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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 _ MP ???????? ? 6 _ . ? -.MOS , - I. s tett_ = ? s . -tta kt.1? ? 4?- ?:? ? ? r ?????? ? : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 , Ob's Form. 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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 - 14 41 78 " 444414 4". L-?000ZZOO1.00011.0000X?1.dC11-V10 91./60/?1.0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? sionIMP L-?000ZZOO1.00011.0000X?1.dC11-V10 91./60/?1.0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ip 16- 8/6 - 411. 401????? 4P1 41111111Eflith IP MI. I.*"?.?14111111111111.14111Lafta ioup, 774h1"lh assrissw Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 -411111 ?41 '111k. ? "P *14,4r. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 441rau IIIMMMOk 114:4644? 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Form 61311Levised) = OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES OFFICIAL DISPATCH DATE nly 9, 151,1 TO RECD f;T,./:-../rf, s CI iO FROM / re- 4,J j/44 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES DISTRIBUTION (CONFIRMATION TO ORIGINATOR) FOR INFORMATION) r=2, U. i. GOVIERNMILNY orricc TRANSMITTED IN CODE OR C IPHER pvelomerry_ !grou-nowic pertmoto fr p`"4 t R ? ) SECRET j52E;2.1, 109 for or Touln.in 1 nn thi, 37th of 1.a21..1?onth,, tho 0.1:1`4.ck cif the ::L :IL .o",,, or :c's ?.,.. 1. . VI 1 .... a 1 l t, ,i,r-.., 1.).' vfi k..J" j DP .,_.!" "IQ. "!:7-;' anno Ili% C, e f.,:-,1 to .1.; API "..1.1:1. in. cor,,r,LInicat,Lon, ... ,,, ...... _. .., _,?, ., i ......aa A . / , i :a r,/ 4.u/13 thltt t'Lf:: follov,.inr,,, ozn.! zat to:14J have been forr...1.11,:ttc 6 , -1.--, ......,,,..L-t. ? ..thori ty f).1:L,ACI:-....I.: (I) a co...4.1' t to o on :3a1Iran tf"fair...7,3 2) a ::-.,,u.,--(2,:orr.- _...t..e.c,-.,1 on lif.1.1.1.:,:i.n. Uporationt;, ar:,,:i (*,5) a'...',.. 1 rb - G d7.,.;:l: ; ttor, on l'?..)..al:,:az, "zirIlo'2? whir,..,'.._ ..-till talze, z.l.i.e: 1-)3.aco, roz]poc"::1-7(...1,r, 'or i'1) thc.. ?,.;or,'...-.' tt-d,,,,-. e..-:v. ::!d1,-;; ?.4-...!fcn,L;o, -to the, v:ztont to villick: it'is,!trit,c(..). LI.,-t,nn .f.n (2) 1-..1-.c... :dpocial Oz)crations ont.1 ,Sr,3iA.1 07.)oratilono ..nd 6nocii..13. Ot.)07,,L2,tic,:-..o -.,orkini,..; Conmittee, ac.. (3) the CotImittot; on ;Idminif...,traticn of TiJrrIto:?..es in tirl: Ball:ann,, Qn T,-,11,t; 25th of lact nontli,, *-."..,?s sent to .t.tho nieJpi.-.... of '-' '..1.cVe'.?,? , .-1.-thlu containln- ',Iv:, to.: ;,, of t-.1:-Lizi 'otter. ,. rivoi (!ajt,-,, late:-..) 1.-.(... sent a eqb7.o containinc, tho to::,..9., of IF: ITI;A:PI:l......1i rop174, Otad.,1 ,., the 25th ci,-;.' 1t -lunth, will.cn to91:.-ptoc he z;ervico to Jit on to mitt,J52 an cbs,Dr.',-3r-.-; i...1C,. prop:x3ed LLat:upveventat'Icn also 'be ,,,Iven1 tD the Office cf :a2 .',..12Cori:aticnt , , . 1 r?;-16 ovcr 2iou !Ire r-j,i,-, 0-, ,a 1,c,?1?.ru o' t1e OS 1,1rcnd 4 1 circve t art." jc, .1 to it ...trate:1c inL1 way whatso:::!v,..)r 5/0/44 7 ;IDE: i.50'.1.10 spirb ir /1. ? SECRET rTr, INITIALS OF "RELEASING" r..'fir1CX7it ,! !! P-; FoRBII MEN To LOPY OR REIPRODUCE THIS CABLE, AUTE4ORIZATEON FROM THE)ISE;CR/pTARIAT ?IP 1111110. .41 - 'MN ? s "VP ? Iry ? .111?144 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 , ? 1....44 e q et,44?ett ALB SAE Geormtary of State, wagthington A-47, April 29, 1944, 4 pa. 14,?44, April 25, 2 pa? Diepazoned: Apru AC, Pros: Amer i can b*, 9y nee : Government of Cairo. Date: April 27, 1944 Received:.. The following le the text of the reply dated April 25, 1944 transmitted by mart t9 the intammnioation from the British Remittent master eonderning the establishment of a Balkan Affairs Cgtt.. and two submoommitteess_ quoted in aw &trout under ziareuce. etimamarms teassio eons ARTIr mass IN Titt IttilTLE SOT Stibleet: ? Cairo, Bent 25 April 1944 at Defence Committee, ltinistar tient MO : letter, subject as above, ? test 11.80 Service repre- bf Obilterrera only. ongadding General, ' # headquarters, tis A1111:7, titans it tee al Operations Ommittee. 40. ft, SNP. .4Z114; ? - " it.b 46" Wm* -a* - Or-? 4?-? ihmita.1 S. .4? Declassified and A. 'roved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? ? e?te 4. 11. IL service sintstivee On the Beek= Rills, Sub-Committee sill atte ad intbe statue of observers say. aepresientativee of the Intariationaz MUlas, readstertere, trisAPDS, and the Aeolis silt Chief of Staff. Gaii. TISA713.3, will attend. 5. Notice of am istintest eta., Of Ole 5anas Attars Comittee sail et oub?aosedittee should be Rant to tyto Iitteenstiom2 Dliiisien of thie lusadoszetere. 'Mao of the Baneful opera Sdb-4clanittee abated be sent to the Assistant Met of Sta 641-.0 Seadquarters, IMAMS. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 3 1 nisratcheir will 26, 11/44 From; :moricnn -mbraif , Date: pril 25, 1-444 Receivel: ? - .2pecretary of State, :ashington. A.34, April 25, 1944, 2 pm. ,itt reference to my telegram no.124, 21,. quote below the text of the communication no. 7'1144G/13 of 17, 1944, together with its enclosures, from the office of the British NJ:lister Resident to the Gomnanding Generni. USAFIr7, conoerning the establishment of a Balkan 'ffnirs :am- mittee, and too sub-commtittees for Operations and :tenet% The text of the reply of USA= thereto has not yet been rinde available to the Zobasay but will be transmitted ns soon received. r* latest infOrmatloa, given me by the Chief of .,teff personally today, is to the effect that USAFTV: will reply that it is authorized to attend meetines of the Balkan .'stfairs and the Balkan :ballet CoMmittee in an observational capacity 3r.17 As it has been represented on the previously existing 40(3181 Operations Committee, it will continue to be represented on te sub-committee now set up to replace that body. "Subject: pATICATE FALLS corium Office of the ridister Resident (!t) rnttry Division, n1117. "a17 Tel no. !!T 702 _ Me Allied Copunander, ten get UP in the riddle ".:est o 4' 41 ? dor ? domisodlemell.6.01P011.".". - oo Of these Committee.3 tel this letter. ? agims& .?.?..rjalusiaa ? npringcifiad and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 e?-.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 d# u.s e;aI.,.. , , ? 0 .4.11,1 44.404.9 444 r 1/007, . % ? ? lip 2 ,-34, zn, 1944 Awrionn 7mbell/ to Ironsco pce4R: ttrEdra Comattp, It should be noted that for the conduct of affairs in the Balkans this Committee will replace the riddle 45t Defence Committee, though the latter will oodtinue to tune:4km as reKnris matters 'Allah affect only the Midele East, 4. pialualLkezaumuLautLesigatima This committee replaces the existine; special Operations Committee and the Special Operations working Committee. 5. HalliaStalaaikagoattan This Committee replaces the existing Administration of Territories in the Balkans Committee. ' 6. It is very =MS hoped that it will eventually be possible to have full American representation on these Committees. At present it is understood that Servioe representation only hoe been agreed dito by the Lmerican autlorities, and the composition of the Committees has been adjusted on this heels. It is proposed that American Political end PiaonOmic retresentatives should be invited to attend meetings es observers. 7. The original intention was that the Secretariat for the ..ommittees should be Padded by and faun pert of the ric-die zest Defense COMitteektS0Oritantats but that an Merle= representative should attendthe iksettigli and egOiSt In the drafting and screeixte of the nineotes? ? Xt y?s4.0e0ide that: you would like to appoint such a revregentatc z:Irary sled of hie help. t i know In due course to Sinn_ *toe eta., end who 8erViee0 on these de Ito Gs barren Ill. O. MR01 ? colonel Viet Defence Compd t tee. e ? r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 4 ? , ....1qualVfAceilik...4.10451-144,4.. ? ho #4 .' k34 pri1 b, 1944 "..*-PP7/11)IX ' 1. COI ":5013L14,01? 2. MD 3 k Torn Minister Resident in the "ladle Last - Chairman Flag Officer Legant and Eastern talediterraneen (or :13 r. Commander-in-Chief, riAdle "East Forces (or his nominee; Air Officer Middle luast (or his nom64 E.V. ilmbaqsador to Greece H.P. imbassador to, Yugoslavia (or his nominee) Mr. C. Y. Steel Senior Officer of the United States Navy in the riddle 7ast Commanding General() USAF= Senior Office of the United )tates *.rmY Air Forces in the Er'dle East Head of 7.1Ctng Director of Balkan Supply Centre Seoretary to the 1&nister Resident in the riddle East. The domino* Is Other inclIviduals,a for examination Of I to invite the attendance of s-,ch WOM time to time consider desirabi problems. . :4;";? -,4 ? $? ;4- ..? _ . lop Aim. 4 # dr' 4.11:11MWMOMPOW1010;11001111r1M`'-411111Will *motion and -here a- r- ronr t?? *attars to the Supreme ?llied 41thin the terms of yillcy ? dirPct'ves npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 .?a? 144.1 I ? 414 .41.16 Cs two .14,40.4 4 41.? :mril 25, 1944 From: :aerican .Anbn 3/ to I-mace directives received from time to time from Higherutbority, the Comrittee vill coordinate and direot the day to day fiction to be ta'-en in pursuance of the aims of the United rntions in ':_;reece, (including Crete and the Greek Islands In the A-ean), the Dodecanese Islands, Bulgaria, Romania, nun7,arymA, for re!ief matters only. in Yugoslavia and :abenia. In darrying ot t_ese functions the Comlittee will have purticular regard to. a) The cctivities of Faroe 133, OW and F. in relation to the political situation prevailing In these territorias. b) The necessity for affording the maximum practicable =ensure of effiCient relief to the vartulptions of Yucoalavia, Albania and Greece, (including Crete and the Greek Islands in the Aegean) when German military occupation of these territories ceases. 