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4.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 MICROFILMED 0 S Microfilm Section Job No. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001-R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 a a -?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? ????vt.t4 c _ orisoev a. 41-7e ftb 713 4 C. a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 I ? . t 1 1 NORTH AYRICA THUM i ! REPORT DIGEST i DICEMBER,1943 i 1 b 1* MAQUELAIMIALUNA3IIMMANU2A1 SECRE Arwi* s ? Navy Marine ? Allotment 173 81$ 25 20 13 5 1,054 Recruited 162 625 ? U. 7 3 621 Unobligatad 11 193 12 6 a. 233 ? ALI it? II. 11=141IGVICEIARTIC4 A. zummula 1. llallimAisliaa a? fdIMMULL The personnel and activities of this section are now entirely based on Naples. Excellent intelligence craltinues to reach this sic tion from Roes. Receipt of intelligence from the SIM has be- gun. Long distance intelligence has been received by a radio located well behind the lines, and also from Italian refugees. b. auslimitaligidshig Due to the very unfavorable weather conditions, no missions were despatched successfully during the month, al- though two attempts were made. c. jii.331ara Planned. The establishment of an observation post on the islands of Monte Christo and Gorgona is under consideration, and will be despatched from the advance Corsica base as soon aS wetzther conaitions permit. Seven other missions are in the planning stage. SECRET nprlassifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 te-.F SFCRET 2. hummiliAmalima a, gamma A group of four radio operators has been trained, and a group of five are ready to go to the radio school. These men will probably be requested for 6oebat intelligence movies' for 1)-Day in Southern France. A study is being made as to the possibility of in- filtration by PT boats on the Mediterranean coast, operating out of Corsica. b? AWAILLIALasa The Madrid liaison continues to. send in excellent material, including reports on train watching, coast defenses - especially the ports of Ventres, Marseilles, Perpignan, Toulon and Nice. The last pouch received during the month sontained accurate information on bombing results in Toulon and Marseilles. a. Zgaltagillatalaitglagla At the request of the State Department, a digest of French political thinking was despatched to OBS Washington. It was requested that the digest be made from information secured from impartial American sources. In view of this interest stops are being taken to cover this sphere of intelligence more broad- ly than heretofore. Also, the State Department has evidenced interest in political developments in the North African area, with emphasis on the policies of the National Committee of Liberation. d? fisabiLlaliallauras Plans are being drafted for the procurement of mater- ial and the assignment of persoanol to combat units which will operate in Southern France. _and_Belic Coast and lispd Dolma.; A sample report has been submitted to the Navy 'which embodied all of the information that has been gathered by OSS on coast and land defenses. The Navy has been requested to in- dicate gaps in intelligence, so that definite projects can be initixted to fill in such gaps. SECRET - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 6 2. /reach Seatisk a? Siegianah A group of four radio operators has been trained, and a group of five are ready to go to the radio school* These men will probably be requested for oombat intelligence service for 1)-Day in Southern France. A study is biting made as to the possibility of in- filtration by PT boats on the Mediterranean coast, operating out of Corsica. SFCRET U. z14 1i1L The Madrid liaison continues to send in excellent material, including reports on train 'etching, coast defenses - especially ths ports of Yendres? Marseilles, Perpignan, Toulon and Nice. The last pouch received during thoi month contained accurate information on bombing results in Toulon and Marseilles. c? Political 1nt.11Itenj At the request of the State Department, a digest of French political thinking was despatched to OBS Washington. It was requested that the digest be made from information secured from *partial American sources. In view of this interest, are being taken to cover this sphere of intelligence more broad- ly than heretofore. Also, the State Department has evidenced interest in political developments in the North African area, with emphasis on the policies of the National Committee of Liberation. d. faidarajatijalgiwal Plans are being drafted for the procurement of slater- ial and the assignment of personnel to combat units which will operate in Southern Prance. e. and Basic Coaqt and Land Defense A sample report has been submitted to the Navy which embodied all of the information that has been gathered by OSS on coast and land defenses. The Navy has been requested to in- dicate gaps in intelligdnce? so that definite projects can be initiated to fill in such gaps. - 2 - SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 : The Operations Section of Admiral Howittss staff has requested OSS to cooperate in compiling current as well as basic intelligence covering the southern coast of Franee. The air force has expressed considerable interest in the plan to coordinate ground intelligence with photo re.- connaissance work, and have agreed to eupply us with a list of questions which they would like to nave answered. All of this activity puts in usable form the great volume of basic and current intelligence that has been secured ? by the Research and Analysis Branch and our various sources inside France. fe Alliammicamisksi ? 1) am= This station was off the air until the leth December; has since sent in material an unit identifiesition in the neigh- borhood of Bordeaux; also a report on air activities at the fields of Merignac and Blagnac. A certain amount of industrial intelligence was also sent in. 2) MURIA In the early part of the month, intelligence on air fields in the Northern and Central parts of ?ranee was sant in. In the middle of the month, station went oft the air; reported difficulty with daylight frequencies, which has made communica- tion impozsiblei 3) pARTMOUTI This station, which was disbanded last month due to police interference, has moved to another area and has indicated ability to obtain information on the Marseille area. Toward the last of the month, station went off the air. 4) ALMA Operations and battle order information has been received. 5) AIWA The VT apparatus of this station was seised by the Gestapo on 24th November, but the network behind it and the operator are safe. - 3 - sichET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nnt4nnni_p 41, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 6) AMMO Due to the capture of station BOSTON, the pinpoint scheduled for Decembcr was no longer available. A riquest was made to &OE London -AI supply a reception committee in a safe house, in a convenient area. Personnel was sent to Corsica to attempt an infiltration by sea during the dark period. The personnel was infiltrated by see on the night of 25/29 December. "cCRET g, Alssions Plannet A number of missions were attempted during the month but, due to bad weather, were not carried out. The following missions will be tried again in the January moon period, along with two new missions not previously recorded; 1) BMW One additional W/T operator for RAV1NTA. 2) &wawa One agent; one VT operator; Southeast Francs. r. 3) CROCUS Two agents for Southeast Trance. 4) ABTICHM Two agents - South Central France. 5) LOYOLA (new) One agent and one W/T operator for the Rhone Valley. 6)? (new) One agent and one VT operator for the Mediterranean Coast. Tho station ALPINA will be the reception committee for thitsenew missions. 3. gszaaa_Asslitga a. Emma The headivarters af this sec tion has been moved to Bari, from which point arrangements will be made to infiltrate agents tnrough Partisan held territory in Yugoslavia. -4-. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ft," Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Ac. b. 1) AEU Plans for this nission* including two officers and four enlisted men* are now complete. During the month* two staff members were despatched to Bari in order to obtain final intelligence and to arrange security. At the end of the month* personnel arrived at the forward base. 2) Sh The personnel difficulties which were reported in November have been corrected* and the personnel has been for- warded to Bari for final coordination with the plan. 3) MA= The agent requested by Berne* for contact with Hungary* is now available in the area. 088 Washington has been notified. SECRET 4) MUM W/T operator for penetration into Austria. The operator suggested will not be available for some time and it has been decided 40 postpone the mission. 4. liazionifewa During December the Reporting Board distributed re- ports to interested agencies as Shown in the following breakdommt Ag0Deir Tip* of ReDor 0-2 AFIN P ? W ^ V ? ALSO ? NATOUSA A-2 NAAr W W ^ W NAPRW NIU NIU VI-9 JICA Original reports WS Washington reports OSS London reports Fighting French reports Original reports Original reports Original reports OW Washington reports OSS London reports Fighting French reports Original reports Original reports Fighting French reports Original report Original reports - 5-. 421 13 23 269 7 1 632 11 101 113 45 1 113 .1PplIFIT Declassified and Approved For Release. 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R'000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Original reports edited and distributed by this office ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Reports distributed from OSS Washington Reports distributed from OBS London Fighting French reports distributed Total number 11 disseminations going forward to interested agencies 434 2.6 40 360 3,403 SEGht, Through OGS representatives at advanced bases, following distribution was made: Fifth Army ? ? ? . ....... 194 Seventh Ar mp ? ? ** .. rt ? ? ? ? 159 OSS Cairo 12 OSS London 56 Bari 7 SR (French Intelligency Agency) . ? ? ? 494 -BCRA (Fighting French Agency 373 The remainder went to civilian agencies, AMG, CA, NAM, PWB AND FCD, -5(a) - the Including 1.3?), 'LP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 II 0 3.&LAMM SECRET lama In Trench *prom', operations in partnership with 011 have produced a network which seems to be working satis- factorily, and information is being received. Contact has been made with a representative in Tenerife from whoa good information for OWI is being received. Difficulty is being encountered with the French Services, due to local and Algerian interference. A report was prepared on the political situation in Port Lyautey. jUssjUkalutLitaxittsal Cooperating with Lt. Co]. Innen Randolph, an agent was placed as a despatcher, at the docks, and it is hoped to place another shortly, This agent will be able to spot black market operators at tha sources C. Agiti-Actettcw Prgpagua Meetings nave been held with OWI? and a suggested program accepted. German agents parachuted into Morocco. The entire case has been translated. Be VIA mmAng 1. alma An RicA office has been opened In Naples, and per- sonnel has arrived to take up this activity. 2. MIRLDivisiggi Evaluation of maps received from the field contin- uos. Arrangements have been made with the engineer there to reproduce overlzys which will show locations of main fortifi- cations, OB intellicence, etc. 3. 0-2 The documents section of 0-2 has agreed to the plac- ing of an ReeL officer in this section to sift out documents of interest to 0:3S. If no extra copies are available, arrange- ments have been made to microfilm interesting material. ittrPCIET . 6 . 1 anri Annroved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 4. bani......anig SECRET, Information on Italian rallnools for 0-21 Interrogation of an Italian air force captain for 0-2 and A-2k covering aircraft factories in the Turin area; Study of the Italian west coast, north of Livorno, for 0-3; Target analysis in northwest Italy and the Alpine area for 0-3. 54. kailadatWagni Possibility of saving Italian eleetrieal stations from destruction during the German retreat, for 0-3; Plans for operations in southern France, for 0-3; Study on methods of attacking transport targets, , for A.2; , i Operations planning and seleciang targets in the ' , 1 Alpine area, for A-2; 1 i Biographical information.an French political figures, for the State Department. , MailliWngiLgaBALLM A. 210Alla At the request of Lt. Co]. N. Stirling, eommanAing 2 SAS regiment, the Planting Staff is discussing the possibil- ity of using 00 units an coordinated tactical os:trations in Northern Italy. This will be an exclusive OSS operation. A system whereby cooperation with the British Navy and SOB will improve operations by sea is being worked out. B, MiluancuiDeaDataked 1. Jamommallialwaa An SOB agent from Switzerland made contact with the Resistance Group, and delivered 400,000 lire. Fifteen con- tainers were dropped, blind, and thought to be in enemy hands. However, word has been received frost Switzerland that four containers were rite:Avid by th* WHET fi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 2. gla, /1111Lbi ccCRET .-.-This operation has been held up con ? wee ? A final attempt was made on December 23rd - no report has been received. 3. 11/1111231g1filkalakagia Operation was successfully accomplished. Spitfires dropped a package sontataing $12,000 on the pinpoint. 4* lasaniaaaaiingiiiLadiage. One agent and one WV operator were landed success- fully, and signals were resolved. A later message indieated that tbe apparatus had been damaged and it will be necessary to furaish another. It is planned to parachute an additional 1/7 operator with the set. 5* mamccumIssukaail Personnel and containers for this operation have been prepared throughout the month. It has been impossible to locate the pinpoint, due to bad weather, so neither personnel nor containers were dropped. A new pinpoint has been furnished br the reception comaitttee, and it is planned that this opera- tion will be carried out with the delayed-opening peraehates under development by the air operations group. 6* ISAINAQ a. lasuLtagajj, Despatched 10th December; vent off air 18th December. Relief was despatched 27th December, and a new radio installed from which signals have beim received. b. 2111allialLga This operation, including three airforce observers, lias been in direct contact throughout the month. 7. IMASIM.t1 Six radio operators and nine agetnts went ashore on the Adriatic coast - five of which went by Italian submarine. C. Aulgatialimitt 1. 14inI/11111L.LIEEZEla One officer, five enlisted men and one civilian departedfidm Algiers for advanced base in Corsoea, from which Att opt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? the operation will start. The Committee of Liberation have' furnished a pinpoint, and a reseption committee, and will fur- nish an alternative pinpoint and reception committee in the event the first pinpoint is not contacted. The Cocartitee_has requested the embarkation of six high officers to aseompsmy the mission. In addition to establishing the base, the Committee will attempt the rescue of three American spitfire pilots who bailed out in the laving* area. The reception committee is attempting to get these pilots to the beach where they can be embarked when the LIVINGSTON party arrives. 2. SENJOULAIWAI Personnel for this operation awaiting air transport to Naples. 3. 92=121.21= Study of targets completed - personnel in training for mission. 4- Ad34MULL.1 Supplies to the Nome ares. 5? Ad:14WCIL6 Supplies to the Rome area. 6. OPERATIal.faik Ready for the next moon period. 7. SITIMUNLALG112112 A sea pickup an the West Coast is planned - to be ready for operation the first wsek of SanuaTy. 8. POLAR Information being gathered on coastal defenses. Two operations are completed, and one is planned for the next moon period. 9.aknjiii. Four officers Avid thirty enlisted men held up on account of weather. Will be carried .Jut during the next moon period. -9-. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 a ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SECRET 1.0* Airaa One agent and one w/T operator - one civilian. Since personnel has arrived in Corsica, final details are being worked out. Eight additional operations are being planned. ammial NiALUMNUMMMIA 1. AlizAastaIlmaa a, A special operation or an extremely urgent nature has been ordered tiff the 15th Army Group Headquarters. This operation involves three B-25's which are being assigned to 093? alth crews, on. permanent basis. The present strength of the OSS squadron 1st 1 3-25 liaison plane, stripped -6 11-251s, ineluding special additions 3 B-17911, completely equipped for 088 activities. 2* limmimisialAusiumsalt Major Champion of I38U-6 and Captain Chilean OSS, have experimented at the parachute station at Oujda with a device of Captain Chilsonis which will allow dropping from high altItudes, on clear nights, where reception lights can be seen but low flying is impossible duo to monntatnous terrains. Test drops indicated that the elutes could be dropped with great accuracy if the containers were kept at a maximum weight of 250 pounds. This base is also experimenting on the use of P-38 belly tanks for delayed droping where local security permits. 