiting imat he Do proppliii?A friclOrtir ito You donneiniiiir4 Vele /IOW wry tato tf swards " ertditi wItiwaiened tit, IA* Coertimate. Iitted StAti000 ilitrik-ommox? ELY, 'Jr, A. 1 .1. 74, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 3X00001R000100270004-1 4 IV 3.110 11111101111. 1401611604.4 110.? W. Sow llaitst illeanots. lisesters Om. I Ofiiiallt OJOS Ili oloosist for roar imiwitioginkta thin Lt. MU** Mt appro. 111101101,*iilaktott hits per- boo silinimaid 4411 lb* MISS Coast? liailka *it iimitt. swot? .44 314 VW be keit %OM 10104340a kiire$ ass *T.,asuoill, *OM* 411. tillt cipostatoo sisit Was tespeouri ow? wok at bulLUSINg. 40111.011imp sad SOIFfistas Wigs 0016 Mom *One imalialesoks oilitto Vox . *no Siriglisi. 400 etooAltstios, lath tilkalik00011 lissilostrtsirs. Ilbon As an1040$3,1/ otop kistalies lieemsperststiell? t? , II o 0 pi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ? ? ? r ' I _ - r- ?,?:?k?g ,? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ?41, r ! ' *S4 *NW PtIULAtaoo oft/ ;,. 1: 1?5 ;?. 'Saw fir 5'..5 3. 4 i; ? ? 6 ? ????,' ? ?,:?? 175 ;???:. 1 = 7 ?1?::- ? - , ' f '1?": 717: ,";,f",-1",.., * ? . ttc-4".???."' 41' f - rhe bi.**01,44,0 ? Omit,' '41.0411* , ,. 41,14tavili'::ikadstrajor itobrlaonts promotion -1; ileaje OCINalthat QS tnarbed thi/ '1544, lat Sortirdr: tO kr* 0 'Gaza' So chikhomats prottoticall to 4 24 " Gy tab:tod, by thig, Ott/ OOPS I X 'Ahab sett a message to ;lot understand what addition - ).tioat thIa oat* was an old ()re, 0414:tr "mmuly; and that tiao at Meier neoessa27 dot/. Lia lag a phiptettatlo copy of Majo24 .randaded kr at that Colonel Girogor7 ' lastaiutiting idni to see Ow" _ %limit Howard) weft pato- %LI* Sigma in setele et your ill , ass wet* ovotadtttly ax:tranttoulii, $ ACiligrd Ireirttsd say more 1 -ants.* ' Iv? 41* to nitto ? uNITED ST 1 E.R.N 4ro 14niultth d-. ,!-,:,?:...,; ;. , 4, . .: , 3,,T.:', r,..,. ? ,. ? i ..?, . ..,....,, 1-1?,,---,.?..4 .$ L,'...;? .1-1, .? i, ,.:1,7 ..; 4 ? ,:., ,....,,A , 1-4, -,-, ?. , , . ,.; I/ ,..,/ ..4 A 407,-ts..4 51 . ..:; A .-., 15 .,..44 I c tr;'.4 eiliii.,',.4 ;tif 4... , --, '' 1. '??? ....-0 ; ;15 r '',?4"41. i ? w 4.- f ., , . - i''' ,f'.' '''' Ttic,'", 1, 't .FL'.: -;?." ? - , - ^ ?"' v Ilhi40.44-.. - A. It; I. ^ 1,, p .t., ...' i . ? -? - .;?, 4 '4 V44" .11;q t';' ? . ? -..?,? " 1 5?? ' .' .. -'Ir ? ',..:. .r. c 7. ? '4 , ...., f . 4 i?!' it Fo.-- ...,,4,4_,-,,... I - ?j-,, ?'.:" "tlii .',Z.".C.,:.? '1.; , > 4- _ ti ; rtru;r:"' , 4'0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RD Dr. Arthur Zokl 42 lest TM Street lea Yekrk 23, 13X00001R0001 February 24, 1945 Cabot at Start Ihrtgainer %aerial William J. DeelkVaik, II* onus et Strategls &useless illssibinigtoso DA" Dear Sirs Juriag Use loot week* 2 hove sbe,peatedly been requested by the 4.16 giv_e advice as to the questions a the seergiosisatioo et the Asetriau :Polies* Teo 10111 SIM ecoleeed a akelletelbtaii ootioarainis slob a plan tior itsrfisitisatiosio laeludisig the elimination of the Nazis. tiMalliW 4positailas *totemic** at polieye by which the sub t1 Apiiiiniessi at perileimael eeald be solved in a suitable tanner* loilideriting to Or 0141111.016 V* aro great satistaetieat to be of some seals i;ance 00,111411001i11 With solution a those '? ? ; - *-4 -0 ? f _ ! ? "0: - ? , -,- ? 