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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 > Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 I 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 : Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 MEMO= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 &oast el"' lot ?iso ? mumemmimosEEMEINIEMMEN 000 IIIDeclassified and Applroved For Relellase 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 wit Amiluignaugli, steswails.00. )060010000.... 14.1. SaAt 4; ? ,4141 460- itimmiark Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 4 Mba. KigAIVTARISMS wile LIAISON OM= 0.1.9, UM, APO V. SUBJICTI Commendation of Offieer TO s Commending Offieer, Office of Strategle Serwieee, LTO (ftd), APu 897, V. S. Army. le of duty, of Capt. Liaison 17?vxle 26 Mai Leo Por especially meritorious ~vise iss the perforamme the following commendation is made osevoriag thk, work . CARLOce. S B. DAWES, act 04384101, Isseestive Offteor, Offi 2.Uapt. DAssa has been under mg) Command, serving as Executive ?Moor of this Detaehment, during ay tour of daisy es Commanding Offioer from 15 March 1940 to this date. Me has always been extremely attentive to duty performing his funetleme in an excellent manner and hA2 been of great assistenee to ne in the work of this Dttacheenti 3. Special attention is directIsd to his superior of duty in the organisation, briefInd and execution of of the LEO Mission over the past several weeks. Seeauee of his prompt and skillful action, while acting as Comm00426 ?Meer during nit absence, in the final days of zrs mar on the PrenoomateLan border, thie Deteehment was able to We up a continuous !lbw of valuable IASWIMALOR to env Meedgmereele 412!abVpsking advantage of the tallest extent or a m military situationOept. DAWES cstabXisbed ills=asolidly in ITALY where it hags asuldas? to be nest of:nmetwee 4. Capt. DAM= and Sp/Mesorgs, POOORAND. MOO, woe ths first Ambers of the Mariam Armed ems oaths seems at softies in MARIA ITALY, and it is believed these am as the Usiballe with the tint resoinniissanee unit ot the Allied ferees ems ths Mediterranean ?beater of Operations eendog dem the itslisiallinek fren-Genea en 1 lay 1941. MO other Allied soldiers weft/mut, have proeeeded to =MIA, rum, On the date the IMMO ioesdiatilitem sane unit preeeeded fres =OA to NEM requested that this be made part et his esovise 5. In view of this e &tally meritorious serviee. it Ja record. WV. 4e. Rbert 11. AMU Sast=aftd, Z. GOP!' I 0 /PT .m Ind nnMVed For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 SUMICits Massliallal of ?Moo lo $ Oenloittale Wise,. Wigs et litro *amiss.. ITO (W). 00 Ow. go so NNW. 1. Par so Lallynoricarlolos sam in isin Ow sailsomose of &AT, tbs to seinsaistisa Ls ode seroriall Os vs" .?,_ of Capt. CARLOS 3. D. QM, 64111141101. Inssorsolio oftlosent. er Liaison Offiss. I. Capt. WM has lossahmiimitanoras, suCtiorli? sommise as Insattimo ?Mier of this Ds oir taw of Sim se Onossailise ?filmy fres IS varr?humi 717=?? Mts. ft Ms &Wogs boon antrarly attend". to OM polonaise 1de flatattless in on osollast assesor out bail boas of groat aossistesse in this yogis of this Dstaollosat? , 3. $cr,a1 at is disoollat to bis emnariar , of slaty in assanisatios. briefing ERA massifs' Of irgewllsas, of tats LSO Mission over tie past sirrara ussailt. lassimis et Me moot sot sitalful gotten. while seta* as Ismosessilipereesourse bifilsor *aria ny &Wass in tion ran% doors at 11). fear on tbsPeassomitalins a 4 I ll A 4 _ 1 32 IS el MeV vas .146 Is WM , , -, vijAa ontinous 1211,-.! vatanints (Aunts. of Ur 110.11 'IwonliSat__ a Is , iiis2itary Ovation Clot. DAIS maliffilaullina solidly IsterglaX oboe it los osittliiiindi tolls MS" etfeelltsibp ,z,':, ...1 A 4. OsPt? Danla INA 1p/1. Goon. ?01111101110110. 106 IOW Os first noaliars of tint bremet bawd mew as lirser. Of witisik . in allatiA I =ALT. as it is 1.3.1svood Woo ma IOW USW. . milk OR tint 1004411014111.4111140 %On at Oa 113.1011 MO. iledlitiNVOMMI Thu. ?:11 operatiams lima Oa tiallis MOS brie Gem as I. fiq ALI! iii? OmarLUt alle WM lie leave figoo????? wagt. =Ws Oa tba date lifis 1111 Is 1111. 1 sansearinidt preasoilsdi Ms 011111A ts GM 4 : S? lit Tis11 of this jr:VI:t bamillit=111 " 4 loglost.t1 that this rower& Ong" S? 1111111111t *1 AC .. , 0> . ?; ? ? , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? 0-900060001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 :170/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 0-900060001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 :170/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI , 0-900960001-00011-0000X?1-dCl-V10 :170/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI 0-900060001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 :170/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ? p'- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 .01 111, "Ai 0004 Gomorel seffaolo Oolorma looMiertsro Volisetoor Likaort/ Gorge Committoo0 Setiomel Laberetloo for Sorthorm nal/ Allem, Italy Sy 400, 00001101 Oedormas IWO roe f Vag or your osemomdmitom of /I 'wee of 041,40iS 2114110 Qmloroi Daddlierie fer also eorwieea So Gommittoo of Sotlomel Wooretlom tortes Mei dth ole of the Issorroottom. noose allow so to teas this opportimmity of useeditmg ros rod tao feemittoo 0 flaSlemal Llareemp tlom for the omoolleat 000popetlom 4144a rnIttlitme the goobers of ger orgamlostlees 1011 of you for tits offie.ost emit opoody egg 1.411-11116141. (tarried oat your *soloed amoa of mootrellsime ear oommon smog elm& lleorettag Sortaorm Ma/ giorkoli tho oritical Amp of ipril mod Seg. Stmoorols, ? .........??????10000??????004.0.,?. ? 14/T1- , :11'41;44,, V.? +1.4. . ? J. Sewoisa Direotwit t.* ??.?:.? ? Ce- P? A V, t - s?Ve Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010009000-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 A .aptain 4 O ? /lie 4P0 Akedglallalore ' e ab.?4" gt.4441in. 4, ',Nowell S 1477sal 14?414?411 (Pripv.) 0/40 P??????4i 1. 14' raft. 11. re D?dup %tau 0.414.41.1 , _ 4tsagaA--,.w. rots vili tied II **pi, ?r ? I tali. :pm% asittieftesizalia! trial aileariklets144.7570et Caseentel4141 I 1Lie w se il 0442 416?P Illitesser la obi Merlhighll 14111111.114p 'loath alasi 1111 7?11 PoPreelliod the 4.--IP11110?,_4 Abe *rt _ _ am roterred t, ily ja__ wII. -.pg?? Ziliratill us. talWe:. al: ekneepodi :tees laroz ilad??17172--71Zdaipm.?"4"."1.11 iperutise Z.. "'twit la yotzurileutmau 0.67"19.12_tftliale&_?itp?i4stid., eft": '11 1" 1411P "fted Z .411 its ..., waft la ?ii? a _ comatizett alio ei th dal 6..1 nose. il 111111* ??? ita Liallealpectire 111.1.1.Lakie 141111ftami iktiiifttor c ? - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 - 401-14,1 1, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Pt =MITT w F RAT;1101:, 1.4:147RAT, 14 fr-IR twircilw V)t,q11.T.'R 7.4-'44:FITT 1)14PS MEACYcl**A nitR3 aml sit am . *iLano, Li Iwne11046 A. WILLIAM DONWAX MAJOR GENERAL - OIRETTOR )V 1M3 Via Col. Edward Jlavin, C.), 2677 Hogiment ()S3) APO 512, U. 6. Army REPORT an services rendered by Capt. Eall'o 4ulney Deddert) ,46340 Captain Daddaria arrived in Milan from SwItserland duriag the first days of the insurrection, and aided me La my work from that tin* until the arrival of the Allies. His services were especially useful during negotiatton. with the merman authorities for the purpose of neutralising enemy armed forces Who persisted in their desire to continue resiatemees sind ? forcing then to accept a truce or to surrender. Capt. Daddario showed himself ta be well informed amd His work deserves full recognition. Oen. Raffaele Cadmus nprlassifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 *K: 1: I KM irg; PTV ViTOMITIM I 171:14 KNORKOMOI rill:191:i MINIM I MOO MillsSIS -S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/041CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 f ? ? ? ? ? ? \I ? ? .* Ft rt; A RTWIRS ;Orli h t Ir, r urti.J.11 .r wrrtArngt 4rw1( AF9) it4 21 J40. 1,40 SUDJUI: CLX loiter to Goaorsi Nueva, v. amot. 10 s Officio of Stratogli Sorted.. Washia4140.6 D.C. f? ? 1. Attaoho4 is lottor fro. 4.a.va1 Matt000lo Cadoraa to amoral Dosevaa. Asto4 13 J. 19411. sabjast *Bogert oa Sorvioos Ioa4irio4 by 041114. 1611141 Daddario. 0.436346.4 togiftar vitt as lagplish !sassier Sion gado at this hoadquart.ro. Foy Our Cosaaadiag Offisor this aautorsattersa w--VA64?)4 1101114D Lt. CO 1 ONO. ? WI lot tag Chief $1 KIM 110#3 ? "sr 7.4 ????????? """*""*!?"' ? r?r Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100096005-0 CONFIDENTIAL - t 14z, r . , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 thr. lealles. Leine While Ilimiee 11. 0. 10 Off 111.? Deer Or. Lefton Nr. Alfred t, Davidees, the - I have year lel,Sor 111 102=31, Pagrapies timmeesto Meta Prim his basNiroen4 ad *aperient,* Iveil& 80940sr that Mr. Divide,* would be quallftei La rosier lel asalotasao to obsess group is 1,146.4481, weelititt mew Wira. Obendlor Norio on roperstiloss astiOrs? Iwo will Sake Ile nooesaary atop* Is rel000t 16,4 Mr. Davidson lo* a -Ignid k OS. epos bin istootSeo Oft Ary and as soon as passible take ipI.tinitles is losnion ardor *r. Nemo 4(. 7 Vpit c?,e ? 14..wipg? ,?0 Op-t 4:4 " ? > *s.""ill?411141.1111141.1111"1111.1111111110C ..15:-'4*, . ? 4;r;t * ? ' 4 . ' -,tiki. r?-? 4. . , --, ' .4.? 1 .10 . ,. t4 ' -in _,'M ' JI:v:YIA.4" A'S, ? ?Of, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010009uuuo-v ? r if r 1401.1; rsr r?te?t I*" 4vAekclorct,-a #0it 44, ch, )1,1 Aftior (fonorei 11114m A. .rinwl7An ?trio. ,a1 tretoil, tat?langto on ? . C ty don r (honer% I s lindfir4 tAn.1 totoitt Atrr04 k. t$3.,r1V4i)11 '0? 44A0 tleneral Qum** l'? off I, o? .)( tot* s ore Lan Adieu-oil i -titnet14.4,9,- tam hn ? jut basork )t 11'1 rst ry, t* t rri te 1`. to Le to report wthth Ulm n ex t ton ? i)a ? Idalcxt was with tosfati-coboso Car leofi. too prior to UOR 00n9Oltdait100 vith A. V% regent 110114'.416 OMO tills been dolzu a cans lcierit kit.* eit C *r isuto .rorimas *Carlow . :is 11111 1.1.441ti to ,te nu t 4000 raw kiri *fit ftvf de f grown t. I t hits oc claT "hi to o tine t U uriA44.)* oroti.14 an excellent ?arson to work with your itraupLi teciadon that is working under *ors* on reparationa aAttarv. k CMOW oC no one whom I would more highly risoommanci for this sort aC work. i unoerstand that, due to the coaditiaa 3X he elli not be earmitted to take basic tralalag. be absurd to /lave &i Lis; LAL, 4. put in a clerical Joh In the army. aLs wiser k.t KA*wriouce Key i suggest to you that you have .avidson aado part of the US$ organization and assigned tO London to *ark under Morse. lf you met Davidson you would readily 400 that he is of the quality that under any normal conditiaao would put his in the commissioned officer class. Sincerely. 1.4?Mml?????????? rr polAase 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005- plum TO Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 -?-?,??? tilare, Mimes OFFICE or svgAttemc satoinfoCes Dosontueurylcoa ;oh, fa. .14.4??????-#.40* ? ? ????? ? ?? ?? ????????? ??? IreIN Ar.114,ifyi OIRecTOR 1-????? ? -1,70?161P1*.r?deOlilKot. ? .? itcAt7001011 eaammOS* steOLOP,_ it .v_0*w*, #11.40.00141411.4y RECEIVED IN CODE ON staiwt, SECRET 00307. nas0 To EXECUTivE OfFICt. 0921/ TO cmuNON044, CORRECTING OUR /10387 (IN, 13112) 044 CAPTAIN OAM ARRANGED AN ASCOMMENT NITS 14TH FoocE on mr: ape. a( AWED TolitANSCER, so DAVIS aft/ MOT Mimi) STATI Slag. TOR: 1124 18 MAY 45 IT IS FORBIDD OR THU CAMS WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM ml sscarrmuAT --obuitaisaaiwiesidemidasiw SECRET 8 ifdmnri nnroved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 r qt.? 471.1..d) ? DATE FROM TO Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Ca lAr X WIG I We OPPIC/AL ()pop* ?CM OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES cosTnistrnom VON ACTION) DIRECTOR swva?40441 retelgell aloe, IA VIM I 014 tyv, woo tooptrimpwwfwv?0 StrinFriAtAir,rIAGAIAWA, 010101M0 r 0 ;074.1. 11,404SPOPTAT Ct!G464_14k ry?0 RECEIVED IN CODE OR CIPHER SECRO 010367. PERS O TO EXECuTivE OFFICt. 08947 To CmuNinkoma. 2t) ao' 1 L? a/ CAPTAiN u'LLIAL: m. S. 0AviS nrriG RETALWD 3TATE1;01( BY NEL COPY TORs 1120 17 UAY 45 IT IS FORBIDDEN TO COPY OR REPRODUCE THIS CABLE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM MB SECRETARIAT ? . .434.1e .41004 " ".."4"41'''C".4211""141h. 11"a'."."*"."144"14441841111.1144.11144"8" nprlassifiRd and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Ammi aniromp,4. - DA10 !Aii NAY WS FROM CHA7X, nitipigc TO OFTICI or STRATtnrcIrrvtr-1 AcTinN OCAIA. INFURNIA ON, IT IS FoRSIDDEN TO COPY OR REPRODUCE THUS CADIZ WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE SECRETARIAT. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 4 ...11p.??????????????? 4.orbi AliaR?? ft WW1 111. ?MO...r .?? ..?Sibl.en. Arad& . ... WO. sall so IN 41. Oft al isLiti, IMO _ . Posettsitypet . ERIMILOUSELIILEDIMUNLISVIIMIL Aliallillifilloit 1014 Mall ? IMMEINA6111M----- _ INF?1144"1"1 isamms, amessaust. alislims. mid* rail milli* valli Sad. 4.? /1111110411. 0111111111111111111 NSW Mill AMON 1.11111111116 off sum 111101111111 WM PIM MI6 ? ????? SSP 1111111111 IOW sows mum wan a iss muss Nam mom II nape ? 