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Document Creation Date:
November 3, 2016
Document Release Date:
September 13, 2013
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Publication Date:
June 28, 1942
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Approved For Release 2013/09/13
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
01;1?4:.?,rt'.6T ?41?;-",-?i - , ?
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Nr.Jar. Robert Eftibi41 ice4roaident,
iletro-Goldwyn-leyer Pictures CorNm
1540 Broadwisy,
New York, N. Y.
Dear Bob:
I as enclosing herewith the folio*
(I) Copy of lettvr trots Adatj Cotf/
of 'British Naval /Atoll ?once,. xL4tjv o L
pho.tographic library.
(2) Copy of letter fro* Ldairal Godfrey #111
, ?
Closing a radio speech by a somber of the Ifa.val
X thought you slight want to riad %eat
hoping that ,you are Laing to be able to go over there
, -
414.141.v. ? 4!
? te - - ?11? e41't
? z. 4,- . ?
??? 2,??
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010018000273
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
t4-iftt4t.44.40,601' ritvt.
100*k WM 01 Re-
it/040,404ALk 0000,
filif,41010000 14*
P?56 1.6t J4A4
ottore utiL ,
Thi a lett.t is one whtoh I had IntIndod to
write beror I mot you, snd I on ivthtq to) yriu
now for purposes of record. It W46 extrimell Ittrld
Of you to 840 L.t.OommAlidell* Voater *n4 t,t. antItag
in connection with my requeat for protographto
malarial to supplement the Admiralty- Pto lgrvphl,
2. Prom what Harling told mot Etna what Chriri
since heard from you, I am greatly tmprenned by the
potentialities of the 0.M. Photogr*phic tAbt-ary
particularly by the unit evolved by neleigrq. Wip.ron
and Haden of your staff. It is htoly onttsCgetor7
that the Admiralty is now included tA your clitrt
bution list.
3. Knowing the interest you take In the vorl.t o,
Our Commendos, I am we you wt ii he pitancid to know
that Madagaecar proved once again the wtlue of t
Photographic Library. Much of the swiftneca or the
operation was due to the oars which had bee3
to see that the photographic documentatton or tho
strategic areas of the island Witt fts aderp.mt6 elm!,
up-to-the-minute as was humanly possible
4. On my side r am, ms you know t most ren04,,- and
anxious to help you in similar ways. The Aamtralty
Photographic Library is open to any request from
yourself. Please do not hesitate to let me kna74
your requirements by signal if you think we can holy.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
021V009111110 104Sit
041*, tiwtv kik* twftio
OtitiOAti 4-14#0,
10r** to* ft, 91,4f.
I have asked mt., Slessor, tho orr er in
Charge of the Admiralty Photograpilo Library to let me
hove details concerning the results of the receAt broad
cast appeal to the general public made by the Llbrary..
I thought the details might te of interest to your owm
The appeal aroused considerable Intereat
the Press, and I attach three cuttings from ntrho
"The Daily Mirror" and the "Dolly Sketchtr, whiah g
Some indication of the liveliness or the reactioas
throughout the country.
I attach a copy or the script of tbe
,000 letters hare alreidy been received. Ana,?
shows the following facts:-
Average photographs offered per letter - 70:
ultimate total therefore up to 4,000pooc
Rejocts, either on aocount of excessive
existing coverage of these areas alresdy
in our files, or on account or the date
or phoi,graphs offered - 254
Really valuable offers of priority areas -
Offers not priority
acceptance - 37.
Special letters not
requiring special
About 6o
of these
( 1)
but for ult:Lutate
covered by above points
If there are any other points in connection with
this appeal on which you would like further details pie
let me know.
Colonel W. D. Donovan.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
yujijuej AI/
I'm going to tell you about n Vory important 4n4 :117
Interesting aspect of tho rnids on enomy-oolitoW
which have been =de reeentii by our norraptnod
There's quite a long llst of thorn, qnd ths 114t 11 -,)rit rmq111
You naturally know that these rn.
advance with tho utmost enrol but I wonflor 1r 7, -rt
what a vital part Ls pinyod In those plqns T-)7 7ohoto4Yx.40:1.1.
Take Bruneval, for instance, whort, th b1. lo..7mnr1
location centre wam destrojed. I can toll loll th tt
to that succers. When every posiblo toetrne or trtN)mqttQr.
about that area hnd been thorougtly combed ror
still lacked an actual picture or tho.v) f,y74 huni1r40
France.to complete our knowledge. It is in th:q -:onnaotton
that you will see how this talk affects you por-;onallf.