0* 7Usopesal eith ala farther information wbioh you aritok - ? 4vi *ivy 'respeettially yourso Dr. Arthur 04111040100"44r * .1! .371,1` , ? !L; - - - - ? ? 2 -,;!.:?'..!?-??;-'; WAS h -????1?7 ? 7, ? npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ? 4:1.?,1 -trier& r Air f,ts hilt 1101 116114111411111011121M 4 ?? 1114,111 6411114441 111111811 tio 12444114413, itareeters Wise Strolisigte 3ervieee 2116 D. C Doset? 'Pressoust Amok sem tor jeer 111111114404M1411111 It 444 3A46 desoribiog ut resat* shirstiodi WSsa bgLth Mr Toro. otvliving *it sposital srusallitair girtbms et isleolligomee reporting. Z Owl lobs* Wan is anstiosr swatatioodis4; exosple or tho oespOrockirna saistlieg liolosson ORS oat lallo AN *doh Ma dn1oped argibegIIiMr* TOW people Ism eossieteelily passed on to the Mx istemostlaia et speridiiessl said tattellivosee value ond Ism Woos rimy ad 014141r It ouplelt sew lostikeds mit %obliques in torraserlieg We otter** ? aus?irfavo Signed r MOM.% 20110111442M,136 Ari: A 1r Foram,. ' ? vigaittai r. (0104,14wtylritikAA 4441,r VV?444 ',4?1Sige711-4#11104400,14;140Ptar0?,0,--4,...--PProfrhav6r-t ? ? :.?.;-??, ? ??? r - ."? t ? I ; - ???' 4, ?'?: ? - E.=?:; ; ????-?'; t7A1--7 4_1 ;7. '4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 F ir 4i2;; ' ? ? 11 - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Li.z --- 411' soff:' ? . . etc"; I 4'4 ?- '41.t .11t ? 1- . ? . s. nip". Lr '? tr. ` \kf t;].. r3r.. 4-? h?t - ? ? ?????' i ? 401*-.44:?svivit?Fwv , ? ' .?* ? ? . ;?'.? ? ; ? ,v ? ? L.. 412.. j d 41111Milemitii? 411160. - .101111.* .4 ? ? "Za ,4 ? . ? ?? ? ? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001 7") 1 Pow Mrs ilmemoso ia berelity loidir to 01101111111/411ktifin ISO lialrasour ISO elord two root* 1104pidier osooral *Om Pc4 *oat sar., IONIPSIV reit 110111441 War VOIP11111 1111 Sii.ANN *sit **At eihiplas. mid we* lia* mob soilq? moo 40, *is Nam it Illimilmrstais ow 01011,046 IWO* tit* *WM 004 ClitiM)*OW 011 .4110-00.6.0411*), Soma* ihirliks 00111010104 mum ,1100100. *OW AS. *WA* Tiot44. - 111?00/ Any' MU* 37, J 4.4 t.11 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 1-17000LZ001-00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 1-Zioio eseeIej .101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Nt, ; 4 eamilli 101.MTA 2 3 via ifiriolle *timpani ow pro mitt iiiv4 span ilitypisq mat isk veniemeitia* simakis M104,0 wow I **so Apo os lowswissiim i?ontisms ite *awl lopaips avpipme nig io ONO "(MIMS drtirokt*4 Lou leisliwa p err *WI* Mgt At eoftPundit NMI" WI loweilaii low4 Switi P am* mia *WO VI%VS04111004002 4114.14 saw awe ammo 411111, WIPP* NO ellt 'Wilt pahmilwo) simitarts Wit 1000 Imo* 44 alba .114 P441?AIPP mit 11100101148 "1114 diam? lig WOW sott *many is Off improwit f?Nii -1'.1. :: '. '' c--- ':,- 1:::1:.4"eler-P t'4. -,'Jtitr-?? .,.- '7 E43 ? J. Vi.?.; -4,11 + " ; ? ? A ? 04: 34.9r.A.,t 4 - ??? 1 4,1 ;Asti\ 1,-17000ZZOO1-00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 /o/o eseeiej .101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI I. I 't Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 1 ??...? 