3. Iliaulass.ilamasi a. IMAM A M/T operator, now in training, will be desp&tched As soOft ka 1944 food cards can be obtained. b, OCTOPUS This operation will drop the new typo containers and packages from a B-17. E? DIMASIDnal Suirallas and Pecktag Sixty-eight containers have been prepared for drop- ping in Italy, and have been shiprod by air to Bari. This will - 10 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 a be a B-25 operation. SFCRET IT, ASIESULARAILLIM Preparations have been completed for the winter season. Class XI/I Yreneh SI students) completed the course during the month. Jr ? Fourteen officer*, sIxty-five enlisted men, too marines (enlisted ten), fourteen VACS, one Naval officer and three Naval enlisted men have reporte4 for eutr. Six officers and nineteen enlisted in have gone to Naples to joia their operational groups. The Chief of Services has mad* a reconnaissance trip to Naples, AI preparations'awe been made to transfer services to Naples firAFNQ is transferred to that WAY' Eight weapon carriers and four trailers have been secured. UMW' A Finance Officer has been C.ipatched to Tunisia to satisfy all claims resulting from the Tunisian campaign. Five million ;French francs were secured and for- warded to London as the result of an urgent request. Lira transactions in Egypt and franc transactions in Corsica have been completed readiegil A physical examination of all enlisted men was held' during the month. In spite of cold, damp weather, the health in general is found to be excellente VI. COMULWCATIONIAMLICII Message Center traffic has increased, due to the agents' sets which are now in operation from Northern Italy and Southern France, including observation post activity, which Impeps circuits open 13 hours per da. 'me AEILIIIELZWA FT Personnel ?. 444 t*4 Personnel lists have now been coraplated and brought npdassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 tj 13itki up to date. Safetikeeping facilities have been reviewed, and tile xis-mitts-wry safe, ordered. -12- MITT 4 A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Min AFRICA mom Irma Dian SOVINENik 134 x. 11111111111101111111114.31UNINIEL1161 SEG .411X0ficomet Neeraibed Unebllostot 25 20 13 5 12.037 $ 6 1 703 -1 12 7 4 3,4 U. 1111311411MCILIffilligi ALAMO 3-? ztii a.? a. deserel A pare it three allegro and sixty-eammtemlisted mem were sewed ow to the Adieu's Base in Sicily, mills tell equipment. The Stretegle Services Officer amd the shier it the Italia* Sorties node a tear it 044 loses in Ita4 end Riellr, Amelnding a visit to the 004 group attaehed to the Fifth Army. (For a 'spirt ma this veep.* aetivitles, please eensalt Appendix gia.$) A fleet it twomip-sigst fishing beats for intelli- gens* and in:flit:ratios slang the vest coast of Italy vas sawed, and a base was sct up at Possuell, eleven kilometres fres Naples. A sab-base was established at La )addalena, staffed by two officers sad thirty-eight enlisted men. This base will be used as a staging area ter misalae* with the help it Primate ea the west eeast. Commmsioations have bees established betimes La Na4d4lona amd Palermo. A forward base has been established at Brindisi, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and AoorovedF Release20 -RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 with a oommamications center at Satumi. b. Ingskagjimaillist (2) kison-uso_lended tin the islamd oC Giglio to begin a very important niertien. (2) From Beetle (Oorsios) two mon ewe in. filtrated to the mainland to gather latelligenee, 0. Watimilmemai. 'ant Ita1ian-46g missions are being planned in conjunction with the Italica Military Intelligence at lrladisi. Cleo, relationship has been established via the Italians in Italy and Algters? for wham we Are leeditai sway communnioations of soomenie, political, and nilitary tallert. Prom this group we soma, mesh latelligemee information aM through individual ambers are in tem& with resistameo vamps behiet the Gm= I. are assisting the Italians in Algiers whe wish to plait* in the field battalions at an Italica division. 2. ErimiaiNtAis as Alismal 4-2, Ain, is relying more and mare upon our services, as is evidenced an increase in the resuests ter detailed ad presise intermation. They *centime to rely en us as the most laportant source for Mettle Order iaforeetiom in Ivens'. Marking eloesly with B & A, the Promo* Matti= is accumulating a zoss of available basic intelligens' stash, whoa assembled, will reveal gaps in our information which must be fillet by our agents in the field. The Madrid ergealsation continues to send valuable information by pouek, including shirts at Nast defenses and frontier areas ant data on the movement at trains? Three more sea have been added to the radio pool, and those in trainIng are progressing satisfactorily. Cooperation with London has been maintained throughout lie month in the reermiting of Frew* agents for the Sussex Plan. FT 7.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 All our missions and mile networks; were aeverely hampered this *oath by lack of looney, radio sets, and ether supplies, b. iiimLINLIMmuatidmdl ti.) *Jeannette' This station reported ostensive police activities in the area which caused then te mass PinctionIng man the and of the month. (2) imattaum This missies has aot returned to Northern Italy, due to lash of neeessary supplies. (3) flaviniall Important Battle Order identifleation and other valuable information, particularly on the Mose vallert bridges and defenses south of Won, was received. It is hwpod that III/T equipment and supplies man be dropped to this station, to wills& we are also planning to rend an ad- ditional WA *perste?. (4) nartmetatias At the beginning of the month this station, whisk had been off the air for some time, was pro- dusting onee mere, against *pistils; requests for information. At the ea& of the month it was disbanded, In. to the arrests of some of the members. The radio operator will neve to *netts*, area, however, and is still in tact with, Algiers. (5) 'Beaton* After a ported of eilemie, this station has started to produee again, sad has been sending troop transport infatuation from the Grenoble area. Sines 25 Bevesiber it has been silent again: C. Al1A1dliaiMOMS1 (1) *Mathildas This mission will eonsiat of emeritt and one WiT operator for tho Jura region, with radio a supplies for southeastern ?rms.. It has been grounded by tad weather. - 3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ??? \ ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 (2) 'Penny birthing 1, 111 Suoplies for the ilavinia* group in southeastern Prance--grounded Iry bad weather. (3) *Columbus No, 1* Supplies and radio for the *Boston' station. (4) *Crocus' One agent for southern Frasmio?groundod hv bad weather. Proparattana Ark bolas **Am to *end this ant lir sae. (5) Marriscas This will be a scablined SI-800 operation. An 00 organiser ant radio operator far southern ?ranee has been loaned for this nission. 3, Ibuommihmillima a? Amigama. One offioor has been despatched to investigate the possibility of establishing a forward base for penetration into Gernany and Austria, New personae' has boon radio operators dd includ three Preparations to move to the forward Italian base are now under 'way* b? ILIJUUMULIWOMMi (1) N.Heineil All cover preparations aye eoupletco but held up bereautio of 'Lyme.. or SO4 th4 nrassittlium km: personnel. (2) "Storkw The departure of this mission is planned for the immediate future. 4 csokr.rt ET 7 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ehr en! 6 Stl. ?,?:1 ** lakariAsak Italian and German railway representatives have arrived, as well as two staff neabers who will handle domestic labor 'utters* Plans are under way for a labor mission in Northern Italy, and work has Commenced with the French labor groups. Reports have been submitted an recent develop- .?tr Franeh and Italian l'bbnr cir-les. WO*2 D. I:LAMM 1. kaaLgaitt The chief of the branch hac made a survey of stations in North Africa. The French counterpart organisation was vary pleased with the visit of General Magruder, who was given all available information, and a working arrangement and proper liaison was set up between the two organisations which will enable us to receive all reports daily which are of interest to 10-2: 9-2 has agreed to receive all of this type of in- formation through OW. Liaison also hasp ?wen set up between the two communications systems, and work has commenced in the lotation of clandestine radio sets in North Africa. An operational mission was sent to Meknes and Oujda, to report on enemy intelligence in Spanish Morocco. Relations between OSS and 0-2 continue to be good, in spite of the fact that one of their own men was ex- posed by 1-2. 2. jig& Plans art being made for operations in Naples and Palortio. On aan In the Palermo district reports the situation as critical in regard to food. Efforts are being made to uncover hidden enemy stocks, as the present teatime condition is creating bad feeling toward the American occupa- tion troops. 5 erftryFy Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 elb Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 MKT 3. EMUS 'Xorking closely with SI, the X-2 Branch has bean ablc: to T4arn the Vrench of certain projecte in ?ranee in vhich tuelr naentts were threatened. C. 't z A Branc.. rozked on the following projects durinG hovicab*r: war * fo.r estions fur InLe;:.qgogating Carltaa prisoners 4w Plalantng for lEnterprisen operatioll. 3= 'Meekly Airgram No. 1: DRaorganizatton of Comuitteo of Liberation.m 4. Briefing data, Sete-Aarseillc-Avignon. 5. DAta on Italian ra11yay3 for A.-, 6. Operational 3tadies on Uorthern Italy. 7. Stady of 1.66 Frintcq Consultative Asseably. J. Z-Ititly tae Tagoslai Co..at and Islam13? sita rot 4.I1 9.eialning for RYa1Anttne2, operation, ProvidLng aaterial fron Intelligence 3ources for tat? ,4se of .i.dvance bases in Basti-; and La .addtlena. Prei.arr.tl^n a Aetallad ..tatE,mont of c..x.reat infation "...n the bazier-Oran4e-Nice area, to cd md filled out by ;.1genr.s in thi, field. 'k. Political r42,;earc;) on Rost-war France. 13. CcL1ectLo t Czecaoslovto4lin material. D. A 2 -.1-11-r .64 4.t:' LA Aazraueriz5 visit has been much.8 tiQL .L.4a;eci..ted, nilut into ef--set wherey London, Wasnington all: all use tao same nuobering syste-? - 6 - ???? Fein' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 z ViTCHEI Other eanstructive criticisms have some to us from (1-2, which cease us to plasm, additional emphasis on the quality of mortis disseminated. Mush valuable information has been received from Madrid and from the OSS intelligens. see tion &Stashed to the Fifth Armi (see Appendix l'A!). The Frensh are givimg us a valuable flow of StRA watitrialp *Utah inereasee the voluao of reports con. siderebly. Darimg the month it seemed probable that J1CA woald discontinue the reprodaotioa of reports. This *CUM vould have put an latolerable betides en our own facilities. The replaeement of the =A chief toward the mad of the month makes it possible that this reproduetien work will be oon- tinned by JIG/. lhe mew *thief is very friendly toward our organisation. A mew distribution 'for inspeetion and return* now in eludes 0-2, Atm.2, and 1-2. The total reports processed during November was 312, bat Sinet dietribmtien has been breademed the number of copies actually disseminated &mounts to 2007, as compared with 1,1146 for the noath of October. XLI.Inaga4 minus OPhRATIONS A. Amiga Colonel Livermore reported in person an the forward base. His report ineluded an account of the attack an the isl--d of Caprzi-, "Id b7 man. The atm-ck Cene 44 ld"ma 'w14I Colonel Livermore's arrival there with a twenty-day supply of rations and three officers. Our as remain on the island in ,spite at the fact that the Germans; ere aware or their presence., He also reported on an operation undertaken off shore from the Italian malnIend at the request of AFUQ. Colonel Obelenaky returned from Corsica and Sardinia and made a complete report. Radio tommunications have beta established between the forward base and the island of Capraia. -.7.. SFC Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 r e .14 lasidasclammakibmi 1. *Interprise No. I* (802.01110 Dad weather prevented the landing of this mission. Its purpose was to make eontaet with a group of *seeped allied prisoners and Italian Partisans is Northern Italy, to establlek radio commosicatioms, end to arrange for the reeeption of santerprise to. 2,* whisk will organise mod train groups for sabotage when targets are signalled tr, 0114). Toward the end of the menthi, word was received that the row/stenos group bad been disbanded, and the operation will have to be postponed until the group reassembles in a new locality and indicates a new pinpoint landing. 2. *Atlanta to. 1* This mission, planned as a supply drop for the Fifth Any of radio, arms, sloths's, and money, was despetebed but was unable to find the reseptien committee. It Is believed that a second attempt was sucesseful, although a report has not been received. 3. *Valentine-Autlew No. 1* ? This operation replases *Valentimeon whisk vas cancelled because of bad weather. The new mission was attempted, with spitfire planes whisk were to make flights over the pin. point to drop 412,000 to a resistants group, but no report has bees received. 4. *Talentine-Watlow No. 2* One agent and one WIT operator were to land by boat frost Corsica and establish liaison with the resistance group in the area. The mission was attempted, but there has been no report. C. JUJuassuLLWmaug 14 Zwasomal Six supply drops are being planned for SOS, from a list submitted by SOL London. 00 units in Corsica have been ordered by the Chief or ataff of AYIN to carry out raids on objectivesalong the west coast of Italy, in cooperation with the French, R & A ET ET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 41. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 r. SFCRET amd 4-2 are gathering the seeessary information os anew objectives uad derameess Mews has been requested Iv 0-2 ant 41-3 of AYM4 to order a demolition job in the Lake Cams area, Metthews A. wMaterprise Mo. 2.' (SOW-0815) Suppalementing Ininterprise Nos I's this geoai will cassis% of one OS *Meer and tee tsnelitiess inatrue- tors, one British radios operator, radio, area, ansamittans demolition supplies, and foed. They shoal& be despatehei five days art030 obitirpriSO So. 111 has roadbed the objective. 3. nalentinelles 3* This is a demolition operation, to be named by one effieer mnd five nen, and is eebeduled for the next aeon period. 4. *Talentlise-Iliutlem Me. 0 A sealer officer, fluent in Italian, is ta be dropped to establish contest and liaison with as mem reels- tangle gremps as possible is the northern part of Italy. 5. NW:arson* (0011-43869 'Jefferson* will follow an outline of operetions being prepared by the Joint Board in Landon. Preparations, ineluding the assembly of photographic recommaissanee material, aontinue. D. Oneratimal SuDalies and Pulang Squipment and personal kits were supplied to all missions despatched during the moath and have been assembled for all planned missions. Improvements have twee made is packing methods, so that erdname* can be ineluded is the some paekages with emer- gency rations. Tests are on the way to further Improve the ?Atoka** so that Fogies sad grenades sea be dropped with abeelute safety. Ruts sad shelters have been resolved *ad erected for the assembling of supplies for missions. Plans are drawn for personnel and equipment which - 9 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 will be needed for additiosal smacking *tattoos La the forward base in Italy. IY, AIONSALAIRIANALK A. 23WAI4"ALMmisia Coarse. II end III wove eempletai daring November. Although exeellent results are being smeared fres trainees of the *shoal who are nee involved in &steal opera- tions, our efforts are still b.red by the lack of additional Ins tructors vhieh have been prosissi best never despatehed. ** hammidclibma Two of the 3-17111 are ready to start operations, while the injured plane i$ umdergoing repairs. An exhaustive study was made eamparing the 1-17 with the Halifax, and it was determined asylum& a question of doar?t that the 1-17 is by far the nore suitable plane for aer operationi. Three 1-23 'a have been assigned to the Flight Smitten. Tests an them are under way. Tomato-two students are being trained. V. JAATICKS MAK' A. hirkillia Thirtema officers and enlisted nen have been assigmed to the Fifth Amy mit, to take charge of supplies and to fern a nuelous for additional activities in the, forward area. Sixty-seven officers and men of the Italian group were aoyed to the Palermo base. The Theater Commander has indicated that he will approve an increase in the JCS allotment, if requested. One officer and four enlisted aen have been sent to Corsica. Ome officer returned from Corsica, to become Acting Supply Officer in Algiers. ET gg' 10 r PINT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 I r. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? A supply station has been opened at Blida to take care of the Air Corps persemmel eke will be working with lea tm operations. TO have taken. bee Villas, Wiled are mode:vim( Improvements, to empplement Statism D. In amtleipatime of a forward sieve, ma inspeeting Wiser has gene to the Maples area to he a survey st living eenditlems end offiee requirements there. The arrival of additional men from the Peploses's,* ditpot has made it possible to send sea forward without *rippling env serviees in Algiers. medisal officer has been requested. illimUkag.gialgasuatigligg Ti. civilian ears sod fifteem 4.1. troll*e have beim perehaeed to replaee the Arm, vehiele* sent forward en resent operations. C. num' The Flosses Officer has made a trip to Tanis, to liquidate outstanding items at that station. Is also visited Palermo, Bari, ant Naples, to set up and se/Prelate activities between ear Fimmissor Sections and the. Middle Nast Timm, ?Maar at the Bari base. Steps are being taken to increase the quantity of Probed franss en hand, although present funds are 'auffieient tor current needs. SAINIOMMUMNILIMIGK Message Coater traffic has becalm so groat that requests have been made te Bora and Madrid to eat their messages to an absolute minima. The staff is greatly over- worked, several illnesses have resulted, and messages have been garbled. VII. iicalnAiigha Although additional personnel is badly needed, maturity work in this area is proceeding satisfactorily. orrincr Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 sFeRET Personnel files are being built up, and plans for brateh office In Italy ecoplete? the forward bran of which will be in charge of inspection and control at Naples and at the rear sub-bases. Work cannot be completed, however, before the arrival of additional personnel. -1":111E1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ??? MPFINIDIX PA*, ROM AFRICA !MISR MOVOLSZR. 