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rFfr V7S gr, )ii$11:4 ?:15N-At 4-41, ECt4 and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : C IA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 ??7, `Itsgr'ilitrig:rtrirsi4T919S4'1* ), grfiethSagi.,.rZ ,A.:1,1,14,,,!- ta aiERnyigay z...:;tnya-0.3%.1greifV ' ovy.rw _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2111.111.111.11 ..,"[Itl,44.47-1,,,ti.4. ? " I_J.? T. rr. , *11 14/7?icAi,Z 441. 40..r,p0 ? t'??,' ? nt- ? ? "-t?P;TT.48?'?4 ??-?i???7;;;' - ? -.71 '.,q!???Y? '..-f1.04'r' 44M- ? -.11.1i.?V:.45, ? . . , : .10'0 ? ? tirrAreNtli 4y, r,,110.4 Release 2013/10/21 : CIA -RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 ????? .04 `Is likrAy,';?4'; 747.1.:.;7?741. '43/4"?.;?.8 . ? -111.t0A0.1-.Ai-.- ? ftv?I? ? N6. 43-0 ' 7.1 "-" ? ' ?? - 747.1' ..0.14 ? kJ' !? , ? ? ? -1, . r's ?tirt.. ,,Fito..,,.....,,v.ja, ;;. ,. :77.,.?,.7-7-.7'-',,,? ',,A.'r,C,:io.8-'71,:lf,??(:te....., . , 17,- '''''' il"!* ???!s?' , ? t'???? .A.:,!.a..? 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I. ? e rt . . . ? , . at???? ?rf?????811.,???41Z.- 4'?-? ? ?"-4 Vt." ''?"?'. ??r? - ' ? ? 8 ? ,...0111111111111m.- , I ? ? ? ????? ? ? ? ? ? -.-'1' 1-?;???1 ?- 1 ? ??' ...?_ 8' - 1/2'. - ? , - 1/2 ri'--aaaalat ??? A ? ? ? 4*, a .???111111.1.1111116.... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003 2 ? ? ?? p. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 ; 3,31, 6 3 wire loft% est tete f; gree .. 2.1 LIN114.1... wt., e ???? r e 1 ? 44,74: 4-" 7-4^ etto2ot A," j CI 3 AA., - ? ; ?.c - .? ? -A. ? -",- ,t! ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 6 . t'r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 t444 kor "NY 6 15/ ?A. S.` Cr' - ? ?..,..,-,6fototetor.1.6.6.--.6 I. ;.4z6ti*IoNr.! I 4 A .;.;!.?, Declassified I ? and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010027000Artimerm tee e ii 0 1,41. 4.0 .? _ . ; ?.$41. L? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 Fon* jou WOO 7 ...... -iret ? ? - Diroctor is Office c /4 iv re to mod, e II -15 ? ?F.11.1:4t4 " - ? I t ? . ? :t ?I ? , - , - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 rose Lintemart Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 Lt "10 taCiert. 4 i c. co tu*Et?t oioaeopt Septeraber 14, 1945 Xajor Iemeral Wm. J. Donovan Director, Office ot Strategic Servioos 25th and E Streets, i. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Sire LC the following material is available for distributioa? 1 wish to respectfully request a sot for the Univsrsity of Oregon Library: JANIS Reports of the Office or Strategic Servioes. Professor Warren D. Smith, who worked with the 033 last summer in the Far4amtern Division, describes these reports as being cminottly useful for ustiveusilw work in the field of geography. Because we ere anztous to strengthen our library rosouroes in this field, X ate malking this request. -,?V4VU It Sinostrely yours, esecii ,?, Clarice Krieg Aoting LilDrarian 00-1/44e- ktilie'4".?1? 44L\Niel ? ---mc'",'440/4P1,0 6-5* ft' rlith, ..W..61443 Petl, f: npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 ? , .? _ - ? e ? -.4 ., '41 Sr* to:ral Joao* 1110 Silre0 Melekoled}ro WIN AMNIA! Joao*. Juno 1946 1:4 %be atoomoo of Olkoe *wax I n aoknowlodp, Lail yew lottor of 19 WOr 1,46* We approotato row offoriag your sortie.