4. The 7,eoretariat will for the present be provided by and from part of the secretariat of the riddle last Defence Committee 13. 1. COTTOSI1'Z01% Brigadier General E Office of nee Off I fleadquarteres *81 Itibassy to EJ.aditttiay 1?.? C. It. it, S. , *n? Or' ors 51713-carTrEE taff (Operations), Gre P -C11..1.7-.7 eel, Levant and Eastern "editerranean Ate,IFOrce, !Addle East as levia reprettentative) , P JAPWW010110100144;110001MMO.. 1 ? ". Force 1,Z ? i a ein r ? el I MO 1 1 ? I ? ? Iv Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? 5 ?.-34, *.pril ?6, 1944 From: C. nit ? tO 1 q (VI Force 133 Office of litrategic Uervices, riddle Eclat Political arfare ftecutive, riddle %est Office of the ninigter Resident in the Ulddle at Joint Intelligence Comnittee, "Male Zest Ministry of Itconomio :isrfare, rune it 2. onat Itu:71cammaxsa The sub-committoe is empowred to invite the attendance of such other individuals as it may from time to time conslier desirable for examination of specific problems. 3. TERM 07 R"J"ZlitalCIE ? (a) The Sub-committee will be responsible to the 'ran Affairs; committee for: (1) Znsurlas that the conflict of Special Operations in, and Oased On, elbow', Crete, the Greek Islands An the .4.essan, the Dodecanese Islairis, Bulgeriat Roumania, Enneary, and Turkey is con - *Want with the policy of Lis Majesty's lovern- meht, the United Statee Government, comfolins to the Direotives issued fron time to time by . the GPIC3Priate authorities in the 'entre liessilterfensan. London and ..eshintition, and is y;oordth , er these activities ulth other atilitarY operations, and with pointed], 114 in these territories. LS reaossendations to the aSt neeesstAry for the mold fi- 1 Operations policy, and AMP Speolal Operations policy es enumerated in pare (a )( I) Omar* in the internal situa- OS* .meaMMEIMMOWANIMMENOWUMM littr rdror '11110 .ss 2. 40. ' ? - . ? ? - 11. Oft/ .11??? jOiLaa L. - ? *.tr. r es, dliplialftediplIOPIIIIid011011100?6- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 411 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 \-34, L5, 1944 dal ? .e.mari eon ba sr/ to Greoce (c) The Sub-conrittee will 411gmose of such other questIons affecting the Middle East Conrand as meg result from ilied ope"ationel activities in the territories (other than Tarkey1 enumerated in pars (OW above, except such questions as fall within the scope of the Balkan :Zeller Bub-committee. In performing this function the Subi-committee will be guided by the relevant policy directives issued by Ilisbar tuthority and will refer otestiins then necessary to the Balkan :,ffairs Committee for decision. 4. p7.CR2r.RIAT The secretariat *Ill for the present be provided by and form pert of the Secretariat of the /ladle East Deeenoe Committee. 1. CO/TOSIT1011 Commanders Office General re, AP1121DIX ?C? ileadquarters (Balkane)41Cheirman J. :Akvitit.-and Sastern rediterranean E. Other 4. 0. .1 ? ai,....ardd _dr oa, .1. - , . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 4 7 dr A-A, pril ;75, 144 LO ''greigetit 2. OTH7R 177vs4TTAWK The 3ub-committee is empc6ered to invite the attenaince of such other individuate as it may from time to time oomidier desirable for ezaminntiOn of sr:Katie problems. 3. TT:MM OF fr.397.3g731 The st7.0committo0 will be responsible to the Balkans ffsirs Committee for coordinating relief measures lincluding displsni of refugees) for the benefit of the populations of Yugoslavia. ,lbania and Greece (including Crete and the Greek Islands La the itecean). In c3rr71n3 out this funotion the Sub-Committee:- La) "Ill be gui4ed by such policy directives as are issued by conclusions of las. he the the instructions issued g t COManderk-imo-Chlei, riddle t Forces and Balkan .4:fairs Committee* (b) ":111 have pirticular regard tali. Thokracturement and the availability in the Mat edistv area of adequate relief supplies. (1t141. 4litie1 for trailloorting relief curTaloo to &love territoriel and for fleabane and 'on arrival* 4. s, upeoisi3y sea and land ?manor*? ta- ties, for internol ointributiot of 1011 on arrival in the above territories. atm consult the interests uad the Greek and Yugoslav Government s *MU* eeeSsity of ensurine that eneantion or relief measure s passes from the Ailed the civil authorities (11ted ly and as soon as poss ib 1 e . The 4e0rotario part of the Saoreta / 110/1.".:Nrip. ?