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ze.,..?e. .1-4..??????5 4???? ? ? ? t ? ,? ?????t?????tr' ,??? ? A !. ? ?? , ????? 1.; ".t ? '04%7 , .De,classifie_d.and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 -'41%,;,;11:1?,-,?:,.. .4... ? ? "' ? -7:4177"ite? 4, W?6114:fr.'"; '57; ? ..444:0?A; RI ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 r?t", ?;`.. 134eclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 %s , 4 4., .ss s s s Eltoomber 16# 1942 From: Director of Strategic Sorviuua To: Mr. Honry nydo 1, Yuu aro horoby authorized and diroted to prom mow! from Now York/ Now York, to Tangiers Spanich Morocco, and to Aliliora, 4nd ouch o thor point in Worth Africa as may bo nocoogary 14 ordor to carry out your mission and prop rl'? your rtvort and rommudations e!. Pursuunt to tho npproval of Brigadier 001101411 V. B. Smith, (now Mnjor Oonora1), Chia of Staff of thy Alliod Forcoo in North Arrkoa, you 4ro horoby dootgnated 1,1? onk! of tho mosborm of a ourvoy party /ming aunt by thin officio to North Afrioo Cor tho purpone of orpniting tho work of OW in and from tho NortA hfrioan arou? Your work wiLi bn oonfinod to tho 84. Brftnoho, ?* You w111 roport to Colonoi William A? Vidy, Mite, 4t Tiingior, oho le in chew or n11 OBS aotivitioa in North Africa, YolJ wil- aot under hl- primnry inotruo? tUnn, ttnd undor dirontianv or tho Cif of tho nurvey party, 4nd 000porato with ColorioI tddy in (miry way, . _? nnninccifipri and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Docimbler 16, 194k To Whom It Iby Conoornt Tho bohvor, Mr* !Wry Wel iu proceeding &brood upon tt oonfidontinl misaion for the Offico of 8trutogic 8rtrviomo. Hp will carry officiftl mull and doommonto of thia *Moos It in requoptiltd that ho be a000rdod tho oourtomion of outman or othor offioials of tho United 8tutoo and othor govornmonto with whom h41 M4/ oomo in onutaot, in order that examinatioh or conoortihip uf nunh mnii, documento or baggage) mol bo :Noichod. 1.? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 574 This will acknowledge receipt this morning of two photostatic copies of the General Directive. I plan to take one of these with me and I am putting the other copy in our secret unaccessioned files to be used as reference by this office. With reference to my trip, the latest information I have is that weather permitting, I am cheduled to leave Thursday, December 31st, at noon. nca-Imccifiari n c-i Anoroved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 +A. 4jr ? te December FROM: Director of Strategic Sergces TO: Mr. John C. Hughes ' 1942 tftt, I. You are hereby authorized and directed to pro, ceed from New York, New York, to l'ingier, Spanish-M=400 and to Algiers, and such other points 14 North Africa as mAy be necthry in order to carry out your mission md prepaIn your report and recommendation. ' 2. There is attached a photostatic Copy af4 memom! randum signed by Brigadier General 1% B. Smith, (n?* Major General), Chief of Staff of the Allied Forces in North Africa, together with copy of a plan subhitted by this office. In accordance with this letter and plan, you ape hereby designated as the Chief of the survey party being sent to North Africa for the purpose of organizing the work of OSS in and from the North African area, and sub.