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Publication Date:
August 10, 1946
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"A?gr -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and A proved For Release 2013109/04 : C1A-RDP13X00
**,.14 rP14 t #44414401014 ? ?
Irlitrsitt WI MP 4 is 4
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I .4 W A4114 NK411141.
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In reply refer to Aamosst IQ 104.
de A
4)/4 44
AA' es%
1 ?
My dear General Donovan*
This will confirm arrangement. made between
Dr. Sherman rent of your office and arr. Matt C.
Poole of this Department, coneernisg the teen of the
services of Mr. Harold C. Deutech, sho Is at the
present time serving with the ?Mee of Strategic
Services in Germany at grad. P-$, $8750 per Gamma
basic salary, for speelal work in the Department of
The loan to the Department of State of Mr.Deuteeh?
to be effective August 16, 1946 for a period of approxi-
mately ninety days, would be greatly appreelated. Th.
Office of Strategic* Services would be reimbursed by
the Department of State for the loan of Mr. Deutech's
services at the rate of pay which he resolves from the
Office of Strategic Services, namely, $6760 per snows,
plus overtime compensation allowed by law, from
ffiluthorisation No. 86, 1948. The Department would
reimburse Mr. Deutsch directly for as, authorised
travel within Germany and also would allow him a per
diem of $7.00 during the period of his detail. "'Awn
transportation to the United States for Mr. Deuteeh
will be paid by the Office of Strategic Services.
The Department desires Mr. Deutsch's services for
work in connection with the Poole Interrogation =solos
to Germany and because of his educational background
and experience he appears to be well qualified fOr
this assignment.
Brigadier General William J. Donovan,
Director, Office of Strategic Services,
Washington, D. C.
. ? tiliwuratimakai?
C1A-RDP13X00 01R0001
Declassified and it.,
roved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA,-RDPi
IC yeau approve, P. Pots * Ikev 01ho Depe
oil 0 nt, or nts 'Misr h? 1n4111 torn* mists firth
I thou lel apprito t? being tarn rimed .
fit ni?rol rttsrir
.`,...11W a
O.) r th* die rArt4ary r.14411*
Ts -
.L or', .1r.
iht?C, Div tate,* le
Dope rtquenta 1 Fersoanot
exyi3109104 CIP.-RDP'13)(00
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
2C Anne% 1%5
Mr. Daniel 0. Deehert
Assistant TIN ?resident
Bank of the Mhahattan Company
Dear Mr. Dooberts
I have your letter of 6 August referring to the
inquiries sustained by your brother sad my letter toPeel
Crouch thereon.
Please understand that we are meet eslipetle
with the hardships which this umfortmaate seta t las
caused your brother and his family. As I point sat in
my earlier letter. however, the rate of disabill
vents is fixed by Congress. not by this agency. )14;=,
unrealistic that rate may seem under present etedltiessy
the fact remains that it is the rate *bleb Is presently
effective for all Government employees who have been is-
jured in line of duty.
With respect to a possible slain by your brother
against the War Derartment, we ou maks available to your
brother or the War Derartment any documentary 'vide/Lee
contained in our files. Unofficially. however. I nut
point out to you thfit there is little likelihood that any
clftim is stllo-able under existing law and Mar Depirtmeat
geuletions. You will note that the Military Claim Let
(5 Stat. 372. 31 U.S.C. 223b) jrovides is part that may
allowance Tior personal injury shall be halted to rese*.
able medical end hospital expenses esolusiver of 4.7 ewe
services furnished at the expense of the United Stites.
Loss of earnings does not appear to be ? factor segmlnable
under this statute. You may, of OMNI* with to leek forther
into this sublect, as the interpretattoa and aaninistreitiont
of this statute lie exclusively within the jirlsdlotlea of
the Wiir Departient and 'not of this agony.
I an indeed sorry that I asset be sere beige
to you and your brother in this matter.
Sincerely yours.
????????? ...-0.11.6-11.f.. -an
0. C. Doering. Jr.
Lt. Col. AlIS
Assistant Director
?IL") tki4,
z.e..4. 40414
nca-Imccifiari n ci Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
roved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Z q...121LimpowearsALC044.
o Ph,?
it is het t itstasig
nehm,,L 0 ore....?
?*411111.afe? ri ???? ??.
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C, i 94 5, vihi I.. 1r1 ley . )1- 1:. ? ) ? -1 ?e.' 1 - t:- :". ? ?c: x : . fry
Pr i ?Nn :, i'. ?1? A . k,r.)-2 '`.1 )r ? . rK , : - :. ''e i ', L I. .. r) a....., . V -ar
Yor< Cl 'y, h: :, I- !--):?-le - ? )r ??? 1 1: ; )??;.:: " ?
ta him, V whiln you -c.r.'im 'nee, ,).asiPT, )r- ) f," ; 3,4:- :- ?.,1,) , .?" r
thr t you htive r'. 1 t : ???In t 1.- P ) .. 1 .? 1 lr. 7 rr":,' * ) .>?3.4, t:/' - )") 1:41 4 r , veto
hhs bee:. an he coadlorely 'sq.::: ,I :I? .*)- *1- -.).4 n ? 51 t non %IS,
more them n t116 .in i sowie 1.11 ,--.Ints pe- " ).. '..-1 ? : .i? t.s..)," 'tk)'...; r ?na
your letter thnt generh' lciillqti)r :1 Ln..0- -,,nst;,.arn'.:.)n. :
hope the.t a remeital statute with 9. ret)t.r..),?-tii.e) ?I 2iis/ L I lotnel
passed. It s.,em.s extremely oii,1. t.) ne that nor-e? t ...te,,klb,. pre)v:.ziarts
have not been ma..ie for those emplayee..; 3: tilt; ;ovlrr.unenr. oho
injured in +....ie the .tre-..s or
Ity brother ht a he f a wife az.! aupport ail
luring the period of his Aisability, Jna his zAse La me ar ;rwat
hardship. He has recently been compelled to sell a house whl.;qh he
owned in order to raise funds for the maintenAne of his ratai4.
and I shall thank you to put this lette? in the rticord f.ar nArther
reference in case of any sut,sluent ieveIopments.
Incidentally, it seems rather that tad, sold ,:atai,
of the as-cident was the negligence of two army truck Arivers rscias
along an Italian highway, one of then being in the 'rani Ian*. :here?
fore, is it not possible for O.S.S. to present the case to *zh,44 41,r*r
for such additional relief as the latter may afford?
I thank you very much for your trouble in t4is'sa:tmtr.
Very trIoly your-3,
???????????....???,????mrom.., stzwarworaraiassiirseeigiimair.101ii4116.141011011111KOMMINNIMPIM,M1.6"141"4"1"41' "
0. 4 ?,4 rd/A-
anri Annroved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
ITnn Trognitry Diripqrt 101",
a new -ings rf?Tifigt
iott tAr Ln re, -qr q
II it 10-
rizatl.m w' Uessrq. Imfogiln qn1
CrinnrInn to 4,7)proviti surnt7 bo-ols qn(i
appl t" rit t -nil ror trq 7, : 4 17,411,-4,0g r )T
the reason tnat III1A
tri pr9 V I -H4s i o, t tiirsi
requesttni,: ia aut'L)riznttln
not aL-ned by tit :qrnctelr.
Will you tnerefore pLetits,
Donovan sin the nttacaol letter to
the Treaaury Department.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Mr. 414 Y. Aliso
Chief Disbursing 44tf1eer
Olvisiem et 31sbereenent
Treasury Department
weeMisigtos 2414, D. C.
Deer itr. Allen*
al Awl' 1440
By virtue of tee oethority rested la ea est
Direeter of Strate4s Aerviees. Sir. lessor* 1. mo?loomms
end Mr. Kilo Crissmemo Aollag eme sameistem4
Chief et the Fines** bremeh reeveotivelg. are enteer?
La ** tar approve surety beside tor amsailiditsehleve me*
Certifying vffieors and mpreilleetiema trip trivial
edveneee met oxseeding 61400 is spy eme ease.
Signature ear4e showlsti Ompere. deeessomes
amd Crimmins. signatories IWO Oa nu Iayear Deenrenemi,
Very Veva/ yews.
00: Direetor's Files
Mr. &Wesson
Mr. Crisman
sans. J. 041001,10
7 7.7...7.7r,
tstt, ?
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
,111116 ? ? lik?
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1 ?
? OW
;* ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
, ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2913/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Woot Ofoll'oftloorrioNO
ii3K.71. Buxton fra:? ixxiovqn.
Could CU i;irlu be obtalnod tn or- t ror
nont to the Govern' Imam:thou tat-viands? tt
fa not necoasnrj that they be gla3C.floJ In 13A.HA 03, OW
that the:: be poorotarlua; howover, thcj3hould be 1.11 ,-pod
health, 1)r1,_;hte aea)table, so;ItLIJ10, and v.:.11,141,. eo utah
-Jenlul office ;obu nu ma11n ,laokaols of leqflots, and to pqr?
form othor unealled,wori: In Lho vroper $1,rLt. amet:n4.
nent to 1.runohen clj4 bp eithar for it abort or len,: ,AortoU.
The 20 irla aro to be other ones Cain tfroso wh.A ?11, abwatfidb
call:, qualified and Are garend7 couin . In the event that IA
it fcaulblo to obteihnthe youn, oort*In thnt t tori
nre thcrot011y oxamlned, no Lhat a ropotitI,Nn otb wha4 ha.Taned
with tho 2.:11r1e lAhoonnakor ordered :la; 'Jo :Ivntdoldi I ma
ataidin; a lottcr about thAt affa*Lr. In * di!;lon, a denx0 or
rumen iu uoroly needed :lore; he uhould be a wontin 01: knov?
led,:u and c:.:perionoo.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9 -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
4 Sallor 1004
Deputy Direstor, saviels amd
Dueuty Ddriseter, SOO
SVSJEcTs Program ter hseraltmemt, Soalaims amid Idoopeeek st Spoke
Mu *reap to III
Pallowing a mooting in General Semoviress Mlle* easly ale semakek
? nesting was hold Is this etttee et the Ohleibet 00 and ft Seeeihe_.
together with the Supply Mies" mod ethers eerkeeesed. tellesiko
was unsalfteusly believed te be the meet praotiool ',pros* to Ms
question, and as a result et sir eenvereation with pea. 1 usidersees4
you also tool it to be satistestery. Ike tellsolmow Ibermtore, este
up the program, subject to abrade between us.
