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??%". -At 't ? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ? ? to Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 19 ? 6.1-1 - ? ? ? ?-",t ,.! --.1f 4 ' - ' = , . ? _ t :41-'411 ta! , =?1, 5 ,. ? I:, , J:L:1 ' ;. ? ? 3 ? 4! S 4541 ? 'I *"" ' " - 4 4 . , 1)-1..., ; ....;14,1g:(4,:i.A!Ivoi ol:_1,11:4?- 41:: 0:,11-, , o' - 11,:, i:: 1,1:':-.!-',,;,._,?.,,,),,,,,:_...,.,\,;i:,!.;(:..:.,l',...,!;,. : :"4,t,::,?%* . , ? ..,? . r :,.. : ' ;',:,. , ' .ZO, .1';', ,; ' .' o' . ' . 'C; 1 1 I.:E.' , , iI`otte. i 24t ttt..:, , ,ftrApr 1-01)ono, N'T-411', ttli 00 tvoil ix ''i'. iiii tilV61)(41::..,..4iii.1,' ,..,?.ii,..)".14v;,:,':0:iiitio , ,. .., ? , , ? .11 brtitnoll rtnd fir4 ho crtriod 'OS , 190/.0 ItVrAtici p: 444 1.4r promotod thrilo gradoo to ft ; tiltneo' thon vary iovviOndoti, ha40 4401,*4 ., 1 , . . , l'or psvoratAtork, plovol.gm li .1, * .6.14 $ 1APsvOittrrp 044411tritg' 4 ,. - ,'',i.;.: ii'...i.,,,,,' . rurViAox? chni.Ykl-ck t!(,) WIAOtk Art t110 talt) ter 4:]:: , ? ? ttiyyob:lir ? 0111Ai r; Ohootor4 tlxvg '3,?riPotc>r , 041 rtzatializazionottuasosmisatiminiiiiiiiiiir Declassified and Approved For Release 2013709118 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 '-:) * a leffaMOB PUNA 041k 04 Declassified and Approved For Release 201.3/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMEN Mr. Oheeton Mor Willi@ Erwin Uirsohberg. Jr. (and atteohod oorrespondenoe) DATIi Ally go , The attaohed correspondence is an old story with Ommunioations parsonnel and rather frankly a gawkily justified one sinoe our Oommuoioations psrsonnel. far MOPS highly trained then those of the Army in moral, have ter lower ratings. The reason for this has been te promotionel slot froonem whioh have taken pleas from time to tims. or at othor times the leak of Available slots in 081; for promotions. Onnionlly thorn in littlo doubt thgt those MNI in generel have not boon adoquatoly or properly rewarded by promotions6 However, in regard to T/4 Rirsohborg, eotually he has fared hotter then acme of the other coon aommunioktione boys. The story of his in is es followst 1. Ho woe requestod by NIS on 09 June 19436 2. Ho eoportod to 0110 30 July 1943 we RN a private 3. He Wee in training et ANA 0 from 30 July 1043 to 20 November 1043 -ft no promotions RP@ given during the training period. 4. He orrivod in MTO Deoembor 14, 1043. O. Promoted to Oorporol by OOJ ,Arch os 1944 00 VrOWA40 to Uorgennt by 08O Moy 1, 1944 7. Ho wnn gmAigood to tho Wirot Army, Juno 0, 1044 H. Ho WAN ofAtionod nt ()DO Hoadquortors in Poris Ooptember H3, 1044 P. ito wont into the Nothorlftnds with OI Ootober 21. 1044 end nootinuod with the Nothorlends miseiwuntil Dowdier 0. 1944. 10. Ho r000ivod tho Oood nonduat Modftl in 1044 and a battle pftrtioipntion stnr for the Normandy ompeign thus 2nd of Moroh 1049, 11, Uo hhts boon ovornonts ft total of 19 months. ?Iltrt nna-Inecifiari And Annroved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ? Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0601002-00005-7 r. sore. 1 The grndo of T/4, an you know, is similar in pay to a btok norgoant and with his oversoas pay T/4 Hirschberg makes $93.80 per month. He is not quite 24 years old. Prior to his enlisting in tho Army ho wan reoeiving 50 otarts an hour and thin based in 'world on the ountomary 40 hour week at that time would have brought him in opproximately $80 per month. I rnaliAe fully the boy is not talking about finanoial gaimo, F e in talking about military r000gnition in the way of grnde for Ithe work whioh ho has done. In ordor to got a true and oomploto picture of this boy's (moo it would bo nnoesnary to got all thy, data **swell as onnfirming evidence from his oommnndorn in ETO,nmmoly, his immedinte officers no woll as tho viewpoint of Commander Cravesons As you and I both know thore are oores of mon as woll as offinors in all theaters of tho war who are nerving far bolow thn grades to whinh thny aro entitled by the work and reopontibilition which they havo had, Hiraohborg's lettor is a Vpioal soldlor boot (bAt in my opinion probably a fairly juntiflod onn) but I woold not stato this officially until Y saw his wholo oversaw* reeord giving tho improssions or his oommnding ()moors, The inequalitioo which have nxisted have boon uproad fairly evenly among moat or the Communioations Brnnoh. (It ham not boon an inoquality of Hiroohborg vornus the othors). Do you want mo to writo Conuottnrior Grav000n further about thin? 4=.0.044L420e04. 'a. Prednrio A. Willis Major, USMCR? ?Y4471':.1W1. , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ?4:,;?hT ? 31.4 -=..- _ . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/69/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 eta ? S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ? I MIN HIRSCHBERG 4th I AEI. AV*11.11: PAIN 141Dtil, It I ..???..1=1=11,4604"4400444440,16104M;f? ,e,...30?14 13 144 joi. (lottrwri vvolo d1I h on .!1)1.11 It; IM i1 ti111.,1.11ii? I). (I. ? tiPirsn I 11 i,P0111. n I. ni. V lnril III 6 I JAM Lt-di I SW, 1,110 111)001,y g ir ritt.wmrst1 w. I I I.') Pm y(sti tivi I 1). 1 iii,orprii,no 111 tiiii",.nis1.111P: 111c-31111011 I.10 1 1 I I 1'00 I Ns ivy I 111 I. r40111.ril t, 10 I '33.1"t,' .:1,1;1, ( A* I's 11* I 11 k't I II p iiqk ' Declassified and Approved For Release-2iMor : L-90000Z001-00011-0000X?1,c1C11-V10 8/6O/L.O 3Se3i3i -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI A ?????? .11JIl Wit(io Jowl uull uttlie.tt 110u.1 ot!' fOld IN""i""" "N l nii 11.111110ml witti otri oil.) Lilo) Lib, itoivitqlio 10) luta oil W it! I t I I(LW MAW, 0A ll 414/14 it1W wAug IM 14t:4),1 Jaulito ut wq uulu131 i fIJI it Ill LiNLI 1j.) ti out/ Pomil u0AowI U 13 lo 111%1? Jpliu pm; 1 'I If 01)J It Huog 0.11 u@ill ooult: floo; 11 01t11 01111u111,1111 WWitil LoPIttIoutt 4V111 10'4 '1,11 lit 11.1111 ul woo.) I III (oourldot t t poOttlI I Litit) U11 r? tJII) It liii U II 111.4 I 11-14,it III 1 0111 044a0A0 11-011 4.1411W611/ HOW 0411V WI II Mil :oitt[tI01111 11111 WI um', 01111(1 otil ill 11 uluAi 14/0-imit1 IDUOVOoltlitmPtt,o 1310)11 pt.t1%: uql 1t11111 util !OM N tititwi ol LLItiti3O It uollm ou l'F'111UOVI1I1)llitimmoo tory ,tutilt; (.11111)14 Ili WI 0.1t1 141:1 'I .J111 a aotilo wiototio;) um . lq irtftj popq lun 141 tilm otij utit.tiod uij,, '1411111InJoill) MO lwriA oin owtrio ;;o11, oom 11 .141.1 11!)0,10 Lalui t.? IImp lot .Art 0.1 till! tit', t;t;() .11) if., onv,",,,I,0 oql 1,4111 hn um glim 0140.0 Illm otim Puriq ?J ?J wmultoj vuolmutt moul I put/ '11%,otittl !dupl.) Kt14 ltil slow,1 Li ooj mtml tIll v14111111,111 3l Ii uo 011101,1(1m 'who Liotto%illiolot .1u1111) 1:11t/ Uv-1111 odnitt It 'HOW tilt 11414 pit slit() "Il"r t." "i " I 1*' 14111" ottinolvid 611111 louj Li I'j mtml 0.ttirluotm bot-tt Ilti put\ oils clAA t.31111 111111 001 It I M* 14111 aittpup T114 tionommillI1 uolumot boom o.',4 01401ta1410111011 Ill uoitlf/tm 1310 w dn lttow uo-im *14141404 ottl moaj ww000p PRMO Wlt otim ,l1.atriou4 quid 0.11t1 4WV mooj wn Jo owdql wlowm oml wwariA J11I ottnoa idttWouti dol ,w .jlowit olul Pit until lots No loom ?Jo 4CIN1 0100 oolto lvt.:tligo JOJ Oblt pllitoorloon)14torld ol 1.11411oot4.1 wpm (luutmloPlop ono)wm ow 4m eldov .0141, owpooft U4111.i14t, pill 101 Xmov q14.1 11 otn (my) oil,' -1 nun 'lit ono itivItoq owl udo jot! onni 11,10MWIlPtt 14uo0old Itifoodv MitoV Ittotel PPM t "Poud(ij linnoVdtwon fitoom tloti .4411m t10.1114 1011-wit11ti bum) It JO t-1 mit It out to`..) I I 01 it r I:1[4-0114.w @I olmuop op) aw woouN umow .)I 114 nt ::IttlAtoow Otnivw ooj kinoliwoltinotmoo "iittoloom nuull wApti J ttoltwag 0111 It= u t;wttonwoct 411wto ooP uouti,t, 41(00n)1dootta iif VIti $tOti 0 Lid 1)1 ) 111ioc Rum wri IAN ow) 0.1 SI crt Pt 14111 ttottoog KTuo ot it pup jet nottPoet Ono lwnr wt,Itiltiottinmiitoo wowwW Jo oldnoo putow 1(1 IM liltVOW 1P woltlt1 PuotiPovuttmmoo otplia ;al 1t40fl 4AIT.,.mgmal4MT1 quwwo4d @in (0 PT flor vuo 'dirtop umut @Awl lottm foortm no4 tol tliqp 0(1 TTIm T 00141T UOtto PA011 fluov) oa dcitgaoptioti .0111 minto L-90000Z001-00011-0000X?1,c1C11-V10 8/6O/L.O eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI "11-N Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 1.1111.11Milimanwpww 1. i. (Ito to. hot. 111 tin? Orrt otiliti 01.1 voliti anti 01 oric 9, illtl(SIttAll (-1 141t1 ()Iiht):0 titIti ti ti 11:4 V fl 111.4(1 II 1 tilt:)L 11110 hutiti 1. Ili 14411( ;11 1106 11(11111 11r? 1.ca 1 kr) '1%1 1,r11. I. ( :And ti t,1)10 iii' Lliti III Iti Lott/ riI tivtil LW() .111111,rgi i 14 ) i I ci 1.11n k:()toIttitttl tut Li C fI lint'rititliin 1 110 V0 11.1)14 'CM 1 tit 1 Linn t.itit;t ti.).1 1 1.1411 1)4)0t11.. i1. 