Quite by chance it bpanspired that one or tho
Officers working on the plan had spent R holldsyLnthl
Bruneval neighbourhood just before the war. !Eo hurrlo,1 oft
to his house where he found his ohotograoh album ltored
in a trunk. He looked through it and there, guTe onouh,
were photographs taken on his holiday showing in minute
datail the exact spot involved. It was five of those
photographs put together which forged the last Iink In the
whole plan.
So private photographs helped to ensure the successful
-6pr.lassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
operation At BrunoVat, phototraT 14 WWI in PIO Oittre4trovoi
premwar days without any thottght of theftv lAdor *Gum., 40w
there are thousands of suth photographa tn thy* ndNintr7.
ask you to land thmo, ph6togrkphs tO t4le Adalr41
photographs takon when, ydu went eivoad at tftnin4ona
holidays. Not only old photogrnphs thnt you would Pr s4
give to the salvage, but more still your not tr'nemt#11
pollactions. Wo want to examlno them and tti dopy tbinl, tihrit
interest us. We shall look after your propertl moot on orulLy
and return it to you intact whon wo have rtnithed ,Arth tt.
Not long ago the Ministry of Snonomle Wnvfart appqa1,1d
to you for old guide book, foreign directorleg And lo onk
and your response van most goneroua, The Minlstry
much of this material to us and we were very glad to 'clay% lc.
But it is photographs we wnnt now; photisranhA of or.r7 g144
country in the world except Groat Britain ity1,711r
Needless to say we already poses n a vnit collection of
photographs, but even the Admiralty cannot havit, a photovaph
of every port and dock', every inch of coastlIno and more thal
that, every road, railway, bridge and factory ..11 tho
Yet that is what we want. Inland areas as woll as coaltl
Al]. three Services use our files for many and vArious purpoof,1
and you who are listening to me now may providc a wItal mls*Inz
part of the whole picture, and perhaps may ba the means cFr
saving lives.
There was a photograph sent to us the other day. It was
one of a large collection of private holiday finanvhota, taken
solely for personal interest, This particular or 'hawed a
npriacsified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
beaCh clone, innluding A nide Om* of n ro44 1440:
tO tho beach. Near MG bottom of the road wero t*o ntl-n it4n4-
ing beside a largo cer. You mIght not think that tfttermntIng
to un, but it wan - extremoty snd this is why
It wan a foreign beach - mover mind where aftd
already had photogrephn of it. Although Aoolm or hhalm AWow44
the road in quention, none wan taken at an in in o'
wide that road was. It might have boon g reJoitpath co r ali 109
could tell. Well, this now photograph showed thAt the mad hmd
a.i.good surface and was' wide nough to hold A lArSO lAlr with
two men beside it. In other words it was wide suld ititrwu
enough for n landing party to drtve their nk ut t rmm tho
beach - and it was the gat way to do no. We had be707n trii
for that information fi)r weeks,
Well, I have told you the kind of information i *ant 7011
to give us. Possibly some of you possess a photograph 't,t1lch
properly used, could be a more deadly weApon than ten torpd041
or twenty tanks. So now please look out all your snapihota
and post-cards taken abroad. Tb doesn't matter whorl the7
were taken - from Boulogne to Pig, Trom Amsterdam to mAdaqins.,:51r,
inland or on the coast, we want them all. Your :map alom
just "Mother in Sunglasses on the Beach" to you, but xports
may see in it a lot more than that. Just write and til) ua
what you have got. pmit send the photographs yet. SimplT
write 'and describe tham to us. Send your letter to the followlnii;
address; it's very simple; "Photographs", Admiralty, London,
I'll repeat that:- "Photographs", Admiralty, London.
im,,,i,ecifiari anti Annroved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3 111111?MEMOgravaremi
it* 1
fur t,
Vile* arter Ware ettstiauts fomiign ?
