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11111011111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 " t? ' t-74) 4.4 ; " "",---r?r" kr" - "..10 I -- - I 7 ?t. ' 7 Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ?, .1% ? Mt- tr;;T ' 0110101o 5111.4/00tg loNvit? 44141r44,144.14riiike4rifiro-Arrig..? 4 A of?e 4..r?, 25! ? e I r FROMI gugh R. WIlaon lot Mr. ?Isimes Murphy SUS4ICTs Olift! 34-pto 21* 4 1 enclose herewith * copy or a fititcwe41,114urt from Mr. /Umbel dated September 26, which refors to yvur memorandum of September 14 on the same subject. Enclosure SECRET :R.N(111 " Hu h R. Wilson ofe.-e"*.-firr.mri 441 34-111 r ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 D.4....;vr '.. 7 * I. - ,-.-i' ...--r--,i_q,,, i I' - , ?, ,. r - , %.,: - v;? -.- _ ., , -- , , * _ 4200604001ONtoi? 0000 PROM t WILLXAM A IC DM. 'UTZ 1142 TO: XL HUOH WIL3ON ts. Ws have just received from the Department aT State the following momorendum relatin te, your ammo 'and= to me or September 15th: "Reference Is made to your memorandum err September 17, 1942 cones,-ming the tologram Vron Helsinki to the Department dated July 28* 1A42 concerning the Nazi Invention prod wine a voolocity arms bullet. at the muzzle of 3600 feet with an crdinary small "The Division of Communications snd Rec)ris has informed M6 that there are only two teltwama from Helsinki on July 28 and neither ree*ra lo tho matter brought up in your memorandum under rorer- once." If you can give me rurther informatton concerning State, this matter I shall pursue it with the, Dcp tment of W. A. K. 4 ? , :1 ..,-,. ?,,,;--..1,1i. t -t; ? -I:. -'7.' ', '-'-' /' ?? -..? .,.g f...4. Lb P.F.. :,--X , -..g-',i4-?-; . - ', ' ? -, ; r ,' -t,..._ .? ? 41-,ii..4.- - ..4. - . _ . l'",... ??,--re" ::, ? : ' 4, ...? SECRET f, ? 11 t. 474-'.,!:?.....:.:41.'WOR;ZaViF4kZ.P19PAWFVe.(4 4 J Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 - ...-,- ..?-?,,,kii...t.,..,3,-:----44,:t,,t.rv.; ?=4..? :4!is-f-,e-t. 4....e.,,, ,.., .i...i : -?; ": - ,,-7. ?7'r. ::._ y, .-....7';',", _", ' 7, ?"...474'?'?':-..1 r.' ' - t'''', -:- - '? .- ?. -? :' !Ft-ti? . ?7 ' 77 ?? -. la . , hi-i'.; -? Pi:;i144-'71+ ' t ;??? ." ? ' ?? ??? .e 7??? ' ,i, , :Q.. ? ;,...r-i. --,- .. , , ..? - .:64.--4:4:;ii..4rlicor, ,... ...-: _6?--,. ,...ti.-7,::. ..,-,dio 1,7.4...41;5 -. . 4- . ? -g.- : -4' iri.-;:t1* ': '7":-'4:-.4?71-1:*:?.t.9? i . r. :-? - , t, _?,,, .,.-?,, ,,---, .--: - - ,-...,- .3' - ..; -.?? ?g" t. - -. _ ? AC)V0?0..11 011, syt#11-rt4tA1 MFEA-f" tiNc -t,se F, PA thigArr or 4.) fa ru WA9,411,.1( tritki December lq, V2)41. r., My dear Coionel Donovan: The Secretary hat aaked me to tharCe. jlu for your letter of November 10, 1.141 Nytm, you enclosed a memorandum on FrIn1r?1 tn. formation contained In the memorlrot2m t4 -f interest to the DepartvInt. Sincerely your. times C..Pme9nw,ur Adtiser on Poltnc41 Tpltt Colonel William J. Donovan, Coorainator of Information, Washington, O. C. r. 7 `;f '2,m ? i? ? - '44A- : ? _ . , , '-',"????;',474. r, - ;-t.4_,. ' ', . !- i.,,... .: . ' - .."! - ,-,,, .1, ? _ , '' Qf- 7 -? ?.?, --.:-", "fiat' 74 ' ' " 7 ?," '14. ?- ' ' . I. ....1..?.?, 14..!-.1.?::..7' ,. ; '1' '''? i' 4.; ', t,',,47.?-.7. '7 ,, -* . 7 7- f r -7P - " 7 ,. ? - ..., ? _ kot4, , - .4... .7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declas474akr4g1F,eird, ForRelease : CIA-RDP13X00001R00_0100180004-1 ? - - _ - t.?-&-sr 4,? ? -. .r ' t _ ' - ? .,:14-47r5:*0*.....8.,,,,e,-er5.1-,_ r -`? '.???? ?-? , I- ? . - ? ? r e The Ho ablThte Secrutttry ot *Ate anSogiont D. C My dew? Mr. becruturyi 011010116 4 MCMOUAdla 4513 which have just received. It say oe cl iliterest to you* ,Copy ofW? 39 ibinetrely, IiLubm J. Doraitia Trr-i,?..,'-,.... , 11711,i ;''. :.,.).1. ? r ' " 4. , , 1': ..--.A. .,;? ?. ' t.' .? 1..:,rit,:l .' } t,-K. ? - _ ,:, 11. ,..- .,. , 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 r - ' R., 1:;4 . " ; ?-? 7 r ?.;,- v . r '11177: - The Alowint represents ta* porsotai de** of uroe of ours iflbt00/1140 '4. .14.. ? ?c 14 i* difficult to dialnitsly (14finia 14 but on the fact of it it *Guildappow,' . otiOn in eioning Autim4 -Mem Pact uill ftirlimr CS filo gp between social - itarritS krcrligFriftathir4 or 'the fallowing tteatonsowp ? Amsoormt* m %hot* ta-4 totiet.V? , 1.4141V, Tannor? two as hittii*C041444411 LIM , -; ? , tbment, are opposed to furttle. rtmititt Ajkitiami ,jtation towards Germany n4 ebAsoquenti7 tarlhor. W gm-rangsaent from Britain and Auerica whlah alailord of ,anti=Commint ftct mould ttring to Wu (Waal. , - ? , .