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November 1, 1941
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Declassified and Approved
For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Wm. Siohitlski
from Zokar0 which he itft Augual 2)0 1941# tYt it460
280 19400 until the date of his ds'arturo, ttf? Mit 14
lived at the Hotel AtlAntique0 Doet Thole S
with his le year old son. Tho hotel rool comm*A4a *
view of the entire harbor, M. Miahalskl *Ay* but he
was only occasionally allowed on tho root. Me circulso.
ted quite freely in the town, haw'?
ept in the
restricted areas, which includes all milit4r7 nroas
and had many friends among the rrench0 but found th
afraid to discuss military or political matttorse
Mr. Michalski left Prance immedihtel after the
Armistice between France and OermanY. Be smiled gl'oe
the port of Loriiht an Xune it, 19400 aboard the French
cruiser ',Victor Schoolcher supposedly bound for the
United States with $5,000,000 of Pelish gold and
$240,000,000 of Belgian gctild. On the second day out,
the e!uiser was joined at sea by a, squotiln, of fire
loreash auxiliary cruisers all carrying ?mach, told.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
and oenvertd e0or tovneta 1**IfIrm* /N0?*0190
forms than preoemded t* P*at,Th*To
Polish *nd Dolgiim geld 'vs. *ill 10110604#
has AO way of kstn4 himueh ot %No rroroh golA AlOrt0
was, but fro* watehl it *an* U6149010101 4ost1
that they* wato approximately $1,1M0 OW 000 13106.
The entire thipmont of gold Of 000 000 P,A114
$240,000,000 Belgian, end ippiroximately 00G 000 0111*
French ? was then taken from reatar inland t0 XA71
where it was stored. Kr. Michalski hoard thAt the
Belgian gold was later taken to MArseilles oulA tante*
over to the Reichsoommissar for the Batik of IW.giust
(Kr. Zoltowski says this hat bean veririod publicly)*
but that as to the disposition of the rest of t. gi44
he is uncertain. He says' that in earth, 1941, a pro?
cess of taking *Mall quantities bask to Frame port?
odioally was begun, and that now every plane (there are
one or two a weelt, normally) takes some back with it,
but that he has no idea at all how leuth of the gold:
still remains in Kaye
1;",? z?
... ,
''..., o' 444 L
? '--.3.1,,I.T,?,:
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Mitheliki dee
hafboir DO- ?'
biggest port in Wt Af- lee s lromely tpAatati*
Ho states that there are 8 lAxgo4 ;dors, moot of Cho.
capable of taking 2 fair sized mkorchant ships on ;melt
side, and with room for several Philo alongside the
water-front edge ritnning between them Referring te
Pun 4 (August, 1941), Xo. 42-917, he itAtoi that
Moles 1, 2, 3 and 8 arie completed as shown
mous 4, 5, 6 and 7 are tar advanced towards completion
if not oompleted? He is uncertain on this poknt be
says, because during his stay in Dakar traffic in the
port had dropped to such an extent that all unio*ding
was done at Moles 1# 2 and 3, and in the betsins botw4en#
and no ships tied up on the tar side of the harbor
(Mass 4, 3# 6# 7 and 8) except to await tho formatio*
of convoys,
114 says there are railroad sidings up to Melee
- 1# 2 and 3# and that 90% of the leading and unloading
done in the pot is done in the West and Middle Basins.
Wore being shown Plan 4# he confirmed the fact ablegmR
-r%r '%?-% rh,: .Kr? ...;;12i1 . :
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
by that Plan, that ma *11 Ilft
north to storage tanks tow% h. logs hOt *Mt* whilythiwt
oil wall taken on or disohoirgod
As to cranes, while tut is umeerteln t
believes there were no det4k cranes atat Om
Arsenal (see Plan 4), and that all maloAding IN* dome
by ship cranes. (He resells seeing one ?wow" laot
crane, used for lowering coast detonso alto iota
place, which he believes was a railroad ogra He
states that within the limits ot the harbor there is
a large anchorage where easily 10 or 40 ships at a
tine could be unloaded by lighters* although there
are no lighters available in Dakar at the present tin,*
The entsausoe to the harbor itself is very 'narrow
about-300 yards in width - and is thoroughly aired
(witheottteat NUMB only, he believes)* leaving lees
than: ow third at the entrant), open for troffis?
Whet. he
lett Dakar on /*gust 23# 1941 this open*,
to, the t-o4th ligbt marking the lutrbor *ow
ile,knew nothing 0;
gti or'neta,
t , r?t: ???
,})-ktVeiZtirt.VA, ?
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
diectly sit Who hArbor *yAr*noe, &L4 too xikirt
thing nbout any mlooi tn othni pitin: Mug! hArbo
or bey, except *round tho nologiou
Outside ths harbor is the As
island fortress Ooree effshero Almost directly opv-osite
nothing an Goreo other than the forttioss excittpt tot
one printing establishment, and the homes or 4 ftww
negroes, and that there is no garrison on tht lslanA
other than the crews nemesia/7 to man tho guns th,
(Which he could not enumerate). He otnites thAt he
had lunch an the island recently, and thnt at that
time there were only 4 or 5 officers station there.
He was told at the lUncheon that the guns on the is-
land had electrical fire control, And that they were
first-class guns.
Running out from each side of Gorge, there Are
anti-suboomarine nets, One runs from the west side, of
, the island part of the way topakar Point, the rest
of the way being closed by a partially completed ems,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
The other rune. 01,4 fAtiir) f' sM4 Viet
The east side o tv 1044404 0,41 Alt P41 *44 0It
being shown the 4-, ?-it Atiatralti
(August, 1941) 01* 42.0417, he 000141444d 41144
was shown there in its proper position.