plays* hatil bolt nrAivedI e tinritunm
nunthlit Mitt eitt ,henn WO
doubting 1,14 irrligthtvf the dftlest ttt4r
fflt{engitsi8ilt Pitiotie dory
to help the :many Cowie& vlifotv
? this !Fifty bi ad4o1 the ettueael &Onto of
thy r Ytittettl ; ths ittil0,11111 of setaveitirvestn
take a new kind of pride in wilco the.v
thoutahe might he intentsting, toped might
be 01 namentai, but never dre-amedl etedd
he tossful. they rtrid It es ihttetring sit la AI'
giro ming that Ow? little holiday mitreetta
it 'beheld tkus hat heel*, siltritillith*
rhils 11V the hotel they tdayed *Ad the
cross narks their bedrorrm. Here Is Oil
boat under full sail. Lind here are the
people bathing out of taw dinghy. The I
carnal: were Mt poseing under Om gam.
and Choy Made an Otrwlotits subfeet, though
bite oivis hind leg Net astits slItutUit
It was a pity that the merest one Pled to
clicked. Niers in*PYRoui-- 44111111' tVatild
and nit minders 414 happy holiday% Put dtev
WIU be soniethilitg Muck tirleSt thin thitt If
. the Admiralty a 10 thorn the pertance t
Of AS 4,-41911a_ t*,ti. or the tonal
fiat-Wit to the plait% Md
pro ./1 Iva we free to look hi-hind
(heat' tar b?dlst. Nit mot RiV
.jMtlW?*IbL datires. Methodiyal.
put theh soapshOts in album,. and
titti!ertictith each theirobject. plaice,'
Li methodical people ohms: i
snapshot' Ink) envelopeo, ioal . lar
envelops!' into di swam If vet tituyOir '
luau* begin to All ba album, tkey trim:
desist ; and they calm( *title lutitoqt,J ?
plane, and date 1?.1.VMS318 ihil'i did ots %Trier ;
them on the back. of the print whee. ti
new, and now they cannot ranxrcibtar I
where they took. it and what it
Such al ttitse can hope foo no hoP,p from
the Adruir'ilty. It will he 00 wte 01111tti1e i
to the AdrairsIty to ?Net a prom, ipicrurc '
of an old tree or a we teirait, or tvon or
an old church or a winos-tun Hard (.4.1,!
not aesth:tic gdeisbre 1.4 Whitt 1110! 1
Admiralty aunts. But how line a ?hartoc ;
the occasicti offcrs to the I meow,' &,trtill,
!methodical I To some, no doubt. it will!
be a chance of noble self-se,cridce. To!
others--ittitt to many more than would be I
ready to admit it?lt will be it chance or I
getting rid of a burden. Of the methodiltml
album?makcri, how malty look into thou
old iltnims i.nd recall their old pica...urea, ? I
Not so man), we may hezard.eis fiat them 3
rather a bora, taking up ai lot or room and
giving nothi ig in cutiange fo.? it. And,
if their own snapshots are a bora, fel wonte
are the snatehoN and the,.picture Nit- ,
cards sent by travelling friics, iwutartioult
(sas ly ..sti
yaw ,i.cr vi, 4.4't
they j. ;to Monte auto or
Dabs' h al a. ig _many a bowie
and I tyt vitt any nat----the itilMer
of the Mtn Rty tll be eagerly awaited
And If the,,,R...inuAltY do et not want the
things, diet vvill be an excellent reason for
'consigning ar n m to whatever so of
'salvage und - nkes such rtIbbish.
.ninr4 trrrrvid For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001001800^ 02-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
01. vet, . ? erlse?
haw, 063 takapthota of 0.14.1,1014.4 olito
`IL An1114 144 tbi Masiratii Raw, aarati am& low
sipillelit naval irsdle egostamitihiltie ye.,14514ati
" U gition't miller Wilm thtiir *eva' i41 tOo$110 tO.
P tint Oleitt t4 *ea att
ot ark the_titioN40-itit scurot
Ot *MO L4 01141tiqtr*1 k"
la* OHM
bt" ta0 011$44- M* rt,
Rod Mores Win,
vtoii hip/UM Cory WW1 tit 4
paluirta IN, VA* 3torr kut yolit ot
*Ws pan * attars MUM 10
**11 41 ma* IWO
10411aiec a cast
Vitdialeilatita PI tiro
it% to,
*mit I
? '4;10 1
Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
THS DAILY M1104001
IIM photographs tikkaett dtOtIng * holld eo
asr ntrt-
2- hated lamely to the *motes of tto, lhu-nev31
into eitplalhod 17 It hit rlobor at tile Pfoitol Stoll in
Kept, htsadCast yealerdo,
? Afttr extrioloine that OfelPif ormrof offvt alloy otgl aeeded
on at111111 plettire Of the pie Aural/lad 1101/a ft ranee wnero
tho_Lfortnan rodlolOcoUnft venire tows ?iliitita4w the lixtroKielister
Ism that quite ba rtiwnes plItitoragilla tetra tbrainNI eroOttear
IttirINOCOr the cocr, ono kle the.