(b) Sioint; putt will probably pruolude otIveomtlan of Yinnish hostilities in Lumediatu ruturo 4Dti tawk hopes of large population, (c) Under cover of AntimComminturn *ooptimtikm mounting Yinnish pro4erman parties, i.o$ tutl-??4c141 Democrats, will be strengthened. (It stolwi otE atutLocoa U frait January 1t t42 Finnish Neal imetly 4rhansallissosialasti" is to become dolly). Et 4o4d sees, that Government perhaps anticiitates saas ok,osillon to its latest move, judgiog froa extenzivo orrieln14 inspired article on Comintern 4peri ae in tatIre Pin nish Press during last week. tolestion of ginnish annouucera i3 omairoa re- main unchanged as Finns are so pattiotio out it iply possible to throw further light on this when Virtazint, imminent doctor of Germiu Social Democrats und aan behind Arbitarbladet arriYes in Sweden at end of NovOmbers "fcr. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 MINIM= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 - '1;14 , ? 41-4444. (01*,4Nrsi ' COORDINATOR OF IIVORMATION 11104000,004MON.O MEMORAVUM TO: Xlvember 24, 041. Colonel William J4 1>movAn FROM: Nelson P. 13ynter This ma:i already have brcn Atsell Secretary Hull, but you might *back st)p the Secretary is still Interested ?44 IAR4- 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ITIV;;P, ? ,. ;1, .1044442100/4,410A4P4,4{44i ' " _ - 404.- _ - 6:1 A actracue tot Amistica arty taavanto wornatictil servioa lultatALialtiL (13610aent from the JinAilmhA ricir. pr oni oa th n Otcholes r 0e, tat ,:, A 41, on 1110 Finnish Government and 'the Sttl.to lisportrtiotit thq Uralp4d, tut14#1, The rtaction to the exChange of Acit as betwill ;1.3411,try. 144 nnlan4 in the Finnish press in the United State* Generally imapha412mo the TplatAl aftt-,1144 of the friendthip between, the two countries. Cotsequenily A mAjor.11)* tE? t4# welcome the tenor of the Yinnilla rep y ithich loaves the law open for 113traned negotiations. They aro, however, on the 'hole peeslialetw tt/t05th g444 such negotiations because, first, they fear peAts o with Ru4stmilLLIL.% louivoul t tan of Yinland by Germnny and, second, thAt the Mated StAtas is La pims, guarantee linlandls borders in case of a ?oimitie rspetlfilon 1r t'414 40./141 : of 1939, even if German occupation did not eCoAle A reellti. Oz wqr points out significantly thAt thousnnds of 4ersom troops .x,re nir4rdy. la qettIv service on linniih soil. La regard to the American note, muber *L. *4 tar% seem to believe that it does not tako into cons idera.1011 thog cow; 44At44/6- Whidh a peace at this time would involve for the ii=lith The Finnish press in the United States -numbers abazt 86 plaqisc?atlows, t-balf of these are religious weekliets fraternal organs or vo.Qela'4 pNloo,ira. , _ ? ?n,?? The'reisalning newspapers give a general news coyertkis. aud fall iato groN.40: , lib,sral-conservative, representing the ulajority opinion of ifiartish-Iner-tcanc: socialist, speaking for a strong minority; and two pro-Commmaist pa?mrr. "Moro is also a,daily, organ of the Industrial workers of the World which concerns itslit chiefly with labor issues. In re6ard to Finnish peace, socimlist and consorvative ,? P acemsful ? -?;?-?:, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release ? ?-?-? 44. , IN 2013/09/13 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ? .?-;?? n ' elk* MOM 4s street the dangers intelwota? COiAr thilfr ?00:0 Sit iii010404 paws OAS the !WAS 1,1,1 f4# litio ado restesestative ioditorUt oa the petvo4 Isom" Mod rgitv of VA* ltberslielsitservative papere is NW apportifb4 Itevembeet 11 Lit Sot 1Wittik Oleo MI* sosti) three tioes * iseek, ivissublAtion 011igh 1,640404,04 t* Olt* digest. Wier reptes-oittative oessioate trim ilbiot4 fenitOk 1 1 ig -t444 tiailialthiLkakiki. Nor York ML 14 os *re 'believe that a* II osearottie 40410117 rial4a4. Nor 44v.rrt. raft-anal wishes that the present lea* multi eat la a vistorr ter la. 400116graintlit ftig at* polities is such that the demeratio eountriew cannot &tow ottuo :And, zAitio eon jive no *swan** UM Resets will rieepeat tisktamitts eaet4ru borka triervitav is defeated aa4 Russia, with the help of Altiaoks4i4hiwitimii. is, 14104010 At*-4 Chummy is set yst defeated aa4 im the *flat at kiaealatialetk 741ml* 44,440Tati Sould be a alillike0 to tivie=4* U Itiniako4 is pow* with e4.4*elek cut evaiitittm tztigo the-ersosnak railroad toe loft to &nista for the %zoo at the Atomotto5R41108 ss. appear to bs the tasks eskod of rialead ? iA1MttAs no &A zlint4iti 11114* t LI* to h011 the dososrasies OM protest lugs i2 her relation* !tie ;aruligy twteigia oirsioak *mum or 4, ilind it baa DO sst.traues that tho arlch-suatmitedi tametaftliwa -;- Of lite AiottlA4 SOPpligia to tits timish people after the siviing of mob a pea**. At gi later date, possibly, the situation =UM be bettor in tb.is roppeol, thikt time Pis blordilkirs lindatiOd might wan be the tatal blow Is litte nilinisti remion. ailails, Calumet, Miohigo, three tie* weekly, km. 13. This paper's editorial swots the surae r ot li Nelettki rt&Ati \ lea60010401111141 OW* theasondis of gerssuse are on riantsh *ell to mrtiellemp it Illt Lep sf lissitsidrall. it deelares that this news asks* it hopeklue4 to think %hat Itialsoi-4 es* possibly sake a separate psaos? It them stittss that *la ems 16aziag ..:, eireettitaneos. 