Ho (would tell vory little nor, obotst ths,
except that they were there when he arrived in Dokur
in June, 1940, and that there soosood to be pormanout
openings in each not close by the island on oither
sidei is incoming and outgoing ships p*ssod on el- ar
side of the island close in. Rs did not knovY whethor
they were double or /Anglo, or whether they WOTV made
of steel., but his deecriytion of the floats by whieb
they are carried makes it seen likely that no
defense is includedo
He also says that there is a net surrounding
the battisibilp Richelieu, which is tied up at tho
west siie nf Xole 2, ,and that he understood that 'there
were also mines (contact) placed around the ship,
n.,incQifipd and Approved- For Release 2013/09/23: UIA-RUP13A00601 R000100170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010017000274
' -
(4) kiax. When Mr. Uletesloki let% DiRkscf
August 2,, 1941, the following Tulval
tioned theres
1 Battleship
3 Cruisers
3-4 Destroyers
2-, Destroyers
sa fury Submarines
6-41 Motor boats
I ll
Memtealm, astorgo Terrible,
possibly ono otheT o litzt414
Isoitiusi type)
smaller type)
small, nono-torpetio)
The Richelieu, which was torpedoed du
British attack on Dakar and settled to tho bottoon allot
being brought back into the harbor, has now bo,on
paired and is afloat alongside Mole 2 in th Viddle
Basin. Mr, Michalski believes that it full ificioncy
has not been restored, however, and doubts whethor it
could attain a speed of more%than 10 knots.
The three cruisors now stationed at rktkar are
those which the British allowed to come through
litraltor in September, 1940, and of the three, one
is always absent on patrol or a run to Casablanca, eta.
Of this 4 to 6 destroyers stationed there, soma are
also msually absent convoying French merchant ships agog
the coast of Attica.
As to submariAos, he said it was very difficult to
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R00010017000274
give prole* intoTmAkieto VO4 ho *4%14 thoro* wolf* noil
more than 1/44 tow
medium size only
The motor boats in the ticurbor h4q diesorIU,
small and carrying only light artillery and mAchl
guns, and no torpedoes. They includod the took Okrouzo
and d'Entrecastoux.
He said that there was no t s ot at tosU
but that there was a small one up the cofAst at St.
Louis. The merchant ships at tqkar will be desaribqpd
hl ostImmte* tingt t
'NOT, Of
As to suppli s for the nityal forces at Dakar
knew few details. He believes that there is surficiont
fuel oil for them stored at Dakar nd ho stated that
in January, 1941, a comvoy arrived from Brost (wKich
must have dome with German permission, as Bret is in
occupied France) carrying ammunition for the Xichelleue
(b) Am. Mr. Michalski stated that since het
arrived an June 28, 1940, ther, has been a groat deal
of troop movement through Dakar, and that many af the
troops have been sent through Da,kar and stationed mt
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
44; c
" .
? ei*"...1,"74,
_ '14
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
towns in tho intorior et 4'sornah vost Atrid*# empUt4
d 04*
French test &frit:tog nrul he Note atrr
not *von ootimnte how mom, trtlelps hnit bee
town to which he know Ulm* hAd
He stated that tho garrison at PwX*r in ku-
1941, consisted of the fo1lowAn44, the first two Avoly
arrived (probably from COSOOIAM4*),And the lorttor two,
composing the regular garrisons
1 battalion, Foreign Logi=
1 regiment, motorised chasimurs (4th)
1 regiment, field artillery (6th)
1 regiment, infantry (7th)
The Foreign Legion battalion is stationed rtirud-
larly, he believes, at Rufisque. He stated that
there were few, if any, Germans nationnl* in the
The 4th-Regimomt, MotOrised Chasseurs (all
white) he thinks is possibly now on the Gambia fron-
tier, at Kaolack. He stated that this regiment in.
May, 1941, received from Trance 25 now tanks of 22
tons each, and in addition has armored vehicles?
The 6th Regiment, Field Artillery, (3 to 1
whits) hi said has 73 m/a guns aiiia 135 Wm howitzers,
? \ ,
":',tmtr7n7 -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
10! 40'
and is roport 4 to No 14. good 0410044.***
did not see ony 1$$ mim, pivot 1h411121,110 ft*
motorised, dratim
The 7th legimonti InAntry, is all Wtmo*,
white officers ion4 nonokoomodoliontd offi**11g4
(c) galusig. Mr. Uitthalaki wi tMt they*
are 2 large air-ofielde near Dakar, oft* at Ou410*'
was formerly civilian only, but is now *ivillart sot
nilitnry, and one at Thies (-boot 70 kilo**ters from
Dakar) which has always boon military* no -
other fields under construction, and said that
only other possibility for a field is tho
near Nadine, which, is not very larie, Whon taked
*bother the rice fields shown on Sheet D24-1211-4,
No. 42-957 could be mad* into air fields, he *aid that
there werefkoo fields ArOmmd Dakar, and that tho sap
referred to was wron4,.