6 nr s routesooss iiroswir toe nemitiabuel INS WOE "Tilitallail?351"4"1""11611 ......... --.???????.??..M?ladmir.".?'' i r DeclassffieDeclassifiedancllillMMMII.Arrrieicill...MIMIMMIMMI.1iminl For Release 2013/09/04 IA-R D P13X00001 R0001 00090005-0 ;alio lahlmi ? ?.16 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 The General agrees with reference to Captain 6torrs, whilo with reforms* to Captain Davis he does not take ism* with the disciplinary action this to the other issue raised in the filo. A* ham directed that he be returned here for separation. I have given this message both to Col. liann's office and to Jim Cooley. Will you'see that the files get busk to Col. Fitz after taking out the portion that belongs to the becurity Of- fice and other offices. I shall then be glad to sign the endorsements. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-6- ? - ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? 4 To: MuJor MONIGAN - (/ Let this man be brought back here for transfer out of or at? co. WJD and Nr"s (3308) Director's Office 141 1-11 or pms ???^??? a:461w * r: ? , L 41 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100096065-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 14.11161 Me Or Office Memorandum ,??. , ? tnkaraD MTV'S G TO t General Donovan roirti, it/ 9/4 PROM fteautive Office SUNSIC Tr 1. Iacgrepe wan ,;olomet Filth '44 colajoi, lamipe t4at L;aptnirk torr s 411rem au adalaistatioe Slow primand. 2. lath refer/me to> Gaptaia javie. *WA. it may not be poasible to lastituti *stir*. the file rained questions ooneerning ria judoesat and mew fulness overseas. I therefore cheeked sad, obtainett hartior facts conoerning him. ?hey are: Hi spent several yaws iA &adios' and ist 1941 booms a meaber of the klOo Later he was with Merrill's Marauders and Is salki to hay, Irovped supplieS to the Chinese for resistance. s speaks Chinese very well. lie was recruited by MC to be an intelligence ()Moor attached to ati AD it. le has just arrived ia Kunming. His salmi rem port, which is attached, concludes that the staff is dubious about his value to GUS slue traits or petulance and uneiln tamperaanat exhi'oited in the school will be emphasized in the field. boo sables oonoeruing his are attached. One shows that imp mediately on arrival he 'CAW to the AD man is Kunming that he was not interested is MD work. The other cable oonstitutes Mann's awn: to this oomplaint. His usefulness to 0S3 is queetionabIes The issue is whether Mann's recomendation that he be permitted to attachshiaself to the 14th Air Force (vhere he may be a *puree of Mare irritation in our contacts with the 34th Air Arse) should be acceded to or whether he sbouid be kneed back here for transfer out of the orginisatice6 40140,04 Pri i TW I 1A-??? ler / 11: ?0 .1 ? ; . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 g 14111140110 OVUM *in 01 e Memorandum ? W41114) iTATE4 GOVIIIMMINT TO FROM ? SUIPICT: 14neral Dnnoven mqjor ,Innto-nn Cnlonnl ?I tz 's rrAr 1 an mind Cn:)t. )r.rq 0411. A %Ali 043 In nrcorlqnce wtth yri viewed Colonnl P1tz0.4qr the above-nnnirt orftcnrs. ommondation qppenri to nq mento will 1)e lirqctq4 t) "Apt. 1. Dftvle r rtImentlrgr. 744-/ randiv -44 ftml 4,t') ADtit, In 410'1 e-411,4 -ntIntol 'to q 9)4net. 7 reimA Qqry ni1;4 lqrsqrAtqt7s. r*Ant. 0 .1,474 eq.. eulme4vrting Pit4'3 tose., tntno.. e!tmen. The most Important evilenre ;n this nmso s/mms tk) me to be the result or thft "bilod alcohll t41t* made at the Sta. tion Hospital, Prisoner-of-War Canp, 0o:dom, Utith. The rind- ing of 4.0 mg alcohol per cc blood, while or zourse not eonm elusive of drunkenness, Is quite lignificent, since that ep. pears to be the maximum finding used In tests or that nature, according to Dr. Murphy of Medical Services. It is possible that the Military Police at Ogden. Utah. remembering the first visit of Capt. Davis to that cit7 Comm earning which a similar charge was made but upon which no disciplinary action was taken, determined that on this ?ccs. sion the record would speak for itself. From the statement* in the files, however, this 300M3 unlIkely, and a full sualp. ala of the available testimony indicates that the officer conr cerned was probably drunk. Since on at least two occasions. Capt. Davis has had difficulty with V.ilitary ?olice on a railroad train, his present Commanding Officer should be in. formed of the facts 30 that if there is it repetition, appro.. priate disciplinary action may be taken. The officer con. cerned is already overseas; the witnesses to the present oo. currence would not be available at his new station, and it is therefore felt that no disciplinary action is appropriate at this time. t ? It is recommended that Colonel Pitz be directed to Inform Capt. Davis, Commanding Officer of the facts in the attaehed file for his information only and not for disciplinary action, Capt. Storrs The statements attached to the delinquency riport in the - ;t1 A ,nrrwpri For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010009600.516 Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00 ? . 01R0001Uuuv case of the above-nemed ?Critter A01,1 No p4114 shOrtsf*caw elusively establishtml 'hs? he *es dOlAnkw The *tatiesont the witness to his actions in the Parkside lrill in ehl was allegedly *stetligering down the *Isis etd bertptio LOOW patrons" is filled with eoncluolons and *ptnion. There 100 however, no doubt that the officer 'so drinking In Whek qmsow ing in quosti..n, but whether his bumping into patrOfte *ea the result of over-indrilgenee or overuierowdcd londitleme 14 the Parkside Grill is not expleined. The blood elsohel tett made at Port Myer found the relatively low perseatoge mg alcohol per cc. Capt. Storrs hes had e very gOod mille tary record and has apparently been ropeommemded toci * devoremo tion for heroism in Alaska. This, together with the reletteely inconclusive character of the testimony on drunkenmese. see*, to me to make an sdmInistrative reprimand aporopriete. Colonel Pitz's recommendation thst the inoldent net be made a matter of record appears to mo to be tound. In orotwro however, for the punishment not to be made amatter of reed. ord, proceedings should be taken by Colonel Pits adOinistrem tively and not an punishment under the 104th A.W., sine* a recital in the required indorsement to the Military District' that the officer has been punished for the offense under Cho 104th A. W. by reprimand would actually make the reprtmegbd a matter of record. It is recommended that Colonel Pits be directed to give the officer an administrative reprimand and not a reprises& under the 104th A. W. and be directed so to Intern the tary District of Washington. Attachmen s 0 .ionse 2013109/04 I CIA-RDP13X00 01R0001 NISI 11. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 t Allb .0111. 4.0.1 %.* ...AA .1 !, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 HIADMAIritill *nod MIADQUANTIONI DIIA014141141 OPPICI OP VIATIOIC 2724 I SIMI, 14,W WMPII/40/0N, D C. MEMORANDUM FaR: Gomorra Donovan. 0010000. Iwo* 44') Aort I ?b18 1. Reference our conversatiln lf 2.4 AprIl c.rderviti nit 0.11 lotwmel Reports on Captain Cleve land H. Starr., arwi 40.40 n kiL API !the following information together with my r000mmendostIons In %novo imoote. to furnished. Very little Information of thaws AID:owe' backgrlund La Wei Ahlgo as their Forms 68-1 accompanied then to their new eitkone. 2. Capt. Davis - This officer was Assiemed to 155 frog!! ',AO Lemr1mbur4- Maxton Army Air Base effective 29 Jan 45, per par. 940 18, VC. 40 Jar 450 mod assigned to duty with MO-CRI. He was In wikahin).-ton tor security 2heek emit indoctrination until 13 Feb 45, when tie departed for the hoot ...dame Traifting Center. Enroute, between Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Wen, Utah, om [fob 4110 he became involved in an altercation with the M.P. train guard. ge was Lfterviewed by the Pro.tost Uarshal at Oeden, and allowed to proceed on the train. Delinquemy report subsequently received here alleged that h0 wes drunk And disorderly At the train. I sent the papers to Major Mead at WCTC flr such inventi4stiom as was possible. Major Mead secured statements from three (-Ifni:ors and two enlisted men who made the trip out with Capt. Davis, dectarthre that Ito was not drunk nor guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer and a twot-1,0016n. at an Mao, On the strength of this I dropped the matter and so Informed the Commmsding Officer, Army Service Forces, Ninth Service (,:ompand, '11q Kastorn Seintrity Dist, Fort Douglas, Utah. On his return from WCTC to washington, he was again apprehended by the M.P. at Ogden, Utah, on 21 March 1945, charged with conamt nnbeeemieg officer. He was taken off the train, the alcohol blood test was administered? and he was allowed to proceed on a later train. The complete record of Ws second alleged offense is inclosed. I believe that these allegations must contain some elemerts of feet. I do not believe that an officer would capriciously be takes tram a trawls by the M.P., or twice arrested by the M.P. within a month without reason. Sine* this officer departed overseas on 29 March 1945, prior to receipt at the Delinquency Report, and a thorough investigation is not now poesibles I do not believe that positive action would be justified. I do however believe that these allegations might well be brought to the attention of Capt. Davis' commanding officer, and that he caution Capt. Davis against improper comemet. Manner of performance ratink on form 84.4 of Capt, Davis for last duty prior to joining OBS, ma, ,a1 *501.isfactoryll by Capt. S. Abuses, Air Corps. On 1 Feb 45, Co/to P.cedriy; Mir Corp., commang Learinbwrir- Maxton Air Bames requested we change the ratlipg to Ilitso7SWaistamteris sod show rating as made by Col. Wry. No otlisi?trior informatiom rekartiek VA* officer is available. He was rated "Excellente for the period 29 this 45 to 29 March 45, within OBS. 2-0?t iii4rilli110110001610111 tt: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 3. Capt. Storrs - This officer has been en persaismmt otelly optIn since 1 April 1944, per par 10, So 79,Ufl, 31 Napo 410, asteloen SO $0,14 and 31 March he was on temporally *Ay with nes. Ho mme seot41100 Se MO-CT on 1 April 43. Me is at present maderisins Inistrlitition se tbelffftl. What little information is available indi*atee Malt Ilmpt. Storrs has a very good record. He has been recommended rm. deeeration fir Aereism in rescuing occupants of mn airplane that arawhod LP1 Almeito in yob sore weather. I recommend that Capt. Storrs be reprimanded verbelis and that the terms of the reprimand not be made a matter of reeerd. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 I 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 nommommemi ? 1111110211111 is. Cisair Dowaramp OD doll MS 1. literease our sowersatioa ot 1111 41.41 11114. _1111.110411W WRIONERIN Seports on Captain Cleveleed N. Wire. sod NOM& *Mae 16 ii? Oa* OS tellootag thitrillailli together *SU off neemosdettomo is Moss ISM SS turniahad. Vary little intereation et them offloors' Isologreed is gifelikikiki as their Terns 11114 asoompoorted iihne to thew ase staiitema. 2. O. Davis a. Ibis Wiser eas anitgaed 15 illa bon too killaillifir lisxton troy Air BONO affsative 211/ Jam 411s purr per. Me lie IN a litis Ma soil assigned to ditty idtb 1.04311t. Ms lea la magadagtos arc aasirj,*/ ago gose indoetrinatien until 111 rib 41, Aro he Owned ter liko lash itimill *Waft Center.2nrentes Waves Chsysane. liyoulagip and Wine Vial es 29 Mt die lb booms involved in an altereatios with the 11?P. WAD ;pelPil? SD MO SuS, by the Proveet Iforshal et Woos osid allow, to pressed es the Weis* report subsequently received here alleged that ko vas dinalk?oost dliseallept a the train. 1 soot the pipers to Inader SW III MO ter sal iseles ea eas peasible. Major load asolorod atstorinto figs three on:WM sal ime enlisted nan 'oho made the trip out lath Oopill? Swiss illoolootag 11110 be am aii druirk aer guilty af modest abessaltig as altneer and a oil 111., Oa ths streagth of tido I dropped the natter ad ea teltamed libe artistry Aray aerviee Fareaes Kati Swage Ormods 11 lisstama ilesurfar Fort Do:aglas, Utah. 11% at his return frea iffletelikkdialtbsai Zee allitical=1, the LIP. at Ogions Utak, on 21 Minh Mao damp. gill asmilmit .. . la *Meer. Hs was tatan all the traits. ths Ageobal bleed Is was alirallis and km vas allow. to wont es a 301or !rola. lbs enapaille me* WS ? awed anew* anew la imelessi4; ? , I believe -tisib.tiraeii aidMilibiliii amilliislei NM 4 I do sat bellow that so *Meer *Mg* eoirielLesity is the 11.P.2 or teams afirestad by 1114. alimPe 011111ko a waft Ws *Mew deportee ~awe 41111 ' Milli :1111104 Oiler Ile iibm06111,11t Ow %II aillaimasy Nowt* sot a thane* a SOMA MN peilliVot aet bellow that positive maim idala 1111 111111aiie I illeilliii, . OM these 4214saliams night man be likelibb lik Om 11.401110 git SO*. A000. eessroolling einaor, sad that he eopikilee?lliallo Illette opoldia sitOil, " Ilhassir at portaamose 411 dusty prier to jetsam On. ei 0111811Wallowri Mr Ciwpe? Qs 1 Feb 411, Clel? Lb y, illtr? 40111110 111104as As DINO, rawassillaill is1J1110, Nan I* IV Ili Ogira Wave am wile by?dm sair*,_;-Wdligt Par 1401.11100.4_,L, Otiose is siiiiala*, *a Wan I MOM le 41, LiaCU* - , 3;4,10: ? a ; Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100090005-0 Migimill01111111111011100111 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 0.11111/106 Denewas,. $O April loss, Oanrasuom) S. Capi. Storrs m ?him Wiser he. bum en pireameat dot? elle OW elms 1 April lail, par per 10, so la, Imo $3 'WOK 46. Ilitsseh 0 mon& and 11 Marsh no wee an tamperory duty with ann. co oaa ammosa 10047 an 1 April 46. no La al 'recant woukwanisw Lismemaitaas aa gma mpg. What little intermatien le available ineine4es that lap. 