1. There is te be risersite41 %mimed mad dispatehed 104 at
ettleors amd 100 men. This will met resolve paptisalar ereadi
trainiag but will be trained as MO psr.a is aseerdamee elith pow
to be developed by Oelenel O.atRunder whose eemmeed Wee am
will be.
S. Ike reergitmont, aftinIstratiom emd supply problems Imeidmet
Sranth, assieted by the Chief et the 00
to this undertaking will be Mho reopesallaLli et this Oblet of Mho MI
I. The trslaSzs. given to the as WU be the reepeseellieUltir et
tho Sebeel? mad Tr Sramsbo es e remelt et their eamemodtailmeamith
Colonel Coughlin, the Ohlet et the 00 erwask, sad ithe Wet at IMO 11.
4. Belk *Moors madams mill be seat to tile Aelession?lighlige
and reports submitted to the Mist se the 00 areadle tor amprispriabi
S. Septets Fereavibx; OCSIespailles udispialia teMILlaimm
and., the groups by ell ogsAmment solespellei la
sad amp them to the Wee Owlet la tee diiielaso amairr7Www
portion to be *sod by the amme Ails la treiatag sat areabe
destlmatiem. end that parties mot be pasksi aMulsS
the Rataljaltarithouse sad lad& will be diapabilimod be Mho 0...6
fer stibeoptent Shipment oversee'.
e-Ares..eta -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
All pollee realise that a greet mew problmmaip Sersees the
intersees, willthe seers* et this ladlogelift, *a
flovegOifts la 4.11:1=mie eetabila the beide lip a
impale it ae the Objestive am& $e stihiset to oir k
or Ohmage that OtPSStSSS sair dletete? ft the litopoot iiit
preeedureo it is sessosted that yenr airflow appoint omolimmilailtIOMID
the Chief Of the CO apes& look one that Al Ohomeme tibillOOSOOMMS
soneerning this effort be Ild ass3erivs4, tortousa these Imo 901,00111040
General Donovan has approved this plan in principle at a neetlag Lk
his office this afternoon but has reoested as to advise rya tbst be
would like you to show hist the training provaa to Ate glvgn Se titt*
group at as oarly a date as is possible.
es. General Denevan
Mr. anates
Lt. Lawler
Meier Sebum
Colonel Cenmely
Calomel Coadhlin
'11'? ? ?
J. 1116 Serillmer
lognity Direetersa.
-% * 21
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Prost Direeter et Stretegi* toryfiree
Teo Mot of Rood Paresnael
lit Sgt. earl Swiss, AM SSUBS,18
lessmmesdebles ter esenlawgemgag of
1. There Is awe poodles bolero you otos appilemagsa Per
the semmisidemiag lot it Sgt. Carl awes*. A blade hee bees esegemed
to Undo and I understand that Itis paper* %woe bees preseseed to tho
petat where a final determiaatiea will boo made esmwersgm( the Leonine*
at the mosission. I theme* It weeld be heApiai to youLf t gem
you ~tale taste eeneersiss his proposed assigemans, his Insiltiunw
Uses ter the asSignmeato aed the losperbamee et his deties,
S. If Sgt. Dowse Is eammiseiseed be be ordereg to
duty La Cairo as a venber at the Seers% Lebelligenee Smash et the
Offtre et Strategle Sonless. le will be respeestiole tar sembasie
vith (pertain latermatiemel ergamisatioas abash ars awe temetismill
olaadesties4 la sum and sesepossepieg territory is lerape4 Mem
ergemisetiess hese saaperehed lath MS ter the parser et meeragift
resistors te the mews terailhimg suitable pommel far demperre
sissiess, heaping to primer* eerie latelliaree. reisties ta emeserw
bid ma" smogglies et strategie merr1ellm6 amd La diaelesims orriare
usM by the eery. The ripe at the eseigrees mill regliare Ikete
peruser& be sesigeed to bin fir .tett sad Mid deeieehr obiah mor
isselede dt1t aged both remiseiseed sed asepermieelemai
amid military pervers1. utll be reeperible far all adeAulAreatme
? ,4164****,,ri:setpaik ..,"witidibAkiviwowarr
A Pnr Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
matters attesting Ale aseitimems.
111. go. gorge :111 par?ta.larlf ratittlad far Ilkts seetiverna
by virtue et his emperienee non spooteltsed upstaging Martng
year within the leer,' Imaelligenee arose& of Val. :e ewrenamme of
kis &Oise tor IBS he hoe developed amd asietaimed emeamsa cash she
asere41te4 representatives et the international orgamisesteme peferved
to &hove. lo hop had diroot amporiosee reer%itieg ognme poremmmal
and radio operators for enere, sad hasardome oiseieme 'ad is 'Lemmas%
and preparing intelligemee projects. in oddities, to %so %ad
speolalised training ia radie essemmaleatieme. 'bile wit% 114 be
bas fisted its aneoutive Wiser of the softies to whim %? VISO hens
assigned and has demonstrated Is ? kighly eempeftonft 'Rammer tis
sapasity to handle administrative natter,.
4* A eemmissiesed status is meseseary in the themare et
eperatiea is order to adegnatsay discharge the Male. et %his assims.
meet and to meistaie the reletiemshipe with these lateremelemel
ergamisatiems. Operetieme are already eadmr gay ter the ememrimg
of iatelligemee tram the shelve memmiemed sfoamisatiemes ibe sobers
of 'hese ersamIsstims wmgreily Limits the pereemmal thrum. tams
oeetast eam be ettestive4 established mad emisbeimed6 lheee emmaases
*am be established sear ea the basis of emitual eemtidemee emd moss
there/ere rest to a seasidereble degree em the periemelisies immeived6
WM de mst have mar de we bow if amy eemmiseismed pommel
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
fill thie essigmosok, am* It oesiiibielp woe Mee popsies* Mier
traimitai eed imiseiriesiSes meek peressoosi vise Whe oboe volobroe
SW eeboblimbing et pommel' rolobiesibipe end* be posbilidedes.
114, view er Oboe. feelse, I de Iserelp poomelemil
lob SO. 08,1 Sows' be eselieeleeed Ma the IMAM Otago Sombi
ralilas J. Sewer
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
*taws% oveq 'row pow 414
Office Memorandum ? UNITED iiArE3 crovEttsmtsir
DI ten' e,r,
Ghl n r , -t
thinnMniqndAinfi n
erl 44114:
Votrnh Vh 'fa ine
*ev I t 04 10;1: 4 rid
' rtfrours 4 4 1111
'Iv, it, 344
!nin#44 110M0r4r141qM
In cerf.ftin nerpnnnel -0,04nrm4 eere recinmewanfimi %.1bor
Section, In :air( and Alt_lerq.
rih-01 446 eirIg1WM0111d411 t 41 '4 'flt,h
your anoroval. ani all',41*--NAn' eon' A
AlKiers for the triroose clr "1M vimnr.404 ind 410)4ttk)Ati
Of personnel involv* A lopy nr nut. immoran,Iqm
(), 0 41 '1 C* . 06 ff a
cable mentioned above are attaolied.
Commander G'IshInr nr nut- Naval :ommand 1.1r,t?lis ma 'that 4
specific reoornendution from yJu for the iosiatlAsioni.no: (le 4evoe
Is required lo expedite the tssuanoe or this Iommission. A000rme.7.
I have prepared for your airnat/Ars the requilite recommendation.
nr. Kollender is presently ,hared with tte responsibillty
of handline both Cairo and Alpiers, and t'Ats alone speaks; for the
urgency of hasteninc Devoe/3 commis/tan so he can be dispatched as
soon as possible.
? .
? "4?,, ?
rir RAlease 2013/09/04 CIA-R0P13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Direotor, OS1
Chief, and r;htivr. Labor
Personnel ChAnges or the Lehor
' ' I
E-6 '4ote,fh 044
Major fir-After', has itolq,s*dwP,hrilk the vteeton et
strengtheninp: the admInIstrettoe or LeNor eetiTttAift te
NATO by meking nertein personnel ohenites IA $* 'Alder of the %,,,b#11.
Section, SI thnrn. rvirsitent to these ritme,immions 4 e4 heee
sent to Colonel 11ATin And Colonel lovtrign rA1'te4-ttle thitt Its A**01
be returned to the :;tetn3 rnr onastitstinn And roe idirforent
Thisc.lhAnge rrekes tt vio,Issery khe# ogirtilaq -lersomnet be
transferred rrom othAr theeters in nrler t4et the effete,
Labor 3ection be orolerly directed. Your Aqt'lorlsetiten is. there.
fore, requested to give erfeet to the ollowitne: emrlonnel IhAost,st
1. The transfer of Uortimer Kollewier. who nresently'
heads the Labor election, 31 tn Cetro, to klKier* to be i*
charge there of the Labor Desk, I. Kollerwier has done A
responsible Rnd able job for the Labor 5eettl* tA lew York
and in Cairo and is a MAA of demonstrattd almteterative
capacity. As Hoed of the Labor Section in *Wows he wor4L1
be in a position to supervise and oontrpl th, 84ot,tvAt.te* oti
the Section both in Alriers and in those parts or :taly whIon
ere under the jurisdiction of Am.
2. The dispatch rrom 'veishinrton to Ceiro or Ir. Carl
Devoe to assume the duties as geed of the Labor Desk. SI 11%
Cairo. This to take effect as soon as Mt. Devoe's Itaval
?commission is forthcoming. It is anticipated that this wila
be within the next week,or ten days since the proper pepetso
have been processed and we are new merely awaiting notit1-
oation by the Navy of his cemaission. Mr. Devoe has be
acting as Executive Offioor for the Labor Sectioa. $I is
Washington and during the absence or liajor goldborg, per*.
formed the duties of Acting Chief of the Labor Section. SE
with capacity and to the satisfaotion of all concerned'.
It is believed that
Section better administration
Attached is a draft
effect to the foregoing.
these changes will rive the Labor
in the areas la qaaftion.
of a *able for your aigaattaro 10'in
I. ?
? .