Me stAted that some plan*s had been sont firom
Oulkan to Syria just before the 'ftitish-Trefre Promoh,
attack in that cOuntry, and that when he left Dakar
there were at Ctuakam'Oout ");Curtiss fiihtara a'd 12
' . ''''.??**",?"""??'1,'-''-,..., II ?...A.......,,,- ,,,,a*". ,..- ra.,apaatgaftra.,11,1,44,741,1,1011 , mAii,;,. , . ? ?,--0.Te,"`"ovr.....,,Azoowp40,4,,..?1-.ittax,ram*Kiia.1,4,;11i...,...&,,,,,,,...m...-a, ....?
i 'v ....:, .,?:. :A I 1-4-:..r.,;., ''''i .,
?,''',-i?-??.1:,...-1?:',? 44' ,- ;.1.0?"-' t?li:t,.!-`1 I'Lt:,V.? .4. ''',1.114,11 ocit'tL-';?:1.' ? -? ? , ... _
- ,kr; ", ,f,.,cfr ;., ?
,i ?,,, ., , .,..- ?,,, .L: ......,c , ? ,i,-.1?... ...K.,..,:-4,14. ,'?
, ? -
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4__
41v Jo
Olemm Martin bombev?11,1,
Senegal ho was told, Igviliptim 60 mnd
whAt types hp does not know.
Iktsed in th49 hnrbo-
9 lance hyOro planes, On UK torp4do 4nd or A
old pro?war bombers of the lAtgo
flies out to sea each d
look for trio Amer 1**n
Navy, which they fully expectod to Ap Avily t 4ny m
(d) 1st Defenses.. Mile Kr. HichAlstti could
give few specific details pbout coAst defensosi he
stated that they had been greatly strongttvsnod since
the September, 1940 attack on Dakar, nnd that it was
now generally believed in Dakar that the city could
not be taken by attack from the sea alone.
He also said that in February, 1941 however,
there were large scale joint manuevers held, and that
an attempted landing was considered successful, much
to the surprise of the Naval Commandant. The attack
took place at night, and the landing was made on *
beach inside the city, Mr. Michalski said. He th4nks
that the defenses against such landings may have bogs
. :4! ,s?
? t ? -
- < A4-0. -ZIA"; L'? jf;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100170002-4 '
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
stwessibmoo4 01,14, th4 CA* of We
0* said that C4ce gAnt101 A04 NOW*. 140404d mow
the in points of defonap, an4 Put
a battery of four 280 m/m gun* At tkh of these twin:0,#
He stated that now bkatteries of Wig guns halo? boom
installed since Stptember, 1940 1 hough hA Si not
sure of the pr else location or *lie or numbwr al chi,
guns, and that rork was still under wAy t a =Lobo? a
points when he left - one point being on the vest
coast of the point juvt opposite tho High School (sea
1941 Plan of City of Dakar, Chief of theme/ars,U, it
Army), He alto said that since the attac, and vir?
tioularly since February, 1941 (bocaus. of Dar1an.Abet2
agreement at this tits.) machine gun nests, 11 ht gun
emplacements, some shallov trenches and barbed wireo
had been placed atimarious pointy on the shore all
around the city - particularly along the beech betweem
Xotu Bay and Bernard Point (see Plan 4, supra). He had
no knowledge, however, of any similar defenso propar$..
tic's, along the beach between Dakar and Rufisque. The
coast line along the north side of the peninsula nomited
4gfoiikt-49v-t.tuow tioatf.%#4,34.4mr,,w-, ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4,
I) -
so fortiflOatiovis ho* *A14
and it vOUld be ',try elttloAt 04r4111
All mit the 00Astit1 dolfions4 bott4K44 krio now,
'OA Michalski zald uncle&r tit oeymmAnd
rather then under the tomtit dt i thitty
were formerly. no vivo tve) roiso-na for Utlr
that tha loyalty and fighting spirit of thol ;TAry
more highly rognrdedi And second, thAt the Arm7, t4lie
excellent with 75 sis and 155 m/s rano wvre rust
to big naval guns.
Point W, Plan 4, is tn obeervation point (one
of the highest in Dakar) called Chnteau OA=
which the fire of all the shore bntteries is directod
according to Mr. Michaloki, Jr.
As to anti-aircraft, he could give no prQc,ihse,
Location, and could not estimate the number or six'
of batteries, but he characterized their fire during
the September, 1940 attack as mato strong when th
anti-aircraft fire of the Richelieu und the othtr sbip*
in the harbor was added,
- - ?
7;71 '1F-; mikgr.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002:4
140 limillitAgiaA0 00# 41401441*At *404 Outi apto
'ash month the Army holds )404
Dakar (the reserves ere *Imo omil1494
Mr. Miehalski eannot estimata she mum4ol of riot ros#
or describe their equipment), an4 thoit floitft; hlo knows,
ledge of these manuevers he dedueed that Thor,
lines of resistanee to the land defenses ** foglowat
1. One running from Autisque almost *me
north to the coast.
juora, tintta44
2. One running from just west of 11011ao due
north along the 200 lino to the 'out.
3. One running parallel to and at west
of the Hann4CamtmTenc highway,
Although he had no opportunity to minim these
areas carefully, he believes that these ) lines of dew.
tense consist not of regular tremches with barbed wire
protection, but of light artillery pieces and movhine
guns in concrete rests on strategic hills and hummocks
covering the entire area pith cross fire. Re saw a
few quite shallow trenches with some barbed wire in
spots, but not many.
A fourth strongly protected point is at the nortk
eM of the Arsenal, on the Avenue de 10Arsenal. Ism
there is ,lecated a number ef mac4ine guns, protected
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
by barbed ware glotIolOA
75 vim snti.wtolnk covloring NNot v**4 AvolIvAdhl
the ArSional.
The torr n outside DoOgratt is soil
rolling/ with smell h111$1, on;
trees/ and few bushes
4 rolo: sivIrtoi blfWbostb.
country is very dry except during the
from July 13 to October 13 emth rear. Mr. Vichmllild
thinks that the country is good tank country.