'WM has a very geoid reesrd. Me ham bean recommemded ter desarmatom fair Siaigan In reaming ramparts et mn airplane thee wee/am! to Alma. ter emb IWO weathar. I revelation'. that Oapt. /tam be reorlismilim vs01.14 Win the torus of the reprimand net be made a miter me rescrd. I Ina. O. (14 Delinquenoy Report on Col., C.A.C. Capt Dmvim, with ?mounding attaehed statememte. .41-AAP todSi, 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 111111.111111111111111.11101 46.4. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 a ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: 00090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 MEMORANDUM: TO i The Director, OSS. Reference inclosed delinquency report and stioicned papers on Capt. Cleveland H. Storrs. 1. Evidence indicates thet this ?Moor wee drunk in uniform in a public place. 2. Information is requested is to the action Ws Director desires taken in this cope. This officer Is presently Newport Beach, California, having departed 23 April 1945. 7 Inc].. si. TI C2' 1. Ltr, MIX, 23 Apr 45 Colonel, CAC with lst Ind 24 Apr 45. Commanding 2. Form 5510-2 5. Cart of H. F. McCann 4. SS of Steve Copp 5. SS of Emmitt K Bell & Norman F Anna 6. SS of Capt Cleveland H. Storrs 7. SS of Lt John L. Larue ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Adimminimmummi Art t SECRET Declassified Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010009066-5:6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-/6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Colonel Pitt's mirmotoondum and Capt. C. . Jorra Stnce my memorendum deted 3 ,1 046 )1t- C110. fttoler subject. Colonel Pits has tveq Me the attached Itverl*w pondence ehteh ho_hfts just received dottlft4 with the first deltmt4onoy rfopott litiaftrdIn4 the Idaucet of Captsin Davit at 004,n, Utah,. The indorsements In the stteched qorrespandienee disclose no different facts fvra those ../.11*040 tor Colonel Pitt when he wrote the miWn*1 indorsor0004. The unsworn ststements of the P. and Sr P4011 merely state conclusions Pnd there ts retptden*. from which drunkoness ean reps!,?nably be easamod. It 415 recommended thst CIA0n*1 Pltz be directedtn reply to the 6th indorsement on the attached corrommoAdoncle stating that hi sees no rems'Jn ta ah*np;ft hls oVIni4A on the first delinquency report but tn July cese the, officer has been trensferred overasits the, *Jolter ,referred to Captain WItviso present commandirq, OM/4w. Najer. 1N, 4,1706. ;-'"' ? , 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ?????? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Nommommimpmegammossimimummommum SEMI I. 1004Alli" " somomailip. 0 Saw 'tot Tor rot sorovel itai mwea= OA teat. lerserte. 1W41* Digris* top 16. No titimmos 4010,21 wow" agoiso. triagooneasItisio.13"4"1" ousigeowt? two 4.? 111.111111111160E0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ta ? olosainia its _ AIM t. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 " S., SUISJRCII ?Os r e' RFS T TFP Igo April 1$4C Mr. Arthur R. Darlon rintMetriet of Anshingtes Oonsini Washington 116, D. C. ?MUNI Joint U. 3. ahlote or SOW Restitution on bshalf of Arthur /110 Dorton in the amount stated in 1-11%* letter from ***dines:plops, $ilibary Distrist or ,A,s4;1ngton, above eUbjdoet, dated It April 1943, is horob7 made by Who attadih*4 ahoeb drown by R. G. Whit* to WI* Treasurer of the tAnttod t$s tWbo amount of $4.74. Alitsehmest aharlea S. Chasilsa mmis, ?hosier RFSTR r . . ? #.? -???? 40ingiiieNialiallaria.e. A - % ?? # A 4. npdassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 111.1.1111111111 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 0011ADOWNI1lle toliirtifro *Woe* es* immommoveipp vemootwortes. 10. IOW 451 14 lipet1 swim?, Mr. Arthur R. Dayton. TO: Director, Office of Strategic Servile's, 24th 4 "P" Streets, W. W., Washington 25, D. C. Confirming recent tidephons conversaties NAweisa Major Jai* J. Monigan, Jr., CAC, your headquarters, and Ordnanee Oftioero headquarters, the following information Is turaished for se a% determining restitution to WI iovirrnment to be made 07 subjeet t. vidual for certain materials and swirls** reseat4 severed at Pori Nrer, Virginia: Cost: *(11 Labor (3 man hours) (2 Paint (I gallon) (3 Lubrication ( lb. 02 Chassis) (4 5 qts. SAS 030 Motor Oil TOTAL *Includes: Repairing 2 flat tires; 1 steam Job. Sis 1111111MIN IftioWolk inessal Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? -; ? - ?r ,14:forn eiarent.s who were naturalised 5 August 045. Cirsd'iated fmn t.eattioies Grammar School, (,ohoes, N.T. 199k a 414h.:mhool home study opqrso for two years and then A Commercial Art course Cm* the Federal Schools, Inc. in Manneapolis which 04A continued for four ysars. He was clasuified as 4-1, by rjraft Roard 1-45 ,:ohoes, X.T. gievioy mint record shows that hi was gMplOpll AS A 1411 ILer* Ls the eoet Office at Cohoms, N.T., collectint? and sortIng aali?opriod employment one month. DurinF, period ?L935 - 03:3 he wow anomploped while studying art. During period 194G - 1942 he //as angagad Le free lance comrercial art work drawing carGoona. ZA.Lary ems iN4.5 per week. During period 1942 - 194L he Las engaged is Lbw business of buying and seiling farm real estate. S4iary pwr year. Subject civilian studied Japanese by memo of to014 books from Universities of Chicago, Hawaii and C:alif,rnia. He state* he has a vocabulary of four to five thousand words argi that ha knows four thousand Chinese, Japanese charcters. He practiced military interrogation in Japanese with kiss Sunlit? ramaguchi of Ozone Park, N.Y. He also states that he can sop,..k .ivaslan slightly. CHRONOLOGY OF PEWS PROCESSING uF WILLIAM J. DAWSOM 28 October 1944 letter written to General Donovan giving as re- ference Commander Thoma" B. Kiely of Naval ieersonnel. Subject civilian desired inforsation as to openings for Japanese inter- preters . In his letter he stated that he was turned damn for commission by the Navy due to lack of sufficient education. 30 October file referred to Lt. Col. tioberts by 1st Lt. John W. Auchincloss for appropriate action. 1 November file referred to Maj. Culp by Col. Roberts far seenring of Personal History Statements and interview. , ? 4..1k4; ? ? . ? jc 02q.4.1.ib WO" 4 , , 4 " . 4,1 /4e.. ? 0. ? ? 44' ? '4-.1: ? ric ' ?tt, . ? - 14 ? ? 44. , ? N ? ,??? ? ? = .:???? ? Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? trZ-4"4" s,.7YA ? ?77.e.'" ? Nift'qb Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/041 CIA-RDP13X0000 .. 4 , e-, . , i : . -4 r?' ' * ? . 1114ism 4# r),**04.,*0 00100090005-0 ;;.! NoVembet Ctostando A08/06004400 of *et ollto. lokorvle* anti oMeosn For*4in41 itc jgta6.04.04,- 10 Moutilibnr subjoseti 011/iltA0 A4001'110014 $y ?3,00r4 00.00K1000.0 20 Novomb.r ForsonAt giAKor- ii4totii4004* t*Mv1444007t41 "INA*, .1401 ItAn and foreArdod N:1 MI. 22 November CLio riec,iv4td by f114 And gqbeirttild, W, 1/1444 540.11444VINW consderatIon. 27 November file 'as silopped to M. MO revorted *an koolcmt despite ptvvic,s1 handloap. t**1. Usti $14WUon roport.o4 4o(14-11044 not f4r Chino. ,urme India Soo tion rs!boseto4 net UV' Calcutta. SEAC reporued deftrilte4 oqt r4r 3mith 444000 deaired porson41 intervIew. 14 Decem0er Mr. rown of 710U Orsnosh requested ;if., Dsp000n, to eoport on 20 DecemDer for Interview, all fweneos polcis 15 ',somber security ro4uosted by MO ger iimA Meister fef 4404 44. Japanese desk, U.S. On arrival for loterview sollojeet slinst was sent to for assessment and was rejoatod for projR0144 assignmeint. MO Branch also reported that JapaAgee language knowledge was too limited. 6 January Mr. Davison was exAmined by Uaj. Iolt, Aedloal Sorviones who reported physical condition Inferior and approteid hAm for very light work. 17 January file sent Lc) Field SoctIon, FFB for fUrther 19 January file to SI for consideration. Roturnod 2/ remarks *SI not interested, subject does ns4, appear of background requisite for SI work.0 26 January Lt. Gruber, Administrative Officer, MO mots 616 informing him bhat the position for whisk be bled besot no longer existed and his file Mad bout met to PP aid that if be still desired tdo CQ110 into, the orsamilaitiotklist tact PPB. 29 January Mr. Dawson wrote Maj. Cap likimg ittioriAnsvi openings in OSS for a Japanese interpreter. there was a VO frees.. 2 February file called up from Registry for reeomei4s00411 offered for consideration to Col. Pfaff, X4 and ' and Maj. Leo of SI Wo reported to W. CM1p that interest. Pnt- Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000 009 4*, 44.1- ? . , ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 47- 41111am 4# Dawson 20 Pobruory lettoe written ro Ari Daiwoon ihr INJ, f;410 to to telephone infililry rr * le.. DAW-00A* W4j. ?411)1 f0000t4S4 hAd been given lerefql ,,,n?odoltatioe 67 1,,vera,1 6tAketrio*, a numtler oi o;;oh$7,e$ in progra* emphosie 4ad te046011 *UP- Mom* tor Dawson. personnel with hookt;rv.nd ;lid exForteove ,ii101.14r do 6 4 ot 4k0A, *Nit 2 March letter from Ppprvoentativp stlitam Z'. Ayrnm to?10110,114 Donovan asking for a rp.view or *P. (Awmon4* Cils *Id advld, a* 64a eihether he had sqificieht knowledge -)f the ,t4panese, Lingusge 6.4 permit him too he trained AS 4 Japriesse int,mrpr46#4,* 5 March memo from Mr. -,,ulloway. Iskinbc for .1,4 iderstion, of Mr. for Zr. Chcstunts aLnat3re. Dawson's ai+11cation td preparation A' 101 4p;?,ropriAtis re4y? 12 March 441j. Fro, PPB reported on the Asia of reject/J.1n ,,,C. VikriOUD US:3 branches, thAt dlo to lock ur mtleClint lan4tioge t ror civilian Jaf,Anese interi,r,tors. background And failure A Assessment there n wore o o!..geninx* 19 Uarch letter writtfan totvresfintatLve 4rne QYMV Siga444.0 4 General Donovan, stated that tere wors no openint4s in ahlch gir. Dawson could be used lnd pointed out that in aitdition to lanKu? age qualifications, (46 dos red men with spoe,iiized are* knolph. ledge or substantial military tralminc. (4, no ral Uunovazi, ,,o Tuned out that in fairness to 44r. Dawson and to theJoveitrasento should not undertake to provide additional training In the Japanese language since we would have no assurance that he could be used in an overseas position. 19 March office memo to General Donovan, from Secretariat with draft or letter and ex? planation of reasons for Ur. Dawson's rejection. 26 March letter from Lt. Thrun to kr. O'Gara askine for re?fttamiaem Li on on basis that the "S" Report was beak! on the job of amit operational officer. Lt. Thrun stated that General Donovan Barton of Presentation Rranch. pointed out that kr. Dawson might be a good prospect for 28 Mar ch on basis of consideration of file which had hoem stabaitted- to him by PPB, iLr. Barton reported that Damson was not pratesem ionally qualified for use by Presentation Branch. 31 March telegram from kr. Dawson to Capt. Bennett staling that he would-report to Washington for f4rther interview. At this tills he was interviewed by various branches 4nd by Comdr. Antall,. PEAL 10 April memo to Lt. Thrun through kr. O'Gara fro. Comdr. Antall states that Dawson was reshopped to all branches but no brembh maa. interested. Comdr. Ante stated that he talked to 11*. Um" f,'4) a 11. ?,' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 tp .71. ? 01Ruuu So, 114 24 April Dawson's file sent bp Comdr.. AtA.4,041AZ 44 liogletry after its return frvm Lt. Thrwn. I May letter fros Reprosentative Dime u.; *v. Cholotes 04440ss 411101 Dawson was still interested la immuring poiltls4 wit* ktokt requesting review of his ripcord. 3 May Ur. 0,0ara requ?sted Coadri Antall t41 ripaiso file. 8 May office memo frt.). kr. O'Gara to kr. Chestwa tateraisor that branches did not want gr. Dawson, that he hod * poor *V- report and thAt Cwsdr. kntell considered .ths 4anb. In*Ours requested iscormation as to whether polities 41_416ed WWI Daimon shodl or shouid not be hired. Sr. 0-,lars!* eittades that he should not be hired. fir. 0,0nrs informal', Ir. to skipit in view of Vwflels etc, Cr. Antell tat Mr. 0,0ara of Mr. taseetonte 40aillian and requested him, letter to Secretariat for 'preparations at an ft Chsetonis signature. 9 May letter and file to Mr..Sullogy fres Cesoili.; AasU s, ' reference to Mr. 0.0eraos Collimate 4101 = I- 40 2013109/04 : CIA-RDP13X00 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? s' ?N 4t "t I I Pr.R..0NAL 4 ,.