- litting a report and recommendations for the implementa- Lion of the attached plan* 3. You will report to Colonel William A. Eddy, USMC, at TLngier, who is in charge of all OSS activities in North Africa and you will act under his general instruc- tions and cooperate with him in every way. Colonel Ed Africa. wiii makc necefisary arrangements for travel within Nor William J. Donovan Director Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 We, Declassified .and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 ember 160 1 ' r , To Whom It M4 Concern: The bearer, tihn John C. Hughes, is ppooieding nbroud upon a confidentia1 mission for the Wipe of Strategic Services* He will carry official mail and documents of thio offion. It la requested that he be uccerded the courtesies of customs or other offioiala of the United Vtfttom and other governments with whom ho mey como in contoct, in order that examination or censorship of ouch mail, documents or baggage may be iivoided, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 11; ? . . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 GC. .7 r, - g?-?- .14Rwi 101 ; Mr. Howard K. Timms, Ohie Vine DiVision Department of State Washington, D. 00 My dear Mr. Travers, ? October 211 1.942 ,e-Lrits X shell areAtly appreointe your assist (Arica in expediting Actionon the epplioation for mn exit permit recently tiled with the Visa Division by Mrn4 Louim !Not. !Army Quoto A Dritinh oubjects is the wife of Onptotn Louin not, A.U.00, now @soloed to ripeolgi duty witlh our London Ottticei Btu, wishes to rotura tn hor home in Ung1und for the duration of the war, and paomago ham been arranged for her by the nritimh Mmbomoy on a cap scheduled to sail from Now York in tho oouroo of the next few days. have every conftdence in the loyalty nnd intearity of both 04ptnin and Mrn. Nuot and amtlarlod that the imeuance or thia exit permit oolod not in nAy way prove inconsistent with the national intereats PIRQuoy Binoorely yours, William J. Donovan ??? ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 ? 40. 40U, ? ? . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 :? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 OFFICE OF S.TRATIOIC SERVICES INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE; October 22, :).942 FROM; . Lt H. S. Hughes 464 Colonel William 3. Donovan SUBJECT: Foreign Service I had a talk with Major Bruce yesterday about the suggestion that I should Co abroad on SI work. Major Bruce informed me that vacancies for someone with my linguistic background existed only in the London Office. We agreed that my serving in that office would represent only a slight change from what I was already doing here, especially since R & A has already established a London branch. Furthermore, my work with Mr. McKay is developing in such form thnt it looks as though I shall have a prograr of pretty inten- :dye study of the Russian Front set out for this winter and spring, and it would seem inadvisable to interrupt this program. I have c,athProd thht, under thene conditions, it is the opinion both of rejor rrnice nnd of Mr. McKry that I might properly remain in my preperi 7onition for the coming months at leas+. This corresponds ts) my own wishes in the matter. Thank you very much vor the very kind intr-rest you have shown in t-ic whole question. I do not tc convey the impression trt I am nnt, 'It your Oisposal at any iime for any special duty to v.irh !rn LE,sit,:n me. na,-Inccifipri and Anoroved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 /4 otArei OVY low TO: Colonel Donovan WHOM: JoUn Howley NU: OuggoALed Liao or PT boat In ConjunotIon tUL1ity,4,1_ Ltatg.14.,Aaitakag P,119144 Deer Colonel: The Ione of throe or our orulmera and a dentroyer while aoreening troop-laden tranaportm in TwIngl Harbor bringe hank In