010.011 t " is useless for Owl. San to c*.4ti , ? . n,f-loccifipri and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 : - ? - - , 7,0 .4p* worm llataski *sloes it is willing to via/ante* U. MI 1hL. lin, IA** ti11,011 trict to esaply with the WA of Ilathiegttn, Wog** in snothor clitoris% on Soy. 131 Valle low.* threat to out Amoriante tk,0049 got out of the vow is as thong% a lathes earned his kiskwiprci otos Chlorit tt iitt not rotors Immo at ammo. Iwo amet sow bob* so mi. tility has MUM Imo earned la this "kr Alegrie GireAlt Itribtin vtat to establish a treat is Pirlandi Sandy sot, boosts* Worts to 1 tievxt, la NOW and the Italians has taught *Rada tiaet Ai does J4424 baiV4 koreqrs attack Germany on land. It is oleos that Nitain mot. rtiMA224, to oak. pwrivag that the liasanok railroad would be open for the shilieset oir Willett-44w Wilit out *applies *doh are sorely needed V' *Lyda. It is tzsel*** for UtaS ? iwas mum 11145at4 unless he *ants to rally searsatoo her security. Mmtalimuhaidat,, lian000kt Mich., three times weekly, *Finland'', note to the United States sakes clear that the Uhited States is laboring undr a aloolpfraheasis, la believing that the use elf Mule% silitary forces in this defenolve war has made ilnlanclts froidoot azd !tagtatPsfrotsta itgAtor .0 Gorman desoisioa? 'lust th oPlwatc liamt Gorlowl7 switiNE low Nininat Noel*, she saved Finland fran being left alma* to withstand 'Russia Sibirette which voal4 ha,. meant oveatual annihilatien.* nougslikaaalastiJes Terk three time* ifeelel. km. 1.3: is reply iFinlandos) is to be interpretet as tialandos belief is she 01119' of its arwr soon to reach the Must itareliam objective leach is the safaptatik of its eastern border.* ROVessentativo editorials from I ibersl-soo ial ist paws aro alit follows t teliaikta,? Luluth. Mbm.. daily. Soy. 12: Mile ?Gantry' helps Inset* to not beamse there is arything isol000t 'between littler and Stalin fron a "0;14 point of view but becamse Sad nprlaccifiAd and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ? 44. , 1.2 ? ,,A-' , ? ..:?1-:' ;"v,... - -_,A-1. ' 4 .1?-?i-c? .41. ' .,k.,-,. .1.. 4--... G--,.. sp.it. - - --f? . -Z-..t. __,..e....:.-, .?i?-?'''',.A.,* -- 4.. ..ev- ,,,- siFf-.,7?--gi.... 1:-..:...3r,..-..z.4;7 -.,1,-,..e.,,..v41, f-,- ..1. ,-. t. ? , .-..,.. ? ' - 'i, 111.5, . - rA' 'I.- ;? 1.4.... :-.", ? I.: a I ? - ? .-fp, 4. 7- - - S') i ?????? ? flooksia 44.ir *O. 114 awl in ti Ailittoey too. * moo 14 WO* *tit Nino.' wits bola* he apgai144or 14611cy nVitAlkilt tiO fattrt7 7141.1164 111410;44, 1441441 att simt 11044 ilakilOto tels "%Wild L6* P46161 04100114.0 a** 4* lioftioreIUIIItt oho 0044 its fot tootRIAL4to* Gamowt iftptior ihadd, wdo Iiiikoorodo foold to* ?tow* it Om itimmo *pitiil4 boppo* At Ando wool tisiottii apt %Win Osio wig* vsolowisitt toit trit* moit IWO* toy Is bog 41 thitsa4t 1104 ftaloweo of mor oreveroowelVo potties totturt Plistmit to act sheandisist bosetosos is givm to We pilot* of Ow ettootios. our that it it oeittisoxiso its tor tatimott iftooto vel sovtor ottit triontaio kw, not *iv itioRt bolip or ob.% ottio,i404 goarsoliotce. ow, #4 tro;A/ give Ur if Am sok** vino* with *Nit+ Are w* ?WON lath **LIMAS* apatsraliito the lawisbility of J1 $* borders it Umi loomniorto outo. roVeveti ,4t %host origiaml sitftsol Aro ing routs to wiforoo mar *weft.** with iturfie,tout tury power' Of it viotooloos Boma& *Woo MUM* OW Iv* ekly softittr osoit*Imv* lath *ow opoodum dowries MI be liana* Xhasati. I* sod ,t4401t frlie 1414 Ma* Doporitiat opt sub/ oir regroto or II* trskriadirlsit Nov* 131 NU war .140** MAW, oat Goma rexticom aro cad boor* Irevett twit *w-00000,- ***oil Aftik, ttm, roltattoao otiottrik Weveimi Sortsio*: $04 hi Mt: t tor isolfto*** 1JIItitoliiteivots., akitro *04 141 11* olltoriot gootos lb* Sow York Tim* of Seto 24: *-11 Ogling edit sa tli* 71 position in spew* with lOmmia. *vim t10141k it itottlit wire th.G_.-4,1*** mitts 41.1 Ifteit oairo Oft oaatimaing thol pmeia: Atipttlia 1111$ Moo that eisitailetia *1113 ftt ititvo up it iiittowit .10 *nog -11001140Vor ta 'OS likloomoitiasigit 4a*vss; 110.01U lte Otgataiat iiise:n4164 SoulivskplalL 010100re 11101i**14$11114 Edit* ti* tifforvult. r id( "P 2:12 t- .7.F44.24? 