(,:anterr ta. Honoroolo William J. Donovan major Oeneral Dirootor, Otricoo of Stral..egla larvAmom Rashington, D. C. My dear Major Generale Attached is copy of a lottor nacelved from The Honorable willies T. Arms. Representativw from the 32nd Concree. atonal District in Ore York. *licit Is sell-explansitory. Mr. William J. CONWItono tho applioant, moene troll-qualified for ? position with your office and it Is hoped that you w311 find it possible' to favorably coneidor the request of Reprosentallive Byre that Mr. Dawson be pliumod with the orrio? of Strotogio Serried.. nri Anna-wed For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 e 71# "nlinit4g1 P'11, IlKffIllrflin qf,A1101 1P11 hArtgggw*Aft/MN *AgNIWWW. O. d. Mir No 1100/ Numerable Retort 11. Wasmegam Chairman Demosratie ihtional Committee Rotel Mayflower Washington. D. C. It, dear Mr. Chalruant I an enolosing a letter that thave resolved from MW? Willimm J. Dawson of 1111 Derkley Avenue. Cohoee. Mew Te011e ehioh I as confident you will fled I. be oelf.owolatetvey? I have been attenpting to aid this yams,/ sea la his offsets to Nieman, 'employment with the Offiee ot Strategie Servilmtio but have not been simmesstel. $ill. is eenfidueb that his serviocs would be of value to this activtty. mad in "$ee of the foot that he was given the inpremples that hoe vcolot be favorably oomsidered for ? desk job with this agemoy, he he. requested my 000peratios. It is a pleasure for me to highly reeoemend this rem.' mosi? Be has made every effort to enter the armed farces et cur country but sines he Gould sot peas the 07'1661 enestnatica he has not had the opportunity to serve his eeeetvy diaries this period of global mom'. Bill, is a good &utmost and if there is anything you ems do to assist his in amouriug the desired results. I assure yes that it will be greatly appreelated. Thanking you for your valued 000peretiaa. and (leading all good wiehec, / as Co .#4 . irt - Ilineerekr yore, /e/ William T. lime. r strAlliKreti, ^rtt. ? N?s ' ?,? ^ ? r, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100096005-0 6.? Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 lasy 11, MO tl4 10,1000, towome lohooe, 4we Ter, Congremsaaa Willies T. Arra* ?Otall? Of Nopromnifiati vim WashIngtoa, D. C. gr dear Mr. Wraps I wonder if you @mild take up the following artter etth Ile Demoeratie Mhtiomal Committee. Three years ago, in as effort to eviller the Armed Pere**, t tea. up tho study or the Japan,** laaguage? thlakiag that if t *WI Japanese, I could find ? plat,' a* as Interpreter. t now hove a diploma from Japans.. Lower Sehoel Atli% otheaded at Ituesoell Sap Collogo, Trey, lbw York. I **a read, write, asd *peak Japanese to a considerable extort. abforiunataLr, however, t have been unable to get Is either !ha krwir or the Own, daw to the mot that I could not peas the phlysloal toot. About four months ago, / was triad out for a positlom with the Offioe of Strategis Serviee, pertaining to laterpretteg and propaganda work. I was timed dews due to a ahaage is their program at that time. Later wir SOSO WOO reoriented, aad tea* willed back to Washington. This tine I we, informed that their had am doing the work that I could do, and, tarefere? there was no plat). for me. Thry gave me to underetaadli however, that they would find a desk Job for me pertaining to ether work. Stowe than, I have heard no mere of the matter. I would like very mmoh to became an agent of this erganisaties and am, assistsmoe you oaa give is this respeet will be grwiltAr appreciated. Your* trek', AV Willies J. Dawass. A a. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Chnr Ch94144n, ac Una' tariw tot, ffla? of ttrAtioglo Itashlnitoti ,t)'. (Soar 4.. Cho 4; ton 4 1 wlvti to tiiuk yuct for to In th 04444. 'potent loptt.t totikoft. lnyult.,y , Intoc.4ot of Ar. ThnnliIng wow A.4 you4. cookirt4n, t is Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 04w0011000 (000410014 111 111 SOO the Senosieble 11111es /. opplop Mow of Mepreseototives 1aohiagtes114 C. Deer Mr. OM's have year letter dated I Mop le** As farther peteresee to Mr. MUM 4141 Sesseitit Ist aseerdosee with yew reimpli imp ammo g r ala evlowsd Mr. aseestge ~ore se meal as am existing regulmealeste ter pereemmel. OW, there have boss ae '$ *111 may Mamie is the eemelas eaproosed km es, letter of 12 Appt1 11,416 I an sorry that Vale Is the ease sloes. if it were at all posellolop us Obould llhe to he of aaelstamee. StammU. Ovalas 1. 4164?11ma - ants. aliseveter qt. $ .1111111111111W AWS:mr ; 411 , ".. IT """4""mmegowiworri samaimmiewriio;h-.-Y'o, - . 1 ', .4--, ii'35 , 4 ki 1 ? -:4 El' 4 4,425 i? ?'i" .< . ;1..i4_ . . .,.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ?????????.???????????? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 The kiemprahle?i7. Arno II. ilapresemiativas liasiono G. ???,,eth.,?E. ?,,,,e1V0V .-4,4Nt ....Olt ' ? ? -41e*Pr'w-**"""'4100"e, f 41- gt4f; 102 Anvil Itte Jen Mr. iirraes J[ ma writing yew ia ebromse et esson1 Donovan. Um ressipt se your letter sir 2 Amok owased Mr. Dossoa's appliertiaa to be osiamid. had pzieviously bela advieed t flisil a position for him. Al a remit of a eomplieto Mod eissess at the aging I regret that these is so lases in whish Mr. Jaws= can be used. lus Japanese is ma eisemsmill enough for work as an interpreter. The feet that ho oould not ;as the rigid *Ideal osamitatiaa *Leh we have found to .,ae aseeesexy for duty in the he lot means that he einol las used overesso. la view et this the possibapIes are severely liaited sad the time end expense nssessary to improve Ida Sonssome cannot be justiftei. I ma very sera that this is the ems liver:thing ?about him initiates that ho las poses of eareeptiomal ohasostor amid tortitidio. I road MU* to do something tois w smite Vas WI Ito 4111114 part of the war itiflick. t e ie drsinitesows however, I 'balms it road he a RUMP ilso on. Lie mat sot be fil3g utilial sue? VI M& silly 1mad to unhappiness and UasW. irs ihis pots ? Sinsersair, laarles alisasia Assislimik abosiker ? WPWAV?iksetattAriffm... Z.117,15- ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 1. As diseusood verbally with Wir. Wawa. we Woe sow completely gimbal** Demos 14 all Bragebse that amid poosibly be interested-with ne takers. MD invited big demo here. wt our expense, for further interview. but was usable is dovela may possibility. 3. / had a long talk with Owego perowally god foga Igoe ho is definitely a wow of limited geniality. 1 geoid eap ant the "S" report vas generous. 3. I promised Doman that I would let his Wow elm asp or the other by not later than 14 April. 4. 1 rosewood that we infers Dome the% no hem no opportunities hero. Please advise ne if you ceosur. npdassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 N. ItINDRAM110111 CONFIDENTIAL 10 Apv11 14401 TO Ilebert Throe Ties 111r. Jebel 11. Cedars Fans LI. Calir. 114, 11. Meet 1 s IMOW1 Itraill01 a 111111es J. limier 1. As dismissed verbally with Or. 041eras we Mee sew oempletely reskepped Demos to all Iramekel Uist smelt possibly be iutommitedwitk se takers. 110 kis seem bores at ear espouses for further interviews but was %liable to develop soy possibility. 2. bad a loft talk with Owes* peremeally emd feel thee he is detimite1y a woes at limited meedalibp. I mold sey Mot the .11. report was generous. 1. I premised Demme thst I wealt let him hmee sow or the other ky met later them 14 April. 4. I remnant that we inters Somme that we time me opportunities here. Please IMMINI a. it yea meson CONFIDENTIAL ?4401044.4P ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 RrINsdf..r hot j. Ormov3,1 -C 1.;q1 Ots3r.1 fl;Y t.4311,9 :7), Fr? f--,nck WI-. NH i1/4till ,;',. 'gig ql ?I # r i RI. r 114100Y A vfor lit4 . 'ohilr .c'??,14:4 1' i '41 114* .1-3 : t .i4,. . r''.11, , . in L 4: .1 t.t:Pt1V4)11 4n:. Lz '.- in ")t)'!?;1 '`..;?10 -1fray 1?'. rtLo. It, 4 eit. ,14.;,1 toill4 A0v,91r. C-t_nR inrformntion .? kg', reviewed concerning. Mr. Dlics,n. i .;411 -..rtala '..holkt tf it 0 i?ovnible for you t._, et1,4 !lim, !It9 wli, oili :i?ft 4utlow In nn efficient qnd c-..enbl mmnn4r, in vto'N oC 44$ d*op intoroot in tt,L; t;-0.1 iC Aork. ,/1_, Mx. riallUtUil hol.; devoted all. hI$ siq 4 ;',.1.1t10# ' toil4 statty Of .Inpanez;v inniulio, ind b44; saFtvted 1 Jnpano.vo at tne 'LL uw4?00 Catt0i/, r-uy, ,t414, r,;.k. t underand that Mr. Ulw4;on recont4;,e .14tismItt,e(f. An ApiiIlontloo to you, nnd *nr; t;Iven An int-rview, but 4ns t'een sotirtoRt Met the idobitik.41 ho hnti been rchoduled ror no Lon40?1- 0AA,Ittod. I mu of the ok.inion thAt you 11:;14. trAlittn4 oroulz*U0**, In which to trnin individwds for rartimi,v7 la.3tgnieents. Z wilt be most er ful ato if yoL. *Ill kindly Novi** *v. Diofavit's rut. Mb* advise me whethur you. feel that he 4.1s oilLfficient knotoliclia. of the Japaneve language for yQu tu cc-A.4406o treleing, ea thit yuu can conbider him tavornbly tar the position ?,1,* 4 jeonsvis Interpreter. Such hn a.:sigrnent is Ur. DnissomPs ealtitagn, ead I will be thankfIll for 4vory pos.$1ble consideratt.e.n you eaa extend to him, which will be helpXU1 in securing the desired results. Thanking you for your cooperatiun, 1 ea WTB:crk Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 13/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 crymonotit Jlakisi? 'wefts* ?tivo. *Mr" Peeeptu4 otepeowit 411001MPF tows *woo t? $ OP' lonoulow$4410 14. FMK, fase. sers.*** faillyvt okr Oft IMOIMP*Oft IOW* 000.8111. IpelpsierP? 041,10.10110 lttoti,sr lonoroll ,rne ..-Gn,11Pon nfrt14 ,06 ltir40'061 11,""/", lassh 1?, ' 's 4111 r ? yr* 1 ? ein core TherCts very I1jo. r-q* y-vir ankowledcoment ulittvet )tiets to! bloon ? Ioroz %try'. itroo )toovew h400r4 frnm vert 4n0 t proovem? 4-vo foritotton *he *4-Ind town you 41d me time I folnd myself stranded for quarters to Aashingtoo. *her Ir-vset on as admintstrator of the r4btler ssottlr or A. t'ossts)ly 704 recall putttro: m? up at tule :osmore ; lull, In velspanooft. It was kind of yoq to refer my let"er to several of your vrsorrol enohes and I exneot I will have many oailmur!oatinr.a as a rewAlt of your thourhtfumooss. The next time you oommuntoate wIth Father 'inoent. if he is still ir /come, plerse 4..ivo him my earnest personal rolgftrds. It seems a lent. ti-so tattoo he and I sat ir tho same ,lass room tn old It. Joseph's ir Retitle. 1.1 Siroerelyr .5 ? Cleweleed Mem Mt* leolldimp. 1101 INN Anew. $sijibjt. & Chies4301.11. Wa 4/1 IMINIMIEMOMMINgsimiumm.~.."111114.1.11 ? v.,IF t 1 ? ? 4 1, ? 4, ? , ? ? 7fc 4,1 e eir4A. naf- c c if i Pr] and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 proved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100Uvuuu:.)--. Cw404400 I flat -w P41..04 ? ? ineve,,, wow. f 'Arr. modoolounh0004 410#40110# Nos. # Nog* t 1110 V.r1A. ;00n? '4sohine.tnn, D. :Azar ;onoral ed. 0 I , co 1 I 4?pcPm 15, ?445 #6401110 ?Opitailwie 40611,0 .010101.#40114 Okse. 00110.10410 40011111wco ### ohoolooNtal/ th the early pert of this leerw. Md 40M0 ifIrrittepOndOnn, rognrding the poeltlen or r,iro,*,or of linginoortng rot one of oy clients in Northorn Ohio. Not 4niy 114 we rind vle wan ')Itt othor engineers were alio employod; ln 4441tion, se f,mnd several production end males engineering totiqtAtivest. SOTO ozcollont opportlinitlei it viallablo Detroit client with who I N1,74 tesn working ot Pnotenr reerimn- ization siLcs lent iprin. Wo need ft number er ezonu*,17os including (n) Chief Engineer thl Ilneral llperintondoint (11 OW. _ Sales Supervisors (d Aisistint treasuror grd 4' Assistant Controller. The Virectors, Prestlent. oit..utivss %/Id viper - visors of this compary are attire or nr4 :onr..r in *.he steps now being taken to find thoqe executives. Enclosod are cualification sheets of both Chief and General Operintendent. I wolld spproliate your turning these over to any qualified candidate of your mcqualntance, or if you will send me name and address, I will write mentioning your name. If you would be interested in suggesting names of candidates for the position of any Sales .Supervisor, t would be pleased to send the applicable qualifications. The Sales Development Department executives will include the following: mss(2) Supervisor of Original Squipment Sales Supervisor of 'Molests).* &ilea Supervisor of National Account Sales Supervisor of Chain Store Sales Supervisor of Electronic Application Sales Market Analyst. Sincerely yours, tt Lo Cliovikod Office: Wily/ Wildiool, 1501 Iliad A Cloweieciod 014e?Cteetv 107 4144011161d01610000a4Wiagapia100011100110111.401111111010011111111MMerro????? .reammingleM41111.11111. ? Nr4,- se 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100096005-0 ? ???:, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 r ? :414 ? ? I WV*, *I,, ?::1; ? ta? ?10 ? ? PI if Cmikoopt sn I Oat. rf-oc +Moo., ??Iktet .4?14-Isaar,Ort??.4??? 4???,..oxist?ipot WALIIFICAT10011 of a gogr w4ON212 *petrol by ? Ocelipmin itseetat oprommoome -4.1,00.01M11011~111, Ilp et,* otfts ow. wet 414-10* ON* WOW rrovositmo ifieh Wiwt11040010 lionufartliot of scrteestive an4 ether Ripaospool elotemeo, and aocestoorioos setatiltohod 3$ leave to Deretlito smuesmi remfter outlook and lonsmters 'lams fat csoonsion *ft.oush divawalifIseass A. 14I!rldinees --nolnlinclude *atonally kimono/1ga of Vita oppItoolltemeof Is Lip! (particularly Wigs) 2o Nechanier 34 Meat Transfer (wimbsetlen asof ecarreetise) 44 Ilectrisily S. Rleetrooloo (inframred neat and D. fteoutivrt AbilItY) `mmIllust have haa mrportlesal Os orgeetsatiso sod ovetemodSeing of various departments St ft* Sagiaeowials Olvtatia imaVedleg e. Now produat drr?lopsost To Meahanteal sad eleetrioal amigo deportmeeie E. Experimontal and develepaent doperimeate 9,1 Tool, die. jig and fitter* design deportment* 10. Prodnotion eagisaaring C. Personals 717"Wile4 mem of 35 te 46 years profaned 12. Clean MA sProartimml. good health sod plowing romemoISM, 13. Must be a mem of stebla eharswiter 14. Imaginstiou sad initiative esssoilel D. Toohnisals 7371Tai1edge of hen te train aed supply toshalem1 emailatemee Salo* Department* essential 184 Ynowledge of' seders pleat layout, 1.e.? noehisedeol* elesieteal heating and reutilatioe ate., adelleet sees% 17. Must be ablo to utilise adiftetersenetp ems tosusse4 stemma Is Satelrlal? sad proseesses. laskabas plootime as* isermsiae; should be abreast at metaltergleal droolereemis Z. Bdusationl '11:77rdi agais tinser with rosagaised etemilims assiessimak em6 eleetrical ongineoring preferred F. .Reaunoratiest t12,000 per ammo, deroodieg urea ImaIlfieefteme Bonus, pousioa, insures** mad traapltallsatisa plow I. state insoles tax is Mlohigem PNi,/ YO*Ilt 17 WEST 44Th sTnacr maasuirearr a-1101 &Mammary 4-4?40 itsfereseas I ---TOWegalred 1011 after latorvies Generals ----Friase evaluate yourself agalast eaelk of Um alms My ether dais whiek yes desire te fsralek %a saillesuNamrchiV=we sad shoild be atiseks4 be yew Wise of swam* vow timismor Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13Xonnni ?