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
'1'1'757 .;.,..7:7..Y47:!?7.55MiTtlr.trei,;,'..s,li4.,Ii%;,,?-
1 Nee 1345
Mr. 11. Agree iiisok;ey
mita' id divIsiom, of
Department at ate1W1
isehingtose L. C.
jeer Mr. **Wirt
11th refereess to per letter
of 26 gar* 1545 this *Mee is ham te
sztemd the detail of Ur. Jargres to the
extent of 15 per sent a his time far
period of 90 dais toms 1 April 3345.
'issereli ran.
tlerlse Ghestes
okssisteidi Anat.
_ -4041iesieNOU
m .04,1130.6*.16.04P1144116isighia4A0Staalirst.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
tii ?
thq ? n
extgriri io;intiiqui or
( '
60 days r *Jr. LA nkze, r is mi ?0! to
dimproa toulorrow nri.1 7/0141 iike to
Oa tile) lett tin. cinfIrre)(1 tint i ht.,
a good taiJc wi th
2013/09/04. CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
and A
rove R 1 7 ''; "W'rIMIP7RD
P 13X00001 R0001 00090006-9
A -
Cipmrtmeirtr to !trim
In reply refer to WII f 1 -; ? 446
My deer lenoral 1)11(10/ant
rioter t, Ir. Aohesnn's Igttdirf. le Deniabor 44.
1944, In whinh the loon to the Department lf Slats or
Ur. I:mile Despree leas requested to the extent or 75
cent of hls time.
Mr. Despreal detail rrom the Offloo 1: 3trateemad
Services sill ?Apire March 1.046 anti t.Deparitasent
of State is very desirous of having hls servioes for am
additional period or time. It Is, Whore:Ire, ...p..*..
fully requested that Mr. Desprest detail ii44 Woe extent
of 75 peraent of his ame be extended for a period 3r
ninety days rrom April 1, 1444. The Oats* 3f Stilategle
Servioes woula be relmbureed by the Department of Stet*
for the loan of Mr. Despres, servioes to the eatesit of
7b peroont of his salary for the 90 day* or the leas,
reimbursement to be made from appropristi,n Cr salartes
Department of State. xr, Dupree' enrual salary is
0000 per annum, plus overtime compeasatiln ellomed by
Ir you approve the extension of Mr. Despres' detail
to the Department of State under the conditi)ns to*-4Tortft
above, I should appreciate being informed.
Sincerely yours,
'or the
ActIng 340:4410ms7
Aii4cs C
M. Pierce AfteCtry
Aetind Chief, aviei
Departmental t
igadier Ge eral Willie* " Dammam
Director Office of 3tratOgie
ilasliington, D. C.'
roved For Release 2013/09/04:
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
In reply refer to
My dear General Donovan!
I refer to Mr. Asheepalo letter of Doeseise, AO,
1944, in Ohl& Cho loan to tho DOPertmint flot illia440
Kr. i1s Despises was requested to WO eaten* of TS plimPft
sent of his tine.
Mr. Douro& detail froe the art** it Strotaile
Mirages will expire Marsh 31, 1946? amd the Deperibeast
of State is very desirous of having his 000,41400 ter an
additional period of time. It is, therefore, respesto,
fully requested that Mr* Despree# detail to Was estmell
of 711 pereent of his tine be entemiled foto period et
ninety days from April 1, 1941. Ifte oats* of Stsatesle
Aervises would be relmbureed by the Department of State
for the loan of Mr. Despress ~vises to Lae extent it
75 percent of his salary for the 90 drys of the loan,
reimbursement to be made fres appoopreatiem for solarise,
Department of State. Br. Depproes **Noel salary Is
$8000 por annum, plus overtime eempossatios allows* by
If you approve the externals* of Mr. Deepreof detail
to the Depart of State under the eonaltiorne set Oarta
above, I Should appreciate being informed.
Sincerely yours,
Per the /Atlas Seeretary of States
Maine Chief, 111111:Itiss it
5. florae
Departmental foresmael
0 i
Brigadier General William J. DOOMS.
Direotor, Office of Stmts.:le ilporksiond :toci
Washington, D. 0.
ar- "
IV. ? .4.1111%." vass.--4ekkg,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000i nnnonnnR_a
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
$L0f abfk
tv ? en. alli".116(1 ../h
(51'LXJ[?ki e
4 fr
f L
11110 .A.4/16114.1 ? -A., All.11111 4111b,
*111.... AMP. Att, ? avtippot
N. ' .... ,
., ,
...?: ? r.. 't:,'V.4,i,'? ''. .)--
,.4.Z.1.? '.ziei" , . , i? . -,-- , ...-
* ,N
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
? ,"
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
%. ? A 44/
Moro la attailkoti fOir lost
isligoaturep a lattor to it ? 0.1111
kohasos sigreatng %* TAO 1,41000$
for ea gritasatart r %LW OM Of
Ur. MU* tOrproso sorties' 10
DopartiaSat of Statile
0 is. MielaiSOIOOO
Olfico of tOe Wirstorlot
'IP 4?- olisihdr A
? II
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
proved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001Kuuu
Th. litor,ble .osa Afillossen
AA.INIttnt :.0.Jorct.r7
lep -tment of tPte
1?,00,In toe ;5, r. C.
Atforetati 1r
docr jr, fionotvan:
I %cite disiousAwl 41-4, rs tad*
CNIot ,r tne Rpae46reh fad atapas itr,knel )f t1.
t1111, the 10:*)mixl. itxasie In ;Air lott4r 4r 44 :0-044411v? 1444
that Vie/ :Loon t%) %Le Lop,rtaft*R of .314te t44 *erns.*
Wr. bails keopros to tne **teat )r golviraty.rtiplit ;*, *eel of
of %Is tLa s eAtota4eu for tare ..)ntAs blet?luAlks I Joimemory
1945, this lo*a t4 be an 11, imisarberft 014 34Adt. tr. L**4*t
agrees with as th,t It vp.)*14 oinlombitys mia,* 3,stiA0,
this arreneaeat uuris the ourreat siArter.
AltnotiO *) s440.1 t.iL te.s loss at It. 44* ..res40
servioon vigry Aceenty, I Pa olnViice* ti t a Is sorvia4 e
very useful 7urpotie in tte terrtnoct, sack I :As 41.4 IS wom
'potato, wit!: yJu. In mccia. his smrvlowo mvellsbles
;WA: ea
Liaoerirly your
Charles S. *testae
Actlit Di reeler
2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001 R0001
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
In accordance with your requeat or 9 AriLotr7.
I send herewith proposed draft of a letter from
Colonel Buxton to Secretary Acheson agreeing to WI*
extension of the loan of Air. Do4presi services.
IV lliam L. Langer
Chief, Re301111reh 11,4ce
Analysi s Branch
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
4490SI POWAINA114,PfiA*41tAid0AliAiro,A601,4
4940 ?r111,0144, 4 Ar 4441,40
..0001,04414 A
I' ?
OgrioillOrthON.r S1A
At 44041 pktirlin...
In may refer to
DEC 1910
My dear qenoral 01)no7illins
q44-4 =
Reference Is made to thl?, Department's letilei
or October Z7, 1944, and to ylur letter .11' oetobor ae
1944, conoornin,f, the loan to the Dopertmerit lf State
of Mr* KmIls DeApres to the extent ,f severtpyriis
percent of his tlme until Jnuar t,1446,
The Department 1C 3tat, Is vet/ losirous lr
havinel the rnimbursable loan of wt.. Dooms to the
extent of seventy-five percent )f his time "Attended
for a period of ninety clays from ;anuary 10 1445.
The orrice of 3trate47,1c Service, mould be reimbusived
by the Department or State for the loan of Ir.DespreiC
services to the extent of seventy-five p/rcent of his
salary for the ninety days of the loan, the rellburse-
ment to be made from appropriation for salaries,
Department of State. Mr. Despres" ennuisl salary ts
8000 per annum, plus overtime compensation alloleed bT
law. Mr. Despres would continue to serve 43 principal
economic officer in the Division or Anancial and
Monetary Affairs or the Department or 3tate.
If you approve the extension of Mr. Desprost
detail to the Department of Stater under the conditions
set forth above, I should appreciate bin A Informed.
Sincerely yours,
For the Secrets.1! of States
C41Le.A. avtaeoka
Dean Acheson
Assistant Secretory
Brigadier General William J. Donovan,
Director, Office of Strategic Services,
Washington, D. C.
1.46 420*.
RAlease 2013/09/04?CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
to 1 a.,,AwassAmosiest
ova sr
tAls* asiciDg tbist os 104 tow
Um* b* 400timi 01,00 MAIM tomporioat
meat istet064 01 2 sit at WOOS
togetbor witU * 000806 gia
yoWt sigpstur* proporse
LoAger aosseatiag to tuis levaiseso
1St It#, 3
OP 1111111111111.?
at a
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001Ruuu _
41. 40!
, 1.,0,11410,4,,,..44k,,,,9WW4
Aomoretle G. isetaad Shoe
Aesistant Sesretery
Nparilmeet Mats
haahluttaa 21, D. C.
4ser Ur. ammo
la esepLienee ',LOA Ose request son141%o4 LA fen.
lettpr of V Oetober, ttm ofrtse of Stratingie 1'4001~ 917.1
be pleased to miff %No wirwlece *.f Mr. toile Nikapreo avallm
able (on a reiabcroabe baits), to %No arteot of seewrte.flIc
versant, for two moths, begtrning 1 *ovelater 1*44, -,ttb
the understanfitng trat tho previews arreseemeat tupwier vhtla
4r. Despres, seryloes were available to the Daysriiment of
State to the **tett of twentkr.fies percent will ho restored
on 1 Jammry 1945.
1 aa pleased to 'mesa* to Ws arTaagoWor,; am *
mews or deveLopinc further the Letlasey of wclealat4 relationom
shi!is between the Deportment of State and Vie_ =tem of- -
Strategic Zervices, and L.bile Clot swab seilaborattaa
.1!ontinue to be or volu. to the 1#411% of' your Departsest?
- 2013/09/04 CIA-
DP13X00 01R000100090006-9
co Rook-liuuu"?