100001.0* 41pumidise mit Alat 1610101 MOM Swit 1140006? I 1 o it 4.til mkomr:40,.?.i ? mesa MA saw* lip got *MS In *wow MOW lb* 14141101, $10, ONO JO *ow MO* litisiotoomeo met olimaksid Illeow, mis? 4, Oita. ageows, asp VMS els 46.00111006.0 .1006; 11001011101010 *06 MOO* **1100011, 000161114 ammo *Mow 10110110 MON* 401011kait IMO mv. _WW1** IWNIOatimii* poSillik. *air NW eitiastil 4.04" $0400# '10 SotilMstruiplist at Vow y ; ????? . 7. ? - J-. - ,79 t. *:-?1.:?,:r ? I 0'?,1,7 - ? 4 ? - I ? " . ? glrf? viap ? MON $11000,01.I.im OW Nits At'A- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 I* IOU Om I Ma *WO le MP 41.144 lie Ass poolisimet leo soft 40 alese ist illoo AWN* 010011114itt wai tgr atiliele41414 lbw emor 1111111010. VW* *OW to itit embelimaluof aiiimos, II Oft* SION 116 NOW OS OWN tit osiosomitim also slop* Or asiliim ills Omi 1 sialliftek 1014W amo 101. Sikosit a* most Owl ? ,60101011 agessoligiliel of tie 41040010iiiIINkausaii00 MON et Nott i: tip alit *at tit OP INip.010,46 11101milit SIM alibi 1110111111.4.1100100111 WO*ii War Woo 4104411110? qiN111111. Wise moor ito law implor tit au *low tge woolomiss sis 411100000 loosli4.6* 01,11111101Iui isica. ,cii1 Ups t:iIfl? iiIOW itt 10100011116 ,*00*Ily as ism oil soistwaffisty sow 1'4 , .4r$t ? ? ? .???? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 .3??: , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 446 I ii lrTflriIpersmarig *me WIWI taw $W" Ilia* 404 I 14.001 * Wier ft* eissimmile lasoria i*., ilaiistt 0.0.111iliallioke sid amp aft ovirosis Z moi 4.04011114 000 Pi ' ? [4...,r1toj ? ? 06; a _f? `--,614CligNe_lehlestaLV7,,attv-A, moo , ' _ 1 . _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 CCNFICENTIAL ' anaM ? UNITED. STATES GOVE14 41214.'"141"'' To Dtreetort 0.8,3* meg Swim AndrOW3 DATE: 20 August 1 45 $0401m Commendation of A&F Personnel Assigned to?Zuty in Connection with Mt Project *Xeshus* Also referred to as' "Project-G-217") . 1. At this time 1 wieh to bring to your special attention the important enntribution utIch the *sedated AAF personnel has made to the success of the .Toshme Projeolt. Under the commend of Major Stanley Hall, the crew performed their duties la am outstanding manner. r cannot praise too highly the spirit of 000peration displayed by the members of the crew in connetion with our work. /run the fIrsto each member showed an :Intelligent appreciation of the objectives of the Project* the high degree of security involved, and the importance of the wort to flower effort. Through his able leadership liajor Hall brought to bear ea these ohfeethvee the high degree of competence possessed by each member of the tree La his respective duties. The saw:teen of our wort may be attributed in no smmll meastre ta the cooperation uad construotive assistance rendered by this group. Oa 4 nuther of Odeftai044 tkeir advice *Ad guidance was most beneficial $0 tho alas of the, Project. Their diseretioS4 ettlelency, loyalty and fine sense 0 11,41m01141110 were outstanding throughout ii operation which required these Inelitte* to se anneuel degree. In working releilenahipt with operational and gnat perseamelt at 098t theme mea conducted thdmitelves splendidly, and it has beau * pleasurs lo all to be amsosistert with then* We hare boen most fortunate *Malty omd eempistmsee. in boiling bold mailable to the :0011Us Prel4x freemen or such outstanding t* this statement is for the swam Iiiidi Sot forvare on these nem' 1 CDR ENT - 6r2r1li4.6 6 , of the *emendation you have told ?Do -* ? JL 4-; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 * ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 OF STRATEGIC ARVICES orricua. DISPATCH ?