(f) Genera. Mr. Michalski stated that
military point of view, one weakneso of Dnicar Ls In
its water supply. Except during the period July 15
to October 15 there is no rainfall and there Aro no
water storage tanks and very rev artesian wells lin the
city. Water for the town comeu from frot-flowinz $71Plng3
near Barguy-Oonddon, whence it is carri.gd to ...akar by a
pipe-line approximately 2 feet in diameter running
parallel to the highway through Aufisque, and buried at
a shallow depth about 1 meter north of the road. The
water supply 10 always low just before the rains begin
in July, and is usually rationed at that time.,
" rarrararrIOrrear.r*W40 UV' rtArCtfrariaWrraMat4t#P41:105,540'
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2913/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
ViehalskA s*;td t
atod last /
wtter and food tot'3 44y
tivoly that there W*741 no
mot-14*A x
pooplo wove 1
civilians in Dakar )Pfl ha loft Te
none there during his stAy imeopt for A CO*11
which cam, soon after
tie with Itly*A4* tO
tako away Gormans who had tura ther4
and to attend to the graves of Germans blurt
The members of this mission conduotod thm
he staid, and bees., very iatpopu1tr vith t. '.*i4e*.ts
of Dakar,.
Nor were there any German planes, ahps rsub's.
marines at Dakar at any time during his sty. Re
peated the story that some of the Cape Yerde Islands
are uninhabited, and that it was therefore possible
that Garman submarines fuoled there, but ha stated
positively that mile had been seen it, Dakar. No said
that it was therefore vary irritating to the p opl
of Dakar to be told by the British and Ameriaan rs4iO5
47. ,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
etc., that tho pliskse will* Int at44 letiow 0410106
Mr. Michalski said tit before LhwAr-
was ono of the busiest 'ports In A/frit^ vith M.4167 St
of all nationalities p?ssin through it. i,'ths
the volume of traftic hs of acurst fallAn
cally. French ships still come in Urge numrol,r$, olthmagh
since April, 1941, they hAve come only. in 0-0m107110 Ommt13.7
about two convoys a month with 4 or
all coming from Marseilles), but ships of othor tams
are rare. During the 14 months from Juno, 1940 to
August, 1941, the following wore the only ineh
touching at Dakar, so far as Mr. Michalski c u14 rttb
2 American ships, in July - Soptember? 1940, cry-
route from Iew York to 'Liberia, and stopping not to
load or unload, but probably for water.
2 Japanese ships, around Ootobet, 19400 enrout* to
South America and stopping for water and oil* a limited
amount of which they got after some dispute..
1 Spanish ship, around November, 1940, enroute to
SouthAnrica, with a number of Trench who had ease from
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V A:
? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
m I! m
South Asiorlea to fight tn
ing home.
The rove aro *11 or th* Amktrqn64 mordhcO# o-hlost
that touched at Dakar. The Yrornat *tips owing VVO
Dakar brought soldiers, artillery, twaks csommition? *04
bombe; and vegetables, fruit, milk and drugs* U.
Michalski was told that ) oil tankers from ?ramie
Psome time ago' Che could not be more specific on this),
but he has no idea as to their oftpacity, :cmd man.%
estimate how many tankers the port could handl* At ono
Jr. Michalski says that an oil pipe-line run* from
Mole 8 (see Plan 4) to storage tanks north or Data?,
and he assumes that tht tankers discharged thrill& oil
through this line. The storage tanks he described as
beinuprobably 4 or 5 in numbtr, round, and located
about 1 mile north of the harbor and300 to )00 motors
back from the Hann Bay coast. Be could not estimate
the capctity of the tanks., 'When shown Plan 4, supra,
he verified the location of the Shoal Oil Depot, and
the tanks shames just west of the Dakar-St.. Lou/
ortist P.
A*_ rr.a,t-tv:* or t.J';ut
Sioux squzdibn was noted at on limo. Thieione thoro ,t
present, I do not know; there is a 01..n M rtin ty--* af
light bomber: ono s-quadron of 1 machints#
TralnIng of ilots vas hold ov ry veol: t'mm
t %NMI 3;
19.44 ontlesday.I never notzd more thun 12 airpLines In the ,
In the ,local papers thero were accounts o
fatal lomdingse
..,?,-; , ,.....-; ?, ,,v,,- :' , - ? -. ,: :1_ . c, c., - c"rm? ----?"-...4a,clocv.
".? ?,,.. .""??-T?", - ?
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' to ' T.: "''.5 :t., ' ,t' - "'??,'"'tft' :'
,tkt ..r... ? .,.......,?? ,,.? tt t %," 4.,..
.:.4.:...' _ ,. ;'.; ,:o.;',,.,
' ?-? t
? ????'
c ,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
In flknr4(-14(a hroz ir h
in front or tho oomrttry 241 Ai
single lino faxmntion+
0: t',.(4,q4$
on0 squadron of Pith? kr/dr111
carry one torpedo) whl
oamo Aft?,r
4- p1nnos o, grantor rangg Acting Ix
? - -
Istroixt-0011 URI; ?