TO Oenoral WttlIfkm7,rIgmck/oin
I an losondirv: Iou 11,0r0wIth 11.-lett r)r ? rei./ly
to the !tonorable G. fowl Ind WItio reroorritv to
his letter lr OntoberDT! tn whllh i.1mm or
Nr. Emile Deapres to the D4pArtntent st4t4 La
requested. Deapros talked thla over wtti,1 rn.0 At
length and, I believe, also spoke t,1 70U 10114t#
it. It in my tinderstandlne- that we Art, !v!r,4e,1
as to 1,ho dastrahtlity or thts novo orl kt.14-4-: as
Deaprea, oonneotion with ow la not sorrowed.
" ? :4'
06: ?
1) e 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00 01 R0001
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Ofif.1111 ?4 ? P ?tIU,H t? 4/144 rill
'SIM PI*MV IV 4" 4 tOf
014*.???&t. IM 25
En reply refer to
twrikonrr?ftstrrt r nor re
My dear qenerci Donovan'
1041 44it I 4 f. IN
I refer to )ur r,ytmimorrexpondon04, iflohlAh
the loan or Wt. WI* Imooproa to the Department If
State from the Office ir ;treit0410 ilryttice 10114 *.croted
upon to the extent of teerIty-rtwo per-4nt le his 'time.
The Department )C tote Is now doetrotts Cnavilg
the percentage ,)f the time 'tr. Dospres spends in the
Department increased to seventy-rive percent 'AMU,
January 1, 1945. The Office )f ltrate4ic
will be reimbursed by the Department 3f toste Clr Je
loan of Mr. Despres' services to the extent qi? seventy.
five percent of his salary which is 444000 per annum,
plus overtime compensation allowed by law, Cram apprn-
priation for salaries, Department nr State.
Mr. Despres would continue to serve in the Divisin
of Financial and Monetary Affairs In the Department )C
State as principal economic officer dealing with
important problems relating to the economac treatment
of Germany in connection with the letter )r 3eptember
1944 from the President to the Honorable Leo r.
Administrator, Foreign Lconomic AdmInlatration. tt is
proposed to leave twenty-five percent or Wr. Dospres'
time available for service in the Office or Itrategte!
Services to permit continuing liaison in view of the
very helpful collaboration which that office has ren-
dered the Department of 4tate in recent months and the
oontinulns desire of the Department to receive assistance
from the Office of Strategic Services in connection with
German problems. At the expiretion of the increased
percentage of this detail the Department of State wotAld
like to revert to the former basis of utilising
Mr. Desprest services to the extent of twenty-five per?
cent of his time.
Brigadier General William J. Donovan,
Director, Office of 3trategic Services,
Washington, D. C.
? 4?114.14, ? tra ? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
If you lipprotte4r. ?pr?i' t 1,4*,101 t
tr) the (Ape r P.rnon ,inthor? hob t P4?Irite
sot forth abovs, f gift"' 1 iippr4r, tat b.:4 7),Lni5 tner,toftiod
of the dm t e 1; 4 mot 7 beAtn ^ hoo 7,opat rtowsrot
on th? seventy-(t./4 p?rfloont t144t*.
3 1 nr grfl? 17 7-1.1r I
) r *.i14 trs,ry) r` V.411#4:
L Unlit :Anti 31rwe
Assit 4P.stnt lonretstry
ref ,;?..v.4.16,1ks*A.Ailit,e,i,leak......."? ? ...blifizepc ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001
2* POPLY motor 6111
40,11Vki.iii-O. ? ?
ely diamir gamma 00110.1111i
' al, ? 1944
irettri 110 war preview sarrespseilmees La ablat
the ISM et sr. fueLle Amspriss g fig
3 bat* rime the onto* *t WS 11440 410Peedi
%open le the mobs* et tweetykstive peewee* et WA* Wm,.
The Departmeet et ;UMW is aes desires* et hisigasi
Cho pereemigge et the time air. reepege open's La Ms
Department Lasreased be flee pomore meal
January ls LOGS. Ms Otttee 4 A Sarriose
sill too retsbareed by Mho Departmemlof limb* tor %WI
Lima ot Iv. Deapreet samteee be the swim& et earembp*
time pwreent et Ma salary Whist' Is MOW per ems%
plas eirsollas eolspammMdAmialleseli by Imes tree engem
priatlon ter salaries. Deravesest of state.
vr? Deslwee weal& esatlame be sem la the rotwisien
st risinsial sal wearstary ktralsre La Ube Separtimet at
Stab* is priseelpal 110110111411A1 IMAM, 4111111.44
laperteat problem relstlag Is the essemile beesterime
St Oarasair La eanneetion with the letter it sapecoboop
1944 hew Silo to Ike llesemorlda Lao le emislar
AdnarsIstraters Piereles thestemis Adieu& Ileallias. II Se
=111:et to Immo toosepmtivo poreine ot so.
vol2ob10 for ~doe la 160 aftloo ot
sorittios to watt selekteigia likaktamaLa'Soo ot
vos7 bakipttl osUatipiatisa Abet Iasi oink. Imo mob
&woe ato aspartame et Amato la iPakime maslike
eILrniLa41orktiv of this DipimpImorn sokalmie amotaemaima
frau Mao Or:Lee at seratielo eimpolikai Iaasomosigas Ida
Oosiesa paimblook?At Who opiraltai et Ike Lammas*
paisailieso ot Okla detailObi_ ailarlaimat et Mite mat
Ube le swore to We Amor Mita et
Mr. Dooprose aordeoso to ens intake etli=31Wa palk.
oast of Ma Weft
erlaakisii amearal 01111em J. Derowems
Dinette', *Moo of ausibasis seregoes.
mawitilaglioa, D. C
? f
nprlaccifiAd and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
....6?1???? I
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
111r yes appyrre fir? 1041110m0 ammilitaind
be the limpartamill ot Stimolso amilopa.SisiliMmil
got swift Mow*, t AMU il?Poletdd40 10111100.141drirs
?1 Uwe latios ahe sow *WA siovvtas la the
I s Mho sovesehrktivo pommel lam beitili?
illiewersly room ?
Pop MO Stiargiiiihri fige 116110410.
Md 6011.0.00,
-4"400:01-001014104A..- ? -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
aonorable ). HJelsnei
Assistant :14tior?Lor/ of 5t4to,
IFishingtoo 21, 0. C.
tse snail us very iiappy t4 zeal* svetisolos
to the Department the serviaos 3r mr. 40110 eivoros
for special sock In the iiivlama 4f IrImme14lict ond
Ntonutary Mluttirs. ietalis ir reletrAreeneat OS
outlined In jaur lettor /f 1:A April 1944 ere e-ttrell
unorstand thst tr. Oisplre *ILI As
to report ,lr &Ay immediately. 1 a4pst t-st
servicoe ell prov* to be Jr vela* to tzm ,op;-rtment.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Mrs Op Howland Shaw
Assistant sworetery at Mate
Department of State
Washington, Do C.
My dear Mr. Sham
14 L044
I have 70ur letter or 11 7.1y rem.
guillotine the loan of the ierviles of Ar. Moils
I should me glad to make, Sr.
Deepreel time available on a full-time basis
for a period of from four to siweek* beglamlag
at any date which SOftia to you convenient. It
La notmd that this offiee will be reimbursed by
the Department of State for Mr. Despree. servIesse
It is my understanding that after his return 14
this office Mr. Despree will tontinue to be cm
loan to the Department of Btoole ror one-quaster
of his time.
Sincerely :toupee
William 1, Dones1221
nat-inccifiind and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
4 '
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
111111141f: ,Ar 11?-?
or p( .,)or q till A ri r rve owls lir lir 41
IN rroorrir Ir NOW IMW
TO (bgnersil Dnnovitn
F WOA Edward S. mason
ffi IV ( T
The Stat. D?partment wants tep toortrw
Emile Despres for a period or four V> at.* 11,41mks
to go to London to work on reparations questions.
From our point of view this seems to be highly
desirable fano(' we have underwA7 already a ;cod
deal of work to which Despros' assignment will
give direction.
Attached is a draft of a proposed reply
to Howland Shaw and a copy of hls request.
?-? - - ? ? >?tal tr.V.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
At?ft00111?4 ??? ? 4,
????????e??? ? ? ????1?4 .41
MI Or, POW An ? ???11. .? II tit
ini?igetra.????tit 2r)
DiFrArrrsAFN r rr crArF
INAq),Ilkje; rrOki
In reply refer to
My dear General Donovan:
I refer to my letter )f Apr11 12
the loan to the Department of StAto
Despres was requested, to the extent
his time, for an Indefinite period of
bursable basis.
, 1444, Ln
C ft. tit
3f 25 perl
time ln a
The Department of State is very desirous of ha7Ing
the services of Ir. Despres on a Cull-time basta Cor 4
period of from four to six weeks. The Office of
Strategic Services would be reimbursed by the Depart-
ment of State for tho loan of Ur. Desprest services at
the rate of pay which he receives from the Office of
Strategic Services, namely, Ti8000 per annum, plus over-
time compensation allowed by law, from appropriation
for salaries, Department of State.
Mr. Despres would continue to serve in the
Division of Financial and Monetary Affairs of the
Department of State as Adviser. In this connection,
plans are being made for Mr. Despres to go to England
around July 15 to discuss questions pertaining to
reparations. Nhen he returns to this country, it is
requested that we revert to the present arrangement,
namely, the reimbursement to the Office of Strategic
Services for 25 percent of his salary.
Brigadier General William J. Donovan,
Director, Office of Strategic Services,
Washington, D. C.
anri Anoroved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001ROuu
.r 4
rr 7111.1 apprqvi Mr. 04,4priew`
lor si pie et of.1 retoi four t 414 04044 kr', ?114,4, Depeet,,
mud it ltato qtylor tlt ? nond t t e'r it report% okberve0 f
shmt1,1 rose+ t lot* P,4 t nig Imre) min* I dot rvir 01114 14 1 *OS leiwa
vont ono 4.
Inc 041rila y r'n 4114 ?
For tho lootot^ey or itoktot
1. Irwi1/4nd lite or
Ass t ttsk rt P. low rota tr7
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013109104: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
??? ? al.. ?
? tell 4.
? ?? ??4 4.0.
0.4/? ..44? ? ?filli ?