* asaiu to tbSit W00% Sprovora so wo oro roduolag our aotAvitios Swirly?* sari as 1041 luwola,ourOusi of ooploy000 roturulas froa Alio, to vim iso oast Oro tarot ovaelOoratioa for othor *Wimp milibbi , I regret to totem you Mot mug, Wow oo to the poSolbility of o poolt4os " Tow 10,140 omiros# So kepi; is our aottiro Moo 44 4104oreat la ua should a suit- abLo opporlowsk *malt, 0, *ow Mows dots* r- , ? " ? ? ) ? k'??? Stavoroly yours, 011414141 $s ODOM Aosiotaat Strootor ;IL .t1 " - ? ' 14P Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 Irk et -tt - --- ':- h.-4 - : ? . -" '1.'4.1 - --, 7 - - ' --,-- --?(1. ,4- -_, 41." ? 4 . - -"...L` ? - ....", '''''' i'" '5 ci.. fi- 1," ?f :_ .P4,'24-- -i,1. ?/-- - i4pi;?ig :- ,. 4- ...,' '...'.? 3L--;V:e - 1:, -.,?'.''''-'4_* .t.- , ? 1' , .. t?-?11-. ,.. ---i-G-__ 1 '..=-- '4.--- ? '''' , ,-.-, , - ??...- "i , - - .. .44_. , '' ?,....... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 f." 1. Subject wee employed for OSS on 28 My 1942, it width time he had been cleared by Security. 2. Subsequent to employment, Security reosived sdditicmal isformation which indicated subject had been in. volved is some shady financial transastions. No adverse reports were received as to his loyalty. 3. Oa I March 1843 subject's employment was terainated im it of umfevorable security report. 4. Oa 24 JUNI 1943 Security reoeived information that oubjeet was doing "too much talking". There is no litleboilation on this statement. 3. In view of the foreving, 1 suit that rabies'* should net be rareecisysd? 4, Attached is a suggested letter to Mr. %Tuck ter your signature. ."`" ?'''''-',"*".1144*NakollOasio?Afaimeutitiftl " r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 CV 44, 4 4,i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 , 03$ Fare 4.151 %! * 21 May 1945 1????1?110??????????? MEND Mr. Cheston requested that you look into this man's qualifications. (ArdiY/filr (ye' I 91. ?Ince of the Executive Officer ? RT (310111110 ?Wesoit.e.,00,440....04.aariasiarekawfoloolesisiraiermainompOinglIthiMIMUSAVINAUgrieiiid 1/7"/ ????1?10 V6.? ? ? ..re ? ?-? ? '"'"4 L _ 1/ .14-tvs." C ? `IL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 eia Prague Restaurant koil i MIAMI BE:ACI I ? 1.1 I u P;1 Itgg. 41::? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 eA4e4e4...C.itt.c4y ? letig".71.-bAVP-4=/. eode-e-C-?) 4.41:7/ feef-C1400 11 4000. . cipLicc itsZet f JCtL4 A. WE, D. J. krJC . if eflit"" ? fr.:41F, 4ez4gaz. ferz.,/ it-4e +Cie ..e-e,c_ie,cAreze..4 _- ? .7,0-4ca4t- 41&-2-e ifeiciLc 4t*..e.e.-4=0,11Liez.-44.46dif . teeei c lopeA. ) 4..;P:eC4C3 jeC.,;11.41 Q et A .1 e 49.4i . t e*C-e: &cede imee,25, ...o-dr--e--c-ee-c-e Acir !OZZL-Irikers-ce-AQ. ci4a",ezze., eirZcz.er.4e 4c.,freA: 4*40 . ?Ca-23., 016. e Aede de145!,e ilerALCABI6. 14Ck:kie I. i2Ao , It e? .c.eZ re,11C? ez.aie .79-16- A if=-44.7i?..eri . 0 4-enr:itions under *sigh as many as 50 people live in ,me room, the numorous cases rhoro r,hildron .?re forced to speed ..Nelr days b bed ( 5 to six In ono bed) tcr want o. clothin, they ritY0 tariaently? tax:tiled what the nctual situation is Lae. And .