-% , t 1' idepal.rsT IngizictrUmusicriail*S1=vicion=t1=======1= JWl.W.,?????4??-????.A.MAXANAIII IPPIIIIIFAMEMI?A?f-miteAmmeAIAMM4P/00~A,NKINA4P*46?01.?4?????????rsio..........to .....4????????? OPPIICIE OP STRATEGIC SERVICES ?????????-val?no?AIN??????????????????????????????.????????? 11????? IVO* , r ill_cRE:Gertlitt . .. A .... -'41- It ?43, ?fri. 4 fi:-.*1704,, ( e"' # i .-- , itteatietTomanueoromforeqfts. wys414"?if,e=imettikamstimitesijr li 46 01146114401Falogioitilialli 40,4011104 ED IN PRIORITY P.KAUTINit DPAKIIIREID UT1ON prl 20774 rOPt mpoiriATioN) DE OR CIPHER 00?41;44. _ SEIZM Us TO OWTSION0 114iv0111I7ATION: COUGHLiN, KANOY, #7381. DutluttstED U .106 1.10A E 4/113141Dir WM ALL CONCERNED 10 AND 441 .1 ) nontrai$ throltMTECt. _PIANO AVA_JIAOLE IN Om INA IN WH ICH - 'pol,firtty FoRTvittattm CAN BE MULLED* 2 0.029t$ NOW BEING LIWITA FM Use 011}NA., WILLIS ASIURES ME THAT CLARK WHO 1$ Wait ritittle0 111 cite OF EQUIPLIENT IN EUROPE .CAN INSTRUCT IN USE 0,(101WIATICO RN' PAO USE Oilka OE DONE IN CONJUNCTION WITH ? 114.1411164 SPECIAL Pt.A AND atet TRA I NED IN ENGLAND 00011) AIIIIIVITAGe. IN Ilk IFI44.1r INItilE1011$ATION AM) THEN IN ACTUAL PtAtlit %IOW) EMI SOM.,* Th_Alt iTHERIEP AND tf.3 HAS MAN WHO T tot OS Ot MAK E% ATM REIATIONSHIP WITH AIR FORCE likkle411014.4* ARO 1040110-4O QUIKENT0 NECESSARY L tiisOti ktf CORA ffilLI, OE AIWA MED CIY POLAK* SINCE NECESSARY tliVer4 ftt utfasoNto move AM) oug TO MANPOWETI 04UP Wiern DOTN MOMS ST Jr/ILL ne uNtsiEcEtisAnte PIM: RIR WOOS *at ASSISTANT TO (:)10411E OUT. ? : .i.;,?-? "A -:' -, : ...,,,,itiikat -4 ? -2,". c " , , pww, imigif . ?_... ._,...., . ? .? ? . ? - 1 .1ril.a r....., -1 .: ? "-?1--; .'%. qt,',1', I 9,1, '''', `11;?li,.;?`..? ?,1"2 e.:I 1 4 -.';'.',,'.4 ? i'' , 'r, ''', 4 11 t ''l l' .1 :. . - ,'.. 7 9i-fts i? 1 t4.-'-' .... ,t -i!,. Tr -4.' ,!. 1:'..1..1" -i,.. C 1 - P" 1?? ? - r ? , ; ;-? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ' ? 1 14 4 s. F 1 F- STRATEGIC SERVICES , MOW 45 ()PPICIAL" DISPATCH IREC'D ITs4 2 AUGUST 45 lirs4;0114447440040$8,10M11 1104:4413444M1404MAISINIPINMON1i44161144Q404=4464- isis,srszczr,sgzseuvr? SOL MON . ?': 4. ' ;Z. ' ? _ Orifi= or witxrealc stokvIcEs ....,?,,-.,.. , .. .....?......................?........,,,,? ..? 4.orecilirmerif......0.44144,-,eam.4.41.0.-e.n. r .,%,:r ,.....,. . , _ r- ;. ,. .,. I ...(eXtetit- 0..4 14.4.1elle..1.131.1misSa91141.4.4anuoilq.'4,4.i.,.4 kr ? ' ' - - Milk7103* 1.1* M11.11114ATICKIC, ISLITION ;ROUTINE_ -ao 2 STATIONS ON INfrOPMATION) I I ' .....?::": , ego..4.4**1141***Ilt,i1?01P11 *NI /10. I .... e.'14.;;;;-, - '''?: ?? ...'-' ? t?';1?'''.,'? . ?, '*?' ' - '.? ......,7:4, 8 4. --.: -= - .--.-,...p - - .."':-?-', 1 - ,111MINM4 : Meztsmissft.14 ssrtt.u.m.'lft.?-? ? r s.;',..ea,Vagaggegi4==ph.ftilgr. bn--M=7: CO.Dgi"IPHER ?."?40"...:i .41'.*;,.. ? r. , ?-? , itfiE "- ? ? .1 ?? -, ? ,-4 _ ?,? r ? ? c ? - '44:?.?? t' ? 1 1 r 4 r ? f ' , Piuc 4 etEORET OUT,IrtIAT r 3Y THAT: VAT Olt 'V+ *TO ?Ai grlit*T1 .A RAJ CRC T ?z44,F4V 4.? - 5.41;t1Z7, ????1 1.1 n 41,f 24,-.4;ii) z ? 7. ? ??:: 4?? /0 * ? ?- ; _`:.!.?..:-.., , 1' .0 ? . , - ,4..lf ? 71 s'4, ;", ,,," ?Ii.'