4411../ 1010.1? 1.t) tiny 0 11tri t)1.1tril` titt 1 r eAtin 1,1.01.1.y viiti Li 110e1 tillt,t, 1110 Wi tt i.r, 1.10 or o Thi) is_1(.1 ',tar I, UI lilt i1 1.1 tti Lt I tiff, 1:i inn :i1 i II 1411c11'n 1 ti Itli I, ti 1.1t1 III': WO (I411 (1() !Oil all, 1 1., :Pail tt 10 1' 1 ti I C. tit 1.? I I 1 I t.r11 1 :/"Ii (1111 14? Iiir.A.11L y 1,11M 1. 1 tit) tit) I. pr$0 I tiny LItr I1(istrit, VII LI It(IVJ Mid n11.1..1101. It I' c I ImVt) t1:1 Vtitt Imito or 10,11\11w. rtwww.ti IA) I I.. I eivt)I. (tot)5 oomei Liwooril otovv, ? I wimiI PiciAlt 1.11111r, flirt t311(1 I latittit ti V r'1';/ vV(IrtI ritiN ? 1 Wind Lit 1.111111C 141114 Mull' I I. wittail 1114Vri ? 14ti .111,11, vovvt4t4t1, lila 1 IttAkiti rittltif I (Ala 1.11r) vvt.ty 1.1011. 1 I. i ts nut, (1(10 1 1.1:1 who :0)11 t it' 'IV Intl1 vvittitt Iii ,011-1 1 I III 01111119 ltiti)vi4 1,411:0111ti W1 1.1i I Ur 1 tioilOn rii'Int' Itl 1 1 y 1 I. ill I ti ii 0 lit t;unipittli I v.11.1(111 mutt 0 titt(III ti I lin yr., I 'fbi riItcn 1 ttl'isi v riI lit Eu1'11111(11, :It) 1.111.i 1. 1 ti IL Ii'. ittt, tti? 1.wit a I t111 ittl ti XVI(' t. I y litritiltril Silo Li) wlitt I hurt 1,,,nit 1.11wIII mt(1 1,1tn lt 1 ittl ii 1'r WI 11", VItl I 11 I;tii it illit 1 1 Ii ti Iltt \' ti 1 it nil Ludt 1 it," 1 tt 1.1 to 1 It.t1 t 1to 111(111111m 1 ha ;twin iI 1111 tto tip ti Iltirti 01'11,11 (it V. itj't ii r 1.1111 I/ 1/C1 Ii I i?irld Li In Vol') ...III Illit ti Lim ( 1 11.1 iti.t I 1.11r1) Iiit I I1111 oril' 1.1,1 1 et I y r,itt.:, I , lc, t II( :1 fit It' ri ? 1 '1,1 1.111,11. Iit ii 1 I *i t iii I tv;it'd I WV: pit ?r ti :10 1 1 0 1111 1 1i1 1?i". n?I n Ivg I I 1 c) I I (,,` I cit'?111?Iri I I tad LI pit.. v.1 1 Ii i.ttl. I t III 1w.) III 11111 I. I I rti,i)11 .:,11? 1 r y...1 I ',ire) 111,1 I I t ?ll Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nn7nnnn_7 s. 4;clor4t , , 1 -.I . s??`......0 CO 4.- , ts i :s. s- _ 4 3 :`,..-'"-?: ' c ''''Is --;;;;,,?;::;?, ,"-- ,,,.. 1,.. -1. :.:???"1-:',,!:.:::: ,t,,..:. ill,: ipt,nt f't? .;.+,::, ! I :: ., ? -,.. . ? ' ` .tf.11;.N".. .0- -.. r? ? ?'.1"ie 4..-'?,.f, 41'i'.":. :1 .:'.:: .., 4- ^,-,s4- s.,s-, .:, 4 ,, -.? 7i-i , ly.? ,,,:-^ .111,2 T.., ., 4--5 ,I, ? ?+-. s`' s . , ? ' - ...;k1...-,1]..:.c.)A, ' ? ?:'-' - /-. Vil -,.. Ifi:1?... . y?,"41. f...,,,,. f., ,-,? - ? . '0 ' "p.F...',-;1,...- !,., ? , A , , r'' ?sts-:." 1 k S I kts 7-,, s . . , ' , ? ,i- i,. --? ? -c ili'. '12', I n"'! ,,,z4,-4 1 Y ^ . . ,14.1,1 's,P ; :f' :::::::::" .''''-?1.:' 'j r;'*.-4.. ' 4i. '.', ? .. ,4, .,, ).,. . 3 t ? .216I,. : St. 1 . ? -C,,,,, - ' s 'T'..40:-;,,,,?:" ' ?''''.,'',: t s'lk 11 re' - ' .. ?'s ,, ? 1 .1 , i ?? ' .? ' .t.r f -. -..xsss.4: s Vs?-?'' ? ;"- i F?t- ' 2 ' ... ,...,' ?' ' ,?,:i 4-.`? 1....;' , f!, ? f,..? - ,..,-' : ;,:. i? lit.i.1,:::41,' _ :?;i. dt . S' .1 ; .- ? ? - !..! ?F t ., t , ? . ? s.-;) - Herbert Cs Oitta I Alter Avenvit Staten blank Now To Dear Bolt: ? ; 94 0! t, S? io 4.t1' 4 31 rx? ? s I ? ?/: s -? ' ? ,,? L " ,,s, si: - " . sy . f... '', s- ILI. 3' ? .1 s t s 4. 4 ,4!v" Thank you vory molt for Yotix910,?, rJr.' ' ? 3-.? ?st?-?-i Tit " WhiCh 1 tm glad to havot I judolow ato'$t. 11 , - in the ring and goins ritrowt, 1. Sincerely, 3. Willihm J. Donovan Wrootor t" . h I; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 f 11; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 _1-1411 te ?it11tiPt 4110,440" t.4.- 14 0404 Milli V144444?:4 N 4?. 1111.1()WARI1 goonodei. N, V, 9P liDIVARD Mcf3itATil,PaJ?iIPT 140) Noithern tioollvaid N, V, 447., I it:,?oist+04.40 11:11 titEr41?.4 t4ttli t 11/1.0 N I I I Nlic.II ? N N? III ',ski ritiontsr DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK ARMY AND NAVY UNION, U. S. A. mom 11, BOROUGli NALL TICMONT AND 1111110 AMIN BRONX 67, N VefTY Alkalf III Alter Ave; 20,X=0,45, Staten Island,N.Y* Gon1Am011*Donovan Offatrateglo Sinless Washington.D.O. tttIl, I ?Itir,. My Door Sir; N Many Moons have passed since you Captained old Troorlion the Dorderowhere was a Suck in Wand I. tk, J. I I It'. MO) 01? Iir.t 1,1?44.,..1. Akimito ???4 tilt.; N Y . 141 -4 01 I 41 .. 4.c..? LI I ? h 1.11*.4 r it r? a. ttttt 41 (41414 1444i1.111411 1,1 . '4 ?IU .1.11 " "." , Oki ? 1,.4.444... '4 1 Wilt its.) 1 I 14111t 11A I rt. \11.b111 $illi ir4itr"I4 ? ? ? sr. ,t. IN II I I' I, I L ? 1?,.,1/...jautic.lx1 vith ()tub f v:lut, Z945 Ps.s,loctively* de:304.144a t loobbta 0 rif act tit-1022v t i ''W.- -? .04 C. '..-.-11:- ''.: i _ - ' + ?;t" ? Is . 1 '' 0 lc ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 NO, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 24 4110* 1946 1111A Yeakb$06 icy tr.?1101Mak rA1 19t.VP0 111$ 1116 NOW" ?9 nAlgor 111f1) MU or IM filtrrnipitto 1 June inns 21 Juno 'Mit 25 June 100 maw Auctrin 01E00 mrn.r) COutifor 7. 101 r MI6 gt1UPOr nuti,103oi _EvAulATION 1.0.4306 !if:4080A. 140.0302 NO Of Nolo inevicyorme*ssaiesetoupikrosapi a,. are P. *Am* ram cgs. fl"A"14.1V1.11?1 ? ? - 4 ? e4-.-;-- ;-.F-kr----4+ h. -1 ofrirtadoNahror Ir4v. flee !TT'. 44 lat :11`!":, won born in 11?111 in Netsetatity ant lours' I a. 'in etit dont! atry As '1,0 "n Ivor. ity of 'ftonnylvonio 11)00...1)11, rter 'Produati bri * nt int o te profit! on in lior 1 in *AI b tiwrt I ler Loa:4.4,m. f100 et. No norved tie dental jpor I th Ow, oh...m(1h+) U., -1 )1 ! orld lir Ito tui It a low ,Pot) at lth y 'lion olo ? 1 arfunly boocti fie of h n proriiiienoy In dotty., !widen ark, b. In 1930 lihIVIAir Pth ter prow *no roforrod to ' mtn*nt Nosi* fOlimod thin vIritt qn0 and .itil.v;" joined the mtInA" 1.131 W V4 iitAtitrr. ad T11.:at lc tooth eor "rot I PU. 1tit to asitiriati rnntIranit *1'4 ca nut) enquant ly 101 ()rod by hi e oi !nowt to Oh tlf"varri '..ur.Pcoon eati ":171.!1i e pore cna1 dentist. 0 In 14 VIA t'in :lob or orran i *int* an 3. r8oni 1,01f i 1 upo0 bat tbi 1 a a on I tm. volt 'mild 01100 h I n onnortun I tif tv un I to thc tv 0branohonV lnronn tiontistry a "ralinartte" ( +ANA i ittil 1 in qo tont !la bntii and thoory hut not too V11 in toelin t quo tine! "I`rollittIntile (Of% inofl *.011 In tflOhltligIlt$ but not very roll 'wow, im thmory mnit volonoon). 'rho union 1)r :101,14rute ond ern.. I trilln ti nanoti ,11)004 '11 I ii. Ari 1 11`, ? ij1tUt ' I t IQt v!TUR un ft nrtint. nnd Poremn ii*AriC"1, has trendoo ? tioLra to tooth rof.n1nr1y tit about throe& mon filo int orvi4 1 1914 1174. II ran a `tray nunotun 1 'or hie elan s si tinintroirent ts hi ihti elhane10110rY# Milartr1014 tind Orendasa tiV.0 tr.ovfor ?pnon rod nor you ri nr 111 a t cffi titt In i Am j110 rot itivio Fho cientI fit 114 in atruoti mon ItoI thruliv, "es von o etri ot vorotarInne non -smokore on o(nouvid no olooholio hovoruAlii, 11,4/41elori 't".; it o ivititnit l'T.AnCrlitt oleo Imo" 1.1 soo1ully. 