-? ? s. Declassified and Ap roved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ??? ?t? ? ? .01?1 ,4 14 ?-/e..4101,?? ? ????? p? ? QUALVICATION1 or. OSISRAL 50/111MIXTUDNII7 4os1r04 hy ft Doil*Of 4Itioefit fr. ? *le,* * o?floo oalot t 0 4 lor?oloo 410- OOP toys**, ?p.? t-fP?V ? ? .1, oho o? o-1-0?474-10. Monurocituror or outomotivo ?t4 ether tron4pert eviipmewt smote end assessorloss setobitoo4 36 ye's,* la Dotreits waustwoll portoof outlook ani leng?torm plots* rft, eipicattion PIhreggh iisifloottoa A. Sxperlence, 1. Proven ability to hon4le as ergestattleo of *4 1~4 400 am 2. Ilkperleaoed la susseositully *mitt** wale* meaegeossat Wittideis 3. Ifolporioaspo in working alesolr 4,1ft, 0100,04010 sit woman problems 4. Knowledge of modern preminctionof t14o freeeinroo. hcoludies routIng. soheduling. essiktrisl sootral. ttno *to,: 0000010 end labor estimates 5. Long eapeflenee in the toehaique of 400p ftwolog on4 oftwetegi of.fersoove and nen-ferrous sheet metal. Aloe working hoombedsw of metal assembling a04 tinighlog, ispelndlog seideurinto voiding, paintint end plating 6. txperionoe in auftantive parte sass predvatioa pfeetleos c000sitel B. fteoutivest 777;;;Elo of taking over to abeam* ef *efts lessegeor S. Able to represent Manufaoturing with ourtesser, end Oho/ outside sonteets should rush oosootes arise 9. Proven aeoesplishoento as a esaufaotoring esseouretwe C. Personals ?Tr.16-Tried man 36 te 43 years preferred it. Must be healthy and robust 12. Stability of eheraete, esseatial 13. Met have toagination and integritp 14. lust be aggressive. vesoursofUl, sad possess high levee of initiative D. Sduoationt 16. Technical graduate preferred E. Remunerations ----IrMirto 10.000 per annum depeading upon gnalifleaties* Bonus, pension. insurance and hospitalisaties plea* No state income tax in lishigon F. Reterenoess ----117--riquired until after interview 0. General: --mm?Yrease evaluate yourself against *soh tof the above pinta Any other data whioh you desire to furnish will be velem*. and should be attached to your letter ef applieettea NEW YORK OFFICE: 27 WEST 44m STREET MONUMENT 2 - 1 1 0 1 U Nmenerrv 4-4640 - -...ani.004111.1111 - IWOMIKAINIM 40011INVI 100114 IIMM.11b ArvievoUit lialopm.e. G001, Owatero tiro, 4? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RnD 4ti- 44.Y. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 issia 4111011112 Nam NI WM ail isitalmit IleIon SOWN Daor Ilr's ham I VW lo IMO pea hrWag So ret eittelfdas opportoolilleo obidi roe at lho obleOloolt illo paw lotter or 111) iefgafe? boo rodkorell posamill soolos liSe qadifamidram of Os Mb mod of We Os ore bins Mom* eili at 011 veto? tins aspm aftia? Itwoolill== Oat eo ham a slam el people vs* Ike eat amptataisa IOW NW btoroo6 to pens Ilsoomo rip al Moo pm.* Ws e of to srostesrflausi esaloitatioso to Ilos or albs% Mil kly be met loppr to we Om Oared poilitimor et reopmaoildlity Ihree0oNS faikelry? , 11 Narlatilita 110100."-? , Slisserieg ICIAAUS J. MIEN Ilireetor ?..mireaulowir?-?0"-? ? C. A t. a. I_ ? , ' 1.?413t ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? ,;?. ea,-? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 After oeversi peeve work ea tbe Penteer wool.* ef ? number or Seeponlimo 1 h00, 1100011* sonlitmed Mot Meese denominator of .11 poetess dloeseolon te 14111,s Sams. This letter ie "mite* ram eta lae cope sae* Mae. :our help, s iv be able se fled* for a learelt allette sos s? rill as, areettlies ',sweat, Thi. colvesty ha*tomassai peelear prescptarto and la addition, as the reesit et e etc* *do by Moir elm staff under it vaidsaett, nee have a leafpitaamo Nee of erposiden *Aromas divereitiestion primarily la their teipliailit limey, ?he iireotore, President and enesetivee Anon ef sad essmty le r. sear.) for thee* oddities.' pereemnal? Tbe eaeloeed out elves a lie* of $ae Peldillas? 'bleb Aft Opea Old dose *et *limn b* Seisms is 147 44,6112 tbe required quallflOstleas? If you would be kind eso semi the nattered *eft to aiw doeiroble eandidate of "ow actsueintaate. 441 woad send sr tbe na40 andaddtbeee ef any mos or mma mbeisyeu naiad like to sloe plat**. 1 *ill writ* mak oselo?laa Lb* applioablo qualltleitioa *best. mentlenles year saw. Your oontributioa to past TvJOU inn b* net sake to belp soap worthy tureautive least** but la addltion? hundreds of *on will bars 11111111Left 1,-4 JOIN like otherwise night bare to wait. kind eaough to belP yeti? edesties eft C. F. ? +Ur ? ='*.M Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 IlsoufsellisPer of solessilivo sod eliter Aressperil sad seeoeseriee? oeilieblisholi Si 'sere I Welit vossusti peeliesso foutioot sad lefteiorm Wee for espossise Oro. atverelflesoliee Chief Iodises, 810000 to 1111,100 Gemmel Superiellemdes, 01.000is $10,000 lisritet Asolist #1,000 14 Ocoon lissisteot Trioourer 00000 to $/#.00 Assisteet Oen'WOW 00000 to 07000 Supervisor of Oriels.' $ipipmeei Sok* $11,300 solory, espeose see Wow Supervisor of SWWool* Sake 04,000 salary, ensues see boom flupervisorStSetiossi Asseust Solos 04,000 salary. expose* sod booms Superviser ef Chain Store Sales 16,000 sells)", expense ao4 beaus Supervisor of Slostrosie AppliAeltes Soles $1,000 salary. *wpm* wad bees* Remunerations Top salary in eaoh eategory depoods as Inelifiestiene Bonus, pension, insures** and heepltalisaties pleas %eluded No state insane tux is illehigoa Sducationa College graduste a requisite Generals A detailed quslifloation sheet arraaged petal hy petit lads, like general headings of "export's,., "exemstive npsroesor? "technical?, "education" available First consideration will be given to applissals is de an eneeliese job of self evaluation spinet listed desired imalifleatiene Any other information will be welcome avid should be stlesisedl to yellP letter of applioation New room ?lyrics: 27 MUT 44TH STREET 1112isumwr 2-1101 . UNtvewseTv 4-41140 n Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 rior4 ? C rotXI. C4 fiont iliA1402 V: agiOri tevii Ilb.stuncton, 15, D. C. My doL. ar MO. Cannons Gemosal h4o1.421.0s 460"-rxe I luvoll y9ur letter of ,udelat It, 1444 reirmrii.no: Calleme1 DE. r/rIP a 1, p:112 ::71" t Office gf &trategAer 1 upproslate pAos .;41terest kin *WSW. to u$3, nc "%Au! retlostreeria:ti, n tL.1beaost4 cufireful,./ conaidered. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 August 10.0144 Brig.Gon. William J. tionovan, Dirisotor Dirootor0 Offing or 3tratea,to Servtces Wafthinrton, My dear General koonovans Lt. Col. Alvtn ti.odallmeyer. McGregor Street, Carthage, Missolirt, is maktng aputto^con for transfer to duty in the Office or atrate4to 3ervtami and I am writing to earnestly commend hts to you. Have known Colonel Dallmeyer ror man7 years. He oomea from one of the best faeiltes tn kissourt and : have every confidence in his ab!lity and integrtty. Very truly yours, tfti ?? FIJI j ? _ ..; ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 / *moot 1066 magoktuaDWA vim Ts. untate;?citiaarittor i1 SOT tIt110101's moues . names 'trot Stu* ? 41111040040 I as taking Lb. liberty of eallimi Its yew 064eso tiee deems& Bathes David, ? yew see OAS lemiltdieeleed iiverianee j? I believe ere petemttally et greet s$ te the Ilavy? Deena. Wild Ls sa etteveey wad Nes sod booed inveriemee Is beth lee and eemmumiestiess. AMU otter this Of vas eat sea. I. 0ear41aster of leffeenelies, PS v14 wee lamed 10 ee by taw federal Gememmieetlese Sue. missies te wave as Peale latellieemee /Seises *Meer. ft performed these deities ably sod well mall early Seddi ghee 110 wae ~oiled by the J. AS the time sr hie Is lets 1043 he 114141 SOWIlag es Aosistent denevel tememel et the ICC la sham ef Its war Problems Divisime. La that penitdee he resolved a salary at $4,090 per year sad impervised ? staff at 45 lawyers. Be ems graduated noses sum leede Timm Tile ie 1954 and seism eon laud. from Mervegg las Most Is 1,29. At lairverd he reaSed Ward Le e else. it ear* Sans 600 and ea. Case latter at the Merverd Lae Neelee. no Ls 92 years eld, as4 kas s eife amd tee esildren. miestan David volunteered ter Lednetlem Is *member, 1943. Sine. Mara, 1944, be hes bees es?limed $e tee Jodie Advalate General's (Wise sod Is stationed at the nitric* Legal Mlles at Greet Lakes. I eedereteed tbalt kis duties there are extremely liabt, semelaties for the eat sure et omeleael resseeiger duty sad *the: add Jobe armed the etTlee. le has worked as *se diver*, ease, bit hme been told that be does not have rerrielent reek to beadle pretemeleael setters for shill) he is quelified. ale applieetlee fir a esseduelem was reeeetly rejected as %he greusd ef peer vistas. Jib listed as available for immediete tiesefer. ? t 1.* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 c. q.044? Alosoroodiarn tor 1111. Va4or 40"' 44 folksy apt MP a I rip r?ls Motyogi 64?144 ease to Oa** *boot $ato *too bemuse* tree bola **4 sir poroisogl U.,Obisoroom os of Ms work *bile be mhos *1111 Uto offloo? 40 OM. via?ed Skint in Saw with% ol000 Omml lk? sploot vales to you? 07 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: A- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ....111111111?061 Mr. w. N. Shsparrisen Gonern1 Donovan !.? Dear Whitney: You are right about the enamels*, bet specifically 1 stated to Case/ and to Torsos that LtN4,10-..frk? Dasher war beet in liaison. 1 t'r4ught, therefore, that if they considered using hie is Central ? he should be used in that connection. I feittr he should not be used in ay teas conbisatiastbut thet he certainly would be valuable In clandestine 'Pert is determining political trends, particularly where the Poise were concerned. That was not said with any finality, but only in aniwer to a question that Casey and Forgan had asked. TJL:jt LID 44, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 1 jormwo- a. ? ? 0 ? 44 doe. ON.14,14 MINN 4 ? +NW, I- 4 4 -Ask. 40..4440.41111111b - 444.6?.?ar 41.414 7.tc-Pi? ? t 4A- : ? ? ..Z4v, s -4,41,1 7, , 9. 41-4: ?rail : t.-ts c.4 .4s #111'.?4""V#02NWSMIWA4f- 44e :AFIF 44, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-03 momismemirmamoinisPOINAI 4 No$ MN 40111 C111MA 1. Mi111111111116141110 ? $ e;ar L ' lre t Ai kalialatIMOsisupamilsor so stay to rectal not drip "I t, am tootles with MO Mao VII a irook oip 11110 Sp AS iti , ' NM tr les Lc okra. 1100611811111014 111110 1101011111190 a 1 lin bit $ompoil fres iimp i - KO* ri)r tali **twin at 011111l1111 . tell vi Ogi tigal ft by 4 exp $ s,240.1011 oft; la L000l ma. Catena Waft sop. pporami NU ballet. ea 0101Pe$1.1114400. tI'Wt Co ltimoil evitinfq assolig W tempos tire to lb& 2 dins Me at ft itilhe Ibireterib Us quo sidle* In a nt I Cio:ma lila .pe 4d sines b. vuo: en: .7 Mir 44141140410 Waal, Ma laiallOsisi grlis 44, ths , 4 . 4 tilltlat NIMMIN41*. 41164 taillif tilelMill r f 1111111111111N11111111"1111 neclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 a ?11 11111.11111.111111.1Deciassed and AP r oved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13)11111100090005-0 11/4 1. 114101110.00 10/16 A A perA:v 0441,- ? cop, IOC still NIM1101 MO 111110P ? se Irivr 4,1,.... (011.ebeejjir 11?411190401111) at. clot,. at 4..40I s .*v.* *Mkt Wity? ? 110111.10110 aped NW ? ?? ? ** ? ? *so 4.40 moristiellmobiatitosii11110101111111111mato $11111PINIBIRISOMMost 1 fewerniftek MOVE/11.11111111MMOISMORMOIMMONNO. 3111.101111NRO*801 461016,APOI k ? ? JiV 4140Aftil leses.4 -e ? iiieseat *Wild Ire neisbeeed skosid b. &tam &or,* Dee idast Wawa etst40, uarfreffio,-tiagp.; ,40?41?.?sviu ? 4 r Veal ',?;? .1 5 (4.4 , ' ? 4 ?14,: .14,4 Aiwa smipseifitostssow.s?aimassollealeallossosa.40."".` Declassified and__A_u_D roved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-R np - , a .4 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 -????t "?.r ? , w-ww, OFFICII Or 0111/0104 11101Wall 0, C AArfih IA, 1/14 TO: Generni li. 4 vono**6 FROM: josoph Doshor, 4441qt, A.te SUBJECT: Authorimition to We4r tho InAted* of the CionorRI stArr cor.ks A. Request authori4wtion to **A1 th* trIALOis of the General Staff Corps. 