COP' AP"?' NsIP14 r (-Or g" A lir
Nu; ?"'4P4
In reply refer to April 1,4. 1444
My dear General Donovan*
The Department of State is very deetroma of
having the services of Mr. Salle Despram? member at
the Board of Analyst., P-8, WOO por annum. Office
of Strategic Services, for special work tn the
Division of Financial and Monetary Affairs.
The loan to the Department or State of Wr.Dewpree
at the earliest possible date to the extent of 23% or
him time for an indefinite period would be greatly
appreciated. The Office of Strategic Services would
be reimbursed by the Department of ;nate for 251 of
the salary Which Mr. Despres receives from Who Office
of Strategic Services, namely, $9000 per annum, plus
overtime compensation allowed by law, from appropria-
tion "1940100.001, Salaries, Department of State,
Mr. Despros would serve in the Division of
Financial and Monetary Affairs of the Department of
State as Adviser on International Finance with special
reference to liberated areas, reconstruction and
finance. Because of his background and experience,
Mr. Despres appears to be well qualified for the work
which this Department desires him to perform.
Brigadier General William J. Donovan,
Director, Office of Strategic Services,
25th and I Streets, Northwest,
Washington, D. C.
rr Alease 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001 R0001 00090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
If you pprow ? wr tAospres 4?.0ROI h cdo pat e ant o( of Ste t? undor h ? 'If-null PA ems.
should op 1.orion Is b.! n1 En en mooted. t whol4 tct *1,4t1
ilk, to knoiw th dmt? h? nottket r4prpP Pi,h? Depot rt.
men t of Sto too for Inky.
7-)ur4 ,
tr14 :Iwo root* rey
. rforw ncl 3hi? ?
Ass taftont. Iworlitisr7
.? ? ? jilleirrklig.. WiNdiefpli PL. ,
I 14
nna-Imccifiari anci Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Rich OQMI.M ahid be numbered to oorritsicid. tick::
AC Unit ehould, k drawn *arose s hrolit uodor 000011"14.L.?,, -
Officer- DetileitTone houlA Ccold Olt Ta ?
- .
ech.'Ot'fiocr should inLtli (chieckV:akerk
%ion; _die-Arid or ea t i on taken ':.1.1KOCIA
t4r.ijr,t'tLt t:'.:;chould *Iwo" be *ie-ttiii.aiiid tioAkeitiertiijiz.
- ?
lir pas itnat to-ros 'foie ':ilipperete- *heat,
. ? -
-4Z ?.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
At ? 4. ? 4
4?? '
2entov trl Nint r
orricr, (4' 5.4TRATvi.t: ;!; R r;4I
11 MAy 1945
SUBJICT: H. Y. Brooh do Aothermanni
3404, Cs?,;;Ii4- .i7,50t1/4a4- ?tr
TO The Director of Jtrategic jerviiles, washlWitilonw
Attention: Mr. Charles 3. Chest**
1. The status of Ur. H. Y. Broch de Rothermaus with
OSS in this theater is outlined below per jour request at
28 April 1945.
2. While assigned to 140 in this theator subjs.% felt
that his services merited a pay increase. The request for
pay inorease was approved by Chief, MO, this; thoater and
submitted to Promotions Board for approval. The Regimental
Promotions Board disapproved and the Strategic 3arvices,
Officer reaffirmed the decision. Shortly thereafter, Mr.
de Rothermann was sent to Regimental aeadquarters by ;X
(Rom) for return to the U. S. The reason 1,1J,0A in the papers
submitted by Chief, MO, was that Ur. de Rothermana resigned
because he was refused a pay increase and he coaaidered this
tantamount to Judgment that his work must of necessity be
oonsidered unsatisfaotory. Tbe papers for his return were
submitted to MTOUSA where inquiry was made as to this ?eases
for returning this civilian to the U. S. to being apprised
of the reason cited above MTOUSA delayed action on the ardor,
pending inquiry as to punitive steps possible in the ease.
When Mr. de Rothermann was inforaed-of this, h. oatogarietily
denied he had resigned because he was "refused an increase
in pay* but insisted MD had declared his excess. Sines MO,
when questioned on the point, said they could still UMW**
de Rotheraann, if he would remain at his post, he was relives*"
to Rome for duty andapplioation to MTCUSA for travel orders
was withdrawn. A short time after he. returned to Rowe KO
declared his exoess and returned his once again to Baglimosial
HOodquarters for disposition. He was told theft he semi*
return to the United States as surplusnmovided that so ose
here had need of his services. At that ?Time the xpa brensk
hired his. In reviewing his r. bad bad am
Th mo*
to his eater Service Record. +It
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
roved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R0001000900Ub-
3. Tho imitor erIttivn by Mr. cim Aoth4rmillift *4116 tAdos4014
to this Headquartory oirnwr. Ihlof. Ms 4, miry,
that in forwarding It tn moighlagtnli *4 nowildwilw4 P;#1 togorro,
it. In any 4m4nt wistrii1Aorely ferrwetotti it *IfItoil
4, major aS . rr7, Atilf ;(.1T1A. ?4, 541# hostictp
and the present aaploygr oC r. 4 otharassno wico mot ,csiseg
of this correspondence eithircr by vt or 57 PorrOWMAi et taIS
tins subjeet was taken on. Major Wry furth4r state* tAlittl
he is desirous of rstaint r. de 4otherldinn for as iagoltalto
period and Is quit. *attar-1'4 with werrk fInd tepsertmost.
Inasmuch as subjoin is nipither a 3. ettlsoa no k-11 tridoo-A
trinatod, he does not have sedolis to ?.2 2144., ftl4s or
5. This Headquarters ripeommends that tlls matter le
filed for the following reasons:
a. Th. nature of the case Indictatos eonsIderabte
misunderstanding on the part of all convolved.
b. Im.2 was not advt.soll of this matter at the
time subject was hired.
0. Subject's work and deportment has been deelared
more than satisfactory by his present suparior sad I-2 la
desirous of retaining him.
d. Jubject doss not have access to 1.2 plans,
files or procedures.
For the Commanding Officer:
4,111, ?????,
141.%,? 1.141404.-
NORMAN N. wow=
Lt. Coloadas AC
Iteoutive ?Meer
4 ? iv ? ? - ? ?? ? ? ? ',at.... i?yaI INIMMOINN 1111 ha, ? ?
R ase 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
I '4 .4
11 rtAI 045
SUBJZCT: H. Y. Rrooh de Aotherman.
TO The Director of Jtratowis doervloes? vashtnotton.
Attention: Mr. Charles 3. Chestoa
1. The statum or Mr. H. Y. Rroci, do Rothermann 'mitt%
OSS in this theater ID outlined below per your reluest lf
28 April 1945.
2. While assigned to ro in this theater subject repIt
that his services merited a pay increase. The request for
pay inorease was arroved by Chief, MO, this theater Ind
submitted to promotions Board for approval. The Regimental
Promotions Board disapproved and the Strategic Jervioes
Offioer reaffirmed the decision. Shortly therearter, mr.
de Rothermann was sent to Regimental Headquarters by IT
(Rome) for return to the U. 3. Th4, reason river in the pa7ers
submitted by Chief, MO, was that Mr. de Rothermann resiAAed
because he was refused a pay increase and he considered this
tantamount to judgment that his work must or neeessity be '
oonsidered unsatisfactory. The papers for !kis return were
submitted to LTOUSA where in-uiry was made as to ttlf, rlasea
for returninr this civilian to the U. 3. on being siprised
of the reason cited above, MTOUSA delayed action on the orders
pending inquiry as to punitive steps possible in the ease.,
When Mr. de Rothernann was informed of this, he eategcrieellY
denied he had resigned because he was *refUsed an increase
in pay w but insisted MO had declared him excess. no NC,
when questioned on the point, said they could still use rr.
de Hothermann, if he would remain at his post, he was returned
to Roma for duty andapplieation to MUSA for travel orders
was withdrawn. A short time after he returned to Rama, NO
declared him exoess and returned him once again to legimestal
Headquarters for disposition. He was told that he could
return to the United States as surplus provided that no one
here had neod of his services. At that time the xma lemma
hired him. In reviewing his record with MO, I4 had acme's
to his Theater Service Record.
neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-v
3. Thn lqtt
ta ttgla HOAdlitsrtn
thnt in forwnrdimie.
It. In any ,vvrmt
lr ImItton r. I* 4ot!lirmmnn w44 1A4n14004
rq 4ArnaVo Imf, i4 Filfg1441
!t. $4AltlintrIn )44 ng4g10,6A44 10161**
vel uw11,1 -14 r t '14 ,T,1% nreolt oirt it is
4. Major rsri tist ;A:11/1, t-q-4 thook
ani tne presant omploplr or 64, i* RwakrmAnn, *As (let 4411444
or thin aorrespondonis itIthor bf VOhi i'fi.re6m101 it tN*
time Subjeet wtta taken on. Ntajor marry furtAqr itat*4 Vt#41
he is desirous of roteininr Mr. le Aohhormnftn for en lad4fInit4
period sal is (4Liite satisfied nith I ork en4 ieDortwant.
Inasmuch as subjeet Is neither 4 ';* J. *Risen nor k.4 114ots
trinated, o doos not hives samule to h.3IAns, Meg nr
5, This Heodquarters reoommerola ts.ekt Aatter )v,
filed for t!lt following reasons:
a, Tho nature or trn etas, indlomtes ems' ortht*
misunderstanding on the part of all c-ncernm4.
b. Xpit. wen not advised of this matter At t,e
time subject was hired.
c. Subject's work and deportmont has been erclAred
more than satisfactory by his present sup4ricr Anil X is
desirous of retaining his.
d. Jubject doss not have access tc X.2 plans,
files or procedures.