'rho dontint livod at 00 liptohaliant1o1 1 I bm PO April 1040. IMAIW1110. oomnidorod woll enlrmliaoiplinodo hooanne 1n wolad quiokly vor41t1h I onmponlivo 4rtor boinr viol onto 1y nrouono. !to *Poo ntiveir bstImoto ?lib h c (4t1m001ntome ItAnOOKN ounclilorra Um' cioorno no to rtrl 1,1t ortiothindiript oharmoteris. ?iota* t;noItil olrivoritoti one, 'y pro no liar about nori n nob loots twORMT niMnirizt924 neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 OtORET 14400 NuiAlv444 otlo.ftoidod# io4 'ilTliXt4 did 1iha Ny1)-tp tht Hun ot Atoto4totAnoo Oltt AVIV Ohliql;01fIithtqh WOOVP,, ootiott tor4 't4144 ho hoolvi 1Iwo ;it ttkwit) t Ito t',4=ti row yi;i4t.A. vtiti ooirthod V3V PtiVoYtil iillAts in itIO tt01, ot i 144 h000ll4o )10111.ni 0010tibvilon. 'it,A11(7tit' cA't 011 troototi "I'M! ?vA 9100 i") tV,t11,41??t, '1 We4llt314 I OYi ilivon by IILAt'OWN 04, ltil1 tiVireti it mil Poly tho ti ottxoti olio of' '011,)410t1 toothszvl rtto 1111011# kitiatifla ilaVOr clittt hop. 'holt An )%0411141 ii t Itit, loot oti t 1'4411t1 v014ii 1 lit/ "0 0144 oltme141 111 I,. I 1,Asioithp,' iit101,1 onfifildoit it.tit )144 001410 Itiontify tioth 'IP1'1,141 ond (11.11'iM.1 t h1 r t otit 1 otid aVOn thotrii rttiViitti vntin Hot, t' rtor It it- t`ta,N.- noel ptir 111,r ttri ?, .1,1 itti v .4110 1411 "4" VCIPW1 t et, Mark Attotti: " TM. ''f' III 01' "t101 4,111 111) lAtti i1 I111101111$111'. y overoI t .101)4,opiot;. O. ItlfAVOM ottotod 114A1 104 only roopomilhillty (Nowitiotion *Atli. 0110ellI t11'13. 1. 1 ttt% 0111111111 p i 044 el v 1I ri ti r dont t I mirt, Thovorovo. ho qoktI y thrrictob tho dotal% I th!oos. -rfoltri ,Aold rr.111 tho tooth or !ball info tsn "un 1 toti ri j 11 I% alb talk ills 11011) v Cl non 01,0010., I IY ItjV ooprnAlrburn 40 Po Apr Il 1416 hel vica, I lb I .1 1.hti ti 1i111.111 vonlit tho wit iloyo troll V ) 111.11101"11 A. MI mtnittll IN. 01 Prar hitt Pihoottici siwke rov hroati14,11c oftwto v ou I I ottr. "li talproll I i?o hl Ir httI "it' ill" hht hrs lt feri I' 1,1 t" 1'0 6?0111`1?01115i CI 4114 ow ?O1101 tilOor 01100 1410. MA tooth vmro 004) rnoltIP, 1III4 oo lirplohe yftv. "flors iflovito,e,, kir tbintiOiVy AOIMod 143'7 "'4'4 1 II4,,,,t,ent.00 4p lit' oVidWit I Itc-3 1.!tt ,04.? ,lorr,140,4),11 r Annrnved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Kivot 45lovilit4) DATE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 - - - _ ? r ? .? ? OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVI OFFICIAL DISPATCH 7 AUGUST 45 RECD1133 ? Au ' TO SU BLOW FROM OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES 7 . lam on 001( WO/ DISTRIBUTION (COINIPrifiAitON- TO ONIGINA-T-Oli IVOR INFORMATiliN) c 1 , MAGRUDER 10- 155 fid10141401 oiliffmeornes 1?-401g4-1 DIRECTOR LRANSMITTED IN CODE OR CIPHER 022357. TO CHAFX, KUNMING (01,1T0194.)_, ti0421. TO MA4011 CHUNGKING (OUT10105040J MAGRUDER FOR 100p HAVE DISCUSSED 4ITH ?HESTON ADVISABILITY OF TRAMTTINO TO FITINE REPORT ON IiITLER'S.XNUTION? WE SNOUT DULLES SE IN STRUCTED TO GIVE 00PrOrREPORTS DIRECTLY TO RUSSIAN OFFICIALS IN BERLIN. REASON FOR THIC IC THAT EVEN THOUGH THLADEXILLMATTEA WAS CLEARED THROU3H SEIBERT THE 4AR DEPARTMENT IS DISTURBED OVER ,THE EX* CHANGE Or COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH DEANE. SCOW SECRET TOD* 1859 7 AUGUST 45 4 4 INITIALS OP "RICLIASING" WICKS rr volt tur 111)1(0 UM THIS OALR,14 " SECRET wrthotrr AUTHORIZATION PROM TIM SHORKTARIAT wart_Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00010070nnn-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 :? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ? IP 4 oFincE OF STRA IC SERV1 !Re- tv44011 OFFICIAL 0111PATCH , REC'D 151 9 2.8 APR ATE 28 APRiii. TO BERWp SWITZIEtAt. ,rjt93SL.r7--- root4 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERV iCES OUT 99U9 amen=1,0.="=mg1P?orsulwrorstzaaccvsla PIM INFORMATION) (coNrip.mAiriON TO 01110iNATO 1; Og DIRECTOR Aloiec J.TRANSMITTED 114' k fo-tiotioki voiSMOOPPIGY t4=101084 WETARIATI 51, MAGRUDER, LD SECTIOU X42. 0 6i 7. 110 FROM 109, i540 ANU DIX, RELAY VIA LONDON, SrCRET (I) APPROxiMATCLY 1921 ADOLPH HITLER Wart TO MUNICH AND WAS WitsTESALO AS NON-RESIDENT OR ALIEN TO THAT CITY BY POLICE OR olan orvIciALS iN nconos KNOWN AS FREMDEN KONTROL, THIS RECORDING RUQUIRLO FINOEFAPRINTIUG. HITLERIS FINGERPRINTS SHOULD BE OBTAINED IN MUNICH UY oss THLRLOY OPERATINO FOR ALLIES TO PREVLNT SUBSTITUTE ACTING FOR HITLER. 15Y, 23 APRIL 45 Rc) .04 ? - WJD HWD SINITAL IS OY "NZLICAlliNcr orplagn - LA 2 IT mV.(1341i101)F,r4 To COPYFOR REPRODUClt Tuts CAOLP, WiTilotry AU'rtiOKIZATION PROM pato 86CRWrARlAT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ' ..? z , 4,1 ,' ' ? !. 1, C.' SI, watis!ssa T= 412==tfla,,,tsael ? AallakterglatrIabtalliCtnY It. i f q? ?if h@ blimhopoil tui onrPtiopOnd with 'limbo'. IVo oolumns , hn dv9Wh 40144,0 kihobt undpr olutoh pommont? v. br,t.lointiolim oho410 to, 4E101 In ro column. ' nV 010,1141hi (ohook mtwk Innurriolont) tioNro ftwthor POUtin01 4,iiv4 or #f*LItth L4Ift/h flhould ho Indipfittld OOMMOntR 001UMAI whvnt 041whym t4 ft Pfatirnod to Atigtmtry. ry ot,1 1),,,,i0hatiohn tints qophriftto mhoot. SECREt Declassified and Approved_For_Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 OFFICE 0 0 mimic SERVICES WASHINGTON 244 Gi ?:,..12?cogi="1"e"9-0-Per-e(11?1114-4"felf?11110?4*"4?4131.q.,440 ,10 c 11't Apr 11 1041; II e I'll* (16li # 11 1 I tAill 11, * 11(1110 V t4 ti C14.1,11f4 a H 9 ti111E1rIfift10t1 rTh.3111-1111(10 ? ti4-1 i"Ii Yt"11.1)11r11 '1, ',I, Itiv III rk1,111' 110 s I 1 1 1 1,1?1 $114 14. I 1.'1 I 1 \I El 1.1. I I I pvvolifi f' te-1 t 1;1' , ,,..121.61:10H oft 1'11 i P htt,I I. IE r t 4 1,1 I, 4.1 ? - t. 1,111 1 h I 0,1111 -4.,1 1 1 tri : 1 t , , ? 1,11 V' I 1 ? * III! ;61 I' 1 ?It III11'1 4. I 11Cilf,,, .? ill i '? I 1 41' 1 11? r ,1 1, , \ tI I *,11111011 1 .. I I II 11111L-Trrl" 1 ic11%1 !i g I g I r? ' I r ? t ? .11 1.1 . 11111011, ' I I III! I '? 11:1- rt ?III t 1 It .1,,Itt1 1 r1114.11-111"Iir '11 1 ,? ? ? I , '1111 I 1 1,1.. 1' 1111 1111i I r 8 r?I? v., III Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09718 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 74022181Elni Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 14E414:41e440444444,401talin 01L0 LAtuohod witm moiv0d ki4A0M116 Mil thio notang$ wtat4imigInd WO it io of L&H to,Lor@ot to yotii. (444411tk4M ti (AA Ii*Auchiaoloni Lta $ iTAOD Liff So) Af 1,4 fglrfrtdeleit Vi ENTIAL (110) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 , 44 v1.1443. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 r ? ? ? 44 ; 4 ?? ;S.1 - I A' to, It utuomam Pon az lit?... DONOVAN PROM; James 14 Uurphy ? Oote170 11:1VA4 SINITCT* David B. Eigginbottoma gnd 4t.#40 Permission is requested for 144.,Hininbottona deatined for an X42 assigntent in. hidiap Ve attend :the Basio OSS Indoctrination Course at Areiiit-41 instead'of.014. the West Coast. It. nigginbott0msust4ined an injury to his spine on 19 April 11;44 while on duty at Hunter Yieldi Georgia, Re has now been released from medical osre with the understanding that he will osrry On pity sedm entftry aotivitiee for a period of four months/ The position for which he is destined in INAla is one of an administrative nature, where his personal knowledge of the aountry and hie language facilities awl be futly utilised, Tha typo of aseliMent to *doh he is going mould uot necessitate that he have the WeV.. Coast tr*inim inc. However, if auoh training were deemeti essential, it to deemed that it would he inadvisablo At this ttm0 because of h.te recent medical history. Hs is urgently needed in India at.ths present ttmeo and the five or Six weeks that mad be cut fro* the West Coast truining period by indootrinating hiv much surlier. !lore in Washington neuld allow him to go to the field 4. 