-' . ,..,,..... ':. .. .' : 1 , _? . , ..c.,..i., f , v ,...4:1, .,'.? '4;44 .4.4:44'.....e''''"3.i*'''' ''' i' 1 ., ,,,, _,, :. 1 c ;.- - ?_' .." A-' -',?i" '' ' ,I.,,..,:rlp ,,,',- t' " ,' r II; ::::::,L ,-1:1 ',.',4-, - .. . ..' -.4..t :.,-4?47 '??? '4'. 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' 'Ili:';:7?4.?:-%'....4.' ;71 1.4 ? 4g. 40.10,0011441" Ofirt01101 ,. ? .4-41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 '44 ? glt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 mommommorums? ? r , ";?.- ? - ? . ?v.,3 3 :.- ..-tt I , CiF ? it,. 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 lialeitiialint I think rat Hoy istireeted.ji ifew notes 044 spestal aeamoVidit ereter4 of tutelliatamt Iva:tine *doh reweimedis enothie mewls of the ecoperation Waimea tile eielL C. 2tti4 4tratest4 dive** 1 (kA is lame tie Craw turd SLaeacri. Whet xi- iatio *Perution with the essisollease et the i5*L4 4r lone durinis the dosing mato et the istr swum* aeltailif it 11,04111a VilaiMibas nor toca,?tor leilltimaiso at erir desired cimitit late 064114r tied Isionsio ot 110 Verleatilits u4siperice seourity moo over 'dales, taloa ma*T tuiPlisat eurvimm ed et moo mate sal eslispeible hit pow& *id then is no fliereulanoe doomot disteetioa Com* ArM sed end *Lek aim it IVO r h $j: Be W? OO Wil gritt Ise I; list mita* 4410114 tott ?+% - "?-? efF: IL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 1 lailar. * ta t eGiaitiof coding Is lakires* %P.rvole* ipossmadoottioix p---traito not *drifto the wat oar tortoititt istellrigooge desired bald lobo it Pftikiklift, *OW itotetoeo to ritteifit requeatedth itormstiom at tooth atitk tidos et the eietkalelkir coUrensation are seelaKed ibe gime for pang*** r acatirtiall end. * Owl* as the t4editi ot the stwisii opetatoc? ooutailt Vitt toot *izettes* avar (creator yoluse tint um sterantit *re of on trawntivrai011 under mesa elnwassbeeetielp It I. :14.1i, 110*sita* ;Car a alum in tie moma a * owniat* it the ormiliN ma* aiectiort to mike *Mt ow a. Nitit imam wo primal& .4" ? 4?4 tub. *owl es uatior grombill n tlimi 40000sito 4.041cotAtti.44. *mit so %Is et Oft leWit 411114 to, 'will% the tit= MI, aing tkazz fray titAfloontaetto dr onslitioae) 1-g ?-? ? ????' , e f 7.? ? ? 4e4f71,11'=",-. - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100270004-1 , , r - E4 r ? ? Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 t 1 7 intworted !brown VI operations lor Prinfittiag owe quatitimi Ike pertieigets in this exaatiag type at 4,140 emit* outfitting the *mutto bonbera each weIN mot far 4,1t la IVO asesseery epeeial oquiractuta iseikating eceptito amp vitas" aeoonsient* interwoustimioasp time apt.% ithreetioni1cstami esti iinwirmay lights* The Met auseseetsit opeention with, J'A' ebb imp. eat ibvember 3344 Mit en agent plxioed in linlamie listossa4 alansav mei 24 Alta kiea Wave Zit tom ewe tatioineed direelar- Win 0.0044 there they MC* plaasit seenrii, taitturee entated two at these teem Boas 'Mint. beize ietedos Idissiom sift -bstlesti 19 beak ail & pritle aftiglitlation tealaieiiz semetionelly good Iona torta4. Sala Waage 0010? tat is *loots *44 t i$ Wiih;ofirthen, Mosien but anet of those nom erepOioaelv txtioduoid ulmotta ram sot :forth iwpeetitionel tail tomtit the Oirnamet el spa* %Sbi $40 iiiiilamo* of too WNW. tot cor to