?Mtge* "Aram* nn
Olt) had spenti a Abildiri en,
Itrunbast neighOutirgoott,
la as ath alto/10j
id Crook1 inMt. Me ;
6.410 difdi lkilt4
tref f
WO" 44e.
ta44 the ow. harofvett
IL woo d Photo,
vrapies pu whien
torl?rti the I
ftla Ad=
fruonll Of
tine tirely
toe ixhoto..
I of aemt. '
., rottoialf hei4we ,
ralidlirttatorr ill the wvw;tf:
(d; who ore llatonla to me f
1 nom." saki the Oro* r.'
' may poem one ohntoiroPh I
athien., /Allah unblixtetant _ ta
Yot4 griikt plootcur oi vi,41 ritiami i
mixt Of the whole pet-twee. i
Mara le
This Tads 1
He Iwo oa on mpX, a I
a srtiettins a Edo!
pnototraptt Knt. *Nen kid
heath cent. I
virw ta a road loading to the i
beaeh, The *Utah ett4aultilre i
had 4mg wanted to kiwitr the ,
width et that rood.
Tato pitateteenaph anantati
that Ow roast ansa wide and
etyma *nous% for a lornItnit
tirety is dere* tanks op hone
te beach.
"rosolltly *ono ,.. of you
gown a phatairraph whivh.
preparty med, c.,ettlia be a
ink?rir deadly weapon than ten
leepodnes ar twenty tankt.?
added nit officer
lalenao look out a:1 your snot*
staots and vcatcarde !earn
tiblUid It dorall't mitt' e!
when; they were miten--froni
BOUlOttllo to MP, riven St. Maio
to IJOrtO1uttl. !nlantt or on tar
COSitm-Ire mot them all
4 both t send the r.hoto*rapho
yet. flertmly write ond &WIN'
them to: rnotOgnaphe. Adrals
Altv London &W I."
a ? 4-
?., -
'2- '
* ? 'Ie., ?
?Iv - ?
Tr. J ?
? ,r'N.
???? ;er
our -4,-411104e4"."'"-'?
???arf,.??.b. I ?ta
? ?. *la 4.-
- ?
nri Annroved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
THS DAILY M1104001
IIM photographs tikkaett dtOtIng * holld eo
asr ntrt-
2- hated lamely to the *motes of tto, lhu-nev31
into eitplalhod 17 It hit rlobor at tile Pfoitol Stoll in
Kept, htsadCast yealerdo,
? Afttr extrioloine that OfelPif ormrof offvt alloy otgl aeeded
on at111111 plettire Of the pie Aural/lad 1101/a ft ranee wnero
tho_Lfortnan rodlolOcoUnft venire tows ?iliitita4w the lixtroKielister
Ism that quite ba rtiwnes plItitoragilla tetra tbrainNI eroOttear
IttirINOCOr the cocr, ono kle the.
?Mtge* "Aram* nn
Olt) had spenti a Abildiri en,
Itrunbast neighOutirgoott,
la as ath alto/10j
id Crook1 inMt. Me ;
6.410 difdi lkilt4
tref f
WO" 44e.
ta44 the ow. harofvett
IL woo d Photo,
vrapies pu whien
torl?rti the I
ftla Ad=
fruonll Of
tine tirely
toe ixhoto..
I of aemt. '
., rottoialf hei4we ,
ralidlirttatorr ill the wvw;tf:
(d; who ore llatonla to me f
1 nom." saki the Oro* r.'
' may poem one ohntoiroPh I
athien., /Allah unblixtetant _ ta
Yot4 griikt plootcur oi vi,41 ritiami i
mixt Of the whole pet-twee. i
Mara le
This Tads 1
He Iwo oa on mpX, a I
a srtiettins a Edo!
pnototraptt Knt. *Nen kid
heath cent. I
virw ta a road loading to the i
beaeh, The *Utah ett4aultilre i
had 4mg wanted to kiwitr the ,
width et that rood.
