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December 20, 1943
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.rks ' 1k4:1115 gilliatadaVattF170(P.A.RNOMAL? .4L.W.Uiff" Mr" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 , ? 'IV " 15,?to4-.4:1).tr4 NEI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 Wwrw ?.0,p n'AREEZ01174 1,1%.1. T't . ,1,7 _,..1tAM yvkh, i6111-1,4* ;oar weitivr,-I,L,,A- 4-3112F,MAIMIL9_2.9.1.assified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 Xi- 11019141.1glib 1?161M.1.11Mt :tog, .01p,nm :4: ti rgf Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 '"'144g)41 _mrazo,.; ',WA! 401 .'141Kia` rfgoireii L'Y'A ,`?otVatreifoN,,"! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 ?IVAi-011.4 *To 44Wv-4142, ? " ? ,rrr- IW 'MEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 1 - 1f4P14f.''-t ' 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 December 20, 1943 Vt. Andrew Jewor 1Fasterft Airliets4,44k Linden, U. Dear Vr %tavola, I acknowledge with thanks your letter or December ath, I hare referred It to our various hvanchos to determine it there Is an opening for someone of your qualifications, suggest that you keep us advised from Lie* ta timel where you say be reached, You gave are working, no other address than the aircraft plant where you sums, that you aro it in being assia104 to the 001 or after your induction Into the am. motpitah A ? .."9?. 144799.; Os rt:PAW , ' Sincerer' Your*, OtDonnell 4{' ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 111 Declassified and Approved For Release 201 3/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 vainmwompagoir ????..o.? tNTEROFFICE MEMO lirs. Marian O'Donnell so* Tbo Secretariat %Mem II DATE 14 December 1943 I have bad typed out copies of the attached and have reforred them to Colonel Connely for his action. I pointed out to Colonel Connely that the yoting man in question was *bout to be inducted into the Army. started to draft an answer for you but noted that Mr. Javor does not seem to have given a return ad- dresessittough he might be reached at Eastern Air- craft, Lindens N411 Jersey. If you decide to try to answer hiss I suggest that you tell him that the statosont of his qualifications hes been referred to our various Branches to determine whether or not thereia en opening for him and suggesting that he lump us utilised from time to time as to where he mlot be reecho*. We night al** state to him that 10Ik *Mai that he is interested in being assigned to vs coin after hie indUction Into the Army. iiWtki,fowsp,1 $41 4.114,4,-.4411. ;.? C ^ ?nrnd nr-IrrwAd For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 40.441 ? ? I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 * , 06 4 .e ? 3/124"z Prof. Siposs who is men- ?In the attached is a frienu of the GenerWs (he exercises with him every dry). He called me about this young man the othor aay anu 4L told him to to have send us ftis qualificatioas. Beydnd tills icnow nothing about him, except tLat am sure Dr. Siposs would not have goQd. roconmended him unless he was pretty Will you let me know what ackuuwledgement you wish me to maxe Direet.or Is Office WOO rg` .7" j/ 1) 46 ? 161.???,????-?,441. 1,11,..,,,??0041/1?11?41 4114,01.10,0 4 .4,4 *OW iAr .14+4 ??? 1.,????0 ??? ,??? ??-?, ? c ????., ?????? ? ? .?:. . , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00111151fillal ??. ?????????????? ???????????????? ii II ? Vr. ? I-. 0 S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 !w:11-10 ,e A I 0- reer, .irrirJe" A..., I.? ? _ t t's /IC ?, ' of '!".0"'i '401 I ? ? e -frne. e:I4Ve // , ? / ? , A d,41....lil.ki _ e'/.' e*(7t le _74feef-t-eg, I eat 14, k .- ,e, i V Cle.,1 ( 1' i 10 Jr, II 4rz-a6r1/ _e/7"' irr 4,-4.4rf I -et F. ? 7' e Aurer 4041.0-",-kte-P. er4IP 41,13. pliF040..000F000 I t, z 2 4.4'.47 V ee 141,71..e1 te ..40,94, tea PI) ez4-4"/ e .4.-?idet()". a!: , 41' 'Ay"' -10 15 J006-7,-,040 ' 7. ,( r, / ei/r et2 ' ,te 7 e?:? `/1 /4( *./4: /11 ). _recce ie ??," C-i' J7/ r) Z.0 - PI Am" ? ;116' H, 4:? ? / 4- CI40..{?ca' , .eelarngeo 4 144.1 (A. lef Xt t AAUtie-0,e ,d? .,0 teNtJ ?a pi 69K-62e Lo.0,40* -Z2ee/..,61eze--frceike9- /f4e./ afr4#. gid2. Efoitawitiood ,- , ee? 4.? 4';'`e (' ,(..e2eAvsis Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 33.71 b.1 C tie,3453d' el"'""t'"flo 4:?3,433, !et, *Tiatio:33?301133.334.3 .3.3314:+31A3443334. 304."4, " ' 3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 1 'AA Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 4. 51 ft.. aft losioas Cai44.,1 (it,: -7; 4 .1 ? - 7 4 4-? tor *Asir 1 .......... - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3ASIM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 _0 ? tol? 143., -4 ?*A. .16 ? rik C. a .rorP"- P LA. PgIlle+0001,...ar,err Or.! "fihigiumo ".'r? _ ' MIX*0141040simootcom .4,444,4 ??, : t ',* 1 Li A tf?