`J;:villy thc:i.r re pert eesistaat.Ly eet ars to the terrible wintcr last ,),?our; which drastilly reducca 4 tblp nobs. Or tbo populatimm. A.Z.R.L.L.L... LA.. F 0 R A fluz,2 a,lilitice to tho above report; LI* World Jewish Congress has reeelved information elm on tho fall:A.11w localities of Trnnanistria :n3 Qf April 1943): ;tab ottavortrstton camp. :La the Dcz)pArtment of Jugnotru. 11CC people, c onaid- fimi SU39ike ilatible are being dotainod thoro. As :I result of beartag beep re.r1 for Deny months a diet con:listing noluly of poisonous peas; many heyitdriato pri,so,tworm viotima to tho dreadidisease mnrrovia c1ltd lathyrism. Thit gatiall'etelot:Mtkvi tal3 innorta are, pasnlysis of the legs tInd troubics witt? the egilttalrAtrAnerv arm*, upon thid diseassoehmes indeliblo mariw. Wapniarka; 19 httli 2Cet pera4ticri and 401 tn tho early stagon of tbis =VA (oportoott at Ttacirt) i tt,e sit? of another concentration cnmr which is ov4a wIree 4hown the one eit. Wspniarka. The Govornmont of Trmsnistria itoolf rwittoetedi that speallel help be given to thol doportoes Unfortunatuly. 'the' Menai COMIlli cation are rrautioaily non o-aistant; and it Is vcry clitriaalt to *Oa 114p to t 4** titaarai (rleipt, of l'ulein) mar the River ,3ui,? the daportoes work in a stoma iqlictly rimier conttiticans, worse than those of a chin gang. They Cad not ritelft Wen e*ovicitt ration)* Letiar on, mot of them wore dieorteci by the Gormans te taw** twend the Bug for ettvw pittli. at letter from Galilean, on tho left shorft of tio 344 rerAinit4a. that La filiar-oh en4 400 'tchogrite-illio porsonnt romainnd of P11 Vie do- 444 fete Th* IMAM crwl ebildrun were ,rlifluidt,,ted.? The letter; oigned tifterb Cipurnowits Ordoluttio 'mist "Hap us 1 With grnntings from tho gmvo.? jiLitega. fThrOt* JugastrO owe ISO deportoon from beyon0 the Hug wore brought back trourtiogi guierdart stilititry mit pas good enough to of.:'or thorn omploymont, iititat 41' wet* then b*, longer limo beings, ui,et/trying, wreAched shAdom of wht.it Frovi water, 1 9 in thD Chtelenovkim region (Dnpt. nf (Jotta); 240 people - p III crphetait), rind oight men- livo in formor lot * tow 0.1.0tastlit. ol 100 grans of hat-ley flour daily. From ttis 114 a &NO rwitheut omit whleh dOed over a tires Instructions tuivo .141,0V toi1P etroort tivit this "c&mp" ontiroly dissolved and the WOW b* $41,tt bank to (k3ltrto le not krown, however; wherti4r thin 40064 0,01' -,}trWAsi*.y oko, lo kw. . ? - 1 neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 1 1 Ma= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270003-2 Awn mannwommumimanummum 111111111111111111111111111111111111111010NOMMINIMIIIIIIIMMINIONIMIllifil zusixa!muniLmausiliali"zulashate41111110o,Avuouraus, 4. visksograp$10-a Moir Utter T Z1 11.7 Ovid fieritombecr 1901 ? Satan lotitiar IT of halo 21. COL fitli *wis VIMICI011iit4 tby awl Suggest:1,0ns 5formaikeat roa to b. Ulm Ve A1 Oocupat tem Sy tho X1stLtPapreattiviathtil Coatittee 1 Ife *It Jim*i,hvince it 1912 OW44 Cicall?Pilobt ? .0440.00.1pani .11twelailio .4 an. 1k,acj.1..Ablrog4tion,dt otunt Cretnivax tt. ?Vetch ReprvsontrItAvn actimiLttoo Ai 1! etankt4044 tlacrao ; lh 11'ib LlioprflamtOlve Ociattiatt* (PrinimIt) ? tioi* Imitir *a 1 to F4 'rta t0148 t4i1 Sittatiq4 in tostkta Etorvaakiar with Com:writ* rranico 64,10414 (booed on. Itittors,rcr tile countrico) trinakitta* ,aarylit an 'Olio:00(mgal* fl.. t- ''. ,, ("f",",-' ? - '' :7'.1.' ',.,?,?.,."' ''''' -'''s ..,.. - ''',F ,:' "',? 1.? ,?:,. :..... --, ,-...,- E, ,,.., ,-..:"