4414.-i--;44; flr - , ,. ,,, ? -, .(1-_- : i-;*".":1 - . ? =3"' IP' - -,. ? ..Lr.-,. , r L * , .1. - . - ,. - 1. .- :: - k.... i:::::::41-, ? - 2-- - '? ' '? : '. , - 1 - . _ rid nnrnvAd For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 - - , Of OIPISIOS hatitsvit the ?Wish sitovorsowit ss4 r 1-1*44 rkowtow ts.4 eplitlea *made oa the teller *a to skid& sidle *UT I* the twit Ikm ieotives 'WOW; *la bar pow* uadkottelly boa /144 offekat /fa U. fln40)44staiMotht OM. 010.. OA the ihste ;septet- Oily hers ifilt Ng W. Ill $he tmce. tlig444*y 4-1 deasaraolos? We believe to ;oh Therefor* tes lout sill the Reit Tea trimicoo la the -wish that sitaress la the last sattassop* 04011111tUitili peados Is stated la the SNAIL, klkirtairo "set dallys Nova 14: Thi tinsish Ooyersasat has mei ottielalir k4 04itiffStil et 1. the itext aleverammat that it mast soap% the latt sfife susoattisa ?Salyut 04 II*Ar mai mike peso. faith the Soviet Wes. Or, hotter stato4, gator% grearamisi has reported that to bo the saner of the risalsh puppet atielasert Mils same of the tivaish Goiretimmist potato out bettor itittait itarttetsi Ides that its soldier aronsate of bolas samagged .is a defeteire rat glair sr* WI that it, 41 aet 1?01111a4i fkir wain else likt the secoray of its betties. L61, shows that the Plialsh 011,44111$4111A istionitaigly oat satasialay tUtIs iths m_salt oempaott plan of the Axis Powell. Ns ? ..already a week aad a half before the risatsh Goreirraent ova its ;:oisoir-As tho united States, it ass ImolaLi Italy *at Itizid of sattlitsr it law T4 wig *its* bossatothe *weer la* &tea *ii MAU* ,Preser.- the littler Iasi*, Plaalsh4a0lsaals &dr to to *wort more ifonarAtaY lbaa "Matta forotaa 143407 *PLUM Nitlors give asslailasai Liiirsslopilis the sane slicae *bash igrovragt _poi* *Silk gastaaiese the qpkiskast possible, destrostioa Itilkiarisk* oat help .st iitlees *oats boo the iihealtsra ot the iftsmish pool*. Itto row 1141414es ant sweats of litler's pope ervorgalidi la, this 41100147 shwa be *Ai batik Si Owls bees.. "IOW' Aslay as that are dowries te Amortises asatrit *: 310,74f4;0C Ase?-? "..0.1"?itunba.Tdrolnit, ?? ?s- npclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100180004-1 ; ,;?;i'Ot -iP- 313.3 P. 0010141141t *Iwo is 00 *Al liwomit Wm* Mil047 asotrimore$01 qt11ottilola tortimmds 1140004?400* io uplift& A wow to nod* to. *ft IOW poop omot. fistAivilm40144t t* bac 10$3"16 itteribillessit hist tot moirnoP 46tewis 3,4 )40 .144irat time Owe* Olharip seCovime,),* Doom -Su* milit I t. ? ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ? -L Stoaa 'OM 41, -144- "Mr." Mr. Robinson ....... ................. 1 4 Please read and return to this ?Mae). 4411.. , .i . s, ? . , ?41 t: ..,iM -17.A ,,f ,... .14' ''.;? ' Ir.! .,, ; e. ?er.,.,,_?:;;-:. ?=i,?,, .,::',, .- ....?? ,, ...,, JANIS P. lArrilt, Srd , i ? /IF 4.4444?4..../..e..41.11.444.114.44,144064.144111.44,41 .4' ?;/,4 41. 74.. 1,4 ?? 4 e 4 ? IS ? 14 4' -4 St 44, ? . /44 ? ??=44;4" y44 - ' _ 7'11 "..7! t 441,4 5?tge4 - - 4 ? 7:4 - ?4444 f:141J -set.141gg . . ?-? ,err "i- s .S1,1 ? :Sy 4s"._ - ?s r ' -_?41 :41tc't"-?,?,..,, r,,?? 147 :7-.?.?7; .-, - a" .7 % ?.? rt.; 47. j; ? 4.; "`"- ? 54 4?.1,4?4' 7 , -4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 OFFICE OF PRODUCTION NOV% Som. Scoffirry *memo wASHNolotilite Colanol WtIlta,- J. C14,novian Coordlnator or Enrom,41ktIn Apax 11411dine, Gth& Poalcylvanuk, Washinrton, D. C. Tho attnahoU, Lltt,r 1AMMtnfr-im whom T havio known tt.qry voli rDe % yattre and who had 1,1-on %,14001ftt*I.d in vory much th,) wqy I Ho tulkol to mo aImotImq ftio 4,L,ut .1) Swodiah altuttlmn mql ttlt arratra nnd tho Unitod S*nt3o. nm! to writ mo te'411movor ho hat lary talma. attaohod lo know nothint or tho t.nok-r-1..mt A,? proaoh to Finlitnd, but, ludzinf by whioh 1 muz0: admit aro usually innoourAtr,, : thought it wad a vary unhappy ono. Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 - 4rfrt- 11M1 Fokort -NOV 12 SO -111ATEINALS- DIVISION Pill ii1iT 44?01g? DolvAidnoh oSoistratet STORA KOPPARBERG CORPORATION New YOPX November 11,194L ?if -44Y rsm ttw ti v ,e!' 441.0is-v=t, ? ? y Mr. William L. Batt. Social Security Building, Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Batt: I refer to my visit to your office on tho 24tn of bAar our discussion of matters pertaining to =w9dsn. Somewhat along the lines of this discusJion thiFtrg rIL)wisri action by our Government in demanding that nalanj .1;t07. Iggr.:;. against Russia or else take the Co urs bon. i.kJ4.4V1 te, '.444 as to our relationship, etc. At Una time tho headlines I was distressed