4 Approveds ? I ? ,,f 'ap44r W11la.41 jo DUKIOVftn C ,:s.v ? A, NV0 ? I/ I) 17.11/ ;4.41444 (,?14:s1,4ssylk.,. g - A. ,? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 - 7 , ? ? ? ? , t..44 4' . - ? f,;.?7..,. t ' ? ' '' , Z 1: , t , ..t. -It''' ' .,"1..;---,1 4,"-;:"" ?I, .4 et , . .. .4... i ..,....i ',..,..i f., 1. 4 ? 4: ..1.',';:':::),7:11..,,.:::',,,p',,r, l'i''''', t'-'-'1,...71;1,1 P .'' 4, ,- !I ? t. ` ...i.r.;'? ' s. , A TAM TO MAW 0014 HIA$00 AU4 ank14021 0400 Ak 4. '4 ' ?,! f'S 1 Ye* hre hereby euthcrited 4114 WOO proceed to the deatirmtica indlouted in Mr WWI* moro you will report to %NI Otratogla ?0.2114140 Wiley* tor thut Thowbro of Opimottons. Usti stilla theroartswa to 60 moor WI tumtmotiont of %ft* Striklogill Service* ()Moor fat moti Thott#40# APP40044 ) an Doputt .h1 to 0 William J. ovela Director 08 APPROVIDi WITaranra7;11 AV y Aetino Aaropoon Thou re Officer * or Deputy Diteoto 1 ' - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 6110 '[C F ? ; r ?"! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010020000-7 '54. '? ? 1,0 '44,4,40447,4t777- Jan. 3,1944 Memorandum to: Colonel G.Edward Buxton I strongly recommend that Major Watts Hill be promoted to Lt. Colonel. He has been in grade for twenty four months as of January 10th, 1945, He is in the Camouflage Branch. David K.E.Bruce CONFIDENTIAL . . ? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ? ? ? p.tV Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 At, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 , . ; ,,-..!,,; t.,,...?': i...`7 ' f.? -;1?,:ki. ,.."'1?3.:P'e.;?,''..-, , ?c.'4?-.4?,,frv.;44?*4?;?.:.'5,-;11;???LA4..?111 '-':':-.?:i4,-;:.,,,, ?:, ..,... A., ...0? ,..= ?, ...4 ?..?.4..?.. ???,? . AA, t.......?!1/4 ..... ?4.,,,. . -., ?? .;. ?,.'1' :.-_,3...".,?,?;?..,,r?.. ....?,,,? t,,...,..4-4 , ..., i., ? -1, , .; " ./..,.? .. _ ' ..-1. - " .'' ... -*-tr-'4,...-- r,:ri.-4A f` ":': ... i., . ,. , ....? .a. J '-#...!0,2, .,#?? ;- gr,,,,,,, , '-',f4:1:k:4',1/4 ? , , '''.? ?"" `)/If a' ',I - ?. 4 -7 ? I 0 i. ... I. . .- * '14" :'4 ". . 1 .... . 40*4. *1*..r.. ' 4" ZI: ' ' - dt 4.0 ''- . -':. , 4 . ? 4.4 . s t. 7 ' 7 ''. . ? 1 k. S_44. ot 4. / - .. .4 Y . ? / 4 ' ? -'L#. '..? .? ;? ,. . . : ?": 4, ? #-' ' , t. i.:-. ? - . ,t.11 ,'? ? 1 ? ' a 4... ,1, '1".'tile'l '. 1 ' , . s : i s 1. ,A, 4?t.''' i'!1':''' ' ' ? ' - ' '1/4 ? .' ? 04?i d???-? I Ir. I . ? 3 C ? ? s " ?r? ny, 0 QUO ? . - ? ? ? , , , ? ' #'"*)f. ' . 1 to "?`) :1;4 !t4At. 't,'.41441 S. ":ot .-" ? ? . : k'4 41t .? ; ?? Zyd.!.? t:7; 4'1 st- 14.14, ? ?#''a ' - , 4.#, ? ;Z. t." ?,, tr .;? i ; " t '? t' r I. , ? '1 4.' ?=, . , ?4; k ; tt. ? e A ? ? s? ? "?? ???3/ ( 44 ' 't 370.,, 4 44 , , ? 'ae otrixtrisf- ? ? 0 ' :-. r. - -. t .. , ..t . . ' ' ' ,s t- -it..". '1 - 1. YOU. iste '' riii.0,..?1,7 .agifq)v,s414,prtt 44.414''' '''.--'''..it''''. . . . ,,,......... .: . ,,t .:T, ',:i .: ,,P, # - .' '!ii :7: .fl'i ? . ' A tt t ? .; to proceed to liondon0.1,4***.itiErf :1101i'.. '7 ," 4 t t.' . tf? - in '1-',?.1:";::ti'.4. ?1`'''' to the Stratee* Servioes .ortiaorik:-Itil '' sit idiiii.:, -4-.4l.-P..'? ' ?,,? ' '''-',';.?,..? '.., ,: 1. ,, , --..i., ,L1- ?__. . , . . , , ?. O f Operational' Xou aft*, 'thillreartivi tomaitim440, .,.:71!:,?:2., ,,....,. the inatruetionis of the Stroetegato aervittea bftioar , 1: '4.-. for the ftropaan ThelktOrs priovni) On uty Ch , CAILLL% d KAMA Tana or neri Deputy Direotor,850 mons aril European Theater Offioer a. Edward 4Nottaft Aottna Dirooto10 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 r? ? , S. 1, 4 ; t 41x-r D- ? ? -A '240 e4-rs4. * Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 h7" ? rY, ia s itro Osorge'Aii Orettem Um:ratify* nocrotary Of CoiMttt4? om Dacor4s1 of ,War A4 misty* Durobu of tho Budget utishingtoft# Dw Ow My dear M. Orsh**1 In General Donovanis absence Z itaolthowZ roosipt of your letter or 1 Amluet. 1940 ivith eim 0104W oopy of recent latter tfts the Pro014mmt responee to 6 report by the Direetor of the:_ftrOau of tho Budget on th pogzss? of the Onvernmentoweide prow arm for tho repor ing of our wartime administve experiences For IMMO tiM11 WO have had 4 History 1Mqit re* cording tho uotivitiout of th41 Orlio0 of etratesio Serviocip during tho minima period@ A1though our re atriotod budget is necessitated a temporary curtailment in thin work, wo will mace every effort to bring the pronrot to 4 ourrent bis during 1945w We vim to amarp you of our desire to 000perate to the fullest oxtent in thio undertoking- Very truly yours. 1401114 MI Dem Deputy Director AdminLatrativo r os Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 tlilh 1*(17 44111 Mr, Ohoston would like you to handle this. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ?1,1 .11 ti I 1 a EXECUTIVE OPITICE Or THE PRESIDENT 151.111gAlj ?I? THgUDT wA?iiIN@Tem. ROI Ds& August 1, 1941 My dear 0~41 Donovani AM enclosing for your information a oopy of a r000nt letter from the Promitiont in rosponeo to a roport by the Rireotor of tha limroau of the Budget en the progress of the governmentwido program for the reeording of our wartime administrative experionoe? should liko bo oall to your spode% attention the Prooldentos ouggoetion that the program bo brought all nearly es my be prootioable to a ourront bads dmring 194$* The staff of the Oommittei on Hoards of War Adminiem tration will continue to be available for consultation with your htstorioal officers and to aid your agsnoy in bringing4 this program toward completion. Yours sincerely; e *4fteihe---- 0 gs A. Orsham loonuttie Recretary of Committee OU Records of War Administration niolosure M4j* On. 14111t4m J. Donovsn Director off190 of n4rabogto Mortice.; Washington,' ne 0- ? 441744. - A 4:4,7 z - ? u;?-? ? - - . "- ' nprinqcifiad and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 dear Mr. Omiths I am pleased to learn of the efforts which the agencies and departments are making to record the admine istrative history of this war and / wish that you would sprees to the members of the Adwispry Committee an /Words of War A4ministration my appreciation of their continued interest and assistance. The hoods of the departments and agencleo should have the program brought am near 3/ as practicable to a current basis during 1945. I woad like to see oompleted soon lifter the war is over an objective account of how problems of arlsinistration were handled. Bath failures and sucoosses should be analysed. The development of governmental *Ministration can be grostly aided by such investigations. This information will probably be mold useful within the government, but a final report to the American people of wartime administration also seem highly appropriate. hope that you win give particular Attention to the ways in whioh our administrative experience during World War 11 can be turned to preetioal 410 in the future. Experience is a stern toaoheri wv met not forget the lessons so (Way bought. z PrinScified and Approve ? ,e, , ? ? 2013/09/18 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 , " 5 ? , 7-t:4 7- Lt! 4.31 r 41,,t ? ? ? ?