my nand mn Idea I'vo hhd whinh mIght hnve averted thts tooti (or at leant Inrtiotoa heavier damage on the Jolty naval unith), I otwgromt thhto on orrennive expeditiono whore Lhoro Im h likelihood or "In righting" with ontimy mv.il. vommelm, thmt our bntAto voamita or tibutit til ow tonm rind upwmrlm oHrry on Lhoir 40oka 64linitOr ediLlonm or PT bonLoo to bo lemnohod by wir, onLmpoLL mmthoO, AqvhntAK=10.: I. Torpo0() horam oumblo ii nmvnI Lnok rorod to brInA t boLLor-oonLrolloil Lorpoclo Ciro utonor Lo tho enemy Limn Ihrgor rIrinA Hoomumo or LhoIr twooil onel ommIl HI 'oto it oppourn Wulf, Lhoy aro proLty aIrrioulL toi mtop. (WILnoom our oxporlonoo In tho mnd the Oormtin lino (1r K-hotitn In tho (hnnnol.) It Hoomm Lho only wny or ntoppIng thou' In by oromLIng Aoymorn or wmLor In Lholr peall or by oLroring, Lhom Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : c?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 from famt-flytng planc01. ), At prement they oannot operhte fftr from ft land Woo beoaume of oom9ftrfttive unmenworthInumm tint fuel llmttationme -1:17.4177014 /Irl M44 44/4 4"e" Thu ti at Tulngl when we made our initial appearan00, we oould not helve torpedo boata booaume of the dlatanoo travormods However, if, an the Jape mped behind Ohvo itailhnd, we had hnd torpedo bohte, they (mold have out -mood the jftp orutmera hnd perhapa gotten in body blowm. Am It wha, I gather from newo diapatohea that uur erutaerm thnt hod to protoot the ditiombnrkh- 64444 t7A+7 tton ftatt?wore in nmrpuw waterlwere ()nay mhrito. 1. floluotanoe to have oombutitible or inflammabte material on dooltaja?U*4444,041*441"14. (Out lan't the name objeotion true ma to the mooul plmnea thmt tire oatapulte4 orrT) ?LhoR or deal( opmoo. On the urn er I hhve been On, T. ouggemt the aphoe thetta Immediately behind the rivet funnel, 4011,11411 ordinmrily rimed ror ?vow momembliom mnd roorwiLion auoh aft multiom. i. larrioultlea or meourely laohing hotam to look in trmnolt mnrimunohlag. lemve thim to the engineerh, but 0on't nee too muoh dirrioulty in puttIno, the homLa ou pollorm with a oaLa- putt, hrrhngement. The drop im only 1') or .04.) root, LO Lhe 01404h00. - rit ? ? ? np,Hassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Reduced to simplest terms, the PT boats would perform the same function on the surface as the torpedo planes, carried by the same vessels, perform in the air. A broader use of torpedo boats in this fashion could be accomplished by the construction of naval auxiliary vessels with speed sufficient to keep up with the task force - constructed like the modern whaling ships, with a runway in the stern so that the torpedo boats could slide through the stern into the water. If you think the idea of any worth, do with it what thou wilt. Your armchair strategist, ???? Felt- Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 - i4P1.7:4414-`- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 e ? 4 11344 0011411104.) Of WS** OW ilsolotant goota?kil 1 IMMO illopaptoont at traohlaglion? Cd 41 Mks* alb, lepookor a, ON Moo* V4Ote tt yJAW 1010.0Olter UN IA MAO vtaa outlinal tito tintodisa ainsaltiosatO mivii la Wow* motion Met Olostoittng it IL10iluoimo 10,40011011_ kasandi n thittel te/to NW SIGN Ot o? Ittioatirok o Moab01 tits OM*, ot SU** togate &mottoes* 1.t to r000glod that ViRs poflstuns nth minket to tam outwore* or pop Oxtota tor utio ttori4omp rist4064 *Fo tim Aglowse SAO par Oasy while k41rathin this oontineattal LUAU at Ma tlattoti. too, nolo r chiy woo4lo trovaltne oaliot4o the' WhItinititto tt limacts 