-? twill for the present be provided by _Ind r)rm riat of the riddle Kest Detenee Committee. lbw jaMiggia1 4"11 111111Mft ' - VP ..vism "tioVen.;11 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010077nnm_7 .0P! 001r , k ? -414" , '441 ;elk " ' , d0 4,4?,' .4414 10.1. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? Pi I , ? ?? .....glerome**00018140440?0? eft ? ? ? , ? ' - e ??? i 9 * oct.,,jbr.r. 1 m3 1.1 0 : AT iCL L U. , r ? J. L'011.07,-.71 ?-? 1,6 - ? ? ? 'V? ? *40 MI. ? ? ? .0?1 16I 411?*??? 411? 4111.1111111111110111111111061?011101111111"."' 4110^???.- 11111111.111111.".11111111.111111.111111.6"..*.". 4 .do ? e ;I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 .11 ? hoe ??? ? ? ; n, , male , ; , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 I " , 0,061.111,4, .4 ? ? if , ? , ,040 4 , ,406 .6.144..44.4.40..abo, ? I t...41,04,11. .411,010.1114610,11.1110mowe#,. :Yr i 40 4 ? SECRET r 1943 r-r 0 ) I V i L ) OCtObv_. Q' a ');?"4.. tiOn. ? .!..? - i? J 4, ? , , _ 1. A )'.1 t:.):. t., o o ti 1 r.-: E. i.) .1.1. Li i c 4 . n 3 ..:,?nt: .-,-- ....,. :::: '. ? - 7.-:1, .,,,, . .,.00Utrld C0111 1.(1.(,-"IlCf,.:.' .i.:1 '':',."ir., ?.' 't,,,,'..... le..,..: ','...,rC,,,,',". ,-t,:....de jj t. l'f::,41,{-,1' :,1010 toli iillil ::CCilt ''....?.r,%./. ()I' :'' t..t., t.,?..L4 ,:?{1,1 LI. it a L',,t, ere t , . r " 1:,(i.4.irt I `2, ni-.2.1-;t.:. -L..-.v ...-',? jail i-3 ;bo; .':, .,,3 ut 1.,_, ., , . 1 c.:,..: u:::,, (...... 1 :...: r 1 U.1 ('-?: t. I ,I !I '7,,,` .,- A.. (.1011 ci27 rr4 1.11.;: L-30 1.1"1.4.14 .11 ..t L r) 1.,i ,:. t.:, . :.1., '',.,, 1'..t. lalie I.)rit1,1-211, bf.:-..,c.....:.1.:.-;c: of Lf..1.: ir in .t,,..,..r .!: ;?-i.t.v(..,' se erc tly rt'2coi-Ji i zed .t,ii,_ ,.,-.,:r........: i -7 'L.,. 14. .L, cl.:-.1i 1,-:: ,),;:: ':?....;,:?.,2, -4 In .r.,o11(!o.i. ,i.iii,1 (.:.;,,... iro. :, : ' '...; ..n La.:..1 L.: 1 - - . - in 1,1.t...; No/...t,i1 L.',1.%,:: s Li!! 2?,..'... 7 no f.., n7.. C 0 ,f1 .1, ,f, 0 1: t., - 1 i Z1 1* 1 :" r.:.....;.'... t. i i i. :`..-"G , , 1 ..: tt/ ? , , ? D i S t, I' LI F t is c rttt'i, tab: il C)y -,,,..1i... fL, f. f z., . L .., r-i, , r b 171,..... .. ' -1 ' ? C.. f 1 0 I,' /5 I.. ( 11 U 1 1 o -,,,i -..,0 i 0 IL thc Unit. ,.; ,. .t, .ion-,:. ,..,...... '' .. , 5 . . ? ? , arLue Laim., Lilt_ ir ;...occ....,i lu...-J1 cc i'..,:uon?... '..,ac ,init?I ?I 7'..J..ns 13 juotif ic(1 ['if' L.: Li...11' ,.., uc r ilia ode:r.ltion'T: act ual I. !..../. ,1 i Ln ID ccupc, t I on. '1 :ley -',J6 2r '1. irTi t..?,7,..c:kt Lini--1.-1?. gr nt.in.:!, ol co boll i:rency --?.-... .Us t,o I ::.,iy. 1 1 , i 1 ni 4.. i!., vc ry party i:....6;rt.,.,cL; th it , i or a govi,_rrmien t to b'The .r..E3L1::).1 i- c -.Lns (....:..-:-.:.. ire ::.. ;',.r:ition.;,..1, Co.i t te, .i. , similar to L h .. t of ..'.':.._....zct',., :Ind r 'she [E. ,,,,:.te...,:.E.11.12 of F6nno1 1, In Lie Unittd 2,1ire'..,.cli ni: ::?..:ftl j 4.'6 I, ,.,ou.1; 'i.itii .1'. L. ::?,ac,..ri or .../, :id,' i .7i -,_ 4 I 1.. I L104.111a? .:ojc..,11....73Lf,.: dcd,N.. ;:-,,nly Kin,. ::.o So Fe. J 101 i cL,11,-, ri.:,-.--1 til,;, t, ,:l.i._ a f ir c...1. (....c.,,i?ed i en ..,.. ,:',. :o.I.,:-..rn , :. il. C L Uth:, (I K i..i.iL7 2..o.,,.., v,oulc:. b,.s., bu tr:r than no eov,-.211 '.,;:.zit ','It , 1 ? out t-,1-1 is on I. y 7,7d Li': 1:221 T.,,, b. .1.11:E;1,? Ala LS an utt,er cl,,..--r,--,en?c,./. ? r?-, , . ? ..i. 11 e :, ) 0 ,..) U lar fc ,? '?1 in;.. 1 o cer t.;.,,, if '..' not :on ...T, c:11 Lt 'tut (,,laperfatic. o. INP ? ?,?40, ' SECR , ? ?11 Iwo ? n ? I 4/11,??? 4,4?????? ? 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 1, T ' - ? 4 , ? et ??? ?.! 4 ' ? ? ? ", Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 OMAN" A "r; I ; .41.14118111.10.410.111., ;1. , ?41, 4 't*Aro 1. ? ' 441"va ,1)V47: ,?? ??????114,4 .-????????11?????.- CAO.114?:...? ? ? ??, ? S... ??4 -??? ???????;?????????11?????????? ? ? I SECRET n r fn. 1,(4sion, as L t4v ()rid r. i L2J1'.',-? )1 1'1 US r 1 1..%k r 1 CL: 7 14, . %?-! oi Lae 1.xis out., r eel"' Am, II. SECRE1 111 /SW, VIP ? ? ? ? . 1.",. ? .. ?,) * 4 1 l"t", Irctor /I dimmarelimr01.61osom".. 414/0.- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 r., 5 roor , ? ? 4 ' r- - -444 .1trY ' ,111 ' - g, t ?.. ? ? 111, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 'ea ?P.'4?? ! y 4 ? , 4M 040111?0 ? 14 i1ij1JSt :Jr :),, . ? . ? 1.,:1_.L L. ()I L.? ' L 0 .;-10?taimmoolo+ IWI?011101014111111.11111 , ?,;4: t:Cr ,L )4 ? ;1, 1.1..L A Ft At 1 ,4' : t. el 1. / r?.,. yocu 1.; V ?,d Lat4 der.Z% ar. ? 'err tau.. APip - - 111 40?8a, ? tqpdoomisfur sorlillimms-- 1111111111.4.4,44:.4111AILow 4,101/00. - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 * * 4, _ !el ? ltilik, ? 4 ' 1491i?,?* H as r?I!!.1 ? ??? ?T11 . t e. ? ? 