tail it Amid* 1?40 Pot almostioas wide tio14 hir the - ..AP4, 4:02,4,44 crtti;",-- ? , e, ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ? ?,4 -r+ I - '-?4;:#'13 ? : t ? ? E'h -r- ? , ralr, Ar, IL r';? - N-' ?,..t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIAI-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 vita 41,3oI is euvectild thAt equ Nina ail fitteilitatt tat peatetretio4 or such difficult tergeta ass tem* anclitaula itaa Ustin. z ???? ? ? w? Wiltien Jo Dononz Director iftik4VIA I 0' K.: 4,4,411,f"., .stotIrret 746 ..-, f 1 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100270004-1 LI 1:11 7;14E4'4 C. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ; Ito isift thio ttrwatioally axon when at la a Ow Am L ia the air rsoctivi the followiste iii4741' ?tiosa itbassA oakum trot ago Umiak turesuintials deleted trio tamimmr401 '-.1.-i'f;4?77 I a :41 - ? 11. ; roved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 t;I?5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 ws tasked* ea eyewitataa remit* tl tatioa Was kit De attiyearterdv truffle IA the iLr.etj0 of tbe oh um halted and is parakyzed? and dodge **lag attsek lisilheiza. wire bit" Oat !he elroraft plant *Usk Imre teakiv a to was nearli tta- no with tho %au, the piano dropped to /*ea the fteillaiLA (Wage, The photographs and delivered to ii 44 The tom of ? After urni the vitt, .r 14*F1P4kr-***"',We'Aktie141* +2 ? ?? p""???=.1 Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X0000 thilijoalit *motel. IradAir tlawatzlestioste Zaploved In En liftmen,* so iisasiveava et Ittorastioa far tbs :ant ttes. Odes et Siteft. settjeolis ail 3 Pasetristionr x ammer datost 15 Ittm 15150 v r ; iwo no rim asiesrassti4 Veretioatil use *I' a *Mid grOUrblieir aritall Or *Aim sommudeaktata tier IstaUisetwo marts VMS Dade br ails* eleet oaths et to aserepotut wiz* Ittio equivocal, p4Nrreeted le Ono is 'UM at TA Chas a esaer)? In *alai 4peration it laviait a vsbiskile asit ttal test veastrattiost es doeireid florth odor Writer ilte beam et its M1ft7 4 p.rier asu4tdues. VS ii toperkeet eibeeisopa ever wirkitese tolormior mrteln sped to apigssai eurrivit isr the armid qt Wines 1363,11M1 0011.10111111114. am Otte peihisimistut **ft 4 eallepoiMo NW* lam Us* twit pots mei Um Is no sauce esti Meld* ilisiorC diteettem enowy tomitte#Ing is tolmvall Vol eat ikho aeletetive beW4 Dattent east ISSitibalatit thib te1301 hear the signslik alfr rtty1 t ' simessiby r*fai> 40 tit the, 40Mti aa tt Mite* IN:001bl* la low itiMeo Visk -v ? ' 4fottlitterc- otakaat **X ittroottow V4112 111)4 thIrtki*ItSidert. tumiga titirVigt. is etio maw* fir sigeja WA* th3 404* *A istc , ?;.;-?;- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 - mmonimpieempliv 011RIPa 00011Wratiffem atla le :Matible tO train 1.1101 pfeati spot I* hoor Imre et etasimak lark * *Writ period jraellise oesseelistitag fettat the laelle* the air oNtretar lust bow et airesterit *pretties sat flying eeaditionsit exi sot posse= sikvateel eat papilsalaiiiet ttiettees or tbe hietest order. no ipeirettime by vrovidiss. *me 41113411*d to miettolvebe tat tide sesetiss tip with (ILO *el air I:Witting: the Ileestite beim* were nest tie TA is itkn with noaegtore7 special eqdpeal. laelatiag *40.141, cams irstiaso mizond4try ittter?niezw, ems applismo. iiiresitise WM.