4 ty.k, tonpozgL f 301 -I
ni-1:144110t- tiftwt
lAr444,.,Ack:V7 L110
? 4
,` ?
t r 411. 4-?; 21'1 ,141, ; Wt 3
t ti rIF* 4tj7...1,4141-11 Avg
bombors Whil- I no thPre,- a i? th,-liso. 1,1.ttorr
1'1 rot
p ? -
leave overy e1:1y befom dawn On tn Oig-rvutlem mug rwilurn
batmen nevoll nnd etght o'clock In tht fao4.14,0
In Augun ) 1941) therm cime to Dakar 4 boat brio:01v ZOO
airlane pilots nnd 9,000 norlal tomboi
.40 Tho land troops
The Deltar garrison consists or tho tart% Artal!f
armed 'with mm gmnr and poirImps ?n hlttory of If'5
This regimmt is motorizod rd is tin ed in 041ti-ttnk
c griz
v. .10. ? frv 'op
It is mnde up chiefly of lhito men: Tho or:vvinth v.ftmvInt la
infantry: the commissioned officers and non-copr- o fLi:41-t1
are white) the rank and file cormiots of ni-croe$
They are stationed around Vac 441.zport*,* iM7tsidpal Arv
some sMall infantry detschm-nts4
In the spring of 1941) there arrived onfn bttmli'm of
Forain4Aionnaires. It ImAs .statiWni BuSisque*
There are four African Yliotorizod rtlimmtrx
with twon1y4ive .2-ton tanks which wcro brolaght Prom numee, At
the end of Juno these were sent into the intwrior* They wvrt ab.,
.t -v.'',
I ?i '... . I ? ..5
- ?
? , : ?
0.? ?-t"
- ?
4 -z ? :
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
' -
? '
. N,? ?
? -1-? \e?
,..?-? ,_ ? , -i
?' ;i
.. !.? -!0'i:''' 4
H .:1.-.
j n
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
otorvod botwocin Thileg la KAd.:4wA, Th147 I#Ivr roAlk?bly
mar tho IrAttfir 11 "h_r If.yor6:P.r GoW11001, AL.,1 t1:141
pa0 which weprA q)bvrirvPd in Pi ,00,11
as wotorizod 43rtlilery
holdoo the PtioNfo-nnttIne0 t4n
in tay here robobly
flr ? IT d tql,$) thin? eAr trig r-f!
I was unabla to Aucortp.in 1,Athr tho nuTaJeJr 4tvr
poosiblo that thiti irtrtc.A:is not m.,1,1Dtoaw
A groat doal of munitions hpvo An nrod Det%Ar.
magazineu aro not %ble to provide for thio otor-Ag tit-40
tvetg qzmunitt
ammunition. A con b1 oz't. i lf
4 r.5.44t
has been sent to the colonies to tit, 13outll
dtIvoirol Togo, and L homey,
Privates mwtly n.grocr, rxcqrli ,%1-4
officers and subalterm have arrived In Dacar fr,
way of the t\ea. Sow; of ti iVttt re asoh rgot?
'?ere sent into the .ntorior of tho continent
The importtitl.m. of i 1,trgo number of Fre,c4,
subalterns po_nts to the fact tho pini or va r tt to -..ttLit o
quickly 6engaleso and Sudance,e soldierf4 in ,,%st- .r a th .oat
of attacks
4, el
November15 19414
.;",?P ? ,
''',,' ' 17, ''''?' ,,,,,,? ' ,,'..."-'!,:,$: ' "?'"
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
A ? 4'
. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
..r..,4414tet. ?
sarved 110twoon Thl#o na K4,004#
nour tho 1attor VI-)470 on '310 twkrt
gUns thicb t/.0t0 oboorvod Int.1-4 sOP,.
no motorlood artillery*,
Dosidoz the oboV0*,omitintuld
ts4i f4 }t404
?tc_nittg IL*
in gay, there probably :Intl! o lauctho
I was to AgeortnineithAr vr1-4 gamtior
poosiblo that thie report *ftu not emrurAte#
A groat dOal a =ration. hAve ItmtprIld r4AA.T.*
magAz eu are not bit, to vrqvide for tho star=v,
ammunitions A oonzid4rable portilla or um
has 'boon vont to ti colonU to the south
dtivoire, Togo, and Dolma:toys
Privates, mostly mgroen? accon-artiee
Mr.^..V, nid tuzfr"t
officers and subaItern$ have arrivod ixtWiAll
way of the zeas Somc of the rINTItos 'rem, dt../vIrgold (11)40Ts
Imre sent into the interior of the corittnotts
The importation of a large =bop of Prealch ofticrrs 1z4
, -
zubalterns points to the ft the plan of
A144c. ,den.rl.fgilosq a Sudancse4;oldiers ta caSe tbreaat
? t:?,
Novegtbor 1941*
..,?????? .??";4?=" ?..T12.1.-4'11?,?V!, r`c
1.11'Jtgc '1r
?%.:7.?? ,
. ?
1.7.. 1-73 41E1
? fl?,
? ???
? ?
'AL12,-.1444,?? - ? ..q.ttt.a .
? "4..; 7,? ? .,,???
? ? _2.A''N,14'04-A11411;:41..ii'71?4A ?Af
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4 -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002;4_
Vowo1 thr.1 clonclu3-4
Of ?:.,11-a.o4a0,030r-v-tt
t01441110-fi :214 _ taw ,e !my:Lc:Jr,. 441,1 tn,?
on "tti4) 101)7 rrom LOT 't ; L. lf! 1;0,1r$,I, tciont.