41$ tit* %WM Otstias wig tor *WV days akttror eirrhaft iiAn Landon, illsirlaads 00 par nOttphisktiL 00 trostawling abitry itiwa attoar antial, to ? atioopt 47?06 sito ta tha twat that otos lionoirisiso to rog to4 to towel 010?446 SM. 440 11.0140 4-te lAtruktip tIngikond? It to tomer m000tatl that tho talosaneo tor %bow W4?4 t? tool awl ItatiS atSW rate thitV p4r Wm% IN** ta tho third parograph oty ICAO? of SOlikabOt 100 kio 4 ottoniod and ravokaai? indium* aO 401 litmo? otio otatian Noe not boon ottani* So LosOon?imiL4I Mono, akko not to entitled to the alisiostwo arts kV peoilo rurritood? ?4k.44.4,. oodmi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 W 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 ? - ? ? ? :Ill. , , , '.'-',, 4 ,,' ',' I. , 44t-4.:44 -'1,1%A. . 711 ; , .,t,,,,,, i i., :...,3 ---, ;t,,..,11'fi '1.:0 if. 4/ r''' 1-. 2.- ,--il,...--? i? ...! . .. ? 1 Vif. ?, ? ,t ? Lt? 7tPer_t;4^-1.. F:vt' li,r, I i. t ._? irr ,_,',---:.1_,,, 4.,? --, .4- ,' ..? . a - . ? - - .-.1 ' , j '- ,t-: "-i-...-1,-11' -t i -.1-, -t'c.itt- -- 1 ., _ --? ir ---,-," 1.", ..,,,,-tt:.,,,--4,--/i-,-,..i., , -..,.;.,-1. ?1,, 1-0:. =3 ' .,..?, .','? 7r..'?, ,_..,,__ . r? ? ' . / .;,-.. , ? ,. '?F ? ''. ? . : ; . . ?7? :'?'...?!:1 Vi,, 4 .. A.- Ill rt .I. ','?';',..I a ..3- . t- - ir ? ' ?'"... .57.-;,_ .V%.- - --- 5 a - ? ---?a?-?ta-,???"4-- a- ,--*.......r.,--.....f.,--40, ?,-. ? . 5 2, 1-" .,'? ? '' . ? i'. ? 1 ? -t .t? J 5V ,217:31 ' 1- ki ,A ;* ? 44,a?hy ; ? ill. ? 1.-a . ? . ? 1.4, r.' 4.4-r ? 47, ;s ? ? ? A ' ! 2-;..? -.a, r ,? t , ; I. " t 0, 2. /0., ..T?? !lc F. ? t ;14,- ?.?'?? .44 1.4 ^74 ?, ..f ;1?? ? ? ? ? Nio SA' ? ::1:41;1 it? ??? ?,1??ta ?:71, . , - ' `?t ?'-r , 4. ?1/4- ? - ata?, ? L ? .? "f ? ^ ? -Vt- "Otacirtkit4 01 Chas, ttr? DMus Fisher Howe Yisail Onto* irg riles -,7.7,011 ^ ? : 't t; '''''.4.? .-? ri7 "i,..; . .. :1 i '-'-';1'.r,''' :?-:?-?,;":4 -; --. -'-',7-:.,% ,-5--Q-.,:, ': ?_ _ ? ; "'-- ). ---11-1 .,i? i --;, 77e 4^ _. - ^ tr- . , v ' -.. ?'.- .,- 7 4: 1 " e. - Jo ,-.: r? ' , . ? , , "1-????- -1 -v ..: ?'' -44 ? ,,??:-: ., , , - ..); 44 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 4 AVORiS OPITICIALCOOMOMCATIONO TO T1411 SECRETARY Or STATE WMAWWTOKO.C. 6-r-r Al/i9 9,242k- DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON K In reply refer September 11. 1.4'4 to FA 4.1 !MORIBUY STA V Nil rit I Ars we, ? WMM mop nwn The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Director of the Office of Strategic Services and acknowledges the receipt of a letter of September 5, 1942, concerning plans for sending Miss Rosaline Honerkamp to work as a secretary in connection with the Research and Analysis Division of the London Office of the Office of Strategic Services. The Department of State is pleased to advise that it has approved this appointment and that appropriate in- structions have been issued to the American Embassy at London. ?-?,-;;;,,ri mind Annrnved For Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 (111.?-.1 IrDeCILified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 . _ 4 Itty &par btr? Shun - This %aim disprfthing kiss besiless iitmerksiosp los Lontion Lngland to peer* **Kola duties tor the ikwatig ot/404-444.0 Egaearch and Analysis Smash of tbost OtifUse efrsioll0A It la anticipated that as. itomorkaes,wLIL*own sit * vow (Mee It win be appreciat414 if you *ill mho rjisste with tho kinerican .ftbastoet LOnd(nas iingland to how *rig trIve1 cad other expense mashers submitted by Hiss Noneeklapo ass Somicakpia atlaw will be MOO per annum of whiah mow* it