with the mannp-r la vett;e1 acted, but I did not want to be to ila5ty in Ariy then I have weighed the situation very cat.ts,r'lLiy ;1 v have come to the conclusion that (moo agala Ato proper approach on matters pertataLng to the Of course, I am not acquainted with the eivir, Om:sciAnd e that the State Department acted upon. tmerp)14. gytpt--sli from what I have read plus what I f,?)l 1 know J.:- situation and of Sweden's sphere of activity In pirticv. For example, it is one thing to demand that Finlanci i*ot:1:11t.; on Russia, but it is a strange demand when we amd aay JoL4n the withdrawal of Russian forces from. locatious OCCAplOdo as the Hango Peninsula. Neither do we apparentLy -Arer :Jr 4r4 A,1 in a position to offer at this time - a solution ;its to how to rid her country of German troops, or how she Y.) .0b?,aY1 stuffs, medicine and military needs, all of WrLiQh 3:1P wuL b :171- mediate1jr in desperate needand which she can now cin;.y btan taru Germany. The point, however, that is perhaps of .v9a tal- portance is that while we make this demand now w w ttho.tel:1y :a- pensating guarantee to Finland that we will protect ner agalast any new aggression later when Russia regains her strer_gth. I feel the above viewpoint illustrates the need of a smaLL but capub commission working within our State Department to plan ad work ot all the inter-related problems involved in our handling QC our ar:baiz..i. with the Scandinavian countries. It is evident that such a commLssioa would work principally with Sweden as the effective medium of actapish- ing the various results desired from both a diplomatic and military standpoint. 4.roc4 14, y t".? It is my view that if we were working with Sweden along the lines discussed with you a few weeks ago, we could in thls instance have approached the Swedish Government and requested their assistance in bringing about an ending of Finland's activities within say a matter of three or four weeks. You undoubtedly appreciate that Sweden has played - and must continue to play - a very active role in the doings of the northern countries and has a lot at stake in regard to the - nprlassifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ,stops that Finland takqs, Purthpro snp (v137 r,hrq she -ix rendering Finland, nurfLalqnt pr.93Aro, tr., 41 It rt q&, 40- that would have to be rAmpoctod. It iS, of course, ridloulOus for ma to xittkvilp,, to Atrt!',o subject that oould *natty nu luny pae.14, but trioll4ht f At,1 04pp1OMOInt my previous exprnsslona to yolt onth "A44m ratw -dilArv,,- tions, in the hope that thru ywIr ceinitActa Aom4?,(1L40, ovq-tr., crystalize before long In our builling Ip n bott4r roothoL,I Scandinavia for the future valkte.1 n4101 to iiiitv4 the final closing in hour arriven. YOU, ry 14,17'4 oimm4 e, 4 irti?? _rot, 6 - ; ?fc, ( :.I., .,,, . `. S." '... ?: ?:'..1, .2146.'7:.); -1q,,,:t.r.... 0_, ? z... . .. , , ,.., 1i. .... 1 .*Acf' ' . Z4 :', : .-,ff1;" '.k.i?C ." A ';' ' '' ' "- Z. . '. ? ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 1 Declassified and A ? proved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 FOOMs NELSON POYNTER, VHS ROW PREPARED THROUGH JIM SARUM -14 $1111,11K LAWS titelUILIKAMMULITAtU FIONIIM LANGUAGE POESS PN ME WM Mit* CAX gle #11,10/0 01110 FOUR CLASSES, ACCORDING TO DOCTRINES TONEY AXIOM le 00 ACCOONF IMO TO GENERAL PRINCIPLES THEY APPROVE. MESE ASSES ARE AS FOLLOW* I. CONSENVATIME GROUP TO MICH mtwortarrts C A11NG TNE RELIGIOUS GROUPS AND MOND PEOPLE MONO T 2. MORE LIBERAL OR SOMUNAT itmorromour CINCUtA MCAaiii THE PEOPLE WNO DELONGED TO SOCIAL4E1OCRATS IN PINLAND' ARE A INCLINED TO ACCEPT MORE LEFTIST VIEW OF POUTICAL ASPECTS ThiN SOCIAL LIFE IS CONCENTRATO MOON, POLITICALLY MIWO A3800* on AND THEY NAVE LITTLE, IF ANY, USE FOR RELIGIOUS ORGANiZArlOsti 40D A VERY FEW OF TNEW,BELONGAV TO ANY MACH ORGANIZAT106. 3. FORMER FOLLOWERSkW 1.1AL DOCTRINE tit TIM usiTlEP STATES' WO BY NOW TAKE LITTLE ACTI'VE PART in ANY WARM OrAm BUT NOMINALLY ADHERE To THE PRINCIPLES Or tow.w. THEY TOO HAVE NO INCLINATION TO BELONG TO CHURCH oRGANIzATioN3 4. COMMUNIST GROUP, THE MOST VIOLENT AND PERvAP3 MOST ACTM GROUP., THEY USUALLY FOLLOW COMmuNIsTIC LINE ALmo3T TO A LETTER, ALTHOUGH OPENLY IN LAST YEAR OT WO THEY HAVE DENTED THEIR ALLEOWICI TO COMMUNISM BECAUSE OF FEAR or GETTING INTO TROUBLE. THE NEWSPAPERS IN THESE CATEGORIES ARE AS FOLLOW: GROUP 1.-- NEW YORKIN UUTIVT? BROOKLYN, NoY, VALVOJA, CALUMET, MICH. AMERMAN SUOMETAR? HANCOCK, MICH. AUTTAJA? IRONWOOD, ?MICH, MINNESOTAN UUTISET,. NEW YORK MILLS, mINn, LANNEN SUOMETAR, ATORIA? OREGON. OPAS-, CALUMET, MICH. (*Ur 2. le IS RAlyAAJA, FITCHBURG* MASS. , PAIVALEHTI? DULUTH MINN. (pIANGED RECENTLY TO THAT GROUP BY CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP.) GROUP 3. .. 