-- I ? r. g ); . re?...4 ? , 0!, C serre 4L, t ot,st,1 , r rred ',?.r, '31ii.e ',..,'-i' 1 . ---? ; r t t , ?-? 1111110004PM4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 -0 1 1 ',Jet ? Z.- i'471:1rq 412. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 lari NOM 3411 Dump *It* NOMNISIMIS 44. 31 Daaarabor 194a Noorail Amorat# *bot" ler se 1243a 4101111111 Vit9/14 *Ulm a old is * opoi$ girUiw alled rea*.d Lit hist W. 111004 1411111 1???'? 4 .???? ( I 0 ???:, on.1 NI S. 04 Amato 11! tv?v? ' c< 14.1:4111:53 : POretOzi? :X Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 rern/ iiireJ,DonovAn IlplementPtion of t.redbu:'t7h 1. In order to imple:ent the Jedbul-irh P1Pn wLic''l 11-J IsLen hlterheat priority In the EuropeAn Thenter, the follo proc'edure wi/1 he oboevved? tat* Tem.ioror11:.? the follot:Iv fr,),10-1 -flatted in EhlrolxPn Zneriter net be flilod ladiested v-itho-Jt the spec.fic Qpproy!-1 of one or the fnliouri g (=leers: Director, Assitnnt Director or the Cillef of Seeretilrilt 1 r - 7 2 185 7 7 tc 45 b, The seven officers required of Commtinicent1ons for ths, Jidburgh PlAn 01,111 be provIded rrom Ito current Pilotmunto It Is undorrtood thilt CommunIcrtions clnLot mr-ke f4ny furthor 00111r1butIon ,trithout ImpurIng Its 1)peirntIne offIctcncy. 1?. / )1' 3.1 11 1 101 4m6J.Donovxln Directvr 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 Sztkila t ,..,-Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 urlsInavar -,--Pr-7ucitgle-23,4,&,:i ca__ .... INIMIIIMISMEW 7,'?:t. ..:J -,1 Date 74)1 -143 i _ Add ressite ,....,43,6/1?,gume_aciaid&Itt - - Zbel...??=0,14 tamaint? . .: 4 ft.5'1-)i : :543 0 / IQ Cot() lii -Ktqf Comments ; ?---;: i I ? ,rif4,,l',!;,4:'- , ,,..,-, , A*14?: ti_ t, ,: : r?:... i-, E . , :? N,-1 .1.1.11?1?10?011.1111.?* Date Rec 'd ??????? ritiV0.11.1.10?14irm$MoiNgonlAwnoil 4111.01.114.4?110101.111?WHISIMI 4 e??????????.11. ?????????????????????? Date ?????..M.Mideel.....1??????101?1401.0 Rea 'd 01111?11.?????????????????1111?NMII. 5 9 .aormifisbaWirdumgonimoraime SinoMoodt.il , Indicate action desired or th,ten ?r`..si'"e- 414 4 -- rage .C.VOZIO??????????????...... Maarke.b.0.114,111.109ullabidisairOloliftqabolegmai mariikaisloftsdiodararms.11441.68 I ' acerr.Stroodome.r4=0*......11 ????????????1.1?01?11.1????? 1???????? 6/11.4?AsiiorloWioibrillaftdoolame .todrokApipdhlmossoi.1.4.1.osios 1 " ? , fr_ ' ' t.? ? , zr,-? ? ; ? .4PtIPM~61.111 1.10.11PormitilkeiWiestOmial? " Ii : ? ' n " ? !Ramo. ...Patimiwiregommiera VIIIIIMINIPMMIIIIPPORNI Mob s Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 qtg-1 iJ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 1 Date: (4/f1T/14-'; Tofligr Put -el 1 attached letter from :.aj.3.en 'ral Gullion in connection '.0-1t11. Csntairi 0.H.jesse p " *Ave. 4.4.4 LET DtNG "*"P -'"" THIS " . IIAR D BTixToN liksimmage"mium ??? - ? a aa,a, t' yen. G. Edward Buxton Assistant Director ?.$ +. ,?t'. vi.J.4.totut*er-a.m.te,04.9.10't. ato.stat mat* ovoted,410." ? tellsOvIttit .fOieFt,-411400r)itgA. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100?21.011n1112-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 _ ? ? , ? .; ;K. . t - ? ? I r7. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 a - L'? ' ? 011fik kin 414 1 , JIMMY SAVO/ICC roman; 10.111011 Of' /we PirovosT 14MCIPHAL. CillMIERAL 7 September icadier Cieeterel J. Donovan, Director, Officio of atzategic 3ervluces, Washington, D. C. Dear tilenerill Dammam Tow 3 otter of 3ep1tember 4th, relating to Captain Co a 4.14:4SS4111 is before me. I appreciate your needs and au cratafe.i for the broadminded cooperative spirit your letter' reiroels. Discleaming, I hope effeciavely, any irreverence I me somstimem reminded in surveuing personnel of the position in 'which the Lord fotiad Himself regarding Sodom. I SA Sii*Z4trOrrirtg to morals but to mediocrity. You will vmseateer tiat knishes less told if ten righteous men could Too bleat it the city it would not be destroyed. I SIMS- tiSISS AiliSit OM. with tan really superior men I could. eglikresim let* *soros of moire eons I need not labor the atialaty fatotiaair to * amns;r7olue experience -- suffice It to sag that Captain thaw .14 000 of the ten men to be *MU* it tilis idly is to be salmed. When he helps clean *)+ int0..3ob I Sisaye anotturt crying for his ministra- Wait* I nal, h000lor$ 'boar you :in ntind and give you f:irst 4111ko4em span hit asirvsticoo Elton I Can 'par* him. I il!SHMOT likee aaviinclo mid. I as appreciative of liVettitAimeis ;war iktei# has 3rioritero4 noe rLt r' ? Corillallyturs$ Allen 16 Oullions *lox Ginoral$ Provet Marshal Oanakals 111,01110?o.,?, .,I,V,ig11.1.1.+0;i0t1IMIFI.&`64 Pi *ft It, 6 '? " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/21 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100270002-3 ' ? 1 ???., 3,