2. According t9 the existin War Do/.,artmont f* t* officers of the Military Intelligence ti4ntn, in ',ft oh the undersigned is commissioned, may not wear the 1044 le *f their own Brimcb, pot only of the Arm or sert14, * tik *hies they serve. Or, if not detailed to duty in *icy iart1cular Arm or Service, they wear the tntligni* of the Iltflittly, undersigned is now wearing the IA14141014 or Ube lattot 3. Thisreouest is motivuted b, the consIdetuktioa that the undersignedlis soon to repot". tor dUty at the London, England, Usadqu*rters of the OSS, wbere it 043 te his tolt. to maintain liaison with vurious Poilsh establishoes-tist 104oltv military and civilian. Particularly IA contacts with Ca* Polish military, the undersigned wilt, be etlled 4pon to deal with many officers of the ?olish General Staff, whO --? al al.,. Poles in generul -- are singularly ser4ltive to ;aiestige and protoco/. It is believed that the tisericAp ?tricot dealing with the Poles will enjoy greater pTplittgok had thus will be in a more fuvoruble position to po*form effectivelt his duty, if his insignia indicateti.), the porA001 coocersigt the important nature of his morW. 4. This matter 'nig discussed in cli4tall witb tbe %abider- signedis superior, Dr. Robert B. Vacleod, Pools .105c.lo 1;411te Building, who concurs in this.request. sitZ dakdbiese, ? 09.011 Dasher Malor, 0.1. A.1\ APPROVED: SW MNfrbd aox 4.4 ? - '? jAfetri., ? +PA ? :4' .35 i? 114 ,??? A:t1. a Po. g h ?19.b1?, '4 L:1-? r . , ? -? : 4...,,,t,i..,,....3,,.: . :'.N- r.- '.4.-!,,, . 4k aq ..- .1.',t J. ; - ? . . IV,,,,,? ? ? -.4'4. f-,,,,,, ?,, ?,. . 1-. !,,,- it, .. ? -4 .1,3;,,',:- - ., - t .. - ? _ . , , 1 ?I ? ;;:iti ':? i: - --:,14fiti.0? .,. -. . - . _ ; s , . 1 . ? ,, : - . ? . I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 la ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 OonorAi FEO Jose0 i,ce-lhotr. 44jqr. 4.t. Autnorimqtlop to W4Ar the togIgoIst GionerAl 4tt,riCV Geir,,It 1. Hequeot .iiuttiorkzatlop tr) komr tho 014104pitA of rault UenerAl Staff Corps. 2. AcCordlnk t9 thp eiilsting *lir UogArtiewrit fa 1,;%tto000. officers of the AllitAry intelligenu, et4nch, to "Wigan the undersigned is commissioned, :Ray not *fArr the. 1,04110.10, tar their owu Branch, out Way of the Arm *r 60rvice with *nloh they serve. Or, if Ont detalie4 to duty 14 Any 1.)otticulotr Arm or ervice, they wear theitu4igriA of the itrAttry* The'* 4 undersigned is now wearing the InAliolq or 3. .i.iitter -,4rw, 3. This re, uest is motIvated by the cowridetWiton that the undersignediis zoon to roport for duty *t the Lorlsian-# EnglaKid, UtuOquitrter3 o; the OS'S. ober, It to ll Po hiA tesit to malntcah Iluison with vartowt Poltsh est*DiLAhweats? both military andcivilian. eartlaulArly in contAct5 lath Croe Polish military, the untiersitood wil be cvAiled 4pon to deal with many officers of the Volith Geneva StAff, 'eh* -- *S all poles in generul -- are singularly sensitive to .rostigel and protoc0,. It is belleved that the mmeritoin .r:ficer dealing with the Poles 'ail enjoygremter Miltipti 40d Mal will be in a more favor:Able position to perform effectively his duty, if hisinsignia indicate to the perAons evocorned the important nature of his woric. 4. This matter WaS discussed in detail with the under beIrt B. Vacleod? Pools 100, It , '- 4,ike 0 ,- - ? Ali!Dashor Malors AA. Ai .1.-4,. ? ' --E' ? ! .? ? ' eg f ii 4; .i..., . ..? ? ; ? f, - 7.,' ..7. .-. ,,,,,.. ,? . ' -.,. --- 1. '? -J'A.'?.- A 4I 4. -L., ., A ? ... .? 5,- ".. 'tett - ,t., . ) , .. 1 ''. .rlt ..s.t. '-'4'' , etili .1 ';.-- ,,,. i: 74... ;it ' .10, ? - ?i ? ? '1??11?.' ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 OM, I ? . 4". Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Nam 44, 1944 Osieoar4o. J. bousires atish Joss* Dashers Misjor. LI 6411001s Asteke._ PILlotSos So lost the lasissisiileo osweelsa start Deeps IStm1 1. palsamitlimeSso, Moe le soot too Soolipila of ties !1144411111111 the 1st thosolee:44. but _Itarbearsalr they sores. Oro It ass deveahea emlig _Ailsev_Servi toss liar soot She of illso ussoreamod as ass sossing tie2a4of tiso 4414211* Irv,. jag pggvmitosworaLrs Ansi ""wsia:rfttiiki_ Pollak allitssys allitely sal etirittas. Portioulas# la woopssose oillb use with sow allows et t'sawho will be oser zse So deal au Poles Sit ~pal aro te " fatiethiVeFifird t lie a.___I__4411,111; arissinfisi".".1" Via imperusat asters or as Wr4., Nellegrier,INIS it wait APP1.11113): alieso 3/14/44 # 4417 ,VIMMNIMIIIIII7????ooa????sss*??ssr??-w????.,......?. ? Declassified INIIIIIINEmammembomemeinnummessumill iisommummiimmirmmaimingismimmem *memo. hoe" Seeliev fis4eitio U. CONFIDE3 IAL ---.?????Nollovidmiftwap, ? ? ? p i? ?ti? a ? and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 444 " gs: ? s ;.1 -? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 SI November 1044 Subject: Proposed Schedule Tot The Direstor, OSS 1. I am leaving tomorrow for 10 days' leavo, whit* will bring me back to Washington on Sunday, 4 Dellembor. 2. I then propose to spend about a gook golimg throw& the organization, as you suggested. 3. I would, therefore, leave here on about 10 Doeembor, arriving in Italy 12 December. 4. It should not take me more than one or two days there to clean everything up, and I could expect, theretoro, to leave on 16 December for Ceylon. I trust that this proposed schedule meets with your approval, and unless I hear to the contrary from you, I will proyeed as indicated. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Iou on, Imr?by sulkortsad sad ditiostaot preessil to the destination indicated Is you alIitary art fet?? shots you will report to the Stratogie illervites Jttiter tow that Theatre of t'perltions. toe are, thereafter, to eel ender the instructions *f the Chief, OSS tot *eft Iluestm, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 110,11111 CW 11111M000 wiiismilsorook 11116:111010 TO I 111% log000t mode to 04 for Oho $eveleoe of 00,0. IMMO MSc" Davie Tho Dirootort 04444 At tbo dimities of the Adalataat Aotlas MaPoodevis 00000, 0o10.01 VolloShe Ooloarel 'roger, aell I waled as Mom) IOW llookosollso doting Gee, to pommel hie withs requeet for Ile serviees of apt. ?beau Potter Olivia, Mao? as Ow boom of a straight tramsfer or as the heels of deteohod ~dee. /So requeet outliaed that Oapt. bowls would bo tas olossai in the oxpodltloa that la bolas hooded fry OW* slot* Colonel 1a11g04 *ago failllasolty lith SW Pop Meet amehled Ms to talk with knowledge aad saavistlea as She elableet, $old Colonel Ileeherling, that, is tie *Wass, Cep,. Davie one ene of the few men in the attire army She slit* serve is no 40,6011, oontemplated, and that Capt. Davis' haeoleiga of saa language and his Order of Mettle beekground *weld be 217::: to great advantage for both 04 end 0.16B. (Wesel mess. pointed out that very little visa knows of the area Se ha ppm" and that the information that would he Obtained weld he 111011, desirable from the standpoint of both 04 sad OPAL& Later the same day, Colonel gisekerlims Gelled me Se *tete that he had thought the matter over and was .let eerWals Shot he Gould not grant our request and siggestel that as as alterm native, we consider Calomel Areadie ?1.s., he he oemetiered as mare useful to the allusion than Capt. Da s. Col. .0011,0411, said that he didn't think that so seeded a mem familiar alth the Japanese language and the Order of Settle overtimes would not be utilised at all as we would have no gloom to get Wert" nation or intelligens* an the Japanese positions, really that rahaS Ws really need is a man fluent in Chinese and Masao bee to handle the Chinese. le stated that Colomel Gluakmem had re::::a re turned from China and that General Magruder knew kis. this information on to Colonel laugh and he stated, in his opinion, that Colonel Oludknan was umqualified for the u3sadem as envisioned by 0.11.11. Colonel ibekerli had volunteered the information that Colonel Oluekman was eons bygonepesplo as taotless but stated that this was no drawakbeek is with the Chinese; that the Orientals supplied the element suaveness and that the only way anything would he aseemplielhed was to deal with this very bluntly. On 22 April 19414 our request tor the ser'vleee of Capt. Davis was formally refused by a 04 letter $1 by Colonel Weekerling. I called his to inqpire *laths, er malt this report was his views or whether or not General ase1l had audiddi on this ease. Colonel Weekerling said that lemerel sSIl 41-ft'w Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 not returned but that he was s*Stefled to term our 00,4meas dem without further **nihilistic)", so h4, *as perfestly sow,* that 'mutual interest would not Mr oor,040, one beet 0.4 111,6141 got nothing out of thio? No again emphasised We feel $ams was impossible for onion* to espotIt So *et *asellidease tegartift Japanese aotivitleo from Imp arse to be 'Soiled. Sine* 162 sould not agree that there vas say mmtuaitt, of InteretS, NW, disoussion was diseontinued until rymt ',tarn end on 22 holt 1944, I roported this to the Direeterts *Mee. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 _Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? aril.. ?A.- ? ; NVINg? fie `11L111411 sui.? 14, A__ ambito 1I C!Waft ssetiOngesilailtimbie %..., "4 4744.4.14w %474.44101kjiPe peurp,s, Apasii? ji, t 414.740.4i i ..41 11J bt et,,, ,De 141*6 litoffselval"? 1111MINISIMMOSIONOINION.160.17 iv* if Ec. 011of 0'' N. .. 4, h.. ????? A " A ? minagrsisigimmimmisir ? 40. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 004401/11/ MN/ Mk 110 w44,4,:clwo.gt. A,',,, ,. :, .. f Office Memorandum ? IMMO "TAUS M.Ort&X. TO , I The its???41# CONFIDENTIAL AIM nwts Se S PAM Sift (Wean IS P. peariely mom liquest aside to 1141 tor the Semses of 4100. litemog potter Davis At the direction it the Aseletent dietiasitilf.etei. oolouel Colonel Weser, end 2 sealed es welemeg Adis lbsimilaft 1111014411,41 ,., tlia with e resseet tar Moe servioos or Capt. mamas ter Devle, either at the bogie air a straight transfer or on the basis et delsehef_fervise. SW request outlined that %pt. Davis would be is superisat element in the e21lem that Is bolas heeded iv Sejar *ism Ito,.Oolonel Me *see tamillsolly oda the ft/PAM esehled his to taIk vita knowledge sad esseSettles 0900 sibs jest, told Oelemel Vbeherlleg that. I. hie GO", U*41 one et the !rowan in the entire easy an_ _eery* is the eapasity esmtomplated, end that Oept? Ante' wsewlaise et the Japanese language and his Order et Battle bearemi Mal trigibe *tinged to great advantage ter loth 41,12 eat Oilesel tod aad that the information that ~ad he ebtelmed pointed out that verylittle wee knower the sires te would be highly desirable tares the steedipeine et beak 04 sae OBB. Later the same day, Oeleiel Vseherling "Ueda* tet Male that be hod themght the natter ever and mne Gamest aortae that he mull net greet our request amd thee as is alternative, vs smolder Colonel *roadie . : ablate *moldered as more usetui to tha alsalea then met.* Miele. Colonel Weekerlimg said that he didn't think thst eel needed a man familiar with the Jepanese lamps., and the Order et Battle lc:tee would net be utilised at ell as we woad have no to get information orintelligens* ea the Japanese peel snap and that what me refiuraeed Ste sew fluent is Oldness amd aho knows hee to senile the onamese* Be stated that Oelomel elsokaaa had Poseatly ripterasd tees China sad tbat General Nagrolmriummrldmi. 2 psssthis information on to Oelonel aelhoali mad he emessiweea2236 that Colonel Sleeks's' was totally it for thapeeitlea awe further stated that Oelonel filuetwoes was paws& sea gists with the Chinese and las eempletely latifteg Utast. %akar bad volunteered the Intevinstlaii that Oalsael esnahomm was se nsI4orM bygone o as tasty!. but *toted ant then was no drammbadk in dssltes with the unman; list NW esPloadebe ! !!!!led the element of OURVOMOOS and that thelmtlyowempo ilZ7liy. mould ko aseemplished vas to deal with this very CONFIDENTIAL' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 CONFIDEKTIAL: Today, eur request ter the servieee ef loot. Soot* was formally refused by a 04 letter eloped by 04.40001 100000.. Ung. I eallod him to isesive Mother or set Olio roper, gee his views or *ether or sot Gemmel Sieeell bed ruled at Ghee ease. Colonel Weskeillsg eel& thst Seseral Sievoll Mdse. returned but that be was satisfied to term our requeell SOGO without further eoasultatIem ss he see porfeetly sere Ghat 'mutual isterest would not be served', mod that 64 weld get nothing out of this. le *gala empheeleei the foe' list it was impossible for averse to **poet le get MstellIpmee from the area to be visited. Tho satire 464 vivo pids. diem played moribund thlakiss sad It, liboroterra, seems Set tie esse is closed umless you west to mike am loose of It via the Joint Chiefs of etatf's *also. lt aloe be smoothie to disouss this latermelly with Geseral fe 'Mee *bleb atfleo serves as a final umpire is dioputes betimes broaches. 0111 today is authorised by the Vhr Deportment to appeal any transfer that has been termed doom by smother egessy or branch of the Ihr Department if 0111 feels that It bee a greater use for the persommel involved than has the seamy to Whioh Alt belongs. In speelal eases, our digestive slimy, se to present the sass to 0-1. 0-1 eau make a runes on Its ems a000unt or, if in doubt, it nay refer the eaise to the Chief of Staff's office In ',blob event, It is my usderstamdiss that General Molarney's office handles the natter. Geseral nefiermey'e fteoutive is Brigadier General Belson and from his we sight be able to got an informal opinion of whether or net it 'mule be in order to maks an issue of this ease. The appeal privilege is not being used in 0-2 eases, in fast, we no longer ask for any 0-2 personnel booms* of the esobange at letters betimes you and General Bissell. The Davis ease is the only eseeptlom to date exempt one that slipped thro.gb aeoldemtlyi this *Mee not knowing of the esistenoe at the orememtioned lettere. The Davis ease, of oourse, seemed to he (slowly within the intent of your understanding with General Bissell and vies versa. This amsorandus, therefore, is *written for the record'. IP %-qiur Z? Oe 1, P.A. , Chief, Personnel Pro surement Brew* CONFIDENTIAL. -2- fr!' ter .14 "Irn. estr ie- ?a: r. ? wi iNe It ;V': 444. 