0.10 0 rtotra. Up =WA ,t,hth kott ctt
ratan would not Alm tr.hu amt,vt!flo*
fuot tbat Although hor inw roTooko
fir ?
rotnined inttot tho tull 9trongth a hor
air force* and ha a ;poet co1ln1A1 4,411. Ar
gave . to the fear that utnce Falnind
fstrugli.o* the urolvtico lo 4
Bomb6tdmont of Fruncoo sciv, comosarac2,t1,1
thio ruuld be cAatd by thi, tvq.
rhiCh 121thnt* GemAr. ;117,,x,,z tt-r1r,,q
iidu eat rt
* 41,
WI); i?14;,
1`1.4 VI thzx
to a clear =4.1 opon Angloo-Frvrrh conflict*
%,4 41,,%??,
:1.14"g;f 11111
attontively to Li Fr,pnch O Lti-mas friar,
continually oxpectod that th4,- ttlAtivOly uy 1%norm Cen4-. 1
do Gatle mad .:roo naao
adialral, or gomr-1 ttila
aontinuation of the 1!,r to 91 vinoty* :hatr-sot
c.,10rattlr our z:)rrtv4a in. DO ar there ta-A4 1 de D
Bonfereenco of naval officers* On Ow b.!o
.t Cart be judged that opinion ras $
ma3ority 1,eaninq ward CooperAtion vital dtJ
Exigliehip Tho orrice7u of thqttiibtp Slehr
*?:?)1 L 4r, I.;
?mit, 41E- ????
h4 3
.0 Ati? 44 4.;
? et 44 .11, ?
4 -
- ir1/4
, 1-71
? 2"1 -
. 4"? ti?'?
2T"q41 r A
--7? ? -, A , P
? ???,'Y' ' ??
... ?: ?. . :r% .1
......4. .. ,,,a,? , ...,. ..
ig-, ? '....., .?. ?..gc...,;-
2-14: h
-? 4
? ???r. ? ''';'?:4V3C:,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001 R0001 00170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
we docIacCly nntl
t.3?-ti 4:7:v*11
On liunJA a 1941), tho r**-c4179 tr tie. t 4txtt. it .1.14
some vnall IvP4,10 vt)ro $till Ix the; t1-1 vbilv
thoy received nn order
stmetin thrm to laivo DA-r.zr
AD a luult t eould be (i)rvgg.t'
situation ma ouic ly ln viryr 0)C thokl Fi
Como diayft
French -
atm IX"*.
f,? ?
r oamtti t ftUc"?' ?4148?140
DrItiDh 71(1 t8 r%t rorr..411.h-blr* o f-Ivh 1P,L.n
VAV sharply eivid4r)d in r- c pa ts trri f'rto
ido it vpnr, yt tf,6
vere forced to awAroy 'ho Pr
be used b the Gormlina againzt tho
->t r?- -? la
ly t::,,tx..tua
it was 8t-ted thit an nttack 11.v. VIOOri e. tn thglr intrt.;
was not fat , and 021? 10ov in net. nd rt-terialirSicd
opinions The lattor tooi1 :rc:vzti1,d volth r L17 rienert2-.
amonv French mval mon.
ater tho firt nefJta or oirc
upon Dakar was expoctode Almsx)t o
lnd the lnnd forces, as well ns a comidtrIc-,
navy, it that Dakft,r out to Join tht? Vot4
the Englist4 On one side it Imo goncra
ialglis11 could not ignore the frPrItettiZxt
7"4 that tba
or Dakar
(ona of the mo!zyu import -nt ports an the TITInternet1.
Arrtea trreat Oitzublanca arid the Capo
tiata .ather Itsura
"t.41. -?
t'S "
63 ,
? 4:`;'''
? ?
7 ;I
? ??
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
WAO nald Daftwlr
Yrtmeo--thnt it vouid b-oeta mod coot
d44 nqt ontcr
tho orbtt 5,1* krig14o4
On th* **yarn of J?gii a
to Aikar 1fWitrzu,4 an u.;Alav
Miro e
r4 1:tit:LA r
dowilletng ttv-t tht VrFriott
como to an UngZith p-ort
i' (4!.'? tholw,4t4v-pt tk.40
Antillen undor th* qontrol of trzgllab 41141m1 4rritiol
Tho Admiro. rotuml 4nd the 4
eluding the Tonttleship R1010,1,0%2
auxiliary oruisArs tmeru tho harbor
OMIT without incidonto
to go out to men
The sailors wort)
The crervnr
and t c stlrt in a
nrmsted and tn.0:1
black troops* 7.c c er of
. ship V'
? ii?t a- r rt, ..'....izz.,4
likeviso to tako Tart in e mr lath Cho Env ish, lu.,
41104 ONi
agreement with the comatanding ?facers af tfto LAD, t 1 wls
agreed that she would go out of port bmt Tou1,41 not rim a
shot at the English,
In the early dawn or the tolIovil
417 bo
toltay mit
.DIA1214$ 41#.1 tot
,0_24" Unds? r
tto n-
and !riving lcwt its mancUvorabiii Yr rttrtkvJd
to port, The En.glich Ire upon the oth.r
sdt onil immediately -after the' torpcdo
lag of tho Plchiulettit
It is evident that the English at 'that time mAde no
actual attempt to occupy Dakar* It Is to Fod that,
damaging the Richelleupthe tbglish did not Fvress the iittta0'
r.- ,'
, i,',, ...-f':
..' . . ..
. i
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
? 1
:4' qrri:Irt.
47; ? ?V -
1-G.V 4,1r .1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
1111.4 .,m314 holm tne.n thfik 0101m of to 41 Eotie stio
thwitoatio rocWia# or
q?-tir,?4:11 tbk eitIATTOtAt
At that tit thoi Orn' r'l
this cm Iloott or ugt In frim tpr to4 qe4
000n amal tan0 and at
Ae u Ivo=f the n!ta.*144 Ch4 rezmua e!v .trqd,
alkqe to 141:14ov Ixamr,
U141 1.-303,t 4:014:03
.iniya..ti? tr*,-01,1 '11 *
I've /Alf lph Aac;,f,,u on Priinch vAlorm ovoked 43,7a rtt',-nAt,
The nova cooling trom Frialcie r-vvogore that - Clormarts
conducting thmulcalmb !roverly) thi7t th id not
the pooplr., thAt thc-y aid :!,ritt.Q$ f)r
the ?cravat on uu rttiin; 1 imitod thfLunre Iti/to t " / t()
military aAfair.r.