% 3,3 tc, ? ?1i , , i?. , 7; . ? - , 1---" '-', , - , Dom Kora ' ''-i? 1 iit' ."...? ' ,Iirt1I ,-- L -- i 0.1':t? ?1,0Y1 C 4- 1.,..:`,1 L ; ...):::',.71:-'. J ',i.ir'?'.?"' i . Zi '^ 'I , ,.: .1-? .3 e. ' r`i ' ?-i if? ..44.4;;;,- ., ......ti,.. '. :t: 4f ,.. :- :3,k, ???,!1,.... _ ? . 3 .?? , 1 , , , eill ?? ? l' , 7 ' ,4 .4. r s,-r.',-1.f-1; " * ' 4. r'' "?' ?;;`..i'' '''' A'''''''''' ..' , -61-, 14,34- v.i.?-.1,-,"t .??? .3 = - 14, - ,?44? - 4-4 ? ;.1 - 7,..4 41. .44 4 ? ? 5**' Than'tt you vwrit M?b. tor your ltd.* yolt fauna it Tommy to 14 1; ? 7 S.`., ? T ? .? 4.-!?17 ? % : aAnths will woe thm and of Org*ni' 4.ri4;11111" vmmeding along tho linoi dimmed viVti you Alo that *a win f, in ehapo fo the Prcoldtant oilthor to ocoart a pormanont oto, or to disband it ana 014, shoss114 ".4 Toulinvo play adti vapy isportant 100 in thic ? - 14A Loa, Km, tra you ouht to got a Tro0 deal of aatinfaction what yol: have dono in tho war, It hag 'boon Aot oat Youii, own novionts, Wt nlmo the mollont wot% or the It= that you bi&to nom with um. Witall allay* romoubor wi ()Mold and persona softootattm ou, enti I am mom thtn oabord tnr your continued advice t simport4 rho boat of 14ok to yol* !,(11Tlat t 40 'II go fe' Jaltor 3M,21(10 Ciogp0A7 42f.; Ico%i 3,t1.1 ANWAt4 ? 45? Now tort, ;low Tork Trf-krt ? mmemrstmem,v-?:-.i.:1021161=120 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 - . - - aincarely =tin J, Donovan I %.* bs ? IS It Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 J, \X/ALTER Fru OMPSON COMPANY too Joe tionoro 1. WI 1 1 tom 4.1 0 tiouov 0f1100 or artiL000 liorytoota .2*Ah 4 aroottl WoohluaLon, D. O. 1)0ov flouorolt trittrostieemtmestf*********,Imbarbcrorre...0$1.0114a pi) 1 1:AINtiliIN AVV,Nitti Nt.w VIM 14 AtIOOL 7, 190 Ail I V01111111 141 1Ittc I ittifig 1 tro wout you t4t It 1141W LIOW 111110h 1 lelva oujoyod my oogoototiou w1Lh you nod 0.0.8. IL hoo bowl 4 plooroo or pvtdo ow( p l0000ro Lo root LhoL 1 W40 a vnvt. or 00 orroottvt, on orgon1wI14Loo0 My 041/ rogyol lo 1,1 to t tumid not 000 my wuy (1104v Lt vilLh you oL 1000L tts 1.1. 1 L11 ou0 ut4 Lho Joponoo0 war. When you roLoro I hopo Lo OUMO down Lo WoohluOmu ho VO o 11,0cpt violL ut you. I is iho mono li,mo 1 out wu Vit na ti I 000 Iy wi Lit 01 110 voviug mouy or Lho prohlomo Wo work00 on horovo0 IL will ho pl0000vo rot. mo tr yoo %5t$ ;i I014 mo 11w/a o ptoLoro or you. KouuoiL W. Utulto mh ? lit, No so 01 III IIE,,tl r3A1.4 it 4eNs RI' to Mil 111Vi i4 ti) 11111 ANISI I II .11111:1 I IN III IN r1( Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 7ertr... OFFICg OF STRATIMIC URN/KU PLANNING, ORM.' 'it lok ? . , 441 r, ? Apit,M1.4., INTERCOM" MINO m General William J. Donovan mom: Konnott W. !links luoJtai DATES 16 Kay 1948 F.; I have just ?hooked with Mrs. Haight to get An appointment with you, but as you may be leaving before tget to see you, I want to be sure to report to you of my further talk with Stanley Reeors There in g spoolal problem All our business on whieh I am badly needed. Accordingly, C feel 1 muot go baok to bueinens the latter part of the summer. nhall, however, be on duty for some monLhe yet, and nhall make @wiry effort to be here part-time following that if I nhould bo needed. I htwo 1onp, Volt that it would be very holpful to havo on mon from overnetto on the nem-11ns Staff. Whilo you aro in Uurope you might lilfo to manmidor Oolonoi jnokeonl who hooded up rilmmarg ovor atoroo AO A pone/MI.05y. 041 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 449 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 - 4 , .4 44! 40, 4,4' UN MR TUN Slot t tiloutemin4,040 Unit; '14.4 FE - Xi It Ai 0041444 nalogi Oommutd, WOW whotimorc atiry to lutv* oubbot Wialittr tx Lao) 044444 NtAtion nikv MAlle 4046;1 owto QukAlriod t4 comm 14 eiey i1tII1AIM d on tbo AU otAtvc RetWom or au 4 Os btoutonftb,00mn41144111 Mohobt Ws t144* /Ise 44on km01111;04 ty Cho vricloratpodlo mOterohip on am PlAlinin (troop it Chit) Adanoy th 4d4t4lon to hit* proviat. dio1c4 am 441e or ?40 Plannfna OtAtarto Thilz kmt-1 ifelt111141114; army wait 401441111444 (urgot,304.6 t tam 4011.4t4 t/ILIOrt1 h tier Ned J4 hiembere iip ilicakides of mullaArk 4pp0,44440 by the Mokrotftry kg Too ftemberat 4y 411 ntAtm4 40mYi al! Ohie or Iiticrr Unttod fLi Two mombors# 4y tho Oommoidoiwinftwat r 3s Proot Anti Ohlor or Ni oporAti4441 AA rouvmumhorm, Inv:14414 the Ohnirrun, by Lho DIrootor or 31404tale Merviomi, At proa04t t46 Amy to rodro4ontiod by A gobr Unersli the Nan by an Admirml 40 A V100 A40441, 4. 1/1 vlow 4r Wm 1110 riaik a tho Army mut 'Navy Pasprolac4fibuttv004 it la boltevati that Llotitanant Uommandiii trrortim will WI moro orrootive IV he partialp4000 then am A junlor %Moors to th* FlootIno of tht Planning Ur*up co a ctivilism nth**, William Jo Dowiton oireetor Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 r'4 I L-90000Z001-00011-0000X81-dCl-V10 8I-/60/81-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI suilloum oommepod asiotmo Olgorn 140110 %WW1 4( toittoA Aloatootilg italt% %WM WO MO1AA4 JO: OVIMTVAW toti T1Tm 4.4%ov antAsunpv Juan 044 UT AOI4MUM00 0$ 901$0W04d Amodwo4 asynVita Ao: tarmac/not-too 30j olgT9 NTT* emooksq 'atm 4SPulato0 $1141 1104.140V4ut ot f1f 6404441 4AGA ut peummo vianboa ol . amyl oct *WWI* loiwoploubo svoiloos 11114 pow4onogi ol otimulfo aspwompoo *miaow*, :o armolookid tM c ellitpuototoo@tt ucfrt itmatialan po*WillIm4 olitusam0000 ourmosekno Abiji tiummow liNsi*AAVesktp14014,440400 cm 0. 404oloog * tpomoAttoo paoog 1110,4cmOvimpli ?; ?q mewm: swommoo Altutpm vosq ?140m0l1F14,00(0461,,ismuyft 411,,ottaox Aoptemomo wouolnol/ jo y071011104044,1u1010,0*A i'VOWN414 4,t1400 '0000 WIN woJJ -4/00401401401* Eft ipm etdus v 404,40T rimtutouttbe tiWt? 4 1i , f;1 es ? t? ? .4 ? - ? ??? ' ? ? ,?? 11 J `.,???? ??? ' " -, ? ;.- ' ..,...: , . ' ( ;, l' - .,?? -1 0 : - L .- l';? 'f' 5.1.1 r 1 . ., , ? . A' C i}'," .0 '-'4';'"' la to? '''C'?: ,;;:`,. '' !:, 2 ''r 1 r-, 11 ?...1, V, 1: 4., -": 1 ' - "11,,I. '-'? 1 '4'1' .- -1. ,. ?,- ":1:7, ' T* ,,,ft 3 .... ,,, ., ._ -.-- ? : , r : . ,..;,?,- ; ) ' 4....... i ?-,i1?. 1-61..ii,l, , -1: t'j ? _, _ ,.. ? f. it .-, I. 1 - 1 .11:71! . r,,,- ,,,; . , ? ......?1: .. ,,,,, ?.. ',-- ..? 1.?.. , `-'1'P ..? - , - 7,', , ? ' .- -F - ' ,j6 . ,',!.?7 Ili c - all... ,, `? r . ' ''4'11...'.` '" - ':::- ''' a' . 1 ' 4 -I, v ? ??, )1; 4f,, ., , ?A, : -.14 ? ' ,... 3, ,,, ? ,...''-1,?! .. 41' ? t L ;:, .1?; ?". ? , 4 ?"T It/04WD ?AO imp AR so ill flio0UNO4t WOOTAKION Oflolving 4114 Inla0 Aws4la 4mvliy@of Ruirm 04E1010 10 II/JI40 'an % - 4 ' Attiiift 4! AMAIN "firq ;Intik ? .,?.. .- .:?,:ir " - ' V:10-'' 7,- , ? i .... , . -, 1,i'.?' , ?.' ? ' ,i.' . 7::, . ' ":1 1!.Y436gi:!::tlii.:-''CP;:t4'r'14 ,A?i:.-')' ' : ? .Y44. ifilVri'. ".. :' '!r 141: -J.', ?-....1, ??? .. ,..-.:_? , Z -90000Z00 I- 0001 I- 0000X8 I- dCI -V10 : 8 1-/60/8 I-0Z aealai Jod penciAdv i'3-u'e paws?sepaa ' 4 E6. VA", "?-? 7,Declassif1ed and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 4W t1-04??