For the Commanding Officer:
Malta N. trimier32
Lt. Colonel _4
Executive Officer
- -,....01,4..44 -
? ,
- - ? - A " R e a se 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
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TO: Golonol Idwfird J. Y. al4141A
/ROM: ikssistalit 4Irootor, Ooalliosal
JUBMT: U. Y. aro,h de 30theraaan
1. oie uavo reemived rem your :Aztecs MIMI
oopies of a lotto: da4od 4 April 150 addioseed to yela
by mr. de Aotheraans. Oae eopy las for tWo Atwelomr, *
second for t;olonel Amon au4 a third alar
The letter carries attaiuummato wad also au eadeteememi 4,
Ur. huzumr, Guief/AD, statlug twit tile outlast Li set sem
comannded for repamployamnt by 3Li. A *able or twe
Branch to wurunr asklug tiae prosout statue alisitei the
reply (I/ 45541 froa Caserta) tat 40 was am *setae*/ 10
2. 1 USUMA taut tae letter wee forwarded to
Jireotor's office tmoause tam AKA la question misted a
oopy to teach this ?Moe. Jowever. It seems ummeeeseel,
to have) tures oopios forwarded to ias.hluoetiou. 4100 it
would be helpful if LA= such papers aro forugided Lew
would be endorsed to explain the porpoise. rhis Le ee-
peoially true in tue prealut ease *tore despite Lew rem
oomendution of the brush k;hiof it wee deelded to retain
the individual for use ix another *amt.
3. I think it would be advisable for you to mime
your procedure in forwarding poach items at We iliargehi
ids?, is clR Aotiormann to be rfttailled po.rwmtlyt or
ouly for a. 0001iig off pnriod? L sho.uld lik, a 3tmtimatnt
of ti R reasons why he wets kept ox.
C. ?
Charles S Gierbma
imaistaat Amber
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
WA 41P,OUVerf rIcke 4 rt e,
1,30u1 AprLI 1?4,5
1. Attached ts the
subject individual which you sent me Inst
gether with suggested reply which thtn:( ts
CU, of corr/lIpondonlm
s .4 4[4, _ ,?.1.415111,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
ye4? fts'4Ri i() HOE aro
MD; 1752 II APRtt. 1945
ostmasuompommuomaiwiftwati40444.14...........,,,?,s3azimmem"010.411LT TL rtUE sr
.mnri nnmved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001000900-06-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
COMICS Of 1011110011404 INUIVICSO 40 #
WA*14014.1000. O. Cr
Genroral Dopers*
FROM Colonel fleffmana
SMUT. Captain A. P. Dewey
lgtONAO. 044
14, cable 0114 id) herewith suggoirto poosibio
assignment of subjeot tn t*,9 -"44tsslost 20W tor liskisets wisis
General Petehkoff.
2. After los t tsr, thmkt. t ?. - tte. %Weiss,
officer's brother Amy
? letter from his rsthie
3. Under this cirotOttir-' -
find no uso for ?nast ttA s
oonnoctions are already being exploited kfi hie b.. Vity
have any further instructions.
Lt. Wesel, ADS
Chief, $O
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and pp
rtvrert hoop Ivy! i
For Release 20'13109104 CIA-RDP13X0O
roved uu ?
nrirte:14411. I* ?P4
CA r1l ri, rr LA"
Won AC ?ION)
II 1101 ##### 1.11..),?44 I.t?
IMOOMMENOVIA Ta ? .1?1111111111.111111.4 IWO IlLif9WiCeDIMIAVAIN/W.v ?
eirePPOPO 0
ill x7344
111"111) OWN 0.000.0111`101111,
sp:C Mr TN ;7 tAT
, ?,, ....101.4111.1111111111111rdleli
#:-#614, 01. In t- M i ton. PM" 14
, twiny kit.; coorgastod his ntlatillon LI ?ranee.
re 1.1e7Pr ntri M labia And ae Ile skastrimpat with
Gerwfral Pt hAinglangt whom he kmows. Whet &re rig.
instructions? Hunt', ?iton hown teon notified and lisited for tommat?
TOR: 9/17/44 4:47 PM
--"--cP 2013109104 CIA-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Congustol ttst Meth. Akan
*nee II Septtessiallors
f r
Dnnr nud:
Of o)urie I 4-I in .1
duty will anrry you bgt it LP
in 'my. new lootioa. I m41e..,1 "IA
w1tle-onl n%!ly. n pliongnrt
? " 441-1 4t.t
tit 1 .? ? "
' ii i-L-
(')fl nr-) s4nre. the,' .
w'n-1 1-1 In4in, I* n rriusin
nrgn 11 :oe Aldnrdiele, 4
'sell n3 your motnr's 11:141
4 ? k
When wl go th ?
friendsh,p with the preseit C t inAmid
Tao-ming and Yadene 401. he 14! r-ttrne,4
your mother an exquisite piece or ::arved ivory.
anxious to soe that you meet some int4r.11tNe. 'lop:* shoull yisofer kat'
up into Chinn. In French Indo C.ia and Chinn 1-0..f my oll tv,14tla,
General Petchkofr is Amb dor rroa the ',Gaulle io-Pfrnment. On 11.4
out to Chino to trice his post he lined at our :AQUAe and lhou.LA 7f.in 10004I
him, you have but to introduce yourself ma ly son. t 'thown the
General for 25 years.
40411, *MOM
/el Eva' f*Trur
4,se1 t vih ct"
??4 41E1 t L ? '', ;11A 4
11": 1v.".410;. ittlt4?w,
41}) t AM* Z*1
.n17 * /*.y siin
,14 vtrl. ar. Piet
7nLatl ts.illentLy 4, zJt
I tr,cm ivouIa
The so-called Chins,t3 Txclusion Act ha 3 elvers geen A sourle
of irritation to our good friends, the Chinese. In the letter ;tart of
1942 I took an active part in reviving 30M4 interest in thi, matter mod,
in fact, brought the situation to the sttention of Mr. Willtaft IclettriAgo
President of the International Building Smployes Union, OL, of Miaow,.
and enlisted his interest. Up to that time the American Yederetion of
Labor hod opposed the repeal of the Act, but at the national meetiag of
this union Mr. Meattridge made a stroag recommendation that they *tame*
their attitude. As a result of all this the Act was repealed IA tbo
sunmer of 1943 and I was one of the four ambers of Congreea tavited try
Madame Chiang Kai Shek to come to New 'fork and diseuss the situation el*
her. I believe that the Chinese tel very friendly to a* because of this..
I merely write this letter to you to draw some of these point*
to your attention slionld they be of any service to you durtmg TN? work tm
the estern Theater,
L-'141b A.k" ??
_ .,rid
nnrnv Ad For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100096006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
I',14r6rialli1"nr p
forvmrd the At.=A:ho4 "A-1 yott. r am not
tenor of this momortndum. my on4olonp
hmve 11.??.en Able to learn frnm tcu rith
two or three othor ilup Londort* re.-ommendAhinny thth (7,5
would be better off if the wa a transfarr,
J.. M. criSnor
Dexaty rIctor, 3S0
Declassified and
Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Colonel . ?Award iluxton
Mr. Joomph M. 3cribner
Major (loorge C. Sharp
Captain Albert Peter Dewey
)101 leemm601, 1143
have prepared the Attached memorandum with the
thought that it might be h6lpful ? .? -t.0 have * sammilis; of
our record of Captain Deweve , ooth before and *taco
he joined our organisation, and I. or to hie being vent to
1 1, 1.446 "?-.." ?
?""- -
nr Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassd and Ap
roved for Release 2013109I04: CIP,-RDP13X000u-irw,,-
AO treeemaer
Dewey Is twenty-wren year, of ege. eutmeeted et Le Roomy In Aetioserliemet
3t. Paul's, Tale Univereity and attended the Imivereity If Tirgisin Wals labrel
MO Was connected with the Parte Office of the *long? Imily Sow fftia
October, 1939 to the Spring of 1940. Re merved vitn the Poll* /WNW,
Ambulance Corps In April-Juno. 1940 In tho Natl. fe /ormeettos wtth
which he WS4 decorated with the Croix des lembettente and the rnigkiltv Iress
of Ve Order of Polonis Restituts. Prom 3optomber, 1141 to Jtmly, 1942 ho ese
with the Intelligens. Division. CIAA, eharged with Free Prone'. gaspetionr 1006.
corning Latin-America. He attend4d the AA' S at HervisberS. PsnadrY:0ftehli In
August, 1942. Rn entered the Army July 6, 1942 as * 24. Lieutsnaat sod las
promoted to lit Lieutenant November 20 1942.
From November, 1942 to May, 194) he *erred in Afrimma sad in various,
missions connected with Intelligente, et Accra, WO, Pt. Lamy, Khartoum
and Aden. He secured his first endorsement for promotion to Captain fres
Major L. C. Geisendort, CO. Aden. On January 1, 1943 to was Grdered to pro-
ceed to North Africa to secure data on air fields In Plorth ittricAs and ?renal
liaison facilities of use to ATC wten it should operate In the With. Re
reported at Atar, Tindout, Marrakech, Comablemea, Oran, lomvoon. ielisaae,
Algiers, Constantine, Biskra, etc. On February lit he was ordered to return
to Accra for report. On March lit he was ordered to retern to Al.glers whore
he was requested by Mr. John Whittaker of OS'S, and Zr. Samuel Reber of the
French Desk, State Department, to report substance of ceavereattoas eith ambers
of various political factions. He was requested by General Giremd to act as
interpreter on his visit to the United State.. On April 13rd be wins widowed
back tr Accra to proceed to Pointe Moire, French Squatorial Africa for
genes duty. On May 13th he was ordered to return to the United State* to be
attached to the Domestic Transport Diviaion, ATC to act as 1.0. at *muss, %Nibs.
For his services in Africa he was given the Croix do Guerre and made an bemormry
corporal in the French Reconnaissance Squadron with the right to wear the
I first saw Dewey in June, 1943 and asked for his transfer to OW for
pc:nose of field operations. It was my feeling that while his French was net
perfect enough to permit him to live under cover in France for extended periods,
I felt that his services might be used for SO Intelligence or liaison purposes
prior to D-Day and at D-1y in conjunction with French resistance greeps. /
also felt that pending opportunities for such activities be could be used in our
London office, either in connection with French matters or with Palish matter*.
Dewey has a wide acquaintance among the French, having lived in France extonmiveloy
and speaking good French and, as far as I know, is persona grata both with
and De Gaulle. He is, moreover, through his father, long identified with the
Foles and would be persona grata with the Polish Government in exile.
- 2013./69/04.1 C1ATRDP13).
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Captain Aihert Peter Dewey
Captain Dorooy 'Patti/tided noir "A" *nd 44" sehoole. repeort *4he
instructors at "A" sahool read, se followel
"Intelligent, ccoperatIv*, and capable. lomerned emmily
and showed an enthusiastie inherest In the dowse. 10,4
at execution and planning but lacking in loodovship and
soldierly quanta**. A bit arregast and opumeekst Leribatimg
in wanner which tended to 4040 his enoepnler with hi* follow
mon. Has a or peroonakity."