1943 milliftithittrz SECRET 1.? The organisation of our Mission eemsists sof the following three main groves I. Mose Headquarter* II. Forward Nebel.** III. Training.and Molding Areas IO JIMAAJOIMMIXAMCI A4 The following aetivities are centered at lase Headquarters& 1. Liaison with 0.4, Fifth Army, Maudlin( of 'applies, finalises, and *War Service and achainistratias matters, 3.Oupervisiee of planning. I. The I.zz1 11jI1tif. IS4 is maistsimid at lase s, for Puresse of eeneell- dating and eeordinating Latelligeme submitted to the Fifth Army, amd supervising the preparation of speCial studies. C. Under the suparvisiam of Rase ReafIgnartars are ide following two sections whist*, bemuse of the manor* of their work, are new established in Napless I. Jima Maass Aativitiaa.khatiga This seetion involves the recruitment and training of limited by specially selected personnel, amd the use of facilities sueh as air and sea transportation, in the employmeat of vhiL Naples .ill be a eastvaniant base for same tine to come. A survey of the poteatialities of the Detachment based en facilities now in hand has *hems that our activities must be limited. No Lam Rano operations beyond the following planned activities will be undertaken* a, Parachute Operations Mo. 1 - Celle San Magno (2 teams) No. lA - Segni (2 teams) *0,1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100140001-8 ? :V Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ininial411111 nao, NOMTN AMC& MONS NOTUNIN, 1943 ANtifiliftern : SECRET 1. , The organisation of our Nissice eensists ef the followlag three main groups, I. Base Neadquarters II. Permit Schiele, III. Traiaing'and Belding Arms I. ismaidammaita A. The following astivities are teetered. at Base Readgmarterso 1. Liaison with Oft2, Fifth Ai, Needlimg ef AIPP11011, namms, sod 4,00. Service and administratiom netters, 3. SafgrVISLOS of planning. 16 The is maintaimed at lasefor vorseee essopeli- dating and seordinating intelliginee sabeittid to the Fifth Army, end supervising the'pregaratien of speCial studies. C. Mader the supervision of Base Needevarters are the following two settles, lobichs beams* of the mature of their ,or, are now established in Naples: 1. Maa Aativltias Swifts' This sestion involves the recruitmeat and training of limited by speeially molested persommel, amd the use of facilities, smith as air and sea transportations in the employment of which Naples will be a sonvenient base for some tine to come. A server of the potentialitivs of the Detachment based en facilities noe in hand has shown that our activities mast be limited. No Long Ramge operations beromd the following planned activities will be undertakent a. Faralehate Operations No. 1 - Cofle San Napo (2 teems) No. lA - Segni (2 teals) watu-1 SECRET MIMIDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ci Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SFCRET Me. ) - Peseta teeem3 Me. 2 - Sabini 8 teams b. Seaborne Operations So. II - Alfonsin* (2 teams) c. Courier Service 6 teams of two officers sash to Rome and other northern points Omr endeavor will be to establish communteetions eters lath Assistance Groups and at other *Portant peints frost Wish intelligemce networks may be organised, and, as ordered by the Fifth Army, sabotage and other quasi-military operatioms nay be emanated. In order to insure that planned prolicts soy I,. lerried oats In Part at least, paraehete operations will be supplemented by land and sea imfiltration and by the front/nue* use of floaters. 2. AnimalmiLltilkw The Aecrulting Section is charted with the task of selecting and ser.asin perommmal of ell cate- gories, whether for Short or Leog Igs projects, and whether for use in Intelligente or Operatioms. The Section else procures special applies, such as Italian shoes, 'lathing, and like material (at whisk about tour tons are sow on hand), which are needed in any work behind enemy lines. II. hoimmitichlima A. At this point is located our Liaison Officer with the Corps and Divisions. Here, too, all over- land despatching is directed, and the interrogation of easuall is conducted. S. Oar Farward Stations (repremontation with Divisions) operate under the direction of the Forward Sehelon. The ftmactions of the Forward Szazioos ors limited tot 1, Combat Intelligence Activities, carried on ender the direction of Division 0-21s. 2. Short Bang. Sabotage Missions. 3. Assistance in Long Nang* overload despatehinge SF CR Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-R ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? SFCRET Combat Iitelligenee (riau. missions serried eat within the. 10*011* limit) was ewer visualised W, OW as a part of its neeessary services to the fifth Army. This is likewise true of casual interrogatiam. Siege. heenVer? the Combs% Div..sivians see' to seaside, %hese :erne*. useful, espeeially the purely local intelligemee work gees by member, of the Italian. OperatleaWeroups assigned to the Divisioes, they will be etattinned within the limits of the facilities available to 06$ within the. Theater. C. are coerdimatadander the forward /Whelan. se Titles at preeent are as follows: Wood: .ftfal-k-ff 1A-4- Una Radio teams (three agents mod operator) are new an tasir way to an area near Cassino. Ilifferta- to establish, at least two emeaunications seaters at from 25 to 3, Riles beyond, the trent will be continued. Now attampta are new being made to infiltrate teems an foot, and a Short Bangs parasbute operation eill be made shert1y. Tbe 'mottos of despatching one team daily to %Ike the eiroultw or to ego- tabliah themselves and report vAr searfer will be **Tried an, pemdiag the establishmeett of radio eontaet by en* means or another. Omee radio soomunisations are estab- lished, arrangements can be made to 'apply- amd employ, in operations, known Nuristan,* Groups which are located in areas In frost of the Fifth Army. It is assumed that the Spesial Detsch.. meat of Italian_ Soldiers (desired by the Sixth Corps amd authorised by the Commanding General, Fifth Amy, 6 October 1943) may be despatebed overland to the Cassine-Aatisa Sector for the purpose of contacting known Resistance Forces in the Celle Sea Maine and Abburssi regions. 2. Within Combat Alma It is proposed to mantels OGG liaison and forward coordination at the Sixth Corps. Our representa- tion (ono officer and three assistants, with approximately ten operators) will be continued at the Third Division. Like representation will be established with the 45th and the 34th n4ty43.4.5. D. Upon the arrival of additional personnel, our forward lahelon will be organised as follows' ItA111.,.3 v SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SECRET I. VALazitrftindea. :oder aharge et the Comae&Int eery e with tee assistants. 246. sweat will be at the Divisions. eigish far the tht and lie 3.4.1k 3* lidek will We about to *left spots. advising Verger& 'shale& en, despataking Areas. lbe establisheest et lials Sestina meant worth- *ilea sine* gm* geed iwtegoektien Is new being lest to the Amoy lir reason of the It that One* is ma grataantis latarragatisa. of the bourartide of Italian sessals who. are onsitently seeping three" 'the *tett spsts, la. the Gomm lolaes* ILL ItabiAa All at the speretineal percanesl. weed by OK is. the surreat, esegaiga has beak resiteitste: good a certain agagnit of training SS reisaired Ware- any - ve ant he seat an. a Missies. In the Interest otIatoUisSi ~ion at as Zr 4operstla, mad of givisg sew WOO* Weis: intim. Oa has established and emedastet a beintner ilisttraa at which asszir varginat ladivideals haeof resolved Instaustisa. Sines the Treining Sestion is ma bee- far bath fres the treat and tram Bass lisadquartirraf. pima ars In 1P7?Perutium for aiorlag this sestias farther tereard* It will be kept ressemably agar lase liesdquarters bat will be planed under swats se Vest it any renal& mobile. Ibis *esti= will serve net enly as. itraintig Center bat also as a lielding, AUres_# true. whisk sperstives sad agents son be down as needed.. This will enable US to render ssoias to ea additianal annher at Combat Malts, and will else laerease eseearitr* beth of miLitary operations sad of the Individnals seaserned. Near the Training. Sestian will be established an Ares tor the six Italian Oats (authorised be the Ceemanding General, Fifth Any, 4 Osteber 190) eh* will bs dram free reiralar Wmillau Tors** (aathoritr or the egeneatigig General, 4 liewamber 1941). Personal heretofore resralted for GO Purposes and members of epeeist lutelligense Teams will be reduced to a total of approximately forty2 and will be ea - played on *lesions requiring puirtisular sapability sat experienee. -crrtRE Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 dor Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SECRET 20 assimak During the month, visitors included General Magruder} fres lashington; Colonel Glavin, the Fimanee Officer, amd member of the SI Italian Desk, from Algiers; and two photo- graphers, free London. Colonel Fountain has been assigned by th* Fifth Army and Liaison with M. Five officers and six enlisted men reported for daty. 3. _Samar ant Treasportidiggi 4. Tio 2i-ton trucks were received duriug November. Total. messages, to 25 November ...... Total OGS field stations in operation, as of 25 November ..... ......... 5 Aeent operators in training-,s of 25- NoveMmtr.***rn *Agemt operators despatched during November 1943...... 2 Ageat operators contacted during November 1943....... 2 Agent operators trained during November 1943. ..... 20 *(Onet of teem' operators is not 08S-despatched, but is working for a resistance group vitt-. *ways are In contact.) 5. UugajisgtzitaaA.22gaLiaNm--ZajaLjaamgL Between I Novelmber and 25 Novwmber? 46 routine reports and 15 speeial reports were made. Between I November mod 25 November, 73 agents were despatchsd? of whoa 30 returned. Consistently good information has been received from the radio contact established with the WS .!:gent in Rome. Early in the month two teams were despatched for Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 4 SECRET lone-rangfe intelligenee, one teem eensisting of 2 as and 1 radio operator, and the other eansisting of 3 men smd 1 radio +Operate,. A group was set up for a study OR Somas to eover leeation of sines, useful people, blaekliste, et*. the Osegraphie Sectiom,iiworking as special studieS for the Fifth Army" and air shocks ea those reports have indleatedahigh degree of ascurasy. Pollack, sewerage of Northern Italy bag beer obtained. Target maps were worked up avid repredscod frost inforention. 10 guides lore furnished eembet units, amd 34 Italian 001-s3 elluIrlgrte esebet emits. All eemp/eted their mistime ? 3 Organisation of restates?e groups has taken # definite shape. Some altar sabotage efforts have -bees (wee at the request ot the filth Aray and. the Sixth Csepe, bet imrther operations await air transport for dropping. Several attempts to drop equipmem4 failed beams* or inclement weather* To help get ear equipment dropped, a peeking **dues: Nese Seadquarters is needed. 6. jUinamagginfasejlemitioNSEIL Seams* we have isseffielent traaspertatioa and equipment, it is considered advisable to withdraw all person. eel frau the Tenth Corps (*ritiih) and to plan no eperatioas for thm Seeond Corps ulna it eases into the line. The trataiag amd holding area for spools' agents will be moved from Naples, forward* A rest seep tar operatives is being established in thw vicinity of Possuoli. 11111264111Willilaagi Three agents are ready to be despatched for infiltrations (1) Sy way of the Adriatic from the vicinity *A11.4 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 1) SECRET of Brindisi, with Brittle' eeeperation, (2) By the use of fishing fleets oa the west *oast. Tho retool& of assets tree the north has opened a courier service whose possibilities are being onsolmed. Missions for ell malts of the U.B. BlztbLeerps prepared to operate. lags jaugamaa jr.gasaulana Mewed plans ere uvder way for a mere effective sabotage progrem* Drepplage are pleased for the sent nese period, possibly usiag overland indeetlea. A small soiree of Italie& weapons has boss opened, up to us for use ia *kw:tapping the 'resistants, groups with Or we are la (outset. 7: Palled* Callan' Operetional naps 3 mod 4 ham* beim aPProw44 ar the Cenaanding General, rink Arm,. The Italia, Armr may :umiak the balsam, of personnel for 011es authorised 4 Oeteber 1943. TM Italie* $I have agreed to famish us 'pith their Sail, report, and are taklag some part in feral recruits for iatelligenee missies*. They have also etirte us a tarsal liaison mission consisting of four men, who are at present la Briadisi. Tha Italiaa military organisation of General Payola* proved useless, and relations were disesatinsed. 114,11,4 ? SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 4, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000.100140001-8 NOME AFRICAN THEATER WORT DIGEST, OCTOBER 1943 I. FERSOIBIBI. ISPULTION Murk Navy Marine fitftall., Off. IA._ Offk Alletnent 263 746 25 20 13 Requested 132 544 15 A 5 Unobligated 71 202 10 18 8 ActuallY 2werseam 9/ AU 10 A 5 EAU Civilian tagil 5 1,012 1 701 4 311 111?110.50 *This%army allotment figure inelmdes 26 officers and 165 enlisted t II. INTELLIMICE EERTICES--EI BROCK A. ilimak-AssUmn The French. Desk has been reinforced by the arrival of two 018 officers from Spain, who brought with than a liaison not only with the Madrid office but with chains into Occupied Trance. This will enable us to get specific 03 infornation? and a test is being made with fifty specific questions of interest to 0-2, Algiers. Your agents from Corsica are due to leave for southern ?ranee in the next melon period, having sempleted their train- ing. Two will organise a mail pickup service for our various French chains and prewar* landing fieldx for light plans eperettoss. The other two men will operate independently in widelr-separated areas. Special attention will be given to enemy .it identification, in which all agents have had an intensive course. Two new am, recruited in Corsica, have arrived for SF CRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnni nniannni_p Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SFCRET trminingtone as an agent and the other as a WA operator, End they will be despatched in the nest moon period. Ply, additional men are attending w/r school, frost which the most apt will be given intensive VT training. Two of the Preneh stations are in communication with 'asters and producing interesting information on OS and enemy airfields. AllaiiiitrAia Twenty Germans and Austrians Inv* been recruited and equipped for training, as follows (some of these will take two or three tommwentit 15 10 11 3 81 SO Parachute Radio During their training efforts are being rade to secure civilich and military clothing, documents, and other neeessary material. Also, a geographic study is being made as to the meet feasible area in *lick to infiltrate the agents. C. liakstisings Two representatives have been sent to London for operations planned in that area. Stops are being taken locally to implement projects foar Italy, Germany, and Austria. D. Renortine_ Board and &wintry Chiefs Theodore Ryan 1 With the arrival of carefully selected personnel, the 'Reporting Board and Registry has been set up to receive, edit, and distribute information, and to maintain a cross- index file. Liaison with :FICA has been established with the view of sect=ing their clerical facilities for the distri- bution of our reports. Liaison has also been established with 0-2 and 1-2, who are supplying us with weekly summaries which are proving of great help in the evaluatiom of our own reports. We are servicing the North African Photographic SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000150140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - 3 - SECRET Reproduction Wing. During the month 329 reports IWO distributed by the Reporting Board. 1,704 oopies of thee. went forger& to interested agencies, broken down as follows: 1st week 305 2nd week - 355 - 400 4th weak3rd week ISTZIALIGIMCE SERVICES --I-2 DUNCE A. Chief: Major 7. P. Holcomb Reorganisation of communications in 1-2 has been effected. B. Alga:1 Progress is being made in the penetrations of organisations Where enemy suspects are employed. So far, one German agent has been arrested. C. Makoma.amdAmilla Our group collaborated in the capture of enemy parachutists, who arrived in the early morning of 16 October. D. EZIA21 In cooperation with the French Desk, an agent closely connected with the collaborationists is being planted. IITZLLIGECE SERVICES--R & A MANCE Chiefs Mr. Metay A- SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001on14nnn1_R 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - 4 - SECRET The Algiers office was visited by Mr. Shaman teat, Chief of the luropc-Afriee Division, and Ensign Roberts, an route to Italy. The whole staff has been working for G-3, AMQ, en a general operational plan covering in area in north central Italy. A survey is being made of intelli- gence sources in the Algiers area including the liaison naintained with 0-4, COMA ANG: hiB. MARL and the University of Algiers. it A has been matird upon to assist in the brief- ing of agents at the request of I&D, and also in the preparatioe of a meekly report an South Germsny and Austria. 