4 ? ? -Latin -elercucc7 P????? ? r' r".1 ??1 r ? ? , r ? IlUre 011 a 0 n f, of 1)(17.,4r.A.,1r SELA,,.. 4 , /.3.0" Ili* All )01itdcL) ,.. ? .? ? ,1".' * .111 .4. ? .3n, the fo:ceLc, are r,--,:ted 0-i. k.,!.....: -,co'Jle. The 1.,,,..tia.;-..ri .: 'D '4 -,,....., ..?., art' r' - ' -. Li ? ' ' ? ? ?, , ? . ii , ., . ' .... L) ? V to N ) c.i. _ I: ? ..? ? ..,, I.( 2 lk., t.: i .i. : .. ::: 9 II.' -a I.) 1 :'.4 J. cl .,..'''... :L.)7 i .7? c ::4 , .-..." ..,4, r . l'" 4 . " t ..... ! ? ?. ( ... the 1r7.,1an!:,, 1.,,,:-...". by Tito. ,,ie,,,,:-.21.i -1......., -,-,,,,..,, ,-....?-1 . . , r't 7- Units are ea...A -.13, t.f ; C:' .1.J: a '...1.:.,..' Lira --...t; ...a ? rr? Eorvia. Their ;streilifth ? 'c." .;) ' " 1.* 4 L. ? I V *.) 11-.4 (?olonci ',..ujwich, who Ca' .c' , 411c,e, nearlY aLL ? '.1. 71J IS ? I. trio ; , ":*.41. 9 t Mr , 6,J 1 `.../ ? L".., ? ?????, ?..r. L.. a:aorw .T.fte '.)(y)ulation alN L',1',:.-tekl.,' b7 ".01ih:iilc;v:c,'L . . . ,. :. L t' v title ao Jii600lav co-ilanc.-.73-- , ofr, '..-dch i.,:i obviousl./ o)Ds!:ed to LA. . .. Tnc PL:rtisans;aro 10 by Tito, A.los.---1 4.v.;!:a na:no Broz. offIcia. ational ltrmy of ,i0e,7tt.ion. r:s 01 nen orcry region o: tho eni;aged in hostilities,in ev r7 _1 oven including old *oerola. crontrast to IJIihailovichlt; relative 1,(21, of tr. " pri ? vv. ? rr ? ? in favo2a1)1,-.., ? L. .1. ? 1 `4.1 and narrow field. Each ?:iny, Tito' s -.fo::cet: ...v..: lag. Two Italian faivioloa, the Llar::ai :.1 Venezlan, joined his forces fol164inc, t.'n,. . , 1J ,. Itnly, ;;n6: added considerably loPTitols su.:./ie5. The chief fields of Partisan activities again:A the, Nazi are WeA Crotia, Bosnia, Dalaatia and LUoveala. S R " t.4( ..4 - . . epuip . ? 4?4?4 ? 411ft mw.woommii0Woo+omm.s- -0M1 4 4, ?11111110" ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? 1005110t4 Cs* ?IP44.""' .1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 SEth. Orl ,. Inc,udea ?,1 tl-:(:' -,?plitic ' ? , .... ??? ? , 1 d ' , 4. 0 :" )4 t ,.. , ( . ? 44,4? 1:,.... th elAutiii-ftlugtol 3 ty 'overa:... :lt ,-.0,.....:(.;t,,t-.i b.! :.c,, .ocrtAlc *1;.4*cti:;?;i. ? T. i- is11 LI extreme ! -j, -,y)-- ... .1 te .L. ? Th'e. : f.! i . ' :IQ 4, 4a,r; %1: .. I tion for 4,..,;.g., hile.:ation of comLLnis ,,,111.41 ,In 0 4,.J.,,i,....111,L.Lt.c*,!1 incjinti?)nt are , .c..1, sn!;11 :,rt, a'..,. t'..e mn..i,- I,.ro: file o , le,iler:,. pi; fri-,... r, 3 , A * 4 T: .11.2 L.:0-Vcr,11'.1031.L.?.1ii.?. ".4.1ie 4),.i.?.1c xi,. 0 rl A II 1. ? i?? ? , 0 . , 4 v., ?II ., ) t-11:1111.1.0V1 '.X,I., i'-itL i-,s3iti,rxe A ..,./ "t.1Le ilii.i'S I i?-1. reestAliL, U.e Eon-trcily %.it!: +.'h,-. re:f11- c.,:-;1.: , i t..1. sl.tn-. erk.d.:1:-.1 inclizILtiol.L. . .., 4, ,.., 4 r s" 4 ,. .L. in c)Lfide.-,ce by Generzzi Givkovith, Ltty :.).1," Kini- :Is Co:. ani in (.-:-:iel, , ., :.1nd Lr Prize '11:lister : a-,,ernf.in is not anc cauLe cGntro?-oRrL,y oet-,c0R.? ? t 7,;1..1 C..' 7. rec.' en tiv en:tin& Lk, i ? ? ? , ? ? .e.0.Le (%trc t4ilited / ? . " ? , .,.. ,ri-,..a,in ;irate:et t!.L Gover:Itt-ln-:.x14.(7. ,, ? , ? of tfle LiovE.,riec , GraF:tiem, .z;:id ,fi.P.rblai-,L, ...i.? :.,rca- r 4-* >, ? ,. ? 1 . . . 1 , " ' ' ' ' ? al 1,4?1(?in _tr.E ::EriOUS.LY ,sufferqu. 7.7.ene 'eoile . 4 . , :...re al6o ,irmlyiz Laini,t Ccrieri :GiV..',.JVIIL, k , 'alder Kin Alexarider, -,J-Ls r.ictutor. , , 1 , ? er. -;cti . , r.,..,,,, , ?.? ? siolp..:1-n:,,,csritin .:. erb .... iz,i ...,re;:elv- _,,? puppet, i: ? , ,- -,, (..?..1.,,,..),? ,-..?,...? - ,?,,.1 7.,,.. ? ? el "i 4 "1?? '' i, 1-.1... ? i? 4 ,,1 ? ... spin ? ;;;, , 1 , - ' ""-? -;, ULYI....4.1k.,..1 Li 1.???.0,L-1:?ICI 1:4-. a -(-?-c . " ,-- -0 ---) - -1 _ .. .? LA./ 4.0 ',... h,', ,?,,,, ,,,,? and .. --) .t. ..11.7 fa, 1 i c...!...... . i.. . ., ... . ..L. . .. .... ? . .r. . . ltr:, bacc..,i'd by 111,;,...: usi,(1-6!...1 2:I.:it:a, la eik.1 ? ... L,,iit.. r -,i. 1?11,7::-.,Ler o!, Lk:, ..\000"le. -7'k..1 b- ? -1 ...1 , 3. r......ry .. 1 !, ....J.,14, , r? I* , el J_?.. CeL ? *4. rflle Unitedbti j canc?iercd rect,Ylarj ! the SerbiLr.2. are .7.orc aLicabiy re6Lrded i;rt; thp British, by other :1-,,-oslhvs. They expect , us tc.) give mLterial stwort, both durink; and ;A;b- ,secint to the If,Lr, particularly edicines adfood ? ien they vit,ally require; Tito.1.zide a recent camplaInt C' ??? 440"' 411W Aw? 04A01 :lgill!!111411; e 4- ? lib .111aa ? 1111111maderi...????16a- 121%1w ? ,' , slia? 410 kill. .41101.'1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 L. ?"' ?? I ? 1: ..t , - ? ' a ? ' about the zlnortar,c 0.1 L'11.).-1.i: supplies !.ecelve ori ty 0v=?.r - 'kr! Allied i:erzorviel. .7 4 ? kJU L-,1;hir tho c le: 1ovt ;.:0r1,1 re j: 3 1116 Lel & popui,c.ly thc control f pol iti of Pan-erbjan ickrthnations. D-y the sizabli: ? , LK-co:11IL. rt r o. ... p","4 : le ri-.?, ".....; ?