-41 tt43 ? ' - ? ???????:?.:le e. e.;t ? -1 ' I $ ?'k ' ? t f 0-40 Th. A0t1ng Assistant WitsOrtor 0010000W Zanies, t 2tio Ode at 34041 Perio4401 Liantenant Comm Or iet VPLAWIt MIR? itesamisakut, tit 1100ti4t gOlt Promotion to Ron* Or 04010100 ralainCg; 064 toe'tet With* ato #110.14,10rsomp.01, 4 **?b 344 .L CO MA,*1 uosmiMS atod 27 otunuary 14144 (b) Letter fres imrsau %walk re dated 10 May 1144 t_ e 1* }141st for promotion or Lt **sander Make to the rank or Commander la rasps* lay nabs WNW* A prior request 4y missolum to yOull_retrallie 16), tOt Apprelf04, Worms, (b ? ROWs14444414A 10 voologits4 becuusa ot the nesessi or higher rank to endblo hia to perform more Oreotively his duties 46 htiwd of Ow 008 vlannAn$ Otani* R* eub4aot *Mow was ismmissioned a Lieu:0mm nnt comandera UeNiii an 16 August 1042 41d has been continuoualy on tiv* duty in that grad* sines thAt date', 40 lo torty.041ix roan) of clew. B. Lt. Commander Minks has beep with this Agony for o period of approxisAtily *ixtoon (16) sontki* In his 0404411y 64 head of th40 )e: nvavompt Miqf hiwapervises the initiAtion avol ortqw.riAtion 3.3. offunoive and ds-L Centavo atratogio servioeu plan& and progrAws, tod or 011 06$ clootrtutzdo The work of this utarr le elosoly Intim touted with that ot the 000 Planning Group whose membership inoludeso in addition to MU vorsmAgas An Admiral tad 4 Imo* repreeentino the UMW Utter Navy, a Major General repromonting the United Mates Army, and u repro- aenthitive of th t4to Deortmtnt who is Cipssial Assistant CO FR ENTIAL, " -.:? n.,incQifipd and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 4 -J t I Uti OA- ? .1' , 1 '? II.. ?, f ? I ?* ?, 14i t, V.:rg3.4 ?,,_ ? ."0. tiff_ 00 atom * *04 '7; .4 I rP t, ? wax ou aE COMMA:406V*ir ant CoUnolo and WI! o bAS 44 t&e3 of 0 OP ft 040: Watt. Ai *MINAS voith 00133tors Igt4 44ther 04NA 1E06410" - =:?- ; 4* Acthi perfoposno0 of Oottiort tott 0atitindor nolo hew dosOist,01 ads14244004" 604 ik :Li Ws* an Sattivetttont *s,t tog?LL OAP itotiVitiest hasi NO* the atmiox off. mop& iith whom, )41 14' ilk two hLf4Aist rank3nd01410 CO: thi Atitatr41 tELUtus 11* fitftridloya "t1 11* oat P* Gotiths kMik, have written- lottoro oomoopliss, 04;ogoostior iiittkas Thor* ta ulomitto4 isorowitli Quo Smith's lettor of emomeadittimont %tut, of Ad RI this boon torokedod by Us dirost1+0 =i 1qt kJ iqz,'?-1-4?N'??? o' ? 04 it is the belief Of Admiral 614a410, sal Of Ooner41 Omith, 4s well 46 Or the DireStor OfStrailoSiO. 0orviees9 that Lt, Cogisnader Rinks, posint rank is mot 00-0,=nsarAte vitith the luportanoi of us pooition Si hood of tha Planning Staff, C. Thor* is no offioer.in 066 of the gad' of comaAnder poxsolsing the qualilloatig oind 44460000 um* ubtlity of Lt. Commander 'links is gew out 4ni.?cnt to the pooltA04 at *1 tho 04$ Plemimil 7. 'For the foregotna reasons it ts respeOtful17 requeated thAt Lt. Commander Minks be dramted a spot prof. aotion to the rant of Commander, OLArles 60 Oktosaton Acting Assistant West?, Ltr Commendation Sr MOJ. Oen. Oodith CONFIDENTIAL ertv't 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 prricleney oV Lt. Comdr. Hinks T understand thot Mcf;overn's cane hu been reopened, rind that similar action may he taken respecting Pord. unless (;omar. Hinkst case is roopenod all that we can do Is hay? this lettor put Ma_14.0. support a rnturo ret!nont for promotion. 'ihat do you recommend? _Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnnlnnonnrmc = Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 6135,4114;11 tArrioitutey or lit* Cooalr? gen:tett vv.. Hi/tics Wm "PT 1, Av thu ,(440 reprobentative a tno 1014uning 0 akt * wioit to bring to yoar itttentiOn tho ouptirior 441 tY tnthibitcM ty Lto Comkire Keuftett Wit Rinke la Ohio: or thr 06i; PIAA4444 3taZt? 20 Thin otkloor ho# tioeu howl or the Kooning utirr olotoo L,optgmbOT 4, 194,4 1urin6 thio periods Comdrs flinxie hipci Hot only unown 41G1'Ked 4ullity in organiMin$ ond flirtOting thIA otatt but akin,o in tho dimIopmont Of tiNIM* worK in plittnnitig Iiiittwr441 the womboro ot hia AM the 1.441.0U0 1010h04 of 00It,4 )* in 4 op/WAIN Eater Amthn or oboorwition1 uffloor pot;aciog oup0r4OP qaulttioo Of lehtiOrAhi;p$ exovutIvo $0)1114, otia loyoltyr,1Itt4 por,40aulity 4nd tqwpgroniont31 4101 ')tII will iAmtyti ho of Puttoribi oid PrtviotiAti fleiLOwkwOrl iimpaorty botween the vapiOuo plAnnin4 oobolonos ThM00I Uttt togother with hi;t 4401'104 41.4p1A,444%nuo Ana ontwor, WA 411111ty to work Wlth otheirp, 44v0 livr,Attod ;4o inAnnino btAft Lo tool Its 04020 oN 44.1y orwiliiif.utIon 111 1.40 aoVe100mOnt of progr4m# covoring Ul4,Lo4141 t,prviciso ultivltioo tor t40 wrqup 0414 tho i;epator of Ntrgitftle oorviotasis 4, in vi4 ?l tsx1 141ct thot L1&4-i aftivorto.promont riATAI. 10 nuL qum,414114114%,to oilLh tho goltloo 44viL A00 ati,tA0 am,va Lif Lhg PlAnqinA ototf,t wh1h ho now hon twO 11041. Lcauht ooloneolo, .fitt In xurthu14 VIOW ut 14.0 44monptrAtod r4011.11,,y 0,tauut1V0 IA 1 ,ttwi,,IL01.1 t4hot rwrthor oifort, tJo .:Aatlq to ohL?Iti h14 promotion to Alext higher 4144 W., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 14 iff, far 04140 104.0411 OM .04 4 thia it t ,01 likifiNIti Of MIMI t Iviussicutst, WitAllialf10111 11,44* It, No- Porit ;5;0.1400 175046 NAVY DCPARTNIKNT BUREAU Or NAVAL PERSONNEL WA@HINGTON Lne Cs 1 0 MAY 1044 rromi TOI INPera. The Direotor, orrioo oV titruteAto flervlootis Waphington, D. Ow outoenan to Commander Kennett IVebb HINW, 114(11), UstioNelts 114P0011110Orldit;a011 for promottou (A) Your lt4v,,citAtoci 4 Maroh 194/1 dU* toed ;:7 Jannary 1944, . YoU41 rt3001itittOiltin Lic,11.11, 40 PO to 1.04* t#11 nrerertit?;te (A) p tOr th0 ll'0144.1t./(41 Ott LiOtititAktIlit UOInittikatIV 11:1411CP Wt?Iti 01,11410- titOOd 1.10 the board oetehli titled by the tleoretary t.t0.011111(1or all emit r000mmendationg. ?,t'oinoe 000114,10011 lanka dt_d not reeeive he11114111.1110110 t?t3 utituatt tt itt Uott till LI t 1 boura I t. I ViV LtstAl U t him promotion to Comiander ?alma btapprovad tt thip t1.10@, i. rt la 441 Liu tod that the P tibioot ?Meer will h000me etiwthin tor 00410 taerraton for Lomportlry promoLion by ',he next tielooLion tionrct too ffiC,CIL tA MAIO I (1014 Utr1.00Orati Or Off:10011M 1.14 tag id tt,Mi BOVortutots hAA how% mAd0 A pnrt, or hill orriolol "mord whore it, wilt he available 1i i1rovlow hi Qua ti U% 0,4,4 Li' r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA- . X .V" ? "d rh .4id4 91.,t 4 i1 ? lk "TI,S , , n ? ,/ 51' ? 41ret,"14 t 4 itintl. 4044 Tam ;,..trwati.444 of ait.:(441le tom1001 t? t Nava Pdig044001 , ts L 2 '; Livutonant CjtZGr &matt W6 1111144,0 b4(6)41 MO,'" -put 01%rmi4E. OD rog the rU4A at Cmasa44104 Is officor wan cowstuarme0 a Lieutelliam4 Lt Atkiaat 4.0420 hts# 04:14111tV0 diNtr Lc ApAt th4t t.10 0.34 oftrelw to thla Wide thleptim. wouths 11v4 iict4,ro-4 tom 6.6kly wit4? 4 eluts rooArd of 404iftvimmt civil ,L.Cs 03 vicc-efiruAlOcnt of opv ot Vve vary 1urge tag* Vireos Vutte4 btatua, ito 1* Cortrotillx y?ost 4 ,Lo t44.4 howl Qf Ow= OW) briA*14, ougA006 in the at .144. ,r *440huloe1,e4 vairterop htt nao coto4 at e41.14 4011m "L t , ()ur plwakiNt Or0149., widat 14 000005md1 40#11$ 44441450 t . ':1.4iivAlr;.to 4. 0. Nowy, 4/ 1644146 OvueTul, 00 Gb 41' ? a ,- rv?r4,00.tnLIVO a 1.444 oWto Departoatut who 43 a Spoola !...4? -_0 t40 LAwaret4417 of (Ito; e* In Ms oapaolty oc brotaiih ... ; .fi iv;iiceiraA?Ul trom044 over L atitonga Comeandertet 4ild J ,. -0.. 1.,1,40../&4440 im.tml4str4Livo uullIty, plua Als of al,. . ,It4 i..y, ,,..vto pr..W04 or grOLA bonwrit to the 'trvitcgic ,torittoon In ovm ho: ILI) WOOt Inport4pt 51? 40:L!.L3b, Y. O014444 .4f1044111 144144 unom he ill% ln daily aonim c.I. ,i.070 , . ft, 1 V 00 i n 15 -*MI ad hia work.* 4, t.troat49.0 444f the UffLou at Otrategio t.,1, t plivr-11,0 of avloot144 atloara for odv414000 revo?taTA1406 Ait ciu4p aft Virtketr zq4 this oftice, 4t,c, tra t,r4Arltect a tit pat prODIDttOgt , .10,1 42V? , o!. tr! , ' L-Q;st. neclassified and ,ill J. onc4V,J41 Lirootor ---1111 gifait' ? 4- t -c......"? Approved For Release rf, ace, i ? 4i-L.4 3f; 7 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 F. urz . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 :-CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 OFFICICOI STRATIEGIC WAIMINOTONI Ds C. 1 Mtwoh ly411 Tho hiedol.ur dr :Ax11.00,0 :10mitoome Thr chtor til /1041 I ?c Lioutattahl Cotmantid04? RonnoLl Wi Ifinho. H:.141i; ,piti priimuLlitt hi Li,. rank or r:ornwilliddpo I, :.0.1.01. ()Moor who ofkmmimoi,inod o LionLonont. COMM4haalle 4ft AnttnPL hat hoots titi lotivm ihtty in !.hhI, ly4do olnoo Lhol, timo pi 04MP (10 tido rrlca Ihia0ott mohLha np.0, H0 0h1.6-W0d thP Nhvy I, Lii jiiPoottpd "r ftehiovomourj,1olvii iiro no Artuo-vroptoplo, or 4410 or 1?11 I4Var444 44VPI-4. is 1,0.4; tolii! Lho thu trio ;41,tiLtitlio 04444.4.iri -tog ytitwt3 01i1. Ao hand .4.,04m,:e.64011,14 livamtho* 0t1p.at.#0t in Lho miLlininp or U.< PlAvrt WhOrhVn, h. ham anI,od ho dolly Otittatthaht, LO t tAhning whivIt 10 014111100110. !im,q11,! uOnVil, h V!OOT,AdMIV41 4 t,4,101. wondrAl :4110 livirAdior (4,110v-0, H. Ariv$ (tApLoint Unvy, ahd 00V0ral "r Lha PoritInt. nvm,v, in hio ottp4oiLy dO hrhitoh haatit ha .4.1.01008 oollamond ovor oso~.14 110111.nlini0 Ctilailtntidorn mitg1 Amy !....111,wri, , P. VP !lIti liltt al i nto'qIn 41)11 I 1,,y 44.440e4+th?rro 0 Kpni. ci in !401.#PAIld'i auderiwoomil II) ritnun or puhiloily, havo pvtilidd 4-4449,4440sterii-* lionoril I.. Lho I t' 1 i3e f Lr"Imrto in "r it moht imp.rinto nolivitinn, rtirl notlinV .)rriooPo wills whom hm in 'tit daiIv Ofltitaa h v tI mmo :glad hi a a i5? it tiA-41-01?...cms4-1041,41**Wairii4trfr-P44444.2.-0.1/4 %PP 1II l41t1tIt ormntad hy ( f' f ItaLarIc 'rill/Iona rot III., pitrpond mnInoli.sp .,rficrrn adviudomaul hnlite vmotimmahdPil 10,1 hirhly and, tth root r*t* ',Mona I vet20-43r0.-,414.4444W-ANit.44#0.41414rite h jttit, 'MI ? I t? !in 1.1 t t ? r I 1.10 r 6 7711a"v 4 - auk Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100200005-7 . ZNOISSOLEMEME Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 - ? ?.? ?4..? " 4 Wit -4- - ?41 i I.L1.-14, , . 4, fir : !, i 1- . . rt i "; -'?? '4 ?r"...7' '''''-'!":,%"-A,14-; I 411.4, , 1., ,, 3,, 1r !"!. i! 1 i ,, .??.. ic.3...0 '?..7....,. .:?,.i...,- :...1.4,1..,t- r.-. t-14.;,4, ; ei,-'...?,.I'llt,..:,,, ?-it.,i7.41-:;.:..- . .-?,..', l'b',1..,... ? , : rt ,1 r i - ; t. i Itt.i.f ...,- 4 tr. If 1 ?.`iCt! ?? 4 g , kl. i...41.4'S4 .c.!2 ;? '''' :',' r.r 4 ' ? -2? r ' ' 7 ? -..,..-.7.1 7 .,''-'API it" 1.?;'^-141 7,iir...-i.r; e. 'it. f1*?!..1;?.. tt . is. r ^ 14; ..t ".? - ?...1 4',...fil.- C!.:?;, s,r si,.r..!, ' . ...:, r ri'r ...i7.11-5. .1'.iri ?..,:..4', ;..-.1, r,:. EV - !..411,1c-f-r.4..,', ?? 114 '....'i ".. ,.....?, 4 '' i'L.4".: ) `..P.i, g, r. t'a?r , 'fir,d I, # ' t '0'''''' 1, I. '44, " '1,;-. ,?,,'I Ll',_ L , ,:'4,i? ? ' ' -4 3.,.. 4L-r ., .:, 4 4"-11,.!""4 Li; "4:1'4' ;t4it, ? ". , . - ? 1, : ? 41-1 .(4' ? - .41,1 F a t ,14 ? -, , A 11, t ? ro pow stwitt =vim thy filet thoret rotit the orti.4* soltribotg II-4416st* retwoot ropi,trimettoor obwirollymt ? r .. 1-,, --' 1 '''' ( ; ''.i. ' r..? ' .' ;P:i..?;`?? r: :-;.....7,-T.,.r 4k?-??,:-, ','' - ?.-,i':',,f 4 7?';" . ...., 1-? )t -1 . F, . , ' , i; 1, , ....16.41 ' ?'? - . ;!???? "1-rr,- !ii;19' _ ' ' ..i. ?;?;;.X?to.i ? 5 ??,..i .-:i ' ...- ,.,???.....-';',..?ii ' - -)",i" j,,,, 'x 4 , ' ._ '!".4 le, 3 i:?, ..4 .., -,,?-?'.? i ::??-+S .,i VV re 1'4'11-4?44 T1181,114 91A OK Pitilmbrourr-- POS- stlin DIRICOvia: . . t?' ;017-0.4. 41.1".?41,41614St. ? 4 ? 1,....?,:".Tdrrto. ' *." VV .." r- ? . ? ; r4 ? "4,' t 12; . tr - ? " , " '43 jVVV -Lk ? ^ E? t ?;..:1, ? ? - ? " V* t? "!'? r irf 1 ri3 V. " , 17 4 rc?it-A r. 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ? " ? ,?4? " ?';' ',!.1.tt:ii,1f- ? ? 4 Z-cf. t ? , ? , ? I," ? _ 50" 4. , ? rr01111 Tot a ?.rs.T1 Colonel Donovan Colonel Buxton I t 4 ' _ ?.? ; ! ??;- a .,1 '' 5 . ' A' il.....,' ' , ,. ..., .:, ? --.311,., :?..,.., . . , , , ,. ,,t, , - iq .1 .r !.; * 5 4 . , ',. ,--?; , t - ' t ? 1 notice thu,ttatomeat by the SOcurity ateioo to Waltor OfMearil in roltion to COmmando Ilinka thilt you aro authorizod 'W-lampldy,Lt, 4444040/1 , ,. , ,,..4,.,k... , 'Atoka at your (=mimeo withluil PrOittiont APPrOV41# 's -?.'i q ,-, It outias to me that that'll 0146 proilty , far :or a Suouritgy =icier. The moot tht ha chouid ,. do /0 to Indtonto that up to the prodent dato nethini had boun found againot tho applicant Do fur an the , apot chtmh Imo boon ?ioarudi and finti cluarufi ce.could not bte 6/1/wn until aftur furthor inquiry. ., 4109- ---'rE,_nuft14V?7-4 A.e.Latia?i , ' r tot,g, ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 j, 1,:?:P u. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 5' ? ? ??? - t - tz. ? " ?.;????"',1,1. , f' ??1` att.. rt,s4J44. mietti 'Lttr*t- r_ eti? ??,t ?ek ";???'"P?rf'??,:-.4.,?r?-te?=. ????-? ,..?;,.?,??'?,S,..f'f, -? .:44j _ - January 131 1943 F. Ff'? Bor4 Novy Dopartmont C. T4'0411 COU,Andoll Otary: Ac4N Li144;,:o yQur 1utLuP t);1' j4autuv ath mord klic (4).3144140P Wo 4ro moot gtututul your JR1 i fl,Lt.coopvotioa in thltd muttur 4nd ito;m7 you 14411, t.t.al Upon witkL Any tid4't4 vm Eliot bo of otait l'4-4-L,tiidta 110,430,14, Jamoo H. murt.hy ' ? ' ' ' ? ? r -- ; 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010020000 =-1101172 !RPM 1-6r. NAVY DEPARTMENT Met:TM OFFICE OF' THE SECRETARY OFFICE OF MIMIC PHIELATIONS WASHINGTON IN NM RIM lrei JAN 1 2 1943 ? Atitit114:11 1141 41,91'0N/01i i,110 trtklIfitOr 10 at:111:w I t yi,0114 fI.IUti$ t40 flogn i.c; 1 a t, 4Vs littI.r, 1, Ati 1 1 ric.0111 t it, i 1 101,..11 1-111 Ii I 11-$ ih tj !Li bri t'Pari 1.0 rcipOri. Li) iy)it t it -ti I 1.1,40 Viriell?ri 1)1t f)tirt.F411111 10( I Ii II1.11-1 t'I II. 1 H111.11411,r rporioilt, L r t t. avt; I. ' t- l.ai 1.- 4 1...41,i nrri pl'101"11.0?11 'AIWA ,,i?I ,1 t Hr?r (i,t-s:ti 1,1110,i tthilktri $ w 1 1 1 I hi 0.1 ,11* trIr , .t )1114 t)1'..1 (10 1111* ? ar. p II I it ? I, a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 4". ;7- riciU Admir41 Ji Horne H4VyDviletriAtint Lrt civ 4 ? -17* Novno: e '?" , - ? ? D000lbw.,:s )0, 190 With furtfmr mforouoo to my :WW1% of DcosAbor 22nd, y0 W rk;.1,1,7 4/e Doombor 4tht roordind the omaignmont t. Lioutonat Commandor tednnoth Wt link, USN% from tio 3:floc; ii. thia momAub Mrt WAltoP O'llura .t4t4 %A. t.e,utToy, my oturVi olled upon rkytnin Lovott ? ;Li(- 1I pry. Thu purpoo of tiiht, dinowtion WAI4 to tuc gimmi4L dgtioa whioh wo had in mind tor to dcttiminb wilqthtT hv could bc; or Lilo 010-14,?ut4 tiorViao in U. ,?r:7!, Ahloh tvti vill L oin4o koOtALW of tho combination whirh JP Jw.00 Commandta Barry otatod that 4.. 410 lit, b? aillinV to rulc00 HAnkli twon an arPanotivnto l.01I 0 ,/1 teo Atom uumwoao toko ow him work. flo otAtcd ,0 t4 -1 OQ 1'4)116I inu uip with y011 Way, ho rill 0111. If you ii Nu it pot) 414 ti) oonaurt itwo 41,,.0A,sm tu 144 no olio tivrlioitAtp Itho mid do tho 401 l'or flu ii a() vit,i LI tpitAippoci.Q Nillinm J. rouovan Dirvotor Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 ? ? ? - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010020Uuuo-i NAVY DiMA ItINT TtiE (4 NAVAL iftitovrioNs WASIIINGTON WiLls rorpronosl (?0 ,vovAt. lott,c4r remoirtiine, tilt, trim 1444r or 1.iontsonAnt. OotiiiitAnclor ii@nrioth Utnk MINH, trofn th tilo# Poblio itoitttiono Lo tho ()moo or statAwain sorvtottp, tiirt,or ttn votottio4Liort 1 mvat th4t, it will nor, prAotit441)10 to oomply with yowl. rotrAotit41, It. ttlit,mArm thot, Lioul.on4nt, OolivtIttn(itir U uti wiAt# 00111'w Itti 00101%00 t,t1 et 1 I tilltid 1 bi Hot, in Ilia Otrioo of Pnblio 11,m1At4torii for whioh hitt twkgronm-1 and oxilovitinno itttAito hi.ittotttintontay tIVIttiOd Anti UO Dirocit.or or hiblio 1io141.10no t.4110 opinion thAt. him (101.40%1110a woui1 oriot 1 ,v tifroot, t.ltt ortioloncy or hi@ With hoot witihmm tor tilt, ti LIMO nef40011 Anti ti1P. tIanalig NOw YPAV 10101101 Voi I 1% Ant .1,, Douovmn. DAroolov. orrlop or :;(4.0400o !lorvioago 4mhIn!!..Con* D.C. PalAase 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP 13X00001R000100200005-7 's Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 re.1? ? ? 