241 =WAAL Mr. Ninnaeker is our representative with the ALUM Military Mission to the Italian Government. Through this contact, he hopes to secure free Italian sources strategic information covering Germany and Italy. C. ZAluma Mr. False and Lt. Burks, assisted by Italian scholars, are collecting detailed military maps and charts of northern Italy, intelligence on north Italy recently obtained from Italians arriving in Sicily, a file of important Sicilian personalities, and studies on economic, political, and social problems which mill be of interest to AMO. D. Simla' Lt. 'Carlow has returned with an extensive col- lection of German and Vichy propaganda, periodicals, teleOhone books, and specimens of captured German equip- ment. While in the area, he assisted the Operational Groups. III. STRATEGIC =BMW OPERATIONS The island of Capraia was occupied hy OBS officers on 19 October, leaving the garrison of two officers and eleven men in charge. The first airplane operation was carried out successfully, dropping material in France, although the plane was damaged in returning by anti-aircraft SFCRFT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nnt4nnni_p dk.? ? Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 4 5 firs and will require some time to be repaired; the pin- point was reached with no trouble, having flown over very rough terrain. The containers were dropped within an area of from 200 to 300 yards. Similar equipment dropped by a Halifax working- in the same arse waw scattered over a distance et trio miles. SECRET The island of Calmat, was captured by 088 per- sonnel (see Aul&A, attached, for the report of operations). Bowen BO supply-dropping operations for London and Algiers are being planned for the next noon period. A tean has arrived in Corsica, Where a forward base is being established at Ile Rousse. Eight teams are trained and prepared for opera- tions in the following parts of Italy: 1, for PT boat infiltration,: northwest Italy 20 for Trieste 10 for liaison with Italian Military Intelligence 1, to AMG 3, for Colonel Hustington's Fifth trey Detachment IT, TRAINING A. UsaallimAdmak Chief: Captain Richard Crosby Course No. IX, comprising seventeen men, was completed, Course No. X, consisting of four Frenchmen, will be completed in November after specialised training has been given. Plans to improve the Finishing course are being worked out in cooperation with P & A, who have agreed to pass on information more rapidly. Lack of Training personnel, requested rram Washington on 10 August, is handicapping the Training effort. B. Parachute School Chief: Major L. G. Bucker, Jr. The Parachute School, started in January 1943, SECRET 1%. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - 6 Ma graduated a total of 475 students, 70 of eh= have been British or directed to us by the British. Very few injuries, and only one fatality, have resulted. The fatality was investigated by a board and officially declared to ba the fault of no one, but a freak of narachute work.. The assignmeat to 056 of three B-l7 pianos should facilitate the training program considerably, as it has teen constantly held up b7 latk of planes, rg..thgr than by bad weather. A special flight section is trying to have a.C-47 assigned to than for training amd transvert. IT. COMMUNICATIONS BRAUN operation: Chief: Najor Peter G. 8. Nero At present, the folleeimg base: stations are in Algiers Tangier Casablanaa Oujda TumIs Gibraltar Naples Brindisi (temporary) Palermo Corsica A mobile unit has loft Palermo to join Colonal Huntington's base, and operators are being drawn from Algiers to an the equipment, which places a great strain on the base stations. Traffic is continuously on the increase, due to activities in Corsica and the group with the Fifth Army. There is cuts need for additionaluirsonnel Of all categories. All unnamessary traffic sho be abandoned, as otherwiss it will bio impossible to maintain contact With all active agent circuits. Lately, the enemy has shomn signs of jamming our circuits. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 3, ? 7 ? marricse MANCH FCR FT Chiefs Major Charles B. McGehee Approximately Ipt00 ibs. of all types of 60 supplies have. been 'hippo& to Colonel Uuntingtents Yifth Army group and approximately double that quantity to the forward base In Corsica. It is estimated that, with the 2.1.79s, ehiah have teen assigned, approximately 500,000 lbs. of SO supplies will have to be pecked in containers during tho first six months of 1944. Additional personnel is urgemtly needed. Olt r 41% rt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 La - AMOR! ON CAPAAIA On:RATION NO. I 1,1! 1,31. IA g w This operation was carried out in compile:2e* with Memorandum of 0-3 Section AM of 1 October 1943, subjest: nnneTwAion4 ta iftSe4r. 011 19 October a smell Operational Group left the advanced base, eith the object to reeonnolter"and occupy the island of Capraia. Previously received information indicated that there were no Germans an the island and the only troops were two Cambineri under the eommand of a sergeest major. Information was also given as to the lay- out of the teen, locations or telegraph and radio stations, cable hut, the Carabineri Barraeks, and the landing bomb. Scam: of these informers were taken aloft as guides with the small preliminary party who were to scout before the main landing. The group was transported by a British mine 'weeper. Arriving off Ceprala harbor at 2200 hours, the preliminary scooting party and guides were sent ashore. The night was alma- and the moon rose at 2230, at which time men and supplies were successfully landed on the jetty. The first objective was the radio station, Which was closed. The radio operator living next door 'ens awakened, informed of the Allied occupation of the island, and ordered to open the telegraph office. The telegraph line and cable to Elba was shut off immediLtely, as was the radio contacting Gorgon... The American radio operator was stationed in the telegraph roo* and instructed to see that no messages were sent without his approval. Next, the Archpriest of the town was interviewed and promised full cooperation. He mentioned that two or three Fascist eoldiers in a cabin distant 3 kn. had a radio set which should be cut off immediately. He mentioned food as being the most necessary item, as only two weeks' rations were left on the island. By this time, the advance party had entered the town. They were encountered by the Carabineril who welcomed them enthusiastically, and confirmed the priest's report of a radio station in the hills. An officer with sufficient tbritti wa?ab nprlacsifiAci and Aoproved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 enlisted men was despatehed to in the station and see that it was put out of action. Sinls Potential uses of Capraia to Allies: 14 Observation pest. Aireraft and ship spotting. Radar station. 2. Base for operations either to itlba or the nalalamd. 3. Plage for housing prisoners of var. tZFCRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SICRET 11UNCLANLISMISWINL212,tatilad The attached copy of a commendation received by an OdS officer covers the 'ark of an OM detaehmest during the N?opolitan Canpaign. Although the diptaahment was spread very thin anew various attacking units of thit Army, effectiva work has been dens, and some of the major accomplishment: ara aa foIlmwai 1. klientemamt and mix men accompanying the 36th Division assault obtained local information sad by ddleP Infiltration took the surrender of Agropoli same hours ahead of the scheduled assault. This tren subsoquently boacame the right flank anchor for the Fifth Army lines* 2* They established liaison between the headquarters of General Clark and high-ranking Italians, both military and civil, who have sabeequantly become useful as &genie and organisers. 3, !ha commander of the detachment arrived at an advanced post of rangers who ware holding one flank of the operation. The group had been cut off froz the main body and was holding a forty-mil* front with vary few troops And practically no staff. The OBS detachment recruited four hundred civilians hp unload ammunition, and infil- trated to trench mortar detachments in the mountains. 4. For ten days 088 supplied the Army security organisation on the Vietri peninsula. A Chain of com, mmnication as established, stretching from the battle lines as far back as the frontier of Switzerland and into France as far as Lyons. These chains were obtained through the cooperation of the OBS office in Berne. 5. ay the seventh day of the attack, with all Oatt groups working togethar, including new Italian rearuits, an average of 20 infiltrations of the line was maintained per day. Infornation secured led to nine bombing missions, with the consaquent destruction of such stratagic material. 6. OSS supplied AMG and CIC with eight Italian-born officers, who proved very valuable. Also, these organisa- tions were supplied with current information as the line moved forward, 7. Five OSS men contributed to the formulation of tLe final plans to occupy Naples: npriaccified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ???? 31 (a) An OBS lieutenant planned the zoning at the city. (b) OBS men guided advanced patrols into the city. CHET (e) OBS intelligence an medical amd sanitary revairemeRts.; loeation of delayed mines and booby traps, saved many lives in the occupation of the city. (WM To secure this information, the city of Naples was penetrated many times by members of the OBS detachment.) (d) A list of the prominent Fascists in Naples was secured ehich led to the arrest of many. OBS head- quarters were established in the home of the most prominent Neapolitan Fascist. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 -12- (cm) HKADQV IRS FIFTH Ann' A.P.0). #464 IL S. Army SUBJECT t Commendation t Au. OW Officer'. 4 October 1943. 1. I wish to commend and compliment you for the; fine work and superior B111131-101?- ill which you have. conducted OW d.uti,ea under the, direction. of' A.G. arS.,. C--," -I. Fifth Artily* during the, five months, May 1 - October 1 1943. 2. For the period with which Fifth Army was re- sponsible for counter-Intelligenze in.Akrucco, the 053., under your direction, geve a valuable contribution in connection. with combat and, counter intelligence ac tivities. During combat in. Italy, yeupshowed initiative, energy, and resourcefulness in organizing informer service and he/ping the military effort in any way possible, including the delivery of supplies when the need far such arose. 3. Regret very much losing your aervicea at this time and wish you every good luck in the future. /s/ EDWIN B. HOWARD, EDWIN B. HOWARD, Colonel, G.S.C., LC. of Sw, 44'*2 ..ate, 4'*$ 44COM Will 'ft Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 WO USE PIRSONNEL awe Statise ferserd Bibelot Combat Statism tgori. Iiii Clew filik Corp* Tisdale, Area sem NM &MARY REPORT 011 IIIMICIAL MAIM, 04 OM sib OUP Oetaber 1943 .gtiCm is& MUIR 7 1 2 L$. 7 5 2 U.S. 1 I 1 I a 1 3_ 1 2 2 111 In 6 Cgeivetisees Forsocnel Waal. 13 rosebst MAL WIRATITIS 53 SECRET U Italian 6 17 .... 61 , , 1 4 - Vitale*, Wit estop Massa are welded. At, isimitise aed downtime material ars obtainable. - are seeded ($100,000) isimatinttgo - Matteson Saie, Implas 1011k asap. amoiale 4th Guys ratable 'training Area (beatemplated) Viet Statism (ow In speratioss demi esmoloittees) laisLait lama& - Eight WIT Imperatore - P. O. W. 'mistiming. Callsetiorn mid evaliotios. zingaighglag Clearing robot for inferimaties remits& free Combat Stattsm. lespeesible for Imeg Imo latelligenee (25 eilse behind the linos). Imps with treleing es that gireduatee? see sate :smart fir briefings oritheet delay. _ U414.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 4.1 ? _ OM. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Capri latilIrettas st ogsonne 11 bM So Ursa libo find *sir low bast Sill Asirat repolit. Mir mid 00 amps - Pronial infiltration (lip tokiaeN Lissa) for oat information, provide protero. SECRET Tor as to paints te On 0-2, II* 25 silos video awl 1ntosi- Lik.511111=11 boes manned to 1 to seaman& at inaninstiseis hos C.O. 5Ik /am posolvei. .100911112.22-2in - etymon an ilsples ens inn soverei_ 0011 tams. Intsmentias la eurrostly semintad fret taint tin last lima. 2. 7..11. Charaggia - gm:stare Imo la Naples polar to tie wary et Foross. C1aaraine Patreis goldsd the 23rti Armored Prizado lato liegas. City otrisials fres Was mare brought out try Oil ma prier lo the entry of LI. limeys plasm. morun aliaggEWL 1. &sit range a. ilk Carps Area - 2 Agents b. 1001 Corps Area - 3 Agssike-Italtarne area. 2. Lane leari (25 miles behind enemy lines) a. It woe - I aisimask le I 11 '7 a. mason ,bros yenta ant 11/1 igiorater is s. Corsica Area - sae tam en rants. 2111101&2111_ 1. tik Corps Area - Cleasesse petrels and guides. 2. Italian Gails tralaing. 3. Teltenva-bass Area - tem trained and ready. is - Cress Casnittoo 111111111A11.111111 liaison with all Italian grasps that are4 ilispesed to be balptel. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Txr a ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - Jona APICAS THEME OPERATIOIS MOST FRal cAugs RECEIVED Order of Battle reports received, 6. Three B-17 bombers were assigned to the OSS mission and special crews chosen to be trained in landing operations while the aircraft are undergoing necessary modifications. An Air Officer on a fuIl- time basis has been secured to supervise this activityt. An OSS detachment working with the Navy lamded on the islands of Sans tat and Vantotene and secured the bloodless capitulations of the Iasi garrisons. Ninety-five prisoners were taken and much valuable in, formation received frogs their questions. Communications were established between the base and these islands. An OBS officer working with the MO section has been recommended for promotion with the following cita- tions Since March the first, the leaflet section has produced and distributed more than 170000,000 leaf- lets. Headquarters has declared that these leaflets have contributed to the success of military opera- tions. Al]. echelons of this command have praised the knowledge, enterprise, devotion, to duty, and un- tiring fidelity of the section chief." Another OSS officer received the following in- structions and successfully concluded the mission: SO Instructions to Lt. Col. OSS. Instructions were secret - to be memorized and not to be taken into the field. Operation wSplean". Object - 1. a. To deliver a message to the Com- manding Italian General. b. To set up communications between C.O. and the Italian Government. Information: 2. Disposition of enemy troops. 3. Disposition of Italian troops. 4. Attitude of Italian troops toward Nazis. 5. Attitude of Italian troops toward U.S. (believed friendly) 6. You will carry a letter from Gen. C. to C.O. Italian troops in Sardinia. 7. You will be dropped by parachute with your men near Cagliari. It will be a blind drop, no reception committee. 8. Action on Landing - After bury W T ,ets hide W/T operators, expo Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - -2- SECRET flags and report to nearest Italian. troops. Deliver your Credentials and ask to be directed to the Commanding General. Arrange with WIT operators that, if you fail to return in 48 hours they are to leave the sets buried and proceed to carry out the mission themselves. 9. You will deliver the latter to thg, Gnu.- manding General or the highest rank- ing officer you can reach. All your party mast know where you are carrying the letter, in the event of casualties, and what action to take. You are to advise the C. General that yott have two W/T sets and are prepared to open communication for him with the. Italian Government. 10. In the event the General asks for sup- port or information explain that your mission is to deliver the message. His own government should receive such requests. However, you should attempt to persuade the Italians to turn and attack the Nazis explaining that this is the wish of the Italian Government, in accord- ance with the terms of the Armistice. If it appears that the Nazis are remain- ing on the Island you may - a. Offer instructors in Demolition and Sabotage. b. Attempt to persuade any Germans to desert. Communication: 11. Signal plans have been arranged by the operators. You will relay all messages for the General. You will report an the situation and troop dispositions. 12. Escaping - Necessary in3tructions and equipment have been prepared. 13. Ccmpletion of Mission - You will be in- formed by W/T when mission is completed and return arrangements. 14. Administration - Details have been ar- ranged by you with OSS and ISSUE). (Compressed) The satiifaction received by this office from General Roosevelt is quoted in a previous section of this report, "OSS dctivities". Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-A Lt. 1* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 -3- SECRET During the month General Donovan inspected the operations in this theatre and was impressed by the significant contributions that OSS was making to the military operations. He cited the fact that OSS per- sonnels irrespective of assignment, was cooperatiang with the military services in any capacity that was He cites an instance where two or (Aix- men who had never made a parachute jump volunteered to accompany an airborne mission into Sicily. The RNA studies of Southern Italy were of great value in the late operations and 12 copies are now re- quested by ANG. The SI mission dropped radio and other necessary snpplies to French resistance units in Southern Frames. A. maritime mission to Spain was successfully concluded durinw the month. RgCI4ET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SECRET NORTH AFRICAN TREATER OF OPERATIONS OBS ACTIVITIES REPORT AUGUST 1943 JAmmag ? Since all the facilities and personnel of the 083 Detachment in North Africa have been devoted exclusively to activities in connection with -.he military operati.ns in the Theater, there has beam no opportunity to conpile a report of the day by day activities in the Theater. This brief summary has, therefore, been prepared in Washington on the basis of a--,re or less sketchy information reeeived by cable from the Theater. ;icily' cadLtaJy- When the Seventh Army moved into Sicily, the Army Command requested that we supply an 088 it to accompany their Field Headquarters and to operate under the direction of the Field Headquarters. A small contingent of about twenty officer and enlisted personnel landed with -.he troops and almost immediately after the enemy were engaged, infiltrated two combat intelligence nissions through the enemy lines. These two missions rendered outstanding service to the Seventh Army Command and the combat intelligence furnished ny the iris highly commended by G-2 Field Headquarters. One of the missions encuuntered difficulty with the enemy but the SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - 2 SECRET personnel and facilities of the mission were saved through great personal courage on the part of several individuals, one of whom was taken prisoner of war In the later stage of the campaign, a combined 083-Navy mission transported by PT boats effected a bloodless capture of the island of Stromboli, taking a number of prisoners and important enemy documents. $I work is continulng in the prosent Italian eampaign although no details are available. When the Firth Army moved into combat, an 088 Detach.. neat also accompanied thee. This mit, lade up of sore diversi- fied personnel representing not only $I and Communications, but also $O, Operational Groups and Services personnel. No report has yet been resolved on the activities of this mission. =mg ? A continual flow of valuable intelligence is maintained by our stations in. Southern Frances which have been augmented by an additional teem reeently. SO has been engaged in planning and training in coop-. oration with SON. This preliminary work has all been done in anticipation of possible requests from the Theater Cannander far SG work if forthcoming military operations into Southern Transe require such work to be done. SO.602 plans are closely ate' with the European Command and an adequate organisation is rapidly being established in the North African Theater with both command and operative personnel either in the Theater or enroute. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nn14nnn1_R ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - 3 - SEC REI( MO work in the !forth Afriean Theater has been wholly un- der the direst:Loa of the PsyehoiesioalWarftre Ilranskoftho Ars,. Is have leaned to this Oraneh available personnel lobos* work in thelisilias (wavelet has been highW esureaded. Omder the direction of the loaned personnel, over seventy million leaflets were printed and distributed, which combined with other operations were highiy saaative in w.Sin yeeistaese of essay nilitary forests and in *resting a reeeptive attitude among the civilian population. ifti.1111111111a Comm teatime, Services, I & A and other Itranebes represented in the or Afriaan Theater have mode valuable, althmeghlmus spestaeular contributions to the conduet of the Mediterranesa campaign. !Aare detailed reports on their activi- ties will be available for the September summary. Agent TrasanartntARB A series of difficulties in obtaining air transpor- tation for agent paraobutage has finally led to a satisfactory arrangement with AYE. Our right to use available !militia* has been clearly established; and in addition there have recently been assigned to us two S-17s with crews, exclusively for OBS air operations. Adaptation of the equipment and training of the crews is now under way. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? s r FIE -N4, REPORTING k0341) r SECRET During December the Reporting Board distributed reports to interested agencies as shown in the following breakdown: I. t/1144 4 Dec. Dec. Type of 1 Agency Report 1 I G-2 AFH-Original reports-- 67.g 67* g9 1 .. - Oss wo-a-Z17:-. ,I,....z i3) ___ 1 G-2 AFHQ-OSS London , reports--9 , _k ..?,/ 1 _ 4 G-2 AFHQ - Fignting French reports-- 15 6g 22 / 0 ? G.--.2. ALsos - Or.; a1 v-ep .r k 18 Dec. NAT 25 Dec. G-2 NATCUSA Original reports-- 1 i 1.,-;----, A-2 NAAF -Original reports-- 63 (13 85 85 _i_. itrY 0 5 5 idoeoLt.t.:_st.:. .%it.....,c __ __ ' A-2 NAAF -CSS London repo-ts-- 4 1 3 ? , hT.;" V4,..1.,4-;,-,- P-1,411-.^1 1v2-111.1 -4.-Ly,_,,,, ,......,.. 5 reports-- /7 411e. GI 22 gi 0 AI .2 366 NAPR7: - Oriinal reports-- 28 19 3S 3 Nij - Fintin2 rench ,-t q__ is) /0 N 1Utip - retio-ts-- Lefy MI-9 - Original report-- T 1 re, orts-- 64 14 - ? ?---- - )-17- It 1". 4: . ? ? t ??-? ? ``' ? ? ? ? ? S. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 o ,- 4gammomegmew, REPORTING begM5- ? 57CRET Original reports edited and distribqted by this officei:V 4 Dec. 11 Dec ,/ 67 67/7 oiA Reports distributed from OSS Londpn: 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 9 2 Fightinc Erench reports aistributear 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 20 68 Total number of disseminations 18 Dec. T-- 18 Dec. 7401 - 18 Dec. / 3 4 NAT 25 Dec. 59 25 Dec. 25 Dec. 69 going forward.to interested agencies 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 520 524 18 Dec./ 7 3 3 / Dec. 6 P7 Through OSS repre.sentc.tive:,at advancea oases, the following distribution was made: To 5tn ?tit 066 C,Liro- 686 Lonaon- 13 4- (3, I oR (Frencl. intell. ar. 37 orig. rr-rtc ?.9 7 orig. reports 6 ori. 6 orig. reports th- oalance s:eht rc.D. 18 Dec. .26 3.2 -Z cr79. 41% /3 1 5 3 if .7 7 8 go 1 5 ) lncluainc. u Cp. (7 ?laid 3f / /0f 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SECRET Original reports edited and distributed by this office 434 Reports distributed from OSS Washington 26 Reports distributed from OSS London 40 Fighting French reports distributed 360 Total number of disseminations going forward to interested agencies 3,403 Through OSS representatives at advanced bases, the following distribution was made: Fifth Army 194 Seventh Army 159 OSS Cairo 12 OSS London 56 Bari 7 SR (French Intelligency Agency) 494 BCRA (Fighting French Agency 373 The remainder went to civilian agencies, including AMG, CA, NAEB, PWB AND FCD. - 5(a) - SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-R Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Original reports edited and distributed by this office 434 Reports distributed from OSS Washington 16 Reports distributed from OBS London 40 Fighting French reports distributed 360 Total number of disseminations going forward to interested agencies 3,403 BRET Through OSS representatives at advanced bases, the following distribution was made: Fifth Army . . . ********* ? 194 Seventh Amp ? . 159 OSS Cairo 12 OSS London * 56 Bari 7 SR (French Intelligency Agency) 494 BCRA (Fighting French Agency 373 Akita' G ? The remainder went to civilian agonelass CA, NB, PWB AND YCD. -5(a) - intA3.?tiffw4a, a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Ronn1nn1 Annni .? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Mai Original reports edited and distributed by this office 434 Reports distributed from OSS Washington 26 Reports distributed from OSS London 40 Fighting French reports distributed 360 Total number of disseminations going forward to interested agencies 3,403 Through OSS representatives following distribution was made: at advanced bases, the Fifth Army 194 Seventh Armee . . .. ? S S ? * 159 OSS Cairo 12 WS London . ? ? ? At 56 Bari 7 SR (Trench Intelligency Agency) 494 BCRA ,Fighting French Agency . 373 The remainder want to civilian agencies, MG, CA, NB, PWB AND FCD. -5(a) - including SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100i4000i_R Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 following Original reports edited and distributed by this office . ? . ? . 434 Reports distributed from OSS Washington. 16 Reports distributed from OSS London 40 Fighting French reports distributed 160 ? Total number 1 disseminations going forward to interested agencies 3,403 4 2 fiva W4ft Through 035 representatives at advanced bases, the distribution was Jade: Fifth Army Seventh Armr .,194 159 12 mcla r,.4r0 VOta OSS London . . . . . . ... Bari . . SR (French Intelligency Agency) BCRA (Fighting French Agency 7 494 373 0 The remainder went to civilian agencies, including AIG, CA, N.A37,13, PWB AND FCD. -5(a) - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000ionunnni _R ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Original reports edited and distributed by this office *** . 434 Reports distributed from OSS Washington 16 Reports distributed from OSS London 40 Fighting French reports distributed 160 Total number f disseuinations going forward to interested agencies 3,403 Through OS representatives at advanced bases, the following distribution was made: Fifth Army 194 Seventh Army ? . 159 OSS Cairo 12 O66 London . 56 Bari 7 SR (French Intelligency Agency) ? ? ? 0 494 BCRA (Fighting French Agency . 373 Ml U, The remainder went to civilian agencies, including CA, NAEB, nil AND FCD. - 5(a) - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Original reports edited and distributed by this Office 434 Reports distributed from OSS Washington 2.6 Reports distributed from OSS London 40 Fighting French reports distributed 360 Total number f disseminations going forward to interested agencies 3,403 Jalraugh riii?.resantatives at advancli4 bases, the following distribution was Lastie: Fifth .ry 194 Seventh Art o ? ? 159 03S Cairo 12 WS London 36 Bari .. (Fren,,h Tr.itellirency Agammr7) ? . 494 BCRA (Fighting French Agency 373 The remainder went to civilian agencies, including CA, NAZE) FWD AND FCD. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Aka, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ??? ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 - 4,.;?????4 c ? ' ????,-.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 IVA3M1101011 OPTICX moot Lasko 1110111111, 1943 I. ?MOM 5110121011. 31 =NM 19AI_ 1 , ? lannalla e. Salty (41 . Gresd- -= 0...* , Alletnesais 171 924 137 303 2$ 10 1,577 ? Raernited 14 1,125 941 131 17' 1S 454 ormiiiiistflk -.17 -201, 39 172,1 11 -1 -7 On duty 117 921 941 131 17 11 1,374. 1,950- 313014-- ? - ?yr 3,$79 lia3 dirpilb k amt. ir 0"8""- Recruited Me 2,702 47 122 11 14 3,791 amohl/gatedt- 40. irn 104 a 21 7 1,137 - Overtess- V.zq. eank.la. 9 ?cz 141 2.702 101 210 20 21 3,922 455 4,3717 prekengLe_ ,41.7f _ --Lt. Colonel Biebant P. ileppeer, Chiefs ASS, South Bast Asia. Co1oo?1 Oliver J. fleades Jr., agsber of Board of Officers, vice Lt. Colonel L 11,ueghlrok. le3jamelk-41araee Peters Acting Liaison Officer, vice -Captain Dan_ 2, Lore. ? IL Andersen Chief of Cestral Z*rope tics of Barepe-Afirirea Robert Dew, aziet of liLtlitar) Supply and Isaposr &potion of Far Bast Division, (j.g,) Nurnard Derr, MR, Liaison Officer th. ILLAUlgolig--Richard Bartshornto Assistant Director of the Branch, in. charge of research._ 2 ltratit `25. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SE CRE 'CP I a & Brea "11 Mad, $940eial **presentative of the tor of the iiremeh? - - , - le-44 itesigh--t. Martin llilbuz, Osier of China of Tar Seat Divisive. ?*jet ilaharda.Riddell4 Chief of JICt tics, vice. Major trederiek F. Tedid. SSUltasch--14. Colonel. Cliftoa Co Carter, Chief. :_j-aton Bodfish, Deputy Chief. Ir? JI4rIcZMflc1 A. KAM& faandieliallailiX AIM Leroolew ULUOIlla On. post - 57, la preemie - 44, Delano* seeded - 60. Blink 4,074 iimajba_gt All reports originate with foreign. servises; therefore, evaluation is Dot in order_ hisnaga langsla. By pouch 67,4, cable - 29. igially.AL British Intelligente spot cheek (October, November, Masai Decombar): Valuable - Of little maw - 16% Criticised - if* NO comments - 4% Arialazgainti 1. Incroased atteretarial and code personnol hava racilitated the handling of reports. 2. AL spocialist on Osman penetration as been transferred to tba Stockholm base. An& Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg) On post - 5, in process - 4, Balance needod Borth Central &trope On post - 17, la process - So Balsas* seeded - 15. -2-. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 3 .1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 (-41-41--L7A grq 77.41W2), 11-1-41-c-(67;t--A4 ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Ara ZWAININSai ailak =Mak =24. =Lim AilitELIMNIAL SFCRFT 13 All reports originate with foreign services; therefore, evaluation is not in order. Irene* (London)* PcmPt - 9, in process - 31 Balaue? needed - 0. (Algiers)s On post - 9, In process -5, Selene* needed -' In both Lomdas and Algiers reports are routed direst to 0.4. Scitserland On post - 5. It is impossible to introduce fl parrscamael. 151 16 The Chief of SI hes been able to persuade the gut. Departasa to op. r a eoma1ats at Lawn, frog idtieh an 8.1 representative can maintain Unison with resistance groups operating in Northern Italy. 2. juSALASZIAnnimiter Aina Una& .111111331 Qualitv at Pilmortig Arsai/UNIRIE Spain On post - 25, In process - 6, Balance needed - 25 2311 XIS evaluation: Second most valuable received. A now mission has been established, to coordinate all activities surrounding French penetration. -3.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001- ,IMPFT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Aria Zsgasanal ftfigt ArAinsmals. Alia ZILINIOSIa kind& Afitalanned gc CHET Portugal, Azores, igadeira On post - 11, In process - 51 Balance needed-0. 366 Liaison has been established with a well- accredited Trench underground group, through a French representative in Lisbon. Italy and Albania On post -173, In process - 20, Balance needed - 2. 50 (The majority of report. are furnished direct to S-2). Five new advenee bases have been established-- two on the Italia& mainland sad three in adjimont territory. 3. iladdia Iaat-Central Africa Theater Mainsail c. Africa (other than Algiers) On post - 27, In process - 7, Balance needed - 25. By cable - AI, By pouch - 291. 1. The whole SI Africa Section has been brought into close liaison with the Middle Bast-Central Africa Theater by our itshington representative, who has proceeded to Cairo for this purpose. Under tha arrangement, the Strategie Services Officer for the Biddle Bast will control all 31 and 70-2 work in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. 2. In Angola, the Belgian Congo, and British Vest Africa progress has been made in the uncovering of an industrial diamond-smuggling weration which may have far-reaching results. 3. In British West Africa, an arrangement has been made whereby all passengers on the Pan-American clippers will be subjected to questioning by the British Intelligence. As - 4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 VA' easorir ItanAMILi a result, Axis agent: who are ready to depart will be unable to do se. 4. In Portuguese Bast Africa, the remnants of the Fascist organisation in that territory have been disorganised, and the majoritr re- patriated to Italy. ArM Africa #701 (kifiaqa? Field, Prenek lost Africa, Algiers, and Cairo. So area restric- tions on long-range operations) (SI) On poet - 12, In process - 14, Balance needed - 5. (Communications) On poet - 11, In process - 7, Miami' needed -10. 43 (There is no record of technical reports during the month, beta total will be shoos in the Januar/ report.) smalluAL As the majority of reports are higbly technical, Benoit& they are impossible ta evaluate, except that all technical information is used by all imp- telligence agencies in the area , both in the location of enemy transmitters and apy parachute activity where there is an attempt to communicate with the base. lailmriMents 1. Progress has been made in the location of a suspect station in Yugoslavia, in spits of the fact that the range is somewhat beyond the outside limits of detection. Another suspect station; in Ric de Oro, 13 being watched?also a station located somewhere in Southeast Africa. 2. The Federal Communications Commission has requested and received recorded observations which they have found to be of great 'lam*. 3. The Dakar station continues to aid in the locating and guiding of lost airplanes. An& Southeastern Europe (Greece) On post - 600 In process - 8) Balance needed - 15 VT operators. (Yugoslavia) On post - 112 In process - 160 Balance needed - 15 WiT operators. MKT anri Annroved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 11:2M Arligizsmai 23/191MILI. Marla Amami COmmania) On post - 6, (Salgaria) On post - 2, (Hungary and On post -.AL 281Ala 99 a in proses* = 1, Is process = Or Czechoslovakia) In process 24 RFC Balance swede! - 0. Islam* needet - 0. Islam. needed Greece Si lUgoslaVta 200 Rammala - 12 Bolgeria - lea Memsery and Czeeheslovakia lai Nap Section. =la 599 L. TWe teems eassisting of eme &goat, one interpreter vide, salons radio operator, were Issistemtiks isstind Si!. Ore's*. 2. One soot has been suceessful polka- trstimi angemssing out of Greece on may occaslome4 bringing with him valuable information. 3. laoom000 worth at soncentrated foods Ma been &geared at forwarded to Avenel. Oases, fres whore it will be introdaced into Omega,. 4. The advance base at Bari has been set up emit is new fmactLossingolth the mails idea of supplying Partisan forces, Tageolavia. two teams -Alava basin diapatched to the Partisan tortes and are already is sem- munication with the base office. 54. Ten auccillont Tusoslav sasses have re- ceived 058 training and are prepared to depart during the month of January. 6. The Rumanian Swaim has boos strengthened and many new and excellent contacts established with loading Rumanian* i-eald.r.at im or traveling between Istanbul and Rumania. 30 Sear last On post - 20, La process - 4, Balance needed - II. By pouch - 127, By cable - 2$. -6 SFCRFT, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ,Asigazinalia 4. Ana AIM Amnia lassilnd liskinsmatia a 7.1 r t 1-4." 