is =Rotated thzt 4=240 4tair month be paid through the Aaerieen ra* bassi in izondon. A* indicatail above, trim), *IA other Ersposees Would also be paid thrtmh the AmerileAn aietasey th Xaondoal The refs ma:Lades* or her salary will be old by MIS asut Wastlizetoai,. lietirmaent deductions AIN be Ws fres that pOrfAcw s of ilia thawip? havve salaz7 whieh will be ;aid br this office* The salaw loonte 414dicate4 tarsin should take '.offeet o rptiossbor AI in eider ttwat u rivet payment of salary by the American Mbessr Lu Lando* via, *es utatie ort September 30, for the parted Sliptssipor 26 to 30. z' diet,aUance iU *et on the folUelog Waits 0.00 per daymiie traveling withtn the continental /imite aS the tillit,?A jt4es0 47000 gmciayfobile travaling outside the contLrontal limits of the United State', 1340 Pea* day *AU on shipboasid? It is maneted that an anomie* fit? quarters, haat* fuel kmd .11.?&a at the rate of 860{600 psr swum be paid to Kea gionerkasp tarvuo the AI:erica= MOtbeftly in London to take offset oa the, date f, nar arriVa3.0 - 7-447 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 _ . ? ?", ,41S -t ?.,, - ? = 1;" ; ,.%:1? 4-!?_ " "4-;? , ?? . r t ? ? , 1 ???-. .4; - AEs-a-'044.4 4.1 Fr; ? ? TA?ei? -? t -'-?!? ? - _ ? _ k41117, t4- ? - %,,,,:,::?'.?"-- hr.,'-7-.' g- ,.... . ,??? -.);;;13????, -44 Nplarkaitri WOO et your ivottoCkt or MO ; t...; ? - , - i4St - t ? t 54. "15_ t .e ' - ? , ? ?? '? I ?: 4 "; ,. .1'-;--1- - : , ., . . . , t - 4 , ,,,?: t, . , " .' 4. ::1-... ',-;:? ,., ,......:: . :' ' ? . .: Lfj," '4. ,. - ? ..,.. ,,,; _ *MI rat to 000 tiols Naomi vt' Pliniee itnatt Pimaorriwo Usti? et WOMAN 411 MONeMalk 4 : . - ? 144 , ? ;' ?! I ? N. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Kt.7-7",t1t..2 ktill11 ? '4 s4r. -- ' .-' - If-.1.7 .".,- .;W ' ' et174. *5i ..'- it.,1'?' "'" Z . t? --,?. ,: ....? c 4'.i, .',1- '1''''' ,i, ,.. - .- i?:, ,4 .,..... ?1 ',,i..::-. ? ' ,- , , ,.1 j. i0:1 ?., .;7. --- ? *2 , 2*.; f(ih'..t,:U i s ? t ':' ''' i' P: . 4.., ' .i. ,: ?' q 2-',S -' '.3 '1, i - k? ;r 1i. ' ...f.1; i t'1 ' ,., Iv 1 1 1 41' 1 -,. ? ; : , ,I ,.....! . '.?1-t:.6 1 .k. 1/' L'1?" ^ ..Z.,i,. .104, a" 41 '???:; '1..4. ..: ..: t t. , -., - . 7 ,?, ' a r:- r ,,,;0,.... '''*1,*,' " ?, .3. :1 ` ;"; i , . :4.. '4 1 .'J',1- f., ,,,ii?.":!' t. , .4 1, 1 '-+ A ',,"' . t 641 , , ? .V. 4% ?,,v _ I ^ Yr22'4,. 1' -I. ? ? -2, . T .., ,. ? ,,,, .? ? < ? ., ,,. , ..,_,'? ,,,1 ; ., ,.., t ;1.....,..:.; . ..,,,. . . ; E ' ' ? -'1 . .1' ; '44 : ? "I ?r4.< "4 .4 .... , . r". .. ? .. ? 7., i? ,^) 7. ,,. . ,' 4 5 7: 1 1 ? . '''i.. P.' Hemoivad oil Mt' Wostottg004, .tho lialkl- ..,. ? ,,,..., /14,0 Thouluill Dol1it4,- ($Qoe.00 ' ?-s. - '..i r 4. '' ;., .1 .. contribution to thio? Ottiowitit titrtiteite llorelic,i1. ' ,, ,:;.':. ? , 4 . 1 4 .,1 . 4, to ho ttood oxolltiively for th* 101iiiii..0 puriosOS 1'1 ot the Unitod Otatiki find '4iit thin Oyvi fti .,?. 4. , . .?-.74:ttz? ? ;??? :c2.13.1k -1 Pr' ". - ; tt- ? -1:1? r?- ' - , ? , mut or MATRO:0 iftvIc$$ , .; '** Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 ???? ? K.- Colono 1 Donovtal D A TS Ikto @mho r ;48 194k 1. Ott Um 1:m ti 1 ti r 110 t W0110(1 101110Ntri1ulfl rrulti Co OHO I ti011111, wi Jiyoll it ',wily oxtiouto tit@ t,LtAttitod ro eln Of r000pt? Thi r I lm 111 tit@ tigmo form to Lit@ NivoI I.; I roll ci,000.06 Will ciii W4 t gI vott to Mr.? Howland, 111 t4 eio low 1 mmon 1, or hi tthp 131 v las Lui Lion to otl:; Cl m 1. ? ,44-r1SPLcd,,, ?ed and A roved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 ' ?A". OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Wooton Howland hos givon mo hi @ oh@ok for $2,000?00 whioh ropromonts th@ r@moindoror hi@ ogiory for tho year i9h2, H ho ookod mo to hovo you writo momorundum to g1gHt1d by 00101101 DOHOVAII, ?imtu to WC, on@ yo u wrot@ hoforto, aoknowlodging thin Amount of monoy. rt. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 _ ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 OPPICI OF ITRATIOIC INTIROFFICE MIMO MOW Cols Huntington DATII Auguet 31, 1942. Oolonel William J. Donovan 101 Attentiont Mr. Umes Re Murphy suoJECTI Security Office Organisation Appointment of Seeurity Officer to Succeed lit, Potter. 1. We have had Weston Howland in the Security Office for some time acting an "Administrative Security OffioerN. Actually idieutl Potter and t have ameigned to Mr. Howland supervimion of all Security activities and have been in the process; of familiarising him with the various ' dutiop of Chief Security Officer. 2. Mr. Howland has adminietrative experience and an obvioup ability to get along with people and aocompliph thin I OM wondering, therefore, if it would not be advioftblo to appoint him Acting Security Officer in place of Lieut. Potter or, pbrhapp, Nniroctor of SecurityN. 1 do not suggeot that he be Appointed Ohief Security Officer Von tho Nolan that It may I* conaidered desirable that thio Officio bp hold by ft military or naval officer. 1 3. Mr. Howland appears to be thoroughly capablp. Notol Propoaed Adminietrative Ardor loft by me with Mr. thirphy 0/29/42. npHassifiad and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, Ds C. outd 1.)olloVan I' PUI'(;%toirviltultu. VI) titIo).1.)1 ii$31r,V;11C(1 11)11((0 1, y tii:. 11;4I. ') :ill iU 1411,, NtItirc Hi'yliui t ji v I! 1 I. Lt. r (1 r orwtt 1,4 y ou by ozatotinti ..t?.1,10 II) Aid t Lt Adiii Ir:-.1 v. 111 mid tio I 1-4 Ory 14t1 out. 1 1 J. In) Lt-tntl Luoki vvlio Limp or 1'101 Ito ?ifjt ii(, I. ?i ly utic7 1,1) Id, ol'iit.itt 1t 1 - -fC - ; nRclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 # Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 - ?-? ? ? - . ? Ampat 29, 1942 7 it'fq emulator w? Whitman. The Combined Chieto of Stef Publio Health Building Washington, 1% 04 My dear Commtnder Freeemilint Thdnk you very much for your letitfor 01101001ng oommuniohtion to Aamipal Limhy* Mull have it looked into at moo* Sinooroly, , w-Jtir orr---+Art, ;7'1'? E., 41 tftWt. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 PIT,* - eit_Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 - 4 " 4r, ,...?????? - COmmander A. ALI, Hughes Room 33 Public Ilealth Building Washington, D. C. Mj aetir Commander Hughes: Many thanks for yoffr note of yesterday. 1. !?, want ,you to know Lhat we are most grateful and apis precittkaive of your coming here to work with us these past fev: weeks. It has be a pleasure to have you, and 'our interest in and contribution to the work we tre doing has ben of rezd asaistbnce. The people iu tais office and in the Army and Navy with whom you nave bek.:n workil4g have all told me of their deep adpreciLtioL a;,d of their feeling that you htive 4ado reul contribution. knovi that your trip will re. snit in lusting bnefits to both your country and 4.. 