It q* d cola vad 14%1 t nr4-
that she Aisd no mer iz zi 1 de fore in herself
news or detailu or tho war in, .4,,,ran.cv cn4 -a '
vhich indiented that the Fr6mdh army hnd n
' 1". fr
utrA n'
4 ,
its strength, tb,3.4? the soldicri'dlit not,: rsiu to fIght4
P.30kr, among the soldi-w, and especially aMOTAS th,o
,i10:11ire, was uttoy demoraltzation and latk of cilaratnvii
gother with the Uo)rs,, they vocula dobnto on tha! strit$ ta
grouter and smallor croupv0 sWtor 4 pm roaRat It vas ex
Tmetea that at any moment thoro mad bo an outbreo& &zt a
tompattp WsintegrAtien of tho colonigo*
:?....7_47..4:.:17:-.; :.1...::. .:"1..,...?( ,7)", ,, 7 ' c,-1?,....,' .1''''''..:C1.-111".1' ''. ...'4. '4 ? -
- . z?';'..i4".'7,01F-7.7"..''''' - $'',?!..f.''''''':??., - .? ''. 1
.1.,.. ..,,
4z, , ,.., ,. ? ??,???? -.."..4 .0 ?,,le 14, .?
',..7:7- ,,,,....:7- . ..., .
, ,,
,......,..,....1, . ,.., ,
,, .., 2.
.1,...:1...',.., , , ..e V . :I:
??? A las.t:?::
...41 "i?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
111,0 1/1011,1 ,f1;01, nimont,
Ad:it ral, do lA dv ',041 vt,tt im
who vav not vuff rP11 14n4
Angunt thg vAgr.going Gos-rnlnmv.1,1
to iftd,T,ntamr
FAA- 't's
in tat?. cv elt.t 1# N').L.lol4N
during tho af.icult 4pt,1rs it WIrd=4
'1 tt toy%
enervtio and cour g*aup, guld top1,140s 1V4,9 tAv14,11v
rith tho ctr-llgthponing 7f thg c4,17ngpAt41 *Mid
the qassmge Qf in!' 'rtr: r v),? mcauslly rqnito1N41 In
dinseipIint .;f* the nolGle'rz rind sqtsc..umnt tho
sailor tuert, e fi f um t tikt - I yo 4 ho r.K5.
,f1 *erfL4141
revolt wild th.titener'.1 thore rovy.rn
tionso Shop n whIc hqd tx-c,n twa .ornrt:?y
The toms on -h, rhole,
Chief elf.".tributir4; .int for tho
r.4 171-11"-vIvt
Daknr Ins very veil u Tlif-d with foou
suffice for _ID:El ..,:onthbo HoviTv r) szo=e
*Id:, Nilo
? t?I
' ? e* d.oto
,2:11at,''&101. tit,*
1, 'Vat
bricluse of a Jhortuge of butter fresh vuitotAll mul frt. .t
Vaieh had to carat to War by ses?
There was no rationing of ge.r3d.1 v.re onix the
pollee rrrtwtce which forced the stam,t stal t1-IgAna
of the same Icind of goods to cutitotler: 4..x
suit of clothes, one $hirt crnv;,t, one to.)thbruvl -tct
,Th... purpose of this wav to theci tbe hooil7d1nZ
t ? _
. ...; 'r
-- w..ongogu*gl'Ag"
g. gg. il
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100170002-4 r=z'
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
4 ? 1
A t titAbz.
nez: 4:130 f
throltfth thr
- ;t5u tor
clality could txt Ixtr4gbz.* Alit) th4i ti';' r lf to
On 0 a rro 15.110 tho t' ? ; *
45; ' ?
mliongo of UPI rn11.9y Lt-1-114a Lr tr i!...h4
colorwi flu.tottobilo,e? ttiQ r;VA- t -47
,As OttIor and I:To:31'6'4 ri ty ry
propAganda becnn to tekko offttnt Thg, Wc44'
unity of the Ptipirvl pii
It tntAgi
vith tho Oorwins in ordor to blzrtEr tito loneltlin rt*
pri5onorn of ft:0,J, (Ind ileauro
10% lng ?re' 0 11 o
The other 1tn of ropogsnda, cwntfIrvd Art:rum
Of the la iv:al.:A.0 in thil grir t z.) t riot ,r3i. t7r-.42
French 3.0. :der II( t Jr
incident, thP F,ovcrmilent ttr
Eriz1io11 tooling, This proilavna?
naval men* %?_;ho d trad Lima).
it greatly there ed tbti :=011:.!dir ty o1 t, try#
30 pluch that to tho (41,-:!wral ::ntorry b!t,
7, tomi.
ditions wettilln the lizxy, thr-i:t the anti?r2...E.-.2:11 f.
vail.0,:apone nava 71ersormal
AO' 1???.:717,--,-e..gb
,Th a 2?'`ollo; ot
de Gaulle tried to countoract x-Eds propagralajt t tatforov
tamtoly they ad, not poovess a unified tonal- lama
they Lacked leaderalip which would 001,1Qa2,14. P11,z1ritr Ard
would devote itself to the tat* Uthmorgy
1 ?,
? . ?