Tato pitateteenaph anantati
that Ow roast ansa wide and
etyma *nous% for a lornItnit
tirety is dere* tanks op hone
te beach.
"rosolltly *ono ,.. of you
gown a phatairraph whivh.
preparty med, c.,ettlia be a
ink?rir deadly weapon than ten
leepodnes ar twenty tankt.?
added nit officer
lalenao look out a:1 your snot*
staots and vcatcarde !earn
tiblUid It dorall't mitt' e!
when; they were miten--froni
BOUlOttllo to MP, riven St. Maio
to IJOrtO1uttl. !nlantt or on tar
COSitm-Ire mot them all
4 both t send the r.hoto*rapho
yet. flertmly write ond &WIN'
them to: rnotOgnaphe. Adrals
Altv London &W I."
a ? 4-
?., -
'2- '
* ? 'Ie., ?
?Iv - ?
Tr. J ?
? ,r'N.
???? ;er
our -4,-411104e4"."'"-'?
???arf,.??.b. I ?ta
? ?. *la 4.-
- ?
nri Annroved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
. _
;?, r ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
- '
- -
? .
".? ;
April 3D1 42
Adaltal Jolla WM*"
Thank* far your **imago. Oi 1,1 *Dm
glad to do eve g we Mit to help with
anything you with don*.
.,F.-ori?i!..,1.-.04af..-..; r.',.'-.P.',14.iy- lefy,k,',- . , ?,.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
*wow* *Pt Slitergiot JOifitute, 1440,
Before that time miny photographs tteete4
hut there was no Centralised *thin* t thst 6444 tdow
order to slake it cottoehentive sei4ctbico, from st13 4,1110edf. *V%
'Wirt dovolopmnrwt of preparation* fixf gOvoltiAtglit Opeelltgibti ?oftifizifi# 1A.Y14MOt
. that text-oul topog?raphlttal reportsorepared for V* Iotal ogiwkinttifes witvcif
operations, should b* supglementoa. dOtittreonititi it% Ilk#1. *441 fitattloo.
by photographs.
21 To this end,* sub t.of the Inteetwite!-rvilees IttOnott adora
waa formed to dual exclusively Ida the *also-Mot Auld 81A446111oltv dr r4e14
photogyaphs. is the Si itcpcgraptizsU Seotiou ftit! or-40415411
offshoot of .tho Naval Intelligence Division Ott devetletpment 40-f !Mt! Ithrt17
aditinittered aciltly by the Adairalt7., A Naval eitietwiktor 17400 tatkood to,
charge of the liOrary and two- Naval Lioutenoots arid one Airmy orrtratkr Ifivro
deputed to tap all avellable sOurttes, and tc! eafaeitble fan exrallAbilo
topographical photographs in the shortest possib141 tiame. it ahould 6ft
*motioned that although the Air Miolstry hes a *tat tirrrerf aortaki.
reconnaissance photographs, it hs A been round that thimm photoc4rqphtt =41 *ItA/114
mete in the building up of a composite and &emirate picture. rgliztred to.tql tto
oing of the blroeder stragety of the raids, and for the buzildine; mottmlit
and! 4tetables. These aerial photographs (hires eve views). !AMU
and obliques) are on the whole not suitable for th4; two of limey glut naval
commander* who are actually going to carry out tho operations.)
3t In the first weeks larger organisationo were tackled: ststanatrip ,14!.
coal:aides, film companies, travel agencies, amosines, nowspepers,, ttbzwielt,
technical sooletion and so on. The response was inmeatate and tovreamom,
au steamship comp4iny, the Royal Mail, turned over to the litimax7 441/ its
photographic archives, consisting of over 15,000 phcrtogrugs,all or reefitzt
date and covering areas in the mar sorbs*, ranging from Spitzberon to Scuttratirtt
Italy. MIA companie*,*tranotly enough, although :possessing sereuitingly
important material liters not very productive; tetc(tai dirtioulti.e*
producing "Stills* 1Nkoa films are still considerable and Q411 *Stine Mt3LIZQtirt
_ usually "grainy? and hen, in outline.)
Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
AR L&9111Poil- wro-- Vita 4T37 1,144410, 'Mtn pilosopgrpn
#1,-_?"isflOssid,4 pti2ipos4l sod 0.N 7attesf, worArld Weio OS* itlef.0
At4d thgt efforts would ter madet tidiff d rwtoteri WEI lierreionifit
photographs within three r.eeko* Latifigti ntit1 Prif rfOrgthof qteeattek
44.411 was, not ranched/ owing to, Olt tresiondotis iftritt* 1614.11i 104.0
seallable tochtioal lifititliei, 14* pretwat ho-wcwrik *do thrtlewtwo40:
programme is *Awn 0 cooly sdhored to, and tompliinto sr* toAtotoly fxrifw
5s Wittvbi two *writhe the *Morn engaged 1kt 11140410g (0116, Vitittgi
photorraphs reatisod that Olt/tog:mitt otrteined nwoo indIttawis 40004,4*.
generally speaking, of more us, tor the purposoas, tho CdterAIVitAt %IA WNW_
obtained from cconervAal organisations* 'Ws out ptotioulai tele or
photographs of entrances to Whoa:ft jetties eto.E ilioort;004$
writers, travollors tud yachtsmen began to prove oratoma 1 ful Imrtrev
for the supply e photogrsphs snd also very useful dolttactg far ?4,,11 onr"totc.,
of augmenting exLsting topographical data.
6: By thio time (circa Msy 1940), the 1.thriLry 1st boginftIng bo 'Altommt.
among the three aervicen and was being inoreasittay twod. The 4intowy
Economic Warfare and the ;Ministry of Wormatict Lis* began to we 1.%e
swiftly growing resources of the library for photiopsvphic documentatIon of 110
confidential repprts,which ranged from repot toacerning power planto In Vuo
Baltic area to photovaphs of ports and of the terraia In 1,:t31.!Ahnstt
The library is now uaed by officials of the Minintry tTconomic *:t!argtro and
of the propagandR bureaux' as well as by officer* ot the thrtf/ flght_ting 44 riiiteo.,
7* D.N.I. decided that in view of these wide inter?Zkrrrierlzd
inter-Ministry demands, it would perhaps be an opportune moment to place s,
civilian in charge of the library, and this was done.
8: As the library' was at this time beginning_ to work more 3mootay, Amd
the Topographical Section had acquired its own photographic plant, tt was
thought that other sources might advantageously be tapped. This plam waz
experimentally started with a letter to one Times* (see altachod tV) ama
the results were extraordinarily satisfactory. Skips' Captair4r, SMbassies.
and Consulates throughout the world were also requested to make known the
requirements of the library. (A typical request, made by Ottawa,
is shown in attached '89.
? ,
- '
?????o ?4,a,- ?
VI.F.?ti ?
= i
4h, lb 41.
Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002311111.111111111.
have boen ttieh1iesit Sit 4umbetwit, hqrt phregiorit4Ortitt h000- 4tefog2,1 ieft opf
ti 04)114 ? (gm ottriutio Am, tho inrisont. 7ffirivicr44
1.00,000 print' And acpproxisiettAy infr 1'10t) i tf,01, i4-fL
of theme phoUgrephs arm of the main Nef 1iOn044 but Vfo _:,ey tot Wr .i11.1,t,foot
in scope). Uost of those prokluoticurneflootht4.4 ittrowiegie
overcome,. two Admiralty photogYmpbAs untsr 0$20114o p1 i9mTphq t
library and the Ootographie =It at the, Tivoqrftrait4A1 1,40,7,4/1 mmket4 al.t0114
of those area under consideration by the Joint PlAnnovv,
101 The library is housed ift 4 now buildUR t 4k,r61
courier service to 140MM iS maintained. Ptiorto *441 storred tYld
itself under t very ample fillng plan. Nogailvq3 mrm
When domande art mod* for, say twenty print# of onch
relating to a certain area, selected trent the VilAo r ?am) ;otnt Plonmmel,
it is now a comparativtIy easy job ta have those 11.opAart eitbla 2,4 114 Vti.