7 IT rga Ift MIS spot cheek: Definitely valuable - Confirmed or probable . 830% CUrromt - 79% Originality - *Reports emanating from Baghdad, Irmo Pyrites and Beirut are uniformly of huh quality throughout.* Medical aid was secured by the chief OMB agent for the wife of the prime minister of Iraq. fM raftialliabutat Chtna The situation of $I operations in Chloe has bow the subject of the Director's meetings in the Far last, and will be clarified apom the return of the Director to Washington* Two persons have been dispatched to India and are awaiting transport to China. A plan of operations in China has been presented to the Director for approvals until which time further recruitment of personnel has been suspended. Burma, Malaya, Thailand, and Indo-China On post - 4, In process - 13, Balance needed - 20. 68 Progress is being mads, through the inter- viewing of a captured Japanese flier, as to t4* ccf a clazdiTiat1114 airpv.rt thra area. 5. IdUpar Desk?All Areal hingasai ARAVell Receivtig O n post - 19, In process - 4, Balance needed - 290 - 7 - 7. 11:? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ScCRET Final arrangements have been effected for the penetrntion of Germany, Austria, Northern Italy, and Hungary by labor agents who have been trained and are being brisfed in London, Algiers, and Maples. a. ILBEINE I Advert& or ForoUD latiasalitr Group ibettaga 3, meetings were covered by PM personnel, in- volving the following nationality groups: German ?radio Union* Americans of Croatian Deocent Free Italy Labor Cowell Germans In Now York CifOr Polish-Amities* Socitilles laminiaa Congress Committee Trade Unionists of MUngarian Descent Sungarian-Anerican Couneil for Democrmey Russian Mutual Aid Society United Comnittee of South Slav Americans Austrian Action American-Slav Congress of Illinois American-Slav Congress of Michigan France Forever Polish Institute of Arts and Scititnefis Lithuanian D=acratie Conf*rence LJUnita del Popolo Comnittee of Unification Hispana National Council of Soviet-American Friendship Friends of Italian Freedon Serb 'National Defense Council groups* 2. Situatiog ReDorta am Foriagn_Ealltuisa ACIGIVIVIOS IM The United btatea 140 reports were received, eovering the following Arabic Armenian Austrian Bulgarian Carpatho-Russian Czechoslovakian - 8 - fa or ivf.1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 groups t Finnish French ItaUa Osman Oreek Hungarian Lithuanian Norwegian Palestinian Polish Romanian Russian Syrian Ukrainian Yugoslavian 3. /122aLihraalasaLlianasakatzu 74 reports were receivad, covorlag the following Austrian RelOats lbalgarlaa Czechoslovakian Dutch Finnish German Hungarian Italian Litkr4anian Norwegian Palestinian Polish Russian Spanish Ukrainian Yugoslavian 4. ?ortolan Lanzuage Pram& Readiagp .Ual lam= Publigations Dizestat wistern Europe gilinal 1 Spain 3 lastern Europe and Albania 1 Balkans Bulgaria 3 -.9-. RET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 1 ;.4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SFC County Esikurjaignaldwast Carpatho-Russia 3 Estonia 2 Greece Hungary 13 Poland 5 Lithuania 1 Croatia 1 Rum*nia 6 Russia 6 Serbia 4 Ukra? 1 Slovenia 3 Near East Arabia 7 Armenia 2 Pa1est5ne 5 North and Central Czechoslovakia 5 3nropo? Including Belem! 1 Italy _ Slovakia 6 Denmark- . 2 5. Hellos' Ptalamt Germmy Italy Norway Sweden 6 7 22 20 3 5 31 reports were disseminated, covering the following subjects: Spanish Republican Committee of Liberation Slovenian Politics in the United States The Nosciuszko League of Detroit Carpatho-Russian Clue to Soviet Policy Yugoslavian 7iews on the Provisional Government inside Yugoslavia The Appointment of Ban Subasich to the Advisory Council on Italy The polish Prczz in =a Unit?d Stater, Ex-King Carol and Rumanian-Aliericans wernsuiddb 1"..r Pi?lIsh-Roviet Priand-K4p* John Evapinsky and the Polish Crisis Armenian Language Presso in the United States State of Italian Politics in the United States -10. r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 TY, Vt. Archduke Otto and Csodhoslovak Opposition The Austrian_ Press in the United State. sAmeriaan-Ausgarian Observer* Angle-Anerioan Policy in Italy (Communist view) Austrian Beprwleatative Committee in London German Nation:LI Committee Plana in the United States The lassini Society and a Mew Free Italy Movement Otto of lavabos* Bedsit on Chrschoslovak Relations Austrian. Social Democrats and the Anachluss Catholic View of the Small Nations and Soviet Russia Boviet-Bussian Policy on Austria United States Foreign Born and the 1944 flections Controversy over Count Sforma in the Catholic Press Revival of Central, and astern Bureposa Planning Board in New York Text of the Spew* br Field Marshall Jan Smuts C. LAIJUNamudi 1. Igmegai Increased stenographic help has alleviated somewhat the serious shortage in this Branch. Yammer, space and personnel continue to be of prime importanee. 2. Current Intel-licence Start a. JIC --Five articles edited by the Staff on the basis of 3rsada prepared by R & A were pub- lished in the four issues of the Summary for December. About two-thirds of the text of the Summary was also the work of the Staff. Tho Staff has boon recoiving cooperation from other R & A Divisions and the Projects Committee in making available to the Staff reports suitable for the JIC Summary. This Summary forms a very valuable outlet for tho disseminatian of Branch reports dealing with current psychological warfare and politichl analysis. b. gigligalataligswa_22112j1--Three reports suitable for this Series are now in process. c. alliggs--The lists of individuals authorised to as* the ?V ROOM have Wen revised, sod U.* tout-oat* or this Boon are now available to a larger number of appropriate per- sonnel froa all Branches. The BA-Meekly Presentation Plports in the PM Room have continued to attract a maximum audience and very favorable comment. Declassified and Approved For Release 201 11 F 3/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Srf, d. A request from lie Joint Chiefs of or pat solos to disseminate these *Sparta-oat-side 088 hes been presented to the Directervsnd this diiition Is now pending. e. Anew-request has been received by the ta or t 5,_easbismatth, of a Special report on_Oerman Morals and the Gerliii0,0000lic situation for thi joint Intelligence Committee. The:rirst report, preparid leintly hy the Bconomics 8Ob..divisiam the Political SUb..diviiion and the Current Intelligence Staff et' forwarded an 24 Dtsember 1943. 3. AULAULIALMI The.Cartogralihy Section received 15 map requests amd 68 maps were pompleted during December. The Map InforMatiom Section roCeived 692 maps, loaned 494 end the total balance outland is 258.939. 447 naps were re- produced and 3,03 catalogs'. , Commendation ,was -received an the maps used at the Cairo conferences,. There is a distinct rise in the out,067#t servi0o, wraith,breaka down as rollout requests, requests, Caire Algiers - Bowlulu - London - lictag=f: 3.934 71 37 28 32 32 The Topographic Models Section received 14 completed 10; and 211 models are in progress. ihe Special Photography Section received 27 processed 130 titles and 76 mats. 4.. &rope-Africa Divisign The Psychological Warfare Subdivision wider- took six new studies dealing with various phases of the situation in North and South Africa. The Balkan Section has been working with the translation, evaluation, and reproduction or captured Chetnik documents. The Central Igurope Section has in process 12 reports having to do with various problems affecting 12 erimry NMI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 etQa4 Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Austria. Me Italian Seetioa has boon working c..". a translation of a language test for the Army AS TP program; The Sear East Section has four reports in progress, and the, Western Europe Section has undertakes seven new studies. Topographic Intelligence Subdivision began work on two sections of the German Handbook and Planning Guides for CAD, plus.two other reports. the Economic Capabilities Subdivision has undertaken a broad pro graa of work on European cartel and monopoly problem, and three other studies were also under.. taken. Thirty-two new contacts were made, sone of the-nost helpful being with the (British) Dennison Mission, Mr, Senses of the Soong* Babessy end OMESA, and Mr. Max Gottschalk, Director at the Seseareh Institute on Peace and Post-War Problems of the American Jewish Committee. Sight commendations were received. One of the important problems of the Division continues to beth. inability to eommunicate readily with outposts and improved communications are reoommendid. 5. /Mr Seat Diviska KID hes expre.5ed appreciation of the exhaustive study of wThe Japanese Electric Power Industry' and urged the completion of the stwity. Notification has been received of * new JANIS priority list which drops all European studies and sets high priority for seventeen studies an the Par last. A JANIS on Dutell Sew Guinea has already- been initiated. During December much time was spent in inter- viewing persons repatriated an the second voyage of the Gripsholn and in analysing materials and information gives Ir then. Liaison with 4-2 and KIS on problems of Japan's air strength has been improved during the month. A Far /last Division Group has been established at the New Delhi outpost, and uae other group is in process of development at Chungking. Five members of the Division are Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SFCRET 1 now en route, two are ready to leave, and fourteen are in process of training, commissioning, or assignment to R is A for outpost duty. 6, joitin Mello Divisio4 New contacts were made with the Mar Department, and a test of aural comprehension In Spanish was started for them. This Dtvision received a letter of commendation from the War Department. 7? gfilMatvisiaR The following contacts were Nadel Division of Economic Studies of the State Department Liaison Officer between the Departments of State and Agriculture Chief of the Bureau of Food Nutrition and Home Economics of the Department of Agriculture British, War Office railway Specialist British Army Staff Mission rail transport ? specialist Aeronautical Chart Service The former Chief of the East-Nuropeon Branch, MID, commended the Division on its report on Soviet Guerrilla Warfare. Two parts of the comprehensive report an Russian Capabilities and Prospects are now being reproduced. The draft of another section of this report was sent to the UNRRA Con- ference, and was highly commended by the member of TEA who had requested the report. Another report (Civilian Health in the USSR) is in preparation for this same member of YEA. Excellent data of great value have been re- ceived from the USSR Division representative in London. It is felt that there is great need for a USSR Division -representative in oscow? in order to take advantage of the additional information which should be available in view of the recent conferences at Moscow and Teheran. 8. k_tarlapcdassialidimatin During the month this Committee received 5,898 issues of original publications and 11,954 issues of publications on microfilm. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ;5 create"' %Flat if 7,073 issues of original publications were loaned to 17 agencies, and 49,659 issues microfilmed and distributed to 49 agencies. Lists 25 through 34 of original publications available for loan were prepared and distributed. Subject Index published and distributed four issues of the *Subject Index to Foreign Publications,* covering 3,340 items from publications of 12 countries, furnished 158 original abstracts of articles to 10 agencies, and distributed 5,597 copies of these to 17 agencies. 9. Centpal Information Pivisigia The efficient operation of the Division con- tinues to be hampered by inadequate space and a shortage of personnel. The Accession Sub-unit handled 6,575 documents, of which 2,812 were regular documents, 1,363 were on the *L* list, and 863 on the Order of Battle file. The Analysis Sub-unit indexed 3,432 docuaents, an increase of nearly 17% over the previous month. Documents Control Sub-unit handled 19,4199 documents, of which 6,470 were delivered to specialists and 5,592 used in the reading room. Cables Sub-unit processed 3,690 cables, of which 1,127 were classified as secret, 1,928 as restricted, and 635 were Commercial Corporation of North Africa dispatches. Circulation figures in the Library rose 15%. The Pictorial Records Section received 31,102 items, of which 8,130 prints were actually added to the permanent collection. During the same period, 1,414 new items were anal7zad, 13,512 itsma were distributed to the Army, Navy, Department of Justice, the Geological Survey, the FBA, and other Branches of the OSS: Liaison zas az-rallied with orricers irom Britisn Naval Intelligence, the OSS Naval Liaison Office, the OSS Army Liaison Office, ?and YEA. III. gglA110,qsERVICEs OPERATIONS A. SO anch --' -15- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Ap?roved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 offal1. European T4later Area Scandinavia Personnel On post - 5 (personnel requirements complete). Alla Iberian Peninsula (This mission is designed to make a preliminary study and set up communica- tions to support OSS French operations) rersonnel On post - 1, In process - 3, Balance needed - 2. AXIL France Personnel On post - 62, In process - 13. (Final in- structions from London will determine the recruiting objective. Colonel Haskell will visit Washington to arrange for final coordination and instructions.) ALIt Low Countries Persouriel On post - 2, in process - 1. (See above; this group will be coordinated with the French group.) AMR Germany (including Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland) (There is as yet no approved plan for this area based on London.) Personnel On post - Op In process - 14 (The balance needed will depend upon the approval of the plans now in process). ALVA Personnel Area JEDBURGH FLAB On post - 171, In process - 9; Tikaan^* neeAcA AIR OPERATIONS GROUP (This project covers the recruiting of personnel for operations and an air packing station to supply resistance groups in Western Europe). -16- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 E...triLmneti All the required personnel have been made available by tne War Departent? and are due to report on 12 January. SFCRET 2. Nor t1 Africa Theater Personnel On post - 93, In process - 51. (Further recruiting awaits authority from the theater.) Achievements 1. Plans for SO operations in Southern France have been completed and submitted to the Planning Officer for approval. 41. Plans for attacking German communities in Northern Italy are being developed. 3. A new mission of great promise?a follow-up on the Macgregor Mission which was brilliantly concluded in November--has been undertaken under the direction of Lt. CommAnder John U. Shaheen. For security reasons, the objectives of this mission cannot be disclosed. 3. AiStalLithukcjaltz_4_4_210_f Theater kg.E.?.9.9&1111 On post 92, In process - 129, Balance needed - O. (A rearrangement of objectives for this theater has been necessary, due to the elimination of Yugoslays, Greeks, and Albanians from the recruiting program, replacing military and combat personnel with undercover civilians.) 4. China-Burma-India Theater Personnel On post - 107, In process - 83. (Activities in tnis area await the arrival of General Donovan in Washington for clia.ificatton and implementation.) 13, LIQ Brancla 1. huropean Theater t'ersonnel On :Jost - 21 In process - 125. (Recruiting is temporarily suspended, ending clarifica- - 17 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 1110Lipple tion of MO position in the European Theater.) irelleylisins 1. Progress has been made toward filling ttle requirements of recommended names for 30 specialists for PVD, /WAG. 2. Progress has been made In the procure- ment and delivery of a mobile printing unit, together with personnel for PWB, FUSAG. 2. North Africa Theater Personnel On post - 220 In process - 19. (Further recruitment is neld up, pending new allot- ments.) 4chievement4 Two projects are in the organizational stages--one concerning a mission in the Iberian Peninsula, the other to carry on a program of subversion against the German forces in Italy. 3. Acniqyeaemts nddle East-Central Africa Theater On post - 18, In process - 7, Balance needed - 33. Overall and Special 40 Programs have been approved in Washington and have been forwarded to the Strategic Services Officer for Theater Command Approval. These Programs cover 110 operations in Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Hungary. As a result, the major effort henceforth will be to recruit Bulgarian and Hungarian personnel, as there are definite limits on Greek and Yugoslav personnel imposed by the Theater Commander. 4. China-Burma-India Theater Persounel On post - 00 In process - 134, Balanca needed - 106. Achlovemantt 1. Overall and Special Programs are either in the process of formulation or approved by the Planning Group, covering the target areas in this theater. 2. A combined SI-40 project has been drawn LID which involves a transmitter in the Aleutian Islands. Technical problems have - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nnl4nnnl Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 tkrft *7 1, been worked out with Communications Branch, and the practicality of the project has uvau avlauacmax az?auaa*Latu. 3. An eminently qualified chief for operations in Occupied China has been re- cruited and Theater Command Approval secured for transportation to the theater. 4. A competent chief for operations in Thailand has been secured and will leave for the theater as soon 43 transpo-2tation is available. In the cleantime, he is pre- paring special leaflets and other media which will be adopted to the Thailand operation. 