4 nk% 42, ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: IA RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? N ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 A 4**4 0441M, /LI dwam,..,,,wdamwa.momemsviosiimemossimmewommy 14 40,11 1000 Aaoi!!!!!_ablaf et dOeffs limes war wwvermseat PROW. IPbe wrecks, et stratsols serviees, Sishrs071 aulPiolf:_rhsmas "otter aegis. Mae (AU wroll014) ? 4441,04,0 re, as,4101041 of. 1. Per msS asses *lob bele bees elsoleass. of four atiitt, it Is requested Met webjest *Mew be Obroismod to the Offioe of Stratedle Seurvie** 01 Nowbuses dufts *P? If %bat Is not posetiklo, sm Sommerepr 40807 tor a periAm also do doolve eardiks. 24) ?be subjest effiser? Prier d* .111. business La inpaa, flies 1St? to 1941, meet of Obitb time he was la &be employ et the Madleaal ell, laws et See alrbo He also traveled extrIlvely la Meseburia, Chios* the Philippine Iolanda. Ameeftebiaa? alas amd las aads, lamet ladles. He speaks Jepemose flueaguld bee hod wider of Battle Tratming la tbe Silltas, lligeboo atileieu Sr tbe War Department. So bias tees resemservard AA4147 by various *Moors who knee bis abilltiees **4 l* 00101, sidorod especially well qualified for She purposes contemplated by this 3. The subjost aftioor winoesperado *so ? sarmai (tut bla duties. 1116Jw, 401weed A0 ? ube was transferred to OS8 free Order of Batt:* Oftil, and Is to depart la tbs aear Mauro ter Cb011skimg.be establish %bore ea Or, of Settle Somme eilink *ill assist la the traialas of Chloe*, eseatetil?!_direedies St them la the field aad preoe4444 tido ....mumeen law obtalmh ? 3.1 Declassified , and As ? A 4, 4 ? ? fAAP ? ? altatOSSoWit ---"...""las?mitygmelemmarrir- ".4 ??? a Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 1;r:i 4:4 A q`??.? * ^ 4,41 ? , ? " 141T) ? ?. _/ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ?Os OrOPACI OP: .74447.800 89111414.0 IVASP*Oartil*. ilk O. 24 4,12 2944 We, Doportment ASsIstant Chief or Starr, 4444. PROM, The Oir,010/1 or 8trategle Servieee SOBJNOts Ceptainenas Potter Davis, A01, 141111 OlowugS3) .0 hollow ter Lorne** of. 1. The Orris. of Strategle Some*. Is arre0a41 for ? speelal intelligens* *urger *bleb It le satielpetat will extend through Sank Chine isle lamer NOmgelle sad Manchuria. This aissieni which I. sepposte sad from the current proposal to **ad a military 114,41VS. Shanilly WI ll depend for ita sweet's largely as the progress* of personnel wbo have an Latinate knowledge er Jape, aad the Japaaese language sad who possess a Nbanwegb knowledge of Japanese Order or Battle in order to ebtells alleurete China and ftnchuria. Order or Battle Intelligence on the Japes.** In north 9. The North China Mission 'L1 Op' eleeels with Major Raymond A. Crowley. Who was xrenererred te 088 from Order of Battle Braneh, 0-2, and la to deport la the near future for Chumating to establish there am Order of Battle 34octIon whish wfll aaalat In tb, traladid processing the information they obtain. of Chinese agents, the direction of them In the field sal 3. The subject officer, prior to the war, was is business In Japan, from 1927 to 1941, most of *bleb time bo was in the employ of the Mattn9L.City Beak ar Mao reitts Re also traveled extensively in ...mmenuria, China, the Philippine Island*, Iado-China, 81am and the plit, .14st Indies. Si speaks Japanese fluently and hes had wrier of Battle Training in the Military Intelligence Illwialist of the war Departaisat. BC has beby en rooms...Med various off *oisers 4o know' his abilities, and la eems1 special 088 mission to Morth China. especially well quflifled to serve aa of the a ammelkor 111!1:11IFIr V ? ft ? .0 441 sr.-. 1 ?- V 0 * Ilk . ? al. e . ?, 4 , _ ? e ? ? _ ? , 17*, ? ? ? , 1.../41. ? ^it.? ;;? /t or* * ;? 6.??? k 4. e .4 ; ?;?, 4,0 ? ?-?`-?;47'- ??+1 5?1 SEM i ? * Cl?f?(' c".? - ?. ?. '7C.4`t Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 4. iholieestior4 lase **Joel oitioor.,_110. sosicif4) I. ?Ottia? art illtralegli filhoripliNto owirminnewkli ore if Stab le soli poeipilkies lailiporsey etyper rest * period it mai 11? filevilibi. 1* ?op ts., So goodiroa= She North Mans wilt and soli iv OTP4or of 'NM* ibeivtor. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005:0? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 amemanui Too jaahp-ttolliani; ?rens Mites Rate &Nee% Major lalotor ? rag000ll for 010,1411 TIMM, Potter Divide JO. Attaehed awaret? le a asneraades fees Maj. telotor0 aim he rim/soots lb* aselopred ot Copt. There Politer Sorlie 140 le MI6 aol? ail* aid diamitmoodi cep.. Davie Milli Sameral llonovue dame ? week as.. The torte. ae se reported thew ilereval Dearerea. aro *ego* Captain Davie werhed is Japes elle the iloptioral Irltp Raub lie $411111111ftea. positions for ewe elartem rare. So hos ? those eammed gapialeo. he has bees with 64 ter ever ? year. La tem Priam, ot_llier Desaike shame he vas lest ter a period et ease aumbe Thy the Friestarr ? t Drama to the Order et Battle Dreseh? Ire Ialind istomaltrI.Goplio Davis sad 'lora very favorably laipreoaad by Ma. lie have reason to believe. haeover. thee eel. ealleell. Amoy Capt. Davie' eoperior, would est reset taverably to a regeset tow tranetor. emend Donovan iaetrusted be to oppreaoh the eillosidos great ear.. Ic added that he use going to sea Mural lkiseall Mi cad that1 pleading the etolleeas et hie talks. eheald las as elope it ear kind,. Will you pleas,. bring /ajar Ulster* relseet Isliao eMiseallas e the Ombra ead lot is Iasi it he has my tumor toortrometimme try vet CONFIDENTM Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Ns :Wm! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? . *********Nowasimpplunm06M666.66......"4/06061106,66.6*-.40: C01111$111/011 meofrion as* orate SNOW PS *5 ? ? 01. In, 41 Atimml?640 ? P 4, kl Seto bre* alri ?? 6 4 o?. *' ' 4434 be waliber?d- to ~realest Itmiklinaboii" . J. bo.orimat across obooir osier OM* ornanielM? , . ..,. -A , should te Dioil &A Ti , il? t t i _ mStatist idiom* milt to,ettlitoot1 bot011,1' , aide *taken should bik lattlostlitiii . tu. -4.0"...4 ? . ?iv '44wais to io!orie4 to porno* ? 7, .17 ? ,. ? i ; , . tfitoypiiiiitios ow* saiparapp, slittets. ,P1r*r I...14.7.4 , ? ..:4-t. ,. 4 ? 1447 4 and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ' Office Memorandum ? To Co1one1 James M. MeRificho ,1311C 11410 II loft% IOW Flom Major I. A. Tolstey SUSJICTI Request for Obtaialeg Capt. Mamas Poister Davie, Jr. for Aseitommon$ to Major Tolstoy'. Wooten, conrieWilit uNITED sTATE3 GOV11104$11111.411 ,1- should like to request the amolipmeet et Carte Meese Potter Davis. Jr. te my next missies. As f Inderesand6C0016 Owls is stationed in California la the 1,9, Army el the proeemet Maw. The exeellent qualifteatioas of Capt. Darla a* a Japanese linguist and his training is the Japanese Order rof auntie soh* It extremely ilesential that he he aseigned te moo Therefor*. t suggest every effort b* mad* t* obtain his6 Further, beeause of his knowledge In ~tale eunleets, Ce,44. Davis will b: an important man te have In the orimilsotios el sli times. Declassified ? ? , s'? 0.Z5';,,kwit? .?? ? ;*Ika- Atk, * I. A. ?Oslo, Major, ADS CONFIDENTIAL and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 'I! ??- ww?P. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 A:vil 044 OUBJTCT: Captain Thomas Potter Davie, AM (AM 00100'.0) Requeot for Sorvises of. Director, 0rrtoi of %ratite,* Servieee, Oftehington. D.O. 1. Referent,* is made to yowt Latta? of 14 Ativtl 044 (10% 00 above subject Which was just daAvered porsonoily by Cotomoil Connelly to this Dtvienn on 20 April. 2. Captain Davis is on extremely isportanA duty aaw wtthia this DiVisiOn and his 'Derv-icon ?Rano* be spars& fo'r the leas period of temporary duty oontimplatid by this ;enjoin whiab Colonel Connely explained. 3. I fin4 that I oannot *grips with you f%14 o* the demir... ability of having an officer qualified in both the Ialecaese lam* guage and in Japan** order of battle oohing this 17i, 110 the territory you described. A better solottioa would, be ea *Moor who speaks Chinese aka 'Quid be briefed la :armee. order of tattle in this tdvision. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 SECFP ao A-rli 044 1. Referees. le nada to your letter et L4 Aertl 1944 ma the above subplot 'bleb lea just delivered personally b7 islasel Osenely to this William on 20 April. 2. Captain Davis la ae amtrweely impartial drift tare this Division sod his servioes sannot be spared tor the leas purled of temporary duly oontenplated by the proton gedia Conway explained. 3. Z find that I sumo% agree yea INI4 011 tbe 4414P* ability of bevies se Wiser qualified in both the Ilepaiese temp sump and in ispeaess order of battle ankles this trip le the territory you deseribed. Abaft"? seleatioa would to es eftissr who speaks Chinese who (mild be briefed in Ispemeee order of liattle La this Divialoas MAWS anisiv Hajar Illaserale A. C. et Sos swab . 111.00.1111101110wo.- ak ' 4:4* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 41, IM Ver. Arita VW,Z,W,C= 2111,1"I'R4.141N4 ri?-ze ow er.rr io 4 t 184440 TO? HIP. PERcaltonE1 Plot 'IRON.. oft so* vf I Ilre Not ? h I hi till . 111111M DINAR( N I HIE!" (fole ARRA (qrsea r 2. TRX Itakkak T NI 4 tir0 nil*, 1, 3. INN,' HRANt N pp PRMINIII. orir 11 PR. 111.111111411.41441141111141. I. NAME OP REQUIS IT ION INGPII . NAME 4der1t ,re t 44 Q. ARM Oh SERV It E dial& 11. OFF IC IA 1. ARMY ADDRESS 6 ASS IGNIKINT Mini. at law ararke 11111tisq Suparemillip Our SW% ? Illkahom IAN asolk-Awaft 1.14 41 4 4$ 4 ? NS r SI NS 4.., 41'444* AMINO In. pikrx np INC K _--?=ft!elESMINIfte2dre V''V ? 4 "t 441 A.-11111111111L 4.0411.4i 12. INTENDED ASsIGIOISSI (Location k job Drifter 0 see, ???????????111?11?11=111.1,10.1111.1.01111.111..a. ????611111.1fril 4: 4.111010111111.1????????00.1.0111 4111101111?116?6ft. For emit. 13. LANGUAGE FACILITY lIodicate dogrito of prtif Le t?acy. aid if tioa allnani?'pair. woad isw Mos% wits? felt Vim& ? mil non* 14. WILL SPECIAL OSS TRAINING BE REQUIRED? 15. IS CANDIDATE TO BE INTERVIEWEBT 16. HAS PERSONA L HISTORY STATEMENT REFN ORTA INV)? SOS IR. IRIS REQUISITION 17. HAS SECURITY CHECK BEEN ORDERED' AN APPOOKIID IS WITHIN: ( A TBICATIVILY APPROVIID ALUMS IR a Aturrela DATID: 19. ADDITIONAL ESSENTIAL k SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (If candidate is to be ister?iewed. tatttcat? aay 'poets.' pout. to to comma) anomoludi CONCURRENCE IN RELEASE GRANTED BY: 28091 (For PPB, OSS) 20. SUBMITTED (OVEN) CONFIDENTIAL ' (444. 1116 alkilb IONA 1111111 (For tit* Itirgutittioitifig i. pc ? ? Si ' .nr?ri ntlITIVRCI For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 $ it) igiair441 4,1 Wu WO; AAVol eakAiLlt sataraitiLA "iat.1.41), :LI sit lag,44011b4Z hw."14.041teal 44; U.die a4:44.4164...u.si, twos Abat Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 01k 81414 .410" a 1 ? 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 40.s...s.uso.o.s.0.0*.oweasto4olimumsow0u*A?issi. at ? r it4 'f4SW TO I' 2 'NV IltkaiONNN PRO( If*. on Ntr 4 4 41 4 ?Nt Sun Per 1 It Has IeI,if 1. "'Now IINANIH (111N, foo 116114 HPItOtrr.sw . V vt 4 4 81 U. now r1411 anit.,141111t. ruit4 Two OF f' It ?? , 4 e _ :1 . 1111111 1111A 14( H PP N zoNNIt 1 IIIrr it 10. ...... al 4 4 I Vs 4 4 t *tit MittAt:16.411111141?.._ 4. HAWN Or RP:911p( IT IONINf, PINANt 3 t n. NAMN P. ARM Ok N kfithilik 11. OFF IC IA L ANNE ADD111111c AA el q vomit per ???? ;es ii OttlQ012_ If) 1}4 r op fir N -I - 04;`4 ?f %us r titt .4 trIg 5A S Prisoner of War Oranek, Witter, retell's.*** Deparinsal, Mar Doptes 12. INTENDED ASSIGNMENT (Ler at tn. A job Doseer tpe t.m Anvcriii? 4; Par Bast. 1 r ? IL S 13. LANGUAGE FACILITY lIadic?t? d?gr?? ?t prefir teary. sad if see., Japanese - speak, read - fluent, writs - tair French - read fluent 11?1????????????????????11101011?10.? 14. WILL SPECIAL OSS IF OR NOW TRAINING RE REQUIRED" Yes Lops;, :Ivo weeks 100?0?111?1?????????????MINI0110?00????????^10?1 15. IS CANDIDATE IP A LAP A DY VITERV IR?IR ft . TO bE INTERVIEWED' No? my ',mow, 1-- (1C14 16. HAS PERSONAL HISTORY STAT/ MYST $7. HAM SICU il ITT c MUCK RP '4 (VITA INED? The PEEN ORDESIRD" ....... ja , 114. THIS REQUISITION AS Ammo IS WITHIN: ( ) A TINTAT IVRY APPROVED A LLOTME NT I z 1 ALLOT'. Of DATED:, 1P. ADDITIONAL ESSENTIAL k SPECIAL QUAL!? ICAT 10115? (If candidate in to b? iat?r? towed, tad tcate 1?7 *rectal pipiat? t? )14p .14??????4) CONCURRENCE /N RELEASE GRANTED DY: (For PPD, 035) 1'28091) SO. SUSIIITT (0V1111) CONF I DENT I AL 2 (--"J. 16 isimsk, Colemol IOW Maid's Par 4.1?,irt (For the Ripi?itt?sio. Droaek) L--*--..........s.moraosnanimmaueolflefiliaimemplIfillfel011.111.1Visoullemememimmosepiikagsgmip***Aisammenlolirft`rr`^"-"- ? ? rt:Lt .1 ?.1.00mmumwelenal01101111.44vammamommo? t .a.'NitAW? nprdassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 414,' '.;:"??? Ak5. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 II Mir! r01,9 (041r y fr rrii lormht In 1PIP NP9If14 It It lie r?fie???04 101? 