* ikell emertsmy 116tior 5cis fiat* *retina with was sicomlishieo amrni 23114 AU ea 34/41040 BOUM a :al aid emu: Imo qmstra; feetutris szattliti Wig itattet,44* 23 Zit asoWiaittou rat 411100001. *toted* Ward 1110(esi AMMO) ietorre4 it the stud. 14 $0melt V* tarot *reit synT Lein look te 1psoperstiouto itristibu use iat US in farTh in datai 1.r 10E:rui ix A. : sI4* tista fte t44* fobs? use vsistrilbtrion ? . ? or Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 _ ? jr. e .111C.41.:TT:ftt, . , . ? 1.1700OLZ001.00011.0000X?1.dCll-V10 1.Z/01./?1.0Z eseeIej JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 11. ?trim Imp/ ar114 Woe* tioNr *It MOM *4.1* "J 014u0 *IS% 4110100Ii, piq4 acqviltx * 41 kool Kw it 4 ail igoaftar Avatiorkt ig immt-4.1. tiorPL %INN API 4x44 04 4 \.? .1 , stil sitisitioro 04 TPA glad pgaldien atm pa* avid ese Ii poi o; gem on wrap' romp *or fie lc* atlx Tan Wort tri 41: Arpin ktolow * moot *RI pint estriulsvj surpurs on4 ea* saafl to Judi* Oitozrd arissiod icruti SIJIJ , Asortmi: natineg org 414triTt** * motor isTamemplettt) -q-op vt? Alert Ivitj plepea .01.4 atiPsorM PokiTAma eql tT 11% Otra rzo rip tlotpt triunplitup cut Tralitit* wr foci, jo Si ? ? ; 1.1700OLZ001.00011.0000X?1.dCll-V10 1.Z/01./?1.0Z eseeIej JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI - ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 irpwrwmgmerra w STATES GOV ER.MIENT Acting- Director DATE: 9 July 1945 mega Secretariat mom Special Ground 'Air Communications Employed in ETO 1. Submitted herewith is memorandum for JCS, same sub,ject as above. 2. This memorandum is based on materials made available by Mr. Horace Andrews of the SI Branch. It also reflects the advice of Lt. Comdr. Simpson of the Communications Branch' who was primarily responsi- ble for the development and use of Joan-Eleanor in TO, a* well as kW. Willis and Capt. Ormenfiold of tho same brench. 3. The memorandum was prepared in this office by 1/110. filebard Goldman. 13, I. S. antack Oa t. A.C. Repoli Offiosr 1,014 t tt t- 4 - neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 fa WW1' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 OFFICIAL, DISPATCH ak4Dm 25 ,Apri 1 .190 RECTO kompionewasimuipoufte????flureciks.pargame................... qr?!1.1111.11111100.01.161.........1?1611 LON1)0.1 ? OM= OF STRATEGIC SERVICES rroOlaworoyisoo0010.410....0.4~111.10*-.6.6.1 rre--? DISTRIBUTION Iftwomoopoomwoo?mokaloopteopeol........N.1.41m.YJIMONOIMmoNIMIon.....Rio scossottasoAcrsola Tot ettssankrosis ova t S time,- doe 0?1001101ffairemoillibliimmiomimammommul 4111111/0.0NtiwIlitINHOINSi arnallt4 - J - 4:0 ,? cos., 4 o.laor PRUMJITy TtotITINK DIIMIRRED OUT 9? 62. DIRECTORt SECRETARIAT MAGRUDER, PFAFF, reastramosenewistre-vig?axmazorrrimmaval=44,_x SEDN CDE OR CIPHER to 3466 fro. nutchescino Thanks your #24029(IN 111210) anitIA, Am passing navies to field tor' that' costeltd4tratim ifflaiujtkirce uTtrlocal cirowastaneem? somg re; progress Mk* irbo is on his ray but under difficulties It* extra procauticsts tiOrt being taken br our adversariesie SECRET pwrim - 't I ' to% i.t?tr+F , ,t"1.12:?' ADri K Iff 610111?111A010141,3" ?M4n. TO1cO IIPINWeig MI OAKS 44 Ma igalICTAIIINIF I ;:i? - ? ?'. 7, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270004-1 CLASS.F CATION SEC 11:t. sNFOF