The report at It" school we. as foLlewet
"He is a brilliant yomag man with whet copear, to be a
natural penchant for 3/ work. One ef his greatest **won*
is the quit, erroneous impression *Loh he giv,to of being
a dilletante in every reeDect. has an esswilemt some
of humor, a very keen analytical sand imaginative *lad and
plenty of guts. We was very wall-liked by his fells,
students and the instructors, although at times his maneer.
that of the politician type, le irritating."
In view of the length of time in grade, the purpeee for which hed
recruited him and my belief of his values, he ma, at ay request. promoted
to Captain in the latter part of Augupt or early Sertegher.
He was dispatched overseas in November, 1943.
Upon his arrival he was sent to the British Students' Aseeeweent !Ward
which found him unsuitable. Their report reads:
"A highly intelligent man with a fertile mind and, thougt
academic, displayed good practical ability as well. ?laic*
and observant but his judgment we. not always sound. Self-
conscious and rather deferential in manner. He has a hii*
opinion of himself and was at times resentful when his eon
plans were balked. He was not popular in the group though
he worked hard. He is by no means happy in his mind about
going into the Field as a civilian.
He had a severe head injury in 1937 in which be suffered 4
compound fracture of the skull, which has left a large bane
defect. This renders hin unsuitable for parachuting. Me is
in the U. S. Argy of low medical category as this apoeumt.
It is not considered that he should be used."
At the same tine van dor Stricht advised that he seemed lounissitodo
not only for field work but also for work within the ?Mee, either in 30
Branch or apy other Branch".
oweewerasumporkiewevx.w.oxiiiiewhiatti_ ;,,;av.4u=0,01:46--- C.N:4., -
I 4
...0.(0 ?
SS . 4 .11=, -..-
N.t.t 7.. '11,4
npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Page 3
Captain Albert Peter Dowry
You have seen the emhoeimamt *able, ind Info,m00,tein rem$10 wrowton
Incidentally, t mleit mentinn that
being tent to Landon, asked me LI r
not accede to Lftts request boccie, my rs.
to 90 in London or in the Field.
loimmel twipan, Toot tc 3dmver7'e
r.eleame MA for telm*.
ling Imo that Ovommy oomi.d ve Peal
I 1r:2 Ail. -
Approved .For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001.R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Ap4Oallf? r?letlIA 17?4
Memoranduni 0
t. ROM
, General UonoIan
Caotain Cary
Captain Debarleleben's Reoort
Attached is the re ort o' the
is very Keneral. To save yoq Use
perhaps the most concrete material
Attachment t
Report of Capt. DeBardeleber
1, ?
? ?
Ca,301. JoBistiO ?ipeost. :t
sarited vivo 3. e estih
repo rt.
NA) Lc,
allso . Carv
Declassified and Approved For Release_2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Capt. Daniel Derlarelmleben
Captatn DeBardeleben LI an eicIptionally
able men. Ulm West Point baokgronnd was eAtirmooly
helpful to him In studylnit planntno: activities
If there ts any part or his trip you would
like to discuss with him, I ass sure you will ilnd
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Nq tngetew,
To: The Mrootor, ons
From: D. DeNirdeleboln
Subject: Report on Visit to tho Fteld
1. In compliance with instr-icttnns Isg.1444 b7 t'rm -t,1-40(1torw
I submit the followinF roport covering ny r9c4nt
OSS bases.
" The missions of my visit were: (a) to provtio rot. the
coordination of planning in Washington of StrIttewle S4rvtees
activities in the various theaters with operntIona: plans
made in the field, for the purpose of making programs and
plans accurate, useful and official; (b) to become as familiar
as possible with Strategic Services activities in the field
through conversations and observations approved by Strategic
Services officers; (c) to study the SI situation in the eastern
Mediterranean with special attention to the Balkans.
3. In the paragraphs below my itinerary and certain obser?
vations are set forth chronologically by periods, spent in the
various theaters.
a. March 21 - March 28, nroute to Britain
The journey to Great Britain was made aboard a very
large British transport which sailed without escort. The
voyage was completed without incident.
FlarlaccifiPri 2nd Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
roved For Release 2013/09/04: CI1A-RDP13X00001R00010009000ei-v
r nnn4vt*4 /WM
sEcst r
4 .0101'01c1fleff4 104tg1144
ror hwo, noin ca this Tor/ lo:tfv,toFz wl (017 1f?
opport.intt7 -0100t.ro lortAtel 1,4114
thrust .ipon mo, on1 ; NciA tmpr4444,1 41,11'di Moo ')141* P0444
importntin0 to t)04rqri nr 444eIfttost oiqcsplOm *nd
sultAblq IndlyilualA. AA n7
for hnvinr thi rt nAn f-ir
more appnrent.
b. Mnroh 29 - April
.14"f10114 t,
ne41,4m4 nfir's And
(1) During thin ;)ertol rhoil An op,D0rt.tnt to -05m,4-1,4
the or,--nnizntIon or );T;, nr1,1 t, 14,4t
individunls in posittons nr rgts'onalbtitty. 7hts stIllmtt,n
wns leftnitely past thn 1nrw.-rAn*70) ,AtAt/.11 And
every nctivity wns pointeA toward Actual opqrtttons 7/1
or about D day. rho vn1.14) thoroug,'% plsknr.1.1#4
the various stares was exemplified by the cisAr concfrott:)n
of objectives and the adequate preoArntion for Accomplish-
ing them. OSS, ETU was rendy to play its part when the
day came.
(2) OSS was intecrated to a hiEh degree with tta Srttish
counterpart and with the military. Since acttvittes were
directly controlled by the appropriate sleaff seettons of
SHAEF the desirability of having key OSS personnel vtth
military experience was apparent.
PItitiiiiiidiairegetatAAAAfi?attaialikake,4444:':.411-,,..4 7 "",i, ?
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- 11 "
2.0 April 2$ ? May 7, Aigliore and
(1) At the time. of my 'Lott tho Strategto I ?onus
Officer was abAorbod in the wOrk of reerg*olgitng
bases manor:ling to an approVel pattern and efe4pt for
SI activities In France and Italy Were was 114114
productive work In the field. Some conflAston exteled
as to channels of command AM lines of cosseuniesti6n
involving Algiers, Corsica, Caserta, Daft, Cairo end
Istanbul. I am informed that since my visit those
difficulties have been largely eliminated. An agroo.,
merit was ruched with the Strategic Services ?Moor'
as to the coordination of planning in Washington amd.
the Mediterranean Theater. In Bari I gained moth heap?
ful information regarding SI activities in the Balkans.
(2) Some general suggestions for improving ecnditiOns
(a) More careful selection or personnel and
selection for specific jobs.
(b) Closer supervision of personnel se that all
are engaged in useful work, transferred or release's;
(o) Reduction of OSS administrative responsibilities
by the use of facilities made available by the military
-- motor pools, repair shops, messes, etc.
(d) Comprehensive planning through all stage*
based upon approved objectives.
(e) Efficient *mutton of approved plane.
in-i.nce 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X0
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d. May 6 - May 21, Cairo
(1) The coordination of plant/414g isompso ftwomiliem
and OSA, 'MATO has been satleac4ory ',seem** et Gomm
tinuing exchange of Infornmtton mnd reports. Trown
certain operations are andortsken jointly with tile
British the OSS programa are kept tsp44,-date and swoomrelle.
(2) During my visit in Cairo I was eemplotely Wormed
as to the SI situation In Greece.
e. May 22 - June 5, India and Ceylon
(1) During my stay in India I visited Wow Delhi and
Calcutta and then proceeded to the OSS base at Kandy,
Ceylon. This base was in the prceess of organisation
and no activities were being conducted in the field.
Operational planning was prooeeding, ? school ems *stab*
lithed and recruiting had begun. Arrangements mere soft
to coordinate planning with Washington.
(2) The need for additional suitable personnel we*
apparent. It appears desirable to furnidb personnel.
to the field as requested by ItIO ltrategis Serviees
Officer at the earliest possible time.
f. June 6 - June 28, Cairo
This return visit to Cairo was made sweet, tie 1
and was prolonged because of delay la ibtalsime the
necessary authority to enter 21110tey* During this pet1s4
I was informed as to SI activitlei sedrisequateted with
A ..s.-.r.-%?ari For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declased and A
roved for Release C1A-RDP13X0uuu
a R.
certain problem* whinh r as itsOussing with 1410orett014
individuals here.
sob June 28 - Jk4ly 9 Esnh qrkey
(1) There was apparent ill 003, tatenbm1 e look of
organisation and n admintstrattv0 ineffteleney shieti
prevent profitable operation. Reesntly\ospable poroonns"
have gone to fetanbul to fill important positions snot
their efforts are improving lb* sittatism.
(2) Some changes in key position* in Istanbul aro
essential if the OSS wassion is to aeoomplish its
objectives. A complete report has boon mode verbally
to the Chief, SI.
h. July 8 - July 13, Return to WashIngton
4. Conclusion:
The success of Strategic Services activities in the field
depends upon the ability of individuals In positions of rerponst
bility. It follows that the selection of qualified personas' is
the most important phase of OSS administration.
Dr. DeBardelebes
a 2013/09/04 C1A-RDP13X0
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
1.11' 41,
Major Promote tie ells
Doparternst ot Usti**
001144 Stota?i1Ue. &meow
041011s Potato See INS
Door major podia.
'I. ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
44jo., rank
I talked oith jajor Zeviih 4;14 poisted omt
that we were sympathic to his dezire improve- Ads
position in the At, so far as c4riper is coacfcr,
I to him that a
Long as he feit List 40 o064
back to the Argy under propor auspices, he ought to do
it and that if it did not work out 46 no hoped, A. could
at any time he wished return to work with us.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
OIC IE (Or cirmA 1"111fr,
Pt ietotornori 1444
To s qsoneral tionovan
Thrut Mr, Scribner
Subjects Major Prank tevlin
Major Devlin arrived tlack in Uhl* ocountry last fall
in poor physical condition am a resu4t of a ease of malaria,
and after a period devoted to rest and regaialng his strength
he underwent ? series of tests and physical eitaslaatione
directed by Colonel Missal to determine hie phyislool condition
and Whether or not he should be hospitalised.
nn 16 December 1943 ? table arrived from Vapvr
Hoffman in Chungking which requested ? report .Irt Major Devltn's
physical condition and stated that it might be necessary le
take advantage of his experience immodlately and requeeted
that Major Devlin stand by for assignment.