11114 800 1114140 ? ??11.41f to? .4 or q141.1rrA Itronish 011),;R, r?pnr Ind ir? t? t ' 4. r4iltfvf-11, ? .4a. " 044. Rut,* son, North A14'4. tor 41'1.4 q a 116 ~IL NNW fift 111111111111,NIN 3 MILITARY 11130MMIL 4-8-44. The Security Office has no record of Capt. Moms P. Davis, Jr. Lto hvA0.6r, au.1.4 at &le AAPP.;610AA At tilloA4 VISO LO Umi ,..4????4 O. 4%.0) OA ? t A VA . ? & * '4.4* 41?0414 by Use ...AAASet, V4?4hA **Mk A Ou.r. 401.1.0 00,1 war. ,ijorais 0..4 .euao....up. 4,6110,0u. .4 411?10404?4 sr ? . i??? AvOill? AA.0111%.* 4 L. . JO ? 40 kal 44.400-. 4.*414j eat 114,44 b? A AA* A4 A - OM/ 1?06401,4640 ? r Aill owd 4, L.,,, Allred to ? . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ? Declassified and Ap 4 4W.11111 ? .??Ir ,111 4$ ? roved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ("Mr"FIlTiAi, Office Memorandum ? t;Nt rvir) rA, rp:; rfovtuiNtwAN r ? # ? (,r ..,ri ?-? , ?? ? ? I '1'1 6 'r ? , r . ' 1 I???i , ? . r f * . r, i A 44 ,.,. . ler ? 6 q . cr , ' 1 os I . . ? 4 '1 ' I 11114 .4 0 tin tit '," ri,..1 go 1 N , AI A f* v 4 ? 4 11 ? , r", 1 t i i i'l rl (1 I' V : ei 4 ',. " es 4 , .1.1 i ''ri 1 " r .1 ?:. k f?Ttrqt 4 r" ? 04 7. : . 6*. - . ' 4 '1 7 - 4 i .4 1 4 $ # 1 n rnt ril ?..,. ' ,...1 t'. 1,1." "?,. ? ? " tt 4 ? W 1 f h i .'. I , (. ' - ? . ? ' 4 ,ika r ea ? ' 1 7 ' 4 ' ' el l , ' .1 4 4 4 ; T ' ? .1 .i. , C i 11 1 I i . 17 -:iri at 'i ' v) ,'fl q ) .0 r4 : It) 1 /` - 7 $. :" 4 ' i ; I . ? , 0. 4 fl (J ow t 1 ? A 1. : : r ca 1 . ,? : .11 t r r?in r, r43 ^ 4 ? 11 a ? ; tl t ' . ??) 1 .1- ' : , 7 6 . f 41 ? . n ? , A ". : .1- ? ;? . t I. .a :V ; ?. ? ? , . . . 0, 6: 11.r ! r ri ,c '.ii I rr-..4 ? . r ? ;t.w :1 7, 7 fl ; rir t. II ? on'. r' ' n T I -1 . A I e, I N " 1 7- 1 1 . ? ??*"--?????., CONFIDENTIAL - ?ftv,c,.4azwifioarld1imos,.E.ftekoweempadapillimile10001.111111011 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 r. r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Vittr-vt110,64 111.0 1014 Waft% 11.11.11Mallit 10 Minn 164111m alii410111 'Malt ? le tee 4karie here* autliesuell are disiftioll to PP???14 $4, doetlasetfai ladialtai Sat pew ard?rs, *kw* svos *Su Avert to Illoottesie siertiampe ottlisisP tar bleats* fit tosisitektip Sot aft. alhombi? imte vide, the lastrusetens se the sellworsis Oes,140.4 fts.toor ter eft Illisity% tidell?1" arallevieri >??,. c ? ? ..; . - 4 .... . . ":, ,, v , 4.,,,,,,, ,.., , .'t 4,4.,": .k." 4.:'?;-%143`44,7,' '..s''' '' t. ? t;- , -, ,::?.; r ';: ,r''' ? -.Ls' ,4,,,, ,,,,,t6 , - .I.-!7 h f . ''?-? ?I? 4.., Illii ,,,...zes,i 4,,,,?-> . 1 ? ' '?-? 1 e, .-t, 4* , Di-classified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 , r ; 40-f -24 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 c.) a* "topiary au mmosAsist LTI Mum J. similliaser AVisiante maw 6 ae sbliner auliimillese sad ollisosil maw distArlies AalassaimitIspose aiLtoopir mow% SOW. 0610 W lie Mimeo Oleo Ow Nisi Thestes. commiampo Wee Shoreafter, Iwo aft aim she 1.06.1s?Aisas it me Oireg. iltadi Soo oft Thrasels. Chime. 110 PA 1111 Oman Maw G. ? auto" Assletiall Diselt or Airnellies Va larsebsivi S CRET ??, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 i4-14 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 orroca CM, IMINVICSO vuamonaperroot ti ishruery 1044 MEMORANDUM TOt Colonel, q. igdearri Puston FROM, .41. M. nerthner SUMJECT: Cohlm ;110241 re Carter St -44,446..0.0.4 :4;9440.4* As you have no elote.t been 10,1,4)4, sable loamm tram Glavin to you ancepts Lt. Colonel Carter In plow* Of Lt. Colonel Wm. P. Davis for thm position in AligIore: As you know, we were planntn4 to ro,t44/#4 (:olonel Davis esk March 1st, and we had planned that Mr. S:umner Villtame else be work into the positiln or Deputy Chief'. loo 4urIno: that isstoP,O10 In view of the fact that it may be found 4ostreb1e at a later date to send Colonel Davis overseas, and as itr. AtIllame is the man we approve as the best eandidate for Deputy chlor? so, and as there is no person occupying the position or M.t*.1" SO* recommend that Lt. Colonel Davis be appointed Chief of SO* coincidentally with the appointment of Mr* Malian* as Deputy Chief, SO. If this action is taken, and if at a later date* Colems4 Davis is sent overseas, Mr. Ailliaas can continue in thie stapostir of Deputy Chief, and a new officer brought IA as CAW. ?Ms latter action will not be misconstrued by Mr. Allis.a who understands that it is desirable for an ?Meer to be the 011,1 of the Branch. If you rovethis action, I recommend It be gado tive P.)5. *Mew J. M arlbner Deput Director, 390 "mmulmilimimmlmmimumrsolimplum PAlease 2013/09/041CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ?1, ? 1?. $ J 0-900060001-00n11-0000X?1-dCW-V10 :170/60/? I-0Z aseale JOd P8AOJCIPV pUe a - ? 1411,1,4?? ????%??? .24. ? talPeA ???,.? li'moloamog 'I;. %y Idle PIN 40* Immo *sigma Aloasouu *et Li ? ?410 Wee ? ors 41114 *ow, Tousimmod 444, ino lump usioll UT moiontouT Ogg in ?big pcos el thoProm* 1,009 040A Aof vollot 4,71,8/ sea lan2ny ops 440e1 4.0pairmic 4,ax :c Ado* Inn Jej not uii oi rump" me / oftureq* youltabouce /00JouovUI sfacumoso 0.2.3 4111001 C; eA Amil telvicoau oat Jouwo neon "AK Net 40014111,00101140...11.4.6551102ii.rm4O, ar,,amaa,~ nmv 0-900060001-00n11-0000X?1-dCW-V10 :170/60/? I-0Z aseale JOd P8AaiddV pue peWsseloaCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 General signed on to he filled in longhand when I uld have written, his Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 0-900060001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 :170/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ?NV 'of V '40 414. 4 0-900060001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 :170/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ptpo i4________ P6rt?4 7. Asmi 71 marks fin octal* -r 1 . I, Prose/AA esotylme004$_ , Aa OXII0 1 rt LIO" nr Ptriginvi n'rtel .r I_ , rot WrisVirookrrr--1"11""lisim el. Its. Vir? 'rm. I; et r e.h 1* ,-.:Tiogir *,)?ill)re I' ,Vf ' 0 e t . Oh * Ith006 ;A 41 400101P011 4* Art 111PW or a4vqrss1y (Kirin-. tlio pnr104 or ohtst roprorAtI2tr ow. feet* '540 sa*Peste. retnrenee o.wabors, atl I N11640.110,4 ,r rw-tr-of I), fiTy low to ?wows. 9. Cons1der1n4 ths poitelbl. rolitrar-lor,t4 ;r1 ...te, tn4u4,41*0 ,,,u, ikt.);t1,140 14,4mov4 havin:., this eTio.r. qador 7rotr 0,Test",'Cmins 7m114 pi% 4 W 0140,41444ant desire to have him( f) V (7) tie) p 1 es ow 4 ..sti P et IN ovoto VI I r? f LAO Rot viol t or tip4 ils, have ii'm, (4) Prernr 10. Has he say waltkn sses . mrnl, -torat. 'T79:.1.At. wto. Yoltifih *bro./P*4V loftiest% his erfioi11 e .W nny, O "rim,' ri-. iox.a113). (Ar 1, 1-1144 14. 44.4t044 1.foe, constitutes an %malt itir.1 sthry r-4 inre Id; 11. To what degree has he ex)* '1,1. 1-es Celli,.40m4 14a171%10,10 (Chock ap,I1le,04,, si.t11-00 Ixoellent nrena. udnont Ini fativo Force teadorshi Uoral Cotwe 'Latin ? 0)1 L-463-iati Nveerveranco 'oat, OAS #? .EMerzenoios ! 0 , &durance Indust:2 . , tilitaryBearini end Neatness oA V . Person mad Dres i , i _ i 11 t i 1 i 12. In comparison with other orfioers or his rank and approximate lencek et s,Lrvice, how *null yr,u dealt-Alto this O:rloori Outstandine we eselleme Above AveraL, Avemce Below Avnrace . . 13. Is this effic7rprofosiniilly lualiriC1-76 poreorm ALL the *sties or grads, YerVre . /f doficient !n any partiertlar. oomnent Is rotrzirodo Comment oP Branch Koad: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 41400RA1DriAt I km submitting horwith the roplikr 41,41.04,11 Nei* le the "neport on the Fitness lf )t,?rs trivtng !he pert04 tram 1 April 1944. It ts requested that this rsport too hisA14le4 the same ks requested in my memorkndum otn siw the game subjent on 20 April 1244. r:septetn, U.3.7. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 414,1 0444 Vi, , 4irriv .t114:1 t .44V. iperili 41$ . e AS,?? Ari 14'4. N .shine,t ;n, . My :c ir Ayr! ir te .1 fin*: I erp:Ioso fitnesx mort cAwernla* 1". Ward i'. roavis, rich Iciolitave t,40,r.;, th .t 1 IIIQ.it; 1 you. A.. ,owi lean 4inr, Jt. icor 4 tho ti- ani, Cd ttin ?i ii ha. b?con .f re .t ;,.;istaace la i!,P" At, the 4..;rort:1 .1.nd Jeve4opment A' this ---Lnita*..31. maintuining the necestiariiI ,;(24ic,Ate &Jac. Deamitea his duty L your derigArtmeA Jaid als LQS* he has shown himself f1r and sensib.o. I idal in his work -Is - lember of theeizaaing .4.-;4470 1 has shown juchjsent &ad breadth of view in tail necessary adjustment if Jur program t;.) tit,- fixed ailitary piano. I have found his an officer of superior quaiity. Sincerely. 1IUiaaj. Doeowea Director ? ?Mt ?????.?? ???. "op 44....Milkoi$0111,001."'" e?elmoore.rem?????145????,..?.???,? 4,1 ? 4 ?ni,' 4 im,,,inecifiari anti Annroved For Release 2013/09/04 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 44?1111;1443.1...1116,1 ANON. I z Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 e?O' ? orrice or STRATIMIC INA41104101tI f'000 rt k ? L. 2 *so MI. Is e Sogliolo mot P. Doollo. Otillowe illoolinsonsa? MI6 SW. Olt areiro. 1. los amo Weir awl difisolioi soomil the dosilastiolo imodosted Is goer 6116114 Wool imam. sionellog to Ur Stollogio itormilm 11111bow Lailiglig the blootoste $erviono alltsor lo Stratogio Surriess COW,Ii Cato% so" NM Masted& Sorwiaos 0211mere or Clime, at Ow MOW& DirrIONI to osii War GRIM IMP MI to tiadela la rev itinarory. Too 412 liorooNtor oat to oispoostlio thew +on.. wo. 0111041?ANNIW ? )22 tEGKI ''44$01#14 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 .??????????....???????????0111,0110411040.0.0.040.......???????ft? Ir -,vt0t,i45001 ? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 NAVAL COMMAND ?MCI r ititA finir WIWI* 000010000.1.0 0 at oposos ? 44444 .4 .0.4. I 4 4 OBS/1792 LJC- (1001) To : The Director. AO April OW. Subj: Captain Ward P. Davis, USW, Certificate and request ter OMB nriers fem. Ref (a) OBB Secret General Order 16, Wow. %op. 4. dieted 15 April 1944. 46.40goworid? ;i1EAT 1. In accordance with reference (a), it Ls regmeeted thet tie etteibed orders be issued to the sebjest proseedtos top Leaden. Smamme, Algiers, Algeria, Cairo, Zgypt, and to sash ether plieee as mmy be necessary, in connection with his dittos se Commomdims Orfliser. Mom/ Command, CBS. 2. I certify that I have considered the quellfisetiome of the subjest officer and find him fitted for the duties proposed. 3. The OBS Assessment Board has not examined this Ledividial beams, under applicable orders this is not required er ? prereqeisite to Imparters overseas for the duties proposed. ?? ? MUM J. , am, Animas" Officer, Naval Caimsally 01111? ? 'WM ?????6 ? ????? LAAEIT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 St ? J Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 NAVAL COMMAND OCFPCI OF criAllOW 1411VICIS ????twettro? et e 1(11%155 311 April 111611. TheDinoter. 3041, Captain lerd F. Owls, 111114 Cortlileals end request for ams order* Ser. Ref i (a) 055 Selma General Order 106, how. Sem* to deist 15 April 1S4. EC I. In aoeordanse with rofersose (a), it I. roweled %het %he seteMbed orders be issued to the subjest f1.ir, reesedieg %so Lena% OniSsed6 Algiers, Algeria, Cairo, Zgypt, and to mesh ether Asses ae my be nosessemo in oonnestion with his althea as Cenneedimg Winer, Mein& Coonend, 053. 2. I sertgy that I home semeddirod the quallileatioes eif %be soimjest offloor and find his fitted for the datime proposed. 3. The 055 Assessment Simard hos set oenegmed %kis indiwideal bemuse andor applisable orders this is sot reqmired or a prerequisite to departure oworseaa for the datiee proposed. 'BOOM J. COMM, lairmilimeasers, Itiressaal atrillersp *Nal ?IPIPM11.1116 SECRET ? npriaccified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 -;? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 gib ??????? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 . ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 ip011,11., Ave:. Ai 7775;A 7 )1, # SA" 041.t, . ACOLiali Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0 z.???i'? MOM s *dem INV SIMMO estilam Ilbjeelhe flooMea, " New MIN 0111.111. alb TO Ibe AWN' Ouserei, ler Sepeogroeilip oleibiesome. s? Is 11* SO. NS 1. Ilsgeseib aessesimpy mem dimelliss SO $lim MINIM 4kink 0111.81.1, Ng. LI IWO peened boo **0111180.6III 11, 411.4.1140 vaperliag snivel le Ile WeeUr. Nam et Sliseibegis INIPPiameie Way ter pieenmeik oft* 11. lb le VMS Me Oil 11111 lee SOW ifiesitatio st Waft In esserdesee *SA emlieled bereitia. 3. Mir fro demure tees Me peen" abeam be Amid le ogillipoll ter embeseiell field eerdise, Weisel ellimee. leasaies Ant bellisee. ipeo asek. 1 .1444 mike. .41.? 11111118 1 Maws 14.0611P, am., 116011610. web, deMbef 1 belts plieskelo 1 peebell, tarok 441 ift, sAdseilltb, peelseta golpailbeee. ewes (4114) AO oil 1111 semelle ammitiee, ea. Onemelesikm. eiplyposbe maskbret1 lessZprligPigit SUM egoism* ter lie disliee, druid be adilimilude 4. lipleeet that es Aft be deelloseed Me. Wiser obille as 4110, be Selsubilas 11. Illeimbereerst Arro the ewer me laimmoi Is eamektai 4111b lbe travel *LI be isle tie tale ler *I as et Illersiejle Ilwelbeee? MUM J. Mill Illbeeelbar :?;,;;r ' - ,tr .t.f? 14:;.???? , . ?;,,F ????a. ?-? ?zwild? ? ....11?10.10, oraltAltailligReems"'"? AN,J, ? , ', -,.,"4 71; ''''''? ' '''Z'''' N t ' 1 ,0-..+. ..,..1...- , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/04: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100090005-0