5. Sumatra. operations in close cooperation with SI are being considered in Washington and will be worked out in the field. 6. A substantial portfolio of leaflets, cartoons, pictures, and other subversive auterial has been prepared through ..he cooperation of Visual Presentation and will be transported to the theater around the first of Aarch. C. MA branc 1. European Theater Personnel On post - 1, In process - 21 Balance needed - 70. Achievements Two plans have been approved by the Planning Group, covering D and D-X Days for Western Europe and Scandinavia. Pending the final approval of this plan, a nunber or training officers have been sent to the theater in previous months. a. North Africa Theater Personnel On pout - 21 In process O. (It has not yet been estaolished that the plan contem- platec will be of value to the armed forces, and until such t2me no recruiting objec.:ive can be established.) 3. ',fiddle East-Central Africa Theater 2ersonn4 On po.3t 0, In process - 0, oalance needed - 15. (This personnel is required for two plans, based on Yugoslavia anu TurKey, both of which are in the discussion stage) 19 71- a Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? 0091 - 4. China-Dura-India Theater Personnel On post - 0, In process - 48, Balance needed - 30. D. OSS activities in this theater will be closely coordinated with the headquarters of Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten: who is establishing headquarters in Ceylon, at which point Maritime operations will be based. 251_11isardi yersannel A total of 17 officers and 19 enlisted men have reported for duty; and 18 officers and 110 enlisted men have been requested from the Personnel Branch. Achievement, As a result of agreement between 088 and General Chapman of the Airborne Command, OSS participated in the airborne maneuvers in Noloth Carolina. There were 18 officers and 84 enlisted men, under Major Cox--three teams being parachuted behind 'enemy* lines and, after establishinz communicatimo with base headquarters, accomplishing their missions. The work of our unit was com- mended by the officers conducting the MAMOUVIMS? IV.19.111:_..4...0,&Iikki 1C-? SChC01: & Trai,121Pg Braking During December several changes occurred in the facilities operated by Schools & Training, which are. briefly, as fol.-Lars: 1. Th w Aanwa=mut :ichol51 (Area s) was established and put into operation. An estate in Fairfax, Virginia was rented for this purpose. 2. A new school was establiqlleri 'n cne f the Catalina Islands off the coas4 of California, for the purpose of accomodating an expected expansion in mau.itime training. A finishing school for MO students was estab- lished at Area E-3. -20- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 r L4 'L. Ir Although the instructor situation has greatly improved and the extreme shortage of personnel some*hat overeeele, it is etill one of the major difficulties or the Branch. Another factor that has caused considerable diffi- culty is the lack of suitable grades for both officers and enlisted men in the schools and camps. At the present tie, the following schools are in operation: Area A7-A-2 was used during the month as a holding area; all student personnel were given some training during their stay. A-3 was used for the Basic SO-MO course. A-4 was used for paramilitary training, mostly for SO students. A-5 was used as a Finishing School for SO students* Area 4--This area is composed of two camps, designated as B-2 and 13-5, both of which were used during December exclusively for the final stages of OG training. - Arta C--Area C is the OSS Communications School, with some training also being given in weapons, drill, physical training, etc. Area u--Thisis a Pa.ramilitary School, similar to that at A-4. Area E--Another house was obtained during December and designated as the new E-1 school. Basic SI-X2 training will be held at E-1 and E-2 (although during December E-2 was used for MO training). E-3 was used for SI training during December, but will be set up as the new MO Finishing School. Area F--This area is used for CC preliminary training, after which the students proceed to Area B for final training. Area 11--This area; near rhi^mvs is anotnw. Communications School. Training here is more in the preliminary stages than at Area C. Are RTU-1---This is the Finishing School rtJI all it branches. Area S--This area was established during the month as the new Assessment School. A course of three days' duration is furnished, during which -21 v?" t, 1 t.c Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 time students are tested by experts in the psycho- logical and psychiatric field, to determine their fitness for training. Ares WP--This area is located near San Diego, mmpadf^r at=veitim. trOning. Area WA?This is the new area on Catalina Island which was acquired during December. It is to be used for maritime training, and will afford a more permanent location than Area WP. tsg st, The following i3 a summary of the number of students and instructors during the month: Ares. IfilInictors Stuaents A-2 4 80 7 (plus 3 on loan 63 A-4 16 plus 1 on loan 35 3 plus 2 on loan 67 A-5 A-3 B (27 00 instructors) 110 C 4 (plus 14 Communications instructors) 62 D 6 (plus 1 on loan) 43 E 8 (plus 2 on loan) 32 F (17 00 instructors) 161 . w (17 Communications instructors) 30 RTU-11 5 24 S 1 (plus 5 on loan) 15 WP (7 MA instructors) 40 WA 0 S4 Schools & Training 762 Instructors (plus 96 instructors from nthor sources) ?22-- N. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 A tt.FPPCIT s.9 , B. Dalit_jaatagaphlajkansk 1* Washinaton Orrice Washington, D. C., Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Mew York fersonnel 12 civilian employees 7$ officers and enlisted Aen Astialasmatti 1. Ttromty-nine motion picture and still camera crews were employed an work for 088 and the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. 2. The sound recording studio was used an thirty-one occasions. 3. The atill picture labor*tary czapIeted the job of making 29,000 contact prints for Major Tolstoy. 4. Work was completed on the picture entitled, *Abrasives,* for the lielth Air Force, mad the following pictures were in various stages of productions 1.11I *National Gallery of Art* National Gallery of Art ?ommuraw? Navy, Coast Guard *Communications* 088, Communications *08S Activities Report" 088 *Maneuver Report" OSS, Operational Groups *Arny Air Forces" Army Air Forces *Explosives* 088, 880 'Marine Sabotage' OSS, SO *Mine Sabotage" 088, SO "Under Water Operations* OSS, KA u 41111M,...rn lirrrwm Unit' OSS, MA ..rilmas for Xuktil Arkleat 2. Eurooean Theater Area London (special assIgnments to Algiers and Cairo) SECRET -23- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 "ctIllET Pezgonnel 5 officers 27 Navy anliat~i en Acnievezents The office in London has been cooperating with Coastal Command combined operations 03RD and all branches of OSS within the European, north African, and Middle Eastern Theaters. 3- 2111111:41wmk:114.1kilitAIss. Area Chungking, China Personnel, 5 Navy enlisted mon ___________ Exposed color motion picture film has been received from this theater, covering the activities of OSS. alpaca. 21ammia T4 ca-casant2Atia-"Cl"..sa Personnel On post - 5 officers, 9 enlisted men Balance needed - I officer, 5 enlisted men Area Persgnnel 4. 0th gr ;Ireas Brazil 3 officers 9 Navy enlisted men Achievements 1. Camera crew:. on location at various places in braz11 lorwaruea 1.4,000 feet of exposed nega:ive film to tne Rashington labordsory for processIng. The print of this film was sent to New Tork for cataloging am assembling by Field Photo- grapaic personnel. 2. A nuelber of one-reel subjects concern- ing Brazil are almost complete. C. Comm4nications BraqQa PersouniI European The.Ater: On post - 206, In process - 106 North Africa Theater: On post - 76, In process - 35 24 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 '-4c.CRET Middle East-Central Africa Theater: On post - 45, In process - 56 China-Burma-India Theater: On post - 22, In process - 184 A011ivaments 1. During December, Communications officers and enlisted men in all theaters increased about 100%. 2. Total tonnage to all theaters increased approximately 22%. 3. The total Shipment of SBTB-1 portable field sets increased approxiaately 90%. 4. Five specially schooled Radar officers have been fully trained and are being processed to the various theaters (two to China-Burma-India). 5. Ten civilian instructors are being processed for transportation to the China- Burma-India Theater. 6. The recruitment of code clerks and message center personnel is better in hand than at any previous time. Other recruiting is also progressing favorably. 7. The Branch has sent into the field a cryptographic specialist from our Xessage Center to make a thorough check-up an cryptographic and cipher security in all theaters. D. SecuritY Office ll Security reports written 1,250 Provinnal ap..)rovals issued 117 Disapprovals issued 51 Full sec.rity invezztigations initiated siuce 1 Dece,abr 11)50 December was the biggest month to date, from the standpoint or oath completed inTestirAttons and requests for security clearance. A considerable period of tie as given to perfect- ing the pror;edures of liaison rith security overseas and between the respective overseas Security Officers, to the end -25- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001 Rnnni nni Annt-14 r OCT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 a, MRET that within the framework permitted in the respect of overseas theaters, the genetal policy of ti,4, Secgrity Office will be duplicate vherever Security functions. In two fields particularly the Security Office nada substantial progress during December. The first was in the field of briefing personnel about to go on special assignment or overseas. 253 persons were briefed, individually or in iroups, civilian and military. The second major achievement was the setting up of records relating to all personnel in training at areas In the vicinity of Zashingtor.. A re-survey of physical security in all Washington buildings was aads during the month and severul nevi procdd:Ires put into effect. Inspection of areas was continued at frequent intervals. -26- :FCRET LEM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 'LIME_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 r vs.A.malmomm %mooing; SINW Ir.O. 1 Dociaber 1943 A-143)-tatint Recruited Unoblig&tied On Duty 176 141 -13 173 fll 923 42 $41 W.., AlorWg 117 20 114 22A, es4iir 194 19 105 6 19$ 19 Allotuaut 937 30579 163 Reerait'd 7$4 2,364 121 1 UnOligutird 53 1,195 42 Ovors*As and in Prii174*% 771 20314 67 2112Zalliiit PI 411.1Or It,t-t44 16 1,464 -6 100 16 1,366 1,190 30156 1$9 39 21 4,92$ 113 17 12 3,431 76 ,:l., 9 1,497 122 14 3,306 40$ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Arm' ^04. Allotaset 344 L,101 Reeruitold 344 649 Unobligated 0 252 Overmii%4 1$2 253 PFASONNtl. MOWS RUPOTIT 1 Lweomber 194) Thom:tars (Includiul, 64 Off., 240 0.0.'s) Sim Of! 52 s3 3$ 52 ?,17 31 26 52 JIM (IntloatIng Allotalmot 171 SO) 25 Neeruitea 154 50a. 26J.. Ur:obligated 17 295 -1 nversoas 111 449 13 22 eng) 1,617 1,2,4 323 527 .mow.r Grand us 445 13 5 1,3331 4 1 70) 7 A 334 6 1 515t3 126 ANTO (Incluang 62 Off., 45) E.1., Allotment 240 12:1 2$ 9 2 1 1,122 Rio.:ruited 154 764 25 27 3 3 976 unozliviCi,u4 7$ 3 -1$ -1 ..2 146 Overseas 115 426 15 2/ 3 3 589 10u ,ET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-A Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 a ono Ariv Navy Saisinto arastd Allotaent 145 441 55 77 2 0 764 Peerait.4 128 252 32 17 1 0 4,0 Umobligutwd 17 229 23 60 1 0 330 Ovitrseas 54 74 10 17 1 0 161 26 169 OTIMX Anial AllotIlant 6 13 3 9 1 0 32 ug,ertistod 11 3 9 1 0 26 Unobligated 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 Oworsea, 11 2 , e. 9 4. ,., 2? 21 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Is n NIIL SI WASHINGTON OFFICE REPORT DIGEST NOVEMBER, 1943 Army 'Ravi aarine usimatoN Off, Olfs L 01:. LIG Total Allotment - 178 911 137 303 25 10 1,564 Recruited 191 923 117 198 19 16 1,464 Unobligated -13 -12 20 105 6 100 On Duty 174 441 114 194 19 16 1,366 OVERSEAS Allotment 937 3,579 163 189 39 21 4,928 Recruited 784 2,384 121 113 17 12 3,431 Unobligated 153 1,195 42 76 22 9 1,497 Overseas and in Process 771 2,314 67 122 18 14 3,306 AppolnUeenta Office of the Dlrector--Charles Assistant Director, in the (2) representative of the covzr arrznge:nt-tt, rnr ntl alau of litik=7.12=--Co1one1 and Plans Officer. sl......lcarAtLi&fricrafr--Colonel Charles S. Vanderbluot OBS C4def Inspector, Europe-Africa. Executive,Offtps--Lt. Colonel 0. C. Doering, Jr., Executive Officer. IlAcutive Officc-Ensign Edwin J. Putzell, Jr., USNR, Assistant Executive Officer. Secretariat?Captain Duncan C. Lee, Chief. Secpetvi;t7--Ensign James B. Donovan, Chief of Legal Division. in 1'6E1 Grand Clyillan Total 1,790 3,156 408 3,114 S. Chestan, (1) Acting absence of the Director, and Director in coordinating branches. John d. F. daskall, Operations Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 --Ensign John D. Wilson, ETC, vice Gerald Es Miller. --Edward H. Dodd, Jr., =AT?, vice Lt. W. T. V. Beale. --Major Howard M. Chapin, MATO. --Colonel Atherton Richards, OBS Theater Officer. # :-Lt. W. T. M. Beale, USKR, Executive Officer. --Rudyerd Boulton, Acting Special Liaison Officer with FCC. Dr. Harold C. Deutsch, Liaison Officer with MO Branch, and Acting Liaison Officer with Planning Staff. A 4 A-_--Baymond Boston, Actin!! Chief of Cwntral Informgtion Division, vice Wilmarth 8. Lewis. Ii..i..ar-C. Burton Fah*, Acting Chief of Far East Division. LA ...A?Miss Cora DuBois, Acting Assistant Chief of Far East Division. ".1 * 4?Jesse H. Shore, Branch Security Officer, vice Lt. William Applebaum. g2,--Lt, Commander H. S. Morgan, MAR, Chief. gi--Lt. L. B. Flintoia, 'MR, Executive Officer. gk--Lt. Commander E. E. Pratt, USWR, Assistant Chief of Document Intelligence Division. al-Mrs. Francis M. Tehitcherine, Assistant Chief of Censor- Ship Division. -Lt. Colonel Edward L. Bigelow, Executive Officer. Lt. Colonel W. P. Davis, III, Chief, Staff. -Lt. Colonel Kenneth H. Baker, Planning Officer. -Lt. Edward J. Green, USNR, Personnel Officer. -Captain Dale 0. Allison, Training Officer. --Lt. George J. Fannon, Materiel and Supply Officer. --Stoddard Hancook, Administrative and Fiscal Officer. --Russell P. Place, Security Officer. -Major J. Freeman Lincoln, Acting Chief. mac?Lt. Dennis J. Roberts, MIR; Acting Chief. A?Captain Samuel C. King, Acting Chief, vice Major Joseph E. Aiderdice. Security Orrin?Lt. Robert L. Clark, USNR, Chief of Head- quarters Division, vice Captain Charles J. Brown. Inummuumall112-4,t. Commander Andrew O. Carey, UM, Transportation OrriAmr. Registry?Mrs. Margaret Griggs, Registrar. BudAtt and Procedures Branch?Edward Saunders, Chief of Budget Division, Dudiet and Prici.-Itzr4z 1........-u mi.......- 14-AL lill&A .111t7"* 46 10 ? %.0 .41.....r t3+avaimtunt rhiaf t.)1: w.A40 Budget Division. B ch--Lt. To Bolton, Acting Chief of lanagement Analysis Division. gA4lasI_Aaliali4a#3 Branch--mrs. Elinor Reams, Acting Chief of Procedures Division. DadASt AQO Procedure Branch?Benjamin Olsen, Assistant Chief of Procadures Division. - T Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 /I. Ingtkig4E0_13.ERVIP4 A. SI BRANCH 1. 14gropean Theater London 4. Personnel On post 53 In training and waiting transport 9 * Recruited Total Balance needed 15 Revorta geceived Achievemintg AWL eritannal Receivld AcIllve7ienta By pouch By cable 24,992 ? F1-17, ? 1. Approval or the eleborated Sussex Plan. 2. Training courses and schools otstablishad far Sussex Plan recruits. 3. Initial convarsations undertaken regarding the establishment between OSS and Russian intelligence groups. North Central Europe (Germany, Austria, 3candinav1an countries, Baltic states, and Poland) On post 16 In training and waiting transport 1. Recruited Totfla ,b1 Balance needed 19 By pouch 69 By cable 40 ,44.4..2.414.01 loulbmftw,* etrl thitam4urt nzattIA vwwmA..aowms vs. Order was received by MIS, with the following comment: 'The document has proved very valuable in our...Audios. infilrnation has subsequently proved to be quite accurate. For example, we learned of a number of units for the first time and some of =este have been confirmed by ot!ter independent source ? 3 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 r :frt 191 wc, '44 2. Contacts have been established with officials of a satellite Axis country and there is promise of military information and the effort to withdraw this country from the war. Ana Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg) 12szimali htoorts Received Arslaussoala On post 4 In training and waiting transport 7 Recruited Total 12 Balance needed 15 26, plus weekly operational letters from the chief of the Low Countries disk in London. 1. Arrangements have been made for our office to work closely with the Netherlands intelligence unit in Lisbon. 2. A man has been recruited as a likely leader for a task force going into Belgium on Dm-Day. AU& France Pertaar01 ,sluAaa On post 8 In tru4"4-g --d waiting transport 2 5 Recruited Totals Balance needed 29 30 Reports R5celve4 Weekly operational letters from the head of the French desk, both London and Algiers. ROTE: Intelligence reports from both of these areas are supplied directly to 0-2 of Li ;:rmy forces in both areas. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 6, 26 laaJaLAVJWILIALIALE Alba 5pain Perkonqa On post 18 In training and waiting transport 8 Recruited Total Balance needed 2 ,B,Dorts Receiyeil 343 SigalitYA: Ityworts Third highest rating by htI$ Achievement& An agreisent between the U.S. embassy in Madrid and 0S80 which has been the basis of long dis- cussions, was finally ratified during the month. fiePorts Bectivt4 Quality of Reeort& Portugal, Azores, aadeira On post 10 In training and waiting transport Recruited Total Balance needed 5 285 Second highest according to 21'8. .Aunaa Italy/Albania Forman/Al On post 140 In training and waiting transport 18 Recruited Total Balance needed 16 ite;tortsi Re eolved BY Pouch 47 , By cable 4 NOTE: The majority of reports from this area are made directly to 0-2, Ang. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Achievements Pereonnel a 1. Two native recruits who had been sent on a mission to Naples organized resistance groups and contributed to the fall of the city. 2. An agent captured in Sardinia was taken to a prisoner-of-war camp in Central Italy, escaped and made his ray to an advanced post north of Naples, bringing accurate informa- tion on the disposition of certain German units in Italy, German ealltarv traffic, and Cerman defenses at the Sangro River. 3. A Corsican mission produced an intelligence survey of the island, giving complete lists of Axis col- laborators and persons qualified to give information on enemy activities. The report also covered the local political situation and logistic data on Corsica as a base for Intelligence operations. French and Spanish lorocco, Including Tangier On post In training dnd waiting transport Recruited Total 7 4 No figure can be given fur the ...nee needed because of revised plan of operations, details of ohich ar not complete. Reu-Arts Roneived 164 Area 3. Aullls_ast-C,mtral Africa Theater Africa* exctiPtlng FrULLILtalid..12911alkLANW.09...N2a Angola ???? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Pitrsonnel RePoTta Recv"r" igglity of Reports Ariti Personnel Reportt Receive4 Ac4icvements irsa Personnql Ropeived .:.1.4alvity.j2L1212aaal ActilevimentS .A.rea On post 7 (Personnel requirements complete) By pouch By cable 22 13 ONI reported verbally that Angola reports were excellent and that OSS is the best source of information. Belgian Congo On post 1 In training and waiting transport 0 Recruited 0 Total 1 Balance needed 1 By pouch By cable 3 As oar representative has only recently arrived, nothing can be reported regarding achievesents. Caps Verde Islands On post 2 (Personnel requirements complete) By pouch By cable 5 7 ONI states tat we are their only source of inforuition on this area, and their comnents are favorable recording reports received. Battle Oroer iniormation was brought up to date. Ethiopia On post In training and waitIna transport Recruited Total Balance needed - 7 - 2 1 1 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Achievesagj Area Zer_awalla Reeort4 Recsivet Achievements Personnel Rvort* Received ctualitv of Revortt Acnievements Nothing can be reported regarding achieveaents, since safe means of cosmunication are not established. Portuguese East Africa On post In training and waiting transport Recruited Total Balance needed By pouch By cable 3 0 4 54 19 1. Further valuable evidence un- covering German and Italian espionage organizations at Lorenzo Ilarcus was received. 2. A survey was made of the German- owned Seisel plants, Britisu West Africa (Liberia, Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, Togo Dahomey), French West Africa, and Portuguese Guinea On post In training and waiting transport Recruited Total Balance needed By pouch By cable 5 3 2 16 UIS gave the following evaluations: Definitely valuable-58.0; Secondary interest-23.5%; casual interest-- 11.8%; worth1ess-5.9%. 1. One of our agents exposed a dangerous situz,tion by which Axis aderaLa atac 01,1,t. tjtraval from - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Africa on American planes. 2. Devalopments took place with the British for a plan to uncover smuggling, metiVitiOS, LIAM Union of South Africa personnel Revorts Receive4 Africa P1010 On post 4 In training and waiting transport 0 Recruited Total 5 Balance needed 2 by pouch By cable 119 7 AVM Rufisque Field, French Wt Africa, Algiers, Cairo (no area restriction on long-rsno operations) Personnel SI communications On post U. 14 In training and waiting transport 8 1 Totals ;,!1# 1051 Recruited ...i Balance nedad 33 15 212i22111.1-2.12SLIZSAI As moat z7:f these reports are technical, no ilvallition is possible. Aslilameaa 1. Two suspect stations, one in Yugoslavia and one in Rio de Oro, ire located. 2. Liaison was established with swvi nritish Radio Security Service throwlh the Yugoslavian Committee in London. 3. The opening of t;,e. Radio Intelligence General By pouch 9 By cable 69 Technical 60 - 9 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Pear Usti Ian Personnel lieuorts Neceive4 AtritALY-41.6.1161111" r, %Alga& Unit in North Africa, Ihich will form the hub of radio intelligence in all Africa. 4. Active participation in an operation which resulted in the capture of Nazi parachutists. 5. ATC planes lost between Natal and Africa were guided to base by our activities. Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Transjordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan On post 21 In training and waiting transport 2 Recruited Total 24 Balance nmoded I/ By pouch 72 By cable 18 1. Complete information secured, including frequencies, hours, and call signals, on an extensive German radio natr.ork planned for and partly in operation throughout the Near teat and North Africa. The mission was a combined operation with the British In Baghdad. 2. Complete coverage from Cairo and Beirut of the recent Lebanese crisis. 3. Information secured on tbe, arms seizures in Pn1^3tine# Southeastern Europa: 121rsonnel Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, and Csechosloyakia On post 23 In training and waiting transport 24 Recruited Total -44 Balance needed -10- -rk irs, WA 44" mar Sao le UDE. I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and A ? proved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Al2Prts Re.StiZei waliti of RePqrts ;ezz; Greek Desk 65 Hungarian Desk 190 Bulgarian Desk 120 Yugoslav Desk 200 'day Section A Total The latest IS evaluation gave Cairo the highest rating, stating that 71.4% were of definite value. Aciliaveguail 1. Two more teams have entered Oreece. 2. AgreeAent has been reached whereby our teams in enemy-occupied countries will have their own in- dependent means of coamnication. 3. An aditunced besa woes established at Bari, where quarters have been rented and to which six personnel tiave be deskched. 4. An SO officals, who led an expedition to rescue 17 U.S. fliers stranded in Greece, broucht back valuable information on Greek guerrilla activities in the area. ktkw,LjAAki All 4reas. Afe 16 itszmuall On post in training und waitin4, transport 3 Recruited Total 21 B: lance needed 5 Dy pouch 217 By cable 3, Achieveaeats 1. A reruiting trip has secured 25 approved agents, who are now in tralnluz r(Jr r,orit in Aufltria and Germany. 2. Two agents were despatched from London to France. 11- 111111 11111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001Rnnn1nniAntv14 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ALM 4* China-BurE54-In4ia The4Aer China, Japan, Burma, Thailand, Indo-China, tialaya, and Indonesia Plans are made to recruit a total of 138 military and 30 civilian agents and operatives for these areas. At a recent meeting in New Delhi attended by the Director, plans have implemented to set up an Intelligence Service in connection with SAC and SACO. kersonnel Achievementi ? "crlitf B. FR BRANCU 1. Reports of Foreirrt 14V,.cmality Growl geetings 43 meetings were covered, involving the following nationality groups* Carpatho-Russians HungurianAmerican Federation U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee Slovak League of America Lmerican Committee for the Protection of Foreign Born Assyrians of Chicago Arab-Syrian Colony of New York Rumanian Episcopate Polish-American Liberals American-Soviet Friendship United Committee of Ukrainian-A5erican Organizations National Council of Jewish Women Russian-American Society American Friends of Yugoslavia Austrian Labor Committee Sons of Italy "Aktions-Nomiteew J'Ated Committee of South Slavic Americans American-Slovene Council National Npirotic Liberation Society Victory Committee of German-American Trude Unionists American-Lithuanian Council -12- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Rumanian-American Alliance for Democracy Polish Women's Alliance ?oath Organizations in New York and New Jersey Italian-American Section, MI Greek-American Labor Committee Society for Prevention of World War III gazzini Society American-Baltic Society 2. AotlYitiek 111 the anUel_gitttl 121 Penerts were received, covering the following groups: groups: I. ? it ? ?f Arabic Austrian Uungarlan Carpatho-Aussian Czechoslovakian French Gorman Greek Italian Latvian Lithuanian Palestinian Polish Rumanian Russian Spanish Ukrainian Yugcs14vi4n ? 3* 2ildWi.a2-"1-123-122---1111?ral-.-nasily 96 reports were received, covering the following Austrian Belgian Carpatho-Russian Czechoslovakian nnniah Sstonian French German aungarian . 1 t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 aia gtifftrrar a Italian Palestinian Polish Rumanian Russian Spanish Ukrainian Yugoslavian 4. MASA& LansuaAs fres, Reodinas Area fan= Publications Receivet Western NUrope Near East North and Central Europe, iiIcluding Italy Albania 2 Bulgaria 2 Carpatho-Russia 2 Estonia 2 Greece 8 Hungary 10 Poland 4 Lithuania 4 Croatia 3 Rumania 6 Russia 4 Serbia 1 Ukraine 1 Slovenia 2 Arabia 7 Armenia 6 Palestine 5 Czech 5 glovakiA 6 Denmark Holland 3 1 Finland Germany 18 Italy 25 Norway 3 &sedan 3 .jaularts ougaaAtwinkju sw v4.1.4 m" g4t't4"- ? olk TW ^WY 5. Jutice? Censorship. etc. 34 reports were disseminated, covering the following: Reactions to the oscow declarations Relationship between Dr. Bodzu and President Benes German reactions toward a 'hard* peace 14 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 rirfrIET Masarykls opinion on Czech-Hungarian relations Greek-American reactions to the Creek Civil War Polish anti-Moscow plans Dodecanese-American activities Ban Subasichts opinion on Yugoslavian affairs and the National Army of Liberation Arab-Americans and the Lebanon crisis The American-Jewish conference The Free World Congress C. ILA.A 1. R9JUWAL In spite of the fact that this branch moved from the South Building to the War Annex during the month, it was able to maintain the production level or October and in several divisions the output over October was increased. 2. Current Intelligence Staff a. JIC Summarv--In accordance with a directive of the JCS this division continues to submit materiel. b. PW Week:'--This work continues under the editorship of Mr. Schlesinger, who condenses R & A reports on political subjects. ? RirduiLaws.wih...43416...am,er =2;usm?R31=a ???!.? The Stireturj 17 has continued to appear without interruption during the month. 4. Currt Intllrepevrts were issued during tne month. e. PW Room--It is proposed to revise the list of individuals authorized to use the PW Room, in the hope of making its contents available to a larger number of persons from all branches. 3. Mac Division During the month, 96 map requests were accepted, 108 were completed, 22,226 maps were received, 479 reproduced and 3,258 catalogued. The ap Information Section selected, arranged, recorded and packed 2,837 maps on two and a half days' notice for t U34 of the Joint Chiefs at outside war conferences. M - 15 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 The Topographic Models Section reported 33 =dela in preparation. SFCRr 4. jUrome-Afrlica Division The Psychological War Subdivision has been carrying on studies for UO, the State Department, the out- post offices, CAD, and various original studies, The Topographic Intelligence Subdivision participated in the preparation of Planning Guides for Northern Italy. At the request of the Theater Commander, a report was prepared covering 59 cities and towns in lugoslavia. Various reports were prepared on Germany, France, Hungary, and the Balkans. The Economic Capabilities Subdivision undertook various studies for the Cartel Committee and numerous original studies. New contacts were made and new relations established. 5. rar East Divisingi This Division completed a study for the Office of Occupied Areas, Naval Operations, in answer to a request from Captain Pence, and was requested to prepare another study. It is anticipated that this will lead to further productive relations with 00A. The Division also completed a sumaary for Mr. Donald Nelson of the War Production Board. Liaison was established with the Weather Bureau and the Weat..;er Division AAP. 6. USSR Div/mina New studies were started, and a special report (a summary of the Russian war potential) was prepared for Mr. Donald Nelson of the War Production Board before his departure for Uoscow, and for which was received a very fine letter of commendation. A revised summary was issued, *itch the Joint Intelligence Committee pul) lished ander its own imprint, with only minor changes. It is imperative that the Division have access to the large anount of hitherto un- !Available information which probably now will be obtainable from the Russians themselves--pariticularly in vilow of t4ig Uoscow Conference. - CO "dr: %PAU fa. g Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 SECRET 7. jnter4loartlItaental committet 6,000 issues of original publications and 8,714 issues of publications on microfilm were received. 3,111 iSSUO3 of original publications were loaned to 17 agencies, and 61,947 issues duplicated on microfilm and distributed to 49 agencies. Reference service was furnished to representa- tives of 5 agencies, and special language and reference assistance waa farnIshed Foreign Economic Administration in connection with a special mission. 8. Central Information Divisiog This to the fact that R & A is nor assembled in one location, a sharp Increase has been reflected in the use of the Censor laterial Unit. The Accessions Sub- Unit nanaled a total of 6,480 documents; the Analysis Sub- Unit indexed 3,068 documents; the Documents Control Sub- Unit handled 16,288 items; and the Cables Sub-Unit processed 3,650 cables. The library was used 1,150 times by the OSS staff and ten other agencies. During the month 3,065 titles were circulated. Pictorial Records processed 3,000 photographs, furnished 4,4389 prints to OSS outposts, and procured 30,012 items g-)1 Ani-3 ry.m-1 Lim BritiSh Admiralty, 707 from the Yale nit, 4nd 7,705 unsolicited and from collectors). Cooperation between X-2 and Biographical Records has been successfully established. Similar arrange- ments were made with the Economic Warfare Section of the Depsrtilent of Justice. sTRATEGIq.A44ii=.32Wiallik SSG replace:: Erf.9, .1nd reereanived during the month by Mr. Joseph Scribner, Deputy Director. It is divided into staff sevflons and operating branches, as follows: Special Operations?Uajor J. Freeman Lincoln, Acting Chief Uorale Operations?Lt. Patrick Dolan, Acting Chief -17 8 ....,.. ?._., Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 mar Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Maritime Unit?Lt. Dennis J. Roberts, USKR, Acting Utlief Operational Groups?Captain Samuel King, Acting Chief A comprehensive organization chart has been issued for S80. A. acUlailirgli I. Suvopean Theater Ueandinavia glaZiala On post 4 (Personnel requirements complete) Achievements Lt, Commander Vetlesen has arrived In London to take up his duties, inasmuch Us the project will be implemented from London. ILESE London (Training Mission) .}2.9X.22411111. On post 18 In training and waiting transport 0 Recruited Total 19 Balance needed 3 ? .AsiaxitgiaArali Although !fe are three short or the required personnel objective, we are advised by the London Office that the uumber sent will be satisfactory. Ar.A.:aft Iberian Peninsula PersonneL On post In training and waitini, transport Recruited Total &Lance needed kchievements 1 4 ta 0 as this mission is designed to make a preliminary study and set up communications to support our French operations, no concrete achievements can be recorded. .18- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 t, Ars* France, Low Countries, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Poland Poxsonnel On post 46 In training and waiting transport 37 Recruited -1 Total 92 (Yinal instructions from London will determine the objective) Arm', Personnel ituropean Theater (Jedburgh Plan) On post (staff) 47 In training and waiting transport 124 Recruited Total 198 Balance needed (operatives) 44 2. North Afrl.ce Theater Area North Africa Theater Personnel On post 66 In training and .....44.4,10 trim/port 15 Recruited during November Total 87 Achievements The gacgregor Mission, led by Lt. Commander John M. Shaheen, waS brilliantky _concluded. c. ra ca Aria Middle East-Central Africa Theater Personnel On post 85 In training and waiting transport /4 Recruited ?Zil Total 254 Balance needed 40 -19- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100140001-8 mirmiumemilmwmimir- 4 AsillevIments 8. 1. The senior American liaison officer with the Yugoslav Partisan Army drafted a confidential report on the military and political situation in Yugoslavia. 2. ?he chief of the 08S Mission to Turkey visited Washington and clarified the potential require- ments for penetration of Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria. 4. reigaliutzaa- TA:s.1 China-Burma-India Theater Pertannel On post 107 In training and waiting transport 45 RcruitTotal 1* eed Aglarevistaents Ths Visit of General Donovan to this Theater during the month brought about a large-scale reorganization of all OSS activities in the Theater aph*A thisb b&1a for future operations and the full utilization of nen and equipment now available in the Theater. B. W1211.0qa 1. WroDeen Theater Area Europium Theater 1 Personnel On post 15 In training and waiting transport 25 Recruited 1. Tne main activity of tae g0 Branch in this Theater has been to set up for the Supreme Allied Command an - 20 - 112 Total 130 Balance needed 180 Achievements - g.D -