000WIlIALIST? DULuTm, MINN. Mil Olt ?, Annrrwpri For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 GROUP 2. imft RAIVAAJA, FITCHBURG, MASS. PAIVALEHTI, DULUTH MINN. (CHANGED RECENTLY TO THAT GROUP BY CHANGE IN OW I GROUP 3. INDUSTRIALIST, DULUTH, MINN. GROUP 4. ". TYOMIES, SUPERIOR, WIS, ETEENPAIN, YONKERS, N.Y. (FORMERLY WAS LOCATED IN NEW YORK CITY. OUT OF imEsE FOUR GROUPS THREE FIRST tIlUPPOR FINN 314 PoSirtom DURING THE FIRST WAR. ONLY COMMUNIST NEWSPAPER STAYED IPICI3TIt1 TO FINLAND. DURING THE PRESENT WAR, FIRST Two IGROUPS bELICIE %INLAND r VICTIM OF AGGRESSION AO THAT SHE DEFENDS ONLY Of HER 1NMEPENDENCE. THEREFORE THEIR SYMPATHIES ARE WITH FINLAND. FOR THIRD GROUP THIS WRITER IS NOT 30 DEFINITE BUT BEL1evE3 Mar IT IS NOT' SO SYMPATHETIC TOWARD FINLAND AS SEFOPE AND MAY EVEN TURN HOSTILE IN VIEWS, ELABORATING NAZISM AS BASIS OF hoirturf. COMMUNIST GROUP FOLLOW USUAL TRADITION WITH COMMUNIST EL MENT OF THE COUNTRY. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO RECENTLY HAVE ADDRESSED LETTERS TO SECRETARY OF STATE AND PERHAPS OTHERS TO ASK OUSTING OF FINNISH DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIVES ETC. NONE OTHERS HAVE SENT SIMILAR LETTERS. FINNISH AMERICANS GENERALLY BELIEVE, OUTSIDE OF COMMUNISTS THAT FINLAND OR FINNISH PEOPLE DO NOT APPROVE NAtISM OR ANY AGGRE 3 ON BY THEM BUT ARE TOO CLOSE TO BE ABLE TO SAY ANYTHING. NO GROUP IN THE UNITED STATES APPROVE NASIM OR THEIR AGGRESIIION ANY SUTER THAN THAT OF FASCISM. LEFT ELEMENT ONCE IN A WHILE, WHEN NO BETTER ARGUMENT IS FOUND AGAINST CONSERVATIVE GROUPS OR THEM NEWSPAPERS ARE INCLINED TO INSULT THEM FOR NAZISM FOR ANY MaDERATE OR FOR ANY CONSERVATIVE VIEWS OF THEIRS. OF ALL GROUPS THE CHURCH GROUPS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MOST LOYALLY INCLINED AND EVEN IN THESE CRISES WiLL NOT DEVITE FROM THAT 1103ITWN* TWO THIRDS OF ALL FINNS IN AMERICA ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS, DIVISION OF FINNISH AMERICANS AND THEIR ACTIVITIES MIGHT BE CLASSIFIED AS FOLLOWS: 1. LARGEST, VERY DOMINANT GROUP IS THE ONE WHO APPROVE RE. LIGION AND ARE MEMBERS OR PATRONIZERS OF ONE OR ANOTHER RELIGtOUS 00141,1AJION WI% THEM. THEY ARE NOT UN nprlassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100180004-1 =;rrA Declassified and Approved For Release_2_9.1.3,./0/1 ,3 iw? CrlAsi-6,RDIpmr13Xj000s001vIROpTy0100irywev180004-1 TWO TRIOS OF ALL FINNS IN AMONA At AMMAN CtIrgtxt 7/11/1.$1001 OF F I NNI AMR I CANS AN Mt IN ACItvreptS AlpGsr SC CLASSiFIED Al FOLLOOSI 1 ? LAMS; nom iosliwiT" allOW 1 Mt OK ISM INCI G ION ASO ARE MEIOERS ON PATRON! ZENS OF COE OW ANOINt* CiPIUS DENOMINATION MONO THEM. THEY ARE wor uNfro INTO A SINGLE amp BUT EACH LARGCR DENOMINATION HAS NATIONAL ORGANPIATION, somw tom, WHOSE OFFICES ARE IN HANCOCK, *JCR. is. THE WV POWN FUL AMONG THE CHURCH CROUPS AND MEIN OFFICIAL MEROPAPVA IS AMMO* SWOMETAN SUSSUSIARY LANNEN NOWA,. THEW ARE VOW FAMLY 404E RELIGPOUS DENOMINATIONS AVOW THEM; ALTHOUGH THil ACC/PT PROTESTANT LUTHERAN RELIGION Al TOE DASIS Of THEIR REL1GPON. 2. WELL ORGANIZED GROUP IS THE GROUP WHICH CALLS mtmeems 'FINNISH AMERICAN LEGUE FOR DEMOCRACY'. THEY MANGO To row NAME SOME TWO YEARS AGO. UP TO THAT TIME WICK KAMM A3 SOCIALIST3 IT REPRESENTS A GOOD PART Of FINNISH ANERICAN3 ESPECIALLY HERE IN EAST AMONG INDUSTRIAL WORKERSv THEY W&VE CLEM IN DIFFERENT CENTERS OF FINNISH AMERICANS AND ADvERE TO *MI* mEws. PAPER RAIVAAJA, MOMURG. MASS. RECENTLY PAivALEHT, fort DULUTH CAME INTO THEIR HANDS THROUGH PuRCHASE, 3? COMMUNIST ARE PERHAPS MOST ACTIVE BUT FoWm3 COWAR T; VLY SMALL GROUP IN TOTAL FINNISH AMERICAN POPULATION. 4. IAA. FOLLOWERS ARE SO SCATTERED NAT THE/ NAVE VERY LITTLE ACTIVITY AND HAVE HARDLY ANY ORGANIZA71043. ALL IN ALL, FIRST GPOUP MAY FORM 65 PERCENT OR MORE Of T1E TOTAL POPULATION, 25 PERCENT OR 30 PERCENT Of GROUP 2 AO 10 PERCENT OFGROUP 3 AND 4. A GREAT NUMBER OF FINNISH AMERICANS DON'T BELONG TO ANY GROUP Al A MENDER, BUT ABOVE ESTIMATE 13 BASED UPON mENTAL In Ale NE POSITION THEY WOULD TAKE OR- FOLLOW.* LiiatzelategalilleilESEIEst-Yallaoftwo&tokT. :At DR146P 11/17/41 mnri A nnrnved For Release 2013/09/13 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 . - - ? ; n . rata* VdtifittAtetwX:olaitrriiii f:0 -? "?;' L' l's, -.?-' ---i",-;;? --" -,..?;'' A .?:;-- ?,,,,,t-.. ? ?.i...% , -f,-,.._ ?;1;- .4'-T7 -':It144.?? ,... =. : ?,:-. .;.. ,.,, ';'..--.?__??., 7., ,.... . ! , .-,.4...-4,4,..c..-..,,,,, -1-????' " ?" ;. ; ? .? I I ? t ,-??? ???? ? ' , - S. ? 