-i 0. ? -...: Ili I in c: kin .. r, -,.: -...., :',4 .!,:. 1:T a , G ?Vern n t, - in - .. i .I.i.., :tr,-...: ba-..r.ier to ::-uc,), r...n un,.: t.3.1,-.t,s1.1-1, '.. 1 a --- . . : , . , .. , , Al.tnougn it iv,i 1-1-,2 .;.',".'1"iti: :.-..tt.t...:ti:-..1". 1..A ......7.fl.in3) - no (Ie.:. initi.: evi(leric'e -,11:1'.1 , h r...a!,--;?? -)i' :' ? ' ,-1.,- ,. bet * 0 Pi 1 tlii..-,!. Pa r -I,. i Et an. S ::..1:1L ''',.., :TLC' :, , ',) '.! ,i -.. tr , ; r? a ri,e tiny rt ? ? ? ? 0 r -LI? , Or\ ? ;' ' t ? LA ". A. LI, t, , ' " . .1 - 1.4"." ,) 4 r!''; 0-? A. ? k7"... .LI i ? 0. ,t. G en ,....:? r,, i ri.1;yr ::, tat, r .1 t.? _--- t ...)Li , .? :. 1 1,' - c4;?; ,?. ...? ,... ?,2' 0...aocratic (.;,overnment and ...? t.v.: c...' -...,'I ted ..!'...?;::-----,,.-v - , 1, ''''' 4 ' i r4:: C 1 0 V P p, e ar,'Z.1". 1 `-'1'. -11 '''.)'- ('?.- ""i '^.1''' '1 '1-2 , . . -:, ' , ' -5 ..,....1.,- , l' ?- ,.' -!-:/", "1 ;-0 1.!.', t 1;'' ., i i"St. t't D2 13. ir. Et r. , --,, a . ,.. ..., .... A 1 .., I '' i. . DTL e) C C D i n ' 2 i -.,' .-.., ''l II : tilt.? .'. ..; : ;le r u:..1'.? 1 1 . ..... 1, I, , ? '40 "NM vp,ir? " 411.11. 41P, ?NIPINk? - ???? (.1 i---t rerii r?, t ? .41k ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 1 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? 'Ais3 Grac. ull/ ?. I -1?, tit .0- $ ? iVialommallummilllilsOrmarehmen?-0- OP" 44.0 46.. 44?. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 " ? `; ? ?? ? "? ? 4.? ? 4" ! ?????., ? f t 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? ? ? "- ? 0, ? ? ';" ... 151. ?- * ?teit ' .110:;? , - , ? ?111?Iff ? !,?, .1 ? , SECRET ??? 'Li I? LAT' '1 1u.t1i; C 7., 2 rt I "11 ! ??-? sol ,.. , ,? ? ? '6 3. t ? ? 1 ' ; 4 Je,...()Li_T 04) " ,.. ? ? ? 0,1 rr?4 ? r .,44 ... : i. I ! ^.? '..* "'3r r ? ' ' .. 4. o i 1 ? .4 6 4 1/4,4 16.1 ? ? 4, 446 ? 4 4 4?44, ? P ? ? ? ? , 1 " 1.? . N. ? ... ? ? ? ? 4.. .. ;'% t , ? : ? Jr-, ^ ? ' ? 1. ? 71' 'r I ? : ^ ? , ? - f ?:). : - ?- 4,...; , ?1:.: i .. (...! ,1 't .. , ? - i.... '', ..; !.. ? . .. ., . ? ':?? -..... ?.. :, ' .1- 'Lli .....-............................................. ? 1 ? 4 . 1' . - ? ' '4.4 . ? 4, t .: E.. . 1'1 1...:;, . .? 4. ), 1..6; La ' 4 ? .k ' . 4.11..." k t'..? C .....1 . .... ... ...., '., ? - ? 1. ? ; 1 ?1 1. ? ? ? , ? r , . ? . ., .* ?l? ?... .1 i 1. ; ? '6' ; 0 1.1 ..1.. ...:., .... . i L , k...' ... /. L., ' k ,4 . . ..?. , - ??? . ..1, . , . . ? II t 1 ... ' . ? 41%; ? ? . 7. :.. - . .` , ? .,, . , ? 1 ; ., , ,, ? . ,. . ,, 4 1 , r - ? ?? '...? ..... " - LA - r CJ : - ... ). ..',:i..... .1 , 1 1 - r 'LP' . ',E ...'' 1 ? 4 ..? ... E. ,si I a ,.??? i .. ...... . a . ? t . . j..*:..,1 i i ? V1 ' -...! '` '''''''' 4 ? 4. .. *.,6*.H.... ..' ? A. ? . A ..... .... .. 7,...., , ? 1. ..._ ? - ,...?' 4.2 4..,' :,.. '. :' !....0.: 4.,....;',....'..A... iLIZ.1..11.. ' 1 ? ., '!* J I i'' " "": . . 4, .! * - ,- / , 1 , . ? . * , 3 L L.. .... ... t? 6 ?.4 L. ) ? ,-.... , r, ?40 44 44 P A, ? 44, r1/4.4 '4.44 . 4 '44trr 4 40 4 . 4 t 4 444 2 t 4 4 4 4;4.4 II 4.4 ' 4 4.41. 4'4. . 4 .14, .44 . I ' " : 4i 4: L. ? ri 4,1 ? 4.. ? , ..k: Z.1...! L. L. ...; .? `....4 4.. II. . -E....112 , ,.... ,...... Zaj '''" i.. ..t. .. k. L,1,-, k., 1,1 it ' ' ,r 1,..., 1 ..', .'. ? ',.:', i.,i?:: .r1 ,,) - ...., , .1.1?, ,. ...' ... 72. ..'14r:. . - , . _ I . L :1, ,::. I ,. .,.. 4 t ... ...:1 . ' C. . cas?I ,k S 1.1.'' r , ? r . ?? ? )1 ? ? ? ... . ? ? 11.? %. 4 - ? ? - the .44 elM ? n estaol3et of ItiL;1 FrIt ET : 11110 40. go& 111??? ? 000. ? - ??????? ????^???? IV ? OWN/ r ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 -4 ??? 4. ? , ? - ? All ?????0 ?"???;0. ? ... I .44'. - '1: ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 1 ? , , f t. . .. ? ' ,1" . ? ? :149, t 44 6. , ?!' 4 , ? 404 ? . 6" SECRE1 ! L 1 ..11'11.{....:.:,'. . i..;.,?.t.,$. i...1,,f.; (Li.: ) t ork, f,,;.: 1 ? r. i,:).ri :lie,: Vi:,:f11I, L r.: -: 1:4 oc c.:::: Li -. , ? ii, 4,.... .) I Af , :t 6? A .-' % , In C. ' C: i'. t, , ' ' ',. * , .,.. . .., . . .:,,,..-:1_ rl .4./ .I, . 't, ',..1-(. - ?.., ?, ' ? _,.. , , ?L....L ? . " ? 17- ...J. o ri!, - In i:-':7,t1(-)II i ri r...:_..-i:,..._ c?: . , ........ , . . , A '..., , ? i Su Lr,i ' i . " I . i ,I1.? i ..4: _.. ..., : . '01, '' . L'''' : ::::44 , . : . 4 : 1, I'V.: :4 i ' ' " * 1...j 1 t ....', IL 4 1 (....; t al : ?(?-? I 1 .1.., .... L, A. ,..... .....:?. (.... V C1,0.' ; i ....) '''',1 7 . ' ' f , ; .,..., ? ? ; , ? i t :.,... i_ 1 8 ?'T + .. - ,,.. , L ' C "' l' ''-'' ? ' '.. ' ' .... . .... 1,. ...., :-.) a ''.. ..., : ,.... ... ; i i ; ;., .? it, .. . 2.1.-1 ....,,.) .1,,, ...., ,... ...1..., '7 i %.,. 1, ' ' fl i ....:-, ..... r.4...i : ,...,.. :.....,1'..,... Lt. ,Z.,. , ' 1 ' 4 44 '.....; 4 o hr ''.' -- fN,r;. ' i?:-: , f...7 . .r. ... 