4 .
t':'.? . w?
0?,-7 ,
11L'ITk t''''
?. ?-?;,.1
..*??,--4-- ? .- f .
-, ,?
. ? '4'
; ?.4;????
?41,"'-'41 ?
Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4 5,7
?14 ;
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Governor DoL000n Mi it 414 60, 4.014 #414:4g
attack by th4 11414:1 Ph* 1Pett V1tit44 Aft 4110:Wit
1940, hp rinovorod by cuihltimu Iv ft11140, Thg,,rm ig ao
Gormn .uporvisiem Ln Toot lrrid4 undor tbo ?tr.to at' th0
armiztloo and h doog not vxpoat tha arrivnl -t` 4117 0v:roil
man co=issiong 1L1 timlapo :Colt thlt ZI!lot.pr 41,ALa not bq
taken by tho En ioh, bacivAgo1hiErtalsh mr,1
maintain corroot rolatiolus w;th 7rtn4:4*
Tho mrrival of two strongly armmd wsouLyrt fry" ?nal
made A deep, improvgion* Public 4Tintun# Watzh 01.11
an eventual EngLsh attac% upon Dalor, ni3t,
.1,Xf1T,4 or44
why the Engligh would w-Armit tucru sprz thr
Gibraltar* It wms a blumor vitich v-Pt6h4 d,1--1.147T7I7
the fature course of evonts, one which
firmed by the English.
At damn on
had come to Dakar with a
British squadron, ap;xared beforP tho tomb. At six otclock
in the mornina ha demanded thnt tho Governor.Otneral allOr
ops zad declared that he had the
.94(4 aimoral de C4i1111,
tnIch sc.undran aocyn--ni d
uncol.ditipitul Ilpport ot the pA1 ritath aquaaron 42d thla
numoro4srtiharmy. A few minutes latt, -mirplatez
to dr4'10aflets, callin5 upon the people oxid:Aaw atm
.`;.r " .r7
?k 1
tql.4d4ore to de Gaulle, declring that 'was
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
with him itt-1 thr mil! 1 toton,w meo
two wtti lorms -Lt vnil n1egtirit4, ritth r41 qp,t 014
nogot c;to Ineind L - ?
r 1:-cret , P trm* AL 1
ethn #onr:
two ve4ott tttr1n.lr
harbor' but whckt thfty
thoy bacttod away to the; o t
fact thlto they ofrr h Pr ?r)
machine?guns I'mta the nh , -
some of the non in the: bo la,
et: f
et 1414?*
t4 ? f r
t pd. ttl roz
1 1
the killcd mu the 1.4",a4 tho tan ti-gt.
among the '.ouridlod, Irtio 3 grandson lf
'serztrit ??'
,t r
? ti ?10 't
was do Onuliett shir Savorgnato tip 1-Uiri.plit 4.4i1 , -?
eritcr tho htArbors Con.kni .0 Gii,11,0 srytt
r-ts V* ...rel. ...11 - ? '?
- - Au t .41 - ? ILI!.
the Govornor?Gmeral ono it 'lk:itifi.o4,11t t9#
tqatritie that r does 71014 rrrr
1.:Tv!-s Vic? rish _r
? ? k.t. t ?? - ?
pouerful f1t oi the JUj Lnt.
At, nino eloc
the sharv b ttc%r
DritiLla sqw,rop vhioh,hpd taatted rzINtL a*/
alt31ial 4.draira1 ordered thz.43to
ts0 return the fir,,;?
rePly, Governor Bolz_son irdervell
to Wit_ tt/tanty nautical &los from the sto e, or else
the141ng' tt.,otad continue*
orc- t,r4
Itt t`r: t3r j, "to
0 V1
? 4-? ?
tnr %tolling
'45 7", tfitu rt Pt;
'4:4' ? C., .
3N171,-;7?22,.. r
F ?
. ?
- ?
, F . .
% ?
? .*t,Cr
? ."*.
'I .4% St,
, ? 2
tf,f;',1 .1
and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4 - -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100170002-4
Ore .1. ? "A`,414/45ilsail.A4,5F14'
? 4.?
At iaolou 0 aotrg do
it t inteirfrro
; OA lekU 14 0 ?OF l'PV0
nnd warn 4 that tO *4 t mTrmod V441 1
Alliop tlould return U.^ 4# 3 Lg;s4n mn,w444,
olevon o'clock th* bembyrdme)at or t,h,p, p6T!!1 and -,44,mg
battori*t bkocatto S1A00 thos4 otA4A itmlw
loCattd in tht Lawn itatlt, tho (avid 144"1..$%aIn utag
suffer the firo bombortimmt.
At fift0on Otolock de 04u11-0 Ag
d it.: thiio 41_
with summots to jntn tho Freo Prenoh. mov-womto 3r-14.3411?,
Dakar cozzahne of atandin olono In it
adherence of Wftt AfrIca to 11.4 mavoclant.
At sixteen o'clock bovn the bombstgont f th,o
of Goree vhich guarae the ntrace Into th h rtoT qnd
ettongly fortiMdt
At INV011t0011 o'clock a Larm! . vAri tt t - t
a little town lying 23 :an ? from lkiliron,:*
harbors It may bo omphAsind, p? daza
copt for a small detachment of .nf4ntry th
derenbes at RufisqUe. Not until lator in the e.27
heitirtlinegun8 ahdrhapro tr..? light onnnon, mder the
cOmman4, or a your4'ensIng. Tho lutter did not vArt :41-is
popition until thi Lz t momemt and opcnod are until the
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