4,,,-:,1,- - 1- - kt4i 4.:1,-, rq: rt ror- r 101010111. ft* Nierotary of State liashlAsteas 14 Wy dear Vr $eeretevys I saolepe, tar your totarowtbms a report Not propmkred tgy thl* otrlc* on the riA4404 Lattokage Pre** in the United 1110t00, Sint Mew ii,CC 11111 U DIDUOVILI rnr-. -sAtes; - Witl A ; `.-f -157.7t ? ..?1. _???,:r. r-":7:1": ??.-r ,i44-?-S?4?1 ;?? 7 ? - - - ? 1., 11?Ir - - '41441;11-4,-; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ufigzEU Pinnish UnguAge was in tU United Wee orai be 41vided Into four dasets4 44*- 004iflif to 400triftes they saore to* 4r according to general prinotpleo they approve Mess clause are as follow: I Conservative group to witkich newepAperm circulating axone the religious group* and kindred people belong to 2. More liberal or somovhAt group circulating among the people vho be ed to sociaid4Aroorir,4 in TiaLand Aind who are inclined to aft* t sore I ftint visite of political aspect Their social life is concentrated around politically mandod iss*clar tion and they have little, if any, tor religious organisations and a very few cf this belongs to any chinich organi sationi, 3, tomer followers of X.V,I doctrine in the United Statesv*ho by now take little eative part in any current affairs but roilinal1y 1,1 ' -'7?..1147. *1,11 9?.(1W npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100180004-1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 1?1?11.1.????1 Ore So the pine*, los of riptctt4 hamm no Inciinfttion to belong tio Ionisation* 400 Oomouniet group$ the soot viols00 amd perhaps sees ;wive group# no/ I y 14110W 000MOO1OSie 1:140 Own ta a littler, &MON* openly in last year or Ivo ihry dented their elIegioneetooomitualss togawsse of tsar of getting into trouble nis novimapern in thou ottogortos as follow: Oroup I mr, isw York mil* t Arooklyno Val iroja, 04 use t RUC Amprikan Stmetars Hanoock Michu AlAtaja4 ZTOflVd,Mahe ittflfl,$Ota Uitit1 in Ton MU Joanna' enosottart Atoria0 OMNI Opae$ Cahoot,. Mi*he ?reap 2 . ? 3,s --4V?r?r=, ?-? ' kilvast4t. ritehbutitA Wit aro -.? - , ? 5 e teititeIstiti$ tMi, ima Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 oviiiitehip)* Tyomies, $uporiots Vie. (Formoriy VAS lockted in Cityle Finnish position duri Oossuitst newspaper* stayed nob:stile tio 'inland* During the present in: ttri wt 1tsie 74; it a viatis or agrretalon and that she defends only of how inde mien*. Tberefore their sympathies are with ?Wand. For third group thiS writer is not so _definite but believes that it is not so sympathetic toward Finland an before sod mer even turn hostile in view*, elaborcti4g Mann as basis of hostility, Communist group follow usue troAlftlen '.6041,-R4PaTP41.1? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 1-170008 I- 00 I- 0001 0000X? 1,c1C1I-V10 /6O/O eSeeiei -101 panaiddv pue PeWsseloeCI 010, 0,116 t -r"": ? r ! ittr:44 ' ? ? ;-; "tiott110412 4 ? Von son. glina4Sp itou Ina dlootitto **oq% Imo puv pouT tow; At tiLot *sow U - oilmq *duos :1-U ;pm. gm *daps, Ili jo **4104% *41101*.,:014. ? vdeA01410400 Auvr soi s* mompois Am AO; *Ina. 014 " ' ? , ? soj own inuotity lot pottytouT slot Ltiodiodoso* stmis so ediosi 13AwitiLsoaitoo ot izteituilsv sollog ou *tom amp iv al ooso wimp %lin forTurtA $* In141 10$4041 voltas*011i z;sq ic *4-1311141 100A0Addla MOMS irtil4ZT dooili 01 luilitOire Ago at eifig oq at wool* oas *iv 414 wogsi uoTsoosalPo Issw gto woitsvi oitozidv los op I$o.4 gOluitut Jo pottni irevit telstiumwoo 30 opts*, **4?1144 tufts" OUISTAOIN 4$10014- 414114140.1 smog osoglo *Doi solo *oommuotosttos oftwellidTP Vailluti *now gino o% caw otooLsod pUIP tiVr411 j0 Livites00,1 04 10401441 pow-mom* 1MM ittsu000i ?gat 0.00 int 00,t1 Ulu o vs000to yolunio00 1,1700081,00mm 0000X? da 1-V10 /6O/O 3Se3i3i JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PssePeCI 3 _ " .; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ? " ?w0 thirds of 411 ?Inns in Loot* are hierioan ottimen00 Mision of 7inn1s1t Americane kna their activities might be oligelfied As follows: 1. Wiest very dminant grotr, Is the ono WI approve retigica and *re nombets or pakonisers of one or another reltelowe demetnation axone then* Thet te not united Into a single group* beA each lugel denmanation hms natiorasl organisation, ?motel whose offices ars in Mineocts nchigan le the most powerful among the *Mac 4 e and their official nevepaper le Ano tan grooretar and subsidiary Lannert suosotar Mitre mre four fairly largo r el igloos denominations among Miami thou4sh they accept protestant Lutheran religion as the basis of their religioc 2. vell?morgamised group is the grip p Ate eel I s themselves *Finnish American League for Democracy.* They changed to tbast name soot two years ago 4to that tits* .65m It _ ?:",?,7.!ez ?