4 ' l? C , L, '' v, 4 . L t... .....) ,/.. ' WEr 1 & as. SECRET VIP? ???mr 411.1 In ? ?????,.. IOW ?;;;...............m4mmammaoll.r . , 4 ,1 . ? TN ? 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ???? is I I; 1;1 i 1, ; ,t? $???-* ). ? 14e--' ? ),-? ? p".....rts J -;.? ? 4.. ? ? .T ? 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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ter "NVIir ? - dron. dip islo1lMOMMINIIMIbboalP011001 ? * .1:111 1.0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 all I IN I I 4 ' 4 &No. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 go' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 dy'r ii,..4.11100141:10 ?? ' Zi drAG ? H P r : ; ' 1 i .0010.011?110111110.0.1., I 0 " ; "7.77 ? j -t- r 711 7: -T? ??? L-?000ZZ001-00011-0000X?1-dCll-V10 9/6O/O 3Se3i3i -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? 0. ' ? 11, e' ::N?r 4 I ?????, ? '1 ' ? ? 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EI4f1P ? 1111 41aaro Vt????? assion4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 t? 4. .1 ? 4 ? 4:41 ; 41, ' _ r? 4r. ?' ? 74 ; ??.; ? '"' 411 ? ? , ? 4 b ? ? .24 , ?,.*"?;1,, . -.4k; . ? i ? ? '44 ? , ir* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? ! 4 c " " , .? , 5, 4 , ? 'It ? -??? ?itb. 044 ; ? tb, ? t ?? P4. ?'?;_ ;1,0-4 ? .441111141111111.4141811111. ? cV ; 1' ? 111 4441;1, Lek I '4 ??????????? r????? ????????? +mom swam+ ??????????????????????????? ? ? ? t . ? I i.? 0 1: ? 1. k ??? .) ? , I" 1/. ) 5.7 ai 5: 1.S'a5 r?e: f.? a c? C./ t ' " ,11-5, 1 t, in . t i " a ;ui"-, ;" ; : I. 1 t? '2: 1J j.! ; r : i ?.; k I: ..1.:1C.17: 1 I., 7 ' _t? i. i'. : r' ?; ) : '. .i , . ? .. ',.....,. , __ .. ,,,, t... ? . 1 ? . ?,, I.?? V ? i 7 .... _ .,, 1 :.? ' ..' : C.,- 7/ ) i"1.1. r '' ; ' ....' -' S. 7.7 C0-,',. ',. -....? 21 ...i ? _ ...1;!. . , L ) 1,? b. ) , 1 -.? 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L: - ..%1Litt.,1117., r..),- i *L.,L. ..?1't , LV e i 1. , u i. ,......: : ? 14,.. t..j .... - "Z".: -:',.. C .' s in .ertion.1; be t. s * t.-?. s 1 I c . 411.111111i 3 - , ? VI: 4,? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 " ? ? ? r??'I 14. ' PIMP 14 ? * 1 ?4: ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? ? .r 't ? , ? 144 ???? ?? ; ' 't " : ? 44 p ? ,., ?t) $ *ppm; ???? ...41?1111111111111?010????` ; 1, ?;? o? ?? ? ? /Ig 4 ? 11 gL, 11 ?- ' ? >. I 5 .f4. t? ? ? ; 4 , 440; (,..". Of I in ::)!1.--: t.,..1 ,-Ig; th.r.+: t:te:-.1 u-..1,.:::,.... t,...) 1 ? k-; . ''',.- f L +.-.,:.' it,..t 0 .1 1 .)to'?;:...i k..; CO CI 1-.-1 ri () 1' i.,; t . E-: "..."..)..- ,/ y Li:-...:?.? /1 . ; ''',/ "., 2... Li ,..::" ! 1 0.-.--:+?:::ri 'L.,L....E..T: ''...'?' J. - L I. , t"--; :I.' ni? ? " I. i, .1 1; I. ii ". r ' ;- : 't i ''' '''...- j ??: ? r) or '- .f.. -',! i...,-,:?.!`' .:i., ? :'t' -)1... L;...r. I.:- -I l'' 1-,?.,.o li.r,;..7:: i-:,..:- ::,,,,--.., :.,,):1 i-,.%7....,--',;'," ''-?; .. +L 1 . F.... ::: ? ..'. :- '''' .; ,,..,,-.L.-Y- - ; ...:' ',... ,.-..tri',1Z., f I. ?_'.' 'al , 1 fli '', .. 1, ''? i I.E.:! L-I'''.:-' l'''.. , i ' ',. 1 ".....r. , ;:''' . I .....) N..) I'd '..'f, r I 4., i. ,. 1_1 / :Ci t .P. "..'-' '''''' -.' i. ,? , L. i "ci*, , ? .i , i ? . . - +1 ;,;';':.- itii.!- - i +._-:.":., . I 1 7, I .71.; ???? ? e e ^ ) r t ? - 2 f . u ? :J. ...I ;!' -.." 4 - ? ? ? ; ?).7: I 1, " ? ? " 0 V ???:.? I ) 7 L .1P t ! ; 4. -1. .) t. - 11. ... ) 5 ' j :11 e? 1 ? ? ' '7 -...,'-' " t Ce ; t. I, :a. I L ? -. , . , ., '? II ? ??? . . , ? ? ?? , , 1 ?;',' - ' ' ; ; - , 1 '? ; t';',. ,? . .. , .T-'' . ?-?-; ,, . ? ? .2 ? r ? : ; ? I .0 ? 1 . ? . r.. ' .. ; L 10 ? : ' " i ,.? ? ' ?44 4 ????"4 I ? 1 ? t: ; L ? ? ? : I , '? ? ? ?"..- ? ,* "? ) L r? J. ? ; ? ... ,:'??"+:',' -.,. .-.; 7, .. 1.,+ ? " P r-1 t..... -_,1 L. , ''' . ,... ' ' .-,? ' .1 ?1 L.?? 1.; '.., - . t L.:, + i.,17...i. 1 1 .' ? ? .1, --,' ,; ..;,' f'-' ;"" r ..; L? - ' ? rt.:. :.... +...,:.+.,!. 1.' -: ; .); t.) ?:- 7'....'.' .1: k ) ' 1 ''..) _ ..;'. ,..,..:`..... :',../ '' 1, 1 -..7 ? - 1 ,r1 , -7'. ?:, 4.d..)C i `.., t : "... :. 1.* , .1?.! ,.. ? ...., ..1. - ?', :.77, ..:It.". T., ".-_. '. ' ;,J.r.- L. , ? 1! i _.- : ' . . i .. .... , ' ?:? --+ _.. ::: Z.. L i ?????.-?? . Ls+, , ...,' ,' ....; ... ' ? ' ? - z.. -.:, ? : 44, ? I .? ? SP, ?.? ? -, ?,' ' ..... WV. Ar 411? ??ii. IMP 40. - ? +EP smog dois.ftossmoillb 4?11. 91111M11141114p......004.4111111111?144???616...... ? deb- ? ??????-????????????? - ? " 40* "11?011; a 4 7'. 41.? 6 414 mellalede Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 1 . ++\ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? ? 400"21. 44:10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 , a 4' ?4Ir + ? " t - ? 