11: The nteff ha 3 also, been Increased cormtderably. q-,k
staff was started with about rivt women asalstgran to tto i)Ceto0,--tn-C41/41011
This staff has now grown to an estAblishment [)f abont vn?nurri
are employed im selecting photographs from pritratm apromm- 0A1 00.11,,g0410.4q:.
books, inwards of travel and albums, preparing ithoot pllotogrWto AoL
copying, captioning, checking, filing and clistrItmLnir. T111.3 wtA
controlled by the civilian Officer-in-Charge wtth 4 11140V1t417 4Cd
gasistant. This staff consists of civil 3br7unt,l, all tomporlxy. A?. tho
London end the staff cossiett of two navAd orricez3 tald ,ynt3 trt
officers mac all prelitinary contacts zIth Inrger orgnatlatIon$ now
kept busy for i great part of their time hunting out pho'rwpils itrunia Or
which sudden requests have been made by the Joint * .aumers. /a th.u.gio coa04
their instructions are received direct from the ;i/iftrty Oirvcto-r Nav9,2
Intelligence or one of the officers in Combined Operations and staborato
security precautions are taken in order that no hint of ttlo area actualq =dor
consideration i3 given to owners of' photographs
12: These officers are assisted by three women m1so working in Londmi,
who inspect collections of photographs which are judgod? from prellmAtary
letters, to be likely to contain useful material..
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
oil instailatio rials ..iii-: ..iti-i,.
dates of Wiest/ photographs dr- ,),r
pictures taken at. dates i;ince Ado;-, t% ,
in appearance do not 411)1).14. 1:::,
Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
oil instailatio rials ..iii-: ..iti-i,.
dates of Wiest/ photographs dr- ,),r
pictures taken at. dates i;ince Ado;-, t% ,
in appearance do not 411)1).14. 1:::,
Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100180002-3
? -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP13700170010018000421:-3
V 7,
c -."
W* I
?I 4 ? . ?
!,;f:;,;-, - . '-_-- - ? ', '",-,? 1,, '.- . - Th'e Vikpail-f*ti -i- 'kohl** to
phot,lographat'f pbtltattrda, etc ? t
in.tha ihterettt of
?:.'ir.,' :??:--!,-' -!--Departimint reels, Art.1/1/ thItt ti14
Willing to help.
.ortrwoift frott, tPgil
v4;0 o?uploro,
thte tiFi .arieokrftt
pttIld *111
? 24, A(101100;10 s being mad* o4 photogro
"cards, et*. of topograph1441 intar4att *Ove
,of tht worWindluding Can44# And Unitco. Votttosf foifl ;..t4
particularly covering tbcb - port@ It:1114R ', a!
to 'bo effected by the war. doplet thnP 111141.t6gT404 *ii:
be forwarded-to the Aftiralty, ZNI:141- etr(41 tr) 4.
* to be added to their ?libraries,
nilrrv twg4n
3. The fellowitg Ia a lAs oe typinAl tJzip,/fl tAttbj,5tv!
but by no moans fthauats th rioldl
, .
.4,,,?ii,z, . _,,, , ,
,?..., ,..,
. rfAndial Photographst iftlaw,itygl? krIfig#1? no#4,t
. , .
'i k Falter:les, Airpartst Rartowst te4chogl flimw;r;: A4d4,
..., .
, .. ilibillic thilittett, ell hefirtiorl
'4. Whore possible, the exact locallors of troa ohatop.,rq:-:h.o,
Should be stated. or inst4nce ma rowi in ,q.ntri.41 ,J*1,4L..:7Twk
imuld be of little belp but "road le4diAg solutb from 4ritg..nmr?
2 miles out of torn, view looking south-9,4W ppull14 1)ft tr
value ? Data, of photograph al so r 0 q ai red who PK? ' 05 ,: b : ..,-? .
54 The -bac/Troll:ad of, for :Elle tEttleft 1 A roup or ??Ele'7,rq.#
may be of interest and may posibly show uIlm -11;t4t1
which other photographs of same area would bo ar ne) /so
Bach indivldual's, photographs are usaful rt,A: only IA thAm-
selves but beoause they tie in with thoze alvtAdy In
6. The photographs aro protected by CrAvoin Copyright
will not be published except with the cOnsett of t,wh awro17.
70 Photographs, when received,, will be copied gl.m the
originals retvrned to the owners as? soon ws posstb.los
care will be taken of the photographs sent Int but Mt: G07.4-
mint-cannotTaCeept respoaSibility for. lo non 7ectlit 0-c.
4- 4
. ?
? I.
re- .1-
, ^ II ?
^ "'?
?P;;;. ' " ?
??-x- A '
Please address all photograth to: -
:-',??SpagEbent,. NeWil
W -
No postaike',:is, but please enclose.
,:And thanic yo4u?irery'`na,xch.
efte for Naval Serviest