4 ? August 19, 1942 Pie co.vey my thanks and good wishes to Admiral Gotarey. Sincerely, Walks 4. Donovan Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 4=-1 THE JOINT CHUM OF OTAFF (/ Office of Otratogio Borviomv Waohington, D. 0. Augumt 18) 1942 colon01 William jo Donovan Adminibtrhtion Building Offivo of ItraLogio Oorvi000 INiatitritun, D. C. Huving oomploted my miPoion :And bein on tho p()int, of roturnlos to Englana, mny I 1,411(0 thig oppor- tunity of thanking you porwmaLly fur yomr vory kind cuntlideraLlort and hot4plial1.ly. I mhoutd I ilct. ltio Lo expream my keen ap- preiciotion or Lite heti) afforded me by all memberti of ytinv hthrr. it la diffloutt to pleh out individual i,ut 1 um otipvelitily indobted to Lieutonant Commnndor I t 11 ng P. Bmith, U.H.N. for litn co-opo14tlon on all oeowilono, 41 too to PrN.Havtahorno and Leonard WilAon or Lilo Otiogrophy plvimion and Drti. Tryor: and fkofieJd of the Pflycholugy Olviolon. T van only titly that I hope momt i It that my orri.rtri will provo or oomo vt1L110. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 , ,tr??=t. ' " 4, w 4 , v t. : ? ,-, , , 1V4, -14 1 ? j ;., 4, . .1:?4144 .sa ,,, _ 4.4, ??. * ...,...4 , .,? . +1 .4. j ... td.'-?ij t ...e?'''4 .4* ' j re ''''.:; " -ffli- P".? . 4 - ?1?4 * S.''' - . ? ?, r' i , ' OA - ,,, :a - ' ?,. - . ' . +.? 7 ...? ' ??? 4 /' A ?,,; ?_. .....4 ? ,..," , ,i, .s.?-. '%+.40.1 ,,4, ....: ? j4.i?..,.. 11t P.' ? ..? ...--;,, ? f '''''-'4, ? ., 6 ,7-1'''' :- t -, 4.',. "t: ? '''s ; , ?L '''' ,,,. , ?, I 4. 4.? ,1 V. ? - ?,,,; . , ? 't , '4.,:r.?,, 4 .,?. 1 4 ..-j, ,,t.d...,....1., , 0 ? ? 1 ? , ? t ,,,,,,, - e .. 4- c' .. ...!,. . .r ..1:1 4,1 ce ikei4tOttWipir 4-t Cap: boteir o. 1476: Irig-14; alt:r DrOlIttriett4ii nte (11 &Val OrtIlatiiaCiAP,4 er,+.1641 r7 ,,ark?? * . . . ? t (ZI r Wawa thutorfil; I 4, aoartA4W)11. yolv ougo# yola Arp 30(.11tCe r( Tam&tLvtatel 1.5.v-csm. t',1041#. cao el. c tor I ttlit4Co's 40V 1445 .G1 orottO carDrior. ? er? Je. 7 ? te4 144 " ? " It; 4. ? 1942 C - ?,, A ? ? ^ _ 1, k ,r.? re ?? , ? i .? ., - ? -"ir ? 4 ?'' ? = 14 ?c: :- ,... s 0, - 1 ' ?f.,..1-- t: 1 1.' ,. ' ' i.';. g",:l? Coat .0 vf06#01 -",cr-itt it 14 lib sen.t frve, ypIrtr N-. :4:' -.1 .3..c'yo (-1...1.1 n.,, ,t.Jr2,) c 0 i') to D13.04415or of GtzEc.; c =r .,e.!...iDn..r, for, /7.11 travel, Trorftvitaet",! in 0-1 2 .0 4; I ? 1,f. et 44% r. ? ???? 1.2 ?t, r ?' ' ? ,tr I.' f.r.;erc?ctor L4` ? '7 ? 45 ft? I 1. f:f ? _ _Orrattnall=111111121_Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 14(1"1:;40. ? 4, ? ? 1 7 -"A a _ t :a I. ? s ?4-? =?411.? z , r,?0- f'??? IZ?k r ;.r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 k? ? ??? I - ? '? ? MAU ? r'e,r S ? ci Amps,' 2,942 Nor I. peals Saw tine ego you yotto isitovao? lir as of a imonitag Wow Vork botwaart Dr. noise sail Yrs isVassilyk? PUtowist Oda issotiagt Dr, Hots& somaitts4 Mr. likiNtalkos Mob ip to Presi4oat Solos *lob it is toollorstool Mr? auft *wrist with hlti to Wain sad tidy tieliworoit? I Moro mow voisoolvoi from DIN liod.as a twaadatiosIt this totter shd I soli it *off to you holowith, IMMO sorrosa. Use, in the prestos tom *Joh it owe boa W. OWN. ta tsiaasaittiag this WWII Dr. Walk venue ?I Wm* able to " at this sossat Wes WOOD sombers of lieforoat Slovak Oftiltiam time laeluilat two Cathollo mimosa That is a eller aajorl y of Amstioaas of Slovak flosooat oalopolas Osooho4olealt1410110 taus Pm* oolfgovoramouto Ono Pooatralo istlov orgaalaatiou Is apart 00 tut of sours, is favor of tho nopubliu, two bts sass (eatholtos) remain Lailfrovioat without dotal any harm. flo tho Auolloan Slovaks proseat tbateolvea as a mall but faithful pert of the aattftHltlerit, rroat an idas oaphaolaod 0 very riotttly Wood by Mrs As Onto a tow weeks ape filiasoro1y yosyst DeWitt C. Poole Tho Honorable A. Ao loP100 Aisistwat &bents"? of Stats as s . itilgirritheodis Mules C. Dunn. " tat r."