4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? JP ;;;0:4% . ? or.Afr ??11141111001Palilliiir..4^ a". ? g OFFICE OF SThATEGIC SERVICES INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: General W. J. Donovan FROM: Whitney H. Shepardeon suBJEcT.Col. Amoss' memo (undnted) received Otober 1.943, subject "Speciel Intelligence Project" 17,0k7E- October 11. ? 1. I have read the above memorendum with con- siderable interest. 2% 1947, 2. I recommend (at your request) that MacrarLInd be instructed by Col. Amoss,how to build on "fragment of the old Greek Irregular Project' Y th which he is in touch. 3. There seems to me no reason why the project should be "special", or handled'In any way different from the way London handles Its foreign sources, or different from the way in which our Mission In Spain deals with elements there. 4. I am most anxious that the project cease to be irregular, or special, and that the sources (probably of real value) be treated like other sources of value. ? ? OP 411W 40.. !POP .0, ????? riLLICA Whitnty H. Shepardso .oven r?A U*;:tAt., .? ?, ?"= L SECRET ??^" drir :111. - eq. 41???4art - ? ? 6. ?//a? ? . ? 10411'14. 41111" 111111,,,A.6...-A.- r "AP ? ? .4-7/0"- ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 . ? ? of icer' except Lae oimc Lor ,rovi(led intelliLencn from behin,..: (.2nemy ,ino ,nr; SECRET ? ? , a'w;ence ,...1.1rectave L.4.. ? s ? sysLem con.T,;.,ct in ON2E2CO, Ge: fly, 1., n rt. rid, in na .r.j0 r' Lth? 1UtEC -:T'om tiTP U IP "ui? _r O"(- Eul?Ir source. theLe reFort: u.7-ce; WiLnJut of intPliipnce :flor,.le of oivi_dr.ns r. 1 L n ,11,d in occupied couatAdes; 3 i tic.In6veL. in Le:..a YuFosiviL ;?nd. four rp af itc , f,vsteril .Y,Ifnrc(.: the M 1 '11. 1.4 .1?.. L L ? Yt 01 17, E ferry sf:rvIcc .-::ecutcr.-.1 in Lt1=.3. c, s unknown to our it_ 1.:? sy5tt,;.J.i! bot;,(2(..n ul.uuce Tu-:key .s bnd opetec:. ,rid, unt-.11 LC:?n.;?,,r..7346 ? A. , 'r'h Ci 7.e - -1 ? Lit;L?Ljf.) ,tis ci uc,.! rtu,-?Ly no cof:.L to the United LtAe?..: ri r of British , ? . I? ' r _ ? -In T, "1,1 S r.? C"Lk. SECIET ger :at ql, , 111?0?411W. ??? ? 0. VIP 40... aaL. ??? $11 Immo 411? dia-mosome ????? 01111111???? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ,C?jr!", ? 4 ?11,41,, i ? I . - ....,04A, .. r7c. ? ? ri ? ?i .011. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 f .460.41111111016???01?Irr..A. ? ? ? :yr ? ?..t014 ?? ? through regular OSS chnnols. -r1:1 ruitc414.. Through t:iis system, " ? :; intelligence system -has cont;Lctc2 British P.:61.E._ S e a.o Lea t c) L I I n u 14 , d / this system Gk SECRET T1 des.i_Ate f,.mine and iiestiLence by tile un n ed of its &gents thA the of r houk be felt. rn, * ? inrUl.?:11 u lc r. G. t C.,11 Q nr t???;' I.1 'Forces in the le Eab him to bomb irfiElds in L;aioniki LIthens the ..11eceived Uu)e of 1ILlICtjfl L. Litar.7 ? . _ , . nd Tn47-Jugh tbis system thn ..7.16PK 7) ? P t the re.uest oi the ,Ifileric.:,n Coil,i'r.nain =?reflizr.1 ,no -=ce_17, ??.-? k ? A t ? ?? L., fe- ? ?? ? ?? ??? ? el - '.." . , ":7 - L';'1, ?- a-esuLtini::, intellience as L.n-.E-..-Trier:ency erviLe reports we:.e ?so iiiec ?itn ? Thru ..-7er 4 r? of tiis , iainEton.) c-rstrIT revolution, prevent furter b_ooa.slica oeteen (creek ,nd British) _nu to stow Line in Greece. 41.11140,.. N, ar 4ao ? ? ?????????????, 4??? .11 , ? ? ? Lhe flc -? ? ???? ???:: ' , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ? ? 4P',. '- ... '4?11 A'* ? ^ ? ? 4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 t o ? ?Sh ,?????01.20.????... , r '?11,4 11:44 ? 4. 3 . ? , Through t!..is syfltem, the Uni.te Submarine commnd receivcri. v:JuaoLe The volume of intellience ' ; ? ? ; SFCRET was thr,-.;ugh reguLT OSSL - rc.:; rce ? !II rirt. It is submitted thW 4 ? 1 , 1 ; . 1. tiS COM. 1C.en.Cr?E'. ?Pc 1 1.S secrecy. This system t. ps 4.0./.71 - 1 . , and e k,ely inoPoenuord, inE, , its own trainea :.rents in the Baik_n inerc: is only one r4,S,oficil 2Ai&ile East even remotely c..-,pLbie, DI ana on , v ed 7or u _? a ? z.; t -writer is the only :Jerson able to turn ovP.- t:1P.F.e N.` 0 A.` 'I t , 1. .r,Pcominenc. un is rfi . , Mr . . Lanning Mcfr.J u_ rland as much -- 4. rs given him viith the consent of the Neil" ihr : ft" 0 ? a Ali* 74.44pc. ? i ? c?) ? .-1,1111?6 ..411 ? SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/16: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100220003-7 ' 1-4111140 .) ? ti! - 31. .,1.? ? , r17-1 , . :.,r 0-1 H 3 i. 0' .711 ? ' 11 EaC C.- Li, In 7u n--,c r...--ro c.,-.,:- J.,- un .c:r :1h L txr.,,10.r.i ;i , 4, ;::-.1 .::-.-- -j..;-.3 ;-nr, :)-'.2-.i cf., % .:?..' C7.(2, ( , or .1 i._:'; f_):7.. .)r.'" -.......::"! :". " 'r, J2:.",. -,,, ?; ,...., 'i r, ),..) ' )1. 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