- ? ft?i? 0.7 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 prm- Release Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 WO known AS Socialists* It repreeents 4 g004 part of Finnish Aborioans sopeolAlly here in Sant among induntrisl worromm ?hey have ?Wm in different ant. * of Finnish Americans And adhere to their nropaper Ram* ntOhburg Kass. Recant' in Duluth 04141 into thetr hands thr Oottunlet are per ape noet cLtirs but tone comparatively ettal group in liotat Finnish Azeri can popul nti on. 4v IONIC* follows nro so se.ttd that they hove very tittle' act vity and have hardly any organisations. All in all first group torn sLzty (65) per cent or more of the tot tion* tventyiefive (25) percent or th (30) percent of group two and ten (10) peroen4 of group three and tour. A sret nusber of Mulish me dont% belong to any group as metbtt Om estimate is based won mentality and For Release 2013/09/13 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 .. . t? e t 7Nts Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 5",i2:;* 9:1Pte -)-4rsoft 111,11 The F1nn8 Pule 1?ijht wpolArt eoureep nro Oink; P 600d dela be if oltr i,;ovtlrnment wild to &main, IFVP7,1 H,7153 help onn but younu ,;ive 4a Alne, that the inttor ehnll Le .veAtared tftetr politioally tInd territor achieved vmItld bo tho VIrst Plxnt-plo tollow no Roosevolt-Ohttrohill jnutletn: t'17 .4000,t)1 the domooraolee 1.i vn freedom fa itt:Ae poopke4 404 it wouldl not impose any important aaorl upc414 R40414. And when you get timeI w...s% jau wouIj to it that the Free French are reiwn12.,ed by 0-_11- :,;overnmInt. It would oost/Avo1ryliiltft.money to ;:.eep nem eanit-Jexpect anything from Viohy. ;ny olleor '171T From the aboveyumr,,y e!ts')0(at : ?.Neez1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 , sclikolirm14914901 - *am ? .. JAME.; W. WADSWORTH ? NTH Sot, Now Yew Coriortoo of tbe 711niteb Al)tattl *omit of Atpresintatibt$ imalibirdatim. ID. C. Pi)e,r4 ;le p r d#.!;.(j() (1, ? .044 ? r r 41 . 1? I 1 " ? ' V 1) I SI 0 *.1-1,'? 1 5'. ?1,?I , t () It A ?" ,. ,, * ?,.. ? ? ti ' ' ,;) ? 0110 t .(4 11.'? r ., 9 .9 9 ? i ,I ) 9 r no ,,.:.'t. s. o 1 n 1 ' ? rn-nnt .?' ? to.14 ? eurci.:? ry hold .*? LI vsnd ilcflce irt. cmbarrntle, ont to 0..or 4. \s: 1 Peo.dcrti: 11, vinr3.1tn to to ? ? 4 ? tA. (thy) , by ? )1?.,., ,. . ,-,... L' , ? ,. , . ... .. :.,ton to' 'y , 1 t ,-L) ,0101* I Yin f3e ' cr I P,, ; 1 ,. . , .? nt t. lo L'otipitol .. ...0 ) . i ? ?. t. , ,!1,"! .. . ?? "t - ? r., ...?1 tun not ottro ...1 ,, ? ? . volt k)ut ? . o I p ? JIM HCfl W?f' _ . ? ' ? . - npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 ; coon o t WAi MMORANDUM Tot: Dr. gaga/ From:' 11, V. V, Pay Subject: Su?-gostltr, r9 Firlland th *Yi of nlandlv Principi miLitat-7 obp#cttvm !s e oCcupation tho moin 11110,4 or thn Nr,Tamt:k Rallaltd on n broad front. It does not S4011 flcol0J4?:,' tr) fl..qt-:41,g1 war on Pinland by U, if:..S", In clr or U. 1i9r. -P,o Li..4,4er,t this rord. Allied truopl guarlivel th., ,ltbwr.L411- r4t:c.o,;(tq in 1918-20 aeainst= partlun rt4ftmlliq b,,,,vi.1;* ttrr, Aftloin .ve L14,. leaat wore in ourssyapntriy. 449r914/ whf4n t-i ,;.ttt4r7.(1), troops (Wended themz4olvoi 4n? The Allies couil now loroli Irne)Nrwo t11,4t, they are going to mord the miqin ittor or til-f 1114:"Mar1-$ Railroad against iAtt,Ick::; tro.:1 al Ali tkisizio seaw to the it. K. or will soon. N)l(plirftl rnpriol4at4- tives,need not be removed from FinLint. Jia)c:191t1 .,t4 life could be admitted throueh PetaTo; only military supplies need bo held up 44nd they n,,m, / toll.?,14. The Ru'ssian troops could be mostli romolvvd 44: A1.LI,N1 troops took over cxcept for 4.4 flmiv sr/tail unit s;i9c1-411y trained in winter figbting 4.;Iti scout work to .4e.sist theAllied commAnds. The, Finns would lulsil;lt to AttA Allied units or ,to declare tvar an the AIlloa. rho "OrMEtr$ troops in Finland are no good. If Finland did, 4tt4c:t: ari declare liar, the onus would be on it and the Affact an .Germanyrs other allies Co are rUnd4mentd11',/ pro-a It seems) would be much less than if the Aliiel took tt;to l_nitlative, and might even be negligible At the same time U. S. S. !. Ult ti,?, inducod to give-up Hangoe and,ahould be willi z rvcip oc4471 to Stop alT,raids. , The Job would probably fail to Can,1 possibly assisted later on by Alaskan unit4 .8oth te Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1 AA 04' 'laza uhd wt havo ,--leolg mat .. ,;.-.:-65 yottra of gAll. it -rolght - lin t tion - of 191H-19110- . Xt t , a4 It4 -$tion?If . p 1 W. :tole It : Ohoitid- 1* tsoil up to Colo Ottg:Ptalli IMP,i-Aliak, y;v0ign.' ., ._ d_ 'itivi-6' . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180004-1