-^ r ' :Ck?tt,..,47, "7 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000IUo200nns_R '?-th Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 1304014 Lail dan * P0014011t, Grave on our mineral 414usti08 mar Ile I have, to eftud you thin inforlationx through the intortto4lary of len MAneryk" beer* Inn on tho iVtk potation. %A. " You certainly routsuibor the OzenhomSlovek Government he,vieng decided, in Juno and truly 1938. to 4Uthblidh 010,614 Pomliamil4t oads in iniineiple, oubotontially to enlarge the power ot the alovak mar-government. This default% W1410 find rftiNined importenta It ant-1m 4 donimivo atop towordn a entimfoetory settlement oa: Ozooho-olovhk rointionahip. rt wive ovidonoo thot tho tion10014101 tio pro-munigh cmonno-31ovok Republic won randy end also ampable to nolvo ttn vithl intorunl pre)blning It whm in tho marlt nnd Oh tilt) 1140 oV this alovok, or blotto tor: or thAn Otooli0.-1110VaX reform thnt WO huVO organics(' underse ground notIvItios In 11,ovnkin no noon on towards the end of,1936. It WW1 th0 rota) undorficround volioh onbaoqunntly united With the UzOgn ullaorgrOuul, h XuoL wo Unvo stilted in tile 'course of our uonvorootton o JulyZOth in London. It wnn in the aims or * 001101)04.444.qn 014 ilhd thcn ngpoo4 upon thnt cent Wad to LlohneLiir Jlovnitiv, it Wei 11 in Lho apirit and on thO lino or the mime decisions Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 if.;15,7c i ? -,:.14..(1 ? s a ?71, O.% ;?? rstzt.Z.1' 4 th Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 C". t..-41? 7 4 4-2 064 0_4 1104 of - tho 00110mU3.ov k state suctaasited LA pro, hmoun iU1 oomont OVA olOins vary WIMP or ill*** who t porartty had ellowad thomeelven to b* roolett by "Intlepindsno* Xt wno ttpon thin Wile that X aonsidored 0A00110?010ruk reit* ifitionnhip ao sottiod$ prinolp1ot 6180 duriAi auv,sitivItios in oxilo. A ronolution of tis Stitionsl Oom4it1)** Pori') Ail tormulnta4 tawar44 tis on or 1939 anci pub1iahs4 ** * New Yokes proolomation (1940) bostottod upon the novitk poopl* a function wn1.04 tom outapoiconly poI1tigt4 ond whioh ignoritd our goustitum tional oonooption or tne HOwoohoslovsk Rationna ?Vr.- Tha oituntiOn X found omong Amirioon Slovaks in No/umber 1941 WAo rrOm too ntnimpoint of Oseahomtilovakinn exIle *ativitim, not oatiornotorys Moro wort) and aro, rt Owayn, unthuaiontla individual* to patrintio tradltion aufriood to bit on inoontivo to public) work for tho rtmonatruott0A or tao Oaatihosolovak Republic. On othor Mind noW0VOP tharo worn, ftind partly nra i aurpriatugly largo aumbor or ttiono indirrovont bad anaptioni, not to (*auk of navo9rm4r1ets or Ovon t nitOris? For 4.111y :mart) photX haw) kti4w8 tha Idwologiaml 4ova1opuoint of Amari060 illovako and War aantiulontol vointionahip to thoir oil gauntry of dooefalt6 oo I won attar* mot is diaNitiohtntion npraad an vvidoly an vas obviouoly hno NA its portioulor moon. It oartnialy mkt) nOt tho prOnounaod find oinoors Amorionn patriom : nArlassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 ; 4 .1 3 "41 .4er ei*OVJ .1 at, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200006-6 - tit4 -orOUP ? !, ? error. o trymon? Oortai*y not, become. Avierl,osa und our ORn jj 4 objeotivoal aloe in this war ere rully idontionl and do aot rail to ntrengthen esoh other even tie for 4 an 4 general attitude or wind le ooneerned? An explanatton ooeured twiny ftud woe uponteueous. ,ith an overwhelming majority or tfto Ameoioan Ulovake oentimental re lationahip with their tormor oountry never roiled to beer oleo upon the position of nlovakin in the Ozeohoi