Commander Helliwell upon his return nmma Chi**
stated that Major Devlin had been requested to set as Liaises
Officer by Colonel Dickeys General Stillespll's 4-2. Commander
Halliwell advised that Major Devlin be sent out Is Mims at
the earliest possible moment to take this jobs as he was
extremely well-qualified by tralaing and experienie sal was
wanted by 0-2.
As a result Colonel Missal was asked to give his
opinion as to whether it would be hartfUl to Major Devil* Imo
send him out immediately. Colonel Missal reported that It
was the unwritten policy of the Surgeon General that similar
cases be allowed to rest and recuperate in this .try for a
period of throe months or so prior to return to place. whore
malaria was prevalent. On the other hand he said that Dwells
was in good physical condition and that he could moo so real
objection to his returning immediately.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Colonel ntoolow and I then nefi e 44111 ettA Vilajovi
Devlin tn attempt to find -wit Who reason flr his appvient re-
luctance to return. Et devolved theft Wove nomlin, IaIA some
doubt as to whether he should onntinue PO, amono?AistansithNOS,
feeling that as a regular Arley offiner ha hod already Neon
away from the Army long onouoch and Chat his t"oture profolootoel
standing might he Impaired as a rest or not serving ellth
troops. He further indicated ? strong desire to attend Poe
Command and tieneral 3taff School, on4 In 4enerel seemed torn
between his loyalty to loneral Donovan and el83 and his deetre
to get back to the Army.
On the followInA lay r had a further liseassion etth
Major Devlin and told hill that we had considered the entire
matter very carefully but had decided that it was hest for all
concerned that he return to Chino at Cho earliest possible
opportunity. Major Devlin still appeared to be reluctant to
accept this decision and asked permission to discqss the eetter
with General Donovan upon his return. Naturally this permission
was granted, but since the decision had been male Ln good claw%
and with full consideration of all factors involved we tastitatod
proceedings to have him sent to Chins y air if poestble. Davlinta
name was submitted to the theater for an air priority alon4 with
all other candidates. To date no reply has been received, ard
we do not know whether or not an air priority will be granted
for him. However, as soon as the appropriate TCA and priority
is received a travel request will be initiated.
I have written the above to acquaint you with this
situation and the reasons for the action taken.
cc: Commander Halliwell
It. Fisher
Lt. Colonel, FA
Deputy Chief, SO
- c't-Nr Pease 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
? Potrreary SON
Tel OWN, nal Denevem
Ibrus INN bergamot,
ambjeots SOW Irish Dulls
major Dulls arrived tuft la Ws oemetopy lost MU
la peer *Waal oattitiam as ? result et a ease ar
mad atter ? period devoted le rest me vegoimies tivisghlt
bo undereeet ? series dSesta and phrasal 0111?111.11 SUM
direetod by (Wawa Itieeal to determine Me jelpeleal asoottellan
sad Mho Soso or mat ho aboald be boapitalised?
(In lb Doesabor 1041111 ? sable arrived rum major
Iletrasa Is Obusgitag *lob requeoted ? report se 1111411. tim4111Ve
*plena oaidalas Sad stated that it alga* be meeeesary
tahe advantage or Ms esportems? landiately fad regareted
that Major Devlin eland by ter seeigpmemt.
Cesamoder11.11wan Ms rebore tram Ode*
stated that Major Devlin bad bum requested to set se Liaison
?Moor by Colonel Dielkey, Oemeral 64. flommumder
Isiliwsil advised Oat Major Devlin be seat eat to Mims at
the smiles% possible memnst Is %ale this jobs so be ale
extremely orell-imalitied by %related and uperiamee est Ilia
unto& by 0?4.
As a malt Camel Kissel eas alma to give bia
*platen as to wholiker it Iree/d be banana be Major lorlas te
mad hla set lamodlately. Oelemel nasal viperish list 114
vas the mavvitteapsltay et the bargeem hemarel eimillor
eases be allowed to root mod reeepereto is Ws oseataly Sir a
perish et lieu mendins sr se prier le retire te Oases Mine
malaria vas prevaleent. Oa lho ether bead be said that Seelim
vas la geed physleci eamiltlee sad that be wadi wee so real
ob jostle' to kis relavelag immedialesly.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Oelmeel ilewlew mod 1 thee bed Some *alb et. Majwi,
Devlin to attsmot be filo4 est tbe poems for brio oppose, yew
IS pfOuwa. St developed %bet Major SPOlhe is te ease
doubt as is whether be Meal& smatheme Ode ooMeeletdos via 4090
tooling that as a regular Amy ottloorr be bad dirowibp boot
away hen Ike Amoy long mem. ead Oat blot Moro pref000limit
flooding might be impaired as a resod* et see softies will
troops. Me tailher imeleated a strong desire lie abaft. Ube
Comemad and Osseral Start daheel, mod gmeeral seemed boot
between his loyalty be Oemeral Donoese end MS and his *mire
'I- bask to the Amoy.
ass the tellewlag day bad a further diseseetam with
Major Devlin amid told hie What e* bad eafeldared the moire
smatter very earetally but bad &waded Waal it was beet ter elA
emuserned that he retain IS ales se the eerliest a.
eippertunity. Major Devlin *Mill appeared be be s1esla.$ to
aseept &s deeisima mad sulked pormiesioa to disease libe afittor
with 00U0,111 %moven upon hie relmen. Saftrelly ibis perniessfims
was granted, but gime the deeislea bed been made in geed Mail&
sad wilbf11 sonsideration et all reetere levaleed ee Marbitutee
preeeediogs IS love him emit be aims by air it possible. Deollefe
same was submitted to the theater tor ma air priority along
all ether emendates* To date as reply boa bees posseived6
we de at hoes whether er mot as air pcieriOr gill WI Peollima
ter bin. Mowevere as seem as the appropriate 'Na sad priespity
Is resolved o travel requeet will be initiated.
1 have witless Ike above ti sagealat yes will this
situation and the reasons ter the solids taken.
ee $ llemasfellar Malliws1/
.? ?
mistime P. DIM 111
Lt. Golosel, Pi
Deputy CIAO, 111
iteektet?.#1 A
at% ?
VC ?
- ?ft ?-? ?
h410111*,-..111.- ? it 411111C1141...e.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Is "Pit 004. ?..1.94,44114
digo4 RC%
LIS .11.11
tol tidos) Ott
NI kV I 1hre1PrIfir.v
'Writ F air mu rtiFtr oat, tv ti
?1`u 14 % r r? , %4
Ihkr 25, 1400
al?MACT: *weep ter OM.
1./here has bees reeeived trim the
Naval Ilaleam ?Meer at &areal a esesege la
(limited to be tram ter Drigaider Oameral
Dosevas, epperamtly ter the atteatima et Nr.
2. Devil* reports *et he 'weighed Weald
1q23, amd intends to go es alarm es augr A and
aseordasse with JOB 91. fetal
MISS bc to Itareahl, nag will stay *are
wader the watch at the Liaison Ottlasr, inAtm
ears Devlin Gas be reached.
(O(. 1/ a: 'it
...1KtAs.atAlorftv.v ,t,idra.Z.-16....-4
AL. ?1
- ,
RRlease 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
VA/ 6. 1943
The bearer of this lettor, *ho 101.L. 1011414:ifi
himself as Major FrAncis T. D*0;9'114, ass beim iI314n
by this officv as an officer courier to .A41).4 4is
to carry thrvo .pacxagos of secr*t
In ilccordanct wIt.1 tht Tar Cop4rtaiont ;Atttir,
dated February 9, 1i43, Adjutant ConNralvi
fashington, D. C., AG 311.4 (2-4-0) J8-r-B-14 al
the cubject of the cla%rance of arsof officc:r couirier#
through Cutoms, this lettcr is cousideNti the
necessary authority to allow the eacka03 carridepd by
Major Devlin to pass uno,Aned to their addrvsA448.
?iia J. Donovan
r,r1 Annrnved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
1400.4001 0), 1444
los Mr. Hellihell
From* gilery C. tiuntizillton, Jr.
Subject: 60 Pcrsounel Cuwt,a1n iranAt.
4.401,AL1 eoJoo
1. Cal,Askin Levlin Is a grsauate of t.we Unitod ikliatee
Military Acadelay und aun (Lis ci4ss are rA21G..y Lloing ;r4m-,
-4uted ta the runk ot Aajor.
2. We should arrauge 4attore so tholt ,;44teAx
could be promoted prior to his leaving rat Woo 1140.4.
cc to Mr. V.urphy47
Illery C. Austiost44, Jr.
Lt. C4ionel, AIDS
s. 7
wifteilumadillihilifilliiiiiriiiiiiiii1404iiia,Z444SAi 0141!:.i.'t .. .c.,:,!?T .A4.0"F',::"1 --e- - : 2 ??.'
, ... ,
..,. . ,
.. ,
' -.r ' ?
li.' ... 74 ?.0 ?
1, A'
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9
The nOTIO 411, Charles .7... 'weepy
214 First Street, S. ...
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. lower'
I am menthe forth belew the memos sr the C.,hiefr
of our Missions in Cmglamii. Promos emit Oersemy eel the
addresses at Mhleh they ems be loewaed. up hove tn.
formed them 01 the prospestive arrival of yew and
Mr. Aldrich and that you will call upon thee. r Thew
that each wIll be happy to eee you.
LI. eolonel John A. Irises
71..72 Grosvenor Street, 114 Room 122
7.onden. anAland.
7ele2hones Mayfair 0444
49W:61 Louis Gable
79 Chempe aysees. 24 floca:Moom ? ,
Faris. Prunes
Telephones Elyse's 6343 or 313,5
IP. Allen w.
Hindenburg Allow 142
(betwee=art wed wieebodlos)
OPPOrtZt7 tp0 talk with yea.
your return I blope that so shell have ea
fit:merely yews
Charles 3. Cheeton
Acting Direeter
anri Anoroved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090006-9