141,, 4- 4 ? +/.4 - , I1 I ' ' t+e, ? i.1,,f,?-t?-,1 4'13. ?' F Lt ' t 117 ? " :(4i ? 011 4 '1. ? j. ' f' ..,-? rv ? ? r v ,...7 . . :t .:' * 1 i Pio 4 rtorw? 1?0. , nt ? , ?..? vtlit taunt Di 0.. DOM? AdmtraI liortli.1 Os watt xtonoth Mk*. Itt Allet he ponsosoos* a 4 shotad equip him now waled upon t Mr.* ?,, a v 'i 11 ..,,., knt,'1., L ' < , '' % '''? 'al: 4g1'.11,.A..W?.1. nN ' 7'144 , , ii i nli '' ' " ' 1'1; ? "11 1' it ,..? , ,-.,! J" r ' % - ,l, i a, Ft . : AI: `0 _ , ,,. ? 4 f ' A .;,.. ':'?-- ..,?... ? - . -. ?....i ? ,'' .,.. I I ,' "I ;. ? i t 1..,1 . ,..,? ,, ' A ' t .,` ... I, %'?,.. % . , , .., .? it ,P 41 tio is * tratto444 he been sesooiated sine. w&tI 4 largo and. imisctsitul it 9 41 hos was Oentrel UneOpean &MOP Ln BerXino, vIersaw. an4111.00114 Preis tag r44000 you 111A% OK 'that 14 bookground a oxper3s1100 404,4 nklitali4Diti tor the massesommunioatton f tOW AAA *h partioular value to usi Z assume that th*40 414m4 uallifisktionit 4r. a ortrinoo to Ws Ortio* 01' elfittoni, Mk iiS o 7 be-owe of our spookil TWOS tor se sukttwth xparionee and training the 4irtis4t7 One 44"t that raVilla4 Mgt ?Lt tOo insonvoniense, the asSi t V, lit to the r or Stmtagto 8srVilles* shalt awe 14to very math I d ?nythgnis poi may wish to do ingXtUttftti Mr; Al* Omni nt tOL tho anise or Inrateste vivisect 1 lieu agree t Quell ft oourso is desirab10* ? ?.?, L "4.5?-? 1. :k'c-"1-4.111 " 1 WufWare igneeroly iouvs# 440Donovan ireeter Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 fc ? - - 1?? tf-? 511 ??????? 00 Dow Advdria riaratt w *OW zumniaisti?10.1000 UL1 MI intior0q,0 0 110 pasoo00$0 I W. 114040 at olhould equip Itto 00400 now oullod upOn tO 44 in yla taro, ';'?-? t.-.....\,:k....! . . : ! ? ? ,U?-? ''' (: n. 4." P 4:3 ... . '1? ?W::,,'-',; 4l:- . i i Ito' -:?. ' ( , .. ? .. t '`R'.d...;.-; t'!---g';'..4. iii 41. ,._ .,, I . :t i i-Ftlf,. 4?... ,,,,,I.,1;:04 ..', ' - ? -ire, -.... ? '-,... ,7 ....t. ,. - ,?.'..V..;'; .,?,,,, t . _ ,.?. . 4,-..., .,.,, ?:- , .... , ? ?Y, ,., Y. ;????;?',' .- ? ?? # d? , , f ., Pq11: ' ? ' 1.4 Vri ' ? 4; .*:4 ,a 4 4 ;;?.-- , ' , ! ? ?'.,,,'..! V - Lt ?.?, , '' ....' 4't _ ' / ;?. 4, Ir. r t t ? ? a ? ? ,, yoga Log 140 4 att01, of Maio 04% I 1411 irs AtiM 100 itegilbet 10034, :4,14:7-r? ?4*-21i 44-',` ? u* 10* * yoki *0 haa boon woolato 0111a0 %0 % wt comp # 0 laro oz4 sue0060 1 Wort il wilt 10 044% ha was dontrat 000100 On* in 5 raft, waressws sn4 VisAAAJ, , Prom MO reauto vegya will 000 Oat be booknrcan at orkporion** *n4* tiosititvisti wi ror 'We masswoomonioation of 1400 014h 0 U$ portioular va1u* t* 1 &spume, thst 0100 We 0411flootto ) rtunoo to Vh0 Offion of Pualo UslAtionst.._ ort VsiGtwaiso or our pea 1 nviOd rOt ii. matii, 1#1111% ogorienon and trainim myl, and Vhadiet 0 lty ona 'qua that 1 polvolito it it do's Mot efatoill too isroat *Tx ?fa** InoonvortIono00 tho mitagnmont a Mrs Oink* to of ntrotogio Dotivio01. 4-f:rale 400 f,tVtir,4: .46 49M?? 0 ot Li ankii *hal% appr tate vary mmah 3n4**4 waythi -You %A liglab to to IA tntMr? HOW Alist tho ?Moo of gitrataiii. tiviaosii it lam *vs* a osupso is 6,0010. Wt)1M/Stre 1:4 Oinosroly purl's valltam Donowl Dirvitor 444 t't t514.2..; ..:-4''171!-1, 4 rft . ? ' a ? ' ?7: 4 : ? "Iiiitif* C ? Declassified and Approved' For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 EIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 53 Born* 1897, Minneapolis, Minnesota. University of Minnesota, B.A., 19001 majored in eoonomics and studied law for two years. Commissioned seoond lieutenant, Infantry, U. 8. A., 1918. Ono year, Junior Soonomist, U. B. Treasury War Loan Organisation, 191849. Instruotor of eoonomios, University of Minnesota, Sohool of Business, 192041. Research Direotor, J. Walter Thompson Company, 192144; Paoific Coast Manager, J. Walter Thompson Company, 19254; Contra Zuropean Manager, J. Walter Thompson Company, Berlin, Warsaw, Vienna, 1909414 A000unt Exeoutive, J. Walter Thompson Company, 1932?42; Vice President, 1938. A000ptod ',omission as lieutenant ?amender, U8NR, August 31, 19421 U. 8. Naval Training 8ohool, Dartmouth College, September 17 ? November 18, 1042; Office of Public Relations, Press aviation, November A2 to date. Noombor P2. 1040 -5. ? ..?1+ 4,0 - ? ;." X .{1., am, anri Anomved For Release 2013/09/18 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18 : CIA-R6P1-3X00001R000100200005-7 -1 ? - ? Id - ; Bolfh NAnnsapialiSi voiwitity ot Stanso0,60 *ndstidisiliWs Ai ac issionsd ssoond 44t4. ftscoarch aviator, go. *two 14 (Nast Mi0110 Waltsron OompA Omani Aitisobi YOnna, %0* 411 Ass Thompson Clocany, IOW sidsAtc P usli Accopted commission am lisutiontot 000401140r1 /moist no %9411) Up $$&via Trstivittut 61)1)40%4 Dartmouth041610, 1100.0007 ? Novo r 111 %040 Otis* 'Waits Istations, Prime kShItD1, 110100r 02 to 4sts0 It? '7110014 I i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7 - -t ?i: 1 , t =4",. .:..),.. % - ,,,,-;?,, q i, ...*,i '0, , , :-;t-'4I.,, ; ',' ?'. , -i?- r?? , ?? -: ,.. , Z -.6 z.' Y i',..0i'V?rfl'u'' ' r 1-,..,:-.6.- ?;:::sill-,r,,-; .4 ? ,,---1-,,,-- -:?. _ tik,Vi,t:44,,rp'? ,:?,., . P ' .1,!..:;.?- 4 ' c: _ r t", .,;,'", ' I -..... , _? t , ' sl p?A f! - -;, ', ..;.,' .. ' ',, :- . ., ,.' 'i? +' , 0 1 e.;." i' ! , ,.., k ' tiii, '1-, ? : j s it,. :' , ,'} ," '` ?.1' ',-, ,.."- 1 ? _. 4 4 k 5 k k t ? w ';'' . s - ,?1 , r ` ' %I.' 01+, ..? . ?`... i., '4,,, 4 s',.....,,,q? ,? % , ? .., ? ? 1 ;. , 4- ' ' .; ?., . . -?... .411_1;t;11,:?ii,,.. le. T. 'T 7. ''...t. i?r: ,,, I '1 ;:-.? y;;.? ?,.. ? 44i, ite ;.? *???:;' g4 :1;?;:!1: t, %.; . ? ? ? ''. ......? ' : il : -P i -. Ep..... ' *itl ?,.? ! .1., ,.:I, ,- t,:z.io :.'',4 .t...,g - 4* ' 4.. ".' ? : ? I', " . , ? , he ' SWA lqat I 1 ':',IfcrigiO$ PrtizaiOn iOline kr*, - a 2, ; 7 pwotod MOttto,, . .,* ' ' , .*. 1: l''A` ? ' ? Oz. ' ' ? fut,..t.. 4 - -._ -r.C4?'-'r,;44 ? ? . - 4 ? ? 4 ? '?n ? ? ? r 1 , - Trmmt . ? - ? .1.:0 ? 12,,,,,e? *TrA7-ii Mtovotury of, War , Is, i..:.?t I ..iii:-' 1..'' ..4 ly., * : 1 2 ? ' :1, :, ?,,- .*N ' ' f r ' ,??-? V . ? .. . : , it !! 1? .i,. % Tilgi ' C.,totdittot tor QC -XtegrOrrt044 OA , Y.1 ! ,: ,,....4..., , 4 . 1 V 2, . -:'? 11 10 .1( .. I ' f ? i W. . 1 .?? yr. # ' ? ,? ? :, f ; ?? r - '' - . ? 0 1.1_, . 1 ? . 4? 1. S ' , 6 ? ' ? 4 t; P t ? .1 ? e onion d i1 trot Yotouttuont iii01141* Po* plprier p 2A4 -1404 jArt$171417, prowtedt tho tunk a Captain. ? ,e , Lioutonint Hoppnor is now asolpedito Wins of tho C.00rdintitor of Intorlation.and otlewlos tht ponttion or Spoo444 AtsisUnt to the CoOdttutor. Tqo po410,4n ho hada tuat the, dioitos ha porfarm# rally mertt tho r4;14 or CotaLne As my ropronantativs to 10 mmilivtod to mato Amy otintAotu 444 0 POrrOra AgtitilA 4r 3110 a mann!) RA tO Mak* It vlyry do-P alr4wt# Out ha hAve tho rank of Captain? LlotIonant Hoppnor i porrormlne hit artier, wrry ofliciOttly and is quAlified fpr promok, tJun h0th topporurry riAnk or 04,041111 t'34. Vigq,74.4140 1. Willimm 4111 100,01vAh ';) i , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/18: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100200005-7